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Roku Digital Media Player
October 2009

                    345 Seventh Avenue · 11th floor · New York · NY · 10001
  CATALYSTGROUP     p. +212.243.7777   f. +212.243.7077    e. info@catalystnyc.com   w. www.catalystnyc.com




                              Overall Feedback                                          Comparison
                               Gather users’ general impressions of the bundled          Gather users’ preferences between Netflix and Amazon
                               services on the Roku, including overall functionality,    Video on Demand services via the Roku player.
                               presentation of content, and overall fit with user
                               expectations and needs.
                                                                                        Future Use
                              Device Usability                                           Gauge users’ reaction to the overall value of the Netflix
                                                                                         and Amazon Video on Demand via the Roku and their
                               To assess the usability of the Roku device as users
                                                                                         willingness to use or continue to use one or the other.
                               perform tasks involving:

                                          Activating/Registering the Roku
                                          Finding/Buying a movie
                                          Watching a movie



                              User Profile                                               Think-Aloud & Review
                               11 users were tested during August 2009 at the             Participants performed a list of realistic tasks
                               Catalyst Lab in New York City.                             (e.g., highlighting text, etc.) after which they were asked
                                                                                          to comment on their experience using the device
                               Each session lasted 45 minutes.                            (i.e., citing their likes/dislikes, ease/difficulty, suggested
                                                                                          improvements, value, etc.)
                               All users expressed interest in watching movies.
                                                                                          Before the end of each session, participants were asked
                               5 users were Netflix members or were members in the        to select the service they liked best and explain why.
                                                                                          Participants were also asked whether they would likely
                               None of the users had previously used a Roku.              purchase or use either device.

                               Users were not initially told about the Roku player nor
                               that Netflix or Amazon were the focus of the


Statement of Limitations

                              The intention of these discussions was to provide
                              insights and design direction; not quantitative

                              The observations in this report reflect the views of 11
                              participants. While accurate for this population, their
                              views may not be representative of the overall

                              This report summarizes comments thought to be the
                              most useful for providing insights and design feedback
                              for the reviewed Roku player and streaming services.


Hardware Setup |                            Roku & Television



 * MLB.com added as a channel during a software update on August 11. This
 channel was not available during our study.                                6

                              Key Insights


Key Insights

1.                                                     2.                                                  3.
Virtually all users saw the benefit                    Movie-watching frequency                            Users would prefer a standalone
of the Roku player and could see                       influenced preference for either                    experience on the Roku player
themselves using one.                                  Netflix or Amazon.                                  without the need of a computer.

Users pointed to the convenience of the                Users who were frequent movie watchers favored      Users felt that the overall experience of using the
services, portability of the device, and ability to    Netflix as it touts a flat-fee for unlimited Roku   Roku would be improved if there was no need to
watch movies on a large screen TV instead of           viewing:                                            access a computer for activation or finding
their computer as the primary benefits of having                                                           movies.
                                                            “Netflix is more worth it for me. If I watch
a Roku player :
                                                            two movies on Amazon, that’s like a month           “It would be better if you could activate
     “I could see myself using something like               of as much as I can watch on Netflix.”              right from your television. Apple TV lets you
     this. It’s a lot better than running out to the                                                            log into your iTunes account to register.”
                                                       Users who watched movies infrequently preferred
     video store or waiting for it in the mail.”
                                                       Amazon due to its pay-as-you-go scheme:                  “I should be able to do all these things
Most users also overestimated the retail price of                                                               without leaving my couch.”
                                                            “This is just like cable on demand or pay-
the Roku player and were delighted to know it               per-view. I don’t have to pay more if I just
was less than they had thought :                            want to watch one show.”
     “I’d say it costs about $200. Oh, if it’s $100,
     then that’s even better!”


