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An Exclusive Experiment For SP Jain Execs
By Tushar Somaiya
Tushar is founder, director of ShuHaRiAgile, a premium agile
training / coaching partner and coachingdojo, a unique
community for agile leaders, executive coaches, agile coaches
and agile practitioners to share, learn & network.
Tushar has 15 years of IT experience and over 6 years of agile
experience. He is known for his fun-filled, hands-on interactive
trainings & speeches at prestigious conferences. His blogs
have been re-published on ScrumAlliance, AgileAtlas & PMHut.
He is an active volunteer at ScrumAlliance & PMI Mumbai
Tushar Somaiya is a passionate certified professional coach
who helps executives & teams discover and unleash their true
potential. He believes in a democratic organization & selforganizing teams. He calls himself a servant leader. Through
his NueroScience based coaching & consulting, he has helped
projects and organizations turn agile and become truly high
performing teams.
He is Results Certified Coach, Certified Transformational
Coach, Certified Scrum Master, Certified Scrum Professional,
Certified System Business Analysts & one of the first 500 PMIAgile Certified Professional.

50% done?



1970, Dr Winston Royce published “Managing the Development of Large
Software Systems”, where the waterfall is first documented! he said “I
believe in this concept, but the implementation described above is risky

and invites failure”
T i m e

End to end small slices of work

30% Done =
100% Usable
Agile Lecture at S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research
ž  Wait

is the biggest waste
ž  Agile helps eliminate waste
ž  Agile makes everyone working all the time
ž  Parallelism is the key
ž  Smaller the batch size lesser the waste
ž  Timebox helps limit batch size
ž  Agile = X % done, 100% usable
ž  Time to market is reduced drastically
ž  Total time of the project has reduced to less
than half
Agile is not a process or framework. It is a value system.
ž Group

of people came together to
discuss and change

Thanks to ThoughtWorks
Our highest priority is
to satisfy the customer
through early and
continuous delivery
of valuable software.
Welcome changing
requirements, even late in
Agile processes harness
change for
the customer's competitive
Deliver working software
frequently, from a
couple of weeks to a couple
of months, with a
preference to the shorter
Business people and
developers must work
together daily throughout
the project.
Build projects around
motivated individuals.
Give them the environment
and support they need,
and trust them to get the job
The most efficient and
effective method of
conveying information to
and within a development
team is face-to-face
Working software is the
primary measure of
Agile processes promote
sustainable development.
The sponsors, developers,
and users should be able
to maintain a constant pace
Continuous attention to
technical excellence
and good design enhances
Simplicity--the art of
maximizing the amount
of work not done--is
The best architectures,
requirements, and designs
emerge from selforganizing teams.
At regular intervals, the
team reflects on how
to become more effective,
then tunes and adjusts
its behavior accordingly.
Agile Lecture at S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research
Agile Lecture at S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research
As if we don’t know it
Changes in the new economic environment are
large-scale, substantial and drastically different
More volatile

More uncertain

Source: IBM—Capitalizing on Complexity:
Insights from the Global Chief Executive Officer Study (2010)

More complex

ž The life expectancy of firms on the Fortune
500 has rapidly declined to around 15 years
and is headed for 5 years
ž Business model life cycle is down to 7 years
ž 80% of new products and services fail
within 3 years
ž 95% of CEO’s agree on the increased need
for enterprise innovation, yet half
acknowledge they have no team or process
for this. Of those that do have a team/
process, how many are satisfied with it?
“Without exception, all of
my biggest mistakes
occurred because I moved
too slowly.”
--John Chambers, Cisco CEO,

“He [Chambers] also radically changed
the way he managed, turning a
command-and-control hierarchy into a
more democratic organizational
Agility is the
ability to create
and respond to
change in order to
profit in a
turbulent business
“88% of executives cite organizational agility as
key to global success.”
“50% say that agility is not only important, but a
core differentiator.”
Did you notice?
Hunters & Gatherers


Industrial Revolution

Knowledge Economy

Missing in agenda. Hopefully only in my presentation.
Missing in agenda. Hopefully only of my presentation.
Agile Lecture at S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research
•  Inward focus
•  Efficiency/cost reduction
•  Highly structured
•  Slow to change


•  Outward focus
•  Fundamentally social
•  Loosely structured
•  Dynamic/in flux
Agile Lecture at S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research
ž  Adapting

changes in market

ž  Visionary

ž  Leaping

today’s frontiers

ž  Energy-unleashing

Shall we please?
Ok but HOW?

Agility in personal life
Is all of this practical?
ž  Employees

acting as
partners and
associates make their
own decision
ž  They evaluate their
managers every six
ž  Potential managers
are interviewed by
their subordinates.
ž  Small

ž  Belief in the
ž  No titles
ž  People choose their
own work
ž  All in the same boat
ž  Focus on long term
value based view
rather than short term
ž  No

ž  Personal mission
ž  “Collaborative letters
of understanding”
ž  Conflict resolved by
ž  No

ž  People choose their
own projects
ž  No one tells what to
do, no fixed roles, no
reviews, no such
thing like promotion
ž  No

ž  No support functions
ž  Decide your own time
ž  Self-managing teams
who owns their P&L
Agile Lecture at S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research
ž I

haven’t created images in this PPT.
References and credits provided at the
ž Ideas and words in the presentation are
referred and inspired from various
sources listed at the end
ž Does this have to do anything with agile?
ž Are we ready? What does it take? When
do we start?
ž John

Kotter: http://hbswk.hbs.edu/
ž Bas Vodde: http://www.odd-e.com/
ž Jim Highsmith: http://
Tushar Somaiya

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Tushar Somaiya
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6 - Recommendation From ABS For Tushar Somaiya
Tushar Somaiya
5 - Remommendation From Andreas Wintersteiger For Tushar Somaiya
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Tushar Somaiya
4 - Recommendation From Gregory Smith For Tushar Somaiya
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Tushar Somaiya
2 - Recommendation From Kiran Thakker For Tushar Somaiya
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Tushar Somaiya
1 - Recommendtion From Alan Atlas For Tushar Somaiya
1 - Recommendtion From Alan Atlas For Tushar Somaiya1 - Recommendtion From Alan Atlas For Tushar Somaiya
1 - Recommendtion From Alan Atlas For Tushar Somaiya
Tushar Somaiya
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Scale agile down instead of scaling it up
Tushar Somaiya
Why scrum works - A NeuroScience Perspective @ Scrum Gathering India 2013
Why scrum works - A NeuroScience Perspective @ Scrum Gathering India 2013Why scrum works - A NeuroScience Perspective @ Scrum Gathering India 2013
Why scrum works - A NeuroScience Perspective @ Scrum Gathering India 2013
Tushar Somaiya
Introduction to agile
Introduction to agileIntroduction to agile
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Tushar Somaiya
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Role of scrum master
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Enterprise Agile Transformation Enablers
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Enterprise Agile Transformation Enablers
7 - Recommendation From Decos For Tushar Somaiya
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5 - Remommendation From Andreas Wintersteiger For Tushar Somaiya
4 - Recommendation From Gregory Smith For Tushar Somaiya
4 - Recommendation From Gregory Smith For Tushar Somaiya4 - Recommendation From Gregory Smith For Tushar Somaiya
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2 - Recommendation From Kiran Thakker For Tushar Somaiya
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2 - Recommendation From Kiran Thakker For Tushar Somaiya
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