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Rationale: Why Develop a
1. The Connecticut Department of Education (2008) ―believes that every student must
   develop strong technological skills and continually use them in order to function
   adequately in our 21st century world.‖ The state, therefore, requires each school
   district prepare a three-year technology use plan that communicates a vision as well as
   goals and objectives needed to achieve that vision.

2. A good technology use plan is, in the words of Anderson (2002). a ―proactive . . .
   catalyst‖ for change that maps a course toward achieving a shared vision—that of
   engaging all students in 21st-century learning.

   Our plan will address the needs of:
          Students
          Teachers
          Administrators
          Community members and local businesses
          Our Infrastructure
          Staff development
          Maintenance/support
          Fiscal planning
Planning Team:
Who Should be Involved?
According to the state department of education, ―High-quality
comprehensive, educational technology plans must be collaborative
and include ideas and suggestions from all members of the
educational community. These stakeholders may include: faculty, staff,
parents, students, and others. The planning process must be a shared
activity that not only involves schools and school districts, but also the
community-at-large‖ (2008).
Our Team will include:
  Teachers and administrators from each of the district’s schools
  Support staff
  A library-media specialist
  Representatives of the community
  Local business partners
  Curriculum coordinator
  Technology experts
     Technology Coordinator
     IT Technician

                           Conduct              Write a vision
  Form Committee
                        Research                 statement

  Conduct a needs
                        Write goals and        Develop a plan
                        objectives             for evaluation

             Review, revise,         Implement and
              and finalize             Evaluate
Vision Statement
   A good vision statement provides a foundation
    for the plan.
   When writing a vision statement, the
    committee should consider
     the needs and desires of stakeholders
     the skills and knowledge students need as they
      enter the workforce of the future
     the standards set by professional organizations
      such as ISTE or P21
Vision Statement
―Westbrook Public Schools continue to provide all
students with a high quality education, preparing our
students to contribute to society utilizing 21st century
technology skills. Technological competency facilitates
students’ lifelong learning and their ability to
communicate as effective and informed citizens.
Equitable access to technology helps to ensure that all
students are able to be educated, challenged, and
inspired to achieve their potential. Through technology
our students use critical thinking skills to explore diverse
perspectives, solve authentic problems, and generate
innovation ideas. Staff are provided with the resources
and professional development necessary to deliver a
working and learning environment rich with integrated
Plan Goals/Objectives
   According to John See (2002), ―Effective technology plans focus on
    applications, not technology. In other words, make your technology plan
    output based, not input based. Develop a plan that specifies what you want
    your students, staff, and administration to be able to do with technology and
    let those outcomes determine the types and amount of technology you will
   The technology use plan will articulate the district’s goals and the
    measureable objectives necessary to achieve them.
   Goals should focus on the application of technology to facilitate the district’s
   Goals will center on the following topics:
       Curriculum integration
       State and National Standards
       Accessibility
       Staff development
       Maintenance/Support
       Conducting business and connecting to our community
Goals and Objectives:
   Goal: Technology standards will be integrated
    across the curriculum
     Objective  1: By 2011, we will develop a curriculum
      template that addresses the Partnership for 21st
      Century Skills Framework.
     Objective 2: By 2013, we will integrate clearly
      articulated 21st-century skills across curricula for
      grades 9 –12 as directed by the 2011 NEASC
      Accreditation Standards.
Goals and Objectives
Goal: All teachers will use technology to facilitate
data collection and analysis.
   Objective  1: By 2011, 70% of teachers will use
    Google Docs Forms to create and administer
    quizzes and tests.
   Objective 2: By 2012, 75% of teachers will use
    class polling devices (clickers) to conduct weekly
    formative assessments and collect student
    performance data.
Goals and Objectives
Goal: All students and teachers will have
 adequate access to technology needed for
 21st century teaching, learning, and assessing.
   Objective 1: A SMART Board will be installed in
    every classroom by 2012.
   Objective 2: One laptop cart will be purchased for
    every four classrooms, K-8, by 2013.
   Objective 3: Install eight computers with wireless
    Internet acccess in each K-8 classroom by 2013.
Goals and Objectives
Additional goals might center on:
 Incentivizing teachers to learn and use new

 Providing timely and effective support for users

 Training for faculty and staff

 Maintenance and support

 Budgeting
Needs Assessment
   In order to understand the needs and technological
    proficiency of our stakeholders, the committee must
    develop a needs assessment survey.
   This needs assessment survey for faculty can serve
    as a starting point.
   The results will allow us to understand
       how resources are allocated
       how and why technology is being used
       where teachers need training
       what standards inform instruction
       what obstacles interfere with successful technology
       what unmet technology needs teachers hold
Staff Development Models
Turnley (ND), McKenzie (2001), and Cradler (2002).

