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AIFREE Document Essay
The AIMFREE (Accessibility Instruments Measuring Fitness and Recreation Environments) manual
is a tool used to record and score the overall accessibility of a facility. An article written by Petersen
(2009) emphasizes the simplicity of the model and its benefits for both individuals reflecting on
their facilities operation and individuals utilizing the facility.
Our group had the opportunity to explore the Jamie Platz YMCA and conduct our own AIMFREE
audit. Prior to the assessment, we met with Jamie Platz YMCA General Manager Asim Chin, who
gave us a brief overview of the facility and answered many of our questions regarding programs and
benefits. Chin expressed his own interest in the facilities AIMFREE score, as inclusion is something
that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many of the limitations to our assessment can be attributed to our own circumstances as individuals
without impairments, as we cannot accurately represent the needs or personal requirements that
every unique individual. Reviewing the physical measurements of doorways, benches and walkways
was an eye–opening experience, allowing us to comprehend the environmental barriers that
individuals with impairments are forced to maneuver around in order to participate in physical
activity and exercise. Our understanding of what was accessible was altered through this project,
and we have found a greater appreciation for facilities that endeavor to fulfill the accessibility needs
of their clients. It was interesting to note that many of the questions in the AIMFREE questionnaire
are subjective to the individuals conducting the assessment. The Jamie Platz YMCA did provide
many of the facilitators recommended; for example there is a new wheelchair accessible ergometer
machine in the fitness centre, and attempts to resolve any issues or requests their members may
have. Chin explained to us that the facility has made structural changes in the past to meet the needs
of clients; however these renovations are not always fiscally possible. A similar study to our own
documented the barriers and added costs that facilities encounter when trying to improve their
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AIFREE Document Essay
The Accessibility Of The Environment
what are barriers?
Beyond the design of the environment, the accessibility will be related to the behaviors of its users
and owners. According to guidelines, it is only persons with disabilities for whom barriers becomes
major obstacle but it is necessary to realize that every person, at some stage of life face barriers like
an elderly person, a pregnant lady, the temporary disabled, all are vulnerable to barriers. Barriers not
only make environment unsafe cause difficulty to users but also causes space out of reach, denying
people the opportunity of participation. The important concept for accessibility of environment is
that of "trip chain". A typical trip consists of many links for e.g. to go to workplace from home, a
person has : to go from home to sidewalk, enter a vehicle, go out of vehicle to sidewalk, reach the
entrance of building, enter the building, move around in building and enter workstation. And each
link can be further divided in more detail, so if only one link is not accessible, then the journey
becomes difficult. (Ferneeuw, 2005)
Different type of barriers
According to Smith(1987), barriers faced by people with disabilities undertaking leisure related
travel are identified as: 1)intrinsic barriers, 2) environmental barriers, and 3) interactive barrier.
Intrinsic barriers are those resulting from an individual 's own level of physical, cognitive or
psychological functioning. Environmental barriers are external to individual like attitudinal barriers,
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AIFREE Document Essay
Universal Design Principles
1. What are the primary principles of Universal Design AND how can these be applied to
educational contexts? (2 points) Universal Design is the practice of incorporating the needs of
disabled individuals into the buildings, schools, and businesses. The primary principles of Universal
Design are equitable use, flexibility, simplicity, perceptible information, forgiveness of mistakes,
decreased physical effort, and space. Some examples of this practice are ramps, Braille signs, lower
desks and tables, and wider hallways. This can be applied in an educational context by making
classrooms and learning spaces accessible to all students. Students with disabilities would be able to
focus on their education rather than how they are going to get to ... Show more content on
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All individuals must face oppression, stereotypes, and limitations. An example of this in the reading
was Jason Kingsley. Jason was born with down syndrome and has struggled his whole life with
society telling him what he is unable to do. When he was born the doctors told his family that he
couldn't learn, form relationships, or carry out a normal life, however in response Jason has proved
all this incorrect. He has a job, writes, makes friends, takes public transportation, and has traveled to
other countries. This wasn't always easy since many employers don't always hire disabled
individuals or know how to act around them. I believe that all disabled people struggle with this
kind of discrimination however the obstacles or disabilities people face vary. Disabilities can be
caused by genetics, chemical imbalances, traumas, or accidents. They can challenge learning,
senses, mental health, or physical abilities. Another example in the reading was the story of Edward
Murphy. Edward developed PTSD after a bomb exploded when he was deployed in Iraq and
struggles with severe anxiety due to this. Unlike Jason, Murphy wasn't born with a disability but
developed it during life. Murphy also has more opportunities to (in a way) reverse his disability or at
least reduce the affect that it has in his
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AIFREE Document Essay
Ttc's Subway System
This report uses operations research methods to prioritize the installation of transit accessibility
upgrades on the Toronto Transit Commission subway system.
The distance people with mobility challenges must travel to accessible stations was minimized
during incremental system improvements using nonlinear programming with binary decision
variables. The process was performed using Excel's Solver feature, and based on TTC data and
distance data scraped from Google Maps using the gmapsdistance R package. The result was a list
prioritizing the 30 stations currently without wheelchair accessibility.
7.2% of Canadians experience mobility limitations in their day–to lives
(Statistics Canada, 2015), but every day the Toronto Transit ... Show more content on
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Excel's solver function was used to walk through all meaningful values for the resource constraint,
yielding a satisficing prioritized project schedule. The decrease in the objective function looks
approximately exponential, typical of a Pareto distribution. The formulation of the problem allows
low direct cost stations to be prioritized in the case that they lower the cost of adjacent stations. The
full prioritized schedule is shown in Table 2. These results show that improvements at
Islington, Coxwell, College, Sherbourne, Runnymede, and Rosedale would have indirect benefits
that make improvements more valuable than present day contributions to the objective function
suggest. Conversely, while those indirect benefits result in other improvements having lower than
expected utility. The stations affected are Royal York, Woodbine, Wellesley, High Park, Greenwood,
Frank, and Summerhill. Some of these stations are still high priority, such as Royal
York, but improvements will be less effective than expected based on ridership.
When comparing the plan the TTC currently has regarding the order of station to be upgraded with
accessible entrances is different when compared to the
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AIFREE Document Essay
Revere Hill Case Study
Human Flourishing theory of property holds that "[t]he moral foundation of property, both as a
concept and as an institution, is human flourishing." The purpose of property is to enable people a
foundation to enable people to live an objectively well–lived life, therefore property decisions
should be structured around this goal. Under this theory property owners owe obligations to
members of their communities to perform certain duties to enable people to have necessary
capabilities in order to live well–lived lives, "owners are responsible for the continued well–being of
these communities which have nurtured and continue to nurture the development of their personal
capabilities essential to their own flourishing." Furthermore, the government ... Show more content
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Looking at it through the lenses of different theories of property we get conflicting answers of what
decision should be made. In this situation, the Beacon Hill Civic Association has made the question
easier by offering to pay for materials and labor to make the new handicapped ramps fit and
maintain the historic nature. What we also see is that there is a real lacking in the theories of
property of taking other laws and fairness into consideration. We do not get easy answers and the
law is not reflective of just on property theory and therefore we must find a way to work these
together to address the growing need for disability accessibility while attempting to maintain
historic preservation of cultural
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AIFREE Document Essay
Internet Accessibility : The Disability Of The Internet...
According to US Census Bureau [4], approximately 56.7 million people (18.7%) of the US
population have a disability of some kind, and about 38.3% (12.6%) have a severe disability [5].
Hence, users with disabilities occupy a wide range of consumer market.
Statistics have shown that nearly 85% of disabled consumers preferred to limit their shopping to
sites which they know are accessible and 81% of them have chosen to pay more for a product from
an accessible website rather than buy the same from a website that is not accessible [8]. Many
companies and organizations are navigating their way from expensive and time–consuming lawsuits
initiated by consumers, businesses, employees and vendors, because of inaccessible websites [7]. In
another survey, only two of the nineteen award winning colleges that provide instructional software
responded that they were aware of accessibility issues. About 65% of the remaining seventeen
companies were not aware of accessibility as an issue and 100% of them were not currently
addressing accessibility as an issue [9].
When the Congress formed the ADA in 1990, the internet had really not developed. So it did not
explicitly cover internet accessibility. However, the ADA was built flexibly and expansions were
made to accommodate new technologies as they developed [7]. Currently, the regulations are being
amended by the ADA to more specifically cover website accessibility.
1.1.1. WAI–ARIA
As accessibility related lawsuits becoming increasingly
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AIFREE Document Essay
The Diversity Policies Of Australia
Disability Discrimination is a behaviour that is unlawful and unacceptable toward people that have a
disability. Besides that, there is over four million Australians that have disability living in Australia
(1). Therefore, Disability Discrimination Act 1992 was launched in order to protect people with
disabilities so that they can have normal life as others.
Australia Post was chosen in order to explain in details about the Act as well as diversity policies
that the company uses within the company.
Australia Post is one of the most culturally diverse workforce in Australia with 32,732 employees,
136 nationalities and speak 65+ languages (2). The statistic in their Annual Report shows that they
have 39.1% women, 1.6% Indigenous ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It also makes all behaviours that discriminate disabled people by any person, business or authority
become illegal (10). The Act makes sure that disabled people that will have the same opportunities
and chances in employment, education, transport etc. with people that do not have disability (10)
The legislation has its influence on people's behaviour, organisation's workforce policies and
community including:
Access to premises used by the public
Provision of goods, services and facilities
Buying land.
Activities of clubs and associations.
Administration of Commonwealth Government laws and programs.
3.How does the Act promote diversity within an organisation 's workforce?
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 was created to protect people with disability. Therefore, in order
to follow the law, eliminate disability discrimination in the workforce as well as improve
productivity and increase efficiency of the company, the organisation has to review and create new
policies and procedure and disability action plan that are under human rights and anti–
discrimination law (6)
The organisation has to offer some training and assistance to employees so that they can understand
and work well with disabled people. Besides that, the company also has to consider about working
time flexibility for disabled people because some people need to use medicine that can affect
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AIFREE Document Essay
Auditory Disabilities
According to Americans with Disabilities Act and similar other laws and regulations in other
countries often instruct equal access to computer systems for users with disabilities. There will be
legal obligation to facilitate intranet use by disabled employees who may not be able to do their job
if they cannot access their organization internal websites. Making the Web more accessible for users
with various persons with disabilities is to a great extent a matter of using HTML the way it was
meant to encode rather than appearance. As long as a page is coded for meaning, it is possible for
alternative browsers to present the meaning in ways that are optimized for the abilities of individual
users and thus facilitate the use of the Web by disabled ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
given the current state of the Web, relate to blind users and users with other visual disabilities
because most of the web pages are highly Visual. To further enhance accessibility, we must ensure
high contrast between foreground and background colors. And by avoiding busy background
patterns that interfere while reading. Textual pages are reasonably easy to access for blind or
visually impaired users because text can be fed to a screen reader that will read the text out loud
through a synthesizer.
Auditory Disabilities: Due to the fact its beginning, the Web has been a highly visual and we have
grown accustomed to these kind of visuals–whether in the sort of text or graphics–7s the actual
primary method to convey information on the web. It is very rare in Situation where sound is
important for understanding.
Speech Disabilities: It does not matter at all whether or not a web user can speak simply because the
computer input is conducted with a mouse and a keyboard. It is likely that various sorts of voice–
activated Laser interfaces will become more famous in one's future to support users who would
rather speak commands rather as compared to type them. In the end, these users can still utilize the
primary interaction methods over the
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AIFREE Document Essay
Universal Design, Construction, And Remodeling Of Spaces
Universal Design is a newer building principle that was introduced into the world of design in late
20th century. The concept of universal design is similar to the ADAAccessibility Guidelines,
however the difference is that universal design works for everyone. Therefore, ensuring that the
elderly, able bodied, and disabled individuals are all able to use and access buildings and products
equally. However, many of the universal design components that are implemented in buildings
today, are the principles that which apply to the ADA requirements, benefitting only the disabled. At
one point or another in life, all people experience a time of discomfort. Universal design strives to
make daily living in both residential and commercial spaces ... Show more content on
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History and background of Universal Design. Universal design is a term that was created by Ronald
L. Mace: a renowned architect, designer, and educator. The term "Universal Design" expresses "the
concept of designing all products and the built environment to be aesthetic and usable to the greatest
extent possible by everyone, regardless of their age, ability, or status in life" (Universal Design –
Universal Design). As a strong advocate of the disabled's rights, Mace became a key player and
supporter of the American Disabilities Act. His work in accessible design was influential in the
passage of The American with Disabilities Act, which was passed in 1990 (Universal Design –
Universal Design). Universal Design is based on 7 core principles which are: "equitable use,
flexibility in use, simple and intuitive use, perceptible information, tolerance for error, low physical
effort, and size and pace for approach and use " ("The 7 Principles."). These principals promote
accessibility, ease of movement, and safety for everyone. The concept of universal design ensures
that every individual will have the ability to work within a space or use a product. Universal design
can be applied to everything from interior design to home products. Applying the seven principals of
Universal Design allows designers and builders to ensure that no matter a person's ability, they will
be able to move freely and efficiently use a product.
