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Introduction to AGILE – The Basic 101
Nurul Haszeli Ahmad
4th December 2015
1 Project Management
3 AGILE Project Management Process Flow
4 Transition from Traditional to Agile
5 Applying Agile
6 Q & A
1 Project Management – Why and What
“Project Management is an art of managing and ensuring the
RESOURCES is utilize efficiently, within the TIME allocated, to
deliver highest QUALITY of deliverables”
– Ir Mohd Haizad Hussin, MD of Matrix Power Network
1 Project Management – The Traditional Method
1 Project Management – The Not So Traditional Method
Source: Jack Grabovski (MyMG) – Lean Thinking Project Management in Six Sigma and Agile Models (http://www.mymanagementguide.com/lean-thinking-project-management-six-sigma-agile-models/)
1 Project Management – The Traditional Method
The issues
(some of it):
Longer time to
know the result
To many planning
– obsolete on
time of
Lack of visibility
of the
Missing /
incorrect user
1 Project Management – The Traditional Method
Source: Scrum Master – The ‘Old’ Waterfall Method (http://www.agile-scrum-master-training.com/agile-project-management/)
2 AGILE – What is?
2 AGILE – What is?
1. It is a project management with high quality control management.
2. Implies leadership philosophy but at the same time support team work, self control,
organization and accountability.
3. A set of engineering best practices that allow for rapid delivery of high-quality
4. A business framework that align development with business/customer/company envision.
Images courtesy Dilbert(R) by Scott Adams
2 AGILE – What is?
Metrics Traditional Agile
Planning Scale Long-term (> 6 months) Short (3 – 6 months)
Interaction between
customer and project
Rare Frequent
Time between
specifications and
Long Short
Time to discover issues Long Short
Project schedule risk High Low
Ability to respond quickly
to change
Low High
Agile versus Traditional Project Management
3 AGILE Project Management Process Flow – The Standard Approach
Source: Project Management Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_management)
3 AGILE Project Management Process Flow – Adapting the process flow
Source: Zen Ex Machina – The Blog (https://zenexmachina.wordpress.com/category/agile/page/2/)
3 AGILE Project Management Process Flow – Adapting the process flow
Source: Ian Mitchel - Scrum Alliance (https://www.scrumalliance.org/community/articles/2013/june/the-kanban-sandwich-a-bite-size-recipe-for-agile-w)
3 AGILE Project Management Process Flow – Adapting the process flow
Source: Ian Mitchel - Scrum Alliance (https://www.scrumalliance.org/community/articles/2013/june/the-kanban-sandwich-a-bite-size-recipe-for-agile-w)
3 AGILE Project Management Process Flow – Adapting the process flow
Source: Gary Lister – Project Management Roots and Understanding the PMBOK Guide (FT Press – Pearson) (http://www.ftpress.com/articles/article.aspx?p=2261742&seqNum=12)
3 AGILE Project Management Process Flow – Actor and role
* This is basic role as recommended by Agile practitioner
4 Transition from Traditional to Agile
Source: Chuck Cobb (Udemy) – Mastering Agile Project Management for Project Managers (https://www.udemy.com/agile-project-management-overview-for-project-managers/)
4 Transition from Traditional to Agile
Source: Andrew Stellman (Building Better Software) – A Learning Agile Question from a business analyst (http://www.stellman-greene.com/2015/11/19/a-question-from-a-business-analyst/)
4 Transition from Traditional to Agile
4 Transition from Traditional to Agile
5 Steps to successfully apply agile
1. Get the complete story
2. Empower your team member
3. Prioritize the deliverables
4. Estimate the load and
resources carefully
5. Always update/do check-point
Image from: Shanaka Nagasinghe via LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/impact-agile-project-management-practices-enhancing-nagasinghe-pmp-)
5 Applying Agile
Image from: Ravi Kumar – What is the Scrum Process Flow (http://www.etechpulse.com/2015/02/agile-scrum-process-sdlc.html)
5 Applying Agile
The simplest Agile consist of:
1. General Information – Stakeholder, Project Owner, Team members, Objective and
Measurement of the project.
