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Air Traffic Control Emmanuel FUCHS THALES ATM


Air Traffic Management


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


Flow  Management


Conflict detection             


Communication and Surveillance sensor


Summary The problem ATC principles Report points : Pilots Controller coordination : Controler  Sectorisation : Air  Spaces Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


ATC principles : Report Points          


ATC principles : Report Points             VOR/DME VOR/DME VOR/DME NDB NDB


Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan    


Summary The problem ATC principles Report points : Pilots Controller coordination : Controler  Sectorisation : Air  Spaces Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


ATC principles : Report Points          


Report Points          


Report Points : Controller coordination             Controller Coordination


Summary The problem ATC principles Report points : Pilots Controller coordination : Controler  Sectorisation : Air  Spaces Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


Report Points : sectorisation             Controller Coordination Sector 1 Sector 2


Control Sector S1 S2 S3       


Sectors S1 S2 S3       S4    S4    


Sector and ATC centers             Air Traffic Control  Center


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Global View Before : Flight filling Departure During the flight Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


Flight Air Traffic Control Center VOR/DME VOR/DME VOR/DME VOR/DME




Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Global View Before : Flight filling Departure During the flight Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


Filling Flight Plan


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Global View Before : Flight filling Departure During the flight Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing




Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Global View Before : Flight filling Departure During the flight Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing




Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


Air Traffic Control process: big picture Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan    


Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan


RADAR : Primary Secondary Radio  Detection And  Ranging


RADAR principle D KW pW P t T 2*D = C*T


Secondary Surveillance RADAR W W P t T Transpondeur SSR Code Flight Level




RADAR Echo's RADAR Screen


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center Air traffic control center Data flows RADAR Data Flight plan Data Data coupling/correlation IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


ATC process : details Adjacent Air Traffic Control Cente r Airports Flight Data Processing METEO Data RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan RADAR Data Tracks Primary and secondary RADAR WAN LAN + - transmetter Receiver HF/VHF


ATC centre Flight Plan Processing controller Working Position controller Working Position RADAR Data  Processing LAN controller Working Position controller Working Position RADAR Flight Plan Voice control  and  communications Intercom Public RADIO A/G ~ 50


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center Air traffic control center Data flows RADAR Data Flight plan Data Data coupling/correlation IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


ATC centre data processing RADAR data : Actual Information Short term  conflicts Flight data : Reference Information Medium term conflicts  Long term conflicts


Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan


Information Data Flow RADAR Data  Processing Flight Plan Processing HMI HMI HMI HMI


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center Air traffic control center Data flows RADAR Data Flight plan Data Data coupling/correlation IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


RADAR Information Data Flow : Broadcast RADAR Data  Processing Flight Plan Processing HMI HMI HMI HMI


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center Air traffic control center Data flows RADAR Data Flight plan Data Data coupling/correlation IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


Flight Information Data Flow : Connected RADAR Data  Processing Flight Plan Processing Persistence Data Base HMI HMI HMI HMI


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center Air traffic control center Data flows RADAR Data Flight plan Data Data coupling/correlation IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan


Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan


RADAR and Flight Information correlations RADAR Data  Processing Flight Plan Processing HMI HMI HMI HMI


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan


Controller Working Position : HMI


Controller Working Position : HMI


Control Position




Controller Working Position : HMI


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM Sector Inter Sector coordination Control Position Track label hardware RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


Sector sector 1 sector 2 sector 3 sector 4 sector 5 sector 6 Route Corridor Military Area Military Area Military Area


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM Sector Inter Sector coordination Control Position Track label hardware RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


Inter Sector Coordination . . . . S1 S2 RADAR flight track RADAR Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM Sector Inter Sector coordination Control Position Track label hardware RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


Control Position RADARist HMI Organic HMI RADARist HMI Organic HMI Assistant IHM Assistant IHM


Control Position RADARist HMI Organic HMI Assistant IHM


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM Sector Inter Sector coordination Control Position Track label hardware RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


Track Label AF 125 220 ^ 240  450 Call Sign Flight Level Speed




HMI track label


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM Sector Inter Sector coordination Control Position Track label hardware RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing






Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan


ATC center Architecture RADAR Data  Processing Flight Plan Processing Supervisory Control Simulator Recording Replay controller Working Position Voice control  and  communications RADAR Front Processing Dual LAN FDDI AFTN/CIDIN ATFM ADJACENT FIR'S/TWR'S MET Centres RADAR Intercom Priority Public RADIO A/G controller Working Position controller Working Position Controller Working Position


