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From Alpha Go to
Alpha Zero
Google London

March 2018


Juantomás García
• Data Solutions Manager @ OpenSistemas
• GDE (Google Developer Expert) for cloud
• Co-Author of the first Spanish free software book “La Pastilla
• President of Hispalinux (Spanish Linux User Group)
• Organizer of the Machine Learning Spain and GDG Cloud Madrid.
Who I am


• People interested in Machine Learning
• Wants to know more about what’s is Alpha Go
• With a good technical background.
Who are the Audience


• I love Machine Learning.
• There are a lot of takeaways from this project.
• I wish to divulge it
Why I did this presentation


• Alpha Go: the epic project
• AlphaGo Zero: re-evolution version
• Alpha Zero: Looking for general solutions
• DIY: Alpha Zero Connect 4
• Takeaways


A brief introduction
• Deep Blue was about brute force
• They were emulating how humans play chess


A brief introduction
• A very huge Search Space
Chess -> Opening 20 possible moves
Go -> Opening 361 possible moves


Alpha Go Main Concepts
• Policy Neural Network
“To decide which are the most sensible moves in
a particular board position”.


Alpha Go Main Concepts
• Value Neural Network
“How great is a particular board arrangements”.
“How likely you are to win the game with this


Alpha Go Main Concepts


Alpha Go First Approach: SL
• Just train both networks using human games.
• Just old and ordinary supervised learning.
• With this: AlphaGo just play with like a weak
• It like the approach of deep blue: just emulating
human chess players


Alpha Go First Approach: SL


Alpha Go Second Approach: RL
• Improve SL version starting playing again itself.
• With Reinforcement Learning is able to play well
against state of the art go playing programs
• These programs are using MCTS


Alpha Go Second Approach: RL


Alpha Go Second Approach: RL
• It is not 2 NN vs Monte Carlo Tree Search
• Is a better MCTS thanks to the NNs.


Alpha Go Second Approach: RL
• Optimal Value Function V*(s)
“Determine the outcome of the game from every
board position (s is the state)”.
Brute force solution is impossible:
Chess: 35 ** 80
Go: 250 ** 150


Alpha Go Second Approach: RL
• Two solutions for reduce the effective search
Truncate the tree subtree search: V(s) like V*(s)
Reducing the breadth of the search with the
policy: P(a|s)
We MCTS rollout the moves choose by the policy
function and evaluate with the optimal value


AlphaGo: The Match


AlphaGo Zero: Re-Evolution version
• Just trained with Reinforcement Learning
• Choose the less out different moves: u(s,a)
• Just one neural network for policy and value.
• Every time a search is done the neural network is


AlphaGo Zero: Re-Evolution version
• Human games was noisy and not reliable.
• Don’t use rollouts for predict who will win.


AlphaGo Zero: Re-Evolution version


AlphaGo Zero: Re-Evolution version


Alpha Zero: New Challenges
AlphaGo Zero VS AlphaZero:
• Binary outcome (win / loss) × expected outcome
• 3 draws or potentially other outcomes)
• Board positions transformed before passing to neural
networks (by randomly selected rotation or redirection) × no
data augmentation
• Games generated by the best player from previous iterations
(margin of 55 %) × continual update using the latest
parameters (without the evaluation and selection steps)
• Hyper-parameters tuned by Bayesian optimisation × reused
the same hyper-parameters without game-specific tuning


Alpha Zero


Alpha Zero: DYI


RL is more than Atari Games and GO


AI discovery new ways to play.
Think about new projects like proteins fold.


We’re living awesome times.
Sharing AI papers, tools, models, etc. More
than any time before.


As Ms Fei Fei said: “It’s about democratizing AI”


Watch this Documentary Film about Alpha Go:


Thank You

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Alpha zero - London 2018

  • 1. From Alpha Go to Alpha Zero Google London March 2018
  • 2. Juantomás García • Data Solutions Manager @ OpenSistemas • GDE (Google Developer Expert) for cloud Others • Co-Author of the first Spanish free software book “La Pastilla Roja” • President of Hispalinux (Spanish Linux User Group) • Organizer of the Machine Learning Spain and GDG Cloud Madrid. Who I am
  • 3. • People interested in Machine Learning • Wants to know more about what’s is Alpha Go • With a good technical background. Who are the Audience
  • 4. • I love Machine Learning. • There are a lot of takeaways from this project. • I wish to divulge it Why I did this presentation
  • 5. • Alpha Go: the epic project • AlphaGo Zero: re-evolution version • Alpha Zero: Looking for general solutions • DIY: Alpha Zero Connect 4 • Takeaways Outline
  • 6. A brief introduction • Deep Blue was about brute force • They were emulating how humans play chess
  • 7. A brief introduction • A very huge Search Space Chess -> Opening 20 possible moves Go -> Opening 361 possible moves
  • 8. Alpha Go Main Concepts • Policy Neural Network “To decide which are the most sensible moves in a particular board position”.
  • 9. Alpha Go Main Concepts • Value Neural Network “How great is a particular board arrangements”. “How likely you are to win the game with this position”.
  • 10. Alpha Go Main Concepts
  • 11. Alpha Go First Approach: SL • Just train both networks using human games. • Just old and ordinary supervised learning. • With this: AlphaGo just play with like a weak human. • It like the approach of deep blue: just emulating human chess players
  • 12. Alpha Go First Approach: SL
  • 13. Alpha Go Second Approach: RL • Improve SL version starting playing again itself. • With Reinforcement Learning is able to play well against state of the art go playing programs • These programs are using MCTS
  • 14. Alpha Go Second Approach: RL
  • 15. Alpha Go Second Approach: RL • It is not 2 NN vs Monte Carlo Tree Search • Is a better MCTS thanks to the NNs.
  • 16. Alpha Go Second Approach: RL • Optimal Value Function V*(s) “Determine the outcome of the game from every board position (s is the state)”. Brute force solution is impossible: Chess: 35 ** 80 Go: 250 ** 150
  • 17. Alpha Go Second Approach: RL • Two solutions for reduce the effective search space: Truncate the tree subtree search: V(s) like V*(s) Reducing the breadth of the search with the policy: P(a|s) We MCTS rollout the moves choose by the policy function and evaluate with the optimal value function.
  • 19. AlphaGo Zero: Re-Evolution version • Just trained with Reinforcement Learning • Choose the less out different moves: u(s,a) • Just one neural network for policy and value. • Every time a search is done the neural network is retrained.
  • 20. AlphaGo Zero: Re-Evolution version • Human games was noisy and not reliable. • Don’t use rollouts for predict who will win.
  • 23. Alpha Zero: New Challenges AlphaGo Zero VS AlphaZero: • Binary outcome (win / loss) × expected outcome (including • 3 draws or potentially other outcomes) • Board positions transformed before passing to neural networks (by randomly selected rotation or redirection) × no data augmentation • Games generated by the best player from previous iterations (margin of 55 %) × continual update using the latest parameters (without the evaluation and selection steps) • Hyper-parameters tuned by Bayesian optimisation × reused the same hyper-parameters without game-specific tuning
  • 26. Takeaways RL is more than Atari Games and GO
  • 27. Takeaways AI discovery new ways to play. Think about new projects like proteins fold.
  • 28. Takeaways We’re living awesome times. Sharing AI papers, tools, models, etc. More than any time before.
  • 29. Takeaways As Ms Fei Fei said: “It’s about democratizing AI”
  • 30. Takeaways Watch this Documentary Film about Alpha Go: