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Agility in an
AI is (getting)
…and fast accelerating!!!

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Agile Process Introduction
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This document provides an overview of different software development processes including the waterfall model, iterative model, Rational Unified Process (RUP), and Agile Development Process (ADP). It describes the key aspects of each process including phases, roles, artifacts, and ceremonies. Specifically, it provides detailed explanations of Scrum, an agile methodology, including Scrum roles like Product Owner and Scrum Master, ceremonies like the Daily Scrum, and artifacts like the Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog. The document concludes with references for further information.

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Want to be seen as a leader at the office? Learn how to identify and push back against gender bias by supporting your female colleagues at work. Read the full tips at leanin.org/tips/mvp

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However…it is
taking too long
to develop and
u 2-6 months depending on
scope and size. Data
Collection (20%), Data
Cleaning (50%), Data
Exploration (15%), Data
Modeling (10%), Data
Interpretation (5%)
u The time required to deploy
a model is increasing year-
u Only 11% of organizations
can put a model into
production within a week,
and 64% take a month or
The time of Data Scientists being spent in deploying the
models…and more models means more time spent in
…with alarmingly high failure rates!
u It was estimated that 85% of AI projects will fail
and deliver erroneous outcomes through 2022.
u 70% of companies report minimal or no impact
from AI.
u 87% of data science projects never make it into
Low ROI, & Long Payback periods!
u The ROI for AI projects varies greatly, based on
how much experience an organization has.
Leaders showed an average of a 4.3% ROI for
their projects, compared to only 0.2% for
beginning companies.
u Payback periods also varied, with leaders
reporting a typical payback period of 1.2 years
and beginners at 1.6 years.

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In the 2016 Millennials & Money research, the Edelman Financial Services Sector and Edelman Intelligence teams explored the role of money and financial services in the lives of Millennials throughout the U.S. The research revealed their beliefs and attitudes towards money and uncovered how their goals and values differ based on ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Read more: http://edl.mn/20R27Tj

How is AI different?
Traditional Software AI Software
Reasoning Deductive Inductive
Inputs Data + Program Data + Output
Logic Manually pre-programmed to perform a
specific task on a given dataset
Programmed to automatically keep learning
rules from a given dataset
Output Output Models, Rules
Learning Learns one-time from the programmer Learns constantly being the data
Resource Code Data
Solutions Deterministic Probabilistic
Output Consistently remains the same Can improve with usage (or degrade over time)
One-time development efforts, followed by
multiple sales, and small maintenance effort
Each project is one-off, and needs full lifecycle
management mandatorily
Elements of ML systems
A typical lifecycle for an AI project
u Scoping and Data
u Experimentation
and Model Building
u Production,
Scaling and
Data, data, data…!
u Industry reports indicate up
to 80% efforts in data
u Upto 1/4th of that only in
cleaning and another 1/4th
in labeling
u Just 10% of the time spend
in model training!

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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐈: 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐈: 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐈: 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐈: 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬

Gartner provides webinars on various topics related to technology. This webinar discusses generative AI, which refers to AI techniques that can generate new unique artifacts like text, images, code, and more based on training data. The webinar covers several topics related to generative AI, including its use in novel molecule discovery, AI avatars, and automated content generation. It provides examples of how generative AI can benefit various industries and recommendations for organizations looking to utilize this emerging technology.

#ai #ml #genai #business #iot
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The document discusses the agile mindset, which focuses on how one thinks rather than just skills or methodology. It emphasizes embracing change, learning from failures, and adapting to changing needs. The agile mindset involves thinking with a beginner's mindset, growth mindset, and design thinking approach. It means being comfortable with ambiguity and discomfort while pursuing new ideas through testing and learning.

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Data trumps algorithms!
In the article “Datasets Over Algorithms”, Alexander Wissner-Gross showed that
the mean time between a new machine learning algorithm being published
and its use in an AI breakthrough was 18 years; however, the mean time
between the required datasets becoming available and those AI
breakthroughs was 3 years. Machine learning without the necessary data and
use cases is merely a pile of nuts and bolts waiting to be built into something
useful. Nonetheless, machine learning is about learning from data, not about
writing code, and that represents a fundamental difference from previous
software engineering practices.
- Agile AI, Carlo Appugliese, Paco Nathan, and William S. Roberts, O’Reilly
Data lifecycle
u While CRISP-DM (Cross
Industry Standard
Process for Data
Mining) lifecycle seems
to be a bit dated
(published 1999) and
inactive, it is still a good
reference point on the
key phases of data
u Flows are not
sequential but
tasks and
outputs in a
CRISP-DM favored over agile methodologies?

