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An Essay On Man Alexander
Pope Epistle 3
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An Essay On Man Alexander Pope Epistle 3 An Essay On Man Alexander Pope Epistle 3
fidel castro Essay
The United States of America is a country that believes in democracy and has unfavorable ties with
communist countries. The United States has tried for decades to improve relations with the
countries that don t practice democracy.
History shows disagreements between the United States and dictators of these irreverent countries,
disagreements that brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. The most recent of these
confrontations involved three countries.
United States of America, Cuba and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic
(USSR). Fidel Castro is a Cuban revolutionary, who took control of Cuba in 1959 and established a
Communist dictatorship. Castro, who was born in Mayari, became the leader of an underground,
anti government ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A complete break in diplomatic relations occurred in 1961. On April 17 of that year, anti Castro
exiles supported and trained by the United States government, landed an invasion force in the Bay
of Pigs in southern Cuba. Ninety of the invaders were killed, and some 1200 were captured.
President Castro announced
May 17 that Cuba would exchange prisoners taken at the Bay of Pigs for 500 U.S. bulldozers.
Negotiations broke down June 30, and Castro declared himself a
Marxist Leninist on December 2. He announced formation of a united party to bring communism to
Cuba. Relations between the United States and Cuba grew still more perilous in the fall of 1962,
when the United States discovered
Soviet supplied missile installations in Cuba. United States President, John F.
Kennedy announced a naval blockade of the island. Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev,
Soviet Communist leader, who was first secretary of the Soviet Communist Party from 1953 to
1964 and president of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(USSR) from 1958 to 1964. After the death of Joseph Stalin in 1953, Khrushchev became the head
of the Communist Party of the USSR. In 1961, relations between the United States and the Union
of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) grew increasingly hostile. President Kennedy and Soviet
leader Nikita Khrushchev had a strained meeting in Vienna, Austria. Later that year, the
Communists in East
Germany ordered a wall be built on the border between East and West
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Solar And Wind Power Is The Best Choice For Many Scientists
Nowadays, environment and health scientists are concerned largely because of the damages
caused by conventional energy. In most cases, these damages are happened because people are
more likely to use fossil energy instead of renewable energy. In 1991, the worst disaster happened
in the Arabian Gulf, and it was closed to my hometown. It s estimated more than 250,000 seabirds
died by oil spill (Laura Moss, 2010). However, solar and wind poweris the best choice for many
scientists to preserve the environment. In the past, renewable power had some difficulties because
most of the energy has obtained from hydroelectric levees, whereas now produce more than
quarter of the globe s energy (reading 1). As well as this, more than 85 of the consumed around the
world comes from fossil fuelenergy. Unlike renewable energy, fossil energy notably pollutes our
plant. Due to population and other reasons, renewable energy becomes more popular and getting
attention from a lot of people (reading1). Ultimately, there are some differences and similarities
between solar and wind power in terms of their amount of energy and advantages, and these sources
has fundamental way to store their energy, which is through advanced battery.
The primary important difference and similar between solar and wind power is their amount of
energy. Both of them have different capacity to store and provide the energy. Currently, the
significant different between solar and wind power is the amount of energy
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The Rosenberg Trial And Brown V. Board Of Education
Trials, court, and prosecutors, these are all words that are linked with one another in order to
provide an interpretation of justice. Justice has been perceived as decent behavior or treatment, and
those who do not obey by the rules are therefore prosecuted. In history, two trials have been
documented as the most stunning and enriching cases regarding the topic of legitimacy. The
Rosenberg trial and Brown v. Board of Education, are both extraordinary alluring court cases, in
which major issues concerning justice and discrimination have been presented to law enforcers.
Individual rights were called into question in addition to the examination of the justice system.
Although both the Rosenberg trial and Brown v. Board of Education have proven to be of vitality
in regards to social awareness, both cases have very little analogous, nevertheless there still
remains the main theme of justice and apprehension, in which these cases raised in relation to
modern civilization. Justice, otherwise known as the pillar of society and the annihilator of chaos
has always been present in the world, however, in numerous cases the ideology of justice has been
tainted as a result of societal influences. The Rosenberg trial serves as one court case in which
discrimination can be perceived throughout the court case. This is so because of the fact that during
the construction of the Rosenberg trial, many citizens were frightened due to recent embodiment of
the Red Scare. Julius Rosenberg was
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The Malthusian Population Theory
Introduction In 1798, Thomas Malthus wrote an essay about population growth that reflects a
pessimistic view to future economic development. This essay was a result of his discussion with
positivists that tend to praise perfectibility of the man and knowledge diffusion as a source of
prosperity for future generations. Malthus essay about populationgrowth based on observing 17th
and 18th century US population data. The general idea of the essay that when food is enough,
population grows at a geometric rate and food production just arithmetically. (Malthusian and Neo
Malthusian Theories/ Ran Abramitzky and Fabio Braggion, 2003) Essay, An Essay on the Principle
of Population, is an excellent example of mathematical modeling. The Malthus model was a
surprisingly good for prediction of population growthover short time intervals, but as it was
discovered later, it does not work for long time intervals.
This paper has the following structure: the first chapter Model description contains general
assumptions that were made for the model. In the chapter, Model Composition the formula of the
Malthusian population growth model introduced and the production function will be defined. In the
third chapter, the Low of Diminish Returns formulated, as it is impossible to describe ... Show more
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On one hand, the model conflicts with the fact that in modern economics, per capita incomes
exhibit a tendency to growth over time. On the other hand its prediction regarding the relationship
between population growth and per capita income no longer hold in modern societies. In addition,
the technological progress played general role in the society development. Nonetheless, as it was
shown in the chapter Empirical Support for the Malthusian Theory it is quite precisely describes
tendencies that characterized dynamics in humans population growth before the industrial
revolution and it still works for short term
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Essay on Personal Life
What would the world come to if people did not strive to help themselves? Would more be
accomplished or nothing at all? When is helping oneself self interest, and when is it rude and
selfish? How far does one have to go to not be selfish? In order to be not selfish, must a person
spent all their time giving to others? Is in a way giving to others even show selfishness? If that is
true is it possible to end selfishness? These questions do not have straight answers, and probably
never will. Yet, to understand the importance of self interest it is important to understand my
opinion of the answers to these questions.
Self interest is when people strive to help their condition, or themselves without implicating harm
on others. It causes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This can easily be seen when the young athlete is suing their parents for stealing their money.
This can also be seen on any of the court television shows where people who were once the best
of friends are having an absolute brawl over a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. Which
although it is a lot of money, is not close to how priceless a good friendship is. Self interest will
always benefit a country while selfishness can only hurt it. Self interest motivates people to work
harder, and if people work harder it helps everyone around them. Selfishness is quite different from
self interest because it inflicts harm on people, while self interest will almost always help people
achieve their goals.
Giving to others is an amazing thing to do. Yet, I do not feel it is something that should be
automatically expected of people. I think everyone must work hard to get money, and lead the life
that they want to live. With hard work comes profit. This profit that people make is used to pay
off their own bills, and then buy things they want for themselves. I think that people should take
care of others only after they take care of themselves. This does not mean never think of others. It
just means that why should one person have to work hard to earn a living, while another person
receives free hand outs.
I also feel that people give to others to help themselves feel good about themselves. There are
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Hamlet Soliloquy Analysis
In Act III, Scene I of Hamlet, the titular character begins his soliloquy with the line To be, or not to
be, that is the question (III.i.63). Here, he clearly states the dilemma that he will debate for the
remainder of the passage: Is it better for Hamlet to continue living, or should he commit suicide to
end his suffering? Hamlet continues his indecision between his two choices through the inclusion
of metaphor, through which he describes the act of living as suffering The slings of arrows of
outrageous fortune (III.i.65) and the act of committing suicideas to take arms against a sea of
troubles (III.i.66). These metaphors are extremely significant, as they establish both the use of
poetic language and the tone for the remainder of the passage. Shakespeare s uses metaphor here
to compare Hamlet s indecision to a battle, with imagery used of weapons and fighting. This is
done in order to reflect the battle that Hamlet is experiencing internally; the use of metaphor in this
instance shows the reader how Hamlet is feeling about his indecision. Despite this indecision,
Hamlet quickly begins contemplating the choice of suicide, saying To die, to sleep / No more
(III.i.67 68). Here, Shakespeare introduces one of two significant extended metaphors that appear in
the passage the comparison of deathto sleep. This theme resonates throughout the passage, with
Hamlet again and again referring to the act of dying as sleeping. He goes on to describe death as
the end to the thousand natural shocks / That flesh is heir to (III.i.69 70), using hyperbole to
heighten the emotion he is experiencing. Despite this heightened emotion and wishful thinking
concerning suicide, a shift occurs within Hamlet when he begins to see the problems with suicide.
Though this brief section introduces a key metaphor to the passage, Hamlet quickly shifts his point
of view, something that will continually happen for the remainder for the passage. With this shift,
Hamlet introduces the second extended metaphor of the passage when he says For in that sleep of
death what dreams may come (III.i.73). Here, Shakespeare likens dreams, which come after sleep,
with the afterlife, which comes after death. This metaphor is both indicative
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Operation Fortitude Battle Analysis
The purpose of this paper will be the battle analysis and evaluation of Operation Fortitude (code
name for deception plan to invade France) in support of Operation Overlord (code name for the
Battle of Normandy and invasion of German occupied France). The analysis and evaluation will be
done using the intellectual standards and the elements of reasoning to provide an alternate outcome
for Operation Overlord. An alternate outcome will be suggested based on the use of deception that
results in the defeat of the Allies (United States, Canada and Great Britain) at Normandy. Central to
the success of Operation Overlord, was the successful execution of Operation Fortitude. Before
understanding Operation Fortitude, one must know the points of... Show more content on
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Without Operation Fortitude succeeding, that number could potentially be lower due to the Allies
being thrown back in to the English Channel by rapidly responding panzer divisions. This would
have prevented the numerous skirmishes between German defenders and U.S. invaders the
afternoon and evening of D Day that pushed estimates to the previously stated 209,000.
Regardless of the sheer force of numbers the Allies pushed ashore that day, failing to control a
beach head would have rendered follow on forces ineffective. Allied Commanders would have
accessed the situation across Normandy and pulled back these forces to avoid a catastrophic
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The Importance of the Electoral College Essay
The Importance of the Electoral College
Though our founding fathers created the Electoral College over 200 years ago, it has been changed
with time to accommodate modern needs and is still an important and necessary part of our
electoral system. The Electoral College ensures political stability in our nation by encouraging the
two party system and also protects the interests of minorities. Furthermore, the Electoral College
helps maintain a united country by requiring widespread popular support of a candidate in order
for him or her to become president.
The Electoral College was first introduced to America at the Constitutional Convention of 1787,
However, the idea behind the Electoral College can be traced back to the Roman ... Show more
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According to the first draft of the Constitution, electors voted for two presidents, at least one of
which was from a different state than the elector was representing. Whichever candidate received
the most votes would become president and the runner up would be vice president. This method
worked for several years until, in 1800, the unforeseen effect of political parties resulted in a tie for
the presidency between Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson, both of the same party. The resulting
dispute over who the president would be led to the 12th Amendment to the Constitution.
The 12th Amendment changed the rules of the electoral process by having electors make
separate votes for president and vice president. It goes on to say that if no candidate wins a
majority of electoral votes, the House of Representatives would select a president from the top
three candidates. The Amendment also stipulates that the Senate would choose a vice president
from the top two candidates in the event of a tie for that office. This second design of the
Electoral College provides for the workings of a two party system in America and is still in effect
From their vast knowledge of history, the American Founding Fathersknew that unlimited political
power cannot safely be trusted to anyone not to appointed officials of government, not to elected
representatives of the people, not to the people themselves, says
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Into The Wild Psychological Analysis
Technically, Adam hadn t lied. No one, apart from Blair Huntington would be privy to the film
of Sophie Scott s gang banging, although the same couldn t said of her initial visit to his studio,
photo shoot, and Sophie s subsequent fucking on the sofa, followed by the revelation of the
camera s capture of the entire event. That had weeks ago been uploaded to the website, and
drawn an an ever increasing number of members, clamouring for more of the teenager. Adam had
satiated some of their appetite by adding some teasers of the girl at the poolside with Kurt, but not
the entire scene, and footage he d captured in secret, including the college girl in her dorm, where
he d fucked her on the desk, and the car trip on the way to and from Huntington s.... Show more
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Uncertain if, after the previous evening, she d be too sore, hesitant, or sexually exhausted to
become aroused, when, at the first touch, her whimper reached his ears, he pulled back to meet
her eyes with a pleased grin. With the hidden camera s rolling, Levine laughed at her comment,
and teasingly shook his head. I m sure you do, and I guess if it means you ll forgive
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Theist Argument
One of the first ways a theist might respond to this argument is by denying premise 1 because one
might claim that Rowe has given no sufficient reason to believe that it is true. All that has been
solved the theist believes is that there is evil in the world and that we don t know why or what the
good is that can justify Godin permitting such evil(Rowe, 2004, p.7). This line of argument is also
known as the argument from ignorance. Could we, the theist argues, even comprehend the goods
which permit much of this horrendous suffering given the infinite transcendence of Gods mind?
(Rowe, 2004, p.7). They give the analogy of a parent and child. In the analogy, God is likened to us
the way a loving parent is to their child. For... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, there is the problem of geography where suffering from natural disasters could have
been more evenly distributed around the world by God, at present it is only happening in certain
regions, most predominantly the third world countries (Tattersall, 2015, p.4). There is also the
problem of quantity, the quantity of natural evil in our world is far too much to be explained by the
advantageous effects of showing human virtues such as courage, compassion and love (Tattersall,
2015, p.4). Thus, it can be suggested that the evidential problem of evil does in fact show that evil
is evidence against the belief in God, although it does not disprove his existence as this is not
what I have set out to do here, it does significantly lower the probability that there is a God. We can
therefore agree with Russel that: Because the hypotheses which are offered to save theism are
unlikely on what we know, theism is defenseless against the evidential arguments from evil
(Russell, 1996,
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Thelma And Louise Compare And Contrast
The two movies I am going to compare are Thelma Louise and North Country. The sexual
harassments to women both happened in these two movies, but the solutions of the main characters
were different, and the outcomes of them were disparate, therefore, I wondered how did the main
characters in each movie responded to the sexual harassment, and if it is different, why was it? By
focusing on the different situations and personalities of the characters, especially Thelma and Josey,
I m going to compare and analyze the motivations that lead them to make such decisions and the
ways that they dealt with the harassments. Firstly, I want to compare the scenes that happened
before Thelma and Josey were sexually harassed and analyze their similarities.... Show more content
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In Thelma Louise, Thelma escaped further and discovered herself more, the hue of the film
became lighter at the same time. In the last scene, under the azure sky, Thelma and Louise seated
in the car of the bright sunshine, surrounded by police cars (Thelma Louise, 02:05:27). The director
used close up shots to show how steadfast Thelma and Louise s determination was (Thelma
Louise, 02:02:34). Meanwhile, the melodious and free main title music rose when Thelma and
Louise clutched each other s hand (Thelma Louise, 02:05:27). Finally, the shot frozen in the
moment where their car flew off the cliff (Thelma Louise, 02:05:35). At the end of North Country,
when the case of the sexual harassment fell into the dilemma, Gloria showed the support to Josey.
Then, more and more spectators stood up to show the supports to Josey when the soothing
background music rose (North Country, 01:56:28). At the same time, the director used close ups to
show how touched and appreciative Josey was at that time. Besides, Josey also expressed a feeling
that every effort was
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Davy Crockett Research Paper
Stuart Pasley Barbers Hill Middle school North Coach Lopez 7th Grade The life of
David(Davy) Crockett Davy crockett was a very well and equipped kid growing up.Mostly
everything he did,he mastered.Davy crockett is a good example of someone who fought in the
texas revolution,because he was the last man standing at the alamo. Growing up on the
Nolichucky River in Tennessee he was a very well equipped hunter.Although his parents were
poor as he was growing up that didn t stop him from being who he wanted to be.As a child david
did not listen that well,as he ran away at the age of 12 years old,because of the fact he didn t want
to go to school.By the time davy was 12 his parents had moved three time,all because of the western
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The Presidential Debate At Longwood University Essay
The Vice Presidential debate, held at Longwood University on October 4th, was between the
Democratic candidate, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine, and Republican candidate, Indiana Governor Mike
Pence. Specific issues were asked about by the moderator, Elaine Quijano, such as specific qualities
of the candidates that would make them good leaders if tragedy were to occur. However, the
candidates used much of their allotted time to target the opposing presidential candidate and would
then interrupt their opponent multiple times throughout their answer. Comparing the citizenship
qualification of the United Statesto Germany may be helpful in solving the current immigration
problems facing our country. The Vice Presidential debate showed the differences in opinion on
immigration; the Republican campaign looks to build on the current enforcement only policies and
the Democratic campaign seeks to secure the country while attempting to help immigrants and their
The Republican candidate, Donald Trump, has shown an openly negative opinion of immigration,
specifically of Muslims and Mexicans. The common remark people remember is Trump s
promise to build a massive border wall, which would be devastating to the economy. Mike Pence
focused his reply to the question of immigration on the safety of American citizens being the top
priority. He also stated that their party would suspend the Syrian refugee program because it is too
complicated to know if a person is associated with the Islamic
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Being There By Jerzy Kosinski Summary
Being There by Jerzy Kosinski is an allegorical tale about a man named Chance whose
experience of the world is limited to his work as a gardener and what he has seen on television.
