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An Essay On Man
Crafting an essay on the topic "An Essay On Man" is no small feat. This particular subject delves
into the complex realm of human nature, existence, and the relationship between individuals and
the broader cosmos. Alexander Pope's work, titled "An Essay On Man," presents a challenging
tapestry of philosophical ideas, theological reflections, and poetic expressions. To embark on this
writing journey, one must possess a deep understanding of the historical context, literary
nuances, and philosophical underpinnings that characterize the piece.
The difficulty arises not only from the intricacies of Pope's language and style but also from the
profound themes woven into the fabric of the essay. Addressing fundamental questions about
humanity's place in the universe, the nature of God, and the inherent complexities of the human
condition requires careful consideration and thoughtful analysis.
Navigating through the layers of Pope's arguments and poetic devices demands both intellectual
acuity and a keen appreciation for the subtleties of 18th-century literature. Moreover, the writer
must engage with the text critically, offering insightful interpretations while staying true to the
essence of Pope's original work.
In essence, writing an essay on "An Essay On Man" involves more than a surface-level
exploration. It necessitates a deep dive into the philosophical musings of the Enlightenment era,
coupled with a mastery of literary analysis. The writer must skillfully intertwine their
interpretations with a respect for the historical and cultural context in which Pope wrote.
For those seeking assistance with such intricate tasks, there are platforms like HelpWriting.net
that offer support in crafting essays on challenging topics. Professionals with expertise in
literature and philosophy can provide guidance, ensuring that the resulting essay not only meets
academic standards but also captures the essence of Pope's profound exploration of humanity
and its place in the grand design of existence. If you find yourself grappling with the
complexities of "An Essay On Man" or similar subjects, seeking help from such services can be a
prudent choice to enhance the quality of your work.
An Essay On Man An Essay On Man
Age Of Paradox Of The Victorian Era In The 19th Century
Age of paradox The nineteenth century was a significant period for Britain because
society had changed her mentality, people started to idolize freedom and hard work
as a method for winning respectability and material success, they believed in
democracy, religion, patriotism, progress, capitalism and the family that completely
determined the quality of living. The Victorian Age was portrayed by fast
transformation and improvements in almost every circle from advances in medical,
scientific and technological area to changes in populace development and location.
After some time, this quick change profoundly influenced the nation s state of mind:
an age that started with a certainty and optimism about economic... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
The main dilemma they all faced and to which they all found various solutions was
how to adapt the historical design to contemporary needs. The most popular
Victorian styles were: Neoclassicism, the Gothic Revival, the High Victorian
Gothic, Later Victorian Gothic, the Architecture of New Industrialism. Despite the
fact that there were a wide range of sorts of Victorian houses they all shared many
of the same detailed architectural features such as: bay windows, dentils, columns,
dormers, turrets, mansard roofs and many more. When it comes to literature,
writers such as Dickens, the Bronte sisters and Sir Walter Scott were the ones who
had a big contribution in this century. Dickens wrote in different styles, from
comedy to tragedy. He wrote about the defects of the legal system, dangers to
public health, the problems of factory employment, to the scandals in private
schools and corruption in government. Just how Charles Dickens said in A Tale of
Two Cities ,,It was the best of times; it was the worst of times because for
industrialists and the aristocracy, life could seemingly not get any better; but for
the working poor, the value of life was perhaps at its lowest levels in modern
history. Mentalities and perspectives changed since then and even if it had ups and
downs it remained a true Age of Paradox that made the world as it
Cardio Hip Hop Essay
Cardio Hip Hop is a fast paced aerobic workout that increases your respiratory
system and keeps you healthy. Aerobics was developed by Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper
in 1968 and was intended for people in the military. Dr. Cooper wrote a book called
Aerobics and developed a point system that scored workouts. He recommended at
least 120 aerobic points per month to maintain good health. However, Jacki
Sorenson, a well rounded dancer, put dance moves to aerobic exercise, thus beginning
Aerobic Dancing. Aerobics was designed to improve Cardio fitness and keep the
heart pumping at a fast rate. Between 50 90% of your max heart rate should be
exercised to boost your fitness level in aerobic exercise. In 1983, Howard and Karen
Schwartz introduced a new... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The RDA s estimate various amounts of nutrients needed daily to avoid deficiency
and maintain good nutrition in healthy people (Dwyer 626). For example, to avoid
iron deficiency, the recommended daily intake from the Institute of Medicine for
a female, between the ages of 14 18, is minimum 15 mg and maximum 45 mg.
There are symptoms when it comes to recognizing that your body may have a
nutritional deficiency. Signs of iron, zinc and Vitamin B deficiencies is cracks in
the corner of your mouth ( Dr. Mercola). One of the main nutritional deficiencies
that affects most men and women is Magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is
essential for heart health, muscles, kidneys and other organs (Shaw). The risk of a
cardio disease decreases when Magnesium intake increases in both men and
women. Another nutritional deficiency with a high risk factor is Vitamin D.
Vitamin D deficiencies causes congestive heart failure and peripheral arterial
disease according to a professor at John Hopkins Hospital. Health and Nutrition
before, during and after cardio exercise is essential to the health of our heart and
other organs and to our daily lives. Knowing what we eat and how it can affect our
bodies over time is very helpful in the long run not only for our well being, but for
our heart
Gestational Crates Should Not Be On Factory Farms
Gestational crates should not be on factory farms. Gestational crates limit the pigs
movement so much that the mothers are stuck on there sides when there are
pregnant and can not move to eat or go to the bathroom. Gestational crates should
not be on factory farming. In this essay I will talk about how gestational crates abuse
the pigs that are put in them, how the mother pigs are treated on these farms and how
free range farming is better for the animals. I think that gestational crates should not
be on factory farms.
I think that gestational crates should not be on factory farms. I think this because it
is not good for the pregnant mother pigs because they can t get off their sides and
have to sit in their own feces. They also can t get
The Importance Of Screen Time In The Media
For as far back as I remember there has been a strong debate as to whether or not
spending too much time in front of a media screen is bad for the youth. In these
articles there are two strong positions and sides to the argument. Even though the
first article has some valid points on why screen time should be minimized to the
youth , which i will explain in this essay, I Personally have to disagree. Especially
coming from someone who spent little time with media screens growing up I can
explain how if I had it could ve played a big role in where I am today. In the first
article, Screen time limits are vital for children They argue the facts on why screen
time should be limited to the youth. Some of the main points that are discussed are
that media time takes up most of the youths day. in paragraph 3 it specifically says,
Children in the United States have an average of 7.5 hours of screen time per day.
That gives the youth little time to be outside playing in the community, getting fresh
air. Another point that was made was that media screens confuses a persons body
clock, which eventually prevents sleep. To add onto the burden it not only prevents
sleep, media screens also decreases a viewers attention spand. The last important
points that I personally took from article one was that media time decreases the
ability to complete a given task. Society has enough issues so if most of the
upcoming youth cannot complete a given task then we are in big trouble. Now in
Athletes Paid Too Much
There is no question that sports are a big part of American culture. Almost anyone
that you speak with has a favorite team in some kind of sport. These beloved sports
are not cheap, however. The sports industry pumps out billions of dollars each year.
While a lot of this money goes towards stadium renovations, front office benefits,
and marketing, nearly half of the money spent on sports in America goes toward the
salaries of the players. Daniel Roberts, a sports writer for the popular Sports
Illustrated, wrote an article entitled Fortunate 50. In this article, Roberts describes the
fifty highest paid American athletes of 2013. In order for the athletes to make the
list, they had to be a citizen of the United States or play within a United... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
They are paid an adequate amount of money for the job they perform day to day.
These individuals are able to get the money they make because America and the
rest of the world loves sports. Network ratings, merchandise, and ticket sales are all
directly related to the average people who watching and consuming. Over the
years, network ratings have skyrocketed so people are able to see athletes perform.
Merchandise and ticket sales produce billions of dollars for the sports industry
each year based off the athletes performances and skill sets. Dr. Chris Mueller, a
feature columnist for The Bleacher Report, explains in his article Two Sides to
Every Coin: Are Professional Athletes Overpaid? explains how the fans are the
people responsible for the large numbers that appear on athletes paychecks. Dr.
