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Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
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Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report

2004 was a successful turnaround year for Agilent. We
achieved consistently strong profitability, completed a sweeping
operational transformation, introduced many significant new
products, and improved our competitive position. Our innovative
products and services help make the world safer, healthier, more
productive, more connected and more fun.

To our shareholders                                                                     2–5
Agilent at a glance                                                                     6–7
Life – Agilent’s role in improving quality of life                                    8 – 11
– safety                                                                             12 – 13
– health                                                                             14 – 15
– productivity                                                                       16 – 17
– connections                                                                        18 – 19
– fun                                                                                20 – 21
Reconciliation                                                                       22 – 23
Officers and directors                                                                    24
Shareholder information                                                    Inside back cover

                                                     Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS                                       After three tough years in which Agilent survived the high-tech
                                                          downturn and fundamentally transformed how we operate, 2004 was a
                                                          successful and gratifying turnaround year for the company. We achieved
                                                          consistently strong profitability through the year and generated more
                                                          than $700 million in cash, completed the sweeping operational
                                                          transformation launched in 2000, maintained the R&D investments
                                                          that fueled an outstanding year for new products, and improved our
                                                          competitive position by entering new markets and exiting others.
                                                          Agilent’s 28,000 people continued to work with great skill, energy and
                                                          commitment in a difficult environment to deliver these results. We began
                                                          2005 a much stronger company than we were a year ago, and are
                                                          excited by our opportunities to build on our accomplishments.

“We began 2005 a much                                     OUTSTANDING FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE IN 2004
                                                          In 2004 Agilent’s orders rose 15 percent over 2003 to $7 billion, while
 stronger company than we                                 revenue increased 19 percent to $7.2 billion. During the first half of the
 were a year ago, and are                                 year, strong demand in the semiconductor and related industries,
                                                          especially wireless communications, was a key driver of this growth.
 excited by our opportunities to                          In 2004 we also did an excellent job of managing operating expenses
                                                          which were $294 million lower than in 2003. This improvement reflects
 build on our success.”                                   the work we have done during the past three years to bring Agilent’s
                                                          costs in line with the competitive realities of our markets; to date we
Ned Barnholt
                                                          have taken about $800 million out of our quarterly cost structure. (1)
Agilent Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer   In 2004 we earned $349 million, or 71 cents per share on a GAAP basis,
                                                          compared with a loss of $2.058 billion, or $4.35 per share, in 2003. (2)
                                                          On a non-GAAP basis, earnings were $529 million, or $1.05 per share,
                                                          compared with a loss of $121 million, or 26 cents per share, in 2003.

2   Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
Inventories were only $31 million higher at the end of 2004 than a year        inventory and capacity. This affected second-half results in our
ago, a great result given our revenue increase for the year of more than       Semiconductor Products Group (SPG) and Automated Test Group
$1.1 billion. In 2004, investments in property, plant and equipment            (ATG). For the full year, orders in SPG were up 20 percent while
declined by $87 million from 2003. These improvements, along with              revenue rose by 27 percent. In the fourth quarter we announced
our strong profitability, enabled outstanding cash generation, and we          plans to sell SPG’s camera module business to Flextronics after we
began 2005 with about $2.3 billion in cash and cash equivalents.               determined that this business would not achieve acceptable profit
                                                                               levels as part of Agilent. In ATG, orders fell 2 percent for the full year
In 2004, two of our businesses did very well all year and two others
                                                                               while revenue increased by 22 percent over fiscal 2003. In 2004 we
were stronger in the first half. While we saw a decline in orders in
                                                                               acquired IBM’s flat-panel test business, which we believe
wireless handset manufacturing test markets in the fourth quarter of
                                                                               complements our existing automated test businesses and offers
2004, our Test and Measurement (T&M) business achieved an
                                                                               excellent opportunities for profitable growth.
18 percent increase in overall orders and 15 percent growth in revenue
in 2004. Driving T&M’s comeback were improved conditions in many of            A MAJOR OPERATIONAL TRANSFORMATION
its markets, strong new products, outstanding expense control and the          In 2000 we launched a major effort to make the company more
benefits of its restructuring during the past three years. Our Life            efficient and cost effective and in 2004 largely completed this
Sciences and Chemical Analysis (LSCA) business had a consistently              transformation, which is starting to deliver strong returns. Information-
strong year, with healthy growth in orders and revenue, a 30 percent           technology (IT) systems have been a key focus of our transformation.
improvement in operating profit, and record orders and revenue in the          In 2004 we completed implementation of our ERP (enterprise resource
fourth quarter. LSCA enhanced its leadership in its core chemical              planning) and customer support systems, which are key building blocks
analysis business, which serves the petrochemical and environmental            of our IT infrastructure, and finished the outsourcing of some IT
markets, while strengthening its position in the life sciences business,       functions to partners that can deliver these services more cost
where Agilent products and solutions are helping researchers                   effectively. In 2004 we reduced legacy applications by nearly 60
understand the genetic basis of disease and develop new drugs.                 percent, reduced our overall IT costs by 27 percent compared with
                                                                               2003, and made it easier for customers to use the Agilent Web site
After a strong first half, demand from the semiconductor and related
                                                                               to find product and support information.
industries slowed significantly as the industry worked through excess

Financial Overview (in millions)
                                     2004        2003        % change
Orders                               6,997      6,084            15
Net revenue                          7,181      6,056            19
Income (loss) from
operations (GAAP)                     386        (725)          153

Non-GAAP adjustments:
Restructuring expenses                161         372
Intangibles amortization and other     95           64
Non-GAAP adjustments                  256         436           (41)

Income (loss) from
operations (Non-GAAP)                 642        (289)          322
Net income (loss) (GAAP)              349      (2,058)          117
Net income (loss) (Non-GAAP)          529        (121)          537

(1) Operational cost reduction: restructuring, $600 million; IT costs, $100 million; other, $100 million. Agilent’s operating breakeven cost
   structure can be reconciled to GAAP breakeven cost structure as follows: Total GAAP costs and expenses: less restructuring, less cost of
   sales decrement, less unusual IT projects such as ERP and CRM.
(2) $1.4 billion of the net loss in 2003 was the result of a non-cash charge to establish a tax valuation allowance.

                                                                                                                       Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
MAINTAINING INVESTMENTS IN RESEARCH AND                                     as the Global Supplier Award from Eli Lilly and Company. We are
                                                                            gratified by these awards and determined to achieve further progress
                                                                            in addressing and anticipating customer needs.
During the past three years we balanced the need to lower costs with
investments in research and development (R&D) that enable us to             To help further improve our performance with customers, the Agilent
develop the new products crucial to our long-term success. In 2004 we       Customer Satisfaction program provides customer feedback that we
spent $914 million on R&D. About 7 percent of this total was spent at       track and compare with aggressive improvement goals. We also rolled
Agilent Laboratories, our central R&D facility, which extended its long     out a new quality education program to employees globally, and
track record of vital contributions to new products.                        initiated a company-wide Six Sigma quality program.
Based on the partnership between Labs and SPG, we introduced an             A LEADER IN CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP
industry-first laser sensor for Logitech’s latest computer mouse that
                                                                            Outstanding corporate citizenship has two main components, and both
achieved strong market acceptance. LSCA introduced a revolutionary
                                                                            were important priorities for Agilent in 2004. The first is corporate
new liquid chromatography product that takes advantage of Agilent’s
                                                                            governance – the practices that bring to life the highest standards of
core competencies in microfluidics, optics and semiconductor materials
                                                                            integrity and transparency. The other is the role we play as an employer
and that has many potential applications for sample separation and
                                                                            and community member. In 2004 we were proud to be ranked No. 9 on
preparation in life sciences research. In our Electronic Products and
                                                                            the 100 Best Corporate Citizens list published by Business Ethics
Solutions Group (EPSG), we introduced a series of oscilloscopes that set
                                                                            magazine, which cited Agilent’s “diversity practices and superior
new performance standards for engineers who design RF and wireless
                                                                            treatment of the community.” In 2004 more than 6,000 Agilent people
products and that was named a quot;2004 Product of the Yearquot; by
                                                                            volunteered in company-supported education, health and human
Electronic Products magazine. We also launched a series of modular,
                                                                            service, and environmental programs or events; 16 countries where we
reconfigurable test platforms, or synthetic instruments, that are playing
                                                                            do business have active community programs; approximately 273,000
a key role in the evolution of the aerospace and defense industries.
                                                                            students were reached through Agilent-sponsored education programs;
                                                                            and we improved our environmental performance in a number of areas.
                                                                            This year we were formally recognized for our contributions and results
New products, as well as our operational improvements, contributed to
                                                                            in 22 communities worldwide. Our corporate citizenship efforts
substantial customer recognition in 2004. Nortel Networks™ named
                                                                            strengthen Agilent’s long-term competitiveness and help improve the
Agilent its 2003 Technology Supplier of the Year, and we won the
                                                                            viability of our many communities, and we will continue to make these
Outstanding Supplier Award from RF Micro Devices in China as well
                                                                            efforts a priority.

“Agilent’s people continued to
 work with great skill, energy
 and commitment.”

4   Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
BUSINESS OUTLOOK                                                            operational transformation we have made. Our overarching goal in
                                                                            2005 is to achieve consistently profitable growth. The key to doing that
Agilent competes in large markets that are undergoing significant
                                                                            is to unleash the innovative capacity of Agilent’s people. Our ability to
change and are becoming mature. While overall growth rates in these
                                                                            innovate, combined with our outstanding products, long-term customer
markets are likely to be modest, there are numerous opportunities for
                                                                            relationships and greater operational efficiency, position us well to
more robust growth within these markets. Our products, customer
                                                                            achieve our goals in 2005 and to continue making Agilent the company
relationships and deep technology expertise position us well to pursue
                                                                            we want it to be.
these opportunities, and we will continue to do so in 2005.
                                                                            On January 19, 2005, I announced my intention to retire as Agilent’s
As we begin 2005, a reason for caution is the slowdown in the
                                                                            chairman, president and CEO effective March 1, 2005. The board of
semiconductor industry that affected our results in the second half of
                                                                            directors chose Bill Sullivan, who has been chief operating officer and
2004. We believe the industry will work through its capacity and
                                                                            head of EPSG, to be Agilent’s next president and CEO. I will become
inventory issues during the first half of 2005, when we expect demand
                                                                            chairman emeritus and will work with Bill to ensure a smooth
in our wireless test business to be soft. But we do not believe that we
                                                                            transition. Jim Cullen, who has been a board member since 2000,
are entering a deep downturn like the one that started in 2001.
                                                                            will become the non-executive chairman. Bill is superbly qualified for
Our priorities in 2005 start with our focus on maintaining the financial    his new role. His great track record of results over many years,
and operational discipline that was crucial to our results in 2004.         leadership skills and values make him the clear choice to become
We will build on the dramatic progress we have made in our cost             president and CEO. With Agilent now in excellent financial condition
structure and IT, manufacturing and other functions. This year we will      and strong operationally, Bill will lead the company into its next
also emphasize the need to improve all aspects of our customers’            phase, where Agilent will focus more on growth.
experience with Agilent. We survey our customers in depth on a
                                                                            After 38 years with Hewlett-Packard and Agilent, including the last six
regular basis, and we are taking action to increase their satisfaction
                                                                            as president and CEO, it’s time for me to start the next phase of my life.
and loyalty. In addition, we are increasing our investments in employee
                                                                            I want to thank our shareholders, employees, customers and partners
development in 2005, in order to expand the skills, leadership
                                                                            for their support of our company over the past six years and for helping
capability and commitment of Agilent’s people.
                                                                            to make my time as CEO fulfilling in so many ways.
The start of 2005 is the beginning of Agilent’s sixth year as an
independent company. It has been an incredible first five years.
We launched the company, grew rapidly, survived the downturn and
transformed virtually every element of how we do business. Our people
and culture have been tested. We have learned a lot, and we have
                                                                            Ned Barnholt
emerged as a much stronger company. Now we are embarking on a
transformation in growth and innovation that is equal in scope to the       Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

                                                                           “Our people and culture have
                                                                            been tested. We have learned
                                                                            a lot, and we have emerged
                                                                            as a much stronger company.”