Watching TV is the most important action for Chance; he is nearly keen on TV, because it is his
information source of the happenings in the world around him outside in the streets. Over the
course of seven days, Chance leaves his employer and navigates his way through high society. His
encounters with businessmen, world leaders, and the media are colored by his observations of life
as seen in his former garden and on television. (INTRODA KULLANMAK Д°Г‡Д°N KД°TABIN
KISA BД°R Г–ZETД°) When theories of socialization are thought it is possible to think that
someone is affected
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Homeless Shelter Analysis
The reason we chose this topic was because we find it incredulous the amount of people who don
t have a home, according to The Orange County Register, an overnight count was made in
January of 2015 and it showed that 4,400 people were homeless. Orange County s number is
fairly small compared to LA county, where the number of homeless is huge, with 82,000 homeless
(Aguilar). People become homeless for numerous reasons; Foreclosure, decrease in public
assistance, high healthcare costs, the lack of affordable housing, victims of domestic violence,
mental illnesses, and addiction disorders. As you can see drug addiction is not the only way
people become homeless. Everyone deserves a second chance and having this shelter would help
many individuals get back on their feet. Utilizing tax dollars for the opening of this homeless shelter
will be beneficial to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are many individuals interested in the subject such as war veterans, members of churches, the
Mayor of Orange, members of the Orange County Community Service and of course homeless
people themselves are highly concerned. On November 17, 2015 after long meetings and
debates on the subject the County of Orange Board of Supervisors finally confirmed the
establishment of the homeless shelter (MY OC). The total cost of the homeless shelter is 4.25
million dollars, funds for this shelter have been accumulated by surrounding cities. Anaheim and
Fullerton have each donated $500,000 towards the total cost of the shelter and the city of Brea
has also made a generous donation of $100,000 (Aguilar). The shelter is 24,390 square feet, it
will provide a roof for over 200 people. With the assistance of these surrounding cities, the help of
the public, city officials, and using our tax dollars effectively this homeless shelter will become a
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Comparison and Contrast Essay
Comparison and Contrast Essay
Definition: In this kind of essay, the aim is to show the similarities and differences of two items,
two people, two countries, or how something or someone has changed. When comparing two
things, we focus more on the similarities though we may mention the differences shortly. When
contrasting two things, we point out the differences between them. The most important point to
consider while planning a comparison and contrast essay is choosing comparable items. e.g. Middle
East Technical Universityand Bogazici University. We have to make sure that these two items have
enough points to be compared. After writing the comparable points as a list, location, size,
reputation, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Language: The two patterns differ in terms of language as well. While pattern 2 is quite
straightforward, pattern 1 requires more transitions but the end product is more understandable for
the reader. Some transitions that can be used for showing similarity: similar to, similarly like both
... and ... in addition moreover
Copyright @ 2006 Bogazici University SFL
2 of 4
COMPARISON AND CONTRAST ESSAY besides likewise in the same way Some transitions
indicating difference: different from in contrast to compared with unlike but, however on the
other hand conversely in contrast Do not forget that using transitions enables the piece of writing
to be coherent; it is easier for the reader to follow our ideas when transitions are used to link them
together. However, overuse of transitions causes a traffic jam and should be avoided. We should
be using transitions sparingly (only when necessary). Sample comparison contrast essay: METU
and Bogazici University Almost all high school students who would like to further their academic
lives in the university search for information about the various universities of Turkey. Among many
universities in Turkey, two of them are the most popular: Middle East Technical University and
Bogazici University. They are considered the best. However, since both cannot be THE BEST,
their specialties, facilities and locations need to be examined in detail to be able to choose the most
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The Green Creature Dialectical Journal
At sunrise, the two sisters walked out of Fairy Field s gates, towards The Lost City.
Their only goal was to rescue their parents from Professor Cain and the mug monsters.
The journey wasn t an easy one. Without parental guidance, they had to learn to find food for
themselves and take care of themselves.
Along the way, they encountered a three headed dragon that wanted what little food they had!
Food, I want food! the dragon bellowed, spitting fire, smoke and ice at them.
The girls ran without stopping until they crossed the gates of a city.
They thought they would be safe inside, but as they walked to the nearest train station, still
following the Lost City map, they were stopped by a lanky greenish creature that got in their way.
Where ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At night, they had to sleep in a dark, cold cave and huddled against each other for warmth.
Despite being cold, scared and hungry, kishwana and Akeelah stayed strong in their decision to
rescue their parents.
They would not abandon them to the evil doings of the mug monsters.
That is how, on the third day of their journey, they arrived at the crumbling, yet imposing gates of
The Lost City.
Ready? kishwana asked Akeelah who nodded. T
They high fived, hugged and with heads up high and shoulders back, walked towards the gates.
Soon it dawned on them, they had to blend in if they wanted to cross and find their parents.
They had to look like mug monsters!
Dashing to a nearby smelly swamp, they colored their skins with mug and mud, stuck twigs and
seaweed all over their bodies and faces and used some purple moss to make it look as if they had fur.
Once they looked like mug monsters, more or less, they made their way to the gates, acting like a
pair of regular mug monsters.
The rest of the children trickled in after them and the guards were none the wiser!
Once inside the city, they noticed how dark and gloomy everything was.
There were many humans walking by, but no one paid them any
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Sports Management Degree Program Analysis
Spots management students are considered the leaders of tomorrow, and the various accredited
sports management degree programs in Maine are helping to prepare a new generation of leaders
within these growing organizations. These unique programs prepare graduates to work within
professional and collegiate sports organizations, with a keen sense of both business practices and
the unique considerations made by sports teams. Though the opportunities are nationwide,
programs in Maine provide excellent academic experiences for local students at affordable tuition
rates that will give them a leg up on the competition after they graduate.
Husson University
College of Business
Despite its relatively small student body, which barely numbers more than ... Show more content on
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As such, it s often top ranked nationally and has long been considered a good value in higher
education by publications like U.S. News and World Report, Fortune, and Consumer Reports. The
school s large size means that its sports management program, part of the B.S.B.A. degree track,
enjoys a large regional and nationwide network, with strong internship and professional
opportunities that help students maximize their ROI upon graduating with the degree.
B.S. in Business Administration in Sport Management
At the University of Southern Maine, students must complete the university core, the non business
core, and the business core, alongside their major and concentration requirements. Within the sports
management program, students focus on the financial aspects of athletic organizations, sports
marketing, sports law, facility management, communication, and athletic administration. The
business core, required of all students, focuses on general management and financial skills essential
to management within an organization of any kid. Students will take general accounting, finance,
management, and administration courses as part of this requirement. All students must complete an
internship in order to graduate with the Bachelor of Science degree, typically with a local sports
organization, semi professional
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`` Animal Liberation `` By Richard Ryder
To start with, The term Animal Rights did not emerge until the late 1970 s, according to
Encyclopedia Britannica. In Particular, Richard Ryder, a British Psychologist, expressed his
boldest ideas, but in order to get his word out around the world he needed assistance from one of
the top Australian philosophers, Peter Singer. Singer published numerous of notable books such as
Animal liberation which described in vivid detail, the grueling agony animals had to suffer. In fact,
Pete Singer got his inspiration for his book Animal liberation from his view on utilitarianism, the
belief that a morally good action is one that helps the greatest number of people and animals.
Indeed, the phrase Animal Rightsfirst surfaced in the 1970... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Bentham disputed that infants and the disabled should be treated such as animals because infants
and the disabled are weak and defenseless like most animals. In the third place, the 19th century
had an outburst of people who were interested in animal protection. The 19th century produced
multiple laws, groups, and acts such as the Martins act, an act which focused on the treatment of
horses noted Author Debbie Legge and Editor Simon Brooman in their book Law Relating to
Animals 2 (p12), and instituted groups whose purpose was preventing cruelty to animals. The
groups sent men to inspect markets, slaughter houses and livestock reproduced by the Animal
Legal and Historical Center 3, In fact, the most recognized organization for animals that was apart
of the elite group that sent out inspectors was named the SPCA or more formally know as the
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
To begin with, 100 million animals are experimented on and tortured every year according to
PETA, an animal organization. In today s society, people are taught from a young age that some
animals are ranked higher than other. To illustrate, the typical house mouse would be looked as
being disgusting and gross while a dog would be seen as adorable and pleasant. animals are seen as
if they do not have rights, today s society
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The Old British Empire s Influence On Modern Museums Essay
The sun never sets on the British Empire is a phrase that is known all too well in regards to British
Imperialism and colonization spanning over Africa, Asia, North America, Australia, and Europe.
Over the years, England in particular, has had a major influence across the world as a global
superpower by sharing its own technology, culture, religion and more. But as much as they have
shared, they have also taken to enrich their own society with artifacts, designs, foods, and other
aspects of the foreign culture. This dynamic between Great Britain and each colonized country has
immensely shaped modern British museums by expanding the content in museums as it relates to
imperialism, diversifying the artifacts collected from other countries, and the influences it has had
on British society shown through museums collections. The old British Empires influence on
modern museums also raised many issues for contemporary curators and audiences concerning
museums glorifying imperialism, the ethically of keeping these collected artifacts, and if the
museums have a subtle underlying imperialistic bias.
To understand why imperialism is such a prominent theme in British museums it is important to
understand the history of British Imperialism in the first place. In the 15th and 16th centuries
Portugal and Spain were leading imperialist powers, sailing the seas and discovering new land and
becoming wealthier from the treasures these places held. After learning of the success
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Bill Gates Impact On Society
When people hear the name Bill Gates the first thing that come to their mind is money or the
richest man alive . Well they re also different thing that people should think about him.He has
change the game plan in this whole world and has created amazing things that people still don t
know yet about.
Gates early life was a unorganized puzzle that he was having trouble figuring out.Gates started with
an interest in computers in his early teenage life but at the same time he took the pathway of law
school after high school. Bill Gates became interested with what a computer could do and spend
much of his time working on terminals (Biography.com Editors).Gates passion was abusly
computers, he invented a tic tac toe program that let him play against the computer .It was a
reasonable idea to think that after high school he would go to college to study computer.
Everything was basically much a disaster. Gates enrolled at harvard university in the fall,
originally thinking of a career in law (Biography.com Editors).With a career of choice in his life
that he didn t really like ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The number one thing that impacted was bill gates microsoft invention. 90 percent of the
computers we use today uses windows operating system which is made by
microsoft(nikolov,2013).without windows operations there wouldn t be people with computers
looking thru social media and enjoying the internet. Also because of windows operations we can
enjoy playing xbox 360 and play online with friends without going to their house, bill and melinda
have committed to give 95 percent of their fortune to charity over time (thorpe,2012).Gate
foundation is a global charity that his goal is to change the world of medicine and health. There a
lot of people suffering from their health because they don t have the money to visit a doctor or buy
medicine. Those are the cases that Gates foundation focus on in order to change the
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Cream Vs Ointment
What is the meaning of sustained release on medication bottle?
Oxford University Press Dictionary tells us that sustained release means denoting a drug
preparation in a capsule containing numerous tiny pellets with different coatings that release their
contents steadily over a long period.(OxfordLivingDictionary,2017)
What is the difference between a cream and an ointment?
A cream is a semisolid and comes in both aqueous and oily bases. It absorbs into the skin. An
example would be benzoyl perioxide. The ointment is similar to a cream, but it does absorb into the
skin it protects it locally. It can have soothing, astringent, or systemic effects. An example of an
ointment would be neosporin.
Explain the purposes, advantages, and disadvantages ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Disadvantages are takes longer to absorb, might taste bad, and less medicine gets to the target tissue.
2.) Sublingual placing the tablet under the tounge or between the cheeks(buccal route) should be
small and lipid sloubile
Advantages are fast absorbing, less first pass effect, and drug no longer has any effect when spit
out. Disadvantages are inconvenient, unpleasant taste, or patient might swallow it.
Rectal Route drug is given directly into the anus comes in solid form(suppositories) or liquid
form(enema) used a lot in older patients can have a local or systemic action after it s absorbed
Advantages are avoids nausea or vomiting, preferred for irritating drugs, and preferred if patient is
unconscious or uncooperative.
Disadvantages are patients don t accept it easily, has 50% first pass metabolism, and diagnostic test
for finding the pathology of lower intestines.
Intravenous Route these drugs are injected
Advantages are immediate action, no waiting for absorption, and large amounts of fluids can
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Lily s Choice in The House of Mirth Essays
Lily s Choice in The House of Mirth
Near the beginning of The House of Mirth, Wharton establishes that Lily would not indeed have
cared to marry a man who was merely rich: she was secretly ashamed of her mothers crude
passion for money (38). Lily, like the affluent world she loves, has a strange relationship with
money. She needs money to buy the type of life she has been raised to live, and her relative
poverty makes her situation precarious. Unfortunately, Lily has not been trained to obtain money
through a wide variety of methods. Wharton s wealthy socialites do not all procure money in the
same way: money can be inherited, earned working in a hat shop, won at cards, traded scandalously
between married men and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Lily Bart has to die because she is completely incapable of adapting to this world of direct
transactions, and in the end the only two paths she sees both lie firmly in that realm.
First, a distinction must be made between direct and indirect transaction. Lily can happily live in a
world where wealth circulates obliquely and freely. When Lily stays as a guest at Bellomont
eating fine food at her hosts expense, she is not receiving payment for goods or services.
Instead, her charm has earned her the benefits of friendship with the rich. Lily is not exactly
being paid to be charming; instead, being charming attracts the generous hospitality and
entertainment of wealthy friends. The distinction between this type of benefit and direct
compensation is enormous. When the reader encounters Lily in Chapter Ten of Book Two, Lily
has fled from the world of Norma Hatch to the milliners shop and it was an offer of direct reward
that made it necessary for Lily to escape. Wharton writes, The sense of being involved in a
transaction she would not have cared to examine too closely had soon afterward defined itself in
the light of a hint from Mr. Stancy that if she saw them through, she would have no reason to be
sorry (293 3). Lily has no qualms about living as a guest of her rich friends, but the idea of selling
her charm and becoming a sort of social mercenary holds no appeal for her: The implication that
such loyalty would meet with a direct
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poverty should be fixed
Poverty should be fixed Poverty is one of the most serious issues in the world. When one drives
around Los Angeles, the person can easily find homeless people who beg for money on freeway
off ramps or look for food in garbage cans. People should not neglect them being on the streets
because it is unsafe and unclean. The rate of povertyconsistently increases every year. Shah states
According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. And they die quietly in some
of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world.
Being meek and weak in life makes these dying multitudes even more invisible in death. (qtd. In
Shah) Many people and organizations have tried to solve... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They do whatever they can do to obtain food, water, or any items that support their survival, most of
the time without the knowledge they are being harmful to their environmental situation. However,
it is not their fault because they have never gotten any education about it. The life only teaches
them is how to survive and how to get food and water. According to Miller, the poor have no
worries about long run environmental quality and sustainability. It is not a priority for them. Their
priority is survival, not the environment. Therefore, it is harmful to the environment if we neglect
poverty. Also, people should teach them how and why environment is important to us.
Some people think that helping impoverished people is useless and wasting of time and money
due to prejudice which they did not try their best with any effort before except giving something
up easily. They just wait until people help them or just want to be helped from other people even
though they are physically abled. Many people also think that they do not deserve a help and if
they tried something best, they would not be in the situation. So, people look down on them and
admit that is why the poor are in poverty. The society
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Daily Survival in theSoviet Labor Camps
During World War II the Soviet labor camps were established by the Russian governmental
agency called the Gulag. While in effect these camps housed about fourteen million people, in
which almost half of these prisoners were imprisoned without a trial. The conditions within these
camps were inhumane, which resulted in the death of many prisoners. As seen in Alexander
Solzhenitsyn s novel, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, the only way to survive in these
labor camps was to stay nourished. Not only must one stay physically nourished, but they must
also be mentally nourished. In order to keep one self properly nourished, they must encompass
certain qualities in order to survive. In order to survive, prisoners must maintain a sense of self
dignity and individuality in a camp whose main goal is to dismantle all individual personalities.
Self preservation is a challenge in a camp with inhumane conditions where the bedding doesn t
have any covering, where the prisoners are strip searched out in the frigid temperatures, where the
prisoners are called by a random collection of numbers and letters, and where all other living
conditions are intolerable, one must find something to cling onto that allows them to mentally
survive. Shukhov attempts several things that allow him to possibly remain civil and to retain his
dignity. For example, he removes his cap at every meal before eating in order to maintain a feeling
of civility. Furthermore, Shukhov is inimitable
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Analysis Of Always Running By Luis Rodriguez
In the novel, Always Running by Luis Rodriguez is a book that talks about Rodriguez s economy
and how society is during the 1960 s with the influences of gang members. Rodriguez comes from
undocumented parents, who moved from Mexico to Texas for a better future.
In the novel, Always Running by Luis Rodriguez is a book that talks about Rodriguez s economy
and how society is during the 1960 s with the influences of gang members. Rodriguez comes from
undocumented parents, who moved from Mexico to Texas for a better future. Rodriguez s father
was a former high school principal in Mexico and his mother was a secretary at the same high
school. They moved to Texas and all four of their children were born in the united states, three in
Texas and the youngest in Los Angeles. Rodriguez s father gave them insects nicknames that are
used throughout the whole novel. Rodriguez nickname was grillo (cricket), while his brother was
rano (frog) and his sisters were pata (duck) and cuca (cockroach). Rodriguez and Rano later start
elementary school and talk about how school was difficult for them. Rodriguez sees how his
society has affected the way he views the world and the influences the friends he needs to have to
feel protected, while going through poverty, and then trying to escape his conditions. There are a
few Mexican that has received an education in Mexico and come to the United States. Once they
come into the United States their education does not count here anymore. Rodriguez s
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Michael Jackson s Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Michael Jackson seems to be suffering from generalized anxiety disorder code 300.02. In the
book Psychology the fifth edition by Saundra K. Ciccarelli and J. Noland White (2016), it states
disorder in which a person has feelings of dread and impending doom along with physical
symptoms of stress, which lasts 6 months or more (p.554). Mr. Jackson has lived his entire life
worrying about events and people in his surroundings. During his childhood years, Mr. Jackson
spend his time working in the studio and going to school. There was no time for him to socialize
with other children his age or even go to places like the fair, movies, or parks. Michael Jackson did
not have time to enjoy his childhood years like the average child because his father
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Reflective Essay On The Clothesline Project
On October 26th, 2017, I attended the clothesline project. I had very little knowledge of the
clothesline project, so I thought by attending I could expand my horizons. The Clothesline Project
was held at the memorial union in the ballroom. Our role, as a participant, was to stay very quiet
and look at the displayed shirts and items. I knew the event dealt with violence, but that was about
it. According to the clothesline project website, it states The Clothesline Project provides evidence
that incest, domestic violence, and sexual violence exists in our communities. It is a visual
reminder of statistics that we often ignore. It gives a voice to those who have been forcibly
silenced. Hopefully, it stirs us to action. A public must be informed about violence in order to
act to prevent it . The clothesline project started in 1990. A group of women decided to create
this event because a plethora of girls were harmed during the Vietnam war. The website also
listed what each color of shirt meant. For example, white t shirts stood for people who have died
because of violence. After my research I was kind of nervous to attend, I didn t really want to hear
about battered women and abused kids. Going into it, I knew nothing other than the research I had
done. I had a feeling it was just going to make me heartbroken. When I got there, I became silent
and just took everything in.
