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Agile Introduction
  Module 1 - General introduction


Agile according to Dilbert



Sprint 1 Backlog
      TO-DO          DOING   DONE

    What is Agile?






User Story

    As a trainee
    I want to understand Agile principles
    To be able to apply Agile in various situations



Agile Manifesto
              We are uncovering better ways of developing
              software by doing it and helping others do it.
                                             by Geert Bossuyt
               Through this work we have come to value:
    Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
            Teamwork & responsibility over Individuals and Interaction
            WorkingDeliver Value over Working software documentation
                    software over comprehensive
               Partnership elaboration over Customer collaboration
      Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
                    Embrace change over Respond to Change
         Responding to change over Agile Manifesto,plan
                     While we value the following a
                       we state that MoreAgile is more Agile.
                That is, while there is value in the items on
              the right, we value the items on the left more.



12 principles
                                                       Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer
        Working software is the primary
    1   measure of progress.                      7    through early and continuous delivery of
                                                       valuable software.

        Agile processes promote sustainable
                                                       Welcome changing requirements, even late in
        development. The sponsors, developers,
    2   and users should be able to maintain a    8    development. Agile processes harness change
                                                       for the customer's competitive advantage.
        constant pace indefinitely.

        Continuous attention to technical              Deliver working software frequently, from a
    3   excellence and good design enhances       9    couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a
        agility.                                       preference to the shorter timescale.

        Simplicity--the art of maximizing the          Business people and developers must work
    4   amount of work not done--is essential.    10   together daily throughout the project.

        The best architectures, requirements,          Build projects around motivated individuals.
    5   and designs emerge from self-organizing
                                                  11   Give them the environment and support they
                                                       need, and trust them to get the job done.
        At regular intervals, the team reflects
                                                       The most efficient and effective method of
        on how to become more effective, then
    6   tunes and adjusts its behavior            12   conveying information to and within a
                                                       development team is face-to-face conversation.



Agile - protest movement

     • Against:
      • waterfall development
      • micro management
      • disdain for craftsmanship of developers



Principles no Rules
    • YAGNI - you ain’t gonna need it
    • BDUF - big design up front
    • BPUF - big planning up front
    • Simplicity - the art of maximizing the
      amount of work NOT done
    • Fail fast


Other planning principles
                    Scope       Time             Cost



           Time                   Cost   Scope



Scrum in a Nutshell



Kanban in a Nutshell
     • Visualise workflow
     • Limit WIP
     • Measure lead time



XP in a Nutshell



Comparing methods

          prescriptive: more rules to follow
          adaptive: less rules to follow


Sprint 1 Backlog
     TO-DO       DOING          DONE

               What is Agile?






User Story

     As a trainee
     I want to know what Scrum is and XP
     Because I might start applying it




     • PROJECT MANAGEMENT approach
     • So, same goals as Prince2
     • But, a completely different approach!



The big picture

             Image available at


Three pillars

     • Transparency
     • Inspection
     • Adaptation



Scrum framework
     • Product owner
     • ScrumMaster Events
     • Team
                     • (Release planning)
                     • Sprint planning meeting
                     • Daily scrum meeting
                     • Sprint review meeting
                     • Sprint retrospective
                                   • Product backlog
                                   • Sprint backlog
                                   • (Burndown charts)
                                   • Definition of Done


Scrum framework
     • Product owner
     • ScrumMaster Events
     • Team
                     • (Release planning)
                     • Sprint planning meeting
                     • Daily scrum meeting
                        Sprint review meeting
                      • Sprint retrospective
                                     • Product backlog
                                     • Sprint backlog
                                     • (Burndown charts)
                                     • Definition of Done


Product owner
• Define the features of the product
• Decide on release date and content
• Be responsible for the profitability of the
  product (ROI)
• Prioritize features according to market value
• Adjust features and priority every iteration, as
• Accept or reject work results
Mountain Goat Software, LLC


The ScrumMaster
• Represents management to the project
• Responsible for enacting Scrum values and practices
• Removes impediments
• Ensure that the team is fully functional and
• Enable close cooperation across all roles and
•   Shield the team from external interferences

