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An Essay On Man Ernst Cassirer
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An Essay On Man Ernst Cassirer SummaryAn Essay On Man Ernst Cassirer Summary


The Modern Scientific Origin Story
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines the term nothing as one of no interest, value, or
consequence (merriam webster.com). However, this nothingness embarked the start of the Modern
Scientific Origin Story. This origin story is far from other origin stories as it uses the different
branches of science to put great detail and truth to how the universebegan. This story is also
composed of a series of the different thresholds of increasing complexity, these thresholds mark the
events that happened after the expansion of the universe that is impossible to turn back to or repeat.
The biggest mystery of the universe is how nothing turned into something. As a matter of fact, no
scientist or intellect can tell what exactly are the ingredients ... Show more content on
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In spite of this, how could life possibly emerge? The answer is within the skies. It rained for
millions of years and seas of lava eventually turned into seas of water, becoming a gateway for
life to possibly emerge. Along with this are the other goldilocks conditions such as energy and
chemical elements, mostly carbon which Earth is in abundance of. So now that the Earth
became a hospitable place in which life could emerge, how did it really emerge? Life emerged
under the oceanic vents where simple elements formed amino acids that are keys to creating
protein and nucleotides that are keys to creating DNA the deoxyribose nucleic acid is the key to
life as it contains genetic information for what is to come. Life came from the oceanic vents which
had enough heat energy and chemical energy to form the first prokaryotes the simplest form of
cells without a nucleus and was created through photosynthesis. Then it evolved into something
that is more complex which is the eukaryote which now has a nucleus and organelles that are
crucial to life. As life in water emerged and the eukaryotes bonded together creating multi celled
organism, the development of brains made it possible for life to move to land. This sudden event
created mammals which unlike aquatic animals, have fur and the more obvious qualities of life.
These qualities are what scientists call as
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Essay on criminal law esssay
English law has been subject to being described as unprincipled and inconsistent in its approach to
the question of whether the failure to act is a sufficient basis for criminal liability. This is due to a
range of factors an example of which being the collection of convictions passed to defendants who
have been charged with a crime, which did not involve a positive or direct action. In addition for
those who have not been convicted, it is questionable whether the law is unprincipled as it is
unclear about the moral obligationthat individuals have to act and when a moral obligation is a
legal obligation. There is also uncertainty regarding what is a sufficient basis for criminal liability
as each case is different and it is difficult to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Lord Diplock stated, I see no rational ground for excluding from conduct capable of giving rise to
criminal liability conduct which consists of failing to take measures that lie within one s powers to
counteract a danger that one has created 3. This statement emphasises that the focus is the danger
created however the crime is damaging property thus the argument being used to prove his guilt
does not quite match the crime as no one beside himself would have been harmed. In fact, ВЈ800 of
damage was done thus maybe a fine would have been more appropriate sanction than a sentence. It
can thus be suggested that the law requires individuals to put right that which goes wrong 4 and in
not doing so, the defendant may have become a victim of the judges morals impacting the case
ultimately suggesting that although there is no written law, individuals are essentially forced into
behaving in a manner which would be considered noble. This also suggest that the law is
unprincipled in its approach to deciding weather the failure to act should result in criminal liability.
The case of R v Stone, R v Dobinson further supports this argument as the defendants have also
been convicted on the failure to act, however, it could be argued that in comparison to Miller, Stone
and Dobinson have no direct cause of the incident. According to Ashworth, there are three
principals that
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What Occurred During The Middle Ages
The Chivalry period lasted almost 5 centuries and took place during the Middle Ages in western
It grew as a mass in the 12th century, stood still during the 13th century and then decayed during
the last 3
centuries of its lifetime. The Age of Chivalry took place in the Middle Ages. During the Middle
Ages, nobles
started to fight one another contantly. Some empires and estates becames better at it and improved
over the
time. Which cause by the 1100s to for a code of behaviour or a standard to survive in battle.
The Code of Chivarly was a standard everyone knew about a knight. They were said to be loyal,
outstanding and very confident of what they are doing. At the begining warriors fought on foot, but
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Classical feudalism, which developed in and after
the 10th century. It was only toward the year 1000 that the term fief began to be used instead of
benefice. Feudalism
was a contractual system of political and military relationships. It was characterized by giving
someone fiefs in
return of politcal or military services. The feudal method of holding land was by fief; the grantor
of the fief was the
suzerain, or overlord, and the recipient was the vassal.This formal procedure served to cement the
relationship between lord and vassal; after the ceremony the
lord invested the vassal with the fief, usually by giving him some symbol of the transferred land.
Honors or rights, as
well as land, could be granted as fiefs. With the advent of hereditary succession and primogeniture,
renewal of the


fief by the heir of the deceased became customary, and little by little the fief became hereditary. The
feudal system
rested on the unsettled conditions of the times and thus on the need of the lord for armed warriors
and the need
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Analyzing the Teaching Profession
Paramount importance in the treatment and education of man has the position and work of
teaching. The teacher has always been the mainstay of intellectual and cultural progress of any
society and the cornerstone of personal happiness every man. So, it be perceived the importance of
this profession for man and society. It is no coincidence that everybody who exercise this profession
should be at alert and disseminates the values and knowledge in children with the best way. This
requires a constant struggle, who leads to professional development. But how does it achieve? The
professional development starts and ends from schoolclass. Every teacher is confronted with
human resources and invests on it. Examines each student as individually and as a whole.
Identifies specificities, knowledge gaps and skills, which students have, and try to adjust your
learning and teaching to become more efficient. To achieve this required a conscious updating of
his professional knowledge and improving of his professional competences. Occasionally organized
various courses / workshops related to education. These workshops are an opportunity for teachers
to enhance their knowledge and presenting new teaching methods, which can utilize in the
classroom. It also organized training sessions or seminars in which teachers and / or researchers
presented the results of their research which took part in their schools, and discuss problems of
education. Through this constructive discussion everyone
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The Island Of The Galapagos Archipeggio
Isabela Island, the largest island of the GalГЎpagos archipeggio, seemed to rise straight out of the
water. The sedimentary rock cliffs were rusty brown, but were covered with life. Red and black
crabs rested on the surface, while blue footed boobies gracefully dived into the water to catch
sardines. Baby nazca boobies peered out of their nests to see a small inflatable boat, known as a
panga, bobbing in the water. Our guide, Christina, enthusiastically shared her knowledge of these
animals to my family. This wildlife viewing boat ride was our plan for the afternoon. But things
changed. As things always change.
The sun was starting to set in the west, over the Bolivar Channel. The sea seemed calm, but a bird
would occasionally skim the surface. My family and I watched the horizon intently. The Bolivar
Channel was known for having the best marine wildlife viewings in the GalГЎpagos. In the far
distance, water was displaced. Mist flew in the air, forming the shape of a miniature fountain.
Could it be a whale spout? Or was it just my imagination? Quietly, I told my sister Raley.
However, it was not quiet enough. Christina heard and immediately started to scour the area with
her binoculars. What if there was no marine life in the area? I was convinced I would die of
Suddenly, Christina dropped her binoculars.
I see it! It s a whale spout!
Immediately, our panga raced off full speed to the location of the whale spout. However, as we
inched closer to our
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Student Observation
Mrs. Oberlander and Ms. Orzechowski were interviewed regarding their concerns for Luis. They
shared that he is currently functioning at a Kindergarten/first grade level. Luis is currently using
LEXIA for reading approximately 20 minutes a day. The team would like resources to work on
sight words, phonics, and reading comprehension. The team would like resources to keep Luis
motivated. During break time he chooses between CoolMathGames, StarFall, and Razzkids. Luis is
pushed into his regular educationclassroom during specials, lunch, and during dismissal. The team
also shared that he is currently using Handwriting Without Tears and FUNdations. Mrs. Oberlander
would also like speech to text explored with Luis. Luis has a short attention... Show more content on
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Luis was initially working on counting money. When Luis had difficulty remembering the answer
he stated verbally, he was provided with choice options by Mrs. Oberlander.
After counting money, Luis was provided with a choice to complete a coloring page or to
practice telling time. Luis chose telling time. Mrs. Oberlander explained that after he completed
the four worksheets, he could have a 5 minute break on the computer with the Cool Math icon.
Luis worked diligently on the worksheets and notified the staff when he completed each
worksheet. Mrs. Oberlander checked Luis work in progress and provided positive reinforcement
for the work he completed. While Luis was working, Mrs. Oberlander praised Luis for improving
his behavior.
After completing telling time worksheets, Luis transitioned to a sight word activity where he
colored in the shapes with the identified word. Mrs. Oberlander discussed with Luis that if his
good behavior continued through tomorrow, he would be rewarded with an ice cream for Fun
Friday. When Luis asked to use the restroom, Mrs. Oberlander asked him to finish the task first
and then he could use the restroom. Luis came back and began the worksheet. Once again, Mrs.
Oberlander reviewed her expectations with Luis. Luis continued to have prompting and Mrs.
Oberlander explained that he only had two worksheets before break. Mrs. Oberlander reviewed
Luis visual schedule and what he will be doing up until
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Frederick Douglas s The Declaration Of Independence
July 4th is the day celebrated when America gained declared independence from Great Britain. It
s been celebrated every year as a country since the adoption of the Declaration of Independence
since 1776. In 1852, the 5th of July, Frederick Douglas was asked to speak in front of northern
abolitionists in New York of the holiday and the subject of independence and freedom. Frederick
Douglas would be the ideal person to speak about freedom. At the time in 1850 s he was an African
Americanman who had gained his freedom from slavery. He had taught himself how to read and
write, which was uncommon for an Africa American to do, during slave hood. Most slaveholders
at this time would want to keep their slaves illiterate. This was an era where Northern states were
just beginning to nurture the idea of abolition. Being an abolitionist was still dangerous and
censored in the south, and most northerners were just anti slavery, the difference between the two
was one wanted the end of slavery total (abolitionists) and the other just wanted to stop the spread
of slavery in new states and territories (anti slavery). Frederick Douglas, because of his first hand
experience with slavery and his literacy, began to make friends among the abolitionists in the North
and would be the best person to speak about freedom. He then uses this as a chance to persuade,
particularly northern, people into becoming abolitionist by pointing out the irony in him speaking
about the holiday of independence, and
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Chronological Accuracy Of The Return Of Martin Guerre
The chronological accuracy that The Return of Martin Guerre film portrays can throw the viewer
off at first. The film begins with the marriage of a young couple who are both around the age of
fourteen. The audience is then introduced to a young woman, who is recalling the events that had
just taken place. The film jumps back and forth several times, reflecting on the events that took
place 8 10 years before. The film takes place in the middle on the sixteenth century France.
Several years past, roughly 8 when Martin returns, Martin is able to conceal his identity for around
2 years before he is taken in front of the judge.
For both Ethan and Sami, the beginning was difficult to follow. However once realizing who the
young woman was and the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Though only a year or two has passed, it is plausible. Jack uses everything he has learned in the
war to help his town thrive. Not knowing the real Jack, created a positive view of the imposter
Jack. The imposter Jack s change of heart, became his weakness.
Both films tell a story of a father returning home after leaving to fight in the war, only to be
discovered as imposters. However, both are set in entirely different eras, one in sixteenth century
France and the other in eighteenth century Southern states of U.S.A. Knowing the back story of the
characters, help the audience in forming a bond. with the imposters. Also, seeing their
determination to help their village grow and become successful helps further that bond.
However, Sommersby main character the imposter Jack, treasured the bond that he had with the
villagers. Becoming a respected figure in his town, he sacrificed his own life for his wife. Laurel
s status in the village remains the same, since the imposter Jack s death. The villagers are
repairing well needed repairs to the town, and they crops are growing more than ever. The
chronological order the film Sommerby, gives shows the change of character of the imposter Jack
and the true husband that he was. In The Return of Martin Guerre, the chronological order used,
helped establish the actions taken by Martin s
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Hawaii Beach Research Paper
Who does not love the beach? The twenty first century, a little opportunity to engage people
from work to come out. The field trips are the most bhramanapipasu saikatakei want to choose.
Of the world s top 11 beaches in the event today. Our Cox s Bazar sea beach in the world s longest
sea beach, but for various reasons did not take place in 11 countries. Agrahatakei tourists here are
really big.
1. Kaanapali Beach, Hawaii, US Pacific island of Hawaii. This small town in the United States.
There is a beach in Hawaii. The most beautiful beach in the kaanapali. Hawaii is located in the
western end of the maoyi. The three mile stretch of one of the most attractive tourist spots in the
world bicati. The position of the world s best luxury hotels and resorts. White sand and clear blue
waters of the sea, the excellent combines kaanapali Beach. Bicajure lush green herb, which has
increased its beauty. Bicatira near the small rocky peninsula in the ... Show more content on
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Cathedral Cove, New Zealand: New Zealand beach in the local language is called Maureen
hoyanguni in hey. Cathedral Cove is located bicati karomyandala Peninsula. Its sloping hills on
one side and the blue sea. Excellently up to the mountain to enjoy the beauty of the sea. Kramana
mountain slopes of the stadium has been reduced to the beach. The beach sand is very soft. Hiking
to the stormy sea is quite enjoyable. Cathedral Cove beach and a half million tourists a year visit.
4. Copacabana Beach, Brazil: Brazil s Atlantic coast bicati a beautiful beach in the world. There
are only 4 kilometers long bicatira two ends of the two historic seaport. Bicati located in the
famous city of Rio de Janeiro. No key on Rio! Excellent for all fashion shop, jewelery store,
movie theater and drama, the world s best restaurants and nightclubs, including the Municipal
Theatre. The Samba dance? Here it is! Samba dance with classical music. You can wake up and
dancing with the dancers, just a few yards away from the ocean blue
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Example Of Perspective Analysis
Perspective is defined as a point of view. From perspective, views can be altered, opinions can be
created, and lives can be changed. Throughout the literature that we have read this school year,
perspective is a cause of the all the conflicts. Perspective is the way that a person views a
situation or another person, which leads to a positive or negative relationship. When opinions
in novels conflict, the views are significantly altered. For instance, in the novel Speak, after
Melinda Sordino called the police to rescue her from the party, I called 911 because I needed
help, (Anderson 136), the views on Melinda were completely changed causing her middle school
lab partners or gym buddies [to] glare at [her], (3). Only because she called the police, her entire
school completely detested her and despised being in the same vicinity as her. After losing all of
her friends... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For instance, when the British officer in the novel Lord of the Flies, found the young boys on the
island, he claims that their experience on the island was entirely fun and games, creating the
opinion that they were only immature boys who saw being trapped on the island as a fun
adventure. Also because Jack and Ralph s perspective towards being on the island were completely
different, negative opinions of each other emerged. Jack wanted to hunt for pigs while Ralph s
main goal was to figure out the way off of the island. The conflict between goals was the drive or
motive for the vicious and murderous attacks between the two groups. Another way that
perspective was able to create opinions was when Carton confessed his unconditional love for
Lucie to Lucie. Her perspective of Carton being a write off, was changed because she now
understood that there was more to Sydney Carton than what he actually let on. Through
perspective, more information and reason is added to the conflict between the
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Cyber Crime Prevention Is Not Only A Continuing Problem
Cyber Crime Prevention
Internet security is not only a continuing problem, but an increasing one. Yet, many companies do
not have adequate internet security measures in place. To help businesses thwart cyber criminals
operating over the internet, several steps are recommended. First, before deciding to use the internet
for business purposes, organizations should articulate how they intend to use the internet (e.g., e
commerce; marketing web site; communication with business partners, customers, suppliers). Once
this information is articulated, the company should next assess what risks are associated with each
of the uses. Risks are the quantifiable likelihood that a financial investment will result in loss for
the investor. A high riskinvestment is associated with both a higher probability of loss and a
possibility of greater return on investment. Risk assessment is the process of determining the
potential loss and probability of loss of the organization s objectives.
In doing risk assessment, the organization needs to take into account the probability of various
types of cyber attacks and the cost to the organization if these attacks occur. Potential costs could
result from computer downtime, loss of data, loss of reputation in the marketplace, or even law suits
in reaction to preventable theft of identity or other information. A number of risks can occur as a
result of cybercrime including destruction of data, interference with business operations,
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One On One Observation
After reading chapter thirteen and fourteen, I have chosen to do my observation on a show
called One on One and the I Carly show. While watching One on One, the main characters in this
show was Breanna, who was the daughter, Arnez, who was Breanna best friend, Spirit, who was
Breanna and Arnez s best friend, and Breanna s dad, whose name was Flex. Breanna has an
outfit that looks way back from the 90 s. She is kind of the laid back member of the group. Her
favorite part of the outfit is her earring hoops because she wears the in almost every episode.
Breanna s gestures look very fun. She loves to get very hype and dance a lot. As the volume was
on mute, I observed that in this episode, she was very happy and laughed a lot. Breanna s facial
expressions was that throughput the ten minutes of watching the episode, it seemed like she joked
a lot.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He has on pants and a shirt, which says that he s just looking to have a chilled day in this
episode. Arnez s gestures seem to be slow and focused on things. For example, when he is
talking to someone, he seems to be focused on them and only them. He also looks them directly
in the eye. Arnez s facial expression seemed to be a little serious. Spirit s dress outfit says that
she loves to make her own style. Spirit is a fashion designer in the show. She loves creating her
own outfit. In this episode, her outfit has assorted colors, and she has her hair in a nice her style,
such as braids and it is curled towards the end of the braid. Spirit s has a lot of hand gestures
when talking. Seems like she communicates a lot with her hand gestures within the show. Spirit s
facial expressions seem to be very concerning. Flex s dress is more like a business attire in this
episode. Flex has strong and demanding gestures. His facial expressions seem to be mad all the
time or confused when
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Health Care Services Service Services
At present, the services sector continues to experience increasingly large growth, which occupies a
privileged position in the country s economy. The health service is situated in this part because of
the essential services that it provides for individuals, community health and peoples. Furthermore,
the healthsituation in a community presents an understandable picture of the extent of economic,
social and cultural development, which is why countries aspire to make progress and to increase
interest in the services provided by health institutions.
