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An Essay On Man Sparknotes
Crafting an essay on the subject of "An Essay On Man" by Alexander Pope, as analyzed through
the lens of Sparknotes, presents a unique set of challenges. The complexity of Pope's work
demands a profound understanding of his philosophical insights, poetic techniques, and the
historical context in which he wrote. Navigating through the intricacies of Pope's intricate verses,
one must delve into the profound themes of human nature, morality, and the divine order, all
while deciphering the layers of meaning embedded in the text.
Moreover, relying on Sparknotes as a source requires careful consideration. While it can serve as
a helpful guide, it is crucial to maintain a critical perspective and not merely regurgitate the
summaries provided. Developing a nuanced understanding of the material and weaving it
seamlessly into the essay is a delicate balancing act. It demands not only a comprehensive grasp
of the primary text but also the ability to synthesize external insights and perspectives, all while
maintaining an original voice.
The challenge lies not only in summarizing Pope's work but in providing a fresh and insightful
interpretation. Unearthing hidden nuances and connecting seemingly disparate elements requires
intellectual dexterity and analytical prowess. The essay should be a coherent exploration, delving
into the depths of Pope's thoughts while adding a personal touch that reflects a deep
engagement with the material.
In conclusion, tackling an essay on "An Essay On Man" through the lens of Sparknotes is a
formidable task. It necessitates a profound understanding of the text, a critical evaluation of
secondary sources, and the ability to synthesize information into a compelling narrative. Crafting
such an essay demands time, dedication, and a keen intellect. However, the rewards are
substantial, as it offers an opportunity to engage with one of the seminal works of philosophical
For assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, one can explore the services offered
at HelpWriting.net, where experienced writers can provide support tailored to individual needs.
An Essay On Man Sparknotes An Essay On Man Sparknotes
Essay On Android Chroid
How to block websites on Android Chrome
Are you struggling to stop visiting some websites which harm you forever? Just give
your time to block websites chrome Android. Follow our methods to learn how to
block websites on Android Chrome!
Part 1; Why we would like to block some websites. What websites would we like to
You may observe several problems while surfing in your Computer or iPhone or
Android. The problem is nothing but virus attack or your information s might get
steal. Some hackers will pass the virus to your Android device to know about your
personal information. Folks! Don t give the space to hack your details. We know that
you will ignore those problems in your PC or Smartphone. What is the solution which
... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
You have an additional element which brings the architecture of multi process into
your small device through render of GPU acceleration, CSS3 transform and transition.
100% satisfied user experience.
Great app the voice search will collect the data after your speech
Perfect privacy mode applications are installed.
Safe to download and installation to all users.
Malware notification with instant update and you can block websites chrome
Android whenever you prefer.
Part 3; 2 Methods to block websites on Android Chrome:
A foremost said Block websites Chrome Android Do you know how to block
websites on Android Chrome? We give you short and crisp two methods to block
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Let s see the methods to block websites chrome Android:
Method 1# Use ES File Explorer:
One of the best continent methods is using ES File Explorer to block the websites.
From this method you will come to know how to block websites on Android
Chrome? It is nothing but making the edit in files of hosts. Do you know what host
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The Incorporation of Aviaton Assets to Help Support
Over the course of history, the battlefield has changed with technology. The
incorporation of aviation assets to help support ground operations has created many
benefits. Close air support for joint operations provides over watch and security with
great firepower and precision. Another great benefit is the ability for medical
evacuation, support, and resupply. The combination of air assets with ground forces
aids in battlefield momentum and domination over the enemy when performed
without hesitation. An example of air and ground forces complimenting each other
would start in the planning phase with intended joint use participants. Next would be
the employment of an insertion team days before an operation. This team would
collect human intelligence by over watching possible targets in the area, routines
identified, and gathering information from locals. All information would be
forwarded to high headquarters and used for planning future operations. The ground
team is tasked with the important mission of maintaining eyes on the objective as
well as security with local support by fire as needed when the mission dictates.
While the team is in place, ground assets would push out and start to establish traffic
control points. The incorporation of presence patrols just outside the area to restrict
the flow of traffic and potential for possible targets to leave the area of interest.
Utilization of biometrics would also be incorporated to ensure that other unknown
Organized Being in Kant’s Groundwork for the
Kant s argument that good will is the supreme purpose of man s existence based on
observations of the influence that reason exerts on the will is inconsistent with what
may be observed in nature. It presupposes an intentional cosmos wherein an
organized being s purpose, and thus its standard of value, can be extracted from an
examination of its constitution and faculties. While this presupposition is logically
consistent with the rest of Kant s moral theory it does not coincide with what we can
actually observe in nature. The following essay will examine, one, the idea of an
organized being, secondly, why Kant proposes it, then we will contrast this idea with
what we observe, and finally, analyse the extent of the harm done to the... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Kant proposes that the distinction of purposes between reason and instinct is apparent
because if man s sole purpose was his own well being then the only factor that nature
would allow to leverage his will would be instinct, the desires and inclinations thereof
being entirely sufficient for that end. However, that man must have some other
purpose beyond his own happiness is evident from the influence that reason exerts on
the will. If man s object were his happiness alone then should reason have been
communicated to this favoured creature ...it must only have served it to contemplate
the happy constitution of its nature...but not that it should subject its desires to that
weak and delusive guidance and meddle bunglingly with the purpose of nature. (6)
Reason, in Kant s view, could not have been intended by nature as an auxiliary for
enhancing man s pursuit of happiness. He points out his observation that those who
attempt to employ reason in pursuit of this end often achieve results contrary to it.
So long as we do not doubt the capacity of reason to compel man to set aside his
inclinations we must also accept that nature has intended him for a secondary purpose
as well. Otherwise, Nature would not only have taken on herself the choice of the
ends, but
Case Study 43 Choledocholithiasis
Case Study 43 Choledocholithiasis Scenario T.B. is a 65 year old retiree who is
admitted to your unit from the emergency department (ED). On arrival you note
that he is trembling and nearly doubled over with severe abdominal pain. T.B.
indicates that he has severe pain in the right upper quadrant (RUQ) of his
abdomen that radiates through to his mid back as a deep, sharp boring pain. He is
more comfortable walking or sitting bent forward rather than lying flat in bed. He
admits to having had several similar bouts of abdominal pain in the last month, but
none as bad as this. He feels nauseated but has not vomited, although he did vomit a
week ago with a similar episode. T.B. experienced an acute onset of pain after eating
fish and chips... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He reports that on a scale of 1 to 10, his pain has decreased from a 10 to a 4 in an
hour. What other methods could be used to help T.B. s pain? Anticholinergics can
be used to decrease secretion and counteract smooth muscle contraction to help
with comfort levels of T.B. Also attempting to use none medication therapy such as
massage, or relaxation techniques can be used to relieve pain. What data charted
in the assessment are consistent with CBD obstruction? Presenting with jaundice,
pain, clay colored stool, nausea, vomiting, pain triggered by high fat content meal,
tender upon palpation, and fatigue are all findings that are consistent with CBD.
CASE STUDY PROGRESS At 2330 T.B. spikes a temperature of 38.6В° C
(tympanic). His SaO2 on 2 L O2/NC is now 90%, so you immediately increase the
flow rate to raise his O2 saturation. You inform the on call surgeon, and she orders a
STAT chest x ray (CXR) and a broad spectrum antibiotic imipenem and cilastatin 500
mg IV q6h (check renal function; this medication must be dose adjusted if patient has
renal impairment, or there is an increased risk for seizure). What actions need to be
completed before starting the antibiotic? Before administration of any medication the
patients chart should be looked at and varify that the patient has no allergies that
could be related to said treatment or anything similar in their medical history. Also
obtaining a baseline set of vitals prior to medication administration
The Bite Of The Mango
While reading The Bite of the Mango, there are many traumatic events Mariatu
experiences. Even these events are extremely devastating, heartbreaking, and life
changing, Mariatu learns to seek the positives in her situations to make her life
more joyful. The first traumatic event that Mariatu experienced was her little
brother Santigie dying when Mariatu was 6 years old. Over the past years, Mariatu
has formed a strong bond with him through playing and talking. When he died, in
order to cope with her loss, she imagined that Santigie could be a spirit watching
over her. I was walking one day, I thought I could hear his voice calling me. I
turned to look, but there was no one there. This happened several times over the
next year. (Kamara 19), mariatu proclaims. These occurrences made Mariatu think
that Santigie was truly a spirit looking over her. Mariatu contemplating this
assumably helped her cope with her issues by thinking that Santigie is in a better
place now, looking over her shoulder. An additional traumatic event occured when
Mariatu gets attacked by the rebels in her home village. She experiences many
people she knows getting not only murdered, but also tortured mentally and
physically. In order to get through what is happening to her, she relies on god;
Please let me die quickly. Let it be over quickly, too. Don t let the rebels cut my body
piece by piece. (Kamara 35). Although Mariatu wasn t trying to live, she tried to deal
with her fear by praying to god
Reporting Sexual Assault In The United States Military
The Navy was ranked second regarding Navy servicewomen and the second ranked
for the servicemen was the Marines. In 2014, The Marine Corps reported the highest
percentage of assaults against women, with 7.9 percent reporting having endured an
assault, while the Navy had the highest for men, 1.5 percent. The percent of troops
reporting a sexual assaultin the other services among women were 4.7 percent of
Army soldiers, 6.5 percent of Navy sailors, 2.9 percent of Air Force airmen and 3.0
percent of Coast Guardsmen. The percentage of male troops reporting a sexual assault
were 1 percent of soldiers, 0.3 percent of airmen, 1.1 percent of
Marines and 0.3 percent of Coast Guardsmen. The Rand survey further estimated that
26 percent of active duty ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
And because most sexual assaults go unreported, there is often little evidence
available. Under the proposed law, veterans would only have to show they were
diagnosed with a mental health condition that stems from military sexual assault
Numerous of individuals who are assaulted or raped do not have the courage to
confront the incident and to declare to someone what has happened to them. Many
of the victims use the available blogs and the internet to speak more freely and to
vent out for some relief. A website named, My Duty to Speak, mydutytospeak.com
which is a instrument for victims to speak openly and to be notified about assault
and rape in the United States Military. Raped and retaliated against in the U.S Navy.
Anonymous, United States Navy. It took a lot of courage to come forward and
report I had been sexually assaulted by my army supervisor (e 7) and his Afghan
colleague who both worked for the 3star Army command general. I thought there
would be an investigation and that I would be allowed to continue doing my job,
especially with other women in my same shop
Comparison Of The BookThe Stepford Wives And Get Out
Georgios Araujo
Dr. Andy Schopp
17 November 2017
Technology can be our friend or our worst enemy. In Forbes The Stepford Wives
and in Peele s film, Get Out, both directors have a central idea of reconstructing our
society for it to best suited for us, as individuals. Unless you knew going in that
both of these movies were in the genre of Horror, you wouldn t be expecting it,
more in The Stepford Wives than in Get Out. However the interesting part about
both of these works is that they both have an oddly similar theory behind them, and
it leads the viewer to believe that The Stepford Wives could have been an inspiration
for Get Out, unless you already knew that after hearing Peele s interview stating that
it was. Both of the works use technology and science in a way that by the end of both
works the viewer is shocked, at least I was.
For some brief background, in Forbes The Stepford Wives, Joanna Eberhardt and
her two children are uprooted from the busy bustling streets of Manhattan to the
quiet streets of Stepford. Where the crime rate is zero and so is the poverty rate,
her husband insists this is the best place to raise a family. But almost immediately,
like an instinct, Joanna is uncertain of the women living in Stepford, she feels as
though they are living on a different planet. They are overly obsessed with keeping a
clean house, and pleasing their husbands, all whom are members of the Men s
Association. All of their husbands are executives and very
Sixteen And 17 Year Olds Essay
Sixteen and 17 year olds are, in fact, ideal voters. They have been relatively
stationary, are familiar with their communities, have been going to school, and, as a
result, are perfectly familiar with the issues that affect them. At 18, however, many
young people leave their communities and go away to collegeor move away from
home in search of work. They are expected to vote in communities with which they
are not familiar, and they must also learn the ins and outs of the voting process.
Those who are two years younger would have a better understanding of local issues
and would be more inclined to become involved in the shaping of their communities.
It is easier to carry out voter education and registration through high schools and
attending high school is the last time these young potential voters would all be in
one place. It becomes a lot harder to register first time voters and expose them to the
process of what is involved when they aren t affiliated with some kind of an
Sixteen and 17 year olds today have many responsibilities that are associated with
adulthood. They can drive, get married and have children, yet they are unable to
have a say in the type of society those ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, Constance A. Flanagan, an expert in adolescent civic and political
development at Pennsylvania State University, explains that though the frontal lobes
of adolescents may not be as fully developed as when they are older, this has next to
nothing to do with their ability to assess different perspectives on political issues, see
competing claims, understand others points of view [and] see connections between
what a particular candidate stands for and how the people in their local community or
some other interest group would fare if that candidate is
Relationships In Elie Wiesel s Relationship With His Father
When relationships are challenged, they can either be made stronger or destroyed.
Elie Wiesel s relationship with his father is tested on numerous occasions throughout
the time of the Holocaust. Wiesel writes about his horrific experiences, most of which
are in the Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz, in his memoir Night. Throughout
his time in the concentration camps, Wiesel manages to stick by his father s side,
which is hard to do. In doing so, Wiesel s relationship with his father prospers, rather
than declines. Wiesel s relationship with his father, although difficult to maintain at
times, led to his survival during the Holocaust. As Wiesel writes in the beginning of
his memoir, the relationship between him and his father is impassive and simple.
Their relationship never really has much of an impact on Wiesel during his
childhood. Wiesel mentions, My father was a cultured, rather unsentimental man
(2). Because Wiesel s father never shows any affection towards Wiesel, it is hard
for him to form any sort of relationship with him whatsoever. Wiesel also writes,
There was never any display of emotion, even at home. He was more concerned with
others than his own family (2). Wiesel s father was highly involved in the Jewish
Community of Sighet, and he would even consult in public matters. Due to Wiesel s
father s busy schedule, the bond between him and his son is neglected.
As the enforcements of the Holocaust start appearing in Wiesel s hometown, his
father s behavior begins to slowly change, making it easier for Wiesel to connect
with him. While watching other families being deported, Wiesel, his father, and
the rest of his family witness the Hungarian Police strike old men and women,
without reason, with truncheons, for the first time. The next day, as they are
being deported from the ghettos, Wiesel writes, My father wept. It was the first
time I had ever seen him weep. I had never imagined that he could (16). Wiesel s
prior belief that his father was emotionless is proven to be wrong before they even
arrive at the concentration camps. Wiesel is able to relate to his father in this
moment, for he too is terrified of what lies ahead. As Wiesel and his family arrive at
Birkenau, the Nazis
Examples Of Crooks In Of Mice And Men
Just as Havisham and Curley s wife s isolation is because of their gender, Crooks
in Of Mice and Men is presented as the epitome of the frustration and loneliness
caused by isolation. However, Crooks s isolation is not due to his gender, but his
colour and race. In Of Mice and Men , Steinbeck presents Crooks as an isolated
character due to his race. He names Crooks as Crooks because he has a crooked
back and he is called Nigger implying that he is unimportant. Steinbeck portrays
Crooks s loneliness through this is just a nigger talking a bust back nigger. So it
don t mean nothing and nobody d listen to you , these can be inferred as Crooks has
a low status in the ranch, no one has ever listened to him. This can also be referred to
the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the poem Hitcher , Armitage examines the disappointments of the speaker who is
about to lose his job and who is under pressure conforming to society s expectations,
and his frustration with life. Armitage portrays the theme of isolation using some
lexical choices which carry negative connotations such as tired , fired , under the
weather , emphasizing the amount of pain he suffers from being threatened with
losing his job and not having any purposes in life. Armitage adopts a defeated and
frustrated tone to illustrate the frustration, isolation and anger which contribute to
the speaker s internal sufferings. The defeated, frustrated tone of the speaker in
the poem is presented through a series of lexical choices which carry connotations
of negative emotions. These words form a semantic field of frustrated emotions
and the reason why the writer has done this is to try to suggest that the speaker is
very disturbed and threatened. I d been tired evokes sympathy from the readers. It
is colloquial which underlines realism with a lack of imagery in the poem. Under
the weather can be inferred as the speaker not feeling well. It doesn t only mean
that he doesn t feel well in a physical way, it also implies that he mood is not very
good, echoes with I d been tired and fired . These aren t convincing, though weather
has an
How ATVs Work Essay
Thesis statement: All terrain vehicles are helpful and useful and I will explain how
they work and how to fix them in this paper.
Outline: Inn this paper I will discuss ATV s and general knowledge and getting
them wet. I also will discuss their origin and how they need care and how to keep
them doing good for a long time.
What is an ATV? It is an All Terrain Vehicle, also called three or four wheelers. It is
also called a quad or ATV. An ATV is built to go where other vehicles
cannot go. ATV
s are also built to handle a lot of stress and abuse. ATV s are virtually indestructible;
however, they have a few weaknesses and it is important to know and understand
those few weaknesses. You should always do a... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The compression then stroke follows, and the charge is ignited when the piston
reaches the end of this stroke. The piston then moves outward on the power stroke,
uncovering the exhaust port and permitting the gases to escape from the
combustion chamber.1 The four stroke model has four strokes instead of two. The
strokes are Intake, into which a mixture of gas and air are pulled into the cylinder.
Second, Compression, where the piston moves up and the gases are compressed.
The Third is power in which the spark plug fires and ignites the compressed gases,
And last is exhaust in which the gases that were burned are expels through the
exhaust then the procedure repeats itself. The most common type of ATV (Three and
Four wheelers)
Manufactures are Yamaha, Honda, Kawasaki, Hosquravana, Suzuki and
Polaris. There are several other brands but for time s sake I have only listed a few of
the most popular ones. ATV s come in a variety of sizes and powers. from a small
80cc to a huge two stroke 600cc! I own a 1989
Yamaha Breeze and have to repair it quite often. There are some simple things to do
that are cheap and will save money in the long run. For example adding transmission
fluid or crankcase oil could save hundreds at a repair shop. Some times repairs get
challenging as your quad (ATV) ages it will need special care such as an oil change,
Brake pads, spark
The Importance Of Plants In Canada
Plants are extremely important to the growth and development of Canada because
as a source of food, the country requires the nutrients the plants provide and they are
irreplaceable. Plants are crucial as they are a component of everything people eat,
whether people eat the plants or the animal they eat or get food from rely on plants.