Mountain Goat Software, LLC


The Super Scrum Master



The team
• PO, SM, Development Team
• Typically 3-9 people (excl. PO/SM)
• Cross-functional:
    •   Programmers, testers, user experience designers, etc.
•   Members should be full-time
    •   May be exceptions (e.g., database administrator)
• Teams are self-organizing
    •   Ideally, no titles but rarely a possibility
• Membership should change only between sprint
Mountain Goat Software, LLC


Roles in Scrum
     Product Owner                   Team                  Scrum Master
 Responsible for VALUE          Responsible for          Responsible to remove
   the team delivers          QUALITY of delivery            Impediments
                              Responsible for HOW        Responsible for HOW
 Responsible for WHAT
                                   (Content)               (Scrum process)
          Owner of                 Owner of             Facilitates Sprint Planning
       Product Backlog           Sprint Backlog                   Meeting
       One person, no
                               Optimal size 6 ± 3            Servant leader
     Is, or represents, the   Cross-functional, self-     Introduces Scrum in
            customer               organising           Project and Organisation



Scrum framework
     • Product owner
     • ScrumMaster Events
     • Team
                     • (Release planning)
                     • Sprint planning meeting
                     • Daily scrum meeting
                     • Sprint review meeting
                     • Sprint retrospective
                                      • Product backlog
                                      • Sprint backlog
                                      • (Burndown charts)
                                      • Definition of Done


Release Planning
                             Product Vision

      1       2       3         4       5       6       7      8
     User    User    User    User
     Story   Story   Story User stories are the
                       Agile way of documenting
     User    User    User    User
     Story   Story   Story    requirements. Epic
                             As a <user role>          Epic   Epic
     User    User    User     User   User
     Story   Story   Story I want <something>
                              Story  Story
                        So I can achieve <value>
     User    User    User      User    User    User
     Story   Story   Story     Story   Story   Story



                  Sprint planning meeting
                   Sprint prioritization

      Product     • Analyze and evaluate product       Sprint
      backlog       backlog                             goal
                  • Select sprint goal
     conditions    Sprint planning
                  • Decide how to achieve sprint
                    goal (design)
      Current                                           Sprint
      product     • Create sprint backlog (tasks)
                    from product backlog items (user   backlog
                    stories / features)
 Technology       • Estimate sprint backlog in hours



Sprint planning
     •    Team selects items from the product backlog they can
          commit to completing
     •    Sprint backlog is created
         •   Tasks are identified and each is estimated (1-16 hours)
         •   Collaboratively, not done alone by the ScrumMaster
     •    High-level design is considered

         As a vacation                   Code the middle tier (8 hours)
         planner, I want to              Code the user interface (4)
                                         Write test fixtures (4)
         see photos of the               Code the foo class (6)
         hotels.                         Update performance tests (4)



The daily scrum
     • Parameters
      • Daily
      • 15-minutes
      • Stand-up
     • Not for problem solving
      • Whole world is invited
      • Only team members, ScrumMaster, product
         owner, can talk
     • Helps avoid other meetings


Everyone answers 3 questions
           What did you do yesterday?

           What will you do today?

           Is anything in your way?

     • These are not status for the ScrumMaster
      • They are commitments in front of peers


The sprint review
     • Team presents what it accomplished during
       the sprint
     • Typically or underlying architecture of new
                 takes the form of a demo

     • Informal
      • 2-hour prep time rule
      • No slides
     • Whole team participates
     • Invite the world


Sprint retrospective
     • Periodically take a look at what is and is not
     • Typically 15–30 minutes
     • Done after every sprint
     • Whole team participates
      • ScrumMaster
      • Product owner
      • Team
      • Possibly customers and others


Start / Stop / Continue
     • Whole team gathers and discusses what they’d like
                Start doing

                            Stop doing
         This is just one
         of many ways to          Continue doing
            do a sprint



Scrum framework
     • Product owner
     • ScrumMaster
     • Team          Ceremonies
                     • Sprint planning
                     • Sprint review
                     • Sprint retrospective
                     • Daily scrum meeting
                                    • Product backlog
                                    • Sprint backlog
                                    • Burndown charts
                                    • Definition of Done


Product backlog

                 •The features, functions, requirements,
                  enhancements and fixes
                 •A list of all desired work on the
                 •Ideally expressedusers or customers of
                  has value to the
                                      such that each item
                      the product
                  •   Ordered by the product owner
       This is the•
                      Re-ordered at the start of each sprint
     product backlog


