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Scalability in Scala and Java
        Nadav Wiener
About me
•   Nadav Wiener (@nadavwr)
•   Senior Consultant & Architect
       @ AlphaCSP
•   Following Scala since 2007

The problem with locks
Actors & message passing
High availability & remoting
STM & Transactors
What is Akka?

•   A actor-based concurrency framework
     • Provides solutions for non blocking concurrency

•   Written in Scala, also works in Java
•   Open source (APL)
•   Now releasing 1.0 after 2 years in development

•   Lead developer and founder: Jonas Boner
     • JRockit, AspectWerkz, AspectJ, Terracotta
“Queen of Lapland”

You may also remember…
The Problem
Ignorance Is a Bliss

 If (account1.getBalance() > amount) {

Sewing on a button © Dvortygirl, 17 February 2008.   8
Not an option
if you plan on
having business
So You Use Threads

Coloured Thread © Philippa Willitts, 24 April 2008.   10
But Without Synchronization
You Get Unpredictable Behavior
Lock based concurrency requires
us to constantly second guess our

“The definition of insanity is
doing the same thing over and
over again and expecting different
results. “
– Albert Einstein

People Are Bad At Thinking Parallel

So you synchronize

          With locks?


Lock too little   Lock too much

Lock recklessly?

Using locks recklessly
Must Think Globally:
  Lock ordering
  Everybody’s code

Knowing shared-state
concurrency != confidence

Keep those cores busy!
Cores aren’t getting faster
Default thread stack size on AMD64 = 1MB!
Context switching hurts throughput
Shakespeare Programming
Excerpt from "Hello World" in SPL

Romeo, a young man with a remarkable patience.
Juliet, a likewise young woman of remarkable grace.

            Scene II: The praising of Juliet.

[Enter Juliet]

               Thou art as sweet as the sum of the sum
               of Hamlet and his horse and his black
               cat! Speak thy mind!

             [Exit Juliet]
Actors have nothing to do with the
Shakespeare Programming Language

•   Each actor has a message queue
•   Actors accept and choose what to do with
•   Lightweight & asynchronous

•   Each actor has a message queue
•   Actors accept and choose what to do with
•   Lightweight & asynchronous

•   Each actor has a message queue
•   Actors accept and choose what to do with
•   Lightweight & asynchronous

•   Each actor has a message queue
•   Actors accept and choose what to do with
•   Lightweight & asynchronous

•   Each actor has a message queue
•   Actors accept and choose what to do with
•   Lightweight & asynchronous

•   Each actor has a message queue
•   Actors accept and choose what to do with
•   Lightweight & asynchronous

                                                          ~4 threads
              4 cores

•   Actors tend to remain bound to a single thread
•   Actors rarely block, thread can remain active for a   Actors
    long duration
     • Minimizes context switches – throughput                     X millions
•   Akka actors occupy 650 bytes

•   Several actor implementations for Scala – Akka is considered the fastest
Akka Actors
// Java                                         // Scala
public class GreetingActor extends              class GreetingActor extends Actor {
   UntypedActor {
                                                    private var counter = 0
    private int counter = 0;
                                                    def receive = {
    public void onReceive(Object message)
      throws Exception {                                case message => {

        counter++;                                          counter += 1

        // 1) Hello, Juliet                                 // 1) Hello, Juliet
        log.info(                                           log.info(
            counter + ") Hello, " + message);                   counter + ") Hello, " + message)

    }                                                   }
}                                                   }
Akka Actors
// Java                                      // Scala
ActorRef Romeo =                             val greetingActor =
     actorOf(GreetingActor.class).start();      actorOf[GreetingActor].start

greetingActor.sendOneWay("Juliet");          greetingActor ! "Juliet“

// 1) Hello, Juliet                          // 1) Hello, Juliet
Akka Actors

•   Once instantiated, actors can be retrieved by id or uuid
     • uuid - generated by runtime, immutable, unique
     • id - user assigned, by default that's the class name

class Romeo extend GreetingActor {
  self.id = "Romeo"

val romeo = actorsFor("Romeo").head

romeo ! "Juliet"
Message Passing
Message Passing

•   Let's build a bank with one actor per account, We’ll be able to :
     • Check our balance
     • Deposit money
     • Withdraw money, but only if we have it (balance remains >= 0)

