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            A First Glance Comparison of Next and New
                  Generation Network Approaches
                       Antonio Marcos Alberti, Tania Regina Tronco and Christian Esteve Rothenberg

 Abstract— ext Generation etworks ( xG ), as pursued by                    ITU-T      (International    Telecommunication      Union     -
international standards development organizations, represent the           Telecommunication Standardization Sector), 3GPP (3rd
telecommunication operator approach to provide convergent                  Generation          Partnership),       ETSI         (European
multimedia experience for their users with improved support for
                                                                           Telecommunications Standards Institute) and, to a less extend,
mobility and unfettered service access. In contrast, research
efforts in so-called ew Generation etworks ( wG ), such as                 the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). A key challenge
the Japanese project Akari and the European Future Internet                has been releasing an overarching set of standards that enables
initiatives, are part of an exciting trend towards re-architecting         new business opportunities while guaranteeing global
the Internet. Despite the enormous interest regarding both lines           interoperability. At the heart of the NGN, sits 3GPP´s original
of work, few comparisons between their design approaches have              IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) [3], which was embraced by
been discussed in the literature. This paper provides a first              ETSI and ITU-T as the common control architecture.
glance comparison between key aspects of both proposals.
                                                                              On another research track, we can refer to New Generation
  Index Terms— G , wG , Future Internet, IP networks                       Networks (NwGN)1 as a generalization of the series of new
                                                                           Internet architecture proposals being pursued by research
                       I. INTRODUCTION                                     projects aiming at re-thinking the TCP/IP suite and re-
                                                                           engineering the Internet to address current and future
T      he Next Generation Network (NGN, NxGN) is an IP -
     based    carrier-grade   telecommunications
providing QoS-enabled services via diverse types of
                                                                           requirements. There is an increasing level of concern and
                                                                           discussion in the networking research community as how long
                                                                           it will be possible to do incremental changes based on
broadband access technologies. Altogether, the NGN
                                                                           extending (i.e., patching) today´s IP-based networks and how
establishes an architectural framework in which service-
                                                                           to create a global-scale ubiquitous network foundation to
related functions are independent from transport technologies,
                                                                           solve societal and economic challenges in the future.
as shown in Fig. 1. Since 2001, the NGN has been studied and
                                                                              Being an evolutionary approach and having its original
standardized by several international organizations such as
                                                                           principles eroded (cf. end-to-end argument), current IP
                                                                           networks suffer with lack of mobility, loss of transparency,
                                                                           scalability issues, protocol incompatibility, security issues,
                                                                           and all in all, protocols taking roles for which they were not
                                                                           originally designed.
                                                                              Future Internet research projects are popping up
                                                                           everywhere resulting in new architecture designs and
                                                                           protocols. In Europe, research activities are mainly carried
                                                                           under the multi-year continent-wide Framework Programme
                                                                           (FP), which covers a wide range of subjects, from ICT to
                                                                           energy, nanotechnology, health, and so on. The current
                                                                           programme is the seventh (FP7), started in January 2007 and
                                                                           will expire in 2013. In Japan, the Akari project [5] –
                                                                           sponsored by the National Institute of Information and
                          Fig.1. G structure.                              Communications Technology (NICT) – has a working group
                                                                           for the development of a new network architecture following a
   Manuscript received May, 15, 2010. This work was supported in part by   clean-slate approach in what they call a NeW Generation
FUNTTEL        (Funding   for    Technological    Development   of   the
Telecommunications) - Ministry of Communications, Brazil.                  Network (NWGN) by 2015 [1]. In the US, the National
      Antonio Marcos Alberti is with the Instituto Nacional de             Science Foundation (NSF) has been actively funding projects
Telecomunicações (INATEL), Av. João de Camargo 510, Santa Rita do          within the Future Internet Design (FIND) framework, where
Sapucaí, Minas Gerais, Brazil, CEP 37540-000 alberti@inatel.br.
      Tania Regina Tronco is with the CPqD Foundation, Brazil,
      Christian Esteve Rothenberg is with CPqD and the University of          1
                                                                                To our best knowledgement, the acronyms NwGN and NxGN were firstly
Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, chesteve@dca.fee.unicamp.br.
                                                                           addressed by Tomonori Aoyama [1].

clean-slate thinking has been a major topic.
   The main contribution of this paper is to give a first glance
analysis over a potential NxGN and NwGN coexistence. To
achieve this goal, we present key architectural and functional
aspects of the NxGN in Section II, and those of the NwGN in
Section III. In Section IV, we compare the adopted designs in
NxGN and NwGN. Finally, in Section V, we outline our