Undoubtedly the health care service is facing an increasingly complex challenge regarding the
provision of high quality services. According to the complexity of health care services and systems,
exploring and explaining the availability, utilisation, costs, quality and accessibility; the delivery
and continuity of health care services is the key to informing government officials, health insurers,
health providers, and the public and decision makers on the subject of health related issues.
Therefore, deciding health care needs and providing correct reactions to them ought not to be just
the employment of specialists. Rather, it must include the cooperation of different specialists who
work with and in the health care system consistently (Ashworth et al., 1992).
In spite of the fact that suppliers recognise that they need to accomplish something (i.e., order a test,
prescribe medication) to meet patients expectations regarding the
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I Am An Active Participant
While it is important that my students are enjoying my class, one of the ways I am able to tell that
my students are excelling is their ability to demonstrate their growth through assessments. Although
it is important students are excelling, it is also important that students are able to be an active
participant in their own growth. Effective teachers allow students to constantly reflect on how they
are doing in class and how they are meeting classroom goals. Assessment reflectionultimately
influences how teachers and learners continue to access material.After teachers have tracked the
data of students, it is then important that they are using a variety of instructional strategies to
encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas.
Standard 6 states that teachers should use a variety of assessments to ensure students are reaching
their goals. My first piece of evidence includes three different assessments. Each assessment
addresses a different kind of learner. For example, the first assessment is an exit ticket that allows
me to see how students have grasped information at the end of the period. The last assessment I
have included is a writing assessment. After students took the writing assessment, I then recorded
their writing scores as demonstrated in my second piece of evidence. I carefully monitor both my
student s reading and writing progress. In order to engage my students in their own own growth, I
provide ample opportunities for students to
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Essay On Aviation Professionals
Aviation Professionals
People who work as aviation professionals seek devices with very specific set of features. These
devices need to be light weighted and there should be no communication problems as these
professionals need to communicate with the base. In addition to that, this communication takes
place at regular intervals. Thus, the voice clarity provided the headset needs to be nothing less
than exceptional. Aviation professionals need to wear the device for long spans of time whether
they are pilots or working in any other sector of this industry. They require the device to be highly
comfortable to wear so that they do not feel any kind of irritation during flights.
This exceptional headset company has a complete list of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
It is quite hard to wear a headset for the entire work shift if it is not comfortable to wear. If you
opt for this high standard headset company, you can get your hands on the most comfortable and
good to wear hearing devices. These devices have a proper soft padding on the speakers and users
are able to wear them even for a complete day without any kind of discomfort.
Stock Traders
Taking calls is an integral part of the job duties that stock traders perform. First of all, these
professionals need to watch trade market screens and communicate with various people at the same
time. People call them to know about the status of their investments, market conditions and various
other details as well. The calls are not restricted to office hours only and stock brokers even get
calls even after they are home.
Stock Traders usually prefer wireless headsets with on the ear design that have a good standby
time. With this dependable headset brand by your side, you can get your hands on headsets which
are perfectly suitable for the headset industry. These devices have a very impressive talk time so
that stock professionals can take important calls without their device running out of power. Most
headsets used by stock brokers have a minimum continuous talk time of 6 hours.
These headsets have exceptional noise cancellation options. This headset brand is not like headset
companies which merely talk about noise cancellation options and their customers get disturbed
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Analyzing The Poem The Frog Prince
Is a poem without any specific sound easy to understand? Possibly not! In most poems, a poet
uses assonance or consonance to draw special attention to specific parts of the poem. A poem
with assonance or vowels tells the reader about how low or high the sound is, giving them a sense
of the emotion of the character or the poet at that specific part. On the other hand, consonance
determines the friction or tone of a word or line, telling the reader when to slow down or when to
read faster. Assonance and consonance helps to create rhymein poems; a rhyme is a repeated sound
at the end of each line that unifies the structure of the poem. In the poem, The Frog Prince by
Robert Pack, assonance and consonance are repeated to create a smooth rhyme.... Show more
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Pitch is defined as the quality of the sound. He uses words and sounds with same pitch at the end
of every line to form a unified structure to easily catch the reader s consideration. For instance,
the first four lines end with surprise , frame , body , and name (lines 1 4, p735) and all of these
words have the sound of se (ee), me (ee), y (ee), me (ee) at the end. Since e has a high pitch,
these words are very quick to pronounce and they create a unified structure. However, line 5,
The joy she must have felt to learn , disrupts the unity of the structure, because it has an ugh
sound in it which is low pitch it doesn t rhyme well with the first four lines. To recapture, the
reader s attention Pack ends line 6 and 8 with phases such as wonder and under. These words
create a rough er or rh sound which indicates a major and drastic change in the princess life.
Moreover, line 10, 12, and 14 end with a heavy dah sound. For example, it takes a lot of energy to
pronounce the following words: read , bed , and said. Overall, the dah sound beautifully executes
the dramatic shift in mood, from the frog s transformation into a prince to the princess mother s
confrontation of the prince and princess in the
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Childhood Language And Language Development Essay
In the Oxford dictionary, Discourse is defined as a human oral or written communications between.
Word allows people to express their thoughts and ideas through grammar, pronunciation, etc., and
understand complex issues. For children in terms of education, language is a vital part of the
development of education. People s daily dialogue, learning, etc. are all required language skills. It
requires the use of language between people convey their ideas. So in early childhood education,
the development of language is very important. This article will relate to theories about early
childhood language learning, content at different stages of children s language development, the
adult children of the relationship between language and language development, and so on. National
methodology is a branch of sociology is the study of how people organize and understand the
activities of daily life (Wardhaugh, 1986). That National methodology considered different
languages used by different social groups. Ethnomethodologists example is the study of the
relationship between children and adults, such as everyday conversations, telephone conversations,
and so on (Wardhaugh, 1986). According Wardhaugh (1986) ethnomethodology should contain a
SPEAKING , which setting, participants, ends, act, keys, instrument, norms, genre. Setting refers to
the interaction of the social environment, such as school; participants refers to the person speaking,
ends means the usual exchange of personal
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Lady Macbeth Newspaper Article
Death! In a turn of events Macbeth, the lord of Scotland, has been killed by Macduff, the Thane
of Fife. Macbeth was murdered at his castle at Dunsinane. The King of Scotland s reign of terror
was no more, when Macduff was seen carrying Macbeth s decapitated head yesterday afternoon.
He has proved himself to be one of the most corrupt kings in all of Scotland s history.
Macbeth was killed during the battle between the soldiers of his army and a force of English
soldiers and rebel Scots led by Malcolm. Macbeth was beheaded by Macduff, only hours after
the death of Lady Macbeth, in revenge for the brutal murder of Macduff s family. Malcolm has
succeeded in raising an army in England, and Macduff joins him as he rides to Scotland to
challenge Macbeth s forces. Macduff, used wood form the Birnam Forest to hide his army from
detection. When Macbeth got word that the trees from the Birnam forest were moving towards the
castle at Dunsinane he ordered his army ready. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the battle, Macbeth stroked violently, but the English forces gradually overwhelm his army and
castle. Reporters believe that Macbeth thought he was invulnerable to the power of man who was
born of a woman. Macbeth boasts that he cannot be killed by any man born of woman. On the
battlefield, Macbeth encounters the vengeful Macduff, who declares that he was not of woman
born but was instead untimely ripped from his mother s womb. Reporters believe that is why he
was destined to kill Macbeth. Macbeth realized that he was doomed. Macbeth continues to fight
until Macduff kills and beheads
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The Discourse Community Of The Modern Day Christian Church
Everyone in the world believes in some kind of religion. Whether it s Christianity, Buddhism,
Muslim, Atheism, etc. Each one of those religions is so unique and so diverse in the fact that they
all have different values, beliefs, morals, dialogue, actions, and more. That being said, I have chosen
to observe and write about the discourse community of the modern day Christian church. The
Christian church has many different values, morals, and beliefs. Some examples are forgiveness,
compassion, reconciliation, and unconditional love. Some of these values are very obvious when
observing the discourse community, whereas some are more subtle and hard to catch. As I sat in
the cafГ© of the church, I noticed a lot of communication going... Show more content on
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What I mean by this is simply that they may do things that other people don t. Fr example,
praying. Everyone has some form of meditation; whether it s sitting in the beauty of nature
enjoying the peace, some kind of yoga or Pilates, maybe even sitting at a bar. Whatever it is, it s
calming to you in some way as is praying to Christians. They do this as something to take
comfort in. They do this when things aren t going their way and they need help, or when they
feel lonely, or when someone else in their life needs help with a situation they rely on their God
to step in and take the lead. While observing the church, saw so many different things that I don t
see often in other places like smiling. Everyone seemed so happy and was smiling as if they had
no worries, and they seemed real. This is one of those things that is easy to miss or really easy to
see. Personally, as being part of the discourse community I can honestly say that it s because
people feel more joy in the presence of God, but it could be so many different things and why I
noticed smiles more in the church rather than anywhere else is beyond
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Apocalypse Now Madness
Throughout the IOP s presented in class, my knowledge of themes throughout the novel Heart of
Darkness has grown to a much deeper level of understanding. I have come to the realization that
Francis Ford Coppola s movie Apocalypse Now is an adaptation of Joseph Conrad s book Heart of
Darkness which is important to understand because although Apocalypse Nowtakes place during the
Vietnam War, and Heart of Darkness
in the African Congo, we are able to see the messages of the
madness due to war and colonization in both works (Gale). I would like to bring up the role of
madness demonstrated throughout both Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness. Throughout
Apocalypse Now, madness is demonstrated by Captain Miller killing Captain Kurtz, shown
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Shakespeare s Macbeth
Creating Sympathy for Macbeth
The dark aura surrounding Shakespeare s Macbeth is well deserved, as is the darkness shrouding
its title character. Although Macbeth is certainly a villainous, evil man based solely on his actions,
a fuller examination of his character s portrayal leads to a more sympathetic view of him. The play
does not portray Macbeth simply as a cold blooded murderer, but rather as a tortured soul attempting
to deal with the atrocities surrounding him.
Before any of the murderous activity occurs, Macbeth does not experience small, ambiguous
premonitions, he is directly told by mysterious, dark figures things that are ordained to happen.
Although these mysterious prophecies seem doubtful at first, ... Show more content on
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Although it certainly does not excuse his actions, the fact that she planned the murders,
encouraged him to lie and deceive the other nobles at the banquets, basically convinced him to
carry the initial murder out, and repeatedly attempted to make him forget the act and move on,
would seem to partially incriminate her. If Macbeth had a wife who was a stark contrast to him,
one who abhorred murder and attempted to talk him out of it, then his crime would have seemed
all the more horrendous since even his closes confidant advised him against it. As it is, Lady
Macbeth s twisted cruelty and conniving serve to further a small sense of sympathy for the guilty
An important aspect of Macbeth s portrayal is that he shows extreme remorse after the killing of
Duncan, and attempts to avoid killing Macduff due to the guilt he feels for all the other murders
he has committed. While his wife feels just a little water will cleanse them from the deed,
Macbeth s own answer to his question Will all great Neptune s ocean wash this / blood clean
from my hand? is a resounding no. Macbeth realizes the severity of his act and guilt, and this is
central in evoking a sense of sympathy from the audience. Macbeth knows that he has done wrong;
most can attempt to feel some sympathy or forgiveness for someone who knows they have done
wrong and suffers constantly for
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The Manager Of Phelpstech, Llc
Introduction :
According to the given scenario, the boss of PhelpsTech, LLC company wants to replace the old
XP window system with the Linux operating system. So I have prepared a Linux Implementation
Proposal as asked by my boss, the Chief Technical Officer Katie Ledecky. Our company also wants
to replace the current desktop/laptop configuration for window XP and for window 7.
Changes In Hardware Requirement :
We have to change some hardware parts for proper users of the Linuxoperating system. One issue
that is slowly or gradually getting to be non existent is hardware support. Quite a while back, on
the off chance that you needed to install Linux on a system, you needed to make sure you hand
picked all of hardware or your establishment would not work 100%. I can remember or recall, in
1997 ish, trying to make intellect of why I cannot get Red Hat Linux or Caldera Linux to
understand my modem. After plentiful of looking around, I discovered I was the content owner
of a Winmodem. So I wanted to go out and purchase a US Robotics outside modem because that
was the one modem I knew would work. That is less the case now. You can take a PC (or tablet)
and in all possibility get one or more Linux distributions to install and work about 100 % (100
percent). At any rate, there are still a few individual cases. For example, suspend/sleep remains an
issue with many portable PCs, despite the fact that it has come a long way. We have to change the
hardware requirements current t
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The African Child Soilder
The African Child Soldiers
The child soldier is described as a pint sized, tireless baby Rambo who spends his or hers tender
years roaming the battlefields of Africa s civil wars.
African children are being targeted across the continent as tools of war. In today s day and age,
children from all over the world are real soldiers in conflicts instead of playing toy soldiers.
These children are being denied their childhood and instead are given a violent and gruesome role
to play in brutal conflicts. These children are fighting wars that they had no responsibility in
creating. Children are fighting in wars created by their elders. Children are replacing their toys
with guns, like AK 47 s and instead of having a chance to attend ... Show more content on
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Therefore, children were usually forced into such dangers as the frontlines of open conflict or
either sent ahead of other troops to ensure that possible minefields were safe, whilst in rare cases
children have also been used in suicide missions. In addition to this, the majority of child
soldiers have transformed their situation in the war into a kind of game, because they are unable
to fully comprehend or accept the real consequences that war can inflict. In a way, by making
the war into a game it is a coping mechanism for these children. Once recruited these children do
various tasks, they are not simply used as soldiers in conflict but also do many other duties, such
as being; messengers, guards, cooks, mechanics, porters, spies, labors, human shields, human
minesweepers, decoys, servants and also sexual slaves. Girls are also recruited, in most cases,
they can make up a total of one third of all child soldiers, however in the majority of cases they are
not just recruited to be soldier, but to be either raped or to become wives to military commanders.
Girls who refuse to become wives are murdered in front of other girls to make an example of and
to make clear that they have no choice in the matter. In addition to this girls are also used to
abduct other children for the military forces and also take part in food raids. This story from a
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Aristotle And Aristotle s Theory Of Moral Virtue
Nietzsche and Aristotle were two of the most significant philosopher of not only their time but their
works has lasted throughout the centuries to influence even some today s greatest minds. Their
works however could not be any separated, Aristotle is a prominent figure in ancient Greek
philosophy, making contributions to logic, metaphysics, mathematics, physics, biology, botany,
ethics, politics, agriculture, medicine, dance and theatre. He was a student of great thinkers such as
Plato and Socrates. He believes that ethics is a process to finding the final end or the highest good.
He states that although there are many ends in life those are usually only means to further ends, our
ambitions and wants must have some final purpose. Aristotlebelieves that this highest end is that of
Happiness. He introduces the concept moral virtuewhich is the ability to properly control desires
to follow bad actions, and is the focus of morality. Centered on the core of Aristotle s account of
moral virtue is his doctrine of the mean. According to this doctrine, moral virtues are character
traits which are at in between more extreme character traits. While Nietzsche a German
philosopher, essayist, and cultural critic. He believes that Good is originally designated only the
right of those individuals with social and political power to live their lives by sheer force of will.
But a priestly caste, motivated by their resentment of their natural superiors, generated a corrupt
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Differences Between Public and Private Sectors Essay
The Differences between
Public Sector and Private Sector
Robyn Z. Abdusamad
Dr. Deborah LeBlanc
PAD 620 Research Paper
August 23, 2010
The Differences between
Public Sector and Private Sector
When we examine public sector versus private sector, plenty of differences come to mind. In
defining each, we learn a private sector in an economy consist of all businesses and firms owned
by ordinary members of the general public. It also consists of all the private households in which
people live. The public sector in an economy is owned and controlled by a government. It consist of
government businesses and firms and goods and services provided by the government such as the
national health service, state ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On the other hand, government organizations that are funded through market sales or user charges
often have concomitantly greater autonomy from governmental controls.
Majority of public sectors are managed under a bigger chain of command and control, while
private sectors mostly operate in a corporate setting. As for the differences with their policy
decisions, the activities in the public sector have a goal of adhering to what is indicated by law,
while the private sector is driven by the rules of shareholders and corporate owners. Schmidt
(2008) states, The research agenda of companies is more focused and targeted and therefore
perceived as easier to handle for managers. Also, the decision making process is different.
Managers of private enterprises can faster and easier change orientation, focus and targets. This
implies, according to some managers, that the instrumentation used in the private sector is
different from the one used within public research. [pic][pic]Finally, the beneficiary of the
services provided by the public sector, is the general public. These goods and services are
sometimes provided free and in other cases consumers have to pay a price. The goal
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Ford Competition
In a present day of global warming, environmental issues, labor unions, and other impacts, the
automobile industry is in an era of instability and change. Ford Motor Company has been
traditionally considered one of the Big Three in the auto industry, but they are not adapting as well
as hoped to the changing industry, and will have to strategize to survive in a struggling industry.
There are many different risk factors for Ford and its competitors. In this paper we will look at
two competitors for Ford that are also considered to be members of the Big Three and
coincidently, are not adapting to changes in the auto industry as quickly as other competitors. These
other companies are General Motors (GM) and Daimler Chrysler. We will... Show more content on
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In the category of other economic factors, issues such as a contraction within the housing industry,
CO2 emission standards, crowded market place for new cars and trucks, more efficient production
by foreign companies (Toyota s Total Production System which is a just in time production that
other companies have attempted to emulate with little success) and a downward trend in buying are
all risk factors that the entire industry needs to take into consideration.
The first video watched on Hoovers.com is a video with Ford s CEO Alan Mulally, the first of two.
The CEO was at an auto show, introducing a new cross over vehicle. Risks that are alluded to in
this interview are centered on the large truck and SUV markets versus the smaller vehicles and
cross over vehicles that are being produced. A major problem Ford had seen in the past was that
consumers and industry analysis had not seen them as moving forward into the future, and
matching consumers wants and demands as well as some of the foreign manufacturers.
