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Technology trends 2023-2024:


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
From COVID-19 to political turbulence to a recession, organizations have reeled from unpredicted winds
of change over the last few years. However, uncertainty has always backdropped the business landscape.
Therefore, rather than revamping businesses’ goals, the world agenda has simply put an exclamation mark on IT
initiatives of global businesses. Thus, automation, data analytics, and forecasting capability have gained ground
as strategic enablers of business resilience and longevity.
‘Digital transformation took a big step forward when AI and machine learning became pillars of
business strategy. With the advent of Big data, AI-based technologies have become essential
to automate and elevate data processing, data visualization, predictive modeling, and other
complex analytical tasks that would otherwise be time-consuming if at all manageable for
By adopting machine intelligence, companies can simulate what-if scenarios, support
performance monitoring, amplify decision-making, and predict market shifts. All of these
enable organizations to respond proactively to the rising challenges and minimize the risks of
business transitions.'
Alexander Marmuzevich
CTO at InData Labs
Artificial intelligence stands at the forefront of global
innovation as a beacon of certainty and data excellence. In
2022, 35% of companies reported using AI, while another
42% are looking into the technology. It means that the
adoption of artificial intelligence is accelerating, up four
points from 2021.


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
Then. Now. Future
The COVID-19 tailwind tends to steal all the glory
when it comes to the accelerated adoption of artificial
intelligence and data analysis. Indeed, we can see a
sudden upward trajectory since 2020 when the AI
market was valued at $22.59 - a YoY increase of $7.9
billion. In 2022, the market for computer intelligence
has grown twofold - $51.27 billion. The rapid growth is
projected to pertain well into the future.
Revenues from the artificial intelligence (AI) software market worldwide from 2019
to 2025 (in billion U.S. dollars)
However, the sudden swell in demand was a long-
anticipated outcome not because of the pandemic,
but due to a whole range of AI and Big data market
drivers. These have gradually fast-forwarded an uptick
in AI-enabled services and solutions driven by the
pandemic-induced automation.
2019 2020 2022 2025
Accelerated innovation, cloud proliferation,
cybersecurity attacks, and a surge of data
- all have chimed in with the adoption of AI and analytics.


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
The COVID-19
pandemic: improved the
accuracy and speed of
diagnosis, treatment, and
Elevated customer
experience: more
customer engagement,
personalized services, and
ever-evolving customer
Cloud adoption:
growing cloud-specific
spending, automated
cloud tools, cloud
Surge of
incidents and the
need to identify
frauds in real time
Accelerated scientific
discovery &
technological innovation:
IoT, self-driving cars,
biomedical research, drug
discovery, and others
Growing amount
of corporate and
enterprise input from
wearables, tools, and
customer touchpoints
Main drivers
of AI and Big
Data analytics


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
The causality between smart automation and Big
Data industry has ushered in a tremendous growth
of the data analytics market. The global big data
analytics market is projected to leap from $271 billion
in 2022 to over $655 billion by 2029. 2020 2029
$271 billion
$655 billion
Spearheaded by wearables, connectivity, and
operational input, the market is inundated by
unstructured data. This type of input is the most
challenging to make sense of, unless intelligent
algorithms are employed. As of today, the average IT
enterprise has around 80-90% of unstructured data.
Big data and artificial intelligence have a synergetic
relationship. To learn and enhance decision-making
processes, AI needs a vast amount of data, and
big data analytics uses AI to improve data analysis.
With this convergence, companies can swiftly glean
insights from large stockpiles of data and more readily
use sophisticated analytics capabilities like predictive
Big Data Analytics
transactiom system
of Things


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
AI adoption by application
Companies seem to leverage the potential of AI-
enabled analytics to support technology innovations
and back up operational processes. According to PwC,
61% of enterprises also make data actionable to elevate
customer experience, while 60% of mature companies
turn to smart algorithms for strategic decision-making.
Applying expert systems for non-financial analysis
hasn’t gone full out yet with only 15% of leading
companies employing AI for the environmental, social,
and governance investing.
Who’s deciding what with AI
Operations and maintenance
Customer experience
Product and service development
Supply chain
Marketing and sales
Workforce, including DEI
Mergers and acquisitions
Leaders Others


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
AI adoption by industry
The distribution of respondents by industry hardly
changed in 2022 since 2019. The computer and
electronics sector seems to accrue the biggest
benefits with over 30% of respondents reporting AI
value in production. Financial services, education, and
healthcare have surfaced at the top as well, which is the
collective result of the pandemic, industry disruptions,
and rising investments.
Computers, electronics
& technology (hardware)
Financial services
Healthcare and life
Public sector and
In production Evaluating Not using
0 10 20 30 40 50


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
Ninety-one percent of financial services companies
are driving critical business outcomes with
investments in AI. Fraud detection, conversational
AI, and algorithmic trading have become top
priorities for the finance industry with the highest
YoY increase. Another 23% of organizations apply
smart analytics to handle ever-growing KYC and
AML challenges.
Application matrix of AI analytics in finance, 2021-2022
Use Case 2022 2021 YoY Change
Fraud detection: transactions and payments
Conversational AI
Algorithmic trading
Fraud detection: AML and KYC
Recommender systems/ next-best action
Portfolio optimization
Default prediction
Marketing optimization
Underwriting and acquisition
Creating synthetic data for model creation
Claims processing
Don’t know


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
The healthcare industry has never been among early
innovation adopters due to stringent regulations.
The pursuit of digitalization and the COVID-19
pandemic strain have emphasized the need for
proactive response and automation. In 2022 and
beyond, healthcare providers are planning to
double their AI initiatives across all healthcare-
related areas - from patient care to operational
However, the AI in the healthcare market is
projected to skyrocket by 2030 - from $8.23
billion in 2020 to $194.4 billion by 2030.
AI Multiple
Patient care Madical imaging
and diagnostics
Research and
Assisted or automated diagnosis & prescription
Real-time case prioritization and triage
Personalized medications and care
Patient data analytics
Pregnancy management
Diagnostic error prevention
Medical imaging insights
Early diagnosist
Market researcm
Pricing and risr
Brand management and marketing
Drug discover
Gene analytics and editing
Device and drug comparative eyectiveness


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
In retail, the shift to E-commerce has fast-forwarded
the crunch of effective customer data processing,
thus speeding up the proliferation of smart analytics.
The global AI in retail market size is expected to grow
at a CAGR of 23.9% from 2022 to 2030, starting from
$5.79 billion in 2021.
In manufacturing, precursors like the Internet of Things
create an enabling environment for the seamless
advent of intelligent systems.
By 2030, the global Artificial Intelligence in
manufacturing market size will reach over $78
million, compared with $2,963 million in 2021.
Overall, AI is slated to ramp up economic growth
rates by an average of 1.7 percentage points by 2035
across 16 industries.


