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Engineering Software as a Service
An Agile Software Approach
ACM Webinar
David Patterson
University of California, Berkeley
May 8, 2013
© 2013 Armando Fox & David Patterson
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License 1
• 1,300+ trusted technical books and videos by leading publishers
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• Software as a Service (SaaS)
• Development process: Waterfall v. Agile
• Book and Online Course
• Pair Programming and Scrum
• Points, Velocity, & Pivotal Tracker
• Lo-Fi UI Sketches & Storyboards
• Behavior-Driven Development & User Stories
• Test-Driven Design, Cucumber, & RSpec
• Summary
Software as a Service (SaaS)
(Engineering Software as a Service §1.2)
Software as a Service: SaaS
• Traditional SW: binary code installed and
runs wholly on client device
• SaaS delivers SW & data as service over
Internet via thin program (e.g., browser)
running on client device
– Search, social networking, video
• Now also SaaS version of traditional SW
– E.g., Microsoft Office 365, TurboTax Online
• SaaS is revolutionizing software industry
6 Reasons for SaaS
1. No install worries about HW capability, OS
2. No worries about data loss (at remote site)
3. Easy for groups to interact with same data
4. If data is large or changed frequently,
simpler to keep 1 copy at central site
5. 1 copy of SW, controlled HW environment
=> no compatibility hassles for developers
6. 1 copy => simplifies upgrades for
developers and no user upgrade requests
Development processes:
Waterfall vs. Agile
(Engineering Software as a Service
Processes: Waterfall
• Waterfall “lifecycle” or development process
– Requirements analysis and specification
1. Architectural design
2. Implementation and Integration
3. Verification
4. Operation and Maintenance
• Complete one phase before start next one
– Why? Earlier catch bug, cheaper it is
– Extensive documentation/phase for new people
How well does Waterfall work?
• Works well for SW with
specs that won’t change:
NASA spacecraft,
aircraft control, …
• Often when customer
sees it, wants changes
• Often after built first one,
developers learn right
way they should have
built it
(Many) Other Processes
• Spiral
– Add prototypes with 6 to 24 month iterations
– Rather than document
all requirements 1st,
develop requirement
documents across the
iterations of prototype
• Rational Unified Process (RUP)
– More closely allied to business issues
– Iteration in each phase: Inception, Elaboration,
Construction, Transition
State of SW Development
Agile Manifesto, 2001
“We are uncovering better ways of developing SW
by doing it and helping others do it. Through this
work we have come to value
•Individuals and interactions over processes & tools
•Working software over comprehensive
•Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
•Responding to change over following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on the right,
we value the items on the left more.”
Extreme Programming (XP)
Takes common sense principles to extreme:
• If short iterations are good, make them as
short as possible: days vs. months
• If simplicity is good, always do the simplest
thing that could possibly work
• If testing is good, test all the time. Write the
test code before you write the code to test
• If code reviews are good, review code
continuously, by programming in pairs,
2 programmers to a computer 14
Agile lifecycle
• Embraces change as a fact of life:
continuous improvement vs. phases
• Developers continuously refine working but
incomplete prototype until customers happy,
with customer feedback on each Iteration
(every ~2 weeks)
• Agile emphasizes Test-Driven Development
(TDD) to reduce mistakes, written down
User Stories to validate customer
requirements, Velocity to measure progress
Implications of SaaS
• Rapid Improvement Opportunity =>
Rapid Improvement Obligation
– Alta Vista used to be most popular search
– MySpace used to be most popular social
networking site
• Need software development process that
embraces can evolve software rapidly
• => Agile software development
Massive Open Online Course
• Berkeley has decided to make
MOOCs tuition-free and non-credit
– Search for CS169.1x and CS169.2x
• 7-10 minute "lecturelets"
• Self-check questions
• Online quizzes and homework assignments
that are machine graded
• Discussion forums monitored by TAs
• Synchronous deadlines
Part I covers Software as a Service (SaaS)
• SaaS Architecture: Model-View-Controller,
3-Tier architecture, & RESTful APIs
• Introduction to Ruby on Rails framework
• Introduction to JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX
Part II covers Agile development
• Eliciting requirements via User Stories
• BDD to convert User Stories into
acceptance tests using Cucumber
• TDD to transform acceptance tests into
unit tests using RSpec
• Schedule via Velocity & Pivotal Tracker
• Organizing SaaS teams using Scrum and
Pair Programming
• Incorporating SaaS Design Patterns 18
Pair Programming
(Engineering Software as a Service §10.2)
Pair Programming
• Goal: improve software quality, reduce time
to completion by having 2 people develop
the same code
• Non-goal: reduce total cost (programmer-
hours) of developing code
Pair Programming
• Sit side-by-side facing screens together,
– Not personal computer; many for any pair to
– To avoid distractions, no email reader, browser 21
Pair Programming
• Driver enters code and thinks tactically
about how to complete the current task,
explaining thoughts while typing
• Observer reviews each line of code as typed
in, and acts as safety net for the driver
• Observer thinking strategically about future
problems, makes suggestions to driver
• Should be lots of talking
• Pair alternates roles
Pair Programming Evaluation
• PP quicker when task complexity is low
• PP yields higher quality when high
• More effort than solo programmers?