                                                                                                                         Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report

Agilent delivers critical tools and              TEST AND MEASUREMENT                           AUTOMATED TEST
                                                 2004 net revenue – $2.9 billion                2004 net revenue – $0.9 billion
technologies that sense, measure
and interpret the physical and
biological world. Our innovative                 Our test and measurement business              Our automated test business provides test
solutions enable a wide range of                 provides standard and customized solutions     solutions that are used in the manufacture
customers in communications,                     that are used in the design, development,      of semiconductor devices, electronics
                                                 manufacture, installation, deployment and      (primarily printed circuit-board assemblies)
electronics, life sciences and
                                                 operation of electronics equipment and         and flat panel displays. Automated test
chemical analysis to make                        communications networks and services.          employed approximately 2,200 people
technological advancements that                  Test and measurement employed about            worldwide as of Oct. 31, 2004.
drive productivity and improve                   11,200 people worldwide as of Oct. 31, 2004.
the way people live and work.                    MARKETS                                        Our automated test business sells to the
                                                 Our test and measurement markets include       semiconductor-manufacturing, electronics-
About two thirds of Agilent’s                    the communications test and general            manufacturing and flat-panel-display
revenue was generated from                       purpose test markets.                          markets.
outside of the United States in
                                                 PRODUCT AREAS                                  PRODUCT AREAS
fiscal 2004. With approximately                  Communications test products include           Our automated test business designs,
28,000 employees, our global                     testing solutions for fiber optic networks;    develops and manufactures semiconductor
                                                 transport networks; broadband and data         test equipment, electronics manufacturing
presence offers a competitive
                                                 networks; wireless communications;             test equipment (including automated
advantage. Agilent’s
                                                 microwave networks; installation and           optical inspection products, automated
manufacturing, R&D, sales and                    maintenance solutions; and operations          x-ray inspection products, automated in-
support capabilities around the                  support systems, including monitoring and      circuit testing products and manufacturing
                                                 network management systems. General            test systems software) and thin-film
world give customers the
                                                 purpose test solutions include general         transistor array test equipment for flat
flexibility they need in today’s
                                                 purpose instruments; modular instruments       panel displays.
competitive environment.                         and test software; digital design products;
                                                 and high-frequency electronic design tools.

6   Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
2004 net revenue – $2.0 billion
                                              2004 net revenue – $1.3 billion

                                                                                           Agilent Laboratories is our central research
                                              Our life sciences and chemical analysis
Our semiconductor products business
                                                                                           organization. Agilent Labs engages in
                                              business provides application-focused
is a leading supplier of semiconductor
                                                                                           1) applied research leading to technology
                                              solutions that include instruments,
components, modules and subsystems
                                                                                           that can be transferred to our existing
                                              software, consumables and services that
for consumer and commercial electronics
                                                                                           businesses in communications, life
                                              enable customers to identify, quantify and
applications. As of Oct. 31, 2004,
                                                                                           sciences and electronics, and 2) research
                                              analyze the physical and biological
semiconductor products employed about
                                                                                           that creates new businesses that are
                                              properties of substances and products.
6,800 people worldwide.
                                                                                           outside of our current markets but within
                                              We employed about 3,900 people worldwide
MARKETS                                                                                    our fields of interest. Agilent Labs also
                                              as of Oct. 31, 2004 in this business.
Our semiconductor products business                                                        provides technology integration across
serves the personal systems and                                                            the company.
                                              Life science markets, which account for
networking markets.
                                              about 40 percent of revenue from this
                                              business, include the pharmaceutical
                                                                                           AGILENT SALES AND SUPPORT
Our personal systems products (for use in
                                              analysis, gene expression and proteomics
                                                                                           Agilent sells and distributes products
mobile phones, printers, PC peripherals
                                              markets. Chemical analysis markets, which
                                                                                           primarily through direct sales, but we also
and consumer electronics) include radio
                                              make up the other 60 percent of revenue,
                                                                                           utilize distributors, resellers, telesales and
frequency and microwave communications
                                              include the petrochemical, environmental,
                                                                                           electronic commerce. Our businesses
devices such as FBAR duplexers and E-
                                              homeland security and forensics, and
                                                                                           provide a range of services and customer
pHEMT power amplifiers; infrared emitters,
                                              bioagriculture and food safety markets.
                                                                                           support, including systems integration,
detectors and transceiver module products;
                                                                                           technical and product support, consulting
                                              PRODUCT AREAS
printing application-specific integrated
                                                                                           and knowledge services.
                                              Our seven key product categories include
circuits (ASICs); optical image sensors and
                                              microarrays; microfluidics; gas
processors, and optical position sensors;
                                              chromatography; liquid chromatography;
and light emitting diodes (LEDs) and
                                              mass spectrometry; software and
optocoupler products. We are also engaged
                                              informatics products; and related
in a global joint venture – Lumileds – with
                                              consumables, reagents and services.
Philips Electronics, which develops,
manufactures and sells LEDs, modules,
products and systems for a broad spectrum
of lighting applications. Our networking
products include Fibre Channel controller
products, fiber optic products and high-
speed digital integrated circuit products.
                                                                                                        Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
                                                 Mobile handset manufacturers, network service providers,
                                                 pharmaceutical companies, consumer electronics firms,
                                                 and other businesses around the world rely on Agilent’s
                                                 innovation and collaboration to help drive their success.

8   Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
To the average consumer, Agilent’s test and measurement, semiconductor,     understanding to enable that innovation. Today, five-year-old Agilent
automated test, and life sciences and chemical analysis products are not    blends its impressive heritage with the energy and creativity of a start-up.
easily recognized. But Agilent’s tools help our customers build mobile
                                                                            Agilent is home to one of the world’s most innovative centrally funded
phones with greater battery life and the latest features, monitor telecom
                                                                            research labs – Agilent Laboratories. Agilent Labs is a significant growth
networks to ensure connectivity with loved ones, help scientists uncover
                                                                            engine for the company, where scientists from diverse disciplines
the causes of deadly diseases, and check food and water to ensure
                                                                            collaborate and develop synergistic solutions to customer problems.
safety – to name just a few applications. In short, Agilent contributes
                                                                            A close connection to Agilent’s businesses gives Labs the unique
to a life that’s safer, healthier, more productive, more connected – and
                                                                            perspective and ability to innovate across the breadth of the company’s
even more fun.
                                                                            diverse technologies – from semiconductor products to life science tools.
Agilent’s global contribution includes not only actual products and
                                                                            Agilent Labs has a keen understanding of where technology is heading,
services but also a passion for solving problems. With a 60-year history
                                                                            while the Agilent businesses have clear perspectives on customer needs
steeped in developing breakthrough measurement technologies and
                                                                            and markets. Working together, Labs and the businesses are able to
products as part of Hewlett-Packard Company, a culture of innovation lies
                                                                            incorporate innovations into products at the right time to meet customer
at the heart of the company. Agilent combines expertise from a broad
                                                                            needs – and achieve business success for Agilent.
array of sciences and engineering with market and customer

                                                                                                                     Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP                                                      • Ranked Number 9 in Business Ethics magazine’s quot;100 Best
                                                                             Corporate Citizensquot; list;
Agilent’s ongoing commitment to corporate citizenship practices that are
                                                                           • Adopted a Supplier Environmental and Social Responsibility Code of
global, effective and innovative took many forms in 2004. We supported
                                                                             Conduct, and worked with some suppliers to address environmental,
education, social service and environmental organizations in our many
                                                                             health and safety issues in their operations;
communities around the world; worked with several suppliers to address
                                                                           • Reduced company-wide energy usage by 6.3 percent;
environmental, health and safety issues; and increased employee
                                                                           • Made significant progress in tracking and eliminating lead and other
satisfaction with Agilent as an employer. These and other citizenship-
                                                                             hazardous materials from our component products;
related efforts help us not only to strengthen our communities but also
                                                                           • Was identified by SustainAbility, the United Nations Environment
develop a better understanding of the larger social and cultural
                                                                             Programme and Standard and Poor’s as a global Top 100 non-
conditions within which we operate. This understanding contributes to        financial reporter based on our 2003 Environmental and Social
our success and will enable us to continue to achieve significant            Responsibility Report.
citizenship results in the future.
                                                                           For the fourth consecutive year, Agilent in 2004 was selected for the
In 2004, Agilent:
                                                                           Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and the FTSE4Good (Financial
• Made cash and equipment investments totaling U.S. $5.2 million in
                                                                           Times Stock Exchange) Global and U.S. Indices of socially responsible
    universities, pre-university science and math education programs,
                                                                           companies. Agilent also is included in several other socially responsible
    environmental programs, and health and human services worldwide;
                                                                           indices including Storebrand Investments, Calvert Social Index and the
• Enabled 20 percent of our employees worldwide to donate 50,000
                                                                           Ethibel Sustainability Index.
    hours for volunteer community service;
• Implemented our second Agilent Action Week program, in which             Our commitment to corporate citizenship is a defining Agilent value, and
    1,700 employees at more than 50 locations worldwide volunteered        it will remain an important part of who we are and what we do. More
    on projects to improve the environment in their communities;           details about our global citizenship programs are available in the
• Reached 273,000 pre-university students and 14,000 teachers              company’s Environment and Social Responsibility Report 2004
    through our support or implementation of education programs,           at www.agilent.com/go/sustainability.
    including the Agilent After School hands-on science program;

10   Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report

Employee data

Number of employees
2004                                                                                      28,200
2003                                                                                         29,000
2002                                                                                                                 36,000

Injury/illness rates*

                                                                                                                              “While business success and
* Based on recordable occupational injury/illness cases multiplied by 200,000 then divided by the hours worked for
  the same time period in which the injuries occured.

                                                                                                                               market leadership are clearly
Gender                                                   Gender
                                                                                                                               a business’s first priorities,
All employees 2004                                       Executives and senior management (USA only) 2004

                                                                                                                               I believe that leading

                                                                                                                               companies set the standard

                                                                                                                               in corporate citizenship
Employee locations

                                                                                                                               as well.”

                                                                                                                              Ned Barnholt
                                                                                                                              Agilent Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer

Environmental data

Total energy use (1,000 gigajoules)
2004                                                                        2,410
2003                                                                              2,610
2002                                                                                       2,860

Total water use for operations (1,000 cubic meters)

Community investment data

2004 (million US$)

                                                     Education 3.2
                                                     Environment 0.3
                                                     Health and Human Services 1.6
                                                     Other 0.1
                                                     Total 5.2

                                                                                                                                                              Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
In large and small ways, technologies and innovations from Agilent help protect people all over the planet every day.

12   Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
CONSUMER PRODUCTS                                                             HANDS-FREE PHONES
Solutions from Agilent help to identify potentially toxic flame retardant     Agilent products make it safer to make wireless phone calls, which can
chemicals called polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). These can be         be potentially dangerous when driving. To help users continue mobile
found in many household products and electronics devices, including           conversations more safely, Agilent has introduced a miniature, low-cost
clothing, carpets, furniture, computers and televisions.                      sensor – The Agilent HSDL-9100-021 optical proximity sensor – that
                                                                              enables mobile phones to automatically switch between earpiece and
Although their effects on human health are still under investigation, the
                                                                              loudspeaker modes.
European Union and the state of California in the United States have
passed laws restricting the use of some types of PBDEs.                       HOMELAND SECURITY
                                                                              Agilent’s analytical instruments are used to identify the chemicals
Agilent helps manufacturers test for PBDE levels in products so they can
                                                                              involved in bio-chemical accidents and criminal acts. The ability to
comply with regulations. Agilent’s innovative Gas Chromatography/
                                                                              quickly determine the scope and nature of an incident helps emergency
Mass Spectrometry analysis method can detect PBDEs at levels as low
                                                                              workers contain and control contamination from dangerous substances.
as one part per billion.
                                                                              Detecting, identifying and confirming organic and inorganic compounds
VEHICLE SAFETY                                                                have been a core competency of Agilent for more than 35 years.
Small, bright light emitting diodes (LEDs) developed by Agilent are
                                                                              Today, the New York City Police Department uses a mobile lab equipped
found in many vehicles’ exterior and interior lighting. The energy-
                                                                              with Agilent instruments to detect dangerous chemical and biological
efficient LEDs are easier to see in poor weather, and turn on more
                                                                              agents in air, water, soil or food supplies during emergencies.
quickly, providing following drivers an extra two-tenths of a second
to apply their brakes. That means five extra meters (a full car length)       One technology for detecting biological agents relies on DNA-based
of stopping distance at highway speeds.                                       measurements using the Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer and lab-on-a-chip
                                                                              technology. The Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer provides rapid qualitative and
Agilent LEDs are also used extensively in traffic signals and signs, and in
                                                                              quantitative information on DNA in biological samples. Agilent is also
display lighting where a combination of high brightness and weather-
                                                                              working with partners to provide screening and confirmatory detection
resistant packaging are important. In August 2004, Agilent introduced a
                                                                              systems for infectious or contagious diseases such as anthrax, smallpox
series of extra-bright white LEDs targeted for this market. In addition to
                                                                              and plague.
its status as the world’s largest supplier of high-brightness red and
yellow LEDs, Agilent is the only one of the few manufacturers that can
supply red, amber and green LEDs to traffic-light makers.