Mueller states I have gladly shelled out up to $75 for a ticket to a game, and I have
bought officially licensed team hoodies and travel mugs for more than I am
willing to admit. Mueller continues by mentioning that We (the average people) are
the ones who are willing to keep giving more of our hard earned money to attend
games in person, buy over priced beer and food and wear the jerseys of our favorite
athletes. If we stopped going to games and buying officially licensed merchandise,
then these numbers would obviously have to go down to balance out the budget
(Mueller). Mueller makes a good case that many of the people that are
Homor Language And Its Benefits Of Humor And Language
Humor and Language Humor is elusive, inexplicable phenomena, often the best
medicine for our psychological problems and issues. Humor language is rarely
discussed; we will explore later on the reasons why humor is avoided in schools,
the types of humor and its benefits. At times we overlook humor as an important
element in teaching and using it as a tool to contribute to a positive environment
for learning, humor for some is considered to be synonyms of disorder and chaos. I
m not going to start telling jokes, it will lead to a complete loss of control said my
friend s teacher in LycГ©e school. For others, lack of knowledge as to how one
may use humor in his speech effectively might prevent him from using his sense of
humor. I enjoy humor, but I don t know how to go about using it, so I don t, I don t
want... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The writer of the article Benefits of Humor (n.d), states that studies by Fabio Sala at
the Hay Group have shown that humor, when used skillfully, reduces hostility,
improves morale, and helps to communicate difficult messages. Other research done
by three experts showed that humor makes the target person want to listen more,
makes the information more memorable, distracts the person from thinking about
counter arguments and it builds rapport and liking of the humorist. Most importantly,
humor makes people healthier, on both physical and psychological level. Health
wise, it lowers the blood pressure, improves breathing and strengthens the immune
system and exercises the muscles. On the psychological base, humor distracts one
from negative emotions, increases and boosts the energy, and it just makes us feel
better and more connected to others. As cited in this article, humor also breaks
through barriers laughter, can transcend age, race, gender and belief. Therefore,
humor is a great tool employed to get closer to others, and communicate in a more
Marilyn Monroe Influence
Known to the world as a sex symbol and a bombshell blonde, Marilyn Monroe was
a tremendous cultural icon during her time and her influence continues to this day.
In one of her biggest movies, Some Like It Hot, she plays Sugar Kane Kowalczyk,
an innocent and charming singer who is not very bright. Given that fact, however,
she is able to steal the moment which each scene she is in. In the scene of the band
s first performance (after she meets Joe as Junior), Sugar sings I Wanna Be Loved
By You in a ballroom filled with guests dancing and eating. The lighting of the shot
already portrays her as a star; the other band members and the patrons are covered in
a grayscale while Sugar is in the spotlight as the only bright light focuses on her
Artificial Intelligence Frankenstein
Yu Que Professor Michael Rectenwald Science, Technology and Society July 2015
Sense and Sensibility of Artificial Intelligence: Introduction When Machines Can
Love Michael Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most breath taking topics in
science and technology fields today. While the time frame of its real emergence has
long been the focus of debates, the moral concern of such a practice is a more
urgent question for the human race to answer. Authors and pundits from Mary
Shelley in 1818 to Stephen Spielberg in 2001 have expressed their views on this
problem already. British computer scientist Alan Turing was asked the question can
machines think? half a decade ago, after which he developed the Turing test as a
means... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However, emotions obtained by such an empirical method can be negative and
therefore can pose a threat to mankind. Here comes the challenge is there a way to
endow artificial intelligence with an individual right to develop its own emotions,
but without threatening the existence of the human Michael Rectenwald 7/30/2015
3:49 PM Michael Rectenwald 7/30/2015 3:49 PM race? In the later sections, I will
try to shed some light on the questions raised above from a more scientific
perspective. Michael Rectenwald 7/30/2015 3:49 PM 3.Current Developments in the
Field Human beings tend to involve emotions into their decision making process.
Recent studies have shown that advanced artificial intelligence can actually do the
same. Multi agents system (MAS) is a system in which more than one intelligent
agent can work together to achieve a collective goal. In such systems, the
cooperation and negotiation within machines have been observed. Therefore, it is
not Michael Rectenwald 7/30/2015 3:49 PM 5 The Blue Fairy is a character in the
fairy tale Pinocchio. Her magic successfully transforms Pinocchio, the puppet, into a
human boy. Field available for additional information in
The Benefits Of The Black Market
Kryslin Cotton
English 1301
Professor Cain
23 November 2016
Under Ground Kings:
The Benefits of the Black Market
Why is there over 120 thousand people waiting on an organ transplant? Why are
there 44 million uninsured people in the United States alone? Why is it that 1 in 10
americans cannot afford their medical medications? All simply answered by the fact
that it s all too expensive. The poverty level, according to USDA 2015, in the United
States for a family of four is $24 thousand. With so many conditions, cancers, and
diseases, everyone should have equal health opportunity, but this is not the case. In
turn, the population turns to alternative sources of help: such as the Black Market.
The black market is basically any service or good in exchange for money that isn t
legal. According to Amy Fontinelle, author of The Mechanics of the Black Market ,
illegal operations could be as simple as [...] bartering and not reporting the taxable
value of the transaction, or hiring a regular housekeeper or babysitter, but failing to
pay employment taxes (Fontinelle). Black markets contort and falsify government
records. Many people enter the world of black markets because they do not want to
or are not able to acquire licenses for certain occupations due to governmental
restrictions. Such as in New York, to become a licensed taxi driver, one must
purchase a medallion which cost $600 thousand or more; they turn to black market
alternatives until they are caught. In extenuating
Moving Beekeeping
How would our life change so much if the bee dies out?
With this question, I will discuss why the bees are important for humanity.
Furthermore, I want to illustrate a life without the bee and what are the reasons why
bees are dying so quickly. In connection with the bees, one sees much curiosities in
the world; the shortage of bees in America has made some of their own benefit and a
new branch of the economy has been created the moving beekeeping . Bee peas are
transported on trucks to various fields and plantations all over the country. From one
farmer to the next the bees are brought to pollute all sorts of plants. For the small
livestock are the great hardships, but the moving beekeeping deserves good money. It
is even more dramatic
Persuasive Letter
Mr. Allen I apologize for the inconvenience but I m traveling out of the country
tomorrow night and coming back on the 23rd. But here is the estimate, you can go
through it, I will be able to respond to any questions you might have even while i
am out of the country. Please don t doubt shooting me an email. We can do the
installation on the last week of the month or the first week of April. I will install a
New RUUD Single stage 16 SEER 3 Ton A/C Condenser Outdoor pad New
disconnect box fuses Robber noise pad electrical outdoor Rater whip clean
refrigerant lines add Puron (as needed) RUUD 3 Ton Alum/cup Evaporator coil Drain
switch ( avoids water overflowing inside the furnace protecting its components Wet
Dolores Clara Fernandez Huert An American Labor Leader
Dolores Clara Fernandez Huerta born April 10, 1930 in Dawson, New Mexico is
an American labor leader and civil rights activist who was co founder of the
National Farm Workers Association, and later the United Farm workers. Huerta
has received many awards and accolades and has remained a role model and voice
to many in the Latino community. Huerta had been born to Juan Fernandez and
Alicia Chavez; they divorced when Huerta was just three years old. Both Huerta s
parents were active in the rights of people and the community itself. Huerta s
father was a field worker, miner, as well as a union activist. Huerta s mother was a
business woman who owned a restaurant and a 70 room hotel where she helped
low wage workers. A lot of Huerta s humanitarianism came from her mother, who
was known for her kindness and compassion for others. Huerta personality
followed close to her mother s as she too was caring and compassionate yet strong
minded. Huerta began her activism when she was attending high school at
Stockton High School. She was involved in several school programs and was even
a dedicated Girl Scout till she was eighteen. High school wasn t the easiest for her,
though, in a time when racial times were tough, she recalls a situation where a
teacher accused her of plagiarism and gave her an unfair grade, and she believes
this was due to racism. She soon went off to study at the University of the Pacific s
Stockton College. While studying there she was able to gain a temporary
Windows Operating Systems Analysis
Windows Operating Systems Analysis
Riordan Manufacturing is a global industry leader in its field of plastic injection
molding. With more than 500 employees, 46 million dollars in annual earnings and
offices in the US and China, Riordan has chosen to upgrade its current operating
system. The company s goal is to upgrade the system without to much disruption to
their current business processes. The objective of this paper is to compare and
contrast Windows Operating System 2003 and Vista for Riordan Manufacturing.
The analysis provided in this paper will be based on Cost, File Processing,
Programming Capabilities, Availability of Application Software, and User Interface
of the systems. Based on these various points we will ... Show more content on
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Pontiac and Albany appear to be using the Token Ring protocol.
The rationale for Adopting Existing Protocols TCP/IP and Ethernet are the most
widely used protocols across a wide segment of different computer platforms. By
upgrading the current hardware company wide, the TCP/IP protocol will already be
built into the client and server machines browser software.
The file system would be compatible with the existing hardware and it is going to be
manageable and would support long file names, large volumes of data in the mean
time it is going to offer better security.
Programming Capabilities
The programming ability of Microsoft servers primarily revolves around the .NET
Framework. The .NET Framework is available on Windows NT and 98 platforms
and higher. .NET provides developers and programmers tools to build applications
that are fully managed, protected, feature rich, with simplified development and
deployment. The claim is that virtually any programming language can be used.
This is true if there are no specific needs for programming in Java language, either
in the future or for purposes of backward compatibility. Other than this, applications
can be built using C#, C++, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Visual Basic .NET, to name a few.
