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Afgnan Food Culture
Introduction to Afghan Food Culture
Talk about Afghanistan, and most people get the misconception that this is a country that does not
have much to offer. In the event that you are of the same view, you need be informed that your
perceptions are slightly misplaced. True, this is a country that has been ravaged by war and politics
and so many other negative impacts of societal conflicts. However, even in the midst of all this
madness, there is one thing that remains truly Afghan, it is their culture. So rich is the Afghan
culture that there are so many countries that cannot even match them. Afghanistan is quite a unique
nation, located within desert land. However, all the dryness and the war do not strike off the
impeccable and enthralling ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One of the reasons why this culture stands out is that it is usually a rare occurrence to come away
from an Afghan table hungry, even if the situation is so dire. Whatever little they have they usually
share. Afghan cuisines are usually authentic and delicious especially if you have the know how to
prepare them, Nafisa Sekandari Afghan Cuisine Avagana Publishing 2010 A Collection of Family
In Afghanistan, it is reported that even the type of food that is eaten has a symbolic meaning. In
particular, we have the Qaabuli Pallow which represents the crown of Afghan cooking and is usually
served to special guests or on special occasions such as weddings. Letee is a special meal that is
served to new mothers due to the fact that it is very easy on the stomach yet it has a high nutritive
value. Dogh is best enjoyed on a hot summer's day while Mahi is served during Nowroz–the Afghan
celebration of New Year. According to Afghan tradition, eggs are usually prepared in a special way
so that a guest is well nourished when they wake up in the morning. So strong is the Afghan belief
in food and the embroiled culture that they believe that food is elemental in nature, and for that
reason it can produce either hot, cold, or neutral reactions in the body. The culture appreciates food
so much to the extent that it is considered sinful to step on a piece of dropped bread.
The dining culture in
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Afgnan Food Culture
Food and Culture Essays
1 The traditional and contemporary food habits of African Americans compared with the typical
American majority diet Introduction I have chosen to write on African American food habits
because I believe their food tells a story of endurance and adaptability during hard times. I've heard
the word 'soul food' bandied about without actually knowing what the essence of it was. I would like
to see what it's unique features are and to know more about the possible cultural, social and other
factors that informed early food choices. There are 41.6 million African Americans which amounts
to about 13 percent of the total population. Traditional Food Habits The basis of African American
food is 'soul food', a term that relates to the ingredients ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The liquid from boiled greens was used as a nutritious gravy or as a drink or used as a cure for the
common cold. To add taste to their vegetables when cooking, they would add salted pork, cheese,
bacon, butter, sour cream, sugar, and a variety of spices and seasonings (Bovell–Benjamin et al.,
2009). The added fat was said to make the vegetables taste richer. Dairy food consumption was low.
There would also be onepot meals. It was an early family tradition to sit down together for meals.
Eating was an intimate or spiritual affair when they gave thanks for what they had, so African
Americans were selective of where they ate, what they ate and with whom. This togetherness was a
way of preserving traditions and maintaining group identity (Airhihenbuwa et al., 1996). Adaptation
of food habits in the United States African Americans have in ways adapted to standard U.S eating
habits, although most of the adaptation has been towards unhealthy processed foods such as
hamburgers. It's been their culture to be adaptable. Soul food in itself represents an adaptation to the
historical circumstances and environment they found themselves in such as slavery and racial and
economic disadvantage afterwards (Airhihenbuwa et al., 1996). They made do with what was
available (Airhihenbuwa et al., 1996) For healthy eating to take off, adapting to it would have to
become a necessary
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Afgnan Food Culture
Japanese Culture And Japanese Food
Japanese cuisine and its development Rice serves with vegetable, and fish are the main traditional
meal in Japanese cuisine. According to Reading Food in Modern Japanese Literature: "Lunch: 3
bowls rice gruel, half of bonito sashimi (half because it contained some fly eggs). Had the little
yellowtail bought for supper made into sashimi, but did not eat it as it wasn't nice. 1 bowl miso
soup, 3 pieces of rice cracker, one helping shaved ice with lemon syrup" (Aoyama 15). Aoyama
shows in these lines that dishes of Japanese traditional meal were simple, but as Japanese cuisine
evolved over the years, it has more different dishes for customers to choose today. My goal in this
paper is to discuss the geographical effect on Japanese cuisine, the relationship between Zen culture
and Japanese cuisine and its development in the world. Geography are the important effect on food
choices in Japanese cuisine. In Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons : Nature, Literature, and
the Arts, Shirane provided specific places as an example to illustrated that the position determines
what chefs would choose to cook Japanese cuisine, "With the shift of the capital to Edo (Tokyo),
two major port cities (Edo and Osaka) became the cultural and economic centers, moving the
general urban perspective from inland basins (Nara and Kyoto) to the coast and the sea, which
became an important source of food" (Shirane 176). So the position of Japan surrounds by coasts
and seas is the main reason that
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Afgnan Food Culture
Food Culture In Venezuela
Paola Bruzual
Venezuela's food culture lost thanks to the Government.
Coming from a country where happiness is shared through gatherings between family and friends,
sharing recipes that come from years and years of tradition and also creating different recipes that
identifies each of the families and each of the states with diverse flavors unique to their agricultural
production and availability of products. Nowadays my country, Venezuela, has lost their unique
flavors and privileges. It is getting harder and harder to live in Venezuela, it is frustrating and
While the country goes through rough waters promoted by the black market of food, the government
tries to avoid the problem and try highlighting other problems that ... Show more content on
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"We used to produce rice and we had excellent coffee; now we produce nothing. With the situation
here people abandoned the fields," says Lopez "empty shelves and no one to explain why a rich
country has no food. It's unacceptable," adds the 90–year–old farmer from San Cristóbal, on the
western state of Táchira, bordering Colombia.
The agricultural industry of the country is decreasing because the redistribution of wealth for means
of production is being used for government benefits affecting the life of millions of citizens. The use
of a capitalist, imperialist, socialist approach shows how governmental systems that only focus on
maximizing profit can affect the entire life of a country.
According to an article in BBC's Website, food shortages are dividing the country. People have to
line up outside the supermarkets to get certain goods that are not as available as before. Citizens
spend up to 12 hours in line, trying to secure milk, chicken, detergent, and diapers for their children,
among other scarce products.
According to data from Venezuela's Central Bank, the scarcity index rose to 21% last month, the
highest since the bank started tracking the measure in
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Afgnan Food Culture
Food Differences In American Culture
It was a life changing experience to move to the United States from Armenia. The United States has
a very rich diversity of cultures and therefore, there is diversity of cuisines. Although America's
population is massive, many people living in America are not from America; they are from other
countries. As they move to America, they try to stay true to their culture and have a small
community of their culture in the new environment. One of the most common ways to maintain
one's culture in America is through food and its practices in order to honor and remember where
they came from. Another way of saying maintaining cultural food practices and sustaining tradition
would be sustainability. Therefore, traditional food can represent a whole culture and a way to find
out more about any culture is to taste their food. Tasting another culture's ... Show more content on
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Sustaining tradition in culture through food and its practices creates a cultural self–image because
food is one of the most known method of preserving cultural values and uniting people of the same
Often times Americans do not think about what they eat, as long as they get the energy from it to
help them continue on their day. As food changes, it impacts the culture because it changes its
meaning for people. Back in the days, food was treated with more respect and it meant more than
just a source of energy. For example, some people had a spiritual relationship with food. They would
not eat certain food because of their religious beliefs. According to an book by Caroline Walker
Bynum, "To religious women food was a way of controlling as well as renouncing both self and
environment. But it was more. Food was flesh, and flesh was suffering and fertility" . In other
words, food had a spiritual relationship for religious women because they believed that when they
are carrying a baby in them, the baby
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Afgnan Food Culture
Chinese Food Culture
Chinese food culture
Though there are many different schools, branches, regional variants, etc., of Chinese cooking,
together they constitute what one might reasonably term "Chinese Cooking", where "Chinese
Cooking" is distinct from, say, "Italian Cooking". A nation's cooking culture reflects its food
traditions, from the food–preparation and eating habits of the countryside to the food–preparation
and eating habits of the city, notwithstanding the increasing introduction of foreign fare that is not
only served in "foreign" restaurants in the city, but which today is also found in the freezer section
of most supermarkets even in the countryside.
In spite of these globalization tendencies, a large swath of any country's population will ... Show
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Other of these "medicinal" foodstuffs/ herbs are considered mildly toxic in other parts of the world,
though their use in China does not seem to have caused alarm, which is of course what one would
expect to have happened if they really were harmful.
In sum, while "Chinese Cooking" combines several features that may be common to many other
national cooking traditions, it embraces other features that set it distinctly apart from, for example,
"Italian Cooking".
Chinese Medicinal food
Medicinal food, loosely defined, is food that can be used for dietetic therapy. It may be mildly toxic
in a raw state, but is de–toxified via cooking (many common edible mushrooms are mildly toxic in a
raw state). With respect to the medicinal foods of China, there lies a large body of traditional
medical knowledge and cooking experience behind their use – the medicine of medicinal foods
draws on the attraction of food (most people enjoy eating!) while the food of medicinal foods
supports the power of medicine and turns "good medicine with a bitter taste" into "good medicine
with a pleasant taste". Apart from its nutritional value, medicinal foods can also reduce the
likelihood of – sometimes even cure – certain diseases, protect health, foster the maintenance of a
good physique, etc., and
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Afgnan Food Culture
American Food Culture
America has a unique food culture that survives solely on processed foods, but it is time to adopt a
new food culture. As Barbara Kingsolver popular and prolific author on her book Animal, Vegetable,
Miracle: A Year of Food Life weighs in on how Americans in a generation or two have drifted away
from their agricultural roots and no longer know the importance of growing and raising food and
must adopt a "genuine food culture." Americans rely on processed foods and have no idea where the
food is coming from. Although vegetarianism has often been associated with issues of ethics and
animal rights, for many people it can become a means to a healthier lifestyle for all species and the
environment. The United Nations News Centre has said that going
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Afgnan Food Culture
Food And Cultural Suppropriation In The Culture Of Food
Mahatma Gandhi once said, "there are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to
them except in the form of bread". Food is one of the many things that is appreciated and loved by
everyone all around the world. Each geographical region of the world most likely has its own type
of food or some kind of variation to it which eventually adds up to a lot of cuisines. The larger the
number of regions, the larger the number of cuisines. So, one must be thinking, how does food relate
to cultural appropriation? What is the relationship between them? In depth, everyone eats or at least
tries a dish that is not particularly from his or her culture which is completely okay but it becomes a
problem when one steals an aspect or a factor from a culture and try to change it to make it theirs.
This is where the term "cultural appropriation" comes in play. This issue is big these days, and also
the most discussed about because culture is very important and sensitive to many. Cultural
appropriation is the utilization of an element from one culture by the people from another culture
without having a permission granted. The elements could be a culture's traditions, food, style,
fashion, beliefs and such. For example, restaurants or food chains using the Indian term "chai" in
their drink names. Chai means tea but there are so many drinks out there that are named "Chai Tea
Latte" or "Chai Tea Mocha" which makes zero sense because chai is tea. As an Indian myself, I
really do not
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Afgnan Food Culture
Food Choices In American Culture: Food And Culture
Food and Culture In American culture, we typically center our food choices around american
options such as burgers, fries, chicken fried steaks, and chicken tenders. However, I decided to seek
out a food from a culture that differs than my American background. I sought out a restaurant that
served and Indian cuisine and one that I wouldn't usually try. I decided Indian for the reason that I
love spice in food and the spice that the Indian culture uses in their food should really compliment
the food. The restaurant that I found was called Taco Naan, which combines cultures and serves
food that cater to Mexican and Indian cultures.
Taco Naan is a small restaurant that is located next to Chicken Express and an Exxon gas station off
of Denton ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I decided to sample their tacos, which were small street tacos, to see how the two cultures differed in
terms of taste and cohesion with the tortilla and lime. At first look, the tacos looked very delicious
and prepared very well that complimented their smell. The chicken curry and chicken 65 tacos were
my first dishes to be eaten as they looked and smelled authentic and delicious. The chicken curry
taco was very satisfying to my taste buds as the curry brought the spice and the taste and juice of the
lime kicked it up a notch. Chicken curry is a common food that is typically eaten in South Asia and
Southeast Asia. Chicken curry would, usually, never be put with a Mexican dish as it is usually
served by itself with some potatoes and or rice. The next taco that I ate was the chicken 65 taco,
which is also a common Indian delicacy. This taco was very spicy as chicken 65 is commonly
prepared with many spices. As with the chicken curry taco, this dish was very pleasing and delicious
as the spice of the chicken 65 blended amazingly with the tortilla and lime. Chicken 65 originates
from the city of Chennai, India but its name has many different theories as to where it comes from.