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This talk outlines a number of the lessons and principals I have learned in my 5 years with Sauce Labs and experiencing its growth and success from a development and management perspective.

Challenges with Scrum in Data
Science projects
u One key challenge of using a sprint-based framework within a data
science context is the fact that task estimation is unreliable. In other words,
if the team can not accurately estimate task duration, the concept of a
sprint, and what can get done within a sprint is problematic.
u Another key challenge is that Scrum’s fixed-length sprints can be
problematic. Even if a team could estimate how long a specific analysis
might take, having a fixed-length sprint might force the team to define an
iteration to include unrelated work items (as well as delay the feedback
from an exploratory analysis), which could help prioritize new work. In short,
a sprint does not allow smaller (or longer) logical chunks of work to be
completed and analyzed in a coherent fashion.
Challenges with traditional Kanban in
Data Science projects
u In general, these challenges include the lack of organizational support and
culture, lack of training and the misunderstanding of key concepts.
u Specifically, Kanban does not define project roles nor any process
u The freedom Kanban provides (such as letting teams define their own
process for prioritizing tasks) can be part of the challenge in implementing
Kanban. While this lack of process structure can be a strength (since the
lack of a specified process definition allows teams to implement Kanban
within existing organizational practices), it can also mean that every team
could implement Kanban differently. In other words, a team that wants to
use Kanban needs to figure out its own processes and artifacts.
Data-Driven Scrum (DDS)
u The Data Science Process
Alliance created an alternative
framework called Data Driven
Scrum which is designed with data
science in mind.
u Data Driven Scrum™ (DDS) is
an agile framework specifically
designed for data science teams. DDS
provides a continuous flow framework
for agile data science by integrating
the structure of Scrum with the
continuous flow of Kanban.
Leveraging Scrum and Kanban…
u DDS can be viewed as a specific instantiation of Scrum with two notable
u The most important exception is that the Scrum Guide requires all iterations (sprints) to be
of equal length in time. However, iterations in DDS vary in duration to allow a logical
increment of work to be done in one iteration (rather than defining the amount of work
that can be done in a specific unit of time).
u The other notable exception is that retrospectives and item reviews are not done at the
end of every iteration, but rather, on a frequency the team deems appropriate.
u DDS also adheres to the Kanban principles (e.g., there is a Kanban board, teams
need to limit WIP, and work items flow across the board). However, the framework
provides more structure than defined by Kanban, such as defined iterations as well
as a more defined framework (ex. roles and meetings). Having a more clearly
defined process that leverages agile best practices, will enable teams to
implement the process in a more consistent and repeatable manner.

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Presenting this set of slides with name - Artificial Intelligence Overview Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This complete deck is oriented to make sure you do not lag in your presentations. Our creatively crafted slides come with apt research and planning. This exclusive deck with thirtyseven slides is here to help you to strategize, plan, analyse, or segment the topic with clear understanding and apprehension. Utilize ready to use presentation slides on Artificial Intelligence Overview Powerpoint Presentation Slides with all sorts of editable templates, charts and graphs, overviews, analysis templates. It is usable for marking important decisions and covering critical issues. Display and present all possible kinds of underlying nuances, progress factors for an all inclusive presentation for the teams. This presentation deck can be used by all professionals, managers, individuals, internal external teams involved in any company organization.

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The document discusses artificial intelligence and Microsoft's offerings. It promotes AI acceleration and digital transformation leadership. It outlines Microsoft's AI leadership framework of industry alignment and user empowerment. It provides historical overviews of AI, machine learning, and deep learning. It describes Microsoft and OpenAI's generative models like GPT-3, DALL-E, and ChatGPT. It discusses Microsoft's responsible AI principles and potential industry uses of GPT-3. It promotes customizing Azure OpenAI and provides prompt engineering examples. It introduces Microsoft 365 Copilot and emphasizes access to business content and context. It offers next steps for AI leadership, including learning opportunities and challenge teams to find use cases. Finally, it advertises a zero