•   We'll start by defining immutable message types:

case class CheckBalance()
case class Deposit(amount: Int)
case class Withdraw(amount: Int)
Message Passing

class BankAccount(private var balance: Int = 0) extends Actor {
 def receive = {
   // …

        case CheckBalance =>

        // …
Message Passing

class BankAccount(private var balance: Int = 0) extends Actor {
 def receive = {
   // …

        case Deposit(amount) =>
          balance += amount

        // …
Message Passing

class BankAccount(private var balance: Int = 0) extends Actor {
 def receive = {
   // …

        case Withdraw(amount) =>
          balance = (balance - amount) ensuring (_ >= 0)

        // …
Message Passing

•   Now let’s make a deposit:

val account = actorOf[BankAccount].start
account ! Deposit(100)

•   But how do we check the account balance?
Bang! Bang Bang!

•   actorRef ! message     - fire and forget
•   actorRef !! message    - send and block (optional timeout) for response
•   actorRef !!! message   - send, reply using future

...Jones Boner promised to stop at "!!!"

Java equivalents:
• ! = sendOneWay
• !! = sendRequestReply
• !!! = sendRequestReplyFuture
Getting Account Balance

val balance = (account !! CheckBalance) match {
 // do stuff with result

// or:

val balanceFuture = account !!! CheckBalance // does not block

// ... go do some other stuff ... later:

val balance = balanceFuture.await.result match {
   // do stuff with result
Fault Tolerance
Too Big to Fail

Jenga Architecture

The harder they fall

Self Healing,
Graceful Recovery

Supervision Hierarchies

Supervisors: Kind of actors

Fault Handling Strategy: One for One or All for One

Lifecycle: Permanent or Temporary
Fault Handling Strategy:
One For One
One for One

                           All for One,

                One for One,               Chat Room,
                Temporary                  Permanent

       Romeo,                  Juliet,
       Permanent               Permanent

One for One

                           All for One,

                One for One,               Chat Room,
                Temporary                  Permanent

       Romeo,                  Juliet,
       Permanent               Permanent

One for One

                           All for One,

                One for One,               Chat Room,
                Temporary                  Permanent

       Romeo,                  Juliet,
       Permanent               Permanent

One for One

                           All for One,

                One for One,               Chat Room,
                Temporary                  Permanent

       Romeo,                  Juliet,
       Permanent               Permanent

One for One

                           All for One,

                One for One,               Chat Room,
                Temporary                  Permanent

       Romeo,                  Juliet,
       Permanent               Permanent

Fault Handling Strategy:
All For One
All for One

                            All For One,

                 One for One,               Chat Room,
                 Permanent                  Permanent

        Romeo,                  Juliet,
        Temporary               Temporary

All for One

                            All For One,

                 One for One,               Chat Room,
                 Permanent                  Permanent

        Romeo,                  Juliet,
        Temporary               Temporary

All for One

                            All For One,

                 One for One,               Chat Room,
                 Permanent                  Permanent

        Romeo,                  Juliet,
        Temporary               Temporary

All for One

                            All For One,

                 One for One,               Chat Room,
                 Permanent                  Permanent

        Romeo,                  Juliet,
        Temporary               Temporary

All for One

                            All For One,

                 One for One,               Chat Room,
                 Permanent                  Permanent

        Romeo,                  Juliet,
        Temporary               Temporary

All for One

                            All For One,

                 One for One,               Chat Room,
                 Permanent                  Permanent

        Romeo,                  Juliet,
        Temporary               Temporary

Supervision, Remoting & HA

val supervisor = Supervisor(SupervisorConfig(


           List(classOf[Exception]), 3, 1000),

           List(Supervise(actorOf[ChatServer], Permanent),
                Supervise(actorOf[ChatServer], Permanent,
                          RemoteAddess("host1", 9000))
High Availability

•   You can’t have a highly available
    system on a single computer

•   Luckily Akka supports near-seamless
    remote actors
High Availability

•   Server managed remote actors:

// on host1
RemoteNode.start("host1", 9000)

// register an actor
RemoteNode.register(“romeo", actorOf[GreetingActor])

// on host2
val romeo = RemoteClient.actorFor(“romeo", "host1", 9000)
romero ! “juliet"

•   RemoteClient handles the connection lifecycle for us
•   Clients can also manage server actors, but enabling this might pose a security
Actor model – a life choice?
High scalability   Assumes state travels
Hgh availability   along the message
Fast               flow
Etc…               Hostile towards shared
                   Minds not easily rewired
                   for this!
Brain Transplant
Software Transactional Memory
Rich Hickey