2. Meeting / Discussion notes – Date/time, Subject, Discussion and Action item.
3. Decisions – Product Owner / Stakeholder decisions based on sprint demo
4. Commitment – Based on decision/sprint result, what is the commitment and PIC of each
agreed commitment.
5. Risk – The risk capture during the Sprint/Scrum process, severity and mitigation plan.
6. Project Timeline – In a WBS mode divided in the following context
1. Story/Deliverables/Functions/Features - Iteration
2. Scrum List – List of deliverables for the identified iteration
3. Sprint backlog/list – List of activities to do for each deliverable
1. Each of the Sprint will have:
1. Timeline / Sprint
2. PIC
3. Review
4. Backlog – audit trail
5. Status
5 Applying Agile – Sample General Info
Project Code: ITD-CORP-2015-001
Project Name: On Boarding System Phase 1
Business Users: Corporate Human Capital Division (HCD)
Project Lead: -
Technical Lead: -
Team Members: ITD - Mohd Nizar Abd Azik (MNA), Nurul Haszeli Ahmad
(NHA), Suhaimi Maidin (SM)
HCD - Suzani Taslim (ST)
Start Date: -
Duration: 6 Months
Project Description:On boarding system is an initiative by HCD with the help from
ITD to digitize current manual process for new employee
upon acceptance of offer and before on board as Prasarana
Project Goal: To digitize current process for onboarding process.
Measurement: Successful implementation and adoption by HCD
Successfully improve process flow and processing time
Reduce cost of printing (subjective)
5 Applying Agile – Sample Meeting Notes
Product Owner Meeting Notes
Date Subject Discusion Action
14-Aug-2015 Iteration 1
HCD request to access it for pre-demonstration
with HOD
MNA to release the system at
staging/test server for HCD trial
Change of form listing and sequence MNA to update the system with changes
Iteration 2 is expected to complete and
demonstrated to HCD and GD of HCD by middle
of September
MNA to set reasonable date with ST by
middle of September
08-Sep-2015 Iteration 1 Sprint 2
Pn Ruswati request few changes on the field and
the content
MNA to update the system with changes
Pn Rohana will share latest STD NHA to follow up with Pn Rohana
Releasing Phase 1 for used MNA will release the system (Phase 1)
for used by October 15th.
30-Sep-2015 CMC Presentation MHA - update the slide with additional info NHA - to update the slide on architecture,
process flow and RACI
Pn Ruswati - To share the info with CHRO after
NHA - to check with Pn Suzani / Pn
Rohana on CHRO availability after 7-Oct-
5 Applying Agile – Sample Decision Log
Product Owner Decisions
# Raised Action Owner
1 14-Aug-2015 Change of form listing MNA
2 14-Aug-2015 Dashboard showcase to GD HCD before mid september MNA/ST
3 08-Sep-2015 To present to GD by October MNA/ST
4 08-Sep-2015 To release to production by October 15 MNA/NHA/SM
5 30-Sep-2015 To present to CHRO after 7-Oct-2015 MNA/NHA/SM
5 Applying Agile – Sample Commitment Log
Product Owner Commitments
# Raised Action Owner Ready by Complete Remark
1 14/08/2015 Iteration 1 Demonstration MNA, NHA, ST Done
2 14/08/2015 Release to Staging/Test
MNA Done Released on 28/08/2015. Delay
1 week
3 28/08/2015 Iteration 1 - Bug Fix and Update
changes based on comment
during demo
MNA Done Completed on time.