• Also transfers knowledge between pair
– programming idioms, tool tricks, company
processes, latest technologies, …
– Some teams purposely swap partners per task
=> eventually everyone is paired (“promiscuous
Team Organization
(Engineering SaaS §10.1)
Scrum: Team Organization
• “2 Pizza” team size (4 to 9 people)
• Name inspired by frequent short meetings
– 15 minutes every day at same place and time
– To learn more: Agile Software Development
with Scrum by Schwaber & Beedle
Daily Scrum Agenda
• Answers 3 questions at “daily scrums”:
1. What have you done since yesterday?
2. What are you planning to do today?
3. Are there any impediments or stumbling
Scrum roles
• Team: 2-pizza size team that delivers SW
• ScrumMaster: team member who acts as
buffer between the Team and external
distractions, keeps team focused on task at
hand, enforces team rules, removes imped-
iments that prevent team from making
• Product Owner: A team member (not the
ScrumMaster) who represents the voice of
the customer and prioritizes user stories
Scrum Summary
• Basically, self-organizing small team with
daily short standup meetings
• Work in “sprints” of 2-4 weeks
• Suggest member rotate through roles
(especially Product Owner) each iteration
2-week Agile/XP Iteration
Talk to customer
Lo-fi UI mockup
User stories & scenarios
Design / user stories
Test-first dev. (unit/funct.)
Measure Velocity
Lo-Fi UI Sketches and
(Engineering SaaS §7.7)
© 2012 David Patterson & David Patterson
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
SaaS User Interface Design
• SaaS apps often faces users
⇒User stories need User Interface (UI)
• Want all stakeholders
involved in UI design
– Don’t want UI rejected!
• Need UI equivalent
of 3x5 cards
• Sketches: pen and paper
drawings or “Lo-Fi UI”
Lo-Fi UI Example
(Figure 4.3, Engineering SaaS by
Armando Fox and David Patterson,
Alpha edition, 2012.)
• Need to show how
UI changes based on
user actions
• HCI => “storyboards”
• Like scenes in a movie
• But not linear
Example Storyboard
(Figure 4.4, Engineering SaaS by
Armando Fox and David Patterson,
Alpha edition, 2012.)
Design and
User Stories
(Engineering SaaS
Behavior-Driven Design (BDD)
• BDD asks questions about behavior of app
before and during development to reduce
• Requirements written down as user stories
– Lightweight descriptions of how app used
• BDD concentrates on behavior of app vs.
implementation of app
– Test Driven Design tests implementation
User Stories
• 1-3 sentences in everyday language
– Fits on 3” x 5” index card
– Written by/with customer
• “Connextra” format:
– Feature name
– As a [kind of stakeholder],
So that [I can achieve some goal],
I want to [do some task]
– 3 phrases must be there, can be in any order
• Idea: user story can be formulated as acceptance
test before code is written
Why 3x5 Cards?
