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Colonization on the African 
T-Dawg, 2008
The “Scramble for 
Africa” had 
originally been 
made regardless of 
(existing) ethnic 
The boundaries created 
by Europeans led to civil 
among Africans 
-Why would this cause 
Early Africa saw the rise of powerful empires 
and city states that became important cultural 
From the 1500’s to the 
 Europeans explored 
the continent 
(missionaries + maps) 
 Enslaved many Africans 
 Sent them to other 
parts of the world 
-Where were they going?
RReessiisstt oorr SSuubbmmiitt?? 
 TThhiinnkk aabboouutt tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg:: 
– YYoouu aarree aass yyoouu aarree:: yyoouunngg mmaann oorr yyoouunngg wwoommaann.. 
– AA ggrroouupp ooff ppeeooppllee hhaavvee ccoommee iinnttoo yyoouurr llaanndd aanndd 
hhoommeess aanndd ddeemmaannddeedd yyoouu ttoo ggiivvee uupp yyoouurr rriigghhttss aanndd 
bbeeccoommee ssllaavveess,, oorr ddiiee.. TThheeyy hhaavvee ssuuppeerriioorr wweeaappoonnss.. 
– YYoouu hhaavvee ppaarreennttss,, ssiibblliinnggss,, ffrriieennddss,, eettcc.. 
– IIff yyoouu ssuubbmmiitt,, yyoouu wwiillll lliivvee bbuutt yyoouu wwiillll lloossee yyoouurr rriigghhttss 
 LLiiffee wwiillll bbee hhaarrdd.. YYoouu wwiillll bbee ffoorrcceedd ttoo wwoorrkk ffoorr tthheemm aanndd 
tthheeyy wwiillll ttaakkee aallll ooff yyoouurr ppoosssseessssiioonnss aanndd mmoonneeyy.. 
– IIff yyoouu cchhoossee ttoo rreessiisstt:: 
 YYoouu wwiillll ffiigghhtt aa lloossiinngg bbaattttllee.. EEvveenn iiff yyoouu ddoo nnoott ddiiee,, yyoouurr 
ffrriieennddss aanndd ffaammiillyy wwiillll.. 
 WWhhaatt ddoo yyoouu ddoo?? RReessiisstt oorr CCoollllaabboorraattee??
Commercial greed, territorial ambition, and political rivalry 
fuelled the European take over of Africa. This resulted in 
Africa's partition (division of land on the continent) at the 
West African Conference in Berlin November, 1884 through 
February,1885. The process became known as "The 
Scramble for Africa". 
This conference would avoid a European 
conflict/war that might arise from claims. 
The “Scramble for Africa” had the effect of defusing and 
displacing tensions between the European powers in Europe. 
However, the tradeoffs and alliances could not disguise the 
fact that Imperial Germany was on a collision course with 
Britain and France resulting in WWI. 
-Why is this?
Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 
The West African Conference in Berlin to divide the African 
Continent among the European nations.
Great Britain 
Source for 
Markets for Finished 
Military & 
Naval Bases 
For Colonization 
Places to dump 
Social & Economic 
EEuurrooppeeaann RRaacciissmm 
“White Man’s 
Europe felt depleted of natural resources 
needed for industrialization. 
Many of the nations had an interest in the 
raw materials found in Africa. 
Foreign trade increased 
Africa has some of the world’s largest 
deposits of gold, diamonds, and 
copper. Oil is found in western and 
central Africa.
HHooww DDiidd EEuurrooppeeaannss GGeett LLaanndd?? 