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
AI adoption by maturity
The impact of AI on industry growth
Information & Communication
Financial Services
Wholesale & Retail
Transportation & Storage
Professional Services
Agriculture, Forestry & Flashing
Accommodation & Food Services
Arts, Entertainment & Recreation
Social Services
Public Services
Other Services
3.4 4.8
2.1 4.4
2.4 4.3
Baseline AI steady state
Over the last few years, organizations have
been scaling their AI maturity curve. Today, 57%
respondents in emerging economies report AI
adoption. The dynamics isn’t fast, yet significant -
up from 45% in 2020. The pandemic has been the
main catalyst, according to adopters.
of respondents in emerging
economies report adoption,
up from 45 persent in 2020.
Decreasing costs of algorithm development and
favorable legislative landscape also promote
the more broad commercial deployment of AI
63.6% - drop in the costs of image classification systems
94.4% - improved training times.
18 - AI-related laws passed by 2021.
Stanford University


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
In the decade, experts expect artificial intelligence
to come of age with over $15 trillion of potential
contribution to the global economy by 2030. This
unprecedented contribution is predicted to stem
from product enhancement and stimulated consumer
demand as a result of the personalization and
automation capabilities of smart systems.
The technology maturity of artificial intelligence is
expected to be largely influenced by a wide range
of facilitators. Growing AI investment, innovative
hardware as well as burgeoning operational data,
and Industry 4.0 are projected to expedite the broad
applicability of smart analysis.
AI is rapidly revolutionizing nearly every industry. Its effect is being felt in sectors as diverse as healthcare, retail,
finance, and manufacturing. But what exactly is driving automation into the future?
Investors are predicted to
inject more money into AI
initiatives. Over the next 8
years, the industry value
is projected to increase by
over 13x.
Growing semiconductor
technologies and the advent
of commercial quantum
computing foster new ways
of fast and complex data
5G and AIoT encourage
the evolution of a fully
connected world, allowing
AI to generate more
accurate models.
Manufacturers will fully
integrate IoT, cloud computing,
analytics and AI to enhance
productivity, boost quality, and
ensure workplace security.


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
How will the recession
impact AI adoption?
In the coming years, the speed of the technology
transition is projected to be greatly influenced by
a significant decline in economic activity. But does
it mean that companies will pull back on their AI
initiatives and resort to survival mode? Quite the
opposite, in fact. According to a survey, over three-
quarters of tech leaders expect their organizations to
spend more on technology.
Automation, machine learning, and cloud computing
will remain the focus areas for companies, as
executives search for innovative business drivers.
Technology investment is no longer seen as the
casualty of a potentially recessionary environment.
Instead, it is considered one of the most effective
enablers of positive business outcomes and a
company’s revitalization.
But although artificial intelligence is deemed a
linchpin to improved business process management,
the majority of companies are reluctant to invest in
automation. The rising costs of innovation and talent
crunch hamper AI initiatives of global organizations.
To reduce development costs, companies tend to tap
into global AI talent and delegate their AI project to
offshore destinations.
The outsourcing economy, in turn, allows for more
cost-efficient software development and supports
global businesses during these turbulent times.
The trend of third-party development can be rightly
seen as the core success factor of AI adoption for
small-to-medium companies.
The global Business Process Outsourcing market is
expected to reach a value of over $492 billion by


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
Although AI and analytics are likely to orchestrate the majority of innovations, it remains difficult to predict
the exact form and shape of intelligent transformation and plan ahead accordingly. We’ve curated the main
technology trends to play out in the coming years with varying magnitude so that you can make strategic
technology decisions.
a look ahead
Web 3.0 Metaverse Edge


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
Applied AI
Applied AI is the use of artificial intelligence to solve real-world problems.
It involves the development of algorithms and models that can iteratively
process and automatically learn from data to make predictions or
Applied AI is different from general machine intelligence in that it is
focused on specific tasks or problems such as increasing sales, reducing
costs, or improving customer satisfaction rather than hypotheses.
The state of technology today:
Applied AI is the lifeblood of data analytics, statistics, machine learning,
deep learning, artificial neural network, and NLP, with each having its
wide application area across industries.
Applied AI will
continue to unfold
with an investment
of $165 billion made
in 2021.
Advanced connectivity
Advanced connectivity refers to the various ways in which devices can
connect and share data. It includes technologies like 5G, the Internet
of Things, edge computing, wireless low-power networks, and other
innovations that facilitate seamless and fast data sharing.
With an increasing number of devices, it is crucial to ensure connectivity to
operate customer-centric markets, track supply chains, conduct proactive
maintenance, and improve business processes.
The state of technology today:
The global IoT connectivity imperative has been driven by cellular IoT (2G,
3G, 4G, and now 5G) as well as LPWA over the last five years. Growing
usage of medical IoT, IoT-enabled manufacturing, and autonomous
vehicles have been among the greatest market enablers so far.
The number of
connected IoT
devices is to triple
from 9.7 billion in
2020 to over 29
billion by 2030.