• (from User Interface community)
• Nonthreatening => all stakeholders
participate in brainstorming
• Easy to rearrange => all stakeholders
participate in prioritization
• Since short, easy to change during
– As often get new insights during development
Different stakeholders may
describe behavior differently
• See which of my friends are going to a show
– As a theatergoer
– So that I can enjoy the show with my friends
– I want to see which of my Facebook friends are
attending a given show
• Show patron’s Facebook friends
– As a box office manager
– So that I can induce a patron to buy a ticket
– I want to show her which of her Facebook friends
are going to a given show
Product Backlog
• Real systems have 100s of user stories
• Backlog: User Stories not yet completed
– (We’ll see Backlog again with Pivotal Tracker)
• Prioritize so most valuable items highest
• Organize so they match SW releases over
Points, Velocity, and
Pivotal Tracker
(Engineering SaaS §7.3)
Measuring Productivity
• A measure of team productivity:
calculate avg number of stories per week
• Some stories are much harder than others
• Rate each user story in advance on a simple
integer scale: 1 for straightforward stories, 2
for medium stories, and 3 for very complex
• Velocity: age number of points per week
More on Points
• Once get experience, Fibonnaci scale is
commonly used: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8
– Each new number is sum of previous 2
– At Pivotal Lab, 8 is extremely rare
• Teams assign value: vote by holding up
fingers simultaneously, take average
– If a big disagreement (2 and 5), discuss more
• ≥5 => user story should be broken up into
simpler stories so that the backlog never
has anything that's too demanding 43
Pivotal Tracker
• Calculates velocity for team, manages user
stories: Current, Backlog, Icebox
Pivotal Tracker
• Prioritize user stories by where place them
in Current, Backlog, Icebox
• Can add logical Release points, so can
figure out when a Release will really happen
– Remaining points/Velocity
Tracker Roles
• Developers don’t decide when user stories
– Pushes Deliver button, which sends to “Product
• Product Owner tries out the user story and
then either hits
– Accept, which marks user story as done, or
– Reject, which marks story as needing to be
Restarted by developer
(Engineering SaaS §7.5-§7.6)
Cucumber: Big Idea
• Tests from customer-friendly user stories
– Acceptance: ensure satisfied customer
– Integration: ensure interfaces between modules
consistent assumptions, communicate correctly.
• Cucumber meets halfway between customer
and developer
– User stories don't look like code, so clear to
customer and can be used to reach agreement
– Also aren't completely freeform, so can connect
to real tests
Example User Story
Feature: User can manually add movie
Scenario: Add a movie
Given I am on the RottenPotatoes home page
When I follow "Add new movie"
Then I should be on the Create New Movie page
When I fill in "Title" with "Men In Black"
And I select "PG-13" from "Rating"
And I press "Save Changes"
Then I should be on the RottenPotatoes home page
And I should see "Men In Black"
3 to 8 Steps / Scenario
≥1 Scenarios / Feature
1 Feature
Cucumber User Story, Feature,
and Steps
• User story: refers to a single feature
• Feature: 1 or more scenarios that show
different ways a feature is used
– Keywords Feature and Scenario identify the
respective components
• Scenario: 3 to 8 steps that describe scenario
• Step definitions: Code that tests steps
– Usually many steps per step definition
5 Step Keywords
1. Given steps represent the state of the
world before an event: preconditions
2. When steps represent the event
(e.g., push a button)
3. Then steps represent the expected
outcomes; check if its true
4. / 5. And and But extend the previous step
Steps, Step Definitions,
and Regular Expressions
• User stories kept in one set of files: steps
• Separate set of files has Ruby code that
tests steps: step definitions
• Step definitions are like method definitions,
steps of scenarios are like method calls
• How match steps with step definitions?