The second Ford video with CEO Alan Mulally shows the outcome of Ford s realization that they
need to concentrate on other markets and producing new vehicles. For the first time in two years,
they are in the black for the current quarter (at the time of this video). However, when asked if the
trend will continue, the CEO acknowledges that because of having to reduce production during the
3rd quarter (due to a lower buying trend) that it is a
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Essay on Ilm M3.11 Building the Team
Unit M3.11 Building the Team The purpose of this assignment requires consideration of how to
develop and maintain trust at work, as well as how teams are built within the workplace and
what effects and concerns a manager needs to be aware of. Teams are more than just groups of
people assembled in the same area, they are a collection of individuals dedicated to a common
purpose and with a series of detailed performance targets, working together with complementary
skills. Teams of people are encountered in various scenarios, not just in the workplace, but also
throughout life, such as sports, associations, charities and voluntary services. Effective teams are
built on trust and are developed and maintained by the manager s... Show more content on
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All with differing skills and levels of experience, to allow a service to be provided efficiently and
effectively. Each member of the team has a purpose and a function within that team, so the overall
success depends on a functional interdependency. There is usually not as much room for conflict
when working as a team. The team also does not rely on groupthink to arrive at its conclusions.
There are many theories on the ways that group form and become efficient and effective teams.
One of the best known team development theories was first developed by Bruce Tuckman in 1965
and has formed the basis of many further ideas since its conception. Tuckman s theory focuses on
the way in which a team tackles a task from the initial formation of the team through to the
completion of the project. Tuckman s theory is particularly relevant to team building challenges as
the phases are relevant to the completion of any task undertaken by a team but also the
development of a team in the grander scheme. The Model and stages are described below in the
order that Tuckman identified: Forming The team is assembled and the task is allocated. Team
members behave independently, with anxieties about inclusion and exclusion. Their time is spent
planning, collecting information and bonding, with an apparent willingness to conform. This can
happen whenever new circumstances occur within a group, or when new challenges or projects are
set within established
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Rastafarian Symbolism In The Visual Arts Essay
Rastafarian Symbolism In The Visual Arts
Works Cited Missing
Art has the power of liberating man from certain drudgeries and their way of life. A man who was
born in the ghetto can t afford to be a Sunday painter, his whole life is involved in getting across
his ideas; Rastafarianism, politics, Black culture and all that. Even our meeting here now is an
artistic involvement. Some people do art with love here, politics there and so forth; now, to me
art is one cosmic consciousness. The way you love, live, and even the way you hate: even your
negative expressions connote a certain art form. So I really do not separate my art from ... Show
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The first Jamaican sculptor to be known internationally was Kapo, the famous Pukumina leader,
whose works were all composed under religious inspiration (Barrett, 186). The birth of
Rastafarianism created an important outlet for African rooted artistic creativity, and the Rastafarian
artists became the first ones to appear from a grassroots community. This incredible outburst of
creativity is described by Barrett as follows: from the primitive paintings of Ras Dizzy to the
superb etchings of Ras Daniel Heartman; from the rough sculpture of Ras Canute who works
under the coconut tree in front of the Casa Montego in Montego Bay to the refined pieces in Joe
James Gallery in front of the Holiday Inn at Rose Hall, St. James Rastafarian and Rastafarian
inspired art can be found everywhere. (Barrett, 186).
During the 1960 s, there was a rise in political awareness of the Rastafarians, along with an effort
to aid them in the routinization of their movement with the rest of Jamaican society. This effort
was instigated by the present Prime Minister, Edward Seaga, who was a noted anthropologist and
sociologist. One of the results of this awareness was the participation of Rastafarians in the
Jamaica National Festivals; in which many Rastas received medals for exceptional pieces of wood
work (Barrett, 161). An example of a Rastafarian
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The Pros And Cons Of Lethal Autonomy
Lethal Autonomy is weaponized artificial intelligence. Regardless of the era, wars exist and the
weapons permeate the lives of humanity. Whether the conflicts are active or the ultimatums are
flaunted in the halls of great debate, wars are a current and future threat. Society is approaching a
waypoint by which humans will no longer fight against each other, but alongside and against
machines that possess volition. This issue has prompted the leading business owners and
scientists to present a ban against these killer robots to the United Nations in attempt to halt
development of Lethal Autonomy (LA). CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, Elon Musk, warns
that We do not have long to act. Once this Pandora s box is opened, it will be hard to close. We,
therefore, implore the High Contracting Parties to find a way to protect us all from these dangers
(Downs). Technology like LA is unknown, this is the main fear concerning weaponized Artificial
Intelligence(AI).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In reality, building something like the Terminator is not the goal of governments and tech
companies for LA. It is impossible to program a computer with all the possible outcomes in a
scenario. The goal, however, is to create a system of software that is independent of human decision
making. Lethal Autonomy works by weighing the cost of every decision and acting accordingly.
Unlike human intuition, Lethal Autonomy is intended to have multiple hosts streaming and
updating new data from its surroundings, with perfect information retrieval. With this technology,
fleets of drones could be operated by one artificial mind and be articulated with precision. Human
exhaustion and PTSD will no longer side effects from violent screen time, for the machine never
tires or is affected by the horrors of wars. The underlying fear is that with this rapidly accelerating
and seemingly omnipresent knowledge the machine could usurp human
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Networking Technology
Program:Higher National Diploma in Computing
Unit Name:Networking TechnologyUnit No.:12Number of Assignments for this unit1
Full Name
Student IDIntakeTurnitin Score %
TitlePrime BankReference12.2Assessor
Date IssuedDate DueDate Submitted
IVDate IVIV Signature
Unit Grade AwardedDMPR Assessor Comments
Note: D Distinction, M Merit, P Pass, R Refer
IV Signature (if sampled)Date IV
Assignment Feedback
Student NameCourseHND ComputingUnit No.1
Outcome/Assessment CriteriaAss Ref./IndicatorsEvidence from this assignmentTutor Comments
S1.Evaluate networks and networking approaches
пЃ¶discuss the role of networks within ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The management team of Prime Bank look forward to make an exceptional growth in the market
by providing dedicated customer service. In order to be one of the leading banks in UK,
management of Prime Bank has decided to open new branch offices at different location for their
customers. The CEO, Mr. Richard, plans to spread the offices over UK within approximately four
months time.
The important concern is the implementation of computer network at Prime Bank offices in order to
make its effective use for communication. The management is aware of the budgetary requirements
for the expansion. What is primarily required is the valuable guidance about the networking
technology, installation and administration. Mr. Richard has approached you as an expert for the


concerns Prime Bank have, while it adapts the computer network.
Task I
1.Discuss the role of networks within different organizations and the resource implications of
networks. For example, discuss how the business, academic organizations could be benefited due to
the implementation of computer networks and how the resources could be utilized in an efficient
manner with the computer network.
2.Discuss the different distributed computing approaches of peer to peer and client server networks
for Prime Bank management
3.A meeting has been scheduled between Mr. Richard, the board of directors, managers and
technical team to discuss the selection of networking approach i.e.
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Water Purification Using Natural Herbs Essay
Department of Civil Engineering,
Govt. College of Engineering, Aurangabad (M.S.) India gkp13@rediffmail.com ABSTRACT
In this paper, use of Moringa oleifera seeds for purifying water is discussed. A study was carried
out to know the efficiency of Moringa oleifera seed suspension for removal of turbidity and
hardness of water. Turbid water sample of low turbidity (50 mg/L) was prepared in the
laboratory using bentonite clay, kaolin clay and black cotton soil. Moringa oleifera seed
suspension was added as coagulant in concentration of 20, 40, 60, and 80 mg/L. The hardness
removal efficiency was checked on water sample from tube well in the vicinity of Aurangabad
city (India). The initial hardness of water sample was 284 mg/L. The dosages of Moringa
Oleifera seed suspension were 125, 250, 375 and 500 mg/L. In addition to hardness, effect on pH,
electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids and salinity was also studied. Moringa Oleifera seed
suspension was found to be effective in treating the water.
Keywords: Moringa oleifera Seed, Turbidity, Hardness and Extraction INTRODUCTION
Aluminum and ferric salts are the mainly used coagulants all over the world for treatment of water.
However, their application may have considerable disadvantages, the most important being possible
negative effect on consumers health. Several studies reported that chemical coagulants remain in
tap water after
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Food Processing And Its Effects On Population Health
The term food processing is often improperly defined. Although a lack of food processing
regulations today may pose health concerns for the modern consumer due to its association with
chemical additives and unnatural transformations, food processing in its most basic form can be
defined quite simply as any procedure undergone by foodcommodities after they have left the
primary producer, and before they reach the consumer (Welch, 2000). Therefore, food processingin
and of itself is an extremely broad industry ranging in functions that, over the course of history, has
had both beneficial and harmful effects on population health.
Food processing has a long history dating all the way back to the earliest civilizations of humanity.
From the ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and Romans to the Aztecs and Incas, early
civilizations from around the world recorded knowledge of how to preserve food with the limited
materials available. Innovators they most certainly were, the ancient civilizations managed to
preserve foods by adding salt, sun drying foods, and roasting over fire. While this may not be what
initially comes to mind when we think of food processing in a modern context today, ancient
civilizations did in fact alter the natural structure of foods thus initiating the food processing
industry with techniques that, unknowingly at the time, utilized quite a lot of science. Although
these contributions to the history of food processing were a significant
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Michelle Rhee s Analysis
Michelle Rhee is an extremely polarizing figure in the educational reform movement. She was
hired as the Chancellor of the Washington, D.C. Public School System in January, 2007. Rhee
had very little teaching experience, only three years, and she had never been in charge of a
school before. (Dingerson, 2010) Still, she had a high level of confidence and she felt that she had
a strong sense of what needed to be done to improve the schoolsystem.
At one of her first press conferences, Rhee stated, I know what the obstacles are in these systems
that are not conducive to affecting change. (Dingerson, 2010) These were haunting words to the
many veteran teachers of the DCPS , the author of this article states. (Dingerson, 2010) Michelle
Rhee came into this position in a judgmental way, not taking the time to research and study the
specific problem. Instead, she brought about sweeping changes, which focused on reducing the
power that teachers with tenure and their union had. (Dingerson, 2010)
In her first few months, Rhee demonstrated the frenetic pace of activity that became her trademark.
(Dingerson, 2010) She quickly alienated faculty and staff, and did not take the time to involve the
community at all. Her mission was to run DCPS like a business, ... Show more content on
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However, these people must be given every opportunity to succeed. If you don t provide this, the
remaining members of your team will fear that this same thing could happen to them, and distrust
ensues. Michelle Rhee s path of heavy handedness and harsh actions showed this. Her actions were
highly questionable and her results were superficial at best. Still, conservative pundits adore her.
She had been hired as an educational consultant for a great many communities and states. She has
even served as a consultant to Rick Scott, Governor of Florida. (Kain,
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Why University Patenting Is Not Common
University patenting was frowned upon because it was seen as inappropriate commercial activity.
Therefore it was quite uncommon and any patenting done was often done by individuals through
the university, and an outside organization, the Research Corporation, would handle the patenting
policies. Part of the reason why university patenting was not common was because the federal patent
policy was unclear. Some argued for a government title policy, which would give the government
credit for the inventionsince it was funded by the argument. Others argued for a government license
policy, which would give rights to the inventor s organization despite the fact that the project was
funded by the government. A uniform policy was never agreed upon... Show more content on
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In the case of university patents, the problem was that of technology transfer, moving inventions
and technology created in universities to the marketplace. The three phases involved in the
construction of the institution of university patenting were the formation of a proto institution by a
skilled actor, the development and growth of a professional community, and finally the Bayh Dole
Act. The success of the institutionalization of university patenting was due to the social skill and
resources utilized to elicit collective action. The proto institution created by the Health of
Education and Welfare s (HEW) Institutional Patent Agreements (IPA) was the start of increasing
university patenting. A proto institution is a weak version of an institution in that its goals are
often narrowly focused, but has the potential to become an institution. HEW established an IPA
waiving all inventions sponsored by Hew so that universities would not have to go through the
hassle of applying for individual waivers and could simply apply for a single IPA instead.
However not many IPAs were filed and approved because HEW did not think universities needed to
patent inventions since these universities were supposed to serve the public. However, Norman
Latker, the first patent counsel who worked for the National Institute of Health, changed IPAs. He
tended to favor the government license policy, believing that the government was incapable of
managing patent
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Step One-3 Important Events
Step one 3 important events (brainstorm)
Dad left when I was 3
Best Friends Harlie, Brianne, Kory, Kaden, Roger
Claim statement (bullet from works)
The thing that impacted my life the most was when my dad left me when I was 3
After he left, he got remarried and had a child.. I wasn t the youngest anymore
My mother got remarried and we moved to Mud Lake.. So when I moved back to Idaho Falls I
had no friends until I meant Harlie, Brianne, Kory, Roger, Kayden
Lastly, sports have been a main thing
Most people do not realize how strong little kids are; boy or girl. Kids can be put through a lot more
than imagined. Abuse, a parent leaving, someone in there family, or even a friend, dying, when you
are young the pain is multiplied. They grow up scarred for life. It is crazy how many teens and
kids go through that. What type of person would do that? How ... Show more content on
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My dad left my mom the responsibility of two very young girls. That has probably been the
biggest impact on my life, because everyone tells me they are a daddy s girl and their dad bought
them this and that. My dad was in and out of jail while he was gone. Then when I was eight
everything sorta changed my dad called us and got in contact. We didn t live with them or go
over at all but he would always come to visit me. Months passed and we were going there every
other weekend. Things were going really good for us, my mom and dad were getting along and
stopped arguing, my dad had remarried and so had my mom. We were all a big happy family, or
so we thought... Things started to get bad again and my parents got into a big fight, things were
said, things were done, and no one had gotten over it. Now again my dad is gone. No calls. No
message. He just does not care i guess by this time he has two kids and does not need his three
others. You could only imagine how heartbroken and torn daddy s little girl could be at this
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Exploring a Career as a Talent Agent Essay
Generally, most of us spend a significant amount of time of our lives in the workplace, and
therefore it is important to fully understand the roles and responsibilities of possible dream jobs
before choosing and initiating our careers. Then, whereas I plan to pursue my career goals as a
Music Agent, it is mandatory to comprehend what constitutes the work of being an agent and what
it will be expected from me in this profession. Spite of professions in the music industryarena be
considered very exciting, it can also be extremely competitive. Therefore, I aim to define this
profession s duties, identifying essential abilities to work in this field and deal with the present
competitiveness, whilst analysing which relevant skills could... Show more content on
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Moreover, another of my duties will be to arrange auditions and negotiate contracts on the behalf
of the artist or group. Therefore, great communication skills are clearly necessary, also in order
to cultivate strong relationships with record labels and venue managers; coordinate important
venue bookings and set up record deals. Notwithstanding, is quite common musicians in early
career stages to manage their career themselves and book their own shows. However, there is a
significant importance of having an agent from the start, as suggested by Teri Saccone: Some
industry experts advise that you should find an agent prior to getting a record deal as booking
artists for venues requires an unique skill and good contacts (Saccone, T., 2003:66). For this
reason, agents usually hold the key to the good shows and are able to arrange gigs for their
artists to play with bigger audiences than if they were doing all the work themselves.
Consequently, studying Public Relations can be very beneficial seeing that PR professionals
develop skills to build relationships with various publics, looking after the reputation of a company
or an individual. Then, it can enable me to build up valuables contacts and networks since
promoters, Djs, TV professionals, to music producers and record label directors, increasing
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How Does Eliot s Use Of Allusion In The Love Song Of J...
I explicitly agree that the poetry of T.S Eliot is unquestionably dominated by thought provoking
reflections which are complemented by powerful imagery, leading the reader into the state of
mind of Eliot himself. Initially, I abhorred Eliot s poetry. His poetry then, for me, represented a
confusing and exceptionally difficult body of work and I found it similarly difficult to form any
kind of genuine response to his poetry. In spite of this, over my past couple of readings, I have
formed a muscular response to his literary work. Personally, I comprehend the poetry of T.S Eliot
as being enigmatic and remarkable which I believe is shown through the power of Literary
History. Eliot s compelling use of literary allusions is incredibly conspicuous... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
T.S. Eliot s use of allusion is fundamental to the structure and themes of his early poetry. In the
poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock , Eliot uses gripping literary allusions and thought
provoking reflections, specifically influenced by Eliot s extensive reading of Dante, the poem s
epigraph being an extract from the Inferno, a work that describes a journey through Hell. This
poem also makes several references to the Bible with Prufrock comparing himself to John the
Baptist and Lazarus, suggesting that he, too, has something acute to reveal to the world,
although admitting he is no prophet neither a John the Baptist, nor a Lazarus, nor is he even a
hero. One can postulate that it is probable that Prufrock may not be a poem about good people,
but about bad ones professing to be good. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock resembles a form
of a dramatic monologue, the words of an individual speaker, who is revealing their inner thoughts
and concerns to the audience. Accordingly, Eliot makes use of a number of metaphors to convey
Prufrock s lack of confidence and self disgust, with Prufrock correlating his days and ways to
cigarette butts to convey his
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The Effects Of Pesticides On The Coffee Industry On Coffee
Coffea commonly known as a coffee plant is the member of the Rubiaceae family (USDA 2015).
While there are various species of the coffee plant, Coffee Arabica and Coffee Canephora are
mostly grown. However, between them Coffee Arabica is considered to have greater quality and
flavor. With the increase in demand of coffeewithin coffee drinkers globally, coffee has
successfully ensured its place to become the world s second largest commodity. Brazil is known
as the top manufacturer of coffee followed by countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Colombia, and
Ethiopia (USDA 2014). The rising demand for coffee has augmented the dependence of the coffee
industry on countries that grows coffee. Using pesticides on coffee fields seemed to be an ultimate
solution for farmers who were hoping for maximum productivity of coffee. Pesticides are used in
agriculturein order to protect plants from fungal diseases, pests, insects that affect the growth of
food crops. On the short run, using pesticides has an advantage as it increases the production and
the quality of coffee. However, pesticidepractices have negative issues on the environment, the
quality and the amount of coffee manufactured, and the health of the coffee drinkers and the
farmers in the long run.