                                                                                                                   Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
14   Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
Agilent enables insights that are the first steps on a journey of
discovery that promises to revolutionize the understanding of
disease and health.

Progress is being made in the fight against cancer – the 10th leading cause
of death worldwide in 2003, according to the World Health Organization.
Many cancer researchers use the Agilent DNA microarray platform for gene
expression profiling to better understand how cancer begins, develops and
progresses. Agilent now is developing specialized DNA microarrays for
comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), a technique that allows
researchers to study chromosomal changes in cancer and informs them
about progression of patients in a way never before possible.

Agilent Labs is working with scientists in other research organizations, such
as the Translational Genomics Research Institute, to develop commercial CGH
solutions. The solutions use Agilent’s ink-jet DNA microarray manufacturing
process, in which short strands of DNA called oligonucleotides are
synthesized base by base directly on a glass slide.

Scientists are trying to identify “biomarker” proteins in human blood cells
that may indicate disease or disease progression. But biomarkers in human
blood can be hard to find. Agilent recently licensed technology from Large
Scale Biology (LSB) in order to develop a solution that improves the process.

Mass spectrometry has become a core technology for proteomics research,
but it used to take scientists a month to analyze data from a one-day
experiment. Agilent’s Spectrum Mill MS proteomics workbench, a carefully
integrated suite of software tools designed to facilitate high-throughput
mass spectrometry, shortened the process to two days.

Agilent in 2004 acquired Silicon Genetics, a leading provider of software
solutions for life-science discovery. With the addition of these genomics
data-analysis and management tools to its portfolio, Agilent now is a market
leader in life science informatics, offering customers an unparalleled range
of solutions in gene expression, genotyping and protein identification.
This acquisition also is enabling Agilent to develop software for emerging
biological applications that today lack commercial software.

With the Agilent Synapsia informatics workbench, scientists can manage
the evolution of a scientific project, from the initial planning and hypothesis-
setting steps, through the collection and analysis of data from different
software packages, to the formulation of insights, conclusions and decisions.
This allows scientists to more fully understand, analyze and use the vast
amounts of proteomics, genomics, pharmacogenomics, toxicogenomics and
drug-efficacy data.

                                            Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
Agilent enables the mobile devices people rely upon at work and home.

WIRELESS PDAs                                                               CAMERA PHONES AND OPTICAL MICE
Agilent plays a critical background role in testing the tools that help     Camera-phone popularity continues to grow and Agilent is a major
mobile professionals stay connected. Smart phones, which combine            supplier of the CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor)
cellular technology with personal digital assistant (PDA) devices, are      image sensors and processors enabling this major consumer trend.
becoming ubiquitous. A one-box, multi-format, wireless handset tester –     Agilent is the world’s number one manufacturer of image sensors
the Agilent E5515C wireless communications test set – tests virtually all   used in camera phones and optical mice, having shipped more than
major cellular standards. Agilent also makes the tools used in designing    350 million of these components.
these wireless devices including electronic design automation (EDA)
                                                                            SWIFT DOWNLOADS
tools, signal sources and spectrum and signal analyzers. So whatever
                                                                            Optimizing networks to increase computer file-download speeds is
brand a wireless handset or PDA carries, it was most likely “touched”
                                                                            another way Agilent increases productivity. Telecommunications
by Agilent somewhere during the design and manufacturing process.
                                                                            companies use the Agilent N2X, the most comprehensive multi-service
SMALLER PHONES AND LONGER BATTERY LIFE                                      test solution for converging network infrastructures, to handle and
Samsung’s newest mobile phone includes a large, full-color LCD screen,      measure the performance of millions of file transfer protocols (FTPs),
and allows users to record 15-second videos and shoot digital pictures.     which move large amounts of data quickly between computers.
To fit more features into the ultra-compact phone, Samsung turned to
                                                                            HIGH-SPEED NETWORKS
Agilent’s FBAR duplexer and filter components, and CDMA (code
                                                                            In 2004, Agilent broke the double-digit bandwidth barrier with the
division multiple access) power amplifier modules – all designed using
                                                                            introduction of its Infiniium DSO80000 Series oscilloscopes and Agilent
Agilent’s EDA tools – to reduce handset size and extend talk time by 30
                                                                            InfiniiMax II Series probing measurement systems, which include 10,

16   Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
12 and 13-GHz versions. These new products are vital to engineers            FIBER OPTIC TRANSCEIVERS
designing high-speed serial buses, radio frequency (RF) and wireless         The Internet continues to drive an insatiable demand for network
products, and other ultra-high-speed electronics. The 13-GHz version         bandwidth and data storage. Agilent is one of few companies with the
offers more than a 50-percent performance improvement over previous          expertise to integrate optoelectronic and digital integrated circuit (IC)
products. The DSO80000 series, which was selected as a “2004                 technologies into cost-effective solutions for the world’s leading
Product of the Year” by Electronic Products magazine, also features a        networking equipment, server and storage networking manufacturers.
wide variety of software packages to match specific measuring needs.         With its fast Ethernet and gigabit Ethernet fiber optic transceivers,
                                                                             Agilent drives more fiber optic connections on the Internet than any
                                                                             other company. Agilent is also driving the adoption of 4 Gb/s Fibre
Much of the ongoing installation of fiber optic cable occurs along
                                                                             Channel and 10 Gb/s Ethernet fiber optic transceivers, ensuring that
existing infrastructure such as railways, power lines and roads. Agilent
                                                                             critical data and video information is stored and delivered instantly and
provides products that make installation in these situations much faster.
                                                                             accurately anywhere on the globe.
All fiber must be tested to ensure it wasn’t damaged, broken or critically
bent during installation, and the primary testing tool is an Optical Time    BEYOND THE WORKPLACE
Domain Reflectometer (OTDR). Agilent is a world leader in fiber testing      Increasing numbers of people are using the mobile Global Positioning
with its E6000C Mini-OTDR and the new N3900A Modular Network                 System (GPS) in their car to find the fastest route to hard-to-find
Tester. Agilent’s products qualify installed cable five times faster than    locations. Agilent helps to enable GPS technology through its Labs-
others in common use. With today’s cables routinely holding 864 fibers,      enabled atomic clocks for time synchronization at GPS ground stations
fiber testing that previously took more than one week to complete can        and its E5515C wireless communications test set, which calibrates the
now be done in one day with better installation quality.                     GPS receivers in CDMA phones.

                                                                                                                    Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
Analysts estimate that by 2007 90 percent of new computers will be
equipped with Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) capability, which enables them to
connect to the Internet wirelessly. Growing numbers of cell phones and other
appliances have similar capabilities. Agilent provides the widest portfolio of
radio frequency (RF) test equipment used to design and test Wi-Fi chipsets,
components, modules and devices. These Agilent products include advanced
design system software, signal analyzers and sources, network and spectrum
analyzers, power meters, and the N4010A wireless connectivity set. Agilent
also provides Wi-Fi certification testing, and the Agilent Interoperability
Certification Lab guarantees interoperability between Wi-Fi devices from
different vendors.

With 1.5 billion mobile phones in use around the world today, people are
connected through voice calling, web access, text messaging and photos like
never before. Service providers need to ensure that service quality remains
high, no matter where their customers might be. Agilent’s E7495B base
station test set combines the most highly used base station test tools into one
instrument that simplifies everyday maintenance.

Monitoring the quality of service (QoS) of roaming voice calls was previously
a manual process that was unmanageable, costly and time-consuming for
service providers, who can have more than 200 roaming partners. The key to
ensuring high-quality service is automating the process. Agilent provides
Operations Support Systems (OSS) solutions, including Wireless QoS
Manager, GPRS QoS Analyzer, GPRS Session Analyzer and the Global
Roaming Test Service, that manage a wide range of roaming services such as
e-mail, Web, and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS). With Agilent OSS
solutions, service providers can perform tests to identify potential problems
with infrastructure, content providers and IP connectivity partners.

More cell phones worldwide are tested in production with Agilent’s E5515C
Wireless Communications Test Set than with equipment from all other vendors
combined. Modern cell phones contain about 100 individual components, and
Agilent test equipment – such as impedance analyzers, LCR meters, network
analyzers, signal sources and signal analyzers – is used for testing these
components when they are manufactured.

Agilent also makes test and inspection systems for high-volume IC and printed
circuit board (PCB) manufacturers. At the wafer and IC level, the Versatest
Series V5400 Flash Memory Tester tests flash devices, the 93000 System on a
Chip test system tests the baseband processors in cell phones, and the 93000
radio frequency (RF) measurement suite tests many of the RF components.
Coupled with its CMOS Image Sensor Test Solution, the 93000 systems test
CMOS imaging chips used for camera phones. At the PCB level, the SJ50
automated optical inspection systems visually inspect the placement of parts
on cell phone boards with improved accuracy based on image-processing
innovations from Agilent Labs. The 5DX X-ray inspection systems detect solder
defects in boards used in the wireless and wired network infrastructure.

18   Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
Agilent plays a key role in enhancing communications for people in today’s highly connected world.

                                                                                                     Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
MP3 PLAYERS                                                  BIGGER SCREENS
The great sounds and low cost of MP3 players are             The new plasma display panel (PDP) televisions provide
enabled by Agilent’s 93000 System-on-a-Chip (SOC)            greater resolution and color brilliance in a much slimmer
test series, which provides the most cost-effective, high-   unit than traditional display technologies. Agilent is the
fidelity, audio/video testing in the industry.               leading provider of optocouplers found in these PDPs.
                                                             Optocouplers convert electronic signals to light and help
The heart of the integrated player is flash memory, a
                                                             prevent damage to sensitive circuitry. The number and
technology that is used to store music, digital and phone
                                                             size of the components determine PDP size, and Agilent’s
camera images, video and much more. Flash memory is
                                                             miniature optocouplers save valuable space, enabling
ideal for entertainment electronics because of its low-
                                                             screens to be as narrow as four inches.
power requirements, high capacity, compact size and
low cost. Agilent’s V5400 memory test systems test           Using these tiny components from Agilent, Samsung SDI
flash memory to ensure reliability at increasing storage     has developed the world’s largest PDP. A large number
capacity and decreasing physical size.                       of optocouplers are integrated into this breakthrough
                                                             80-inch model, which provides 1,920 x 1,080 high-density
Behind it all, Agilent’s test systems enable the cutting-
                                                             pixel resolution, offers more than 133 million colors and is
edge wafer manufacturing processes that address the
                                                             compatible with high-definition television (HDTV).
relentless demands for higher speed, smaller size, lower
noise and power consumption, and lower costs. Agilent        PLAY BALL
tests the manufacturing process for more of the world’s      Agilent also provides the test instruments and
wafers than any other systems combined.                      components needed to make sure professional baseball
                                                             teams “play ball.” Knots or other imperfections can
                                                             render baseball bats unpredictable at best and useless
High-speed links and state-of-the-art graphics are the
                                                             at worst. To ensure the perfect bat, researchers and
key to faster and sophisticated video game images.
                                                             manufacturers test for bad wood before production
Agilent’s 93000 SOC series quickly and accurately tests
                                                             starts, using an Agilent 5462X oscilloscope to measure
these leading-edge IC components to identify any
                                                             the vibrations at locations up and down the bat as part
manufacturing defects.
                                                             of the process. The result is fewer broken bats, cleaner
                                                             hits and fewer bone-jarring vibrations sent back into the
Agilent’s Electronic Manufacturing Test Consulting
                                                             batter’s hands.
Services are also used by a leading video game provider
to write and deploy the test programs used at all their
                                                             GETTING THE RIGHT FLAVOR
manufacturing facilities worldwide with Agilent’s 3070
                                                             Technology from Agilent is used to ensure food and
Board Test Systems.
                                                             beverages taste as good as they should. Gas
Agilent’s quality assurance systems, module test             chromatography (GC) is the industry standard for
systems, quality control systems and radio frequency         managing flavor and fragrance analysis, although
(RF) final test systems also play a key part in getting      GC/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) can also be used.
popular home video game systems to market. With              Agilent is the leading provider of both technologies.
Agilent’s strong presence in wireless, we are helping to
enable the trend toward online and multiplayer gaming.