• Regexes match the English phrases in steps
of scenarios to step definitions
– Given /^(?:|{}I )am on (.+)$/
– “I am on the Rotten Potatoes home page” 52
Red-Yellow-Green Analysis
• Cucumber colors steps
• Green for passing
for not yet implemented
• Red for failing
(then following steps are Blue)
• Goal: Make all steps green for pass
(Hence green vegetable for name of tool)
• Demo: http://vimeo.com/34754747
TDD and RSpec
(Engineering SaaS §5.2)
Test-First development
• Think about one thing the code should do
• Capture that thought in a test, which fails
• Write the simplest possible code that lets the
test pass
• Refactor: DRY out commonality w/other tests
• Continue with next thing code should do
Red – Green – Refactor
Aim for “always have working code”
RSpec, a Domain-Specific
Language for testing
• DSL: small programming language that
simpifies one task at expense of generality
– examples so far: migrations, regexes, SQL
• RSpec tests are called specs, and inhabit
spec directory
rails generate rspec:install creates
app/models/*.rb spec/models/*_spec.rb
app/views/*/*.html.haml (use Cucumber!) 56
Cucumber & RSpec
• Cucumber
describes behavior
via features &
scenarios (behavior
driven design)
• RSpec tests
individual modules
that contribute to
those behaviors
(test driven
Failing (red)
Cucumber step
Failing (red) RSpec test
Passing (green) RSpec test
Passing (green)
Cucumber step
BDD+TDD: The Big Picture
• Behavior-driven design (BDD)
– develop user stories to describe features
– via Cucumber, user stories become acceptance
tests and integration tests
• Test-driven development (TDD)
– step definitions for new story,may require new
code to be written
– TDD says: write unit & functional tests for that
code first, before the code itself
– that is: write tests for the code you wish you had
BDD Summary
• Doesn’t feel natural at first
• Rails tools make it easier to follow BDD
• Once learned BDD and had success at it, no
turning back
– 2/3 Alumni said BDD/TDD useful in industry
TDD vs. Conventional
Conventional TDD
Write 10s of lines, run, hit bug: break
out debugger
Write a few lines, with test first; know
immediately if broken
Insert printf’s to print variables while
running repeatedly
Test short pieces of code using
Stop in debugger, tweak/set variables to
control code path
Use mocks and stubs to control code
Dammit, I thought for sure I fixed it, now
have to do this all again
Re-run test automatically
• Lesson 1: TDD uses same skills & techniques as
conventional debugging—but more productive
• Lesson 2: writing tests before code takes more time up-
front, but often less time overall
• Software as a Service (SaaS)
• Development process: Waterfall v. Agile
• Book and Online Course
• Pair Programming and Scrum
• Points, Velocity, & Pivotal Tracker
• Lo-Fi UI Sketches & Storyboards
• Behavior-Driven Development & User Stories
• Test-Driven Design, Cucumber, & RSpec
• Summary
2-week Agile/XP Iteration
Talk to customer
Lo-fi UI mockup
User stories & scenarios
Design / user stories
Test-first dev. (unit/funct.)
Measure Velocity
Summary: Engineering SaaS
is More Than Programming
Reactions from Colleagues
“It is a pleasure to see a student text that
emphasizes the production of real useful
Frederick P. Brooks, Turing Award winner
and author of The Mythical Man-Month
“I'd be far more likely to prefer graduates of
this program than any other I've seen.”
Brad Green, Engineering Manager,
Google Inc.
“I recommend this unique book and course to
anyone who wants to develop or improve
their SaaS programming skills.”
Thomas Siebel, founder of Siebel CRM
Systems http://saasbook.info
• Questions about this webcast?
• ACM Learning Webinars:
• ACM Learning Center:
ACM: The Learning Continues…

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  • 1. Engineering Software as a Service An Agile Software Approach ACM Webinar David Patterson University of California, Berkeley May 8, 2013 © 2013 Armando Fox & David Patterson Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License 1
  • 2. 2 • 1,300+ trusted technical books and videos by leading publishers including O’Reilly, Morgan Kaufmann, others • Online courses with assessments and certification-track mentoring, member discounts on tuition at partner institutions • Learning Webinars on big topics (Cloud Computing/Mobile Development, Cybersecurity, Big Data, Recommender Systems, SaaS) • ACM Tech Packs on big current computing topics: Annotated Bibliographies compiled by subject experts • Popular video tutorials/keynotes from ACM Digital Library, A.M. Turing Centenary talks/panels • Podcasts with industry leaders/award winners ACM Learning Center http://learning.acm.org
  • 3. 3 Talk Back • Use the Facebook widget in the bottom panel to share this presentation with friends and colleagues • Use Twitter widget to Tweet your favorite quotes from today’s presentation with hashtag #ACMWebinarPatterson • Submit questions and comments via Twitter to @acmeducation – we’re reading them!