No one in my family has never dealt with any type of abuse, rape, violence, etc. Since I ve never
heard of it happening to anyone close to me, I believed it wasn t that common. I ve seen terrible
things on the news, but I believed it could never happen where I live. I walked in expecting
maybe twenty to thirty shirts. Little did I know the entire ballroom would be filled with t shirts.
A story that made me realize it can happen to anyone was Dru Sjodin s. There was a table set up
in the front of the room, this table consisted of personal belongings to some of the women who
had passed on. I was drawn to Dru s spot on the table because of the unique plate. Dru was a
student at UND, who was last seen at Columbia Mall parking lot. About five months later, Dru s
body was found in a ravine located in Crookston, Minnesota. I could not believe
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Sir Orfeo Purgatory Rhyme Scheme
The polarization of the glorious images prior to the desolate lines describing the inside of the fairy
castle does not interrupt the rhyme of the lay. The pattern of rhyming couplets continues throughout
the lay maintaining the sing song feel and allowing the reader to follow the lines easily.
Furthermore, the lyrical rhymeprovides a counterpoint to the horrific imagery presented in the
excerpt. The author shows this in the rhyming couplet, Sum stode withouten hade, / And sum non
armes nade ( Sir Orfeo 391 392). While describing people with missing heads and other
appendages, the rhyme keeps within the boundaries of a joyous and mystical lay. The choice to
maintain the rhyme schemethroughout this grotesque portion allows for a veil of... Show more
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In Ellen M. Caldwell s essay, The Heroism of Heurodis: Self Mutilation and Restoration in Sir
Orfeo , she posits, Further, the suspended animation of these victims, a feature of the Celtic fairy
world, is also a reminder of the altered state under which the kingdom...operates while its king
prolongs his wilderness retreat (301). While searching for Heurodis, Sir Orfeo undergoes a long
retreat into the wilderness until he sees her hunting with the group of fairy women. Throughout
this time, Sir Orfeo selects a steward to rule the kingdom in his place. Sir Orfeo regains his wife
by striking a deal with the king of the fairies. Disguised as a minstrel, he plays the harp for the
king in exchange for his wife. Once Sir Orfeo returns to his own kingdom, he decides to test the
faithfulness of his steward by dressing up as a beggar and returning to court. He recounts the story
of his time in the wilderness to the steward, After the account of his own dismemberment and
disfigurement, Orfeo reconstitutes in this incantation, which returns him to life and his kingdom s
governance (Caldwell 303). Realizing that the beggar before him is, indeed, his king, the steward
immediately gives up the throne, proving his loyalty to the king and essentially restoring Sir
Orfeo s life as king. This form of reincarnation echoes that of Heurodis as Sir Orfeo saves her from
the death that griped her within
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Essay on Analysing the Recent Economic Recession and Its...
The business cycle is the short run alternation between economic downturns and economic upturns
(Investopedia n.d.). A recession is an economic downturn and happens in every country and some
recessions are worse than others and the output of GDP and employment are falling farther and
faster. The great depression lasted from 1929 1933 and was a deep prolonged downturn in the
business cyclebefore a recovery/expansion of the business cycle occurred and GDP and
employment started to rise (Krugman Wells. 2012). The next recessionlasted from 1981 1982 and
was comparatively smaller than the first (Krugman Wells. 2012). More recently in 2001 a slump
in the economy was noted and was followed by the great rescission of 2007 2009 (Krugman ...
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An examples of the circular cash flow model is demonstrated in figure 21 6.
Firms produce output and then pay income to households and households then use this income to
buy goods expenditure (Pettinger. n.d.).
Unemployment Rate Labor Force Participation Rate Labor force is the amount of people who
are employed and currently have a job and the people who are unemployed and currently do not
have a job (Krugman Wells. 2012). The labor force participation rate is calculated with people
sixteen years of age and older that are employed, while the unemployment rate is measured by
the percent of the total number of people sixteen years of age and older who do not have a job
(Krugman Wells. 2012). The United States assigns the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) with
the task of tracking the employment and unemployment rate of the labor force in the United
States (BOOK). The BLS breaks down the unemployment and labor rate much farther than just
how many are working and not working and breaks the cart down to race, age, gender, and level
of schooling from no high school diploma to bachelors degree and higher for the year along with
many other statistics and ways to track the populations work force (U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics. n.d.). The BLS breaks down the labor force also by including discouraged workers, who
are people that are not working but could work and have given
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The Benefits Of Physical Fitness
Physical fitness is to the human body a general state of health and well being, and more
specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations.
Being fit doesn t mean being a champion in a particular discipline, or having muscles that pop out
from clothes... being fit means living healthy and accordingly being a happy person. Physical fitness
is generally achieved through a correct nutrition and a regular training activity. The benefits for
being fit are countless, not only the training and the healthy diet will help you to achieve a good
body, but it will also clean your mind and make you more happy and relaxed.
Physical fitness, the ability to carry out tasks without undue fatigue, achieved by a correct nutrition
and regular ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You obtain this energy from nutrients in the food that you eat mostly, carbohydrates, fats and
Minerals and vitamins are other nutrients that are also important in your diet to help your body stay
healthy. It is important to find the right balance between these different nutrients to achieve
maximum health benefits. A balanced diet generally contains food from each of the following food
groups: starchy foods (such as: bread, rice, potatoes, pasta...), fruit and vegetables, milk and dairy
foods, protein foods; these include meat, fish, eggs and other non dairy sources of protein
(including nuts, tofu, beans, pulses, etc.).
Fatty and sugary foods are the fifth food group that you eat.
However, only a small amount of what you eat should be made up from fatty and sugary foods. In
addition to the
above, having plenty of fiber and water in your diet is also important for your health.
The reasons that bring a person to be physically fit are numerous, from the benefits that offer to
the physical body till the ones that reach the brain and improve the general status of a person s
mind at the psychological level. Fitness may help prevent certain serious diseases such as high
blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. It may
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New Postal Service Exam 473-E Study Guide
New Postal Service Exam 473 E Study Guide
Strategies and Techniques for Scoring High
Hello future postal employees,
Congratulations! Purchasing this study guide most likely indicates you want to pursue a career
with the Postal Service. In my opinion, you ve made an excellent choice. As a retiree of the Postal
Service, I can tell you it s an honorable and solid career. At the end of your workday, you ll know
you ve achieved something important. You ll have that feeling of accomplishment. That kind of job
doesn t come along every day.
You might be here because you re just out of high school or college and you re looking for your
first job. Maybe you re recently discharged from the military and seeking employment. Perhaps you
re ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I spent 10 paid holidays every year with my family. I received generous vacation and sick leave
with pay. The Thrift Savings Plan is outstanding with the Postal Service matching a percentage of
your contributions. That s only a few of the benefits you ll receive as a permanent employee. Yes,
there s many more.
Sharing My Experience
After retiring, I wanted to use my experience and knowledge in a positive way. I wanted to do
something that could help others have the good fortune I ve had. I knew the greatest obstacle in
gaining employment was taking the postal exam. I decided teaching others to take the exam is the
best way I can help.
I want to give you all the advantages I can. Taking an important test is stressful. Stress can make it
difficult to focus. I want to take that stress away so you can walk in to take the exam with
You might be tempted to pass over some of the information in this study guide; however, my
advice is to go ahead and read it in its entirety. Everything I ve included is there for a purpose. No
matter how unimportant it might seem to you, it could help if you utilize it.
You will probably notice that I repeat myself a few times. That s because I want to be sure you
remember those particular tips.
How to Get Hired
I m not going to sugar coat it. Getting a job at the Postal Service is not easy to say the least. When
a position becomes open in your area, rest assured
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What Is Rear Window Review
Rear Window Review Rear Window is a great thriller, and a great movie. It is thrilling and
exciting without having the overly serious tone of most other thrillers. Unlike other films of the
genre there is campy feel, yet that doesn t deter the edge of your seat feeling the this film creates.
Rear Window is an oddity, it s a light hearted murder mystery that takes place from one setting, yet
very effectively pulls the audience into the experience. There is a constant did he or didn t he
feeling that keeps the viewer guessing up until the final dramatic conclusions. This is a good thriller
because it is effectively suspenseful and exciting. It is a great filmbecause it is fun, it s enjoyable.
Rear Window is fun to watch because it combines
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Secondary Trauma
Secondary Trauma
So often, we focus on our clients and not enough on ourselves. The books read remind me to be
mindful of self care. Beginning with Dr. Wicks who is an engaging writer. My perception is that
he is very caring, and that is revealed in his work.
The seeds of secondary stress and the seeds of true passionate involvement in the fields of
counseling, psychology and social work are actually the same seeds.(Wicks, 2008) Secondary
trauma or Burn out is a challenge for many individuals the field of counseling. Secondary trauma is
commonly referred to as the stress resulting from helping or wanting to help a traumatized or
suffering person. Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by ...
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They arrive consistently late to work and call in sick when healthy; they also express becoming
emotionally distant from co workers.
The job has taken a toll on their mental and/or physical health to the point where friends and family
express concern. (Remington) Upon hearing rumors of layoffs, you pray, Please, God, take me!
They do not have enough work to keep busy, but lack motivation to seek new assignments.
(Remington)Time drags and they constantly watch the clock. The lights around their desk or
workspace burn out frequently.
Secondary Trauma
I think the most important thing about burnout is to recognize it s a cry for help from the
Clinicians poor, exhausted body and untapped spirit .
They say insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. If a
Clinicians is experiencing burn out and continue working in the same job at the same pace for the
same long hours, they will only get an increased feeling of burnout. It is time to try something,
anything, different.
Discuss the importance of effective supervision while providing case management. If a Clinicians
finds they are going through Burn Out, they should schedule a heart to heart with their supervisor.
A good supervisor should be able to present a couple of solutions to try. This can be delegating
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R-Type Pyocin Essay R type pyocin: Therapeutic potential The potential of R type pyocin to be developed as a
therapeutic was realized immediately after its discovery. As early as in 1967, Higerd et al
showed that R type pyocin was safe to administer in animals [77]; it did not have a lethal effect
on mice and rabbits when injected in high concentration intraperitoneally. Since then, six studies
have specifically looked at the therapeutic potential of R type pyocins in animal models. Bird
and Grieble, in 1969, injected an infective dose of P. aeruginosa into chick embryos, followed
immediately by a suitable pyocin preparation, and found that a single dose of pyocin increased the
survival of infected embryos from 3% to 46% [78]. In 1972, Merrikin and Terry showed that
purified R type pyocin, administered parenterally to mice infected with sensitive strains of P.
aeruginosa, afforded significant... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
aeruginosa infections [79]. Following that, in 1974, Haas et al reported an investigation into the
possible prophylactic effect of R type pyocin in the prevention of the lethal effect of subsequent
challenge with P. aeruginosa [80]. In this study they showed that mice were protected against
lethal intraperitoneal challenge with P. aeruginosa when a single injection of R type pyocins was
administered one hour before the challenge. The protective effect lasted for at least four days.
Although these studies illustrate the potential of R type pyocins as a novel therapeutic, they were
limited in scope and the authors did not quantify the assays, generate dose response curves, or
optimize time and route of administration. In 1975, Rosamund Williams studied the systemic and
topical effects of purified R type pyocins (and F type and S type pyocins) on P. aeruginosa
systemic and burn infections, respectively, in
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Using Porter s Generic Strategies
Using Porter s generic strategies, identify examples of organisations following strategies of
differentiation, low cost or low price, and stuck in the middle or hybrid. How successful are
these strategies? An organisation bases its strategy according to its environment, and if
implemented right will be successful. Firms can target their products by a broad target, thereby
covering most of the marketplace, or they can focus on a narrow target in the market (Lynch,
2003). Michael Porter created a generic strategies framework in order for an organisation to gain
a competitive advantage in their industry. Porter considers three generic strategies in his
framework that an organisation can undertake to gain this advantage. He believes that an
organisation falls into either cost leadership (lower cost) or differentiation and once applied in a
broad or narrow scope, as discussed by Lynch, creates focus (Figure 1). Furthermore, some
organisations undertake in more that one of these strategies and if unsuccessful is called the stuck
in the middle strategy. However, if the organisation combines elements of differentiation and
elements of low cost successfully, this becomes and hybrid option and is becoming increasingly
popular amongst firms in the modern day. Figure 1 Source: Porter (1985) The first part of Porter s
framework includes the differentiation strategy across a broad target. The generic of differentiation
strategy involves creating a market position that is perceived
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Theme Of Evil In V For Vendetta
E for Evil
Every day stories of humanity s latest atrocities like discrimination, corruption, and police
brutality fill the news. These constant reminders of the dark side of humanity encourage some to
search for the root of these problems. Authors such as Alan Moore use their work to explore these
complex problems as well as human nature. Moore s graphic novel V for Vendetta is set in a
dystopian London which is run by fascists after a nuclear war. The fascist party, which is known as
the Norsefire, implements curfews, mass surveillance, and constant propaganda. The main
character, a masked man named V, suffered experiments and torture from the government. The story
follows his quest to destroy the regime and seek revenge. In the graphic novel V for Vendetta, the
author Alan Moore shows that humans are intrinsically evil, especially when given power and
authority over others.
The fingermen and guards indifference show Moore s idea that humans are naturally immoral,
expressly in positions of power. In the beginning of the novel, Evey, another main character, leaves
her apartment after curfew to make money as a prostitute. As she looks for clients, she encounters
undercover Fingerman, the secret police, who proceed to punish her. She pleads for them to not
kill her, but they respond, You ve got it wrong miss. You ll do anything we want and then we ll kill
you. That s our prerogative (Moore 10). Instead of championing justice like policemen should, the
fingermen use
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A Night At The Perk
A night at The Perk
Ethnography or field research is a sociological method that explores how people live and make
sense of their lives with one another in particular places. The focus might be on understanding the
human race and the meaning they produce through everyday interactions, or places, and the
organizational logics that guide our activities (columbia.edu, 2017). A discourse community
comprises of a group of people, especially within a sphere of intellectual or social activity, who
share common goals, who support and understand each other using their own specific language or
manner of interaction whether verbal or non verbal (Oxforddictionaries.com, 2017). The discourse
community I researched on is The Pace Perk CafГ©. The Pace ... Show more content on
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These businesses that are run by students are very vital to the student body that is interested in
business and entrepreneurship. They should be introduced in every campus that hosts business
studies. Business students read about ventures, organizations and management in textbooks, but it s
a completely different experience while making decisions about an actual business. The thrill of
making decisions, feeling the consequences of every decision made is something that cannot be
taught. It must be experienced. This method of learning would revolutionize how business and
management is taught in universities, creating social change and bettering society (Mars, Matthew
M. and Gary Rhoades, 435 459).
The members of my field research discourse community The Perk would be any student that
works for this business or any person who visits and purchases food from this cafГ©. Although
The Perk is open to everybody, the late night hours and the location allow only students who dorm
on campus to be able to visit the cafГ©. Circumstances have made this cafГ© exclusively for
resident students. The main goals of this community include providing a safe place for students to
eat and hang out with friends in a late night cafГ©. The Perk community believes in the policy of
customers always come first and customers are always right. This community also provides a safe
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Irish And The Peelites
Irish, so to speak, therefore, while the Peelites saw public works as essential to their relief policy,
like the liberals after them they feared that any government action would discourage Irish
initiative. As public works expanded, British distrust of the Irish led to an obsessive fear of abuse.
Britons believed that the Irish peasants were always seeking to get something for nothing. A
mythos of English sacrifice and Irish incorrigibility emerged throughout Britain, permeating the
mindset of the public and government leaders. In 1847, J.A. Roebuck, M.P. for Bath irritably
stated, was it to be said, when Providence visited the land with a fatal disease in vegetables, that
the 8,000,000 Irish should come crawling as beggars to the shores
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Essay on Role of Geography in the Arab-Israeli Conflict
The lust for territory seems to be the real source of conflict, and until one group is satisfied, the
appearance of religious conflict will exist in the Middle East. It seems as if the real truth needs
to be portrayed to the rest of the world about the true reason for the Arab Israeli conflict, which is
geography and ultimately water. The lack of water stems from the Great Syrian Rift Zone, and
causes damage to Israeli land which ultimately decreases the amount of water that flows into the
Red Sea. This lack of water causes Israeland other surrounding countries (Jordan, Lebanon, and the
Occupied Territories) to only have one source of surface water, which is from Lake Kinnaret, or
the Sea of Galilee that flows into the Jordan River.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The use of the Hezbollah has greatly added to the continuation of the Arab Israeli conflict and has
limited cooperation in all regions. The Hezbollah also attracted U.S. attention after a suicide
bomber killed over two hundred Marines in Beirut.
In the end, the whole Arab Israel conflict comes down to fighting for the Occupied Territories due
to their overarching benefits. This conflict is not a religious struggle, but rather a struggle for
territory and it will continue with war crimes and human rights violations for a long time until
everyone in the Middle East is satisfied, which has a very low probability of occurring.