   The main characteristic of the NGN is the separation of
services and transport functions in two strata. This separation
allows services being developed and offered by different
players. Transport functions are based on IP packet switching
as well as other technologies capable to transport IP
datagrams. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) proxies are used                   Fig. 2. G – ITU-T Standard. Source: [2]
to control sessions at the service stratum.
                                                                      The “Transport Control Functions” are divided in two
   Moreover, the service layer division in: control plane,
                                                                   blocks: RACF (Resource and Admission Control Function)
management plane, and user plane enables the creation and
                                                                   and NACF (Network Attachment Control Function), as shown
execution of services independently from the transport
                                                                   in Figure 2. The RACF interacts with the “Transport
delivery functions. Services can be created synergistically
                                                                   Functions” to control QoS, traffic and security at network
composed by reusing service stratum common functional
                                                                   elements, such as routers, switches, gateways, firewalls, etc.
entities. Service invocation depends on SIP signaling to route,
                                                                   Admission control involves verifying authorization based on
negotiate capabilities, and establish communication to
                                                                   user profiles, SLA (Service Level Agreement), operator rules,
multimedia application servers.
                                                                   service priority and resource availability in core and access
   Similarly, the transport layer division in: control plane,
                                                                   segments. The RACF acts as an arbitrator in the negotiation
management plane, and user plane enables to establish end-to-
                                                                   and allocation of resources between the “Service Control
end connections with security and QoS guarantees, following
                                                                   Functions” and the “Transport Functions.” RACF interacts
a tight control over the network resources. In addition, open
                                                                   with SIP proxies at the service stratum to provide adequate
interfaces between the transport layer and access layer, enable
                                                                   transportation of traffic flows established by SIP sessions, and
various access network technologies (e.g., xDSL) being
                                                                   it interacts with NACF to access transport-related user
combined with the core transport technologies (e.g., MPLS).
   A. G - ITU-T Standard                                              The NACF provides network access initialization and boot
   NGN-ITU-T standardization work is developed under the           functions for end user equipment, providing identification and
NGN GSI (Global Standardization Initiative). Figure 2              authentication at the network level, and management of the IP
illustrates the NGN-GSI architecture standardized in               address space among others. It also advertises NGN service
Recommendation Y.2012, “Functional Requirements and                and application contact points. Finally, the NACF provides
architecture of the NGN” [2]. The UNI (User-Network                functionality for location management.
Interface), NNI (Network-Network Interface) and ANI                   The “Service Stratum” consists of “Service Control
(Application to Network Interface) are the main points of          Functions”, “Application and Service Support Functions” and
reference of the NGN, which can be mapped to physical              “Service User Profiles”. The “Service Control Functions” are
interfaces depending on the technologies used in the               componentized, i.e., new service control components can be
implementation.                                                    implemented in future releases and deployed to provide new
   The “Transport Functions” provide connectivity to all           functionality. For example, NGN-GSI supports the IMS (IP
components in NGN, i.e., provide the media transference as         Multimedia Subsystem) as a service control component.
well as control and management information, controlled             “Service Control Functions” include gateway controllers and
directly by the “Transport Control Functions” based on             SIP proxies (very similar to IMS – see item B), signaling
information from the “Transport User Profiles.” “Transport         interworking      functions,    service    authentication    and
Functions” provide support not only for QoS control and            authorization functions, media resource control and media
traffic management, but also for security and NAPT (Network        broker functions. The “Application and Service Support
Address and Port Translation) functions. Various mechanisms        Functions” include application gateways and servers. The
are supported, such as policing, admission control, firewall       application gateways provide third-party applications access
control, packet filtering, network selection, MGs (Media           to exposed NGN capabilities through the ANI. Application
Gateways), SGs (Signaling Gateways), etc.                          servers implement SIP or OSA/Parlay (Open Service Access)
                                                                   and can invoke NGN services by means of contacting the SIP

S-CSC-FE (Serving Call Session Control Functional Entity).         profile (including the registered services) and the currently
   The NGN-GSI approach follows a (session-based)                  allocated S-CSCF (Serving-CSCF).
connection-oriented service stratum (SIP and TCP are                  The CSCF (Call/Session Control Function) process the SIP
connection-oriented) over a connection-less IP routing             signaling via its three functional instances:
infrastructure. Hence, SIP message routing creates an overlay           • P-CSCF (Proxy-CSCF);
over IP routing. Every service depends on SIP proxies and               • I-CSCF (Interrogating-CSCF);
session establishment, even the traditional message services,           • S-CSCF (Serving-CSCF).
such as SMS (Short Message Service). After session
establishment, the RTP (Real-Time Protocol) is used to
control the traffic delivery over IP (e.g., VoIP). At the
transport stratum, the RACF aims at providing adequate
resources for every established traffic flow. A resource
reservation request is typically captured from an event at the
service stratum or directly sent by a SIP proxy. The RACF
translates NGN QoS requirements to technology-dependent
QoS requirements and queries the involved access and core
network elements regarding resource availability. The RACF
then decides if a new session can be accepted or not.
   The NGN-GSI enables support for dynamic QoS. The users
define their needs to the network through SLA. The service
provider offers a service based on the QoS specifications of
the contract. The user can also evaluate the QoE (Quality of
Experience) received. Adjustments are reassessed and                                       Fig.3. IMS Functions.
renegotiated with the provider based on the previous results.                   (Source : Funicelli, V. B. - NGN and IMS II)