The more food and plants available to better the reproduction, and therefore more
population growth in communities. Having more food available for the entire
population has shown to decrease poverty and increase the overall development of
the community (2). In Canada, there is a large discrepancy between the food security
of the southern provinces and northern territories. This has stuck many northern
Canadians in difficult situations when trying to buy the proper food. There is also
an economic factor of food and plants. In current society, most food in imported from
country to country, creating many economic benefits in countries that import food
(3). That money can be used to create a better community and country. On another
level, plants and crops also have religious and symbolic value in our culture, which
helps to increase development on a social level. Increases in variety and quantity can
help to develop communities. Certain pants and foods help to give communities and
countries their identity. For example, many foods are crucial to our identity like
maple syrup. Overall, food and plants is extremely important to Canada as a society
Lin Manuel Miranda Jr Research Paper
On january 16, 1980, Lin Manuel Miranda was born in Manhattan, New York to
his lovely parents Luz Towns Miranda and Luis A.Miranda jr. Growing up him and
his sister, Luz Mirnada Crespo, took piano lessons together, inspired by their
parents. Both of his parents were born in puerto rico and happily married. His
father was also a political advisor for a living. He went to exposed to different
types of genres while growing up. While growing up he went to hunter college
elementary and high school. He performed in the students performances in this
preteen and teenage stage. Through out the years he has won eleven awards in one
night. He has also written three broadways. He got married to vanessa nadal and
had a child. Today his child is two years
Puerto Rican And American Culture
Puerto Rican has always been an area of interest to America, and United States
government has had dealings with them over the past hundred or so years. Puerto
Rico is a small island off the coast of the more southeast tip of the United States
right below the tip of Florida. The island is located in the caribbean sea and is
among an island chain of different islands like Jamaica, Cuba, and the island of Haiti.
Puerto Ricojust like many other territory in the caribbean sea became under United
Statescontrol in one way or another starting in the early 1900s. The United States saw
Puerto Rican, as a desirable possession given its strategic location, potential markets,
and agricultural possibilities. (Scupin, p209) The Puerto Rican American people
faced many challenges and accomplishments when they first came to America; there
contributions to American culture are vast, and there immigration history is full of
stores of hardship and togetherness.
The Puerto Rican people just like the Mexican American people became part of
America s by conquest and not by choice. Business dealing with Puerto Rican seemed
to shape its history with the United States, and was the main reason for Puerto Rican
becoming a United State territory. Once settled on the mainland Puerto Ricans had to
deal with prejuect and missunderstandings due to fact that they spoke spanish, but
were not from Mexcio. Because Puerto Ricans call themselves Hispanics or Latinos,
they group themselves with Mexicans,
Battle Of The Alamo Summary
The battle of the Alamo was one of the first wars in the Texas revolution. It took
place March 6th, 1836. The lead attacker was General Antonio Lopez de Santa
Anna. The Alamo was a stronghold built by spanish missionaries. In the end there
were 1500 casualties from mexican troops. There were only 30 civilians spared.
The leader of the Texans, Colonel Travis drew a line in the sand and asked who
ever wanted to stay and protect to come over the line, only one did not. That s
basically a summary of the battle of the Alamo. The Goliad Massacre only happened
three weeks after the battle of the Alamo, so still early 1836. General Antonio Lopez
de Santa Anna told his men to kill the Texans that surrendered on March 20th, 1836.
Theses Texans were
The Human Rights Act 1998
The Human Rights Act 1998
The Human Rights Act 1998 was fully enforced in 2000 and describes further effect
to freedoms and rights that are entitled under the ECHR (the European Convention on
Human Rights) (Ward, Wragg Walker 2011, p. 146). The constitutional framework of
the United Kingdom implies that the Human Rights Act 1998 is not embedded in the
same way as the human rights papers that are adopted by many nations in the world.
Nonetheless, it is argued that any attempt to amend or repeal the provisions of the
Human Right Act 1998 s would necessitate the clearest probable words. It is
significant to note that the scheme of the Human Rights Act is complicated, as it
requires public authorities to undertake their functions in compatible with the ECHR,
and it provides the Convention and related jurisprudence with an important influence
over the domestic law interpretation (Ward, Wragg Walker 2011, p. 147).
Conversely, it impedes the courts from invalidating incompatible Parliament s Act
and in this respect; it does not provide the Convention with a primacy over domestic
law. This paper seeks to evaluate the degree to which the Human Rights Act 1998 has
fully incorporated the ECHR into the United Kingdom s legal system.
The creation of ECHR can be traced back to 1950 after the formation of the United
Nations. As a war shattered continent, Europe was determined to create a free Europe
by developing a human rights document enshrining human rights and ardent
How Did The Tang Empress Wu Zetian, The First Female
The Tang Empress Wu Zetian (also known as Empress Wu or as Wu Zhao; ruled
China around 690 705 AD) was China s first female ruler. (Dash, 2012) Pharaoh
Hatshepsut was the was the fifth pharaoh between 1508 and 1458 BC of the
Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt and the first women pharaoh (Sayre, 2015). These two
were great female rulers during the ancient times and brought different styles of
ruling during each of their times as rulers.
Cultures over which they ruled, identifying any similarities and differences between
the cultures.
We will look at Wu Zetian, the first female ruler in China, was born in 624. Per
parents were rich and of noble families, besides the straighter end results of her move
violently to expand and uphold ultimate power, Wu s leadership resulted in
significant consequences about social class in Chinese culture and in relation to
circumstances hold up for Taoism, Buddhism, education, and writing. Wu Zetian also
had a colossal impact leading the sculptures at the Qianling Mausoleum of the
Longmen Grottoes and the Wordless Stele , on top of the building of some most
important constructions and bronze castings that do not continue to exist. Hatshepsut,
on the other hand, was born in the 18th Dynasty (a powerful group or family that
maintains its position for a considerable time) recognized the trade system that had
been distressed at some point in the Hyksos profession of Egypt all through the
Second Intermediate Period, thus building the riches of the
Literary Analysis And Analysis Of The Alexander
The Persians are losing the engagement, but the valiant horseman is clearly holding
his own; the nude figure, rather than representing a known Macedonian, is a brave
Graeco Macedonian warrior about the meet a noble death. In this description,
Waldemar Heckel describes one of the battle scenes on the Alexander Sarcophagus,
a piece which has much meaning in the study of Alexander the Great and the lives
of the ancient Greeks and Persians as a whole. The artifact has speculative ties to the
ancient kings Abdalonymus and Mazaeus. To begin with, this paper will discuss the
embellishment and making of the Sarcophagus, the locational and creator s
information, and the accuracy of the Wikipedia page on the sarcophagus. Following
this, the paper examines any information lacking in the Wikipedia article, facts
which could be added and enhanced, and the relations between Persians and Greeks
and how they impacted ancient Greek society. Moreover, this paper will examine the
Alexander Sarcophagus through the lens of information available to individuals
online, more specifically referring to its Wikipedia article. Analyzing the Wikipedia
article on the Alexander Sarcophagus shows a view of the artifact which contains
many flaws. To begin with, the Alexander Sarcophagus employed a variety of
methods in its making and ornamentation. In the first place, marble is the material the
item is created from and the item contains meticulously carved out subjects, with the
lid and the base of
Dred Scott V Sandford
Rap music is a reflection of Black culture that for decades has been used to
highlight social injustices. There are many similarities to the Dred Scott v. Sandford
(1857), which help to underline the historical pain the Blacks had to endure both in
the past and present. The case of Dred Scott v. Sandford was based on the
establishment of racism and political movement on enslavement. Chang, Jeff Can t
Stop Won t Stop explains the events of (1960 1973) social condition prevailing in
New York, especially the South Bronx, in the generation leading up to the birth of hip
The impact of the Dred Scott v. Sandford lasted from (1833 1857). Dred Scott was
originally from Virginia but resided in both Illinois and Missouri for most of his
life. One of the reasons he resided in Illinois, was because it was known as a free
state. In 1846, Dred Scott entered the state of Missouri and sued for his freedom in
the Missouri Courts; unfortunately it was an unsuccessful attempt. Throughout his
life, he continued to challenge the Courts for his freedom, ultimately obtaining
freedom in 1857. Dred Scott becoming a free black was the beginning of an
American history revolution.
Enslavement existed for at least 400 years and some might say that it still exist
today but presents itself differently. It has a huge impact on African Americans
because living in an anti black world has an effect on a person s psyche. In addition,
African Americans depended on religious songs that were
Roman Emperor Caligul A Case Of True Misfortune
Caligula: A Case of True Misfortune
Crimson blood precipitating in the lands of Rome, as a psychedelic man, an emperor
rules these territories. Madmen have erupted because of his saturated insanity.
However, his humanity and morality is unknown by all, except some. This is the
Roman emperor Caligula. This paper quarrels the life of Caligula, his psychotic
doings and his time of existence.
With an original name of Gaius Julius Caesar, Caligula was born on the 31st of
August in the year of A.D. 12. As an infant, he was escorted by his father Germanicus,
a military Roman general, in military campaigns. Because of his legionary clothing
with small boots in his accompaniment, he was nicknamed Caligula , which means
little boot . On August 19, A.D. 14, Augustus, the current Roman emperor, passed
away. However, before his death, he ordered Tiberius, his stepson, to adopt
Germanicus and make him the heir. Although his order, Tiberius immediately took
rule after Augustus death and sent Germanicus on a mission, where he got sick and
subsequently gave his soul to the Angel of Death.
Because of the death of Germanicus, Agrippina the Elder, Caligula s mother, smelled
something fishy and it came from Tiberius; she blamed Tiberius for... Show more
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This celestial thought was because he considered himself as a god. Because of this
belief, he claimed that he could talk with the gods, and so he ordered others to
worship him. Speaking of overrated, Caligula had a stallion which he named
Incitatus. This horse was smothered, in which anyone who caused annoyance to it
was punished with demise. Incitatus owned a marble stable, an ivory stall, a
jewelled collar, an abode and servants! Caligula also wanted to make him a consul,
but wasn t able to do that, however, he was treated like one; he was given golden
barley and wine in golden
Essay On Brand Loyalty
How do your kids stay organized during the school year? As for my kids, they have
Mead Five Star products to help them. I share some ways on how your kids can keep
organized all year long.
School has officially started here in Colorado and I have done most of my back to
school shopping. I say most because no matter what, there s always something
missing from the list that the teachers request once your kids are back in school. I m
just waiting for it. Like most parents, I hate spending unnecessary money. I love
when I shop that whatever I purchase last all year long, within reason of course. I
don t expect my kids to have a notebook all year, but oh how I wish. Speaking of
notebooks, I suffer from brand loyalty and I m going to be ... Show more content on
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Make sure you have extra pencils and pens so that you re never out. If you re using
a mechanical pencil, be sure to have extra lead. When you re organized, the less you
ll be stressing.
Have an organizational system in place, here are a few ways to do that.
Have a binder with dividers
Choose a binder that fits you needs and use dividers help you to separate each class
or subject. This way you re not carrying around too many notebooks. Separating
your binder with color dividers will cut down the time spent having to find each
class notes. If you decide that you don t want to use a binder, have different colored
notebooks for each class or subject. Once again this will make it easier for you.
Introduce a Planner
If your school doesn t provide a daily planner, get one for your child. A daily planner
will help them stay organized as to what s coming up, and what will be happening
on a daily basis. Your child can list their homework so that they re not forgetting
what s due. I know my children can be quite forgetful, especially when it comes to
homework. Having a planner where homework is written down keeps them
responsible. When the week is over, rip out the pages and start all over again. You
can keep the old pages in a folder at home to look back upon.
Backpack to keep it all
Having a backpack that can hold all their school supplies is the key to organization.
Your child will need a
Essay On Rosa Coldfield Absalom
Samantha McCann Professor Sarah Luria Touchstones II 16 April 2018 Rosa
Coldfield s Pursuit of a Proper Place William Faulkner s complex masterpiece,
Absalom, Absalom! tells a story about how inhabitants of the Old South find
themselves entangled in a world of hurt and haunted by the extreme pressure of the
past. Rosa Coldfield, the first character Faulkner introduces in the novel, is one such
inhabitant who struggles to come to grips with history. The maiden spinster never
surrenders her Old Southern lens of the world and remains forever fixated on her
notions of what might have been, despite the Old South crumbling around her (115).
Rosa finds herself continuously isolated from the other characters, yet she repetitively
entwines her narrative... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Why does she consistently involve herself in the lives of those around her,
attempting to become not just a wife or mother but also a daughter, sister, or aunt?
I argue Miss Rosa Coldfield spends her entire life trying to build connections with
other characters since she struggles to find her proper role in the Old Southern
patriarchy. From the beginning of her existence, Rosa Coldfield lacks a standing in
her family, yet she continues searching for a role. The house, normally the heart of
family life, becomes an ironic representation of her lack of standing. As Shreve
comments, Rosa grew up in a household like an overpopulated mausoleum (144). A
mausoleum is defined as a stately building erected to house tombs (OED). With these
words, Faulkner generates a tone of sorrow and isolation surrounding Rosa s
childhood, explaining how she grew up in a home overpopulated with death. Her
mother died giving birth to her, and her father mounted to the attic with his
hammer...and nailed the door behind him (65). The hammer, a tool for striking with
great force, usually represents strength and protection. Ironically, Mr. Coldfield uses
the hammer to destroy his relationship with his daughter, putting a literal barrier (the
nailed shut door) between them to represent the divide. By boarding
Oral History At Los Alamos
What kind of public history issues does an individual encounter daily at their local
community s historical society? The public history issues that I have come across in
my professional experience include topics as memory, oral histories, and the
categorizing of archives. For my professional experience hours, I am volunteering at
Los Alamos local historical society, where the organization is currently conducting
several oral histories and cataloging their archives. While conducting oral histories on
World War II and Manhattan ProjectVeterans I have connected my experience to
issues such as memory. The connection to memory has caused me to form several
questions on whether the experiences that these veterans were telling are accurate
accounts... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The idea of memory can relate to such examples photos, quotes, and how a
landscape or town use to appear can connect to the issue of oral history. The
connection allows the historian to help those that they are interviewing recall on their
experiences. The connection between the two has caused me to realize that primary
accounts can be very subjective. About previous coursework, I learned that oral
histories should subjectively view these accounts as the recollection of an event by
the individual may have faded with age. The concepts of memory and oral history
have been an active issue in my experience. One instance that I have noticed when
interviewing several Manhattan Project Veterans is their recollection of dates, which
revolve around certain historical events as the Trinity Test. In one interview, a
veteran informed me that he began working in Los Alamos on the Manhattan
Project in 1942 and that the Trinity Test took place in the June of 1945. The
interview provides an excellent example of how a primary source s account of an
event can fade over time as the laboratory at Los Alamos did not open until 1943,
and the test at the Trinity site took place in July of 1945. Learning from the
interview, I immediately connect this to my prior coursework bringing photos of the
Los Alamos area during the 1940s to my next oral history interview.
Figurative Language In The Secretary Chant, By Marrge
In the poem The Secretary Chant, the poet, Marge Piercy, uses figurative language
to develop the argument of how society has produced a stereotype that women
should be secretaries, because being a secretary is not always the ideal job because
just like every other jobs, there may be emotional conflicts. The way Piercy uses
comprehensive imagery about the speakers body and figurative language to depict a
womans perspective of being a secretary interested me. Aftering reading the poem
thoroughly, each imagery and figurative language conveys how women are
stereotyped to be secretaries and why it is not always the ultimate jobs for women.
The poem The Secretary Chant uses imagery about the speaker s body parts to
develop the argument of how society has produced a stereotype that being a
secretary is the perfect job for a women, but in reality being a secretary might
produce emotional conflicts. The reader can view this when the speaker states, My
navelis a reject button (15). The speaker illustrates how her belly button is a reject
button. The purpose of using a metaphor in this quote is to explain how the
speaker s body is being altered to inanimate objects. The significance of the navel is
that after detaching the umbilical cord after birth, the navel no longer has a
biological purpose. This is vital because perhaps the speaker feels useless, because
the speaker knows her navel is ineffective. Since the speaker is working over time,
she probably feels like she
Voice Acting Group
Darkness and coldness grabbed that desolate, almost clichГ© closet room, not
quite stealing away the blissful glee surrounding everyone s stature. We had
prepared this tiny gathering for weeks, and now the first day was looming over
our heads. Each member thirty minutes late, they filed into the tiny, but proud
voice chat server that the moderators were so hung over about. The ten of us are a
voice acting group. I was and am their leader, the person with the clever hairbrained
scheme to summon us all in one place, and I was the most nervous after all. What
if only five of us showed up? What if everyone forgot it was today? What if I
accidently said it was next month? To answer my almost certain demise, a friendly
voice joined the call. We called him Stick. He had been the third person we asked,
with a calm and collected voice, the man didn t seem like one for being three main
roles on the team, but Stick had the power to move mountains with his thunderous
call. He was an instant addition to the team, being one of the... Show more content on
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A few weeks after we first all got together, my grandfather died, causing a chain
reaction in the family. I was always taught to be the strong one, as I was going to be
needed in the future to be everyone s rock, to make them happy in their times of
need. Everyone always saw me as the unemotional one, I never cried, or got
depressed. I would usually just sleep it off. When a family is broken apart by
death, it changes a person. If everyone falls on me for help and assistance, who was
I going to fall back to? I then remembered my friends, the ones who would stay by
my side no matter what. I fell back to them and explained everything. They were
there when I needed them most. They have changed me so much over the summer.
I have become more social with people, and I have grown more as a person because
of them. If it wasn t for my friend group, I would have never found my
Cracking Our Dna Barcode Analysis
Comparison and Contrast of Cracking Our Genetic Barcode
In the essay, DNA fingerprinting: Cracking Our Genetic Barcode , by Elaine
Marieb, illustrates how significant DNA fingerprinting is today. She initiates a
candid example of how New York City s World Trade Center massacre killed more
than 3, 000, left millions of bodies distorted, charred, and decayed. It was the staple
for the ever increasing need for DNA fingerprinting.
In current events, DNA fingerprinting is a vital instrument soldiers who are
unidentifiable after war. Marieb wrote (435), The U.S military takes blood and
saliva samples from every recruit so it can identify soldiers killed in the line of duty.
In contrast, in the past, there were rudimentary ways to recognize ... Show more
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Marieb stated (435), DNA fingerprinting can prove that a suspect was actually at
the scene of a crime and establishes innocence. Before the evolution of DNA
fingerprinting, persecuting attorney and our judicial system depended on many
aspects of reliable sources to convict a criminal. They depended on the
eyewitnesses who were likely to recant on their statements, tampered evidence, and
bias jurors. Presently, DNA fingerprinting have aided in exonerating hundreds of
cases including Ray Krone, also known as The Snaggle Tooth Killer. He was
exculpated by DNA evidence after he served 10 years and was facing the death
penalty for a crime he didn t commit. He was wrongly convicted of murder and the
circumstantial evidence at the time was the bite marks they found on the victim s
body resembled his teeth. DNA revealed Kenneth Phillips was the culprit. He was the
100th inmate vindicated through DNA from death row since 1976. Even though, this
is a fascinating process. It is not a perfect system. Similarly, fingerprints were used in
the past, yet the current progression speaks for
Data Analysis And Data Processes
Data Transformation are often very complex and is the most costly section of the
ETL process. Transformations are often achieved outside the database using flat files,
but mostly occurs within an Oracle database. The transform step applies rules or
functions to the extracted data. These rules or functions will decide on the analysis of
data and can involve transformations like the following:
Data Summations
Data Merging
Data Encoding
Data Splitting
Data Calculations
Creating Surrogate Keys
Data Aggregation
When transformed, the data is clean, accurate, consistent and ready for analysis by
the data warehouse users.