  • 4. Outline • Software as a Service (SaaS) • Development process: Waterfall v. Agile • Book and Online Course • Pair Programming and Scrum • Points, Velocity, & Pivotal Tracker • Lo-Fi UI Sketches & Storyboards • Behavior-Driven Development & User Stories • Test-Driven Design, Cucumber, & RSpec • Summary 4
  • 5. Software as a Service (SaaS) (Engineering Software as a Service §1.2) 5
  • 6. Software as a Service: SaaS • Traditional SW: binary code installed and runs wholly on client device • SaaS delivers SW & data as service over Internet via thin program (e.g., browser) running on client device – Search, social networking, video • Now also SaaS version of traditional SW – E.g., Microsoft Office 365, TurboTax Online • SaaS is revolutionizing software industry 6
  • 7. 6 Reasons for SaaS 1. No install worries about HW capability, OS 2. No worries about data loss (at remote site) 3. Easy for groups to interact with same data 4. If data is large or changed frequently, simpler to keep 1 copy at central site 5. 1 copy of SW, controlled HW environment => no compatibility hassles for developers 6. 1 copy => simplifies upgrades for developers and no user upgrade requests 7
  • 8. Development processes: Waterfall vs. Agile (Engineering Software as a Service §1.8-§1.9) 8
  • 9. “Plan-and-Document” Processes: Waterfall • Waterfall “lifecycle” or development process – Requirements analysis and specification 1. Architectural design 2. Implementation and Integration 3. Verification 4. Operation and Maintenance • Complete one phase before start next one – Why? Earlier catch bug, cheaper it is – Extensive documentation/phase for new people 9
  • 10. How well does Waterfall work? • Works well for SW with specs that won’t change: NASA spacecraft, aircraft control, … • Often when customer sees it, wants changes • Often after built first one, developers learn right way they should have built it 10
  • 11. (Many) Other Processes • Spiral – Add prototypes with 6 to 24 month iterations – Rather than document all requirements 1st, develop requirement documents across the iterations of prototype • Rational Unified Process (RUP) – More closely allied to business issues – Iteration in each phase: Inception, Elaboration, Construction, Transition 11
  • 12. State of SW Development 12
  • 13. Agile Manifesto, 2001 “We are uncovering better ways of developing SW by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value •Individuals and interactions over processes & tools •Working software over comprehensive documentation •Customer collaboration over contract negotiation •Responding to change over following a plan That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.” 13
  • 14. Extreme Programming (XP) Takes common sense principles to extreme: • If short iterations are good, make them as short as possible: days vs. months • If simplicity is good, always do the simplest thing that could possibly work • If testing is good, test all the time. Write the test code before you write the code to test • If code reviews are good, review code continuously, by programming in pairs, 2 programmers to a computer 14
  • 15. Agile lifecycle • Embraces change as a fact of life: continuous improvement vs. phases • Developers continuously refine working but incomplete prototype until customers happy, with customer feedback on each Iteration (every ~2 weeks) • Agile emphasizes Test-Driven Development (TDD) to reduce mistakes, written down User Stories to validate customer requirements, Velocity to measure progress 15
  • 16. Implications of SaaS • Rapid Improvement Opportunity => Rapid Improvement Obligation – Alta Vista used to be most popular search engine – MySpace used to be most popular social networking site • Need software development process that embraces can evolve software rapidly • => Agile software development 16
  • 17. Massive Open Online Course • Berkeley has decided to make MOOCs tuition-free and non-credit – Search for CS169.1x and CS169.2x • 7-10 minute "lecturelets" • Self-check questions • Online quizzes and homework assignments that are machine graded • Discussion forums monitored by TAs • Synchronous deadlines 17