   Management of user profile information is especially               Acting as a SIP proxy server, the P-CSCF is the first
noteworthy in NGN-GSI, since such profiles are required to         contact point between the IMS terminal and the network. The
implement a number of capabilities, including user, service        I-CSCF is a SIP proxy located at the edge of the network and
and application authentication, authorization, mobility,           acts as the entrance proxy for requests originated outside a
location and recovery. The user profile includes information       local IMS network. The S-CSCF is responsible for routing
related to access networks, subscribed services, identity,         SIP messages to complete the service establishment e.g.,
presence, preferences and personal information. Mobility is        relying the messages to the Application Servers or to the
supported by specific functional entities enabling user and        session breakout gateways toward the destination IMS domain
terminal mobility. NGN-GSI aims to support the so-called           or PSTN. The S-CSCF interacts with the HSS via the
generalized mobility.                                              Diameter protocol to authenticate and obtain the user profile.
  B. G – IMS Standard                                              Similar to the RACF, the IMS defines a PDF (Policy Decision
   IMS emerged with the goal of integrating traditional mobile     Function) to translate the requirements of SLA parameters to
services and the Internet. The IMS was originally specified by     the IP network and the underlying link layer technologies.
3GPP, and like ITU-T, it does not standardize equipments or        The BGCF (Breakout Gateway Control Function) is used for
end applications but a collection of functions linked by           sessions that are initiated by an IMS terminal and terminate in
standard interfaces. Manufacturers are free to combine             the PSTN (Public Switched Telephony Network). The BGCF
multiple functions in one device or to split a function into two   decides whether the translation of messages to the PSTN will
or more physical devices. IMS consists basically of a service      occur into the existing network or if messages should be sent
control layer based on SIP and a packet network based on IP        to other IP network. The MG (Media Gateway) provides
technology and IETF protocols. IMS supports a diversity of         interfaces the circuit-switched network at the data plane,
access networks, including GSM (Global System for Mobile           allowing the IMS to handle legacy PSTN traffic. For this, it
Communications), WLAN (Wireless Local Area Networks),              translates media TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) to
3G and DSL (Digital Subscriber Line). IMS service control is       RTP/UDP/IP packets based on the instructions received from
exposed to third-party applications by means of application        the MGCF (Media Gateway Control Function).
gateways, which are based on SIP or OSA/Parlay. Such
approach provides an interface similar to NGN-GSI ANI.                           III. NEW GENERATION NETWORK
   Figure 3 shows an overview of the IMS architecture as             Requirements for the global communication infrastructure
defined by 3GPP [2]. The IMS terminal is usually called User       known as the Internet have changed considerably since its
Equipment (UE). The HSS (Home Subscriber Servers) is the           conception in the end of the seventies. At that time, there were
central repository of information related to users, such as        only hundreds of hosts connected to ARPANET (Advanced
location, security (authentication and authorization), user        Research Projects Agency Network). Nowadays, this number

has increased significantly to more than 500 million [4] and it     servers delivering the data. This line of thought is remarkably
is expected to increase even more. The notion of pervasive          being pursued by Internet pioneer Van Jacobson and the
computing is expected to become part of people's daily lives        Content-Centric Networking (CCN) approach [9]. Similarly,
through a myriad of sensors and mobile devices, enabling new        service-centrism can be referred as the capability of handling
electronic services such as e-health, remote medical care,          services themselves as addressable entities in the architecture,
environmental monitoring, e-government, social networking,          pushing the principles behind Service-Oriented Architectures
etc. Moreover, universal access to information and                  (SOA) to be at the core of future inter-networking.
communication should be provided “anywhere/anytime”.                Autonomic networking is the so-sought attribute that could
   In this sense, there are some network attributes that are        minimize human activity in network operation. It is inspired in
being considered key features for the Future Internet (FI)          autonomic systems and computing. The idea is to design
architectures, including:                                           networks capable to self-manage, self-control, self-optimize,
       • Mobility and Ubiquity;                                     self-configure, self-heal, etc., generically speaking, networks
       • Capacity, Reliability and Availability;                    with self-* properties.
       • Security and Privacy;
       • Generality;                                                                       IV. DISCUSSION
       • Real-Virtual Worlds Integration;                              The features and approaches presented above are neither
       • Content/Information-Centrism;                              exhaustive not definitive, especially as many are still evolving
       • Service-Centrism;                                          and very much in its early stages. However, we belief they
       • Autonomic Networking.                                      provide a basis to start a discussion on how they are being
                                                                    approached among different projects and potentially delivered
   Mobility and Ubiquity refer to anywhere/anytime                  by the telecom NGN proposal. The essence of this discussion
communications wherever/whenever a person (or an object)            can be found in Table 1, where the approaches of NxGN and
is. Capacity, reliability, availability refer to network features   NwGN are compared side by side. Considering the mobility
to provide the services required by the users and, security and     and ubiquity aspects, we found that mobility in NxGN,
privacy refer to safety in using the network. Generality is to      specifically in IMS standard, is based on SIP mobility
provide means to use generically network substrate                  capabilities and by IP anchor points in the transport stratum
(hardware) resources, such as transport, storage and                (e.g., GGSN) and IETF Mobile IP extensions. In NwGN,
processing capabilities. This can be implemented by means of        there are several new proposals mostly around the
virtualization techniques that create an abstraction layer          identifier/locator split such as LISP [6] and Six/One [7] that
between hardware substrate resources and software network           provide network mobility and multi-homing, i.e., multiple
entities yielding a flexible, resource efficient and customizable   attachment points to the network to provide more reliability,
network substrate. It enables the support not only of virtual       redundancy, load balancing, etc. Mobility in NGN-GSI is
machines and distributed applications, but also virtual nodes       supported by T-13: TLM-FE (Transport Location
(routers) and networks (slices). Network virtualization is a hot    Management Functional Entity) as described in ITU-T
topic in current FI designs, whereas cloud computing today is       Recommendation Y.2012 [2]. This function creates a mapping
limited to the virtualization of computing resources.               table between terminal IP address and network location
   Real-virtual world integration aims at contextualizing real      information at NACF. Therefore, it is well-suited to decouple
world information to enhance virtual world services and             the identity from location.
applications. Real world information can be obtained by                IMS and NGN-GSI depends on IP, SIP and other functional
NEDs (Network Enabled Devices), such as sensor nodes,               entities scalability to deal with a large number of NEDs.
RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) tags, etc. Several            NAPT hugely decreases traceability in IP NEDs. In NwGN
authors expect a vast amount (billions) of NEDs in FI. Real         NEDs connectivity, traceability, security, addressing and
world information like temperature, pressure and presence           information contextualization are being rethought.
will become available to the web to contextualized use. For            NxGN is a managed environment with tight user ID control
example, an application could help users to check if their cars     and relies on IPsec for data plane security while NwGN
have gas or not. Although each NED generates little traffic, a      explores new paradigms. The first one is the establishment of
myriad of them can generate significant traffic. NEDs with          trusted relations among users and network entities. The
Internet access form what is being called Internet of Things.       second one is called consented communications, where
   Content/Information-centrism [9,10] means the ability to         information is transferred to receiver only if it agrees. Another
handle content/information itself as a first-class citizen in the   paradigm change is securing information itself, instead of
architecture. While current IP networks were designed to            connections, since users are ultimately interested in timely,
solve end-to-end host connectivity, i.e., host-centrism,            authentic information delivery (cf. [9.10]).
information-centric networks offer new network primitives              With respect to generality, separation of upper layer
(e.g., publish/subscribe) to request information and service        services from transport technologies is a common (recursive)
access independently from the specific network locators of the      topic in any network technology. NGN follows this rationale