People claim to say that the name, chicken 65, comes from the way that the food is prepared and
cooked. They claim that when chicken 65 is being cooked, it gains its spice by being mixed with 65
red peppers and other spices. Others claim that it comes from the number that this dish was given on
the original menu in 1965 at the Buhari Hotel restaurant. Overall, these Mexican–Indian dishes
tasted very delicious and looked very authentic. The third taco that I decided to taste and sample was
the barbacoa taco. This taco was very delicious as it is a common Mexican dish usually served with
pico de gallo and other spices. After eating all of the tacos, I can gladly say I very much enjoyed the
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Afgnan Food Culture
Chinese Food Culture
Since the late 1800s, Chinese immigrants have come to our country bringing with them a rich
culture, that not only included art and poetry but they brought with them their very unique style of
cuisine. Chinese food has had a unique influence on American cuisine, with over 40,000 restaurants
across the United States, there are more Chinese restaurants in America than all the McDonald's
Burger King's and KFC's combined. The Chinese culture has truly made a huge imprint on the
American food industry. Chinese immigrants came over to the United States for many reasons, some
came for the tales of gold that flowed in the rivers with nuggets the size of a man's face, they rush to
Gold Mountain to change their lives and the lives of the families they left behind in China. Among
the immigrants were the men and women who practice the culinary art of cooking. Chinese food is
unique and traditional it mainly consists of grains such as rice and wheat which is usually made into
bread and noodles. Vegetables especially cabbage and tofu rank second Chinese diet pork and
poultry are the favorite meets in China one of the most popular Chinese dishes in America is Chop
Suey. Though chop Suey originated in China it is truly an Americanized meal and staple in most
Chinese restaurants even to this day. There are several legends on the original chop Suey as the most
of the famous American Chinese dish. According to one telling of the story, some of the men who
came over to work on the railroads
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Afgnan Food Culture
The Importance Of Food Culture
Most people want to find out who they really are. We can first start by looking at their food culture.
Food culture is a very important element that makes us who we are. From a young child to an adult
most people have developed their food culture by trial and error or simply by their preference. Food
culture is different for every ethnicity from the holidays to the meals themselves. Araceli is someone
important to me and hands down her food culture is very different from my own. Nicaraguan food is
very different from my culture which is Mexican food getting to know about her food culture helped
me get to know Araceli that much more. My food culture is based off my Mexican roots, which
most people might think it is just beans and rice. Although that is partially true, most known dishes
revolve around parties and holiday dinners. During these events we usually have tamales which is a
popular dish and is served with sides of rice and beans of course. Food around this time is special
because food gathers everyone together. Tamales take hours to prepare and usually my family gets a
day to prepare for our feast. Tamales are very popular, and most people make them the same way. I
recently found out that Mexicans are not the only ones who make their style of tamales. For
Aracelis' culture, although the dishes are familiar the preparation itself is completely different.
Tamales are still eaten for holidays and special events, but they are called "Nacatamal." Nacatamals
have the
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Afgnan Food Culture
Pollan Food Culture Analysis
Skirt skirt as you leave the drive thru of a Mcdonalds, with a 600 calorie meal that doesn't even
fulfill your appetite and leaves you wanting more food. I have lived in a 3rd world country for 2
years and have experienced the food culture that pollan discusses. In Pakistan the food is nothing
close to americas food. The bananas are the size of the palm of my hand and have amazing flavor. In
the morning is the only time of the day that you can get goat meat, my family has gotten the same
part of a goat for the last 20 years the back leg. I have experienced the traditional diet that Pollan
describes. Fast food has changed the lifestyle of human beings all around the world. People prefer a
a burger full of processed resources and has meat
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Afgnan Food Culture
The Between Food And Culture
The United States has long been known as a melting pot because most of its people are descended
from immigrants. The immigrants come to USA for a better life so they leave their own country and
decide to call it home. Most of the immigrants live in New York in this city, so we can see the
variation in people and culture. Basically the immigrants leave their country but they don't leave
their culture. They want to maintain their culture and one of the way to maintain their culture is
food. Not only that but also many people want to introduce their culture to other, that's why they
open restaurant. Sometimes people open a restaurant in a diverse area and they cook food combining
the recipe of different countries so the place plays an important role for the people who are not even
from that culture. From that, we can see that food can easily combine any culture without changing
their own culture. When given the task to find a restaurant that has represents the connection
between food and culture a restaurant that comes in my mind was Sagar Restaurant located in 169
street in Jamaica, Queens. Though Sagor restaurant is a Bangladeshi, Indian style Chinese
restaurant, it represents the interaction between various groups of Asian immigrants through food
and it also reminds Bangladeshi people about their country. The percentage of Asian race and Black
race in Jamaica are all higher than other races and least percentages of races in Jamaica is Native
Hawaiian and American Indian
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Afgnan Food Culture
Mexican Food Culture
Every wonder what food culture is? Food culture refers to the practices, attitudes, and beliefs as well
as the networks and institutions surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of food.
The food cultures I am going to talk about in this essay is mexican, chinese, and french. Mexican
cooking differs broadly between locales, as every town has its own culinary customs, as indicated by
"Mexico For You." Tortillas and other nourishment produced using corn are basic all over the place,
however, as are pepper, tomatoes and beans.. Numerous nourishments that started in Mexico are
well known around the world, including avocados, chocolate and pumpkins. In China, rice is
typically the staple sustenance for individuals living in the
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Afgnan Food Culture
Renaissance Food And Culture
In every culture around the world, two of the most defining elements are its food and culture. Both
food and culture have played important roles in influencing cultures since time immemorial, from
medieval periods to periods of Renaissance. In light of the information that there is a wide range of
information concerning the history of Renaissance and the culture of the Romans, the students will
focus on the history of Italian food because of its current popularity in major places around the
world. The question the student would like to explore is the way current Italian food transformed to
be such an imperative part of the American culture and how the Italian music became so popular and
cherished in Italy and Europe in comparison ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One of the restaurants in Little Italy is Dalesio, which is located between Little Italy and Harbor
East and is far removed from the overcrowding of restaurants. The restaurant was opened in 1984 by
Michael Dalesio, a chef, together with his wife. The chef specializes in cooking healthy pizza food
with an emphasis on small portions and innovative presentations. The eating room on the first floor
is neither too big nor too small and can be described as conservative. An attendant handed over the
menu and a little later, a basket of steaming stale focaccia for dipping in edible butter. The pizza was
served in a second basket, and it was amazingly fresh and properly
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Afgnan Food Culture
Food Culture
Modern Language Association (MLA)
"Update: Genetically Modified Food." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues &
Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 31 Dec. 2008. Web. 19 Apr. 2012.
Facts On File News Services ' automatically generated MLA citations have been updated according
to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th edition.
American Psychological Association (APA)
Citation format:
The title of the article. (Year, Month Day). Issues & Controversies On File. Retrieved Month
Day, Year, from Issues & Controversies database.
See the American Psychological Association (APA) Style Citations for more information on citing in
APA style. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Europeans, for example, have been highly skeptical of any benefits they might gain from GM foods.
Many nations in the European Union (EU) have effectively banned imports of what they refer to as
"Frankenfoods," a reference to the famous story of the fictional monster assembled by Dr.
Frankenstein from miscellaneous spare parts. The U.S claims that the EU 's anti–GM food policy
violates free trade laws.
Many questions remain regarding the future of GM foods. Should they continue to be sold in the
U.S., even though they may have unforeseen negative consequences? Or should the U.S. take a cue
from the EU and limit the selling of GM foods until they are unequivocally proven to be risk–free?
Do the possible future health benefits of GM foods––such as fruits and vegetables with extra
vitamins and vaccines built into their DNA––cancel out any potential risks that the new technology
Supporters of GM foods say that since there has been no evidence of GM foods harming humans, it
is reasonable to assume that they are safe for consumption. GM food backers denounce criticism of
genetic engineering as fear–mongering. Besides, they argue, no new technology is without a certain
degree of risk. GM food supporters believe that the possible health benefits of GM foods overwhelm
any possible dangers.
Supporters of biotech crops also maintain that if GM food technology is allowed to develop, it may
prove to be instrumental in eliminating world hunger.
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Afgnan Food Culture
Houston Food Culture Essay
Houston is a cornucopia of foods. The increase of restaurants throughout America has brought new
tastes and an open palette of food for people. Americans are introduced to new cultures through the
availability of food. The ubiquity of food makes it feel like it is just a necessity to keep our body's
functioning but it is more than calories that give us energy. It is an individual building their identity
and tradition or social life based on the food they eat.
Food is one of the elements that identifies a culture. Certain protein, spices, and vegetables are used
to cook distinctive foods from different cultures. Similarly, Houston, being a large city, has different
areas with communities having an abundance of ethnicities gathering up and bring their food with
them. In the Southeast area, it is predominantly Hispanics, resulting in innumerable Hispanic
restaurants. For example, Telephone Road is filled with taco trucks and refresquerias from the
beginning to the end of the street. This abundance of the same menu items results in cultures
specializing or fusing cuisines, spreading it throughout the city to create Houston's diversity. This is
displayed in the West University area, the Oh my Gogi food truck fuses Mexican–Korean ... Show
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Food evokes human's feelings. Humans go beyond the fact that creating a cuisine takes work and get
to the values of the implied work. We learn to recognize the value and work to describe and
understand our connection with foods, the ways in which they are expressed. This begins the
conversation that connects people and inspired actions based on human experience grounding food
to be a social experience in the humanities. Humans eat commonly even if it is not the same types of
food, but it is food that joins people together making them similar to every human's regular routine
of eating. Essentially stating that eating makes people
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Afgnan Food Culture
Food Culture Vs French Food
Obesity has increased across the globe over the years, but when comparing certain countries such as
France and the United States, there is an obvious gap that distinctly shows Americans to be much
fatter than the French.This fact is fascinating because the French are known for their appreciation
and love of fine cuisine, chocolate, wine, and cheese, but still seem to be able to maintain their slim
figures. Americans also have an obvious love of food, but have been unsuccessful in maintaining
their weight. If the love of food is such a commonality, why are Americans gaining such an
excessive amount of weight and the French are not? There must be some other factors to be
considered in regards to the weight discrepancies. Culture has a huge part in how people conduct
their lives. The American culture is known for its excessive living, fast food, and convenience.
French culture embraces a less is more approach to living and has deep appreciation for savouring
their meals. There are three factors to the French food culture that may attribute to their low obesity
rates. It is all about their approach to exercise, dieting, and food in general. When comparing the
obesity rates of the United States and France, one will immediately notice on the maps that the rates
vary across the different areas of the countries and the landscape of America is widely spread across
those different areas. As a result, this presents a need for different lifestyle choices. According to an
article on
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Afgnan Food Culture
Fast Food Culture
I) Emergence
The fast food culture emerged as early as the 19th century. During the Industrial Revolution, a large
workforce was required to work for 10 to 12 hours a day. With so much work to be done, fast food
was the idea of a quick and easy lunch.
In India, fast food culture emerged in the decades after independence, starting from the 1950's.
Eating at home used to be a significant aspect of Indian culture, so the change was gradual. Over a
period of time, with a growth in the number of nuclear families, economic growth and increasing per
capita income as well as globalization, fast food culture gained prominence. Women were shifting
from their conventional roles of managing the household and taking care of the children. With
growth in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This requires a high degree of food engineering , the use of additives and processing techniques that
substantially alter the food from its original form and reduce its nutritional value.
The Indians living in the cities have completely forgotten about their traditional Indian dishes and
took to the "Western" fast food culture. A survey conducted by a leading Indian newspaper says that
over 23 per cent of the children in Delhi are obese. One hopes that this estimate is not true; if it is,
one shudders to think of the numbers in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune, Chennai, Kolkata, Gurgaon and
other nouveau riche cities with their fast prevailing mall culture and fast food attractions.
Here is a typical scene from one such mall in Hyderabad. It has a 4–movie multiplex theatre,
surrounded by 40–odd fast food kiosks and 20–odd shops that sell clothing, perfumes and jewellery,
music and video CDs and DVDs. Not one of them sells traditional Indian meals or snacks. And the
mall, like 20 others in the city, is filled with thousands of youngsters who obviously have enough to
spend. We did not have such scenes in India twenty years ago, but this mall and fast food culture is
expanding explosively across India. This too is part of the globalization of India, a part that causes
great concern about the health of its citizens.