A sample product backlog
                   Backlog item                      Estimate
     Allow a guest to make a reservation                3
     As a guest, I want to cancel a reservation.        5
     As a guest, I want to change the dates of a
     As a hotel employee, I can run RevPAR reports
     Improve exception handling                         8
     ...                                                30
                             Or use T-Shirt
     ...                     sizes (S/M/L)              50


The sprint goal
     • A short statement of what the work will be
         focused on during the sprint
                                       Life Sciences
                                       Support features necessary for
     Database Application              population genetics studies.
     Make the application run on SQL
     Server in addition to Oracle.
                                       Financial services
                                       Support more technical
                                       indicators than company ABC
                                       with real-time, streaming data.



The Sprint Backlog

     • subset of product backlog
     • selected for this sprint
     • plan for delivering the increment and
       realising the sprint goal



Managing the sprint backlog

     •   Individuals sign up for work of their own choosing
         •   Work is never assigned

     •   Any team member can add, delete or change the
         sprint backlog
     •   Work for the sprint emerges



Definition of Done
                       From a presentation by Ken Schwaber:
     1. I can readily understand the software and where and how things
     2. When I change or add to part of the software, there are no
        unintended or poorly designed dependencies;
     3. I can read the code without lookin for tricks or poorly defined and
        labeled variables or is een taak (een stuk code) af?
               Wanneer data;
     4. I don’t need the person(s) who wrote the code to explain it to me;
     5. There are a full set of (automated) tests to check that the function
        works as expected;
     6. When I change something and add to the test, I can check that the
        entire change and product continuous to work;
     7. How thing work and hang together is transparent, and
     8. Standard, well-known design principles have been adhered to.



Definition of Done

 Ten behoeve van de test wordt een voorstel voor een testaanpak opgeleverd.


 Een oplevering moet volledig zijn getest (door middel van een functionele en een regressietest) en de
          testresultaten moeten zijn beschreven / bevindingen zijn geregistreerd in een testrapport.


 Issues worden geregistreerd zoals beschreven in bijlage 1. Een oplevering mag per ernstcategorie niet meer
          dan het aantal bij de betreffende categorie vermeldde maximum toegestane open bevindingen bevatten.


 80% van alle pagina’s moet binnen 2 seconden volledig zichtbaar zijn, de overige pagina’s moeten binnen 5
          seconden zichtbaar zijn.


 Rapporten en overzichten welke dagelijks kunnen worden opgevraagd door teamleiders moeten binnen 15
          seconden in beeld verschijnen, voor de overige rapporten is geen performance eis gesteld.


 Er moeten meerdere mensen tegelijk kunnen raadplegen en muteren.


 Coding guidelines van Microsoft worden gehanteerd.


 Per oplevering wordt een installatiehandleiding met release notes meegeleverd waarin o.a. het datamodel
          en de samenhang van de technische modules staan vermeld. Daarnaast wordt een set met User Stories die in
          de betreffende oplevering zitten meegeleverd.


 Elke oplevering moet op zowel de acceptatie- als productieomgeving geïnstalleerd kunnen worden, wat
          betekent dat iedere oplevering na de eerste oplevering een upgrade moet zijn in plaats van een full install.
          Deze moet voldoen aan de eisen van de beheerorganisatie van <klant>.


 Helpteksten dienen in de applicatie te staan om zodoende een gebruikershandleiding overbodig te maken,
          maar het is niet vereist dat deze ook middels een beheerscherm in de applicatie beheerd kunnen worden.


 Voor elke oplevering wordt er een architectuurcontrole uitgevoerd waaruit blijkt dat men zich gehouden aan de
          voorgeschreven architectuur.


 Voor elke oplevering wordt een installatie-test uitgevoerd waaruit blijkt dat de software succesvol installeerbaar
          op de infrastructuur zoals in gebruik bij <klant>



Definition of Done
     •   Tested & bugfree           •   Refactoring
     •   Deployed to test server,   •   Code reviewed when
         so PO can test                 needed
     •   All user actions           •   Remember to check
     •   All supported browsers         the Style_guideline
         • IE7/8                    •   Maintain wiki page
         • Chrome                   •   Maintain ERD document
         • Firefox                  •   Versions of components
         • Safari on Mac            •   License overview
     •   Comments in code           •   Check the constraints



Responsibilities         Team


          Scrum Master



     • Lightweight
     • Simple to understand
     • Extremely difficult to master



Sprint 1 Backlog
     TO-DO       DOING      DONE

                         What is Agile?