Data can be transformed in two ways:
Multistage Data Transformation
Pipelined Data Transformation
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Most of the tasks are completed outside the database, for example step 1 to 4 as
shown in figure 6 below and then is inserted into the warehouse table.
2.2.2 Cleansing Data
Data cleansing is the process of removing incorrect, inappropriate and duplicate
data. It can also be called data cleaning or data scrubbing. Not cleansing the data
will lead to inaccurate and unreliable results. During the process of cleansing data,
if dirty data is detected, it will have to be modified and will therefore cause delays
within the process. Dirty data can be caused by the following:
Members of an organization are poorly trained and will therefore enter data
Inaccurate system configuration rules are applied.
Regular data updates are neglected.
Inconsistent or lack of validation rules.
Duplicates are not removed.
Data cleansing can be performed within single or multiple sets of data. Usually
problems within single data sets are due to misspellings when entering data of that
they have left out missing information when inputting. When problems occur within
multiple data sets e.g. in a data warehouse, the need to cleanse data increases greatly.
This is because the data is more than likely to have redundant data from different
sources, and will therefore have to make sure all
The Effects And Effects Of Video Recording On Anxiety
As the use of technology increases, more and more companies will be turning to
recordings to monitor and save data, including therapists, interviewers, and law
enforcement officials. It s important to understand what effects being recorded will
have on the outcome of the conversations. Using college students and placing them in
different situations of recorded discussions, this study seeks to measure the effects of
these type of data gathering on anxiety and truthfulness. Using the information
gathered, we will make conclusions regarding the most effective ways of getting the
proper information from subjects or clients that could be used in real life situations to
Effects of Video Recording on Anxiety
As technology advances, there is considerably less need for the use of old practices.
We re seeing this now in ways we could never have imagined. Interviewers,
interrogators, and therapists alike are debating turning to video and audio recording
to preserve sessions rather than note taking, which can be a source for mistakes.
Implementing live recording in therapy, interviews, and interrogations allows for
more accurate recollection of thoughts and ideas for both parties. One stated benefit
from the study conducted by Decarlo and colleagues was that with the recording
method, the officers were able to spend more time listening and interacting with the
suspect than taking accurate notes of the interrogation, which could be misconstrued
Raymond Carver Cathedral Analysis
Blind to the Blind
To be imaginative is to be a child. As a person ages, he is expected to mature into
adulthood and to live in the real world. He is expected to abandon his childhood
dreams and cultivate practicality and factuality. However, imaginations are not
limited to unicorns and dragons; it is a skill a person must nurture to realize his
dreams and desires. To be imaginative is to be a visionary. Without a vision, a person
lacks the sight for compassion, curiosity, and self consciousness. In this sense,
imagination is not only to think outside the box, but also to search deeper inside. In
the short story, Cathedral by Raymond Carver, Carver develops the idea that a lack of
imagination limits a person to the physical and visible world which leads to the
blindness to the abstract world and rejection of the uncertain future. It is when a
person opens his eyes to the unseen that he can create emotional connection with
others and discover the profound truth inside himself.
The narrator s lack of imagination leads him to reject what is beyond his visual
perception. The narrator looks at his surroundings plainly as they are and therefore
fails to see the deeper meanings behind it. Throughout the story, the narrator is
watching television, which symbolizes his narrow perspective and his failure to
observe the world on his own. His idea of blindness came from the movies (Carver
315) and this preconceived notion results in his unenthusiastic attitude towards
Robert before
Sex Trafficking And Sexual Trafficking
Sex trafficking, particularly that of children, has become a growing concern in the
United States over the past several decades (Kotrla, 2010). By definition, child sex
trafficking is when a child (under 18 years of age) is induced to perform a
commercial sex act (U.S., 2013, para. 4), and includes forms such as prostitutionand
pornography (Kotrla, 2010). Researchers suggest that children are the most
vulnerable to becoming victims of prostitution (Kotrla), and it is estimated that there
are at least 100,000 victims in the United States (Estes Weiner, 2001). Sex traffickers,
otherwise known as pimps, often lure children with promises of food, clothing, love,
and shelter, and then the pimps manipulate the children to keep them in prostitution
(U.S. Department of Justice [DOJ], 2015). Awareness of the issue has led to the
development of organizations, such as Children of the Night, that seek to help
victims escape the sex trafficking industry (Children of the Night [COTN], 2016d).
According to their official mission statement, Children of the Night is dedicated to
rescuing America s children from the ravages of prostitution (COTN, 2016c). Not
only does the organization work to help children escape prostitution, they strive to
provide these children with a viable alternative to living under the control of pimps
(Lissone, 2005).
History and Operations
In the 1970s, Lois Lee was researching prostitution arrest records for her doctoral
The Distribution Of The Studio System
After the breakdown of the studio system the leading film companies started to buy
each other on a conglomorate scale in order to increase their quality and income
during the production or distribution of the film. Conglomorate ownership has been
in the business for very long time and has shaped the industry. Most companies in
hollywood are economically driven rathern than artisticly driven, therefore whilst
making films it is in the company s best interest to make more money. For the better
understanding of the issua it is important to look at the history of the conglomoration
throughout the film history and then to use a case study for futher more detailed
research. Marvel Cinematic Univerves can serve as a great case study to... Show more
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Media conglomerates strive for policies that facilitate their control of the markets
around the world. As a result film in United States has developed as a commercial
pursuit, where profit maximization is the centra target. Conglomoration extends
beyond the ratings and inculudes its value syndication to owned and operated
stations and cable outlets. Futhermore, in 1915 the Supreme Court of the United
States argued that the Exhibition of moving pictures is a business, pure and simple,
originated and conducted for a profit like other spectacles. Companies such as
Disney, who is the owner of the Marvel heroes nowadays, is one of the most
aggressive in the production of content, which can be packeged, then repacakaged,
and distributed in various corporate sectors to generate revenue. Disney have bought
diversity of mass media productions, including film studios, independet film studios,
television channels, parks and resorts, etc. The media in theory forms a marketplace
for ideas who ones who dominates this marketpalce extend its control and ownershio
of conglomerates, which provides them with an unprecedented degree of potential
control over the range and direction of cultural production. The market for film
expanded to a dramatic degree over the last quarter centuary, thanks in large part to
the evolution of commercial television outlets around the world. Motion pictures
remain prominent. Marvel is a conglomorate company as it owns several
Asset Inequities Of Black Sexual Minority Essay
The Asset Inequities of Black Sexual Minority Women s Health An anthology edited
by, Hull, Bell Scott, and Smith (1982) titled, All the women are White, all the Blacks
are men, but some of us are brave succinctly captures the ubiquitous pairing of women
with Whiteness, Blackness with men. I would go further and argue that sexual
minorities experience both gendered (maleness) and racialized (whiteness) coupling.
Rendering the experiences of those who are Black, women and sexual minorities
invisible (for further discussions on intersectional invisibility, see Bowleg, 2008 ;
hooks, 2000; Purdie Vaughns Eibach, 2008). People with interlocked marginalized
social identities, experience intersectional invisibility in research and policy... Show
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Suggesting that policies and services tailored to the specific health care needs of
Black SMW are crucial to providing the best care for this population. To this end, a
suitable mechanism for addressing the health care disparities among Black SMW is
intersectionality theory. The present paper, therefore argues for the application of an
intersectional prism in health research. Drawing from assets theory and life course
theory, this paper aims to elucidate several critical themes that should be considered
in future research endeavors that incorporates the needs of marginalized voices.
Intersectionality theory was developed to address the multifaceted experiences of
marginalized people (Crenshaw, 1989). Intersectionality theory states that systems of
oppression are interconnected and there are those who are multiply burdened because
they hold more than one marginalized social identity. Health care in the Historical
Context First, it is important to note that the historical experiences of Black women,
and of women in general, also include lesbian and bisexual women of color. Second,
it is critical that we examine the health care experiences of Black lesbians and
bisexuals within a socioeconomic, political and cultural context. The mistreatment of
Black women by medical institutions and professionals within the United States
(U.S.) health care system is well documented: from the immoral medical experiments
conducted on Black slaves, to the forced sterilization, and subpar
Into The Wild By Chris Mccandless
Into the Wild details the events that lead to the death of the pretentious Chris
McCandless. An overconfident vagabond, McCandless causes his own death.
Krakauer does his best to turn McCandless into a sympathetic, relatable figure, by
appealing to the reader s logic and emotion, but ultimately fails. By exploring
McCandless personality and background, Krakauer makes an appeal to logos.
From the very start, Krakauer states Alaska has long been a magnet for dreamers
and misfits... (4). Is McCandless not a dreamer and a misfit? He dreams of an
idealistic life in the wilderness. The way he evade[s] the impending threat of human
intimacy sets him apart from the common friendship oriented person (55). He refuses
extravagant items, in the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A frugal introvert such as McCandless should be perfectly suited to a life in the
wild. The ability to lead a spartan lifestyle is something to be admired, but
McCandless does not come across as admirable. Rather, he is spoiled and
obstinate. The fact he had $24,000 of college money to donate upon graduating,
money which was given to him by a family friend no less, shows that McCandless
could not have lead a truly sparse life. There was no fear of a next meal or a lack
of a roof overhead. Anything he wanted, McCandless had access to. His refusal to
give gifts comes across as selfish and ostentation. McCandless letter encouraging
Franz to find joy in travel rather than personal relationships demonstrates his self
righteousness. By putting his lifestyle of choice on a pedestal, McCandless shows
just how little regard he holds for the beliefs of others. McCandless holds the ideals
of a young man squirming to get away from the wealth of his parents, but rather
than use compassion to atone for his privilege, he becomes jaded and cuts off
positive interaction with those he should be able to rely on. Krakauer does his best
to make McCandless past justify his trek into the wild, but succeeds only in making
McCandless look like a brat. Krakauer appeals to pathos by revealing how those close
to McCandless mourned his death. McCandless filled a hole in Ronald A. Franz s
How Does Poverty Affect Child Development
Table Of Contents
II.How poor nutrition affects a child s development
III.Affects of poverty on education
V.Mental health issues
Children are dependent on their parents; they have no control over their economic
status when they enter this world. Poverty is a vicious thing that s hard to escape
from. In order to make a better life for yourself you need an education and the
motivation to do so. The longer a person is poor the harder it is to escape it. It ends
up being a circle of growing up poor and staying poor. So does ones birthright affect
their development? With 43.1 million American living in poverty, many kids are left
disadvantaged from the start.(1) These children ... Show more content on
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Poor children have greater psychological distress than well off children (16). They
are more likely to suffer from mood disorders, psychoses, suicide, personality
disorders, and alcohol and substance abuse. Mood disorders such as depression are
very common for children coming from poor backgrounds. Depression is a
common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way
you think and how you act (17). Some of the environmental factors that can cause
depression are exposure to violence, neglect, and abuse. Depression in a dangerous
illness that causes many deaths every year. Suicide is also common for poor
people. Studies have shown that the majority of suicides were completed by
unemployed people. The stress of not having a steady income could be one factor
associated with this. They also found that deaths involving drugs are associated with
poverty. The use of drugs and alcohol in poor communities is quite common. Links
between education and substance abuse has been found and could be a cause of
addiction in poor communities. Adults who are substance abusers are 2.7 times more
likely to be abusive towards their children
Francis And Clare War Analysis
It is often said that Saint Francis and Saint Clare had internal and external
experience of war. Examples of internal war that Francis and Clare faced would be
stress, thoughts, and emotions. Examples of external war that Francis and Clare
faced would be beatings from parents, being prisoner, being a part of a war, and
falling ill. Francis and Clare both were heavily impacted by the internal and external
war they faced. These impacts had changed their lives drastically and had changed
their view related to the world and church.
Francis was on this planet a very long time ago, but he had a huge impact on religion.
Francis lived for about forty four years and he went through changes for a good
reason. In the year of 1202, Francis went ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Clare lived for about sixty year and she went through changes for a good reason.
Clare s wars are started when she was six years old, when Clare and her family was
escaping for the war that was going on in Assisi. She dropped her favorite doll and
she left her parents to go and get her doll. She was blocked by returning to her
family by a warrior and that warrior, Francis, let her go to be with her family. This
event him her emotional and it will have an big impact later in her life. The war
had played a huge external war on her life by making her move out of her home
and not returning for more than ten years. This was a stressful and emotional event
in her life. When she returned home she went to church and was very surprised
who was preacher. It was Francis, she has seen how much he had changed and she
was feeling empowered. A couple of years later, she finally made her mind up to
join Francis and his movement. One night, she left with friends to go the church
and forfeit everything they own and to become one of them. Her family was not
that happy with her and tried to stop her, like Francis father had did. After all the
internal and external war Clare had faced she made the move to join Francis and the
Franciscan values by being the first woman in this religious
Two Other Philosophers, John Locke, And George Berkeley
Two other philosophers, John Locke, and George Berkeley have shown similar
theories to the discussion from the ideas presented by Plato. Unlike Plato who
argues that we cannot determine what is true or real based on experience, Locke
argues that all knowledge which we use to determine what is true or real comes
from experience. And similar to Plato, Berkeley argues that only our ideas are the
only thing that is real. Locke also argues in his essay that knowledge is not
something people are born with. Locke differs from Plato, because Plato believes
we do not know the true or ideal state of something. This is so because on Earth the
physical realm, we only experience shadows , or reflections of the perfect ideal
objects we have in our... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Locke s second point in his argument is that knowledge comes from the senses and
how we perceive the world. This means that all the knowledge society has acquired
comes from the observations and reasoning people have made based on their
perceptions. In his essay, Locke presents the idea of two fountains of knowledge.
These fountains of knowledge is where all the ideas that we can have have come
from. The first fountain of knowledge is sensation, which involves all the five
senses of the human body. It is because of sensation we have ideas such as hot, the
color orange, sweet, and bright. The second fountain of knowledge is experience,
which helps explain the things we perceive from the first sense, such as reasoning,
thinking, and knowing. Locke then separates experience into two categories,
primary and secondary qualities. Primary qualities are qualities that an object can
have without us needing to sense it such as size of an object or the way it is
moving. An object will already have these qualities regardless if a person recognizes
them or not. Secondary qualities are the other qualities such as color, or the sound an
object makes when it hits the floor. These our qualities that exist in our mind, not
qualities that an object has already on its own. A great example is wine. When it
comes to wine many people have different experiences on how a wine tastes. Imagine
one bottle of wine that is sampled by two different
The Rise Of The Railroad System
At the start of every great advancement in society it is society itself that fails to
realize the negative repercussions the advancement might bring. While the rise of the
railroad system through Texas gave plenty of beneficial attributes, from faster
transportation of goods and services to expansion of Texan towns, which helped
boom our population, it would seem that a number of things would be drawbacks
leading to the termination of many Texan ideologies.The railroad system stemmed
throughout Texasallowed many walks of life a deeper view of the Great Lone Star
state. While people from different ends of the country came seeking new life others
came seeking new fortune which lead to the demise of cowboys, instillation of cattle
drives, and the Postbellum cattle boom. In order to understand the negative attributes
that the railroad brought we must go back and bring our attention to the beginning
which includes the original cowboys.
Despite the many riveting TV dramas that paint cowboys as fast men who love
faster women we now know in order to be historically accurate, we would have to
trade these Clint Eastwood fairy tales for less exciting ones of cowboys who were
smelly lonely men who had no serious work skills. These men would consist of
workers who were generally under the age of twenty that made 30 40$ a month.
During this time period they would walk with and behind cattle for up to six weeks
ensuring safe passage to these insanely stupid creatures. When the
Political And Social Involvement Of Public Opinion On...
Political and social involvement is among the most discussed issues nowadays,
since the considerable influence of public opinion on government policy is
unquestionable. It is obvious that political participation directly affects our lives.
The range of attitudes toward controversial aspects of politics, economics, religion,
and so on is too broad in American society. In this regard, public opinion research
becomes extremely important. It helps us better understand citizens expectations,
to assess the impact of public opinion on government decision making, and, thus,
to forecast the possible future events that may play crucial role in the development
of society. The aim of this assignment is to interview people from different
demographic groups and to analyze their various points of view on social and
political issues. I asked 23 people to take my survey. For this purpose, I mostly
used the questions from a quiz of the Pew Research Center. However, I added a few
more questions to my questionnaire. It seemed reasonable because it provided a
deeper understanding of such important issues as the cost of liberty, the guarantee of
safety and security of all members of the society, invasion of privacy, and limitations
on freedom of speech and expression. Though in general, my questionnaire covers a
wide range of themes, the questions can be divided into three main categories:
1.Support of the government by the citizens 2.Civil liberties and safety 3.Economic,
The Role Of Industrialization Of America In The 1920 s
From 1865 throughout the 1920 s a new economic and social era struck the United
States forever changing its government, its priorities, and its people which would
eventually lead to the gilded age and modern America. During this time the
industrialization of America lead to multiple miracles of engineering including the
construction of skyscrapers, bridges and highways and the creation of machines like
airplanes, automobiles ,tractors and many more like them . Its innovations and
inventions like these that will change American agriculture forever and lead small
farmers to improve their statues socially, economically, and as farmers in general.
Before 1865 ninety percent of American farmers believed the American southwest to
be the Great American... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the Great Plains, there was a startling lack of wood to use as building supplies.
The farmers on the plains found solutions for many of the problems that they
encountered due to the lack of building supplies like building their houses from
mud and burning dry grass as fuel for their fires but one problem still remained.
They were unable to build fences for their livestock. But in 1873 a farmer named
Joseph Glidden created type of fence with points affixed to twisted strands of wire
which then became known as barbed wire. This new type of fence could span for
miles with a low number of wooden posts in between. The barbs on the wire
deterred the farmer s livestock from trying to get free and it also deterred unwanted
predators from trying to get in. This was one of the most important inventions for
farmers at this time it outlined their homestead and their property and prevented their
valuable livestock from roaming. Barb wire became known as The Wire That
Fenced the West and it became a true necessity for farmers in the Great
Critical Analysis Of A Midsummer Night s Dream
In his critical analysis of A Midsummer Night s Dream, by William Shakespeare, G.