The agricultural practice that involves the usage of pesticides has contributed in the exploitation of
the environment. The consumption of pesticides in countries that grows coffee has increased
rapidly over the decades. For example,
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Candide and Free Will
Voltaire s Candide is a novel that is interspersed with superficial characters and conceptual ideas
that are critically exaggerated and satirized. The parody offers cynical themes disguised by
mockeries and witticism, and the story itself presents a distinctive outlook on life narrowed to the
concept of free will as opposed to blind faith driven by desire for an optimistic outcome. The
crucial contrast in the story deals with irrational ideas as taught to Candideabout being optimistic
by Pangloss, his cheerful mentor, versus reality as viewed by the rest of the world through the
eyes of the troubled character, Martin. This raises the question of whether or not the notion of free
will is valid due to Candide s peculiar timing of his... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Under these assumptions Candide says, There can be no effect without a cause [...] The whole is
necessarily concatenated and arranged for the best (6). This philosophy that everything is fated to
be good omits the validity of free will that Candide later claims to have since he is man and
therefore above the animal world, because no matter what man does in part to shape the entirety of
his future, Candide was taught that the outcome is predestined to yield an optimistic and hopeful
reality. The belief that everything happens for a reason and where the reason is good is
incompatible with the act of free will. Therefore, any efforts of free will are futile because they
cannot change the predetermined outcome, making its concept essentially nonexistent. This logical
cycle strengthens and endorses readers ideas that free will is incongruous with faith. Candide is a
naГЇve character that is in complete control of his ideas and actions despite the influence from
others. In chapter two when he is captured by Bulgarians and given the choice between death and
running the gauntlet, he groundlessly uses his free will to receive an intense degree of torture
and anguish. He was asked which he would like the best, to be whipped six and thirty times
through all the regiment, or to receive at once twelve balls of lead in his brain. He vainly said that
human will is free, and that he chose neither the one nor the other (4). Candide tries to argue that
having free will meant
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The Issue Of Mainstream Media Bias Essay
The world is not responding to events in this country, but rather to the description of these events
by news organizations. The key to understanding the strange nature of the response is thus to be
found in the practice of journalism.... (Friedman, 2014) This article considers the concepts in
arguing that mainstream media bias exists. Exists and presents, in message and content, an
essentially biased product, in direct opposition of their industry standards declaration of
impartiality and neutrality. In an effort to establish meaning and prepare the reader this article
applies the definition of bias as applied by Grosclose and Milyo, whose paper A Measure of
Media Bias which was published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics in November of 2005 and
is still relevant today; Before proceeding, it is useful to clarify our definition of bias. Most
important, the definition has nothing to do with the honesty or accuracy of the news outlet. Instead,
our notion is more like a taste or preference (Groseclose Milyo, 2005). In the context of a
quantitative content analysis of media bias, its delivery, its targeted audience and ultimate
evaluation will determine the taste and establish preference . Through the intentional and un
intentional portrayal of an established or implied bias the target audience s opinions, ideals and
motivations are necessarily affected. Specifically, the term media in the context of this article refers
to journalistic news sources that are
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Full Body Scanners in Airports
Full Body Scanners in Airports A full body scanner that is a device that is able to detect objects
hidden under clothing by constructing a full 3 D image of a person, complete with detailed body
contours. There are presently two types of scanning technology that are used in full body
scanners: millimeter wave scanners and backscatter scanners. A millimeter wave scanner is able
to use radio waves that are of tremendously high frequencies, which are decoded in order to
produce a 3 D image. A backscatter scanner makes use of high energy rays that scatter when they
hit solid materials. This allows a backscatter scanner to generate a detailed image of the person
being scanned. Both scanners are effective at detecting contraband that may be... Show more content
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They say the low level beam does deliver a slight dose of radiation to the body but because the
beam concentrates on the skin, one of the most radiation sensitive organs of the human body,
that dose may be up to twenty times higher than first estimated. University of California
biochemist David Agard is quoted saying While the dose would be safe if it were distributed
through the volume of the entire body, the dose to the skin may be dangerously high. He adds,
Ionizing radiation such as the X rays used in these scanners have the potential to induce
chromosome damage, and that can lead to cancer. People with medical implants such as
pacemakers should avoid electromagnetic generating pulse body scanners as they can
significantly alter the waveform of the pacemaker pulse. Travelers are not informed that they
are in the line to get a full body scan until they actually see it in the process. Once a traveler
questions it, the TSA becomes suspicious and the traveler could be interrogated. There are issues
with the lack of signs in the airports informing travelers about these full body scanners and the
lack of signs informing travelers that you can opt out of them for another form of screening
method. A pro of a full body scanner is it detects items such as non metallic weapons and
explosives not picked up by metal detectors but the body scanner only scans surfaces. So, will
cavity searches be routine
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Homeland Security Chapter 9-10 Essay
Chapter 9 is committed to the study of homelands security s attempts and successes at border
patrol. Beginning with the U.S customs and Border Protection, the Border Patrol office has like
many other agencies, merged with the DHS following 9/11. The reason is because the Border
Patrol is now after 9/11 been concerned with the prevention of terrorist s entry. The Border Patrol
also merged with customs, which has a long history with border patrol. The CBP has been
charged with guarding 7000 miles of U.S Land border. The Border patrol has been very concerned
with the apprehension of terrorist following 9/11, and the border is more tightly guarded than it s
ever been. The texted then outlines the fiscal year 2010 Statistical Highlights... Show more content
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The Fugitive Operations Program removes fugitive aliens from the United States. The
Cornerstone initiative prevents criminal organizations from the cash flow they need to function.
The Cyber Crimes Center combats Internet related crimes. The U.S VISTIT program provides
visa posts, so those who visit the U.S can be properly validated. Chapter 9 dealt primarily with the
wide and expansive Border Protection programs of the DHS. Chapter 10 Deals with one of the
more important agencies following 9/11, and this agency is the TSA or (Transportation Security
Administration.) The TSA deals with a wide range of transportation systems, which includes state
and local transit systems. The TSA has not hesitated to reach out to every field of transportation,
and has its reach over the entirety of transportation. Federal Flight Deck Officer program gives the
pilot the ability to be fully armed in the cockpit. FEDOs have regulations and rules, and are meant
to protect the aircraft crew from harm. The TSA has a Canine Explosive Detection Unit, which is
useful for covering large areas. The TSA has set important risk management programs, which are
backed with technology and innovation. Maritime Security is a combination of the Coast Guard,
Customs, and Immigration. The Text then outlines the functions of Maritime Security, and how
agency s coordinate together, including plans of Maritime security and the main roles Maritime
Security play. The Coast Guard has
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Compare And Contrast Rednecks And City-Folk
In America, we are blessed to be able to mostly live wherever we want, whether that be on the
shore, in the middle of the woods, or in the densely populated cities. Each of these places has
their own faults and perks, but how different or similar are they? How much worse could it be to
live in the city than the country, or vise versa? The two stereotypical types of people, Rednecks and
Cityfolk, tend to stay loyal to their place of choice. What makes the two places so different, or
similar? Looking at the logical facts, we can see the obvious differences and similarities between
the two, but it all comes down to personal preference. The country is a beautiful place, full of a
variety of weird people. Most people that live in the country are usually associated with hunting,
fishing, beer, and large, loud trucks. There are normal people that live in the country, but most of
the time they are affected by country air. If you are not a fan of having lots of neighbors, then the
country is the right place for you. Most of the time, in the country, houses are spread much further
apart than if you were in a city.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There is a significantly smaller number of people and cars out in the country, so the pollution
isn t near as bad as it would be in a city. Just because there are less cars and people, doesn t mean
that the air in the country is perfectly clean. Those rednecks with their big trucks usually end up
not worrying out exhaust problems, or sometimes run a straight pipe, causing even more air
pollution than probably 2 or 3 cars. In the country, if you were to take a walk in the woods, you
would probably run into someone riding a quad. So just because there are less cars, doesn t mean
there aren t other ways for the air to be polluted. Although it isn t free from air pollution, the
myriad of trees allow for cleaner air to be
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Satire In Humorous Acting
Rebecca is having a long day at the office. All she wants to do is go home and watch the latest
episode of The Big Bang Theory. Then she can relax, forget the stress of work, and laugh. Sitcoms
and other forms of humorous acting give people something to look forward to. It has provided an
escape venue for millenniums. Humorous acting is a fun pastime for both the actors and the
audience, with a lot more to it than meets the eye. The definition of theatreis a form of art that is
supposed to be entertaining and appealing for the actors and audience. Comedyhas been practiced
in a recorded way since somewhere between 800 and 600 B.C. (Cassady). The Ancient Greeks
started one of the first organized forms of it. This was the first form... Show more content on
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They are all vague and can be mixed around or put into the same show or play. Most comedies
have more than one of these tenets. The first tenet is farce. Farce puts characters in an absurd
situation that then makes the play funny. Most farce stems from Shakespeare, and it is the best
documented comedy form. Irony is a verbal tenet. When a play is ironic, sarcastic comments and
retorts or common, and the opposite of what is true is believed to be true. Irony often gets bad
reviews and is considered satire. Satire is a cross between irony and parody. It is defined as
imitation with the intention of wounding or correcting someone. It s the harshest type. Parody is
similar to satire but the intentions are not as severe. Parody is the most famous tenet. Pastiche is
subtler but also similar to parody. The purpose of the imitation is often to flatter. Pastiche is
relatively benign, and lots of humorous musicals incorporate it. Surrealism is when the actor
presents a situation that isn t relevant to the perceived plot and is therefore entertaining. Slapstick
involves characters doing physically funny things like falling down or hurting themselves in
general. Slapstick is the most visual tenet of comedy. The lines of the seven basic tenets blur
together and are just
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Should Doctors Regulate Fees
It is said that doctors are being accused of overcharging their clients. Some believe that the
government should regulate the fees which doctors are allowed to charge and some believe they
shouldn t. However, I think they shouldn t regulate the fees because doctors spend countless
hours getting into a medical school to make money, it is not the doctors fault the client needed
care which is why we should take care of ourselves more, and lastly most doctors are running on
their own practice and supplies to do their job. First, people who want to go into the medical field
have to work hard for it. For example, they spent loads and loads of hours studying to get into the
program. I think it s unfair for the government to step in and try to regulate
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Adversity Horace Character Analysis
Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous conditions would have lain dormant
. These words of Horace are timeless and apply to almost all aspects of the human life. Horace
emphasizes to the audience that the bad times bring out the best in people, which would have gone
unnoticed if the times were solely flourishing. It truly takes treacherous conditions in order for
someone s character to be genuinely expressed. Sometimes this instinct happens naturally and goes
unnoticed, or they happen deliberately. The manner in which mortals act during these situations are
what builds their character to its true extent. Adversity and talent coincide with each other in order
to create life changing opportunities. Although there are several instances where our country, as a
whole has come together during tough times the attacks on September 11 is the most predominant
of them all. During this day the Twin Tower buildings were destructed by two planes, American
Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 being flown by a terrorist group, Al Quaida. In
this time of need civilians immediately rushed to the scene trying to assist those that were trapped
in the buildings. Not only did firefighters and police arrive at the scene, but... Show more content on
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Many fear the thought of adversity but, it is those who see it as an opportunity that shine in the
time it follows. Horace celebrates the fact that adversity brings out the best in people, which is
greatly reported in his quote. By way of illusion, throughout nature, ants are forced to endure harsh
circumstances on a daily basis. Several times throughout their day we humans destruct their homes
and as a result ants work together in order to build a new home for themselves. They do not do it
because they are forced to, they do it because in tough circumstances times they come together to
make amends. Humans and many different animals share this natural
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Henrietta Lacks Themes
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks reflects three main ideas throughout the story. Life, Death,
and Immortality. These ideas are carried out throughout the book to emphasize Henrietta s impact
before and after death and on the science world. HeLa cells are the most important scientific
discovery in the past 100 years. Henrietta Lacksis the donor and origin of these cells that have
helped create vaccines and treatments for many diseases and medical conditions. Henrietta Lacks
is a vibrant woman who has been diagnosed with cervical cancer at Johns Hopkins Hospital in
1951. She undergoes a biopsy procedure and the tissues that are removed are examined and
determined to be cancer. At the same time other doctors are testing her tissues to settle a difference
of opinion between... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He is convinced to allow the autopsy and Dr. Gey s assistant, Mary, is able to have samples of
tissues taken from all parts of Henrietta s body. When Mary sees Henrietta s polished toenails, she
is struck at how she is now thinking of Henrietta as a person instead of just a specimen. After
testing the cells removed during the autopsy, it is decided that HeLa will be mass produced in hopes
that scientists can find a cure for polio. Dr. Salk has developed a vaccine and the HeLa cells can
now be used to test out his theory. HeLa cells were being sent everywhere by train, plane and
truck to anyone who wanted to use them. Dr. Gey shared his growing culture recipe and his auto
stir invention with his colleagues. Advances in DNA, human genetics, in vitro fertilization, stem
cells and cloning all came as a result of HeLa cells. After the autopsy is complete Henrietta s
body is taken to Clover for her funeral. The day of the funeral is rainy and windy. At the precise
moment that her coffin is lowered, at violent wind and downpour hits the burial and family
members believe it is a sign from
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Summary Of Mockingjay
Through the course of her Mockingjay duties, Katniss sees first hand what the Capital has done
and is willing to do. Prim is now a medic helping the wounded, and Gale is a soldier in the
rebellion. Katniss lays her conditions to President Coin in order for her to assume the role of the
Mockingjay. The conditions include rescuing Peeta and the other Victors from the Capital, and
they will be granted full immunity. The Conditions are met, and to make sure Coin holds her side
of the agreement, Katniss has Coin read off all of her demands to all of District 13. Katniss goes
to the different Districts to try and get them on the side of the rebellion. When Peeta is rescued, the
doctor s in 13 find out that the Capital has tortured him and used the
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The Reasons For The European Age Of Exploration
The European Age of Exploration, a period from the early 15th century continuing into the 17th
century, brought about expansion, technology, and nation building with explorer ships traveling
the seas in a search for a new trading routes and new land. There was a multitude of motivations
for the European nations want to fund explorers who desired to take on the challenges of
exploration. Though the motives for exploration were different, in many ways they were the same.
The rulers and leaders of the European nations had much the same main motivations driving the
push for exploration. The driving motivations of European exploration were the acquiring of
wealth, the want for glory, the search for new and ease of trade routes, the need of natural
resources, and the spreading of religion.
Competition between the Portuguese and the Spanish motivated both nations to seek colonization
of the New World quickly and aggressively. Prince Henry the Navigator spearheaded Portugals
exploration of Africa and the Atlantic in the 1400s [Saylor]. Portuguese sailors successfully
navigated an eastward route to West Africa, where they established a trading foothold. Portugal
then spread its empire down the western coast of Africa to the Congo, along the western coast of
India, and eventually to Brazil and the Atlantic islands. While the Portuguese did not rule over a
large mass of multiple colonies, their strategic holdings of islands and coastal ports gave them
almost unrivaled control of
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Summary Of The Middle English Breton Lay Sir Freine
The following close reading concerns itself with the Middle English Breton Lay Sir DegarГ©,
though speculative, the poem s composition has been dated to the 14th Century and the poem
survives in six manuscripts and three early printed editions, it is a romance of high antiquity,
preserved in the Auchinleck MS. Some suggest that the poem takes clear inspiration from the
Middle English translation of Marie de France s Le Fresne: Lay le Freine. Moreover, some
propose that Sir DegarГ© is more accurately described as an emulation, believing it to be more
an imitation made up from a variety of stories, as it borrows not only motifs but direct phrasing
from Lay Le Freine. Not only do both texts share a similar rhyming scheme, rhyming couplets, and
semi alliterative lines, they are also similar in relation to common genre conventions. In this
respect, the Breton Lay has been understood by many to be the predecessor to the modern fairy
tale, and indeed, Sir DegarГ© is enveloped in themes such as love, the supernatural, and critically,
the correlation between the two constructs of gender, which themselves are manifested in the
modern day fairy tale.
The opposition is apparent between the two constructs of gender, man was glad a blithe , (joyful)
(155) whereas the princess siked an sorewed swithe. (sickened and sorrowed) (156) This disparity
underlines the attitudes that permeate this text, considering the atrocity that has occurred, it is
sickening to comprehend. Alluringly,
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Nashob A Utopian Society
A Utopian society was an imagined community that would posse highly desirable or nearly
perfect civilization for people. There were many in America but none of them fully made it as a
Utopian society. The first three Utopian cities created were called New Harmony, New
Philadelphia Colony, and Nashoba. All three of them have gone through many challenges, but if
these Utopian communities worked out it would have helped for so much in providing for the
citizens that lived in the community. It would change how everything started into who we are now.
I will be talking about them three societies. New Harmony is a historical town on the Wabash
River in Harmony Township, Posey County, in the U.S. state of Indiana. The society was
established in 1814, the town was originally known as Harmony (or... Show more content on
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The Nashoba Community was an experimental project of Francis Fanny Wright, initiated to educate
and emancipate slaves. It was located in present day Germantown, Tennessee, a Memphis suburb,
along the Wolf River. It was a emancipation plan in which no slaveholders would lose money for
emancipating slaves. Wright proposed that, through a system of unified labor, the slaves would be
able to buy their freedom and then be transported to the independent settlements of Liberia and
Haiti. Wright was strongly influenced by Robert Owen and his utopian community, New Harmony,
Indiana. Surviving for 3 years, Nashoba outlasted New Harmony. Write imagined that if her
experimental community was successful, its methods could be applied throughout the nation.
Nashoba is remembered as an egalitarian, interracial community, but it did not reach any of its
goals. Wright left Nashoba in 1827 for Europe to recover from malaria. During her absence, the
trustees managed the community, but by Wright s return in 1828, Nashoba had
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Socrates Argument On Fearing Death
Fearing Death
Socrates is taken to trial by his accusers for damaging and undignified the minds of the youth and
not believing the gods, but believing in his own conception. Basically what Socrates did was
encourage youth to question their authority and values. Socrates argued that he could not be
charged with corrupting the youth because then that would mean that everybody helps the youth.