Observation Summary |                                   Step-by-Step Highlights

                               Netflix                      Common to Both Services                                     Amazon

    Sense of        • Flat fee is best for a         • More convenient than video store                • Pay-as-you-go is better for an infrequent
     Value            frequent video watcher                                                             video watcher

                    • Activation process perceived   • Users disliked having to “travel” between the   • Activation process contained
                      as “quick”                       TV and computer in order to complete their        detailed/helpful instructions
  Roku Player                                          Roku Media Player activation
   Activation                                        • Users wanted clearer prompts when asked
    Process                                            to transition between their TV and computer
                                                     • Ideally, activation could be completed using
                                                       only the TV

                    • Must go online to create       • All users responded enthusiastically to the     • Ability to browse movies from TV
                      and manage list of movies        idea of looking for movies using just their
                                                                                                       • No search function when looking for
                      to be watched on the Roku        TV – and not having to switch to the
   Finding a          player                           computer.
                                                                                                         movies via the Roku player (as tested)
     Movie                                                                                             • Poor organization of available content
                    • Users browse and search for
                                                                                                         (e.g., movies fall into multiple categories,
                      movies on Netflix.com
                                                                                                         movies unsorted in each category)

    Adding          • Unclear labeling for adding    None                                              None
   Movies to          movies to Instant Queue on
   the Roku           Search Results page

  Watching a        None                             • Filmstrip-like navigation method well           None
   Movie                                               received

                    None                             • Dedicated ‘back’ button requested to            None
   Using the                                           provide a more intuitive way to go back
    Remote                                             one step/level




Activation |                    Netflix Flow

       On TV                                                                              On Computer
                           1.                                  2.                    3.                    4.

             Home                        Are You a Member?          Code Generated              Sign In

                           8.                                  7.                    6.                    5.

        Congratulations!                 Activation Complete          Activating              Input Code


Activation |                  Amazon Flow

                                       On TV                             On Computer
                                                               1.                            2.                  3.

                                                                                                     Sign In

                                            Code Generated                                                       4.

                                                               7.   Register your Roku in 4 steps
                                                                                                    Input Code

                                            Congratulations!        Apply Payment / PIN Settings    Activating


Activation |                  Users mixed over which process was better; each service had its strengths

                                 Netflix                                                  Amazon
                                    Some users felt that the Netflix activation process    Some users considered the Amazon activation
                                    was “quicker” and “shorter” than Amazons’.             process easier to understand given the instructions
                                                                                           available and the fact that the Roku player is
                                     “Netflix was easier for me. Amazon had too            mentioned more prominently than on Netflix.
                                     much text and too many screens.”
                                                                                            “Amazon has a tighter link here. I know that I’m
                                     “On Netflix, I just enter the code and it’s done.”     registering my Roku when I’m on their site.”

                                                                                            “I saw the instructions and it was just ‘4 easy


Activation |                     ”Hopping” between the TV to Computer

                                                  Netflix                                      Amazon Video

Both Services                                           On TV
 Many users felt that the relationship between
 the Roku player and the two streaming content
 services (Netflix, Amazon) could be presented
 more clearly.

 Activation of both services required users to
 switch back and forth between their TV and                          Netflix: Code Generated     Amazon Video: Code Generated
 computer. This was unpopular with several

   “So I go to my computer now? I hope I               On Computer
   don’t have to do this every time I want to
   watch something.”

 Several users wanted clearer prompting to
 alert them when they needed to move to a                                    Sign In
 computer from the TV, or vice versa.

 Though users expected to only activate each
 service once, all users thought it would be
 beneficial to be able to complete their
 activation solely using their TV – without the
 need to use a computer.

   “It would be great if I could activate my
   service from my TV.”                                                                           Register Your Roku in 4 Steps


Activation |                    Amazon instructions largely unread

   Many users did not read the instructions
   provided during the activation processes for

     “Just let me enter the code. This ‘Begin
     Registration’ seems like an extra step.”
                                                                                  Input Code

                                                  Register Your Roku in 4 Steps


                         Looking for a Movie


Looking for a Movie |           Netflix Flow

       On TV                    On Computer

          Empty Instant Queue         Search Results     Movie Page (Computer)

           Movie Page (TV)            Instant Queue    Movie Added to Instant Queue


Looking for a Movie |         Amazon Flow

       On TV

                 Home          Amazon Main Menu (Movies)   Browsing for a Movie (Buy Area)

                                       Input PIN                 Movie Page (Roku)


Looking for a Movie |                          How It’s Done: Netflix

   Netflix users first have to add movies to
   their Instant Queue in order to watch
   them on their Roku player.