As one can see this issue directly impacts the Middle East because it drives all actions that
develop there. Whatever attacks that come from this area are more than likely directly related
the Arab Israeli conflict. Recently a survey conducted in EU of 7,515 people in 15 EU countries
said yes 60% of the time to the question of if Israel presents a threat to peace. This percentage
put Israel ahead of Iran, North Korea, and the U.S. each of which had a 53% yes vote. This survey,
not knowing the sampling population, reflects a general notion that Israel is a threat to global
security. This may or may not be true, but what is true is that the Arab Israeli conflict is a threat to
regional security, and some of the threats
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Research Paper On Harriet Tubman
Have you ever heard of the Underground Railroad and its most famous conductor? Well if you
have not then man do I have a story for you. Harriet Tubman was a slave in the 1800 s who saved
herself as well as 300+ other slaves using the route of the Underground Railroad. The
Underground Railroad was a route of houses that slaves used to get to the north. Harriet changed
the lives of many slaves forever. Harriet Tubman was born in Dorchester County, Maryland in
1820. She was born on the plantation where her parents Harriet Greene and Ben Ross got hired
to work the fields. She lived there with her family and her eight siblings Linah, Mariah Ritty,
Moses, Ben, Robert, Henry, Rachel, and Soph Ross until she was five. That s when she started
working. She worked for the slave owners from there on out. That was her life. In her early life
Harriet had two different types of pets. She had crickets and bunnies, but I don t know how many.
She had her first job at age five caring for an infant. She was given the first of her many nicknames
Minty after her birth name Araminta Ross. She got another job at age seven collecting muskrats
from traps. She described... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Then she planned her escape to the north and she changed her name to Harriet. She returned to
her birth place and starts to free slaves from there. She brought her parents and all her siblings to
freedom and safety. Then the civil war begins and she works for the union in South Carolina.
After that she becomes a spy and helps plan and led a union raid. Then her husband John
Tubman dies in a fight and she marries Nelson Davis. They have a child named Gertie Davis. Later
the little girl losses her dad to natural causes. Harriet purchases land in New York and helps found a
home for the aged. Soon Harriet dies in Auburn, New York. After she told the people around her
death bed I go to prepare a place for you. She is buried at Fort Hill Cemetery in
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Jamaica Kincaid
Rhetorical Analysis Essay Jamaica kincaid: rough draft
Jamaica Kincaid successfully convinces her audience that post colonial impact still remains.
Through the use of rhetorical appeals such as pathos, logos and imagery she successfully
explains her claim. Through this novel she gives an insightful explanation of what antigua is like
from a person who comes from that area. Kincaid being born in antigua, she gives us a view from
her eyes on what antigua is really like while going through post colonial impact. Kincaid
incorporates historical background in text to convince her audience that this impact is holding back
antigua from the good and enjoyable place it can really be. She develops a connection with the
audience when she makes them feel like the tourist that is figuring out what s going on in the
background of antigua. This connection serves as pathos as it makes the audience feel the emotion
of anger and disappointment for not knowing what mess is really going on in this small island. This
demonstration shows how cultures everywhere are affected by postcolonialism and how there is a
negative global commonality between tourist and natives.
It was very impactful being put in the tourist seat while reading this novel. In the beginning of
the story as the tourist i am being exposed to all this negativity which i came here in the first
place to avoid. Kincaid tells us that everyone has new cars here because it is really easy to get
loans from the bank. This left
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Innocence in The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger Essay
One of the purist times in a person s life is childhood, during this time life is easy and often
romanticized. As a person grows older the innocence and naivety of childhood begins to fade into
a hardness caused by the harsh realties of adulthood. Though the transition from childhood is hard,
one most remember not to rush into adulthood savor your innocence . In Catcher In the Rye , by
J.D. Salinger the main character Holden Caulfield is in the transitional stage, he finds it hard for
him to grow up and act like an adult. So instead of rushing in to adulthood, he finds slowing down
the process and acting less adult like is better for him. Holden finds mature adult like subjects and
qualities phony, but finds innocent child like subjects... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But the two youngest members of the family are the main recipients of his praise and joy. When
he talked about his brother Allie that passed away it is always good. The quote that sums up his
feelings towards Allies is, he was a nice kid. (Salinger 38) He relies on Allie when he has a
problem or needs to think things through. When he was contemplating his leave and walking to
give Phoebe her letter he talked to the ghost of Allie. The other sibling is Phoebe, Phoebe seem to
be the apple of his eye. When he thought about leaving he only wanted and needed to say good
bye to Phoebe and no one else. The way he talks about D.B. is very different then the way he
rants on about his younger siblings, he never talks bad or factious about D.B. he just doesn t
praise him as much. He views D.B. As phony and a Hollywood sellout. In many aspects the
siblings are the same the only difference is their age and innocence level. He adores and admires
the more innocent younger siblings, while he views the oldest one as being a fake. This just
proves that Salinger thinks innocence s should be captured and cherished. Holden seem to be
weird and indifferent when it comes to females and sexual relationships. He has a made up sex life
when in actuality he has yet to do anything. When the prostitute came to his room he chickens out
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The Theory Of Knowledge Management
Knowledge rather than capital or labour, was the only meaningful resource in a society (Drucker
World was moving from industrial to knowledge based economy. Organizations have changed their
focus from process re engineering to achieve results into encouraging employees to implement their
knowledge and expertise in achieving efficiency of business. In a rapidly changing technology
landscape, knowledge sharing presents a unique challenge for businesses and enterprises. Few
factors defining today s knowledge industry:
Knowledge is proliferated across multiple media formats
Knowledge has become multi platform
Knowledge has become mobile
The increase in content and knowledge posed a challenge for organizations to ... Show more content
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It was launched in 2012, with an aim to increase information sharing and virtual knowledge in
Bloomfire organizes knowledge expertise to connect people who have knowledge to people who
need it. It deals with knowledge capture, learning management, Content management, social
networks, social business and cloud file sharing.
Bloomfire integrates social learning tool to connect employees with the knowledge they need to
complete the job. Employees can engage with content in social environment. It also simplifies
knowledge management for customer support and sales enablement.
Customer Support: It gives clients, managers and reps immediate access to documentation and
answers they need. It reduces time to resolution, increase customer satisfaction and increase
employee efficiency.
Sales Enablement: Sales teams can easily access answers, best practices and marketing material in
fingertips. This results in reduce in search time and increase in time to work on bottom line. This
makes sales teams and partners close more deals faster.
It is all about sharing information and knowledge with employees and co workers. The five main
features of Bloomfire are Simplicity, content curation, content creation, people and analytics.
Content Creation:
There are four different types of user roles in Bloomfire Owners, Admins, Authors and Learners.
Owners admins Have access to everything including analytics, user management and other
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Essay On Ablooproteinemia
Abetalipoproteinemia (ABL) is a rare inherited disorder affecting fat metabolism. Abnormal fat
metabolism prevents the body from completely absorbing dietary fats, cholesterol, and fat soluble
vitamins. Without treatment, people affected by this disorder can experience progressive
neurological deterioration, muscle weakness, difficulty walking, and blood abnormalities in
which the red blood cells deform resulting in low levels of circulating red blood cells (anemia).
Dietary fats and vitamins are essential for proper growth and development of various body
systems. Consequently, degeneration of the retina of the eyes may also occur in affected people.
This can potentially result in loss of vision, a condition known as retinitis pigmentosa.
This disorder is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait and is caused by mutations in the
microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTTP) gene. Beta lipoprotein that work to carry fats and
cholesterol in the blood is missing due to the MTTP gene mutations. The MTTP gene provides
instructions for making microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, which is essential for creating
beta lipoproteins. The mutations in this gene lead to abnormally short microsomal triglyceride
transfer protein, causing the nutritional and neurological problems. ABL is also called Bassen
Kornzweig syndrome because Dr. Bassen and Dr.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This signifies that individuals with ABL inherited two abnormal alleles from the same trait from
each parent. Those that receive one normal allele and one allele for the disease are considered
carriers for ABL. They usually do not show symptoms of ABL, however their offspring can
inherit the disorder. Two carrier parents have 25% chance of having affected child indicating they
both passed their defective gene to their child. Two carrier parents have 50% chance of having a
carrier child and 25% of chance of having a normal
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Hope By Emily Dickinson Rhetorical Devices
Hope is the thing with feathers
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all
And sweetest in the Gale is heard
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm
I ve heard it in the chillest land
And on the strangest Sea
Yet never in Extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.
Hope abides; therefore I abide.
Countless frustrations have not cowed me.
I am still alive, vibrant with life.
The black cloud will disappear,
The morning sun will appear once again
In all its supernal glory. Sri Chinmoy
Poetic Device Analysis
In the poem Hope by Emily Dickinson, persona described hope as a confident ... Show more content
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The poem opens with the line Hope is the thing with feather. In this line, persona associated hope
and bird and made a metaphor.Then it follows like this, That perches in the soul/ And sings the
tune without words/ And never stops at all. In these lines, persona thinks that hope is like a
singing bird, even though sometimes it doesn t speak to us, eternally it will stay permanent in
us. Also by mentioning, hope as a permanent thing in inside of us, allows us to acquire most of
what life gives to us. The second stanza creates some kind of opposition for the hope, and in this
stanza persona metaphorically describe a person, who destroys his/her hope. By saying, And sore
must be the storm/That could abash the little bird/ That kept so many warm, persona used an
impressive metaphor by associating storm with anger and negativity. The storm abash the bird
(hope) and cause pain and discomfort hurts it. In the fourth stanza, with the following line which
is I ve heard it in the chilliest lands, persona tried to make her reader to believe in hope, she tried
to convince that hope is everywhere. In the last two lines, Yet never in extremity/ It asked a crumb
of me , persona mentioned that hope is a gift that doesn t exist for
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Portland Trail Blazers Case Study
The Portland Trail Blazers, are NBA (National Basketball Association) franchise in the city of
Portland Oregon. The Portland Trail Blazers were founded in February 1970. They were founded
by Harry Glickman who awarded the city of Portland, Oregon with a National Basketball
Association (NBA) franchise. The investors who had made the 3.8 million were Herman
Sarkowsky, Larry Weinberg, and Bob Schmertz. Portland joined Buffalo, Cleveland in the new
teams of the NBA in 1970. Sarkowsky named Glickman the team s executive vice president and
general manager, He than quickly assembled a team and a front office staff that included Stu
Inman, director of player personnel, and publicist John White. John White made up names and Trail
BLazers got the most... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They later drafted future HOF er (Hall Of Fame) Clyde The Glide Drexler as the 14th overall
pick in the 1983 NBA draft. The Blazers didn t make it to the playoffs for 3 years. In the spring
of 86 the Blazers GM (general Manager) Buckwalter, made a big deal that affected both present
and future of the Blazers franchise. Buckwalter traded Darnell Valentine to San Diego (Now LA
Clippers) for Boston s first pick of the 1986 draft, which they used to draft future 7 3 Hall of
Famer Arvydas Sabonis from LIthuania. They also drafted another future Hall of Famer Drazen
Petrovic, standing at 6 5 he was a Shooting Guard. In December the Blazers traded their 1986
14th pick Walter Berry to the San Antonio Spurs for seven footer Kevin Duckworth. With this
front and backcourt the Blazers went to finish and season 49 33, where they were eliminated in
the first round. The next season they improved more and had a 53 29 record. The same season
Coach Schuler earned coach of the year. They then got swept in the first round by the LA
Lakers. In the fall of 1988 Weinberg sold the team to Billionaire Paul Allen. Paul Allen is the
richest owner in the NBA and he also bought the Seattle Seahawks franchise in 1996. Paul Allen
s estimated net worth is 20 billion. The season the Blazers went all the way to the Western
Conference finals as a first seed, they went 2 4 against the Lakers. The next season the Blazers
finished the regular season 57 25. They went to the NBA finals to play the Detroit Pistons after
beating LA Lakers 3 1. Then they beat Phoenix Suns 4 1, in the Western Conference finals they
beat Karl Malone and the Utah Jazz 4 2. The next year the Blazers improved to 63 19 but then
lost to the LA Lakers in the Conference Finals. The next year they made it to the NBA finals
again only to lose to Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls 4 2. The next two seasons the Blazers
made the playoffs but lost in the
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The Pharisees
In order to gain a fully comprehensive insight into Jesus Christ, his person and his politics, one
must delve deeper into the historical and social context of His time on earth. Most are aware of the
general details; that he resided in the Galilee and Judea regions, that his birth determined the turn of
the first century, and that he interacted with various cultural and social forces. The parties with
which he was involved were depicted frequently throughout the bible most notably the Jews,
Gentiles, Sadducees, Romans, Zealots and Pharisees.
What most are unaware of is that the latter, the Pharisees, have been highly questioned and
criticised due to the general and often seen as subjective depiction of them throughout the New ...
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They believed that their laws and spirituality should be a social force and thus were open to a
doctrinal development of Traditions of the Fathers non biblical laws and customs believed to have
been passed down through the generations. These teachings supplemented the written Torah and
were part of what the Rabbis later would call the Oral Law. (Schiffman, 1994: 77)
They considered each of the laws and tradition which were canonized in Pentateuch (444BCE) to
be capable of being expanded to address new circumstances even going so far as to be
reinterpreted to accord with uprising belief systems. New meanings would assure relevancy
within society by allowing the Torah to be amended by this Oral Law, providing the Pharisees
with the ability to adapt and develop in society, and become progressively popular and respected.
They believed the Torah and their Tradition (Oral Law) to be of equal authority, and for any
application of Oral Law to carry a binding force they must possess the same weight and
fundamentals as the Torah. Simply put, it was the Torah As interpreted through the oral law
(tradition) which counted (Aboth 3:12). This Tradition of The Fathers allowed Judaismto adapt to
the new and varied circumstances it would face in Talmudic times and later. In time,
Pharisaism would become rabbinic Judaism the basis for all subsequent Jewish life and
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What s New in SharePoint 201
Explore Microsoft SharePoint 2013
Microsoft Corporation Published: October 2012 Author: Microsoft Office System and Servers Team
This book provides information about what s new in SharePoint 2013. The audiences for this book
include application specialists, line of business application specialists, and IT administrators who
want to know more about SharePoint 2013. The content in this book is a copy of selected content in
the SharePoint 2013 technical library as of the publication date. For the most current content, see
the technical library on the web.
This document is provided as is. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL
and other Internet website references, may ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
7 External list enhancements ................................................................................................................
8 Performance improvements in external lists ................................................................................ 8
Limiting records returned by the external system ....................................................................... 8
Data source filtering ......................................................................................................................... 9
Sorting external lists ........................................................................................................................ 9
Export external lists to Excel .......................................................................................................... 9
Business Connectivity Services in SharePoint Online enhancements ....................................... 9
REST (CSOM) object model for Microsoft Business Connectivity Services for web and mobile app
developers .................................................................................................................. 10 Business
Connectivity Services Client Runtime supports side by side Office 2010 and Office 2013
installations ........................................................................................................................... 10 OData
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Neural Modeling
Researchers in the field of neuroscience have long disputed the type of neural modelling that
allows for the processing of visual stimuli in the brain. I believe that a hierarchical framework
exists in which both distributed and localised modelling can occur at different stages. Distributed
modelling occurs at lower hierarchal levels and localised modelling, characterised by grandmother
cells, occurs at higher levels. Neurons in higher levels pool information passed on from lower
levels to so that the representation of concepts becomes more complex and specialised. It is through
this formation of grandmother cells that a visual stimulus can be represented in the brainin an
invariant manner.
Research on the processing of visual stimuli have lead to findings that supports the notion of
hierarchal modelling in the brain. Hubel and Wiesel (1968) discovered the hierarchal coding of
neural cells in the primary visual cortex. Complex cells in this cortex ... Show more content on
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hair colour, complexion) are associated with a visual stimulus. This is achieved through the
synchronised and repetitive firing of distributed neurons. Since it just so happened that I was
once good friends with this person, I do actually associate many low level features with her.
Hence, it is more likely that I posses a vastly sparse or localised representation of them in the
higher areas of my brain. The grandmother cell in my brain that has been devoted to her will be
invariantly activated when I am presented with a visual stimulus of her such as the newspaper
photo. Moreover, it allows me to achieve faster neural response and stimulus recognition. It is
possible that this neuron will also be activated when I am presented with a visually similar stimulus
as a result of incidental co activation or that I possess redundant grandmother cells that represent
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William Shakespeare Journal Entry
Dearest Journal, How dare they incarcerate me within this infernal penitentiary with all of these,
these MADMEN. Every excruciating day and night I am imprisoned like a rat in a cage,
watched constantly by guards who merely view me as another poor player in this ghastly band
of lunatics, with no respect for my brilliant abilities which they falsely deem to be madness. With
each passing day, my senses grow more acute; I hear the tormented screams of the insane who
have resided in my cell as I sleep, I can feel the very ground muttering to me with each stride
across the crude stone floors of this accursed fortress. I must prove my sagacity to these foolish
overseers and make them behold the true extent of my powers in order to finally receive... Show
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Now that the majority of my work has been accomplished, I must pass the hours waiting for the
proper time to set the final stages of my glorious scheme of vengeance in motion; a time when I
can spread the beautiful wings that have been cramped and contorted within the confines of this
infernal penitentiary; a time when I finally demonstrate to the ignorant imbeciles who are to blame
for my suffering that no cage can ever trap Edgar Gregorovic
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Yemen s Humanitarian Crisis
What many individuals do not know is that Yemen is one of the worst humanitarian crises
occurring today. Yemen is located in the Middle East, north of the horn of Africa and south of
Saudi Arabia. Before the current conflict began, Yemen was already the poorest country in the
Middle East, with half of their population at or below the poverty line. Since 2004, a war between
the Republic of YemenGovernment (RoYG) and the Houthi rebels began, which increased the
humanitarian crises in Yemen (Whitaker, 2011). This affects the citizens of Yemen as the unlawful
airstrikes from Saudi Arabiaare harming the citizens rather than aiding the war efforts. The US
should respond to the Humanitarian Crisis in order for Yemen to become economically and
politically... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Since Yemen was already considered a poor country, the conflict between the Republic of Yemen
Government and the Houthi rebels made matters worse. This led to Saudi Arabia contributing to
controversial air strikes with the intention to help reinstate President Hadi s position in the
government, which in turn is responsible for a great portion of civilian deaths. Having the US
involved to peacefully put an end to the war would help save many civilian lives. By doing so,
the crises in Yemen can be resolved adequately, and allow for the nation to prosper and grow once
more. The Republic of Yemen Government and Houthi rebels must come to a ceasefire and truce,
but this may only be reached by the assistance of the United
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The Differences Between China And Western Europe
Imagine living in America and it not being well America. There would be different ways of
agriculture. Different languages. Different religious beliefs. Having a different way of living in
society, economically and politically. Everything would be different if China would have went
about and conquered Western Europeduring the 14 1500 s.