K. Chesterton introduces the idea that A Midsummer Night s Dream is not only the
greatest piece of literature produced by Shakespeare, but also the greatest
psychological analysis. On the surface, A Midsummer Night s Dream seems to be an
argument against the idea of eternal love and the societal standard of marriage; but
under the surface,Shakespeare talks about the workings of human emotion, and the
powerful connection that brings people together. Michael Taylor adds to this idea in
his critical analysis, The Darker Purpose of A Midsummer Night s Dream , in which
he discusses that feelings of love require feelings of hate, in order to be expressed in
their truest form. In a play that contains such a prominent motif of magic and wonder,
it is obvious that mystic will play an important role in the overall theme. Often, the
fairy world interacts with the human world, and influences the direction of the plot.
There are many important characters and relationships expressed throughout the play;
however, the role of the love flower is the most important. Even though it is an
inanimate object and does not further the story through dialogue with characters, the
love flower s nectar acts as a spirit that unites mankind... that seventh man who is the
harmony of all of them (G.K. Chesterton). Whenever the nectar is used on the eyelids
of the characters, they find themselves further entangled in a web
Essay on Wgu Jdt Task 3
Running head: JDT TASK 3 JDT TASK 3 Western Governors University Human
Resources JDT TASK 3 A. Benefits of Performance Appraisal Systems Optimal
results of a well prepared and well developed employee appraisal: The processes
demonstrates a commitment to people within the business by showing them that they
are valued members of the company and their success is important to the entire
organization. Formal employee appraisals provide a strong reinforcement of the
corporate aims and values. It gives managers an opportunity to show employees how
their individual roles contribute to the company goals and give feedback to the
impact that the employee has on those goals. It also provides management with a
solid forum for... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The following strategies will help you to manage your team more effectively and
ensure that they meet future performance goals. * Set performance goals with each
employee. These goals focus on the employee s specific performance on the job,
such as his productivity, output, results, competencies, and behaviors. As you set
and follow up on these goals you will be helping your employees to see that the
performance appraisal is not a once a year activity but instead is a way to measure
their success and course correct any shortcomings throughout the year. * Set
developmental goals with each employee. These goals focus on building the
employee s expertise, skills, and abilities. The idea is to make strengths even
stronger, as well as to develop the areas in which the employee s knowledge and
skills are deficient. As you provide your team members with these developmental
goals and support them to attain them you will be building the company s future
and displaying to your team that you are there to support and develop their career.
* Create real goals. Real goals are specific, achievable, prioritized, measurable,
supported by action plans, aligned with the company, linked to your goals, and
accepted by you and your employees. It is vital to the success of the company, your
success as a leader and the future of
The First Letter of Apostle Paul’s to the Corinthians
The first letter of Apostle Paul s to the Corinthians that we have access to is
normally known as the book of love, or the book that gets read at weddings (Powell,
273). But when you get down to the nitty gritty of this epistle to the Corinthians, Paul
is addressing many problems that congregation had and that churches today face.
Before we get into the actual letter and the occasion and purpose of this letter, I want
to review a little of what we know of Corinth and its culture and history. Corinth
was the capital of Achaia (Powell, 275) and it has been estimated that in Paul s day
the population of Corinth was about 250,000 free persons, plus as many as 400,000
slaves (Barker, 1732). There are four things I want to touch on about ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The temple dedicated to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, whose worshipers
practiced what is known as religious prostitution, is one of the more infamously
known. About a quarter of a mile north of the theater stood the temple of Asclepius,
the god of healing and, in the sixth century BCE, the temple of Apollo stood in the
center of the city. In addition to all of these Grecian temples, the Jews had
established a synagogue; the inscribed lintel of it has been found and is in the
museum at old Corinth today (Barker, 1732). Its immorality: Corinth, like any large
commercial city, was a center for much immorality. The worship of Aphrodite
fostered prostitution in the name of religion. At one time there were 1,000 sacred
prostitutes serving her temple (Barker, 1732). So widely did the immorality of
Corinth become known that the Romans would use the expression to act like a
Corinthian referring to engaging in sexual promiscuity (Powell, 278).
With all this in mind, no wonder Paul s first recorded letter to the Corinthians dealt
with numerous problems.
The Intended Audience: In the salutation of 1 Corinthians (1:2), Paul addresses the
letter to the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called
to be holy, together with all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ their Lord and ours . The converts at Corinth
Barrhaven Case Study
Unit Challenge Barrhaven is a rapidly growing neighbourhood in the southwest of
Ottawa. It is a thriving community and have many residents. A while ago Barrhaven
had only one grocery store and a few small shops but after a few years there are 2
shopping centers and a movie theatre. This means Barrhaven has grown a lot which
is why it is rapidly going. Here are areas where Barrhaven has grown in. Population:
Barrhaven s population is 17,250 people with an average of 8568.3 people. The male
population is around 8545 people and the female population is around 8705 people.
The ages of residents from 0 9 is 11.4%,the age of residents from 10 19 is 15.4%,the
age of residents from 20 29 is 13.7%,the age of residents from 30 39 11.7%, the age of
... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But how can it be more sustainable? The first way is sustaining our environment.
Barrhaven is building many different communities so destroying wildlife might
happen a bit. The neighborhood behind Cedarview Middle School was before a
big green dense forest. Soon when they decided to build more houses the forest
had to be cut down which destroys animals habitat. For Barrhaven to sustain their
environment they have to cut fewer trees and help the animals that lost their
homes. Near my house we have a forest with a bike trail. Usually when I bike I see
animals like foxes, squirrels and other forest creatures. But when Barrhaven cut a
little bit of it down I could see a decrease in the number of animals I ve seen. One
day when I was walking to school a fox ran right in front of me onto the road and
almost got hit by a car. This shows that the fox has no clue where his/her home is
and is trying to search for it. So if that happens to him that might mean it happens to
other animals in a Barrhaven. So Barrhaven lacks in helping animals which is
unsustaining our community. To improve this is add more nature sites and trees. By
adding more nature sites and trees animals will move in and animals will have a
home since we destroy their habitats. We could plant a lot of trees and add a biking
path so it attracts tourists meaning spending money to build it will help Barrhaven s
tourism more. We could push animals
What Were The Similarities Between The Han And Roman
The Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty were similar through trade because they
both utilized the silk road. The Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty were different in
the areas of technology. The Roman Empire developed several different innovations
such as aqueducts and hypocaust along with many others. The Han Dynasty
developed silk, a secret their dynasties kept for a long time. Other new technologies
include paper, The Roman Empirehad various technological innovations such as
aqueducts. The Romans were the first to build aqueducts. The system was much like
a bridge built on arches, aqueducts were genius because of the mountainous terrain of
Rome which made supplying water difficult. Aqueducts were built to supply towns
with water from lakes, springs, or rivers. They sloped downhill towards town using
gravity in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Silk became a symbol of high status. Most Romans were infatuated with silk and
were willing to pay and travel for it. Sea Roads transported bulk goods for
everyone whereas the Silk Roads were limited to luxury items for the wealthy.
Merchants from the Roman Empire (Greeks, Syrians, and Jews) established
settlements in southern India and along the coast of East Africa. This created a
longterm cultural impact on trade. Most trade was taken by ship. Huge
shipwrecks from the time of the Roman Empire have been found by archaeologists.
There was an extensive trade network to take produce to the towns. The Empire
can be seen as a system to take produce from the provinces to the city of Rome. The
Romans built straight, paved roads, such as the Via Appia in Italy. In Britain,
Watling Street ran from London to Wroxeter in Shropshire. It was a saying that all
roads lead to Rome , and the routes and remains of many of them still
Mindfulness, Super Brain Yoga And Square Breathing
Mindfulness, Super Brain Yoga and Square Breathing
Mindfulness is a yoga practiced used to self assess for awareness in the present
moment (Leland, 2015) When practiced in the moment, mindfulness has been shown
to reduce the negative effects of excessive worry, in the moment, and self doubt
(Jennings Jennings, 2013). Mindfulness is an important component of Eastern
religions but has been used in schools to help students increase their awareness of
their focus and anxieties in an attempt to overcome them. In the classroom, the
purpose of mindfulness is not an attempt to permanently move mountains, but rather
to find a way around the stumbling block in the mental path.
Yoga has been shown, through research, to reduce anxiety (Kirkwood, Rampes,
Tuffrey, Richardson, Pilkington, 2005). Yoga is widely practiced by groups of
people for various reasons and with ranging levels of devotion. Some seek out
yoga and other Eastern religions to seek a higher plane of knowledge and inner
peace. Others simply want the benefits of the calming exercises. Some parents may
even become upset with the idea of teaching religion in school, but in this aspect,
yoga and its benefits are easily taught and can be easily practiced and mastered in a
classroom for amazing benefits for students who need to learn to assess their anxiety
levels and address them in a way to help alleviate some of the anxiety that is
negatively impacting their focus and learning.
Yoga breathing has been shown,
The Power Of Modifying Genetics
The power of modifying genetics is at our fingertips, allowing us to change the genes
of living creatures, which of course includes humans. The concern is; what genes
should be modified, and which genes should be left alone. A company called
23andMe, named after the 23 pairs of chromosomes in a human cell, will provide
ancestry genetic reports and uninterpreted raw genetic data using only a kit. Created
in 2006, out of Mountain View, California, the company specializes in three different
products or kits, an ancestry edition, a health edition, and a complete edition. Sadly,
due to FDA regulations and complications, 23andMe has had to sideline the
interpretation of their health based products in the United States. Currently, 23andMe
mainly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
DNA DTC is a company whose genetic products and services includes research,
exome sequencing, and whole genome sequencing, but tests carry a steep price tag.
Another company, Genelex is different from the previous companies, and specializes
in paternity and pharmacogenomics, which simplified, is the study of individualized
effect of drugs based on genetics. Genelex and other companies similar to them could
be a threat by repositioning themselves, to combat health based genomic sequencing.
A target market is a business going after a certain group of people based on age,
sex, race, location, religion, and other factors. My estimated target market for
23andMe is new families, and I will explain why. During the pregnancy process,
numerous tests are performed on the unborn baby as well as the bearing mother to
determine factors like complications or growth. If additional tests, like 23andMe s
genetic testing, could be performed to determine more about not only the baby, but
also themselves, it is advantageous for both parties. In a new family, roles are being
set, someone is becoming a father, someone is becoming a mother, and a newborn is
becoming a toddler. In that emotional time, parents will want to use genomic research
to make sure they can continue to be a mother or father to their children, and that
nothing from their genetics will impair or limit the child.
Riordan Inventory and Manufacturing Process
Riordan Inventory and Manufacturing Process Improvement Business Requirements
Service Request SR rm 001 has been requested by COO Hugh McCauley of Riordan
Manufacturing. McCauley has asked that Team D suggest specific systems changes
that would improve their inventory or manufacturing processes. Riordan would like
to use computer system utilization so that they may become more efficient. Our
Team has been asked to create business requirements for system upgrades and
improvements for either IT or IS consultants use.
During review of the Riordan Manufacturing Companies Inventory and
manufacturing processes, we have found areas that are in need of improvement. We
will discuss the present processes and how these can be changed to improve ... Show
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The system will automatically update data inventory for raw material once a shipment
has been confirmed from an approved manager s wireless device. The System shall
provide a large data server for all invoices to be scanned in and stored for record
purposes. Invoices scanned in will be stored by a Date Time Company Code Order
Number, as well as a search function providing employees the ability to retrieve
original invoice forms. The system will update all data servers for receiving,
shipping, raw materials used and final products produced continuously throughout day
to day operations.
The following steps are example procedures when the new system has been
Raw Materials Receiving Required Materials: PDA Required Personnel: Receiving
Area Supervisor (RAS), unloading crew
1.The RAS will preload the PDA with the scheduled order prior to the shipments
2.The RAS will verify the PDA s incoming order against the shipping document.
a.The incoming order can be adjusted by the RAS should the shipping document
differ in quantity or product.
3.Once all items of the incoming order have been verified, the RAS will mark the
PDA s incoming order complete.
a.Marking the order complete will update the inventory automatically.
4.The unloading crew may take the
The Age Of White Collar Crime
Welcome to the age of white collar crime. A time when the words thieves and
businessmen go hand in hand. White collar criminals don t get their hands dirty in
their work. They use their heads to get what they want instead of using a little
muscle. These criminals are just as dangerous as the rapists and murderers. In these
times, even the most seemingly respectable people are suspected of white collar
President Clinton and the first lady Hillary Clinton have been tangled up in the
Whitewater and Travelgate business ventures. Although the two have not been
formally charged with any wrongdoing, there is a committee currently investigating
their dealings and charges are not out of the question for either of them. In Michael
Isikoff s and Mark Hosenball s Newsweek article Cracks in the Wall, they describe
the Clintons dealings with Whitewater and the possible consequences of them: The
Senate Whitewater committee is considering asking for perjury charges against
Susan Thomas and Maggie Williams, Mrs. Clintons chief of staff, in connection with
her testimony about the removal of documents from Vince Foster s office (Isikoff
29). This case goes to show that there presently a growing problem with our country,
and it is called white collar crime. White collar crimes are very numerous in kind.
New ones are always being invented by someone with a good scam. Embezzlement,
tax evasion, and fraud are some of the more popular kinds. A person who has the
power of
Strengths And Weaknesses Of My Writing
For any common writer, understanding your strengths and weaknesses plays a huge
role in the outcome of your papers. Presenting your strengths in writing can help
your readers smoothly go over what you wrote and actually enjoy it. Exploiting your
weaknesses can create a hard time for your readers to follow your writing. To stay in a
common ground you must first figure out your strengths and weaknesses. Most
writers usually do this by writing on a regular basis to determine what they strive in
and what they struggle with. In this paper, I will go over my strengths and
weaknesses that come with writing and how I plan to create a common ground
between them to thusly better my writing. Being able to understand the prompt
/topic given has always been a strength of mine. I tend to embrace this specific
strength because without focus on a given topic or prompt: diction and minute
details that can be added will be irrelevant. In high school we were constantly given
common assessments that required us to write about a single broad topic, I think
those common assessments have allowed me to dig into the prompt and find ways
to keep the paper inline and focused. I will always feel the need to continue
developing this trait because it is a major part to persuasive and stronger writing....
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I ve always had issues with understanding grammatical structure; high school English
was no help either. My high school English classes only consisted of readings and
short reflections; we never really touched base on the common writing errors that we
may face. Although my errors may be subtle, these GUM issues still occur. My
writing would be much smoother if I totally understood/followed correct punctuation
and sentence structure. My need for this weakness to develop into a strength is at a
high importance because I want my readers to clearly read my writing without
wasting time critiquing my
Criminal Liability Of Terms Of Actus Reaus And Mens Rea
This paper discusses criminal liability in terms of actus reaus and mens rea along
with other legal concepts and evaluates the given case in their light.
Criminal liability
Prosecution is required to establish guilty act (actus Reus) and a guilty mind (mens
Rea). These are two fundamental conditions for establishing criminal liability. These
are common law conditions for establishing criminal liability. Actus reusincludes
both affirmative acts and failure to act. Latin legal dictum actus non facit reum nisi
mens sit rea stipulates actus reus, a guilty act and mens rea, a guilty mind, which
denotes intention to commit crime as conditions for criminal liability. If a contract
or public duty require a person to act in a particular manner and the person does not
act in such a manner then he is committing actus reus by way of omission. In cases
where statutes provide for certain code of conduct in respect of a private person, a
public servant or an employee of the state, and if he does not act according to statute
he commits actus reus.
Case wise Application of law First case is R v Dan when Dan drives recklessly and
startled a man. This case can be treated under s.3 Road Traffic Act 1991, a person is
guilty of an offence if he drives on a road or other public place without due care and
attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons. In this case actus
reus consists of a) without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration
Facilities Managers Are The Backbone Of All
Facilities Managers are the backbone of nearly all establishments. They are the reason
the hotel runs smoothly and efficiently. They aid in profitability, effective staff
relation, effective information management, effective internal communication, and
effective facility responsibilities. The most important area of a hotel that the facilities
manager plays a role in is profitability.
Usually when people think of the maintenance department of any operation their first
thought is fixing thinks (Edwards, 2012. p.13). Yes, the maintenance crew does
indeed fix things, but their job is far more important than just that. For example, if
there are twenty light fixtures broken in a ballroom, no events can be hosted in there.
This will result in a huge profit loss anywhere from one hundred dollars to over
$30,000. The facilities manager s job is to come in and fix the room as quickly as
possible so they can start turning a profit. As the hotel gets older and older things
become outdated and old. This is where the facilities manager comes in and makes
the decision to either replace the old equipment with brand new equipment, or to
simply restore it. They are responsible for nearly everything from painting the
walls, resurfacing the roof... to the gas that cooks the food and anything in between
(Edwards, 2012. P14). If all of the equipment is taken care of from day one, it will
last much longer and save money in the long run. In the end, no hotel would be able
to operate or make a
Essay About Omelas
The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas is a short, philosophical story written by
Ursula Le Guin. The plot of the story is not that of a typical Western story,
however, the storyline still conveys an extremely clear life lesson. The author has
created the story in such a way that we are given a number of illusions which we
must look through to understand the plot. The setting of this short story is a make
believe town which has been given the name of Omelas . We are only given a brief
depiction of Omelas by the author. The reason for this being that Le Guin invites us
into the city of Omelas in order to allow us to create our own cities and scenes. This
is one of the most unique factors of this story and it adds a great effect to the... Show
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First of all, we are drawn into the story as an effect of being given this creative
freedom; our imagination is opened which, in effect, spurs us to continue reading.
Furthermore, creating our own images ensures that we have a clear depiction of
Omelas in our minds. Similarly to the previous point, this draws into the story and
makes the plot far more simple to understand. On top of this, it adds a significant
effect to the conclusion of the story. Given the information that we are provided
with, most of us would picture Omelas as a city of perfection. However, when we
understand by what means they are happy we are given a significant shock. An
effect such as this can only be obtained through allowing us to picture the story for
ourselves as we create a picture which is turned around all of a sudden. The last
reason for which Le Guin pushes us to create a personal perspective on Omelas is
that it permits us to relate the story and situation of the child to our own societies.
Many people would picture the city with aspects from their own lives and
hometowns. Due to this, it is uncomplicated to link the ending of the story to our own
Advancements Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery
Innovative technological advancements in plastic and reconstructive surgery have led
to a multitude of procedures that are specifically designed to enhance an individual s
appearance. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons 2016 National
Plastic Surgery Statistics Report, the number of breastenhancement procedures
performed annually continues to rise.
It is no surprise that every woman wants to look her best: As such, the breasts are
one area of the body that many of the women residing in Manhattan would like Dr.
Nina S. Naidu to address. Dr. Naidu is an experienced, board certified plastic and
reconstructive surgeon in NYC who performs breast enhancement procedures to
provide women with the youthful looking, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
However, below is a brief overview of the issues that a breast augmentation with lift
can be used to address.