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
Web 3.0
Web 3.0 is the new iteration of the Internet that aims to make the digital space
more user-centered and enables users to have full control over their data. The
concept is premised on a combination of technologies, including blockchain,
semantic web, immersive technology, and others. The user-friendliness of
Web 3.0 is supported, among other things, by granular content distribution.
Artificial intelligence and AI-enabled analytics are among the core building
blocks of Web 3.0 as they will help users access relevant data faster. Thus, a
website will rely on AI to sift through and provide the data it thinks a specific
user will benefit from.
The state of technology today:
Web 3.0 is still in its infancy due to the limited adoption of its technology
components. However, as blockchain, cryptocurrency, and connectivity
have gathered speed, the hypothesis of Web 3.0 begins to take more shape.
Therefore, we can say that some aspects of Web 3.0 have already gone
beyond theory.
The global Web 3
market size is to
grow by 44.9% by
2030 from $1.36
billion in 2021.
Grand View Research
Metaverse generally refers to an integrated network of virtual worlds
accessed through a browser or headset. The technology is powered by a
combination of virtual and augmented reality.
Unlike Web 3.0, it doesn’t prioritize user ownership over data. Instead, it
aims to create a shared digital reality where users can connect, build
economies and interact in real time.
Computer vision, natural language processing, and facial recognition
add lifelike experiences to the digital worlds and enable multilingual
The state of technology today
Currently, Metaverse hasn’t taken its full form yet. The majority of
companies are aspiring to develop the Metaverse, including Roblox,
Decentraland, Meta, and others. However, those platforms aren’t
interoperable. Leading companies are executing metaverse strategies to
establish their presence in the existing proto-Metaverse spaces.
The total market
for the metaverse
economy is
projected to hit $13
trillion by 2030
with five billion
users worldwide.
Citi Group


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
Edge computing
Edge computing takes cloud data processing to a new level and focuses
on delivering services from the edge of the network. This technology
allows organizations to process data at the periphery of the network,
reducing overall infrastructure costs, improving data sovereignty, and
enhancing data security.
The technology will enable faster local AI data analytics and allow smart
systems to deliver on performance and keep costs down. Edge computing
will also back up autonomous behavior for Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
The state of technology today:
Industries already incorporate devices with edge computing, including
smart speakers, sensors, actuators, and other hardware. These collect
data from the real world and process it locally.
75% of enterprise-
managed data will
be generated and
processed outside
the data center or
cloud by 2050.
Augmented analytics
Powered by ML and natural language technologies, augmented analytics
takes an extra step to help companies glean insights from complex
data volumes. Augmented analytics also relies on extensive automation
capabilities that streamline routine manual tasks across the data analytics
lifecycle, reduce the time needed to build ML models, and democratize
Augmented analytics can lead to better decisions, faster product
development, increased profitability, and accelerated knowledge-sharing.
The technology also takes data from multiple channels to achieve a
broader perspective.
The state of technology today:
Large-sized organizations often rely on augmented analytics when
scaling their analytics program to new users to accelerate the onboarding
process. Leading BI suites such as Power BI, Qlik, Tableau, and others
have a full range of augmented analytics capabilities.
The global
augmented analytics
market is expected
to surpass $29
million by 2025.
Allied Market Research


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
Engineered Decision
The field of decision intelligence is a new area of AI that combines the
scientific method with human judgment to make better decisions. In other
words, it's a way to use machine intelligence to make decisions more
effectively and efficiently in complex scenarios.
The goal isn't just to identify patterns but also to understand why those
patterns exist and how they can be used as part of an overall strategy.
The technology is supplemented with AI-based capabilities and data
fabrics, combined with social science and decision theory.
The state of technology today:
Decision intelligence assists companies in identifying risks and frauds,
improving sales and marketing as well as enhancing supply chains. For
example, Mastercard employs the technology to increase approvals for
genuine transactions.
By 2023, over
a third of large
will have analysts
using decision
Data Fabric
Being a holistic data strategy, data fabric leverages people and technology
to bridge the knowledge-sharing gap within data estates. Data fabric is
based on an integrated architecture for managing information with full
and flexible access to data.
The technology also revolves around Big data and AI approaches that help
companies establish elastic data management workflows. Data Fabric
is usually referred to as an autonomous ecosystem used to maximize
access to corporate data, rather than a specific platform from a particular
software vendor.
The state of technology today
Around 26.4% of businesses incorporate data fabrics to enhance business
process management. The demand for this architecture is growing in the
BFSI sector, retail, ecommerce, and healthcare due to the presence of
huge data volumes from multiple sources.
The data fabric
market will grow
to $6.97 billion by
2029 at a CAGR of
Fortune Business Insights


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
Quantum computing
An antagonist of conventional computing, the quantum approach uses
qubits as a basic unit of information to speed up analysis to a scale
that traditional computers cannot ever match. The speed of processing
translates into potential benefits of analyzing large datasets - faster and
at finer levels.
In their commercial stage, quantum computers hold great potential in
improving intelligent systems by making them more granular and accurate.
After COVID-19, a few companies are focusing on the adoption of QCaaS.
The state of technology today:
The technology is in its early stage, yet the adoption is spearheaded by
increasing funding, proliferating start-ups, and QCaaS offerings. Four
industries—pharmaceuticals, chemicals, automotive, and finance—could
implement the earliest use cases, according to McKinsey.
The quantum
computing market
size is projected to
reach $1,765 million
by 2026 from USD
472 million in 2021.
Markets and Markets
This concept makes the most of intelligent technologies to help
companies achieve end-to-end automation by combining AI-fuelled tools
with Robotic Process Automation. Hyperautomation strives to streamline
every task executed by business users through ever-evolving automated
pathways that learn from data.
Thanks to a powerful duo of artificial intelligence and RPA, the
hyperautomated architecture can handle undocumented procedures that
depend on unstructured data inputs - something that has never been
The state of technology today:
Hyperautomation is currently in the ideation state with classic automation
promoting its future growth. Therefore, this trend is now manifested in
traditional RPA software that adheres to rule-based tasks and acts on
structured data only.
The global
market size is
predicted to surpass
$26 billion by 2028.
Zion Market Research