There are many things in history that can mark the milestone differences between China and
Western Europe. No one really knows when Chinese culture really began, however Chinese
civilization began near the Yellow River (Huang He) becoming North China, and Yangtze River
(Chang Jiang) indicating South China. The first Dynasty, the Xia (Hsia) Dynasty began in about
2070 or 2205 BCE. Historians have found proof of the wheel first being used in China during this
time showing urban culture did exist. The Shang Dynasty followed introducing the first Chinese
Government. A lot of the basic Chinese culture was introduced during the Zhou (Chou) Dynasty
such as the Mandate of Heaven. China contains a lot of history throughout the years. There were
battles between the states, many new emperors and leaders, as well as new technologies. All of
which brought three great Chinese philosophies; Daoism, Confucianism, and Legalism. It wasn t
until about 581 CE that China was reunifies under the leader, Sui Wendi. Wendi linked North and
South China together by the Grand Canal. It was during the Song Dynasty, in 960 CE, that China
promoted better tools. The
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An Essay On Man Alexander Pope Epistle 3
An Essay On Man Alexander Pope Epistle 3
An Essay On Man Alexander Pope Epistle 3
An Essay On Man Alexander Pope Epistle 3
An Essay On Man Alexander Pope Epistle 3

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An Essay On Man Alexander Pope Epistle 3

  • 1. An Essay On Man Alexander Pope Epistle 3 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help fromHelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. An Essay On Man Alexander Pope Epistle 3 An Essay On Man Alexander Pope Epistle 3
  • 2. fidel castro Essay The United States of America is a country that believes in democracy and has unfavorable ties with communist countries. The United States has tried for decades to improve relations with the countries that don t practice democracy. History shows disagreements between the United States and dictators of these irreverent countries, disagreements that brought the world to the brink of nuclear war. The most recent of these confrontations involved three countries. United States of America, Cuba and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR). Fidel Castro is a Cuban revolutionary, who took control of Cuba in 1959 and established a Communist dictatorship. Castro, who was born in Mayari, became the leader of an underground, anti government ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A complete break in diplomatic relations occurred in 1961. On April 17 of that year, anti Castro exiles supported and trained by the United States government, landed an invasion force in the Bay of Pigs in southern Cuba. Ninety of the invaders were killed, and some 1200 were captured. President Castro announced May 17 that Cuba would exchange prisoners taken at the Bay of Pigs for 500 U.S. bulldozers. Negotiations broke down June 30, and Castro declared himself a Marxist Leninist on December 2. He announced formation of a united party to bring communism to Cuba. Relations between the United States and Cuba grew still more perilous in the fall of 1962, when the United States discovered Soviet supplied missile installations in Cuba. United States President, John F. Kennedy announced a naval blockade of the island. Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, Soviet Communist leader, who was first secretary of the Soviet Communist Party from 1953 to 1964 and president of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) from 1958 to 1964. After the death of Joseph Stalin in 1953, Khrushchev became the head of the Communist Party of the USSR. In 1961, relations between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) grew increasingly hostile. President Kennedy and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev had a strained meeting in Vienna, Austria. Later that year, the Communists in East Germany ordered a wall be built on the border between East and West ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Solar And Wind Power Is The Best Choice For Many Scientists Nowadays, environment and health scientists are concerned largely because of the damages caused by conventional energy. In most cases, these damages are happened because people are more likely to use fossil energy instead of renewable energy. In 1991, the worst disaster happened in the Arabian Gulf, and it was closed to my hometown. It s estimated more than 250,000 seabirds died by oil spill (Laura Moss, 2010). However, solar and wind poweris the best choice for many scientists to preserve the environment. In the past, renewable power had some difficulties because most of the energy has obtained from hydroelectric levees, whereas now produce more than quarter of the globe s energy (reading 1). As well as this, more than 85 of the consumed around the world comes from fossil fuelenergy. Unlike renewable energy, fossil energy notably pollutes our plant. Due to population and other reasons, renewable energy becomes more popular and getting attention from a lot of people (reading1). Ultimately, there are some differences and similarities between solar and wind power in terms of their amount of energy and advantages, and these sources has fundamental way to store their energy, which is through advanced battery. The primary important difference and similar between solar and wind power is their amount of energy. Both of them have different capacity to store and provide the energy. Currently, the significant different between solar and wind power is the amount of energy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. The Rosenberg Trial And Brown V. Board Of Education Trials, court, and prosecutors, these are all words that are linked with one another in order to provide an interpretation of justice. Justice has been perceived as decent behavior or treatment, and those who do not obey by the rules are therefore prosecuted. In history, two trials have been documented as the most stunning and enriching cases regarding the topic of legitimacy. The Rosenberg trial and Brown v. Board of Education, are both extraordinary alluring court cases, in which major issues concerning justice and discrimination have been presented to law enforcers. Individual rights were called into question in addition to the examination of the justice system. Although both the Rosenberg trial and Brown v. Board of Education have proven to be of vitality in regards to social awareness, both cases have very little analogous, nevertheless there still remains the main theme of justice and apprehension, in which these cases raised in relation to modern civilization. Justice, otherwise known as the pillar of society and the annihilator of chaos has always been present in the world, however, in numerous cases the ideology of justice has been tainted as a result of societal influences. The Rosenberg trial serves as one court case in which discrimination can be perceived throughout the court case. This is so because of the fact that during the construction of the Rosenberg trial, many citizens were frightened due to recent embodiment of the Red Scare. Julius Rosenberg was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. The Malthusian Population Theory Introduction In 1798, Thomas Malthus wrote an essay about population growth that reflects a pessimistic view to future economic development. This essay was a result of his discussion with positivists that tend to praise perfectibility of the man and knowledge diffusion as a source of prosperity for future generations. Malthus essay about populationgrowth based on observing 17th and 18th century US population data. The general idea of the essay that when food is enough, population grows at a geometric rate and food production just arithmetically. (Malthusian and Neo Malthusian Theories/ Ran Abramitzky and Fabio Braggion, 2003) Essay, An Essay on the Principle of Population, is an excellent example of mathematical modeling. The Malthus model was a surprisingly good for prediction of population growthover short time intervals, but as it was discovered later, it does not work for long time intervals. This paper has the following structure: the first chapter Model description contains general assumptions that were made for the model. In the chapter, Model Composition the formula of the Malthusian population growth model introduced and the production function will be defined. In the third chapter, the Low of Diminish Returns formulated, as it is impossible to describe ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On one hand, the model conflicts with the fact that in modern economics, per capita incomes exhibit a tendency to growth over time. On the other hand its prediction regarding the relationship between population growth and per capita income no longer hold in modern societies. In addition, the technological progress played general role in the society development. Nonetheless, as it was shown in the chapter Empirical Support for the Malthusian Theory it is quite precisely describes tendencies that characterized dynamics in humans population growth before the industrial revolution and it still works for short term ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Essay on Personal Life What would the world come to if people did not strive to help themselves? Would more be accomplished or nothing at all? When is helping oneself self interest, and when is it rude and selfish? How far does one have to go to not be selfish? In order to be not selfish, must a person spent all their time giving to others? Is in a way giving to others even show selfishness? If that is true is it possible to end selfishness? These questions do not have straight answers, and probably never will. Yet, to understand the importance of self interest it is important to understand my opinion of the answers to these questions. Self interest is when people strive to help their condition, or themselves without implicating harm on others. It causes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This can easily be seen when the young athlete is suing their parents for stealing their money. This can also be seen on any of the court television shows where people who were once the best of friends are having an absolute brawl over a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. Which although it is a lot of money, is not close to how priceless a good friendship is. Self interest will always benefit a country while selfishness can only hurt it. Self interest motivates people to work harder, and if people work harder it helps everyone around them. Selfishness is quite different from self interest because it inflicts harm on people, while self interest will almost always help people achieve their goals. Giving to others is an amazing thing to do. Yet, I do not feel it is something that should be automatically expected of people. I think everyone must work hard to get money, and lead the life that they want to live. With hard work comes profit. This profit that people make is used to pay off their own bills, and then buy things they want for themselves. I think that people should take care of others only after they take care of themselves. This does not mean never think of others. It just means that why should one person have to work hard to earn a living, while another person receives free hand outs. I also feel that people give to others to help themselves feel good about themselves. There are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Hamlet Soliloquy Analysis In Act III, Scene I of Hamlet, the titular character begins his soliloquy with the line To be, or not to be, that is the question (III.i.63). Here, he clearly states the dilemma that he will debate for the remainder of the passage: Is it better for Hamlet to continue living, or should he commit suicide to end his suffering? Hamlet continues his indecision between his two choices through the inclusion of metaphor, through which he describes the act of living as suffering The slings of arrows of outrageous fortune (III.i.65) and the act of committing suicideas to take arms against a sea of troubles (III.i.66). These metaphors are extremely significant, as they establish both the use of poetic language and the tone for the remainder of the passage. Shakespeare s uses metaphor here to compare Hamlet s indecision to a battle, with imagery used of weapons and fighting. This is done in order to reflect the battle that Hamlet is experiencing internally; the use of metaphor in this instance shows the reader how Hamlet is feeling about his indecision. Despite this indecision, Hamlet quickly begins contemplating the choice of suicide, saying To die, to sleep / No more (III.i.67 68). Here, Shakespeare introduces one of two significant extended metaphors that appear in the passage the comparison of deathto sleep. This theme resonates throughout the passage, with Hamlet again and again referring to the act of dying as sleeping. He goes on to describe death as the end to the thousand natural shocks / That flesh is heir to (III.i.69 70), using hyperbole to heighten the emotion he is experiencing. Despite this heightened emotion and wishful thinking concerning suicide, a shift occurs within Hamlet when he begins to see the problems with suicide. Though this brief section introduces a key metaphor to the passage, Hamlet quickly shifts his point of view, something that will continually happen for the remainder for the passage. With this shift, Hamlet introduces the second extended metaphor of the passage when he says For in that sleep of death what dreams may come (III.i.73). Here, Shakespeare likens dreams, which come after sleep, with the afterlife, which comes after death. This metaphor is both indicative ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Operation Fortitude Battle Analysis The purpose of this paper will be the battle analysis and evaluation of Operation Fortitude (code name for deception plan to invade France) in support of Operation Overlord (code name for the Battle of Normandy and invasion of German occupied France). The analysis and evaluation will be done using the intellectual standards and the elements of reasoning to provide an alternate outcome for Operation Overlord. An alternate outcome will be suggested based on the use of deception that results in the defeat of the Allies (United States, Canada and Great Britain) at Normandy. Central to the success of Operation Overlord, was the successful execution of Operation Fortitude. Before understanding Operation Fortitude, one must know the points of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Without Operation Fortitude succeeding, that number could potentially be lower due to the Allies being thrown back in to the English Channel by rapidly responding panzer divisions. This would have prevented the numerous skirmishes between German defenders and U.S. invaders the afternoon and evening of D Day that pushed estimates to the previously stated 209,000. Regardless of the sheer force of numbers the Allies pushed ashore that day, failing to control a beach head would have rendered follow on forces ineffective. Allied Commanders would have accessed the situation across Normandy and pulled back these forces to avoid a catastrophic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Importance of the Electoral College Essay The Importance of the Electoral College Though our founding fathers created the Electoral College over 200 years ago, it has been changed with time to accommodate modern needs and is still an important and necessary part of our electoral system. The Electoral College ensures political stability in our nation by encouraging the two party system and also protects the interests of minorities. Furthermore, the Electoral College helps maintain a united country by requiring widespread popular support of a candidate in order for him or her to become president. The Electoral College was first introduced to America at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, However, the idea behind the Electoral College can be traced back to the Roman ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to the first draft of the Constitution, electors voted for two presidents, at least one of which was from a different state than the elector was representing. Whichever candidate received the most votes would become president and the runner up would be vice president. This method worked for several years until, in 1800, the unforeseen effect of political parties resulted in a tie for the presidency between Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson, both of the same party. The resulting dispute over who the president would be led to the 12th Amendment to the Constitution. The 12th Amendment changed the rules of the electoral process by having electors make separate votes for president and vice president. It goes on to say that if no candidate wins a majority of electoral votes, the House of Representatives would select a president from the top three candidates. The Amendment also stipulates that the Senate would choose a vice president from the top two candidates in the event of a tie for that office. This second design of the Electoral College provides for the workings of a two party system in America and is still in effect today. From their vast knowledge of history, the American Founding Fathersknew that unlimited political power cannot safely be trusted to anyone not to appointed officials of government, not to elected representatives of the people, not to the people themselves, says ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Into The Wild Psychological Analysis Technically, Adam hadn t lied. No one, apart from Blair Huntington would be privy to the film of Sophie Scott s gang banging, although the same couldn t said of her initial visit to his studio, photo shoot, and Sophie s subsequent fucking on the sofa, followed by the revelation of the camera s capture of the entire event. That had weeks ago been uploaded to the website, and drawn an an ever increasing number of members, clamouring for more of the teenager. Adam had satiated some of their appetite by adding some teasers of the girl at the poolside with Kurt, but not the entire scene, and footage he d captured in secret, including the college girl in her dorm, where he d fucked her on the desk, and the car trip on the way to and from Huntington s.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Uncertain if, after the previous evening, she d be too sore, hesitant, or sexually exhausted to become aroused, when, at the first touch, her whimper reached his ears, he pulled back to meet her eyes with a pleased grin. With the hidden camera s rolling, Levine laughed at her comment, and teasingly shook his head. I m sure you do, and I guess if it means you ll forgive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Theist Argument One of the first ways a theist might respond to this argument is by denying premise 1 because one might claim that Rowe has given no sufficient reason to believe that it is true. All that has been solved the theist believes is that there is evil in the world and that we don t know why or what the good is that can justify Godin permitting such evil(Rowe, 2004, p.7). This line of argument is also known as the argument from ignorance. Could we, the theist argues, even comprehend the goods which permit much of this horrendous suffering given the infinite transcendence of Gods mind? (Rowe, 2004, p.7). They give the analogy of a parent and child. In the analogy, God is likened to us the way a loving parent is to their child. For... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, there is the problem of geography where suffering from natural disasters could have been more evenly distributed around the world by God, at present it is only happening in certain regions, most predominantly the third world countries (Tattersall, 2015, p.4). There is also the problem of quantity, the quantity of natural evil in our world is far too much to be explained by the advantageous effects of showing human virtues such as courage, compassion and love (Tattersall, 2015, p.4). Thus, it can be suggested that the evidential problem of evil does in fact show that evil is evidence against the belief in God, although it does not disprove his existence as this is not what I have set out to do here, it does significantly lower the probability that there is a God. We can therefore agree with Russel that: Because the hypotheses which are offered to save theism are unlikely on what we know, theism is defenseless against the evidential arguments from evil (Russell, 1996, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Thelma And Louise Compare And Contrast The two movies I am going to compare are Thelma Louise and North Country. The sexual harassments to women both happened in these two movies, but the solutions of the main characters were different, and the outcomes of them were disparate, therefore, I wondered how did the main characters in each movie responded to the sexual harassment, and if it is different, why was it? By focusing on the different situations and personalities of the characters, especially Thelma and Josey, I m going to compare and analyze the motivations that lead them to make such decisions and the ways that they dealt with the harassments. Firstly, I want to compare the scenes that happened before Thelma and Josey were sexually harassed and analyze their similarities.