20   Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
Having fun is an essential part of everyone’s life. Agilent is behind the scenes making the world a more enjoyable place.

                                                                                                    Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
Reconciliation from GAAP to non-GAAP Net Income
Twelve months ended October 31, 2004 (Unaudited)

                                                                                 Non-GAAP Adjustments
                                                                     Restructuring Contract    Gain on    Camera                               Adjustment
(In millions, except                                     Other       and Asset     Termination Sale of    Module       Investment              for Income
per share amounts)                        GAAP           Intangibles Impairment    fees        Assets     Charge       Impairments Other       Taxes        Non-GAAP

Orders                                    $ 6,997        $      –$            –   $       –    $     –    $       –    $      –    $       –   $       –    $   6,997

Net revenue                               $ 7,181        $      –$            –   $       –    $     –    $       –    $      –    $       –   $       –    $   7,181

Costs and expenses:
 Cost of products and services                4,058           (19)         (54)          (4)         –          (18)          –         (8)            –        3,955
 Research and development                       933              –         (16)          (3)         –             –          –           –            –          914
 Selling, general and
  administrative                              1,804            (3)         (91)          (7)         1             –          –        (34)            –        1,670
Total costs and expenses                      6,795           (22)        (161)         (14)         1          (18)          –        (42)            –        6,539

Income from operations                             386         22           161          14         (1)          18           –         42             –         642

Other income (expense), net                        54           –             8           –          –            –           7            4           –           73

Income from operations
 before taxes                                      440         22           169          14               (1)    18           7         46             –         715

Provision for taxes                                 91          –             –           –          –            –           –            –          95         186

Net income                                $        349   $     22 $         169   $      14    $    (1)   $      18    $      7    $    46     $     (95)   $    529

Net income per share –
Basic and Diluted:
 Basic                                    $ 0.72         $    0.05 $       0.35   $    0.03    $ (0.00)   $     0.04   $    0.01   $ 0.10      $   (0.20)   $    1.10
                                                                                                                                                                 1.05 (1)
 Diluted                                  $ 0.71         $    0.04 $       0.34   $    0.03    $ (0.00)   $     0.04   $    0.01   $ 0.09      $   (0.19)   $

Weighted average shares used in
 computing net loss per share:
  Basic                                            483        483           483         483        483          483         483        483           483         483
  Diluted                                          490        490           490         490        490          490         490        490           490         526 (1)

      In order to calculate non-GAAP diluted net income per share, we added 36 million shares and approximately $26 million of after-tax interest
      expense to non-GAAP net income to treat our senior convertible debentures as if they were converted. The impact of this was ($.03) to our
      diluted earnings per share.

22    Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
Reconciliation from GAAP to non-GAAP Net Loss
Twelve months ended October 31, 2003 (Unaudited)

                                                                Non-GAAP Adjustments
                                                         Restructuring Gain on                Retirement                       Adjustment
(In millions, except                         Other       and Asset     Sale of  SFAS          Plans                            for Income
per share amounts)               GAAP        Intangibles Impairment    Assets   No. 142       Curtailment Loss   Other         Taxes                Non-GAAP

Orders                           $ 6,084     $      –    $      –      $     –    $       –   $            –     $       –     $             –      $     $6,084

Net revenue                      $ 6,056     $      –    $      –      $     –    $       –   $            –     $       –     $             –      $     $6,056

Costs and expenses:
 Cost of products and services      3,750         (46)       (111)           –          –                 (1)          (5)                   –             3,587
 Research and development           1,051            –        (66)           –          –                 (1)            –                   –               984
 Selling, general and
  administrative                    1,980          (9)       (195)           2          –                 (3)          (1)                   –             1,774
Total costs and expenses            6,781         (55)       (372)           2          –                 (5)          (6)                   –             6,345

Loss from operations                (725)          55         372           (2)         –                  5             6                   –              (289)

Other income (expense), net            35           –          15           (3)           –                –             –                   –                    47

Loss from operations
 before taxes                       (690)          55         387           (5)           –                5             6                   –              (242)

Provision for taxes                 1,100           –           –            –          –                  –             –            (1,221)               (121)

Loss before cumulative effect
 of accounting change              (1,790)         55         387           (5)           –                5             6              1,221               (121)

Cumulative effect of adopting
 SFAS No. 142                       (268)           –           –            –        268                  –             –                   –                    –

Net loss                         $ (2,058)   $     55    $    387      $    (5)   $   268     $            5     $       6     $        1,221       $       (121)

Net loss per share –
Basic and Diluted:
Loss before cumulative
 effect of accounting change     $ (3.78)    $   0.11    $    0.82     $ (0.01)   $       –   $         0.01     $ 0.01        $          2.58      $      (0.26)
Cumulative effect of
 adopting SFAS No. 142             (0.57)           –            –            –       0.57                 –          –                      –                  –
Net loss                         $ (4.35)    $   0.11    $    0.82     $ (0.01)   $   0.57    $         0.01     $ 0.01        $          2.58      $      (0.26)

Weighted average shares used in
 computing net loss per share:
Basic and diluted                     473         473         473          473        473                473          473                 473                 473

                                                                                                                     Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report

Officers                                                                                                      Directors                                              Board Committees
Edward W. (Ned) Barnholt.                               D. Craig Nordlund.                                    Edward W. (Ned) Barnholt                               Audit & Finance Committee
Chairman of the Board of                                Senior Vice President,                                Chairman of the Board of                               Heidi Kunz, Chairperson
Directors, President and Chief                          General Counsel and                                   Directors, President and Chief                         Robert J. Herbold
Executive Officer                                       Secretary                                             Executive Officer                                      Walter B. Hewlett
                                                                                                                                                                     Robert L. Joss
Adrian T. Dillon                                        Young K. Sohn                                         James G. Cullen
Executive Vice President and                            Senior Vice President of                              Retired President and Chief                            Compensation Committee
Chief Financial Officer                                 Agilent and President of                              Operating Officer of Bell                              James G. Cullen,
                                                        Semiconductor Products                                Atlantic Corporation (now                              Chairperson
John R. Eaton                                           Group                                                 known as Verizon)                                      Koh Boon Hwee
Vice President, Finance and                                                                                                                                          David M. Lawrence, M.D.
Corporate Development and                               Darlene J.S. Solomon                                  Robert J. Herbold                                      A. Barry Rand
Treasurer                                               Vice President and Director                           Retired Executive Vice
                                                        of Agilent Laboratories                               President of Microsoft                                 Nominating/Corporate
William R. Hahn                                                                                               Corporation                                            Governance Committee
Senior Vice President,                                  William P. Sullivan                                                                                          David M. Lawrence, M.D.,
Corporate Relations                                     Executive Vice President and                          Walter B. Hewlett                                      Chairperson
                                                        Chief Operating Officer                               Independent Researcher and                             James G. Cullen
Jean M. Halloran                                                                                              Director, Center for Computer                          Robert J. Herbold
Senior Vice President,                                  Jack P. Trautman                                      Assisted Research in the                               Walter B. Hewlett
Human Resources                                         Senior Vice President of                              Humanities and Public Policy                           Robert L. Joss
                                                        Agilent and President of                              Institute of California                                Koh Boon Hwee
Didier Hirsch                                           Automated Test Group                                                                                         Heidi Kunz
Vice President and Controller                                                                                 Robert L. Joss                                         A. Barry Rand
                                                        Chris van Ingen                                       Dean of the Graduate School of
Larry C. Holmberg                                       Senior Vice President of                              Business of Stanford University                        Executive Committee
Senior Vice President, Sales,                           Agilent and President of                                                                                     David M. Lawrence, M.D.,
Marketing and Customer Support                          Life Sciences and Chemical                            Koh Boon Hwee                                          Chairperson
                                                        Analysis Group                                        Chairman of Singapore                                  Edward W. (Ned) Barnholt
Marie Oh Huber                                                                                                Airlines Ltd.
Vice President, Assistant General                       Thomas E. White
Counsel and Assistant Secretary                         Senior Vice President of                              Heidi Kunz
                                                        Agilent and President of                              Executive Vice President and
                                                        Communications Solutions                              Chief Financial Officer of Blue
                                                        Group                                                 Shield of California

                                                                                                              David M. Lawrence, M.D.
                                                                                                              Chairman Emeritus of Kaiser
                                                                                                              Foundation Health Plan, Inc.
                                                                                                              and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals

                                                                                                              A. Barry Rand
                                                                                                              Chairman and Chief Executive
                                                                                                              Officer of Equitant

All listed officers, except John R. Eaton, William R. Hahn, Larry C. Holmberg, Marie Oh Huber and Darlene J.S. Solomon, are executive officers of Agilent under Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Standing left to right: D. Craig Nordlund, Thomas E. White, Jack P. Trautman, Young K. Sohn, Darlene J.S. Solomon, Chris van Ingen, Jean M. Halloran, Dick M. Chang,
William R. Hahn, Larry C. Holmberg. Seated left to right: Adrian T. Dillon, Edward W. (Ned) Barnholt, William P. Sullivan.