    One-on-One                                   Informal
                           Open Lab
     Mentoring                                    Groups

                             Online             Growth
                            Training          Plans (PGP)

Staff Development
1.   Include a requirement for technology
     integration in professional growth plans.
2.   Provide incentives for expert users to train
     and advise other staff.
3.   Hire a technology coordinator technology
     integrationist to mentor users.
4.   Identify online training resources, such as
     those available through ISTE, and provide
     access for users.
   Before finalizing the plan, we must develop a
    means for evaluating implementation.
     Annual  needs assessment survey
     Classroom observations

     Workshop evaluations

     Interviews with faculty, students, staff, and
     Professional Growth Plans and their evaluation

     Demonstration portfolios/exhibitions

     Student assessment data
  September: Form committee and begin readings and visits
  October: Write vision statement. Develop and administer needs assessment
  November: Complete analysis of needs assessment data and begin writing goals
   and objectives
  December: Continue writing goals and objectives
  February: Complete staff development section. Review, revise, and finalize.
  March: Submit to RESC for review.
  June: File with Connecticut State Department of Education
2011-2012: Year 1
  Implement and begin evaluation
2012-2013: Year 2
  Continue Implementation and evaluation
2013-2014: Year 3
  Implementation completed. Evaluate and begin planning to write a new technology
   use plan.
Anderson, Larry, et al. “Guidebook for Developing an Effective Instructional Technology Plan.” NCTP. Revised 2002.
Connecticut State Department of Education, “Educational Technology Plan Template.” Aug 2008.
Cradler, John, et al. “Research Implications for Preparing Teachers to Use Technology.” Learning and Leading with Technology.
     September 2002.
McKenzie, Jamie. “How Teachers Learn Technology Best.” From Now On. Vol 10, No 6. March 2001.
See, John. “Developing Effective Technology Plans.” NCTP 2002.
Turnley, Melinda, “Potential Models for Teacher Technology Training,” (ND).

