The document discusses Walmart de Mexico (Comerci), one of Mexico's largest retail chains. It faces challenges competing against Walmart, which entered the Mexican market aggressively after NAFTA lifted tariffs. Comerci's management must decide whether to try improving its competitive position by remaining independent, or by merging with another company. The document examines Comerci's situation and the options available to its leadership to enhance its ability to compete against Walmart in Mexico.
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2. Erp Vendor
2 0 11 GU ID E TO E R P S YSTEMS A N D V E N D OR S An Independent Research Report
Copyright 2011 Panorama Consulting Group LLC. All rights reserved. No unauthorized reproduction
without the author s written consent. All references to this publication must cite Panorama Consulting
Group as the author and include a link to the original report at http://panorama center/erp industry reports/. ! 4949 S. Syracuse, Suite 500 Denver, CO 80237
Telephone +1.303.974.7171 Panorama Introduction and Summary The 2011 Guide
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SAP continues to attain the biggest share of the total market, regardless of customer size. Microsoft
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and Tier III vendors continue to expand their reach into all market segments and comprise a
substantial portion of the activity reported from our respondents. Copyright 2011 Panorama
Consulting Group 2011 ERP Vendor Analysis 3 *$ )+, $ )! !#$ (! !#$ ! !#$ 0$%/, $ )+, $.$)!+, $ ! !#$
%! !#$ 123$ 4567 8$ ! !#$ 9,75:;: $ =,85$ $6?@$4AB85$ )!!+, $.$%/, $ )!+, $.$%!!+, $ %!!+,
$.$)!!+, $ Copyright 2011 Panorama Consulting Group 2011 ERP Vendor Analysis 4 Vendor Sales
by Industry The
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3. Gold IRA Research Paper
Throughout history there s been an incredible interest associated with the investment of gold. It s no
surprise that this special type of the retirement plan is attracting investors with an interest in precious
metals and a desire to put gold into an investment fund. The first step is to speak with a qualified
professional to answer questions and assist in setting up the account to meet the requirements as an
IRA. History tells the story of precious metals with gold increasing in value over and over. In today s
economy like all other commodities, the price of gold fluctuates but, typically holds its value through
economic conditions, making it a commodity that can be liquidated if needed. Before deciding to
invest, it s critical to learn about the process. Gold IRA is an individual Retirement Account (IRA)
sharing the tax advantages of other IRA investment accounts. The first difference with the Gold IRA,
it s held by a custodian on behalf of the account owner. The second differences, unlike traditional
IRAs, which hold paper assets, Gold IRA hold actual bullion in the forms of coins or bars. Facts ...
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The custodians or trustees administer the investments with direction from the account holder on how
much of the funds can be invested in gold. In most cases, the gold needs to meet a standard of purity
and refinement. This is where the custodian or trustee s experience and knowledge become very
valuable to the Gold IRA account. Rollovers can be done with these Gold IRA accounts, allowing the
holder to participate in diverse investments, which may include other precious metals or additional
IRA plans such as ROTH IRAs, Thrift Savings Plan or
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4. Sputnik And The Space Race
On October 4, 1957, the Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union commenced in a
sudden, explosive fashion. The Soviet Union launched Sputnik , humanity s very first artificial
satellite, into outer space. Sputnik, meaning fellow traveler in Russian, is now synonymous with the
Cold War and the Space Race. Sputnik s purpose was twofold the first reason was purely to beat the
U.S. to outer space. However, Sputnik had scientific reasons to be in space as well. The Soviet Union
determined five objectives for Sputnik to accomplish during her time in space: 1. Test the method of
placing an artificial satellite into Earth s orbit, 2. Provide information on the density of the atmosphere
by calculating its lifetime in orbit, 3. Test radio and optical methods of orbital tracking, 4. Determine
the effects of radio wave propagation through the atmosphere, and 5. Check principles of
pressurization used on satellites. When the Soviet Union beat the United States by launching
something into space first, the U.S. reaction was palpable. Public fear and anxiety spread throughout
the nation, along with a sense of nationalism and pride. The United States must answer with a launch,
or face humiliation and defeat.
The United States answered the Soviets during the new year of 1958. The new year saw the launch of
Explorer I, the creation of NASA, and the founding of the top secret project Corona. The launch of the
United States first satellite a mere three months after
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5. Yummy Good Treats
In the case of Yummy Good Treats it has been argued that since the company utilizes various
technologies that work concurrently with networks and internet connections there is inherently an
increased risk of unauthorized access, wrongful disclosure, alteration and disruption in availability of
company and customer data (Fesl).Therefore I have selected the theme of understanding both
vulnerabilities and threats to a given environment and the risks associated with said vulnerabities. Not
every threat or risk can be accounted for due to the fact that there are unknown unknowns. However,
one may be able to help mitigate threats by implementing a security policy with high standards. In
order to create such a policy it is important that one first
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6. After Careful Examination Of Biblical Texts The Catholic
After careful examination of Biblical texts the Catholic Church teaches that homosexuality is not a sin
but rather it is intrinsically disordered. Additionally the church says, homosexuals should practice a
life of celibacy . This teaching from the Church causes some religious individuals with same sex
attractions to seek opportunities to change their sexual orientation, in order to have a sexual
orientation that better matches their religious identity and beliefs. The most popular way to alter
sexual orientation is through conversion therapy, a complex process that helps willing homosexuals
change their sexual orientation and to find a sense of peace. Some homosexuals seek help to change
their sexual orientation through conversion ... Show more content on ...
Another type of therapy used is group therapy, which can come in the form of retreats and inpatient
care treatments. Group therapy utilizes social support, making it susceptible to patients feeling
pressured to change because others want them to . Particularly, religious ex gay ministries use this
method of therapy along with religious principles to help their clients. An example of such ex gay
ministry is Exodus International . Currently, the most popular method of conversion therapy uses both
religious principles and psychoanalytic therapy. Particularly, current psychodynamic therapy looks at
the poorly formed bond with the same sex parent during childhood, which creates the homosexual
desire . All the different methods of conversion therapy share the same goal of trying to stop
homosexual acts or change the sexual orientation of homosexuals. Whether or not conversion therapy
successfully achieves these goals is still debated.
Currently, there is debate on whether conversion therapy is effective in changing sexual orientation.
Some studies found evidence that conversion therapy does change the sexual orientation of
homosexuals . Unfortunately, some of the researchers have apologized to the gay community for lack
of credibility and faulty research . In contrast, professional organizations speak out against conversion
therapy due to a shortage of evidence that it is successful. One such
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7. Walmart De Mexico Essays
Wal Mart de Mexico Comercial Mexicana S.A. (Comerci), one of Mexico s largest retail chains, was
faced with a serious dilemma. Since Wal Mart s aggressive entry into the Mexican retail market,
Comerci has found it increasingly difficult to remain competitive. Wal Mart s strong operating
presence and low prices since NAFTA s lifting of tariffs have put pressure on Comerci, and now
management must decide if it can improve Comerci s competitive position by remaining independent
or by merging with either a local or foreign retailer. Which raises one question that needs to be
answered: What has caused this intense competitive pressure on Comerci, and what is likely to be its
future? Mexico s retail sector has benefited greatly from the ... Show more content on
The company has expanded into internationally to nine countries through new store construction and
acquisitions. Today Wal Mart International employs more than 330,000 associates in Argentina,
Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Korea, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the United Kingdom. Wal Mart s
operations in Canada, the United States and Mexico s partners in NAFTA, began in 1994 with
acquisition of 122 Woolco stores. It now has 196 stores and has strong partnerships with Canadian
suppliers. With growth stalling in the United States Wal Mart is looking to international expansion for
growth in fiscal 2002, the international division increased sales by 10.5 percent to $35.4 billion and
operating profit increased 31.1 percent to $1.4 billion. The division accounts for 17 percent of sales
and 11 percent of profits. Most forecaster believe Wal Mart s growth outside the United States will
grow by an average of 26 percent for the foreseeable future. Wal Mart s success internationally has
varied by country. Although successful in countries like Mexico and Canada, where it has become the
largest retailer, it has yet to prove itself in Germany and Argentina. It is learning from its past
mistakes, and it is now adapting much better to local cultures and learning from partnerships formed
in each country. Wal Mart Competitive Advantage Much of Wal Mart s international success comes
from the tested practices of the U.S. division bases its success on.
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8. Case Study Of Kellogg s
Kellogg is $14.2 billion American multinational food manufacturing organization based in Battle
Creek, Michigan, USA. The food manufacturing giant has production units in 18 countries and it
markets more than 1,500 products in over 180 countries all over the world. Over the time Kellogg has
come out as a successful brand known for its packaged breakfast food items.