since its conception to move beyond traditional, vertically                          [8]  The Future of the Internet, “A Compendium of European Projects on
                                                                                          ICT Research Supported by the EU 7th Framework Programme for
integrated networks to modular, multi-service networks based                              RTD”, 2008.
on softswitches (i.e., CSCF) that uncouple signaling from user                       [9] Jacobson, V., Smetters. D., Thornton, J., Plass, M., Briggs, N. and
data transport. The NxGN transport stratum service awareness                              Braynard, R.. “Networking Named Content”, CoNEXT 2009, December
                                                                                          2009, Rome.
depends on SIP proxies, gateway controllers and RACF. In
                                                                                     [10] Trossen, D., Särelä, M., and Sollins, K., “Arguments for an Information-
NwGN, separation of routing from forwarding is a common                                   Centric Internetworking Architecture”, ACM CCR, April 2010.
thread. Resembling NGN softswitches, software-defined                                [11] OpenFlow, http://www.openflowswitch.org/. Accessed 29 June 2010.
networks (cf. OpenFlow [11]) represent a promising approach                                                                 TABLE I
to pragmatically evolve the network control plane, enabling                                                    COMPARISO BETWEE    XG A D WG .
rapid innovation cycles and the emergence of virtual
networks. Information-centric approaches could also take                                                    G -GSI and IMS                   wG (Future Internet)
                                                                                                          SIP-based. Suffers with IP
advantage of virtualization to enable new ways of content
                                                                                                          limitations regarding            Mobility support based on
access and distribution. In NxGN, where standard IP stack                                                 mobility. IMS also relays on     ID/Loc and Information/Loc
protocols are used, SIP proxies create a centralized service-                                             cellular networks mobility       splitting. Protocol examples are

centric approach. In contrast, NwGN FI architectures adopt                                                support. NGN-GSI uses an         LISP, Six/One, PSIRP [10].
                                                                                                          ID/Loc decoupling.
SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) as the starting point for
distributed service compose-ability solutions.                                                            Traceability is limited due to   Ubiquitous connectivity is
   Finally, OAM in IMS and NGN-GSI depends on SNMP                                                        the IP address space             considered as a tendency. New

(Simple Network Management Protocol) and proprietary                                                      depletion. IP ubiquity           approaches to deal with
service stratum management tools. The complexity in OAM is                                                depends on NAPT and other        traceability, context, addressing
                                                                                                          entities scalability.            and localization.
increasing. Operational staff will be more and more stressed.
Human intervention is remarkably frequent. In NwGN,                                                                                        New approaches, such as trust
autonomic approaches are being considered to create self-                                  Security       IPSec-based. Suffers with        relations, publish/subscribe
                                                                                                          traditional IP security          paradigm, securing information
managed networks, reducing human intervention, increasing                                                 limitations as well as new       objects and self-security
quality, and addressing cross-domain issues.                                                              ones related to SIP.             mechanisms.

                                                                                                          Transport resources are          Transport, processing and
                             V. CONCLUSION                                                                decoupled of service stratum.    storage virtualization.
   This paper provides a first impression on design approaches                                            Limited network                  Coexistence of different service
taken for IMS, NGN-GSI and FI. While both developments                                                    customization is provided by     aware virtual networks. E.g.

                                                                                                          RACF.                            FIA MANA, AutoI [8],
have different timing scopes, understanding their core                                                                                     Software-defined networks
divergences and their potential synergies seems to be required                                                                             (e.g., OpenFlow [11]).
in steering networking research agendas. Towards this end,
we have provided a preliminary comparison. Apparently,                                                    Support for NEDs is virtually    NEDs’ requirements are being
                                                                                                          nonexistent. Moreover, it is     considered. Information
NxGN (i) will suffer with the impact of NEDs; (ii) will have
                                                                                                          unclear to what extent the IP    contextualization, privacy and
more complex OAM, increasing OPEX; (iii) traceability and                                                 network can scale in order to    security are being redesigned.

other IP/TCP/UDP/SIP security limitations will continue                                                   support the phenomenal           E.g. FIA RWI [8].
causing trouble. NwGN constitute a never-ending set of                                                    growth predicted for NED.
promissory solutions for these limitations and others, but
                                                                                                          Information exchange             New paradigm to redesign
currently lacks on integrated proposals. Overarching and                                                  supported by traditional         network architectures from the

pragmatic research steps seem necessary to convey the                                                     protocols, such as HTTP,         information point of view, e.g.
requirements and incentives of the multiple parties.                                                      RTP, SMTP, etc. OSA/Parlay       CCN and PSIRP [9, 10].