XP - eXtreme Programming

     • DEVELOPMENT approach



XP Practices



Sprint 1 Backlog
     TO-DO     DOING      DONE

                       What is Agile?






On day in Kanban land



On day in Kanban land



On day in Kanban land



On day in Kanban land



On day in Kanban land



On day in Kanban land



On day in Kanban land



On day in Kanban land



On day in Kanban land



On day in Kanban land



On day in Kanban land



On day in Kanban land



Sprint 1 Backlog
     TO-DO    DOING       DONE

                       What is Agile?






Sprint 2 Backlog
     TO-DO      DOING   DONE

     XP Game




Sprint 2 Backlog
     TO-DO     DOING     DONE

               XP Game






The Rhineland Way
     Anglo-american           Rhineland
     Boss has authority       Expert has authority
     Individualism            Solidarity
     Unlimited growth         Human limits
     Soll as starting point   Ist as starting point
     Heroes                   Teamplay
     Rule driven              Principle-driven
     Specialists              Craftsmanship
     Measuring = knowing      Measuring is knowing
     Quarterly reports        Long term


      Complex Un-order             Hidden Order
     C&E coherent in retrospect    C&E discoverable

                          Act       Sense
                         Sense    Categorise

        Chaotic Un-order            Visible Order
         No perceivable C&E           C&E obvious



Complex Un-order            Hidden Order
     C&E coherent in retrospect   C&E discoverable

              Worst                  Good
             Practice              Practice

              Novel                   Best
             Practice               Practice
        Chaotic Un-order           Visible Order
         No perceivable C&E          C&E obvious





Intervention types
                                        Empirically Knowable
       The domain of many
           possibilities                  The domain of
         Pattern Management                the probable
        PERSPECTIVE FILTERS               Analytical/Reductionist
                                           SYSTEMS THINKING

               Chaos                     Empirically Known
         The domain of the                The domain of
           inconceivable                    the actual
      Stability focused intervention     Legitimate best practice



House of commons
                       Position: current
                 Position: we definitely need
                Anglo-american management
                tostyle is the The Rhineland
                   change to best for our
                      Cynefin observers

         nelan ders Observe the debate: glo-a
     Rhi               were the solutions       me
                   (interventions) in line with       ans
                   the 4 Cynefin domains?



Sprint 2 Backlog
     TO-DO    DOING     DONE

                        XP Game




     • Several slides have been taken from the
       Redistributable Scrum Introduction - Scrum