24   Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report

INVESTOR INFORMATION                                                            COMMON STOCK
To receive paper copies of the Corporate Report, proxy statement, Form          Agilent is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and our ticker symbol is
10-K, earnings announcements and other financial information, people in         “A.”There were approximately 62,264 registered shareholders as of
the United States and Canada should call our toll-free number: (877)            December 16, 2004. Since we plan to retain future earnings to maximize
942-4200. People calling from outside the United States and Canada              the growth and development of our company, we do not anticipate paying
should dial: (402) 573-9919. You can also access financial information at       cash dividends in the foreseeable future. We do not currently offer direct
Agilent’s Investor Relations Web site. The address is                           purchase of Agilent shares from the company or a dividend re-investment
http://www.investor.agilent.com.                                                plan (DRIP).
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, BUSINESS CONDUCT AND ETHICS                               The following tables summarize the high and low stock prices by period for
                                                                                Agilent’s common stock.
Agilent’s Corporate Governance Standards, the charters of our Audit and
Finance Committee, our Compensation Committee, our Executive Committee          Fiscal 2004                                             High                Low
and our Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee as well as Agilent’s
                                                                                First Quarter (ended January 31, 2004)                  $38.80              $24.97
Standards of Business Conduct (including code of ethics provisions that apply
                                                                                Second Quarter (ended April 30, 2004)                   $37.62              $26.91
to our principle executive officer, controller and senior financial officers)
                                                                                Third Quarter (ended July 31, 2004)                     $29.68              $22.63
are available on our website at http://www.investor.agilent.com under
                                                                                Fourth Quarter (ended October 31, 2004)                 $25.31              $19.51
“Corporate Governance Policies.” You can also request a hard copy of any
of this information by contacting (877) 942-4200 (in the United States or
Canada) or (402) 573-9919 (outside the United States and Canada).               Fiscal 2003                                             High                Low
                                                                                First Quarter (ended January 31, 2003)                  $20.30              $13.19
Agilent submitted its Annual Certification of the Chief Executive Officer to
                                                                                Second Quarter (ended April 30, 2003)                   $16.82              $11.30
the New York Stock Exchange regarding the New York Stock Exchange
                                                                                Third Quarter (ended July 31, 2003)                     $22.64              $15.48
corporate governance listing standards on March 22, 2004. Agilent filed its
Certifications of the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer       Fourth Quarter (ended October 31, 2003)                 $26.48              $20.31
pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 as Exhibits 31.1
and 31.2, respectively, to its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year
ended October 31, 2004 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission
                                                                                This Corporate Report, including the letter titled “To Our Shareholders,” contains
on December 21, 2004.
                                                                                forward-looking statements (including, without limitation, information regarding
TRANSFER AGENT AND REGISTRAR                                                    customer needs, corporate citizenship, profitability, ability to grow profitably, future
                                                                                opportunities, our position to pursue those opportunities and achieve goals, the
Please contact our transfer agent, at the phone number or address listed
                                                                                outlook for the general economy and for the markets that Agilent serves and
below, with any questions about stock certificates, transfer of ownership or
                                                                                maintenance of financial and operational discipline) that involve risks and
other matters pertaining to your stock account.
                                                                                uncertainties that could cause results of Agilent to differ materially from
Computershare Investor Services
                                                                                management’s current expectations. These risks include the ability to execute
P.O. Box A3504                                                                  successfully through business cycles while it continues to implement workforce and
Chicago, IL 60690-3504                                                          other cost reductions; the ability to meet and achieve the benefits of its cost
United States                                                                   reduction goals and otherwise successfully adapt its cost structures to continuing
                                                                                changes in business conditions; ongoing competitive, pricing and gross margin
If calling from anywhere within the United States and Canada:
                                                                                pressures; the risk that our cost-cutting initiatives will impair our ability to develop
(877) 309-9856.
                                                                                products and remain competitive and to operate effectively; the impact of geopolitical
                                                                                uncertainties on our markets and our ability to conduct business; the ability to
If calling from outside the United States: (312) 588-4672.
                                                                                improve asset performance to adapt to changes in demand; the ability to successfully
The e-mail address for general shareholder inquiries for Computershare is:      introduce new products at the right time, price and mix and other risks detailed in
                                                                                Agilent’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our Annual
                                                                                Report on Form 10-K for the year ended Oct. 31, 2004 as well as any subsequent
INVESTOR CONTACT                                                                filings made after December 21, 2004.
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
                                                                                The materials contained in this Corporate Report are as of January 7, 2005, unless
Investor Relations Department                                                   otherwise noted. The content of this Corporate Report contains time-sensitive
395 Page Mill Road                                                              information that is accurate only as of this date. If any portion of this Corporate
Palo Alto, CA 94306                                                             Report is redistributed at a later date, Agilent will not be reviewing or updating the
                                                                                material in this report.
You can also contact the Investor Relations Department via e-mail at the
Agilent Investor Relations Web site at http://www.investor.agilent.com.
Click “Phone or Email”in the “Contact IR”box to send a message.

Agilent Technologies, Inc.,
395 Page Mill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Phone: (650) 752-5000

   Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report

   Printed on 100% recycled paper of which 50% is post-consumer waste

© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2005
   Printed in U.S.A. March 1, 2005