 AAddvvaanncceemmeennttss iinn EExxpplloorraattiioonn,, 
MMeeddiicciinnee ((QQuuiinniinnee)) aanndd 
TTeecchhnnoollooggyy ((WWeeaappoonnss)) 
 TTwwoo MMeetthhooddss:: 
– TTaakkee TThhrroouugghh FFoorrccee 
 SSuuppeerriioorr wweeaappoonnss 
((rreeppeeaatteerr rriifflleess aanndd ggaattlliinngg 
gguunnss)) ttoo tthhee AAffrriiccaann bboowwss 
aanndd ssppeeaarrss 
– TTaakkee TThhrroouugghh TTrreeaattiieess 
 BBeeccoommee ““PPrrootteeccttoorraattee”” 
 CChhiieeffss aaggrreeee ttoo ggiivvee uupp 
 LLuuggaarrdd:: ““NNoott aa oonnee wwaass 
oobbttaaiinneedd lleeggaallllyy..”” 
– LLiiee,, sstteeaall,, cchheeaatt,, kkiillll..
BBiiooggrraapphhyy:: CCeecciill RRhhooddeess 
 TThhee MMaann WWhhoo BBoouugghhtt 
AAffrriiccaa ffoorr BBrriittaaiinn 
– EEaarrnneedd $$ bbyy ffrruuiitt ffaarrmmiinngg 
 BBoorrrroowweedd ttoo bbuuyy hhiiss ffiieelldd 
 CCrreeaatteedd DDee BBeeeerrss 
– BBeerrlliinn CCoonnffeerreennccee 
 CCoonnvviinncceedd BBrriittaaiinn ttoo ttaakkee 
ssmmaalllleerr aarreeaass rriicchh iinn 
– PPuusshheedd wwoorrkkeerrss ttoo tthhee mmaaxx 
 FFiirrmm rraacciisstt ((wwhhiitteess 
 WWhhiitteess:: EEaassyy jjoobbss 
 BBllaacckkss:: WWoorrkk iinn mmiinneess 
 MMiilllliioonnss wwoorrkkeedd ttoo ddeeaatthh!!
Mineral Resources 
 Gold 
 Copper 
 Diamond 
 Iron 
 Bauxite 
 Phosphate 
 Cobalt 
 Manganese
African colonization powerpoint
CChheecckk ffoorr UUnnddeerrssttaannddiinngg 
WWhhyy ddiidd AAffrriiccaa ggeett ddiivviiddeedd uupp bbeettwweeeenn 
EEuurrooppeeaann CCoouunnttrriieess?? 
– WWhhoo hhaadd tthhee mmoosstt llaanndd?? WWhhoo hhaadd tthhee 
hhiigghheesstt qquuaalliittyy llaanndd?? WWhhoo wwaass uuppsseett aabboouutt 
ggeettttiinngg tthhee lleeaasstt?? 
WWhhyy ddiidd EEuurrooppeeaannss wwaanntt AAffrriiccaann LLaanndd?? 
– WWhhaatt wwaass tthheerree?? HHooww ddiidd tthheeyy ggeett iitt?? WWhhoo 
wwaass mmaaddee rriicchh??
of Colonization
Positives Negatives 
Tribal warfare was ended 
by the colonial 
administrators. The 
European colonial powers 
established their law and 
order over large areas of 
the continent. 
Introduced different and 
modern ideas of education, 
government, and 
“the Scramble” 
prevented the formation 
of a unified national 
spirit necessary to start 
a new independent 
Left a legacy of 
oppression and 
economically crippled 
the regions of Africa.
Schools were established and some 
African students attended universities 
The missionaries wrote the languages and made 
dictionaries for the many native languages that 
had only been passed by oral tradition.
By the end of the 19th century Europeans were straddling the 
continent with railways and roads. This made it possible to take 
control – politically and commercially. 
Colonial rulers built 
railroads, but the tracks ran 
north and south to carry raw 
materials to ports. 
Few rail lines went into the 
interior of the continent. 
Colonial rulers built 
Medical and sanitary 
changes were provided by 
the Europeans
Colonial policies turned 
Africans into wage earners or 
cash-crop farmers. 
Hundreds of thousands of 
Africans were hired and 
trained to operate machines 
for getting minerals to surface. 
The profits of all trade 
and manufacturing was 
not invested in Africa. 