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AIFREE Document Essay
The American With Disabilities Act
The American with Disabilities Act was signed into law on July 26, 1990, by President George H.W.
Bush. (Mayerson, 1992). According to Hallahan, Kauffman, & Pullen (2015, P, 14) "the ADA
provides protection of the civil rights in the specific areas of employment, transportation, public,
accommodation, State and local government, and telecommunication. According to Mayerson
(1992, P1) "the ADA did not began at the signing ceremony at the White House, but it began in the
communities, when parents with children with disabilities began to fight against the exclusion and
segregation of the children". The foundation of the ADA, is the disability rights movement. The
disability movement fought for the rights of the people with disability. According to Mayerson
(1992, P, 1) "The disability rights movement, has made the injustices faced by the people with
disabilities visible to the American public and politicians." Without the contribution of the
disabilities rights movement there would not have been an ADA. Like the civil rights movement
before the people with disabilities sat in federal buildings, marched through the streets to protest the
injustice. Also, they sought justice in the courts (Mayerson, 1992). According to Mayerson (1992, P
2) " From a legal perspective, a profound and historic shift in the disability public policy occurred in
the 1973 with the passage of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act". Section 504 is the U.S federal
law that protect the people with
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AIFREE Document Essay
Strategic Statement Analysis: Strategic Position Of Microsoft
Part 4 – Strategic Position Statement Analysis
Strategic Position of Microsoft
The organisation's strategy and action plans of Microsoft are highly in motion. As per the website of
Microsoft (2016, 1), the IT innovation strategy solutions centres on the organisation's business aims
and employs people centred design approach for achieving their goals. It adopts the strategy of
technical innovations like mobility, cloud services, social media, big data that opportunity for
improving performance, delivery, acceleration of market on the needs of customers (Microsoft, 1).
Moreover, if enterprise technologies and architecture allow Microsoft bring variety in IT strategy
and solutions.
Microsoft Corporation firmly pursues long term positioning strategy of differentiation that focuses
on branding, quality service, software design and innovation as opposition to low cost strategy that
centres on reduction of input costs and economies of scale. It is essential to notice that organisations
that pursue differentiation strategy like Microsoft contain highly skilled employees that help in
developing reputation of the organisation. Microsoft is one of the market leaders in software ...
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Microsoft attempts to incorporate the accessibility into design, planning, development,
documentation, testing and research (Microsoft, 1). The strategy of accessibility is to continue
longstanding leadership and commitment in arising innovative solutions. Moreover, they focus on
their strategy of making their computers' easy and utilize by developing accessibility into Microsoft
services and products. Microsoft focuses on innovation of accessibility in community development
and encourages the innovations for the industry. Microsoft focuses on the strategy of reducing
complexity of accessible development by including features in visual studio and tools for making
the apps
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AIFREE Document Essay
We Cannot Show Disrespect To People With Disabilities
I have been fortunate enough to work in a field that does not show disrespect to people with
disabilities. Sadly, the world we live in doesn't work the same way as Head Start. I do not watch TV
at all, but when I used to I don't remember really seeing many commercials or shows that blatantly
disrespected people with disabilities, but what little I have seen in the media seems be geared toward
gaining pity for those individuals. This always saddens me, as in my mind every individual has
some sort of disability, some are just more pronounced than others. I know at Head Start people first
language is often used, however society has so often forgotten that every human being has feelings
and it is easy to slip back into using negative phrases
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AIFREE Document Essay
Accessibility and-or Usability in the Context of Web...
According to Pratt & Nunes (2012), accessibility and/or usability in the context of web design and
computing are two closely related features. Their approaches, goals and guidelines closely overlap
each other, hence it is convenient to collectively consider them in web designing and content
development. However, it may be necessary to be specific sometimes especially when addressing
the issue of discrimination against those with disabilities or in defining the specific accessibility and
usability standards.
This paper addresses the synchronization of accessibility and usability particularly in the
development of accessible computer systems, which promotes usability of appropriate web content.
Accessibility in this case is concerned with ensuring a comparable user experience for all user
regardless of their ability and /or disability including age related impairments. This implies that an
accessible system should be easily understood, perceived, navigated and should interact with the
user without barriers. The access to information as well as access to efficient technology is a
fundamental human right as stipulated in the UN convention on the rights of people with disabilities.
On the other hand, Seffah, Gulliksen & Desmarais (2005) argue that usability revolves around the
design of products which are effective, efficient and user–satisfying. This is an integral part of the
process of human–computer interaction that is primarily user centered so as to yield positive user
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AIFREE Document Essay
The Lack Of Age Appropriate Transportation Services For...
I would like to focus and investigate the lack of age appropriate transportation services for the
elderly and people with disabilities. The issue of transportation becomes a major concern when the
elderly and people who are disabled develop uncontrollable age related illnesses and are no longer
healthy to drive. Losing the privilege to drive brings independence to an end and forces the elderly
to stay at home which may lead to despair and other emotions. Therefore, it is essential to provide
our senior citizens and people with disabilities with reliable transportation to help them maintain
their independence. It is important to create reliable services to support them in making choices
about how they want to live the last years of their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She suggest that funding needs to be increase to accommodate the elderly and disabled (Linda,
2014). The second Article called the "Transportation Barriers" Author Cronk informs about the
struggles and frustration the elderly and people with disabilities face due to the lack of
transportation services available to them. Furthermore, the author tells the story of an elderly man
who was taken to the hospital by ambulance. But, on the day of his release from the hospital he had
no family nearby and had no way to get home nor had money to pay for a taxi. The hospital was
unable to assist him financially to pay for a cab, frustrated the elderly patient told his nurse he would
walk eight miles to his home. Cronk informs that in populated communities although many people
live near doctors and hospitals they continue to face the issue of poor transportation due to financial
struggles. The author states that for those who are disabled riding public transportation becomes a
great challenge. In addition to missing important preventive care appointments because they have no
reliable access to transportation. Cronk states that the problems were worst among minorities,
stating that a high percentage of disabled and elderly patients have missed appointments due to not
having accessible transportation. Cronk continues to inform that many times they just wait for
medical emergencies to visit a doctor. To
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AIFREE Document Essay
The American With Disabilities Act
Introduction/Brief History
As humans, it is our duty to make the world a better, and safer place for all the creatures that live on
earth. We may not always do but we try most of the times. Whenever there is a problem or the need
to change something that is not convenient, the governments of our countries come up with laws and
regulations to solve these problems. Ever since the beginning of times a few children were born with
disabilities, it was very hard for them to survive due to lack of resources and accommodations; in
some countries they were even killed at birth. Over time the governments realized that there was a
problem for children and adults and disabilities that needed to be solved. The American government
came up with the ADA also known as the American with Disabilities Act, a civil rights law that
prohibits discrimination against disability, it was signed in July of 1990 and effective in January of
1992. It was a great change for disabled people, they were more protected against discrimination,
they had more rights, and most public facilities, commercial buildings and schools began installing
infrastructures that would make that would make accessibility for disabled more efficient. Since
then life is much easier for disabled individuals.
The ADA Requirements for playgrounds, which is the focus of this paper, discusses the
infrastructures and designs that need to be met in playgrounds at schools, parks, homes and other
facilities. The ADA requirements for
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AIFREE Document Essay
Tweetsie Case Study
On the rainy Wednesday I learned that when there is bad weather the park has three options for
running operations. Option #1 is that Tweetsie is run as normal and the show goes on as usual.
Option #2 is running at half capacity, which means that only Main Street and the train will operate.
All of the rides stop running and none of the shows take place during operating hours. Finally,
Tweetsie has the option of just running train rides and closing all other aspects of the park. If this
happens we let people in for free because all they would be able to do is ride the train. In the recent
history of Tweetsie they've only closed twice and run a half–day once, so it's common to keep the
park open despite nasty weather. I also learned not to get my hopes up that I wouldn't have to go into
work if it's raining in the morning! ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This includes cleaning, stocking brochures, filing reports, and making sure that we open on time.
I've also been helping with large groups that enter the park via group sales. Groups have a different
way of entering the park and paying so I've been watching and learning that process over the past
week. Also, I count unlimited food and drink armbands in order to make sure that each group has
enough of what they ordered and get that completed before they arrive. My boss also showed me
how to count out cash registers for final close and all of the reports you have to run in order to send
a bag to audit. I'm sure that next week she'll let me practice by counting out other bags and I'm
looking forward to learning another
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AIFREE Document Essay
Disability In The Workplace Essay
For this assignment, I decided to assess and identify how a place in the community can enable or
hinder participation for people experiencing disability in my workplace, Sportchek east. I was
curious to see how my workplace compared to the standards towards helping to enable the
experience of someone experiencing a disability. Sportchek is a company that sells athletic wear and
sports equipment. At the beginning of this assignment, I thought that Sportchek was, for the most
part, accessible. But I was incorrect and naive in my assumption.
Facility Exterior
Since Sportchek is attached to a mall, Regina's public transit system does have a stop located on the
side of the mall and a stop behind as well. The bus is easy to use and wheelchair accessible, enabling
people who experience disability to get around and be able to shop where they like. The city bus is
the only form of transportation that is offered by the mall, there is no shuttle bus or van that takes
people to this location unless ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The seating areas in the hockey department are raised and a step up, while the seats in footwear are
raised so that one does not have to go as far down to sit.
Customer Service/Information
The service counter, otherwise known as the front cash desk, has a hidden counter inside to help
those in wheelchairs. This counter about three feet long and it extends outward. The counter is to be
used as an aid for those who need it, but with the pin pad being taller than 4ft this counter does not
do its proper job. One way to help this situation is for the cashiers to have the ability to remove the
pin pad from its holder and hand it to those who cannot reach it. This would help the accessibility
for those experiencing a disability while paying for their
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AIFREE Document Essay
American With Disabilities Act Into Law
More than fifty–six million Americans have one or more physical disabilities. Many of these
individuals are physically able to partake in everyday activities, yet they are excluded from these
opportunities (Crockett). People with disabilities are intentionally isolated by society due to a
stereotypical assumption of their lack of abilities to participate and contribute (Harris 368). They are
viewed as objects of pity, who are unable to work, go to school, or live on their own"(Crockett). Ed
Roberts, an individual with a disability, clearly states, [we] "are considered the weakest, the most
helpless people in our society, [but] are the strongest, and will not tolerate segregation, [and] will
not tolerate a society which sees us as less than whole people" (Laney 21). He wants to "reshape the
image that society" has on them and prove that people with disabilities are just as capable as
everyone else. George H.W. Bush signed the American with Disabilities Act into law on July 26,
1990. (The Americans with Disabilities Act: A Brief overview). Bush knew that the act was
"powerful in its simplicity" and that it would "ensure that people with disabilities [were] given the
basic guarantees for which they have worked so long and hard" (Americans with Disabilities Act,
Medicine 3). The goal was to help people with disabilities live the "American Dream" and be
identified by their potential and not their inadequacies (Rodgers 2). Since the Americans with
Disabilities Act was signed into
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AIFREE Document Essay
Adjustable Care
The Patient Protection and Affordable care Act after being implemented change the major format of
how healthcare was provided and acquired to individuals. It changed many areas that have been
installed as the norm for years, things such as cost, preexisting conditions, and who needs to offer
care. My personal belief is that the major aim of the act, was to help the millions of uninsured
Americans become insured. For America, this was the first giant leap in a long time to try to fix and
improve a faulty system. Trying to update an old system of course comes some issues with the
procedures and framework of implementation that causes items not to be functioning on an optimal
level. One aspect that still need cause focus, improvement and actions ... Show more content on
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The challenges we face with access of care can extremely discriminate and damaging to individuals,
families, and communities. Barriers of accommodation, availability, accessibility and acceptability
are obstructions that need to be demolished. 28% of insured people with disabilities reported
needing particular therapies, equipment or medications that were not covered by their health plans,
compared to 7 percent of those without disabilities (N.O.D, 2000). Enforcement efforts recently
have failed to bring a need change to the healthcare access for disable people. Regardless of their
disability, they should have access to affordable, comprehensive, and adaptive
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AIFREE Document Essay
The Forgotten : How The Disabled Are Left Out Of Disaster...
