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Adobe Experience Manager
@GabrielWalt, Product Manager
Deep Dive into Sightly,

an open source templating language
Adobe Experience Manager
Specification and TCK open sourced to GitHub.

Reference implementation donated to Apache Sling.
Follow @sightlyio on Twitter.

Adobe Experience Manager
§ 1 Expression contexts
§ 2 Passing data to client libs
§ 3 Use statement
§ 4 Template & Call statements
§ 5 Parameters for sub-resources
Adobe Experience Manager
The context option offers control over escaping and XSS protection.
Allowing some HTML markup (filtering out scripts)

<div>${properties.jcr:description @ context='html'}</div>
Adding URI validation protection to other attributes than src or href

<p data-link="${link @ context='uri'}">text</p>
Display Context Option
Adobe Experience Manager
Most useful contexts and what they do:
number XSSAPI.getValidNumber
uri XSSAPI.getValidHref (default for src and href attributes)
attribute XSSAPI.encodeForHTMLAttribute (default for other attributes)
text XSSAPI.encodeForHTML (default for element content)
scriptString XSSAPI.encodeForJSString
styleString XSSAPI.encodeForCSSString
html XSSAPI.filterHTML
unsafe disables all protection, use at your own risk.
Display Context Option
<a href="${myLink}" title="${myTitle}">${myContent}</a>

<script> var foo = "${myVar @ context='scriptString'}"; </string>

<style> a { font-family: "${myFont @ context='styleString'}"; } </style>
Adobe Experience Manager
Preferred method for each context:
– src and href attributes: number, uri, attribute, unsafe
– other attributes: number, uri, attribute, unsafe
– element content: number, text, html, unsafe
– JS scripts
: number, uri, scriptString, unsafe
– CSS styles
: number, uri, styleString, unsafe

⊛ An explicit context is required for script and style contexts.

Don’t set the context manually unless you understand what you are doing.
Display Context Option
<a href="${myLink}" title="${myTitle}">${myContent}</a>

<script> var foo = "${myVar @ context='scriptString'}"; </string>

<style> a { font-family: "${myFont @ context='styleString'}"; } </style>
Adobe Experience Manager
§ 1 Expression contexts
§ 2 Passing data to client libs
§ 3 Use statement
§ 4 Template & Call statements
§ 5 Parameters for sub-resources
Adobe Experience Manager
<!-- template.html -->

<div data-sly-use.logic="logic.js"

/* logic.js */

use(function () {

return {

json: JSON.stringify({

foo: "bar",

arr: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]



Passing data to client libs
Adobe Experience Manager
<!-- template.html -->

<script id="my-handlebar-template"


<!-- handlebar.html -->

Server-side JavaScript logic
Adobe Experience Manager
Passing data to client libraries
Adobe Experience Manager
§ 1 Expression contexts
§ 2 Passing data to client libs
§ 3 Use statement
§ 4 Template & Call statements
§ 5 Parameters for sub-resources
Adobe Experience Manager
Initializes a helper object.

<div data-sly-use.logic="logic.js">${logic.hi}</div>

<div>Hello World</div>

Use Statement
Adobe Experience Manager
<!-- template.html -->

<div data-sly-use.logic="logic.js">${logic.hi}</div>
/* logic.js */

use(function () {

return {

hi: "Hello World"


Like for the Sightly template, the objects available in the logic file are
the same ones as in JSP with global.jsp
Server-side JavaScript logic
Adobe Experience Manager
<!-- template.html -->

<div data-sly-use.logic="Logic">${logic.hi}</div>
/* Logic.java in component */

package apps.my_site.components.my_component;

import org.sling…sightly.WCMUsePojo;
public class Logic extends WCMUsePojo {

private String hi;

public void activate() throws Exception {

hi = "Hello World";

public String getHi() {

return hi;


When the Java files are
located in the content
repository, next to the
Sightly template, only
the class name is
Adobe Experience Manager
<!-- template.html -->

<div data-sly-use.logic="com.foo.Logic">${logic.hi}</div>
/* Logic.java in OSGi bundle */

package com.foo;

import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;

import org.apache.sling.api.resource.Resource;

import org.apache.sling.models.annotations.Model;
@Model(adaptables = Resource.class)

public class Logic {

private String hi;

protected void init() {

hi = "Hello World";

public String getHi() {

return hi;


AdaptablewithSlingModels When embedded in 

an OSGi bundle, the
fully qualified Java class
name is needed.
The Use-API accepts classes that are
adaptable from Resource or Request.
Adobe Experience Manager
Model logic

This logic is not tied to a template and is potentially reusable among components.