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Agile intro module 1

  • 1. Agile Introduction Module 1 - General introduction
  • 2. Agile according to Dilbert 2
  • 3. Sprint 1 Backlog TO-DO DOING DONE What is Agile? Scrum XP Kanban 3
  • 4. User Story As a trainee I want to understand Agile principles To be able to apply Agile in various situations 4
  • 5. Agile Manifesto MoreAgile Manifesto We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. by Geert Bossuyt Through this work we have come to value: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Teamwork & responsibility over Individuals and Interaction WorkingDeliver Value over Working software documentation software over comprehensive Partnership elaboration over Customer collaboration Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Embrace change over Respond to Change Responding to change over Agile Manifesto,plan While we value the following a we state that MoreAgile is more Agile. That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. 5
  • 6. 12 principles Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer Working software is the primary 1 measure of progress. 7 through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. Agile processes promote sustainable Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. The sponsors, developers, 2 and users should be able to maintain a 8 development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage. constant pace indefinitely. Continuous attention to technical Deliver working software frequently, from a 3 excellence and good design enhances 9 couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a agility. preference to the shorter timescale. Simplicity--the art of maximizing the Business people and developers must work 4 amount of work not done--is essential. 10 together daily throughout the project. The best architectures, requirements, Build projects around motivated individuals. 5 and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. 11 Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. At regular intervals, the team reflects The most efficient and effective method of on how to become more effective, then 6 tunes and adjusts its behavior 12 conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. accordingly. 6
  • 7. Agile - protest movement • Against: • waterfall development • micro management • disdain for craftsmanship of developers 7
  • 8. Principles no Rules • YAGNI - you ain’t gonna need it • BDUF - big design up front • BPUF - big planning up front • Simplicity - the art of maximizing the amount of work NOT done • Fail fast • IKIWISI 8
  • 9. Other planning principles Scope Time Cost FIXED Agile ESTIMATE Traditional Time Cost Scope 9
  • 10. Scrum in a Nutshell 10
  • 11. Kanban in a Nutshell • Visualise workflow • Limit WIP • Measure lead time 11
  • 12. XP in a Nutshell 12
  • 13. Comparing methods prescriptive: more rules to follow adaptive: less rules to follow 13
  • 14. Sprint 1 Backlog TO-DO DOING DONE What is Agile? Scrum XP Kanban 14
  • 15. User Story As a trainee I want to know what Scrum is and XP Because I might start applying it 15
  • 16. Scrum • PROJECT MANAGEMENT approach • So, same goals as Prince2 • But, a completely different approach! 16
  • 17. The big picture Image available at www.mountaingoatsoftware.com/scrum
  • 18. Three pillars • Transparency • Inspection • Adaptation 18
  • 19. Scrum framework Roles • Product owner • ScrumMaster Events • Team • (Release planning) • Sprint planning meeting • Daily scrum meeting • Sprint review meeting • Sprint retrospective Artifacts • Product backlog • Sprint backlog • (Burndown charts) • Definition of Done 19
  • 20. Scrum framework Roles • Product owner • ScrumMaster Events • Team • (Release planning) • Sprint planning meeting • Daily scrum meeting Sprint review meeting • Sprint retrospective Artifacts • Product backlog • Sprint backlog • (Burndown charts) • Definition of Done 20
  • 21. Product owner • Define the features of the product • Decide on release date and content • Be responsible for the profitability of the product (ROI) • Prioritize features according to market value • Adjust features and priority every iteration, as needed  • Accept or reject work results Mountain Goat Software, LLC
  • 22. The ScrumMaster • Represents management to the project • Responsible for enacting Scrum values and practices • Removes impediments • Ensure that the team is fully functional and productive • Enable close cooperation across all roles and functions • Shield the team from external interferences Mountain Goat Software, LLC
  • 23. The Super Scrum Master 23
  • 24. The team • PO, SM, Development Team • Typically 3-9 people (excl. PO/SM) • Cross-functional: • Programmers, testers, user experience designers, etc. • Members should be full-time • May be exceptions (e.g., database administrator) • Teams are self-organizing • Ideally, no titles but rarely a possibility • Membership should change only between sprint Mountain Goat Software, LLC