A breast lift with augmentation in Manhattan can be used to:
restore breast volume that has been lost; increase breast size; improve the contour of
the breasts; elevate the breasts; eliminate excess skin; address pendulous breasts;
improve the projection of the breasts; reduce the size of each nipple areolar
complex; raise each nipple areolar complex; and/or enhance the symmetry of the
Who Should Consider a Breast Lift with Augmentation?
If you would like more voluptuous breasts that sit higher on your chest and want
smaller areolae, a breast lift with augmentation may be able to provide you with the
youthful looking, fuller breasts that you desire.
Taking the First Step
Women in Manhattan who are interested in having a breast enhancement procedure
should contact Dr. Naidu s office at 212 452 1230 to schedule an initial consultation.
For the convenience of her patients, registration paperwork can be printed and
completed prior to their first appointment. Furthermore, patients who would rather
complete their registration paperwork online (without the need to print it out) can do
so by calling the office and requesting login information for Dr. Naidu s New Patient
An Initial Consultation with Dr. Nina S. Naidu in Manhattan
If you printed and then completed your

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An Essay On Man Sparknotes.pdf

  • 1. An Essay On Man Sparknotes Crafting an essay on the subject of "An Essay On Man" by Alexander Pope, as analyzed through the lens of Sparknotes, presents a unique set of challenges. The complexity of Pope's work demands a profound understanding of his philosophical insights, poetic techniques, and the historical context in which he wrote. Navigating through the intricacies of Pope's intricate verses, one must delve into the profound themes of human nature, morality, and the divine order, all while deciphering the layers of meaning embedded in the text. Moreover, relying on Sparknotes as a source requires careful consideration. While it can serve as a helpful guide, it is crucial to maintain a critical perspective and not merely regurgitate the summaries provided. Developing a nuanced understanding of the material and weaving it seamlessly into the essay is a delicate balancing act. It demands not only a comprehensive grasp of the primary text but also the ability to synthesize external insights and perspectives, all while maintaining an original voice. The challenge lies not only in summarizing Pope's work but in providing a fresh and insightful interpretation. Unearthing hidden nuances and connecting seemingly disparate elements requires intellectual dexterity and analytical prowess. The essay should be a coherent exploration, delving into the depths of Pope's thoughts while adding a personal touch that reflects a deep engagement with the material. In conclusion, tackling an essay on "An Essay On Man" through the lens of Sparknotes is a formidable task. It necessitates a profound understanding of the text, a critical evaluation of secondary sources, and the ability to synthesize information into a compelling narrative. Crafting such an essay demands time, dedication, and a keen intellect. However, the rewards are substantial, as it offers an opportunity to engage with one of the seminal works of philosophical poetry. For assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, one can explore the services offered at HelpWriting.net, where experienced writers can provide support tailored to individual needs. An Essay On Man Sparknotes An Essay On Man Sparknotes
  • 2. Essay On Android Chroid How to block websites on Android Chrome Description: Are you struggling to stop visiting some websites which harm you forever? Just give your time to block websites chrome Android. Follow our methods to learn how to block websites on Android Chrome! Part 1; Why we would like to block some websites. What websites would we like to block? You may observe several problems while surfing in your Computer or iPhone or Android. The problem is nothing but virus attack or your information s might get steal. Some hackers will pass the virus to your Android device to know about your personal information. Folks! Don t give the space to hack your details. We know that you will ignore those problems in your PC or Smartphone. What is the solution which ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You have an additional element which brings the architecture of multi process into your small device through render of GPU acceleration, CSS3 transform and transition. 100% satisfied user experience. Great app the voice search will collect the data after your speech Perfect privacy mode applications are installed. Safe to download and installation to all users. Malware notification with instant update and you can block websites chrome Android whenever you prefer. Part 3; 2 Methods to block websites on Android Chrome: A foremost said Block websites Chrome Android Do you know how to block websites on Android Chrome? We give you short and crisp two methods to block websites chrome Android. However, after blocking the websites you won t get any trouble from the blocked website as surely. For a typical method there will be some guidance and solutions with approximate changes. We are here to help you with proper and proven methods to rectify your problem. Let s see the methods to block websites chrome Android: Method 1# Use ES File Explorer: One of the best continent methods is using ES File Explorer to block the websites. From this method you will come to know how to block websites on Android Chrome? It is nothing but making the edit in files of hosts. Do you know what host file is? Some may know some may not know! Host file is known to map the hostname to the respective IP address and it is
  • 3. The Incorporation of Aviaton Assets to Help Support Ground... Over the course of history, the battlefield has changed with technology. The incorporation of aviation assets to help support ground operations has created many benefits. Close air support for joint operations provides over watch and security with great firepower and precision. Another great benefit is the ability for medical evacuation, support, and resupply. The combination of air assets with ground forces aids in battlefield momentum and domination over the enemy when performed without hesitation. An example of air and ground forces complimenting each other would start in the planning phase with intended joint use participants. Next would be the employment of an insertion team days before an operation. This team would collect human intelligence by over watching possible targets in the area, routines identified, and gathering information from locals. All information would be forwarded to high headquarters and used for planning future operations. The ground team is tasked with the important mission of maintaining eyes on the objective as well as security with local support by fire as needed when the mission dictates. While the team is in place, ground assets would push out and start to establish traffic control points. The incorporation of presence patrols just outside the area to restrict the flow of traffic and potential for possible targets to leave the area of interest. Utilization of biometrics would also be incorporated to ensure that other unknown
  • 4. Organized Being in Kant’s Groundwork for the Metaphysics... Kant s argument that good will is the supreme purpose of man s existence based on observations of the influence that reason exerts on the will is inconsistent with what may be observed in nature. It presupposes an intentional cosmos wherein an organized being s purpose, and thus its standard of value, can be extracted from an examination of its constitution and faculties. While this presupposition is logically consistent with the rest of Kant s moral theory it does not coincide with what we can actually observe in nature. The following essay will examine, one, the idea of an organized being, secondly, why Kant proposes it, then we will contrast this idea with what we observe, and finally, analyse the extent of the harm done to the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Kant proposes that the distinction of purposes between reason and instinct is apparent because if man s sole purpose was his own well being then the only factor that nature would allow to leverage his will would be instinct, the desires and inclinations thereof being entirely sufficient for that end. However, that man must have some other purpose beyond his own happiness is evident from the influence that reason exerts on the will. If man s object were his happiness alone then should reason have been communicated to this favoured creature ...it must only have served it to contemplate the happy constitution of its nature...but not that it should subject its desires to that weak and delusive guidance and meddle bunglingly with the purpose of nature. (6) Reason, in Kant s view, could not have been intended by nature as an auxiliary for enhancing man s pursuit of happiness. He points out his observation that those who attempt to employ reason in pursuit of this end often achieve results contrary to it. So long as we do not doubt the capacity of reason to compel man to set aside his inclinations we must also accept that nature has intended him for a secondary purpose as well. Otherwise, Nature would not only have taken on herself the choice of the ends, but
  • 5. Case Study 43 Choledocholithiasis Case Study 43 Choledocholithiasis Scenario T.B. is a 65 year old retiree who is admitted to your unit from the emergency department (ED). On arrival you note that he is trembling and nearly doubled over with severe abdominal pain. T.B. indicates that he has severe pain in the right upper quadrant (RUQ) of his abdomen that radiates through to his mid back as a deep, sharp boring pain. He is more comfortable walking or sitting bent forward rather than lying flat in bed. He admits to having had several similar bouts of abdominal pain in the last month, but none as bad as this. He feels nauseated but has not vomited, although he did vomit a week ago with a similar episode. T.B. experienced an acute onset of pain after eating fish and chips... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He reports that on a scale of 1 to 10, his pain has decreased from a 10 to a 4 in an hour. What other methods could be used to help T.B. s pain? Anticholinergics can be used to decrease secretion and counteract smooth muscle contraction to help with comfort levels of T.B. Also attempting to use none medication therapy such as massage, or relaxation techniques can be used to relieve pain. What data charted in the assessment are consistent with CBD obstruction? Presenting with jaundice, pain, clay colored stool, nausea, vomiting, pain triggered by high fat content meal, tender upon palpation, and fatigue are all findings that are consistent with CBD. CASE STUDY PROGRESS At 2330 T.B. spikes a temperature of 38.6В° C (tympanic). His SaO2 on 2 L O2/NC is now 90%, so you immediately increase the flow rate to raise his O2 saturation. You inform the on call surgeon, and she orders a STAT chest x ray (CXR) and a broad spectrum antibiotic imipenem and cilastatin 500 mg IV q6h (check renal function; this medication must be dose adjusted if patient has renal impairment, or there is an increased risk for seizure). What actions need to be completed before starting the antibiotic? Before administration of any medication the patients chart should be looked at and varify that the patient has no allergies that could be related to said treatment or anything similar in their medical history. Also obtaining a baseline set of vitals prior to medication administration
  • 6. The Bite Of The Mango While reading The Bite of the Mango, there are many traumatic events Mariatu experiences. Even these events are extremely devastating, heartbreaking, and life changing, Mariatu learns to seek the positives in her situations to make her life more joyful. The first traumatic event that Mariatu experienced was her little brother Santigie dying when Mariatu was 6 years old. Over the past years, Mariatu has formed a strong bond with him through playing and talking. When he died, in order to cope with her loss, she imagined that Santigie could be a spirit watching over her. I was walking one day, I thought I could hear his voice calling me. I turned to look, but there was no one there. This happened several times over the next year. (Kamara 19), mariatu proclaims. These occurrences made Mariatu think that Santigie was truly a spirit looking over her. Mariatu contemplating this assumably helped her cope with her issues by thinking that Santigie is in a better place now, looking over her shoulder. An additional traumatic event occured when Mariatu gets attacked by the rebels in her home village. She experiences many people she knows getting not only murdered, but also tortured mentally and physically. In order to get through what is happening to her, she relies on god; Please let me die quickly. Let it be over quickly, too. Don t let the rebels cut my body piece by piece. (Kamara 35). Although Mariatu wasn t trying to live, she tried to deal with her fear by praying to god
  • 7. Reporting Sexual Assault In The United States Military The Navy was ranked second regarding Navy servicewomen and the second ranked for the servicemen was the Marines. In 2014, The Marine Corps reported the highest percentage of assaults against women, with 7.9 percent reporting having endured an assault, while the Navy had the highest for men, 1.5 percent. The percent of troops reporting a sexual assaultin the other services among women were 4.7 percent of Army soldiers, 6.5 percent of Navy sailors, 2.9 percent of Air Force airmen and 3.0 percent of Coast Guardsmen. The percentage of male troops reporting a sexual assault were 1 percent of soldiers, 0.3 percent of airmen, 1.1 percent of Marines and 0.3 percent of Coast Guardsmen. The Rand survey further estimated that 26 percent of active duty ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... And because most sexual assaults go unreported, there is often little evidence available. Under the proposed law, veterans would only have to show they were diagnosed with a mental health condition that stems from military sexual assault (Thompson). Numerous of individuals who are assaulted or raped do not have the courage to confront the incident and to declare to someone what has happened to them. Many of the victims use the available blogs and the internet to speak more freely and to vent out for some relief. A website named, My Duty to Speak, mydutytospeak.com which is a instrument for victims to speak openly and to be notified about assault and rape in the United States Military. Raped and retaliated against in the U.S Navy. MARCH 22, 2014 ~ MYDUTYTOSPEAK ~ 1 COMMENT Anonymous, United States Navy. It took a lot of courage to come forward and report I had been sexually assaulted by my army supervisor (e 7) and his Afghan colleague who both worked for the 3star Army command general. I thought there would be an investigation and that I would be allowed to continue doing my job, especially with other women in my same shop
  • 8. Comparison Of The BookThe Stepford Wives And Get Out Georgios Araujo Dr. Andy Schopp ENG_251 17 November 2017 Technology can be our friend or our worst enemy. In Forbes The Stepford Wives and in Peele s film, Get Out, both directors have a central idea of reconstructing our society for it to best suited for us, as individuals. Unless you knew going in that both of these movies were in the genre of Horror, you wouldn t be expecting it, more in The Stepford Wives than in Get Out. However the interesting part about both of these works is that they both have an oddly similar theory behind them, and it leads the viewer to believe that The Stepford Wives could have been an inspiration for Get Out, unless you already knew that after hearing Peele s interview stating that it was. Both of the works use technology and science in a way that by the end of both works the viewer is shocked, at least I was. For some brief background, in Forbes The Stepford Wives, Joanna Eberhardt and her two children are uprooted from the busy bustling streets of Manhattan to the quiet streets of Stepford. Where the crime rate is zero and so is the poverty rate, her husband insists this is the best place to raise a family. But almost immediately, like an instinct, Joanna is uncertain of the women living in Stepford, she feels as though they are living on a different planet. They are overly obsessed with keeping a clean house, and pleasing their husbands, all whom are members of the Men s Association. All of their husbands are executives and very
  • 9. Sixteen And 17 Year Olds Essay Sixteen and 17 year olds are, in fact, ideal voters. They have been relatively stationary, are familiar with their communities, have been going to school, and, as a result, are perfectly familiar with the issues that affect them. At 18, however, many young people leave their communities and go away to collegeor move away from home in search of work. They are expected to vote in communities with which they are not familiar, and they must also learn the ins and outs of the voting process. Those who are two years younger would have a better understanding of local issues and would be more inclined to become involved in the shaping of their communities. It is easier to carry out voter education and registration through high schools and attending high school is the last time these young potential voters would all be in one place. It becomes a lot harder to register first time voters and expose them to the process of what is involved when they aren t affiliated with some kind of an institution. Sixteen and 17 year olds today have many responsibilities that are associated with adulthood. They can drive, get married and have children, yet they are unable to have a say in the type of society those ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, Constance A. Flanagan, an expert in adolescent civic and political development at Pennsylvania State University, explains that though the frontal lobes of adolescents may not be as fully developed as when they are older, this has next to nothing to do with their ability to assess different perspectives on political issues, see competing claims, understand others points of view [and] see connections between what a particular candidate stands for and how the people in their local community or some other interest group would fare if that candidate is
  • 10. Relationships In Elie Wiesel s Relationship With His Father When relationships are challenged, they can either be made stronger or destroyed. Elie Wiesel s relationship with his father is tested on numerous occasions throughout the time of the Holocaust. Wiesel writes about his horrific experiences, most of which are in the Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz, in his memoir Night. Throughout his time in the concentration camps, Wiesel manages to stick by his father s side, which is hard to do. In doing so, Wiesel s relationship with his father prospers, rather than declines. Wiesel s relationship with his father, although difficult to maintain at times, led to his survival during the Holocaust. As Wiesel writes in the beginning of his memoir, the relationship between him and his father is impassive and simple. Their relationship never really has much of an impact on Wiesel during his childhood. Wiesel mentions, My father was a cultured, rather unsentimental man (2). Because Wiesel s father never shows any affection towards Wiesel, it is hard for him to form any sort of relationship with him whatsoever. Wiesel also writes, There was never any display of emotion, even at home. He was more concerned with others than his own family (2). Wiesel s father was highly involved in the Jewish Community of Sighet, and he would even consult in public matters. Due to Wiesel s father s busy schedule, the bond between him and his son is neglected. As the enforcements of the Holocaust start appearing in Wiesel s hometown, his father s behavior begins to slowly change, making it easier for Wiesel to connect with him. While watching other families being deported, Wiesel, his father, and the rest of his family witness the Hungarian Police strike old men and women, without reason, with truncheons, for the first time. The next day, as they are being deported from the ghettos, Wiesel writes, My father wept. It was the first time I had ever seen him weep. I had never imagined that he could (16). Wiesel s prior belief that his father was emotionless is proven to be wrong before they even arrive at the concentration camps. Wiesel is able to relate to his father in this moment, for he too is terrified of what lies ahead. As Wiesel and his family arrive at Birkenau, the Nazis
  • 11. Examples Of Crooks In Of Mice And Men Just as Havisham and Curley s wife s isolation is because of their gender, Crooks in Of Mice and Men is presented as the epitome of the frustration and loneliness caused by isolation. However, Crooks s isolation is not due to his gender, but his colour and race. In Of Mice and Men , Steinbeck presents Crooks as an isolated character due to his race. He names Crooks as Crooks because he has a crooked back and he is called Nigger implying that he is unimportant. Steinbeck portrays Crooks s loneliness through this is just a nigger talking a bust back nigger. So it don t mean nothing and nobody d listen to you , these can be inferred as Crooks has a low status in the ranch, no one has ever listened to him. This can also be referred to the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the poem Hitcher , Armitage examines the disappointments of the speaker who is about to lose his job and who is under pressure conforming to society s expectations, and his frustration with life. Armitage portrays the theme of isolation using some lexical choices which carry negative connotations such as tired , fired , under the weather , emphasizing the amount of pain he suffers from being threatened with losing his job and not having any purposes in life. Armitage adopts a defeated and frustrated tone to illustrate the frustration, isolation and anger which contribute to the speaker s internal sufferings. The defeated, frustrated tone of the speaker in the poem is presented through a series of lexical choices which carry connotations of negative emotions. These words form a semantic field of frustrated emotions and the reason why the writer has done this is to try to suggest that the speaker is very disturbed and threatened. I d been tired evokes sympathy from the readers. It is colloquial which underlines realism with a lack of imagery in the poem. Under the weather can be inferred as the speaker not feeling well. It doesn t only mean that he doesn t feel well in a physical way, it also implies that he mood is not very good, echoes with I d been tired and fired . These aren t convincing, though weather has an
  • 12. How ATVs Work Essay Thesis statement: All terrain vehicles are helpful and useful and I will explain how they work and how to fix them in this paper. Outline: Inn this paper I will discuss ATV s and general knowledge and getting them wet. I also will discuss their origin and how they need care and how to keep them doing good for a long time. What is an ATV? It is an All Terrain Vehicle, also called three or four wheelers. It is also called a quad or ATV. An ATV is built to go where other vehicles cannot go. ATV s are also built to handle a lot of stress and abuse. ATV s are virtually indestructible; however, they have a few weaknesses and it is important to know and understand those few weaknesses. You should always do a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The compression then stroke follows, and the charge is ignited when the piston reaches the end of this stroke. The piston then moves outward on the power stroke, uncovering the exhaust port and permitting the gases to escape from the combustion chamber.1 The four stroke model has four strokes instead of two. The strokes are Intake, into which a mixture of gas and air are pulled into the cylinder. Second, Compression, where the piston moves up and the gases are compressed. The Third is power in which the spark plug fires and ignites the compressed gases, And last is exhaust in which the gases that were burned are expels through the exhaust then the procedure repeats itself. The most common type of ATV (Three and Four wheelers) Manufactures are Yamaha, Honda, Kawasaki, Hosquravana, Suzuki and Polaris. There are several other brands but for time s sake I have only listed a few of the most popular ones. ATV s come in a variety of sizes and powers. from a small 80cc to a huge two stroke 600cc! I own a 1989 Yamaha Breeze and have to repair it quite often. There are some simple things to do that are cheap and will save money in the long run. For example adding transmission fluid or crankcase oil could save hundreds at a repair shop. Some times repairs get challenging as your quad (ATV) ages it will need special care such as an oil change, Brake pads, spark
  • 13. The Importance Of Plants In Canada Plants are extremely important to the growth and development of Canada because as a source of food, the country requires the nutrients the plants provide and they are irreplaceable. Plants are crucial as they are a component of everything people eat, whether people eat the plants or the animal they eat or get food from rely on plants. The more food and plants available to better the reproduction, and therefore more population growth in communities. Having more food available for the entire population has shown to decrease poverty and increase the overall development of the community (2). In Canada, there is a large discrepancy between the food security of the southern provinces and northern territories. This has stuck many northern Canadians in difficult situations when trying to buy the proper food. There is also an economic factor of food and plants. In current society, most food in imported from country to country, creating many economic benefits in countries that import food (3). That money can be used to create a better community and country. On another level, plants and crops also have religious and symbolic value in our culture, which helps to increase development on a social level. Increases in variety and quantity can help to develop communities. Certain pants and foods help to give communities and countries their identity. For example, many foods are crucial to our identity like maple syrup. Overall, food and plants is extremely important to Canada as a society
  • 14. Lin Manuel Miranda Jr Research Paper On january 16, 1980, Lin Manuel Miranda was born in Manhattan, New York to his lovely parents Luz Towns Miranda and Luis A.Miranda jr. Growing up him and his sister, Luz Mirnada Crespo, took piano lessons together, inspired by their parents. Both of his parents were born in puerto rico and happily married. His father was also a political advisor for a living. He went to exposed to different types of genres while growing up. While growing up he went to hunter college elementary and high school. He performed in the students performances in this preteen and teenage stage. Through out the years he has won eleven awards in one night. He has also written three broadways. He got married to vanessa nadal and had a child. Today his child is two years
  • 15. Puerto Rican And American Culture Puerto Rican has always been an area of interest to America, and United States government has had dealings with them over the past hundred or so years. Puerto Rico is a small island off the coast of the more southeast tip of the United States right below the tip of Florida. The island is located in the caribbean sea and is among an island chain of different islands like Jamaica, Cuba, and the island of Haiti. Puerto Ricojust like many other territory in the caribbean sea became under United Statescontrol in one way or another starting in the early 1900s. The United States saw Puerto Rican, as a desirable possession given its strategic location, potential markets, and agricultural possibilities. (Scupin, p209) The Puerto Rican American people faced many challenges and accomplishments when they first came to America; there contributions to American culture are vast, and there immigration history is full of stores of hardship and togetherness. The Puerto Rican people just like the Mexican American people became part of America s by conquest and not by choice. Business dealing with Puerto Rican seemed to shape its history with the United States, and was the main reason for Puerto Rican becoming a United State territory. Once settled on the mainland Puerto Ricans had to deal with prejuect and missunderstandings due to fact that they spoke spanish, but were not from Mexcio. Because Puerto Ricans call themselves Hispanics or Latinos, they group themselves with Mexicans,
  • 16. Battle Of The Alamo Summary The battle of the Alamo was one of the first wars in the Texas revolution. It took place March 6th, 1836. The lead attacker was General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. The Alamo was a stronghold built by spanish missionaries. In the end there were 1500 casualties from mexican troops. There were only 30 civilians spared. The leader of the Texans, Colonel Travis drew a line in the sand and asked who ever wanted to stay and protect to come over the line, only one did not. That s basically a summary of the battle of the Alamo. The Goliad Massacre only happened three weeks after the battle of the Alamo, so still early 1836. General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna told his men to kill the Texans that surrendered on March 20th, 1836. Theses Texans were
  • 17. The Human Rights Act 1998 The Human Rights Act 1998 The Human Rights Act 1998 was fully enforced in 2000 and describes further effect to freedoms and rights that are entitled under the ECHR (the European Convention on Human Rights) (Ward, Wragg Walker 2011, p. 146). The constitutional framework of the United Kingdom implies that the Human Rights Act 1998 is not embedded in the same way as the human rights papers that are adopted by many nations in the world. Nonetheless, it is argued that any attempt to amend or repeal the provisions of the Human Right Act 1998 s would necessitate the clearest probable words. It is significant to note that the scheme of the Human Rights Act is complicated, as it requires public authorities to undertake their functions in compatible with the ECHR, and it provides the Convention and related jurisprudence with an important influence over the domestic law interpretation (Ward, Wragg Walker 2011, p. 147). Conversely, it impedes the courts from invalidating incompatible Parliament s Act and in this respect; it does not provide the Convention with a primacy over domestic law. This paper seeks to evaluate the degree to which the Human Rights Act 1998 has fully incorporated the ECHR into the United Kingdom s legal system. ECHR The creation of ECHR can be traced back to 1950 after the formation of the United Nations. As a war shattered continent, Europe was determined to create a free Europe by developing a human rights document enshrining human rights and ardent
  • 18. How Did The Tang Empress Wu Zetian, The First Female Ruler... The Tang Empress Wu Zetian (also known as Empress Wu or as Wu Zhao; ruled China around 690 705 AD) was China s first female ruler. (Dash, 2012) Pharaoh Hatshepsut was the was the fifth pharaoh between 1508 and 1458 BC of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt and the first women pharaoh (Sayre, 2015). These two were great female rulers during the ancient times and brought different styles of ruling during each of their times as rulers. Cultures over which they ruled, identifying any similarities and differences between the cultures. We will look at Wu Zetian, the first female ruler in China, was born in 624. Per parents were rich and of noble families, besides the straighter end results of her move violently to expand and uphold ultimate power, Wu s leadership resulted in significant consequences about social class in Chinese culture and in relation to circumstances hold up for Taoism, Buddhism, education, and writing. Wu Zetian also had a colossal impact leading the sculptures at the Qianling Mausoleum of the Longmen Grottoes and the Wordless Stele , on top of the building of some most important constructions and bronze castings that do not continue to exist. Hatshepsut, on the other hand, was born in the 18th Dynasty (a powerful group or family that maintains its position for a considerable time) recognized the trade system that had been distressed at some point in the Hyksos profession of Egypt all through the Second Intermediate Period, thus building the riches of the
  • 19. Literary Analysis And Analysis Of The Alexander Sarcophagus The Persians are losing the engagement, but the valiant horseman is clearly holding his own; the nude figure, rather than representing a known Macedonian, is a brave Graeco Macedonian warrior about the meet a noble death. In this description, Waldemar Heckel describes one of the battle scenes on the Alexander Sarcophagus, a piece which has much meaning in the study of Alexander the Great and the lives of the ancient Greeks and Persians as a whole. The artifact has speculative ties to the ancient kings Abdalonymus and Mazaeus. To begin with, this paper will discuss the embellishment and making of the Sarcophagus, the locational and creator s information, and the accuracy of the Wikipedia page on the sarcophagus. Following this, the paper examines any information lacking in the Wikipedia article, facts which could be added and enhanced, and the relations between Persians and Greeks and how they impacted ancient Greek society. Moreover, this paper will examine the Alexander Sarcophagus through the lens of information available to individuals online, more specifically referring to its Wikipedia article. Analyzing the Wikipedia article on the Alexander Sarcophagus shows a view of the artifact which contains many flaws. To begin with, the Alexander Sarcophagus employed a variety of methods in its making and ornamentation. In the first place, marble is the material the item is created from and the item contains meticulously carved out subjects, with the lid and the base of
  • 20. Dred Scott V Sandford Rap music is a reflection of Black culture that for decades has been used to highlight social injustices. There are many similarities to the Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857), which help to underline the historical pain the Blacks had to endure both in the past and present. The case of Dred Scott v. Sandford was based on the establishment of racism and political movement on enslavement. Chang, Jeff Can t Stop Won t Stop explains the events of (1960 1973) social condition prevailing in New York, especially the South Bronx, in the generation leading up to the birth of hip hop. The impact of the Dred Scott v. Sandford lasted from (1833 1857). Dred Scott was originally from Virginia but resided in both Illinois and Missouri for most of his life. One of the reasons he resided in Illinois, was because it was known as a free state. In 1846, Dred Scott entered the state of Missouri and sued for his freedom in the Missouri Courts; unfortunately it was an unsuccessful attempt. Throughout his life, he continued to challenge the Courts for his freedom, ultimately obtaining freedom in 1857. Dred Scott becoming a free black was the beginning of an American history revolution. Enslavement existed for at least 400 years and some might say that it still exist today but presents itself differently. It has a huge impact on African Americans because living in an anti black world has an effect on a person s psyche. In addition, African Americans depended on religious songs that were
  • 21. Roman Emperor Caligul A Case Of True Misfortune Caligula: A Case of True Misfortune Crimson blood precipitating in the lands of Rome, as a psychedelic man, an emperor rules these territories. Madmen have erupted because of his saturated insanity. However, his humanity and morality is unknown by all, except some. This is the Roman emperor Caligula. This paper quarrels the life of Caligula, his psychotic doings and his time of existence. With an original name of Gaius Julius Caesar, Caligula was born on the 31st of August in the year of A.D. 12. As an infant, he was escorted by his father Germanicus, a military Roman general, in military campaigns. Because of his legionary clothing with small boots in his accompaniment, he was nicknamed Caligula , which means little boot . On August 19, A.D. 14, Augustus, the current Roman emperor, passed away. However, before his death, he ordered Tiberius, his stepson, to adopt Germanicus and make him the heir. Although his order, Tiberius immediately took rule after Augustus death and sent Germanicus on a mission, where he got sick and subsequently gave his soul to the Angel of Death. Because of the death of Germanicus, Agrippina the Elder, Caligula s mother, smelled something fishy and it came from Tiberius; she blamed Tiberius for... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This celestial thought was because he considered himself as a god. Because of this belief, he claimed that he could talk with the gods, and so he ordered others to worship him. Speaking of overrated, Caligula had a stallion which he named Incitatus. This horse was smothered, in which anyone who caused annoyance to it was punished with demise. Incitatus owned a marble stable, an ivory stall, a jewelled collar, an abode and servants! Caligula also wanted to make him a consul, but wasn t able to do that, however, he was treated like one; he was given golden barley and wine in golden
  • 22. Essay On Brand Loyalty How do your kids stay organized during the school year? As for my kids, they have Mead Five Star products to help them. I share some ways on how your kids can keep organized all year long. School has officially started here in Colorado and I have done most of my back to school shopping. I say most because no matter what, there s always something missing from the list that the teachers request once your kids are back in school. I m just waiting for it. Like most parents, I hate spending unnecessary money. I love when I shop that whatever I purchase last all year long, within reason of course. I don t expect my kids to have a notebook all year, but oh how I wish. Speaking of notebooks, I suffer from brand loyalty and I m going to be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Make sure you have extra pencils and pens so that you re never out. If you re using a mechanical pencil, be sure to have extra lead. When you re organized, the less you ll be stressing. Have an organizational system in place, here are a few ways to do that. Have a binder with dividers Choose a binder that fits you needs and use dividers help you to separate each class or subject. This way you re not carrying around too many notebooks. Separating your binder with color dividers will cut down the time spent having to find each class notes. If you decide that you don t want to use a binder, have different colored notebooks for each class or subject. Once again this will make it easier for you. Introduce a Planner If your school doesn t provide a daily planner, get one for your child. A daily planner will help them stay organized as to what s coming up, and what will be happening on a daily basis. Your child can list their homework so that they re not forgetting what s due. I know my children can be quite forgetful, especially when it comes to homework. Having a planner where homework is written down keeps them responsible. When the week is over, rip out the pages and start all over again. You can keep the old pages in a folder at home to look back upon. Backpack to keep it all Having a backpack that can hold all their school supplies is the key to organization. Your child will need a
  • 23. Essay On Rosa Coldfield Absalom Samantha McCann Professor Sarah Luria Touchstones II 16 April 2018 Rosa Coldfield s Pursuit of a Proper Place William Faulkner s complex masterpiece, Absalom, Absalom! tells a story about how inhabitants of the Old South find themselves entangled in a world of hurt and haunted by the extreme pressure of the past. Rosa Coldfield, the first character Faulkner introduces in the novel, is one such inhabitant who struggles to come to grips with history. The maiden spinster never surrenders her Old Southern lens of the world and remains forever fixated on her notions of what might have been, despite the Old South crumbling around her (115). Rosa finds herself continuously isolated from the other characters, yet she repetitively entwines her narrative... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Why does she consistently involve herself in the lives of those around her, attempting to become not just a wife or mother but also a daughter, sister, or aunt? I argue Miss Rosa Coldfield spends her entire life trying to build connections with other characters since she struggles to find her proper role in the Old Southern patriarchy. From the beginning of her existence, Rosa Coldfield lacks a standing in her family, yet she continues searching for a role. The house, normally the heart of family life, becomes an ironic representation of her lack of standing. As Shreve comments, Rosa grew up in a household like an overpopulated mausoleum (144). A mausoleum is defined as a stately building erected to house tombs (OED). With these words, Faulkner generates a tone of sorrow and isolation surrounding Rosa s childhood, explaining how she grew up in a home overpopulated with death. Her mother died giving birth to her, and her father mounted to the attic with his hammer...and nailed the door behind him (65). The hammer, a tool for striking with great force, usually represents strength and protection. Ironically, Mr. Coldfield uses the hammer to destroy his relationship with his daughter, putting a literal barrier (the nailed shut door) between them to represent the divide. By boarding
  • 24. Oral History At Los Alamos What kind of public history issues does an individual encounter daily at their local community s historical society? The public history issues that I have come across in my professional experience include topics as memory, oral histories, and the categorizing of archives. For my professional experience hours, I am volunteering at Los Alamos local historical society, where the organization is currently conducting several oral histories and cataloging their archives. While conducting oral histories on World War II and Manhattan ProjectVeterans I have connected my experience to issues such as memory. The connection to memory has caused me to form several questions on whether the experiences that these veterans were telling are accurate accounts... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The idea of memory can relate to such examples photos, quotes, and how a landscape or town use to appear can connect to the issue of oral history. The connection allows the historian to help those that they are interviewing recall on their experiences. The connection between the two has caused me to realize that primary accounts can be very subjective. About previous coursework, I learned that oral histories should subjectively view these accounts as the recollection of an event by the individual may have faded with age. The concepts of memory and oral history have been an active issue in my experience. One instance that I have noticed when interviewing several Manhattan Project Veterans is their recollection of dates, which revolve around certain historical events as the Trinity Test. In one interview, a veteran informed me that he began working in Los Alamos on the Manhattan Project in 1942 and that the Trinity Test took place in the June of 1945. The interview provides an excellent example of how a primary source s account of an event can fade over time as the laboratory at Los Alamos did not open until 1943, and the test at the Trinity site took place in July of 1945. Learning from the interview, I immediately connect this to my prior coursework bringing photos of the Los Alamos area during the 1940s to my next oral history interview.