Money was needed (by 
the Africans) to pay taxes 
to the colonial rulers. 
Many Africans became 
economically dependent 
on European trade. 
LLiiffee UUnnddeerr CCoolloonniizzeedd RRuullee 
 WWhhiittee SSeettttlleerr RReeggiioonnss 
– AArreeaass wwhheerree EEuurrooppeeaannss 
wweerree vveerryy pprreesseenntt aanndd iinn 
 AArreeaass rruulleedd bbyy 
BBeellggiiuumm,, PPoorrttuuggaall 
– LLiiffee wwaass mmoosstt bbrruuttaall.. 
 LLaabboorr,, ppuunniisshhmmeenntt,, 
– NNoo ooppppoorrttuunniittyy ttoo ssuucccceeeedd.. 
 NNoo cchhooiicceess,, nnoo lliiffee.. 
 NNoonn--WWhhiittee SSeettttlleerr 
– AArreeaass wwhheerree EEuurrooppeeaannss 
ppuutt AAffrriiccaannss iinn cchhaarrggee aanndd 
wweerree nnoott aass pprreesseenntt.. 
 AArreeaass ccoolloonniizzeedd bbyy 
BBrriittaaiinn aanndd FFrraannccee 
– LLiiffee wwaass bbaadd,, bbuutt eeaassiieerr 
 FFrreeeeddoomm…… iiff yyoouu 
llaabboorreedd aanndd ppaaiidd yyoouurr 
 PPoossssiibbllee ffoorr AAffrriiccaannss ttoo 
ggeett aahheeaadd iinn lliiffee.. 
– AAbbllee ttoo cchhoossee 
wwhhaatt ttoo ggrrooww 
((mmaarrkkeett eeccoonnoommyy))..
PPuusshh ffoorr IInnddeeppeennddeennccee 
 AAffrriiccaannss ffoouugghhtt wwiitthh 
EEuurrooppeeaannss iinn bbootthh WWoorrlldd 
WWaarr II && IIII.. 
 WWWWIIII-- ““AA wwaarr ttoo mmaakkee 
tthhee wwoorrlldd ssaaffee ffoorr 
ddeemmooccrraaccyy aanndd 
 AAffrriiccaannss-- ““WWhhaatt aabboouutt 
– MMoovveemmeennttss ssttaarrtt aatt 
““ggrraassssrroooottss”” lleevveell 
– SSoommeettiimmeess mmuullttiippllee 
mmoovveemmeennttss iinn tthhee ssaammee 
 SSoommee aarreeaass wweerree vveerryy 
bbllooooddyy,, ssoommee wweerree 
Political independence did not bring 
economic independence. 
African countries continued to export agricultural and 
mineral products to their former rulers. 
There was little money to build 
factories. The profits of all 
trade and manufacturing were 
not invested in Africa – and 
most of the profits or benefits 
went to Europeans instead of 
Many African countries depended on 
a single export crop which was 
country leaves itself open 
to large LOSSES when the 
price of a product falls on 
the world market.
CChheecckk FFoorr UUnnddeerrssttaannddiinngg 22 
WWhhaatt wweerree ssoommee ppoossiittiivvee aassppeeccttss ooff 
ccoolloonniizzaattiioonn?? WWhhaatt wwaass nneeggaattiivvee?? 
WWhhyy wwoouulldd rraaiillrrooaaddss bbee bbootthh ppoossiittiivvee aanndd 
WWhhyy iiss ccaasshh ccrrooppppiinngg aa ppoossiittiivvee aanndd aa 
nneeggaattiivvee tthhiinngg?? 
 HHooww ccoouulldd lliiffee bbee ddiiffffeerreenntt ddeeppeennddiinngg oonn 
tthhee EEuurrooppeeaann nnaattiioonn wwhhiicchh rruulleedd?? 