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Key Tenets of DDS
u Agile is Iterative Experimentation
Agile is intended to be a sequence of iterative experimentation and adaptation cycles.
u Iterations are Capacity-Based
Teams work iteratively on a given set of items until they are done (no inflexible deadlines).
u Focus on Create, Observe, Analyze
Each iteration always follows three core steps: Create something, observe its performance,
and analyze the results.
u Easily Integrate with Scrum
DDS’s interfaces can be seamlessly integrated within a traditional Scrum-based
DDS vs Traditional Scrum: Similarities
u Similar Roles
Just like traditional Scrum, each DDS team is a group of up to about ten people,
one of whom is the product owner, and one of whom is the process expert.
u Similar Events
Just as in traditional Scrum, there is a daily stand-up, as well as Iteration and
Retrospective Reviews.
u Similar Process to create and prioritize Items
Just like traditional Scrum, items are created, prioritized and viewed on a task
DDS vs Traditional Scrum: Differences
u Functional Iterations
DDS iterations have unknown and varying length iterations (as compared to traditional Scrum sprints, which
have fixed-time durations). This enables iterations that might make sense to be shorter or longer than
average (e.g., an iteration might be shorter than normal due to being able to learn from a quick / short
u Uncertain Task Duration
Unlike traditional Scrum (which requires accurate task estimations to know what can fit into a sprint), DDS
naturally accommodates tasks that are difficult to estimate (and task estimation is often difficult within a
data science context).
u Collective Analysis
The entire team focuses on creating, observing and then analyzing an hypothesis, analysis or feature (often
in traditional scrum, this analysis is done by the product owner outside of the codified process).
u Iteration-Independent Meetings
Retrospectives and item reviews and not done at the end of every iteration (as is done in traditional
Scrum), but rather, on a calendar-based frequency the team deems appropriate.
Principles of DDS
u Allow capability-based iterations – it might be that sometimes it makes sense to
have an iteration that lasts one day, and other times, for an iteration last three
weeks (ex. due to how long it takes to acquire / clean data or how long it takes for
an exploratory analysis). The goal should be to allow logical chunks of work to be
released in a coherent fashion.
u Decoupling meetings from an iteration – since an iteration could be very short (ex.
one day for a specific exploratory analysis), meetings (such as a retrospective to
improve the team’s process) should be based on a logical time-based window, not
linked to each iteration.
u Only require high-level item estimation – In many situations, defining an explicit
timeline for an exploratory analysis is difficult, so one should not need to generate
accurate detailed task estimations in order to use the framework. But, high-level “T-
Shirt” level of effort estimates can be helpful for prioritizing the potential tasks to be

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In this event we will cover: - What is Generative AI and how it is being for future of work. - Best practices for developing and deploying generative AI based models in productions. - Future of Generative AI, how generative AI is expected to evolve in the coming years.

How People Are Leveraging ChatGPT
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In the US, people are already implementing the use of converstaionl AI, ChatGPT in everydy mundane tasks. Implementation is not only limited to that. Various industries are also using this revolutionary technology for maintaining a superior customer experience. People are also criticizing ChatGPT for creating employment threats and also being unethical in it's answers. The technology is being widely applauded but everything has certain pain points associated with it.

Scrum an extension pattern language for hyperproductive software development
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Scrum an extension pattern language for hyperproductive software development

Scrum is an agile software development framework that utilizes daily stand-up meetings called Scrum Meetings to manage unpredictable processes. During short, 15-minute Scrum Meetings, team members report on tasks completed since the previous meeting, any issues encountered, and their plan for the next 24 hours. This allows for continuous monitoring and adjustment of small, flexible assignments. Scrum Meetings foster transparency, knowledge sharing, and a collaborative culture within self-organizing teams. By frequently inspecting and adapting their process, teams can respond effectively to unpredictability and complexity inherent in software development.