There are different versions of the framework available; however there
Essay about Street Gangs in the United States
Street gangs in this country can probably be traced back to the first wave of
Europeans who migrated to the colonies for a better life for themselves and their
families. Many of the first gangs were formed as a means of self protection, with the
thinking that there is simply strength in numbers. The missions of gangs in today s
society have grown and emerged to include many violent criminal avenues, including
drug trafficking, prostitution, money laundering, and extortion but the original
thinking that there is strength in numbers remains true. Criminology experts believe
that the number of teens involved in gangs or gang activity may be as high as 1 in
every 5 people in most urban areas. Those number jump to 1 in every 3 people in...
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These men and women are then released back onto the streets, back into our
communities. Prison has not changed who they are, their violent behaviors, or
their part in a street gang. They go back to the life they knew before prison, and the
life they kept up while in prison. The most dangerous aspect of this cycle of crime
is that these men and women return to prison again and again each time thinking
they are a little tougher and their position in the gang a lot stronger. Their return
trips to prison may ease the fears of the community for a few months or a few
years, and each time the job of a correction officer becomes more difficult and more
dangerous. Correction Officers in state and county run prisons and jails face
serious dangers and grave responsibilities everyday. They are locked inside prison
walls with some of the most treacherous men and women in the world. One of the
most terrifying aspects of being a Correction Officer is the existence of gangs. Gang
members are considered more dangerous than other inmates, because they are threat
not only to other inmates but to correction officers as well. Gangs survive out on the
streets, and continue to thrive and recruit members while in prisons. Dangerous
gangs seem to enlist more members who are in prison than outside on the streets.
New recruits feel scared and alone behind the prison walls, they need protection and
to be respected, being in a gang gives them that. The Mexican Mafia
Essay about Womens Roles
In ancient India, women occupied a very important position, a superior position to
men. To understand the position of women in Hinduism, we must recognize the
Hindu scriptures guidelines to a woman s position in Hindu society, but fail to
address some roles of a Hindu woman specifically. This vague generalization of a
woman s role in the religious spectrum leaves open interpretation for the woman.
Conflict arises when women are criticized by men, for the way they interpret the
guidelines. Critically, we begin with the Hinduscriptures, because it is the heart and
source of their cultural norms which can be perceived as an expression of the
perceptions of the way of life. Scriptures of Hinduismhold the highest authority
towards women... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Treated as servants, by their husbands, marriage equals subservience. Classical
Hindu laws focus almost exclusively on women as wives, emphasizing how women
should behave toward men. When I say equality of women, I refer to equal roles
within Hindu marriages. The basic rules for women behavior, as expressed in the
Laws of Manu, Ca. A.D. 200, stress the need to control women because of their
evil character (Wadley 117). Submission to male control is the sole duty of women
in the Hindu society. Trained from a young age in self sacrifice, the female is
subject to her father, then to her husband, and is never independent herself. Despite
the circumstance, she must at all times be a faithful wife and worship her husband
as a god. In the patriarchal interpretation of these sacred texts, the wife should
always strive to be pure and submissive. Mythology also provides endless models
of a good wife, where the male authoritative figure prescribes control of women. As
the wife is taught to serve her husband as a god, without murmur or complaint, I will
explore the symbolic relevance of gods and goddesses toward wives obedience to
The interchangeable symbols of Hindu gods and goddesses to be discussed are
derived from various ritual contexts and legends. Some interchanges of male and
female symbolic meanings about marriage correspond with evoking symbolic
perspectives of gods and goddesses (Ferro Luzzi 45). According to Susan
Essay The Gospel of Mark
At the risk of being judgmental this book is very complicated. The points are many
and varied. In his lead up to his commentary proper Myers makes many points as he
expounds the many topics that would influence that commentary. The World of
Jesus and the World of Mark, the filters and models of that social world, the cross
cultural history and the socio economic tensions of both worlds are all considered.
The Jewish War is also a point to consider in that it occurs around the time of writing
and most of the historicity comes from the works of Josephus. The major point to
consider however is Myers self confessed socio historical hermeneutic.
Because there are two parts to this essay discussion has been restricted to ... Show
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The hypotheses on how this Gospel originated are many and varied. The continuity of
the actual message of the story of the life of Jesus seems, it would be generally
agreed, to hinge on the Gospel of Mark being a source for the other Synoptic gospels
at least. Much argument has also gone on about the place and time of writing of
Mark and how this influences the traditioning or the handing on of the story. How
the original written version came to be from the oral process is also a cause for the
concern as regards continuity of the story. Was it faithfully translated?
Nineham states that Jesus very character was determined by the particular
circumstances in which the tradition was handed down. Those who kept it shaped the
tradition itself. They had their own motives and beliefs and these have influenced the
tradition that has brought out the character of Jesus as we know today (Nineham
1986: 21).
This traditioning was a process that began by orally recounting the story at private or
public gatherings. The public gatherings being more favoured because preachers or
teachers, that is those entrusted with the traditioning process, would have told the
story at worship or catechumen gatherings (Nineham 1986: 22).
As is sometimes the practice with preaching today so it may have been in the first
century. Anyone telling the story would be driven by a particular need of the time,
for example if a message on good neighbours was needed then the
The Importance Of Colors In Gilead
Imagery, particularly when describing beautiful colors before Gilead and
contrasting them with the dull colors described in Gilead reveal how drastically
life has changed. Offred mentions that in the past when she took her daughter to
get ice cream, everything was colored so delicately, pale orange, pale green, pale
pink and that her daughter, dressed in similar ice cream pastels would choose her
treat by the color (Atwood 165). In life before Gilead, colors were vivid and
cheerful, something to make objects more enjoyable to look at. People could wear
whatever color they please, and colors had no additional meaning to them other
than to show people had freedom to make their own decisions. However, in Gilead,
color imagery shows the lack of decision and the rigid societal structure the
government imposes. Each group has their own colors even in minor aspects of
life, such as with umbrellas categorized as black, for the Commander, blue, for the
Commander s Wife, and the one assigned to [Offred], which is red (Atwood 9).
Each color labels members of the society as part of a certain category and defines
their roles without further consideration. Here, colors serve as a way to restrict
peoples freedoms unlike when colors previously served as way to enhance freedom
of choice and expression. In Gilead, The women... are color coded to strip them of
their individual identities and to mark their social status and relationships to men
restricting everyone s freedom, even the
Dance In Contemporary Dance
Contemporary dance techniques
There is a lot of confusion when you are asking about the contemporary dance as a
lot of people even the dancers don t know what the actual dance form is. Actually,
the dance form changes from time to time so it is not easy to adapt as you have to
change with time. Every now and then there are new experiments and discoveries in
the field of contemporary dance. A lot of people and schools are there who claim to
have expertise on the contemporary dance but they usually teach other forms of
dance like ballroom, salsa or some jazz styles. So it is not about the dancing style but
shape you re in while your movement in dancing which indicates a proper technique
of contemporary dance.
So in the training, the focus must be on the positions and shape rather than the
styles while attending the classes to learn the contemporary style of dancing. Every
lesson will surprise you as it will be very different from the previously taken lesson.
These dancing classes are very good for the preparation of a huge range of
movements possible in a student like dynamics, various forms, and the qualities. That
is the only reason contemporary dancers are seen ... Show more content on
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The major difference which draws a line between contemporary dance and other
dance techniques is the relaxed movement which you can see only in
contemporary dance. It has different names in different places, some call it Release
Technique . The dancing is very different from a gym workout as it can be done in
a very relaxed way and keeps you away from unnecessary tension. The execution of
movement is very essential while performing a contemporary dance as it enhances
the self awareness of the dancer. The dancing form allows the freedom of the well
being of a dancer rather than just some physical training exercises which help to
improve a dancer in both mind and body. Professional dancers love this technique a
lot as it is very pleasant to work
The Background Of Girl Scouts
Girl Scouts is a common program, in which many people place their girls in. It was
started by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912 and now has over 1.8 million Girl Scouts.
She came up with the concept while volunteering in England with the Girl Guides.
She soon formed the program in order uplift, empower and give back. The Girl
Scouts organization was known for being about their cookies, but after rebranding
they are known for their causes. The organization s impact on the community and
young women s lives makes a difference. Most young women who has experienced
his organization has had success in their career, or advancements in their skills. Girl
Scouts has faced branding obstacles. However, they have overcome them and
maintained their focus on their number one priority; the betterment of young women.
In this paper, we will further discuss the background, the brand, the obstacles faced,
and the structured beliefs and values of the organization. In 1912, Girl Scouts was
founded by Juliette Gordon Low in Savannah, Georgia. She gathered 18 diverse
young women, who had a passion for learning. She soon taught them about the
outdoors and formed educational programs for their advancement. According to
Young Mason (2012), She dreamed of giving the United States and the world
something for all of the girls. She envisioned an organization that would bring girls
out of their sheltered home environments to serve their communities and experience
the outdoors that would give them the
The Island Of Dr. Moreau Religion
Science and Religion in The Island of Dr. Moreau
The Island of Dr. Moreau depicts the dueling concepts between science and religion.