  • 25. Roles in Scrum Product Owner Team Scrum Master Responsible for VALUE Responsible for Responsible to remove the team delivers QUALITY of delivery Impediments Responsible for HOW Responsible for HOW Responsible for WHAT (Content) (Scrum process) Owner of Owner of Facilitates Sprint Planning Product Backlog Sprint Backlog Meeting One person, no Optimal size 6 ± 3 Servant leader committee Is, or represents, the Cross-functional, self- Introduces Scrum in customer organising Project and Organisation 25
  • 26. Scrum framework Roles • Product owner • ScrumMaster Events • Team • (Release planning) • Sprint planning meeting • Daily scrum meeting • Sprint review meeting • Sprint retrospective Artifacts • Product backlog • Sprint backlog • (Burndown charts) • Definition of Done 26
  • 27. Release Planning Product Vision 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 User User User User Story Story Story User stories are the Story Epic Agile way of documenting User User User User Story Story Story requirements. Epic Story As a <user role> Epic Epic User User User User User Story Story Story I want <something> Story Story So I can achieve <value> User User User User User User Story Story Story Story Story Story 27
  • 28. Team Sprint planning meeting capacity Sprint prioritization Product • Analyze and evaluate product Sprint backlog backlog goal • Select sprint goal Business conditions Sprint planning • Decide how to achieve sprint goal (design) Current Sprint product • Create sprint backlog (tasks) from product backlog items (user backlog stories / features) Technology • Estimate sprint backlog in hours 28
  • 29. Sprint planning • Team selects items from the product backlog they can commit to completing • Sprint backlog is created • Tasks are identified and each is estimated (1-16 hours) • Collaboratively, not done alone by the ScrumMaster • High-level design is considered As a vacation Code the middle tier (8 hours) planner, I want to Code the user interface (4) Write test fixtures (4) see photos of the Code the foo class (6) hotels. Update performance tests (4) 29
  • 30. The daily scrum • Parameters • Daily • 15-minutes • Stand-up • Not for problem solving • Whole world is invited • Only team members, ScrumMaster, product owner, can talk • Helps avoid other meetings 30
  • 31. Everyone answers 3 questions 1 What did you do yesterday? 2 What will you do today? 3 Is anything in your way? • These are not status for the ScrumMaster • They are commitments in front of peers 31
  • 32. The sprint review • Team presents what it accomplished during the sprint • Typically or underlying architecture of new features takes the form of a demo • Informal • 2-hour prep time rule • No slides • Whole team participates • Invite the world 32
  • 33. Sprint retrospective • Periodically take a look at what is and is not working • Typically 15–30 minutes • Done after every sprint • Whole team participates • ScrumMaster • Product owner • Team • Possibly customers and others 33
  • 34. Start / Stop / Continue • Whole team gathers and discusses what they’d like to: Start doing Stop doing This is just one of many ways to Continue doing do a sprint retrospective. 34
  • 35. Scrum framework Roles • Product owner • ScrumMaster • Team Ceremonies • Sprint planning • Sprint review • Sprint retrospective • Daily scrum meeting Artifacts • Product backlog • Sprint backlog • Burndown charts • Definition of Done 35
  • 36. Product backlog •The features, functions, requirements, enhancements and fixes •A list of all desired work on the project •Ideally expressedusers or customers of has value to the such that each item the product • Ordered by the product owner This is the• Re-ordered at the start of each sprint product backlog 36
  • 37. A sample product backlog Backlog item Estimate Allow a guest to make a reservation 3 As a guest, I want to cancel a reservation. 5 As a guest, I want to change the dates of a 3 reservation. As a hotel employee, I can run RevPAR reports 8 (revenue-per-available-room) Improve exception handling 8 ... 30 Or use T-Shirt ... sizes (S/M/L) 50 37
  • 38. The sprint goal • A short statement of what the work will be focused on during the sprint Life Sciences Support features necessary for Database Application population genetics studies. Make the application run on SQL Server in addition to Oracle. Financial services Support more technical indicators than company ABC with real-time, streaming data. 38
  • 39. The Sprint Backlog Definition • subset of product backlog • selected for this sprint • plan for delivering the increment and realising the sprint goal 39
  • 40. Managing the sprint backlog • Individuals sign up for work of their own choosing • Work is never assigned • Any team member can add, delete or change the sprint backlog • Work for the sprint emerges 40
  • 41. Definition of Done From a presentation by Ken Schwaber: 1. I can readily understand the software and where and how things happen; 2. When I change or add to part of the software, there are no unintended or poorly designed dependencies; 3. I can read the code without lookin for tricks or poorly defined and • labeled variables or is een taak (een stuk code) af? Wanneer data; 4. I don’t need the person(s) who wrote the code to explain it to me; 5. There are a full set of (automated) tests to check that the function works as expected; 6. When I change something and add to the test, I can check that the entire change and product continuous to work; 7. How thing work and hang together is transparent, and 8. Standard, well-known design principles have been adhered to. 41