                                                                                                          and SIP gateways and
[1]   Tomonori, A, “A New Generation Network - Beyond NGN”, ITU-T                                         SIP and its proxies are used     SOA is considered in some
      Kaleidoscope Academic Conference, May 2008.                                                         to orchestrate services.         approaches to provide service
[2]   ITU-T Recommendation Y.2012, “Functional Requirements and                                           Highly centralized approach.     compose-ability and
      architecture of the NGN”, release 1, 2006.                                                          SOA-based Service Delivery       orchestration. Distributed

[3]   http://www.3gpp.org/.                                                                               Platforms (SDP) approach.        approach. E.g. SOA4ALL, S-
[4]   Roberts, J., “The clean-slate approach to future Internet Design: a survey                          App-store paradigm.              Cube [8].
      of research initiatives”, Ann. telecommun. 64:271-276, 2009.
[5]   Akari, “New Generation Network Architecture AKARI Conceptual
                                                                                                                                           Autonomic networking could
      Design”, Project Description v1.1. http://akari-
                                                                                                          Virtually all operation          provide self-emergent behavior.
      project.nict.go.jp/eng/conceptdesign.htm. Accessed 20 April 2010.
                                                                                                          depends on proprietary           Network operation emerges as

[6]   Farinacci, D., et al. Draft-ietf-lisp-06.txt- Locator/ID Separation Protocol
      (LISP), 2010.                                                                                       management software, which       a result of distributed
[7]   Vogt, C., Draft-vogt-rrg-six-one-02 - Six/One: A Solution for Routing                               requires human interference      autonomous nodes (cf. MANA,
      and Addressing in IPv6, 2009.                                                                       in a daily basis.                AutoI, 4WARD, Akari [5, 8]).