Throughout the Victorian Era within which H.G. Wells novel was written, turmoil
between science and religion was at its peak. New scientific theories were proposed
including Darwinism, which H.G. Wells strongly advocated as witnessed in his
book. Many Christians opposed these findings as these new ideas often disproved
what was written in the Bible. Therefore, a divide was created amongst Christians and
scientists, the basis of the material introduced in The Island of Dr. Moreau. Due to
opposing conflict between science and religion, Wells proposes the solution that rules
separate humanity from animals. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Wells articles... is whether ordinary people should be allowed to know the facts
and should discuss their implications (Woolf 498). This excerpt is a prime example
of the division between science and religion that was occurring throughout the time
period within this book was written. Many people began to support Wells in his
beliefs of scientific principles such as Darwinism. However, there were those who
strongly dejected it and even became hostile that those scientific ideas were
available to the public. The reason the ideas were so easily accessible were because
of literary interpretation in controversial books such as The Island of Dr. Moreau.
One interpretation in The Island of Dr. Moreau was that Moreau is a scientific God.
Dr. Moreau and God display many of the same characteristics when comparing the
Bible to H.G. Wells novel. They are both depicted as invisible, but still there
watching. This is shown in The Island of Dr. Moreau as Wells has written, You
cannot see him. But he can see you. Fear the law, (Wells 163). In the Bible a
similar dialog is written, The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil
and the good, (The Holy Bible 378). Both texts also describe the two characters as
healing and wounding. In Wells novel it is written, His is the Hand that
Reasons For Student Plagiarism
Information Literacy
Today plagiarism increase among the academic students more than ever. Plagiarism
has been defined by Encyclopedia Britannica as the act of taking the writing of
another person and passing them of as one s own Also simply we can define as
stealing someone s work or idea. There are several reasons why student plagiarize
and why it increases. Plagiarism increases because of growing technology. By using
a search engine in google or any other search engine it s easy to download
thousands of files in a very short time and then using copy, past make it easy to
plagiarize or taking picture by smart phones from your homework or exam
question and send it by text message or email to others. Also, laziness, lack of time
and planning, fear of failure, lack of interest are some other reason for plagiarism.
two surveys were conducted by Stephen Davis over a six year period from 1987
1992 in large and small, public and privet universities and college across the united
states. He found similar reason for cheating at all of the sites: the most frequently
reason for cheating was I do study, but cheat to enhance my score (29.75%). My job
cuts down on study time (14.28%) and usually don t study (13.60%) also were
high on the list I cheat so my GPA looks better to prospective employers (8.16%) and
I fell pressure from parents to get a good grade so I cheat (6.80%) . (Lathrop and
Not only Plagiarism is violation of law but also, it s an academic dishonesty and
breach of ethic. Now let s think about but Who will more be harmed by plagiarism?
The first person is the one who plagiarize because most of the homework and test are
designed to increase student s knowledge and skills that they need for their future.
One of the recurring criticisms of college graduates by employers is that the graduates
have poor written communication skills. Legal studies classes can be used to
improve the quality of student written work by giving students assignments that
require significant writing practice. These assignments have the added bonus for
students of helping them improve their critical thinking skills . (Bruton and Dan
Childers,152), Next society will be harmed by plagiarism if the person
Descriptive Essay About Beauty
I know we are far apart, but I just had to share this fantasy with you. Hope you like
For your birthday, your friends pitch in to order you a massage...and I just so happen
to be the lucky gal working this particular shift...the late shift...and the only shift
where we do outcalls.
After I arrive at the door, I cannot believe how unbelievably sexy you are, and I m
immediately excited at the possibilities. To break the ice, I bring a bottle of wine and
a bouquet of red roses. After a period of casual conversation and a few glasses of
wine, I ask if you re ready to get started. I sense that you are initially shy and a little
nervous, so I suggest that you lead me to the bedroom. I ask you to undress, lay on
your stomach on the bed, and cover yourself with a towel. I tell you that I ll be right
outside the door, and to call me when you are ready.
Even though you are covered by the towel, I gaze at the shape of your sexy body
and that amazingly sexy ass. My imagination goes into overdrive, thinking how
lucky I am to explore such a sexy body. My heart races and I feel an intense tingle
in my shorts. I definitely want to give you more than just a g rated massage.
I love the idea that we are in complete privacy, as everyone on the outside believes I
m giving you an innocent massage, but I m excited at the idea of slowly turning this
into an amazing sexual adventure, (and I m hoping that you are just as adventurous),
while it remains our little secret.
As I gently rub
Short Story Of The Marigolds
The story starts with an older woman late in her life, named Ms. Lottie planting
some lovely Marigolds in her front yard. She made them look nice, neat. She didn t
live in the nicest place. She wasn t a millionaire but those simple flowers were
special. Like a glimpse of sunshine in her yard. She didn t have much energy but
she always found perseverance to tend to them and take good care of them. But
sadly, those Marigolds are wrecked by some bad children in her neighborhood.
Those rotten kids strongly hated the Marigolds. The group of kids was led by
Lizabeth, a young girl in the neighborhood. Miss Lottie sees Lizabeth destroying the
marigolds, and Lizabeth realizes what she has just done. When she looks at Miss
Lottie while wrecking the
Two Non-Physical Traits Of Terry Fox
Two non physical traits of Terry fox is that he is very determined and brave. Terry
demonstrates his determination on page 45, chapter six, during his interview with
Winston s father. He states that he had started wheelchair basketball after he had
amputated his leg. He also says that he had pushed himself harder than he should
have and that he played until his hands started to bleed. This shows how Terry did
not give up and that he tried to reach his limits in wheelchair basketball. If Terry was
not determined at all he would have gave up or at least would not have pushed
himself so hard that his hands would start to hurt and bleed. Furthermore, Terry had
practiced his run for nearly fourteen months running over three thousand miles. He
Concentration Camps In Ww2
Horrifying, murder, screams, terror are the definition of concentration camps.
Concentration camps are what the nazis used in WW2. Hitler was the mastermind
behind all of this, an evil mastermind.
First, a concentration camp is where people are killed for nothing (Engel). They
were best known for being operated by the Nazis (Engel). They killed millions of
people (Engel). The nazis mostly used it for jews because they thought it was the jews
fault they lost the war (Engel).
Second, they held a lot of political prisoners like Jews, Communists etc (Engel).
Auschwitz wasn t just a death camp it would literally work people to death for labor
work (Engel). They would send the weak, sick and disabled right to the gas
chambers. In march alone 18,000
Deforestation In Latin America Essay
Deforestation is defined as: the clearing of virgin forests, or intentional destruction or
removal of trees and other vegetation for agricultural, commercial, housing, or
firewood use without replanting and without allowing time for the forest to
regenerate itself (SCRIBD). Deforestation has been a problem in Latin America since
the early 1900s and the severity of the dilemma is increasing rapidly. Deforestation
not only has consequences for the environment, but also, the indigenous people and
the national economy. The logging industry in Latin America is often exploited by
multinational companies that are not properly regulated. The land that has provided
a home and cultivated indigenous development for centuries is being dissipated
rapidly. Due to an exponentially growing global population, there is an increased
demand for low priced goods like timber, crops, and meat. Many Latin American
countries value revenue from selling these goods over the health of their local
ecosystems. The crisis of deforestation and habitat loss is shifting from a local to
global problem. As deforestation continues, global warming escalates worldwide,
impacting every country and person. About 15 percent of global greenhouse gas
emissions come from tropical deforestation, which is more than from all the world s
cars, trucks and buses combined (Schwartzman). Puerto Rico and Brazil provide
contrasting examples of the impact of deforestation. Puerto Rico had an economic
and environmental shift
Cyber Surveillance And Intrusion Detection System Essay
In this era of technology, everything is available at just one click; Security is a big
issue when we talk about networks. Hackers and intruders are getting smarter. There
are various methods to secure the network infrastructure and communication over the
Internet, for example firewalls, encryption, and virtual private networks. Intrusion
detection is a relatively new approach to such techniques. By using intrusion
detection, we can collect and use information from known types of attacks and find
out if someone is trying to attack the network/host.