              Persistent Data Structures
Persistent Data Structures

•   Share common immutable structure and data
•   Copy-on-write semantics:
      val prices = TransactionalMap[String, Double]
      atomic { prices += ("hamburger" -> 20.0) }

•   When “modified”, minimal changes to structure are made to accommodate
    new data

                                                       © Rich Hickey 2009
How many people seated in the
If I started counting, by the time I

                  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …
…the room would be empty
Jonas Boner

class BankAccount extends Transactor {

    private val balanceRef = Ref(0)

     def atomically = {
      // ...
         case CheckBalance => self reply_? balance.get
         // ...

class BankAccount extends Transactor {

    private val balanceRef = Ref(0)

    def atomically = {
     // ...
        case Deposit(amount) =>
          balance alter (_ + amount)
        // ...

class BankAccount extends Transactor {

    private val balanceRef = Ref(0)

    def atomically = {
     // ...
        case Withdraw(amount) =>
          balance alter (_ - amount) ensuring (_.get >= 0)
        // ...

Performing a money transfer transactionally:

val tx = Coordinated()

val fromBalance = (from !! tx(CheckBalance())) match {
  balance: Int => balance

if (fromBalance >= 50) {
    from ! tx(Withdraw(50))
    to ! tx(Deposit(50))
Coordinated Transactions
class Bank extends Actor         {
 private val accounts =

    def receive = {
     // ...
     case tx @ Coordinated(Join) => {
         tx atomic {
             accounts += self.sender.get
     // ...
Coordinated Transactions

class Bank extends Actor         {
    private val accounts = TransactionalVector[BankAccount]

    def receive = {
     // ...
     case tx @ Coordinated(Sum) => {
         val futures = for (account <- accounts) yield
              account !!! tx(CheckBalance)

         val allTheMoney = futures map (_.await.result) sum

         self reply_? allTheMoney
     // ...
}                                                …and then: println (myBank !! Coordinated(Sum))
Knowing shared-state
concurrency != confidence



Typed Actors in Java
•   In Java we will usually avoid “untyped” actors, and use POJOs instead:

interface BankAccount {
   Future<Integer> balance();
   void deposit(int amount);
   void withdraw(int amount);

class BankAccountImpl extends TypedActor implements BankAccount {

    // Almost a regular POJO
    public Future<Integer> balance() {
       return future(balance);

    // ...

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Akka -- Scalability in Scala and Java