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Tracks and Plots Multi RADAR tracking Local Tracks System Tracks Conflict Detection APR : Automatic Position Reporting Flight Plan Data Processing


Tracks and Plots Plots Tracks


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Tracks and Plots Multi RADAR tracking Local Tracks to System Tracks Conflict Detection APR : Automatic Position Reporting Flight Plan Data Processing


Multi RADAR Tracking


Multi RADAR Tracking RADAR 3 1 2 3 RADAR 1 RADAR 2


System Track D T t1 t2 t3 R1 R2 R3 T


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Tracks and Plots Multi RADAR tracking Local Tracks System Tracks Conflict Detection APR : Automatic Position Reporting Flight Plan Data Processing


Short Term Conflict Detection Speed Vector Cross Checking RADAR Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Tracks Information


Tracks monitoring RDP RADAR Data Processing Tracks Table


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Tracks and Plots Multi RADAR tracking Local Tracks System Tracks Conflict Detection APR : Automatic Position Reporting Flight Plan Data Processing


APR Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan       APR


Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing


Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan


FDP functions Initial flight plan processing. SSR code management. Trajectory prediction. System assisted co-ordination. Medium Term Conflict Detection (MTCD). Flight strip printing


Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Flight states Flight Progress monitoring


Different Phases of the flight Final Approach / Departure Taxiway Apron Gate/ Stand 10 Miles Out 4 Miles Out 2 Miles Out Landing / Take-Off Taxiing Runway En-Route


Strategic and Tactical Phases tactic Strategic Flow management


Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Flight states Flight Progress monitoring


Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication Connected Not connected AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Flight states Flight monitoring


Flight Route


On line connected


Store and forward : not connected Flight information Network


Inter Center Communications Flight Information Network AREA 1 AREA 2 AREA 3


Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Flight states Flight progess monitoring


FPL message distribution AFTN (Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network) Area Address In the message header


Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Filing FPL message FPL message processing Flight route ETO (Estimated Time of Over flight) Flight Strip Medium Term Conflict Detection Flight states Flight progess monitoring


Before Departure Flight Plan is filled by the pilot or the air line (Repetitive Flight Plan). Filled Flight Plan message is transmitted


Filling Flight Plan


Repetitive Flight Plan    t RPL Data Base


Filed Flight Plan : contains Call Sign Flight Rules Aircraft Type Navigation Equipment Departure Airport,  Route Arrival Airport


Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Filing FPL message FPL message processing Flight route ETO (Estimated Time of Over flight) Flight Strip Medium Term Conflict Detection Flight states Flight progess monitoring


FPL Message Flight information Network FPL FPL/RPL


FPL message contents Call Sign Flight Rules Aircraft Type Navigation Equipment Route description Departure Aerodrome Arrival Aerodrome


Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Filing FPL message FPL message processing Flight route ETO (Estimated Time of Over flight) Flight Strip Medium Term Conflict Detection Flight states Flight progess monitoring


FPL message processing Route extraction Path computation Profile computation Flight level  Speed Point of inward boundary crossing List of crossed sector Point of outward boundary crossing


Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Filing FPL message FPL message processing Flight route ETO (Estimated Time of Over flight) Flight Strip Medium Term Conflict Detection Flight states Flight progess monitoring


Flight Route Path definition : list of over flown points Profile computation : altitude and speed for each Path points. Estimated Time of Over flight (ETO) : computation the path points over flight time


Flight Route Path Profile




Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Filing FPL message FPL message processing Flight route ETO (Estimated Time of Over flight) Flight Strip Medium Term Conflict Detection Flight states Flight progess monitoring


Report Points Over flow Estimation 800 km/h Wind 100 km/h Report Point E1 E2 E3 E4 D1 D2 D3


Flight Profile AB BC CD DE EF FG GH HI t t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 Wind speed Report Point Time Speed Flight Level + + + + = - - - fl1 fl2 fl3 fl4 fl5 fl6 fl7 fl8


Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Filing FPL message FPL message processing Flight route ETO (Estimated Time of Over flight) Flight Strip Medium Term Conflict Detection   Flight states Flight progess monitoring