Keywords: intrusion detection system
Intrusions are the activities that violate the security policy of system. Intruders may
be from outside the network or legitimate users of the network. Intrusion can be a
physical, system or remote intrusion. Intrusion Detection is the process used to
identify intrusions i.e. a piece of software that monitors a computer system or
network resources to detect malicious activities unauthorized attempts to use the
system or abuse of existing privileges in a network or on a host system. It identifies
and stops attacks in progress and conducts forensic analysis once attack is over. It
detects intrusions and attacks that were not stopped by preventative techniques
(firewalls, packet filtering routers, proxy servers. In this whole approach, determining
who is much harder than just detecting that an intrusion occurred. Figure: The role of
Intrusion Detection in network
Music Appreciation Of The New York Philharmonic
The paper at hand is a music appreciation of The New York Philharmonic s
performance of Gustav Holst s The Planets at Avery Fisher Hall, New York, on 7th
July 2013 at 3:00 p.m. This tenth season of Summertime Classics, presented by The
New York Philharmonic, features Bramwell Tovey, who has been the host as well
as the conductor of this series since its commencement in 2004 (Gilbert, 2013, p.1).
Tovey, a Grammy winning conductor is renowned all around the world as a highly
versatile musician due to his artistic depth as well as charismatic personality that
reflects in his works as a composer and pianist (p.1). On the other hand, The New
York Philharmonic is an orchestragroup that is comprised of highly talented
musicians who by playing musical instruments such as violins, piccolo, cellos,
trombones etc are able to bring in the essence of the works done by original
composers (Keller, 2012, p.7).
This concert series basically features two programs with Holst s The Planets being
performed during the end of the second program, which also includes Adams Short
Ride in a Fast Machine, Offenbach s Ballet of the Snowflakes from Le Voyage dans
la lune and Josef Strauss s Music of the Spheres (New York Public Radio, 2013,
p.1). I happened to really enjoy the concert primarily due to the overall ambience
provided by the program. Tovey does a wonderful job in leading the orchestra as well
as maintaining a good rapport with the audience throughout the concert. It felt like the
Metaphors In The Scarlet Letter
Device: Metaphor, a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an
object or action to which it is not literally applicable. Quote: She had wondered,
without rule or guidance, in a moral wilderness; as vast, as intricate and shadowy,
as the untamed forest. (Hawthorne) Mr. Hardebeck I can t find the page, but it s in
chapter 16 I believe. Author s purpose: I think what Nathaniel Hawthorne is trying
to say, is that she is entering an evil place (dark place) and she doesn t need
guidance due to The Scarlet Letter; however, when she takes that off, the sunshine
came to her. Nathaniel made it seem like she got her freedom. This is when Pearl
through a fit and wanted her to put it back on, so the sunshine can go back to her.
Australian Human Rights
Currently the Australian Constitution identifies five explicit human rights which
every Australian is entitled to. Section 51 (xxxi) expresses that property can only be
taken from a State or person by the Commonwealth on just terms. Section 80 details
that everyone has a right to a fair trial by a jury and section 116 implies freedom of
religion in that no laws are to be made in order to define or prohibit any religion
(Findlaw Australia, 2016). Section 41 of the Australian Constitution gives citizens the
right to vote by stating that no person should be prevented from voting for
representatives in the House of the Parliament of the Commonwealth
(Commonwealth Consolidated Acts, unkown). Section 117 conveys that no
Australian from one State... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Common law is set by precedents and customs that have been developed over
lengthy periods of time rather that statutes. It allows judges to interpret current
legislation which allows for flexibility when difficult and unique cases arise. When
precedents are set a common law is created, for example the unique case of Kevin
and Jennifer v Attorney General (2001). This case was the first in Australia to deal
with the topic of transexuatal marriage. It followed the example of the United
Kingdom s Corbett v Corbett (1971) case which defined what it was to be female or
male (Oxford University Press, 2003). The Australian courts decision to allow Kevin,
a transextual man, to marry meant that any future transexual people who wished to
do the same were permitted by common law. Although common law is set by
magistrates, the Commonwealth Government is able to expand or reduce common
law as they see necessary (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2015). Important
human rights are protected by common law including the presumption of innocence
and the right to sue for false imprisonment (Australian Human Rights Commision,
2009). Common law is not a solidly structured form of human rights protection
although it does allow flexibility within court cases while the ability for the
government to alter common law provides further assurance in that no common law
can not be altered. Issues may also arise from allowing the government to possess
this power because while Australia is a democracy, voters may not consider human
rights as an important issue when choosing who they would like to govern
Walter Benjamin and the past disassociating with present
In Walter Benjamin s Berlin Childhood Around 1900, he applies a variety of concepts
with respect to time: past, present, and future. The concepts are highlighted in his
vignettes: Victory Column , The Telephone , and Butterfly Hunt . Benjamin attempts
to imbue his writing with a different structure of timefrom what was conventional. He
perceives history as a section of moments, and each moment is an integral whole in its
own right, making it equal to the present(Knights). Benjamin also notes that the
ignoring of the past and the focus on the progression of the futurecauses harmful
effects to nature (Knights). The concept of technological progress appears to give
grounds for the domination and abuse of nature (Patke). Subsequently,... Show more
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Even though Benjamin attributes a sense of delight to his image of the Victory
Column , there is also a contrasting affect of death that permeates through the
vignette. There is a portico around the Victory Column, but it is when Benjamin
asserts that this portico was itself the inferno a sense of death becomes apparent. It
is evident that Benjamin wants to spotlight the darkness around the column. It seems
that Benjamin is using this past image to illustrate a sense of responsibility for the
innocently suffered of past generations. Benjamin is placing a redemptive quality to
the death of the past individuals. There is a sense of redemption embedded in his
past. Benjamin wants it visible that the Victory is surrounded by death, which is
analogous of his present situation. Sigmund Freud agrees with Benjamin s reluctance
on war as he states war Broke out, and it brought disillusion (Freud 172) and that A
future war, because of such great advances in the means of destruction, would mean
the extermination of one or perhaps both adversaries. (Freud 231). If Germany in
Benjamin s present is to obtain a Victory in its oppressive endeavor, it is through
mass death, which is proven through the past. Thus, the Victory Column depicts
Benjamin s past delights before his innocence was corrupted by the future, and an
example of how studying the past and its follies can save immense death.
Progression through technological advancement is a process
Amul Swot Analysis
AMUL was Formed in 1946, It has started the Dairy Cooperative movement in India
and formed an Apex Cooperative Organization, Gujarat Co operative Milk Marketing
Federation Ltd.(GCMMF), owned by some 2.1 million milk producers in Gujarat,
AMUL is one of the largest milk and milk based products manufacturer in India. It is
Known to be the founder of the white revolution in India, AMUL has some strong
products and brands up its sleeves, strongest of them being AMUL ice cream.
Similarly, the Milk Dairy products company has a very in depth product portfolio
including cheese, butter, curd, chocolates, ice cream, and others.
Objective of AMUL:
The objective of AMUL, is to encourage White Revolution in the country and make
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Its product portfolio is comprised mainly of Dairy products. AMUL butter, AMUL
cheese and AMUL ice cream are cash cows for AMUL as they have the major market
share in their product category. AMUL ice cream is amongst the top 10 ice cream
brands of India.
Price in the marketing mix of AMUL AMUL has a strategy of low cost pricing.
whereas, in the case of AMUL, when AMUL started, there were no national
competitors and the dairy market was confused. During the introduction stage itself,
AMUL had a vision to provide their products to customers at its best affordable rates.
And the same vision is in place even today.
Place in the marketing mix of AMUL AMUL has a vast distribution network
because its ice creams, milk, butter and cheese is found everywhere. As it is a
FMCG product, it follows the methodology of breaking the bulk. The first factory
output is in bulk. Later on this bulk becomes smaller and smaller and finally one
individual slab of butter or scoop of ice cream is sold at retail
The State Council Of The Peoples Republic Of China
The State Council of the Peoples Republic of China violates the Hong Kong Basic
Law by purposefully creating a pro Beijing majority in the Hong Kong Election
Committee and thus denies citizens participation in the election of their Chief
Executive. This social injustice forms part of a larger social justice struggle whereby
the autonomy of Hong Kongis slowly being eroded by Central Government control.
Hong Kong citizens have long been discontent with the Chinese Central
Government over concerns about their long term political freedom. Many believe
in the principles set forth by their British colonisers: capitalism, free trade and
freedom of speech. In contrast, China believes in communism by means of a one
party state and censorship. As a result of the huge disparity of social, economic and
political freedoms between Hong Kong and China, Hong Kong citizens have
developed their own sense of national pride, a type of Hong Kong centric identity
that celebrates their autonomy from the Central Government (Leung). Indeed a 2011
poll found that 67% of Hong Kong citizens considered them Hong Kong people first
and Chinese second showing the deep rootedness of the cultural divide that exists
between Hong Kong and China (The University of Hong Kong).