And if he did not mean to damage the youth then he should be instructed not punished. Socrates
explains that his accusers charge and reasoning are not logical and do not make sense therefore,
he should not be punished. Unfortunately his accusers did not see it the way he did and were
not convinced so not only did he lose the trial, but he was sentenced to death. Even though he
was sentenced to death his sense of self did not diminish, as claimed that death should be looked
at as bad. I will explain the reasons why one might think that we should not fear death. I will also
explain Socrates argument on why we should not fear death. In addition, since I disagree with
Socrates, I will explain the reasons why we, as living organisms, absolutely should fear death.
Socrates states that we should not Fear Death
Socrates says that we, as human beings should not fear death. He says that the only reason we ...
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He explains that he believes that there is only one realm for an essence to make its place. And
since our soul has transferred into a different realm, then that means that we must exist in that
world. Socrates clarifies that if every essence goes to one single dimension, then that means every
soul that has ever existed, good or bad, resides there. Socrates expand on that idea saying that there
are many great minds that had passed away before him that he would like to converse and
exchange wisdom with that he had not had the chance to do with while he was
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  • 2. The Modern Scientific Origin Story The Merriam Webster dictionary defines the term nothing as one of no interest, value, or consequence (merriam webster.com). However, this nothingness embarked the start of the Modern Scientific Origin Story. This origin story is far from other origin stories as it uses the different branches of science to put great detail and truth to how the universebegan. This story is also composed of a series of the different thresholds of increasing complexity, these thresholds mark the events that happened after the expansion of the universe that is impossible to turn back to or repeat. The biggest mystery of the universe is how nothing turned into something. As a matter of fact, no scientist or intellect can tell what exactly are the ingredients ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In spite of this, how could life possibly emerge? The answer is within the skies. It rained for millions of years and seas of lava eventually turned into seas of water, becoming a gateway for life to possibly emerge. Along with this are the other goldilocks conditions such as energy and chemical elements, mostly carbon which Earth is in abundance of. So now that the Earth became a hospitable place in which life could emerge, how did it really emerge? Life emerged under the oceanic vents where simple elements formed amino acids that are keys to creating protein and nucleotides that are keys to creating DNA the deoxyribose nucleic acid is the key to life as it contains genetic information for what is to come. Life came from the oceanic vents which had enough heat energy and chemical energy to form the first prokaryotes the simplest form of cells without a nucleus and was created through photosynthesis. Then it evolved into something that is more complex which is the eukaryote which now has a nucleus and organelles that are crucial to life. As life in water emerged and the eukaryotes bonded together creating multi celled organism, the development of brains made it possible for life to move to land. This sudden event created mammals which unlike aquatic animals, have fur and the more obvious qualities of life. These qualities are what scientists call as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Essay on criminal law esssay English law has been subject to being described as unprincipled and inconsistent in its approach to the question of whether the failure to act is a sufficient basis for criminal liability. This is due to a range of factors an example of which being the collection of convictions passed to defendants who have been charged with a crime, which did not involve a positive or direct action. In addition for those who have not been convicted, it is questionable whether the law is unprincipled as it is unclear about the moral obligationthat individuals have to act and when a moral obligation is a legal obligation. There is also uncertainty regarding what is a sufficient basis for criminal liability as each case is different and it is difficult to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lord Diplock stated, I see no rational ground for excluding from conduct capable of giving rise to criminal liability conduct which consists of failing to take measures that lie within one s powers to counteract a danger that one has created 3. This statement emphasises that the focus is the danger created however the crime is damaging property thus the argument being used to prove his guilt does not quite match the crime as no one beside himself would have been harmed. In fact, ВЈ800 of damage was done thus maybe a fine would have been more appropriate sanction than a sentence. It can thus be suggested that the law requires individuals to put right that which goes wrong 4 and in not doing so, the defendant may have become a victim of the judges morals impacting the case ultimately suggesting that although there is no written law, individuals are essentially forced into behaving in a manner which would be considered noble. This also suggest that the law is unprincipled in its approach to deciding weather the failure to act should result in criminal liability. The case of R v Stone, R v Dobinson further supports this argument as the defendants have also been convicted on the failure to act, however, it could be argued that in comparison to Miller, Stone and Dobinson have no direct cause of the incident. According to Ashworth, there are three principals that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. What Occurred During The Middle Ages The Chivalry period lasted almost 5 centuries and took place during the Middle Ages in western Europe. It grew as a mass in the 12th century, stood still during the 13th century and then decayed during the last 3 centuries of its lifetime. The Age of Chivalry took place in the Middle Ages. During the Middle Ages, nobles started to fight one another contantly. Some empires and estates becames better at it and improved over the time. Which cause by the 1100s to for a code of behaviour or a standard to survive in battle. The Code of Chivarly was a standard everyone knew about a knight. They were said to be loyal, brave, outstanding and very confident of what they are doing. At the begining warriors fought on foot, but ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Classical feudalism, which developed in and after the 10th century. It was only toward the year 1000 that the term fief began to be used instead of benefice. Feudalism was a contractual system of political and military relationships. It was characterized by giving someone fiefs in return of politcal or military services. The feudal method of holding land was by fief; the grantor of the fief was the suzerain, or overlord, and the recipient was the vassal.This formal procedure served to cement the personal relationship between lord and vassal; after the ceremony the lord invested the vassal with the fief, usually by giving him some symbol of the transferred land. Honors or rights, as well as land, could be granted as fiefs. With the advent of hereditary succession and primogeniture, renewal of the
  • 5. fief by the heir of the deceased became customary, and little by little the fief became hereditary. The feudal system rested on the unsettled conditions of the times and thus on the need of the lord for armed warriors and the need ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Analyzing the Teaching Profession Paramount importance in the treatment and education of man has the position and work of teaching. The teacher has always been the mainstay of intellectual and cultural progress of any society and the cornerstone of personal happiness every man. So, it be perceived the importance of this profession for man and society. It is no coincidence that everybody who exercise this profession should be at alert and disseminates the values and knowledge in children with the best way. This requires a constant struggle, who leads to professional development. But how does it achieve? The professional development starts and ends from schoolclass. Every teacher is confronted with human resources and invests on it. Examines each student as individually and as a whole. Identifies specificities, knowledge gaps and skills, which students have, and try to adjust your learning and teaching to become more efficient. To achieve this required a conscious updating of his professional knowledge and improving of his professional competences. Occasionally organized various courses / workshops related to education. These workshops are an opportunity for teachers to enhance their knowledge and presenting new teaching methods, which can utilize in the classroom. It also organized training sessions or seminars in which teachers and / or researchers presented the results of their research which took part in their schools, and discuss problems of education. Through this constructive discussion everyone ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. The Island Of The Galapagos Archipeggio Isabela Island, the largest island of the GalГЎpagos archipeggio, seemed to rise straight out of the water. The sedimentary rock cliffs were rusty brown, but were covered with life. Red and black crabs rested on the surface, while blue footed boobies gracefully dived into the water to catch sardines. Baby nazca boobies peered out of their nests to see a small inflatable boat, known as a panga, bobbing in the water. Our guide, Christina, enthusiastically shared her knowledge of these animals to my family. This wildlife viewing boat ride was our plan for the afternoon. But things changed. As things always change. The sun was starting to set in the west, over the Bolivar Channel. The sea seemed calm, but a bird would occasionally skim the surface. My family and I watched the horizon intently. The Bolivar Channel was known for having the best marine wildlife viewings in the GalГЎpagos. In the far distance, water was displaced. Mist flew in the air, forming the shape of a miniature fountain. Could it be a whale spout? Or was it just my imagination? Quietly, I told my sister Raley. However, it was not quiet enough. Christina heard and immediately started to scour the area with her binoculars. What if there was no marine life in the area? I was convinced I would die of embarrassment. Suddenly, Christina dropped her binoculars. I see it! It s a whale spout! Immediately, our panga raced off full speed to the location of the whale spout. However, as we inched closer to our ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Student Observation Mrs. Oberlander and Ms. Orzechowski were interviewed regarding their concerns for Luis. They shared that he is currently functioning at a Kindergarten/first grade level. Luis is currently using LEXIA for reading approximately 20 minutes a day. The team would like resources to work on sight words, phonics, and reading comprehension. The team would like resources to keep Luis motivated. During break time he chooses between CoolMathGames, StarFall, and Razzkids. Luis is pushed into his regular educationclassroom during specials, lunch, and during dismissal. The team also shared that he is currently using Handwriting Without Tears and FUNdations. Mrs. Oberlander would also like speech to text explored with Luis. Luis has a short attention... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Luis was initially working on counting money. When Luis had difficulty remembering the answer he stated verbally, he was provided with choice options by Mrs. Oberlander. After counting money, Luis was provided with a choice to complete a coloring page or to practice telling time. Luis chose telling time. Mrs. Oberlander explained that after he completed the four worksheets, he could have a 5 minute break on the computer with the Cool Math icon. Luis worked diligently on the worksheets and notified the staff when he completed each worksheet. Mrs. Oberlander checked Luis work in progress and provided positive reinforcement for the work he completed. While Luis was working, Mrs. Oberlander praised Luis for improving his behavior. After completing telling time worksheets, Luis transitioned to a sight word activity where he colored in the shapes with the identified word. Mrs. Oberlander discussed with Luis that if his good behavior continued through tomorrow, he would be rewarded with an ice cream for Fun Friday. When Luis asked to use the restroom, Mrs. Oberlander asked him to finish the task first and then he could use the restroom. Luis came back and began the worksheet. Once again, Mrs. Oberlander reviewed her expectations with Luis. Luis continued to have prompting and Mrs. Oberlander explained that he only had two worksheets before break. Mrs. Oberlander reviewed Luis visual schedule and what he will be doing up until ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Frederick Douglas s The Declaration Of Independence July 4th is the day celebrated when America gained declared independence from Great Britain. It s been celebrated every year as a country since the adoption of the Declaration of Independence since 1776. In 1852, the 5th of July, Frederick Douglas was asked to speak in front of northern abolitionists in New York of the holiday and the subject of independence and freedom. Frederick Douglas would be the ideal person to speak about freedom. At the time in 1850 s he was an African Americanman who had gained his freedom from slavery. He had taught himself how to read and write, which was uncommon for an Africa American to do, during slave hood. Most slaveholders at this time would want to keep their slaves illiterate. This was an era where Northern states were just beginning to nurture the idea of abolition. Being an abolitionist was still dangerous and censored in the south, and most northerners were just anti slavery, the difference between the two was one wanted the end of slavery total (abolitionists) and the other just wanted to stop the spread of slavery in new states and territories (anti slavery). Frederick Douglas, because of his first hand experience with slavery and his literacy, began to make friends among the abolitionists in the North and would be the best person to speak about freedom. He then uses this as a chance to persuade, particularly northern, people into becoming abolitionist by pointing out the irony in him speaking about the holiday of independence, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Chronological Accuracy Of The Return Of Martin Guerre The chronological accuracy that The Return of Martin Guerre film portrays can throw the viewer off at first. The film begins with the marriage of a young couple who are both around the age of fourteen. The audience is then introduced to a young woman, who is recalling the events that had just taken place. The film jumps back and forth several times, reflecting on the events that took place 8 10 years before. The film takes place in the middle on the sixteenth century France. Several years past, roughly 8 when Martin returns, Martin is able to conceal his identity for around 2 years before he is taken in front of the judge. For both Ethan and Sami, the beginning was difficult to follow. However once realizing who the young woman was and the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Though only a year or two has passed, it is plausible. Jack uses everything he has learned in the war to help his town thrive. Not knowing the real Jack, created a positive view of the imposter Jack. The imposter Jack s change of heart, became his weakness. Both films tell a story of a father returning home after leaving to fight in the war, only to be discovered as imposters. However, both are set in entirely different eras, one in sixteenth century France and the other in eighteenth century Southern states of U.S.A. Knowing the back story of the characters, help the audience in forming a bond. with the imposters. Also, seeing their determination to help their village grow and become successful helps further that bond. However, Sommersby main character the imposter Jack, treasured the bond that he had with the villagers. Becoming a respected figure in his town, he sacrificed his own life for his wife. Laurel s status in the village remains the same, since the imposter Jack s death. The villagers are repairing well needed repairs to the town, and they crops are growing more than ever. The chronological order the film Sommerby, gives shows the change of character of the imposter Jack and the true husband that he was. In The Return of Martin Guerre, the chronological order used, helped establish the actions taken by Martin s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Hawaii Beach Research Paper Who does not love the beach? The twenty first century, a little opportunity to engage people from work to come out. The field trips are the most bhramanapipasu saikatakei want to choose. Of the world s top 11 beaches in the event today. Our Cox s Bazar sea beach in the world s longest sea beach, but for various reasons did not take place in 11 countries. Agrahatakei tourists here are really big. 1. Kaanapali Beach, Hawaii, US Pacific island of Hawaii. This small town in the United States. There is a beach in Hawaii. The most beautiful beach in the kaanapali. Hawaii is located in the western end of the maoyi. The three mile stretch of one of the most attractive tourist spots in the world bicati. The position of the world s best luxury hotels and resorts. White sand and clear blue waters of the sea, the excellent combines kaanapali Beach. Bicajure lush green herb, which has increased its beauty. Bicatira near the small rocky peninsula in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Cathedral Cove, New Zealand: New Zealand beach in the local language is called Maureen hoyanguni in hey. Cathedral Cove is located bicati karomyandala Peninsula. Its sloping hills on one side and the blue sea. Excellently up to the mountain to enjoy the beauty of the sea. Kramana mountain slopes of the stadium has been reduced to the beach. The beach sand is very soft. Hiking to the stormy sea is quite enjoyable. Cathedral Cove beach and a half million tourists a year visit. 4. Copacabana Beach, Brazil: Brazil s Atlantic coast bicati a beautiful beach in the world. There are only 4 kilometers long bicatira two ends of the two historic seaport. Bicati located in the famous city of Rio de Janeiro. No key on Rio! Excellent for all fashion shop, jewelery store, movie theater and drama, the world s best restaurants and nightclubs, including the Municipal Theatre. The Samba dance? Here it is! Samba dance with classical music. You can wake up and dancing with the dancers, just a few yards away from the ocean blue ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Example Of Perspective Analysis Perspective is defined as a point of view. From perspective, views can be altered, opinions can be created, and lives can be changed. Throughout the literature that we have read this school year, perspective is a cause of the all the conflicts. Perspective is the way that a person views a situation or another person, which leads to a positive or negative relationship. When opinions in novels conflict, the views are significantly altered. For instance, in the novel Speak, after Melinda Sordino called the police to rescue her from the party, I called 911 because I needed help, (Anderson 136), the views on Melinda were completely changed causing her middle school lab partners or gym buddies [to] glare at [her], (3). Only because she called the police, her entire school completely detested her and despised being in the same vicinity as her. After losing all of her friends... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For instance, when the British officer in the novel Lord of the Flies, found the young boys on the island, he claims that their experience on the island was entirely fun and games, creating the opinion that they were only immature boys who saw being trapped on the island as a fun adventure. Also because Jack and Ralph s perspective towards being on the island were completely different, negative opinions of each other emerged. Jack wanted to hunt for pigs while Ralph s main goal was to figure out the way off of the island. The conflict between goals was the drive or motive for the vicious and murderous attacks between the two groups. Another way that perspective was able to create opinions was when Carton confessed his unconditional love for Lucie to Lucie. Her perspective of Carton being a write off, was changed because she now understood that there was more to Sydney Carton than what he actually let on. Through perspective, more information and reason is added to the conflict between the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Cyber Crime Prevention Is Not Only A Continuing Problem Applications Cyber Crime Prevention Internet security is not only a continuing problem, but an increasing one. Yet, many companies do not have adequate internet security measures in place. To help businesses thwart cyber criminals operating over the internet, several steps are recommended. First, before deciding to use the internet for business purposes, organizations should articulate how they intend to use the internet (e.g., e commerce; marketing web site; communication with business partners, customers, suppliers). Once this information is articulated, the company should next assess what risks are associated with each of the uses. Risks are the quantifiable likelihood that a financial investment will result in loss for the investor. A high riskinvestment is associated with both a higher probability of loss and a possibility of greater return on investment. Risk assessment is the process of determining the potential loss and probability of loss of the organization s objectives. In doing risk assessment, the organization needs to take into account the probability of various types of cyber attacks and the cost to the organization if these attacks occur. Potential costs could result from computer downtime, loss of data, loss of reputation in the marketplace, or even law suits in reaction to preventable theft of identity or other information. A number of risks can occur as a result of cybercrime including destruction of data, interference with business operations, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. One On One Observation After reading chapter thirteen and fourteen, I have chosen to do my observation on a show called One on One and the I Carly show. While watching One on One, the main characters in this show was Breanna, who was the daughter, Arnez, who was Breanna best friend, Spirit, who was Breanna and Arnez s best friend, and Breanna s dad, whose name was Flex. Breanna has an outfit that looks way back from the 90 s. She is kind of the laid back member of the group. Her favorite part of the outfit is her earring hoops because she wears the in almost every episode. Breanna s gestures look very fun. She loves to get very hype and dance a lot. As the volume was on mute, I observed that in this episode, she was very happy and laughed a lot. Breanna s facial expressions was that throughput the ten minutes of watching the episode, it seemed like she joked a lot.