Flight Strip t1 s1 + AB t2 s2 + BC t3 s3 + CD t4 s4 + DE t5 s5 = EF t6 s6 - FG t7 s7 - GH t8 s8 - HI Call Sign Aircraft Type fl1 fl2 fl3 fl4 fl5 fl6 fl7 fl8


Flight plan and strip


Flight Strip Flight strip bays


Flight strip bays


Flight Strip bays


crossed Sector S1 S2 S3       


Electronic  Strip Bays


Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Filing FPL message FPL message processing Flight route ETO (Estimated Time of Over flight) Flight Strip Medium Term Conflict Detection Flight states Flight progess monitoring


Constraints, conflict (Medium Term)    


Flight Conflict Probe


Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Flight states Flight progess monitoring


Flight States Inactive Preactivated Proposed Coordinated Active Finished Cancelled Creation


Flight States Inactive Preactivated Proposed Coordinated Active Finished Cancelled Creation    t    t FPL/RPL


On Line Exchange AFTN “ Off line” “ On line” Inactive Flight Plan Active Flight Plan


Area and Flight states Air Traffic Control Center Air Traffic Control Center Air Traffic Control Center First Area Second Area Third Area


Area and Flight states  First Area Second Area Third Area Active Pre active Pre active Air Traffic Control Center Air Traffic Control Center Air Traffic Control Center


Flight States Inactive Preactivated Proposed Coordinated Active Finished Cancelled Creation    t Proposition Send  Proposition Accepted


Area and Flight states: Transfer Protocol  First Area Second Area Third Area Active Pre active Pre active Transfer Air Traffic Control Center Air Traffic Control Center Air Traffic Control Center


Flight States Inactive Preactivated Proposed Coordinated Active Finished Cancelled Creation    t Flight Track Correlation (SSR)


Flight Track Correlation SSR code SSR code Flight Data Base SSR code


Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Flight states Flight Progress monitoring


Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan


Flight progress monitoring Air Traffic Control Center Military Flights ETO ATO RAM : Route Adherences Monitoring CLAM : Cleared Level Adherence Monitoring DAIW : Danger Area Infringement Warning; RAM CLAM MSAW DAIW MSAW : Minimum Safe Altitude Warning STCA: Short Term Conflict Alert DFT: Distance From Touch down DFT STCA VOR/DME


Route Adherence Monitoring Delta t = Longitudinal deviation lateral deviation ETO-ATO= Delta t ETO + Delta t ATO as from APR cleared route


Flight information updated and Flight progress monitoring in active state Active  Operator Message RADAR (APR) Time Out


Flight progess monitoring RDP FDP RADAR Data Processing Flight Data Processing Network Shared Flight Information Data base Tracks Table


Report Points Over flow Estimation 800 km/h Wind 100 km/h Report Point E1 E2 E3 E4 D1 D2 D3 Timer


Flight Events Timers + - Track FPL Alert + - Track FPL Alert + - Track FPL Alert + - Track FPL Alert


Flight Data Base SSR Code  Report Points  States  Tracks Table


Medium and long term conflict detection Conflict Conflict Conflict No No No Warning Warning Warning Flight Data Base Events ETO


Flight progess monitoring : APR RDP FDP APR APR : Automatic Position Reporting Timer RADAR Data Processing Flight Data Processing


APR APRs are sent: Whenever an aircraft crosses a “significant point” (i.e.: flight planned) Periodically (SP), in either level flight, or climbing/descending. On first leaving the RAM Corridor, when aircraft has deviated from Flight Plan track (either by inaccurate flying or when FDR has not been updated to take account of a re-route)


ATC main evolutions Vertical separation : 1000 foot FL > 290 Data link : Air Ground Numeric connection Satellite Navigation


That’s All Folks Thank You For Your Attention Questions are welcome Contacts :  [email_address]