Meanwhile, the People s Republic of China and its citizens have never accepted
Hong Kong as a separate state; the reason for which lies in China s history. When the
British won the Opium Wars, they forced China into an unequal
Needle-Stick Injuries Essay
I was walking in the park two days ago and I felt something while cleaning up after
my dog. I found a hypodermic needle. I don t know how old the needle was it could
have been under the snow for the whole winter. The needle was definitely out there
for at least a couple of days, it was broken and bent. The E.R. doctor prescribed
combivir as a human Immunodeficiency Virus prophylactic. The side effects are
miserable, I felt like I had the flu.Anonymous www.morningsidebarc.org An estimated
nine million people in the United States use more than three billion needles. These
needles and syringes are used by diabetics, hemophiliacs, infertility patients and
allergy sufferers to manage medical conditions at home.... Show more content on
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In the United States, more than 500,000 needle stick injuries related to residential
needle disposal are reported every year.
A needle stick injury in the community setting, usually arises from the accidental
puncturing of the skin by a syringe needle left in places such as in parks,
playgrounds, laneways or public toilets. Sometimes, when people are walking in
these public areas they accidentally step on a needle left there by somebody else.
When a person suffers a needle stick injury, there is usually some anxiety and
distress. This is a natural response when thoughts of potential blood borne
infections such as HIV, hepatitis B and C occur. However, the risk of catching a
serious infection as a result of an accidental needle stick injury is very low. This is
because these viruses do not survive for long outside of the body. Most community
needle stick injuries involve needles that have been discarded for some time.
The most commonly transmissible diseases of concern is the human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis B virus
(HBV). Hepatitis B: HBV is the most transmissible, with a risk of infection
following exposure of around 6 30 percent. Hepatitis C: Infection from HCV
following a needle stick is around 1.8 percent and HIV risk of becoming infected
with HIV is a mere 0.3 percent. Of course the chance
Gloria Estefan s Accomplishments
This year s Kennedy Center Honorees included Singer/Songwriter Lionel Richie,
Screenwriter and Creator Norman Lear, Singer/Conga Queen Gloria Estefan,
Dancer Carmen de Lavallade and Hip Hop Mogul LL Cool J. Dec. 3 marked the
40th anniversary of the annual Kennedy Center Honors held in Washington D.C.
The Kennedy Center Honors have been highly talked about in the news after
President Trump made headlines for saying that he will not be in attendance for
this year s honors. This was the first time in 20 years that the President was not in
attendance and the first ever for non diplomatic reasons. However, without the
President in attendance the show was still a night to remember. The honorees
were all excited and thrilled to be added to this new class of Kennedy Center
Honorees. This class included many of firsts from Gloria Estefan being the first
Cuban artist to be honored to LL Cool J being the youngest and first Hip Hop Artist
to be honored, and Norman Lear being the oldest. Gloria Estefan, the Queen of
Conga and Grammy Award winning singer, was excited to be honored this year and
to represent all of her people from Cuba. Gloria Estefan is known for interjecting both
the Latin culture within pop... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
De Lavallade has been dancing for over 60 years, and came into prominence in the
early 40s and 50s. She spoke on the struggle of being a black female dancer and
said, People didn t take dancing so seriously then, oh its just the dancers. We were
ignored a great deal and we were able to be taught her craft. Her cousin was the
ballerina Janet Cooke and De Lavallade said she experienced more issues Cooke.
Walking behind Janet s Shoes, because she was the one that broke the doors down,
she said. The tribute to De Lavallade was quite touching and truly showcased some
of her notable dances over the years and also featured a few fan favorites( Misty
Copeland and former student Meryl
Allusions In The Play Fences
During the Reagan Era, the play Fences was made in 1983 by August Wilson, in
which discusses the race relations and experiences of black people. The play is set
during the 1950 s in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Troy, the protagonist, is a 53 year
old man trying to satisfy his family needs economically. Throughout the play, there is
racial discrimination towards black people, due to them not having their civil rights
back in the 1950 s. Not only that, but this text uses other texts to add support for the
style of writing and create a more significant meaning of the text. Therefore, the text
Fences has borrowed from other texts by the use of biblical allusions and referring to
the context of historical indications, in which adds credibility... Show more content on
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Throughout the play, the use of allusions is borrowed from other texts, in which
creates effect towards the theme by knowing each character s flaw and how they
symbolize a different theme. For example, Troy s brother Gabriel is represented as
the savior and messenger of the play by always discussing about St. Peter, and his
theme encompasses as a biblical feature. Not only that, but Troy s wife Rose is
portrayed as the supporting and loving person of the play by always trying to
solve problems between Troy and Cory, in which her theme perpetuates as a family
feature by versing to biblical allusions. For that reason, by the text borrowing from
other texts, it adds concrete details by supplying evidence from other sources, in
order to designate a definite purpose. Nevertheless, the effects of an allusion creates
credibility to a setting by the historical allusions given in the story plot, in which
incorporates the background knowledge of what s going on during the time set by the
Germany s Responsibility for World War I Essay
Germany s Responsibility for World War I
After World War I fingers immediately began to be pointed as to who caused the
war. At the Versailles Peace Conference, 1919 the victorious powers, the Triple
Entente, placed entire fault on Germany, forcing them to admit blame and pay the
huge war debts. However even in this day and age who is to blame for the First
World War is still a much debated subject, as historians presented new
interpretations to the events, which lead up to WWI. This essay will discuss to what
extent Germany was responsible for the war in perspective with other key events,
which also played a part in igniting World War I.
The Unification of Germany threatened the balance of ... Show more content on
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Industrialization within Germany was booming, allocating more money to be spent
on military reforms, etc. As Britain is an island, the government deemed it
imperative for her to have the best navy available and Germany, desiring to prove
her military strength united a naval race between the two, which infuriated Britain.
Yet the Scheiffen Plan is one of the biggest arguments in favor of Germany being to
blame for causing WWI. It called for fast mobilization of troops and the quick
invasion of neighboring countries (before they were able to gather their troops), as to
avoid a two front war, this is what brought Britain into the war, as the Kaiser insisted
on invading France through Belgium which was in alliance of neutrality with Britain.
This along with the Blank Check which was given by Germany to Austria to do what
they felt necessary in the Balkans (Serbia), after the assassination of Duke
Ferdinand, are where many historians such as Fritz Fischer draw their criticisms of
Germany, and argue her to be the main cause of WWI. By researching government
documents, many never before seen by normal citizens, Fisher drew that the Kaiser
s government cold bloodedly planned the outbreak of WWI from 1912 onwards.
Fischer believes that the First World War was no preventative war, born out of fear
and desperation; it
Arab Spring and the French Revolution
French Revolution and the Arab Spring Essay Essay Prompt: To what extent does the
French Revolution reflect the recent conflicts seen within the Arab Spring? Note:
Consider the following themes: * Short term and long term causes * Popular Revolts
* Voice of the People leaders, writings, media and symbols * Shifts in Power *
International Interventions * Religious Repercussions Research links/News Articles:
Middle East Region http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article
/0,9171,2050032,00.html Middle East Region http://www.time.com/time/magazine
/article/0,9171,2050022,00.html Egypt http://www.time.com/time/world/article
/0,8599,2047006,00.html Egypt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
he required sources (3) are cited properly in the paper * The paper was submitted
to turnitin.com by the deadline * The paper must be 850 1000 words Essay Rubric
Unique/OriginalStrong UsefulBasicLacking Introduction (5
/55)ExemplaryCommendableCapableFairPoor 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 Proper Introduction... *
First sentence used to hook the reader * You need to in text cite the source of the
quote * Then at least three sentences of FR, Arab Spring background/historical
context that sets up the thesis * DO NOT WRITE A THESIS INTRODUCTION
(Meaning: don t respond to the prompt in the first four sentences) Unique
/OriginalStrong UsefulBasicLacking Thesis (15
/55)ExemplaryCommendableCapableFairPoor 15 14 13 12 11 10 * A sophisticated,
insightful, crystal clear thesis states your argument and drives your essay * Thesis
makes a claim that is analytical answering why or How (Hint: use the word because
) * The thesis is the last sentence of the Introduction but is linked to each body
paragraph topic (Claim) sentence 22+ 21 20 19 17 16
Essay on American Civil War
Assignment: Unit 6 Review Questions
Student Name:
Score: (___/99)*50= ___/50
Part 1: Life on the Great Plains (22 points)
Describe the changes that took place on the Great Plains before and after the Civil
War. Do this by filling in the chart provided by using the text and the internet. Make
sure that all answers are complete. The first section has been done for you.
Category: People
Pre Civil War: Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapahoe, Nez Perce
Post Civil War: Farmers, Ranchers
Category: Building Materials
Pre Civil War: Buffalo Remains
Post Civil War: Bricks of sod
Category: Food Supply
Pre Civil War: Buffalo
Post Civil War: Farms and domestic animals
Category: Homes
Pre Civil War: Shelters
Post Civil War:... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them, have run away
to the hills, and have no blankets, no food. No one knows where they are perhaps
freezing to death. I want to have time to look for my children, and see how many
of them I can find. Maybe I shall find them among the dead. Hear me, my chiefs! I
am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands I will fight no
more forever.
Answer the following question using complete sentences.