4 28/08/2015 Iteration 1 - Demonstration to HCD
MNA, NHA, ST Done Demo to Pn Ruswati and Pn
Rohana on 08/09/2015
5 08/09/2015 Iteration 1 - Demonstration to HCD
MNA, NHA, ST WIP Plan to execute on 03/10/2015
To check with Pn Suzani on 7-
Oct-2015 as CHRO not
available until the date (Hajj)
6 08/09/2015 Release Server to production MNA WIP Plan to complete by 15-Oct-
30-Sep-2015: Presented In
CMC - Plan to release on 13-
5 Applying Agile – Sample Risk Log
Risk Log
# Raised Description Impact Severity Action Owner Complete
1 04-Sep-
Production Environment
not ready
Delay of go-live date Low Work with Infra
2 21-Sep-
SSL not ready Delay of go-live date
for external
Low Work with Infra
5 Applying Agile – Sample Project Timeline
Q & A
1. PMBOK Guide 5th Edition – Project Management Process
2. Wikipedia – Project Management Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_management)
3. Project Management Tips (http://pmtips.net/Blog/adapting-agile-methodology-startup)
4. Zen Ex Machina – The Blog (https://zenexmachina.wordpress.com/category/agile/page/2/)
5. Ian Mitchell - Scrum Alliance (https://www.scrumalliance.org/community/articles/2013/june/the-kanban-sandwich-a-bite-size-recipe-for-agile-w)
6. Gary Lister – Project Management Roots and Understanding the PMBOK Guide (FT Press – Pearson)
7. Jon Slemmer (Joy Group) – Project Process and Management: Agile versus Waterfall (http://www.joygroup.nl/news/project-process-and-management-agile-vs-
8. Jack Grabovski (MyMG) – Lean Thinking Project Management in Six Sigma and Agile Models (http://www.mymanagementguide.com/lean-thinking-project-
9. Scrum Master – The ‘Old’ Waterfall Method (http://www.agile-scrum-master-training.com/agile-project-management/)
10.Mahesh Singh (SwiftStream) – How do you use Kanban in a Fixed Duration / Fixed Cost Project (http://blog.digite.com/how-do-you-use-kanban-in-a-fixed-
11.Chuck Cobb (Udemy) – Mastering Agile Project Management for Project Managers (https://www.udemy.com/agile-project-management-overview-for-project-
12.Andrew Stellman (Building Better Software) – A Learning Agile Question from a business analyst (http://www.stellman-greene.com/2015/11/19/a-question-from-
14.Shanaka Nagasinghe - Impact of Agile Project Management Practices on Enhancing the IT Project Success in Sri Lanka (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/impact-
15.Sarjil (Pinterest) - Program and Project Management Board (https://www.pinterest.com/sarjil/program-and-project-management/)
16.Jose Garcia - Project Management in “Agile” Projects: How Project Managers Can Succeed (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/product-management-agile-
17.Ravi Kumar (etechplus) – What is the Scrum Process Flow (http://www.etechpulse.com/2015/02/agile-scrum-process-sdlc.html)
Nurul Haszeli Ahmad
04th December 2015

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Agile Project Management: Introduction to AGILE - The Basic 101

  • 1. Introduction to AGILE – The Basic 101 Nurul Haszeli Ahmad 4th December 2015 AGILE PROJECT MANAGEMENT
  • 2. CONTENTS 1 Project Management 2 AGILE 3 AGILE Project Management Process Flow 4 Transition from Traditional to Agile 5 Applying Agile 6 Q & A
  • 3. 1 Project Management – Why and What Resource Quality Time “Project Management is an art of managing and ensuring the RESOURCES is utilize efficiently, within the TIME allocated, to deliver highest QUALITY of deliverables” – Ir Mohd Haizad Hussin, MD of Matrix Power Network
  • 4. 1 Project Management – The Traditional Method
  • 5. 1 Project Management – The Not So Traditional Method Source: Jack Grabovski (MyMG) – Lean Thinking Project Management in Six Sigma and Agile Models (http://www.mymanagementguide.com/lean-thinking-project-management-six-sigma-agile-models/)