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  • 2. Rationale: Why Develop a Plan? 1. The Connecticut Department of Education (2008) ―believes that every student must develop strong technological skills and continually use them in order to function adequately in our 21st century world.‖ The state, therefore, requires each school district prepare a three-year technology use plan that communicates a vision as well as goals and objectives needed to achieve that vision. 2. A good technology use plan is, in the words of Anderson (2002). a ―proactive . . . catalyst‖ for change that maps a course toward achieving a shared vision—that of engaging all students in 21st-century learning.  Our plan will address the needs of:  Students  Teachers  Administrators  Community members and local businesses  Our Infrastructure  Staff development  Maintenance/support  Fiscal planning
  • 3. Planning Team: Who Should be Involved? According to the state department of education, ―High-quality comprehensive, educational technology plans must be collaborative and include ideas and suggestions from all members of the educational community. These stakeholders may include: faculty, staff, parents, students, and others. The planning process must be a shared activity that not only involves schools and school districts, but also the community-at-large‖ (2008). Our Team will include:  Teachers and administrators from each of the district’s schools  Support staff  A library-media specialist  Representatives of the community  Local business partners  Curriculum coordinator  Technology experts  Technology Coordinator  IT Technician
  • 4. Process Conduct Write a vision Form Committee Research statement Conduct a needs Write goals and Develop a plan assessment objectives for evaluation survey Review, revise, Implement and and finalize Evaluate
  • 5. Vision Statement  A good vision statement provides a foundation for the plan.  When writing a vision statement, the committee should consider  the needs and desires of stakeholders  the skills and knowledge students need as they enter the workforce of the future  the standards set by professional organizations such as ISTE or P21
  • 6. Vision Statement ―Westbrook Public Schools continue to provide all students with a high quality education, preparing our students to contribute to society utilizing 21st century technology skills. Technological competency facilitates students’ lifelong learning and their ability to communicate as effective and informed citizens. Equitable access to technology helps to ensure that all students are able to be educated, challenged, and inspired to achieve their potential. Through technology our students use critical thinking skills to explore diverse perspectives, solve authentic problems, and generate innovation ideas. Staff are provided with the resources and professional development necessary to deliver a working and learning environment rich with integrated technology.‖
  • 7. Plan Goals/Objectives  According to John See (2002), ―Effective technology plans focus on applications, not technology. In other words, make your technology plan output based, not input based. Develop a plan that specifies what you want your students, staff, and administration to be able to do with technology and let those outcomes determine the types and amount of technology you will need.‖  The technology use plan will articulate the district’s goals and the measureable objectives necessary to achieve them.  Goals should focus on the application of technology to facilitate the district’s work.  Goals will center on the following topics:  Curriculum integration  State and National Standards  Accessibility  Staff development  Maintenance/Support  Conducting business and connecting to our community
  • 8. Goals and Objectives:  Goal: Technology standards will be integrated across the curriculum  Objective 1: By 2011, we will develop a curriculum template that addresses the Partnership for 21st Century Skills Framework.  Objective 2: By 2013, we will integrate clearly articulated 21st-century skills across curricula for grades 9 –12 as directed by the 2011 NEASC Accreditation Standards.
  • 9. Goals and Objectives Goal: All teachers will use technology to facilitate data collection and analysis.  Objective 1: By 2011, 70% of teachers will use Google Docs Forms to create and administer quizzes and tests.  Objective 2: By 2012, 75% of teachers will use class polling devices (clickers) to conduct weekly formative assessments and collect student performance data.
  • 10. Goals and Objectives Goal: All students and teachers will have adequate access to technology needed for 21st century teaching, learning, and assessing.  Objective 1: A SMART Board will be installed in every classroom by 2012.  Objective 2: One laptop cart will be purchased for every four classrooms, K-8, by 2013.  Objective 3: Install eight computers with wireless Internet acccess in each K-8 classroom by 2013.
  • 11. Goals and Objectives Additional goals might center on:  Incentivizing teachers to learn and use new technologies  Providing timely and effective support for users  Training for faculty and staff  Maintenance and support  Budgeting
  • 12. Needs Assessment  In order to understand the needs and technological proficiency of our stakeholders, the committee must develop a needs assessment survey.  This needs assessment survey for faculty can serve as a starting point.  The results will allow us to understand  how resources are allocated  how and why technology is being used  where teachers need training  what standards inform instruction  what obstacles interfere with successful technology integration  what unmet technology needs teachers hold
  • 13. Staff Development Models Turnley (ND), McKenzie (2001), and Cradler (2002). One-on-One Informal Open Lab Mentoring Groups Professional Online Growth Workshops Training Plans (PGP) Outsourcing
  • 14. Staff Development 1. Include a requirement for technology integration in professional growth plans. 2. Provide incentives for expert users to train and advise other staff. 3. Hire a technology coordinator technology integrationist to mentor users. 4. Identify online training resources, such as those available through ISTE, and provide access for users.
  • 15. Evaluation/Research  Before finalizing the plan, we must develop a means for evaluating implementation.  Annual needs assessment survey  Classroom observations  Workshop evaluations  Interviews with faculty, students, staff, and parents  Professional Growth Plans and their evaluation  Demonstration portfolios/exhibitions  Student assessment data
  • 16. Timeline 2010-2011  September: Form committee and begin readings and visits  October: Write vision statement. Develop and administer needs assessment surveys.  November: Complete analysis of needs assessment data and begin writing goals and objectives  December: Continue writing goals and objectives  February: Complete staff development section. Review, revise, and finalize.  March: Submit to RESC for review.  June: File with Connecticut State Department of Education 2011-2012: Year 1  Implement and begin evaluation 2012-2013: Year 2  Continue Implementation and evaluation 2013-2014: Year 3  Implementation completed. Evaluate and begin planning to write a new technology use plan.
  • 17. Resources Anderson, Larry, et al. “Guidebook for Developing an Effective Instructional Technology Plan.” NCTP. Revised 2002. Connecticut State Department of Education, “Educational Technology Plan Template.” Aug 2008. Cradler, John, et al. “Research Implications for Preparing Teachers to Use Technology.” Learning and Leading with Technology. September 2002. McKenzie, Jamie. “How Teachers Learn Technology Best.” From Now On. Vol 10, No 6. March 2001. See, John. “Developing Effective Technology Plans.” NCTP 2002. Turnley, Melinda, “Potential Models for Teacher Technology Training,” (ND).