Christopher Bordelon
The Forgotten: How the Disabled are Left out of Disaster Preparedness
Introduction to Disaster
The catastrophes of Hurricane Katrina and the Indonesia Tsunami are prime examples of events that
have focused our attention on the increased necessity for the analysis of risk, disaster preparedness,
and hazard mitigation. These catastrophes, occurring inside the space of one year, are exceptional in
not only their level of destruction but also in their level of media attention. Supplementary disasters,
such as the Kobe earthquake in 1995, can exceed the death toll of a whole year in a solitary quick
event. Cities like Tokyo are at an increased risk for different types of destructive events ranging ...
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Interestingly enough, the United States disability statistics exceed 15% of the population. With time,
it may be expected that the WHO's estimate of the worldwide disabled population will grow with
situational awareness and better identification of disabilities. In a detailed analysis of 9/11 survivors,
a list of people with vulnerabilities included: acute illness, trauma or recent major surgery, obesity,
cardiovascular disease, pregnancy, and respiratory problems (NIST, 2005). Current events have
illustrated instances in which people who are disabled fall victim to disaster. Whether these people
are stranded in a high–rise construction due to a terrorist attack or fire, crushed in a collapsed
building from a tsunami, swept away in flood, dying from normally treatable chronic illnesses in
shelters or drowned in a hurricane fueled storm surge, people with disabilities face trials in physical
mobility, mental anguish, and receipt of critical, lifesaving care. When 9/11 occurred, rescue and
safety personnel risked their lives to save people with disabilities. (NIST, 2005) People who stayed
at the side of the disabled workers to await rescue were broadcast across numerous news network
for years. (Zelmanowitz 2002). In two cases during 9/11, guide dogs assisted victims, with one
descending 71 floors of the World Trade Center (Hu,
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AIFREE Document Essay
Controllable Car Project Paper
As the foundation of the project progresses there are several key tasks that must be completed to
provide a thorough and feasible concept of a wheelchair accessible and controllable car
The foundation of the wheelchair accessible and functional car will be dictated by the needs of the
people. The audience that needs to be primarily satisfied are the people who have suffered injuries
or in circumstances which do not allow them to have the free mobility by use of their legs. Along
with this main group that needs to be accommodated, the car needs to be appropriate for other
family members as well. By piecing together, the essential components of the specialized car a
conceptual sketch will be first attempted. With this first hand drawn initial idea there will be several
iterations with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Here, he will be explaining the ways that can be used to achieve the goal of our project which is to
build a fully functioning wheelchair. The problems that can be faced are predicted and presented
here, and the ways to rectify these problems will also be presented here. Any data recorded that will
help in the effective design of the wheelchair will be documented here.
The Application Details will be done by______________. This part will expand on the applications
described in the background. Moreover, there will be a few more applications that will be explained
thoroughly with the help of illustrations such as drawings and pictures. The sustainability of the
wheelchairs (such as the sustainability of the materials used and how eco–friendly the design is) will
also be explained in detail under this part.
The Results of this report will be done by Alston Menezes. He will talk about how the wheelchair
can help the physically disabled lead a better and more independent life and how the process
followed to manufacture this chair can be manipulated to form designs that are more sustainable and
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AIFREE Document Essay
Guidelines And Recommendations For Web Accessibility...
What is the WAI?
The WAI, or the Web Accessibility Initiative, is a set of guidelines and recommendations for web
designers and developers, laid out by the W3C, or the World Wide Web Consortium, to ensure that
websites are designed in a way that makes them accessible and user–friendly to all people, including
people with disabilities or special needs. While the primary focus of this initiative is to aid people
with disabilities, such as the blind and the deaf, it also aims to establish guidelines for other groups
of people such as older people, people with low literacy or language skills, people with low
bandwidth internet connections, people with older browsers or technologies and people using
smartphones and tablets (Accessibility, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
4. Robust – Content should be robust and flexible enough to remain accessible to the user as
technologies advance (Introduction to Understanding WCAG 2.0, n. d.).
There are five requirements which must be met in order to determine whether a website conforms to
the guidelines of the WCAG. These are:
1. Conformance Level – The conformance level of a website to the WCAG guidelines is ranked
using three levels of conformance. These are A, AA and AAA, with A being the lowest level of
conformance and AAA being the highest level of conformance. To conform to the WCAG
guidelines, it is required that a website satisfies at least all of the Level A Success Criteria or that
there is an alternate version of the site which does so, or conformance is not possible
(Understanding Conformance, n.d.).
2. Full pages – This requirement states that the entire web page must conform to the WCAG
guidelines, rather than just part of the page. There are exceptions to this requirement where certain
supplemental pieces of information do not have to conform as long as they are available on another
page which does conform (Understanding Conformance, n.d.).
3. Complete processes – This requirement dictates that when a web page is part of a series of web
pages which are connected in one process, such as a sequence of steps on separate web pages which
must all be completed to accomplish a goal, all of the
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AIFREE Document Essay
Disability Essay examples
Equal in Mind "Society's accumulated myths and fears about disability and disease are as
handicapping as are the physical limitations that flow from actual impairment." Society makes
generalizations and stereotypes about the disabled and the disease stricken. Society as a whole has
the belief that they are less of a person because of something they cannot change about themselves.
Society places the disabled in a category by themselves, as an outcast from modern civilization. We
think that if we include the disables in everyday activities we could all one day become the same.
Those who are disabled but are still mentally competent realize these exclusions. In "The able–
bodied still don't get it" by Andre Dubus, he states that in a ... Show more content on
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She still shops, cleans, drives, eats, like any other woman her age. She recognizes the true reason
advertisers do not target the disabled, they are afraid. Afraid of the fact that "depicting a disabled
person in the ordinary activities of daily life is to admit that there is something ordinary about
disability itself". Society isolates their problems to make them seem far away and unattainable,
when they are so close, and could happen to anyone at anytime. The reason the disabled are isolated
more than similar causes like race minorities, is that disability can happen to you involuntary. You
cannot "turn" yourself African American, Caucasian, Asian, or Latino. Those are things you are born
with. You could be like Andre Dubus, living life to the fullest, when one day something happens that
would change your like forever, and your perspective on your new race, disability. Those who are
disabled should be given as much opportunity as the "able bodies" do, not more to make them feel
like they are being taken care of, just equal. They deserve to be recognized as true citizens of the
world, not 2nd class. The disabled have so much to offer to the world, but are hardly ever given the
chance. Maybe if we removed some boundaries and stereotypes, the world would be living at its full
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AIFREE Document Essay
How Adaptive Clothing Empowers People With Disabilities
Imagine the struggle of being physically different and having to dress differently because of it. The
fashion industry designs clothing for the 'ideal' person to wear, but designers do not recognize the
struggle it is for disabled people to dress themselves everyday. In Mindy Scheier talks, "How
Adaptive Clothing Empowers People with Disabilities" Scheier expresses the importance of being
able to dress like every other person with, or without, a disability. The speaker uses pathos, logos,
and ethos to detail her experience through adaptive clothing; her most successful appeal is pathos.
She uses pathos, an emotional appeal, to engage the audience through the story of her son's struggle
with unadaptive clothing.
Many people express their emotions
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AIFREE Document Essay
Providing Professional And Vocational Education
The second barrier standing in the way of the process of obtaining professional and vocational
education was this: 'It is physically very difficult to get to school' as indicated by our respondents.
At present, in the Russian Federation, only 10 percent of universities provide not only architectural
but, first and foremost, educational and methodological accessibility of higher education for
disabled students, demonstrating a proper level of professional and pedagogical competence of the
teaching staff.
Not surprisingly, these higher educational institutions become centers of attraction for disabled
young people and accumulate the largest number of disabled students. In addition, in Russia, only
21 universities, according to monitoring, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As was mentioned earlier, this was the third most popular answer as 31% of respondents answered
like this. Romanov P.V. and Yarskaya–Smirnova, E.R. (2010) emphasize that barriers are not in
themselves specific features of someone's appearance, communication or movement patterns, but
are results of the lack of public participation, which exacerbate social inequality between people.
The authors of the article argue that one of the ways to overcome the first and second barriers could
be the involvement of team project work of school and university students. In line with this
suggestion, N.A. Lukianova directed a project in autumn 2016, at TPU whereby a team of students
studying "Industrial Design" completed a portfolio consisting of the results of monitoring and
assessment of the level of accessibility of the architectural environment on campus for students with
disabilities. The portfolio included an interactive map of the campus. The main objectives of this
team student project were formulated as follows. Students had to analyze official documents that
define norms and rules for assessing accessibility and regulate legal relations in the area of research.
Moreover, they had to develop methodological recommendations for assessing the state of
accessibility of a
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AIFREE Document Essay
Light Rail System Pros And Cons
The habitus of transportation plays a key role not just in my life, but in other people's lives as well.
If you live off of campus, most likely, you will commute. This is because driving to the university
can be very expensive due to the cost of parking and gas. If you don't live in a walking distance
from the university, taking the bus or light rail is a must. Commuting has its benefits and drawbacks.
For instance, commuting saves you a lot of money, you don't have to pay for a dorm or for living in
a fraternity or sorority. On the other hand, commuting can take a lot of time. That means you have to
wake up earlier, wait for the transportation vehicle to come and wait till you arrive at your
destination. Furthermore, commuting causes an increase ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
And the light rail is a mean of transportation that can increase accessibility to the university by a lot.
In the article To Build or Not To build: A Voter's Guide to ST3 by Ben Celsi, explains the pros and
cons of expanding the light rail system. The expansion of the light rail system will cost around "54
billion" dollars. This is a significant amount since this is all coming from taxes. Using up this much
money also means that you won't have a lot of cash left to spend it on other things. Nevertheless, the
Seattle area has a huge traffic problem and building the light rail might help ease up the traffic.
However, taking the people that don't drive or cannot afford a vehicle into consideration, this seems
like a pretty good idea. Easing up the Seattle traffic and providing transportation services to people
who don't drive would increase accessibility to the university tremendously. With the addition of the
light rail system, carbon emissions are supposed to decrease by "130,000 metric tons" yearly. Not
only does it reduce traffic and increase accessibility, it also reduces the emissions of greenhouse
gases. Moreover, expanding the rail system is a "risk" since it's coming out of the people's pockets.
With this expansion, taxpayers will pay double the "taxes already paid to Sound Transit for the
previous expansions of light rail" (Celsi). This might be of a problem to certain people because they
don't want to pay more or they want their hard earned taxes to be spent on something else. Overall,
the expansion of the light rail system will have an immense effect on the accessibility of the
university for students and it will lower Seattle's terrible traffic. It might cost an incredible amount
of money, but it will be worth it for the students that live quite a bit of distance from the
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AIFREE Document Essay
E214 TMA01 Essay
E214 TMA01
This essay highlights and discusses models of disability reflected in two separate articles
(Appendices A and B). I will identify the models of disability they represent. Both have been
recently featured in the Guardian newspaper and are stories on disabled people.
Appendix A was reported some years ago but continues to evoke opinion and has featured again
recently due to a similar case. 'Ashley' is a profoundly disabled girl, who at six years old has a
mental age of 3 months. Her parents decided on controversial treatment for her, as her condition
would not improve. Ashley has undergone surgery to remove her uterus and breasts, and for three
years she received hormone treatment to keep her weight and height low. It ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
This Rights model, more specifically Ashley's human rights is very present in the article. It could be
argued that she doesn't need or require the treatment to medically improve her life. The Equal and
Human Rights Commission (2008) suggest that human rights are the freedoms that we are all
entitled to as a result of our shared humanity. I understand that she is unable to speak and is unlikely
to have the mental capacity to make that decision but does that automatically transfer that decision
to her parents? The United Nations Convention on the Rights for a Child (1989) plays an important
part of the Rights model for this text as I feel it both supports and opposes the parent's actions.
Article 23 concentrates on children's disability by stating that 'Children who have any kind of
disability have the right to special care and support, as well as all the rights in the Convention, so
that they can live full and independent lives.' This could support Ashley's parent's' motives.