DDS Framework
u Data Driven Scrum supports lean iterative exploratory data science analysis,
and acknowledges that iterations will vary in length due to the phase of the
project (collecting data vs creating a machine learning analysis).
u DDS defines an agile lean process framework that leverages some of the key
concepts of Scrum as well as the key concepts of Kanban, but differently than
Scrumban (which as is more of Kanban within a Scrum Framework and hence,
Scrumban implements Scrum sprints, which as previously noted, introduces
several challenges for the project team).
u In short, DDS teams use a Kanban-like visual board and focus on working on a
specific item or collection of items during an iteration, which is task-based, not
time-boxed. Thus, an iteration more closely aligns with the lean concept of
pulling tasks, in a prioritized manner, when the team has capacity. Each
iteration can be viewed as validating or rejecting a specific lean hypothesis.
Steps in a DDS Iteration
Create: A thing or set of
things that will be created,
put into use with a
hypothesis about what will
Observe: A set of
observable outcomes of
that use that will be
measured (and any work
that is needed to facilitate
that measurement).
Analyze: Analyzing those
observables and create a
plan for the next iteration
Scaling DDS
The DDS framework is a single team
framework that is designed to be
compatible with the Scrum@Scale
scaling framework.
Each DDS team exposes the
necessary interfaces to collaborate
with other teams (each of which
might be doing Scrum or DDS) via
its roles and artifacts, while
encapsulating its internal workflow.
Team touchpoint DDS Scrum
Product Owner Product owner
Scrum of Scrums
Process Master Scrum Master
Product / release
Iteration Review Sprint Review
Metrics and
Item Backlog /
Product Backlog /
Sprint Backlog

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· Stability in the Frequency Domain1. Consider a closed-loop sys.docx
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· Stability in the Frequency Domain 1. Consider a closed-loop system that has the loop transfer function L(s) = Gc(s)G(s) = Ke-TS / s 1. Determine the gain K so that the phase margin is 60 degrees when T = 0.2. 2. Plot the phase margin versus the time delay T for K as in part (a). 2. Include all MATLAB code, calculations and screenshots in a Word entitled “Lab6_StudentID”. 3. Upload file “Lab6_StudentID” Shipping SaaS 1 SWE482-1801A-01 Software Engineering Capstone II Shipping SaaS Team Project Blake Foster, Courie Gomez, James Allendoerfer, Joseph Robinson, Terelle Allen With additional contributions by Phillip Hart and Destiny Barrera 1/10/2018 Table of Contents Project Outline 3 Development Methodology 7 Requirements 9 Design 12 Development and Testing 18 Project Schedule 29 Risk Analysis 36 References 39 Project Outline *Portions of this section have been repurposed from SWE481-1704B-01 Unit 1 Group Project Proposal CTU Regional has commissioned the design and implementation of an inventory tracking and shipping service. The service is needed as a centralized stateless/RESTful SaaS (Software as a Service). The team developing the SaaS should be familiar in database communication, API development, and network communication. As the customers place an order, the payment is processed and inventory is pulled from the warehouse. Once completed, the order is fed to the shipping service, which will then take on the role of managing the shipment. The service provides API endpoints related to orders and shipping. The API can be used by as many applications as necessary. Usage examples might include employees updating the status of the order at key points along the way (such as when inventory is packaged, when the order is placed for carrier pickup, and entering tracking), calculating shipping costs, or creating/printing mailing labels. It will also track inventory numbers and aid in the processing and management of the shipments themselves. Employees must have access to make updates as the order progresses. For example, warehouse employees will be able to update when an order has been picked, packed, and when it is shipped.  Here, the Shipping SaaS manages incoming order tracking surrounded by four external systems, each requiring API access and integration. That said, this picture will be expanded and explained in greater detail later in the document. However, there are some issues which need to be addressed. The design of this application needs to be carefully created. Since it is being designed with an API that can have a number of different GUIs created to interact, the API needs to be efficient, secure, well documented, and reliable. Below is a list of major issues to consider in the development of the service (Kodumal, 2015.) Issues Description SaaS API Support from each system Warehouse System, Customer Service System, Website Order System. SaaS Performance Depending on the size and number of orders, there may be a m.

A Pattern-Language-for-software-Development
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The document discusses the Scrum framework for agile software development. It notes that traditional defined process approaches make incorrect assumptions that requirements, solutions, developers, and environments can be fully defined and repeated. Scrum addresses this by dividing projects into short "Sprints" of fixed time periods, usually 1 month or less. Each Sprint pulls tasks from a prioritized backlog and aims to deliver working software. Daily Scrum meetings help teams self-organize and resolve issues. At the end of each Sprint, teams demonstrate progress to customers and prioritize new tasks for the next Sprint. By continually adapting requirements and quickly delivering working software, Scrum allows for the uncertainties of software development.