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Thelma Louise, Thelma escaped further and discovered herself more, the hue of the film became lighter at the same time. In the last scene, under the azure sky, Thelma and Louise seated in the car of the bright sunshine, surrounded by police cars (Thelma Louise, 02:05:27). The director used close up shots to show how steadfast Thelma and Louise s determination was (Thelma Louise, 02:02:34). Meanwhile, the melodious and free main title music rose when Thelma and Louise clutched each other s hand (Thelma Louise, 02:05:27). Finally, the shot frozen in the moment where their car flew off the cliff (Thelma Louise, 02:05:35). At the end of North Country, when the case of the sexual harassment fell into the dilemma, Gloria showed the support to Josey. Then, more and more spectators stood up to show the supports to Josey when the soothing background music rose (North Country, 01:56:28). At the same time, the director used close ups to show how touched and appreciative Josey was at that time. Besides, Josey also expressed a feeling that every effort was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Davy Crockett Research Paper Stuart Pasley Barbers Hill Middle school North Coach Lopez 7th Grade The life of David(Davy) Crockett Davy crockett was a very well and equipped kid growing up.Mostly everything he did,he mastered.Davy crockett is a good example of someone who fought in the texas revolution,because he was the last man standing at the alamo. Growing up on the Nolichucky River in Tennessee he was a very well equipped hunter.Although his parents were poor as he was growing up that didn t stop him from being who he wanted to be.As a child david did not listen that well,as he ran away at the age of 12 years old,because of the fact he didn t want to go to school.By the time davy was 12 his parents had moved three time,all because of the western settlements ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Presidential Debate At Longwood University Essay The Vice Presidential debate, held at Longwood University on October 4th, was between the Democratic candidate, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine, and Republican candidate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence. Specific issues were asked about by the moderator, Elaine Quijano, such as specific qualities of the candidates that would make them good leaders if tragedy were to occur. However, the candidates used much of their allotted time to target the opposing presidential candidate and would then interrupt their opponent multiple times throughout their answer. Comparing the citizenship qualification of the United Statesto Germany may be helpful in solving the current immigration problems facing our country. The Vice Presidential debate showed the differences in opinion on immigration; the Republican campaign looks to build on the current enforcement only policies and the Democratic campaign seeks to secure the country while attempting to help immigrants and their families. The Republican candidate, Donald Trump, has shown an openly negative opinion of immigration, specifically of Muslims and Mexicans. The common remark people remember is Trump s promise to build a massive border wall, which would be devastating to the economy. Mike Pence focused his reply to the question of immigration on the safety of American citizens being the top priority. He also stated that their party would suspend the Syrian refugee program because it is too complicated to know if a person is associated with the Islamic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Being There By Jerzy Kosinski Summary Being There by Jerzy Kosinski is an allegorical tale about a man named Chance whose experience of the world is limited to his work as a gardener and what he has seen on television. Watching TV is the most important action for Chance; he is nearly keen on TV, because it is his information source of the happenings in the world around him outside in the streets. Over the course of seven days, Chance leaves his employer and navigates his way through high society. His encounters with businessmen, world leaders, and the media are colored by his observations of life as seen in his former garden and on television. (INTRODA KULLANMAK Д°Г‡Д°N KД°TABIN KISA BД°R Г–ZETД°) When theories of socialization are thought it is possible to think that someone is affected ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Homeless Shelter Analysis The reason we chose this topic was because we find it incredulous the amount of people who don t have a home, according to The Orange County Register, an overnight count was made in January of 2015 and it showed that 4,400 people were homeless. Orange County s number is fairly small compared to LA county, where the number of homeless is huge, with 82,000 homeless (Aguilar). People become homeless for numerous reasons; Foreclosure, decrease in public assistance, high healthcare costs, the lack of affordable housing, victims of domestic violence, mental illnesses, and addiction disorders. As you can see drug addiction is not the only way people become homeless. Everyone deserves a second chance and having this shelter would help many individuals get back on their feet. Utilizing tax dollars for the opening of this homeless shelter will be beneficial to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are many individuals interested in the subject such as war veterans, members of churches, the Mayor of Orange, members of the Orange County Community Service and of course homeless people themselves are highly concerned. On November 17, 2015 after long meetings and debates on the subject the County of Orange Board of Supervisors finally confirmed the establishment of the homeless shelter (MY OC). The total cost of the homeless shelter is 4.25 million dollars, funds for this shelter have been accumulated by surrounding cities. Anaheim and Fullerton have each donated $500,000 towards the total cost of the shelter and the city of Brea has also made a generous donation of $100,000 (Aguilar). The shelter is 24,390 square feet, it will provide a roof for over 200 people. With the assistance of these surrounding cities, the help of the public, city officials, and using our tax dollars effectively this homeless shelter will become a major ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Comparison and Contrast Essay COMPARISON AND CONTRAST ESSAY Comparison and Contrast Essay Definition: In this kind of essay, the aim is to show the similarities and differences of two items, two people, two countries, or how something or someone has changed. When comparing two things, we focus more on the similarities though we may mention the differences shortly. When contrasting two things, we point out the differences between them. The most important point to consider while planning a comparison and contrast essay is choosing comparable items. e.g. Middle East Technical Universityand Bogazici University. We have to make sure that these two items have enough points to be compared. After writing the comparable points as a list, location, size, reputation, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Language: The two patterns differ in terms of language as well. While pattern 2 is quite straightforward, pattern 1 requires more transitions but the end product is more understandable for the reader. Some transitions that can be used for showing similarity: similar to, similarly like both ... and ... in addition moreover Copyright @ 2006 Bogazici University SFL 2 of 4 COMPARISON AND CONTRAST ESSAY besides likewise in the same way Some transitions indicating difference: different from in contrast to compared with unlike but, however on the other hand conversely in contrast Do not forget that using transitions enables the piece of writing to be coherent; it is easier for the reader to follow our ideas when transitions are used to link them together. However, overuse of transitions causes a traffic jam and should be avoided. We should be using transitions sparingly (only when necessary). Sample comparison contrast essay: METU and Bogazici University Almost all high school students who would like to further their academic lives in the university search for information about the various universities of Turkey. Among many universities in Turkey, two of them are the most popular: Middle East Technical University and Bogazici University. They are considered the best. However, since both cannot be THE BEST, their specialties, facilities and locations need to be examined in detail to be able to choose the most suitable ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Green Creature Dialectical Journal At sunrise, the two sisters walked out of Fairy Field s gates, towards The Lost City. Their only goal was to rescue their parents from Professor Cain and the mug monsters. The journey wasn t an easy one. Without parental guidance, they had to learn to find food for themselves and take care of themselves. Along the way, they encountered a three headed dragon that wanted what little food they had! Food, I want food! the dragon bellowed, spitting fire, smoke and ice at them. The girls ran without stopping until they crossed the gates of a city. They thought they would be safe inside, but as they walked to the nearest train station, still following the Lost City map, they were stopped by a lanky greenish creature that got in their way. Where ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At night, they had to sleep in a dark, cold cave and huddled against each other for warmth. Despite being cold, scared and hungry, kishwana and Akeelah stayed strong in their decision to rescue their parents. They would not abandon them to the evil doings of the mug monsters. That is how, on the third day of their journey, they arrived at the crumbling, yet imposing gates of The Lost City. Ready? kishwana asked Akeelah who nodded. T They high fived, hugged and with heads up high and shoulders back, walked towards the gates. Soon it dawned on them, they had to blend in if they wanted to cross and find their parents. They had to look like mug monsters! Dashing to a nearby smelly swamp, they colored their skins with mug and mud, stuck twigs and seaweed all over their bodies and faces and used some purple moss to make it look as if they had fur. Once they looked like mug monsters, more or less, they made their way to the gates, acting like a pair of regular mug monsters. The rest of the children trickled in after them and the guards were none the wiser! Once inside the city, they noticed how dark and gloomy everything was. There were many humans walking by, but no one paid them any ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Sports Management Degree Program Analysis Spots management students are considered the leaders of tomorrow, and the various accredited sports management degree programs in Maine are helping to prepare a new generation of leaders within these growing organizations. These unique programs prepare graduates to work within professional and collegiate sports organizations, with a keen sense of both business practices and the unique considerations made by sports teams. Though the opportunities are nationwide, programs in Maine provide excellent academic experiences for local students at affordable tuition rates that will give them a leg up on the competition after they graduate. Husson University College of Business Despite its relatively small student body, which barely numbers more than ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As such, it s often top ranked nationally and has long been considered a good value in higher education by publications like U.S. News and World Report, Fortune, and Consumer Reports. The school s large size means that its sports management program, part of the B.S.B.A. degree track, enjoys a large regional and nationwide network, with strong internship and professional opportunities that help students maximize their ROI upon graduating with the degree. B.S. in Business Administration in Sport Management At the University of Southern Maine, students must complete the university core, the non business core, and the business core, alongside their major and concentration requirements. Within the sports management program, students focus on the financial aspects of athletic organizations, sports marketing, sports law, facility management, communication, and athletic administration. The business core, required of all students, focuses on general management and financial skills essential to management within an organization of any kid. Students will take general accounting, finance, management, and administration courses as part of this requirement. All students must complete an internship in order to graduate with the Bachelor of Science degree, typically with a local sports organization, semi professional ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. `` Animal Liberation `` By Richard Ryder To start with, The term Animal Rights did not emerge until the late 1970 s, according to Encyclopedia Britannica. In Particular, Richard Ryder, a British Psychologist, expressed his boldest ideas, but in order to get his word out around the world he needed assistance from one of the top Australian philosophers, Peter Singer. Singer published numerous of notable books such as Animal liberation which described in vivid detail, the grueling agony animals had to suffer. In fact, Pete Singer got his inspiration for his book Animal liberation from his view on utilitarianism, the belief that a morally good action is one that helps the greatest number of people and animals. Indeed, the phrase Animal Rightsfirst surfaced in the 1970... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Bentham disputed that infants and the disabled should be treated such as animals because infants and the disabled are weak and defenseless like most animals. In the third place, the 19th century had an outburst of people who were interested in animal protection. The 19th century produced multiple laws, groups, and acts such as the Martins act, an act which focused on the treatment of horses noted Author Debbie Legge and Editor Simon Brooman in their book Law Relating to Animals 2 (p12), and instituted groups whose purpose was preventing cruelty to animals. The groups sent men to inspect markets, slaughter houses and livestock reproduced by the Animal Legal and Historical Center 3, In fact, the most recognized organization for animals that was apart of the elite group that sent out inspectors was named the SPCA or more formally know as the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. To begin with, 100 million animals are experimented on and tortured every year according to PETA, an animal organization. In today s society, people are taught from a young age that some animals are ranked higher than other. To illustrate, the typical house mouse would be looked as being disgusting and gross while a dog would be seen as adorable and pleasant. animals are seen as if they do not have rights, today s society ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Old British Empire s Influence On Modern Museums Essay The sun never sets on the British Empire is a phrase that is known all too well in regards to British Imperialism and colonization spanning over Africa, Asia, North America, Australia, and Europe. Over the years, England in particular, has had a major influence across the world as a global superpower by sharing its own technology, culture, religion and more. But as much as they have shared, they have also taken to enrich their own society with artifacts, designs, foods, and other aspects of the foreign culture. This dynamic between Great Britain and each colonized country has immensely shaped modern British museums by expanding the content in museums as it relates to imperialism, diversifying the artifacts collected from other countries, and the influences it has had on British society shown through museums collections. The old British Empires influence on modern museums also raised many issues for contemporary curators and audiences concerning museums glorifying imperialism, the ethically of keeping these collected artifacts, and if the museums have a subtle underlying imperialistic bias. To understand why imperialism is such a prominent theme in British museums it is important to understand the history of British Imperialism in the first place. In the 15th and 16th centuries Portugal and Spain were leading imperialist powers, sailing the seas and discovering new land and becoming wealthier from the treasures these places held. After learning of the success ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Bill Gates Impact On Society When people hear the name Bill Gates the first thing that come to their mind is money or the richest man alive . Well they re also different thing that people should think about him.He has change the game plan in this whole world and has created amazing things that people still don t know yet about. Gates early life was a unorganized puzzle that he was having trouble figuring out.Gates started with an interest in computers in his early teenage life but at the same time he took the pathway of law school after high school. Bill Gates became interested with what a computer could do and spend much of his time working on terminals (Biography.com Editors).Gates passion was abusly computers, he invented a tic tac toe program that let him play against the computer .It was a reasonable idea to think that after high school he would go to college to study computer. Everything was basically much a disaster. Gates enrolled at harvard university in the fall, originally thinking of a career in law (Biography.com Editors).With a career of choice in his life that he didn t really like ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The number one thing that impacted was bill gates microsoft invention. 90 percent of the computers we use today uses windows operating system which is made by microsoft(nikolov,2013).without windows operations there wouldn t be people with computers looking thru social media and enjoying the internet. Also because of windows operations we can enjoy playing xbox 360 and play online with friends without going to their house, bill and melinda have committed to give 95 percent of their fortune to charity over time (thorpe,2012).Gate foundation is a global charity that his goal is to change the world of medicine and health. There a lot of people suffering from their health because they don t have the money to visit a doctor or buy medicine. Those are the cases that Gates foundation focus on in order to change the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Cream Vs Ointment WEEK 1 What is the meaning of sustained release on medication bottle? Oxford University Press Dictionary tells us that sustained release means denoting a drug preparation in a capsule containing numerous tiny pellets with different coatings that release their contents steadily over a long period.(OxfordLivingDictionary,2017) What is the difference between a cream and an ointment? A cream is a semisolid and comes in both aqueous and oily bases. It absorbs into the skin. An example would be benzoyl perioxide. The ointment is similar to a cream, but it does absorb into the skin it protects it locally. It can have soothing, astringent, or systemic effects. An example of an ointment would be neosporin. Explain the purposes, advantages, and disadvantages ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Disadvantages are takes longer to absorb, might taste bad, and less medicine gets to the target tissue. 2.) Sublingual placing the tablet under the tounge or between the cheeks(buccal route) should be small and lipid sloubile Advantages are fast absorbing, less first pass effect, and drug no longer has any effect when spit out. Disadvantages are inconvenient, unpleasant taste, or patient might swallow it. Rectal Route drug is given directly into the anus comes in solid form(suppositories) or liquid form(enema) used a lot in older patients can have a local or systemic action after it s absorbed Advantages are avoids nausea or vomiting, preferred for irritating drugs, and preferred if patient is unconscious or uncooperative. Disadvantages are patients don t accept it easily, has 50% first pass metabolism, and diagnostic test for finding the pathology of lower intestines. Intravenous Route these drugs are injected Advantages are immediate action, no waiting for absorption, and large amounts of fluids can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Lily s Choice in The House of Mirth Essays Lily s Choice in The House of Mirth Near the beginning of The House of Mirth, Wharton establishes that Lily would not indeed have cared to marry a man who was merely rich: she was secretly ashamed of her mothers crude passion for money (38). Lily, like the affluent world she loves, has a strange relationship with money. She needs money to buy the type of life she has been raised to live, and her relative poverty makes her situation precarious. Unfortunately, Lily has not been trained to obtain money through a wide variety of methods. Wharton s wealthy socialites do not all procure money in the same way: money can be inherited, earned working in a hat shop, won at cards, traded scandalously between married men and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lily Bart has to die because she is completely incapable of adapting to this world of direct transactions, and in the end the only two paths she sees both lie firmly in that realm. First, a distinction must be made between direct and indirect transaction. Lily can happily live in a world where wealth circulates obliquely and freely. When Lily stays as a guest at Bellomont eating fine food at her hosts expense, she is not receiving payment for goods or services. Instead, her charm has earned her the benefits of friendship with the rich. Lily is not exactly being paid to be charming; instead, being charming attracts the generous hospitality and entertainment of wealthy friends. The distinction between this type of benefit and direct compensation is enormous. When the reader encounters Lily in Chapter Ten of Book Two, Lily has fled from the world of Norma Hatch to the milliners shop and it was an offer of direct reward that made it necessary for Lily to escape. Wharton writes, The sense of being involved in a transaction she would not have cared to examine too closely had soon afterward defined itself in the light of a hint from Mr. Stancy that if she saw them through, she would have no reason to be sorry (293 3). Lily has no qualms about living as a guest of her rich friends, but the idea of selling her charm and becoming a sort of social mercenary holds no appeal for her: The implication that such loyalty would meet with a direct ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. poverty should be fixed Poverty should be fixed Poverty is one of the most serious issues in the world. When one drives around Los Angeles, the person can easily find homeless people who beg for money on freeway off ramps or look for food in garbage cans. People should not neglect them being on the streets because it is unsafe and unclean. The rate of povertyconsistently increases every year. Shah states According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. And they die quietly in some of the poorest villages on earth, far removed from the scrutiny and the conscience of the world. Being meek and weak in life makes these dying multitudes even more invisible in death. (qtd. In Shah) Many people and organizations have tried to solve... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They do whatever they can do to obtain food, water, or any items that support their survival, most of the time without the knowledge they are being harmful to their environmental situation. However, it is not their fault because they have never gotten any education about it. The life only teaches them is how to survive and how to get food and water. According to Miller, the poor have no worries about long run environmental quality and sustainability. It is not a priority for them. Their priority is survival, not the environment. Therefore, it is harmful to the environment if we neglect poverty. Also, people should teach them how and why environment is important to us. Some people think that helping impoverished people is useless and wasting of time and money due to prejudice which they did not try their best with any effort before except giving something up easily. They just wait until people help them or just want to be helped from other people even though they are physically abled. Many people also think that they do not deserve a help and if they tried something best, they would not be in the situation. So, people look down on them and admit that is why the poor are in poverty. The society ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Daily Survival in theSoviet Labor Camps During World War II the Soviet labor camps were established by the Russian governmental agency called the Gulag. While in effect these camps housed about fourteen million people, in which almost half of these prisoners were imprisoned without a trial. The conditions within these camps were inhumane, which resulted in the death of many prisoners. As seen in Alexander Solzhenitsyn s novel, One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, the only way to survive in these labor camps was to stay nourished. Not only must one stay physically nourished, but they must also be mentally nourished. In order to keep one self properly nourished, they must encompass certain qualities in order to survive. In order to survive, prisoners must maintain a sense of self dignity and individuality in a camp whose main goal is to dismantle all individual personalities. Self preservation is a challenge in a camp with inhumane conditions where the bedding doesn t have any covering, where the prisoners are strip searched out in the frigid temperatures, where the prisoners are called by a random collection of numbers and letters, and where all other living conditions are intolerable, one must find something to cling onto that allows them to mentally survive. Shukhov attempts several things that allow him to possibly remain civil and to retain his dignity. For example, he removes his cap at every meal before eating in order to maintain a feeling of civility. Furthermore, Shukhov is inimitable ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Analysis Of Always Running By Luis Rodriguez In the novel, Always Running by Luis Rodriguez is a book that talks about Rodriguez s economy and how society is during the 1960 s with the influences of gang members. Rodriguez comes from undocumented parents, who moved from Mexico to Texas for a better future. In the novel, Always Running by Luis Rodriguez is a book that talks about Rodriguez s economy and how society is during the 1960 s with the influences of gang members. Rodriguez comes from undocumented parents, who moved from Mexico to Texas for a better future. Rodriguez s father was a former high school principal in Mexico and his mother was a secretary at the same high school. They moved to Texas and all four of their children were born in the united states, three in Texas and the youngest in Los Angeles. Rodriguez s father gave them insects nicknames that are used throughout the whole novel. Rodriguez nickname was grillo (cricket), while his brother was rano (frog) and his sisters were pata (duck) and cuca (cockroach). Rodriguez and Rano later start elementary school and talk about how school was difficult for them. Rodriguez sees how his society has affected the way he views the world and the influences the friends he needs to have to feel protected, while going through poverty, and then trying to escape his conditions. There are a few Mexican that has received an education in Mexico and come to the United States. Once they come into the United States their education does not count here anymore. Rodriguez s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Michael Jackson s Generalized Anxiety Disorder Michael Jackson seems to be suffering from generalized anxiety disorder code 300.02. In the book Psychology the fifth edition by Saundra K. Ciccarelli and J. Noland White (2016), it states disorder in which a person has feelings of dread and impending doom along with physical symptoms of stress, which lasts 6 months or more (p.554). Mr. Jackson has lived his entire life worrying about events and people in his surroundings. During his childhood years, Mr. Jackson spend his time working in the studio and going to school. There was no time for him to socialize with other children his age or even go to places like the fair, movies, or parks. Michael Jackson did not have time to enjoy his childhood years like the average child because his father ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Reflective