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Air Traffic Control Center

  • 1. Air Traffic Control Emmanuel FUCHS THALES ATM
  • 3. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 5. Conflict detection     
  • 7. Summary The problem ATC principles Report points : Pilots Controller coordination : Controler Sectorisation : Air Spaces Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 8. ATC principles : Report Points    
  • 9. ATC principles : Report Points     VOR/DME VOR/DME VOR/DME NDB NDB
  • 10. Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan  
  • 11. Summary The problem ATC principles Report points : Pilots Controller coordination : Controler Sectorisation : Air Spaces Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 12. ATC principles : Report Points    
  • 13. Report Points    
  • 14. Report Points : Controller coordination     Controller Coordination
  • 15. Summary The problem ATC principles Report points : Pilots Controller coordination : Controler Sectorisation : Air Spaces Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 16. Report Points : sectorisation     Controller Coordination Sector 1 Sector 2
  • 17. Control Sector S1 S2 S3   
  • 18. Sectors S1 S2 S3   S4  S4  
  • 19. Sector and ATC centers     Air Traffic Control Center
  • 20. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 21. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Global View Before : Flight filling Departure During the flight Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 22. Flight Air Traffic Control Center VOR/DME VOR/DME VOR/DME VOR/DME
  • 24. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Global View Before : Flight filling Departure During the flight Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 26. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Global View Before : Flight filling Departure During the flight Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 27. Tower
  • 28. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Global View Before : Flight filling Departure During the flight Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 29. AATC
  • 30. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 31. Air Traffic Control process: big picture Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan  
  • 32. Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan
  • 33. RADAR : Primary Secondary Radio Detection And Ranging
  • 34. RADAR principle D KW pW P t T 2*D = C*T
  • 35. Secondary Surveillance RADAR W W P t T Transpondeur SSR Code Flight Level
  • 36. RADAR (2) N A D
  • 38. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 39. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center Air traffic control center Data flows RADAR Data Flight plan Data Data coupling/correlation IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 40. ATC process : details Adjacent Air Traffic Control Cente r Airports Flight Data Processing METEO Data RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan RADAR Data Tracks Primary and secondary RADAR WAN LAN + - transmetter Receiver HF/VHF
  • 41. ATC centre Flight Plan Processing controller Working Position controller Working Position RADAR Data Processing LAN controller Working Position controller Working Position RADAR Flight Plan Voice control and communications Intercom Public RADIO A/G ~ 50
  • 42. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center Air traffic control center Data flows RADAR Data Flight plan Data Data coupling/correlation IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 43. ATC centre data processing RADAR data : Actual Information Short term conflicts Flight data : Reference Information Medium term conflicts Long term conflicts
  • 44. Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan
  • 45. Information Data Flow RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Processing HMI HMI HMI HMI
  • 46. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center Air traffic control center Data flows RADAR Data Flight plan Data Data coupling/correlation IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 47. RADAR Information Data Flow : Broadcast RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Processing HMI HMI HMI HMI
  • 48. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center Air traffic control center Data flows RADAR Data Flight plan Data Data coupling/correlation IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 49. Flight Information Data Flow : Connected RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Processing Persistence Data Base HMI HMI HMI HMI
  • 50. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center Air traffic control center Data flows RADAR Data Flight plan Data Data coupling/correlation IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 51. Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan
  • 52. Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan
  • 53. RADAR and Flight Information correlations RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Processing HMI HMI HMI HMI
  • 54. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 55. Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan
  • 59. HMI
  • 61. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM Sector Inter Sector coordination Control Position Track label hardware RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 62. Sector sector 1 sector 2 sector 3 sector 4 sector 5 sector 6 Route Corridor Military Area Military Area Military Area