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agilent -cr-2004-final

  • 1. Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 3. Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report 2004 was a successful turnaround year for Agilent. We achieved consistently strong profitability, completed a sweeping operational transformation, introduced many significant new products, and improved our competitive position. Our innovative products and services help make the world safer, healthier, more productive, more connected and more fun. To our shareholders 2–5 Agilent at a glance 6–7 Life – Agilent’s role in improving quality of life 8 – 11 – safety 12 – 13 – health 14 – 15 – productivity 16 – 17 – connections 18 – 19 – fun 20 – 21 Reconciliation 22 – 23 Officers and directors 24 Shareholder information Inside back cover 1 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 4. TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS After three tough years in which Agilent survived the high-tech downturn and fundamentally transformed how we operate, 2004 was a successful and gratifying turnaround year for the company. We achieved consistently strong profitability through the year and generated more than $700 million in cash, completed the sweeping operational transformation launched in 2000, maintained the R&D investments that fueled an outstanding year for new products, and improved our competitive position by entering new markets and exiting others. Agilent’s 28,000 people continued to work with great skill, energy and commitment in a difficult environment to deliver these results. We began 2005 a much stronger company than we were a year ago, and are excited by our opportunities to build on our accomplishments. “We began 2005 a much OUTSTANDING FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE IN 2004 In 2004 Agilent’s orders rose 15 percent over 2003 to $7 billion, while stronger company than we revenue increased 19 percent to $7.2 billion. During the first half of the were a year ago, and are year, strong demand in the semiconductor and related industries, especially wireless communications, was a key driver of this growth. excited by our opportunities to In 2004 we also did an excellent job of managing operating expenses which were $294 million lower than in 2003. This improvement reflects build on our success.” the work we have done during the past three years to bring Agilent’s costs in line with the competitive realities of our markets; to date we Ned Barnholt have taken about $800 million out of our quarterly cost structure. (1) Agilent Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer In 2004 we earned $349 million, or 71 cents per share on a GAAP basis, compared with a loss of $2.058 billion, or $4.35 per share, in 2003. (2) On a non-GAAP basis, earnings were $529 million, or $1.05 per share, compared with a loss of $121 million, or 26 cents per share, in 2003. 2 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 5. Inventories were only $31 million higher at the end of 2004 than a year inventory and capacity. This affected second-half results in our ago, a great result given our revenue increase for the year of more than Semiconductor Products Group (SPG) and Automated Test Group $1.1 billion. In 2004, investments in property, plant and equipment (ATG). For the full year, orders in SPG were up 20 percent while declined by $87 million from 2003. These improvements, along with revenue rose by 27 percent. In the fourth quarter we announced our strong profitability, enabled outstanding cash generation, and we plans to sell SPG’s camera module business to Flextronics after we began 2005 with about $2.3 billion in cash and cash equivalents. determined that this business would not achieve acceptable profit levels as part of Agilent. In ATG, orders fell 2 percent for the full year In 2004, two of our businesses did very well all year and two others while revenue increased by 22 percent over fiscal 2003. In 2004 we were stronger in the first half. While we saw a decline in orders in acquired IBM’s flat-panel test business, which we believe wireless handset manufacturing test markets in the fourth quarter of complements our existing automated test businesses and offers 2004, our Test and Measurement (T&M) business achieved an excellent opportunities for profitable growth. 18 percent increase in overall orders and 15 percent growth in revenue in 2004. Driving T&M’s comeback were improved conditions in many of A MAJOR OPERATIONAL TRANSFORMATION its markets, strong new products, outstanding expense control and the In 2000 we launched a major effort to make the company more benefits of its restructuring during the past three years. Our Life efficient and cost effective and in 2004 largely completed this Sciences and Chemical Analysis (LSCA) business had a consistently transformation, which is starting to deliver strong returns. Information- strong year, with healthy growth in orders and revenue, a 30 percent technology (IT) systems have been a key focus of our transformation. improvement in operating profit, and record orders and revenue in the In 2004 we completed implementation of our ERP (enterprise resource fourth quarter. LSCA enhanced its leadership in its core chemical planning) and customer support systems, which are key building blocks analysis business, which serves the petrochemical and environmental of our IT infrastructure, and finished the outsourcing of some IT markets, while strengthening its position in the life sciences business, functions to partners that can deliver these services more cost where Agilent products and solutions are helping researchers effectively. In 2004 we reduced legacy applications by nearly 60 understand the genetic basis of disease and develop new drugs. percent, reduced our overall IT costs by 27 percent compared with 2003, and made it easier for customers to use the Agilent Web site After a strong first half, demand from the semiconductor and related to find product and support information. industries slowed significantly as the industry worked through excess Financial Overview (in millions) 2004 2003 % change Orders 6,997 6,084 15 Net revenue 7,181 6,056 19 Income (loss) from operations (GAAP) 386 (725) 153 Non-GAAP adjustments: Restructuring expenses 161 372 Intangibles amortization and other 95 64 Non-GAAP adjustments 256 436 (41) Income (loss) from operations (Non-GAAP) 642 (289) 322 Net income (loss) (GAAP) 349 (2,058) 117 Net income (loss) (Non-GAAP) 529 (121) 537 (1) Operational cost reduction: restructuring, $600 million; IT costs, $100 million; other, $100 million. Agilent’s operating breakeven cost structure can be reconciled to GAAP breakeven cost structure as follows: Total GAAP costs and expenses: less restructuring, less cost of sales decrement, less unusual IT projects such as ERP and CRM. (2) $1.4 billion of the net loss in 2003 was the result of a non-cash charge to establish a tax valuation allowance. 3 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 6. MAINTAINING INVESTMENTS IN RESEARCH AND as the Global Supplier Award from Eli Lilly and Company. We are gratified by these awards and determined to achieve further progress DEVELOPMENT in addressing and anticipating customer needs. During the past three years we balanced the need to lower costs with investments in research and development (R&D) that enable us to To help further improve our performance with customers, the Agilent develop the new products crucial to our long-term success. In 2004 we Customer Satisfaction program provides customer feedback that we spent $914 million on R&D. About 7 percent of this total was spent at track and compare with aggressive improvement goals. We also rolled Agilent Laboratories, our central R&D facility, which extended its long out a new quality education program to employees globally, and track record of vital contributions to new products. initiated a company-wide Six Sigma quality program. Based on the partnership between Labs and SPG, we introduced an A LEADER IN CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP industry-first laser sensor for Logitech’s latest computer mouse that Outstanding corporate citizenship has two main components, and both achieved strong market acceptance. LSCA introduced a revolutionary were important priorities for Agilent in 2004. The first is corporate new liquid chromatography product that takes advantage of Agilent’s governance – the practices that bring to life the highest standards of core competencies in microfluidics, optics and semiconductor materials integrity and transparency. The other is the role we play as an employer and that has many potential applications for sample separation and and community member. In 2004 we were proud to be ranked No. 9 on preparation in life sciences research. In our Electronic Products and the 100 Best Corporate Citizens list published by Business Ethics Solutions Group (EPSG), we introduced a series of oscilloscopes that set magazine, which cited Agilent’s “diversity practices and superior new performance standards for engineers who design RF and wireless treatment of the community.” In 2004 more than 6,000 Agilent people products and that was named a quot;2004 Product of the Yearquot; by volunteered in company-supported education, health and human Electronic Products magazine. We also launched a series of modular, service, and environmental programs or events; 16 countries where we reconfigurable test platforms, or synthetic instruments, that are playing do business have active community programs; approximately 273,000 a key role in the evolution of the aerospace and defense industries. students were reached through Agilent-sponsored education programs; and we improved our environmental performance in a number of areas. CUSTOMER AND QUALITY FOCUS This year we were formally recognized for our contributions and results New products, as well as our operational improvements, contributed to in 22 communities worldwide. Our corporate citizenship efforts substantial customer recognition in 2004. Nortel Networks™ named strengthen Agilent’s long-term competitiveness and help improve the Agilent its 2003 Technology Supplier of the Year, and we won the viability of our many communities, and we will continue to make these Outstanding Supplier Award from RF Micro Devices in China as well efforts a priority. “Agilent’s people continued to work with great skill, energy and commitment.” 4 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 7. BUSINESS OUTLOOK operational transformation we have made. Our overarching goal in 2005 is to achieve consistently profitable growth. The key to doing that Agilent competes in large markets that are undergoing significant is to unleash the innovative capacity of Agilent’s people. Our ability to change and are becoming mature. While overall growth rates in these innovate, combined with our outstanding products, long-term customer markets are likely to be modest, there are numerous opportunities for relationships and greater operational efficiency, position us well to more robust growth within these markets. Our products, customer achieve our goals in 2005 and to continue making Agilent the company relationships and deep technology expertise position us well to pursue we want it to be. these opportunities, and we will continue to do so in 2005. On January 19, 2005, I announced my intention to retire as Agilent’s As we begin 2005, a reason for caution is the slowdown in the chairman, president and CEO effective March 1, 2005. The board of semiconductor industry that affected our results in the second half of directors chose Bill Sullivan, who has been chief operating officer and 2004. We believe the industry will work through its capacity and head of EPSG, to be Agilent’s next president and CEO. I will become inventory issues during the first half of 2005, when we expect demand chairman emeritus and will work with Bill to ensure a smooth in our wireless test business to be soft. But we do not believe that we transition. Jim Cullen, who has been a board member since 2000, are entering a deep downturn like the one that started in 2001. will become the non-executive chairman. Bill is superbly qualified for Our priorities in 2005 start with our focus on maintaining the financial his new role. His great track record of results over many years, and operational discipline that was crucial to our results in 2004. leadership skills and values make him the clear choice to become We will build on the dramatic progress we have made in our cost president and CEO. With Agilent now in excellent financial condition structure and IT, manufacturing and other functions. This year we will and strong operationally, Bill will lead the company into its next also emphasize the need to improve all aspects of our customers’ phase, where Agilent will focus more on growth. experience with Agilent. We survey our customers in depth on a After 38 years with Hewlett-Packard and Agilent, including the last six regular basis, and we are taking action to increase their satisfaction as president and CEO, it’s time for me to start the next phase of my life. and loyalty. In addition, we are increasing our investments in employee I want to thank our shareholders, employees, customers and partners development in 2005, in order to expand the skills, leadership for their support of our company over the past six years and for helping capability and commitment of Agilent’s people. to make my time as CEO fulfilling in so many ways. The start of 2005 is the beginning of Agilent’s sixth year as an independent company. It has been an incredible first five years. We launched the company, grew rapidly, survived the downturn and transformed virtually every element of how we do business. Our people and culture have been tested. We have learned a lot, and we have Ned Barnholt emerged as a much stronger company. Now we are embarking on a transformation in growth and innovation that is equal in scope to the Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer “Our people and culture have been tested. We have learned a lot, and we have emerged as a much stronger company.” 5 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 8. AGILENT AT A GLANCE Agilent delivers critical tools and TEST AND MEASUREMENT AUTOMATED TEST 2004 net revenue – $2.9 billion 2004 net revenue – $0.9 billion technologies that sense, measure and interpret the physical and biological world. Our innovative Our test and measurement business Our automated test business provides test solutions enable a wide range of provides standard and customized solutions solutions that are used in the manufacture customers in communications, that are used in the design, development, of semiconductor devices, electronics manufacture, installation, deployment and (primarily printed circuit-board assemblies) electronics, life sciences and operation of electronics equipment and and flat panel displays. Automated test chemical analysis to make communications networks and services. employed approximately 2,200 people technological advancements that Test and measurement employed about worldwide as of Oct. 31, 2004. drive productivity and improve 11,200 people worldwide as of Oct. 31, 2004. MARKETS the way people live and work. MARKETS Our automated test business sells to the Our test and measurement markets include semiconductor-manufacturing, electronics- About two thirds of Agilent’s the communications test and general manufacturing and flat-panel-display revenue was generated from purpose test markets. markets. outside of the United States in PRODUCT AREAS PRODUCT AREAS fiscal 2004. With approximately Communications test products include Our automated test business designs, 28,000 employees, our global testing solutions for fiber optic networks; develops and manufactures semiconductor transport networks; broadband and data test equipment, electronics manufacturing presence offers a competitive networks; wireless communications; test equipment (including automated advantage. Agilent’s microwave networks; installation and optical inspection products, automated manufacturing, R&D, sales and maintenance solutions; and operations x-ray inspection products, automated in- support capabilities around the support systems, including monitoring and circuit testing products and manufacturing network management systems. General test systems software) and thin-film world give customers the purpose test solutions include general transistor array test equipment for flat flexibility they need in today’s purpose instruments; modular instruments panel displays. competitive environment. and test software; digital design products; and high-frequency electronic design tools. 6 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 9. SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS LIFE SCIENCES AND CHEMICAL AGILENT LABORATORIES ANALYSIS 2004 net revenue – $2.0 billion 2004 net revenue – $1.3 billion Agilent Laboratories is our central research Our life sciences and chemical analysis Our semiconductor products business organization. Agilent Labs engages in business provides application-focused is a leading supplier of semiconductor 1) applied research leading to technology solutions that include instruments, components, modules and subsystems that can be transferred to our existing software, consumables and services that for consumer and commercial electronics businesses in communications, life enable customers to identify, quantify and applications. As of Oct. 31, 2004, sciences and electronics, and 2) research analyze the physical and biological semiconductor products employed about that creates new businesses that are properties of substances and products. 6,800 people worldwide. outside of our current markets but within We employed about 3,900 people worldwide MARKETS our fields of interest. Agilent Labs also as of Oct. 31, 2004 in this business. Our semiconductor products business provides technology integration across MARKETS serves the personal systems and the company. Life science markets, which account for networking markets. about 40 percent of revenue from this PRODUCT AREAS business, include the pharmaceutical AGILENT SALES AND SUPPORT Our personal systems products (for use in analysis, gene expression and proteomics Agilent sells and distributes products mobile phones, printers, PC peripherals markets. Chemical analysis markets, which primarily through direct sales, but we also and consumer electronics) include radio make up the other 60 percent of revenue, utilize distributors, resellers, telesales and frequency and microwave communications include the petrochemical, environmental, electronic commerce. Our businesses devices such as FBAR duplexers and E- homeland security and forensics, and provide a range of services and customer pHEMT power amplifiers; infrared emitters, bioagriculture and food safety markets. support, including systems integration, detectors and transceiver module products; technical and product support, consulting PRODUCT AREAS printing application-specific integrated and knowledge services. Our seven key product categories include circuits (ASICs); optical image sensors and microarrays; microfluidics; gas processors, and optical position sensors; chromatography; liquid chromatography; and light emitting diodes (LEDs) and mass spectrometry; software and optocoupler products. We are also engaged informatics products; and related in a global joint venture – Lumileds – with consumables, reagents and services. Philips Electronics, which develops, manufactures and sells LEDs, modules, products and systems for a broad spectrum of lighting applications. Our networking products include Fibre Channel controller products, fiber optic products and high- speed digital integrated circuit products. 