Kellogg entered India in 1995. On its advent, it made another classification of marked breakfast cereal
items. From that point forward the voyage for Kellogg s has been a long way from simple, really it has
been tough to the point that it has ended up to be one of the greatest brand disappointments in India.
Kellogg s under its umbrella brand offers following products ... Show more content on ...
The breakfast taken by people in India is basically a low priced breakfast Industry rivalry which
included Hot milk, Idli, Dosa, Vadaa, Bread Spread, and so on relying upon different locales.
Kellogg s had a firm belief that its brand value conveyed forward from the west would reflect its
accomplishment in India. It pushed its overall effective quality firm pieces in a conventional manner
that had guaranteed accomplishment all through the western nations. However along these lines of
marking which seemed like a safe procedure somewhere else, ended up being radically harming for
the company.
First of all, Indians prefer hot milk compared to cold milk. At the point when the Kellogg s flakes are
blended with hot milk, they ended up being saturated subsequently out rightly dismisses by the buyers.
Kellogg s later needed to adjust their food items to suit hot milk yet the harm had been carried out.
Secondly, the price of half kg packet of Kellogg s cornflakes was itself much higher when compared
to its traditional competitors Kellogg as a brand was basically intended to be focused at the working
class consumer. But high prices made consumers to buy their products not on a regular basis and
ignoring its nutritional
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9. Pine Wilt Essay
Pine wilt is a disease of pine trees caused by Pinewood nematodes, a microscopic roundworm. Though
all species of pines found east of the Rocky Mountains in the United States are hosts, Pinewood
nematode is most commonly found on Scotch pine. Native pine tree species are resistant, with the
nematodes being more of a problem on introduced species of pines. Most often the first sign of pine
wilt is the sudden decline and death of an entire pine tree, usually from the warmest part of the
summer through the fall. The dead tree could retain its needles for as long as one year. Because the
dead wood is dry it becomes very brittle. Pinewood nematode is transmitted from tree to tree by pine
sawyer beetles which overwinter as larvae in dead pines or pine logs which still have the bark
attached. After pupating, the adult pine sawyer beetles, carrying nematodes in their tracheae, fly to
healthy host pine trees where the nematodes enter through feeding wounds. Pinewood nematodes
migrate to resin canals where they feed and rapidly reproduce. The resin canal system is damaged and
water movement in the tree is disrupted. Once the pine tree dies the nematodes continue to feed and
reproduce on blue stain fungus which infects the tree. In summer, female pine sawyer beetles carry
nematodes as they fly back to dead pine wood where they lay their eggs. Eggs ... Show more content
on ...
If there is a group of pine trees on the site insecticide treatments can be done in an effort to save the
remaining trees. Dead branches should be pruned from live trees to reduce the attraction of pine
sawyer beetles. Any dead pine trees or firewood should be removed or destroyed. Do not use the
mulch from an infested tree for mulch. When replacing dead trees choose species which are immune
to pine wilt such as Norway or Colorado blue spruce, Douglas fir, cedar, hemlock or white pine
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10. Body Modification Workplace
Body Modification In The Workplace
Imagine a young boy in his late teens walking down a busy street with numerous piercing on his face
and his hands, and neck covered in countless tattoos. The very first thoughts that pop up tend to be
Uneducated or scary , society is quick to judge. There is always a lot of controversy when it comes to
body modifications. Most people instantly have an opinion of them; they either love them or hate
them. What is not realized is the fact that there is a ton of time and effort put into the design and or
locations of the tattoo/body piercing. People get body modifications as a way of self expression and
being set free from their boring lives. Unfortunately, in the business world, most executives do not
believe there is such a thing as an acceptable body modification and see them as a sign of rebellion.
Employers may argue that tattoos/piercings in the workplace are inappropriate, unprofessional, and
even distracting. Although tattoos and body piercings are not respected by certain demographics and
may portray negative images that may be ... Show more content on ...
This piercing is given upon the transition to adulthood for young women, and in some cases is never
removed. These traditions remain strong in these cultures and can be seen in practice today. Pacific
Island cultures also practice ritual body modification including both tattoos and piercings (Why Do
People Get Body Piercings?). it s not always just a body modification, it is sometimes more than that.
For military families or those with deceased relatives, tattoos are placed on a person s body as a
remembrance or honor to their loved ones. It s a permanent tombstone the person carries on their
body. Employers should not discriminate against something that has such a deep meaning behind what
is easily seen on the outside. Employees shouldn t be forced to cover up something they truly desire
and cherish on their
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11. Gerovital H3 Essay
What is Gerovital H3?
What s Gerovital H3 and how can it help people better their health? Rendering from recent research,
there are many benefits which may result from this drug. Many have reported their overall health is
better due to this drug when taken orally or professionally administered by intravenous injection.
Though, these assertions have been found innumerable within several key scientific communities.
During the 1950 s, this medication was a popular anti aging treatment. It was heavily promoted during
its public introduction.
The abbreviations for this treatment stands for procaine hydrochloride. Today, there re countless
identical byproducts. Also, there are different drugs, supplements and treatments similar to Gerovital
H3. The active component in its non derivative form is unalloyed procaine.
Due to there being countless supplements to choose from, sundries of individuals trust health
professionals for primary nutritional advice. Furthermore, there are many who are in quest of
improved holistic health alternatives to remain renewed, and uphold their health.
Health Conditions Benefits
Benefits resultant from Gerovital H3, have reportedly ... Show more content on ...
PABA and DEAE are the chief parts that make up the chemical compounds of the drug. It works at a
cellular level and is absorbed in the body better through IV or intramuscular injection. PABA stands
for para amino benzoic acid and it occurs naturally within the human body. Likewise, DEAE stands
for diethyl amino ethanol and it occurs naturally within the human body as well. Both naturally
occurring substances, are essential for overall health. IV rehydration is a technique that is used to
bring the hydration levels of the human body into a balanced state. Also, it is used along with
Gerovital H3 as a holistic health therapy. The center for holistic medicine is a source for obtaining this
type of
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12. The Tyranny Of White Majority Essay
The United States, even though considered the land of freedom, has been struggling with lingering
racism and discrimination throughout the 19th and 20th century. Democratic reform throughout the
century were implanted to eliminate the tyranny of the white majority Yet many scholars like
Tocqueville, Fredrick Harris and WEB DuBois have challenged these results. The reality is that the
tyranny of white majority has continued throughout the 18th to the 21st century resulting in a society
that has suppressed and constantly failed to integrate African American into the white society by
neglecting the race, using natural prejudice, race neutral policies, and laws that benefited whites more
than African Americans.
Even before the 13th amendment and emancipation of slaves, small reforms in the northern states
were being implemented to create a true free society. One would argue that these reforms were the
first steps of a liberal reform that would lead to the eventual equality amongst the two races but what
is forgotten is that even though reforms were passed the white majority had a natural prejudice.
Tocqueville explains what makes the natural prejudice was the disgrace the African American
ethnicity received by being forced as slaves. This slavery was based on race rather than being like
ancient slavery which had nothing to do the face of a person (PG 400). The African Americans who
were considered free during the that were still disgraced because as Tocqueville said free
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13. Notes On Motivation Theory And Motivation
Chapter 2: Literature review
2.1. Motivation theory
Types of motivation
According to Pritchard and Ashwood (2008: 6), motivation is the process used to allocate energy to
maximize the satisfaction of needs. It requires that one have a reason to do something. Well know
researchers in this area Ryan and Deci (2010) believe that a person, who feels no drive or inspiration
to act, can therefore be characterized as unmotivated, while someone who is energized toward a goal
can be defined as motivated. People may also experience differing levels and types of motivation
based on their individual backgrounds, which means that they vary not only in their amount of
motivation, but also in the trend of that motivation (Ryan and Deci, 2000). Different things motivate
people who come from different social, cultural, economic and/or financial backgrounds, or who have
received different education. An employee s motives, socio economic background and value system
will have an effect on how they work, as well as influence the outcome of their performance (Wyk and
Erasmus, 2003: 315).