  • 63. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM Sector Inter Sector coordination Control Position Track label hardware RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 64. Inter Sector Coordination . . . . S1 S2 RADAR flight track RADAR Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  • 65. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM Sector Inter Sector coordination Control Position Track label hardware RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 66. Control Position RADARist HMI Organic HMI RADARist HMI Organic HMI Assistant IHM Assistant IHM
  • 67. Control Position RADARist HMI Organic HMI Assistant IHM
  • 68. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM Sector Inter Sector coordination Control Position Track label hardware RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 69. Track Label AF 125 220 ^ 240 450 Call Sign Flight Level Speed
  • 72. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM Sector Inter Sector coordination Control Position Track label hardware RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 73. HMI
  • 75. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 76. Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan
  • 77. ATC center Architecture RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Processing Supervisory Control Simulator Recording Replay controller Working Position Voice control and communications RADAR Front Processing Dual LAN FDDI AFTN/CIDIN ATFM ADJACENT FIR'S/TWR'S MET Centres RADAR Intercom Priority Public RADIO A/G controller Working Position controller Working Position Controller Working Position
  • 78. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Tracks and Plots Multi RADAR tracking Local Tracks System Tracks Conflict Detection APR : Automatic Position Reporting Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 79. Tracks and Plots Plots Tracks
  • 80. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Tracks and Plots Multi RADAR tracking Local Tracks to System Tracks Conflict Detection APR : Automatic Position Reporting Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 82. Multi RADAR Tracking RADAR 3 1 2 3 RADAR 1 RADAR 2
  • 83. System Track D T t1 t2 t3 R1 R2 R3 T
  • 84. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Tracks and Plots Multi RADAR tracking Local Tracks System Tracks Conflict Detection APR : Automatic Position Reporting Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 85. Short Term Conflict Detection Speed Vector Cross Checking RADAR Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  • 87. Tracks monitoring RDP RADAR Data Processing Tracks Table
  • 88. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Tracks and Plots Multi RADAR tracking Local Tracks System Tracks Conflict Detection APR : Automatic Position Reporting Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 89. APR Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan   APR
  • 90. Summary The problem ATC principles Flight phases Surveillance Control : Air traffic control center IHM RADAR Data Processing Flight Plan Data Processing
  • 91. Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan
  • 92. FDP functions Initial flight plan processing. SSR code management. Trajectory prediction. System assisted co-ordination. Medium Term Conflict Detection (MTCD). Flight strip printing
  • 93. Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Flight states Flight Progress monitoring
  • 94. Different Phases of the flight Final Approach / Departure Taxiway Apron Gate/ Stand 10 Miles Out 4 Miles Out 2 Miles Out Landing / Take-Off Taxiing Runway En-Route
  • 95. Strategic and Tactical Phases tactic Strategic Flow management
  • 96. Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Flight states Flight Progress monitoring
  • 97. Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication Connected Not connected AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Flight states Flight monitoring
  • 100. Store and forward : not connected Flight information Network
  • 101. Inter Center Communications Flight Information Network AREA 1 AREA 2 AREA 3
  • 102. Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Flight states Flight progess monitoring
  • 103. FPL message distribution AFTN (Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network) Area Address In the message header
  • 104. Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Filing FPL message FPL message processing Flight route ETO (Estimated Time of Over flight) Flight Strip Medium Term Conflict Detection Flight states Flight progess monitoring
  • 105. Before Departure Flight Plan is filled by the pilot or the air line (Repetitive Flight Plan). Filled Flight Plan message is transmitted
  • 107. Repetitive Flight Plan  t RPL Data Base
  • 108. Filed Flight Plan : contains Call Sign Flight Rules Aircraft Type Navigation Equipment Departure Airport, Route Arrival Airport
  • 109. Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Filing FPL message FPL message processing Flight route ETO (Estimated Time of Over flight) Flight Strip Medium Term Conflict Detection Flight states Flight progess monitoring
  • 110. FPL Message Flight information Network FPL FPL/RPL
  • 111. FPL message contents Call Sign Flight Rules Aircraft Type Navigation Equipment Route description Departure Aerodrome Arrival Aerodrome
  • 112. Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Filing FPL message FPL message processing Flight route ETO (Estimated Time of Over flight) Flight Strip Medium Term Conflict Detection Flight states Flight progess monitoring