   However, some other users did not mind
   as they often had a computer nearby.

     “Usually I’m on my couch with the
     laptop in my lap anyway.”

                                                     TV: Empty Instant Queue

                                                                               Computer: Netflix.com (Search Results)


Looking for a Movie |                             How It’s Done: Amazon

   Amazon users could browse for movies on
   their Roku player.

     “That’s the convenience of Amazon; you
     don’t need a computer once you’re set up.”

Both Services                                          Amazon Main Menu (Movies)

    All users embraced the idea of being able
    to browse for a movie while on their TV,
    without the need of a computer.

      “Ideally, I’d be able to find and watch
      movies from just my TV.”
                                                                                        Movie Page (Roku)

                                                      Browsing for a Movie (Buy Area)


Looking for a Movie |                              Netflix’ Confusing Lists

   Users struggled to understand how titles on
   Netflix.com would be available to watch on
   their Roku player. A Specifically, users were
   unclear of the distinction between “Play”,
   “Add”, and “Add to Instant Queue” and
   wanted better labeling and an indication of
   what to expect for each.

     “I thought pressing Play would play it on     A
     the computer? It’s not clear.”

     “I didn’t know there were separate lists.”
                                                                        Search Results (hovering over Play)
     “The buttons don’t tell me what’s going to
     happen. They could be more descriptive.”

   We suspect simply using the approach on the
   Netflix Movie Page and changing the last
   button to “Add to Roku/Xbox Queue” may
   have helped users.

   B Users found the buttons on the
   Netflix.com Movie Page more descriptive
   than the buttons on the Search Results page.
     “These [button labels] are much clearer
     than the previous [Search Results] page.”

                                                                                   Movie Page                 21

Looking for a Movie |                               Amazon browsing difficulties on the Roku

   Users clearly struggled with Amazon’s
   browsing options when looking for a movie
   for the following reasons:

     1. Users did not know what categories
        movies belonged in
     2. Number of movies in each category
        was unclear
     3. Sort order not clear
     4. No search function                             Amazon Main Menu (Movies)

     “There’s no sense of sorting within
     categories... It seems to scroll on forever.
     Maybe have it in alphabetical order.”

     “How would I know if the movie I want is
     HD or not?! It just seems like a bad way to
     organize movies.”

     “Oh, I didn’t even see the A-Z search
     before. I had to really dig for this.”

                                                        Movies to Buy (Not Sorted)


Looking for a Movie |                                 Roku updates Amazon browsing options

                                                   As Tested                       Updated
   A software update (on August 11) to the
   Roku player appears to address the main
   issues users encountered.

   Users arriving in the Amazon portion of the
   Roku player now see Search as their first and
   default function. Going into Search, users
   are provided an on-screen keyboard that
   includes predictive search functionality.               Main Menu (Tested)            Main Menu (Updated)

   We believe these improvements greatly
   complement the unique ability to both find
   and watch movies with Amazon on users’

                                                            Segmented Search                 New Search
                                                          (replaced with update)


                              Watching a Movie


Watching a Movie |                                Netflix & Amazon

Both Services
The three screens shown on right were used by
both Netflix and Amazon to display movies and
indicate progress.

    Generally, users experienced no significant
    issues watching movies and would typically
    watch them from beginning to end.

    A Users responded positively to the                       Buffering                             Playback
    filmstrip-like presentation for scanning
    within a movie.

    In fact, a few users preferred this method
    over the conventional chapter/scene
    navigation approach found on DVDs as the
    filmstrip provided more context for their
    location within the movie.

    Some participants wanted to access both
    scanning options.