It should aim to form a stable API that changes little, even in case of a full redesign.
➔ Java located in OSGi bundle
View logic

This logic is specific to the templates and is likely to change if the design changes.

It is thus a good practice to locate it in the content repository, next to the template.
➔ JavaScript located in component 

If components are to be maintained by front-end devs (typically with Brackets).
➔ Java located in component

If performance is critical (e.g. when many requests are not cached by the dispatcher).
What kind of Use-API?
Adobe Experience Manager
Start simple: first, no code!
OSGi (Model)
Content Repository
Component (View)Content Structure
Resource Template
– Sling plays the role of the controller
and resolves the sling:resourceType,
deciding which component will
render the accessed resource.
– The component plays the role of the
view and it’s Sightly template builds
the corresponding markup.
– The Resource and Page APIs play the
role of the model, which are available
from the template as variables.
Adobe Experience Manager
Add logic only where needed
– Model Logic is
needed only if the
logic to access the
data is different to
what existing APIs
– View Logic is
needed only when
the template needs
additional data
OSGi (Model)
Model Logic
Content Repository
Component (View)Content Structure
resourceType data-sly-use
Resource Template View Logic
Adobe Experience Manager
The logic can access the same variables than exist in the template.

var title = properties.get("title");
Java extending WCMUse:

String title = getProperties().get("title", String.class);
Java with SlingModels:

@Inject @Optional

private String title;
Use-API Bindings
Adobe Experience Manager
With the same notation as for template parameters, named
parameters can be passed to the Use-API.

<a data-sly-use.ext="${'Externalize' @ path='page.html'}"


<a href="/absolute/path/to/page.html">link</a>
Don’t pass variables that are part of the global binding (like properties
or resource) as they can be accessed from the logic too.
Use-API Parameters
Adobe Experience Manager
These parameters can then be read in from the various Use-API.

var path = this.path;
Java extending WCMUse:

String path = get("path", String.class);
Java with SlingModels (works only when adapting from Request):

@Inject @Optional

private String path;
Use-API Parameters
Adobe Experience Manager
The use statement can also load data-sly-template markup
snippets located in other files.

<!-- library.html -->

<template data-sly-template.foo="${@ text}">

<span class="example">${text}</span>

<!-- template.html -->

<div data-sly-use.library="library.html"

data-sly-call="${library.foo @ text='Hi'}"></div>

<div><span class="example">Hi</span></div>
Use with Template & Call
Adobe Experience Manager
§ 1 Expression contexts
§ 2 Passing data to client libs
§ 3 Use statement
§ 4 Template & Call statements
§ 5 Parameters for sub-resources
Adobe Experience Manager
Declare and call a markup snippet with named parameters.

<template data-sly-template.foo="${@ class, text}">

<span class="${class}">${text}</span>

<div data-sly-call="${foo @ class='example',


<div><span class="example">Hi</span></div>
Template & Call Statements
Defining template parametersDeclaring template name
Template content
Calling template by name
Passing named parameters
Adobe Experience Manager
Advanced example of a recursive site map with template, call and list.

<ol data-sly-template.listChildren="${@ page}"



<div class="title">${item.title}</div>

<ol data-sly-call="${listChildren @ page=item}"></ol>


<ol data-sly-call="${listChildren @ page=currentPage}"></ol>
Template & Call Statements
Adobe Experience Manager
§ 1 Expression contexts
§ 2 Passing data to client libs
§ 3 Use statement
§ 4 Template & Call statements
§ 5 Parameters for sub-resources
Adobe Experience Manager
Parameters for sub-resources
Adobe Experience Manager
Thank you!
• Documentation

• Specification

• REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) live Sightly execution environment