  • 113. FPL message processing Route extraction Path computation Profile computation Flight level Speed Point of inward boundary crossing List of crossed sector Point of outward boundary crossing
  • 114. Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Filing FPL message FPL message processing Flight route ETO (Estimated Time of Over flight) Flight Strip Medium Term Conflict Detection Flight states Flight progess monitoring
  • 115. Flight Route Path definition : list of over flown points Profile computation : altitude and speed for each Path points. Estimated Time of Over flight (ETO) : computation the path points over flight time
  • 116. Flight Route Path Profile
  • 117. Flight Route NDB NDB NDB NDB NDB
  • 118. Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Filing FPL message FPL message processing Flight route ETO (Estimated Time of Over flight) Flight Strip Medium Term Conflict Detection Flight states Flight progess monitoring
  • 119. Report Points Over flow Estimation 800 km/h Wind 100 km/h Report Point E1 E2 E3 E4 D1 D2 D3
  • 120. Flight Profile AB BC CD DE EF FG GH HI t t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 t8 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8 Wind speed Report Point Time Speed Flight Level + + + + = - - - fl1 fl2 fl3 fl4 fl5 fl6 fl7 fl8
  • 121. Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Filing FPL message FPL message processing Flight route ETO (Estimated Time of Over flight) Flight Strip Medium Term Conflict Detection Flight states Flight progess monitoring
  • 122. Flight Strip t1 s1 + AB t2 s2 + BC t3 s3 + CD t4 s4 + DE t5 s5 = EF t6 s6 - FG t7 s7 - GH t8 s8 - HI Call Sign Aircraft Type fl1 fl2 fl3 fl4 fl5 fl6 fl7 fl8
  • 123. Flight plan and strip
  • 124. Flight Strip Flight strip bays
  • 127. crossed Sector S1 S2 S3   
  • 129. Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Filing FPL message FPL message processing Flight route ETO (Estimated Time of Over flight) Flight Strip Medium Term Conflict Detection Flight states Flight progess monitoring
  • 132. Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Flight states Flight progess monitoring
  • 133. Flight States Inactive Preactivated Proposed Coordinated Active Finished Cancelled Creation
  • 134. Flight States Inactive Preactivated Proposed Coordinated Active Finished Cancelled Creation  t  t FPL/RPL
  • 135. On Line Exchange AFTN “ Off line” “ On line” Inactive Flight Plan Active Flight Plan
  • 136. Area and Flight states Air Traffic Control Center Air Traffic Control Center Air Traffic Control Center First Area Second Area Third Area
  • 137. Area and Flight states First Area Second Area Third Area Active Pre active Pre active Air Traffic Control Center Air Traffic Control Center Air Traffic Control Center
  • 138. Flight States Inactive Preactivated Proposed Coordinated Active Finished Cancelled Creation  t Proposition Send Proposition Accepted
  • 139. Area and Flight states: Transfer Protocol First Area Second Area Third Area Active Pre active Pre active Transfer Air Traffic Control Center Air Traffic Control Center Air Traffic Control Center
  • 140. Flight States Inactive Preactivated Proposed Coordinated Active Finished Cancelled Creation  t Flight Track Correlation (SSR)
  • 141. Flight Track Correlation SSR code SSR code Flight Data Base SSR code
  • 142. Flight Data Processing Flight Phases Flight information communication AFTN/CIDIN Initial processing Flight states Flight Progress monitoring
  • 143. Air Traffic Control process Flight Data Processing RADAR Data Processing transmitter Receiver RADAR + - Flight Plan
  • 144. Flight progress monitoring Air Traffic Control Center Military Flights ETO ATO RAM : Route Adherences Monitoring CLAM : Cleared Level Adherence Monitoring DAIW : Danger Area Infringement Warning; RAM CLAM MSAW DAIW MSAW : Minimum Safe Altitude Warning STCA: Short Term Conflict Alert DFT: Distance From Touch down DFT STCA VOR/DME
  • 145. Route Adherence Monitoring Delta t = Longitudinal deviation lateral deviation ETO-ATO= Delta t ETO + Delta t ATO as from APR cleared route
  • 146. Flight information updated and Flight progress monitoring in active state Active Operator Message RADAR (APR) Time Out
  • 147. Flight progess monitoring RDP FDP RADAR Data Processing Flight Data Processing Network Shared Flight Information Data base Tracks Table
  • 148. Report Points Over flow Estimation 800 km/h Wind 100 km/h Report Point E1 E2 E3 E4 D1 D2 D3 Timer
  • 149. Flight Events Timers + - Track FPL Alert + - Track FPL Alert + - Track FPL Alert + - Track FPL Alert
  • 150. Flight Data Base SSR Code Report Points States Tracks Table
  • 151. Medium and long term conflict detection Conflict Conflict Conflict No No No Warning Warning Warning Flight Data Base Events ETO
  • 152. Flight progess monitoring : APR RDP FDP APR APR : Automatic Position Reporting Timer RADAR Data Processing Flight Data Processing
  • 153. APR APRs are sent: Whenever an aircraft crosses a “significant point” (i.e.: flight planned) Periodically (SP), in either level flight, or climbing/descending. On first leaving the RAM Corridor, when aircraft has deviated from Flight Plan track (either by inaccurate flying or when FDR has not been updated to take account of a re-route)
  • 154. ATC main evolutions Vertical separation : 1000 foot FL > 290 Data link : Air Ground Numeric connection Satellite Navigation
  • 155. That’s All Folks Thank You For Your Attention Questions are welcome Contacts : [email_address]