Many researchers have worked in the field of motivation over the years, and developed different
theories. Maslow s Hierarchy of needs theory proposes that an individual s most basic needs must be
met before they will develop higher level desires (Goble, 1970). Maslow created the term
metamotivation to explain the motivations of those people, which go beyond the extent of their basic
needs and instead
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14. Rainforest
This report will show the different options available to Rainforest on decision making that will support
the growth of our company. Along with a description of each system, a company profile has been
researched and is considered a great fit for management in order to work more efficiently. The areas to
be discussed are Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems and Group Support
Systems. I. Management Information Systems the purpose of this type of system is to help
organizations achieve its goals by supplying managers with insights into the normal operations of the
company so that they can control, organize, and plan more effectively. Is a system that provides the
right information to the right person at the right time ... Show more content on ...
Location analytics is can be used in e commerce and analytical applications to help employees
complete tasks quickly like checking inventory levels to booking a hotel room when attending a
conference of training opportunity. This is just a small area of this application there is much more to
dive into and adventure that can help the growth of the company (TIBCO Spotfire, 2014). Spotfire
will help management personally analyze and forecast the future of the business, it will allow them to
collaborate and work together. Running reports will be easily accessible with real time data, this will
allow to quickly get a better understanding on how production is doing and we are progressing. It can
also be used to forecast and determine when it would be the right time to
... Get more on ...
15. How Do Sociological And Psychological Needs Affect Form,...
Masters in Design
SDES9211 Culture and Identity
By Shrestha z5089685
Lecturer Mark Ian Jones
Research Question:
How do sociological and psychological needs affect form, national identity, and concept in the
contemporary world? What is the importance of cultural identity? And why is it important? These are
a few question I would answer in the following study. The objective is to understand the early or
modern concepts representing cultural or national uniqueness. This research proposes, the designs and
concepts to be crafted more than being engineered (Norman D, 1990), so that every culture is unique
in itself, and analysing Australian national identity in connection with globalization, culture, art, and
society. Examining greek culture in the previous assignment made us familiar with the concept and
will also help to analyze the Australian National identity.
Outline :
My path leads to the creation of a fresh perception of the world. I decipher in a new way the world
unknown to you stated by a Russian filmmaker Dziga Vertov, in a prescient 1923 manifesto,(Vertov
1984, p18). In today s scenario, Industrialisation at its peak has given birth Globalisation widely
recognized since mid 1980 s, which means to make worldwide scope . This has also brought about a
change as ethnoscapes, financescapes, technoscapes, ideoscapes have seen an
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16. Should Marijuana Oil Be The Real All
Keval Dhanani
Honors English 10
Mr. Kavanaugh
10 January 2015
Could Marijuana Oil Be The Real All In One Cure?
Epilepsy affects 50,000,000 people worldwide (Cure Epilepsy). Almost 500 new cases are reported
each day in the United States. Thirty percent of these cases are from children (Cure Epilepsy). Instead
of living a life of happiness, these children are fighting for their lives, hoping they can see the next
day. However, it does not have to be this way. There is a possible cure for epilepsy,but many countries
have banned the use of this product. Some countries now allow their citizens the use of marijuana oil,
more commonly referred to as CBD, or cannabidiol. CBD is believed to cure certain terminal
illnesses. Many scientists are now ... Show more content on ...
Once the plant is dissolved, the thick liquid is poured into a coffee filter to strain out the unwanted
plant remnants. The last step is to boil the strained liquid (How to Make Canna oils). This rather
expeditious method is the most expeditious and most efficient way to engender cannabidiol.
Marijuana oil is thought to have been discovered by Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 27 B.C. In 1545
marijuana was sent to the western hemisphere, and was commonly utilized in making attire, baskets,
paper, and rope (Nature s Addictive Plants). Often, in many cases, people are confused whether to
believe in the positive effects or heed the negative effects of marijuana oil. One beneficial acid found
in the oil is Omega 3 fatty acid, which prevents coronary heart disease (What Is Hemp Oil Benefits).
Omega 3 fatty acid is an unsaturated fatty acid of a kind occurring mostly in fish oils. The oil also
contains Aliphatic Alcohols, which reduce cholesterol and reduce platelet aggression. Phytol, one of
the Aliphatic Alcohols, is associated with an anti cancer benefits. Phytol can also be found in foods
such as spinach, beans, asparagus, green leafy vegetables. Also tocopherol, an antioxidant, helps
against degenerative diseases such as alzheimers and atherosclerosis (New Health Benefits Associated
with Hempseed Oil). The crowd that this oil benefits is consisted of patients with: cancer, seizures,
risk of obtaining coronary heart disease, and
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17. George S Patton And Odysseus From The Odyssey
The sun is just setting over the men of the Third Army. They are overtaking one of the most prized
Nazi strongholds, Metz. These men who will wage war within the hour are heroes in their own right
but the hero they all look up to is their general, George S. Patton. He truly is the hero of this theatre of
war. These, and all heroes, look at danger as little more than an obstacle to overpass. General George
S Patton and Odysseus from The Odyssey, by Homer, are both heroes. They reached fame at very
different times but they both exhibited the same qualities and abilities that allowed them to overcome
any and every challenge thrown at them. Patton fought Nazis in North Africa and Western Europe,
Odysseus battled Cyclops and other beasts ... Show more content on ...
He would not have been called a coward if he walked away from those odds. He didnt walk away. He
stood and fought with his son and they prevailed. He decided that his home and his family were worth
the risk. Patton, as a general in WWII, knew that each man under his control was worth it. He told
them that, Each man has a purpose in my army and each man before me will be expected to fulfill that
duty (O Reilly.14). Patton did more than just inspire his men from a concealed hideout, far from the
danger of the front lines, he also journeyed in his Willy Jeep to the front lines to guide the assault. He
was a high value target and escaped death on numerous occasions but he maintained his composure on
these ever increasing excursions. When leaving the front lines he would find soldiers and make a point
of, placing his hand on their shoulder, looking them in the eyes and saying, Don t disappoint me
soldier. (O Reilly.15). He expected a lot of his men just as Odysseus did as evidenced by his
disappointment when members of his crew became disloyal and even acted as cowards when faced
with challenges.. Odysseus himself did great things but he expected to be a role model to his men as
well. When in a grim situation, a hero needs to remain composed to allow for his wisdom and strategic
mindset to come through and save the day as displayed by both Odysseus and Patton. Odysseus was
trapped in a cave with a stone, that no group of men could move, separating him from the
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18. Witch Wolf Research Paper
The witch wolf is a dangerous species and is very unique. It almost looks the same as a normal wolf,
there is only some changes. Some differences from a normal wolf is how it catches prey, how it acts,
where it lives, or what kind of powers it has. The witch wolf has grey fur and amber eyes. But, while
they are on the prowl, all of their hair stands on end and their eyes turn black. A adult witch wolf is
about 5.1 feet to 7.3 feet in length, which is larger than a normal wolf by a couple feet. These special
types of wolves live in packs. Next, they have special powers because they are part witch. They can
lure prey away from safety with spells, and they can go invisible for very short periods of time. When
these packs find prey they strike
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19. Workplace Advocacy
Introduction In a profession where others health and well being are priority, there leaves room for
neglect of those who are delegated to care for these people. As a professional nurse, there are many
obstacles that arise and affect the care provided to a patient, as well as the livelihood of the nurse. The
current deteriorating and unsafe staffing conditions in hospitals and other institutions prompts
workplace advocacy as the universally appropriate concept for maintaining professional nursing
practice. The Arkansas Nurses Association and the Louisiana State Nurses Association define
workplace advocacy as a planned, organized system of services and resources designed to support the
professional nurse in the workplace (White Paper on ... Show more content on ...
Hess, discusses shared governance involvement with the nursing shortage that healthcare facilities are
now facing. Hess focused on the purpose of shared governance, which is to give registered nurses
control over their practice. This will help ensure nurse involvement in the workplace. In expressing his
struggle, Hess clearly defines shared governance with the order of structures and processes involved
within each organization (Hess, 2004). However, he does agree with its purpose that nursing shared
governance helps with every situation a nurse may encounter in the healthcare setting. The following
article further evaluates workplace advocacy in a way that relates to shared governance. In an article
entitled, Common Denominators: Shared Governance and Workplace Advocacy Strategies for Nurses
to Gain Control over Their Practice, Green, and Jordan explore the concepts of shared governance and
workplace advocacy. According to Green (2004), organizations implementing shared governance
concentrate on having a partnership between the organization and the employees. Shared governance
concentrates on the micro level, which is the internal aspect of workplace policies (Green, 2004). In
contrast to shared governance, workplace advocacy focuses on both micro and macro levels, which
are external. These external policies consist of local, state, or federal policies (Green, 2004). Some
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20. Spencer Pote s Major Accomplishments
It s a joke about the letters in DNA; like, it s A, C, T and G, and they made every CAT into a cat head.