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
the great enablers of innovation
Although the technology forecast may seem like a
motley crew of disruptors, there is one linking element
inherent in all of them - data. It is the language of
technology that can only be deciphered by artificial
technology and its offshoots.
Therefore, both artificial technology and data analytics
have become indispensable building blocks of innovation
and future-proof initiatives. They are now paving the way
for new digital transformations we’ve mentioned above.
Let’s look at the AI technology canvas in use today.
What is…? Statistics + mo-
deling techni-
ques that make
prediction about
future perfor-
The ability of com-
puters understand
human language
Tech-driven pro-
cess of data ana-
lysis and insight
The ability of
derive informa-
tion from digital
Network of con-
nected devices
or sensors
How does
it work?
Based on current
and historical
Relies on rely on
deep learning and
Data is stored and
analyzed in data
warehouses +
visualization tools
Based on deep
learning al-
gorithms and
visual stimuli
Based on real-ti-
me data collec-
tion and sharing
Data types Structured & un-
structured (deep
Unstructured data
(text and voice)
Structured data
from multiple
Unstructured Status data,
automation data,
location data
• Predictive main-
• Fraud detection
• Risk modelling
• Speech recogni-
• Sentiment ana-
• Market analysis
• Performance
• Sales intelligen-
• Scenario plan-
• Autonomous
• Pose tracking
• Biometrics
• Smart homes
• Connected
• IoT payments
• Forecasting
• Enhanced deci-
• Fewer risks
• Improved analysis
• Higher customer
• Reduced costs
• Enhanced per-
• Minimized risks
• Increased profits
• Improved
• Reduced ope-
rational costs
• Automation
• Equipment
• Increased pro-
• Better safety
Natural Language
Internet of
As it is clear from the technology chart, artificial
intelligence has evolved as a powerful general-
purpose technology that opens up multifaceted
opportunities. Smart systems can augment almost
every business function, promote better business
outcomes, and reduce the cost of laborious tasks.
Today, intelligent algorithms underlie the majority
of cutting-edge technologies and act as a bridge
between humans and software.
In the upcoming years, predictive analytics, business
intelligence, and NLP will play a paramount role in
shaping enterprise decision-making, with augmented
analytics and engineered decision intelligence
picking up the baton. Computer vision and IoT
devices, in turn, enable an autonomous data-sharing
ecosystem that connects everything with no human


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
How AI and Big data analytics
can benefit your business today
Companies that take a piecemeal approach to adopt
computer intelligence tend to miss out on opportunities.
Although each company pursues its unique business
needs, the value of AI and analytics usually anchor
in four areas. Thus, organizations advance their
automation initiatives to supplement decision-making
(41% of companies), innovate digital estates (40% of
companies), and personalize customer success (40%
of companies).
Four areas across the value chain where AI delivers results
better decision-
production and
services and
Five elements of successful AI transformations
Clear use
Unified data
Best data
integration and
Conversely, a holistic strategy of AI implementation
sets up organizations for greater success.


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
organization gets the opposite of optimization and
eventually poor ROI elements.
In a bid to deliver organizational value from analytics,
leaders often focus on short-term gains, rather than
following a consistent, long-term strategy. As a result,
around 85% of data projects fail to deliver expected
Without a well-founded adoption strategy, businesses
risk suffering from the negative effects of misallocating
resources and money. The outcome? An agile digital
How to prepare your
business for innovation?
Therefore, it is essential to create a strategic
roadmap for rapid AI adoption that digitally
advanced firms can use to guide their
implementation and reap the rewards.
Here are some milestones that should lay the ground for your pursuit of automation.
Identify current business problems. A strong business case for automation is the shortcut to quicker
executive buy-in and higher ROI. To embed intelligence and analytics, leaders need to prioritize the
exact problem to solve. Be it product growth, customer success, or decision-making, projects should
be undertaken not for the sake of innovation, but rather to solve a critical business challenge. Moreover,
young adopters should start from a few business cases, instead of embracing all departments.
Get control over your data. The feasibility of AI applicability depends on the amount and quality
of operational data you act on. Siloed and incomplete data does not provide the correct bases for
model development, and, therefore, does not suffice adoption needs. Conversely, a unified data
infrastructure, such as data warehouses, stores information readily available for analysis and gives a
360-degree understanding of the business performance.
Invest in data-driven people. Data and AI talent are the key enablers of successful implementation.
Due to the talent crunch, around 36% of companies prefer to source capabilities from dedicated
AI&data partners where they can find the skills and expertise needed. Moreover, an internal culture
shift should nurture high levels of organizational trust, data fluency, and agility, as workers segue from
disparate data tools.


Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics
After the pandemic, the automation craze has
passed the tipping point. Today, data analytics and
algorithms are an industry standard for high-yielding
projects across different verticals. This combination
enables global leaders to predict, automate,
and optimize processes, reducing time to value.
Most importantly, a data-driven strategy fosters
integrated business planning, allowing companies to
swiftly adapt to new realities.
Be it data fabrics, edge computing, or advanced
connectivity, automated workflows and data control
will facilitate your leap to a new level of enterprise
As we’re stepping into the new era of automation, AI
readiness is integral to embracing new technology
trends and getting a head start on new initiatives.


InData Labs is a leading data science firm and AI-
powered solutions provider with its own R&D center.
Having a mission to bring the power of AI to every
business, we help organizations of any size create
intelligent products and services or shape intelligent
business processes.
Since 2014, our solutions and consulting services help
our clients to get valuable insights into data, automate
repetitive tasks, enhance performance, add AI-driven
features, and prevent cost overruns.
16, Kyriakou Matsi,
Eagle House,
Agioi Omologites, Nicosia
+357 97 706 028
Ukmergės g. 126,
333 S.E. 2nd Avenue,
Suite 2000,
Florida, 33131
+1 786 871 3300
About InData Labs