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Alberti its 2010_13_07_10

  • 1. 1687923292 A First Glance Comparison of Next and New Generation Network Approaches Antonio Marcos Alberti, Tania Regina Tronco and Christian Esteve Rothenberg Abstract— ext Generation etworks ( xG ), as pursued by ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union - international standards development organizations, represent the Telecommunication Standardization Sector), 3GPP (3rd telecommunication operator approach to provide convergent Generation Partnership), ETSI (European multimedia experience for their users with improved support for Telecommunications Standards Institute) and, to a less extend, mobility and unfettered service access. In contrast, research efforts in so-called ew Generation etworks ( wG ), such as the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force). A key challenge the Japanese project Akari and the European Future Internet has been releasing an overarching set of standards that enables initiatives, are part of an exciting trend towards re-architecting new business opportunities while guaranteeing global the Internet. Despite the enormous interest regarding both lines interoperability. At the heart of the NGN, sits 3GPP´s original of work, few comparisons between their design approaches have IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) [3], which was embraced by been discussed in the literature. This paper provides a first ETSI and ITU-T as the common control architecture. glance comparison between key aspects of both proposals. On another research track, we can refer to New Generation Index Terms— G , wG , Future Internet, IP networks Networks (NwGN)1 as a generalization of the series of new Internet architecture proposals being pursued by research I. INTRODUCTION projects aiming at re-thinking the TCP/IP suite and re- engineering the Internet to address current and future T he Next Generation Network (NGN, NxGN) is an IP - based carrier-grade telecommunications providing QoS-enabled services via diverse types of network requirements. There is an increasing level of concern and discussion in the networking research community as how long it will be possible to do incremental changes based on broadband access technologies. Altogether, the NGN extending (i.e., patching) today´s IP-based networks and how establishes an architectural framework in which service- to create a global-scale ubiquitous network foundation to related functions are independent from transport technologies, solve societal and economic challenges in the future. as shown in Fig. 1. Since 2001, the NGN has been studied and Being an evolutionary approach and having its original standardized by several international organizations such as principles eroded (cf. end-to-end argument), current IP networks suffer with lack of mobility, loss of transparency, scalability issues, protocol incompatibility, security issues, and all in all, protocols taking roles for which they were not originally designed. Future Internet research projects are popping up everywhere resulting in new architecture designs and protocols. In Europe, research activities are mainly carried under the multi-year continent-wide Framework Programme (FP), which covers a wide range of subjects, from ICT to energy, nanotechnology, health, and so on. The current programme is the seventh (FP7), started in January 2007 and will expire in 2013. In Japan, the Akari project [5] – sponsored by the National Institute of Information and Fig.1. G structure. Communications Technology (NICT) – has a working group for the development of a new network architecture following a Manuscript received May, 15, 2010. This work was supported in part by clean-slate approach in what they call a NeW Generation FUNTTEL (Funding for Technological Development of the Telecommunications) - Ministry of Communications, Brazil. Network (NWGN) by 2015 [1]. In the US, the National Antonio Marcos Alberti is with the Instituto Nacional de Science Foundation (NSF) has been actively funding projects Telecomunicações (INATEL), Av. João de Camargo 510, Santa Rita do within the Future Internet Design (FIND) framework, where Sapucaí, Minas Gerais, Brazil, CEP 37540-000 alberti@inatel.br. Tania Regina Tronco is with the CPqD Foundation, Brazil, tania@cpqd.com.br Christian Esteve Rothenberg is with CPqD and the University of 1 To our best knowledgement, the acronyms NwGN and NxGN were firstly Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, chesteve@dca.fee.unicamp.br. addressed by Tomonori Aoyama [1].
  • 2. 1687923292 clean-slate thinking has been a major topic. The main contribution of this paper is to give a first glance analysis over a potential NxGN and NwGN coexistence. To achieve this goal, we present key architectural and functional aspects of the NxGN in Section II, and those of the NwGN in Section III. In Section IV, we compare the adopted designs in NxGN and NwGN. Finally, in Section V, we outline our conclusions. II. NEXT GENERATION NETWORKS The main characteristic of the NGN is the separation of services and transport functions in two strata. This separation allows services being developed and offered by different players. Transport functions are based on IP packet switching as well as other technologies capable to transport IP datagrams. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) proxies are used Fig. 2. G – ITU-T Standard. Source: [2] to control sessions at the service stratum. The “Transport Control Functions” are divided in two Moreover, the service layer division in: control plane, blocks: RACF (Resource and Admission Control Function) management plane, and user plane enables the creation and and NACF (Network Attachment Control Function), as shown execution of services independently from the transport in Figure 2. The RACF interacts with the “Transport delivery functions. Services can be created synergistically Functions” to control QoS, traffic and security at network composed by reusing service stratum common functional elements, such as routers, switches, gateways, firewalls, etc. entities. Service invocation depends on SIP signaling to route, Admission control involves verifying authorization based on negotiate capabilities, and establish communication to user profiles, SLA (Service Level Agreement), operator rules, multimedia application servers. service priority and resource availability in core and access Similarly, the transport layer division in: control plane, segments. The RACF acts as an arbitrator in the negotiation management plane, and user plane enables to establish end-to- and allocation of resources between the “Service Control end connections with security and QoS guarantees, following Functions” and the “Transport Functions.” RACF interacts a tight control over the network resources. In addition, open with SIP proxies at the service stratum to provide adequate interfaces between the transport layer and access layer, enable transportation of traffic flows established by SIP sessions, and various access network technologies (e.g., xDSL) being it interacts with NACF to access transport-related user combined with the core transport technologies (e.g., MPLS). profiles. A. G - ITU-T Standard The NACF provides network access initialization and boot NGN-ITU-T standardization work is developed under the functions for end user equipment, providing identification and NGN GSI (Global Standardization Initiative). Figure 2 authentication at the network level, and management of the IP illustrates the NGN-GSI architecture standardized in address space among others. It also advertises NGN service Recommendation Y.2012, “Functional Requirements and and application contact points. Finally, the NACF provides architecture of the NGN” [2]. The UNI (User-Network functionality for location management. Interface), NNI (Network-Network Interface) and ANI The “Service Stratum” consists of “Service Control (Application to Network Interface) are the main points of Functions”, “Application and Service Support Functions” and reference of the NGN, which can be mapped to physical “Service User Profiles”. The “Service Control Functions” are interfaces depending on the technologies used in the componentized, i.e., new service control components can be implementation. implemented in future releases and deployed to provide new The “Transport Functions” provide connectivity to all functionality. For example, NGN-GSI supports the IMS (IP components in NGN, i.e., provide the media transference as Multimedia Subsystem) as a service control component. well as control and management information, controlled “Service Control Functions” include gateway controllers and directly by the “Transport Control Functions” based on SIP proxies (very similar to IMS – see item B), signaling information from the “Transport User Profiles.” “Transport interworking functions, service authentication and Functions” provide support not only for QoS control and authorization functions, media resource control and media traffic management, but also for security and NAPT (Network broker functions. The “Application and Service Support Address and Port Translation) functions. Various mechanisms Functions” include application gateways and servers. The are supported, such as policing, admission control, firewall application gateways provide third-party applications access control, packet filtering, network selection, MGs (Media to exposed NGN capabilities through the ANI. Application Gateways), SGs (Signaling Gateways), etc. servers implement SIP or OSA/Parlay (Open Service Access) and can invoke NGN services by means of contacting the SIP