The first thing you notice in Spencer Pote s office is the giant fluorescent colored poster on his desk; it
contrasts heavily with the dark brown of the wood and the grays of the carpet and cabinets. I m a big
fan of cats. I ve had them since I was a baby, and I m going to have them until I die. If someone didn t
know who Spencer Pote was, they would probably assume he was a quirky high school teacher.
However, with a quick scan of the wall it becomes evident Pote is different; a PhD from University of
Chicago in Human Genetics cozies up to a picture of Pote s husband, which rests right above a photo
of Pote being awarded the Edward ... Show more content on ...
Genéticus, a non profit organization founded by Pote, has now reached it s one million landmark of
treatments over five locations near the U.S. Mexico border. With Genéticus, Pote has pioneered the
way gene therapy works in the modern world, setting precedents of altruism and accessibility through
his non profit organization. All information that Genéticus distributes is bilingual, and there is no fee
for an initial consultation with a geneticist. The main goal of Genéticus is to remove the risk of
devastating genetic diseases in the embryo of Hispanic children through genetic engineering.
However, the biggest achievement that Pote himself created was his work in epigenetics and the
demethylation of genes in embryos. During intensely stressful times, the levels of cortisol will
increase within an individual. When this occurs, methyl groups simultaneously accumulate on the
genes responsible for the cortisol production, making it easier for RNA transcribe the gene by
loosening the DNA s coil. If these individuals have children, the amount of methyl groups on the
genome will be carried over to the next generation, increasing the risk of them having anxiety and
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21. Stockholm Syndrome
This documentary caught my attention right from the opening lines. People, in general, do not like to
admit when they are wrong, so when the narrator began by claiming that the entire set of beliefs he
had grown up with and lived his life by were wrong and untrue it made me stop and consider how that
would affect a person. To have your entire way of thinking be proven invalid would be an unsettling
situation to put it simply. I could not begin to imagine how that would feel, but I tried to keep this
thought in mind as I continued with the rest of the documentary as it explored complex ideas
involving education, employment, and obedience. As someone who is pursuing a higher education by
attending college, I believe education is incredibly ... Show more content on ...
I can t say that I honestly enjoyed watching it, but then again that is not the point of a documentary
such as this. This documentary, although not the most exciting to watch, forces you to constantly
evaluate and consider the information being presented to you. There were times I would have to
rewind just to give my thoughts a second to catch up, and in that sense, the film fully accomplished its
goal. In discussing complicated ideas such as education, employment, and obedience it showed me
just how narrow my scope of the world is, and I think I can better understand what the narrator meant
and how he felt when he said: almost everything I was brought up to believe turns out to be
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22. Essay on Mendin Wall
Walls Have Two
In Robert Frost amp;#8217;s amp;#8220;Mending Wall, ; he shows a man views about a wall. The
man names both pros and cons of having the wall. He also hints at how a wall might affect a particular
society. The poem is a conversation between two neighbors on either side of a wall. The main speaker
amp;#8217;s conversation shows his views about the purpose of the wall, and it amp;#8217;s
effectiveness to either bring people together, or it amp;#8217;s tendency to separate them.
The main speaker amp;#8217;s conversation shows his feelings about the purpose of the wall. His
monotonous feeling toward mending the wall shows his reluctance to having the wall. In his ... Show
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But since the wall needs repairing every spring the two neighbors have reason to be together. Though
the two don amp;#8217;t speak much about meaningful things they are still together. And maybe this
is why the second speaker thinks that amp;#8220;Good fences make good neighbors ; (27).
The speaker contradicts his early view of the wall amp;#8217;s ability to bring people together when
he shows how the wall separates people. He demonstrates this when he says, amp;#8220;And set the
wall between us once again we keep the wall between us as we go ; (14). Even at the time when the
two are mending the wall there is no conversation about each of their personal lives. Instead all that
they talk about is the object that separates them, the wall. The wall seems to take away from them
becoming more knowledgeable about each other amp;#8217;s lives, which often hinders a friendship.
The speaker also refers to a wall as giving separation through offense when he says, amp;#8220;And
to whom I was like to give offense ; (34).
This poem offers a holistic view of a wall and it amp;#8217;s affect on neighbors. This aspect of the
poem allows the reader to decide on the need for a wall. Walls serve many purposes in society like
boundaries, defense, and offense. But should society as a whole let wall separate itself from one
another. So the question still stands do walls or fences really make
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23. Reasons Why Urban And Rural Areas Are Interdependent On...
Currently, most of the world s population is living in urban areas which have implications for land use
and land changes, use of natural resources, and the absorption of rural labour in urban areas. The rural
and urban interdependence means the flow of natural resources, agricultural commodity, money,
information and services between rural and urban areas. Moreover, the rural population is adopting the
urban style and behaviour or is becoming socially urbanized. According to Steinberg (2014) economic
development and natural resource use and as well as livelihoods bind urban and rural areas together.
These indicate that urban and rural areas have a symbiotic relationship, which makes them to depend
on each other. Thus, one area needs the other to function and develop. This essay will outline and
discuss the ways and reasons why urban and rural areas are interdependent on each other.
RURAL AND URBAN INTERACTION Source: Repp et al. (2012).
There is a rich flow between urban and rural areas in domestic and tourism and consumption, such as
rural people visiting urban and spending money on food and entertainment. One of the factors that
indicate the interdependent between rural and urban areas is spatial flow. The ... Show more content
on ...
Rural areas play a role in accommodating and managing waste from urban areas because in rural areas
the space is enough unlike in urban areas where there is limited space, high rents, or environmental
conflicts Kubische (2007). The waste in urban areas flows to rural areas and is a worldwide
phenomenon. Water pollution, loss and degradation of farmland through urban expansion, soil erosion,
threats to forests, coastlines, and marine ecosystems from disposal toxic wastes air pollution and acid
rain from urban industries, power generation, and motor vehicles, are among the long list flow that
position many rural areas as dumping grounds for urban
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24. Canada s Policy Difference Of The United States Essay
Canada s policy difference
The assessment of Canada s housing policy is based more upon the need of its citizen versus the right.
Over the years, homelessness has developed in size and complication in Canada (Gaetz, Tarasuk,
Dachner, Kirkpatrick, 2006). Originally, the homeless crisis was a major concern of urban centers like
Montreal, Laval, Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, and Toronto, but rising frequency of homelessness in
the suburbs is compelling an immediate response (Laird, 2007). In response to the surmounting
homelessness that Canada is facing, the Federal Government of Canada proposed $120 million
annually from April 2014 until April 2019 with $700 million in new funding to renew its
Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS) in Action Plan 2011(Government of Canada, 2016). The
response to the surmounting threat of homelessness is comparable to the response the United States
taken with the PATH policy. Similar to the United States policy, Canada s response is community
based to the need of the citizen afflicted. However, there are key differences in policy such as the
PATH policy offers outreach services, screening and diagnostic treatment services, and case
management services that are more individual intensive (Benefits.Gov, 2016).
Canada s policies addressing homelessness
There are several policies that Canada have in place in order to safeguard against homelessness. There
are the Homelessness Partnering Strategy, Canada s Economic Action Plan 2013, and Canada s
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25. Discrimination Can Affect Anyone Anywhere Essay
Discrimination can affect anyone anywhere. Major focus points of discrimination are based off race,
gender, or sexuality. However, there is a form of discrimination that is often invisible to the public eye
and did not even have a proper name until 1981 (FWD Forward). This form of discrimination affects
many Americans everyday. This type of discrimination is known as ableism. Ableism is defined as the
discrimination of disabled people in favor of able bodied people. Ableism is not as noticed or as
mainstream as other forms of discrimination. Fifty four million Americans currently have some form
of disability, yet the discrimination towards the disabled community is still out of focus in many
aspects (HRFnd). While the United States of America has come a long with shaping civil rights for the
disabled people, the country still has a long way to go. Issues that disabled people struggle with today
include, unemployment, social isolation, and stereotypes that demean the disabled population. These
are all issues that should have been addressed and resolved back when laws such as the Americans
with Disabilities Act passed in the United States back in 1990 by the George H. Bush Administration.
However, these issues have not been resolved and ableism is still a huge issue in the United States that
needs to be solved. The disabled community is still fighting battles that should have ended a long time
ago. With more consideration though, society could put an end to
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26. Northwood s Farewell Speech
Good afternoon Northwood administrators, teachers, staff, family and most importantly Northwood s
Class of 2018. Before I begin, I would first like to thank Mrs. Friedman for that lovely introduction. I
would also like to thank Mrs. Carey, Mrs. Hollister and the entire Northwood staff for giving me the
opportunity to speak to you all today.