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AI and Big Data Analytics

  • 1. Technology trends 2023-2024: AI AND BIG DATA ANALYTICS
  • 2. 2 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics From COVID-19 to political turbulence to a recession, organizations have reeled from unpredicted winds of change over the last few years. However, uncertainty has always backdropped the business landscape. Therefore, rather than revamping businesses’ goals, the world agenda has simply put an exclamation mark on IT initiatives of global businesses. Thus, automation, data analytics, and forecasting capability have gained ground as strategic enablers of business resilience and longevity. ‘Digital transformation took a big step forward when AI and machine learning became pillars of business strategy. With the advent of Big data, AI-based technologies have become essential to automate and elevate data processing, data visualization, predictive modeling, and other complex analytical tasks that would otherwise be time-consuming if at all manageable for businesses. By adopting machine intelligence, companies can simulate what-if scenarios, support performance monitoring, amplify decision-making, and predict market shifts. All of these enable organizations to respond proactively to the rising challenges and minimize the risks of business transitions.' Alexander Marmuzevich CTO at InData Labs Artificial intelligence stands at the forefront of global innovation as a beacon of certainty and data excellence. In 2022, 35% of companies reported using AI, while another 42% are looking into the technology. It means that the adoption of artificial intelligence is accelerating, up four points from 2021.
  • 3. 3 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics AI AND BIG DATA ANALYTICS: Then. Now. Future The COVID-19 tailwind tends to steal all the glory when it comes to the accelerated adoption of artificial intelligence and data analysis. Indeed, we can see a sudden upward trajectory since 2020 when the AI market was valued at $22.59 - a YoY increase of $7.9 billion. In 2022, the market for computer intelligence has grown twofold - $51.27 billion. The rapid growth is projected to pertain well into the future. Revenues from the artificial intelligence (AI) software market worldwide from 2019 to 2025 (in billion U.S. dollars) Statista However, the sudden swell in demand was a long- anticipated outcome not because of the pandemic, but due to a whole range of AI and Big data market drivers. These have gradually fast-forwarded an uptick in AI-enabled services and solutions driven by the pandemic-induced automation. 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 2019 2020 2022 2025 14.69 22.59 51.27 126 Accelerated innovation, cloud proliferation, cybersecurity attacks, and a surge of data - all have chimed in with the adoption of AI and analytics.
  • 4. 4 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics TODAY MAIN DRIVERS OF AI AND BIG DATA ANALYTICS The COVID-19 pandemic: improved the accuracy and speed of diagnosis, treatment, and forecasting Elevated customer experience: more customer engagement, personalized services, and ever-evolving customer preferences Cloud adoption: growing cloud-specific spending, automated cloud tools, cloud analytics Surge of cybersecurity incidents and the need to identify frauds in real time Accelerated scientific discovery & technological innovation: IoT, self-driving cars, biomedical research, drug discovery, and others Growing amount of corporate and enterprise input from wearables, tools, and customer touchpoints etc. Main drivers of AI and Big Data analytics
  • 5. 5 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics The causality between smart automation and Big Data industry has ushered in a tremendous growth of the data analytics market. The global big data analytics market is projected to leap from $271 billion in 2022 to over $655 billion by 2029. 2020 2029 $271 billion $655 billion Spearheaded by wearables, connectivity, and operational input, the market is inundated by unstructured data. This type of input is the most challenging to make sense of, unless intelligent algorithms are employed. As of today, the average IT enterprise has around 80-90% of unstructured data. Big data and artificial intelligence have a synergetic relationship. To learn and enhance decision-making processes, AI needs a vast amount of data, and big data analytics uses AI to improve data analysis. With this convergence, companies can swiftly glean insights from large stockpiles of data and more readily use sophisticated analytics capabilities like predictive analytics. Big Data Analytics Customer databases Medical records Business transactiom system Social networks Mobile applications Internet of Things
  • 6. 6 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics AI adoption by application Companies seem to leverage the potential of AI- enabled analytics to support technology innovations and back up operational processes. According to PwC, 61% of enterprises also make data actionable to elevate customer experience, while 60% of mature companies turn to smart algorithms for strategic decision-making. Applying expert systems for non-financial analysis hasn’t gone full out yet with only 15% of leading companies employing AI for the environmental, social, and governance investing. Who’s deciding what with AI 74% Technology PwC 50% 62% Operations and maintenance 34% 61% Customer experience 40% 60% Strategy 35% 52% Product and service development 31% 48% Supply chain 26% 46% Marketing and sales 29% 46% Workforce, including DEI 24% 44% Finance 30% 26% Mergers and acquisitions 16% 15% ESG 9% Leaders Others
  • 7. 7 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics AI adoption by industry The distribution of respondents by industry hardly changed in 2022 since 2019. The computer and electronics sector seems to accrue the biggest benefits with over 30% of respondents reporting AI value in production. Financial services, education, and healthcare have surfaced at the top as well, which is the collective result of the pandemic, industry disruptions, and rising investments. Computers, electronics & technology (hardware) Financial services Education Healthcare and life science Public sector and government Telecommunications Manufacturing Retail In production Evaluating Not using 0 10 20 30 40 50 Percentage
  • 8. 8 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics Finance Ninety-one percent of financial services companies are driving critical business outcomes with investments in AI. Fraud detection, conversational AI, and algorithmic trading have become top priorities for the finance industry with the highest YoY increase. Another 23% of organizations apply smart analytics to handle ever-growing KYC and AML challenges. Application matrix of AI analytics in finance, 2021-2022 Use Case 2022 2021 YoY Change Fraud detection: transactions and payments Conversational AI Algorithmic trading Fraud detection: AML and KYC Recommender systems/ next-best action Portfolio optimization Default prediction Marketing optimization Compliance Underwriting and acquisition Creating synthetic data for model creation Claims processing Other Robo-advisory Don’t know 31% 28% 27% 23% 23% 22% 19% 19% 17% 12% 11% 10% 10% 9% 7% 10% 8% 13% 7% 10% 14% 6% 7% 6% 3% 4% 3% 4% 4% 310% 350% 208% 329% 230% 157% 316% 271% 283% 400% n/a 250% 333% 225% 157%
  • 9. 9 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics Healthcare The healthcare industry has never been among early innovation adopters due to stringent regulations. The pursuit of digitalization and the COVID-19 pandemic strain have emphasized the need for proactive response and automation. In 2022 and beyond, healthcare providers are planning to double their AI initiatives across all healthcare- related areas - from patient care to operational workflows. However, the AI in the healthcare market is projected to skyrocket by 2030 - from $8.23 billion in 2020 to $194.4 billion by 2030. AI Multiple HEALTHCARE Patient care Madical imaging and diagnostics Management Research and development Assisted or automated diagnosis & prescription Real-time case prioritization and triage Personalized medications and care Patient data analytics Pregnancy management Diagnostic error prevention Medical imaging insights Early diagnosist Market researcm Pricing and risr Brand management and marketing Drug discover Gene analytics and editing Device and drug comparative eyectiveness AImultiple
  • 10. 10 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics Retail In retail, the shift to E-commerce has fast-forwarded the crunch of effective customer data processing, thus speeding up the proliferation of smart analytics. The global AI in retail market size is expected to grow at a CAGR of 23.9% from 2022 to 2030, starting from $5.79 billion in 2021. Manufacturing In manufacturing, precursors like the Internet of Things create an enabling environment for the seamless advent of intelligent systems. By 2030, the global Artificial Intelligence in manufacturing market size will reach over $78 million, compared with $2,963 million in 2021. Overall, AI is slated to ramp up economic growth rates by an average of 1.7 percentage points by 2035 across 16 industries.
  • 11. 11 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics AI adoption by maturity The impact of AI on industry growth Information & Communication Manufacturing Financial Services Wholesale & Retail Transportation & Storage Professional Services Healthcare Construction Agriculture, Forestry & Flashing Accommodation & Food Services Utilities Arts, Entertainment & Recreation Social Services Public Services Other Services Education 3.4 4.8 2.1 4.4 2.4 4.3 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.2 2.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.9 1.6 0.9 0.7 0.9 4.0 4.0 3.8 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.2 3.1 3.1 2.8 2.3 1.7 1.6 Baseline AI steady state Over the last few years, organizations have been scaling their AI maturity curve. Today, 57% respondents in emerging economies report AI adoption. The dynamics isn’t fast, yet significant - up from 45% in 2020. The pandemic has been the main catalyst, according to adopters. 57% of respondents in emerging economies report adoption, up from 45 persent in 2020. McKinsey Decreasing costs of algorithm development and favorable legislative landscape also promote the more broad commercial deployment of AI technology. 63.6% - drop in the costs of image classification systems 94.4% - improved training times. 18 - AI-related laws passed by 2021. Accenture Stanford University
  • 12. 12 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics FUTURE ANTICIPATED DRIVERS OF AI ADOPTION In the decade, experts expect artificial intelligence to come of age with over $15 trillion of potential contribution to the global economy by 2030. This unprecedented contribution is predicted to stem from product enhancement and stimulated consumer demand as a result of the personalization and automation capabilities of smart systems. The technology maturity of artificial intelligence is expected to be largely influenced by a wide range of facilitators. Growing AI investment, innovative hardware as well as burgeoning operational data, and Industry 4.0 are projected to expedite the broad applicability of smart analysis. 4 FACTORS TO DRIVE WIDE AI ADOPTION IN FUTURE AI is rapidly revolutionizing nearly every industry. Its effect is being felt in sectors as diverse as healthcare, retail, finance, and manufacturing. But what exactly is driving automation into the future? СAPITAL Investors are predicted to inject more money into AI initiatives. Over the next 8 years, the industry value is projected to increase by over 13x. HARDWARE Growing semiconductor technologies and the advent of commercial quantum computing foster new ways of fast and complex data processing. DATA 5G and AIoT encourage the evolution of a fully connected world, allowing AI to generate more accurate models. 4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION Manufacturers will fully integrate IoT, cloud computing, analytics and AI to enhance productivity, boost quality, and ensure workplace security.
  • 13. 13 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics How will the recession impact AI adoption? In the coming years, the speed of the technology transition is projected to be greatly influenced by a significant decline in economic activity. But does it mean that companies will pull back on their AI initiatives and resort to survival mode? Quite the opposite, in fact. According to a survey, over three- quarters of tech leaders expect their organizations to spend more on technology. Automation, machine learning, and cloud computing will remain the focus areas for companies, as executives search for innovative business drivers. Technology investment is no longer seen as the casualty of a potentially recessionary environment. Instead, it is considered one of the most effective enablers of positive business outcomes and a company’s revitalization. But although artificial intelligence is deemed a linchpin to improved business process management, the majority of companies are reluctant to invest in automation. The rising costs of innovation and talent crunch hamper AI initiatives of global organizations. To reduce development costs, companies tend to tap into global AI talent and delegate their AI project to offshore destinations. The outsourcing economy, in turn, allows for more cost-efficient software development and supports global businesses during these turbulent times. The trend of third-party development can be rightly seen as the core success factor of AI adoption for small-to-medium companies. The global Business Process Outsourcing market is expected to reach a value of over $492 billion by 2028. GlobeNewswire
  • 14. 14 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics Although AI and analytics are likely to orchestrate the majority of innovations, it remains difficult to predict the exact form and shape of intelligent transformation and plan ahead accordingly. We’ve curated the main technology trends to play out in the coming years with varying magnitude so that you can make strategic technology decisions. TRANSFORMATIONAL TECHNOLOGY: a look ahead TRENDS Applied AI Advanced Connectivity Web 3.0 Metaverse Edge Computing Augmented Analytics Engineered Decision Intelligence Data Fabric Quantum Computing Hyper- automation
  • 15. 15 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics Applied AI Applied AI is the use of artificial intelligence to solve real-world problems. It involves the development of algorithms and models that can iteratively process and automatically learn from data to make predictions or decisions. Applied AI is different from general machine intelligence in that it is focused on specific tasks or problems such as increasing sales, reducing costs, or improving customer satisfaction rather than hypotheses. The state of technology today: Applied AI is the lifeblood of data analytics, statistics, machine learning, deep learning, artificial neural network, and NLP, with each having its wide application area across industries. Applied AI will continue to unfold with an investment of $165 billion made in 2021. McKinsey Advanced connectivity Advanced connectivity refers to the various ways in which devices can connect and share data. It includes technologies like 5G, the Internet of Things, edge computing, wireless low-power networks, and other innovations that facilitate seamless and fast data sharing. With an increasing number of devices, it is crucial to ensure connectivity to operate customer-centric markets, track supply chains, conduct proactive maintenance, and improve business processes. The state of technology today: The global IoT connectivity imperative has been driven by cellular IoT (2G, 3G, 4G, and now 5G) as well as LPWA over the last five years. Growing usage of medical IoT, IoT-enabled manufacturing, and autonomous vehicles have been among the greatest market enablers so far. The number of connected IoT devices is to triple from 9.7 billion in 2020 to over 29 billion by 2030. Statista