  • 18. Book Part I covers Software as a Service (SaaS) • SaaS Architecture: Model-View-Controller, 3-Tier architecture, & RESTful APIs • Introduction to Ruby on Rails framework • Introduction to JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX http://saasbook.info Part II covers Agile development • Eliciting requirements via User Stories • BDD to convert User Stories into acceptance tests using Cucumber • TDD to transform acceptance tests into unit tests using RSpec • Schedule via Velocity & Pivotal Tracker • Organizing SaaS teams using Scrum and Pair Programming • Incorporating SaaS Design Patterns 18
  • 19. Pair Programming (Engineering Software as a Service §10.2) 19
  • 20. Pair Programming • Goal: improve software quality, reduce time to completion by having 2 people develop the same code • Non-goal: reduce total cost (programmer- hours) of developing code 20
  • 21. Pair Programming • Sit side-by-side facing screens together, – Not personal computer; many for any pair to use – To avoid distractions, no email reader, browser 21
  • 22. Pair Programming • Driver enters code and thinks tactically about how to complete the current task, explaining thoughts while typing • Observer reviews each line of code as typed in, and acts as safety net for the driver • Observer thinking strategically about future problems, makes suggestions to driver • Should be lots of talking • Pair alternates roles 22
  • 23. Pair Programming Evaluation • PP quicker when task complexity is low • PP yields higher quality when high • More effort than solo programmers? • Also transfers knowledge between pair – programming idioms, tool tricks, company processes, latest technologies, … – Some teams purposely swap partners per task => eventually everyone is paired (“promiscuous pairing”) 23
  • 25. Scrum: Team Organization • “2 Pizza” team size (4 to 9 people) • Name inspired by frequent short meetings – 15 minutes every day at same place and time – To learn more: Agile Software Development with Scrum by Schwaber & Beedle 25
  • 26. Daily Scrum Agenda • Answers 3 questions at “daily scrums”: 1. What have you done since yesterday? 2. What are you planning to do today? 3. Are there any impediments or stumbling blocks? 26
  • 27. Scrum roles • Team: 2-pizza size team that delivers SW • ScrumMaster: team member who acts as buffer between the Team and external distractions, keeps team focused on task at hand, enforces team rules, removes imped- iments that prevent team from making progress • Product Owner: A team member (not the ScrumMaster) who represents the voice of the customer and prioritizes user stories 27
  • 28. Scrum Summary • Basically, self-organizing small team with daily short standup meetings • Work in “sprints” of 2-4 weeks • Suggest member rotate through roles (especially Product Owner) each iteration 28
  • 29. 2-week Agile/XP Iteration Talk to customer Lo-fi UI mockup User stories & scenarios Behavior-driven Design / user stories RSpec Test-first dev. (unit/funct.) Measure Velocity Deploy Free and/or open source 29
  • 30. Lo-Fi UI Sketches and Storyboards (Engineering SaaS §7.7) © 2012 David Patterson & David Patterson Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License 30
  • 31. SaaS User Interface Design • SaaS apps often faces users ⇒User stories need User Interface (UI) • Want all stakeholders involved in UI design – Don’t want UI rejected! • Need UI equivalent of 3x5 cards • Sketches: pen and paper drawings or “Lo-Fi UI” 31
  • 32. Lo-Fi UI Example (Figure 4.3, Engineering SaaS by Armando Fox and David Patterson, Alpha edition, 2012.) 32
  • 33. Storyboards • Need to show how UI changes based on user actions • HCI => “storyboards” • Like scenes in a movie • But not linear 33
  • 34. Example Storyboard (Figure 4.4, Engineering SaaS by Armando Fox and David Patterson, Alpha edition, 2012.) 34
  • 36. Behavior-Driven Design (BDD) • BDD asks questions about behavior of app before and during development to reduce miscommunication • Requirements written down as user stories – Lightweight descriptions of how app used • BDD concentrates on behavior of app vs. implementation of app – Test Driven Design tests implementation 36
  • 37. User Stories • 1-3 sentences in everyday language – Fits on 3” x 5” index card – Written by/with customer • “Connextra” format: – Feature name – As a [kind of stakeholder], So that [I can achieve some goal], I want to [do some task] – 3 phrases must be there, can be in any order • Idea: user story can be formulated as acceptance test before code is written 37
  • 38. Why 3x5 Cards? • (from User Interface community) • Nonthreatening => all stakeholders participate in brainstorming • Easy to rearrange => all stakeholders participate in prioritization • Since short, easy to change during development – As often get new insights during development 38
  • 39. Different stakeholders may describe behavior differently • See which of my friends are going to a show – As a theatergoer – So that I can enjoy the show with my friends – I want to see which of my Facebook friends are attending a given show • Show patron’s Facebook friends – As a box office manager – So that I can induce a patron to buy a ticket – I want to show her which of her Facebook friends are going to a given show 39
  • 40. Product Backlog • Real systems have 100s of user stories • Backlog: User Stories not yet completed – (We’ll see Backlog again with Pivotal Tracker) • Prioritize so most valuable items highest • Organize so they match SW releases over time 40
  • 41. Points, Velocity, and Pivotal Tracker (Engineering SaaS §7.3) 41
  • 42. Measuring Productivity • A measure of team productivity: calculate avg number of stories per week • Some stories are much harder than others • Rate each user story in advance on a simple integer scale: 1 for straightforward stories, 2 for medium stories, and 3 for very complex stories • Velocity: age number of points per week 42
  • 43. More on Points • Once get experience, Fibonnaci scale is commonly used: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 – Each new number is sum of previous 2 – At Pivotal Lab, 8 is extremely rare • Teams assign value: vote by holding up fingers simultaneously, take average – If a big disagreement (2 and 5), discuss more • ≥5 => user story should be broken up into simpler stories so that the backlog never has anything that's too demanding 43
  • 44. Pivotal Tracker • Calculates velocity for team, manages user stories: Current, Backlog, Icebox 44
  • 45. Pivotal Tracker • Prioritize user stories by where place them in Current, Backlog, Icebox • Can add logical Release points, so can figure out when a Release will really happen – Remaining points/Velocity 45
  • 46. Tracker Roles • Developers don’t decide when user stories completed – Pushes Deliver button, which sends to “Product Owner” • Product Owner tries out the user story and then either hits – Accept, which marks user story as done, or – Reject, which marks story as needing to be Restarted by developer 46
  • 48. Cucumber: Big Idea • Tests from customer-friendly user stories – Acceptance: ensure satisfied customer – Integration: ensure interfaces between modules consistent assumptions, communicate correctly. • Cucumber meets halfway between customer and developer – User stories don't look like code, so clear to customer and can be used to reach agreement – Also aren't completely freeform, so can connect to real tests 48
  • 49. Example User Story Feature: User can manually add movie Scenario: Add a movie Given I am on the RottenPotatoes home page When I follow "Add new movie" Then I should be on the Create New Movie page When I fill in "Title" with "Men In Black" And I select "PG-13" from "Rating" And I press "Save Changes" Then I should be on the RottenPotatoes home page And I should see "Men In Black" 3 to 8 Steps / Scenario ≥1 Scenarios / Feature 1 Feature 49
  • 50. Cucumber User Story, Feature, and Steps • User story: refers to a single feature • Feature: 1 or more scenarios that show different ways a feature is used – Keywords Feature and Scenario identify the respective components • Scenario: 3 to 8 steps that describe scenario • Step definitions: Code that tests steps – Usually many steps per step definition 50
  • 51. 5 Step Keywords 1. Given steps represent the state of the world before an event: preconditions 2. When steps represent the event (e.g., push a button) 3. Then steps represent the expected outcomes; check if its true 4. / 5. And and But extend the previous step 51