Believe it or not, five years ago I sat in those same seats you re in right now. It s funny seeing you all
today, so grown up compared to the little 3rd graders I remember you being back then. Just like you, I
was a young thirteen year old kid eager to graduate and excited to walk through those big high school
doors in September. I couldn t wait for my first day. I d imagine myself making friends, playing ...
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Coming from a great school such as Northwood, you will have a solid foundation and all the tools
necessary to succeed. Again, you have to make that decision to use those tools to help you.
Assignments will primarily be given to you with due dates. For example, my second week at Central I
walked into my English 1 class and we were given our first book. Coming from Northwood, I
assumed that we would be given a reading schedule along with the text but to my surprise we were
told to read the entire book by sometime the next month. Not to mention the papers, book reports and
projects that were all due in between that time. Again this was one class out of six I was taking so you
can imagine my facial expressions when I heard this. However, instead of letting my fear and anxiety
get the best of me I talked to my grandparents about my classes, got help from teachers/tutors, and
used the tools I had. If I didn t learn things previously that I should of for a class, I made sure I gave
maximum effort which always makes up for a lack of previous knowledge. Long story short, I ended
that year with a 4.07 GPA so again, I m telling you, no matter how challenging it may seem always
give your maximum
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27. Deaf Again Essay
Could you picture yourself growing up as in a world where everyone treated you differently or
thought that you were stupid just because you are unable to hear? Well Mark Drolsbaugh experienced
that first hand. He explains his story of how he dealt with his hearing loss in his novel Deaf Again.
The book begins with a small child who could hear just fine, but as the story progresses he becomes
hard of hearing and eventually deaf. All this happens with in a couple of years. Mark realized that he
had a hearing problem in the first grade when he was presenting a toy for show and tell. Another
student asked him a question about his item, but he was so far away Mark was unable to hear him.
Mark s respond was a blank stare at the boy. The ... Show more content on ...
Mark passed the test to get in to Germantown Friends School but the principle was unsure because he
was deaf. But after a little while he proved that he was able to handle that environment. He got an
interpreter to help him but by the time everything was translated it was too late. He was later to be the
only Deaf student to graduate from Germantown Friends School. He later attended Gallaudet and
realized that he was a normal person and could function just like everyone else. While at Gallaudet he
learned a lot about Deaf Culture and also met his wife there. He had a hard life but in the end it is
what made him who he was. Every parent who has a Deaf child should read this book so they would
understand what they need to do so their child has the most advantage with their education and
everyday life. There are many lessons that are taught, like you should not force a child to use a hearing
aid because they need to make their own decisions about how they want to live, they might want to try
to hear or just stay deaf because that is who they are. I highly recommend this novel to
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28. Hero Is A Hero
Tom Hanks once said A hero is somebody who voluntarily walks into the unknown. This quote
explains how people don t get picked to be heroes, they do good deeds to protect other people. A hero
is not someone who has super powers, is known by everyone, and always knows what to do. No a real
hero doesn t know what to expect, they just do what they think is right. Heroes are people we see
everyday, they are always willing to sacrifice themselves, they show great courage, and they don t do
heroic deed for prizes but for the safety of others.
Heroes are willing to sacrifice anything, even their life, for someone else. For example, police,
firefighters, and soldiers sacrifice their life every day to protect people from all the danger in the
world making all of them great heroes. Another example of a hero in action was a news story, the title
was Soldier shields women from exploding car , in the story it told how a woman named Brandy Guin
was stuck in a car that caught on fire. Unable to move a soldier named Cory Hinkle ran to the car and
got Guin to the side of the road and shielded her with his body to make sure she wouldn t get hurt,
luckily Hinkle or Guin weren t killed. He sacrificed his life for a woman he didn t even know and
stated after the incident he would hesitate to do it again making him a real hero. Finally a girl by the
name of Julandie Scholtz said The greatest sacrifice is when you sacrifice your own happiness for the
sake of someone else. By saying this quote she means to say that life and happienes are the 2 most
valuable things in life, sacrificing them would make one an awesome hero. These are great examples
of what heroes do every day, sacrificing their happiness, their life, and sometimes their own freedom
for others.
Heroes are courageous in the most dangerous or the most deadliest situations. In this case, a news
article that had the title of Man climbs up a building to save a dangling child. The man s name is
Liang Lee and he wasted no time to help the boy not fall. Lee courageously used his bare hands to
climb up an apartment building, all the way to where the child was, saying I got here and found the
boy barely moving he then carefully grabbed the boy and took him back down.
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29. Modern Day Slavery Of Thailand
Modern day Slavery in Thailand
Every year, Thailand experiences high rates of human trafficking from its rural parts and from its the
neighboring countries in the Greater Mekong Sub region. Sex trafficking is not just described as the
trade in humans for sexual slavery but also consists of forced marriages or even martyr organ donors.
Trafficking is often seen through the hue of sexual slavery and it is critical to understand the social,
political and economic reasons that contribute to the growth of human trafficking in Thailand. Since
the Vietnam War, sex trafficking has been on a constant rise due to foreign troops being the very first
clients to sex workers, there has been a perception of Thailand as a sought of after destination for ...
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Hence the question that arises is that despite all of this, why does sex trafficking endure? The reason is
because sex trafficking has slowly become a part of Thailand s cultural heritage, so much so that it s
religious, economic and political background has become a viable reference point.
Religious norms also play an important part in constructing the social status of women in Thailand.
Communities such as the ethnic Akha that is predominantly a Buddhist community, accredits in the
strict readings on the basic truths of Karma. Seabrook further elaborates that women are inherently
impure and carnal according to various undeniable Buddhist sects and these communities relate the
involvement of women in sex trade as a consequence of their karma, their demerit in a former life. In
this way, men can express lust without demerit because it is caused by women (qtd. in Mah, 80). This
specific reading of Buddhist sects exempts men from any sins when associated with human
trafficking. Moreover, the spiritual beliefs associated with the social status of the women grants the
same status to be cemented into a culture. Religious norms then become a principal factor in
determining the cultural values of a community, especially in rural areas. Hence, it creates a feedback
loop of religious values that allows men to consume prostitution without fear of wrongdoings
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30. Siren Song And Homer s Portrayal Of Sirens In The Odyssey
As decades and centuries have gone on, the portrayal of women in literature has evolved. In fact, this
can be easily seen when comparing works of literature on a similar topic, such as Margaret Atwood s
Siren Song and Homer s depiction of sirens in The Odyssey . In Greek literature and mythology,
Sirens were a commonly reoccuring mythical creature. They were often described as half bird and half
woman, and they would lure nearby sailors to shipwreck on the coast of their island with their
enchanting music and voices. Although both authors are writing about the same subject, the way that
the sirens are portrayed differs, perhaps this is likely due to the different time periods in which they
were written in; as Atwood s version was written several centuries later than Homer s. In Atwood s
Siren Song the sirens are characterized as cunning, and as intellectually superior to the men, where as
in Homer s The Odyssey , the sirens are characterized as evil yet seductive creatures out to destroy the
men s lives.
In Homer s The Odyssey the sirens are depicted as dangerous creatures who are set out to ruin the men
s lives through alluring voices. Evidence of this can be seen when Circe tells Odysseus that there is,
no wife rising to meet him (12.48) who draws to close to the sirens, and that there will be no happy
children beaming at their father s face (12.49). By these quotes, it is evident that emphasis is placed on
the man and that the sirens (the women) will ruin his
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31. The State of Georgia s Provision Unit
PROVISION UNIT The state of Georgia s provision unit that has helped become a deciding factor in
putting certain statues in place is the Georgia General Assembly. The Georgia General Assembly has
existed in Georgia since January of 1751 it is one of the largest state legislatures in the nation. Under
the General Assembly there are two chambers, the House of Representatives and the senate. The
House of Representatives, which is one provision unit, has a total of 180 members who represent
many districts across the state of Georgia. The Speaker is one who presides over the House of
Representatives. The House of Representatives duties include handing legislation dealing with
Georgia s Department of Transportation and their operations, in addition, they deal with legislation
regarding Georgia s roads and infrastructure (HOUSE.GA.GOV). The senate, which is the second
provision unit, is similar to the house; however they consist of about 56 members who also represent
districts from around the state. The senate s main responsibilities include legislation relating to
highway safety and regulation of intrastate common carriers (SENATE.GOV). MEMBERS The
Georgia General Assembly has officials who have been elected to hold their position. Within the
House of Representatives the Speaker is said to be the leader and Georgia s current Speaker is David
Ralston who was elected in January 2010. Speaker Ralston was elected by the members of the House.