7 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 10. QUALITY OF LIFE Mobile handset manufacturers, network service providers, pharmaceutical companies, consumer electronics firms, and other businesses around the world rely on Agilent’s innovation and collaboration to help drive their success. 8 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 11. To the average consumer, Agilent’s test and measurement, semiconductor, understanding to enable that innovation. Today, five-year-old Agilent automated test, and life sciences and chemical analysis products are not blends its impressive heritage with the energy and creativity of a start-up. easily recognized. But Agilent’s tools help our customers build mobile Agilent is home to one of the world’s most innovative centrally funded phones with greater battery life and the latest features, monitor telecom research labs – Agilent Laboratories. Agilent Labs is a significant growth networks to ensure connectivity with loved ones, help scientists uncover engine for the company, where scientists from diverse disciplines the causes of deadly diseases, and check food and water to ensure collaborate and develop synergistic solutions to customer problems. safety – to name just a few applications. In short, Agilent contributes A close connection to Agilent’s businesses gives Labs the unique to a life that’s safer, healthier, more productive, more connected – and perspective and ability to innovate across the breadth of the company’s even more fun. diverse technologies – from semiconductor products to life science tools. Agilent’s global contribution includes not only actual products and Agilent Labs has a keen understanding of where technology is heading, services but also a passion for solving problems. With a 60-year history while the Agilent businesses have clear perspectives on customer needs steeped in developing breakthrough measurement technologies and and markets. Working together, Labs and the businesses are able to products as part of Hewlett-Packard Company, a culture of innovation lies incorporate innovations into products at the right time to meet customer at the heart of the company. Agilent combines expertise from a broad needs – and achieve business success for Agilent. array of sciences and engineering with market and customer 9 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 12. CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP • Ranked Number 9 in Business Ethics magazine’s quot;100 Best Corporate Citizensquot; list; Agilent’s ongoing commitment to corporate citizenship practices that are • Adopted a Supplier Environmental and Social Responsibility Code of global, effective and innovative took many forms in 2004. We supported Conduct, and worked with some suppliers to address environmental, education, social service and environmental organizations in our many health and safety issues in their operations; communities around the world; worked with several suppliers to address • Reduced company-wide energy usage by 6.3 percent; environmental, health and safety issues; and increased employee • Made significant progress in tracking and eliminating lead and other satisfaction with Agilent as an employer. These and other citizenship- hazardous materials from our component products; related efforts help us not only to strengthen our communities but also • Was identified by SustainAbility, the United Nations Environment develop a better understanding of the larger social and cultural Programme and Standard and Poor’s as a global Top 100 non- conditions within which we operate. This understanding contributes to financial reporter based on our 2003 Environmental and Social our success and will enable us to continue to achieve significant Responsibility Report. citizenship results in the future. For the fourth consecutive year, Agilent in 2004 was selected for the In 2004, Agilent: Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and the FTSE4Good (Financial • Made cash and equipment investments totaling U.S. $5.2 million in Times Stock Exchange) Global and U.S. Indices of socially responsible universities, pre-university science and math education programs, companies. Agilent also is included in several other socially responsible environmental programs, and health and human services worldwide; indices including Storebrand Investments, Calvert Social Index and the • Enabled 20 percent of our employees worldwide to donate 50,000 Ethibel Sustainability Index. hours for volunteer community service; • Implemented our second Agilent Action Week program, in which Our commitment to corporate citizenship is a defining Agilent value, and 1,700 employees at more than 50 locations worldwide volunteered it will remain an important part of who we are and what we do. More on projects to improve the environment in their communities; details about our global citizenship programs are available in the • Reached 273,000 pre-university students and 14,000 teachers company’s Environment and Social Responsibility Report 2004 through our support or implementation of education programs, at www.agilent.com/go/sustainability. including the Agilent After School hands-on science program; 10 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 13. CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP DATA Employee data Number of employees 2004 28,200 2003 29,000 2002 36,000 Injury/illness rates* 0.6 2004 0.9 2003 “While business success and 1.0 2002 * Based on recordable occupational injury/illness cases multiplied by 200,000 then divided by the hours worked for the same time period in which the injuries occured. market leadership are clearly Gender Gender a business’s first priorities, All employees 2004 Executives and senior management (USA only) 2004 I believe that leading Female 21% Male Female 60% 40% Male companies set the standard 79% in corporate citizenship Employee locations as well.” 2004 Asia Ned Barnholt Pacific Americas 42% 41% Agilent Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Europe 17% Environmental data Total energy use (1,000 gigajoules) 2004 2,410 2003 2,610 2002 2,860 Total water use for operations (1,000 cubic meters) 2,670 2004 2,860 2003 3,560 2002 Community investment data 2004 (million US$) Education 3.2 Environment 0.3 Health and Human Services 1.6 Other 0.1 Total 5.2 11 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 14. In large and small ways, technologies and innovations from Agilent help protect people all over the planet every day. 12 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 15. CONSUMER PRODUCTS HANDS-FREE PHONES Solutions from Agilent help to identify potentially toxic flame retardant Agilent products make it safer to make wireless phone calls, which can chemicals called polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). These can be be potentially dangerous when driving. To help users continue mobile found in many household products and electronics devices, including conversations more safely, Agilent has introduced a miniature, low-cost clothing, carpets, furniture, computers and televisions. sensor – The Agilent HSDL-9100-021 optical proximity sensor – that enables mobile phones to automatically switch between earpiece and Although their effects on human health are still under investigation, the loudspeaker modes. European Union and the state of California in the United States have passed laws restricting the use of some types of PBDEs. HOMELAND SECURITY Agilent’s analytical instruments are used to identify the chemicals Agilent helps manufacturers test for PBDE levels in products so they can involved in bio-chemical accidents and criminal acts. The ability to comply with regulations. Agilent’s innovative Gas Chromatography/ quickly determine the scope and nature of an incident helps emergency Mass Spectrometry analysis method can detect PBDEs at levels as low workers contain and control contamination from dangerous substances. as one part per billion. Detecting, identifying and confirming organic and inorganic compounds VEHICLE SAFETY have been a core competency of Agilent for more than 35 years. Small, bright light emitting diodes (LEDs) developed by Agilent are Today, the New York City Police Department uses a mobile lab equipped found in many vehicles’ exterior and interior lighting. The energy- with Agilent instruments to detect dangerous chemical and biological efficient LEDs are easier to see in poor weather, and turn on more agents in air, water, soil or food supplies during emergencies. quickly, providing following drivers an extra two-tenths of a second to apply their brakes. That means five extra meters (a full car length) One technology for detecting biological agents relies on DNA-based of stopping distance at highway speeds. measurements using the Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer and lab-on-a-chip technology. The Agilent 2100 bioanalyzer provides rapid qualitative and Agilent LEDs are also used extensively in traffic signals and signs, and in quantitative information on DNA in biological samples. Agilent is also display lighting where a combination of high brightness and weather- working with partners to provide screening and confirmatory detection resistant packaging are important. In August 2004, Agilent introduced a systems for infectious or contagious diseases such as anthrax, smallpox series of extra-bright white LEDs targeted for this market. In addition to and plague. its status as the world’s largest supplier of high-brightness red and yellow LEDs, Agilent is the only one of the few manufacturers that can supply red, amber and green LEDs to traffic-light makers. 13 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 16. 14 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 17. Agilent enables insights that are the first steps on a journey of discovery that promises to revolutionize the understanding of disease and health. ADVANCING CANCER DIAGNOSIS AND THERAPY Progress is being made in the fight against cancer – the 10th leading cause of death worldwide in 2003, according to the World Health Organization. Many cancer researchers use the Agilent DNA microarray platform for gene expression profiling to better understand how cancer begins, develops and progresses. Agilent now is developing specialized DNA microarrays for comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), a technique that allows researchers to study chromosomal changes in cancer and informs them about progression of patients in a way never before possible. Agilent Labs is working with scientists in other research organizations, such as the Translational Genomics Research Institute, to develop commercial CGH solutions. The solutions use Agilent’s ink-jet DNA microarray manufacturing process, in which short strands of DNA called oligonucleotides are synthesized base by base directly on a glass slide. FINDING DISEASE BIOMARKERS Scientists are trying to identify “biomarker” proteins in human blood cells that may indicate disease or disease progression. But biomarkers in human blood can be hard to find. Agilent recently licensed technology from Large Scale Biology (LSB) in order to develop a solution that improves the process. ACCELERATING RESEARCH Mass spectrometry has become a core technology for proteomics research, but it used to take scientists a month to analyze data from a one-day experiment. Agilent’s Spectrum Mill MS proteomics workbench, a carefully integrated suite of software tools designed to facilitate high-throughput mass spectrometry, shortened the process to two days. Agilent in 2004 acquired Silicon Genetics, a leading provider of software solutions for life-science discovery. With the addition of these genomics data-analysis and management tools to its portfolio, Agilent now is a market leader in life science informatics, offering customers an unparalleled range of solutions in gene expression, genotyping and protein identification. This acquisition also is enabling Agilent to develop software for emerging biological applications that today lack commercial software. With the Agilent Synapsia informatics workbench, scientists can manage the evolution of a scientific project, from the initial planning and hypothesis- setting steps, through the collection and analysis of data from different software packages, to the formulation of insights, conclusions and decisions. This allows scientists to more fully understand, analyze and use the vast amounts of proteomics, genomics, pharmacogenomics, toxicogenomics and drug-efficacy data. 15 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 18. Agilent enables the mobile devices people rely upon at work and home. WIRELESS PDAs CAMERA PHONES AND OPTICAL MICE Agilent plays a critical background role in testing the tools that help Camera-phone popularity continues to grow and Agilent is a major mobile professionals stay connected. Smart phones, which combine supplier of the CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) cellular technology with personal digital assistant (PDA) devices, are image sensors and processors enabling this major consumer trend. becoming ubiquitous. A one-box, multi-format, wireless handset tester – Agilent is the world’s number one manufacturer of image sensors the Agilent E5515C wireless communications test set – tests virtually all used in camera phones and optical mice, having shipped more than major cellular standards. Agilent also makes the tools used in designing 350 million of these components. these wireless devices including electronic design automation (EDA) SWIFT DOWNLOADS tools, signal sources and spectrum and signal analyzers. So whatever Optimizing networks to increase computer file-download speeds is brand a wireless handset or PDA carries, it was most likely “touched” another way Agilent increases productivity. Telecommunications by Agilent somewhere during the design and manufacturing process. companies use the Agilent N2X, the most comprehensive multi-service SMALLER PHONES AND LONGER BATTERY LIFE test solution for converging network infrastructures, to handle and Samsung’s newest mobile phone includes a large, full-color LCD screen, measure the performance of millions of file transfer protocols (FTPs), and allows users to record 15-second videos and shoot digital pictures. which move large amounts of data quickly between computers. To fit more features into the ultra-compact phone, Samsung turned to HIGH-SPEED NETWORKS Agilent’s FBAR duplexer and filter components, and CDMA (code In 2004, Agilent broke the double-digit bandwidth barrier with the division multiple access) power amplifier modules – all designed using introduction of its Infiniium DSO80000 Series oscilloscopes and Agilent Agilent’s EDA tools – to reduce handset size and extend talk time by 30 InfiniiMax II Series probing measurement systems, which include 10, minutes. 16 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 19. 12 and 13-GHz versions. These new products are vital to engineers FIBER OPTIC TRANSCEIVERS designing high-speed serial buses, radio frequency (RF) and wireless The Internet continues to drive an insatiable demand for network products, and other ultra-high-speed electronics. The 13-GHz version bandwidth and data storage. Agilent is one of few companies with the offers more than a 50-percent performance improvement over previous expertise to integrate optoelectronic and digital integrated circuit (IC) products. The DSO80000 series, which was selected as a “2004 technologies into cost-effective solutions for the world’s leading Product of the Year” by Electronic Products magazine, also features a networking equipment, server and storage networking manufacturers. wide variety of software packages to match specific measuring needs. With its fast Ethernet and gigabit Ethernet fiber optic transceivers, Agilent drives more fiber optic connections on the Internet than any FIBER OPTIC CABLE other company. Agilent is also driving the adoption of 4 Gb/s Fibre Much of the ongoing installation of fiber optic cable occurs along Channel and 10 Gb/s Ethernet fiber optic transceivers, ensuring that existing infrastructure such as railways, power lines and roads. Agilent critical data and video information is stored and delivered instantly and provides products that make installation in these situations much faster. accurately anywhere on the globe. All fiber must be tested to ensure it wasn’t damaged, broken or critically bent during installation, and the primary testing tool is an Optical Time BEYOND THE WORKPLACE Domain Reflectometer (OTDR). Agilent is a world leader in fiber testing Increasing numbers of people are using the mobile Global Positioning with its E6000C Mini-OTDR and the new N3900A Modular Network System (GPS) in their car to find the fastest route to hard-to-find Tester. Agilent’s products qualify installed cable five times faster than locations. Agilent helps to enable GPS technology through its Labs- others in common use. With today’s cables routinely holding 864 fibers, enabled atomic clocks for time synchronization at GPS ground stations fiber testing that previously took more than one week to complete can and its E5515C wireless communications test set, which calibrates the now be done in one day with better installation quality. GPS receivers in CDMA phones. 