Data Analytics Life Cycle
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Data Analytics Life Cycle

This presentation briefly discusses about the following topics: Data Analytics Lifecycle Importance of Data Analytics Lifecycle Phase 1: Discovery Phase 2: Data Preparation Phase 3: Model Planning Phase 4: Model Building Phase 5: Communication Results Phase 6: Operationalize Data Analytics Lifecycle Example

data analyticsdata analysisbig data
u AI / DS / ML is an evolving field, with long development /
deployment cycles, high failure rates and low ROI.
u It is still a software, but yet, not quite like the traditional
software in many ways!
u While agile principles are rather generic problem-solving
methods, some ideas don’t quite apply well.
u Data-Driven Scrum offers an interesting perspective for
delivering DS projects with agility.
u For deployment, AIOps / MLOps orchestration platforms
are fast emerging to provide necessary tool support.
u https://future.a16z.com/new-business-ai-different-traditional-software/
u https://medium.com/machine-learning-in-practice/how-machine-learning-
u https://blog.dataiku.com/ai-projects-lifecycle-key-steps-and-considerations
u https://www.ibm.com/cloud/blog/ai-model-lifecycle-management-overview
u https://labelyourdata.com/articles/lifecycle-of-an-ai-project-stages-
u https://www.datascience-pm.com/effective-data-science-process/
u https://www.datascience-pm.com/data-driven-agile/
u https://datadrivenscrum.com/

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Agility in an AI / DS / ML Project