However, Article 3 states 'The best interests of children must be the primary concern in making
decisions that may affect them. All adults should do what is best for children. When adults make
decisions, they should think about how their decisions will affect children.' In this case are the
parents doing what's best for Ashley or themselves? This is a good example where the Rights model
can get itself in a twist! The
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AIFREE Document Essay
Accessibility For Ontarians With Disabilities Act
Accessibility legislation in the project Implementation and the Bureau of Administration directed a
venture to receive Accessibility Standards and actualize those principles. Amid this project these
divisions endeavored to unify as a significant part of the openness function as could be allowed.
Compressing the aftereffect of the venture take after Gauges embraced in the Enterprise Technology
Architecture Acquirement instruments and procedures for all IT buys were adjusted Particularly,
Ontarians were the pioneer in building a region of full incorporation. Ontario was the first ward in
North America to have a Human Rights Code and a Human Rights Commission, and these laws and
follow–up approaches accomplished amazing results. As of now, the Accessibility for Ontarians
with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005 is on its street to making Ontario genuinely open for the 1.6
million Ontarians with incapacities. Under the enactment, regions address their yearly availability
arranges to meet the benchmarks of AODA in their areas (Mueller, 2008).
The City of London Accessibility Plan, for the case, assumes a controlling part in executing the
administrative necessities which were proposed to expulsion existing hindrances and anticipated
potential obstructions to the Londoners with incapacities. Accessibility components are intended to
individuals with disabilities utilizes innovation all the more effortlessly. For instance, a content to–
discourse highlight may read the message so everyone
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AIFREE Document Essay
The American Dream: It's Hard Being Disabled
It's hard being disabled because there are disadvantages in everyday tasks. Although many disabled
people are extremely successful, the American dream for some is accomplishable. The American
Dream is the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and
prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. It is often easier for corporations and
businesses to hire nondisabled people because of the accommodation for those with special needs.
Also many special needs individuals don't have the freedom or receive the same respect as those
without disadvantages. Although there are laws in place to protect the right of people with
disabilities. Some corporations and businesses might be hesitant to hire disabled
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AIFREE Document Essay
People With Disability Research Paper
For years, engineers have been vastly improving the lives of people around the world. With that
being said, there is so much ground to cover and able bodied people often have priority over people
with disabilities because they are the main consumer. However, this project will take that into
consideration and the main focus will be flipped upside down to benefit people with disabilities.
Specifically, people in wheelchairs are often hindered with the inconvenience of not being able to
travel efficiently, or with the same amount of freedom as able bodied citizens. The objective of this
project will be to innovate a vehicle for people in wheelchairs, giving them the same freedom as the
everyday citizen. Before doing this, it is important ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Current designs of the car require persons who are wheelchair bound to require assistance when
embarking and disembarking the vehicle, including needing aid in storing the wheelchair or any
other aid devices. This new proposed design will have its focus on ensuring that the user of the
vehicle has complete independence with their own vehicle – with the wheelchair being fully
integrated into the interior design of the car while maintaining the overall functionality of the
vehicle. This follows in line with the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with
Disabilities Act which "aims to identify, remove and prevent barriers for people with disabilities" in
that with this vehicle the barrier of being restricted to aided transportation will be removed and
replaced with a viable alternative for the wheelchair bound. With this project, we hope to be able to
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AIFREE Document Essay
The Civil Rights Act Of 1964
History tells us that it has been a long road to liberty and a continual fight for civil rights for those
with disabilities. One of the most influential times for change in the lives of disabled Americans
occurred during the 1960s and 1970s, and became know as the Disability Rights Movement.
Structured Inequality/Rationale: After the world wars and Vietnam War, there were many disabled
American veterans who faced challenges and prejudice they had not experienced before. Alongside
those fighting in the Civil Rights Movement were disabled veterans and other people with
disabilities. They too were fighting against inequalities and discrimination. The Disability Rights
Movement occurred due to several issues rooted in structured inequalities. The Civil Rights Act of
1964 was an example of inequality built into legislation as it prohibited discrimination based on
"race, color, religion, or national origin"(Cornell), but did not address discrimination based on
disabilities. Inaccessibility and negative societal views excluded those with disabilities from their
rights. There was a need for a policy written specifically for the protection of persons with
disabilities. Structured inequality in the U.S. economy was evident in occupational segregation and
discrimination (Aguirre & Baker, 1999). Such was the case for Judy Heumann, a disabled college
graduate who, in 1970, was denied a teaching license from the state of New York because she failed
a medical examination (Patterson,
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AIFREE Document Essay
Case Study: Team Weiss Hall Accessibility Project
Team Weiss Hall Accessibility Project
Weiss Hall, located at 1701 N 13th St in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is owned and operated by
Temple University. Recent assessment of this campus building found inadequacies in handicap
accessibility, as outlined by the ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities. Temple University is an urban
university with a diverse student population. The university's public buildings should reflect the
needs of this population and be accommodating and accessible to students and faculty with
disabilities. Weiss Hall is a building used by students, professors, and clients of the Speech and
Psychology clinics. This building should be of the highest priority for handicap accessibility due to
the nature of its users. Below ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Uneven sidewalks
2. Lack of signage directing to accessible routes and bathrooms
3. Incomplete signage for classrooms
4. Water fountains that block walkways
5. Lack of adequate wheelchair accessible seating in basement classrooms
6. Minimal accessible bathrooms that do not fully comply with ADA guidelines
7. Lack of TTY for emergency telephone
Repairs mainly include replacing signage and repositioning of existing materials. Costs are
reasonable and the above issues should be resolved by the
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AIFREE Document Essay
Los Angeles' Metro and Accessibility
Wheelchairs, canes, crutches– all these devices help an individual maneuver around after certain
injuries or complications make life harder for them. Although full mobility with these devices isn't
restored, it makes a metaphorical bridge for their reentry into society. As if life wasn't hard enough
for these people, they still have to work and make a life for themselves. Due to the fact that many
diseases are incurable they have to find ways to cope with their disabilities. Having less
maneuverability calls for things such as designated areas for the disabled on Public busses or
ergonomic seats that can work on both the disabled in a general situation, and the typical passenger.
These things need to be implemented on Metro busses in the Los Angeles Region because roughly
1.3 million riders have a disability. Certain things can happen in today's system where a disabled
rider could hurt themselves in the movement of the bus when they're not strapped in or when there
are no open seats on the bus. A
Accessibility's Significance and Its History
The United States has been a world leader for helping out in civil rights and such, and one of its
many civil rights acts was the Americans with Disabilities Act. This Act entitles people with
disabilities their basic rights and sets rules for Public Areas and Private areas where disabled people
would potentially have to go. This Act now gave disabled people a means to go places. It caused
designated areas for wheelchairs in Parking
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AIFREE Document Essay
Essay On Child Care Observation
My observation that I did was at Biron Head in Kari's toddler room.
Space and furnishing: The classroom I observed has appropriate lighting and has a good room
temperature. I overall did not see any repairs that needed to be done. This classroom and center in
general seems to be well maintained.
Furniture for routine care This classroom has child sized furniture but does not have highchairs at
all. The children eat as group. The classroom is easily accessible having a nice layout making it easy
to get around. The classroom itself is split in half so there is another group of kids on the other side.
Due to the classroom being shared I do think space wise it does seem a bit tight in areas. The
classroom has adult sized chairs that are accessible.
Provision for relaxation: In the classroom, it has a 'safe zone' that contains pillows with breathing
techniques on it. This area is easily accessible to the children always.
Room arrangement: The classroom I am has a child sized bathroom right in it making toileting easy.
The children can get around the room easily as there is open walk spaces and the room is arranged
well. The room itself is not very large as it is shared so there isn't much room to engage in active
Display for children: The classroom has different photos and posters displayed there could be more
photos of things such as the children's families and what not. I also did not see a lot of diversity
displayed in the classroom.
Book center: The book center
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AIFREE Document Essay
Custom ADA Signs Research Paper
Order ADA Signs Online at Our Website
We know your life as a property owner or manager is hectic, and that you are not an expert on the
specifications set forth in 1990 in the Americans With Disability Act or ADA. All this is fine, but
you must be aware of the necessity for your property to comply with these specifications to prevent
a delay in the opening of your company, lawsuits or fines that start at $4000.00. Yes, all this can
happen if you do not post the right Braille signs that include an ISA. Luckily, our company of
STOPSignsAndMore.com can help you understand all this, as we are experts in ADA signage. We
even offer you the ability to shop for Custom ADA Signage and stock ADA Signs Online through
our website.
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With some of our Custom ADA Signage, the ADA also requires tactile text along with Braille or at
least, tactile text. Other times just the pictogram signs are sufficient for ADA compliance. One
important pictogram that you need to display separately or as part of an ADA sign is the ISA, which
stands for International Symbol of Accessibility. The symbol includes a wheelchair with a person in
it. In addition, the ADA has a minimum size requirement of 6 inches x 6 inches when the ISA is on
display without text or Braille with it. You can view examples of these pictograms in our ADA Signs
Online at our
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AIFREE Document Essay
The Problem Of Discrimination Against The Disabled Essay
There are many isms that exist in today's American culture. Because of these discriminations put on
others, there are plenty of ways to stop such hatred. Ableism has been around for a long time and
continues to be an issue today. Because of discrimination against the disabled, there have been
negative impacts on society; for example, society has turned disabilities into inabilities. In fact, it is
society that has stopped the disabled from reaching success.
54 million people suffer from some sort of disability. Whether that is mental, physical, or emotional.
It was believed long ago that people who suffered with disabilities were said to have been demonic.
Due to these beliefs, many children and adults were treated with utter disrespect and harmed. Many
scientific studies were done in order to come up with the reasoning of these mental illnesses.
Ableism is the discrimination or prejudice against people who have disabilities. This discrimination
dates all the way back to 1981. Ultimately, this means that someone is defined by his or her
disability. Some people who struggle with a disability consider it to be rude when others do not
believe they can accomplish something in which others are able to accomplish.
During the Holocaust, ableism was present. However, back then, no on considered this to be ableism
only because there was so much discrimination during the Holocaust. This was just another one of
Hitler's heinous acts. There, they were also labeled as "life unworthy
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AIFREE Document Essay
Implementing Integrated Community Planning And Coordination
Objective 3: To facilitate integrated community planning and coordination which engages and
involves people with disabilities and their families, disability service providers and community
Focus Area: 11 Health Modified First Aid Course
MetroAccess Officers from Kingston and Bayside Councils identified that First Aid courses for
people with a disability were not available. Contact was made with Surf Life Saving Club (SLSC) to
conduct a modified course to cater for the needs of people with a disability. Once the SLSC
confirmed their involvement, Central Bayside Community Adult Options and Marriott Services
received the following email;
To service providers,
The MetroAccess Officers from Kingston and Bayside Councils are working with Surf Lifesaving
Club Victoria to run a trial first aid workshop for people with disabilities. We would like to invite 2–
3 people from Marriott RTI to be involved. We have also extended an invitation to Central Bayside
Community Adult Options to be a part of the workshop.
The trainer is available on any day during the week beginning 27th April. The course goes for 3
hours – 10am to 2pm. Lunch will be provided.
We will use this opportunity to modify the workshop to make the content more suitable for people
with disabilities (especially those who have an ID) for future training.
Can you please let me know ASAP if you're interested, which days suits the participants best and
their names?
The feedback from the
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AIFREE Document Essay
Physical Diversity in the Workplace Essay
Running head: Physical Diversity in the Workplace
Physical Diversity
A physical disability is one type of diversity in the workplace because it can cause harassment,
discrimination, and occupational hazards.
Physical diversity in the Workplace
. Diversity encompasses race, religion, gender, background, education, physical disabilities, and
more. In life there are so many diversities that one faces. Unfortunately, the workplace is no
exception especially for the employee with a physical disability. An employee with a physical
disability in the workplace can be hard, but also for a co–worker and employer to accept .The
employee with a physical disability may encounter discrimination, harassment, and ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
A motto that would benefit all employees would be the Golden Rule which is do onto others as you
would have them do unto you.
A physical disability can cause occupational hazards in the work place.
A physical disability can cause an occupational hazard in the workplace due to no wheelchair
accessible ramps. Occupational hazards in the workplace for employees with physical disabilities
are sometimes difficult to acknowledge by the employer. Ramps for employees in wheelchairs may
need to be installed if steps are the only entrance into the workplace. Also it may be necessary to
install ramps inside the building if there are no elevators that are accessible for the employees. The
reason these may be an occupational hazard is because the wheel chair may turn over when trying to
maneuver steps, which could cause injuries such as broken bones. A physical disability can also
cause occupational hazards in the workplace when there are no handicap accessible doors located in
all work spaces. When there are no doors that have sensors, buttons, or ramps available that the
disabled can use there is a risk for an occupational hazard. If there are no doors in all works spaces
that are handicap accessible with all the features that should be installed this could cause the
disabled to be shut in a door, a wheel to be caught,
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AIFREE Document Essay
Entrances, And Restroom Accommodations
entrances, and restroom accommodations. The more people with disabilities are able to access
physical facilities, the more they will be part of the general population.