  • 1. Scalability in Scala and Java Nadav Wiener
  • 2. About me • Nadav Wiener (@nadavwr) • Senior Consultant & Architect @ AlphaCSP • Following Scala since 2007
  • 3. Agenda Akka The problem with locks Actors & message passing High availability & remoting STM & Transactors
  • 4. What is Akka? • A actor-based concurrency framework • Provides solutions for non blocking concurrency • Written in Scala, also works in Java • Open source (APL) • Now releasing 1.0 after 2 years in development • Lead developer and founder: Jonas Boner • JRockit, AspectWerkz, AspectJ, Terracotta
  • 6. You may also remember… 6
  • 8. Ignorance Is a Bliss If (account1.getBalance() > amount) { account1.withdraw(amount) account2.deposit(amount) } Sewing on a button © Dvortygirl, 17 February 2008. 8
  • 9. Not an option if you plan on having business
  • 10. So You Use Threads Coloured Thread © Philippa Willitts, 24 April 2008. 10
  • 11. But Without Synchronization You Get Unpredictable Behavior 11
  • 12. Lock based concurrency requires us to constantly second guess our code 12
  • 13. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. “ – Albert Einstein 13
  • 14. People Are Bad At Thinking Parallel 14
  • 15. So you synchronize With locks? 15
  • 16. locking 16
  • 17. Blocking 17
  • 18. Lock too little Lock too much 18
  • 21. Must Think Globally: Lock ordering Contention Everybody’s code 22
  • 23. Keep those cores busy! Cores aren’t getting faster Default thread stack size on AMD64 = 1MB! Context switching hurts throughput
  • 24. 25
  • 27. Excerpt from "Hello World" in SPL Romeo, a young man with a remarkable patience. Juliet, a likewise young woman of remarkable grace. Scene II: The praising of Juliet. [Enter Juliet] Romeo: Thou art as sweet as the sum of the sum of Hamlet and his horse and his black cat! Speak thy mind! [Exit Juliet]
  • 28. Actors have nothing to do with the Shakespeare Programming Language
  • 29. Actors • Each actor has a message queue • Actors accept and choose what to do with messages • Lightweight & asynchronous
  • 30. Actors • Each actor has a message queue • Actors accept and choose what to do with messages • Lightweight & asynchronous
  • 31. Actors • Each actor has a message queue • Actors accept and choose what to do with messages • Lightweight & asynchronous
  • 32. Actors • Each actor has a message queue • Actors accept and choose what to do with messages • Lightweight & asynchronous
  • 33. Actors • Each actor has a message queue • Actors accept and choose what to do with messages • Lightweight & asynchronous
  • 34. Actors • Each actor has a message queue • Actors accept and choose what to do with messages • Lightweight & asynchronous
  • 35. Actors ~4 threads 4 cores • Actors tend to remain bound to a single thread • Actors rarely block, thread can remain active for a Actors long duration • Minimizes context switches – throughput X millions • Akka actors occupy 650 bytes
  • 36. Benchmark • Several actor implementations for Scala – Akka is considered the fastest
  • 37. Akka Actors // Java // Scala public class GreetingActor extends class GreetingActor extends Actor { UntypedActor { private var counter = 0 private int counter = 0; def receive = { public void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception { case message => { counter++; counter += 1 // 1) Hello, Juliet // 1) Hello, Juliet log.info( log.info( counter + ") Hello, " + message); counter + ") Hello, " + message) } } } } }
  • 38. Akka Actors // Java // Scala ActorRef Romeo = val greetingActor = actorOf(GreetingActor.class).start(); actorOf[GreetingActor].start greetingActor.sendOneWay("Juliet"); greetingActor ! "Juliet“ // 1) Hello, Juliet // 1) Hello, Juliet
  • 39. Akka Actors • Once instantiated, actors can be retrieved by id or uuid • uuid - generated by runtime, immutable, unique • id - user assigned, by default that's the class name class Romeo extend GreetingActor { self.id = "Romeo" } actorOf[Romeo].start val romeo = actorsFor("Romeo").head romeo ! "Juliet"
  • 41. Message Passing • Let's build a bank with one actor per account, We’ll be able to : • Check our balance • Deposit money • Withdraw money, but only if we have it (balance remains >= 0) • We'll start by defining immutable message types: case class CheckBalance() case class Deposit(amount: Int) case class Withdraw(amount: Int)
  • 42. Message Passing class BankAccount(private var balance: Int = 0) extends Actor { def receive = { // … case CheckBalance => self.reply_?(balance) // … } }
  • 43. Message Passing class BankAccount(private var balance: Int = 0) extends Actor { def receive = { // … case Deposit(amount) => balance += amount // … } }
  • 44. Message Passing class BankAccount(private var balance: Int = 0) extends Actor { def receive = { // … case Withdraw(amount) => balance = (balance - amount) ensuring (_ >= 0) // … } }
  • 45. Message Passing • Now let’s make a deposit: val account = actorOf[BankAccount].start account ! Deposit(100) • But how do we check the account balance?
  • 46. Bang! Bang Bang! • actorRef ! message - fire and forget • actorRef !! message - send and block (optional timeout) for response • actorRef !!! message - send, reply using future ...Jones Boner promised to stop at "!!!" Java equivalents: • ! = sendOneWay • !! = sendRequestReply • !!! = sendRequestReplyFuture