@GabrielWalt, Product Manager
AEM Sightly Deep Dive

More Related Content

AEM Sightly Deep Dive

  • 1. Adobe Experience Manager @GabrielWalt, Product Manager Deep Dive into Sightly,
 an open source templating language
  • 2. Adobe Experience Manager Specification and TCK open sourced to GitHub.
 Reference implementation donated to Apache Sling. Follow @sightlyio on Twitter.
  • 3. Adobe Experience Manager § 1 Expression contexts § 2 Passing data to client libs § 3 Use statement § 4 Template & Call statements § 5 Parameters for sub-resources
  • 4. Adobe Experience Manager The context option offers control over escaping and XSS protection. Allowing some HTML markup (filtering out scripts)
 <div>${properties.jcr:description @ context='html'}</div> Adding URI validation protection to other attributes than src or href
 <p data-link="${link @ context='uri'}">text</p> Display Context Option
  • 5. Adobe Experience Manager Most useful contexts and what they do: number XSSAPI.getValidNumber uri XSSAPI.getValidHref (default for src and href attributes) attribute XSSAPI.encodeForHTMLAttribute (default for other attributes) text XSSAPI.encodeForHTML (default for element content) scriptString XSSAPI.encodeForJSString styleString XSSAPI.encodeForCSSString html XSSAPI.filterHTML unsafe disables all protection, use at your own risk. Display Context Option <a href="${myLink}" title="${myTitle}">${myContent}</a>
 <script> var foo = "${myVar @ context='scriptString'}"; </string>
 <style> a { font-family: "${myFont @ context='styleString'}"; } </style> safer
  • 6. Adobe Experience Manager Preferred method for each context: – src and href attributes: number, uri, attribute, unsafe – other attributes: number, uri, attribute, unsafe – element content: number, text, html, unsafe – JS scripts ⊛ : number, uri, scriptString, unsafe – CSS styles ⊛ : number, uri, styleString, unsafe
 ⊛ An explicit context is required for script and style contexts.
 Don’t set the context manually unless you understand what you are doing. Display Context Option <a href="${myLink}" title="${myTitle}">${myContent}</a>
 <script> var foo = "${myVar @ context='scriptString'}"; </string>
 <style> a { font-family: "${myFont @ context='styleString'}"; } </style>
  • 7. Adobe Experience Manager § 1 Expression contexts § 2 Passing data to client libs § 3 Use statement § 4 Template & Call statements § 5 Parameters for sub-resources
  • 8. Adobe Experience Manager <!-- template.html -->
 <div data-sly-use.logic="logic.js"
 data-json="${logic.json}"></div> /* logic.js */
 use(function () {
 return {
 json: JSON.stringify({
 foo: "bar",
 arr: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
 }); Passing data to client libs
  • 9. Adobe Experience Manager <!-- template.html -->
 <script id="my-handlebar-template"
 data-sly-include="handlebar.html"></script> <!-- handlebar.html -->
 <p>${properties.jcr:title}</p> Server-side JavaScript logic
  • 11. Adobe Experience Manager § 1 Expression contexts § 2 Passing data to client libs § 3 Use statement § 4 Template & Call statements § 5 Parameters for sub-resources
  • 12. Adobe Experience Manager Initializes a helper object.
 <div data-sly-use.logic="logic.js">${logic.hi}</div> Output:
 <div>Hello World</div> 
 Use Statement
  • 13. Adobe Experience Manager <!-- template.html -->
 <div data-sly-use.logic="logic.js">${logic.hi}</div> /* logic.js */
 use(function () {
 return {
 hi: "Hello World"
 }); Like for the Sightly template, the objects available in the logic file are the same ones as in JSP with global.jsp Server-side JavaScript logic
  • 14. Adobe Experience Manager <!-- template.html -->
 <div data-sly-use.logic="Logic">${logic.hi}</div> /* Logic.java in component */
 package apps.my_site.components.my_component;
 import org.sling…sightly.WCMUsePojo; public class Logic extends WCMUsePojo {
 private String hi; @Override
 public void activate() throws Exception {
 hi = "Hello World";
 } public String getHi() {
 return hi;
 } Javalogic When the Java files are located in the content repository, next to the Sightly template, only the class name is needed. POJOextendingWCMUse
  • 15. Adobe Experience Manager <!-- template.html -->
 <div data-sly-use.logic="com.foo.Logic">${logic.hi}</div> /* Logic.java in OSGi bundle */
 package com.foo;
 import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
 import org.apache.sling.api.resource.Resource;
 import org.apache.sling.models.annotations.Model; @Model(adaptables = Resource.class)
 public class Logic {
 private String hi; @PostConstruct
 protected void init() {
 hi = "Hello World";
 } public String getHi() {
 return hi;
 } Javalogic AdaptablewithSlingModels When embedded in 