  • 6. 1 Project Management – The Traditional Method The issues faced (some of it): Longer time to know the result To many planning – obsolete on time of implementation Lack of visibility of the deliverables Missing / incorrect user requirements
  • 7. 1 Project Management – The Traditional Method Source: Scrum Master – The ‘Old’ Waterfall Method (http://www.agile-scrum-master-training.com/agile-project-management/)
  • 9. 2 AGILE – What is? 1. It is a project management with high quality control management. 2. Implies leadership philosophy but at the same time support team work, self control, organization and accountability. 3. A set of engineering best practices that allow for rapid delivery of high-quality product/project. 4. A business framework that align development with business/customer/company envision. Images courtesy Dilbert(R) by Scott Adams
  • 10. 2 AGILE – What is? Metrics Traditional Agile Planning Scale Long-term (> 6 months) Short (3 – 6 months) Interaction between customer and project team Rare Frequent Time between specifications and implementation Long Short Time to discover issues Long Short Project schedule risk High Low Ability to respond quickly to change Low High Agile versus Traditional Project Management
  • 11. 3 AGILE Project Management Process Flow – The Standard Approach Source: Project Management Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_management)
  • 12. 3 AGILE Project Management Process Flow – Adapting the process flow Source: Zen Ex Machina – The Blog (https://zenexmachina.wordpress.com/category/agile/page/2/)
  • 13. 3 AGILE Project Management Process Flow – Adapting the process flow Source: Ian Mitchel - Scrum Alliance (https://www.scrumalliance.org/community/articles/2013/june/the-kanban-sandwich-a-bite-size-recipe-for-agile-w)
  • 14. 3 AGILE Project Management Process Flow – Adapting the process flow Source: Ian Mitchel - Scrum Alliance (https://www.scrumalliance.org/community/articles/2013/june/the-kanban-sandwich-a-bite-size-recipe-for-agile-w)
  • 15. 3 AGILE Project Management Process Flow – Adapting the process flow Source: Gary Lister – Project Management Roots and Understanding the PMBOK Guide (FT Press – Pearson) (http://www.ftpress.com/articles/article.aspx?p=2261742&seqNum=12)
  • 16. 3 AGILE Project Management Process Flow – Actor and role * This is basic role as recommended by Agile practitioner
  • 17. 4 Transition from Traditional to Agile * PLANNING * Source: Chuck Cobb (Udemy) – Mastering Agile Project Management for Project Managers (https://www.udemy.com/agile-project-management-overview-for-project-managers/)
  • 18. 4 Transition from Traditional to Agile Source: Andrew Stellman (Building Better Software) – A Learning Agile Question from a business analyst (http://www.stellman-greene.com/2015/11/19/a-question-from-a-business-analyst/)
  • 19. 4 Transition from Traditional to Agile
  • 20. 4 Transition from Traditional to Agile 5 Steps to successfully apply agile 1. Get the complete story 2. Empower your team member 3. Prioritize the deliverables 4. Estimate the load and resources carefully 5. Always update/do check-point S.M.A.R.T. Image from: Shanaka Nagasinghe via LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/impact-agile-project-management-practices-enhancing-nagasinghe-pmp-)
  • 21. 5 Applying Agile Image from: Ravi Kumar – What is the Scrum Process Flow (http://www.etechpulse.com/2015/02/agile-scrum-process-sdlc.html)