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He has on pants and a shirt, which says that he s just looking to have a chilled day in this episode. Arnez s gestures seem to be slow and focused on things. For example, when he is talking to someone, he seems to be focused on them and only them. He also looks them directly in the eye. Arnez s facial expression seemed to be a little serious. Spirit s dress outfit says that she loves to make her own style. Spirit is a fashion designer in the show. She loves creating her own outfit. In this episode, her outfit has assorted colors, and she has her hair in a nice her style, such as braids and it is curled towards the end of the braid. Spirit s has a lot of hand gestures when talking. Seems like she communicates a lot with her hand gestures within the show. Spirit s facial expressions seem to be very concerning. Flex s dress is more like a business attire in this episode. Flex has strong and demanding gestures. His facial expressions seem to be mad all the time or confused when ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Health Care Services Service Services At present, the services sector continues to experience increasingly large growth, which occupies a privileged position in the country s economy. The health service is situated in this part because of the essential services that it provides for individuals, community health and peoples. Furthermore, the healthsituation in a community presents an understandable picture of the extent of economic, social and cultural development, which is why countries aspire to make progress and to increase interest in the services provided by health institutions. Undoubtedly the health care service is facing an increasingly complex challenge regarding the provision of high quality services. According to the complexity of health care services and systems, exploring and explaining the availability, utilisation, costs, quality and accessibility; the delivery and continuity of health care services is the key to informing government officials, health insurers, health providers, and the public and decision makers on the subject of health related issues. Therefore, deciding health care needs and providing correct reactions to them ought not to be just the employment of specialists. Rather, it must include the cooperation of different specialists who work with and in the health care system consistently (Ashworth et al., 1992). In spite of the fact that suppliers recognise that they need to accomplish something (i.e., order a test, prescribe medication) to meet patients expectations regarding the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. I Am An Active Participant While it is important that my students are enjoying my class, one of the ways I am able to tell that my students are excelling is their ability to demonstrate their growth through assessments. Although it is important students are excelling, it is also important that students are able to be an active participant in their own growth. Effective teachers allow students to constantly reflect on how they are doing in class and how they are meeting classroom goals. Assessment reflectionultimately influences how teachers and learners continue to access material.After teachers have tracked the data of students, it is then important that they are using a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas. Standard 6 states that teachers should use a variety of assessments to ensure students are reaching their goals. My first piece of evidence includes three different assessments. Each assessment addresses a different kind of learner. For example, the first assessment is an exit ticket that allows me to see how students have grasped information at the end of the period. The last assessment I have included is a writing assessment. After students took the writing assessment, I then recorded their writing scores as demonstrated in my second piece of evidence. I carefully monitor both my student s reading and writing progress. In order to engage my students in their own own growth, I provide ample opportunities for students to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Essay On Aviation Professionals Aviation Professionals People who work as aviation professionals seek devices with very specific set of features. These devices need to be light weighted and there should be no communication problems as these professionals need to communicate with the base. In addition to that, this communication takes place at regular intervals. Thus, the voice clarity provided the headset needs to be nothing less than exceptional. Aviation professionals need to wear the device for long spans of time whether they are pilots or working in any other sector of this industry. They require the device to be highly comfortable to wear so that they do not feel any kind of irritation during flights. This exceptional headset company has a complete list of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is quite hard to wear a headset for the entire work shift if it is not comfortable to wear. If you opt for this high standard headset company, you can get your hands on the most comfortable and good to wear hearing devices. These devices have a proper soft padding on the speakers and users are able to wear them even for a complete day without any kind of discomfort. Stock Traders Taking calls is an integral part of the job duties that stock traders perform. First of all, these professionals need to watch trade market screens and communicate with various people at the same time. People call them to know about the status of their investments, market conditions and various other details as well. The calls are not restricted to office hours only and stock brokers even get calls even after they are home. Stock Traders usually prefer wireless headsets with on the ear design that have a good standby time. With this dependable headset brand by your side, you can get your hands on headsets which are perfectly suitable for the headset industry. These devices have a very impressive talk time so that stock professionals can take important calls without their device running out of power. Most headsets used by stock brokers have a minimum continuous talk time of 6 hours. These headsets have exceptional noise cancellation options. This headset brand is not like headset companies which merely talk about noise cancellation options and their customers get disturbed while ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Analyzing The Poem The Frog Prince Is a poem without any specific sound easy to understand? Possibly not! In most poems, a poet uses assonance or consonance to draw special attention to specific parts of the poem. A poem with assonance or vowels tells the reader about how low or high the sound is, giving them a sense of the emotion of the character or the poet at that specific part. On the other hand, consonance determines the friction or tone of a word or line, telling the reader when to slow down or when to read faster. Assonance and consonance helps to create rhymein poems; a rhyme is a repeated sound at the end of each line that unifies the structure of the poem. In the poem, The Frog Prince by Robert Pack, assonance and consonance are repeated to create a smooth rhyme.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pitch is defined as the quality of the sound. He uses words and sounds with same pitch at the end of every line to form a unified structure to easily catch the reader s consideration. For instance, the first four lines end with surprise , frame , body , and name (lines 1 4, p735) and all of these words have the sound of se (ee), me (ee), y (ee), me (ee) at the end. Since e has a high pitch, these words are very quick to pronounce and they create a unified structure. However, line 5, The joy she must have felt to learn , disrupts the unity of the structure, because it has an ugh sound in it which is low pitch it doesn t rhyme well with the first four lines. To recapture, the reader s attention Pack ends line 6 and 8 with phases such as wonder and under. These words create a rough er or rh sound which indicates a major and drastic change in the princess life. Moreover, line 10, 12, and 14 end with a heavy dah sound. For example, it takes a lot of energy to pronounce the following words: read , bed , and said. Overall, the dah sound beautifully executes the dramatic shift in mood, from the frog s transformation into a prince to the princess mother s confrontation of the prince and princess in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Childhood Language And Language Development Essay In the Oxford dictionary, Discourse is defined as a human oral or written communications between. Word allows people to express their thoughts and ideas through grammar, pronunciation, etc., and understand complex issues. For children in terms of education, language is a vital part of the development of education. People s daily dialogue, learning, etc. are all required language skills. It requires the use of language between people convey their ideas. So in early childhood education, the development of language is very important. This article will relate to theories about early childhood language learning, content at different stages of children s language development, the adult children of the relationship between language and language development, and so on. National methodology is a branch of sociology is the study of how people organize and understand the activities of daily life (Wardhaugh, 1986). That National methodology considered different languages used by different social groups. Ethnomethodologists example is the study of the relationship between children and adults, such as everyday conversations, telephone conversations, and so on (Wardhaugh, 1986). According Wardhaugh (1986) ethnomethodology should contain a SPEAKING , which setting, participants, ends, act, keys, instrument, norms, genre. Setting refers to the interaction of the social environment, such as school; participants refers to the person speaking, ends means the usual exchange of personal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Lady Macbeth Newspaper Article Death! In a turn of events Macbeth, the lord of Scotland, has been killed by Macduff, the Thane of Fife. Macbeth was murdered at his castle at Dunsinane. The King of Scotland s reign of terror was no more, when Macduff was seen carrying Macbeth s decapitated head yesterday afternoon. He has proved himself to be one of the most corrupt kings in all of Scotland s history. Macbeth was killed during the battle between the soldiers of his army and a force of English soldiers and rebel Scots led by Malcolm. Macbeth was beheaded by Macduff, only hours after the death of Lady Macbeth, in revenge for the brutal murder of Macduff s family. Malcolm has succeeded in raising an army in England, and Macduff joins him as he rides to Scotland to challenge Macbeth s forces. Macduff, used wood form the Birnam Forest to hide his army from detection. When Macbeth got word that the trees from the Birnam forest were moving towards the castle at Dunsinane he ordered his army ready. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the battle, Macbeth stroked violently, but the English forces gradually overwhelm his army and castle. Reporters believe that Macbeth thought he was invulnerable to the power of man who was born of a woman. Macbeth boasts that he cannot be killed by any man born of woman. On the battlefield, Macbeth encounters the vengeful Macduff, who declares that he was not of woman born but was instead untimely ripped from his mother s womb. Reporters believe that is why he was destined to kill Macbeth. Macbeth realized that he was doomed. Macbeth continues to fight until Macduff kills and beheads ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Discourse Community Of The Modern Day Christian Church Everyone in the world believes in some kind of religion. Whether it s Christianity, Buddhism, Muslim, Atheism, etc. Each one of those religions is so unique and so diverse in the fact that they all have different values, beliefs, morals, dialogue, actions, and more. That being said, I have chosen to observe and write about the discourse community of the modern day Christian church. The Christian church has many different values, morals, and beliefs. Some examples are forgiveness, compassion, reconciliation, and unconditional love. Some of these values are very obvious when observing the discourse community, whereas some are more subtle and hard to catch. As I sat in the cafГ© of the church, I noticed a lot of communication going... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What I mean by this is simply that they may do things that other people don t. Fr example, praying. Everyone has some form of meditation; whether it s sitting in the beauty of nature enjoying the peace, some kind of yoga or Pilates, maybe even sitting at a bar. Whatever it is, it s calming to you in some way as is praying to Christians. They do this as something to take comfort in. They do this when things aren t going their way and they need help, or when they feel lonely, or when someone else in their life needs help with a situation they rely on their God to step in and take the lead. While observing the church, saw so many different things that I don t see often in other places like smiling. Everyone seemed so happy and was smiling as if they had no worries, and they seemed real. This is one of those things that is easy to miss or really easy to see. Personally, as being part of the discourse community I can honestly say that it s because people feel more joy in the presence of God, but it could be so many different things and why I noticed smiles more in the church rather than anywhere else is beyond ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Apocalypse Now Madness Throughout the IOP s presented in class, my knowledge of themes throughout the novel Heart of Darkness has grown to a much deeper level of understanding. I have come to the realization that Francis Ford Coppola s movie Apocalypse Now is an adaptation of Joseph Conrad s book Heart of Darkness which is important to understand because although Apocalypse Nowtakes place during the Vietnam War, and Heart of Darkness in the African Congo, we are able to see the messages of the madness due to war and colonization in both works (Gale). I would like to bring up the role of madness demonstrated throughout both Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness. Throughout Apocalypse Now, madness is demonstrated by Captain Miller killing Captain Kurtz, shown ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Shakespeare s Macbeth Creating Sympathy for Macbeth The dark aura surrounding Shakespeare s Macbeth is well deserved, as is the darkness shrouding its title character. Although Macbeth is certainly a villainous, evil man based solely on his actions, a fuller examination of his character s portrayal leads to a more sympathetic view of him. The play does not portray Macbeth simply as a cold blooded murderer, but rather as a tortured soul attempting to deal with the atrocities surrounding him. Before any of the murderous activity occurs, Macbeth does not experience small, ambiguous premonitions, he is directly told by mysterious, dark figures things that are ordained to happen. Although these mysterious prophecies seem doubtful at first, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although it certainly does not excuse his actions, the fact that she planned the murders, encouraged him to lie and deceive the other nobles at the banquets, basically convinced him to carry the initial murder out, and repeatedly attempted to make him forget the act and move on, would seem to partially incriminate her. If Macbeth had a wife who was a stark contrast to him, one who abhorred murder and attempted to talk him out of it, then his crime would have seemed all the more horrendous since even his closes confidant advised him against it. As it is, Lady Macbeth s twisted cruelty and conniving serve to further a small sense of sympathy for the guilty Macbeth. An important aspect of Macbeth s portrayal is that he shows extreme remorse after the killing of Duncan, and attempts to avoid killing Macduff due to the guilt he feels for all the other murders he has committed. While his wife feels just a little water will cleanse them from the deed, Macbeth s own answer to his question Will all great Neptune s ocean wash this / blood clean from my hand? is a resounding no. Macbeth realizes the severity of his act and guilt, and this is central in evoking a sense of sympathy from the audience. Macbeth knows that he has done wrong; most can attempt to feel some sympathy or forgiveness for someone who knows they have done wrong and suffers constantly for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Manager Of Phelpstech, Llc Introduction : According to the given scenario, the boss of PhelpsTech, LLC company wants to replace the old XP window system with the Linux operating system. So I have prepared a Linux Implementation Proposal as asked by my boss, the Chief Technical Officer Katie Ledecky. Our company also wants to replace the current desktop/laptop configuration for window XP and for window 7. Changes In Hardware Requirement : We have to change some hardware parts for proper users of the Linuxoperating system. One issue that is slowly or gradually getting to be non existent is hardware support. Quite a while back, on the off chance that you needed to install Linux on a system, you needed to make sure you hand picked all of hardware or your establishment would not work 100%. I can remember or recall, in 1997 ish, trying to make intellect of why I cannot get Red Hat Linux or Caldera Linux to understand my modem. After plentiful of looking around, I discovered I was the content owner of a Winmodem. So I wanted to go out and purchase a US Robotics outside modem because that was the one modem I knew would work. That is less the case now. You can take a PC (or tablet) and in all possibility get one or more Linux distributions to install and work about 100 % (100 percent). At any rate, there are still a few individual cases. For example, suspend/sleep remains an issue with many portable PCs, despite the fact that it has come a long way. We have to change the hardware requirements current t ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The African Child Soilder The African Child Soldiers The child soldier is described as a pint sized, tireless baby Rambo who spends his or hers tender years roaming the battlefields of Africa s civil wars. African children are being targeted across the continent as tools of war. In today s day and age, children from all over the world are real soldiers in conflicts instead of playing toy soldiers. These children are being denied their childhood and instead are given a violent and gruesome role to play in brutal conflicts. These children are fighting wars that they had no responsibility in creating. Children are fighting in wars created by their elders. Children are replacing their toys with guns, like AK 47 s and instead of having a chance to attend ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore, children were usually forced into such dangers as the frontlines of open conflict or either sent ahead of other troops to ensure that possible minefields were safe, whilst in rare cases children have also been used in suicide missions. In addition to this, the majority of child soldiers have transformed their situation in the war into a kind of game, because they are unable to fully comprehend or accept the real consequences that war can inflict. In a way, by making the war into a game it is a coping mechanism for these children. Once recruited these children do various tasks, they are not simply used as soldiers in conflict but also do many other duties, such as being; messengers, guards, cooks, mechanics, porters, spies, labors, human shields, human minesweepers, decoys, servants and also sexual slaves. Girls are also recruited, in most cases, they can make up a total of one third of all child soldiers, however in the majority of cases they are not just recruited to be soldier, but to be either raped or to become wives to military commanders. Girls who refuse to become wives are murdered in front of other girls to make an example of and to make clear that they have no choice in the matter. In addition to this girls are also used to abduct other children for the military forces and also take part in food raids. This story from a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Aristotle And Aristotle s Theory Of Moral Virtue Nietzsche and Aristotle were two of the most significant philosopher of not only their time but their works has lasted throughout the centuries to influence even some today s greatest minds. Their works however could not be any separated, Aristotle is a prominent figure in ancient Greek philosophy, making contributions to logic, metaphysics, mathematics, physics, biology, botany, ethics, politics, agriculture, medicine, dance and theatre. He was a student of great thinkers such as Plato and Socrates. He believes that ethics is a process to finding the final end or the highest good. He states that although there are many ends in life those are usually only means to further ends, our ambitions and wants must have some final purpose. Aristotlebelieves that this highest end is that of Happiness. He introduces the concept moral virtuewhich is the ability to properly control desires to follow bad actions, and is the focus of morality. Centered on the core of Aristotle s account of moral virtue is his doctrine of the mean. According to this doctrine, moral virtues are character traits which are at in between more extreme character traits. While Nietzsche a German philosopher, essayist, and cultural critic. He believes that Good is originally designated only the right of those individuals with social and political power to live their lives by sheer force of will. But a priestly caste, motivated by their resentment of their natural superiors, generated a corrupt ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Differences Between Public and Private Sectors Essay The Differences between Public Sector and Private Sector [pic] by Robyn Z. Abdusamad Dr. Deborah LeBlanc PAD 620 Research Paper August 23, 2010 The Differences between Public Sector and Private Sector SUMMARY When we examine public sector versus private sector, plenty of differences come to mind. In defining each, we learn a private sector in an economy consist of all businesses and firms owned by ordinary members of the general public. It also consists of all the private households in which people live. The public sector in an economy is owned and controlled by a government. It consist of government businesses and firms and goods and services provided by the government such as the national health service, state ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On the other hand, government organizations that are funded through market sales or user charges often have concomitantly greater autonomy from governmental controls. Majority of public sectors are managed under a bigger chain of command and control, while private sectors mostly operate in a corporate setting. As for the differences with their policy decisions, the activities in the public sector have a goal of adhering to what is indicated by law, while the private sector is driven by the rules of shareholders and corporate owners. Schmidt (2008) states, The research agenda of companies is more focused and targeted and therefore perceived as easier to handle for managers. Also, the decision making process is different. Managers of private enterprises can faster and easier change orientation, focus and targets. This implies, according to some managers, that the instrumentation used in the private sector is different from the one used within public research. [pic][pic]Finally, the beneficiary of the services provided by the public sector, is the general public. These goods and services are sometimes provided free and in other cases consumers have to pay a price. The goal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Ford Competition In a present day of global warming, environmental issues, labor unions, and other impacts, the automobile industry is in an era of instability and change. Ford Motor Company has been traditionally considered one of the Big Three in the auto industry, but they are not adapting as well as hoped to the changing industry, and will have to strategize to survive in a struggling industry. There are many different risk factors for Ford and its competitors. In this paper we will look at two competitors for Ford that are also considered to be members of the Big Three and coincidently, are not adapting to changes in the auto industry as quickly as other competitors. These other companies are General Motors (GM) and Daimler Chrysler. We will... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the category of other economic factors, issues such as a contraction within the housing industry, CO2 emission standards, crowded market place for new cars and trucks, more efficient production by foreign companies (Toyota s Total Production System which is a just in time production that other companies have attempted to emulate with little success) and a downward trend in buying are all risk factors that the entire industry needs to take into consideration. The first video watched on Hoovers.com is a video with Ford s CEO Alan Mulally, the first of two. The CEO was at an auto show, introducing a new cross over vehicle. Risks that are alluded to in this interview are centered on the large truck and SUV markets versus the smaller vehicles and cross over vehicles that are being produced. A major problem Ford had seen in the past was that consumers and industry analysis had not seen them as moving forward into the future, and matching consumers wants and demands as well as some of the foreign manufacturers. The second Ford video with CEO Alan Mulally shows the outcome of Ford s realization that they need to concentrate on other markets and producing new vehicles. For the first time in two years, they are in the black for the current quarter (at the time of this video). However, when asked if the trend will continue, the CEO acknowledges that because of having to reduce production during the 3rd quarter (due to a lower buying trend) that it is a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Essay on Ilm M3.11 Building the Team Unit M3.11 Building the Team The purpose of this assignment requires consideration of how to develop and maintain trust at work, as well as how teams are built within the workplace and what effects and concerns a manager needs to be aware of. Teams are more than just groups of people assembled in the same area, they are a collection of individuals dedicated to a common purpose and with a series of detailed performance targets, working together with complementary skills. Teams of people are encountered in various scenarios, not just in the workplace, but also throughout life, such as sports, associations, charities and voluntary services. Effective teams are built on trust and are developed and maintained by the manager s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... All with differing skills and levels of experience, to allow a service to be provided efficiently and effectively. Each member of the team has a purpose and a function within that team, so the overall success depends on a functional interdependency. There is usually not as much room for conflict when working as a team. The team also does not rely on groupthink to arrive at its conclusions. There are many theories on the ways that group form and become efficient and effective teams. One of the best known team development theories was first developed by Bruce Tuckman in 1965 and has formed the basis of many further ideas since its conception. Tuckman s theory focuses on the way in which a team tackles a task from the initial formation of the team through to the completion of the project. Tuckman s theory is particularly relevant to team building challenges as the phases are relevant to the completion of any task undertaken by a team but also the development of a team in the grander scheme. The Model and stages are described below in the order that Tuckman identified: Forming The team is assembled and the task is allocated. Team members behave independently, with anxieties about inclusion and exclusion. Their time is spent planning, collecting information and bonding, with an apparent willingness to conform. This can happen whenever new circumstances occur within a group, or when new challenges or projects are set within established ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Rastafarian Symbolism In The Visual Arts Essay Rastafarian Symbolism In The Visual Arts Works Cited Missing [NOTE: BECAUSE OF CONCERN ABOUT RIGHTS, WE HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO POST THE IMAGES THIS ESSAY REFERS TO] Art has the power of liberating man from certain drudgeries and their way of life. A man who was born in the ghetto can t afford to be a Sunday painter, his whole life is involved in getting across his ideas; Rastafarianism, politics, Black culture and all that. Even our meeting here now is an artistic involvement. Some people do art with love here, politics there and so forth; now, to me art is one cosmic consciousness. The way you love, live, and even the way you hate: even your negative expressions connote a certain art form. So I really do not separate my art from ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first Jamaican sculptor to be known internationally was Kapo, the famous Pukumina leader, whose works were all composed under religious inspiration (Barrett, 186). The birth of Rastafarianism created an important outlet for African rooted artistic creativity, and the Rastafarian artists became the first ones to appear from a grassroots community. This incredible outburst of creativity is described by Barrett as follows: from the primitive paintings of Ras Dizzy to the superb etchings of Ras Daniel Heartman; from the rough sculpture of Ras Canute who works under the coconut tree in front of the Casa Montego in Montego Bay to the refined pieces in Joe James Gallery in front of the Holiday Inn at Rose Hall, St. James Rastafarian and Rastafarian inspired art can be found everywhere. (Barrett, 186). During the 1960 s, there was a rise in political awareness of the Rastafarians, along with an effort to aid them in the routinization of their movement with the rest of Jamaican society. This effort was instigated by the present Prime Minister, Edward Seaga, who was a noted anthropologist and sociologist. One of the results of this awareness was the participation of Rastafarians in the Jamaica National Festivals; in which many Rastas received medals for exceptional pieces of wood work (Barrett, 161). An example of a Rastafarian ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Pros And Cons Of Lethal Autonomy Lethal Autonomy is weaponized artificial intelligence. Regardless of the era, wars exist and the weapons permeate the lives of humanity. Whether the conflicts are active or the ultimatums are flaunted in the halls of great debate, wars are a current and future threat. Society is approaching a waypoint by which humans will no longer fight against each other, but alongside and against machines that possess volition. This issue has prompted the leading business owners and scientists to present a ban against these killer robots to the United Nations in attempt to halt development of Lethal Autonomy (LA). CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, Elon Musk, warns that We do not have long to act. Once this Pandora s box is opened, it will be hard to close. We, therefore, implore the High Contracting Parties to find a way to protect us all from these dangers (Downs). Technology like LA is unknown, this is the main fear concerning weaponized Artificial Intelligence(AI).... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In reality, building something like the Terminator is not the goal of governments and tech companies for LA. It is impossible to program a computer with all the possible outcomes in a scenario. The goal, however, is to create a system of software that is independent of human decision making. Lethal Autonomy works by weighing the cost of every decision and acting accordingly. Unlike human intuition, Lethal Autonomy is intended to have multiple hosts streaming and updating new data from its surroundings, with perfect information retrieval. With this technology, fleets of drones could be operated by one artificial mind and be articulated with precision. Human exhaustion and PTSD will no longer side effects from violent screen time, for the machine never tires or is affected by the horrors of wars. The underlying fear is that with this rapidly accelerating and seemingly omnipresent knowledge the machine could usurp human ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Networking Technology Program:Higher National Diploma in Computing Unit Name:Networking TechnologyUnit No.:12Number of Assignments for this unit1 Full Name Student IDIntakeTurnitin Score % TitlePrime BankReference12.2Assessor Date IssuedDate DueDate Submitted IVDate IVIV Signature Grade Unit Grade AwardedDMPR Assessor Comments Note: D Distinction, M Merit, P Pass, R Refer IV Signature (if sampled)Date IV Comments Assignment Feedback Student NameCourseHND ComputingUnit No.1 Outcome/Assessment CriteriaAss Ref./IndicatorsEvidence from this assignmentTutor Comments P A S S1.Evaluate networks and networking approaches пЃ¶discuss the role of networks within ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The management team of Prime Bank look forward to make an exceptional growth in the market by providing dedicated customer service. In order to be one of the leading banks in UK, management of Prime Bank has decided to open new branch offices at different location for their customers. The CEO, Mr. Richard, plans to spread the offices over UK within approximately four months time. The important concern is the implementation of computer network at Prime Bank offices in order to make its effective use for communication. The management is aware of the budgetary requirements for the expansion. What is primarily required is the valuable guidance about the networking technology, installation and administration. Mr. Richard has approached you as an expert for the
  • 33. concerns Prime Bank have, while it adapts the computer network. Task I 1.Discuss the role of networks within different organizations and the resource implications of networks. For example, discuss how the business, academic organizations could be benefited due to the implementation of computer networks and how the resources could be utilized in an efficient manner with the computer network. 2.Discuss the different distributed computing approaches of peer to peer and client server networks for Prime Bank management 3.A meeting has been scheduled between Mr. Richard, the board of directors, managers and technical team to discuss the selection of networking approach i.e. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Water Purification Using Natural Herbs Essay WATER PURIFICATION USING NATURAL HERBS Mr. Patil G.K. and Dr. Sadgir P.A. Department of Civil Engineering, Govt. College of Engineering, Aurangabad (M.S.) India gkp13@rediffmail.com ABSTRACT In this paper, use of Moringa oleifera seeds for purifying water is discussed. A study was carried out to know the efficiency of Moringa oleifera seed suspension for removal of turbidity and hardness of water. Turbid water sample of low turbidity (50 mg/L) was prepared in the laboratory using bentonite clay, kaolin clay and black cotton soil. Moringa oleifera seed suspension was added as coagulant in concentration of 20, 40, 60, and 80 mg/L. The hardness removal efficiency was checked on water sample from tube well in the vicinity of Aurangabad city (India). The initial hardness of water sample was 284 mg/L. The dosages of Moringa Oleifera seed suspension were 125, 250, 375 and 500 mg/L. In addition to hardness, effect on pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids and salinity was also studied. Moringa Oleifera seed suspension was found to be effective in treating the water. Keywords: Moringa oleifera Seed, Turbidity, Hardness and Extraction INTRODUCTION Aluminum and ferric salts are the mainly used coagulants all over the world for treatment of water. However, their application may have considerable disadvantages, the most important being possible negative effect on consumers health. Several studies reported that chemical coagulants remain in tap water after ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Food Processing And Its Effects On Population Health The term food processing is often improperly defined. Although a lack of food processing regulations today may pose health concerns for the modern consumer due to its association with chemical additives and unnatural transformations, food processing in its most basic form can be defined quite simply as any procedure undergone by foodcommodities after they have left the primary producer, and before they reach the consumer (Welch, 2000). Therefore, food processingin and of itself is an extremely broad industry ranging in functions that, over the course of history, has had both beneficial and harmful effects on population health. Food processing has a long history dating all the way back to the earliest civilizations of humanity. From the ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and Romans to the Aztecs and Incas, early civilizations from around the world recorded knowledge of how to preserve food with the limited materials available. Innovators they most certainly were, the ancient civilizations managed to preserve foods by adding salt, sun drying foods, and roasting over fire. While this may not be what initially comes to mind when we think of food processing in a modern context today, ancient civilizations did in fact alter the natural structure of foods thus initiating the food processing industry with techniques that, unknowingly at the time, utilized quite a lot of science. Although these contributions to the history of food processing were a significant ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Michelle Rhee s Analysis Michelle Rhee is an extremely polarizing figure in the educational reform movement. She was hired as the Chancellor of the Washington, D.C. Public School System in January, 2007. Rhee had very little teaching experience, only three years, and she had never been in charge of a school before. (Dingerson, 2010) Still, she had a high level of confidence and she felt that she had a strong sense of what needed to be done to improve the schoolsystem. At one of her first press conferences, Rhee stated, I know what the obstacles are in these systems that are not conducive to affecting change. (Dingerson, 2010) These were haunting words to the many veteran teachers of the DCPS , the author of this article states. (Dingerson, 2010) Michelle Rhee came into this position in a judgmental way, not taking the time to research and study the specific problem. Instead, she brought about sweeping changes, which focused on reducing the power that teachers with tenure and their union had. (Dingerson, 2010) In her first few months, Rhee demonstrated the frenetic pace of activity that became her trademark. (Dingerson, 2010) She quickly alienated faculty and staff, and did not take the time to involve the community at all. Her mission was to run DCPS like a business, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, these people must be given every opportunity to succeed. If you don t provide this, the remaining members of your team will fear that this same thing could happen to them, and distrust ensues. Michelle Rhee s path of heavy handedness and harsh actions showed this. Her actions were highly questionable and her results were superficial at best. Still, conservative pundits adore her. She had been hired as an educational consultant for a great many communities and states. She has even served as a consultant to Rick Scott, Governor of Florida. (Kain, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Why University Patenting Is Not Common University patenting was frowned upon because it was seen as inappropriate commercial activity. Therefore it was quite uncommon and any patenting done was often done by individuals through the university, and an outside organization, the Research Corporation, would handle the patenting policies. Part of the reason why university patenting was not common was because the federal patent policy was unclear. Some argued for a government title policy, which would give the government credit for the inventionsince it was funded by the argument. Others argued for a government license policy, which would give rights to the inventor s organization despite the fact that the project was funded by the government. A uniform policy was never agreed upon... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the case of university patents, the problem was that of technology transfer, moving inventions and technology created in universities to the marketplace. The three phases involved in the construction of the institution of university patenting were the formation of a proto institution by a skilled actor, the development and growth of a professional community, and finally the Bayh Dole Act. The success of the institutionalization of university patenting was due to the social skill and resources utilized to elicit collective action. The proto institution created by the Health of Education and Welfare s (HEW) Institutional Patent Agreements (IPA) was the start of increasing university patenting. A proto institution is a weak version of an institution in that its goals are often narrowly focused, but has the potential to become an institution. HEW established an IPA waiving all inventions sponsored by Hew so that universities would not have to go through the hassle of applying for individual waivers and could simply apply for a single IPA instead. However not many IPAs were filed and approved because HEW did not think universities needed to patent inventions since these universities were supposed to serve the public. However, Norman Latker, the first patent counsel who worked for the National Institute of Health, changed IPAs. He tended to favor the government license policy, believing that the government was incapable of managing patent ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Step One-3 Important Events Step one 3 important events (brainstorm) Dad left when I was 3 Best Friends Harlie, Brianne, Kory, Kaden, Roger Sports Claim statement (bullet from works) The thing that impacted my life the most was when my dad left me when I was 3 After he left, he got remarried and had a child.. I wasn t the youngest anymore My mother got remarried and we moved to Mud Lake.. So when I moved back to Idaho Falls I had no friends until I meant Harlie, Brianne, Kory, Roger, Kayden Lastly, sports have been a main thing Most people do not realize how strong little kids are; boy or girl. Kids can be put through a lot more than imagined. Abuse, a parent leaving, someone in there family, or even a friend, dying, when you are young the pain is multiplied. They grow up scarred for life. It is crazy how many teens and kids go through that. What type of person would do that? How ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My dad left my mom the responsibility of two very young girls. That has probably been the biggest impact on my life, because everyone tells me they are a daddy s girl and their dad bought them this and that. My dad was in and out of jail while he was gone. Then when I was eight everything sorta changed my dad called us and got in contact. We didn t live with them or go over at all but he would always come to visit me. Months passed and we were going there every other weekend. Things were going really good for us, my mom and dad were getting along and stopped arguing, my dad had remarried and so had my mom. We were all a big happy family, or so we thought... Things started to get bad again and my parents got into a big fight, things were said, things were done, and no one had gotten over it. Now again my dad is gone. No calls. No message. He just does not care i guess by this time he has two kids and does not need his three others. You could only imagine how heartbroken and torn daddy s little girl could be at this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Exploring a Career as a Talent Agent Essay Generally, most of us spend a significant amount of time of our lives in the workplace, and therefore it is important to fully understand the roles and responsibilities of possible dream jobs before choosing and initiating our careers. Then, whereas I plan to pursue my career goals as a Music Agent, it is mandatory to comprehend what constitutes the work of being an agent and what it will be expected from me in this profession. Spite of professions in the music industryarena be considered very exciting, it can also be extremely competitive. Therefore, I aim to define this profession s duties, identifying essential abilities to work in this field and deal with the present competitiveness, whilst analysing which relevant skills could... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, another of my duties will be to arrange auditions and negotiate contracts on the behalf of the artist or group. Therefore, great communication skills are clearly necessary, also in order to cultivate strong relationships with record labels and venue managers; coordinate important venue bookings and set up record deals. Notwithstanding, is quite common musicians in early career stages to manage their career themselves and book their own shows. However, there is a significant importance of having an agent from the start, as suggested by Teri Saccone: Some industry experts advise that you should find an agent prior to getting a record deal as booking artists for venues requires an unique skill and good contacts (Saccone, T., 2003:66). For this reason, agents usually hold the key to the good shows and are able to arrange gigs for their artists to play with bigger audiences than if they were doing all the work themselves. Consequently, studying Public Relations can be very beneficial seeing that PR professionals develop skills to build relationships with various publics, looking after the reputation of a company or an individual. Then, it can enable me to build up valuables contacts and networks since promoters, Djs, TV professionals, to music producers and record label directors, increasing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. How Does Eliot s Use Of Allusion In The Love Song Of J... I explicitly agree that the poetry of T.S Eliot is unquestionably dominated by thought provoking reflections which are complemented by powerful imagery, leading the reader into the state of mind of Eliot himself. Initially, I abhorred Eliot s poetry. His poetry then, for me, represented a confusing and exceptionally difficult body of work and I found it similarly difficult to form any kind of genuine response to his poetry. In spite of this, over my past couple of readings, I have formed a muscular response to his literary work. Personally, I comprehend the poetry of T.S Eliot as being enigmatic and remarkable which I believe is shown through the power of Literary History. Eliot s compelling use of literary allusions is incredibly conspicuous... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... T.S. Eliot s use of allusion is fundamental to the structure and themes of his early poetry. In the poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock , Eliot uses gripping literary allusions and thought provoking reflections, specifically influenced by Eliot s extensive reading of Dante, the poem s epigraph being an extract from the Inferno, a work that describes a journey through Hell. This poem also makes several references to the Bible with Prufrock comparing himself to John the Baptist and Lazarus, suggesting that he, too, has something acute to reveal to the world, although admitting he is no prophet neither a John the Baptist, nor a Lazarus, nor is he even a hero. One can postulate that it is probable that Prufrock may not be a poem about good people, but about bad ones professing to be good. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock resembles a form of a dramatic monologue, the words of an individual speaker, who is revealing their inner thoughts and concerns to the audience. Accordingly, Eliot makes use of a number of metaphors to convey Prufrock s lack of confidence and self disgust, with Prufrock correlating his days and ways to cigarette butts to convey his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Effects Of Pesticides On The Coffee Industry On Coffee Coffea commonly known as a coffee plant is the member of the Rubiaceae family (USDA 2015). While there are various species of the coffee plant, Coffee Arabica and Coffee Canephora are mostly grown. However, between them Coffee Arabica is considered to have greater quality and flavor. With the increase in demand of coffeewithin coffee drinkers globally, coffee has successfully ensured its place to become the world s second largest commodity. Brazil is known as the top manufacturer of coffee followed by countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Colombia, and Ethiopia (USDA 2014). The rising demand for coffee has augmented the dependence of the coffee industry on countries that grows coffee. Using pesticides on coffee fields seemed to be an ultimate solution for farmers who were hoping for maximum productivity of coffee. Pesticides are used in agriculturein order to protect plants from fungal diseases, pests, insects that affect the growth of food crops. On the short run, using pesticides has an advantage as it increases the production and the quality of coffee. However, pesticidepractices have negative issues on the environment, the quality and the amount of coffee manufactured, and the health of the coffee drinkers and the farmers in the long run. The agricultural practice that involves the usage of pesticides has contributed in the exploitation of the environment. The consumption of pesticides in countries that grows coffee has increased rapidly over the decades. For example, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Candide and Free Will Voltaire s Candide is a novel that is interspersed with superficial characters and conceptual ideas that are critically exaggerated and satirized. The parody offers cynical themes disguised by mockeries and witticism, and the story itself presents a distinctive outlook on life narrowed to the concept of free will as opposed to blind faith driven by desire for an optimistic outcome. The crucial contrast in the story deals with irrational ideas as taught to Candideabout being optimistic by Pangloss, his cheerful mentor, versus reality as viewed by the rest of the world through the eyes of the troubled character, Martin. This raises the question of whether or not the notion of free will is valid due to Candide s peculiar timing of his... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Under these assumptions Candide says, There can be no effect without a cause [...] The whole is necessarily concatenated and arranged for the best (6). This philosophy that everything is fated to be good omits the validity of free will that Candide later claims to have since he is man and therefore above the animal world, because no matter what man does in part to shape the entirety of his future, Candide was taught that the outcome is predestined to yield an optimistic and hopeful reality. The belief that everything happens for a reason and where the reason is good is incompatible with the act of free will. Therefore, any efforts of free will are futile because they cannot change the predetermined outcome, making its concept essentially nonexistent. This logical cycle strengthens and endorses readers ideas that free will is incongruous with faith. Candide is a naГЇve character that is in complete control of his ideas and actions despite the influence from others. In chapter two when he is captured by Bulgarians and given the choice between death and running the gauntlet, he groundlessly uses his free will to receive an intense degree of torture and anguish. He was asked which he would like the best, to be whipped six and thirty times through all the regiment, or to receive at once twelve balls of lead in his brain. He vainly said that human will is free, and that he chose neither the one nor the other (4). Candide tries to argue that having free will meant ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Issue Of Mainstream Media Bias Essay The world is not responding to events in this country, but rather to the description of these events by news organizations. The key to understanding the strange nature of the response is thus to be found in the practice of journalism.... (Friedman, 2014) This article considers the concepts in arguing that mainstream media bias exists. Exists and presents, in message and content, an essentially biased product, in direct opposition of their industry standards declaration of impartiality and neutrality. In an effort to establish meaning and prepare the reader this article applies the definition of bias as applied by Grosclose and Milyo, whose paper A Measure of Media Bias which was published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics in November of 2005 and is still relevant today; Before proceeding, it is useful to clarify our definition of bias. Most important, the definition has nothing to do with the honesty or accuracy of the news outlet. Instead, our notion is more like a taste or preference (Groseclose Milyo, 2005). In the context of a quantitative content analysis of media bias, its delivery, its targeted audience and ultimate evaluation will determine the taste and establish preference . Through the intentional and un intentional portrayal of an established or implied bias the target audience s opinions, ideals and motivations are necessarily affected. Specifically, the term media in the context of this article refers to journalistic news sources that are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Full Body Scanners in Airports Full Body Scanners in Airports A full body scanner that is a device that is able to detect objects hidden under clothing by constructing a full 3 D image of a person, complete with detailed body contours. There are presently two types of scanning technology that are used in full body scanners: millimeter wave scanners and backscatter scanners. A millimeter wave scanner is able to use radio waves that are of tremendously high frequencies, which are decoded in order to produce a 3 D image. A backscatter scanner makes use of high energy rays that scatter when they hit solid materials. This allows a backscatter scanner to generate a detailed image of the person being scanned. Both scanners are effective at detecting contraband that may be... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They say the low level beam does deliver a slight dose of radiation to the body but because the beam concentrates on the skin, one of the most radiation sensitive organs of the human body, that dose may be up to twenty times higher than first estimated. University of California biochemist David Agard is quoted saying While the dose would be safe if it were distributed through the volume of the entire body, the dose to the skin may be dangerously high. He adds, Ionizing radiation such as the X rays used in these scanners have the potential to induce chromosome damage, and that can lead to cancer. People with medical implants such as pacemakers should avoid electromagnetic generating pulse body scanners as they can significantly alter the waveform of the pacemaker pulse. Travelers are not informed that they are in the line to get a full body scan until they actually see it in the process. Once a traveler questions it, the TSA becomes suspicious and the traveler could be interrogated. There are issues with the lack of signs in the airports informing travelers about these full body scanners and the lack of signs informing travelers that you can opt out of them for another form of screening method. A pro of a full body scanner is it detects items such as non metallic weapons and explosives not picked up by metal detectors but the body scanner only scans surfaces. So, will cavity searches be routine ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Homeland Security Chapter 9-10 Essay Chapter 9 is committed to the study of homelands security s attempts and successes at border patrol. Beginning with the U.S customs and Border Protection, the Border Patrol office has like many other agencies, merged with the DHS following 9/11. The reason is because the Border Patrol is now after 9/11 been concerned with the prevention of terrorist s entry. The Border Patrol also merged with customs, which has a long history with border patrol. The CBP has been charged with guarding 7000 miles of U.S Land border. The Border patrol has been very concerned with the apprehension of terrorist following 9/11, and the border is more tightly guarded than it s ever been. The texted then outlines the fiscal year 2010 Statistical Highlights... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Fugitive Operations Program removes fugitive aliens from the United States. The Cornerstone initiative prevents criminal organizations from the cash flow they need to function. The Cyber Crimes Center combats Internet related crimes. The U.S VISTIT program provides visa posts, so those who visit the U.S can be properly validated. Chapter 9 dealt primarily with the wide and expansive Border Protection programs of the DHS. Chapter 10 Deals with one of the more important agencies following 9/11, and this agency is the TSA or (Transportation Security Administration.) The TSA deals with a wide range of transportation systems, which includes state and local transit systems. The TSA has not hesitated to reach out to every field of transportation, and has its reach over the entirety of transportation. Federal Flight Deck Officer program gives the pilot the ability to be fully armed in the cockpit. FEDOs have regulations and rules, and are meant to protect the aircraft crew from harm. The TSA has a Canine Explosive Detection Unit, which is useful for covering large areas. The TSA has set important risk management programs, which are backed with technology and innovation. Maritime Security is a combination of the Coast Guard, Customs, and Immigration. The Text then outlines the functions of Maritime Security, and how agency s coordinate together, including plans of Maritime security and the main roles Maritime Security play. The Coast Guard has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Compare And Contrast Rednecks And City-Folk In America, we are blessed to be able to mostly live wherever we want, whether that be on the shore, in the middle of the woods, or in the densely populated cities. Each of these places has their own faults and perks, but how different or similar are they? How much worse could it be to live in the city than the country, or vise versa? The two stereotypical types of people, Rednecks and Cityfolk, tend to stay loyal to their place of choice. What makes the two places so different, or similar? Looking at the logical facts, we can see the obvious differences and similarities between the two, but it all comes down to personal preference. The country is a beautiful place, full of a variety of weird people. Most people that live in the country are usually associated with hunting, fishing, beer, and large, loud trucks. There are normal people that live in the country, but most of the time they are affected by country air. If you are not a fan of having lots of neighbors, then the country is the right place for you. Most of the time, in the country, houses are spread much further apart than if you were in a city.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is a significantly smaller number of people and cars out in the country, so the pollution isn t near as bad as it would be in a city. Just because there are less cars and people, doesn t mean that the air in the country is perfectly clean. Those rednecks with their big trucks usually end up not worrying out exhaust problems, or sometimes run a straight pipe, causing even more air pollution than probably 2 or 3 cars. In the country, if you were to take a walk in the woods, you would probably run into someone riding a quad. So just because there are less cars, doesn t mean there aren t other ways for the air to be polluted. Although it isn t free from air pollution, the myriad of trees allow for cleaner air to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Satire In Humorous Acting Rebecca is having a long day at the office. All she wants to do is go home and watch the latest episode of The Big Bang Theory. Then she can relax, forget the stress of work, and laugh. Sitcoms and other forms of humorous acting give people something to look forward to. It has provided an escape venue for millenniums. Humorous acting is a fun pastime for both the actors and the audience, with a lot more to it than meets the eye. The definition of theatreis a form of art that is supposed to be entertaining and appealing for the actors and audience. Comedyhas been practiced in a recorded way since somewhere between 800 and 600 B.C. (Cassady). The Ancient Greeks started one of the first organized forms of it. This was the first form... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They are all vague and can be mixed around or put into the same show or play. Most comedies have more than one of these tenets. The first tenet is farce. Farce puts characters in an absurd situation that then makes the play funny. Most farce stems from Shakespeare, and it is the best documented comedy form. Irony is a verbal tenet. When a play is ironic, sarcastic comments and retorts or common, and the opposite of what is true is believed to be true. Irony often gets bad reviews and is considered satire. Satire is a cross between irony and parody. It is defined as imitation with the intention of wounding or correcting someone. It s the harshest type. Parody is similar to satire but the intentions are not as severe. Parody is the most famous tenet. Pastiche is subtler but also similar to parody. The purpose of the imitation is often to flatter. Pastiche is relatively benign, and lots of humorous musicals incorporate it. Surrealism is when the actor presents a situation that isn t relevant to the perceived plot and is therefore entertaining. Slapstick involves characters doing physically funny things like falling down or hurting themselves in general. Slapstick is the most visual tenet of comedy. The lines of the seven basic tenets blur together and are just ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Should Doctors Regulate Fees It is said that doctors are being accused of overcharging their clients. Some believe that the government should regulate the fees which doctors are allowed to charge and some believe they shouldn t. However, I think they shouldn t regulate the fees because doctors spend countless hours getting into a medical school to make money, it is not the doctors fault the client needed care which is why we should take care of ourselves more, and lastly most doctors are running on their own practice and supplies to do their job. First, people who want to go into the medical field have to work hard for it. For example, they spent loads and loads of hours studying to get into the program. I think it s unfair for the government to step in and try to regulate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Adversity Horace Character Analysis Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous conditions would have lain dormant . These words of Horace are timeless and apply to almost all aspects of the human life. Horace emphasizes to the audience that the bad times bring out the best in people, which would have gone unnoticed if the times were solely flourishing. It truly takes treacherous conditions in order for someone s character to be genuinely expressed. Sometimes this instinct happens naturally and goes unnoticed, or they happen deliberately. The manner in which mortals act during these situations are what builds their character to its true extent. Adversity and talent coincide with each other in order to create life changing opportunities. Although there are several instances where our country, as a whole has come together during tough times the attacks on September 11 is the most predominant of them all. During this day the Twin Tower buildings were destructed by two planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 being flown by a terrorist group, Al Quaida. In this time of need civilians immediately rushed to the scene trying to assist those that were trapped in the buildings. Not only did firefighters and police arrive at the scene, but... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Many fear the thought of adversity but, it is those who see it as an opportunity that shine in the time it follows. Horace celebrates the fact that adversity brings out the best in people, which is greatly reported in his quote. By way of illusion, throughout nature, ants are forced to endure harsh circumstances on a daily basis. Several times throughout their day we humans destruct their homes and as a result ants work together in order to build a new home for themselves. They do not do it because they are forced to, they do it because in tough circumstances times they come together to make amends. Humans and many different animals share this natural ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Henrietta Lacks Themes The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks reflects three main ideas throughout the story. Life, Death, and Immortality. These ideas are carried out throughout the book to emphasize Henrietta s impact before and after death and on the science world. HeLa cells are the most important scientific discovery in the past 100 years. Henrietta Lacksis the donor and origin of these cells that have helped create vaccines and treatments for many diseases and medical conditions. Henrietta Lacks is a vibrant woman who has been diagnosed with cervical cancer at Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1951. She undergoes a biopsy procedure and the tissues that are removed are examined and determined to be cancer. At the same time other doctors are testing her tissues to settle a difference of opinion between... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He is convinced to allow the autopsy and Dr. Gey s assistant, Mary, is able to have samples of tissues taken from all parts of Henrietta s body. When Mary sees Henrietta s polished toenails, she is struck at how she is now thinking of Henrietta as a person instead of just a specimen. After testing the cells removed during the autopsy, it is decided that HeLa will be mass produced in hopes that scientists can find a cure for polio. Dr. Salk has developed a vaccine and the HeLa cells can now be used to test out his theory. HeLa cells were being sent everywhere by train, plane and truck to anyone who wanted to use them. Dr. Gey shared his growing culture recipe and his auto stir invention with his colleagues. Advances in DNA, human genetics, in vitro fertilization, stem cells and cloning all came as a result of HeLa cells. After the autopsy is complete Henrietta s body is taken to Clover for her funeral. The day of the funeral is rainy and windy. At the precise moment that her coffin is lowered, at violent wind and downpour hits the burial and family members believe it is a sign from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Summary Of Mockingjay Through the course of her Mockingjay duties, Katniss sees first hand what the Capital has done and is willing to do. Prim is now a medic helping the wounded, and Gale is a soldier in the rebellion. Katniss lays her conditions to President Coin in order for her to assume the role of the Mockingjay. The conditions include rescuing Peeta and the other Victors from the Capital, and they will be granted full immunity. The Conditions are met, and to make sure Coin holds her side of the agreement, Katniss has Coin read off all of her demands to all of District 13. Katniss goes to the different Districts to try and get them on the side of the rebellion. When Peeta is rescued, the doctor s in 13 find out that the Capital has tortured him and used the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. The Reasons For The European Age Of Exploration The European Age of Exploration, a period from the early 15th century continuing into the 17th century, brought about expansion, technology, and nation building with explorer ships traveling the seas in a search for a new trading routes and new land. There was a multitude of motivations for the European nations want to fund explorers who desired to take on the challenges of exploration. Though the motives for exploration were different, in many ways they were the same. The rulers and leaders of the European nations had much the same main motivations driving the push for exploration. The driving motivations of European exploration were the acquiring of wealth, the want for glory, the search for new and ease of trade routes, the need of natural resources, and the spreading of religion. Competition between the Portuguese and the Spanish motivated both nations to seek colonization of the New World quickly and aggressively. Prince Henry the Navigator spearheaded Portugals exploration of Africa and the Atlantic in the 1400s [Saylor]. Portuguese sailors successfully navigated an eastward route to West Africa, where they established a trading foothold. Portugal then spread its empire down the western coast of Africa to the Congo, along the western coast of India, and eventually to Brazil and the Atlantic islands. While the Portuguese did not rule over a large mass of multiple colonies, their strategic holdings of islands and coastal ports gave them almost unrivaled control of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Summary Of The Middle English Breton Lay Sir Freine The following close reading concerns itself with the Middle English Breton Lay Sir DegarГ©, though speculative, the poem s composition has been dated to the 14th Century and the poem survives in six manuscripts and three early printed editions, it is a romance of high antiquity, preserved in the Auchinleck MS. Some suggest that the poem takes clear inspiration from the Middle English translation of Marie de France s Le Fresne: Lay le Freine. Moreover, some propose that Sir DegarГ© is more accurately described as an emulation, believing it to be more an imitation made up from a variety of stories, as it borrows not only motifs but direct phrasing from Lay Le Freine. Not only do both texts share a similar rhyming scheme, rhyming couplets, and semi alliterative lines, they are also similar in relation to common genre conventions. In this respect, the Breton Lay has been understood by many to be the predecessor to the modern fairy tale, and indeed, Sir DegarГ© is enveloped in themes such as love, the supernatural, and critically, the correlation between the two constructs of gender, which themselves are manifested in the modern day fairy tale. The opposition is apparent between the two constructs of gender, man was glad a blithe , (joyful) (155) whereas the princess siked an sorewed swithe. (sickened and sorrowed) (156) This disparity underlines the attitudes that permeate this text, considering the atrocity that has occurred, it is sickening to comprehend. Alluringly, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Nashob A Utopian Society A Utopian society was an imagined community that would posse highly desirable or nearly perfect civilization for people. There were many in America but none of them fully made it as a Utopian society. The first three Utopian cities created were called New Harmony, New Philadelphia Colony, and Nashoba. All three of them have gone through many challenges, but if these Utopian communities worked out it would have helped for so much in providing for the citizens that lived in the community. It would change how everything started into who we are now. I will be talking about them three societies. New Harmony is a historical town on the Wabash River in Harmony Township, Posey County, in the U.S. state of Indiana. The society was established in 1814, the town was originally known as Harmony (or... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Nashoba Community was an experimental project of Francis Fanny Wright, initiated to educate and emancipate slaves. It was located in present day Germantown, Tennessee, a Memphis suburb, along the Wolf River. It was a emancipation plan in which no slaveholders would lose money for emancipating slaves. Wright proposed that, through a system of unified labor, the slaves would be able to buy their freedom and then be transported to the independent settlements of Liberia and Haiti. Wright was strongly influenced by Robert Owen and his utopian community, New Harmony, Indiana. Surviving for 3 years, Nashoba outlasted New Harmony. Write imagined that if her experimental community was successful, its methods could be applied throughout the nation. Nashoba is remembered as an egalitarian, interracial community, but it did not reach any of its goals. Wright left Nashoba in 1827 for Europe to recover from malaria. During her absence, the trustees managed the community, but by Wright s return in 1828, Nashoba had ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Socrates Argument On Fearing Death Fearing Death Socrates is taken to trial by his accusers for damaging and undignified the minds of the youth and not believing the gods, but believing in his own conception. Basically what Socrates did was encourage youth to question their authority and values. Socrates argued that he could not be charged with corrupting the youth because then that would mean that everybody helps the youth. And if he did not mean to damage the youth then he should be instructed not punished. Socrates explains that his accusers charge and reasoning are not logical and do not make sense therefore, he should not be punished. Unfortunately his accusers did not see it the way he did and were not convinced so not only did he lose the trial, but he was sentenced to death. Even though he was sentenced to death his sense of self did not diminish, as claimed that death should be looked at as bad. I will explain the reasons why one might think that we should not fear death. I will also explain Socrates argument on why we should not fear death. In addition, since I disagree with Socrates, I will explain the reasons why we, as living organisms, absolutely should fear death. Socrates states that we should not Fear Death Socrates says that we, as human beings should not fear death. He says that the only reason we ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He explains that he believes that there is only one realm for an essence to make its place. And since our soul has transferred into a different realm, then that means that we must exist in that world. Socrates clarifies that if every essence goes to one single dimension, then that means every soul that has ever existed, good or bad, resides there. Socrates expand on that idea saying that there are many great minds that had passed away before him that he would like to converse and exchange wisdom with that he had not had the chance to do with while he was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...