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Amamda and robert air pollution and ozone ppt
   The atmosphere is a thin layer of
    gases held close to Earth by gravity.
       The atmosphere is thinner at the
        poles, thicker at the equator.
       Two major components is N2 78%
        and O2 21%
   Atmospheric Pressure –measure of
    the mass per unit are of air.
   Pressure increases as the density of
    air increases.
   There is a higher density in the air we
    breathe at sea level than the air we
    inhale on top of the world’s largest
   Ozone protects us from about 95%
    UV radiation
   Air pollution– presence of chemicals
    in the atmosphere where the
    concentration is high enough to affect
    climate and harm organisms.
       Primary pollutants – emitted directly
        into the troposphere in a harmful form.
        (carbon monoxide)
       Secondary pollutants – when primary
        pollutants react with the components of
   Majority of pollutants come from
    natural sources, dust particles, organic
    chemicals, forest fires, volcanic
    eruptions, and sea spray
   Pollutants from human activity such as
    burning oil, gasoline, and natural gas
    are the ones that cause more harm
    into the troposphere.
   Outdoor pollutants examples:
       carbon monoxide, nitrogen
        dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, lead
   Photochemical Smog – when nitrogen
    oxides and organic hydrocarbon
    compounds chemically react under the
    influence of UV radiation to produce a
    mixture of many primary and secondary
   Factors that increase outdoor pollution:
•   Urban buildings, hills, mountains, high
   Factors that help reduce outdoor
•   Rain and Snow – cleanse the air of
•   Salty sea spray from the oceans- wash
    out particles from air that flows from
    land onto the oceans.
•    Wind- sweep pollutants away, dilute
    them by bringing in new fresh air.
Temperature Inversion – layer of dense, cool air trapped under a layer
of less dense, warm air. (traps the pollutants near the ground and it
becomes more dangerous)
Acid Deposition – also known as acid rain, falling of acids and
compounds from the atmosphere into the earth’s surface. (Sulfur/
nitrogen main culprits.)

                                             Acid deposition can deplete the
                                             nutrients from plants and also
                                             damage and weaken the plants.

                                             On humans, it can produce lung
                                             cancer, corrosion, haze, and also
                                             kills fish.
   Indoor air pollution is a much
    greater threat to human health
    than outdoor air pollution.
       So dangerous due to
        accumulation, concentration
        and lack of detection
   Four most dangerous indoor
    air pollutants are:
   Cigarette smoke,
    formaldehyde, radioactive
    radon-222 gas, and ultra fine
   New building are more
    commonly “sick” than the old
    ones because of reduced air
    exchange and chemicals
    released from new carpeting
    and furniture.
   Prolonged     smoking     and
    breathing air pollutants can
    lead to respiratory disorders
    like asthma, lung cancer, and
    chronic bronchitis.
       Mechanisms that protect us
        from some air pollution. (hairs
        filter out large particles, sticky
        mucus captures smaller
        particles and dissolves some
        gaseous pollutants.
       Each year, approximately 3
        million people (average 8,200
        per day) die prematurely from
        air pollution (mostly indoor
        pollution in developing
   Clean Air Act (1970) in the U.S has reduced
    outdoor pollution from six major pollutants by
    setting emission standards.
   Preventions from indoor air pollution:
-   covering ceiling tiles and lining the AC ducts
    to prevent release of mineral fibers
-   Ban smoking or limit it to well-ventilated
-   Prevent radon infiltration
-   Use office machines in well-ventilated areas
-   Use less polluting substitutes for harmful
    cleaning agents, paints, and other products.
   Solutions for Outdoor:
        Improve energy efficiency to reduce fossil fuel
    -   Rely more on lower-polluting natural gas.
    -   Rely more on renewable energy (solar
        cells, wind)
Temperature and climate have been changing
throughout the earth’s history.
                                    Geologic records and atmospheric
                                    measurements provide a wealth of information
  Climate – determined              about past atmospheric temperatures and
  mostly by its average             climate
  temperature and
  average precipitation.