WWhhyy ddiidd WWoorrlldd WWaarr IIII eennccoouurraaggee 

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African colonization powerpoint

  • 1. Colonization on the African Continent T-Dawg, 2008
  • 2. The “Scramble for Africa” had originally been made regardless of indigenous (existing) ethnic diversity. The boundaries created by Europeans led to civil wars among Africans -Why would this cause fighting?
  • 3. Early Africa saw the rise of powerful empires and city states that became important cultural centers From the 1500’s to the 1800’s  Europeans explored the continent (missionaries + maps)  Enslaved many Africans  Sent them to other parts of the world -Where were they going?
  • 4. RReessiisstt oorr SSuubbmmiitt??  TThhiinnkk aabboouutt tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg:: – YYoouu aarree aass yyoouu aarree:: yyoouunngg mmaann oorr yyoouunngg wwoommaann.. – AA ggrroouupp ooff ppeeooppllee hhaavvee ccoommee iinnttoo yyoouurr llaanndd aanndd hhoommeess aanndd ddeemmaannddeedd yyoouu ttoo ggiivvee uupp yyoouurr rriigghhttss aanndd bbeeccoommee ssllaavveess,, oorr ddiiee.. TThheeyy hhaavvee ssuuppeerriioorr wweeaappoonnss.. – YYoouu hhaavvee ppaarreennttss,, ssiibblliinnggss,, ffrriieennddss,, eettcc.. – IIff yyoouu ssuubbmmiitt,, yyoouu wwiillll lliivvee bbuutt yyoouu wwiillll lloossee yyoouurr rriigghhttss  LLiiffee wwiillll bbee hhaarrdd.. YYoouu wwiillll bbee ffoorrcceedd ttoo wwoorrkk ffoorr tthheemm aanndd tthheeyy wwiillll ttaakkee aallll ooff yyoouurr ppoosssseessssiioonnss aanndd mmoonneeyy.. – IIff yyoouu cchhoossee ttoo rreessiisstt::  YYoouu wwiillll ffiigghhtt aa lloossiinngg bbaattttllee.. EEvveenn iiff yyoouu ddoo nnoott ddiiee,, yyoouurr ffrriieennddss aanndd ffaammiillyy wwiillll..  WWhhaatt ddoo yyoouu ddoo?? RReessiisstt oorr CCoollllaabboorraattee??
  • 5. Commercial greed, territorial ambition, and political rivalry fuelled the European take over of Africa. This resulted in Africa's partition (division of land on the continent) at the West African Conference in Berlin November, 1884 through February,1885. The process became known as "The Scramble for Africa". This conference would avoid a European conflict/war that might arise from claims. The “Scramble for Africa” had the effect of defusing and displacing tensions between the European powers in Europe. However, the tradeoffs and alliances could not disguise the fact that Imperial Germany was on a collision course with Britain and France resulting in WWI. -Why is this?
  • 6. Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 The West African Conference in Berlin to divide the African Continent among the European nations.
  • 7. France Great Britain Belgium Spain Italy Germany Portugal Independent
  • 8. Industrial Revolution Source for Raw Materials Markets for Finished Goods European Nationalism Missionary Activity Military & Naval Bases European Motives For Colonization Places to dump Unwanted/Excess Population Social & Economic Opportunities Humanitarian Reasons Social Darwinism EEuurrooppeeaann RRaacciissmm “White Man’s Burden”
  • 9. Europe felt depleted of natural resources needed for industrialization. Many of the nations had an interest in the raw materials found in Africa. Foreign trade increased Africa has some of the world’s largest deposits of gold, diamonds, and copper. Oil is found in western and central Africa.
  • 10. HHooww DDiidd EEuurrooppeeaannss GGeett LLaanndd??  AAddvvaanncceemmeennttss iinn EExxpplloorraattiioonn,, MMeeddiicciinnee ((QQuuiinniinnee)) aanndd TTeecchhnnoollooggyy ((WWeeaappoonnss))  TTwwoo MMeetthhooddss:: – TTaakkee TThhrroouugghh FFoorrccee  SSuuppeerriioorr wweeaappoonnss ((rreeppeeaatteerr rriifflleess aanndd ggaattlliinngg gguunnss)) ttoo tthhee AAffrriiccaann bboowwss aanndd ssppeeaarrss – TTaakkee TThhrroouugghh TTrreeaattiieess  BBeeccoommee ““PPrrootteeccttoorraattee””  CChhiieeffss aaggrreeee ttoo ggiivvee uupp ppoowweerr  LLuuggaarrdd:: ““NNoott aa oonnee wwaass oobbttaaiinneedd lleeggaallllyy..”” – LLiiee,, sstteeaall,, cchheeaatt,, kkiillll..
  • 11. BBiiooggrraapphhyy:: CCeecciill RRhhooddeess  TThhee MMaann WWhhoo BBoouugghhtt AAffrriiccaa ffoorr BBrriittaaiinn – EEaarrnneedd $$ bbyy ffrruuiitt ffaarrmmiinngg  BBoorrrroowweedd ttoo bbuuyy hhiiss ffiieelldd  CCrreeaatteedd DDee BBeeeerrss – BBeerrlliinn CCoonnffeerreennccee  CCoonnvviinncceedd BBrriittaaiinn ttoo ttaakkee ssmmaalllleerr aarreeaass rriicchh iinn ddiiaammoonnddss.. – PPuusshheedd wwoorrkkeerrss ttoo tthhee mmaaxx  FFiirrmm rraacciisstt ((wwhhiitteess ssuuppeerriioorr))  WWhhiitteess:: EEaassyy jjoobbss  BBllaacckkss:: WWoorrkk iinn mmiinneess  MMiilllliioonnss wwoorrkkeedd ttoo ddeeaatthh!!
  • 12. Mineral Resources  Gold  Copper  Diamond  Iron  Bauxite  Phosphate  Cobalt  Manganese
  • 14. EXAMPLES OF CASH CROPS Coffee Rubber Cotton Kapok Sugar Tea
  • 15. CChheecckk ffoorr UUnnddeerrssttaannddiinngg WWhhyy ddiidd AAffrriiccaa ggeett ddiivviiddeedd uupp bbeettwweeeenn EEuurrooppeeaann CCoouunnttrriieess?? – WWhhoo hhaadd tthhee mmoosstt llaanndd?? WWhhoo hhaadd tthhee hhiigghheesstt qquuaalliittyy llaanndd?? WWhhoo wwaass uuppsseett aabboouutt ggeettttiinngg tthhee lleeaasstt?? WWhhyy ddiidd EEuurrooppeeaannss wwaanntt AAffrriiccaann LLaanndd?? – WWhhaatt wwaass tthheerree?? HHooww ddiidd tthheeyy ggeett iitt?? WWhhoo wwaass mmaaddee rriicchh??
  • 16. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Colonization
  • 17. Positives Negatives Tribal warfare was ended by the colonial administrators. The European colonial powers established their law and order over large areas of the continent. Introduced different and modern ideas of education, government, and economics “the Scramble” prevented the formation of a unified national spirit necessary to start a new independent country. Left a legacy of oppression and economically crippled the regions of Africa.
  • 18. Schools were established and some African students attended universities abroad. The missionaries wrote the languages and made dictionaries for the many native languages that had only been passed by oral tradition.