  • 3. 1687923292 S-CSC-FE (Serving Call Session Control Functional Entity). profile (including the registered services) and the currently The NGN-GSI approach follows a (session-based) allocated S-CSCF (Serving-CSCF). connection-oriented service stratum (SIP and TCP are The CSCF (Call/Session Control Function) process the SIP connection-oriented) over a connection-less IP routing signaling via its three functional instances: infrastructure. Hence, SIP message routing creates an overlay • P-CSCF (Proxy-CSCF); over IP routing. Every service depends on SIP proxies and • I-CSCF (Interrogating-CSCF); session establishment, even the traditional message services, • S-CSCF (Serving-CSCF). such as SMS (Short Message Service). After session establishment, the RTP (Real-Time Protocol) is used to control the traffic delivery over IP (e.g., VoIP). At the transport stratum, the RACF aims at providing adequate resources for every established traffic flow. A resource reservation request is typically captured from an event at the service stratum or directly sent by a SIP proxy. The RACF translates NGN QoS requirements to technology-dependent QoS requirements and queries the involved access and core network elements regarding resource availability. The RACF then decides if a new session can be accepted or not. The NGN-GSI enables support for dynamic QoS. The users define their needs to the network through SLA. The service provider offers a service based on the QoS specifications of the contract. The user can also evaluate the QoE (Quality of Experience) received. Adjustments are reassessed and Fig.3. IMS Functions. renegotiated with the provider based on the previous results. (Source : Funicelli, V. B. - NGN and IMS II) Management of user profile information is especially Acting as a SIP proxy server, the P-CSCF is the first noteworthy in NGN-GSI, since such profiles are required to contact point between the IMS terminal and the network. The implement a number of capabilities, including user, service I-CSCF is a SIP proxy located at the edge of the network and and application authentication, authorization, mobility, acts as the entrance proxy for requests originated outside a location and recovery. The user profile includes information local IMS network. The S-CSCF is responsible for routing related to access networks, subscribed services, identity, SIP messages to complete the service establishment e.g., presence, preferences and personal information. Mobility is relying the messages to the Application Servers or to the supported by specific functional entities enabling user and session breakout gateways toward the destination IMS domain terminal mobility. NGN-GSI aims to support the so-called or PSTN. The S-CSCF interacts with the HSS via the generalized mobility. Diameter protocol to authenticate and obtain the user profile. B. G – IMS Standard Similar to the RACF, the IMS defines a PDF (Policy Decision IMS emerged with the goal of integrating traditional mobile Function) to translate the requirements of SLA parameters to services and the Internet. The IMS was originally specified by the IP network and the underlying link layer technologies. 3GPP, and like ITU-T, it does not standardize equipments or The BGCF (Breakout Gateway Control Function) is used for end applications but a collection of functions linked by sessions that are initiated by an IMS terminal and terminate in standard interfaces. Manufacturers are free to combine the PSTN (Public Switched Telephony Network). The BGCF multiple functions in one device or to split a function into two decides whether the translation of messages to the PSTN will or more physical devices. IMS consists basically of a service occur into the existing network or if messages should be sent control layer based on SIP and a packet network based on IP to other IP network. The MG (Media Gateway) provides technology and IETF protocols. IMS supports a diversity of interfaces the circuit-switched network at the data plane, access networks, including GSM (Global System for Mobile allowing the IMS to handle legacy PSTN traffic. For this, it Communications), WLAN (Wireless Local Area Networks), translates media TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) to 3G and DSL (Digital Subscriber Line). IMS service control is RTP/UDP/IP packets based on the instructions received from exposed to third-party applications by means of application the MGCF (Media Gateway Control Function). gateways, which are based on SIP or OSA/Parlay. Such approach provides an interface similar to NGN-GSI ANI. III. NEW GENERATION NETWORK Figure 3 shows an overview of the IMS architecture as Requirements for the global communication infrastructure defined by 3GPP [2]. The IMS terminal is usually called User known as the Internet have changed considerably since its Equipment (UE). The HSS (Home Subscriber Servers) is the conception in the end of the seventies. At that time, there were central repository of information related to users, such as only hundreds of hosts connected to ARPANET (Advanced location, security (authentication and authorization), user Research Projects Agency Network). Nowadays, this number
  • 4. 1687923292 has increased significantly to more than 500 million [4] and it servers delivering the data. This line of thought is remarkably is expected to increase even more. The notion of pervasive being pursued by Internet pioneer Van Jacobson and the computing is expected to become part of people's daily lives Content-Centric Networking (CCN) approach [9]. Similarly, through a myriad of sensors and mobile devices, enabling new service-centrism can be referred as the capability of handling electronic services such as e-health, remote medical care, services themselves as addressable entities in the architecture, environmental monitoring, e-government, social networking, pushing the principles behind Service-Oriented Architectures etc. Moreover, universal access to information and (SOA) to be at the core of future inter-networking. communication should be provided “anywhere/anytime”. Autonomic networking is the so-sought attribute that could In this sense, there are some network attributes that are minimize human activity in network operation. It is inspired in being considered key features for the Future Internet (FI) autonomic systems and computing. The idea is to design architectures, including: networks capable to self-manage, self-control, self-optimize, • Mobility and Ubiquity; self-configure, self-heal, etc., generically speaking, networks • Capacity, Reliability and Availability; with self-* properties. • Security and Privacy; • Generality; IV. DISCUSSION • Real-Virtual Worlds Integration; The features and approaches presented above are neither • Content/Information-Centrism; exhaustive not definitive, especially as many are still evolving • Service-Centrism; and very much in its early stages. However, we belief they • Autonomic Networking. provide a basis to start a discussion on how they are being approached among different projects and potentially delivered Mobility and Ubiquity refer to anywhere/anytime by the telecom NGN proposal. The essence of this discussion