  • 5. However…it is taking too long to develop and deploy…! u 2-6 months depending on scope and size. Data Collection (20%), Data Cleaning (50%), Data Exploration (15%), Data Modeling (10%), Data Interpretation (5%) u The time required to deploy a model is increasing year- on-year. u Only 11% of organizations can put a model into production within a week, and 64% take a month or longer https://info.algorithmia.com/2021
  • 6. The time of Data Scientists being spent in deploying the models…and more models means more time spent in deployment…! https://info.algorithmia.com/2021
  • 7. …with alarmingly high failure rates! u It was estimated that 85% of AI projects will fail and deliver erroneous outcomes through 2022. u 70% of companies report minimal or no impact from AI. u 87% of data science projects never make it into production. https://research.aimultiple.com/ai-fail/
  • 8. Low ROI, & Long Payback periods! u The ROI for AI projects varies greatly, based on how much experience an organization has. Leaders showed an average of a 4.3% ROI for their projects, compared to only 0.2% for beginning companies. u Payback periods also varied, with leaders reporting a typical payback period of 1.2 years and beginners at 1.6 years. https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/industry/technology/artificial-intelligence-roi.html
  • 9. How is AI different? Traditional Software AI Software Reasoning Deductive Inductive Inputs Data + Program Data + Output Logic Manually pre-programmed to perform a specific task on a given dataset Programmed to automatically keep learning rules from a given dataset Output Output Models, Rules Learning Learns one-time from the programmer Learns constantly being the data Resource Code Data Solutions Deterministic Probabilistic Output Consistently remains the same Can improve with usage (or degrade over time) Business model One-time development efforts, followed by multiple sales, and small maintenance effort (optional) Each project is one-off, and needs full lifecycle management mandatorily
  • 10. Elements of ML systems https://www.ibm.com/cloud/blog/ai-model-lifecycle-management-overview
  • 11. A typical lifecycle for an AI project u Scoping and Data Acquisition u Experimentation and Model Building u Production, Deployment, Scaling and Operationalize
  • 12. Data, data, data…! u Industry reports indicate up to 80% efforts in data wrangling! u Upto 1/4th of that only in cleaning and another 1/4th in labeling u Just 10% of the time spend in model training! https://medium.com/whattolabel/data-labeling-ais-human-bottleneck-24bd10136e52
  • 13. Data trumps algorithms! In the article “Datasets Over Algorithms”, Alexander Wissner-Gross showed that the mean time between a new machine learning algorithm being published and its use in an AI breakthrough was 18 years; however, the mean time between the required datasets becoming available and those AI breakthroughs was 3 years. Machine learning without the necessary data and use cases is merely a pile of nuts and bolts waiting to be built into something useful. Nonetheless, machine learning is about learning from data, not about writing code, and that represents a fundamental difference from previous software engineering practices. - Agile AI, Carlo Appugliese, Paco Nathan, and William S. Roberts, O’Reilly
  • 14. Data lifecycle u While CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) lifecycle seems to be a bit dated (published 1999) and inactive, it is still a good reference point on the key phases of data lifecycle u Flows are not sequential but back/forth https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spss-modeler/SaaS?topic=dm-crisp-help-overview
  • 15. Generic tasks and outputs in a CRISP-DM Reference Model https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spss-modeler/SaaS?topic=dm-crisp-help-overview
  • 16. CRISP-DM favored over agile methodologies? https://www.datascience-pm.com/crisp-dm-still-most-popular/
  • 17. Challenges with Scrum in Data Science projects u One key challenge of using a sprint-based framework within a data science context is the fact that task estimation is unreliable. In other words, if the team can not accurately estimate task duration, the concept of a sprint, and what can get done within a sprint is problematic. u Another key challenge is that Scrum’s fixed-length sprints can be problematic. Even if a team could estimate how long a specific analysis might take, having a fixed-length sprint might force the team to define an iteration to include unrelated work items (as well as delay the feedback from an exploratory analysis), which could help prioritize new work. In short, a sprint does not allow smaller (or longer) logical chunks of work to be completed and analyzed in a coherent fashion. https://www.datascience-pm.com/data-driven-agile/
  • 18. Challenges with traditional Kanban in Data Science projects u In general, these challenges include the lack of organizational support and culture, lack of training and the misunderstanding of key concepts. u Specifically, Kanban does not define project roles nor any process specifics. u The freedom Kanban provides (such as letting teams define their own process for prioritizing tasks) can be part of the challenge in implementing Kanban. While this lack of process structure can be a strength (since the lack of a specified process definition allows teams to implement Kanban within existing organizational practices), it can also mean that every team could implement Kanban differently. In other words, a team that wants to use Kanban needs to figure out its own processes and artifacts. https://www.datascience-pm.com/data-driven-agile/
  • 19. Data-Driven Scrum (DDS) u The Data Science Process Alliance created an alternative framework called Data Driven Scrum which is designed with data science in mind. u Data Driven Scrum™ (DDS) is an agile framework specifically designed for data science teams. DDS provides a continuous flow framework for agile data science by integrating the structure of Scrum with the continuous flow of Kanban. https://www.datascience-pm.com/data-driven-scrum/
  • 20. Leveraging Scrum and Kanban… u DDS can be viewed as a specific instantiation of Scrum with two notable exceptions: u The most important exception is that the Scrum Guide requires all iterations (sprints) to be of equal length in time. However, iterations in DDS vary in duration to allow a logical increment of work to be done in one iteration (rather than defining the amount of work that can be done in a specific unit of time). u The other notable exception is that retrospectives and item reviews are not done at the end of every iteration, but rather, on a frequency the team deems appropriate. u DDS also adheres to the Kanban principles (e.g., there is a Kanban board, teams need to limit WIP, and work items flow across the board). However, the framework provides more structure than defined by Kanban, such as defined iterations as well as a more defined framework (ex. roles and meetings). Having a more clearly defined process that leverages agile best practices, will enable teams to implement the process in a more consistent and repeatable manner. https://www.datascience-pm.com/data-driven-scrum/