Editor's Notes

  1. Why Develop a plan?NEASC Evaluation in 2016. Integrate 21st-century skills. Infuse ISTE NETS in curriculum documents.
  2. Who should be part of the team and process?Teachers from each school. A library-media specialist. A technology teacher. Parents. Business partners (Lee Company, Pfizer).
  3. Writing the technology use plan is a multi-step process:Form a technology committeeRead articles and guides that would facilitate technology planningReview the current technology use planWrite a vision statementVisit technologically advanced area schoolsConduct a needs assessment survey and analyze dataWrite clear, measurable goals with benchmarksReview and revise planFinalize and publicize the plan
  4. It communicates a vision of the kind learning and working environment we wish to create.
  5. Provide a sample vision statement from which the group could begin working.
  6. Provide a sample from which the group could work. Include maintenance and support. you would want to include maintenance and support issues, curriculum integration, the need for staff development, addressing district, state and national technology standards, etc.)
  7. Objectives, like our SMART goals, must be measurable and time-bound.
  8. Provide some suggestions for staff development as this will be such a crucial element in the plan - and one that you, as the educational technologist will spearhead.Benefits and Concerns of Different ModelsWhen making decisions about which technology training models to implement, administrators should consider both the strengths and weaknesses of different options. No method is universally applicable or entirely without complications. Under appropriate circumstances, however, each model can provide opportunities for effective, ethical teacher training. Please use the information below to consider which approaches might be most feasible for your local institutional context.Courses for CreditInstructors enroll in a semester-long graduate level course that addresses issues related to computer teaching.Potential BenefitsCourses provide space for thorough consideration of both theory and practice.  They provide a structured environment for developing proficiencies and reflecting on instructors’ relationships with technology.  Further, they are institutionally supported.Potential ConcernsCourses require consistent commitments of programmatic resources.  They also assume that instructors have the time and resources to register for classes. courses for credit | one-on-one mentoring | workshops | open labs | informal groups | outsourcingOne-on-One MentoringNew instructors are paired up with more experienced instructors who offer guidance and support.Potential BenefitsIndividual mentoring offers opportunities for collaboration and continuing professional development.  This type of one-on-one support can provide opportunities for instructors to teach each other and share knowledge.Potential ConcernsBecause this method is informal, it likely receives less institutional support and credit.  Additionally, maintaining continuity also could be challenging.  It also requires a pool of experienced instructors who have the time to participate.  courses for credit | one-on-one mentoring | workshops | open labs | informal groups | outsourcingWorkshopsInstructors attend individual meetings which provide hands-on instruction in particular topics related to c-teaching.Potential BenefitsWorkshops offer flexibility in terms of scheduling, and they can target specific concerns raised by instructors.  They also allow instructors opportunities to teach each other and do “dry runs” of technical instruction.Potential ConcernsScheduling for such events also can be complicated.  Additionally, the planning, advertisement, and conducting of workshops can require a great deal of preparation on the part of facilitators.  Lastly, they necessitate an additional time commitment for instructors.  courses for credit | one-on-one mentoring | workshops | open labs | informal groups | outsourcingOpen LabsInstructors receive ad hoc support from staff working in campus labs.Potential BenefitsOpen hours in a lab offer flexibility and provide opportunities for instructors to receive support while taking initiative in their training. Potential ConcernsWell-supported labs require resources and training for staff and equipment.  Also, depending upon who is able to work in the labs, the staff may not be familiar with the pedagogical needs of particular instructors. courses for credit | one-on-one mentoring | workshops | open labs | informal groups | outsourcingInformal GroupsInstructors organize unofficial meeting times during which they can offer each other support.Potential BenefitsInformal meetings provide safe spaces for sharing concerns, collaborating on materials, and trying new ideas. Potential ConcernsThe informality of the group can limit continuity, access to resources, and institutional credit.  Further, scheduling difficulties may arise. courses for credit | one-on-one mentoring | workshops | open labs | informal groups | outsourcingOutsourcingInstructors draw upon university or community resources in order to develop technical proficiencies.Potential BenefitsThis method can be helpful if a program has limited resources.  It also can provide access to expertise that may not be available within the local programmatic context. Potential ConcernsWhen working with external resources, instructors and administrators may encounter a disjuncture between their pedagogical goals and other programs’ technical frameworks.  Further, access to such resources may be limited if a high demand for them already exists.