communications wherever/whenever a person (or an object) can be found in Table 1, where the approaches of NxGN and is. Capacity, reliability, availability refer to network features NwGN are compared side by side. Considering the mobility to provide the services required by the users and, security and and ubiquity aspects, we found that mobility in NxGN, privacy refer to safety in using the network. Generality is to specifically in IMS standard, is based on SIP mobility provide means to use generically network substrate capabilities and by IP anchor points in the transport stratum (hardware) resources, such as transport, storage and (e.g., GGSN) and IETF Mobile IP extensions. In NwGN, processing capabilities. This can be implemented by means of there are several new proposals mostly around the virtualization techniques that create an abstraction layer identifier/locator split such as LISP [6] and Six/One [7] that between hardware substrate resources and software network provide network mobility and multi-homing, i.e., multiple entities yielding a flexible, resource efficient and customizable attachment points to the network to provide more reliability, network substrate. It enables the support not only of virtual redundancy, load balancing, etc. Mobility in NGN-GSI is machines and distributed applications, but also virtual nodes supported by T-13: TLM-FE (Transport Location (routers) and networks (slices). Network virtualization is a hot Management Functional Entity) as described in ITU-T topic in current FI designs, whereas cloud computing today is Recommendation Y.2012 [2]. This function creates a mapping limited to the virtualization of computing resources. table between terminal IP address and network location Real-virtual world integration aims at contextualizing real information at NACF. Therefore, it is well-suited to decouple world information to enhance virtual world services and the identity from location. applications. Real world information can be obtained by IMS and NGN-GSI depends on IP, SIP and other functional NEDs (Network Enabled Devices), such as sensor nodes, entities scalability to deal with a large number of NEDs. RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) tags, etc. Several NAPT hugely decreases traceability in IP NEDs. In NwGN authors expect a vast amount (billions) of NEDs in FI. Real NEDs connectivity, traceability, security, addressing and world information like temperature, pressure and presence information contextualization are being rethought. will become available to the web to contextualized use. For NxGN is a managed environment with tight user ID control example, an application could help users to check if their cars and relies on IPsec for data plane security while NwGN have gas or not. Although each NED generates little traffic, a explores new paradigms. The first one is the establishment of myriad of them can generate significant traffic. NEDs with trusted relations among users and network entities. The Internet access form what is being called Internet of Things. second one is called consented communications, where Content/Information-centrism [9,10] means the ability to information is transferred to receiver only if it agrees. Another handle content/information itself as a first-class citizen in the paradigm change is securing information itself, instead of architecture. While current IP networks were designed to connections, since users are ultimately interested in timely, solve end-to-end host connectivity, i.e., host-centrism, authentic information delivery (cf. [9.10]). information-centric networks offer new network primitives With respect to generality, separation of upper layer (e.g., publish/subscribe) to request information and service services from transport technologies is a common (recursive) access independently from the specific network locators of the topic in any network technology. NGN follows this rationale
  • 5. 1687923292 since its conception to move beyond traditional, vertically [8] The Future of the Internet, “A Compendium of European Projects on ICT Research Supported by the EU 7th Framework Programme for integrated networks to modular, multi-service networks based RTD”, 2008. on softswitches (i.e., CSCF) that uncouple signaling from user [9] Jacobson, V., Smetters. D., Thornton, J., Plass, M., Briggs, N. and data transport. The NxGN transport stratum service awareness Braynard, R.. “Networking Named Content”, CoNEXT 2009, December 2009, Rome. depends on SIP proxies, gateway controllers and RACF. In [10] Trossen, D., Särelä, M., and Sollins, K., “Arguments for an Information- NwGN, separation of routing from forwarding is a common Centric Internetworking Architecture”, ACM CCR, April 2010. thread. Resembling NGN softswitches, software-defined [11] OpenFlow, http://www.openflowswitch.org/. Accessed 29 June 2010. networks (cf. OpenFlow [11]) represent a promising approach TABLE I to pragmatically evolve the network control plane, enabling COMPARISO BETWEE XG A D WG . rapid innovation cycles and the emergence of virtual networks. Information-centric approaches could also take G -GSI and IMS wG (Future Internet) SIP-based. Suffers with IP advantage of virtualization to enable new ways of content limitations regarding Mobility support based on access and distribution. In NxGN, where standard IP stack mobility. IMS also relays on ID/Loc and Information/Loc protocols are used, SIP proxies create a centralized service- cellular networks mobility splitting. Protocol examples are Mobility centric approach. In contrast, NwGN FI architectures adopt support. NGN-GSI uses an LISP, Six/One, PSIRP [10]. ID/Loc decoupling. SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) as the starting point for distributed service compose-ability solutions. Traceability is limited due to Ubiquitous connectivity is Finally, OAM in IMS and NGN-GSI depends on SNMP the IP address space considered as a tendency. New Ubiquity (Simple Network Management Protocol) and proprietary depletion. IP ubiquity approaches to deal with service stratum management tools. The complexity in OAM is depends on NAPT and other traceability, context, addressing entities scalability. and localization. increasing. Operational staff will be more and more stressed. Human intervention is remarkably frequent. In NwGN, New approaches, such as trust autonomic approaches are being considered to create self- Security IPSec-based. Suffers with relations, publish/subscribe traditional IP security paradigm, securing information managed networks, reducing human intervention, increasing limitations as well as new objects and self-security quality, and addressing cross-domain issues. ones related to SIP. mechanisms. Transport resources are Transport, processing and V. CONCLUSION decoupled of service stratum. storage virtualization. This paper provides a first impression on design approaches Limited network Coexistence of different service taken for IMS, NGN-GSI and FI. While both developments customization is provided by aware virtual networks. E.g. Generality RACF. FIA MANA, AutoI [8], have different timing scopes, understanding their core Software-defined networks divergences and their potential synergies seems to be required (e.g., OpenFlow [11]). in steering networking research agendas. Towards this end, we have provided a preliminary comparison. Apparently, Support for NEDs is virtually NEDs’ requirements are being nonexistent. Moreover, it is considered. Information NxGN (i) will suffer with the impact of NEDs; (ii) will have unclear to what extent the IP contextualization, privacy and more complex OAM, increasing OPEX; (iii) traceability and network can scale in order to security are being redesigned. RVWI other IP/TCP/UDP/SIP security limitations will continue support the phenomenal E.g. FIA RWI [8]. causing trouble. NwGN constitute a never-ending set of growth predicted for NED. promissory solutions for these limitations and others, but Information exchange New paradigm to redesign currently lacks on integrated proposals. Overarching and supported by traditional network architectures from the Information- pragmatic research steps seem necessary to convey the protocols, such as HTTP, information point of view, e.g. requirements and incentives of the multiple parties. RTP, SMTP, etc. OSA/Parlay CCN and PSIRP [9, 10]. centrism and SIP gateways and servers. 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