Speaker Ralston serves as the presiding
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32. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
All too often, people are judged based on their appearance, causing them to pretend to be someone
they truly are not. This is true in the instance of racism, which is a socially constructed idea
discriminating against people based on their skin color (Takaki). The people that are victims of this
discrimination will sometimes internalize their feelings when they are separated by a community.
Psychoanalytic theory is seen in a text depicting a character who is motivated by psychological desires
or conflicts. It will show how the human experience is defined by psychological struggle (Tyson). In
Toni Morrison s The Bluest Eye, the character Pecola Breedlove internalizes her discrimination due to
her skin color and her family reputation. By the end of the novel, she is shunned by the community,
and she has no choice but to be her own friend. Pecola is raped by her father, which causes her to
personify her doubts in an attempt to obtain compliments for her blue eyes, as she subconsciously
avoids rejection by her community.
According to the society in which she lives, when Pecola is raped by her father, the community treats
her as an outcast because she could have prevented her pregnancy. Claudia and Frieda overhear
women talking while they are selling seeds, and one of the women says, She carry some of the
blame... How come she didn t fight him [Cholly]? (Morrison 189). Her community believes that
Pecola is equally responsible for being raped, even though the same people admit
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33. Loaded Firearms
Do You Carry At Home or Just When You Go Out
For those that have carried for any length of time will feel uncomfortable without a holstered firearm
on their hip. You feel anxious, without it there on the hip. The comforting weight is gone, and until the
situation is rectified you feel exposed, naked even.
You pat your pants pocket for keys, change, and check for your phone. You feel to make sure your
wallet is in place and you always put your hand to your hip to make sure your sidearm is secure. The
purse gets inspected for keys, phone, wallet, and other daily necessities and you always make sure
your sidearm is nestled inside. It is in place even when around the home, and it may come out of the
purse so it can be clipped to your waist when ... Show more content on ...
If you don t want to panic the neighbors and UPS drivers then carry concealed on your own property.
It is important that you do not skimp on your holster in particular if you carry concealed. You literally
need a fitting before bringing it home, so try to purchase your holster when you buy your handgun so
you match the two up.
We were not going to get into the debate about open carrying out in public but a news article caught
our eye here.
Gun Toting Subway Customer Gets Into Open Carry Dispute with Police
In Connecticut, people can open carry so long as they have a permit and are carrying the permit with
them in public. You cannot be arrested for simply carrying openly, and here is where the law gets
murky. On one hand the law also states police officers can ask to see your permit and refusal to
produce the permit can lead to an arrest because you interfered with police.
On the other hand, the law states that police need a reasonable suspicion that a crime has been
committed by the one carrying the weapon. This allows police to at any time reasonably assume a
crime has been committed or will be committed by someone open carrying. Essentially, in
Connecticut police can ask you for your papers at any time.
Businesses are allowed to refuse service to anyone open carrying in
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34. Martin Luther King Jr (Selection)
Martin Luther King JR (Selection)
Martin Luther King was a civil right leader and also a minister with spoken words that grabbed
everyone attention, because his words had substance and value to everyone lives that stood and listen,
the people had regain hope. King words inspired the people not to treated any different and have equal
rights. Knowing that everyone won t agree with his views, but Martin Luther King had to change the
injustice system. Martin Luther king was for nonviolence to bring a change, to each and every human
Martin Luther JR (Obstacles to Success)
In 1955 there was so much violence, when the non violence marches had started, there was threats
against King family, and it also brought a lot of high officials to have ... Show more content on ...
Who and the when, had to be a part of Kings speeches, the people where looking for a change.
Leaders have to know what to say to the people so they will listen.
Martin Luther King Jr (Inspirational ideas)
Martin Luther King was a man that had endurance to the political system. There was so much injustice
that he wasn t able to just sit around and wait for a change, a man that went and achieves all the
education to be able to achieve a difference. Understanding your vision as a human would you have
done the same, put in jail, your family in danger and still going down the path of righteousness for
civil right justice?
Success becomes in different forms, to be able to overcome obstacles that get in your way, just don t
give in, and stop, continue and ask question of what can I do to become the best that I want to be. It is
a goal and also inspiration to say the word I have succeed. No one can conquer your dream but you
and yourself. The never ending words of Martin Luther King I have a dream (Sehgal 2016) and this
dream can come true for
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35. A Morning of Passion and Pain
They were lying on the bed naked; Their legs intertwined, allowing the sweat they had vigorously
worked up moments ago to dry upon their skin. Carol shivered as Daryl slowly ran the tips of his
fingers along her rib cage, skimming the underside of her breast, and back down again. He repeated
the motion over and again, causing her body to quake with longing. The second time around had been
a slow, but amazing, loving. There wasn t a spot on her body that Daryl hadn t traced or sculpted with
his hands. His fingers had lovingly worshiped every dip and curve, sending waves of pleasure
throughout her body. When she had reached her peak, tingles had rushed through her body, and her
vision had gone blurry. All she could feel was the instant lightness her body was experiencing, and the
aching throb between her legs. Carol rest her head upon Daryl s shoulder, gently running her fingers
over the muscled ridges of his stomach. She looked up at him and placed a hand upon his chest. Did
you lock the door? She murmured softly. It occurred to her that anyone could walk in on them while
they were both lying there naked as the day they were born. Daryl was staring up at the ceiling with a
small smile. No. They know better than ta come in here though. He replied, his voice deep and
gravelly. Carol stared up at him with a lazy smile. I hope so. She quipped. I d hate for Carl to bust in
and see us lying here like this. Daryl snorted as his body shook with silent laughter. It
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36. Super Vectors Chapter Summary
J.R. McNeil s book was all together a good read. His use of information in the book gives you a
different perspective on Caribbean history. Instead of it being solely based on human interactions, he
explains the history through mosquitos, vectors, and diseases (specifically malaria and yellow fervor)
and how these effected the people as well as the ecosystem around them. He ties human interaction
with mosquitos infected with diseases and explains how they are intertwine with one another for
hundreds of years. He states that the diseases transmitted affected the fate of the Natives in the
Caribbean and the wars with the foreigners to the lands that were sent from Europe to control the
lands until modern medicine could stop the effects of these ... Show more content on
Oxen and mules kept on plantations also improved Anopheles nutrition while irrigated rice provided
the ideal habitat for these mosquitoes. Thus Mc Neill demonstrates a strong link between rice,
mosquitoes and malaria (p. 57). In the last part of this book McNeil tries to explain to us how
mosquitos tilted the war in the Caribbean by aiding the American natives from foreign invaders with
yellow fever and malaria. The author describes that disease played a huge role in British defeat in the
south, so much so that it had equal or greater role then the resistance of the colonial forces. Another
example of war is when the French occupied the Caribbean and the slaves revolted and lost St.
Dominque due to the native immunity to yellow fever. With the start of the 20th century America
started to try and find cures to the diseases that mosquitos were infecting people with by studying
bacteria and how it works, which in the end boosted the immune system and allowed the body to fight
off the bacteria that was contracted by the mosquito. The core value of McNeill s work is built around
these three scenarios that can turn the tide in mosquito born diseases in the Caribbean. He claims that
he research in not, an essay in mosquito determinism, or even environmental determinism what he is
trying to convince the audience in chapters
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37. Frost In The Great Cold
Frost (Ice s mother) was considered to be one of the most skilled hunters in the Great Cold. She could
catch nigh anything, and was sought by many suitors she did not, however, find any of them
appealing, and instead chose to remain single through most of her young adulthood. Mold (Ice s
father) was just an average cat belonging to the Red Forest who just happened to enjoy hunting on the
fringes of the territory closest to the Great Cold. He had a fantastic sense of humor, and was generally
a likable cat, but ultimately nothing extraordinary. One day, Mold happened across Frost, who d been
chasing a rabbit he helped her corner it, but she was indignant at his apparent appraisal of her skills
she began to berate him, but he only waited, shocked, until she d finished speaking. ... Show more
content on ...