  • 22. 5 Applying Agile The simplest Agile consist of: 1. General Information – Stakeholder, Project Owner, Team members, Objective and Measurement of the project. 2. Meeting / Discussion notes – Date/time, Subject, Discussion and Action item. 3. Decisions – Product Owner / Stakeholder decisions based on sprint demo 4. Commitment – Based on decision/sprint result, what is the commitment and PIC of each agreed commitment. 5. Risk – The risk capture during the Sprint/Scrum process, severity and mitigation plan. 6. Project Timeline – In a WBS mode divided in the following context 1. Story/Deliverables/Functions/Features - Iteration 2. Scrum List – List of deliverables for the identified iteration 3. Sprint backlog/list – List of activities to do for each deliverable 1. Each of the Sprint will have: 1. Timeline / Sprint 2. PIC 3. Review 4. Backlog – audit trail 5. Status
  • 23. 5 Applying Agile – Sample General Info Project Code: ITD-CORP-2015-001 Project Name: On Boarding System Phase 1 Business Users: Corporate Human Capital Division (HCD) Project Lead: - Technical Lead: - Team Members: ITD - Mohd Nizar Abd Azik (MNA), Nurul Haszeli Ahmad (NHA), Suhaimi Maidin (SM) HCD - Suzani Taslim (ST) Start Date: - Duration: 6 Months Project Description:On boarding system is an initiative by HCD with the help from ITD to digitize current manual process for new employee upon acceptance of offer and before on board as Prasarana employee. Project Goal: To digitize current process for onboarding process. Measurement: Successful implementation and adoption by HCD Successfully improve process flow and processing time Reduce cost of printing (subjective)
  • 24. 5 Applying Agile – Sample Meeting Notes Product Owner Meeting Notes Date Subject Discusion Action 14-Aug-2015 Iteration 1 demonstration HCD request to access it for pre-demonstration with HOD MNA to release the system at staging/test server for HCD trial Change of form listing and sequence MNA to update the system with changes Iteration 2 is expected to complete and demonstrated to HCD and GD of HCD by middle of September MNA to set reasonable date with ST by middle of September 08-Sep-2015 Iteration 1 Sprint 2 demonstrated Pn Ruswati request few changes on the field and the content MNA to update the system with changes Pn Rohana will share latest STD NHA to follow up with Pn Rohana Releasing Phase 1 for used MNA will release the system (Phase 1) for used by October 15th. 30-Sep-2015 CMC Presentation MHA - update the slide with additional info NHA - to update the slide on architecture, process flow and RACI Pn Ruswati - To share the info with CHRO after 7-Oct-2015 NHA - to check with Pn Suzani / Pn Rohana on CHRO availability after 7-Oct- 2015
  • 25. 5 Applying Agile – Sample Decision Log Product Owner Decisions # Raised Action Owner 1 14-Aug-2015 Change of form listing MNA 2 14-Aug-2015 Dashboard showcase to GD HCD before mid september MNA/ST 3 08-Sep-2015 To present to GD by October MNA/ST 4 08-Sep-2015 To release to production by October 15 MNA/NHA/SM 5 30-Sep-2015 To present to CHRO after 7-Oct-2015 MNA/NHA/SM 6 7 8 9
  • 26. 5 Applying Agile – Sample Commitment Log Product Owner Commitments # Raised Action Owner Ready by Complete Remark 1 14/08/2015 Iteration 1 Demonstration MNA, NHA, ST Done 2 14/08/2015 Release to Staging/Test Environment MNA Done Released on 28/08/2015. Delay 1 week 3 28/08/2015 Iteration 1 - Bug Fix and Update changes based on comment during demo MNA Done Completed on time. 4 28/08/2015 Iteration 1 - Demonstration to HCD HOS MNA, NHA, ST Done Demo to Pn Ruswati and Pn Rohana on 08/09/2015 5 08/09/2015 Iteration 1 - Demonstration to HCD GD MNA, NHA, ST WIP Plan to execute on 03/10/2015 To check with Pn Suzani on 7- Oct-2015 as CHRO not available until the date (Hajj) 6 08/09/2015 Release Server to production MNA WIP Plan to complete by 15-Oct- 2015 30-Sep-2015: Presented In CMC - Plan to release on 13- Oct-2015 7 8
  • 27. 5 Applying Agile – Sample Risk Log Risk Log # Raised Description Impact Severity Action Owner Complete 1 04-Sep- 2015 Production Environment not ready Delay of go-live date Low Work with Infra Team MNA, NHA WIP 2 21-Sep- 2015 SSL not ready Delay of go-live date for external Low Work with Infra Team MNA, NHA WIP 3