  • 47. Getting Account Balance val balance = (account !! CheckBalance) match { // do stuff with result } // or: val balanceFuture = account !!! CheckBalance // does not block // ... go do some other stuff ... later: val balance = balanceFuture.await.result match { // do stuff with result }
  • 49. Too Big to Fail 51
  • 51. The harder they fall 53
  • 52. 54
  • 54. Supervision Hierarchies Supervisors: Kind of actors Fault Handling Strategy: One for One or All for One Lifecycle: Permanent or Temporary
  • 56. One for One All for One, Permanent One for One, Chat Room, Temporary Permanent Romeo, Juliet, Permanent Permanent 59
  • 57. One for One All for One, Permanent One for One, Chat Room, Temporary Permanent Romeo, Juliet, Permanent Permanent 60
  • 58. One for One All for One, Permanent One for One, Chat Room, Temporary Permanent Romeo, Juliet, Permanent Permanent 61
  • 59. One for One All for One, Permanent One for One, Chat Room, Temporary Permanent Romeo, Juliet, Permanent Permanent 62
  • 60. One for One All for One, Permanent One for One, Chat Room, Temporary Permanent Romeo, Juliet, Permanent Permanent 63
  • 62. All for One All For One, Permanent One for One, Chat Room, Permanent Permanent Romeo, Juliet, Temporary Temporary 67
  • 63. All for One All For One, Permanent One for One, Chat Room, Permanent Permanent Romeo, Juliet, Temporary Temporary 68
  • 64. All for One All For One, Permanent One for One, Chat Room, Permanent Permanent Romeo, Juliet, Temporary Temporary 69
  • 65. All for One All For One, Permanent One for One, Chat Room, Permanent Permanent Romeo, Juliet, Temporary Temporary 70
  • 66. All for One All For One, Permanent One for One, Chat Room, Permanent Permanent Romeo, Juliet, Temporary Temporary 71
  • 67. All for One All For One, Permanent One for One, Chat Room, Permanent Permanent Romeo, Juliet, Temporary Temporary 72
  • 68. Supervision, Remoting & HA val supervisor = Supervisor(SupervisorConfig( AllForOneStrategy( List(classOf[Exception]), 3, 1000), List(Supervise(actorOf[ChatServer], Permanent), Supervise(actorOf[ChatServer], Permanent, RemoteAddess("host1", 9000)) ) ))
  • 69. High Availability • You can’t have a highly available system on a single computer • Luckily Akka supports near-seamless remote actors
  • 70. High Availability • Server managed remote actors: // on host1 RemoteNode.start("host1", 9000) // register an actor RemoteNode.register(“romeo", actorOf[GreetingActor]) // on host2 val romeo = RemoteClient.actorFor(“romeo", "host1", 9000) romero ! “juliet" • RemoteClient handles the connection lifecycle for us • Clients can also manage server actors, but enabling this might pose a security risk
  • 71. Actor model – a life choice?
  • 72. High scalability Assumes state travels Hgh availability along the message Fast flow Etc… Hostile towards shared state. Minds not easily rewired for this!
  • 75. Rich Hickey (Clojure) Persistent Data Structures
  • 76. Persistent Data Structures • Share common immutable structure and data • Copy-on-write semantics: val prices = TransactionalMap[String, Double] atomic { prices += ("hamburger" -> 20.0) } • When “modified”, minimal changes to structure are made to accommodate new data © Rich Hickey 2009
  • 77. How many people seated in the audience?
  • 78. If I started counting, by the time I finished… 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …
  • 79. …the room would be empty
  • 81. Transactors class BankAccount extends Transactor { private val balanceRef = Ref(0) def atomically = { // ... case CheckBalance => self reply_? balance.get // ... } }
  • 82. Transactors class BankAccount extends Transactor { private val balanceRef = Ref(0) def atomically = { // ... case Deposit(amount) => balance alter (_ + amount) // ... } }
  • 83. Transactors class BankAccount extends Transactor { private val balanceRef = Ref(0) def atomically = { // ... case Withdraw(amount) => balance alter (_ - amount) ensuring (_.get >= 0) // ... } }
  • 84. Transactors Performing a money transfer transactionally: val tx = Coordinated() val fromBalance = (from !! tx(CheckBalance())) match { balance: Int => balance } if (fromBalance >= 50) { from ! tx(Withdraw(50)) to ! tx(Deposit(50)) }
  • 85. Coordinated Transactions class Bank extends Actor { private val accounts = TransactionalVector[BankAccount] def receive = { // ... case tx @ Coordinated(Join) => { tx atomic { accounts += self.sender.get } } // ... }
  • 86. Coordinated Transactions class Bank extends Actor { private val accounts = TransactionalVector[BankAccount] def receive = { // ... case tx @ Coordinated(Sum) => { val futures = for (account <- accounts) yield account !!! tx(CheckBalance) val allTheMoney = futures map (_.await.result) sum self reply_? allTheMoney } // ... } …and then: println (myBank !! Coordinated(Sum))
  • 94. Typed Actors in Java • In Java we will usually avoid “untyped” actors, and use POJOs instead: interface BankAccount { Future<Integer> balance(); void deposit(int amount); void withdraw(int amount); } class BankAccountImpl extends TypedActor implements BankAccount { // Almost a regular POJO public Future<Integer> balance() { return future(balance); } // ... }