                                                                          Scanning Within a Movie


                      Remote & Navigation


Remote & Navigation |                                 Netflix & Amazon

                                                                  B                      C
Both Services
   A Users did not intuitively know that
   pressing the ‘UP’ arrow button would bring
   them back one step in a menu or when
   watching a movie. Almost all users pressed
   the B ‘HOME’ button for this purpose, and
   were annoyed that they were typically taken
   several steps back and would have to start
   over from Roku’s Home screen.

     “It’s frustrating… I just want to go back a
     step, not start all over from the main                                   Example of a ‘Back’ Button featured on
     menu.”                                                                     a Microsoft Zune Wireless Remote

     “They should have dedicated C‘BACK’
     button on the remote like on a browser.”                                        D
   D Some users did not observe the 2nd level
   navigation options, including the arrows.

     “Oh, I didn’t see that there were more
     categories for movies.”

     “It’s a bit faint. But now that I see it, it’s

                                                                         2nd Level Navigation                          27

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Amazon and Netflix On-Demand Video Services

  • 1. vs. Roku Digital Media Player October 2009 345 Seventh Avenue · 11th floor · New York · NY · 10001 CATALYSTGROUP p. +212.243.7777 f. +212.243.7077 e. info@catalystnyc.com w. www.catalystnyc.com
  • 2. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Introduction 2
  • 3. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Objectives Overall Feedback Comparison Gather users’ general impressions of the bundled Gather users’ preferences between Netflix and Amazon services on the Roku, including overall functionality, Video on Demand services via the Roku player. presentation of content, and overall fit with user expectations and needs. Future Use Device Usability Gauge users’ reaction to the overall value of the Netflix and Amazon Video on Demand via the Roku and their To assess the usability of the Roku device as users willingness to use or continue to use one or the other. perform tasks involving: Activating/Registering the Roku Finding/Buying a movie Watching a movie 3
  • 4. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Methodology User Profile Think-Aloud & Review 11 users were tested during August 2009 at the Participants performed a list of realistic tasks Catalyst Lab in New York City. (e.g., highlighting text, etc.) after which they were asked to comment on their experience using the device Each session lasted 45 minutes. (i.e., citing their likes/dislikes, ease/difficulty, suggested improvements, value, etc.) All users expressed interest in watching movies. Before the end of each session, participants were asked 5 users were Netflix members or were members in the to select the service they liked best and explain why. past. Participants were also asked whether they would likely None of the users had previously used a Roku. purchase or use either device. Users were not initially told about the Roku player nor that Netflix or Amazon were the focus of the discussion. 4
  • 5. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Statement of Limitations The intention of these discussions was to provide insights and design direction; not quantitative assessment. The observations in this report reflect the views of 11 participants. While accurate for this population, their views may not be representative of the overall population. This report summarizes comments thought to be the most useful for providing insights and design feedback for the reviewed Roku player and streaming services. 5
  • 6. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Hardware Setup | Roku & Television Internet * * MLB.com added as a channel during a software update on August 11. This channel was not available during our study. 6
  • 7. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Key Insights 7
  • 8. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Key Insights 1. 2. 3. Virtually all users saw the benefit Movie-watching frequency Users would prefer a standalone of the Roku player and could see influenced preference for either experience on the Roku player themselves using one. Netflix or Amazon. without the need of a computer. Users pointed to the convenience of the Users who were frequent movie watchers favored Users felt that the overall experience of using the services, portability of the device, and ability to Netflix as it touts a flat-fee for unlimited Roku Roku would be improved if there was no need to watch movies on a large screen TV instead of viewing: access a computer for activation or finding their computer as the primary benefits of having movies. “Netflix is more worth it for me. If I watch a Roku player : two movies on Amazon, that’s like a month “It would be better if you could activate “I could see myself using something like of as much as I can watch on Netflix.” right from your television. Apple TV lets you this. It’s a lot better than running out to the log into your iTunes account to register.” Users who watched movies infrequently preferred video store or waiting for it in the mail.” Amazon due to its pay-as-you-go scheme: “I should be able to do all these things Most users also overestimated the retail price of without leaving my couch.” “This is just like cable on demand or pay- the Roku player and were delighted to know it per-view. I don’t have to pay more if I just was less than they had thought : want to watch one show.” “I’d say it costs about $200. Oh, if it’s $100, then that’s even better!” 8