  • 42. Definition of Done • Ten behoeve van de test wordt een voorstel voor een testaanpak opgeleverd. • Een oplevering moet volledig zijn getest (door middel van een functionele en een regressietest) en de testresultaten moeten zijn beschreven / bevindingen zijn geregistreerd in een testrapport. • Issues worden geregistreerd zoals beschreven in bijlage 1. Een oplevering mag per ernstcategorie niet meer dan het aantal bij de betreffende categorie vermeldde maximum toegestane open bevindingen bevatten. • 80% van alle pagina’s moet binnen 2 seconden volledig zichtbaar zijn, de overige pagina’s moeten binnen 5 seconden zichtbaar zijn. • Rapporten en overzichten welke dagelijks kunnen worden opgevraagd door teamleiders moeten binnen 15 seconden in beeld verschijnen, voor de overige rapporten is geen performance eis gesteld. • Er moeten meerdere mensen tegelijk kunnen raadplegen en muteren. • Coding guidelines van Microsoft worden gehanteerd. • Per oplevering wordt een installatiehandleiding met release notes meegeleverd waarin o.a. het datamodel en de samenhang van de technische modules staan vermeld. Daarnaast wordt een set met User Stories die in de betreffende oplevering zitten meegeleverd. • Elke oplevering moet op zowel de acceptatie- als productieomgeving geïnstalleerd kunnen worden, wat betekent dat iedere oplevering na de eerste oplevering een upgrade moet zijn in plaats van een full install. Deze moet voldoen aan de eisen van de beheerorganisatie van <klant>. • Helpteksten dienen in de applicatie te staan om zodoende een gebruikershandleiding overbodig te maken, maar het is niet vereist dat deze ook middels een beheerscherm in de applicatie beheerd kunnen worden. • Voor elke oplevering wordt er een architectuurcontrole uitgevoerd waaruit blijkt dat men zich gehouden aan de voorgeschreven architectuur. • Voor elke oplevering wordt een installatie-test uitgevoerd waaruit blijkt dat de software succesvol installeerbaar op de infrastructuur zoals in gebruik bij <klant> 42
  • 43. Definition of Done • Tested & bugfree • Refactoring • Deployed to test server, • Code reviewed when so PO can test needed • All user actions • Remember to check • All supported browsers the Style_guideline • IE7/8 • Maintain wiki page • Chrome • Maintain ERD document • Firefox • Versions of components • Safari on Mac • License overview • Comments in code • Check the constraints 43
  • 44. Responsibilities Team PO Scrum Master
  • 45. Scrum • Lightweight • Simple to understand • Extremely difficult to master 45
  • 46. Sprint 1 Backlog TO-DO DOING DONE What is Agile? Scrum XP Kanban 46
  • 47. XP - eXtreme Programming • DEVELOPMENT approach 47
  • 49. Sprint 1 Backlog TO-DO DOING DONE What is Agile? Scrum XP Kanban 49
  • 50. On day in Kanban land 50
  • 51. On day in Kanban land 51
  • 52. On day in Kanban land 52
  • 53. On day in Kanban land 53
  • 54. On day in Kanban land 54
  • 55. On day in Kanban land 55
  • 56. On day in Kanban land 56
  • 57. On day in Kanban land 57
  • 58. On day in Kanban land 58
  • 59. On day in Kanban land 59
  • 60. On day in Kanban land 60
  • 61. On day in Kanban land 61
  • 62. Sprint 1 Backlog TO-DO DOING DONE What is Agile? Scrum XP Kanban 62
  • 63. Sprint 2 Backlog TO-DO DOING DONE XP Game Context 63
  • 64. Sprint 2 Backlog TO-DO DOING DONE XP Game Context 64
  • 65. 65
  • 66. The Rhineland Way Anglo-american Rhineland Boss has authority Expert has authority Individualism Solidarity Unlimited growth Human limits Soll as starting point Ist as starting point Heroes Teamplay Rule driven Principle-driven Specialists Craftsmanship Measuring = knowing Measuring is knowing Quarterly reports Long term 66
  • 67. Cynefin Complex Un-order Hidden Order C&E coherent in retrospect C&E discoverable Act Sense Sense Categorise Respond Respond Chaotic Un-order Visible Order No perceivable C&E C&E obvious 67
  • 68. Complex Un-order Hidden Order C&E coherent in retrospect C&E discoverable Worst Good Practice Practice Novel Best Practice Practice Chaotic Un-order Visible Order No perceivable C&E C&E obvious 68
  • 69. 69
  • 70. Intervention types Complex Empirically Knowable The domain of many possibilities The domain of Pattern Management the probable PERSPECTIVE FILTERS Analytical/Reductionist COMPLEX ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS SCENARIO PLANNING SYSTEMS THINKING Chaos Empirically Known The domain of the The domain of inconceivable the actual Stability focused intervention Legitimate best practice ENACTMENT TOOLS STANDARD PROCEDURES CRISIS MANAGEMENT PROCESS RE-ENGINEERING 70
  • 71. House of commons Position: current Position: we definitely need Anglo-american management tostyle is the The Rhineland change to best for our Cynefin observers Way companies An nelan ders Observe the debate: glo-a Rhi were the solutions me ric (interventions) in line with ans the 4 Cynefin domains? 71
  • 72. Sprint 2 Backlog TO-DO DOING DONE XP Game Context 72
  • 73. Credits • Several slides have been taken from the Redistributable Scrum Introduction - Scrum Alliance 73