                                       Scientists from the U.S. National Academy
                                       of Sciences and the American Geophysical
                                       Union have also evaluated possible future
                                       climate changes.
   Global Warming – temperature
    increases in the troposphere, which
    in turn can cause climate change.
   Global Climate Change – a
    broader term that refers to changes
    in any aspects of the earth’s
    climate, including temperature,
    precipitation, and storm intensity.
   The greenhouse effect warms the
    earth’s lower troposphere and
   ** The two major greenhouse gases
    are water vapor and carbon dioxide.
   Humans have contributed to the
    increased level of carbon dioxide
   Albedo – reflectivity of different
    parts of the earth’s surface.
       Colored surfaces of ice and snow
        help cool the earth reflecting the
        incoming sunlight back into space.
Coupled global circulation models – global climate models that are applied to the
atmosphere to project the effects of increases in greenhouse gases on average
global temperature.
                                        The largest burden of the harmful effects
 A decrease in high-                    of moderate global warming will fall on
 elevation snow packs could             people and economies in poorer tropical
 lead to a sharp decline in             and subtropical nations.
 agricultural productivity in
 heavily irrigated areas.
Disagreement on whether the world                            Solutions:
should respond to the threat of climate
change.                                         •Soil sequestration – plants such as
                                                switch grass are used to remove carbon
•The economic costs of reducing                 dioxide from the air and store it in the soil.
greenhouse gas emissions are higher than
the economic benefits
                                                •Reduce the release of carbon dioxide
                                                and nitrous oxide from soil.
•Developed countries, developing                •Remove carbon dioxide from
countries, or both should take responsibility   smokestacks and pump it deep
for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.          underground into unminable coal seams
                                                and abandoned oil fields.
•Actions to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions should be voluntary or required
as a result of national laws and an
international treaty
Kyoto Protocol – requires 39 developed countries to cut emissions of
CO2, CH4, and N2O, to an average of about 5.2% below 1990 levels by 2012.

                                    A growing number of major global
                                    companies, such as Alcoa, DuPont, IBM,
                                    Toyota, BP Amoco, and Shell, have
                                    established targets to reduce their
                                    greenhouse gas emissions by 10-65%
                                    from 1990 levels by 2010.
   Chlorofluorocarbon – an organic
    compound that is made up of
    chlorine, fluorine, and carbon,
    produced as a volatile derivative of
    methane and ethane.
       F. Sherwood Rowland and Mario
        Molina proposed inc. CFC
   Measurements indicate that CFCs
    and other ODCs are the primary
    culprits of ozone depletion.
   Widespread use of a number of
    useful and long lived chemicals has
    reduced ozone levels in the
   Polar Vortex – a huge swirling
    mass of very cold air that is isolated
    from the rest of the atmosphere
In 1987, 36 nations got together in        Montreal Protocol – the goal was
Montreal, Canada to develop a              to cut emissions of CFCs into the
treaty that could end with the             atmosphere by about 35%
CFCs emissions.                            between 1989 and 2000.

After hearing that no changed were made in the atmosphere and that the
ozone was getting thinner and thinner, 93 countries got together in London and
came up with another treaty.

 Copenhagen Protocol – an
 amendment which accelerated the
 phasing out of key ozone-depleting
FRQ 2007 #3
FRQ Solution
   A. Class of Compounds
     Halocarbons/Halons
      Fire retardant
      Soil fumigant/pesticide
      Solvent
      Foam Blowing Insulation
     CFC’s
      Coolants/refrigerants/AC/refrigerator
      Aerosol
     ** Needs to describe 1 class of compounds and
       describe 2 major uses
FRQ Solution [cont.]
   D. Effects of Ground Level Ozone
     Respitory Irritant
     Decreased photosynthesis due to
   C. Consequences
       Increase in UV (specifically UVB) reaching Earth’s
        surface. Effects:
         Skin Cancer
         Disruption of food chains

   B. Description
     CFCs are broken down by UV radiation resulting in
      the release of atoms– chlorine/bromine/flourine
     Halogens break the O3 into O+ O2
1998 APES Multiple Choice
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Amamda and robert air pollution and ozone ppt