Today, the world is witnessing a total
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Afgnan Food Culture
Mexican-American Food Culture
To start things off, let me mention that I am a second generation Mexican–American. Due to this, I
was extremely thrilled to see that we get to talk about our "family food culture" during our segment
on México. I love food in general and talking about my family's traditions is always fun. As a
bicultural family, many of the foods we eat are an assortment of traditional Mexican dishes and your
everyday classic American food. Sometimes we will spend a week eating Mexican food and then the
next week we will switch to something else. Other times we will change the type of foods we eat
daily; for example, we can go from eating frijoles con carne de puerco one day to barbecue and fries
the next. Then again, the barbecue can also be seen as more of a Kansas City ... Show more content
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Christmas Eve is my favorite because that is when we get to eat the tamales that we spent two to
three days making. Then on Christmas day it is ham, salad, and cheesy potatoes. If I had to choose
though, I prefer the food of my heritage. To me, la comida Mexicana is my heart and soul. However,
when talking about Mexican food, it is wrong to think that it is all the same. Just like in the United
States, there are different regions in México, all with varying dishes that represent the culture of the
area. My mom's side of the family (along with all of our family recipes) comes from a tiny village in
Michoacán called Tangancícuaro. When I was watching the "Mexico" episode of Bizarre Foods,
some of the dishes that Andrew Zimmern ate were not familiar to me. Of course, this is due to the
fact that each place Zimmern went was not within Michoacán. Though, when he was in Mexico
City, more of the foods and ingredients were familiar, such as the vendors with the variety of mole
pastes and powders. Before watching this episode I never realized that mole can have so many
different varieties. I have only ever known one type; the recipe of my
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Afgnan Food Culture
Burmese Food Culture : Burma
Burmese cuisine Burma, also known as Myanmar, is located in the Southeast Asia and bordered by
India, China, Thailand and Laos. Because of its special geographical location, Burma is a
multicultural country and it has different ethnic groups like Indian, Chinese and Thai. Burmese food
culture didn 't get much attention for everyone because of their history. But in fact, the Burmese
food culture is very similar to the other Asian countries ' that has its very attractive features. So in
order to know more about the Burmese food culture, we need to find out some of the Burmese food
knowledge, such as their food traditions, their eating patterns, and etiquettes, their
therapeutic/medicinal foods/taboos. Understanding the food ... Show more content on
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Laphet has become the common signature in Burma. No matter as a meal or as a main snack, Laphet
is very necessary and popular. The different cooking styles can display the different taste of the
Laphet. As a tropical country, fruit has been the main ingredient in Burma. Many of the tropical fruit
is lush in Burma like mango, banana, lychee and so. But the Burmese like the mango so much. The
Burmese mangos are very famous in Asia because their mango is very sweet and has enough
moisture. As Burmese rhyme said "Of all the fruit, the mango is the best; of all the meat, the pork is
the best; and of all the leaves, lahpet is the best". As a multicultural country, Burmese eating patterns
and etiquettes are different from the neighboring countries. "Burmese traditionally eat a morning
meal and an evening meal that is taken before dark. The meals are served on a large platter or on a
low table, with members of the household sitting on mats. Food is eaten with the fingers, although
sometimes utensils are used. It is common to drink water and eat fruit after the main meal.
Throughout the day people eat betel and smoke tobacco. Burmese not only drink tea made from
dried tea leaves but also eat pickled tea as a snack. Other snacks include chappatis, fried insects, and
Chinese pastries."(Countries and Their Cultures). As you know, Burmese eating pattern is like the
habits mixed with Indian and Chinese. In Burma, people like to set on the mat
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Afgnan Food Culture
Essay On Food In American Culture
Culture of food in Israel and Palestine
This quote illustrates national identity and ethnicity through food, "Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell
you who you are" Brillat–Savarin in 1825. Food can showcase a lot about a nation and its people
because culture and food, creates unity in a nation. In the case of Israel the Zionist organization used
food as a tool to create a sense of identity and nationalism for the people of Israel by encouraging
consumption of Kosher and Israeli produced foods. Israel like the United States, is an immigrant
nation; so naturally many different foods and recipes are brought with the new immigrants from the
countries they came from Europe to Africa. It's great to see, how food is used to unite a nation as
one. Whilst, Palestinian cuisine is interrelated to the foods of the Arab regions around it ... Show
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When you look at Palestine and Israel regionally, you will get of course like all countries different
regional cuisine. The article "Falafel: A National Icon", discusses start of falafel becoming a national
icon for Israel; for instance when the first Jewish immigrants moved to the Middle East, because
they wanted to adapt to the new land and become local, they began to pick up the Arab food like
hummus and falafel which is very prevalent in Israeli cuisine today. It is an interesting issue to look
at when nations argue over the origin of certain foods, like in the article, "Hummus Wars", which
takes about the conflict over hummus between Lebanon and Israel, although the same argument
does occur with Palestine as well but to say that a certain dish belongs to one place over another is
somewhat absurd; that would be like Italy arguing with New York over pizza. As long as people
travel around so will food. When you look at food and try to understand, what makes a dish a
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Afgnan Food Culture
Fast Food And Modern Food Culture
Modern food culture is a major factor that drives childhood obesity. Childhood Obesity occurs when
children have excess body fat in relation to their body index as a result of unhealthy eating habits at
an early age, which makes children clinically unhealthy. The national childhood obesity rate
currently in the U.S is 18.5%. There are several factors that go into this present issue in our country.
The problem begins with adults not being attentive enough to notice bad food habits, sometimes
parents add to the bad habits. When a child is at home with maybe one or even both parents and the
child has full access to roam through the fridge or pantry, this may be a problem. Children will often
pick their favorite foods, which more than usual is the junk food. These 'junk' foods are foods that
have been processed with most of the nutrients taken out of the food leaving calories that will add to
excess calories. Junk foods can consist of chips, tasty cakes, cookies, ice cream, and many more.
These types of foods contain high amounts of sugar and calories with low amounts of nutrients. Fast
food is one of the primary factors that contribute to the ongoing problem of childhood obesity in the
U.S. "Every day, nearly one–third of U.S. children aged 4 to 19 eat fastfood, which likely packs on
about six extra pounds per child per year and increases the risk of obesity, a study of 6,212
youngsters found" . Fast food restaurants are advertised all over the place including billboards,
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Afgnan Food Culture
Japanese Food In The Japanese Culture
Japanese cuisine refers to the Japanese way of eating, which is an important part of Japanese culture.
Japanese cuisine is the traditional Japanese daily diet, especially formed in the Meiji era culture and
eating habits, this is because the East West blend of the impact of the ingredients, although the
flavor material can be achieved polybasic in Japan island. In addition, Japanese is in East Asia on
the wobble the most attention, and also a lot of style, and the food is so called "eye care". Through
the introduction of my Japanese friend, I came to a famous Japanese restaurant in Lincoln. He told
me that the Japanese restaurant was authentic and the ingredients were fresh, it was a good place to
taste Japanese cuisine. Fortunately, when I went to this restaurant, the boss was right there. I
introduced him to the purpose of my visit, and he accepted my request and enthusiastically
introduced the specialty of his restaurant.
According to our interview, he told me that because of the work they immigrated to Lincoln, but
when they retired, they found themselves love their traditional food in Japan, so they decided to
opened a Japanese restaurant in Lincoln to pass the boring time of retirement. They also have a lot
of Japanese friends there, and these Japanese friends often come to visit his restaurant. Most of his
Japanese friends came to Lincoln for a while or settled down because of his work. Of course, there
will be Japanese students at the University of Nebraska Lincoln.
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Afgnan Food Culture
Taking Food In American Culture
When I moved out of my home and began purchasing my own food, I was given the opportunity to
have more power over the food that I consumed. Maintaining a healthy diet became an important
aspect of my life and I started researching ways to achieve a healthy diet. Prior to taking Food in
American Culture, I thought that I was well informed on the foods I was putting in my body.
However, taking this course has been an eye opening experience and I have discovered that I had
little and or incorrect knowledge on the foods that I was consuming.
In attempt to achieve a healthier lifestyle, I have stopped consuming specific food items, such as
processed "junk" foods. Alternatively, I have been attempting to incorporating more fruits,
vegetables, and
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Afgnan Food Culture
The Culture Of Food In The Mexican Culture
"By participating in a meal, we participate in a moment, an experience, a sliver of life." (Horton,
2012). When people think about a certain culture, they initially think of the food associated with it.
Food is a part of a culture's identity, and because of that, it is a part of the individual's identity as
well. For example, the US is associated with hamburgers, Italy with pasta, and Mexico with tacos.
This cultural association to the food we eat helps us to figure out who we are. Over time, food has
become more of a spiritual act, rather than one of survival. We eat food for the feelings it elicits and
the experiences it gives us. In a way, we really are what we eat.
Growing up with Mexican culture, one thing you will always find with your dish is salsa. Those
who can make the hottest salsa in my family are revered, and if you can consume it without tears
coming out of your eyes, you become a spectacle. Ever since I was a child, my parents always
offered salsa or jalapenos to accompany my meal, even if I was eating a plate of spaghetti. At first, I
was not so inclined to eat the spicy foods my mother offered. In fact, I remember crying the first
time I ate a jalapeno. However, over time I grew to appreciate the experience and flavor spices add
to every dish. Not only did my family love strong flavors, but so did the city I grew up in. With the
majority of the population in San Antonio of Hispanic descent, adding spice to your meal was
nothing new. Consequently, I cannot
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Afgnan Food Culture
Chinese Food Customs And Culture
Chinese Food Customs and Culture Although there are no reliable written sources to document early
era's of Chinese history. In October 2005, the oldest noodles yet discovered were located at the Lajia
site near the upper reaches of the Yellow River in Qinghai. This Chinese site has been associated
with Oijia culture for 1000s of years. The noodles were over 4000 years old and were made from
foxtail and broomcorn millet. Throughout history, there have been many different types of Chinese
food and different types of ways that they eat their food. The research information that I have
gathered shows relation to the story, "Fish Cheeks" that relates to types of food. There are many
different types of Chinese food customs and etiquette in Chinese dining. To begin China is an
extremely large country, and the customs and traditions of its people vary by geography and
ethnicity. Rice is an important food source: "Rice is not only a major food source in China; it is also
a major element that helped grow their society"("LiveScience"). They don't consume a lot of meat;
they occasionally consume pork or chicken. It is said that Tofu is the main source of protein for the
Chinese. The most praised Four Major Cuisines: "Chaun, Lu, Yue, and Huaiyang, which represent
the West, North, South, and East China cuisine"("Wikipedia"). Color, smell and taste are the three
traditional aspects used to describe Chinese food, as well as the meaning, appearance and nutrition
of the food. It is
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Afgnan Food Culture
Fast Foods In American Culture
Essay #2
America does not have a distinct cuisine like other countries do. Foods in the American culture tend
to be at many times, fast foods. America is known for their fast food however if you dig deeper there
is more to fast food than just fast greasy unhealthy food. Fast food divulges into the busy American
lifestyle and how people live. The fast food business is booming, and people from all cultures and
diversity who live in America are consumers of the foods. Fast foods have assimilated into the
American culture at a rapid and alarming rate such that people of all kinds and ages tend to use fast
foods on almost a daily basis. This paper will talk about Americas most common cuisines and ...
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American foods though are not clearly defined, and as stated earlier, they have no particular foods or
cuisine that can be said to have originated or to be American cuisine. The Chinese have their distinct
cuisines like the Anhui and the Cantonese; Japan has Sushi, Pasta in Italy and Cheese as a dessert in
France. America, on the other hand, seems not to possess a specific certain cuisine that can be
claimed to be strictly and famously American.
Thus, American food does not offer the culture identity that other cuisines and cultures have. A
cuisine that is famously known to be associated with America or have its originality in America is
difficult to identify. Americans rather tend to pick on other cuisines from different cultures and
modify them on their own. Americans lack imagination in their cuisines and thus, their food does
not offer the same kind of cultural identity as offered in other cuisines.
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Afgnan Food Culture
What Is The Food Culture In Australia
Food Culture
The Meat industry is a massive part of the food culture in Australia. Without this industry the
Australian culture would be very different than it is today. Cakes, pasta's and other foreign foods
have impacted the Australian food Culture. However the production of meat has stayed strong and
has picked up considerably in the last 10 years. The main factors for this are advancement in
technology and production methods.
Production of meat
The main meats in Australia are Pork, Chicken, Beef and Lamb these major food sources are in high
demand right across Australia. Although many of these meats are high in fat, this forces a lot of
Australians to consume a small amount each week. Australia is one of the world's most efficient
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Afgnan Food Culture
Food In Japanese Food Culture
For those who don't know, Japan is an island off the coast of China in the Northern Hemisphere of
the world. One of the most important parts of Japanese culture is the cuisine. Something that might
not be known is that most of the food in Japan today was introduced when Buddhism started to
spread throughout the country. Although most of the food the citizens eat is made with ingredients
from the island, the country is a very food varied place. There are many different types of cooking in
Japan, some of which were adopted from other countries, but they all have a Japanese spin to them.
The cuisine is a good reflection of Japanese culture because it reflects the elements of geography,
religion, and customs. The use of rice in Japanese food culture is a long–standing tradition that is
found to be very important to every meal ate on the island. Japan was actually introduced to the
world of rice by southern China many years ago (Web Japan). After this original introduction during
the Edo period, the rice was cultivated into wet rice paddies that the Japanese would eat (Web
Japan). This use of rice stuck around for nearly two thousand years before the Japanese started
creating other ways to use the rice they grew. When the rice was introduced the Japanese dedicated a
large part of the island to farming rice. The Japanese use so much land for just farming rice because
of the large quantity that they eat. In almost every meal that is eaten in Japan, rice is served (Katz
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Afgnan Food Culture
Food: The Three Symbols Of Chinese Food Culture
(A) Introduction:
Food plays a significant role in China, reflect a country culture, Chinese cuisine got a thousands of
years' history. The traditional Chinese saying; "The masses regard food as their heaven" (Min yi shi
wei tian), which indicates that food is the most necessity part of Chinese daily life.
(B) Unique characteristics of the cultural element: – Food Culture:
Chinese meal normally combine by rice, noodles or steamed buns, tofu, vegetable and meat dishes.
Different from Western meals, which take meat or animal protein as main dishes.
Secondly, there are different cooking methods, included: stewing, steaming, boiling, pan–frying,
stir–frying, deep– frying, etc. Chinese people has a lot of ideas, equipment and techniques for ...
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A meaning or "power" is associated with foods through food name pronunciation, food shape,
colors, food legends, and so on [8].
(1) Chopsticks are the primary eating tools, have been used as the traditional eating utensils for six
thousand years. Chinese cuisine tends to serve dishes in small pieces or employ cooking techniques
that render dishes such as fish or "hong shao rou" soft enough to be picked apart easily [3]. Became
the most significant symbols of Chinese food culture.
(2) Dim sum, usually comes together with yum cha. Dim sum usually cooked by steaming and
frying, including salt and sweet dishes. It is customary to order family style, sharing dishes among
all members within the dining party.
(3) Chinese New Year Cuisine
Chinese New Year is the most important traditional festival, Chinese people especially emphasize
wishes for happiness and blessing. So, New Year foods usually symbolize good luck and best
Lucky food is served during the 16–day festival season, which is believed to bring good luck for the
coming year. The auspicious symbolism of these foods is based on their pronunciations or
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Afgnan Food Culture
Food In Chinese Culture
Food is vital to the Chinese identity and community. The Chinese also believe food can have
medicinal properties, so it is very important for the dental hygienist to be aware of these values to
incorporate nutritional counseling in a culturally appropriate way. When one becomes ill in Chinese
culture, it is understood to be an imbalance of yin–yang by introduction of toxins into the body. To
correct the imbalance, a special diet is prescribed to rid the body of toxins. In one study by Payne
and other researchers, a participant described how a paste made from golden terrapin is considered
to have detoxifying properties and would be consumed for healing. The participant also described
how meats like beef are seen as toxic and could throw off balance in the body. As a result, the
Chinese tend to eat more carbohydrates with spices and herbs thought to have detoxifying and
healing properties. Healing properties and eating for comfort are not to be confused. Americans like
to eat for comfort, and while the Chinese enjoy eating for taste, they tend to consume foods to keep
them healthy. The Chinese do not view food as the only method of relieving illness. They believe
food will keep the body balanced, but trust Western medicine for more serious conditions like
cancer. Foods typically eaten and methods of preparation China is one of the largest countries in the
world. Differences in agricultural resources amongst regions provide a unique taste in any city.
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Afgnan Food Culture
The Southern Food Culture
While debating the food cultures I wanted to compare for this project, I reflected on my childhood
and the various types of food and how they were prepared. The personal food culture that I selected
is southern food, also known as "Soul Food" in the South. I chose this specific culture of food
because I can make a connection to it. I grew up in a small town in Mississippi and most Sundays,
my family would drive to my grandmother's house. Our meals consisted of foods such as like fried
chicken, country fried steak, cornbread, black eyes peas, butter beans, and mashed potatoes. An
important tradition growing up in my family was fellowship and sharing our meals together. We also
have a family reunion each year. These traditions influenced my ... Show more content on
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The taboo is that in the northern states people do not drink "Sweet Tea." In an article called "The
North, South still divided over tea," from Amarillo.com, its expressed that people up north are more
likely to drink hot tea instead of tea with a lot of sugar in it. The culture and customs of Northern US
foods differs greatly from the South. The Northern part of the United States has greater food
influences from countries like England, Scotland, and even Maine and New Hampshire in the
United States. The north also differs in various customs and religious holidays that they have. In the
South, one celebration that involves food is Mardi Gras. The Mardi Gras King cake is baked and
eaten by many people around the South during this religious holiday during February. In contrast to
the South, a specific holiday celebration that the northerners share is their typical Christmas Menu.
For this meal, it usually consists of a honey baked ham, walnut salad, butternut biscuits, and Eggnog
custard pie. The northern US timing of meals consist of three meals that occur similar to the
southern times. However, for breakfast northerners might consume blueberry waffles or pancakes
topped with fresh
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Afgnan Food Culture
Food Culture Of The Law Enforcement
I never doubted the food in America for being unhygienic because of the law enforcement. After
moving in the United States few months back, I am amazed with the food culture in American. As
diverse as America is in terms of its population, so were the food items. For a while I wanted to try
every new dish found here. Most of the foods are approved by the US Food and Drug
Administration. However I was surprised to see how fresh vegetables were more expensive than
other food product like meat. Back in my home country, fresh vegetables were less expensive than
that of other food products. After eating foods in America for almost 3 months, I noticed a change in
my body structure. I was getting fatter. I ate same food as I used to eat in my home country in the
same amount. I thought the change was due to my healthy diet. By chance I watched a documentary
called "Food Inc." which changed my perspective about food culture and prices in America. For
example, the FDA approved red dye 40 to be a healthy food coloring in beverages. However, some
studies are often linked with hyperactivities in children due to intake of red dye 40. Most of the
European countries have banned food coloring dye (CNN) while it's still valid in America to buy
colored food item. So, how healthy is American food? It's questionable. I came to realize that almost
all the American food diet is now Corn based. There has been change in the grocery store prices in
past 30 years. It's because food prices
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Afgnan Food Culture
Food Culture Essay
Factors Influencing Food Habits and Culture Eating food is essential for all of us, it keep us alive
and also gives us enjoyment at the same time. Food can be defined as any substance that can be
metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue. (ilearn) In ancient time, when people feel
hungry, they eat. However, as human history keep developing and evolving, we have a higher
standard on choosing food that we like to eat nowadays. In this paper, we are going to evaluate
factors that are influencing our food habits and food culture. Those factors can be divided into two
main categories, internal factors (individual preference and values) and external factors
(geographical, religion, social, economic and political). Internal ... Show more content on
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Another example would be Chinese like to eat hot pot in winter to keep them warm. In the northern
part of China, there are more spicy dishes than the southern part of China. This is because eating
spicy food will keep people warm. In costal region, there is more seafood than the inland region.
The reason is because it is easier to get fresh seafood in costal region than in the inland region.
Japan is an island surrounded by sea, and that is why eating seafood is famous in Japan. Some
locations are better for growing specific food, for example China have the climate advantage in
growing tea, and France have the advantage in growing wine. Religion is another external factors
influencing food habits and food culture. Different culture has different religion, different religion
has different custom and food is an important part of a religion. Some religion such as Muslims,
consider eating pork as a dirty food, and people should not eat them. Buddhism do not recommend
members to eat meat, because they think that is cruel to kill an animal and that we should respect
them so we should not eat them. Therefore, a lot of Buddhism followers are vegetarians. Hinduism
followers do not eat cow because they think that cows are scarce. People who believe in a religion
will follow the rules of the religion, so this will influence their food habit. Some religions do not
have rules about food, but they have specific food to eat.
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Afgnan Food Culture
The Relationship Between Food, And Culture
In every culture, habits involving food such as, choosing, cooking, and eating, play a significant
role. Eating is understood and communicated in various symbolic ways because it is never a purely
biological activity. The consumption of food is always infused with meaning. People with adequate
food resources use food not only as a means for survival but a means for communication. Food is
symbolic throughout the world in modern human history. The Boston Tea Party was about taxes, not
tea. The turkey on Thanksgivings symbolizes the celebration between the Pilgrims and Native
Americans. The Great Depression is symbolized with pictures of bread lines and people selling
This paper will discuss the multifaceted relationships among food, and culture. I will be looking at
the relationships people have with food, and explore how this relationship reveals information about
them. Their food choices of individuals and groups, can reveal their ideals, likes and dislikes. Food
choices tell the stories of where people have travelled and who they have met along the way.
You are what you eat, is a common phrase characterizing the idea of food and identity. Several
questions that discuss the notion of using food as a cultural clue will be addressed, such as: What do
food choices represent? How do food choices represent cultural identity? Is it important to recognize
the difference between what you eat representing what you are and what you eat constructing who
you are? Our identity
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Afgnan Food Culture
Food Is Essential For A Culture Essay
Food has been a staple in cultures since the beginning of human history. Besides needing food for
nourishment, it is an accumulation of a culture's environment, rituals, history, and wealth. Therefore,
food is both an evolutionary and cultural necessity. In fact, food is vital for a culture as it nourishes
and connects the group of people within said culture. As the Earth and its cultures become more
globalized, food has evolved to become a teacher that showcases the many cultures inhabiting the
planet. But, one person can only become accustomed to a low percentage of food, offered around the
world, throughout his or her life. Thus, the food one person usually knows and likes is the food from
one's own culture. Most people, untrusting of what other exotic cultures offer, are disgusted by what
others consider delicacies. This trust, and distrust, creates, in a human's mind, four categories of
food: distasteful, disgusting, tasteful, and delicious. Inherently, humans classify foods by what foods
one is comfortable around and by foods one is not comfortable around, or more precisely by what is
delicious and tasteful and what is distasteful and disgusting. This happens from an evolutionary
stand point and a cultural stand point. Specifically, culture evokes, within majority of the foods in
the present–day globalized world, the categories disgusting and delicious, whereas nature and
evolution evoke distasteful and tasteful reactions.
To begin to understand why some foods are
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Afgnan Food Culture
Food In American Culture Essay
In Greek culture, food is the main event at every gathering. At funerals, mourners are given "koliva"
(boiled wheat, sugar, and cinnamon), a special cake(vasilopita) is baked on New Year's Day, and the
midnight Easter service is followed by a feast, consisting of lamb. Families and friend's share their
favorite old recipes from their great grandmother's. Though some may argue that food creates
discrepancy within a community, food exacerbates the unity of society. Every American loves their
comfort food–– french fries, chili, mac and cheese, hamburgers, cinnamon rolls, etcetera. These
meals are constantly cooked throughout all of America. Comfort food is turned to when needing
stress relief, comfort, or a reward. "...we're human and we all eat ... Show more content on
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However, a common culture unifies a society sharing many traditions, the most important, food.
Cultural food is defined by the technique, preparation, and the type of food. Food can unite a culture
by the same preferences based on religion, tradition, and likes and dislikes. "Around the world,
Muslims fast during Ramadan.....Orthodox Jews and some conservative Jews follow dietary laws,
popularly known as the kosher diet, discussed in the Jewish scripture. Many followers of Buddhism,
Hinduism, and Jainism are vegetarians, in part, because of doctrine of non–injury or nonviolence."