Frost was still a bit angry, but calmed enough to listen to him in his near hysterics. Frost, in the
manner of a peace offering, offered to share the rabbit, to which Mold agreed. They began to talk, and
Frost found herself laughing as Mold gestured enthusiastically, food still in mouth, as he told some
grand tale of a foolish mouse mistaking a resting cat for a hiding place; cats of the Great Cold, are,
after all, generally lacking in the humor department. Mold, to whom no one really paid any mind to,
was ecstatic to find such an enraptured audience, and suggested a second meeting here, and Frost
agreed. They fell for each other over many meetings and the course of
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38. The Mayor Of Casterbridge By Michael Henchard
When the pair of Michael and Susan Henchard are reunited after years of separation, Henchard
exhibits a commitment to his redemption after he shamelessly sold her in the early years of their
marriage. He financially provides for Susan by buying her a cottage and informally courts her, as he
presumes this will rectify his past. His constituents in Casterbridge are rather nonplussed at his sudden
romantic inclination; however, the true nature of his actions is revealed only in narration and not in
action. Thomas Hardy ushers in Michael Henchard as a unique subset of the Victorian Gentleman in
his 1886 novel, The Mayor of Casterbridge. The limitations and rather restrictive standards of
Victorian social class have dominated Michael Henchard s limited individuality. Henchard s stability
and livelihood is tied exclusively to his position in Casterbridge. His raw passion for community is
unfettered by any notion of family or womanly pursuits; he is solely concerned with his status in the
hierarchy of the Victorian town. These pursuits hinder a desired gentlemanly character and produces a
figure of political hunger and masculinity that is clouded by depression and denial. The inclusion of a
middle class into the Victorian Era brought about changes in both the political and social practices of
small towns like Casterbridge. Henchard is a self made man who dominates his office as Mayor
despite his relatively dismal upbringing. At the beginning of the novel, Michael Henchard totes
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39. The Verichip and Its Use Essay
The Verichip and Its Use
This piece of technology was manufactured and is being marketed by the VeriChip Corporation. The
VeriChip is a microprocessor used for verification and identification. A VeriChip can also be referred
to as a radiofrequency identification tag, abbreviated as RFID. The VeriChip is used by doctors and is
implanted under the human skin behind the triceps of the right arm, between the elbow and shoulder
with the use of a syringe and when done the device can be used to identify the person s medical
history, credit card number, security clearance and even club membership status. The chip is no bigger
than 12 mm long and 21 mm in diameter. The insertion of the VeriChip takes approximately 20
seconds and this procedure ... Show more content on ...
These Wearable tags alert the monitoring user about the other person s whereabouts. Lastly the
Attachable tags which can use both the active and passive RFID tags. The Attachable tag also refers to
the bar code technology used within the ToolHound equipment and tool software mobile industrial
assets, in other words items that are tagged like the tools and equipment and other parts can be found
when needed, they can be tracked for maintenance and protected from theft, and loss which then
insures maximum utilization. The VeriChip that is implanted into the body is considered to be a
passive RFID tag because it doesn t use or contain batteries and due to that the VeriChip remains
inactive until a proprietary scanner activates it. Passive RFID tags, like the VeriChip, boast a number
of unique, significant features. Passive RFID tags have longer lifetimes than active RFID tags (with
onboard batteries) and the, the estimated lifetime of a VeriChip is over 20 years. The passive RFID
tags can only broadcast low frequency radio waves because of their minimal power. In the VeriChip s
case, it broadcasts on the low frequency (LF) band between 125 and 134.2 KHz (Fox, 2004). Given
the VeriChip s low power, the tag
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40. Global Overpopulation And Its Effects On The Population
Global Overpopulation Controllable Or Inevitable Global overpopulation is an extremely broad topic
that represents exactly what one would think, the overpopulation of the entire globe. Though global
overpopulation is broad topic, there are many key factors that aid in the increasing total population.
Some factors are more effective than others, but the most altering factor is the percentage of fertility.
The direct connection between reducing the population is through pregnancy rates. There are multiple
ways that a women s pregnancy rate could be significantly reduced, by the use of birth control. In the
articles, Global Overpopulaton by Hobart Rowen and When Birth Control Isn t for Birth Control by
Karen Klein and How to Make Birth Control More Effective. by Danielle Braff, these are great
examples of how utilizing birth control will aid in the control of maintaining and reducing the growing
population rates. Including the possible results, if a solution is not discovered and the population
numbers continue to grow.
Human nature being what it is, most people tend to focus mainly on short term goals of enriching
themselves and experiencing pleasure rather than safeguarding the environment over the long term
(Kuo). This is a very enlightening quote, it states what many believe, but not willing to speak out and
support. In the article, Global Overpopulation includes numerous examples of rhetoric; the first
rhetorical element presented is ethos, which is the
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41. Ethical And Legal Aspects Of Nursing Practice
Project 2 Faisal M. Ghaffar Ethical and Legal Aspects of Nursing Practice October 23, 2015 Professor
Ovidio Viera Florida National University Circumcision...Is it an issue? Explore the human and ethical
issues surrounding circumcision. Is this a medical right or a human rights issue? Why are people so
against it...why are some so for it? What is the role of the nurse in relations to an ethical dilemma
involving circumcision? In this paper will be talking about predominantly male circumcision.
Circumcision is the oldest optional surgical procedure known to human kind and may be more than
15,000 years old. The question that we will discuss whether this is ethical or not, and is it medically
necessary. Let s begin with the medical issues, is it necessary or not to have a male circumcision. It is
all about risk and rewards, because the risk of not having circumcision comes some medical issues.
For example, penile cancer, reduces risk of cervical cancer in female sex partner, sexually transmitted
diseases, children with pathological phimosis, refractory balanoposthitis and chronic, recurrent urinary
tract infections (UTIs) in males who are chronically susceptible to them are suggested to get
circumcision. Penile Cancer: Men who were circumcised as children have a lower chance of getting
penile cancer than those who were not, but the same protective effect is not seen if the foreskin is
removed as an adult. The reason for the lower risk in circumcised
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42. Assessment Methods in Business Essay
When accessing the performance of an IS, Palmius (2007) cites three types of approach are the most
common: economical benefit, usability measurement and measurement of user/customer satisfaction.
Economical benefits are linked frequently in return on investments (ROI) and cost benefit analysis
(CBA). Usability measurements regularly refer to interface quality while user/consumer satisfaction
indicates quality of service studies. All of these can be indicator of performance in some specific level,
but isolated they cannot measure the success of an IS.
Much of the assessment methods are described by the following categories: observation of a system
and the interactions of users within it, gathering the opinion of users, experience, ... Show more
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Interferes with decision analysis, task completion time, productivity, etc; and
Organizational impact overall impact in an organizational level. Generally relate to three main topics:
profit, productivity and cost/benefit analysis.
This model is based on the multiple relations between each variable and how they impact the
individual and the organization. It should be looked as whole, not just on each component separately.
As it was organized, Organizational impact was the most important aspect, since that is where the real
success or not lays down. A great system with great user satisfaction, for example, is great, but without
real and perceivable results, it cannot be considered a success.
However, there were critics of the model, like Seddon (1997), by Palmius (2007), who argues that the
model contains both procedures and variance variables which could make results confusing to
describe, evaluate, and comprehend. Pitt et al. (1995), by Palmius (2007) reasoned for the
relationships between user and IT department, indicating some type of service component should be
added to the model. Myers et al. (1997), by Palmius (2007) explored to other possible impacts that IS
and IT may have other than the individuals and in the organization, like the industry or society.
Even though Seddon and Kiev (1994) and Rai et al. (2002), both by Palmius (2007), made studies
validating the model, Delone and Mclean
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43. Southern Loyalist Defeat In The American Revolutionary War
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to identify three factors that contributed to the failure in the
British Southern Campaign in the American Revolutionary war. This paper will examine British and
American Southern Loyalist defeat in the Battle of Kings Mountain, and discuss assumptions the
British made including loyalists support, logistics, and terrain advantage. It is important to study past
military actions to identify mistakes and apply lessons learned to current U.S. military operations.
The Battle of King s Mountain between the American Loyalist and American Patriots took place on
October 7, 1780 between the borders of Blackburn, South Carolina and Kings Mountain, North
Carolina. Major Patrick Ferguson s American ... Show more content on ...