 an OSGi bundle, the fully qualified Java class name is needed. The Use-API accepts classes that are adaptable from Resource or Request.
  • 16. Adobe Experience Manager Model logic
 This logic is not tied to a template and is potentially reusable among components.
 It should aim to form a stable API that changes little, even in case of a full redesign. ➔ Java located in OSGi bundle View logic
 This logic is specific to the templates and is likely to change if the design changes.
 It is thus a good practice to locate it in the content repository, next to the template. ➔ JavaScript located in component 
 If components are to be maintained by front-end devs (typically with Brackets). ➔ Java located in component
 If performance is critical (e.g. when many requests are not cached by the dispatcher). What kind of Use-API?
  • 17. Adobe Experience Manager Start simple: first, no code! OSGi (Model) Resource API Page API Content Repository Component (View)Content Structure sling: resourceType Resource Template – Sling plays the role of the controller and resolves the sling:resourceType, deciding which component will render the accessed resource. – The component plays the role of the view and it’s Sightly template builds the corresponding markup. – The Resource and Page APIs play the role of the model, which are available from the template as variables.
  • 18. Adobe Experience Manager Add logic only where needed – Model Logic is needed only if the logic to access the data is different to what existing APIs provide. – View Logic is needed only when the template needs additional data preparation. OSGi (Model) Resource API Page API Model Logic Content Repository Component (View)Content Structure sling: resourceType data-sly-use Resource Template View Logic
  • 19. Adobe Experience Manager The logic can access the same variables than exist in the template. JavaScript:
 var title = properties.get("title"); Java extending WCMUse:
 String title = getProperties().get("title", String.class); Java with SlingModels:
 @Inject @Optional
 private String title; Use-API Bindings
  • 20. Adobe Experience Manager With the same notation as for template parameters, named parameters can be passed to the Use-API.
 <a data-sly-use.ext="${'Externalize' @ path='page.html'}"
 href="${ext.absolutePath}">link</a> Output:
 <a href="/absolute/path/to/page.html">link</a> Don’t pass variables that are part of the global binding (like properties or resource) as they can be accessed from the logic too. Use-API Parameters
  • 21. Adobe Experience Manager These parameters can then be read in from the various Use-API. JavaScript:
 var path = this.path; Java extending WCMUse:
 String path = get("path", String.class); Java with SlingModels (works only when adapting from Request):
 @Inject @Optional
 private String path; Use-API Parameters
  • 22. Adobe Experience Manager The use statement can also load data-sly-template markup snippets located in other files.
 <!-- library.html -->
 <template data-sly-template.foo="${@ text}">
 <span class="example">${text}</span>
 </template> <!-- template.html -->
 <div data-sly-use.library="library.html"
 data-sly-call="${library.foo @ text='Hi'}"></div> Output:
 <div><span class="example">Hi</span></div> Use with Template & Call
  • 23. Adobe Experience Manager § 1 Expression contexts § 2 Passing data to client libs § 3 Use statement § 4 Template & Call statements § 5 Parameters for sub-resources
  • 24. Adobe Experience Manager Declare and call a markup snippet with named parameters.
 <template data-sly-template.foo="${@ class, text}">
 <span class="${class}">${text}</span>
 </template> <div data-sly-call="${foo @ class='example',
 text='Hi'}"></div> Output:
 <div><span class="example">Hi</span></div> Template & Call Statements Defining template parametersDeclaring template name Template content Calling template by name Passing named parameters
  • 25. Adobe Experience Manager Advanced example of a recursive site map with template, call and list.
 <ol data-sly-template.listChildren="${@ page}"
 <div class="title">${item.title}</div>
 <ol data-sly-call="${listChildren @ page=item}"></ol>
 </ol> <ol data-sly-call="${listChildren @ page=currentPage}"></ol> Template & Call Statements
  • 26. Adobe Experience Manager § 1 Expression contexts § 2 Passing data to client libs § 3 Use statement § 4 Template & Call statements § 5 Parameters for sub-resources
  • 28. Adobe Experience Manager Thank you! • Documentation
 https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/aem/6-2/develop/sightly.html • Specification
 https://github.com/Adobe-Marketing-Cloud/sightly-spec • REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) live Sightly execution environment
 @GabrielWalt, Product Manager