(Food). These religious beliefs create a community who all share and practice the same religious
beliefs. Cultural festivals and feasts take place to celebrate a holiday in unity with family and
friends. "... on a Chinese dinner table, where one does not eat a single portioned and plated dish, but
is expected to eat from shared, communal platters"(Choi). This idea of feasting is supposed to be
shared with close relatives by sharing food. This can resolve disconnection into reconnection, build
relationships with people, and revive cultural unity within a
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Afgnan Food Culture
Food In The Filipino Culture
Food is an essential form of socialization in the Filipino culture and social gatherings do not take
place without food. "Food and meal patterns emphasize generosity, hospitality, and thoughtfulness,
which support group cohesiveness." Pg. 239. Extending an invite to a gathering or even sharing
one's food is considered a sign of good upbringing and can be used to show appreciation and caring,
to welcome others, celebrate accomplishments, and even be used to offer support in times of crisis.
Their foods consist of influence from Spanish, Chinese, and American cuisine and are usually
sautéed or fried and rice is served with every meal. The rice is typically steamed but can also be
fried and eaten in a desert form. Due to intolerance for dairy products, only babies or young children
consume milk. Food is not just used for social gatherings but also for medicinal benefits, such as
colds, upset stomach, urinary tract infections, sore throats, and aids in promoting digestion.
The only acceptable method of contraception is natural planning methods. Abortion is considered a
big no, as it goes against their catholic religion and is considered a sin. Most methods of birth
control are not excepted however, recent immigrants seem to be more open to alternative methods of
birth control. Pregnancy is viewed as a blessing and the child–bearing woman should be catered to
during the time of pregnancy. Many Filipino women prefer a female physician rather than male
because it is viewed as
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Afgnan Food Culture

  • 1. Afgnan Food Culture Introduction to Afghan Food Culture Talk about Afghanistan, and most people get the misconception that this is a country that does not have much to offer. In the event that you are of the same view, you need be informed that your perceptions are slightly misplaced. True, this is a country that has been ravaged by war and politics and so many other negative impacts of societal conflicts. However, even in the midst of all this madness, there is one thing that remains truly Afghan, it is their culture. So rich is the Afghan culture that there are so many countries that cannot even match them. Afghanistan is quite a unique nation, located within desert land. However, all the dryness and the war do not strike off the impeccable and enthralling ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the reasons why this culture stands out is that it is usually a rare occurrence to come away from an Afghan table hungry, even if the situation is so dire. Whatever little they have they usually share. Afghan cuisines are usually authentic and delicious especially if you have the know how to prepare them, Nafisa Sekandari Afghan Cuisine Avagana Publishing 2010 A Collection of Family Recipes In Afghanistan, it is reported that even the type of food that is eaten has a symbolic meaning. In particular, we have the Qaabuli Pallow which represents the crown of Afghan cooking and is usually served to special guests or on special occasions such as weddings. Letee is a special meal that is served to new mothers due to the fact that it is very easy on the stomach yet it has a high nutritive value. Dogh is best enjoyed on a hot summer's day while Mahi is served during Nowroz–the Afghan celebration of New Year. According to Afghan tradition, eggs are usually prepared in a special way so that a guest is well nourished when they wake up in the morning. So strong is the Afghan belief in food and the embroiled culture that they believe that food is elemental in nature, and for that reason it can produce either hot, cold, or neutral reactions in the body. The culture appreciates food so much to the extent that it is considered sinful to step on a piece of dropped bread. The dining culture in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Food and Culture Essays 1 The traditional and contemporary food habits of African Americans compared with the typical American majority diet Introduction I have chosen to write on African American food habits because I believe their food tells a story of endurance and adaptability during hard times. I've heard the word 'soul food' bandied about without actually knowing what the essence of it was. I would like to see what it's unique features are and to know more about the possible cultural, social and other factors that informed early food choices. There are 41.6 million African Americans which amounts to about 13 percent of the total population. Traditional Food Habits The basis of African American food is 'soul food', a term that relates to the ingredients ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The liquid from boiled greens was used as a nutritious gravy or as a drink or used as a cure for the common cold. To add taste to their vegetables when cooking, they would add salted pork, cheese, bacon, butter, sour cream, sugar, and a variety of spices and seasonings (Bovell–Benjamin et al., 2009). The added fat was said to make the vegetables taste richer. Dairy food consumption was low. There would also be onepot meals. It was an early family tradition to sit down together for meals. Eating was an intimate or spiritual affair when they gave thanks for what they had, so African Americans were selective of where they ate, what they ate and with whom. This togetherness was a way of preserving traditions and maintaining group identity (Airhihenbuwa et al., 1996). Adaptation of food habits in the United States African Americans have in ways adapted to standard U.S eating habits, although most of the adaptation has been towards unhealthy processed foods such as hamburgers. It's been their culture to be adaptable. Soul food in itself represents an adaptation to the historical circumstances and environment they found themselves in such as slavery and racial and economic disadvantage afterwards (Airhihenbuwa et al., 1996). They made do with what was available (Airhihenbuwa et al., 1996) For healthy eating to take off, adapting to it would have to become a necessary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Japanese Culture And Japanese Food Japanese cuisine and its development Rice serves with vegetable, and fish are the main traditional meal in Japanese cuisine. According to Reading Food in Modern Japanese Literature: "Lunch: 3 bowls rice gruel, half of bonito sashimi (half because it contained some fly eggs). Had the little yellowtail bought for supper made into sashimi, but did not eat it as it wasn't nice. 1 bowl miso soup, 3 pieces of rice cracker, one helping shaved ice with lemon syrup" (Aoyama 15). Aoyama shows in these lines that dishes of Japanese traditional meal were simple, but as Japanese cuisine evolved over the years, it has more different dishes for customers to choose today. My goal in this paper is to discuss the geographical effect on Japanese cuisine, the relationship between Zen culture and Japanese cuisine and its development in the world. Geography are the important effect on food choices in Japanese cuisine. In Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons : Nature, Literature, and the Arts, Shirane provided specific places as an example to illustrated that the position determines what chefs would choose to cook Japanese cuisine, "With the shift of the capital to Edo (Tokyo), two major port cities (Edo and Osaka) became the cultural and economic centers, moving the general urban perspective from inland basins (Nara and Kyoto) to the coast and the sea, which became an important source of food" (Shirane 176). So the position of Japan surrounds by coasts and seas is the main reason that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Food Culture In Venezuela Paola Bruzual Venezuela's food culture lost thanks to the Government. Coming from a country where happiness is shared through gatherings between family and friends, sharing recipes that come from years and years of tradition and also creating different recipes that identifies each of the families and each of the states with diverse flavors unique to their agricultural production and availability of products. Nowadays my country, Venezuela, has lost their unique flavors and privileges. It is getting harder and harder to live in Venezuela, it is frustrating and discouraging. While the country goes through rough waters promoted by the black market of food, the government tries to avoid the problem and try highlighting other problems that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... "We used to produce rice and we had excellent coffee; now we produce nothing. With the situation here people abandoned the fields," says Lopez "empty shelves and no one to explain why a rich country has no food. It's unacceptable," adds the 90–year–old farmer from San Cristóbal, on the western state of Táchira, bordering Colombia. The agricultural industry of the country is decreasing because the redistribution of wealth for means of production is being used for government benefits affecting the life of millions of citizens. The use of a capitalist, imperialist, socialist approach shows how governmental systems that only focus on maximizing profit can affect the entire life of a country. According to an article in BBC's Website, food shortages are dividing the country. People have to line up outside the supermarkets to get certain goods that are not as available as before. Citizens spend up to 12 hours in line, trying to secure milk, chicken, detergent, and diapers for their children, among other scarce products. According to data from Venezuela's Central Bank, the scarcity index rose to 21% last month, the highest since the bank started tracking the measure in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Food Differences In American Culture It was a life changing experience to move to the United States from Armenia. The United States has a very rich diversity of cultures and therefore, there is diversity of cuisines. Although America's population is massive, many people living in America are not from America; they are from other countries. As they move to America, they try to stay true to their culture and have a small community of their culture in the new environment. One of the most common ways to maintain one's culture in America is through food and its practices in order to honor and remember where they came from. Another way of saying maintaining cultural food practices and sustaining tradition would be sustainability. Therefore, traditional food can represent a whole culture and a way to find out more about any culture is to taste their food. Tasting another culture's ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sustaining tradition in culture through food and its practices creates a cultural self–image because food is one of the most known method of preserving cultural values and uniting people of the same background. Often times Americans do not think about what they eat, as long as they get the energy from it to help them continue on their day. As food changes, it impacts the culture because it changes its meaning for people. Back in the days, food was treated with more respect and it meant more than just a source of energy. For example, some people had a spiritual relationship with food. They would not eat certain food because of their religious beliefs. According to an book by Caroline Walker Bynum, "To religious women food was a way of controlling as well as renouncing both self and environment. But it was more. Food was flesh, and flesh was suffering and fertility" . In other words, food had a spiritual relationship for religious women because they believed that when they are carrying a baby in them, the baby ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Chinese Food Culture Chinese food culture Though there are many different schools, branches, regional variants, etc., of Chinese cooking, together they constitute what one might reasonably term "Chinese Cooking", where "Chinese Cooking" is distinct from, say, "Italian Cooking". A nation's cooking culture reflects its food traditions, from the food–preparation and eating habits of the countryside to the food–preparation and eating habits of the city, notwithstanding the increasing introduction of foreign fare that is not only served in "foreign" restaurants in the city, but which today is also found in the freezer section of most supermarkets even in the countryside. In spite of these globalization tendencies, a large swath of any country's population will ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Other of these "medicinal" foodstuffs/ herbs are considered mildly toxic in other parts of the world, though their use in China does not seem to have caused alarm, which is of course what one would expect to have happened if they really were harmful. In sum, while "Chinese Cooking" combines several features that may be common to many other national cooking traditions, it embraces other features that set it distinctly apart from, for example, "Italian Cooking". [pic] Chinese Medicinal food Medicinal food, loosely defined, is food that can be used for dietetic therapy. It may be mildly toxic in a raw state, but is de–toxified via cooking (many common edible mushrooms are mildly toxic in a raw state). With respect to the medicinal foods of China, there lies a large body of traditional medical knowledge and cooking experience behind their use – the medicine of medicinal foods draws on the attraction of food (most people enjoy eating!) while the food of medicinal foods supports the power of medicine and turns "good medicine with a bitter taste" into "good medicine with a pleasant taste". Apart from its nutritional value, medicinal foods can also reduce the likelihood of – sometimes even cure – certain diseases, protect health, foster the maintenance of a good physique, etc., and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. American Food Culture America has a unique food culture that survives solely on processed foods, but it is time to adopt a new food culture. As Barbara Kingsolver popular and prolific author on her book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life weighs in on how Americans in a generation or two have drifted away from their agricultural roots and no longer know the importance of growing and raising food and must adopt a "genuine food culture." Americans rely on processed foods and have no idea where the food is coming from. Although vegetarianism has often been associated with issues of ethics and animal rights, for many people it can become a means to a healthier lifestyle for all species and the environment. The United Nations News Centre has said that going ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Food And Cultural Suppropriation In The Culture Of Food Mahatma Gandhi once said, "there are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread". Food is one of the many things that is appreciated and loved by everyone all around the world. Each geographical region of the world most likely has its own type of food or some kind of variation to it which eventually adds up to a lot of cuisines. The larger the number of regions, the larger the number of cuisines. So, one must be thinking, how does food relate to cultural appropriation? What is the relationship between them? In depth, everyone eats or at least tries a dish that is not particularly from his or her culture which is completely okay but it becomes a problem when one steals an aspect or a factor from a culture and try to change it to make it theirs. This is where the term "cultural appropriation" comes in play. This issue is big these days, and also the most discussed about because culture is very important and sensitive to many. Cultural appropriation is the utilization of an element from one culture by the people from another culture without having a permission granted. The elements could be a culture's traditions, food, style, fashion, beliefs and such. For example, restaurants or food chains using the Indian term "chai" in their drink names. Chai means tea but there are so many drinks out there that are named "Chai Tea Latte" or "Chai Tea Mocha" which makes zero sense because chai is tea. As an Indian myself, I really do not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Food Choices In American Culture: Food And Culture Food and Culture In American culture, we typically center our food choices around american options such as burgers, fries, chicken fried steaks, and chicken tenders. However, I decided to seek out a food from a culture that differs than my American background. I sought out a restaurant that served and Indian cuisine and one that I wouldn't usually try. I decided Indian for the reason that I love spice in food and the spice that the