  • 9. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Observation Summary | Step-by-Step Highlights Netflix Common to Both Services Amazon Sense of • Flat fee is best for a • More convenient than video store • Pay-as-you-go is better for an infrequent Value frequent video watcher video watcher • Activation process perceived • Users disliked having to “travel” between the • Activation process contained as “quick” TV and computer in order to complete their detailed/helpful instructions Roku Player Roku Media Player activation Activation • Users wanted clearer prompts when asked Process to transition between their TV and computer • Ideally, activation could be completed using only the TV • Must go online to create • All users responded enthusiastically to the • Ability to browse movies from TV and manage list of movies idea of looking for movies using just their • No search function when looking for to be watched on the Roku TV – and not having to switch to the Finding a player computer. movies via the Roku player (as tested) Movie • Poor organization of available content • Users browse and search for (e.g., movies fall into multiple categories, movies on Netflix.com movies unsorted in each category) Adding • Unclear labeling for adding None None Movies to movies to Instant Queue on the Roku Search Results page Watching a None • Filmstrip-like navigation method well None Movie received None • Dedicated ‘back’ button requested to None Using the provide a more intuitive way to go back Remote one step/level 9
  • 10. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Activation 10
  • 11. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Activation | Netflix Flow On TV On Computer 1. 2. 3. 4. Home Are You a Member? Code Generated Sign In 8. 7. 6. 5. Congratulations! Activation Complete Activating Input Code 11
  • 12. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Activation | Amazon Flow On TV On Computer 1. 2. 3. Sign In Code Generated 4. 7. Register your Roku in 4 steps Input Code 6. 5. Congratulations! Apply Payment / PIN Settings Activating 12
  • 13. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Activation | Users mixed over which process was better; each service had its strengths Netflix Amazon Some users felt that the Netflix activation process Some users considered the Amazon activation was “quicker” and “shorter” than Amazons’. process easier to understand given the instructions available and the fact that the Roku player is “Netflix was easier for me. Amazon had too mentioned more prominently than on Netflix. much text and too many screens.” “Amazon has a tighter link here. I know that I’m “On Netflix, I just enter the code and it’s done.” registering my Roku when I’m on their site.” “I saw the instructions and it was just ‘4 easy steps’.” 13
  • 14. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Activation | ”Hopping” between the TV to Computer Netflix Amazon Video Both Services On TV Many users felt that the relationship between the Roku player and the two streaming content services (Netflix, Amazon) could be presented more clearly. Activation of both services required users to switch back and forth between their TV and Netflix: Code Generated Amazon Video: Code Generated computer. This was unpopular with several users. “So I go to my computer now? I hope I On Computer don’t have to do this every time I want to watch something.” Several users wanted clearer prompting to alert them when they needed to move to a Sign In computer from the TV, or vice versa. Though users expected to only activate each service once, all users thought it would be beneficial to be able to complete their activation solely using their TV – without the need to use a computer. “It would be great if I could activate my service from my TV.” Register Your Roku in 4 Steps 14
  • 15. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Activation | Amazon instructions largely unread Amazon Many users did not read the instructions provided during the activation processes for Amazon. “Just let me enter the code. This ‘Begin Registration’ seems like an extra step.” Input Code Register Your Roku in 4 Steps 15
  • 16. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Looking for a Movie 16
  • 17. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Looking for a Movie | Netflix Flow On TV On Computer Empty Instant Queue Search Results Movie Page (Computer) Movie Page (TV) Instant Queue Movie Added to Instant Queue 17