  • 2. The atmosphere is a thin layer of gases held close to Earth by gravity.  The atmosphere is thinner at the poles, thicker at the equator.  Two major components is N2 78% and O2 21%  Atmospheric Pressure –measure of the mass per unit are of air.  Pressure increases as the density of air increases.  There is a higher density in the air we breathe at sea level than the air we inhale on top of the world’s largest mountain.  Ozone protects us from about 95% UV radiation
  • 3. Air pollution– presence of chemicals in the atmosphere where the concentration is high enough to affect climate and harm organisms.  Primary pollutants – emitted directly into the troposphere in a harmful form. (carbon monoxide)  Secondary pollutants – when primary pollutants react with the components of air.  Majority of pollutants come from natural sources, dust particles, organic chemicals, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, and sea spray  Pollutants from human activity such as burning oil, gasoline, and natural gas are the ones that cause more harm into the troposphere.  Outdoor pollutants examples:  carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, lead
  • 4. Photochemical Smog – when nitrogen oxides and organic hydrocarbon compounds chemically react under the influence of UV radiation to produce a mixture of many primary and secondary pollutants.  Factors that increase outdoor pollution: • Urban buildings, hills, mountains, high temperatures.  Factors that help reduce outdoor pollution: • Rain and Snow – cleanse the air of pollutants • Salty sea spray from the oceans- wash out particles from air that flows from land onto the oceans. • Wind- sweep pollutants away, dilute them by bringing in new fresh air.
  • 5. Temperature Inversion – layer of dense, cool air trapped under a layer of less dense, warm air. (traps the pollutants near the ground and it becomes more dangerous) Acid Deposition – also known as acid rain, falling of acids and compounds from the atmosphere into the earth’s surface. (Sulfur/ nitrogen main culprits.) Acid deposition can deplete the nutrients from plants and also damage and weaken the plants. On humans, it can produce lung cancer, corrosion, haze, and also kills fish.
  • 6. Indoor air pollution is a much greater threat to human health than outdoor air pollution.  So dangerous due to accumulation, concentration and lack of detection  Four most dangerous indoor air pollutants are:  Cigarette smoke, formaldehyde, radioactive radon-222 gas, and ultra fine particles.  New building are more commonly “sick” than the old ones because of reduced air exchange and chemicals released from new carpeting and furniture.
  • 7. Prolonged smoking and breathing air pollutants can lead to respiratory disorders like asthma, lung cancer, and chronic bronchitis.  Mechanisms that protect us from some air pollution. (hairs filter out large particles, sticky mucus captures smaller particles and dissolves some gaseous pollutants.  Each year, approximately 3 million people (average 8,200 per day) die prematurely from air pollution (mostly indoor pollution in developing countries)
  • 8. Clean Air Act (1970) in the U.S has reduced outdoor pollution from six major pollutants by setting emission standards.  Preventions from indoor air pollution: - covering ceiling tiles and lining the AC ducts to prevent release of mineral fibers - Ban smoking or limit it to well-ventilated areas - Prevent radon infiltration - Use office machines in well-ventilated areas - Use less polluting substitutes for harmful cleaning agents, paints, and other products.  Solutions for Outdoor:  Improve energy efficiency to reduce fossil fuel use. - Rely more on lower-polluting natural gas. - Rely more on renewable energy (solar cells, wind)
  • 9. Temperature and climate have been changing throughout the earth’s history. Geologic records and atmospheric measurements provide a wealth of information Climate – determined about past atmospheric temperatures and mostly by its average climate temperature and average precipitation. Scientists from the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the American Geophysical Union have also evaluated possible future climate changes.
  • 10. Global Warming – temperature increases in the troposphere, which in turn can cause climate change.  Global Climate Change – a broader term that refers to changes in any aspects of the earth’s climate, including temperature, precipitation, and storm intensity.  The greenhouse effect warms the earth’s lower troposphere and surface.  ** The two major greenhouse gases are water vapor and carbon dioxide.  Humans have contributed to the increased level of carbon dioxide  Albedo – reflectivity of different parts of the earth’s surface.  Colored surfaces of ice and snow help cool the earth reflecting the incoming sunlight back into space.
  • 11. Coupled global circulation models – global climate models that are applied to the atmosphere to project the effects of increases in greenhouse gases on average global temperature. The largest burden of the harmful effects A decrease in high- of moderate global warming will fall on elevation snow packs could people and economies in poorer tropical lead to a sharp decline in and subtropical nations. agricultural productivity in heavily irrigated areas.
  • 12. Disagreement on whether the world Solutions: should respond to the threat of climate change. •Soil sequestration – plants such as switch grass are used to remove carbon •The economic costs of reducing dioxide from the air and store it in the soil. greenhouse gas emissions are higher than the economic benefits •Reduce the release of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide from soil. •Developed countries, developing •Remove carbon dioxide from countries, or both should take responsibility smokestacks and pump it deep for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. underground into unminable coal seams and abandoned oil fields. •Actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions should be voluntary or required as a result of national laws and an international treaty
  • 13. Kyoto Protocol – requires 39 developed countries to cut emissions of CO2, CH4, and N2O, to an average of about 5.2% below 1990 levels by 2012. A growing number of major global companies, such as Alcoa, DuPont, IBM, Toyota, BP Amoco, and Shell, have established targets to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 10-65% from 1990 levels by 2010.
  • 14. Chlorofluorocarbon – an organic compound that is made up of chlorine, fluorine, and carbon, produced as a volatile derivative of methane and ethane.  F. Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina proposed inc. CFC hypothesis  Measurements indicate that CFCs and other ODCs are the primary culprits of ozone depletion.  Widespread use of a number of useful and long lived chemicals has reduced ozone levels in the stratosphere.  Polar Vortex – a huge swirling mass of very cold air that is isolated from the rest of the atmosphere
  • 15. In 1987, 36 nations got together in Montreal Protocol – the goal was Montreal, Canada to develop a to cut emissions of CFCs into the treaty that could end with the atmosphere by about 35% CFCs emissions. between 1989 and 2000. After hearing that no changed were made in the atmosphere and that the ozone was getting thinner and thinner, 93 countries got together in London and came up with another treaty. Copenhagen Protocol – an amendment which accelerated the phasing out of key ozone-depleting chemicals.
  • 17. FRQ Solution  A. Class of Compounds  Halocarbons/Halons  Fire retardant  Soil fumigant/pesticide  Solvent  Foam Blowing Insulation  CFC’s  Coolants/refrigerants/AC/refrigerator  Aerosol ** Needs to describe 1 class of compounds and describe 2 major uses
  • 18. FRQ Solution [cont.]  D. Effects of Ground Level Ozone  Respitory Irritant  Decreased photosynthesis due to  C. Consequences  Increase in UV (specifically UVB) reaching Earth’s surface. Effects:  Skin Cancer  Disruption of food chains  B. Description  CFCs are broken down by UV radiation resulting in the release of atoms– chlorine/bromine/flourine  Halogens break the O3 into O+ O2
  • 19. 1998 APES Multiple Choice Samples
  • 20. Other Multiple Choice Samples A E D