As expounded above, this means access to any indoor or outdoor spaces a person needs to use. A
reasonable accommodation to enable access for people with disabilities is expected to be provided
by the government body, the owner or tenant of the space, the service provider, the employer, or the
school. An adjustment to whatever barrier prevents access that imposes difficulties on the individual,
business, organization, or institution which providing the accommodation is a reasonable
accommodation. However, to try to find some other way to deliver services to a participant who
uses a wheelchair.
2.2.3 Accessible design of built environment
Accessible design extends standard design to people with mobility limitation. Its purpose is to
maximize the number of people who can readily use a product, building or service. This can be
achieved either by designing products, services and environments that are readily usable by most
users without any modification, or by means of standardized interfaces compatible with special
products for PWD (Fadilah, 2008).
The current legislation is not enough for local authorities to monitor whether the built environment
industry comply with minimum standards for accessibility for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) in
Malaysia (Ch'ng, 2010). This is evidence that the government has
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  • 1. AIFREE Document Essay The AIMFREE (Accessibility Instruments Measuring Fitness and Recreation Environments) manual is a tool used to record and score the overall accessibility of a facility. An article written by Petersen (2009) emphasizes the simplicity of the model and its benefits for both individuals reflecting on their facilities operation and individuals utilizing the facility. Our group had the opportunity to explore the Jamie Platz YMCA and conduct our own AIMFREE audit. Prior to the assessment, we met with Jamie Platz YMCA General Manager Asim Chin, who gave us a brief overview of the facility and answered many of our questions regarding programs and benefits. Chin expressed his own interest in the facilities AIMFREE score, as inclusion is something that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many of the limitations to our assessment can be attributed to our own circumstances as individuals without impairments, as we cannot accurately represent the needs or personal requirements that every unique individual. Reviewing the physical measurements of doorways, benches and walkways was an eye–opening experience, allowing us to comprehend the environmental barriers that individuals with impairments are forced to maneuver around in order to participate in physical activity and exercise. Our understanding of what was accessible was altered through this project, and we have found a greater appreciation for facilities that endeavor to fulfill the accessibility needs of their clients. It was interesting to note that many of the questions in the AIMFREE questionnaire are subjective to the individuals conducting the assessment. The Jamie Platz YMCA did provide many of the facilitators recommended; for example there is a new wheelchair accessible ergometer machine in the fitness centre, and attempts to resolve any issues or requests their members may have. Chin explained to us that the facility has made structural changes in the past to meet the needs of clients; however these renovations are not always fiscally possible. A similar study to our own documented the barriers and added costs that facilities encounter when trying to improve their accessibility ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. The Accessibility Of The Environment what are barriers? Beyond the design of the environment, the accessibility will be related to the behaviors of its users and owners. According to guidelines, it is only persons with disabilities for whom barriers becomes major obstacle but it is necessary to realize that every person, at some stage of life face barriers like an elderly person, a pregnant lady, the temporary disabled, all are vulnerable to barriers. Barriers not only make environment unsafe cause difficulty to users but also causes space out of reach, denying people the opportunity of participation. The important concept for accessibility of environment is that of "trip chain". A typical trip consists of many links for e.g. to go to workplace from home, a person has : to go from home to sidewalk, enter a vehicle, go out of vehicle to sidewalk, reach the entrance of building, enter the building, move around in building and enter workstation. And each link can be further divided in more detail, so if only one link is not accessible, then the journey becomes difficult. (Ferneeuw, 2005) Different type of barriers According to Smith(1987), barriers faced by people with disabilities undertaking leisure related travel are identified as: 1)intrinsic barriers, 2) environmental barriers, and 3) interactive barrier. Intrinsic barriers are those resulting from an individual 's own level of physical, cognitive or psychological functioning. Environmental barriers are external to individual like attitudinal barriers, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Universal Design Principles 1. What are the primary principles of Universal Design AND how can these be applied to educational contexts? (2 points) Universal Design is the practice of incorporating the needs of disabled individuals into the buildings, schools, and businesses. The primary principles of Universal Design are equitable use, flexibility, simplicity, perceptible information, forgiveness of mistakes, decreased physical effort, and space. Some examples of this practice are ramps, Braille signs, lower desks and tables, and wider hallways. This can be applied in an educational context by making classrooms and learning spaces accessible to all students. Students with disabilities would be able to focus on their education rather than how they are going to get to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All individuals must face oppression, stereotypes, and limitations. An example of this in the reading was Jason Kingsley. Jason was born with down syndrome and has struggled his whole life with society telling him what he is unable to do. When he was born the doctors told his family that he couldn't learn, form relationships, or carry out a normal life, however in response Jason has proved all this incorrect. He has a job, writes, makes friends, takes public transportation, and has traveled to other countries. This wasn't always easy since many employers don't always hire disabled individuals or know how to act around them. I believe that all disabled people struggle with this kind of discrimination however the obstacles or disabilities people face vary. Disabilities can be caused by genetics, chemical imbalances, traumas, or accidents. They can challenge learning, senses, mental health, or physical abilities. Another example in the reading was the story of Edward Murphy. Edward developed PTSD after a bomb exploded when he was deployed in Iraq and struggles with severe anxiety due to this. Unlike Jason, Murphy wasn't born with a disability but developed it during life. Murphy also has more opportunities to (in a way) reverse his disability or at least reduce the affect that it has in his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Ttc's Subway System INTRODUCTION This report uses operations research methods to prioritize the installation of transit accessibility upgrades on the Toronto Transit Commission subway system. The distance people with mobility challenges must travel to accessible stations was minimized during incremental system improvements using nonlinear programming with binary decision variables. The process was performed using Excel's Solver feature, and based on TTC data and distance data scraped from Google Maps using the gmapsdistance R package. The result was a list prioritizing the 30 stations currently without wheelchair accessibility. 7.2% of Canadians experience mobility limitations in their day–to lives (Statistics Canada, 2015), but every day the Toronto Transit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... SOLUTION EVALUATION Excel's solver function was used to walk through all meaningful values for the resource constraint, yielding a satisficing prioritized project schedule. The decrease in the objective function looks approximately exponential, typical of a Pareto distribution. The formulation of the problem allows low direct cost stations to be prioritized in the case that they lower the cost of adjacent stations. The full prioritized schedule is shown in Table 2. These results show that improvements at Islington, Coxwell, College, Sherbourne, Runnymede, and Rosedale would have indirect benefits that make improvements more valuable than present day contributions to the objective function suggest. Conversely, while those indirect benefits result in other improvements having lower than expected utility. The stations affected are Royal York, Woodbine, Wellesley, High Park, Greenwood, Castle Frank, and Summerhill. Some of these stations are still high priority, such as Royal York, but improvements will be less effective than expected based on ridership. When comparing the plan the TTC currently has regarding the order of station to be upgraded with accessible entrances is different when compared to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Revere Hill Case Study Human Flourishing theory of property holds that "[t]he moral foundation of property, both as a concept and as an institution, is human flourishing." The purpose of property is to enable people a foundation to enable people to live an objectively well–lived life, therefore property decisions should be structured around this goal. Under this theory property owners owe obligations to members of their communities to perform certain duties to enable people to have necessary capabilities in order to live well–lived lives, "owners are responsible for the continued well–being of these communities which have nurtured and continue to nurture the development of their personal capabilities essential to their own flourishing." Furthermore, the government ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Looking at it through the lenses of different theories of property we get conflicting answers of what decision should be made. In this situation, the Beacon Hill Civic Association has made the question easier by offering to pay for materials and labor to make the new handicapped ramps fit and maintain the historic nature. What we also see is that there is a real lacking in the theories of property of taking other laws and fairness into consideration. We do not get easy answers and the law is not reflective of just on property theory and therefore we must find a way to work these together to address the growing need for disability accessibility while attempting to maintain historic preservation of cultural ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Internet Accessibility : The Disability Of The Internet... According to US Census Bureau [4], approximately 56.7 million people (18.7%) of the US population have a disability of some kind, and about 38.3% (12.6%) have a severe disability [5]. Hence, users with disabilities occupy a wide range of consumer market. Statistics have shown that nearly 85% of disabled consumers preferred to limit their shopping to sites which they know are accessible and 81% of them have chosen to pay more for a product from an accessible website rather than buy the same from a website that is not accessible [8]. Many companies and organizations are navigating their way from expensive and time–consuming lawsuits initiated by consumers, businesses, employees and vendors, because of inaccessible websites [7]. In another survey, only two of the nineteen award winning colleges that provide instructional software responded that they were aware of accessibility issues. About 65% of the remaining seventeen companies were not aware of accessibility as an issue and 100% of them were not currently addressing accessibility as an issue [9]. When the Congress formed the ADA in 1990, the internet had really not developed. So it did not explicitly cover internet accessibility. However, the ADA was built flexibly and expansions were made to accommodate new technologies as they developed [7]. Currently, the regulations are being amended by the ADA to more specifically cover website accessibility. 1.1.1. WAI–ARIA As accessibility related lawsuits becoming increasingly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Diversity Policies Of Australia Disability Discrimination is a behaviour that is unlawful and unacceptable toward people that have a disability. Besides that, there is over four million Australians that have disability living in Australia (1). Therefore, Disability Discrimination Act 1992 was launched in order to protect people with disabilities so that they can have normal life as others. Australia Post was chosen in order to explain in details about the Act as well as diversity policies that the company uses within the company. Australia Post is one of the most culturally diverse workforce in Australia with 32,732 employees, 136 nationalities and speak 65+ languages (2). The statistic in their Annual Report shows that they have 39.1% women, 1.6% Indigenous ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (11) It also makes all behaviours that discriminate disabled people by any person, business or authority become illegal (10). The Act makes sure that disabled people that will have the same opportunities and chances in employment, education, transport etc. with people that do not have disability (10) The legislation has its influence on people's behaviour, organisation's workforce policies and community including: Employment. Education. Access to premises used by the public Provision of goods, services and facilities Accommodation. Buying land. Activities of clubs and associations. Sport. Administration of Commonwealth Government laws and programs. (12) 3.How does the Act promote diversity within an organisation 's workforce? Disability Discrimination Act 1992 was created to protect people with disability. Therefore, in order to follow the law, eliminate disability discrimination in the workforce as well as improve productivity and increase efficiency of the company, the organisation has to review and create new policies and procedure and disability action plan that are under human rights and anti– discrimination law (6) The organisation has to offer some training and assistance to employees so that they can understand and work well with disabled people. Besides that, the company also has to consider about working time flexibility for disabled people because some people need to use medicine that can affect
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  • 16. Auditory Disabilities According to Americans with Disabilities Act and similar other laws and regulations in other countries often instruct equal access to computer systems for users with disabilities. There will be legal obligation to facilitate intranet use by disabled employees who may not be able to do their job if they cannot access their organization internal websites. Making the Web more accessible for users with various persons with disabilities is to a great extent a matter of using HTML the way it was meant to encode rather than appearance. As long as a page is coded for meaning, it is possible for alternative browsers to present the meaning in ways that are optimized for the abilities of individual users and thus facilitate the use of the Web by disabled ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... given the current state of the Web, relate to blind users and users with other visual disabilities because most of the web pages are highly Visual. To further enhance accessibility, we must ensure high contrast between foreground and background colors. And by avoiding busy background patterns that interfere while reading. Textual pages are reasonably easy to access for blind or visually impaired users because text can be fed to a screen reader that will read the text out loud through a synthesizer. Auditory Disabilities: Due to the fact its beginning, the Web has been a highly visual and we have grown accustomed to these kind of visuals–whether in the sort of text or graphics–7s the actual primary method to convey information on the web. It is very rare in Situation where sound is important for understanding. Speech Disabilities: It does not matter at all whether or not a web user can speak simply because the computer input is conducted with a mouse and a keyboard. It is likely that various sorts of voice– activated Laser interfaces will become more famous in one's future to support users who would rather speak commands rather as compared to type them. In the end, these users can still utilize the primary interaction methods over the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Universal Design, Construction, And Remodeling Of Spaces Universal Design is a newer building principle that was introduced into the world of design in late 20th century. The concept of universal design is similar to the ADAAccessibility Guidelines, however the difference is that universal design works for everyone. Therefore, ensuring that the elderly, able bodied, and disabled individuals are all able to use and access buildings and products equally. However, many of the universal design components that are implemented in buildings today, are the principles that which apply to the ADA requirements, benefitting only the disabled. At one point or another in life, all people experience a time of discomfort. Universal design strives to make daily living in both residential and commercial spaces ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... History and background of Universal Design. Universal design is a term that was created by Ronald L. Mace: a renowned architect, designer, and educator. The term "Universal Design" expresses "the concept of designing all products and the built environment to be aesthetic and usable to the greatest extent possible by everyone, regardless of their age, ability, or status in life" (Universal Design – Universal Design). As a strong advocate of the disabled's rights, Mace became a key player and supporter of the American Disabilities Act. His work in accessible design was influential in the passage of The American with Disabilities Act, which was passed in 1990 (Universal Design – Universal Design). Universal Design is based on 7 core principles which are: "equitable use, flexibility in use, simple and intuitive use, perceptible information, tolerance for error, low physical effort, and size and pace for approach and use " ("The 7 Principles."). These principals promote accessibility, ease of movement, and safety for everyone. The concept of universal design ensures that every individual will have the ability to work within a space or use a product. Universal design can be applied to everything from interior design to home products. Applying the seven principals of Universal Design allows designers and builders to ensure that no matter a person's ability, they will be able to move freely and efficiently use a product. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The American With Disabilities Act The American with Disabilities Act was signed into law on July 26, 1990, by President George H.W. Bush. (Mayerson, 1992). According to Hallahan, Kauffman, & Pullen (2015, P, 14) "the ADA provides protection of the civil rights in the specific areas of employment, transportation, public, accommodation, State and local government, and telecommunication. According to Mayerson (1992, P1) "the ADA did not began at the signing ceremony at the White House, but it began in the communities, when parents with children with disabilities began to fight against the exclusion and segregation of the children". The foundation of the ADA, is the disability rights movement. The disability movement fought for the rights of the people with disability. According to Mayerson (1992, P, 1) "The disability rights movement, has made the injustices faced by the people with disabilities visible to the American public and politicians." Without the contribution of the disabilities rights movement there would not have been an ADA. Like the civil rights movement before the people with disabilities sat in federal buildings, marched through the streets to protest the injustice. Also, they sought justice in the courts (Mayerson, 1992). According to Mayerson (1992, P 2) " From a legal perspective, a profound and historic shift in the disability public policy occurred in the 1973 with the passage of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act". Section 504 is the U.S federal law that protect the people with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Strategic Statement Analysis: Strategic Position Of Microsoft Part 4 – Strategic Position Statement Analysis Strategic Position of Microsoft The organisation's strategy and action plans of Microsoft are highly in motion. As per the website of Microsoft (2016, 1), the IT innovation strategy solutions centres on the organisation's business aims and employs people centred design approach for achieving their goals. It adopts the strategy of technical innovations like mobility, cloud services, social media, big data that opportunity for improving performance, delivery, acceleration of market on the needs of customers (Microsoft, 1). Moreover, if enterprise technologies and architecture allow Microsoft bring variety in IT strategy and solutions. Microsoft Corporation firmly pursues long term positioning strategy of differentiation that focuses on branding, quality service, software design and innovation as opposition to low cost strategy that centres on reduction of input costs and economies of scale. It is essential to notice that organisations that pursue differentiation strategy like Microsoft contain highly skilled employees that help in developing reputation of the organisation. Microsoft is one of the market leaders in software ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Microsoft attempts to incorporate the accessibility into design, planning, development, documentation, testing and research (Microsoft, 1). The strategy of accessibility is to continue longstanding leadership and commitment in arising innovative solutions. Moreover, they focus on their strategy of making their computers' easy and utilize by developing accessibility into Microsoft services and products. Microsoft focuses on innovation of accessibility in community development and encourages the innovations for the industry. Microsoft focuses on the strategy of reducing complexity of accessible development by including features in visual studio and tools for making the apps ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. We Cannot Show Disrespect To People With Disabilities I have been fortunate enough to work in a field that does not show disrespect to people with disabilities. Sadly, the world we live in doesn't work the same way as Head Start. I do not watch TV at all, but when I used to I don't remember really seeing many commercials or shows that blatantly disrespected people with disabilities, but what little I have seen in the media seems be geared toward gaining pity for those individuals. This always saddens me, as in my mind every individual has some sort of disability, some are just more pronounced than others. I know at Head Start people first language is often used, however society has so often forgotten that every human being has feelings and it is easy to slip back into using negative phrases ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Accessibility and-or Usability in the Context of Web... According to Pratt & Nunes (2012), accessibility and/or usability in the context of web design and computing are two closely related features. Their approaches, goals and guidelines closely overlap each other, hence it is convenient to collectively consider them in web designing and content development. However, it may be necessary to be specific sometimes especially when addressing the issue of discrimination against those with disabilities or in defining the specific accessibility and usability standards. This paper addresses the synchronization of accessibility and usability particularly in the development of accessible computer systems, which promotes usability of appropriate web content. Accessibility in this case is concerned with ensuring a comparable user experience for all user regardless of their ability and /or disability including age related impairments. This implies that an accessible system should be easily understood, perceived, navigated and should interact with the user without barriers. The access to information as well as access to efficient technology is a fundamental human right as stipulated in the UN convention on the rights of people with disabilities. On the other hand, Seffah, Gulliksen & Desmarais (2005) argue that usability revolves around the design of products which are effective, efficient and user–satisfying. This is an integral part of the process of human–computer interaction that is primarily user centered so as to yield positive user ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Lack Of Age Appropriate Transportation Services For... I would like to focus and investigate the lack of age appropriate transportation services for the elderly and people with disabilities. The issue of transportation becomes a major concern when the elderly and people who are disabled develop uncontrollable age related illnesses and are no longer healthy to drive. Losing the privilege to drive brings independence to an end and forces the elderly to stay at home which may lead to despair and other emotions. Therefore, it is essential to provide our senior citizens and people with disabilities with reliable transportation to help them maintain their independence. It is important to create reliable services to support them in making choices about how they want to live the last years of their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She suggest that funding needs to be increase to accommodate the elderly and disabled (Linda, 2014). The second Article called the "Transportation Barriers" Author Cronk informs about the struggles and frustration the elderly and people with disabilities face due to the lack of transportation services available to them. Furthermore, the author tells the story of an elderly man who was taken to the hospital by ambulance. But, on the day of his release from the hospital he had no family nearby and had no way to get home nor had money to pay for a taxi. The hospital was unable to assist him financially to pay for a cab, frustrated the elderly patient told his nurse he would walk eight miles to his home. Cronk informs that in populated communities although many people live near doctors and hospitals they continue to face the issue of poor transportation due to financial struggles. The author states that for those who are disabled riding public transportation becomes a great challenge. In addition to missing important preventive care appointments because they have no reliable access to transportation. Cronk states that the problems were worst among minorities, stating that a high percentage of disabled and elderly patients have missed appointments due to not having accessible transportation. Cronk continues to inform that many times they just wait for medical emergencies to visit a doctor. To ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The American With Disabilities Act Introduction/Brief History As humans, it is our duty to make the world a better, and safer place for all the creatures that live on earth. We may not always do but we try most of the times. Whenever there is a problem or the need to change something that is not convenient, the governments of our countries come up with laws and regulations to solve these problems. Ever since the beginning of times a few children were born with disabilities, it was very hard for them to survive due to lack of resources and accommodations; in some countries they were even killed at birth. Over time the governments realized that there was a problem for children and adults and disabilities that needed to be solved. The American government came up with the ADA also known as the American with Disabilities Act, a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against disability, it was signed in July of 1990 and effective in January of 1992. It was a great change for disabled people, they were more protected against discrimination, they had more rights, and most public facilities, commercial buildings and schools began installing infrastructures that would make that would make accessibility for disabled more efficient. Since then life is much easier for disabled individuals. The ADA Requirements for playgrounds, which is the focus of this paper, discusses the infrastructures and designs that need to be met in playgrounds at schools, parks, homes and other facilities. The ADA requirements for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Tweetsie Case Study On the rainy Wednesday I learned that when there is bad weather the park has three options for running operations. Option #1 is that Tweetsie is run as normal and the show goes on as usual. Option #2 is running at half capacity, which means that only Main Street and the train will operate. All of the rides stop running and none of the shows take place during operating hours. Finally, Tweetsie has the option of just running train rides and closing all other aspects of the park. If this happens we let people in for free because all they would be able to do is ride the train. In the recent history of Tweetsie they've only closed twice and run a half–day once, so it's common to keep the park open despite nasty weather. I also learned not to get my hopes up that I wouldn't have to go into work if it's raining in the morning! ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This includes cleaning, stocking brochures, filing reports, and making sure that we open on time. I've also been helping with large groups that enter the park via group sales. Groups have a different way of entering the park and paying so I've been watching and learning that process over the past week. Also, I count unlimited food and drink armbands in order to make sure that each group has enough of what they ordered and get that completed before they arrive. My boss also showed me how to count out cash registers for final close and all of the reports you have to run in order to send a bag to audit. I'm sure that next week she'll let me practice by counting out other bags and I'm looking forward to learning another ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Disability In The Workplace Essay For this assignment, I decided to assess and identify how a place in the community can enable or hinder participation for people experiencing disability in my workplace, Sportchek east. I was curious to see how my workplace compared to the standards towards helping to enable the experience of someone experiencing a disability. Sportchek is a company that sells athletic wear and sports equipment. At the beginning of this assignment, I thought that Sportchek was, for the most part, accessible. But I was incorrect and naive in my assumption. Facility Exterior Transportation Since Sportchek is attached to a mall, Regina's public transit system does have a stop located on the side of the mall and a stop behind as well. The bus is easy to use and wheelchair accessible, enabling people who experience disability to get around and be able to shop where they like. The city bus is the only form of transportation that is offered by the mall, there is no shuttle bus or van that takes people to this location unless ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The seating areas in the hockey department are raised and a step up, while the seats in footwear are raised so that one does not have to go as far down to sit. Customer Service/Information The service counter, otherwise known as the front cash desk, has a hidden counter inside to help those in wheelchairs. This counter about three feet long and it extends outward. The counter is to be used as an aid for those who need it, but with the pin pad being taller than 4ft this counter does not do its proper job. One way to help this situation is for the cashiers to have the ability to remove the pin pad from its holder and hand it to those who cannot reach it. This would help the accessibility for those experiencing a disability while paying for their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. American With Disabilities Act Into Law More than fifty–six million Americans have one or more physical disabilities. Many of these individuals are physically able to partake in everyday activities, yet they are excluded from these opportunities (Crockett). People with disabilities are intentionally isolated by society due to a stereotypical assumption of their lack of abilities to participate and contribute (Harris 368). They are viewed as objects of pity, who are unable to work, go to school, or live on their own"(Crockett). Ed Roberts, an individual with a disability, clearly states, [we] "are considered the weakest, the most helpless people in our society, [but] are the strongest, and will not tolerate segregation, [and] will not tolerate a society which sees us as less than whole people" (Laney 21). He wants to "reshape the image that society" has on them and prove that people with disabilities are just as capable as everyone else. George H.W. Bush signed the American with Disabilities Act into law on July 26, 1990. (The Americans with Disabilities Act: A Brief overview). Bush knew that the act was "powerful in its simplicity" and that it would "ensure that people with disabilities [were] given the basic guarantees for which they have worked so long and hard" (Americans with Disabilities Act, Medicine 3). The goal was to help people with disabilities live the "American Dream" and be identified by their potential and not their inadequacies (Rodgers 2). Since the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Adjustable Care The Patient Protection and Affordable care Act after being implemented change the major format of how healthcare was provided and acquired to individuals. It changed many areas that have been installed as the norm for years, things such as cost, preexisting conditions, and who needs to offer care. My personal belief is that the major aim of the act, was to help the millions of uninsured Americans become insured. For America, this was the first giant leap in a long time to try to fix and improve a faulty system. Trying to update an old system of course comes some issues with the procedures and framework of implementation that causes items not to be functioning on an optimal level. One aspect that still need cause focus, improvement and actions ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The challenges we face with access of care can extremely discriminate and damaging to individuals, families, and communities. Barriers of accommodation, availability, accessibility and acceptability are obstructions that need to be demolished. 