Essay On The Clothesline Project On October 26th, 2017, I attended the clothesline project. I had very little knowledge of the clothesline project, so I thought by attending I could expand my horizons. The Clothesline Project was held at the memorial union in the ballroom. Our role, as a participant, was to stay very quiet and look at the displayed shirts and items. I knew the event dealt with violence, but that was about it. According to the clothesline project website, it states The Clothesline Project provides evidence that incest, domestic violence, and sexual violence exists in our communities. It is a visual reminder of statistics that we often ignore. It gives a voice to those who have been forcibly silenced. Hopefully, it stirs us to action. A public must be informed about violence in order to act to prevent it . The clothesline project started in 1990. A group of women decided to create this event because a plethora of girls were harmed during the Vietnam war. The website also listed what each color of shirt meant. For example, white t shirts stood for people who have died because of violence. After my research I was kind of nervous to attend, I didn t really want to hear about battered women and abused kids. Going into it, I knew nothing other than the research I had done. I had a feeling it was just going to make me heartbroken. When I got there, I became silent and just took everything in. No one in my family has never dealt with any type of abuse, rape, violence, etc. Since I ve never heard of it happening to anyone close to me, I believed it wasn t that common. I ve seen terrible things on the news, but I believed it could never happen where I live. I walked in expecting maybe twenty to thirty shirts. Little did I know the entire ballroom would be filled with t shirts. A story that made me realize it can happen to anyone was Dru Sjodin s. There was a table set up in the front of the room, this table consisted of personal belongings to some of the women who had passed on. I was drawn to Dru s spot on the table because of the unique plate. Dru was a student at UND, who was last seen at Columbia Mall parking lot. About five months later, Dru s body was found in a ravine located in Crookston, Minnesota. I could not believe ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Sir Orfeo Purgatory Rhyme Scheme The polarization of the glorious images prior to the desolate lines describing the inside of the fairy castle does not interrupt the rhyme of the lay. The pattern of rhyming couplets continues throughout the lay maintaining the sing song feel and allowing the reader to follow the lines easily. Furthermore, the lyrical rhymeprovides a counterpoint to the horrific imagery presented in the excerpt. The author shows this in the rhyming couplet, Sum stode withouten hade, / And sum non armes nade ( Sir Orfeo 391 392). While describing people with missing heads and other appendages, the rhyme keeps within the boundaries of a joyous and mystical lay. The choice to maintain the rhyme schemethroughout this grotesque portion allows for a veil of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Ellen M. Caldwell s essay, The Heroism of Heurodis: Self Mutilation and Restoration in Sir Orfeo , she posits, Further, the suspended animation of these victims, a feature of the Celtic fairy world, is also a reminder of the altered state under which the kingdom...operates while its king prolongs his wilderness retreat (301). While searching for Heurodis, Sir Orfeo undergoes a long retreat into the wilderness until he sees her hunting with the group of fairy women. Throughout this time, Sir Orfeo selects a steward to rule the kingdom in his place. Sir Orfeo regains his wife by striking a deal with the king of the fairies. Disguised as a minstrel, he plays the harp for the king in exchange for his wife. Once Sir Orfeo returns to his own kingdom, he decides to test the faithfulness of his steward by dressing up as a beggar and returning to court. He recounts the story of his time in the wilderness to the steward, After the account of his own dismemberment and disfigurement, Orfeo reconstitutes in this incantation, which returns him to life and his kingdom s governance (Caldwell 303). Realizing that the beggar before him is, indeed, his king, the steward immediately gives up the throne, proving his loyalty to the king and essentially restoring Sir Orfeo s life as king. This form of reincarnation echoes that of Heurodis as Sir Orfeo saves her from the death that griped her within ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Essay on Analysing the Recent Economic Recession and Its... The business cycle is the short run alternation between economic downturns and economic upturns (Investopedia n.d.). A recession is an economic downturn and happens in every country and some recessions are worse than others and the output of GDP and employment are falling farther and faster. The great depression lasted from 1929 1933 and was a deep prolonged downturn in the business cyclebefore a recovery/expansion of the business cycle occurred and GDP and employment started to rise (Krugman Wells. 2012). The next recessionlasted from 1981 1982 and was comparatively smaller than the first (Krugman Wells. 2012). More recently in 2001 a slump in the economy was noted and was followed by the great rescission of 2007 2009 (Krugman ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An examples of the circular cash flow model is demonstrated in figure 21 6. Firms produce output and then pay income to households and households then use this income to buy goods expenditure (Pettinger. n.d.). Unemployment Rate Labor Force Participation Rate Labor force is the amount of people who are employed and currently have a job and the people who are unemployed and currently do not have a job (Krugman Wells. 2012). The labor force participation rate is calculated with people sixteen years of age and older that are employed, while the unemployment rate is measured by the percent of the total number of people sixteen years of age and older who do not have a job (Krugman Wells. 2012). The United States assigns the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) with the task of tracking the employment and unemployment rate of the labor force in the United States (BOOK). The BLS breaks down the unemployment and labor rate much farther than just how many are working and not working and breaks the cart down to race, age, gender, and level of schooling from no high school diploma to bachelors degree and higher for the year along with many other statistics and ways to track the populations work force (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. n.d.). The BLS breaks down the labor force also by including discouraged workers, who are people that are not working but could work and have given ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Benefits Of Physical Fitness Physical fitness is to the human body a general state of health and well being, and more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations. Being fit doesn t mean being a champion in a particular discipline, or having muscles that pop out from clothes... being fit means living healthy and accordingly being a happy person. Physical fitness is generally achieved through a correct nutrition and a regular training activity. The benefits for being fit are countless, not only the training and the healthy diet will help you to achieve a good body, but it will also clean your mind and make you more happy and relaxed. Physical fitness, the ability to carry out tasks without undue fatigue, achieved by a correct nutrition and regular ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You obtain this energy from nutrients in the food that you eat mostly, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Minerals and vitamins are other nutrients that are also important in your diet to help your body stay healthy. It is important to find the right balance between these different nutrients to achieve maximum health benefits. A balanced diet generally contains food from each of the following food groups: starchy foods (such as: bread, rice, potatoes, pasta...), fruit and vegetables, milk and dairy foods, protein foods; these include meat, fish, eggs and other non dairy sources of protein (including nuts, tofu, beans, pulses, etc.). Fatty and sugary foods are the fifth food group that you eat. However, only a small amount of what you eat should be made up from fatty and sugary foods. In addition to the above, having plenty of fiber and water in your diet is also important for your health. The reasons that bring a person to be physically fit are numerous, from the benefits that offer to the physical body till the ones that reach the brain and improve the general status of a person s mind at the psychological level. Fitness may help prevent certain serious diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. It may ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. New Postal Service Exam 473-E Study Guide New Postal Service Exam 473 E Study Guide Strategies and Techniques for Scoring High Hello future postal employees, Congratulations! Purchasing this study guide most likely indicates you want to pursue a career with the Postal Service. In my opinion, you ve made an excellent choice. As a retiree of the Postal Service, I can tell you it s an honorable and solid career. At the end of your workday, you ll know you ve achieved something important. You ll have that feeling of accomplishment. That kind of job doesn t come along every day. You might be here because you re just out of high school or college and you re looking for your first job. Maybe you re recently discharged from the military and seeking employment. Perhaps you re ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I spent 10 paid holidays every year with my family. I received generous vacation and sick leave with pay. The Thrift Savings Plan is outstanding with the Postal Service matching a percentage of your contributions. That s only a few of the benefits you ll receive as a permanent employee. Yes, there s many more. Sharing My Experience After retiring, I wanted to use my experience and knowledge in a positive way. I wanted to do something that could help others have the good fortune I ve had. I knew the greatest obstacle in gaining employment was taking the postal exam. I decided teaching others to take the exam is the best way I can help. I want to give you all the advantages I can. Taking an important test is stressful. Stress can make it difficult to focus. I want to take that stress away so you can walk in to take the exam with confidence. You might be tempted to pass over some of the information in this study guide; however, my advice is to go ahead and read it in its entirety. Everything I ve included is there for a purpose. No matter how unimportant it might seem to you, it could help if you utilize it. You will probably notice that I repeat myself a few times. That s because I want to be sure you remember those particular tips. How to Get Hired I m not going to sugar coat it. Getting a job at the Postal Service is not easy to say the least. When a position becomes open in your area, rest assured
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  • 35. What Is Rear Window Review Rear Window Review Rear Window is a great thriller, and a great movie. It is thrilling and exciting without having the overly serious tone of most other thrillers. Unlike other films of the genre there is campy feel, yet that doesn t deter the edge of your seat feeling the this film creates. Rear Window is an oddity, it s a light hearted murder mystery that takes place from one setting, yet very effectively pulls the audience into the experience. There is a constant did he or didn t he feeling that keeps the viewer guessing up until the final dramatic conclusions. This is a good thriller because it is effectively suspenseful and exciting. It is a great filmbecause it is fun, it s enjoyable. Rear Window is fun to watch because it combines ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Secondary Trauma Secondary Trauma So often, we focus on our clients and not enough on ourselves. The books read remind me to be mindful of self care. Beginning with Dr. Wicks who is an engaging writer. My perception is that he is very caring, and that is revealed in his work. The seeds of secondary stress and the seeds of true passionate involvement in the fields of counseling, psychology and social work are actually the same seeds.(Wicks, 2008) Secondary trauma or Burn out is a challenge for many individuals the field of counseling. Secondary trauma is commonly referred to as the stress resulting from helping or wanting to help a traumatized or suffering person. Burnout is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They arrive consistently late to work and call in sick when healthy; they also express becoming emotionally distant from co workers. (Remington) The job has taken a toll on their mental and/or physical health to the point where friends and family express concern. (Remington) Upon hearing rumors of layoffs, you pray, Please, God, take me! They do not have enough work to keep busy, but lack motivation to seek new assignments. (Remington)Time drags and they constantly watch the clock. The lights around their desk or workspace burn out frequently. Secondary Trauma I think the most important thing about burnout is to recognize it s a cry for help from the Clinicians poor, exhausted body and untapped spirit . They say insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. If a Clinicians is experiencing burn out and continue working in the same job at the same pace for the same long hours, they will only get an increased feeling of burnout. It is time to try something, anything, different. Discuss the importance of effective supervision while providing case management. If a Clinicians finds they are going through Burn Out, they should schedule a heart to heart with their supervisor. A good supervisor should be able to present a couple of solutions to try. This can be delegating more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. R-Type Pyocin Essay R type pyocin: Therapeutic potential The potential of R type pyocin to be developed as a therapeutic was realized immediately after its discovery. As early as in 1967, Higerd et al showed that R type pyocin was safe to administer in animals [77]; it did not have a lethal effect on mice and rabbits when injected in high concentration intraperitoneally. Since then, six studies have specifically looked at the therapeutic potential of R type pyocins in animal models. Bird and Grieble, in 1969, injected an infective dose of P. aeruginosa into chick embryos, followed immediately by a suitable pyocin preparation, and found that a single dose of pyocin increased the survival of infected embryos from 3% to 46% [78]. In 1972, Merrikin and Terry showed that purified R type pyocin, administered parenterally to mice infected with sensitive strains of P. aeruginosa, afforded significant... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... aeruginosa infections [79]. Following that, in 1974, Haas et al reported an investigation into the possible prophylactic effect of R type pyocin in the prevention of the lethal effect of subsequent challenge with P. aeruginosa [80]. In this study they showed that mice were protected against lethal intraperitoneal challenge with P. aeruginosa when a single injection of R type pyocins was administered one hour before the challenge. The protective effect lasted for at least four days. Although these studies illustrate the potential of R type pyocins as a novel therapeutic, they were limited in scope and the authors did not quantify the assays, generate dose response curves, or optimize time and route of administration. In 1975, Rosamund Williams studied the systemic and topical effects of purified R type pyocins (and F type and S type pyocins) on P. aeruginosa systemic and burn infections, respectively, in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Using Porter s Generic Strategies Using Porter s generic strategies, identify examples of organisations following strategies of differentiation, low cost or low price, and stuck in the middle or hybrid. How successful are these strategies? An organisation bases its strategy according to its environment, and if implemented right will be successful. Firms can target their products by a broad target, thereby covering most of the marketplace, or they can focus on a narrow target in the market (Lynch, 2003). Michael Porter created a generic strategies framework in order for an organisation to gain a competitive advantage in their industry. Porter considers three generic strategies in his framework that an organisation can undertake to gain this advantage. He believes that an organisation falls into either cost leadership (lower cost) or differentiation and once applied in a broad or narrow scope, as discussed by Lynch, creates focus (Figure 1). Furthermore, some organisations undertake in more that one of these strategies and if unsuccessful is called the stuck in the middle strategy. However, if the organisation combines elements of differentiation and elements of low cost successfully, this becomes and hybrid option and is becoming increasingly popular amongst firms in the modern day. Figure 1 Source: Porter (1985) The first part of Porter s framework includes the differentiation strategy across a broad target. The generic of differentiation strategy involves creating a market position that is perceived ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Theme Of Evil In V For Vendetta E for Evil Every day stories of humanity s latest atrocities like discrimination, corruption, and police brutality fill the news. These constant reminders of the dark side of humanity encourage some to search for the root of these problems. Authors such as Alan Moore use their work to explore these complex problems as well as human nature. Moore s graphic novel V for Vendetta is set in a dystopian London which is run by fascists after a nuclear war. The fascist party, which is known as the Norsefire, implements curfews, mass surveillance, and constant propaganda. The main character, a masked man named V, suffered experiments and torture from the government. The story follows his quest to destroy the regime and seek revenge. In the graphic novel V for Vendetta, the author Alan Moore shows that humans are intrinsically evil, especially when given power and authority over others. The fingermen and guards indifference show Moore s idea that humans are naturally immoral, expressly in positions of power. In the beginning of the novel, Evey, another main character, leaves her apartment after curfew to make money as a prostitute. As she looks for clients, she encounters undercover Fingerman, the secret police, who proceed to punish her. She pleads for them to not kill her, but they respond, You ve got it wrong miss. You ll do anything we want and then we ll kill you. That s our prerogative (Moore 10). Instead of championing justice like policemen should, the fingermen use ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. A Night At The Perk A night at The Perk Ethnography or field research is a sociological method that explores how people live and make sense of their lives with one another in particular places. The focus might be on understanding the human race and the meaning they produce through everyday interactions, or places, and the organizational logics that guide our activities (columbia.edu, 2017). A discourse community comprises of a group of people, especially within a sphere of intellectual or social activity, who share common goals, who support and understand each other using their own specific language or manner of interaction whether verbal or non verbal (Oxforddictionaries.com, 2017). The discourse community I researched on is The Pace Perk CafГ©. The Pace ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These businesses that are run by students are very vital to the student body that is interested in business and entrepreneurship. They should be introduced in every campus that hosts business studies. Business students read about ventures, organizations and management in textbooks, but it s a completely different experience while making decisions about an actual business. The thrill of making decisions, feeling the consequences of every decision made is something that cannot be taught. It must be experienced. This method of learning would revolutionize how business and management is taught in universities, creating social change and bettering society (Mars, Matthew M. and Gary Rhoades, 435 459). The members of my field research discourse community The Perk would be any student that works for this business or any person who visits and purchases food from this cafГ©. Although The Perk is open to everybody, the late night hours and the location allow only students who dorm on campus to be able to visit the cafГ©. Circumstances have made this cafГ© exclusively for resident students. The main goals of this community include providing a safe place for students to eat and hang out with friends in a late night cafГ©. The Perk community believes in the policy of customers always come first and customers are always right. This community also provides a safe ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Irish And The Peelites Irish, so to speak, therefore, while the Peelites saw public works as essential to their relief policy, like the liberals after them they feared that any government action would discourage Irish initiative. As public works expanded, British distrust of the Irish led to an obsessive fear of abuse. Britons believed that the Irish peasants were always seeking to get something for nothing. A mythos of English sacrifice and Irish incorrigibility emerged throughout Britain, permeating the mindset of the public and government leaders. In 1847, J.A. Roebuck, M.P. for Bath irritably stated, was it to be said, when Providence visited the land with a fatal disease in vegetables, that the 8,000,000 Irish should come crawling as beggars to the shores ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Essay on Role of Geography in the Arab-Israeli Conflict The lust for territory seems to be the real source of conflict, and until one group is satisfied, the appearance of religious conflict will exist in the Middle East. It seems as if the real truth needs to be portrayed to the rest of the world about the true reason for the Arab Israeli conflict, which is geography and ultimately water. The lack of water stems from the Great Syrian Rift Zone, and causes damage to Israeli land which ultimately decreases the amount of water that flows into the Red Sea. This lack of water causes Israeland other surrounding countries (Jordan, Lebanon, and the Occupied Territories) to only have one source of surface water, which is from Lake Kinnaret, or the Sea of Galilee that flows into the Jordan River.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The use of the Hezbollah has greatly added to the continuation of the Arab Israeli conflict and has limited cooperation in all regions. The Hezbollah also attracted U.S. attention after a suicide bomber killed over two hundred Marines in Beirut. In the end, the whole Arab Israel conflict comes down to fighting for the Occupied Territories due to their overarching benefits. This conflict is not a religious struggle, but rather a struggle for territory and it will continue with war crimes and human rights violations for a long time until everyone in the Middle East is satisfied, which has a very low probability of occurring. EFFECTS ON REGIONAL AND GLOBAL SECURITY As one can see this issue directly impacts the Middle East because it drives all actions that develop there. Whatever attacks that come from this area are more than likely directly related the Arab Israeli conflict. Recently a survey conducted in EU of 7,515 people in 15 EU countries said yes 60% of the time to the question of if Israel presents a threat to peace. This percentage put Israel ahead of Iran, North Korea, and the U.S. each of which had a 53% yes vote. This survey, not knowing the sampling population, reflects a general notion that Israel is a threat to global security. This may or may not be true, but what is true is that the Arab Israeli conflict is a threat to regional security, and some of the threats ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Research Paper On Harriet Tubman Have you ever heard of the Underground Railroad and its most famous conductor? Well if you have not then man do I have a story for you. Harriet Tubman was a slave in the 1800 s who saved herself as well as 300+ other slaves using the route of the Underground Railroad. The Underground Railroad was a route of houses that slaves used to get to the north. Harriet changed the lives of many slaves forever. Harriet Tubman was born in Dorchester County, Maryland in 1820. She was born on the plantation where her parents Harriet Greene and Ben Ross got hired to work the fields. She lived there with her family and her eight siblings Linah, Mariah Ritty, Moses, Ben, Robert, Henry, Rachel, and Soph Ross until she was five. That s when she started working. She worked for the slave owners from there on out. That was her life. In her early life Harriet had two different types of pets. She had crickets and bunnies, but I don t know how many. She had her first job at age five caring for an infant. She was given the first of her many nicknames Minty after her birth name Araminta Ross. She got another job at age seven collecting muskrats from traps. She described... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Then she planned her escape to the north and she changed her name to Harriet. She returned to her birth place and starts to free slaves from there. She brought her parents and all her siblings to freedom and safety. Then the civil war begins and she works for the union in South Carolina. After that she becomes a spy and helps plan and led a union raid. Then her husband John Tubman dies in a fight and she marries Nelson Davis. They have a child named Gertie Davis. Later the little girl losses her dad to natural causes. Harriet purchases land in New York and helps found a home for the aged. Soon Harriet dies in Auburn, New York. After she told the people around her death bed I go to prepare a place for you. She is buried at Fort Hill Cemetery in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Rhetorical Analysis Of Jamaica Kincaid Rhetorical Analysis Essay Jamaica kincaid: rough draft Jamaica Kincaid successfully convinces her audience that post colonial impact still remains. Through the use of rhetorical appeals such as pathos, logos and imagery she successfully explains her claim. Through this novel she gives an insightful explanation of what antigua is like from a person who comes from that area. Kincaid being born in antigua, she gives us a view from her eyes on what antigua is really like while going through post colonial impact. Kincaid incorporates historical background in text to convince her audience that this impact is holding back antigua from the good and enjoyable place it can really be. She develops a connection with the audience when she makes them feel like the tourist that is figuring out what s going on in the background of antigua. This connection serves as pathos as it makes the audience feel the emotion of anger and disappointment for not knowing what mess is really going on in this small island. This demonstration shows how cultures everywhere are affected by postcolonialism and how there is a negative global commonality between tourist and natives. It was very impactful being put in the tourist seat while reading this novel. In the beginning of the story as the tourist i am being exposed to all this negativity which i came here in the first place to avoid. Kincaid tells us that everyone has new cars here because it is really easy to get loans from the bank. This left ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Innocence in The Catcher in the Rye, by J.D. Salinger Essay One of the purist times in a person s life is childhood, during this time life is easy and often romanticized. As a person grows older the innocence and naivety of childhood begins to fade into a hardness caused by the harsh realties of adulthood. Though the transition from childhood is hard, one most remember not to rush into adulthood savor your innocence . In Catcher In the Rye , by J.D. Salinger the main character Holden Caulfield is in the transitional stage, he finds it hard for him to grow up and act like an adult. So instead of rushing in to adulthood, he finds slowing down the process and acting less adult like is better for him. Holden finds mature adult like subjects and qualities phony, but finds innocent child like subjects... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But the two youngest members of the family are the main recipients of his praise and joy. When he talked about his brother Allie that passed away it is always good. The quote that sums up his feelings towards Allies is, he was a nice kid. (Salinger 38) He relies on Allie when he has a problem or needs to think things through. When he was contemplating his leave and walking to give Phoebe her letter he talked to the ghost of Allie. The other sibling is Phoebe, Phoebe seem to be the apple of his eye. When he thought about leaving he only wanted and needed to say good bye to Phoebe and no one else. The way he talks about D.B. is very different then the way he rants on about his younger siblings, he never talks bad or factious about D.B. he just doesn t praise him as much. He views D.B. As phony and a Hollywood sellout. In many aspects the siblings are the same the only difference is their age and innocence level. He adores and admires the more innocent younger siblings, while he views the oldest one as being a fake. This just proves that Salinger thinks innocence s should be captured and cherished. Holden seem to be weird and indifferent when it comes to females and sexual relationships. He has a made up sex life when in actuality he has yet to do anything. When the prostitute came to his room he chickens out by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Theory Of Knowledge Management 1.Abstract: Knowledge rather than capital or labour, was the only meaningful resource in a society (Drucker 1993). World was moving from industrial to knowledge based economy. Organizations have changed their focus from process re engineering to achieve results into encouraging employees to implement their knowledge and expertise in achieving efficiency of business. In a rapidly changing technology landscape, knowledge sharing presents a unique challenge for businesses and enterprises. Few factors defining today s knowledge industry: Knowledge is proliferated across multiple media formats Knowledge has become multi platform Knowledge has become mobile The increase in content and knowledge posed a challenge for organizations to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was launched in 2012, with an aim to increase information sharing and virtual knowledge in workplace. Bloomfire organizes knowledge expertise to connect people who have knowledge to people who need it. It deals with knowledge capture, learning management, Content management, social networks, social business and cloud file sharing. Bloomfire integrates social learning tool to connect employees with the knowledge they need to complete the job. Employees can engage with content in social environment. It also simplifies knowledge management for customer support and sales enablement. Customer Support: It gives clients, managers and reps immediate access to documentation and answers they need. It reduces time to resolution, increase customer satisfaction and increase employee efficiency. Sales Enablement: Sales teams can easily access answers, best practices and marketing material in fingertips. This results in reduce in search time and increase in time to work on bottom line. This makes sales teams and partners close more deals faster. 2.1.Features: It is all about sharing information and knowledge with employees and co workers. The five main features of Bloomfire are Simplicity, content curation, content creation, people and analytics. Content Creation: There are four different types of user roles in Bloomfire Owners, Admins, Authors and Learners. Owners admins Have access to everything including analytics, user management and other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Essay On Ablooproteinemia Abetalipoproteinemia (ABL) is a rare inherited disorder affecting fat metabolism. Abnormal fat metabolism prevents the body from completely absorbing dietary fats, cholesterol, and fat soluble vitamins. Without treatment, people affected by this disorder can experience progressive neurological deterioration, muscle weakness, difficulty walking, and blood abnormalities in which the red blood cells deform resulting in low levels of circulating red blood cells (anemia). Dietary fats and vitamins are essential for proper growth and development of various body systems. Consequently, degeneration of the retina of the eyes may also occur in affected people. This can potentially result in loss of vision, a condition known as retinitis pigmentosa. This disorder is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait and is caused by mutations in the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTTP) gene. Beta lipoprotein that work to carry fats and cholesterol in the blood is missing due to the MTTP gene mutations. The MTTP gene provides instructions for making microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, which is essential for creating beta lipoproteins. The mutations in this gene lead to abnormally short microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, causing the nutritional and neurological problems. ABL is also called Bassen Kornzweig syndrome because Dr. Bassen and Dr.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This signifies that individuals with ABL inherited two abnormal alleles from the same trait from each parent. Those that receive one normal allele and one allele for the disease are considered carriers for ABL. They usually do not show symptoms of ABL, however their offspring can inherit the disorder. Two carrier parents have 25% chance of having affected child indicating they both passed their defective gene to their child. Two carrier parents have 50% chance of having a carrier child and 25% of chance of having a normal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Hope By Emily Dickinson Rhetorical Devices Hope is the thing with feathers Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tune without the words And never stops at all And sweetest in the Gale is heard And sore must be the storm That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm I ve heard it in the chillest land And on the strangest Sea Yet never in Extremity, It asked a crumb of me. Hope Hope abides; therefore I abide. Countless frustrations have not cowed me. I am still alive, vibrant with life. The black cloud will disappear, The morning sun will appear once again In all its supernal glory. Sri Chinmoy Poetic Device Analysis In the poem Hope by Emily Dickinson, persona described hope as a confident ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The poem opens with the line Hope is the thing with feather. In this line, persona associated hope and bird and made a metaphor.Then it follows like this, That perches in the soul/ And sings the tune without words/ And never stops at all. In these lines, persona thinks that hope is like a singing bird, even though sometimes it doesn t speak to us, eternally it will stay permanent in us. Also by mentioning, hope as a permanent thing in inside of us, allows us to acquire most of what life gives to us. The second stanza creates some kind of opposition for the hope, and in this stanza persona metaphorically describe a person, who destroys his/her hope. By saying, And sore must be the storm/That could abash the little bird/ That kept so many warm, persona used an impressive metaphor by associating storm with anger and negativity. The storm abash the bird (hope) and cause pain and discomfort hurts it. In the fourth stanza, with the following line which is I ve heard it in the chilliest lands, persona tried to make her reader to believe in hope, she tried to convince that hope is everywhere. In the last two lines, Yet never in extremity/ It asked a crumb
  • 49. of me , persona mentioned that hope is a gift that doesn t exist for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Portland Trail Blazers Case Study The Portland Trail Blazers, are NBA (National Basketball Association) franchise in the city of Portland Oregon. The Portland Trail Blazers were founded in February 1970. They were founded by Harry Glickman who awarded the city of Portland, Oregon with a National Basketball Association (NBA) franchise. The investors who had made the 3.8 million were Herman Sarkowsky, Larry Weinberg, and Bob Schmertz. Portland joined Buffalo, Cleveland in the new teams of the NBA in 1970. Sarkowsky named Glickman the team s executive vice president and general manager, He than quickly assembled a team and a front office staff that included Stu Inman, director of player personnel, and publicist John White. John White made up names and Trail BLazers got the most... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They later drafted future HOF er (Hall Of Fame) Clyde The Glide Drexler as the 14th overall pick in the 1983 NBA draft. The Blazers didn t make it to the playoffs for 3 years. In the spring of 86 the Blazers GM (general Manager) Buckwalter, made a big deal that affected both present and future of the Blazers franchise. Buckwalter traded Darnell Valentine to San Diego (Now LA Clippers) for Boston s first pick of the 1986 draft, which they used to draft future 7 3 Hall of Famer Arvydas Sabonis from LIthuania. They also drafted another future Hall of Famer Drazen Petrovic, standing at 6 5 he was a Shooting Guard. In December the Blazers traded their 1986 14th pick Walter Berry to the San Antonio Spurs for seven footer Kevin Duckworth. With this front and backcourt the Blazers went to finish and season 49 33, where they were eliminated in the first round. The next season they improved more and had a 53 29 record. The same season Coach Schuler earned coach of the year. They then got swept in the first round by the LA Lakers. In the fall of 1988 Weinberg sold the team to Billionaire Paul Allen. Paul Allen is the richest owner in the NBA and he also bought the Seattle Seahawks franchise in 1996. Paul Allen s estimated net worth is 20 billion. The season the Blazers went all the way to the Western Conference finals as a first seed, they went 2 4 against the Lakers. The next season the Blazers finished the regular season 57 25. They went to the NBA finals to play the Detroit Pistons after beating LA Lakers 3 1. Then they beat Phoenix Suns 4 1, in the Western Conference finals they beat Karl Malone and the Utah Jazz 4 2. The next year the Blazers improved to 63 19 but then lost to the LA Lakers in the Conference Finals. The next year they made it to the NBA finals again only to lose to Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls 4 2. The next two seasons the Blazers made the playoffs but lost in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. The Pharisees In order to gain a fully comprehensive insight into Jesus Christ, his person and his politics, one must delve deeper into the historical and social context of His time on earth. Most are aware of the general details; that he resided in the Galilee and Judea regions, that his birth determined the turn of the first century, and that he interacted with various cultural and social forces. The parties with which he was involved were depicted frequently throughout the bible most notably the Jews, Gentiles, Sadducees, Romans, Zealots and Pharisees. What most are unaware of is that the latter, the Pharisees, have been highly questioned and criticised due to the general and often seen as subjective depiction of them throughout the New ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They believed that their laws and spirituality should be a social force and thus were open to a doctrinal development of Traditions of the Fathers non biblical laws and customs believed to have been passed down through the generations. These teachings supplemented the written Torah and were part of what the Rabbis later would call the Oral Law. (Schiffman, 1994: 77) They considered each of the laws and tradition which were canonized in Pentateuch (444BCE) to be capable of being expanded to address new circumstances even going so far as to be reinterpreted to accord with uprising belief systems. New meanings would assure relevancy within society by allowing the Torah to be amended by this Oral Law, providing the Pharisees with the ability to adapt and develop in society, and become progressively popular and respected. They believed the Torah and their Tradition (Oral Law) to be of equal authority, and for any application of Oral Law to carry a binding force they must possess the same weight and fundamentals as the Torah. Simply put, it was the Torah As interpreted through the oral law (tradition) which counted (Aboth 3:12). This Tradition of The Fathers allowed Judaismto adapt to the new and varied circumstances it would face in Talmudic times and later. In time, Pharisaism would become rabbinic Judaism the basis for all subsequent Jewish life and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. What s New in SharePoint 201 Explore Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Microsoft Corporation Published: October 2012 Author: Microsoft Office System and Servers Team (itspdocs@microsoft.com) Abstract This book provides information about what s new in SharePoint 2013. The audiences for this book include application specialists, line of business application specialists, and IT administrators who want to know more about SharePoint 2013. The content in this book is a copy of selected content in the SharePoint 2013 technical library as of the publication date. For the most current content, see the technical library on the web. This document is provided as is. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet website references, may ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 7 External list enhancements ................................................................................................................ 8 Performance improvements in external lists ................................................................................ 8 Limiting records returned by the external system ....................................................................... 8 Data source filtering ......................................................................................................................... 9 Sorting external lists ........................................................................................................................ 9 Export external lists to Excel .......................................................................................................... 9 Business Connectivity Services in SharePoint Online enhancements ....................................... 9 REST (CSOM) object model for Microsoft Business Connectivity Services for web and mobile app developers .................................................................................................................. 10 Business Connectivity Services Client Runtime supports side by side Office 2010 and Office 2013 installations ........................................................................................................................... 10 OData Windows ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Neural Modeling Researchers in the field of neuroscience have long disputed the type of neural modelling that allows for the processing of visual stimuli in the brain. I believe that a hierarchical framework exists in which both distributed and localised modelling can occur at different stages. Distributed modelling occurs at lower hierarchal levels and localised modelling, characterised by grandmother cells, occurs at higher levels. Neurons in higher levels pool information passed on from lower levels to so that the representation of concepts becomes more complex and specialised. It is through this formation of grandmother cells that a visual stimulus can be represented in the brainin an invariant manner. Research on the processing of visual stimuli have lead to findings that supports the notion of hierarchal modelling in the brain. Hubel and Wiesel (1968) discovered the hierarchal coding of neural cells in the primary visual cortex. Complex cells in this cortex ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... hair colour, complexion) are associated with a visual stimulus. This is achieved through the synchronised and repetitive firing of distributed neurons. Since it just so happened that I was once good friends with this person, I do actually associate many low level features with her. Hence, it is more likely that I posses a vastly sparse or localised representation of them in the higher areas of my brain. The grandmother cell in my brain that has been devoted to her will be invariantly activated when I am presented with a visual stimulus of her such as the newspaper photo. Moreover, it allows me to achieve faster neural response and stimulus recognition. It is possible that this neuron will also be activated when I am presented with a visually similar stimulus as a result of incidental co activation or that I possess redundant grandmother cells that represent ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. William Shakespeare Journal Entry Dearest Journal, How dare they incarcerate me within this infernal penitentiary with all of these, these MADMEN. Every excruciating day and night I am imprisoned like a rat in a cage, watched constantly by guards who merely view me as another poor player in this ghastly band of lunatics, with no respect for my brilliant abilities which they falsely deem to be madness. With each passing day, my senses grow more acute; I hear the tormented screams of the insane who have resided in my cell as I sleep, I can feel the very ground muttering to me with each stride across the crude stone floors of this accursed fortress. I must prove my sagacity to these foolish overseers and make them behold the true extent of my powers in order to finally receive... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Now that the majority of my work has been accomplished, I must pass the hours waiting for the proper time to set the final stages of my glorious scheme of vengeance in motion; a time when I can spread the beautiful wings that have been cramped and contorted within the confines of this infernal penitentiary; a time when I finally demonstrate to the ignorant imbeciles who are to blame for my suffering that no cage can ever trap Edgar Gregorovic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Yemen s Humanitarian Crisis What many individuals do not know is that Yemen is one of the worst humanitarian crises occurring today. Yemen is located in the Middle East, north of the horn of Africa and south of Saudi Arabia. Before the current conflict began, Yemen was already the poorest country in the Middle East, with half of their population at or below the poverty line. Since 2004, a war between the Republic of YemenGovernment (RoYG) and the Houthi rebels began, which increased the humanitarian crises in Yemen (Whitaker, 2011). This affects the citizens of Yemen as the unlawful airstrikes from Saudi Arabiaare harming the citizens rather than aiding the war efforts. The US should respond to the Humanitarian Crisis in order for Yemen to become economically and politically... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Since Yemen was already considered a poor country, the conflict between the Republic of Yemen Government and the Houthi rebels made matters worse. This led to Saudi Arabia contributing to controversial air strikes with the intention to help reinstate President Hadi s position in the government, which in turn is responsible for a great portion of civilian deaths. Having the US involved to peacefully put an end to the war would help save many civilian lives. By doing so, the crises in Yemen can be resolved adequately, and allow for the nation to prosper and grow once more. The Republic of Yemen Government and Houthi rebels must come to a ceasefire and truce, but this may only be reached by the assistance of the United ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. The Differences Between China And Western Europe Imagine living in America and it not being well America. There would be different ways of agriculture. Different languages. Different religious beliefs. Having a different way of living in society, economically and politically. Everything would be different if China would have went about and conquered Western Europeduring the 14 1500 s. There are many things in history that can mark the milestone differences between China and Western Europe. No one really knows when Chinese culture really began, however Chinese civilization began near the Yellow River (Huang He) becoming North China, and Yangtze River (Chang Jiang) indicating South China. The first Dynasty, the Xia (Hsia) Dynasty began in about 2070 or 2205 BCE. Historians have found proof of the wheel first being used in China during this time showing urban culture did exist. The Shang Dynasty followed introducing the first Chinese Government. A lot of the basic Chinese culture was introduced during the Zhou (Chou) Dynasty such as the Mandate of Heaven. China contains a lot of history throughout the years. There were battles between the states, many new emperors and leaders, as well as new technologies. All of which brought three great Chinese philosophies; Daoism, Confucianism, and Legalism. It wasn t until about 581 CE that China was reunifies under the leader, Sui Wendi. Wendi linked North and South China together by the Grand Canal. It was during the Song Dynasty, in 960 CE, that China promoted better tools. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...