  • 25. Figurative Language In The Secretary Chant, By Marrge Piercy In the poem The Secretary Chant, the poet, Marge Piercy, uses figurative language to develop the argument of how society has produced a stereotype that women should be secretaries, because being a secretary is not always the ideal job because just like every other jobs, there may be emotional conflicts. The way Piercy uses comprehensive imagery about the speakers body and figurative language to depict a womans perspective of being a secretary interested me. Aftering reading the poem thoroughly, each imagery and figurative language conveys how women are stereotyped to be secretaries and why it is not always the ultimate jobs for women. The poem The Secretary Chant uses imagery about the speaker s body parts to develop the argument of how society has produced a stereotype that being a secretary is the perfect job for a women, but in reality being a secretary might produce emotional conflicts. The reader can view this when the speaker states, My navelis a reject button (15). The speaker illustrates how her belly button is a reject button. The purpose of using a metaphor in this quote is to explain how the speaker s body is being altered to inanimate objects. The significance of the navel is that after detaching the umbilical cord after birth, the navel no longer has a biological purpose. This is vital because perhaps the speaker feels useless, because the speaker knows her navel is ineffective. Since the speaker is working over time, she probably feels like she
  • 26. Voice Acting Group Darkness and coldness grabbed that desolate, almost clichГ© closet room, not quite stealing away the blissful glee surrounding everyone s stature. We had prepared this tiny gathering for weeks, and now the first day was looming over our heads. Each member thirty minutes late, they filed into the tiny, but proud voice chat server that the moderators were so hung over about. The ten of us are a voice acting group. I was and am their leader, the person with the clever hairbrained scheme to summon us all in one place, and I was the most nervous after all. What if only five of us showed up? What if everyone forgot it was today? What if I accidently said it was next month? To answer my almost certain demise, a friendly voice joined the call. We called him Stick. He had been the third person we asked, with a calm and collected voice, the man didn t seem like one for being three main roles on the team, but Stick had the power to move mountains with his thunderous call. He was an instant addition to the team, being one of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A few weeks after we first all got together, my grandfather died, causing a chain reaction in the family. I was always taught to be the strong one, as I was going to be needed in the future to be everyone s rock, to make them happy in their times of need. Everyone always saw me as the unemotional one, I never cried, or got depressed. I would usually just sleep it off. When a family is broken apart by death, it changes a person. If everyone falls on me for help and assistance, who was I going to fall back to? I then remembered my friends, the ones who would stay by my side no matter what. I fell back to them and explained everything. They were there when I needed them most. They have changed me so much over the summer. I have become more social with people, and I have grown more as a person because of them. If it wasn t for my friend group, I would have never found my
  • 27. Cracking Our Dna Barcode Analysis Comparison and Contrast of Cracking Our Genetic Barcode In the essay, DNA fingerprinting: Cracking Our Genetic Barcode , by Elaine Marieb, illustrates how significant DNA fingerprinting is today. She initiates a candid example of how New York City s World Trade Center massacre killed more than 3, 000, left millions of bodies distorted, charred, and decayed. It was the staple for the ever increasing need for DNA fingerprinting. In current events, DNA fingerprinting is a vital instrument soldiers who are unidentifiable after war. Marieb wrote (435), The U.S military takes blood and saliva samples from every recruit so it can identify soldiers killed in the line of duty. In contrast, in the past, there were rudimentary ways to recognize ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Marieb stated (435), DNA fingerprinting can prove that a suspect was actually at the scene of a crime and establishes innocence. Before the evolution of DNA fingerprinting, persecuting attorney and our judicial system depended on many aspects of reliable sources to convict a criminal. They depended on the eyewitnesses who were likely to recant on their statements, tampered evidence, and bias jurors. Presently, DNA fingerprinting have aided in exonerating hundreds of cases including Ray Krone, also known as The Snaggle Tooth Killer. He was exculpated by DNA evidence after he served 10 years and was facing the death penalty for a crime he didn t commit. He was wrongly convicted of murder and the circumstantial evidence at the time was the bite marks they found on the victim s body resembled his teeth. DNA revealed Kenneth Phillips was the culprit. He was the 100th inmate vindicated through DNA from death row since 1976. Even though, this is a fascinating process. It is not a perfect system. Similarly, fingerprints were used in the past, yet the current progression speaks for
  • 28. Data Analysis And Data Processes Data Transformation are often very complex and is the most costly section of the ETL process. Transformations are often achieved outside the database using flat files, but mostly occurs within an Oracle database. The transform step applies rules or functions to the extracted data. These rules or functions will decide on the analysis of data and can involve transformations like the following: Data Summations Data Merging Data Encoding Data Splitting Data Calculations Creating Surrogate Keys Data Aggregation When transformed, the data is clean, accurate, consistent and ready for analysis by the data warehouse users. Data can be transformed in two ways: Multistage Data Transformation Pipelined Data Transformation The most ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Most of the tasks are completed outside the database, for example step 1 to 4 as shown in figure 6 below and then is inserted into the warehouse table. FIGURE 6: PIPELINED DATA TRANSFORMATION 2.2.2 Cleansing Data Data cleansing is the process of removing incorrect, inappropriate and duplicate data. It can also be called data cleaning or data scrubbing. Not cleansing the data will lead to inaccurate and unreliable results. During the process of cleansing data, if dirty data is detected, it will have to be modified and will therefore cause delays within the process. Dirty data can be caused by the following: Members of an organization are poorly trained and will therefore enter data erroneously. Inaccurate system configuration rules are applied. Regular data updates are neglected. Inconsistent or lack of validation rules. Duplicates are not removed. Data cleansing can be performed within single or multiple sets of data. Usually problems within single data sets are due to misspellings when entering data of that they have left out missing information when inputting. When problems occur within multiple data sets e.g. in a data warehouse, the need to cleanse data increases greatly. This is because the data is more than likely to have redundant data from different sources, and will therefore have to make sure all
  • 29. The Effects And Effects Of Video Recording On Anxiety Abstract As the use of technology increases, more and more companies will be turning to recordings to monitor and save data, including therapists, interviewers, and law enforcement officials. It s important to understand what effects being recorded will have on the outcome of the conversations. Using college students and placing them in different situations of recorded discussions, this study seeks to measure the effects of these type of data gathering on anxiety and truthfulness. Using the information gathered, we will make conclusions regarding the most effective ways of getting the proper information from subjects or clients that could be used in real life situations to come. Effects of Video Recording on Anxiety As technology advances, there is considerably less need for the use of old practices. We re seeing this now in ways we could never have imagined. Interviewers, interrogators, and therapists alike are debating turning to video and audio recording to preserve sessions rather than note taking, which can be a source for mistakes. Implementing live recording in therapy, interviews, and interrogations allows for more accurate recollection of thoughts and ideas for both parties. One stated benefit from the study conducted by Decarlo and colleagues was that with the recording method, the officers were able to spend more time listening and interacting with the suspect than taking accurate notes of the interrogation, which could be misconstrued with
  • 30. Raymond Carver Cathedral Analysis Blind to the Blind To be imaginative is to be a child. As a person ages, he is expected to mature into adulthood and to live in the real world. He is expected to abandon his childhood dreams and cultivate practicality and factuality. However, imaginations are not limited to unicorns and dragons; it is a skill a person must nurture to realize his dreams and desires. To be imaginative is to be a visionary. Without a vision, a person lacks the sight for compassion, curiosity, and self consciousness. In this sense, imagination is not only to think outside the box, but also to search deeper inside. In the short story, Cathedral by Raymond Carver, Carver develops the idea that a lack of imagination limits a person to the physical and visible world which leads to the blindness to the abstract world and rejection of the uncertain future. It is when a person opens his eyes to the unseen that he can create emotional connection with others and discover the profound truth inside himself. The narrator s lack of imagination leads him to reject what is beyond his visual perception. The narrator looks at his surroundings plainly as they are and therefore fails to see the deeper meanings behind it. Throughout the story, the narrator is watching television, which symbolizes his narrow perspective and his failure to observe the world on his own. His idea of blindness came from the movies (Carver 315) and this preconceived notion results in his unenthusiastic attitude towards Robert before
  • 31. Sex Trafficking And Sexual Trafficking Sex trafficking, particularly that of children, has become a growing concern in the United States over the past several decades (Kotrla, 2010). By definition, child sex trafficking is when a child (under 18 years of age) is induced to perform a commercial sex act (U.S., 2013, para. 4), and includes forms such as prostitutionand pornography (Kotrla, 2010). Researchers suggest that children are the most vulnerable to becoming victims of prostitution (Kotrla), and it is estimated that there are at least 100,000 victims in the United States (Estes Weiner, 2001). Sex traffickers, otherwise known as pimps, often lure children with promises of food, clothing, love, and shelter, and then the pimps manipulate the children to keep them in prostitution (U.S. Department of Justice [DOJ], 2015). Awareness of the issue has led to the development of organizations, such as Children of the Night, that seek to help victims escape the sex trafficking industry (Children of the Night [COTN], 2016d). Mission According to their official mission statement, Children of the Night is dedicated to rescuing America s children from the ravages of prostitution (COTN, 2016c). Not only does the organization work to help children escape prostitution, they strive to provide these children with a viable alternative to living under the control of pimps (Lissone, 2005). History and Operations History In the 1970s, Lois Lee was researching prostitution arrest records for her doctoral dissertation
  • 32. The Distribution Of The Studio System After the breakdown of the studio system the leading film companies started to buy each other on a conglomorate scale in order to increase their quality and income during the production or distribution of the film. Conglomorate ownership has been in the business for very long time and has shaped the industry. Most companies in hollywood are economically driven rathern than artisticly driven, therefore whilst making films it is in the company s best interest to make more money. For the better understanding of the issua it is important to look at the history of the conglomoration throughout the film history and then to use a case study for futher more detailed research. Marvel Cinematic Univerves can serve as a great case study to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Media conglomerates strive for policies that facilitate their control of the markets around the world. As a result film in United States has developed as a commercial pursuit, where profit maximization is the centra target. Conglomoration extends beyond the ratings and inculudes its value syndication to owned and operated stations and cable outlets. Futhermore, in 1915 the Supreme Court of the United States argued that the Exhibition of moving pictures is a business, pure and simple, originated and conducted for a profit like other spectacles. Companies such as Disney, who is the owner of the Marvel heroes nowadays, is one of the most aggressive in the production of content, which can be packeged, then repacakaged, and distributed in various corporate sectors to generate revenue. Disney have bought diversity of mass media productions, including film studios, independet film studios, television channels, parks and resorts, etc. The media in theory forms a marketplace for ideas who ones who dominates this marketpalce extend its control and ownershio of conglomerates, which provides them with an unprecedented degree of potential control over the range and direction of cultural production. The market for film expanded to a dramatic degree over the last quarter centuary, thanks in large part to the evolution of commercial television outlets around the world. Motion pictures remain prominent. Marvel is a conglomorate company as it owns several
  • 33. Asset Inequities Of Black Sexual Minority Essay The Asset Inequities of Black Sexual Minority Women s Health An anthology edited by, Hull, Bell Scott, and Smith (1982) titled, All the women are White, all the Blacks are men, but some of us are brave succinctly captures the ubiquitous pairing of women with Whiteness, Blackness with men. I would go further and argue that sexual minorities experience both gendered (maleness) and racialized (whiteness) coupling. Rendering the experiences of those who are Black, women and sexual minorities invisible (for further discussions on intersectional invisibility, see Bowleg, 2008 ; hooks, 2000; Purdie Vaughns Eibach, 2008). People with interlocked marginalized social identities, experience intersectional invisibility in research and policy... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Suggesting that policies and services tailored to the specific health care needs of Black SMW are crucial to providing the best care for this population. To this end, a suitable mechanism for addressing the health care disparities among Black SMW is intersectionality theory. The present paper, therefore argues for the application of an intersectional prism in health research. Drawing from assets theory and life course theory, this paper aims to elucidate several critical themes that should be considered in future research endeavors that incorporates the needs of marginalized voices. Intersectionality theory was developed to address the multifaceted experiences of marginalized people (Crenshaw, 1989). Intersectionality theory states that systems of oppression are interconnected and there are those who are multiply burdened because they hold more than one marginalized social identity. Health care in the Historical Context First, it is important to note that the historical experiences of Black women, and of women in general, also include lesbian and bisexual women of color. Second, it is critical that we examine the health care experiences of Black lesbians and bisexuals within a socioeconomic, political and cultural context. The mistreatment of Black women by medical institutions and professionals within the United States (U.S.) health care system is well documented: from the immoral medical experiments conducted on Black slaves, to the forced sterilization, and subpar
  • 34. Into The Wild By Chris Mccandless Into the Wild details the events that lead to the death of the pretentious Chris McCandless. An overconfident vagabond, McCandless causes his own death. Krakauer does his best to turn McCandless into a sympathetic, relatable figure, by appealing to the reader s logic and emotion, but ultimately fails. By exploring McCandless personality and background, Krakauer makes an appeal to logos. From the very start, Krakauer states Alaska has long been a magnet for dreamers and misfits... (4). Is McCandless not a dreamer and a misfit? He dreams of an idealistic life in the wilderness. The way he evade[s] the impending threat of human intimacy sets him apart from the common friendship oriented person (55). He refuses extravagant items, in the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A frugal introvert such as McCandless should be perfectly suited to a life in the wild. The ability to lead a spartan lifestyle is something to be admired, but McCandless does not come across as admirable. Rather, he is spoiled and obstinate. The fact he had $24,000 of college money to donate upon graduating, money which was given to him by a family friend no less, shows that McCandless could not have lead a truly sparse life. There was no fear of a next meal or a lack of a roof overhead. Anything he wanted, McCandless had access to. His refusal to give gifts comes across as selfish and ostentation. McCandless letter encouraging Franz to find joy in travel rather than personal relationships demonstrates his self righteousness. By putting his lifestyle of choice on a pedestal, McCandless shows just how little regard he holds for the beliefs of others. McCandless holds the ideals of a young man squirming to get away from the wealth of his parents, but rather than use compassion to atone for his privilege, he becomes jaded and cuts off positive interaction with those he should be able to rely on. Krakauer does his best to make McCandless past justify his trek into the wild, but succeeds only in making McCandless look like a brat. Krakauer appeals to pathos by revealing how those close to McCandless mourned his death. McCandless filled a hole in Ronald A. Franz s
  • 35. How Does Poverty Affect Child Development Table Of Contents I.Introduction II.How poor nutrition affects a child s development III.Affects of poverty on education IV.Crime V.Mental health issues VI.Conclusion Children are dependent on their parents; they have no control over their economic status when they enter this world. Poverty is a vicious thing that s hard to escape from. In order to make a better life for yourself you need an education and the motivation to do so. The longer a person is poor the harder it is to escape it. It ends up being a circle of growing up poor and staying poor. So does ones birthright affect their development? With 43.1 million American living in poverty, many kids are left disadvantaged from the start.(1) These children ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Poor children have greater psychological distress than well off children (16). They are more likely to suffer from mood disorders, psychoses, suicide, personality disorders, and alcohol and substance abuse. Mood disorders such as depression are very common for children coming from poor backgrounds. Depression is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act (17). Some of the environmental factors that can cause depression are exposure to violence, neglect, and abuse. Depression in a dangerous illness that causes many deaths every year. Suicide is also common for poor people. Studies have shown that the majority of suicides were completed by unemployed people. The stress of not having a steady income could be one factor associated with this. They also found that deaths involving drugs are associated with poverty. The use of drugs and alcohol in poor communities is quite common. Links between education and substance abuse has been found and could be a cause of addiction in poor communities. Adults who are substance abusers are 2.7 times more likely to be abusive towards their children
  • 36. Francis And Clare War Analysis It is often said that Saint Francis and Saint Clare had internal and external experience of war. Examples of internal war that Francis and Clare faced would be stress, thoughts, and emotions. Examples of external war that Francis and Clare faced would be beatings from parents, being prisoner, being a part of a war, and falling ill. Francis and Clare both were heavily impacted by the internal and external war they faced. These impacts had changed their lives drastically and had changed their view related to the world and church. Francis was on this planet a very long time ago, but he had a huge impact on religion. Francis lived for about forty four years and he went through changes for a good reason. In the year of 1202, Francis went ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Clare lived for about sixty year and she went through changes for a good reason. Clare s wars are started when she was six years old, when Clare and her family was escaping for the war that was going on in Assisi. She dropped her favorite doll and she left her parents to go and get her doll. She was blocked by returning to her family by a warrior and that warrior, Francis, let her go to be with her family. This event him her emotional and it will have an big impact later in her life. The war had played a huge external war on her life by making her move out of her home and not returning for more than ten years. This was a stressful and emotional event in her life. When she returned home she went to church and was very surprised who was preacher. It was Francis, she has seen how much he had changed and she was feeling empowered. A couple of years later, she finally made her mind up to join Francis and his movement. One night, she left with friends to go the church and forfeit everything they own and to become one of them. Her family was not that happy with her and tried to stop her, like Francis father had did. After all the internal and external war Clare had faced she made the move to join Francis and the Franciscan values by being the first woman in this religious
  • 37. Two Other Philosophers, John Locke, And George Berkeley Two other philosophers, John Locke, and George Berkeley have shown similar theories to the discussion from the ideas presented by Plato. Unlike Plato who argues that we cannot determine what is true or real based on experience, Locke argues that all knowledge which we use to determine what is true or real comes from experience. And similar to Plato, Berkeley argues that only our ideas are the only thing that is real. Locke also argues in his essay that knowledge is not something people are born with. Locke differs from Plato, because Plato believes we do not know the true or ideal state of something. This is so because on Earth the physical realm, we only experience shadows , or reflections of the perfect ideal objects we have in our... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Locke s second point in his argument is that knowledge comes from the senses and how we perceive the world. This means that all the knowledge society has acquired comes from the observations and reasoning people have made based on their perceptions. In his essay, Locke presents the idea of two fountains of knowledge. These fountains of knowledge is where all the ideas that we can have have come from. The first fountain of knowledge is sensation, which involves all the five senses of the human body. It is because of sensation we have ideas such as hot, the color orange, sweet, and bright. The second fountain of knowledge is experience, which helps explain the things we perceive from the first sense, such as reasoning, thinking, and knowing. Locke then separates experience into two categories, primary and secondary qualities. Primary qualities are qualities that an object can have without us needing to sense it such as size of an object or the way it is moving. An object will already have these qualities regardless if a person recognizes them or not. Secondary qualities are the other qualities such as color, or the sound an object makes when it hits the floor. These our qualities that exist in our mind, not qualities that an object has already on its own. A great example is wine. When it comes to wine many people have different experiences on how a wine tastes. Imagine one bottle of wine that is sampled by two different
  • 38. The Rise Of The Railroad System At the start of every great advancement in society it is society itself that fails to realize the negative repercussions the advancement might bring. While the rise of the railroad system through Texas gave plenty of beneficial attributes, from faster transportation of goods and services to expansion of Texan towns, which helped boom our population, it would seem that a number of things would be drawbacks leading to the termination of many Texan ideologies.The railroad system stemmed throughout Texasallowed many walks of life a deeper view of the Great Lone Star state. While people from different ends of the country came seeking new life others came seeking new fortune which lead to the demise of cowboys, instillation of cattle drives, and the Postbellum cattle boom. In order to understand the negative attributes that the railroad brought we must go back and bring our attention to the beginning which includes the original cowboys. Despite the many riveting TV dramas that paint cowboys as fast men who love faster women we now know in order to be historically accurate, we would have to trade these Clint Eastwood fairy tales for less exciting ones of cowboys who were smelly lonely men who had no serious work skills. These men would consist of workers who were generally under the age of twenty that made 30 40$ a month. During this time period they would walk with and behind cattle for up to six weeks ensuring safe passage to these insanely stupid creatures. When the
  • 39. Political And Social Involvement Of Public Opinion On... Political and social involvement is among the most discussed issues nowadays, since the considerable influence of public opinion on government policy is unquestionable. It is obvious that political participation directly affects our lives. The range of attitudes toward controversial aspects of politics, economics, religion, and so on is too broad in American society. In this regard, public opinion research becomes extremely important. It helps us better understand citizens expectations, to assess the impact of public opinion on government decision making, and, thus, to forecast the possible future events that may play crucial role in the development of society. The aim of this assignment is to interview people from different demographic groups and to analyze their various points of view on social and political issues. I asked 23 people to take my survey. For this purpose, I mostly used the questions from a quiz of the Pew Research Center. However, I added a few more questions to my questionnaire. It seemed reasonable because it provided a deeper understanding of such important issues as the cost of liberty, the guarantee of safety and security of all members of the society, invasion of privacy, and limitations on freedom of speech and expression. Though in general, my questionnaire covers a wide range of themes, the questions can be divided into three main categories: 1.Support of the government by the citizens 2.Civil liberties and safety 3.Economic, cultural,