28% of insured people with disabilities reported needing particular therapies, equipment or medications that were not covered by their health plans, compared to 7 percent of those without disabilities (N.O.D, 2000). Enforcement efforts recently have failed to bring a need change to the healthcare access for disable people. Regardless of their disability, they should have access to affordable, comprehensive, and adaptive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Forgotten : How The Disabled Are Left Out Of Disaster... Christopher Bordelon The Forgotten: How the Disabled are Left out of Disaster Preparedness Introduction to Disaster The catastrophes of Hurricane Katrina and the Indonesia Tsunami are prime examples of events that have focused our attention on the increased necessity for the analysis of risk, disaster preparedness, and hazard mitigation. These catastrophes, occurring inside the space of one year, are exceptional in not only their level of destruction but also in their level of media attention. Supplementary disasters, such as the Kobe earthquake in 1995, can exceed the death toll of a whole year in a solitary quick event. Cities like Tokyo are at an increased risk for different types of destructive events ranging ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Interestingly enough, the United States disability statistics exceed 15% of the population. With time, it may be expected that the WHO's estimate of the worldwide disabled population will grow with situational awareness and better identification of disabilities. In a detailed analysis of 9/11 survivors, a list of people with vulnerabilities included: acute illness, trauma or recent major surgery, obesity, cardiovascular disease, pregnancy, and respiratory problems (NIST, 2005). Current events have illustrated instances in which people who are disabled fall victim to disaster. Whether these people are stranded in a high–rise construction due to a terrorist attack or fire, crushed in a collapsed building from a tsunami, swept away in flood, dying from normally treatable chronic illnesses in shelters or drowned in a hurricane fueled storm surge, people with disabilities face trials in physical mobility, mental anguish, and receipt of critical, lifesaving care. When 9/11 occurred, rescue and safety personnel risked their lives to save people with disabilities. (NIST, 2005) People who stayed at the side of the disabled workers to await rescue were broadcast across numerous news network for years. (Zelmanowitz 2002). In two cases during 9/11, guide dogs assisted victims, with one descending 71 floors of the World Trade Center (Hu, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Controllable Car Project Paper As the foundation of the project progresses there are several key tasks that must be completed to provide a thorough and feasible concept of a wheelchair accessible and controllable car The foundation of the wheelchair accessible and functional car will be dictated by the needs of the people. The audience that needs to be primarily satisfied are the people who have suffered injuries or in circumstances which do not allow them to have the free mobility by use of their legs. Along with this main group that needs to be accommodated, the car needs to be appropriate for other family members as well. By piecing together, the essential components of the specialized car a conceptual sketch will be first attempted. With this first hand drawn initial idea there will be several iterations with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Here, he will be explaining the ways that can be used to achieve the goal of our project which is to build a fully functioning wheelchair. The problems that can be faced are predicted and presented here, and the ways to rectify these problems will also be presented here. Any data recorded that will help in the effective design of the wheelchair will be documented here. The Application Details will be done by______________. This part will expand on the applications described in the background. Moreover, there will be a few more applications that will be explained thoroughly with the help of illustrations such as drawings and pictures. The sustainability of the wheelchairs (such as the sustainability of the materials used and how eco–friendly the design is) will also be explained in detail under this part. The Results of this report will be done by Alston Menezes. He will talk about how the wheelchair can help the physically disabled lead a better and more independent life and how the process followed to manufacture this chair can be manipulated to form designs that are more sustainable and environmentally ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Guidelines And Recommendations For Web Accessibility... What is the WAI? The WAI, or the Web Accessibility Initiative, is a set of guidelines and recommendations for web designers and developers, laid out by the W3C, or the World Wide Web Consortium, to ensure that websites are designed in a way that makes them accessible and user–friendly to all people, including people with disabilities or special needs. While the primary focus of this initiative is to aid people with disabilities, such as the blind and the deaf, it also aims to establish guidelines for other groups of people such as older people, people with low literacy or language skills, people with low bandwidth internet connections, people with older browsers or technologies and people using smartphones and tablets (Accessibility, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... d.). 4. Robust – Content should be robust and flexible enough to remain accessible to the user as technologies advance (Introduction to Understanding WCAG 2.0, n. d.). There are five requirements which must be met in order to determine whether a website conforms to the guidelines of the WCAG. These are: 1. Conformance Level – The conformance level of a website to the WCAG guidelines is ranked using three levels of conformance. These are A, AA and AAA, with A being the lowest level of conformance and AAA being the highest level of conformance. To conform to the WCAG guidelines, it is required that a website satisfies at least all of the Level A Success Criteria or that there is an alternate version of the site which does so, or conformance is not possible (Understanding Conformance, n.d.). 2. Full pages – This requirement states that the entire web page must conform to the WCAG guidelines, rather than just part of the page. There are exceptions to this requirement where certain supplemental pieces of information do not have to conform as long as they are available on another page which does conform (Understanding Conformance, n.d.). 3. Complete processes – This requirement dictates that when a web page is part of a series of web pages which are connected in one process, such as a sequence of steps on separate web pages which must all be completed to accomplish a goal, all of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Disability Essay examples Equal in Mind "Society's accumulated myths and fears about disability and disease are as handicapping as are the physical limitations that flow from actual impairment." Society makes generalizations and stereotypes about the disabled and the disease stricken. Society as a whole has the belief that they are less of a person because of something they cannot change about themselves. Society places the disabled in a category by themselves, as an outcast from modern civilization. We think that if we include the disables in everyday activities we could all one day become the same. Those who are disabled but are still mentally competent realize these exclusions. In "The able– bodied still don't get it" by Andre Dubus, he states that in a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She still shops, cleans, drives, eats, like any other woman her age. She recognizes the true reason advertisers do not target the disabled, they are afraid. Afraid of the fact that "depicting a disabled person in the ordinary activities of daily life is to admit that there is something ordinary about disability itself". Society isolates their problems to make them seem far away and unattainable, when they are so close, and could happen to anyone at anytime. The reason the disabled are isolated more than similar causes like race minorities, is that disability can happen to you involuntary. You cannot "turn" yourself African American, Caucasian, Asian, or Latino. Those are things you are born with. You could be like Andre Dubus, living life to the fullest, when one day something happens that would change your like forever, and your perspective on your new race, disability. Those who are disabled should be given as much opportunity as the "able bodies" do, not more to make them feel like they are being taken care of, just equal. They deserve to be recognized as true citizens of the world, not 2nd class. The disabled have so much to offer to the world, but are hardly ever given the chance. Maybe if we removed some boundaries and stereotypes, the world would be living at its full ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. How Adaptive Clothing Empowers People With Disabilities Imagine the struggle of being physically different and having to dress differently because of it. The fashion industry designs clothing for the 'ideal' person to wear, but designers do not recognize the struggle it is for disabled people to dress themselves everyday. In Mindy Scheier talks, "How Adaptive Clothing Empowers People with Disabilities" Scheier expresses the importance of being able to dress like every other person with, or without, a disability. The speaker uses pathos, logos, and ethos to detail her experience through adaptive clothing; her most successful appeal is pathos. She uses pathos, an emotional appeal, to engage the audience through the story of her son's struggle with unadaptive clothing. Many people express their emotions ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Providing Professional And Vocational Education The second barrier standing in the way of the process of obtaining professional and vocational education was this: 'It is physically very difficult to get to school' as indicated by our respondents. At present, in the Russian Federation, only 10 percent of universities provide not only architectural but, first and foremost, educational and methodological accessibility of higher education for disabled students, demonstrating a proper level of professional and pedagogical competence of the teaching staff. Not surprisingly, these higher educational institutions become centers of attraction for disabled young people and accumulate the largest number of disabled students. In addition, in Russia, only 21 universities, according to monitoring, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As was mentioned earlier, this was the third most popular answer as 31% of respondents answered like this. Romanov P.V. and Yarskaya–Smirnova, E.R. (2010) emphasize that barriers are not in themselves specific features of someone's appearance, communication or movement patterns, but are results of the lack of public participation, which exacerbate social inequality between people. The authors of the article argue that one of the ways to overcome the first and second barriers could be the involvement of team project work of school and university students. In line with this suggestion, N.A. Lukianova directed a project in autumn 2016, at TPU whereby a team of students studying "Industrial Design" completed a portfolio consisting of the results of monitoring and assessment of the level of accessibility of the architectural environment on campus for students with disabilities. The portfolio included an interactive map of the campus. The main objectives of this team student project were formulated as follows. Students had to analyze official documents that define norms and rules for assessing accessibility and regulate legal relations in the area of research. Moreover, they had to develop methodological recommendations for assessing the state of accessibility of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Light Rail System Pros And Cons The habitus of transportation plays a key role not just in my life, but in other people's lives as well. If you live off of campus, most likely, you will commute. This is because driving to the university can be very expensive due to the cost of parking and gas. If you don't live in a walking distance from the university, taking the bus or light rail is a must. Commuting has its benefits and drawbacks. For instance, commuting saves you a lot of money, you don't have to pay for a dorm or for living in a fraternity or sorority. On the other hand, commuting can take a lot of time. That means you have to wake up earlier, wait for the transportation vehicle to come and wait till you arrive at your destination. Furthermore, commuting causes an increase ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And the light rail is a mean of transportation that can increase accessibility to the university by a lot. In the article To Build or Not To build: A Voter's Guide to ST3 by Ben Celsi, explains the pros and cons of expanding the light rail system. The expansion of the light rail system will cost around "54 billion" dollars. This is a significant amount since this is all coming from taxes. Using up this much money also means that you won't have a lot of cash left to spend it on other things. Nevertheless, the Seattle area has a huge traffic problem and building the light rail might help ease up the traffic. However, taking the people that don't drive or cannot afford a vehicle into consideration, this seems like a pretty good idea. Easing up the Seattle traffic and providing transportation services to people who don't drive would increase accessibility to the university tremendously. With the addition of the light rail system, carbon emissions are supposed to decrease by "130,000 metric tons" yearly. Not only does it reduce traffic and increase accessibility, it also reduces the emissions of greenhouse gases. Moreover, expanding the rail system is a "risk" since it's coming out of the people's pockets. With this expansion, taxpayers will pay double the "taxes already paid to Sound Transit for the previous expansions of light rail" (Celsi). This might be of a problem to certain people because they don't want to pay more or they want their hard earned taxes to be spent on something else. Overall, the expansion of the light rail system will have an immense effect on the accessibility of the university for students and it will lower Seattle's terrible traffic. It might cost an incredible amount of money, but it will be worth it for the students that live quite a bit of distance from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. E214 TMA01 Essay E214 TMA01 This essay highlights and discusses models of disability reflected in two separate articles (Appendices A and B). I will identify the models of disability they represent. Both have been recently featured in the Guardian newspaper and are stories on disabled people. Appendix A was reported some years ago but continues to evoke opinion and has featured again recently due to a similar case. 'Ashley' is a profoundly disabled girl, who at six years old has a mental age of 3 months. Her parents decided on controversial treatment for her, as her condition would not improve. Ashley has undergone surgery to remove her uterus and breasts, and for three years she received hormone treatment to keep her weight and height low. It ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This Rights model, more specifically Ashley's human rights is very present in the article. It could be argued that she doesn't need or require the treatment to medically improve her life. The Equal and Human Rights Commission (2008) suggest that human rights are the freedoms that we are all entitled to as a result of our shared humanity. I understand that she is unable to speak and is unlikely to have the mental capacity to make that decision but does that automatically transfer that decision to her parents? The United Nations Convention on the Rights for a Child (1989) plays an important part of the Rights model for this text as I feel it both supports and opposes the parent's actions. Article 23 concentrates on children's disability by stating that 'Children who have any kind of disability have the right to special care and support, as well as all the rights in the Convention, so that they can live full and independent lives.' This could support Ashley's parent's' motives. However, Article 3 states 'The best interests of children must be the primary concern in making decisions that may affect them. All adults should do what is best for children. When adults make decisions, they should think about how their decisions will affect children.' In this case are the parents doing what's best for Ashley or themselves? This is a good example where the Rights model can get itself in a twist! The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. Accessibility For Ontarians With Disabilities Act Accessibility legislation in the project Implementation and the Bureau of Administration directed a venture to receive Accessibility Standards and actualize those principles. Amid this project these divisions endeavored to unify as a significant part of the openness function as could be allowed. Compressing the aftereffect of the venture take after Gauges embraced in the Enterprise Technology Architecture Acquirement instruments and procedures for all IT buys were adjusted Particularly, Ontarians were the pioneer in building a region of full incorporation. Ontario was the first ward in North America to have a Human Rights Code and a Human Rights Commission, and these laws and follow–up approaches accomplished amazing results. As of now, the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), 2005 is on its street to