  • 28. 5 Applying Agile – Sample Project Timeline
  • 29. Q & A
  • 30. References: 1. PMBOK Guide 5th Edition – Project Management Process 2. Wikipedia – Project Management Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_management) 3. Project Management Tips (http://pmtips.net/Blog/adapting-agile-methodology-startup) 4. Zen Ex Machina – The Blog (https://zenexmachina.wordpress.com/category/agile/page/2/) 5. Ian Mitchell - Scrum Alliance (https://www.scrumalliance.org/community/articles/2013/june/the-kanban-sandwich-a-bite-size-recipe-for-agile-w) 6. Gary Lister – Project Management Roots and Understanding the PMBOK Guide (FT Press – Pearson) (http://www.ftpress.com/articles/article.aspx?p=2261742&seqNum=12) 7. Jon Slemmer (Joy Group) – Project Process and Management: Agile versus Waterfall (http://www.joygroup.nl/news/project-process-and-management-agile-vs- waterfall) 8. Jack Grabovski (MyMG) – Lean Thinking Project Management in Six Sigma and Agile Models (http://www.mymanagementguide.com/lean-thinking-project- management-six-sigma-agile-models/) 9. Scrum Master – The ‘Old’ Waterfall Method (http://www.agile-scrum-master-training.com/agile-project-management/) 10.Mahesh Singh (SwiftStream) – How do you use Kanban in a Fixed Duration / Fixed Cost Project (http://blog.digite.com/how-do-you-use-kanban-in-a-fixed- duration-fixed-cost-project/) 11.Chuck Cobb (Udemy) – Mastering Agile Project Management for Project Managers (https://www.udemy.com/agile-project-management-overview-for-project- managers/) 12.Andrew Stellman (Building Better Software) – A Learning Agile Question from a business analyst (http://www.stellman-greene.com/2015/11/19/a-question-from- a-business-analyst/) 13.http://www.slideshare.net/prwpmp/pm104-presentation-deck 14.Shanaka Nagasinghe - Impact of Agile Project Management Practices on Enhancing the IT Project Success in Sri Lanka (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/impact- agile-project-management-practices-enhancing-nagasinghe-pmp-) 15.Sarjil (Pinterest) - Program and Project Management Board (https://www.pinterest.com/sarjil/program-and-project-management/) 16.Jose Garcia - Project Management in “Agile” Projects: How Project Managers Can Succeed (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/product-management-agile- projects-how-managers-can-succeed-garcia?trk=prof-post) 17.Ravi Kumar (etechplus) – What is the Scrum Process Flow (http://www.etechpulse.com/2015/02/agile-scrum-process-sdlc.html) Nurul Haszeli Ahmad 04th December 2015

Editor's Notes

  1. The famous waterfall model
  2. A project management process that encourages frequent inspection and adaptation A leadership philosophy that encourages team work, self-organization and accountability A set of engineering best practices that allow for rapid delivery of high-quality software A business approach that aligns development with customer needs and company goals.
  3. Standard Process flow
  4. Detail process flow Kanban – to whom familiar with Kanban approach – this is how it is in term of adapting Agile SCRUM process (by Ian Mitchell)
  5. Detail process flow Kanban – to whom familiar with Kanban approach – this is how it is in term of adapting Agile SCRUM process (by Ian Mitchell)
  6. Detail process flow Kanban – to whom familiar with Kanban approach – this is how it is in term of adapting Agile SCRUM process (by Ian Mitchell)
  7. Detail process flow Kanban – to whom familiar with Kanban approach – this is how it is in term of adapting Agile SCRUM process (by Ian Mitchell)
  8. Before transit, you need to understand the differences between these two