  • 19. By the end of the 19th century Europeans were straddling the continent with railways and roads. This made it possible to take control – politically and commercially. Colonial rulers built railroads, but the tracks ran north and south to carry raw materials to ports. Few rail lines went into the interior of the continent. Positives Colonial rulers built railroads. Negatives
  • 20. Positive Medical and sanitary changes were provided by the Europeans
  • 21. Colonial policies turned Africans into wage earners or cash-crop farmers. Hundreds of thousands of Africans were hired and trained to operate machines for getting minerals to surface. The profits of all trade and manufacturing was not invested in Africa. Money was needed (by the Africans) to pay taxes to the colonial rulers. Many Africans became economically dependent on European trade. Positives Negatives
  • 22. LLiiffee UUnnddeerr CCoolloonniizzeedd RRuullee  WWhhiittee SSeettttlleerr RReeggiioonnss – AArreeaass wwhheerree EEuurrooppeeaannss wweerree vveerryy pprreesseenntt aanndd iinn cchhaarrggee  AArreeaass rruulleedd bbyy BBeellggiiuumm,, PPoorrttuuggaall – LLiiffee wwaass mmoosstt bbrruuttaall..  LLaabboorr,, ppuunniisshhmmeenntt,, ttaaxxeess.. – NNoo ooppppoorrttuunniittyy ttoo ssuucccceeeedd..  NNoo cchhooiicceess,, nnoo lliiffee..  NNoonn--WWhhiittee SSeettttlleerr RReeggiioonnss – AArreeaass wwhheerree EEuurrooppeeaannss ppuutt AAffrriiccaannss iinn cchhaarrggee aanndd wweerree nnoott aass pprreesseenntt..  AArreeaass ccoolloonniizzeedd bbyy BBrriittaaiinn aanndd FFrraannccee – LLiiffee wwaass bbaadd,, bbuutt eeaassiieerr  FFrreeeeddoomm…… iiff yyoouu llaabboorreedd aanndd ppaaiidd yyoouurr ttaaxxeess..  PPoossssiibbllee ffoorr AAffrriiccaannss ttoo ggeett aahheeaadd iinn lliiffee.. – AAbbllee ttoo cchhoossee wwhhaatt ttoo ggrrooww ((mmaarrkkeett eeccoonnoommyy))..
  • 23. PPuusshh ffoorr IInnddeeppeennddeennccee  AAffrriiccaannss ffoouugghhtt wwiitthh EEuurrooppeeaannss iinn bbootthh WWoorrlldd WWaarr II && IIII..  WWWWIIII-- ““AA wwaarr ttoo mmaakkee tthhee wwoorrlldd ssaaffee ffoorr ddeemmooccrraaccyy aanndd ffrreeeeddoomm..””  AAffrriiccaannss-- ““WWhhaatt aabboouutt uuss??”” – MMoovveemmeennttss ssttaarrtt aatt ““ggrraassssrroooottss”” lleevveell – SSoommeettiimmeess mmuullttiippllee mmoovveemmeennttss iinn tthhee ssaammee ccoouunnttrryy..  SSoommee aarreeaass wweerree vveerryy bbllooooddyy,, ssoommee wweerree ppeeaacceeffuull..
  • 24. Political independence did not bring economic independence. African countries continued to export agricultural and mineral products to their former rulers. There was little money to build factories. The profits of all trade and manufacturing were not invested in Africa – and most of the profits or benefits went to Europeans instead of Africans.
  • 25. Many African countries depended on a single export crop which was RISKY By not DIVERSIFYING a country leaves itself open to large LOSSES when the price of a product falls on the world market.
  • 26. CChheecckk FFoorr UUnnddeerrssttaannddiinngg 22 WWhhaatt wweerree ssoommee ppoossiittiivvee aassppeeccttss ooff ccoolloonniizzaattiioonn?? WWhhaatt wwaass nneeggaattiivvee?? WWhhyy wwoouulldd rraaiillrrooaaddss bbee bbootthh ppoossiittiivvee aanndd nneeggaattiivvee?? WWhhyy iiss ccaasshh ccrrooppppiinngg aa ppoossiittiivvee aanndd aa nneeggaattiivvee tthhiinngg??  HHooww ccoouulldd lliiffee bbee ddiiffffeerreenntt ddeeppeennddiinngg oonn tthhee EEuurrooppeeaann nnaattiioonn wwhhiicchh rruulleedd?? WWhhyy ddiidd WWoorrlldd WWaarr IIII eennccoouurraaggee iinnddeeppeennddeennccee??