1. List at least five reasons why Chief Joseph made the decision to surrender.
A large amount of the tribe had died
Those who are still alive are suffering
The tribe is disoriented from all the fleeing and fighting
They lack survival supplies
They have suffered enough from fighting and fleeing
2. How do Chief Joseph words reveal his moral qualities?
He spoke about the tribe as individuals naming those who had been lost and worried
for the sake of his people lacking the necessary supplies to survive. He also
mentioned wishing to search for those who had been lost in the battle.
Part 3: Answer the following questions based on your reading of the The Significance
of the Frontier in American History. (8 points)
1. Why did Turner believe that the American frontier was different from the European
2. According to Turner, how
Lorenzo Lotto Research Paper
Lorenzo Lotto was born in 1480 in Venice, Italy and died in 1557 in Loreto, Marche,
Italy. Lotto was an Italian painter from the late Renaissance. Lotto was known for his
perceptive portraits and mystical paintings of religious subjects. Lotto represents one
of the best examples of the valuable relationship between the Marche schools. Lotto
was one of the leading Venetian trained painters of the earlier 16th century. He mainly
painted portraits and religious paintings. Lotto worked mainly outside Venice. He was
at Treviso in 1503, then in the Marches, around 1508. From 1513 to 1525 he was
mainly at Bergamo in Lombardy, where he painted several major pieces. In 1526,
there were long times when he was gone, which was followed by his retirement...
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Peter Martyr painted in 1503 and the Portrait of Bishop Bernardo de Rossi painted
in 1505. After 1513 Lotto lived mainly in Bergamo, where his paintings fully
developed. His most successful works of this period are the altarpieces in San
Bernardino and in Santo Spirito, which show a new creativity , a greater ability in
rendering light and shade, and a preference for fancier colors. In 1526 or 1527 Lotto
returned to Venice, where he was influenced by the glowing palette and grand
compositional system of Titian. During the late Renaissance period his work became
more emotional like in the Madonna of the Rosary painted in 1539 and the
Crucifixion painted in 1531. In the Madonna Enthroned with Four Saints painted
in 1540 shows Lorenzo Lotto at the height of his work as a painter. In 1554 Lotto
became partially blind. Lorenzo Lotto entered the Santa Casa in Loreto as an
oblate member with a permission to work there. There he started one of his most
sensitive work of art, the Presentation in the Temple. Lotto died in the process of
making the Presentation in the Temple so it remains unfinished. One of Lotto s
most famous painting is Venus and her son Cupid in a bower painted in 1520. It
was painted for a couple s wedding in Bergamo. Lotto was fascinated with the
relations to the goddess and marriage. The Allegory of Virtue and Vice is another
famous painting by Lotto painted in 1505. The most famous painting by
Annotated Bibliography On Romanticism
Annotated Bibliography: Romanticism
Cynthia Chase s book combines several essays and excerpts from a variety of authors
from both the traditional Romantic period and the current feminist authors trying to
emulate the Romantic style. With each excerpt Chase provides an analysis explaining
the Romantic characteristics and how each excerpt helps to explain the role of
language in historical context. Chase includes essays from Geoffrey Hartmand, Paul
de Man, Neil Hertz, Cathy Caruth, Mary Jacobus, Karen Swann, Margaret Homans,
Marjorie Levinson, Jerome Christensen, and Carol Jacobs. Chase puts a modern lense
on Romanticism making it more relatable and easier to understand. Cynthia Chase
teaches English and writing courses in the Departments of English and
Comparative Literature at Cornell University. Cornell University is a highly
prestigious university which shows Chase is an expert in her field and gives
credibility to her book. Chase received her PhD from Yale in 1981. Rather than
simply describing Romantic characteristics, Chase provides excerpts from several
famous traditional and modern works. Chase s book is irreplaceable because of its
brilliant fusion of feminist writers from today and authors from many years ago.
Chase s work is very useful for a research project on Romanticism because it gives
examples of Romantic literature in a modern writing style making it more Huller 2
relatable and easier for the reader to understand. Excerpts from this book are
wonderful for showing the many characteristics of Romanticism because they not
only simply describe the various aspects of Romanticism, but they also instill the
aspects of Romanticism into the reader s mind by providing several examples of
Romantic writing. The analyses provide insight into a complicated topic making
Romanticism easier to understand.
Melani, Lilia. Introduction to Romanticism. Academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu, 2009,
Melani s article gives a basic understanding of Romanticism. Melani speaks of nature,
My Experience In Radiograph Places
Today I did my internship in the radiograph area of the clinic. Due to an office
closure the Tuesday prior, the patient count double. This is because all patients
were rescheduled for the next Tuesday without staggering their appointments. We
were working franticly to move patients, but on this particular day the office was
understaffed. I was in the radiograph room taking radiographs. I captured the
radiographs of about 30 patients. At four bitewings a piece, that s a lot of pictures.
I was able to do it in a timely manner. I was fine with it though because I needed
more practice on my radiographs. The receptionist/office manager had mentioned
that if I had not come, it would have taken twice as long. There isn t anyone
actually on the payroll. Because of this, help varies quite a bit on a daily basis. As
always, the office had a cheery atmosphere. Everyone was so positive and ready to
work. I found an app that allows me to speak to patients in Spanish. Although it
worked quite well, I expressed my desire to be fluent. One of the dentists offered to
teach me Spanish in exchange for me correcting her English. She says she always
asks for people to correct her, but no one will. I think it s... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
I was surprised because usually there are so many that often, the receptionist finds
busy work for them to do. A few patients volunteered to help out while waiting for
treatment so we had some hands on deck. Like always, the common goal was to
get patients in and out. It was nice to see the patients help out. I ve never seen it
this busy before but we got through rather quickly. I didn t get a whole lot of time
shadowing, as I was in the back taking radiographs. However, I did learn how to
explain this as simply as possible. I had a lot of patience, no pun intended. A lot of the
patients couldn t speak English, had a hard time opening their mouths, or both. All in
all, we made it through the day and I loved every minute of
Mary Jane Mcleod Bethune Research Paper
Jessica Gibson February 16, 2016
P.S.176Q Class 5 501 Education
Mary Jane McLeod Bethune was an American educator and life rights leader best
known for starting a private school for African American students in Daytona
Beach, Florida. She was born on July 10, 1875 in Maysville, SC. She went to
school at bible institute for home and foreign missions. It is now moody bible
institute. She also went to scotia seminary which is now barber scotia College. For
nearly a decade she worked as an educator. She married fellow teacher Albertus
Bethune in 1898. Bethune believed that education provided the key to racial
advancement. To that end, Bethune founded the Daytona normal and industrial
institute ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He went on to be a teacher and principal at J.J Clemmons High school, where he
was active in raising money for bus services for African American students. He
later helped institute voting rights for black citizens in his county and was elected
the first African American mayor of roper in the mid 1970s. He became principal of
Clemmons high in the early 1940s and held the position for more than three decades,
until 1974. He actively raised money to provide a school bus for African American
children beginning in 1946, where as previously only white students had
transportation services. In the following years, he worked with the local chapter of
the national association for the advancement of colored people to file a lawsuit and
institute voting rights for African Americancitizens in his community of Washington
County which was made a reality in the mid 1950s. He went to school at North
Carolina Central University. He won mayor in 1967. He held office as mayor for
20 years. The recipient of many awards and dedications, including posthumous
honors, E.V. Wilkins died in roper on June 2, 2002, at the age of 90 years old. Those
are some of the things I know about E.V.
Analyzing Three Groups Of Advertisements Based On The...
After reading Which Ad Pulled Best , I am going to analysis three groups of
advertisements based on the criterions provide by the reading. The first one is
Example 19, an advertisement about Timex Watch. I think the second ad did a
better job than the first one. To start with, when I saw the second ad, I can easily
recognize the benefit the product offers compare to the first one. In the second ad,
it named out the benefit in the upper page, which is The Timer Turn Pill Alarm
Watch, More convenient than any excuse. When I read this heading, I can know
what unique feature that Timex offers that different from other watch makers. In
the middle of the page it uses three scenarios to show the alarm feature of this
watch. All three scenarios are very common in our everyday life. So when people
read this ad, they may think about themselves in that situation. And when I saw
this part of the ad, I know what message the advertiser what to convey when you
buy this watch, you can avoid all those situations and this watch will keep you be
on time for everything. When looking carefully, you will see there are some figures
teach you how to set the alarm. In this way, people can easily understand how to use
it. At the bottom of the page, there are a few sentences to further explain how to use
the alarm system and also introduce two more features, which are sound and light
flash. Also, this ad is advertised in People magazine, which is a general audience
weekly magazine, focusing on
Guillain-Barre Syndrome Essay
Guillain Barre Syndrome
Guillain Barre Syndrome, or acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, is a
self limiting disease characterized by areflexia and acute progressive motor
weakness of at least one limb. Other symptoms include motor weakness of the
extremities and face, loss or reduction of deep tendon reflexes, decreased sensation
throughout the body,ophthalmoplegia, and ataxia. In severe cases respiratory failure
and autonomic dysfunction may occur. Respiratory failure results from the
demyelination of the phrenic and intercostal nerves. Consequently, the person loses
the ability to inhale and exhale. Autonomic dysfunction resulting from the
demyelination of the sympathetic and vagus nerves can lead to cardiac arrhythmias,
... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If he/she was on a respirator, the mean time doubles to 169 days. The affected
individual can usually expect a full recovery; however, some are left with a residual
deficit after one year.