  • 16. 16 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics Web 3.0 Web 3.0 is the new iteration of the Internet that aims to make the digital space more user-centered and enables users to have full control over their data. The concept is premised on a combination of technologies, including blockchain, semantic web, immersive technology, and others. The user-friendliness of Web 3.0 is supported, among other things, by granular content distribution. Artificial intelligence and AI-enabled analytics are among the core building blocks of Web 3.0 as they will help users access relevant data faster. Thus, a website will rely on AI to sift through and provide the data it thinks a specific user will benefit from. The state of technology today: Web 3.0 is still in its infancy due to the limited adoption of its technology components. However, as blockchain, cryptocurrency, and connectivity have gathered speed, the hypothesis of Web 3.0 begins to take more shape. Therefore, we can say that some aspects of Web 3.0 have already gone beyond theory. The global Web 3 market size is to grow by 44.9% by 2030 from $1.36 billion in 2021. Grand View Research Metaverse Metaverse generally refers to an integrated network of virtual worlds accessed through a browser or headset. The technology is powered by a combination of virtual and augmented reality. Unlike Web 3.0, it doesn’t prioritize user ownership over data. Instead, it aims to create a shared digital reality where users can connect, build economies and interact in real time. Computer vision, natural language processing, and facial recognition add lifelike experiences to the digital worlds and enable multilingual accessibility. The state of technology today Currently, Metaverse hasn’t taken its full form yet. The majority of companies are aspiring to develop the Metaverse, including Roblox, Decentraland, Meta, and others. However, those platforms aren’t interoperable. Leading companies are executing metaverse strategies to establish their presence in the existing proto-Metaverse spaces. The total market for the metaverse economy is projected to hit $13 trillion by 2030 with five billion users worldwide. Citi Group
  • 17. 17 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics Edge computing Edge computing takes cloud data processing to a new level and focuses on delivering services from the edge of the network. This technology allows organizations to process data at the periphery of the network, reducing overall infrastructure costs, improving data sovereignty, and enhancing data security. The technology will enable faster local AI data analytics and allow smart systems to deliver on performance and keep costs down. Edge computing will also back up autonomous behavior for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The state of technology today: Industries already incorporate devices with edge computing, including smart speakers, sensors, actuators, and other hardware. These collect data from the real world and process it locally. 75% of enterprise- managed data will be generated and processed outside the data center or cloud by 2050. Gartner Augmented analytics Powered by ML and natural language technologies, augmented analytics takes an extra step to help companies glean insights from complex data volumes. Augmented analytics also relies on extensive automation capabilities that streamline routine manual tasks across the data analytics lifecycle, reduce the time needed to build ML models, and democratize analytics. Augmented analytics can lead to better decisions, faster product development, increased profitability, and accelerated knowledge-sharing. The technology also takes data from multiple channels to achieve a broader perspective. The state of technology today: Large-sized organizations often rely on augmented analytics when scaling their analytics program to new users to accelerate the onboarding process. Leading BI suites such as Power BI, Qlik, Tableau, and others have a full range of augmented analytics capabilities. The global augmented analytics market is expected to surpass $29 million by 2025. Allied Market Research
  • 18. 18 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics Engineered Decision Intelligence The field of decision intelligence is a new area of AI that combines the scientific method with human judgment to make better decisions. In other words, it's a way to use machine intelligence to make decisions more effectively and efficiently in complex scenarios. The goal isn't just to identify patterns but also to understand why those patterns exist and how they can be used as part of an overall strategy. The technology is supplemented with AI-based capabilities and data fabrics, combined with social science and decision theory. The state of technology today: Decision intelligence assists companies in identifying risks and frauds, improving sales and marketing as well as enhancing supply chains. For example, Mastercard employs the technology to increase approvals for genuine transactions. By 2023, over a third of large organizations will have analysts using decision intelligence. Gartner Data Fabric Being a holistic data strategy, data fabric leverages people and technology to bridge the knowledge-sharing gap within data estates. Data fabric is based on an integrated architecture for managing information with full and flexible access to data. The technology also revolves around Big data and AI approaches that help companies establish elastic data management workflows. Data Fabric is usually referred to as an autonomous ecosystem used to maximize access to corporate data, rather than a specific platform from a particular software vendor. The state of technology today Around 26.4% of businesses incorporate data fabrics to enhance business process management. The demand for this architecture is growing in the BFSI sector, retail, ecommerce, and healthcare due to the presence of huge data volumes from multiple sources. The data fabric market will grow to $6.97 billion by 2029 at a CAGR of 22.3%. Fortune Business Insights
  • 19. 19 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics Quantum computing An antagonist of conventional computing, the quantum approach uses qubits as a basic unit of information to speed up analysis to a scale that traditional computers cannot ever match. The speed of processing translates into potential benefits of analyzing large datasets - faster and at finer levels. In their commercial stage, quantum computers hold great potential in improving intelligent systems by making them more granular and accurate. After COVID-19, a few companies are focusing on the adoption of QCaaS. The state of technology today: The technology is in its early stage, yet the adoption is spearheaded by increasing funding, proliferating start-ups, and QCaaS offerings. Four industries—pharmaceuticals, chemicals, automotive, and finance—could implement the earliest use cases, according to McKinsey. The quantum computing market size is projected to reach $1,765 million by 2026 from USD 472 million in 2021. Markets and Markets Hyperautomation This concept makes the most of intelligent technologies to help companies achieve end-to-end automation by combining AI-fuelled tools with Robotic Process Automation. Hyperautomation strives to streamline every task executed by business users through ever-evolving automated pathways that learn from data. Thanks to a powerful duo of artificial intelligence and RPA, the hyperautomated architecture can handle undocumented procedures that depend on unstructured data inputs - something that has never been possible. The state of technology today: Hyperautomation is currently in the ideation state with classic automation promoting its future growth. Therefore, this trend is now manifested in traditional RPA software that adheres to rule-based tasks and acts on structured data only. The global hyperautomation market size is predicted to surpass $26 billion by 2028. Zion Market Research