making Ontario genuinely open for the 1.6 million Ontarians with incapacities. Under the enactment, regions address their yearly availability arranges to meet the benchmarks of AODA in their areas (Mueller, 2008). The City of London Accessibility Plan, for the case, assumes a controlling part in executing the administrative necessities which were proposed to expulsion existing hindrances and anticipated potential obstructions to the Londoners with incapacities. Accessibility components are intended to individuals with disabilities utilizes innovation all the more effortlessly. For instance, a content to– discourse highlight may read the message so everyone ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 58. The American Dream: It's Hard Being Disabled It's hard being disabled because there are disadvantages in everyday tasks. Although many disabled people are extremely successful, the American dream for some is accomplishable. The American Dream is the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. It is often easier for corporations and businesses to hire nondisabled people because of the accommodation for those with special needs. Also many special needs individuals don't have the freedom or receive the same respect as those without disadvantages. Although there are laws in place to protect the right of people with disabilities. Some corporations and businesses might be hesitant to hire disabled ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 60. People With Disability Research Paper ntroduction For years, engineers have been vastly improving the lives of people around the world. With that being said, there is so much ground to cover and able bodied people often have priority over people with disabilities because they are the main consumer. However, this project will take that into consideration and the main focus will be flipped upside down to benefit people with disabilities. Specifically, people in wheelchairs are often hindered with the inconvenience of not being able to travel efficiently, or with the same amount of freedom as able bodied citizens. The objective of this project will be to innovate a vehicle for people in wheelchairs, giving them the same freedom as the everyday citizen. Before doing this, it is important ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Current designs of the car require persons who are wheelchair bound to require assistance when embarking and disembarking the vehicle, including needing aid in storing the wheelchair or any other aid devices. This new proposed design will have its focus on ensuring that the user of the vehicle has complete independence with their own vehicle – with the wheelchair being fully integrated into the interior design of the car while maintaining the overall functionality of the vehicle. This follows in line with the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act which "aims to identify, remove and prevent barriers for people with disabilities" in that with this vehicle the barrier of being restricted to aided transportation will be removed and replaced with a viable alternative for the wheelchair bound. With this project, we hope to be able to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 62. The Civil Rights Act Of 1964 History tells us that it has been a long road to liberty and a continual fight for civil rights for those with disabilities. One of the most influential times for change in the lives of disabled Americans occurred during the 1960s and 1970s, and became know as the Disability Rights Movement. Structured Inequality/Rationale: After the world wars and Vietnam War, there were many disabled American veterans who faced challenges and prejudice they had not experienced before. Alongside those fighting in the Civil Rights Movement were disabled veterans and other people with disabilities. They too were fighting against inequalities and discrimination. The Disability Rights Movement occurred due to several issues rooted in structured inequalities. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was an example of inequality built into legislation as it prohibited discrimination based on "race, color, religion, or national origin"(Cornell), but did not address discrimination based on disabilities. Inaccessibility and negative societal views excluded those with disabilities from their rights. There was a need for a policy written specifically for the protection of persons with disabilities. Structured inequality in the U.S. economy was evident in occupational segregation and discrimination (Aguirre & Baker, 1999). Such was the case for Judy Heumann, a disabled college graduate who, in 1970, was denied a teaching license from the state of New York because she failed a medical examination (Patterson, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 64. Case Study: Team Weiss Hall Accessibility Project Team Weiss Hall Accessibility Project Weiss Hall, located at 1701 N 13th St in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is owned and operated by Temple University. Recent assessment of this campus building found inadequacies in handicap accessibility, as outlined by the ADA Checklist for Existing Facilities. Temple University is an urban university with a diverse student population. The university's public buildings should reflect the needs of this population and be accommodating and accessible to students and faculty with disabilities. Weiss Hall is a building used by students, professors, and clients of the Speech and Psychology clinics. This building should be of the highest priority for handicap accessibility due to the nature of its users. Below ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Uneven sidewalks 2. Lack of signage directing to accessible routes and bathrooms 3. Incomplete signage for classrooms 4. Water fountains that block walkways 5. Lack of adequate wheelchair accessible seating in basement classrooms 6. Minimal accessible bathrooms that do not fully comply with ADA guidelines 7. Lack of TTY for emergency telephone Repairs mainly include replacing signage and repositioning of existing materials. Costs are reasonable and the above issues should be resolved by the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 66. Los Angeles' Metro and Accessibility Wheelchairs, canes, crutches– all these devices help an individual maneuver around after certain injuries or complications make life harder for them. Although full mobility with these devices isn't restored, it makes a metaphorical bridge for their reentry into society. As if life wasn't hard enough for these people, they still have to work and make a life for themselves. Due to the fact that many diseases are incurable they have to find ways to cope with their disabilities. Having less maneuverability calls for things such as designated areas for the disabled on Public busses or ergonomic seats that can work on both the disabled in a general situation, and the typical passenger. These things need to be implemented on Metro busses in the Los Angeles Region because roughly 1.3 million riders have a disability. Certain things can happen in today's system where a disabled rider could hurt themselves in the movement of the bus when they're not strapped in or when there are no open seats on the bus. A Accessibility's Significance and Its History The United States has been a world leader for helping out in civil rights and such, and one of its many civil rights acts was the Americans with Disabilities Act. This Act entitles people with disabilities their basic rights and sets rules for Public Areas and Private areas where disabled people would potentially have to go. This Act now gave disabled people a means to go places. It caused designated areas for wheelchairs in Parking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 68. Essay On Child Care Observation My observation that I did was at Biron Head in Kari's toddler room. Space and furnishing: The classroom I observed has appropriate lighting and has a good room temperature. I overall did not see any repairs that needed to be done. This classroom and center in general seems to be well maintained. Furniture for routine care This classroom has child sized furniture but does not have highchairs at all. The children eat as group. The classroom is easily accessible having a nice layout making it easy to get around. The classroom itself is split in half so there is another group of kids on the other side. Due to the classroom being shared I do think space wise it does seem a bit tight in areas. The classroom has adult sized chairs that are accessible. Provision for relaxation: In the classroom, it has a 'safe zone' that contains pillows with breathing techniques on it. This area is easily accessible to the children always. Room arrangement: The classroom I am has a child sized bathroom right in it making toileting easy. The children can get around the room easily as there is open walk spaces and the room is arranged well. The room itself is not very large as it is shared so there isn't much room to engage in active play. Display for children: The classroom has different photos and posters displayed there could be more photos of things such as the children's families and what not. I also did not see a lot of diversity displayed in the classroom. Book center: The book center ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 70. Custom ADA Signs Research Paper Order ADA Signs Online at Our Website We know your life as a property owner or manager is hectic, and that you are not an expert on the specifications set forth in 1990 in the Americans With Disability Act or ADA. All this is fine, but you must be aware of the necessity for your property to comply with these specifications to prevent a delay in the opening of your company, lawsuits or fines that start at $4000.00. Yes, all this can happen if you do not post the right Braille signs that include an ISA. Luckily, our company of STOPSignsAndMore.com can help you understand all this, as we are experts in ADA signage. We even offer you the ability to shop for Custom ADA Signage and stock ADA Signs Online through our website. We Ship Custom ADA ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With some of our Custom ADA Signage, the ADA also requires tactile text along with Braille or at least, tactile text. Other times just the pictogram signs are sufficient for ADA compliance. One important pictogram that you need to display separately or as part of an ADA sign is the ISA, which stands for International Symbol of Accessibility. The symbol includes a wheelchair with a person in it. In addition, the ADA has a minimum size requirement of 6 inches x 6 inches when the ISA is on display without text or Braille with it. You can view examples of these pictograms in our ADA Signs Online at our ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 72. The Problem Of Discrimination Against The Disabled Essay There are many isms that exist in today's American culture. Because of these discriminations put on others, there are plenty of ways to stop such hatred. Ableism has been around for a long time and continues to be an issue today. Because of discrimination against the disabled, there have been negative impacts on society; for example, society has turned disabilities into inabilities. In fact, it is society that has stopped the disabled from reaching success. 54 million people suffer from some sort of disability. Whether that is mental, physical, or emotional. It was believed long ago that people who suffered with disabilities were said to have been demonic. Due to these beliefs, many children and adults were treated with utter disrespect and harmed. Many scientific studies were done in order to come up with the reasoning of these mental illnesses. Ableism is the discrimination or prejudice against people who have disabilities. This discrimination dates all the way back to 1981. Ultimately, this means that someone is defined by his or her disability. Some people who struggle with a disability consider it to be rude when others do not believe they can accomplish something in which others are able to accomplish. During the Holocaust, ableism was present. However, back then, no on considered this to be ableism only because there was so much discrimination during the Holocaust. This was just another one of Hitler's heinous acts. There, they were also labeled as "life unworthy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 74. Implementing Integrated Community Planning And Coordination Objective 3: To facilitate integrated community planning and coordination which engages and involves people with disabilities and their families, disability service providers and community organisations. Focus Area: 11 Health Modified First Aid Course Overview MetroAccess Officers from Kingston and Bayside Councils identified that First Aid courses for people with a disability were not available. Contact was made with Surf Life Saving Club (SLSC) to conduct a modified course to cater for the needs of people with a disability. Once the SLSC confirmed their involvement, Central Bayside Community Adult Options and Marriott Services received the following email; To service providers, The MetroAccess Officers from Kingston and Bayside Councils are working with Surf Lifesaving Club Victoria to run a trial first aid workshop for people with disabilities. We would like to invite 2– 3 people from Marriott RTI to be involved. We have also extended an invitation to Central Bayside Community Adult Options to be a part of the workshop. The trainer is available on any day during the week beginning 27th April. The course goes for 3 hours – 10am to 2pm. Lunch will be provided. We will use this opportunity to modify the workshop to make the content more suitable for people with disabilities (especially those who have an ID) for future training. Can you please let me know ASAP if you're interested, which days suits the participants best and their names? The feedback from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 76. Physical Diversity in the Workplace Essay Running head: Physical Diversity in the Workplace Physical Diversity Claim A physical disability is one type of diversity in the workplace because it can cause harassment, discrimination, and occupational hazards. Physical diversity in the Workplace . Diversity encompasses race, religion, gender, background, education, physical disabilities, and more. In life there are so many diversities that one faces. Unfortunately, the workplace is no exception especially for the employee with a physical disability. An employee with a physical disability in the workplace can be hard, but also for a co–worker and employer to accept .The employee with a physical disability may encounter discrimination, harassment, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A motto that would benefit all employees would be the Golden Rule which is do onto others as you would have them do unto you. A physical disability can cause occupational hazards in the work place. A physical disability can cause an occupational hazard in the workplace due to no wheelchair accessible ramps. Occupational hazards in the workplace for employees with physical disabilities are sometimes difficult to acknowledge by the employer. Ramps for employees in wheelchairs may need to be installed if steps are the only entrance into the workplace. Also it may be necessary to install ramps inside the building if there are no elevators that are accessible for the employees. The reason these may be an occupational hazard is because the wheel chair may turn over when trying to maneuver steps, which could cause injuries such as broken bones. A physical disability can also cause occupational hazards in the workplace when there are no handicap accessible doors located in all work spaces. When there are no doors that have sensors, buttons, or ramps available that the disabled can use there is a risk for an occupational hazard. If there are no doors in all works spaces that are handicap accessible with all the features that should be installed this could cause the disabled to be shut in a door, a wheel to be caught,
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  • 79. Entrances, And Restroom Accommodations entrances, and restroom accommodations. The more people with disabilities are able to access physical facilities, the more they will be part of the general population. As expounded above, this means access to any indoor or outdoor spaces a person needs to use. A reasonable accommodation to enable access for people with disabilities is expected to be provided by the government body, the owner or tenant of the space, the service provider, the employer, or the school. An adjustment to whatever barrier prevents access that imposes difficulties on the individual, business, organization, or institution which providing the accommodation is a reasonable accommodation. However, to try to find some other way to deliver services to a participant who uses a wheelchair. 2.2.3 Accessible design of built environment Accessible design extends standard design to people with mobility limitation. Its purpose is to maximize the number of people who can readily use a product, building or service. This can be achieved either by designing products, services and environments that are readily usable by most users without any modification, or by means of standardized interfaces compatible with special products for PWD (Fadilah, 2008). The current legislation is not enough for local authorities to monitor whether the built environment industry comply with minimum standards for accessibility for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) in Malaysia (Ch'ng, 2010). This is evidence that the government has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...