Ferguson was approximately 50 miles away from Charlotte and Cornwallis forces. (U.S. Army War
College, 1928) However, Ferguson received further messages the Patriot militia were close to his
position. Ferguson thought they were at a disadvantage at Tate s plantation and left. (Wicker, 1998)
Ferguson decided to make his defensive stand at Kings Mountain with its steep wooded slopes
provided a favorable natural defense. The summit was moderately flat and clear, and had an
abundance of trees that provided timbers to build wooden barricades. (U.S. Army War College, 1928)
Yet, Ferguson despised cutting down trees to use as barricades. (Wicker, 1998) As an alternative, he
placed the wagons and his men s baggage equipment as barricades alongside the mountain s northeast
crest. (Wicker, 1998) Ferguson thought he had the vantage point employing a 360° degree perimeter
defense overlooking down from the crest of the mountain. Campbell received information from the
local population that Ferguson had established his camp at Kings Mountain. Campbell moved quickly,
assembled 900 of his best sharpshooters, mounted their horses, and started on their long night ride in
the rain to stop Ferguson from reaching Cornwallis s
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44. Tecumseh Thesis
A brave and fearless man has finally fallen. The remarkable man was known as Tecumseh, son of the
Chief Pucksinwah. During the Battle of Thames, a stray bullet found its mark, embedding into his hip.
He was fighting for justice, against the oppression of Native Americans. It was his calling in life to
defend his homeland, land that The Great Spirit gave to his Red children. He made it his duty to
protect his people from the Americans ill intentions. He devoted his time toward this goal, and even
when he drew his last breath, his focus never wavered.
At the tender age of six, Tecumseh grieved the loss of his father. His father was a seasoned warrior, a
leader, a man to look up to. He died fighting, a hero s death, during the Battle of Point Pleasant. He
fought to keep ... Show more content on ...
At first, Tecumseh rejected British help, but when he realized that it was needed, he looked to them for
guns and other necessities to combat the invaders. He fought in many battles before he met his demise,
including the Battles of Brownstown, Fallen Timbers, Fort Stephenson, and Frenchtown. Likewise, he
participated in the Sieges of Detroit and Fort Meigs. During Tecumseh s War, he fought for his
homeland, which later carried over into the War of 1812. His mutual nemesis was William Henry
Harrison, who, when he was gone, attacked and burned Prophetstown.
In his final battle, Tecumseh fought alongside the Creeks. It was during this battle that a bullet hit him,
wounding him severely. He died soon after, at the age of 45. It is not certain who the bullet belonged
to, but many claim to have extinguished Tecumseh s light. Without Tecumseh, his people no longer
offered resistance to the American encroachment. Tecumseh was survived by his two sons,
Naythawaynah and Mahyawwekawpaese and by his siblings. While the mighty warrior no longer
breathes the Great Spirit s air, Tecumseh will never be
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45. The Devil And Tom Walker Archetypes
History has a way of repeating itself, and it does so in many different ways, ranging from ideas to
actions to even global events. Enter the idea of archetypes. Archetypes are inferred plots in texts that
appear in literature and stories throughout history. The archetype being discussed in this essay would
be, selling one s soul to the devil. In this archetype, a character trades something irreplaceable to them
in exchange for something they greatly desire that is temporary, and generally, the character that
makes the deal usually learns it was a bad idea. This can be witnessed in the text, The Devil and Tom
Walker by Washington Irving, the movie A Raisin in the Sun directed by John M. Eckert, and the
movie Star Wars Episode III: Revenge ... Show more content on ...
He stumbles upon a Black Man, and to peak his interest the Black Man, told him of great sums of
money buried by Kidd the pirate under the oak trees on the high ridge, not far from the morass (Irving
156). This shows the offer made by the Devil . Later, after Tom s wife had disappeared in search of the
Black Man, Tom went after her noticing she took all the valuables with her. He happened upon the
Black Man once more and the devil offered him the treasure in exchange for him using it to become a
usurer. The exchange was brief and the deal was closed with a handshake and an ecstatic uttering of
the simple word, Done (159). Tom got the wealth he wanted. But he knew that he would end up
spending the rest of eternity serving the devil so he became a violent churchgoer. One day, Tom was
foreclosing a mortgage, and when he grew tiresome of the man stating he made too much money off
of him Tom stated, The devil take me, if I have made a farthing! (160). Thus Tom got his wish and the
devil took him never to be seen again. This shows how the deal ended poorly for Tom and
demonstrates the final point of the
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46. How Did Texas Fight In The Civil War Dbq
Civil War DBQ The Civil War, a battle between the North and the South. Texans fought in it for the
south. They seceded and had became one of the south states. But, why did Texans fight in the Civil
War? They fought because of states rights, their love of Texas, and slavery. One reason Texans fought
was because of states rights. In document C it says that states have rights to secede or stay in a nation,
such as the Union. This shows that Texas had the right to secede from the Union and Texans wanted to
stay out of it. Northern and Southern states were completely opposite and Texas didn t want to be a
part of a nation with the Northern states. Another reason Texans fought in the Civil War was because
of their love for Texas. In document
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47. Dennis Lynn Rader Case Study
Dennis Lynn Rader is a serial killer who killed 10people but injured 11 people all around Wichita
Kansas. This all took place between the years of 1974 and 1991. People knew his as the Bind, Torture
and Kill BTK this sums up his modus operandi. In 2004 Dennis sent some letters describing the
details of how the murders took place and when they happened to the police. In 2005 he got arrested
and subsequent conviction. He spent the rest of his life in jail. Dennis killed 11 victims but only killed
10. The Otero family on January 15th ,1974 ; Joseph, Julie Joseph the second and Josephine, Kathryn
Bright on May 4th ,1974 and her brother was shot but he survived. March 17th 1977 Shirley, Nancy
Fox on December 8th 1977, Marine Hedge on April 27th 1986, Vicki Wegerie January 1st 1991. He
planned on adding Anna Williams to his list but she wasn t ... Show more content on
Criminal behavior is related to criminal anthropology. A psychologist is a licensed professional that
can assess both mental and physical states. The four roles that a criminal psychologist plays is clinical,
experimental, actuarial and, advisory. Clinical is when they get involved in a assessment of an
individual in order to prove a clinical judgement. Experimental perform a research in order to inform a
case. Advisory informs the police. Actuarial is the usage of statistics in order to inform the case.
Criminal psychology plays a big part in putting criminals in jail or getting them the right they need to
fix their lives. The yearly salary criminal psychologist makes is 73,090 and at the least is 67,880. I
definitely could be comfortable making that a year. That s a lot of money to be bringing in to a house
hold. I f you spent it right then you would have some extra cash to spoil yourself. you would never
have to stress about paying your bills or not having enough food. Just keep in mind you wouldn t have
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48. Is Shakespeare s Monologues And Soliloquie In Romeo And...
Shakespeare is renowned for his powerful monologues and soliloquies; from Romeo and Juliet s
lamenting beginning, as well as Hamlet s dreary end. Richard III is no different, the opening speech in
the beginning tells the audience Richard s immediate intentions; an action deliberately made by
Shakespeare. By introducing the play this way it gives the reader a sneak inside the man s wicked
soul, giving no doubt to the evil that is about to happen. Much like in Romeo and Juliet, the plot or
plan, rather is explained and then the tale begins. By putting the action at the beginning, Shakespeare
ensures that he has captured the audience s immediate interest by showcasing a corrupted man s inner
thoughts. Richard is deeply infatuated with power, and he craves war and death alike. That is what the
speech tells the audience, and when reading the speech aloud, it is very easily noted the amount of
rage and jealousy that is laced through every word. Though Richard says that they are in a current
time of peace, he feels none. He wants no part in the tranquility that has been brought to the land since
the end of the War. What the man wants is conflict instead going as far as insulting death and war
itself. Richard personifies war, saying that it has gone and joined in the festivities of the day and has
found love. In that instant, Richard is jealous of it, for he says that love will not find him because he is
deformed. For this reason, Richard is plagued with the very
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49. Effects Of Television Violence On Children Essay
Effect of Television Violence Program on Children
Now more and more violence television shows appear on the screen. A lot of television shows will
remind that is available for certain range of audience. Of course, elementary school student, mostly
watch cartoon. However, the television production people will add violence into the show. This study
aimed to demonstrate the gender specific impact of violence oriented television cartoons for children,
and to identify the behaviors demonstrating this influence. What would affect on children were the
violence action produce on the television screen every day. For example, there are many common
programs, like movie, drama, news, and movie video, they broadcast killing, thinking bad ideas,
seeing the real chaos world, and saying the curse words.
Children would be imitating violence by watching television programs, it is called SpongeBob effect .
University of Virginia psychologists found that fast paced, fantastical television shows may impart a
negative effect immediately after watching the show on the learning and behavior of young children.
(University of Virginia institutional review board)
It s fast paced and it s fantastical. So the child is needing to process all this new stuff really, really fast,
and it s difficult to process since it doesn t really happen in real life. ( Lillard s study)
Children watch a great deal of television, and it has been associated with long term attention
problems. However, there is
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