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Active Citizen of the Open Learning
 Environments (AKTIIVI) is an ESF-funded
development program coordinated by the
Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture.


• Projects and their workers getting funding from the same development
  program (15 projects, 2 starting)
• Control group and financier of the whole program
• Through projects education, free educational work, adult education,
  library, culture actions and staff of these, civic organization and area’s
  working life organizations
• Broad target group, which different projects can be divided in four groups:
    – Library projects
    – Museum projects
    – Projects that develop citizens skills of information technology
    – Projects that support learning and teaching


• Promote networking and
• Refine and disseminate best
  practices and methods
• Predict, research and
  evaluate achievement of
  goals of the development


Networking and coordination in the
   development program
•   Networks that are developed between
•   Dissemination of information and best
    practices, learning together
•   Effective communication
•   Developing business models
•   Via research and development methods
    common visions and experiences are
    collected to information that can be
•   Methods and tools for versatile
    communication through projects:
    development of own project, avoiding
    overlapping actions, dissemination of
    produced information of own project for
    other projects to be exploited


Open Learning Environments

• Produced examples of functional open learning environments in
  which: information is shared, new information is built, is reflected,
  already learned is taken to use for own needs
• Has built confidential networks, in which is adventured to
  collaboration and for new challenges with new different factors
• Openness encourages to dissemination and changing of resources,
  contents and experiences
• Continuous lifelong learning is possible, when the resources of
  learning are available for everybody regardless of residence and


Active citizenship

• New tools and operation model for use in organizations, continuous
  support and analysis of changing process as individual and
  community level
• Analyzed information and sensations of people: promoting the
  process in a common importance field’s framework to a desired
  direction, when factors will be activated
• Open occasions and events for everybody
• Open network education for everybody




Creating together
                        `xw|t tÇw ZÉâÜÅxà yÉÉw
   Tietotaitotalkoot is a collaborative 12-hour workshop, where your
    community or organisation can work together to create a media
publication of your choice (video, audio, Internet site, web or print). The
workshop also includes cooking a delicious meal! Our instructors bring
     the necessary equipment and materials for the entire process.



http://avaramuseo.blogspot.com/, pauliina.kinanen@museoliitto.fi


“Getting netted” http://verkkohaltuun.wordpress.com/, paivi.jokitalo@seamk.fi


Lähellä kaupungissa/Near In the City

  http://users.utu.fi/vijoke/blogi/, virpi.hirvesalo@utu.fi


Sápmi Miehtá: Virtual Developmental and Learning
     Environment of Sámi Language and Culture






• http://ttstyt.wordpress.com/
• teemu.rauhala@uta.fi

Open Zone – Towards a multicultural library
• http://www.turkuamk.fi/public/default.aspx?contentid=117792
• leena.aaltonen@turkuamk.fi

Kiravo - the library as open learning environment
• http://kiravo.kirjastot.fi/
• anne.ojanpera@hel.fi


AVO – Open Networks for Learning
• http://www.eoppimiskeskus.fi/avo
• tiina.front-tammivirta@eoppimiskeskus.fi

AYVOT – Open communal and virtual learning environment
• http://www.amk.fi/avoinyhteisollinenvirtuaalinenoppimisymparis
• marja.rautajoki@amk.fi

• minttu.raty@laurea.fi

More Related Content

AKTIIVI in english 2011

  • 2. Active Citizen of the Open Learning Environments (AKTIIVI) is an ESF-funded development program coordinated by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture.
  • 3. TARGET GROUPS • Projects and their workers getting funding from the same development program (15 projects, 2 starting) • Control group and financier of the whole program • Through projects education, free educational work, adult education, library, culture actions and staff of these, civic organization and area’s working life organizations • Broad target group, which different projects can be divided in four groups: – Library projects – Museum projects – Projects that develop citizens skills of information technology – Projects that support learning and teaching
  • 4. GOALS • Promote networking and collaboration • Refine and disseminate best practices and methods • Predict, research and evaluate achievement of goals of the development program
  • 5. RESULTS 1/3 Networking and coordination in the development program • Networks that are developed between projects • Dissemination of information and best practices, learning together • Effective communication • Developing business models • Via research and development methods common visions and experiences are collected to information that can be exploited • Methods and tools for versatile communication through projects: development of own project, avoiding overlapping actions, dissemination of produced information of own project for other projects to be exploited
  • 6. RESULTS 2/3 Open Learning Environments • Produced examples of functional open learning environments in which: information is shared, new information is built, is reflected, already learned is taken to use for own needs • Has built confidential networks, in which is adventured to collaboration and for new challenges with new different factors • Openness encourages to dissemination and changing of resources, contents and experiences • Continuous lifelong learning is possible, when the resources of learning are available for everybody regardless of residence and property
  • 7. RESULTS 3/3 Active citizenship • New tools and operation model for use in organizations, continuous support and analysis of changing process as individual and community level • Analyzed information and sensations of people: promoting the process in a common importance field’s framework to a desired direction, when factors will be activated • Open occasions and events for everybody • Open network education for everybody
  • 9. Creating together `xw|t tÇw ZÉâÜÅxà yÉÉw Tietotaitotalkoot is a collaborative 12-hour workshop, where your community or organisation can work together to create a media publication of your choice (video, audio, Internet site, web or print). The workshop also includes cooking a delicious meal! Our instructors bring the necessary equipment and materials for the entire process. http://www.tietotaitotalkoot.fi/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2qhFJRMtt8
  • 12. Lähellä kaupungissa/Near In the City http://users.utu.fi/vijoke/blogi/, virpi.hirvesalo@utu.fi
  • 13. Sápmi Miehtá: Virtual Developmental and Learning Environment of Sámi Language and Culture www.sogsakk.fi/virtuaalikoulu http://sapmimiehta.wordpress.com/ eeva-liisa.rasmus@sogsakk.fi
  • 14. Mobiilisti/MobiLearn http://www.mobiilisti.com/ jaana.nuuttila@hamk.fi
  • 15. • http://ttstyt.wordpress.com/ • teemu.rauhala@uta.fi Open Zone – Towards a multicultural library • http://www.turkuamk.fi/public/default.aspx?contentid=117792 • leena.aaltonen@turkuamk.fi Kiravo - the library as open learning environment • http://kiravo.kirjastot.fi/ • anne.ojanpera@hel.fi
  • 16. AVO – Open Networks for Learning • http://www.eoppimiskeskus.fi/avo • tiina.front-tammivirta@eoppimiskeskus.fi AYVOT – Open communal and virtual learning environment • http://www.amk.fi/avoinyhteisollinenvirtuaalinenoppimisymparis to-ayvot.html • marja.rautajoki@amk.fi AISTIEN • minttu.raty@laurea.fi