  • 40. The Role Of Industrialization Of America In The 1920 s From 1865 throughout the 1920 s a new economic and social era struck the United States forever changing its government, its priorities, and its people which would eventually lead to the gilded age and modern America. During this time the industrialization of America lead to multiple miracles of engineering including the construction of skyscrapers, bridges and highways and the creation of machines like airplanes, automobiles ,tractors and many more like them . Its innovations and inventions like these that will change American agriculture forever and lead small farmers to improve their statues socially, economically, and as farmers in general. Before 1865 ninety percent of American farmers believed the American southwest to be the Great American... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the Great Plains, there was a startling lack of wood to use as building supplies. The farmers on the plains found solutions for many of the problems that they encountered due to the lack of building supplies like building their houses from mud and burning dry grass as fuel for their fires but one problem still remained. They were unable to build fences for their livestock. But in 1873 a farmer named Joseph Glidden created type of fence with points affixed to twisted strands of wire which then became known as barbed wire. This new type of fence could span for miles with a low number of wooden posts in between. The barbs on the wire deterred the farmer s livestock from trying to get free and it also deterred unwanted predators from trying to get in. This was one of the most important inventions for farmers at this time it outlined their homestead and their property and prevented their valuable livestock from roaming. Barb wire became known as The Wire That Fenced the West and it became a true necessity for farmers in the Great
  • 41. Critical Analysis Of A Midsummer Night s Dream In his critical analysis of A Midsummer Night s Dream, by William Shakespeare, G. K. Chesterton introduces the idea that A Midsummer Night s Dream is not only the greatest piece of literature produced by Shakespeare, but also the greatest psychological analysis. On the surface, A Midsummer Night s Dream seems to be an argument against the idea of eternal love and the societal standard of marriage; but under the surface,Shakespeare talks about the workings of human emotion, and the powerful connection that brings people together. Michael Taylor adds to this idea in his critical analysis, The Darker Purpose of A Midsummer Night s Dream , in which he discusses that feelings of love require feelings of hate, in order to be expressed in their truest form. In a play that contains such a prominent motif of magic and wonder, it is obvious that mystic will play an important role in the overall theme. Often, the fairy world interacts with the human world, and influences the direction of the plot. There are many important characters and relationships expressed throughout the play; however, the role of the love flower is the most important. Even though it is an inanimate object and does not further the story through dialogue with characters, the love flower s nectar acts as a spirit that unites mankind... that seventh man who is the harmony of all of them (G.K. Chesterton). Whenever the nectar is used on the eyelids of the characters, they find themselves further entangled in a web
  • 42. Essay on Wgu Jdt Task 3 Running head: JDT TASK 3 JDT TASK 3 Western Governors University Human Resources JDT TASK 3 A. Benefits of Performance Appraisal Systems Optimal results of a well prepared and well developed employee appraisal: The processes demonstrates a commitment to people within the business by showing them that they are valued members of the company and their success is important to the entire organization. Formal employee appraisals provide a strong reinforcement of the corporate aims and values. It gives managers an opportunity to show employees how their individual roles contribute to the company goals and give feedback to the impact that the employee has on those goals. It also provides management with a solid forum for... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The following strategies will help you to manage your team more effectively and ensure that they meet future performance goals. * Set performance goals with each employee. These goals focus on the employee s specific performance on the job, such as his productivity, output, results, competencies, and behaviors. As you set and follow up on these goals you will be helping your employees to see that the performance appraisal is not a once a year activity but instead is a way to measure their success and course correct any shortcomings throughout the year. * Set developmental goals with each employee. These goals focus on building the employee s expertise, skills, and abilities. The idea is to make strengths even stronger, as well as to develop the areas in which the employee s knowledge and skills are deficient. As you provide your team members with these developmental goals and support them to attain them you will be building the company s future and displaying to your team that you are there to support and develop their career. * Create real goals. Real goals are specific, achievable, prioritized, measurable, supported by action plans, aligned with the company, linked to your goals, and accepted by you and your employees. It is vital to the success of the company, your success as a leader and the future of
  • 43. The First Letter of Apostle Paul’s to the Corinthians Essay The first letter of Apostle Paul s to the Corinthians that we have access to is normally known as the book of love, or the book that gets read at weddings (Powell, 273). But when you get down to the nitty gritty of this epistle to the Corinthians, Paul is addressing many problems that congregation had and that churches today face. Before we get into the actual letter and the occasion and purpose of this letter, I want to review a little of what we know of Corinth and its culture and history. Corinth was the capital of Achaia (Powell, 275) and it has been estimated that in Paul s day the population of Corinth was about 250,000 free persons, plus as many as 400,000 slaves (Barker, 1732). There are four things I want to touch on about ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The temple dedicated to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, whose worshipers practiced what is known as religious prostitution, is one of the more infamously known. About a quarter of a mile north of the theater stood the temple of Asclepius, the god of healing and, in the sixth century BCE, the temple of Apollo stood in the center of the city. In addition to all of these Grecian temples, the Jews had established a synagogue; the inscribed lintel of it has been found and is in the museum at old Corinth today (Barker, 1732). Its immorality: Corinth, like any large commercial city, was a center for much immorality. The worship of Aphrodite fostered prostitution in the name of religion. At one time there were 1,000 sacred prostitutes serving her temple (Barker, 1732). So widely did the immorality of Corinth become known that the Romans would use the expression to act like a Corinthian referring to engaging in sexual promiscuity (Powell, 278). With all this in mind, no wonder Paul s first recorded letter to the Corinthians dealt with numerous problems. The Intended Audience: In the salutation of 1 Corinthians (1:2), Paul addresses the letter to the church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus and called to be holy, together with all those everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ their Lord and ours . The converts at Corinth
  • 44. Barrhaven Case Study Unit Challenge Barrhaven is a rapidly growing neighbourhood in the southwest of Ottawa. It is a thriving community and have many residents. A while ago Barrhaven had only one grocery store and a few small shops but after a few years there are 2 shopping centers and a movie theatre. This means Barrhaven has grown a lot which is why it is rapidly going. Here are areas where Barrhaven has grown in. Population: Barrhaven s population is 17,250 people with an average of 8568.3 people. The male population is around 8545 people and the female population is around 8705 people. The ages of residents from 0 9 is 11.4%,the age of residents from 10 19 is 15.4%,the age of residents from 20 29 is 13.7%,the age of residents from 30 39 11.7%, the age of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But how can it be more sustainable? The first way is sustaining our environment. Barrhaven is building many different communities so destroying wildlife might happen a bit. The neighborhood behind Cedarview Middle School was before a big green dense forest. Soon when they decided to build more houses the forest had to be cut down which destroys animals habitat. For Barrhaven to sustain their environment they have to cut fewer trees and help the animals that lost their homes. Near my house we have a forest with a bike trail. Usually when I bike I see animals like foxes, squirrels and other forest creatures. But when Barrhaven cut a little bit of it down I could see a decrease in the number of animals I ve seen. One day when I was walking to school a fox ran right in front of me onto the road and almost got hit by a car. This shows that the fox has no clue where his/her home is and is trying to search for it. So if that happens to him that might mean it happens to other animals in a Barrhaven. So Barrhaven lacks in helping animals which is unsustaining our community. To improve this is add more nature sites and trees. By adding more nature sites and trees animals will move in and animals will have a home since we destroy their habitats. We could plant a lot of trees and add a biking path so it attracts tourists meaning spending money to build it will help Barrhaven s tourism more. We could push animals
  • 45. What Were The Similarities Between The Han And Roman Empire The Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty were similar through trade because they both utilized the silk road. The Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty were different in the areas of technology. The Roman Empire developed several different innovations such as aqueducts and hypocaust along with many others. The Han Dynasty developed silk, a secret their dynasties kept for a long time. Other new technologies include paper, The Roman Empirehad various technological innovations such as aqueducts. The Romans were the first to build aqueducts. The system was much like a bridge built on arches, aqueducts were genius because of the mountainous terrain of Rome which made supplying water difficult. Aqueducts were built to supply towns with water from lakes, springs, or rivers. They sloped downhill towards town using gravity in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Silk became a symbol of high status. Most Romans were infatuated with silk and were willing to pay and travel for it. Sea Roads transported bulk goods for everyone whereas the Silk Roads were limited to luxury items for the wealthy. Merchants from the Roman Empire (Greeks, Syrians, and Jews) established settlements in southern India and along the coast of East Africa. This created a longterm cultural impact on trade. Most trade was taken by ship. Huge shipwrecks from the time of the Roman Empire have been found by archaeologists. There was an extensive trade network to take produce to the towns. The Empire can be seen as a system to take produce from the provinces to the city of Rome. The Romans built straight, paved roads, such as the Via Appia in Italy. In Britain, Watling Street ran from London to Wroxeter in Shropshire. It was a saying that all roads lead to Rome , and the routes and remains of many of them still
  • 46. Mindfulness, Super Brain Yoga And Square Breathing Mindfulness, Super Brain Yoga and Square Breathing Mindfulness is a yoga practiced used to self assess for awareness in the present moment (Leland, 2015) When practiced in the moment, mindfulness has been shown to reduce the negative effects of excessive worry, in the moment, and self doubt (Jennings Jennings, 2013). Mindfulness is an important component of Eastern religions but has been used in schools to help students increase their awareness of their focus and anxieties in an attempt to overcome them. In the classroom, the purpose of mindfulness is not an attempt to permanently move mountains, but rather to find a way around the stumbling block in the mental path. Yoga has been shown, through research, to reduce anxiety (Kirkwood, Rampes, Tuffrey, Richardson, Pilkington, 2005). Yoga is widely practiced by groups of people for various reasons and with ranging levels of devotion. Some seek out yoga and other Eastern religions to seek a higher plane of knowledge and inner peace. Others simply want the benefits of the calming exercises. Some parents may even become upset with the idea of teaching religion in school, but in this aspect, yoga and its benefits are easily taught and can be easily practiced and mastered in a classroom for amazing benefits for students who need to learn to assess their anxiety levels and address them in a way to help alleviate some of the anxiety that is negatively impacting their focus and learning. Yoga breathing has been shown,
  • 47. The Power Of Modifying Genetics The power of modifying genetics is at our fingertips, allowing us to change the genes of living creatures, which of course includes humans. The concern is; what genes should be modified, and which genes should be left alone. A company called 23andMe, named after the 23 pairs of chromosomes in a human cell, will provide ancestry genetic reports and uninterpreted raw genetic data using only a kit. Created in 2006, out of Mountain View, California, the company specializes in three different products or kits, an ancestry edition, a health edition, and a complete edition. Sadly, due to FDA regulations and complications, 23andMe has had to sideline the interpretation of their health based products in the United States. Currently, 23andMe mainly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... DNA DTC is a company whose genetic products and services includes research, exome sequencing, and whole genome sequencing, but tests carry a steep price tag. Another company, Genelex is different from the previous companies, and specializes in paternity and pharmacogenomics, which simplified, is the study of individualized effect of drugs based on genetics. Genelex and other companies similar to them could be a threat by repositioning themselves, to combat health based genomic sequencing. A target market is a business going after a certain group of people based on age, sex, race, location, religion, and other factors. My estimated target market for 23andMe is new families, and I will explain why. During the pregnancy process, numerous tests are performed on the unborn baby as well as the bearing mother to determine factors like complications or growth. If additional tests, like 23andMe s genetic testing, could be performed to determine more about not only the baby, but also themselves, it is advantageous for both parties. In a new family, roles are being set, someone is becoming a father, someone is becoming a mother, and a newborn is becoming a toddler. In that emotional time, parents will want to use genomic research to make sure they can continue to be a mother or father to their children, and that nothing from their genetics will impair or limit the child. Relative
  • 48. Riordan Inventory and Manufacturing Process Improvement... Riordan Inventory and Manufacturing Process Improvement Business Requirements Service Request SR rm 001 has been requested by COO Hugh McCauley of Riordan Manufacturing. McCauley has asked that Team D suggest specific systems changes that would improve their inventory or manufacturing processes. Riordan would like to use computer system utilization so that they may become more efficient. Our Team has been asked to create business requirements for system upgrades and improvements for either IT or IS consultants use. During review of the Riordan Manufacturing Companies Inventory and manufacturing processes, we have found areas that are in need of improvement. We will discuss the present processes and how these can be changed to improve ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The system will automatically update data inventory for raw material once a shipment has been confirmed from an approved manager s wireless device. The System shall provide a large data server for all invoices to be scanned in and stored for record purposes. Invoices scanned in will be stored by a Date Time Company Code Order Number, as well as a search function providing employees the ability to retrieve original invoice forms. The system will update all data servers for receiving, shipping, raw materials used and final products produced continuously throughout day to day operations. The following steps are example procedures when the new system has been implemented. Raw Materials Receiving Required Materials: PDA Required Personnel: Receiving Area Supervisor (RAS), unloading crew 1.The RAS will preload the PDA with the scheduled order prior to the shipments arrival. 2.The RAS will verify the PDA s incoming order against the shipping document. a.The incoming order can be adjusted by the RAS should the shipping document differ in quantity or product. 3.Once all items of the incoming order have been verified, the RAS will mark the PDA s incoming order complete. a.Marking the order complete will update the inventory automatically. 4.The unloading crew may take the
  • 49. The Age Of White Collar Crime Welcome to the age of white collar crime. A time when the words thieves and businessmen go hand in hand. White collar criminals don t get their hands dirty in their work. They use their heads to get what they want instead of using a little muscle. These criminals are just as dangerous as the rapists and murderers. In these times, even the most seemingly respectable people are suspected of white collar crimes. President Clinton and the first lady Hillary Clinton have been tangled up in the Whitewater and Travelgate business ventures. Although the two have not been formally charged with any wrongdoing, there is a committee currently investigating their dealings and charges are not out of the question for either of them. In Michael Isikoff s and Mark Hosenball s Newsweek article Cracks in the Wall, they describe the Clintons dealings with Whitewater and the possible consequences of them: The Senate Whitewater committee is considering asking for perjury charges against Susan Thomas and Maggie Williams, Mrs. Clintons chief of staff, in connection with her testimony about the removal of documents from Vince Foster s office (Isikoff 29). This case goes to show that there presently a growing problem with our country, and it is called white collar crime. White collar crimes are very numerous in kind. New ones are always being invented by someone with a good scam. Embezzlement, tax evasion, and fraud are some of the more popular kinds. A person who has the power of
  • 50. Strengths And Weaknesses Of My Writing For any common writer, understanding your strengths and weaknesses plays a huge role in the outcome of your papers. Presenting your strengths in writing can help your readers smoothly go over what you wrote and actually enjoy it. Exploiting your weaknesses can create a hard time for your readers to follow your writing. To stay in a common ground you must first figure out your strengths and weaknesses. Most writers usually do this by writing on a regular basis to determine what they strive in and what they struggle with. In this paper, I will go over my strengths and weaknesses that come with writing and how I plan to create a common ground between them to thusly better my writing. Being able to understand the prompt /topic given has always been a strength of mine. I tend to embrace this specific strength because without focus on a given topic or prompt: diction and minute details that can be added will be irrelevant. In high school we were constantly given common assessments that required us to write about a single broad topic, I think those common assessments have allowed me to dig into the prompt and find ways to keep the paper inline and focused. I will always feel the need to continue developing this trait because it is a major part to persuasive and stronger writing.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I ve always had issues with understanding grammatical structure; high school English was no help either. My high school English classes only consisted of readings and short reflections; we never really touched base on the common writing errors that we may face. Although my errors may be subtle, these GUM issues still occur. My writing would be much smoother if I totally understood/followed correct punctuation and sentence structure. My need for this weakness to develop into a strength is at a high importance because I want my readers to clearly read my writing without wasting time critiquing my
  • 51. Criminal Liability Of Terms Of Actus Reaus And Mens Rea Introduction This paper discusses criminal liability in terms of actus reaus and mens rea along with other legal concepts and evaluates the given case in their light. Criminal liability Prosecution is required to establish guilty act (actus Reus) and a guilty mind (mens Rea). These are two fundamental conditions for establishing criminal liability. These are common law conditions for establishing criminal liability. Actus reusincludes both affirmative acts and failure to act. Latin legal dictum actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea stipulates actus reus, a guilty act and mens rea, a guilty mind, which denotes intention to commit crime as conditions for criminal liability. If a contract or public duty require a person to act in a particular manner and the person does not act in such a manner then he is committing actus reus by way of omission. In cases where statutes provide for certain code of conduct in respect of a private person, a public servant or an employee of the state, and if he does not act according to statute he commits actus reus. Case wise Application of law First case is R v Dan when Dan drives recklessly and startled a man. This case can be treated under s.3 Road Traffic Act 1991, a person is guilty of an offence if he drives on a road or other public place without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons. In this case actus reus consists of a) without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration to
  • 52. Facilities Managers Are The Backbone Of All Establishments Facilities Managers are the backbone of nearly all establishments. They are the reason the hotel runs smoothly and efficiently. They aid in profitability, effective staff relation, effective information management, effective internal communication, and effective facility responsibilities. The most important area of a hotel that the facilities manager plays a role in is profitability. Usually when people think of the maintenance department of any operation their first thought is fixing thinks (Edwards, 2012. p.13). Yes, the maintenance crew does indeed fix things, but their job is far more important than just that. For example, if there are twenty light fixtures broken in a ballroom, no events can be hosted in there. This will result in a huge profit loss anywhere from one hundred dollars to over $30,000. The facilities manager s job is to come in and fix the room as quickly as possible so they can start turning a profit. As the hotel gets older and older things become outdated and old. This is where the facilities manager comes in and makes the decision to either replace the old equipment with brand new equipment, or to simply restore it. They are responsible for nearly everything from painting the walls, resurfacing the roof... to the gas that cooks the food and anything in between (Edwards, 2012. P14). If all of the equipment is taken care of from day one, it will last much longer and save money in the long run. In the end, no hotel would be able to operate or make a
  • 53. Essay About Omelas The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas is a short, philosophical story written by Ursula Le Guin. The plot of the story is not that of a typical Western story, however, the storyline still conveys an extremely clear life lesson. The author has created the story in such a way that we are given a number of illusions which we must look through to understand the plot. The setting of this short story is a make believe town which has been given the name of Omelas . We are only given a brief depiction of Omelas by the author. The reason for this being that Le Guin invites us into the city of Omelas in order to allow us to create our own cities and scenes. This is one of the most unique factors of this story and it adds a great effect to the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First of all, we are drawn into the story as an effect of being given this creative freedom; our imagination is opened which, in effect, spurs us to continue reading. Furthermore, creating our own images ensures that we have a clear depiction of Omelas in our minds. Similarly to the previous point, this draws into the story and makes the plot far more simple to understand. On top of this, it adds a significant effect to the conclusion of the story. Given the information that we are provided with, most of us would picture Omelas as a city of perfection. However, when we understand by what means they are happy we are given a significant shock. An effect such as this can only be obtained through allowing us to picture the story for ourselves as we create a picture which is turned around all of a sudden. The last reason for which Le Guin pushes us to create a personal perspective on Omelas is that it permits us to relate the story and situation of the child to our own societies. Many people would picture the city with aspects from their own lives and hometowns. Due to this, it is uncomplicated to link the ending of the story to our own
  • 54. Advancements Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Innovative technological advancements in plastic and reconstructive surgery have led to a multitude of procedures that are specifically designed to enhance an individual s appearance. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons 2016 National Plastic Surgery Statistics Report, the number of breastenhancement procedures performed annually continues to rise. It is no surprise that every woman wants to look her best: As such, the breasts are one area of the body that many of the women residing in Manhattan would like Dr. Nina S. Naidu to address. Dr. Naidu is an experienced, board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon in NYC who performs breast enhancement procedures to provide women with the youthful looking, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, below is a brief overview of the issues that a breast augmentation with lift can be used to address. A breast lift with augmentation in Manhattan can be used to: restore breast volume that has been lost; increase breast size; improve the contour of the breasts; elevate the breasts; eliminate excess skin; address pendulous breasts; improve the projection of the breasts; reduce the size of each nipple areolar complex; raise each nipple areolar complex; and/or enhance the symmetry of the breasts. Who Should Consider a Breast Lift with Augmentation? If you would like more voluptuous breasts that sit higher on your chest and want smaller areolae, a breast lift with augmentation may be able to provide you with the youthful looking, fuller breasts that you desire. Taking the First Step Women in Manhattan who are interested in having a breast enhancement procedure should contact Dr. Naidu s office at 212 452 1230 to schedule an initial consultation. For the convenience of her patients, registration paperwork can be printed and completed prior to their first appointment. Furthermore, patients who would rather complete their registration paperwork online (without the need to print it out) can do so by calling the office and requesting login information for Dr. Naidu s New Patient Portal. An Initial Consultation with Dr. Nina S. Naidu in Manhattan If you printed and then completed your