Indian culture uses in their food should really compliment the food. The restaurant that I found was called Taco Naan, which combines cultures and serves food that cater to Mexican and Indian cultures. Taco Naan is a small restaurant that is located next to Chicken Express and an Exxon gas station off of Denton ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I decided to sample their tacos, which were small street tacos, to see how the two cultures differed in terms of taste and cohesion with the tortilla and lime. At first look, the tacos looked very delicious and prepared very well that complimented their smell. The chicken curry and chicken 65 tacos were my first dishes to be eaten as they looked and smelled authentic and delicious. The chicken curry taco was very satisfying to my taste buds as the curry brought the spice and the taste and juice of the lime kicked it up a notch. Chicken curry is a common food that is typically eaten in South Asia and Southeast Asia. Chicken curry would, usually, never be put with a Mexican dish as it is usually served by itself with some potatoes and or rice. The next taco that I ate was the chicken 65 taco, which is also a common Indian delicacy. This taco was very spicy as chicken 65 is commonly prepared with many spices. As with the chicken curry taco, this dish was very pleasing and delicious as the spice of the chicken 65 blended amazingly with the tortilla and lime. Chicken 65 originates from the city of Chennai, India but its name has many different theories as to where it comes from. People claim to say that the name, chicken 65, comes from the way that the food is prepared and cooked. They claim that when chicken 65 is being cooked, it gains its spice by being mixed with 65 red peppers and other spices. Others claim that it comes from the number that this dish was given on the original menu in 1965 at the Buhari Hotel restaurant. Overall, these Mexican–Indian dishes tasted very delicious and looked very authentic. The third taco that I decided to taste and sample was the barbacoa taco. This taco was very delicious as it is a common Mexican dish usually served with pico de gallo and other spices. After eating all of the tacos, I can gladly say I very much enjoyed the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Chinese Food Culture Since the late 1800s, Chinese immigrants have come to our country bringing with them a rich culture, that not only included art and poetry but they brought with them their very unique style of cuisine. Chinese food has had a unique influence on American cuisine, with over 40,000 restaurants across the United States, there are more Chinese restaurants in America than all the McDonald's Burger King's and KFC's combined. The Chinese culture has truly made a huge imprint on the American food industry. Chinese immigrants came over to the United States for many reasons, some came for the tales of gold that flowed in the rivers with nuggets the size of a man's face, they rush to Gold Mountain to change their lives and the lives of the families they left behind in China. Among the immigrants were the men and women who practice the culinary art of cooking. Chinese food is unique and traditional it mainly consists of grains such as rice and wheat which is usually made into bread and noodles. Vegetables especially cabbage and tofu rank second Chinese diet pork and poultry are the favorite meets in China one of the most popular Chinese dishes in America is Chop Suey. Though chop Suey originated in China it is truly an Americanized meal and staple in most Chinese restaurants even to this day. There are several legends on the original chop Suey as the most of the famous American Chinese dish. According to one telling of the story, some of the men who came over to work on the railroads ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Importance Of Food Culture Most people want to find out who they really are. We can first start by looking at their food culture. Food culture is a very important element that makes us who we are. From a young child to an adult most people have developed their food culture by trial and error or simply by their preference. Food culture is different for every ethnicity from the holidays to the meals themselves. Araceli is someone important to me and hands down her food culture is very different from my own. Nicaraguan food is very different from my culture which is Mexican food getting to know about her food culture helped me get to know Araceli that much more. My food culture is based off my Mexican roots, which most people might think it is just beans and rice. Although that is partially true, most known dishes revolve around parties and holiday dinners. During these events we usually have tamales which is a popular dish and is served with sides of rice and beans of course. Food around this time is special because food gathers everyone together. Tamales take hours to prepare and usually my family gets a day to prepare for our feast. Tamales are very popular, and most people make them the same way. I recently found out that Mexicans are not the only ones who make their style of tamales. For Aracelis' culture, although the dishes are familiar the preparation itself is completely different. Tamales are still eaten for holidays and special events, but they are called "Nacatamal." Nacatamals have the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Pollan Food Culture Analysis Skirt skirt as you leave the drive thru of a Mcdonalds, with a 600 calorie meal that doesn't even fulfill your appetite and leaves you wanting more food. I have lived in a 3rd world country for 2 years and have experienced the food culture that pollan discusses. In Pakistan the food is nothing close to americas food. The bananas are the size of the palm of my hand and have amazing flavor. In the morning is the only time of the day that you can get goat meat, my family has gotten the same part of a goat for the last 20 years the back leg. I have experienced the traditional diet that Pollan describes. Fast food has changed the lifestyle of human beings all around the world. People prefer a a burger full of processed resources and has meat ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Between Food And Culture The United States has long been known as a melting pot because most of its people are descended from immigrants. The immigrants come to USA for a better life so they leave their own country and decide to call it home. Most of the immigrants live in New York in this city, so we can see the variation in people and culture. Basically the immigrants leave their country but they don't leave their culture. They want to maintain their culture and one of the way to maintain their culture is food. Not only that but also many people want to introduce their culture to other, that's why they open restaurant. Sometimes people open a restaurant in a diverse area and they cook food combining the recipe of different countries so the place plays an important role for the people who are not even from that culture. From that, we can see that food can easily combine any culture without changing their own culture. When given the task to find a restaurant that has represents the connection between food and culture a restaurant that comes in my mind was Sagar Restaurant located in 169 street in Jamaica, Queens. Though Sagor restaurant is a Bangladeshi, Indian style Chinese restaurant, it represents the interaction between various groups of Asian immigrants through food and it also reminds Bangladeshi people about their country. The percentage of Asian race and Black race in Jamaica are all higher than other races and least percentages of races in Jamaica is Native Hawaiian and American Indian ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Mexican Food Culture Every wonder what food culture is? Food culture refers to the practices, attitudes, and beliefs as well as the networks and institutions surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of food. The food cultures I am going to talk about in this essay is mexican, chinese, and french. Mexican cooking differs broadly between locales, as every town has its own culinary customs, as indicated by "Mexico For You." Tortillas and other nourishment produced using corn are basic all over the place, however, as are pepper, tomatoes and beans.. Numerous nourishments that started in Mexico are well known around the world, including avocados, chocolate and pumpkins. In China, rice is typically the staple sustenance for individuals living in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Renaissance Food And Culture Introduction In every culture around the world, two of the most defining elements are its food and culture. Both food and culture have played important roles in influencing cultures since time immemorial, from medieval periods to periods of Renaissance. In light of the information that there is a wide range of information concerning the history of Renaissance and the culture of the Romans, the students will focus on the history of Italian food because of its current popularity in major places around the world. The question the student would like to explore is the way current Italian food transformed to be such an imperative part of the American culture and how the Italian music became so popular and cherished in Italy and Europe in comparison ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the restaurants in Little Italy is Dalesio, which is located between Little Italy and Harbor East and is far removed from the overcrowding of restaurants. The restaurant was opened in 1984 by Michael Dalesio, a chef, together with his wife. The chef specializes in cooking healthy pizza food with an emphasis on small portions and innovative presentations. The eating room on the first floor is neither too big nor too small and can be described as conservative. An attendant handed over the menu and a little later, a basket of steaming stale focaccia for dipping in edible butter. The pizza was served in a second basket, and it was amazingly fresh and properly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Food Culture Modern Language Association (MLA) Citation: "Update: Genetically Modified Food." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 31 Dec. 2008. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. <http://www.2facts.com/article/i1000400>. Facts On File News Services ' automatically generated MLA citations have been updated according to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 7th edition. American Psychological Association (APA) Citation format: The title of the article. (Year, Month Day). Issues & Controversies On File. Retrieved Month Day, Year, from Issues & Controversies database. See the American Psychological Association (APA) Style Citations for more information on citing in APA style. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Europeans, for example, have been highly skeptical of any benefits they might gain from GM foods. Many nations in the European Union (EU) have effectively banned imports of what they refer to as "Frankenfoods," a reference to the famous story of the fictional monster assembled by Dr. Frankenstein from miscellaneous spare parts. The U.S claims that the EU 's anti–GM food policy violates free trade laws. Many questions remain regarding the future of GM foods. Should they continue to be sold in the U.S., even though they may have unforeseen negative consequences? Or should the U.S. take a cue from the EU and limit the selling of GM foods until they are unequivocally proven to be risk–free? Do the possible future health benefits of GM foods––such as fruits and vegetables with extra vitamins and vaccines built into their DNA––cancel out any potential risks that the new technology brings? Supporters of GM foods say that since there has been no evidence of GM foods harming humans, it is reasonable to assume that they are safe for consumption. GM food backers denounce criticism of genetic engineering as fear–mongering. Besides, they argue, no new technology is without a certain degree of risk. GM food supporters believe that the possible health benefits of GM foods overwhelm any possible dangers. Supporters of biotech crops also maintain that if GM food technology is allowed to develop, it may prove to be instrumental in eliminating world hunger. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Houston Food Culture Essay Houston is a cornucopia of foods. The increase of restaurants throughout America has brought new tastes and an open palette of food for people. Americans are introduced to new cultures through the availability of food. The ubiquity of food makes it feel like it is just a necessity to keep our body's functioning but it is more than calories that give us energy. It is an individual building their identity and tradition or social life based on the food they eat. Food is one of the elements that identifies a culture. Certain protein, spices, and vegetables are used to cook distinctive foods from different cultures. Similarly, Houston, being a large city, has different areas with communities having an abundance of ethnicities gathering up and bring their food with them. In the Southeast area, it is predominantly Hispanics, resulting in innumerable Hispanic restaurants. For example, Telephone Road is filled with taco trucks and refresquerias from the beginning to the end of the street. This abundance of the same menu items results in cultures specializing or fusing cuisines, spreading it throughout the city to create Houston's diversity. This is displayed in the West University area, the Oh my Gogi food truck fuses Mexican–Korean ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Food evokes human's feelings. Humans go beyond the fact that creating a cuisine takes work and get to the values of the implied work. We learn to recognize the value and work to describe and understand our connection with foods, the ways in which they are expressed. This begins the conversation that connects people and inspired actions based on human experience grounding food to be a social experience in the humanities. Humans eat commonly even if it is not the same types of food, but it is food that joins people together making them similar to every human's regular routine of eating. Essentially stating that eating makes people ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Food Culture Vs French Food Obesity has increased across the globe over the years, but when comparing certain countries such as France and the United States, there is an obvious gap that distinctly shows Americans to be much fatter than the French.This fact is fascinating because the French are known for their appreciation and love of fine cuisine, chocolate, wine, and cheese, but still seem to be able to maintain their slim figures. Americans also have an obvious love of food, but have been unsuccessful in maintaining their weight. If the love of food is such a commonality, why are Americans gaining such an excessive amount of weight and the French are not? There must be some other factors to be considered in regards to the weight discrepancies. Culture has a huge part in how people conduct their lives. The American culture is known for its excessive living, fast food, and convenience. French culture embraces a less is more approach to living and has deep appreciation for savouring their meals. There are three factors to the French food culture that may attribute to their low obesity rates. It is all about their approach to exercise, dieting, and food in general. When comparing the obesity rates of the United States and France, one will immediately notice on the maps that the rates vary across the different areas of the countries and the landscape of America is widely spread across those different areas. As a result, this presents a need for different lifestyle choices. According to an article on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Fast Food Culture I) Emergence The fast food culture emerged as early as the 19th century. During the Industrial Revolution, a large workforce was required to work for 10 to 12 hours a day. With so much work to be done, fast food was the idea of a quick and easy lunch. In India, fast food culture emerged in the decades after independence, starting from the 1950's. Eating at home used to be a significant aspect of Indian culture, so the change was gradual. Over a period of time, with a growth in the number of nuclear families, economic growth and increasing per capita income as well as globalization, fast food culture gained prominence. Women were shifting from their conventional roles of managing the household and taking care of the children. With growth in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This requires a high degree of food engineering , the use of additives and processing techniques that substantially alter the food from its original form and reduce its nutritional value. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– The Indians living in the cities have completely forgotten about their traditional Indian dishes and took to the "Western" fast food culture. A survey conducted by a leading Indian newspaper says that over 23 per cent of the children in Delhi are obese. One hopes that this estimate is not true; if it is, one shudders to think of the numbers in Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune, Chennai, Kolkata, Gurgaon and other nouveau riche cities with their fast prevailing mall culture and fast food attractions. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Here is a typical scene from one such mall in Hyderabad. It has a 4–movie multiplex theatre, surrounded by 40–odd fast food kiosks and 20–odd shops that sell clothing, perfumes and jewellery, music and video CDs and DVDs. Not one of them sells traditional Indian meals or snacks. And the mall, like 20 others in the city, is filled with thousands of youngsters who obviously have enough to spend. We did not have such scenes in India twenty years ago, but this mall and fast food culture is expanding explosively across India. This too is part of the globalization of India, a part that causes great concern about the health of its citizens. Today, the world is witnessing a total ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Mexican-American Food Culture To start things off, let me mention that I am a second generation Mexican–American. Due to this, I was extremely thrilled to see that we get to talk about our "family food culture" during our segment on México. I love food in general and talking about my family's traditions is always fun. As a bicultural family, many of the foods we eat are an assortment of traditional Mexican dishes and your everyday classic American food. Sometimes we will spend a week eating Mexican food and then the next week we will switch to something else. Other times we will change the type of foods we eat daily; for example, we can go from eating frijoles con carne de puerco one day to barbecue and fries the next. Then again, the barbecue can also be seen as more of a Kansas City ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Christmas Eve is my favorite because that is when we get to eat the tamales that we spent two to three days making. Then on Christmas day it is ham, salad, and cheesy potatoes. If I had to choose though, I prefer the food of my heritage. To me, la comida Mexicana is my heart and soul. However, when talking about Mexican food, it is wrong to think that it is all the same. Just like in the United States, there are different regions in México, all with varying dishes that represent the culture of the area. My mom's side of the family (along with all of our family recipes) comes from a tiny village in Michoacán called Tangancícuaro. When I was watching the "Mexico" episode of Bizarre Foods, some of the dishes that Andrew Zimmern ate were not familiar to me. Of course, this is due to the fact that each place Zimmern went was not within Michoacán. Though, when he was in Mexico City, more of the foods and ingredients were familiar, such as the vendors with the variety of mole pastes and powders. Before watching this episode I never realized that mole can have so many different varieties. I have only ever known one type; the recipe of my ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Burmese Food Culture : Burma Burmese cuisine Burma, also known as Myanmar, is located in the Southeast Asia and bordered by India, China, Thailand and Laos. Because of its special geographical location, Burma is a multicultural country and it has different ethnic groups like Indian, Chinese and Thai. Burmese food culture didn 't get much attention for everyone because of their history. But in fact, the Burmese food culture is very similar to the other Asian countries ' that has its very attractive features. So in order to know more about the Burmese food culture, we need to find out some of the Burmese food knowledge, such as their food traditions, their eating patterns, and etiquettes, their therapeutic/medicinal foods/taboos. Understanding the food ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Laphet has become the common signature in Burma. No matter as a meal or as a main snack, Laphet is very necessary and popular. The different cooking styles can display the different taste of the Laphet. As a tropical country, fruit has been the main ingredient in Burma. Many of the tropical fruit is lush in Burma like mango, banana, lychee and so. But the Burmese like the mango so much. The Burmese mangos are very famous in Asia because their mango is very sweet and has enough moisture. As Burmese rhyme said "Of all the fruit, the mango is the best; of all the meat, the pork is the best; and of all the leaves, lahpet is the best". As a multicultural country, Burmese eating patterns and etiquettes are different from the neighboring countries. "Burmese traditionally eat a morning meal and an evening meal that is taken before dark. The meals are served on a large platter or on a low table, with members of the household sitting on mats. Food is eaten with the fingers, although sometimes utensils are used. It is common to drink water and eat fruit after the main meal. Throughout the day people eat betel and smoke tobacco. Burmese not only drink tea made from dried tea leaves but also eat pickled tea as a snack. Other snacks include chappatis, fried insects, and Chinese pastries."(Countries and Their Cultures). As you know, Burmese eating pattern is like the habits mixed with Indian and Chinese. In Burma, people like to set on the mat ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Essay On Food In American Culture Culture of food in Israel and Palestine This quote illustrates national identity and ethnicity through food, "Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you who you are" Brillat–Savarin in 1825. Food can showcase a lot about a nation and its people because culture and food, creates unity in a nation. In the case of Israel the Zionist organization used food as a tool to create a sense of identity and nationalism for the people of Israel by encouraging consumption of Kosher and Israeli produced foods. Israel like the United States, is an immigrant nation; so naturally many different foods and recipes are brought with the new immigrants from the countries they came from Europe to Africa. It's great to see, how food is used to unite a nation as one. Whilst, Palestinian cuisine is interrelated to the foods of the Arab regions around it ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When you look at Palestine and Israel regionally, you will get of course like all countries different regional cuisine. The article "Falafel: A National Icon", discusses start of falafel becoming a national icon for Israel; for instance when the first Jewish immigrants moved to the Middle East, because they wanted to adapt to the new land and become local, they began to pick up the Arab food like hummus and falafel which is very prevalent in Israeli cuisine today. It is an interesting issue to look at when nations argue over the origin of certain foods, like in the article, "Hummus Wars", which takes about the conflict over hummus between Lebanon and Israel, although the same argument does occur with Palestine as well but to say that a certain dish belongs to one place over another is somewhat absurd; that would be like Italy arguing with New York over pizza. As long as people travel around so will food. When you look at food and try to understand, what makes a dish a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Fast Food And Modern Food Culture Modern food culture is a major factor that drives childhood obesity. Childhood Obesity occurs when children have excess body fat in relation to their body index as a result of unhealthy eating habits at an early age, which makes children clinically unhealthy. The national childhood obesity rate currently in the U.S is 18.5%. There are several factors that go into this present issue in our country. The problem begins with adults not being attentive enough to notice bad food habits, sometimes parents add to the bad habits. When a child is at home with maybe one or even both parents and the child has full access to roam through the fridge or pantry, this may be a problem. Children will often pick their favorite foods, which more than usual is the junk food. These 'junk' foods are foods that have been processed with most of the nutrients taken out of the food leaving calories that will add to excess calories. Junk foods can consist of chips, tasty cakes, cookies, ice cream, and many more. These types of foods contain high amounts of sugar and calories with low amounts of nutrients. Fast food is one of the primary factors that contribute to the ongoing problem of childhood obesity in the U.S. "Every day, nearly one–third of U.S. children aged 4 to 19 eat fastfood, which likely packs on about six extra pounds per child per year and increases the risk of obesity, a study of 6,212 youngsters found" . Fast food restaurants are advertised all over the place including billboards, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Japanese Food In The Japanese Culture Japanese cuisine refers to the Japanese way of eating, which is an important part of Japanese culture. Japanese cuisine is the traditional Japanese daily diet, especially formed in the Meiji era culture and eating habits, this is because the East West blend of the impact of the ingredients, although the flavor material can be achieved polybasic in Japan island. In addition, Japanese is in East Asia on the wobble the most attention, and also a lot of style, and the food is so called "eye care". Through the introduction of my Japanese friend, I came to a famous Japanese restaurant in Lincoln. He told me that the Japanese restaurant was authentic and the ingredients were fresh, it was a good place to taste Japanese cuisine. Fortunately, when I went to this restaurant, the boss was right there. I introduced him to the purpose of my visit, and he accepted my request and enthusiastically introduced the specialty of his restaurant. According to our interview, he told me that because of the work they immigrated to Lincoln, but when they retired, they found themselves love their traditional food in Japan, so they decided to opened a Japanese restaurant in Lincoln to pass the boring time of retirement. They also have a lot of Japanese friends there, and these Japanese friends often come to visit his restaurant. Most of his Japanese friends came to Lincoln for a while or settled down because of his work. Of course, there will be Japanese students at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Taking Food In American Culture When I moved out of my home and began purchasing my own food, I was given the opportunity to have more power over the food that I consumed. Maintaining a healthy diet became an important aspect of my life and I started researching ways to achieve a healthy diet. Prior to taking Food in American Culture, I thought that I was well informed on the foods I was putting in my body. However, taking this course has been an eye opening experience and I have discovered that I had little and or incorrect knowledge on the foods that I was consuming. In attempt to achieve a healthier lifestyle, I have stopped consuming specific food items, such as processed "junk" foods. Alternatively, I have been attempting to incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. The Culture Of Food In The Mexican Culture "By participating in a meal, we participate in a moment, an experience, a sliver of life." (Horton, 2012). When people think about a certain culture, they initially think of the food associated with it. Food is a part of a culture's identity, and because of that, it is a part of the individual's identity as well. For example, the US is associated with hamburgers, Italy with pasta, and Mexico with tacos. This cultural association to the food we eat helps us to figure out who we are. Over time, food has become more of a spiritual act, rather than one of survival. We eat food for the feelings it elicits and the experiences it gives us. In a way, we really are what we eat. Growing up with Mexican culture, one thing you will always find with your dish is salsa. Those who can make the hottest salsa in my family are revered, and if you can consume it without tears coming out of your eyes, you become a spectacle. Ever since I was a child, my parents always offered salsa or jalapenos to accompany my meal, even if I was eating a plate of spaghetti. At first, I was not so inclined to eat the spicy foods my mother offered. In fact, I remember crying the first time I ate a jalapeno. However, over time I grew to appreciate the experience and flavor spices add to every dish. Not only did my family love strong flavors, but so did the city I grew up in. With the majority of the population in San Antonio of Hispanic descent, adding spice to your meal was nothing new. Consequently, I cannot ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Chinese Food Customs And Culture Chinese Food Customs and Culture Although there are no reliable written sources to document early era's of Chinese history. In October 2005, the oldest noodles yet discovered were located at the Lajia site near the upper reaches of the Yellow River in Qinghai. This Chinese site has been associated with Oijia culture for 1000s of years. The noodles were over 4000 years old and were made from foxtail and broomcorn millet. Throughout history, there have been many different types of Chinese food and different types of ways that they eat their food. The research information that I have gathered shows relation to the story, "Fish Cheeks" that relates to types of food. There are many different types of Chinese food customs and etiquette in Chinese dining. To begin China is an extremely large country, and the customs and traditions of its people vary by geography and ethnicity. Rice is an important food source: "Rice is not only a major food source in China; it is also a major element that helped grow their society"("LiveScience"). They don't consume a lot of meat; they occasionally consume pork or chicken. It is said that Tofu is the main source of protein for the Chinese. The most praised Four Major Cuisines: "Chaun, Lu, Yue, and Huaiyang, which represent the West, North, South, and East China cuisine"("Wikipedia"). Color, smell and taste are the three traditional aspects used to describe Chinese food, as well as the meaning, appearance and nutrition of the food. It is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Fast Foods In American Culture Essay #2 America does not have a distinct cuisine like other countries do. Foods in the American culture tend to be at many times, fast foods. America is known for their fast food however if you dig deeper there is more to fast food than just fast greasy unhealthy food. Fast food divulges into the busy American lifestyle and how people live. The fast food business is booming, and people from all cultures and diversity who live in America are consumers of the foods. Fast foods have assimilated into the American culture at a rapid and alarming rate such that people of all kinds and ages tend to use fast foods on almost a daily basis. This paper will talk about Americas most common cuisines and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... American foods though are not clearly defined, and as stated earlier, they have no particular foods or cuisine that can be said to have originated or to be American cuisine. The Chinese have their distinct cuisines like the Anhui and the Cantonese; Japan has Sushi, Pasta in Italy and Cheese as a dessert in France. America, on the other hand, seems not to possess a specific certain cuisine that can be claimed to be strictly and famously American. Thus, American food does not offer the culture identity that other cuisines and cultures have. A cuisine that is famously known to be associated with America or have its originality in America is difficult to identify. Americans rather tend to pick on other cuisines from different cultures and modify them on their own. Americans lack imagination in their cuisines and thus, their food does not offer the same kind of cultural identity as offered in other cuisines. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. What Is The Food Culture In Australia Food Culture The Meat industry is a massive part of the food culture in Australia. Without this industry the Australian culture would be very different than it is today. Cakes, pasta's and other foreign foods have impacted the Australian food Culture. However the production of meat has stayed strong and has picked up considerably in the last 10 years. The main factors for this are advancement in technology and production methods. Production of meat The main meats in Australia are Pork, Chicken, Beef and Lamb these major food sources are in high demand right across Australia. Although many of these meats are high in fat, this forces a lot of Australians to consume a small amount each week. Australia is one of the world's most efficient ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 59. Food In Japanese Food Culture For those who don't know, Japan is an island off the coast of China in the Northern Hemisphere of the world. One of the most important parts of Japanese culture is the cuisine. Something that might not be known is that most of the food in Japan today was introduced when Buddhism started to spread throughout the country. Although most of the food the citizens eat is made with ingredients from the island, the country is a very food varied place. There are many different types of cooking in Japan, some of which were adopted from other countries, but they all have a Japanese spin to them. The cuisine is a good reflection of Japanese culture because it reflects the elements of geography, religion, and customs. The use of rice in Japanese food culture is a long–standing tradition that is found to be very important to every meal ate on the island. Japan was actually introduced to the world of rice by southern China many years ago (Web Japan). After this original introduction during the Edo period, the rice was cultivated into wet rice paddies that the Japanese would eat (Web Japan). This use of rice stuck around for nearly two thousand years before the Japanese started creating other ways to use the rice they grew. When the rice was introduced the Japanese dedicated a large part of the island to farming rice. The Japanese use so much land for just farming rice because of the large quantity that they eat. In almost every meal that is eaten in Japan, rice is served (Katz 318). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 61. Food: The Three Symbols Of Chinese Food Culture (A) Introduction: Food plays a significant role in China, reflect a country culture, Chinese cuisine got a thousands of years' history. The traditional Chinese saying; "The masses regard food as their heaven" (Min yi shi wei tian), which indicates that food is the most necessity part of Chinese daily life. (B) Unique characteristics of the cultural element: – Food Culture: Chinese meal normally combine by rice, noodles or steamed buns, tofu, vegetable and meat dishes. Different from Western meals, which take meat or animal protein as main dishes. Secondly, there are different cooking methods, included: stewing, steaming, boiling, pan–frying, stir–frying, deep– frying, etc. Chinese people has a lot of ideas, equipment and techniques for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A meaning or "power" is associated with foods through food name pronunciation, food shape, colors, food legends, and so on [8]. (1) Chopsticks are the primary eating tools, have been used as the traditional eating utensils for six thousand years. Chinese cuisine tends to serve dishes in small pieces or employ cooking techniques that render dishes such as fish or "hong shao rou" soft enough to be picked apart easily [3]. Became the most significant symbols of Chinese food culture. (2) Dim sum, usually comes together with yum cha. Dim sum usually cooked by steaming and frying, including salt and sweet dishes. It is customary to order family style, sharing dishes among all members within the dining party. (3) Chinese New Year Cuisine Chinese New Year is the most important traditional festival, Chinese people especially emphasize wishes for happiness and blessing. So, New Year foods usually symbolize good luck and best wishes. Lucky food is served during the 16–day festival season, which is believed to bring good luck for the coming year. The auspicious symbolism of these foods is based on their pronunciations or ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 63. Food In Chinese Culture Food is vital to the Chinese identity and community. The Chinese also believe food can have medicinal properties, so it is very important for the dental hygienist to be aware of these values to incorporate nutritional counseling in a culturally appropriate way. When one becomes ill in Chinese culture, it is understood to be an imbalance of yin–yang by introduction of toxins into the body. To correct the imbalance, a special diet is prescribed to rid the body of toxins. In one study by Payne and other researchers, a participant described how a paste made from golden terrapin is considered to have detoxifying properties and would be consumed for healing. The participant also described how meats like beef are seen as toxic and could throw off balance in the body. As a result, the Chinese tend to eat more carbohydrates with spices and herbs thought to have detoxifying and healing properties. Healing properties and eating for comfort are not to be confused. Americans like to eat for comfort, and while the Chinese enjoy eating for taste, they tend to consume foods to keep them healthy. The Chinese do not view food as the only method of relieving illness. They believe food will keep the body balanced, but trust Western medicine for more serious conditions like cancer. Foods typically eaten and methods of preparation China is one of the largest countries in the world. Differences in agricultural resources amongst regions provide a unique taste in any city. Hong ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 65. The Southern Food Culture While debating the food cultures I wanted to compare for this project, I reflected on my childhood and the various types of food and how they were prepared. The personal food culture that I selected is southern food, also known as "Soul Food" in the South. I chose this specific culture of food because I can make a connection to it. I grew up in a small town in Mississippi and most Sundays, my family would drive to my grandmother's house. Our meals consisted of foods such as like fried chicken, country fried steak, cornbread, black eyes peas, butter beans, and mashed potatoes. An important tradition growing up in my family was fellowship and sharing our meals together. We also have a family reunion each year. These traditions influenced my ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The taboo is that in the northern states people do not drink "Sweet Tea." In an article called "The North, South still divided over tea," from Amarillo.com, its expressed that people up north are more likely to drink hot tea instead of tea with a lot of sugar in it. The culture and customs of Northern US foods differs greatly from the South. The Northern part of the United States has greater food influences from countries like England, Scotland, and even Maine and New Hampshire in the United States. The north also differs in various customs and religious holidays that they have. In the South, one celebration that involves food is Mardi Gras. The Mardi Gras King cake is baked and eaten by many people around the South during this religious holiday during February. In contrast to the South, a specific holiday celebration that the northerners share is their typical Christmas Menu. For this meal, it usually consists of a honey baked ham, walnut salad, butternut biscuits, and Eggnog custard pie. The northern US timing of meals consist of three meals that occur similar to the southern times. However, for breakfast northerners might consume blueberry waffles or pancakes topped with fresh ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 67. Food Culture Of The Law Enforcement I never doubted the food in America for being unhygienic because of the law enforcement. After moving in the United States few months back, I am amazed with the food culture in American. As diverse as America is in terms of its population, so were the food items. For a while I wanted to try every new dish found here. Most of the foods are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. However I was surprised to see how fresh vegetables were more expensive than other food product like meat. Back in my home country, fresh vegetables were less expensive than that of other food products. After eating foods in America for almost 3 months, I noticed a change in my body structure. I was getting fatter. I ate same food as I used to eat in my home country in the same amount. I thought the change was due to my healthy diet. By chance I watched a documentary called "Food Inc." which changed my perspective about food culture and prices in America. For example, the FDA approved red dye 40 to be a healthy food coloring in beverages. However, some studies are often linked with hyperactivities in children due to intake of red dye 40. Most of the European countries have banned food coloring dye (CNN) while it's still valid in America to buy colored food item. So, how healthy is American food? It's questionable. I came to realize that almost all the American food diet is now Corn based. There has been change in the grocery store prices in past 30 years. It's because food prices ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 69. Food Culture Essay Factors Influencing Food Habits and Culture Eating food is essential for all of us, it keep us alive and also gives us enjoyment at the same time. Food can be defined as any substance that can be metabolized by an animal to give energy and build tissue. (ilearn) In ancient time, when people feel hungry, they eat. However, as human history keep developing and evolving, we have a higher standard on choosing food that we like to eat nowadays. In this paper, we are going to evaluate factors that are influencing our food habits and food culture. Those factors can be divided into two main categories, internal factors (individual preference and values) and external factors (geographical, religion, social, economic and political). Internal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another example would be Chinese like to eat hot pot in winter to keep them warm. In the northern part of China, there are more spicy dishes than the southern part of China. This is because eating spicy food will keep people warm. In costal region, there is more seafood than the inland region. The reason is because it is easier to get fresh seafood in costal region than in the inland region. Japan is an island surrounded by sea, and that is why eating seafood is famous in Japan. Some locations are better for growing specific food, for example China have the climate advantage in growing tea, and France have the advantage in growing wine. Religion is another external factors influencing food habits and food culture. Different culture has different religion, different religion has different custom and food is an important part of a religion. Some religion such as Muslims, consider eating pork as a dirty food, and people should not eat them. Buddhism do not recommend members to eat meat, because they think that is cruel to kill an animal and that we should respect them so we should not eat them. Therefore, a lot of Buddhism followers are vegetarians. Hinduism followers do not eat cow because they think that cows are scarce. People who believe in a religion will follow the rules of the religion, so this will influence their food habit. Some religions do not have rules about food, but they have specific food to eat. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 71. The Relationship Between Food, And Culture In every culture, habits involving food such as, choosing, cooking, and eating, play a significant role. Eating is understood and communicated in various symbolic ways because it is never a purely biological activity. The consumption of food is always infused with meaning. People with adequate food resources use food not only as a means for survival but a means for communication. Food is symbolic throughout the world in modern human history. The Boston Tea Party was about taxes, not tea. The turkey on Thanksgivings symbolizes the celebration between the Pilgrims and Native Americans. The Great Depression is symbolized with pictures of bread lines and people selling apples. This paper will discuss the multifaceted relationships among food, and culture. I will be looking at the relationships people have with food, and explore how this relationship reveals information about them. Their food choices of individuals and groups, can reveal their ideals, likes and dislikes. Food choices tell the stories of where people have travelled and who they have met along the way. You are what you eat, is a common phrase characterizing the idea of food and identity. Several questions that discuss the notion of using food as a cultural clue will be addressed, such as: What do food choices represent? How do food choices represent cultural identity? Is it important to recognize the difference between what you eat representing what you are and what you eat constructing who you are? Our identity ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 73. Food Is Essential For A Culture Essay Food has been a staple in cultures since the beginning of human history. Besides needing food for nourishment, it is an accumulation of a culture's environment, rituals, history, and wealth. Therefore, food is both an evolutionary and cultural necessity. In fact, food is vital for a culture as it nourishes and connects the group of people within said culture. As the Earth and its cultures become more globalized, food has evolved to become a teacher that showcases the many cultures inhabiting the planet. But, one person can only become accustomed to a low percentage of food, offered around the world, throughout his or her life. Thus, the food one person usually knows and likes is the food from one's own culture. Most people, untrusting of what other exotic cultures offer, are disgusted by what others consider delicacies. This trust, and distrust, creates, in a human's mind, four categories of food: distasteful, disgusting, tasteful, and delicious. Inherently, humans classify foods by what foods one is comfortable around and by foods one is not comfortable around, or more precisely by what is delicious and tasteful and what is distasteful and disgusting. This happens from an evolutionary stand point and a cultural stand point. Specifically, culture evokes, within majority of the foods in the present–day globalized world, the categories disgusting and delicious, whereas nature and evolution evoke distasteful and tasteful reactions. To begin to understand why some foods are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 75. Food In American Culture Essay In Greek culture, food is the main event at every gathering. At funerals, mourners are given "koliva" (boiled wheat, sugar, and cinnamon), a special cake(vasilopita) is baked on New Year's Day, and the midnight Easter service is followed by a feast, consisting of lamb. Families and friend's share their favorite old recipes from their great grandmother's. Though some may argue that food creates discrepancy within a community, food exacerbates the unity of society. Every American loves their comfort food–– french fries, chili, mac and cheese, hamburgers, cinnamon rolls, etcetera. These meals are constantly cooked throughout all of America. Comfort food is turned to when needing stress relief, comfort, or a reward. "...we're human and we all eat ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, a common culture unifies a society sharing many traditions, the most important, food. Cultural food is defined by the technique, preparation, and the type of food. Food can unite a culture by the same preferences based on religion, tradition, and likes and dislikes. "Around the world, Muslims fast during Ramadan.....Orthodox Jews and some conservative Jews follow dietary laws, popularly known as the kosher diet, discussed in the Jewish scripture. Many followers of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism are vegetarians, in part, because of doctrine of non–injury or nonviolence." (Food). These religious beliefs create a community who all share and practice the same religious beliefs. Cultural festivals and feasts take place to celebrate a holiday in unity with family and friends. "... on a Chinese dinner table, where one does not eat a single portioned and plated dish, but is expected to eat from shared, communal platters"(Choi). This idea of feasting is supposed to be shared with close relatives by sharing food. This can resolve disconnection into reconnection, build relationships with people, and revive cultural unity within a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 77. Food In The Filipino Culture Food is an essential form of socialization in the Filipino culture and social gatherings do not take place without food. "Food and meal patterns emphasize generosity, hospitality, and thoughtfulness, which support group cohesiveness." Pg. 239. Extending an invite to a gathering or even sharing one's food is considered a sign of good upbringing and can be used to show appreciation and caring, to welcome others, celebrate accomplishments, and even be used to offer support in times of crisis. Their foods consist of influence from Spanish, Chinese, and American cuisine and are usually sautéed or fried and rice is served with every meal. The rice is typically steamed but can also be fried and eaten in a desert form. Due to intolerance for dairy products, only babies or young children consume milk. Food is not just used for social gatherings but also for medicinal benefits, such as colds, upset stomach, urinary tract infections, sore throats, and aids in promoting digestion. The only acceptable method of contraception is natural planning methods. Abortion is considered a big no, as it goes against their catholic religion and is considered a sin. Most methods of birth control are not excepted however, recent immigrants seem to be more open to alternative methods of birth control. Pregnancy is viewed as a blessing and the child–bearing woman should be catered to during the time of pregnancy. Many Filipino women prefer a female physician rather than male because it is viewed as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...