Editor's Notes

  1. Atmosphere made up of troposphere, stratosphere where the ozone is, mesosphere, and thermosphere.
  2. AP Tip: Do not only say that something causes pollution you must elaborate to at minimum explain whether it is water or air pollution and then elaborate to the specific cause such as carbon dioxide.
  3. Photochemical smog is the brown haze that you will often see over cities. Industrial Smog – mixture of sulfur dioxide, droplets of sulfuric acid, and solid particles emitted by burning coal and oil.“Heat Island Effect” tall building+lots of cars= photochemical smog
  4. Mountains and valleys cause temperature inversions that trap pollutants. Acidic fallout is normally seen miles from where the original acid deposition occurred.Nutrient uptake is weaker because the acids leach calcium and magnesium from the soils and releases toxic ions of aluminum,lead, cadmium, and mercury. = Reduced plant growth Example: In Canada and Scandinavia they have little to no fish.Limestone serves as a natural buffer to neutralize acids.
  5. Formaldehyde - a colorless, extremely irritating gas widely used to manufacture common household materials.Your going to want to study a few common indoor and outdoor pollutants there causes, effects, and way to reduce as this is a common type of question on the exam.
  6. AP Tip: Don’t say that the green house effect is bad because it is a green house gas. We need green house gases in order to regulate temperature. Without it we would be below freezing. Relate albedo to snow and how polar ice caps are melting
  7. Primary consequences as a result of global climate change:Sea Level Rise(will destroy local wetlands, contaminate freshwater)Melting of PermafrostExtreme WeatherChanges in Ocean CurrentsChanges in Vegetative ZonesBiodiversity Loss
  8. The United States and Australia did not agree because other countries like China and India weren’t required to and economic impact. These type of thing normally end in disagreement.Montreal Protocol international effort to reduce CFCs
  9. AP Tip: Know how to differentiate between global climate change and ozone depletion. Global climate change= greenhouse effect and ozone depletion = the break down of the ozoneOzone absorbs UVA, UVB, not UVC which has the most energyOzone concentration measured in Dobson units.Polar vortex causes a rapid rate of ozone depletion