  • 52. Steps, Step Definitions, and Regular Expressions • User stories kept in one set of files: steps • Separate set of files has Ruby code that tests steps: step definitions • Step definitions are like method definitions, steps of scenarios are like method calls • How match steps with step definitions? • Regexes match the English phrases in steps of scenarios to step definitions – Given /^(?:|{}I )am on (.+)$/ – “I am on the Rotten Potatoes home page” 52
  • 53. Red-Yellow-Green Analysis • Cucumber colors steps • Green for passing for not yet implemented • Red for failing (then following steps are Blue) • Goal: Make all steps green for pass (Hence green vegetable for name of tool) • Demo: http://vimeo.com/34754747 53
  • 54. TDD and RSpec (Engineering SaaS §5.2) 54
  • 55. Test-First development • Think about one thing the code should do • Capture that thought in a test, which fails • Write the simplest possible code that lets the test pass • Refactor: DRY out commonality w/other tests • Continue with next thing code should do Red – Green – Refactor Aim for “always have working code” 55
  • 56. RSpec, a Domain-Specific Language for testing • DSL: small programming language that simpifies one task at expense of generality – examples so far: migrations, regexes, SQL • RSpec tests are called specs, and inhabit spec directory rails generate rspec:install creates structure app/models/*.rb spec/models/*_spec.rb app/controllers/ *_controller.rb spec/controllers/ *_controller_spec.rb app/views/*/*.html.haml (use Cucumber!) 56
  • 57. Cucumber & RSpec • Cucumber describes behavior via features & scenarios (behavior driven design) • RSpec tests individual modules that contribute to those behaviors (test driven development) Failing (red) Cucumber step Failing (red) RSpec test Passing (green) RSpec test Passing (green) Cucumber step 57
  • 58. BDD+TDD: The Big Picture • Behavior-driven design (BDD) – develop user stories to describe features – via Cucumber, user stories become acceptance tests and integration tests • Test-driven development (TDD) – step definitions for new story,may require new code to be written – TDD says: write unit & functional tests for that code first, before the code itself – that is: write tests for the code you wish you had 58
  • 59. BDD Summary • Doesn’t feel natural at first • Rails tools make it easier to follow BDD • Once learned BDD and had success at it, no turning back – 2/3 Alumni said BDD/TDD useful in industry 59
  • 60. TDD vs. Conventional debugging Conventional TDD Write 10s of lines, run, hit bug: break out debugger Write a few lines, with test first; know immediately if broken Insert printf’s to print variables while running repeatedly Test short pieces of code using expectations Stop in debugger, tweak/set variables to control code path Use mocks and stubs to control code path Dammit, I thought for sure I fixed it, now have to do this all again Re-run test automatically • Lesson 1: TDD uses same skills & techniques as conventional debugging—but more productive • Lesson 2: writing tests before code takes more time up- front, but often less time overall 60
  • 61. Outline • Software as a Service (SaaS) • Development process: Waterfall v. Agile • Book and Online Course • Pair Programming and Scrum • Points, Velocity, & Pivotal Tracker • Lo-Fi UI Sketches & Storyboards • Behavior-Driven Development & User Stories • Test-Driven Design, Cucumber, & RSpec • Summary 61
  • 62. 2-week Agile/XP Iteration Talk to customer Lo-fi UI mockup User stories & scenarios Behavior-driven Design / user stories RSpec Test-first dev. (unit/funct.) Measure Velocity Deploy Free and/or open source 62
  • 63. Summary: Engineering SaaS is More Than Programming 63
  • 64. Reactions from Colleagues “It is a pleasure to see a student text that emphasizes the production of real useful software.” Frederick P. Brooks, Turing Award winner and author of The Mythical Man-Month “I'd be far more likely to prefer graduates of this program than any other I've seen.” Brad Green, Engineering Manager, Google Inc. “I recommend this unique book and course to anyone who wants to develop or improve their SaaS programming skills.” Thomas Siebel, founder of Siebel CRM Systems http://saasbook.info 64
  • 65. 65 • Questions about this webcast? learning@acm.org • ACM Learning Webinars: http://learning.acm.org/multimedia.cfm • ACM Learning Center: http://learning.acm.org ACM: The Learning Continues…