  • 18. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Looking for a Movie | Amazon Flow On TV Home Amazon Main Menu (Movies) Browsing for a Movie (Buy Area) Input PIN Movie Page (Roku) 18
  • 19. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Looking for a Movie | How It’s Done: Netflix Netflix Netflix users first have to add movies to their Instant Queue in order to watch them on their Roku player. However, some other users did not mind as they often had a computer nearby. “Usually I’m on my couch with the laptop in my lap anyway.” TV: Empty Instant Queue Computer: Netflix.com (Search Results) 19
  • 20. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Looking for a Movie | How It’s Done: Amazon Amazon Amazon users could browse for movies on their Roku player. “That’s the convenience of Amazon; you don’t need a computer once you’re set up.” Both Services Amazon Main Menu (Movies) All users embraced the idea of being able to browse for a movie while on their TV, without the need of a computer. “Ideally, I’d be able to find and watch movies from just my TV.” Movie Page (Roku) Browsing for a Movie (Buy Area) 20
  • 21. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Looking for a Movie | Netflix’ Confusing Lists Netflix Users struggled to understand how titles on Netflix.com would be available to watch on their Roku player. A Specifically, users were unclear of the distinction between “Play”, “Add”, and “Add to Instant Queue” and wanted better labeling and an indication of what to expect for each. “I thought pressing Play would play it on A the computer? It’s not clear.” “I didn’t know there were separate lists.” Search Results (hovering over Play) “The buttons don’t tell me what’s going to happen. They could be more descriptive.” We suspect simply using the approach on the Netflix Movie Page and changing the last button to “Add to Roku/Xbox Queue” may have helped users. B Users found the buttons on the Netflix.com Movie Page more descriptive than the buttons on the Search Results page. B “These [button labels] are much clearer than the previous [Search Results] page.” Movie Page 21
  • 22. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Looking for a Movie | Amazon browsing difficulties on the Roku Amazon Users clearly struggled with Amazon’s browsing options when looking for a movie for the following reasons: 1. Users did not know what categories movies belonged in 2. Number of movies in each category was unclear 3. Sort order not clear 4. No search function Amazon Main Menu (Movies) “There’s no sense of sorting within categories... It seems to scroll on forever. Maybe have it in alphabetical order.” “How would I know if the movie I want is HD or not?! It just seems like a bad way to organize movies.” “Oh, I didn’t even see the A-Z search before. I had to really dig for this.” Movies to Buy (Not Sorted) 22
  • 23. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Looking for a Movie | Roku updates Amazon browsing options As Tested Updated Amazon A software update (on August 11) to the Roku player appears to address the main issues users encountered. Users arriving in the Amazon portion of the Roku player now see Search as their first and default function. Going into Search, users are provided an on-screen keyboard that includes predictive search functionality. Main Menu (Tested) Main Menu (Updated) We believe these improvements greatly complement the unique ability to both find and watch movies with Amazon on users’ TVs. Segmented Search New Search (replaced with update) 23
  • 24. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Watching a Movie 24
  • 25. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Watching a Movie | Netflix & Amazon Both Services The three screens shown on right were used by both Netflix and Amazon to display movies and indicate progress. Generally, users experienced no significant issues watching movies and would typically watch them from beginning to end. A Users responded positively to the Buffering Playback filmstrip-like presentation for scanning within a movie. In fact, a few users preferred this method over the conventional chapter/scene navigation approach found on DVDs as the A filmstrip provided more context for their location within the movie. Some participants wanted to access both scanning options. Scanning Within a Movie 25
  • 26. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Remote & Navigation 26
  • 27. ROKU - DIGITAL MEDIA PLAYER Remote & Navigation | Netflix & Amazon B C A Both Services A Users did not intuitively know that pressing the ‘UP’ arrow button would bring them back one step in a menu or when watching a movie. Almost all users pressed the B ‘HOME’ button for this purpose, and were annoyed that they were typically taken several steps back and would have to start over from Roku’s Home screen. “It’s frustrating… I just want to go back a step, not start all over from the main Example of a ‘Back’ Button featured on menu.” a Microsoft Zune Wireless Remote “They should have dedicated C‘BACK’ button on the remote like on a browser.” D Amazon D Some users did not observe the 2nd level navigation options, including the arrows. “Oh, I didn’t see that there were more categories for movies.” “It’s a bit faint. But now that I see it, it’s obvious.” 2nd Level Navigation 27