  • 20. 20 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND DATA: the great enablers of innovation Although the technology forecast may seem like a motley crew of disruptors, there is one linking element inherent in all of them - data. It is the language of technology that can only be deciphered by artificial technology and its offshoots. Therefore, both artificial technology and data analytics have become indispensable building blocks of innovation and future-proof initiatives. They are now paving the way for new digital transformations we’ve mentioned above. Let’s look at the AI technology canvas in use today. What is…? Statistics + mo- deling techni- ques that make prediction about future perfor- mance The ability of com- puters understand human language Tech-driven pro- cess of data ana- lysis and insight generation The ability of computers derive informa- tion from digital images Network of con- nected devices or sensors How does it work? Based on current and historical data Relies on rely on deep learning and algorithms Data is stored and analyzed in data warehouses + visualization tools Based on deep learning al- gorithms and visual stimuli Based on real-ti- me data collec- tion and sharing Data types Structured & un- structured (deep learning) Unstructured data (text and voice) Structured data from multiple sources Unstructured Status data, automation data, location data Application examples • Predictive main- tenance • Fraud detection • Risk modelling • Speech recogni- tion • Sentiment ana- lysis • Market analysis • Performance management • Sales intelligen- ce • Scenario plan- ning • Autonomous vehicles • Pose tracking • Biometrics • Smart homes • Connected vehicles • IoT payments Business Value • Forecasting • Enhanced deci- sion-making • Fewer risks • Improved analysis • Higher customer satisfaction • Reduced costs • Enhanced per- formance • Minimized risks • Increased profits • Improved security • Reduced ope- rational costs • Automation • Equipment monitoring • Increased pro- ductivity • Better safety Predictive analytics Natural Language Processing Business Intelligence Computer Vision Internet of Things As it is clear from the technology chart, artificial intelligence has evolved as a powerful general- purpose technology that opens up multifaceted opportunities. Smart systems can augment almost every business function, promote better business outcomes, and reduce the cost of laborious tasks. Today, intelligent algorithms underlie the majority of cutting-edge technologies and act as a bridge between humans and software. In the upcoming years, predictive analytics, business intelligence, and NLP will play a paramount role in shaping enterprise decision-making, with augmented analytics and engineered decision intelligence picking up the baton. Computer vision and IoT devices, in turn, enable an autonomous data-sharing ecosystem that connects everything with no human assistance.
  • 21. 21 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics How AI and Big data analytics can benefit your business today Companies that take a piecemeal approach to adopt computer intelligence tend to miss out on opportunities. Although each company pursues its unique business needs, the value of AI and analytics usually anchor in four areas. Thus, organizations advance their automation initiatives to supplement decision-making (41% of companies), innovate digital estates (40% of companies), and personalize customer success (40% of companies). Four areas across the value chain where AI delivers results PROJECT better decision- making PRODUCE optimized production and maintenance PROMOTE personalized services and offers PROVIDE enhanced customer experienced Five elements of successful AI transformations Clear use cases Unified data infrastructure Best data management practices Workflow integration and automation Cultural shift Conversely, a holistic strategy of AI implementation sets up organizations for greater success. PwC
  • 22. 22 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics organization gets the opposite of optimization and eventually poor ROI elements. In a bid to deliver organizational value from analytics, leaders often focus on short-term gains, rather than following a consistent, long-term strategy. As a result, around 85% of data projects fail to deliver expected results. Without a well-founded adoption strategy, businesses risk suffering from the negative effects of misallocating resources and money. The outcome? An agile digital How to prepare your business for innovation? Therefore, it is essential to create a strategic roadmap for rapid AI adoption that digitally advanced firms can use to guide their implementation and reap the rewards. Here are some milestones that should lay the ground for your pursuit of automation. Identify current business problems. A strong business case for automation is the shortcut to quicker executive buy-in and higher ROI. To embed intelligence and analytics, leaders need to prioritize the exact problem to solve. Be it product growth, customer success, or decision-making, projects should be undertaken not for the sake of innovation, but rather to solve a critical business challenge. Moreover, young adopters should start from a few business cases, instead of embracing all departments. Get control over your data. The feasibility of AI applicability depends on the amount and quality of operational data you act on. Siloed and incomplete data does not provide the correct bases for model development, and, therefore, does not suffice adoption needs. Conversely, a unified data infrastructure, such as data warehouses, stores information readily available for analysis and gives a 360-degree understanding of the business performance. Invest in data-driven people. Data and AI talent are the key enablers of successful implementation. Due to the talent crunch, around 36% of companies prefer to source capabilities from dedicated AI&data partners where they can find the skills and expertise needed. Moreover, an internal culture shift should nurture high levels of organizational trust, data fluency, and agility, as workers segue from disparate data tools.
  • 23. 23 Technology trends 2023-2024: AI and Big Data Analytics After the pandemic, the automation craze has passed the tipping point. Today, data analytics and algorithms are an industry standard for high-yielding projects across different verticals. This combination enables global leaders to predict, automate, and optimize processes, reducing time to value. Most importantly, a data-driven strategy fosters integrated business planning, allowing companies to swiftly adapt to new realities. Be it data fabrics, edge computing, or advanced connectivity, automated workflows and data control will facilitate your leap to a new level of enterprise success. Afterword As we’re stepping into the new era of automation, AI readiness is integral to embracing new technology trends and getting a head start on new initiatives.
  • 24. indatalabs.com InData Labs is a leading data science firm and AI- powered solutions provider with its own R&D center. Having a mission to bring the power of AI to every business, we help organizations of any size create intelligent products and services or shape intelligent business processes. Since 2014, our solutions and consulting services help our clients to get valuable insights into data, automate repetitive tasks, enhance performance, add AI-driven features, and prevent cost overruns. Cyprus 16, Kyriakou Matsi, Eagle House, Agioi Omologites, Nicosia +357 97 706 028 Lithuania Ukmergės g. 126, 08100 Vilnius USA 333 S.E. 2nd Avenue, Suite 2000, Florida, 33131 Miami +1 786 871 3300 linkedin.com/company/indata-labs facebook.com/indatalabs About InData Labs