17 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 20. CONNECTING WIRELESSLY Analysts estimate that by 2007 90 percent of new computers will be equipped with Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) capability, which enables them to connect to the Internet wirelessly. Growing numbers of cell phones and other appliances have similar capabilities. Agilent provides the widest portfolio of radio frequency (RF) test equipment used to design and test Wi-Fi chipsets, components, modules and devices. These Agilent products include advanced design system software, signal analyzers and sources, network and spectrum analyzers, power meters, and the N4010A wireless connectivity set. Agilent also provides Wi-Fi certification testing, and the Agilent Interoperability Certification Lab guarantees interoperability between Wi-Fi devices from different vendors. STAYING IN TOUCH NEAR OR FAR With 1.5 billion mobile phones in use around the world today, people are connected through voice calling, web access, text messaging and photos like never before. Service providers need to ensure that service quality remains high, no matter where their customers might be. Agilent’s E7495B base station test set combines the most highly used base station test tools into one instrument that simplifies everyday maintenance. Monitoring the quality of service (QoS) of roaming voice calls was previously a manual process that was unmanageable, costly and time-consuming for service providers, who can have more than 200 roaming partners. The key to ensuring high-quality service is automating the process. Agilent provides Operations Support Systems (OSS) solutions, including Wireless QoS Manager, GPRS QoS Analyzer, GPRS Session Analyzer and the Global Roaming Test Service, that manage a wide range of roaming services such as e-mail, Web, and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS). With Agilent OSS solutions, service providers can perform tests to identify potential problems with infrastructure, content providers and IP connectivity partners. TESTING MOBILE PHONES More cell phones worldwide are tested in production with Agilent’s E5515C Wireless Communications Test Set than with equipment from all other vendors combined. Modern cell phones contain about 100 individual components, and Agilent test equipment – such as impedance analyzers, LCR meters, network analyzers, signal sources and signal analyzers – is used for testing these components when they are manufactured. Agilent also makes test and inspection systems for high-volume IC and printed circuit board (PCB) manufacturers. At the wafer and IC level, the Versatest Series V5400 Flash Memory Tester tests flash devices, the 93000 System on a Chip test system tests the baseband processors in cell phones, and the 93000 radio frequency (RF) measurement suite tests many of the RF components. Coupled with its CMOS Image Sensor Test Solution, the 93000 systems test CMOS imaging chips used for camera phones. At the PCB level, the SJ50 automated optical inspection systems visually inspect the placement of parts on cell phone boards with improved accuracy based on image-processing innovations from Agilent Labs. The 5DX X-ray inspection systems detect solder defects in boards used in the wireless and wired network infrastructure. 18 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 21. Agilent plays a key role in enhancing communications for people in today’s highly connected world. 19 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 22. MP3 PLAYERS BIGGER SCREENS The great sounds and low cost of MP3 players are The new plasma display panel (PDP) televisions provide enabled by Agilent’s 93000 System-on-a-Chip (SOC) greater resolution and color brilliance in a much slimmer test series, which provides the most cost-effective, high- unit than traditional display technologies. Agilent is the fidelity, audio/video testing in the industry. leading provider of optocouplers found in these PDPs. Optocouplers convert electronic signals to light and help The heart of the integrated player is flash memory, a prevent damage to sensitive circuitry. The number and technology that is used to store music, digital and phone size of the components determine PDP size, and Agilent’s camera images, video and much more. Flash memory is miniature optocouplers save valuable space, enabling ideal for entertainment electronics because of its low- screens to be as narrow as four inches. power requirements, high capacity, compact size and low cost. Agilent’s V5400 memory test systems test Using these tiny components from Agilent, Samsung SDI flash memory to ensure reliability at increasing storage has developed the world’s largest PDP. A large number capacity and decreasing physical size. of optocouplers are integrated into this breakthrough 80-inch model, which provides 1,920 x 1,080 high-density Behind it all, Agilent’s test systems enable the cutting- pixel resolution, offers more than 133 million colors and is edge wafer manufacturing processes that address the compatible with high-definition television (HDTV). relentless demands for higher speed, smaller size, lower noise and power consumption, and lower costs. Agilent PLAY BALL tests the manufacturing process for more of the world’s Agilent also provides the test instruments and wafers than any other systems combined. components needed to make sure professional baseball teams “play ball.” Knots or other imperfections can VIDEO GAMES render baseball bats unpredictable at best and useless High-speed links and state-of-the-art graphics are the at worst. To ensure the perfect bat, researchers and key to faster and sophisticated video game images. manufacturers test for bad wood before production Agilent’s 93000 SOC series quickly and accurately tests starts, using an Agilent 5462X oscilloscope to measure these leading-edge IC components to identify any the vibrations at locations up and down the bat as part manufacturing defects. of the process. The result is fewer broken bats, cleaner hits and fewer bone-jarring vibrations sent back into the Agilent’s Electronic Manufacturing Test Consulting batter’s hands. Services are also used by a leading video game provider to write and deploy the test programs used at all their GETTING THE RIGHT FLAVOR manufacturing facilities worldwide with Agilent’s 3070 Technology from Agilent is used to ensure food and Board Test Systems. beverages taste as good as they should. Gas Agilent’s quality assurance systems, module test chromatography (GC) is the industry standard for systems, quality control systems and radio frequency managing flavor and fragrance analysis, although (RF) final test systems also play a key part in getting GC/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) can also be used. popular home video game systems to market. With Agilent is the leading provider of both technologies. Agilent’s strong presence in wireless, we are helping to enable the trend toward online and multiplayer gaming. 20 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 23. Having fun is an essential part of everyone’s life. Agilent is behind the scenes making the world a more enjoyable place. 21 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 24. Reconciliation from GAAP to non-GAAP Net Income Twelve months ended October 31, 2004 (Unaudited) Non-GAAP Adjustments Restructuring Contract Gain on Camera Adjustment (In millions, except Other and Asset Termination Sale of Module Investment for Income per share amounts) GAAP Intangibles Impairment fees Assets Charge Impairments Other Taxes Non-GAAP Orders $ 6,997 $ –$ – $ – $ – $ – $ – $ – $ – $ 6,997 Net revenue $ 7,181 $ –$ – $ – $ – $ – $ – $ – $ – $ 7,181 Costs and expenses: Cost of products and services 4,058 (19) (54) (4) – (18) – (8) – 3,955 Research and development 933 – (16) (3) – – – – – 914 Selling, general and administrative 1,804 (3) (91) (7) 1 – – (34) – 1,670 Total costs and expenses 6,795 (22) (161) (14) 1 (18) – (42) – 6,539 Income from operations 386 22 161 14 (1) 18 – 42 – 642 Other income (expense), net 54 – 8 – – – 7 4 – 73 Income from operations before taxes 440 22 169 14 (1) 18 7 46 – 715 Provision for taxes 91 – – – – – – – 95 186 Net income $ 349 $ 22 $ 169 $ 14 $ (1) $ 18 $ 7 $ 46 $ (95) $ 529 Net income per share – Basic and Diluted: Basic $ 0.72 $ 0.05 $ 0.35 $ 0.03 $ (0.00) $ 0.04 $ 0.01 $ 0.10 $ (0.20) $ 1.10 1.05 (1) Diluted $ 0.71 $ 0.04 $ 0.34 $ 0.03 $ (0.00) $ 0.04 $ 0.01 $ 0.09 $ (0.19) $ Weighted average shares used in computing net loss per share: Basic 483 483 483 483 483 483 483 483 483 483 Diluted 490 490 490 490 490 490 490 490 490 526 (1) In order to calculate non-GAAP diluted net income per share, we added 36 million shares and approximately $26 million of after-tax interest (1) expense to non-GAAP net income to treat our senior convertible debentures as if they were converted. The impact of this was ($.03) to our diluted earnings per share. 22 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 25. Reconciliation from GAAP to non-GAAP Net Loss Twelve months ended October 31, 2003 (Unaudited) Non-GAAP Adjustments Restructuring Gain on Retirement Adjustment (In millions, except Other and Asset Sale of SFAS Plans for Income per share amounts) GAAP Intangibles Impairment Assets No. 142 Curtailment Loss Other Taxes Non-GAAP Orders $ 6,084 $ – $ – $ – $ – $ – $ – $ – $ $6,084 Net revenue $ 6,056 $ – $ – $ – $ – $ – $ – $ – $ $6,056 Costs and expenses: Cost of products and services 3,750 (46) (111) – – (1) (5) – 3,587 Research and development 1,051 – (66) – – (1) – – 984 Selling, general and administrative 1,980 (9) (195) 2 – (3) (1) – 1,774 Total costs and expenses 6,781 (55) (372) 2 – (5) (6) – 6,345 Loss from operations (725) 55 372 (2) – 5 6 – (289) Other income (expense), net 35 – 15 (3) – – – – 47 Loss from operations before taxes (690) 55 387 (5) – 5 6 – (242) Provision for taxes 1,100 – – – – – – (1,221) (121) Loss before cumulative effect of accounting change (1,790) 55 387 (5) – 5 6 1,221 (121) Cumulative effect of adopting SFAS No. 142 (268) – – – 268 – – – – Net loss $ (2,058) $ 55 $ 387 $ (5) $ 268 $ 5 $ 6 $ 1,221 $ (121) Net loss per share – Basic and Diluted: Loss before cumulative effect of accounting change $ (3.78) $ 0.11 $ 0.82 $ (0.01) $ – $ 0.01 $ 0.01 $ 2.58 $ (0.26) Cumulative effect of adopting SFAS No. 142 (0.57) – – – 0.57 – – – – Net loss $ (4.35) $ 0.11 $ 0.82 $ (0.01) $ 0.57 $ 0.01 $ 0.01 $ 2.58 $ (0.26) Weighted average shares used in computing net loss per share: Basic and diluted 473 473 473 473 473 473 473 473 473 23 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 26. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Officers Directors Board Committees Edward W. (Ned) Barnholt. D. Craig Nordlund. Edward W. (Ned) Barnholt Audit & Finance Committee Chairman of the Board of Senior Vice President, Chairman of the Board of Heidi Kunz, Chairperson Directors, President and Chief General Counsel and Directors, President and Chief Robert J. Herbold Executive Officer Secretary Executive Officer Walter B. Hewlett Robert L. Joss Adrian T. Dillon Young K. Sohn James G. Cullen Executive Vice President and Senior Vice President of Retired President and Chief Compensation Committee Chief Financial Officer Agilent and President of Operating Officer of Bell James G. Cullen, Semiconductor Products Atlantic Corporation (now Chairperson John R. Eaton Group known as Verizon) Koh Boon Hwee Vice President, Finance and David M. Lawrence, M.D. Corporate Development and Darlene J.S. Solomon Robert J. Herbold A. Barry Rand Treasurer Vice President and Director Retired Executive Vice of Agilent Laboratories President of Microsoft Nominating/Corporate William R. Hahn Corporation Governance Committee Senior Vice President, William P. Sullivan David M. Lawrence, M.D., Corporate Relations Executive Vice President and Walter B. Hewlett Chairperson Chief Operating Officer Independent Researcher and James G. Cullen Jean M. Halloran Director, Center for Computer Robert J. Herbold Senior Vice President, Jack P. Trautman Assisted Research in the Walter B. Hewlett Human Resources Senior Vice President of Humanities and Public Policy Robert L. Joss Agilent and President of Institute of California Koh Boon Hwee Didier Hirsch Automated Test Group Heidi Kunz Vice President and Controller Robert L. Joss A. Barry Rand Chris van Ingen Dean of the Graduate School of Larry C. Holmberg Senior Vice President of Business of Stanford University Executive Committee Senior Vice President, Sales, Agilent and President of David M. Lawrence, M.D., Marketing and Customer Support Life Sciences and Chemical Koh Boon Hwee Chairperson Analysis Group Chairman of Singapore Edward W. (Ned) Barnholt Marie Oh Huber Airlines Ltd. Vice President, Assistant General Thomas E. White Counsel and Assistant Secretary Senior Vice President of Heidi Kunz Agilent and President of Executive Vice President and Communications Solutions Chief Financial Officer of Blue Group Shield of California David M. Lawrence, M.D. Chairman Emeritus of Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals A. Barry Rand Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Equitant All listed officers, except John R. Eaton, William R. Hahn, Larry C. Holmberg, Marie Oh Huber and Darlene J.S. Solomon, are executive officers of Agilent under Section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Standing left to right: D. Craig Nordlund, Thomas E. White, Jack P. Trautman, Young K. Sohn, Darlene J.S. Solomon, Chris van Ingen, Jean M. Halloran, Dick M. Chang, William R. Hahn, Larry C. Holmberg. Seated left to right: Adrian T. Dillon, Edward W. (Ned) Barnholt, William P. Sullivan. 24 Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report
  • 27. SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION INVESTOR INFORMATION COMMON STOCK To receive paper copies of the Corporate Report, proxy statement, Form Agilent is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and our ticker symbol is 10-K, earnings announcements and other financial information, people in “A.”There were approximately 62,264 registered shareholders as of the United States and Canada should call our toll-free number: (877) December 16, 2004. Since we plan to retain future earnings to maximize 942-4200. People calling from outside the United States and Canada the growth and development of our company, we do not anticipate paying should dial: (402) 573-9919. You can also access financial information at cash dividends in the foreseeable future. We do not currently offer direct Agilent’s Investor Relations Web site. The address is purchase of Agilent shares from the company or a dividend re-investment http://www.investor.agilent.com. plan (DRIP). CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, BUSINESS CONDUCT AND ETHICS The following tables summarize the high and low stock prices by period for Agilent’s common stock. Agilent’s Corporate Governance Standards, the charters of our Audit and Finance Committee, our Compensation Committee, our Executive Committee Fiscal 2004 High Low and our Nominating/Corporate Governance Committee as well as Agilent’s First Quarter (ended January 31, 2004) $38.80 $24.97 Standards of Business Conduct (including code of ethics provisions that apply Second Quarter (ended April 30, 2004) $37.62 $26.91 to our principle executive officer, controller and senior financial officers) Third Quarter (ended July 31, 2004) $29.68 $22.63 are available on our website at http://www.investor.agilent.com under Fourth Quarter (ended October 31, 2004) $25.31 $19.51 “Corporate Governance Policies.” You can also request a hard copy of any of this information by contacting (877) 942-4200 (in the United States or Canada) or (402) 573-9919 (outside the United States and Canada). Fiscal 2003 High Low First Quarter (ended January 31, 2003) $20.30 $13.19 Agilent submitted its Annual Certification of the Chief Executive Officer to Second Quarter (ended April 30, 2003) $16.82 $11.30 the New York Stock Exchange regarding the New York Stock Exchange Third Quarter (ended July 31, 2003) $22.64 $15.48 corporate governance listing standards on March 22, 2004. Agilent filed its Certifications of the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer Fourth Quarter (ended October 31, 2003) $26.48 $20.31 pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 as Exhibits 31.1 and 31.2, respectively, to its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2004 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission This Corporate Report, including the letter titled “To Our Shareholders,” contains on December 21, 2004. forward-looking statements (including, without limitation, information regarding TRANSFER AGENT AND REGISTRAR customer needs, corporate citizenship, profitability, ability to grow profitably, future opportunities, our position to pursue those opportunities and achieve goals, the Please contact our transfer agent, at the phone number or address listed outlook for the general economy and for the markets that Agilent serves and below, with any questions about stock certificates, transfer of ownership or maintenance of financial and operational discipline) that involve risks and other matters pertaining to your stock account. uncertainties that could cause results of Agilent to differ materially from Computershare Investor Services management’s current expectations. These risks include the ability to execute P.O. Box A3504 successfully through business cycles while it continues to implement workforce and Chicago, IL 60690-3504 other cost reductions; the ability to meet and achieve the benefits of its cost United States reduction goals and otherwise successfully adapt its cost structures to continuing changes in business conditions; ongoing competitive, pricing and gross margin If calling from anywhere within the United States and Canada: pressures; the risk that our cost-cutting initiatives will impair our ability to develop (877) 309-9856. products and remain competitive and to operate effectively; the impact of geopolitical uncertainties on our markets and our ability to conduct business; the ability to If calling from outside the United States: (312) 588-4672. improve asset performance to adapt to changes in demand; the ability to successfully The e-mail address for general shareholder inquiries for Computershare is: introduce new products at the right time, price and mix and other risks detailed in Agilent’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our Annual web.queries@computershare.com. Report on Form 10-K for the year ended Oct. 31, 2004 as well as any subsequent INVESTOR CONTACT filings made after December 21, 2004. Agilent Technologies, Inc. The materials contained in this Corporate Report are as of January 7, 2005, unless Investor Relations Department otherwise noted. The content of this Corporate Report contains time-sensitive 395 Page Mill Road information that is accurate only as of this date. If any portion of this Corporate Palo Alto, CA 94306 Report is redistributed at a later date, Agilent will not be reviewing or updating the material in this report. You can also contact the Investor Relations Department via e-mail at the Agilent Investor Relations Web site at http://www.investor.agilent.com. Click “Phone or Email”in the “Contact IR”box to send a message. AGILENT HEADQUARTERS Agilent Technologies, Inc., 395 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94306 Phone: (650) 752-5000
  • 28. www.agilent.com Agilent Technologies 2004 corporate report Printed on 100% recycled paper of which 50% is post-consumer waste © Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2005 Printed in U.S.A. March 1, 2005 5989-1948EN