  • 21. Key Tenets of DDS u Agile is Iterative Experimentation Agile is intended to be a sequence of iterative experimentation and adaptation cycles. u Iterations are Capacity-Based Teams work iteratively on a given set of items until they are done (no inflexible deadlines). u Focus on Create, Observe, Analyze Each iteration always follows three core steps: Create something, observe its performance, and analyze the results. u Easily Integrate with Scrum DDS’s interfaces can be seamlessly integrated within a traditional Scrum-based organization. https://www.datascience-pm.com/data-driven-scrum/
  • 22. DDS vs Traditional Scrum: Similarities u Similar Roles Just like traditional Scrum, each DDS team is a group of up to about ten people, one of whom is the product owner, and one of whom is the process expert. u Similar Events Just as in traditional Scrum, there is a daily stand-up, as well as Iteration and Retrospective Reviews. u Similar Process to create and prioritize Items Just like traditional Scrum, items are created, prioritized and viewed on a task board. https://www.datascience-pm.com/data-driven-scrum/
  • 23. DDS vs Traditional Scrum: Differences u Functional Iterations DDS iterations have unknown and varying length iterations (as compared to traditional Scrum sprints, which have fixed-time durations). This enables iterations that might make sense to be shorter or longer than average (e.g., an iteration might be shorter than normal due to being able to learn from a quick / short experiment). u Uncertain Task Duration Unlike traditional Scrum (which requires accurate task estimations to know what can fit into a sprint), DDS naturally accommodates tasks that are difficult to estimate (and task estimation is often difficult within a data science context). u Collective Analysis The entire team focuses on creating, observing and then analyzing an hypothesis, analysis or feature (often in traditional scrum, this analysis is done by the product owner outside of the codified process). u Iteration-Independent Meetings Retrospectives and item reviews and not done at the end of every iteration (as is done in traditional Scrum), but rather, on a calendar-based frequency the team deems appropriate. https://www.datascience-pm.com/data-driven-scrum/
  • 24. Principles of DDS u Allow capability-based iterations – it might be that sometimes it makes sense to have an iteration that lasts one day, and other times, for an iteration last three weeks (ex. due to how long it takes to acquire / clean data or how long it takes for an exploratory analysis). The goal should be to allow logical chunks of work to be released in a coherent fashion. u Decoupling meetings from an iteration – since an iteration could be very short (ex. one day for a specific exploratory analysis), meetings (such as a retrospective to improve the team’s process) should be based on a logical time-based window, not linked to each iteration. u Only require high-level item estimation – In many situations, defining an explicit timeline for an exploratory analysis is difficult, so one should not need to generate accurate detailed task estimations in order to use the framework. But, high-level “T- Shirt” level of effort estimates can be helpful for prioritizing the potential tasks to be done. https://www.datascience-pm.com/data-driven-agile/
  • 25. DDS Framework u Data Driven Scrum supports lean iterative exploratory data science analysis, and acknowledges that iterations will vary in length due to the phase of the project (collecting data vs creating a machine learning analysis). u DDS defines an agile lean process framework that leverages some of the key concepts of Scrum as well as the key concepts of Kanban, but differently than Scrumban (which as is more of Kanban within a Scrum Framework and hence, Scrumban implements Scrum sprints, which as previously noted, introduces several challenges for the project team). u In short, DDS teams use a Kanban-like visual board and focus on working on a specific item or collection of items during an iteration, which is task-based, not time-boxed. Thus, an iteration more closely aligns with the lean concept of pulling tasks, in a prioritized manner, when the team has capacity. Each iteration can be viewed as validating or rejecting a specific lean hypothesis. https://www.datascience-pm.com/data-driven-agile/
  • 26. Steps in a DDS Iteration Create: A thing or set of things that will be created, put into use with a hypothesis about what will happen. Observe: A set of observable outcomes of that use that will be measured (and any work that is needed to facilitate that measurement). Analyze: Analyzing those observables and create a plan for the next iteration https://www.datascience-pm.com/data-driven-agile/
  • 28. Scaling DDS The DDS framework is a single team framework that is designed to be compatible with the Scrum@Scale scaling framework. Each DDS team exposes the necessary interfaces to collaborate with other teams (each of which might be doing Scrum or DDS) via its roles and artifacts, while encapsulating its internal workflow. Team touchpoint DDS Scrum Metascrum representation Product Owner Product owner Scrum of Scrums representation Process Master Scrum Master Product / release feedback Iteration Review Sprint Review Metrics and transparency Item Backlog / Taskboard Product Backlog / Sprint Backlog
  • 29. Recap u AI / DS / ML is an evolving field, with long development / deployment cycles, high failure rates and low ROI. u It is still a software, but yet, not quite like the traditional software in many ways! u While agile principles are rather generic problem-solving methods, some ideas don’t quite apply well. u Data-Driven Scrum offers an interesting perspective for delivering DS projects with agility. u For deployment, AIOps / MLOps orchestration platforms are fast emerging to provide necessary tool support.
  • 30. References u https://future.a16z.com/new-business-ai-different-traditional-software/ u https://medium.com/machine-learning-in-practice/how-machine-learning- differs-from-traditional-software-80d0a235ff3b u https://blog.dataiku.com/ai-projects-lifecycle-key-steps-and-considerations u https://www.ibm.com/cloud/blog/ai-model-lifecycle-management-overview u https://labelyourdata.com/articles/lifecycle-of-an-ai-project-stages- breakdown u https://www.datascience-pm.com/effective-data-science-process/ u https://www.datascience-pm.com/data-driven-agile/ u https://datadrivenscrum.com/