0.6 to 1.9 persons per 100,000 people are afflicted with GBS each year. The disease
occurs worldwide and can strike anyone. Recent data has shown that white
Caucasian males between the ages of 16 to 25 and 45 to 60 are the most prone. 15
to 20% of GBS patients require some form of mechanical ventilation during the
course of the disease. Although mortality rate is 2.4 to 6.4%, there is an 80%
recovery. Despite the high recovery rate, 15% of the survivors retain some disability.
90% of GBS patients had a viral like illness and 4.5% received vaccinations within
one month of the onset. Most of the illnesses preceding GBS were caused by
cytomegalovirus and Epstein Barr viruses. Strong correlations also occurred with
Campylobacter jejuni infections, Lyme disease, and AIDS. IgM and IgG antibodies
to C. jejuni were detected in 15 of 38 GBS patients. Of the individuals that
contracted GBS following vaccinations, the swine flu vaccine of 1976 77 had the
highest correlation rate. On a lesser note, five cases of GBS werereported following
vaccinations with Haemophilus influenza s type b diphtheria toxoid conjugate. Since
14 million doses of the vaccine have been distributed since June 1990, the incidence
remains marginal.
Experimental evidence linking GBS in humans with allergic
Questions On My Past Usernames
IGN xArcticStrqfe (Rank Warlord) my past usernames were,
10/19/2016 @ 3:31:14 PM xX_ArticPvPz_Xx 4/4/2016 @ 4:57:14 PM poprr Age:
36 birthday is July 4 1980
PST, united states
How many hours can you contribute to the server each day:
I can contribute around 4 8 hours each day on the network, As a staff member i will
have to be active to help other, or ban hackers of the network.
Have you had any previous punishments on OpCraft:
I have never had any punishments on the network, and until the day i die. I will never
be punished on this server.
What Is your previous staff experience:
Yeah, i have had some staff experience, such as on skidhcf, Which the server is
being developed as i m writing this application. And the other server i was staff on
was WeeabooHCF which is down forever, it was an ok server. Not everyone knew
about but i have gained a lot of experiences as being a staff member onto that server.
Over the years of being staff on those server listed above i have gained so much
knowledge on kitmap and hcf server. Such as being able to know if someone is
hacking, or just if they are using obvious hacks, such as b hop, etc. I loved being staff
on WeeabooHCF, like i said it wasn t as known. But at least 30 40 players played on
it. I just have learned so much as being a head mod on that server. Its was a great
experience being a staff member on that server. And i wish to have a great experience
playing on the opcraft network.
Why do you
The Features of Inka Culture
Inka Culture Inka, was a community that used to live in the area of Cuzco, which
is located about 10,000 feet in the mountains of Southern Peru. The word inka
means ruler . The state inka was created during the time of wars. Inka s population
was 800,000km squared in 1438. Their wars were pretty big back in the days, they
had around 200,000 soldiers, which of course was considered the largest and best
armed in the region. Their transportation was walking through the highways
because they had no cars to transport to their wars. They also carried their supplies
on the backs of llamas. Once they settled down and marked their territories for their
troops, they were instructed in the Quechua language. The Quechua language
became the lingua franca of the state (Duiker 177). The inka culture did not have a
writing system, instead they recorded their communications by a knotted string
called quipu . This was able to record numerical nature and whatever they needed to
communicate, instead they just memorized it and then recite it when needed. Even
though they had a lack of writing system, they still had a high level of cultural
achievement. They had a highly developed tradition, also some poetry and music.
Apparently the Inka Empire was destroyed by the Spanish culture by a very
heartless way. The Spanish Fransisco Pizarro stole over 280,000 kg of gold from the
Inka. He also destroyed and prohibited everything of native religions and culture but
even though he did
Training Performance Management Is A Non Profit
VA (Veterans Affairs) Medical Care Facility, is a non profit government organization
that focuses upon the needs within the community and respect to the veterans in
which it serves. VAMCF, takes pride in promoting respect and privacy in an efficient
work environment, while providing resources through proper department channels to
each patient seeking assistance. The organization is a multi level management lead
by a board of directors: Due to the upcoming retirement of VAMCF Assistant
President, it is deemed necessary to begin the interview process of possible
candidates as a replacement. Steps include:
Job AnalysisRecruitmentSelection
TrainingPerformance ManagementPay/Incentives/Benefits
(Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., Wright, P. M. 2014. Pg. 87 90). Basic
requirements for potential candidates must have 5+ years of experience within a
government facility, minimum of Master s degree in Medical Management
/Administration or similar. Candidates will be required to travel out of state multiple
weekends a month. Individual must maintain a confidential level of security clearance
, including no criminal history. Additional requirements include but are not limited
to, personnel skills, ability to work under high amounts of stress, bi lingual, computer
intellect, advertising experience, potential staff recruitment.
Candidate Evaluation: The first step for hiring process is to evaluate the resumes that
have been submitted. Second, face to
Santiago s Pain
Hemmingway is an allegorical writer. Meaning, in Hemmingway s stories the
reader often can discover hidden meanings of the story. So when reading Old Man
and the Sea, the reader should expect for the story to be allegorical. Because there
are many examples of Santiago suffering throughout the novel, one should suspect
that Hemmingway was trying to use Santiago s pain to prove a point. But if
Hemmingway is trying to prove a point, then what is the point he is trying to
prove? To find that we have to answer these questions as well: Why is there so
much pain? What the heck does this have to do with the story? What is
Hemmingway trying to tell us to change as we go through our daily lives? More
importantly, is Hemmingway s moral still applicable... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
But the question still remains: how do these examples of pain supposed to impact
the reader. What is Hemmingway trying to tell his audience through all of
Santiago s pain? There are different answers for each type of pain. For emotional
pain, Hemmingway is trying to say how not people will not be friends with you
long if you are not contributing to the relationship. As it is shown when only the
boy is left to care for the old man as he nears the end of his fishing career, when
Hemmingway was losing popularity and respect from publishers/fellow authors,
or even when LeBron James left the Cavaliers but came back again to win a
championship ring for the city of Cleveland. For financial pain, Hemmingway is
trying to tell his audience to not rely on a job for too long. He tries to send the
message that eventually you will become old and your job will not pay as well or
maybe even pay at all, but we should have a backup saving plan to be ready when
this happens. Hemmingway tries to tell his audience that be warning that what
might happen through Santiago s suffering as he still has to work in his old age.
Lastly, for social pain Hemmingway tries to tell his audience not to shut out other
people from their life. To show this, Hemmingway uses the example of how other
fisherman respect Santiago but do not want to associate with him. Hemmingway
also uses how it feels for Santiago too even look at his dead wife. Both of these
examples are used to show how alone Santiago is. Hemmingway uses this to warn
the reader not to push people out of his or her life or they will end up alone like
Santiago. In summation, Hemmingway warns his audience not to push people out
through Santiago s social pain, people will leave you if they are not benefitting from
the relationship, and Hemmingway warns his audience what will happen if they don t
Introduction Of A Primary Alcohol
5. Introduction In this experiment, a primary alcohol was converted into a primary
bromoalkane using hydrobromic acid. The reaction was done under reflux and then
distilled to obtain a product of higher purity. The degree of the alkyl halide obtained
from the experiment was tested with silver nitrate and sodium iodide. An infrared
(IR) spectra and the weight of the product were obtained for further analysis. The IR
gave information on the present functional groups and product weight was used to
calculate the percent yield.
6. Data and Results The product obtained after reflux was a yellow liquid. With the
halide tests, the product reacted faster with sodium iodide to form a precipitate than
with silver nitrate. This indicates that the degree of the product was primary and that
bromine did replace the alcohol group. The IR of the product showed four peaks at
3326.36, 2932.86, 1465.34, and 1028.73. These peaks indicate O H, C H, C H3, and
C O bonds, respectively, within the product. 2.032 grams of product were recovered
from the reaction. With this, a percent yield of 27.14% was calculated. 7. Discussion
and Conclusion Nucleophilic aliphatic substitution is the replacement of one group
for another at a saturated, sp3 hybridized carbon atom. This process is often used to
interconvert functional groups, such as in the preparation of alkyl halides. In these
reactions, nucleophiles attack the carbon atom which the electronegative leaving
group breaks its bond
For Choosing Ivf Australia, We Bride On Ourselves On
HEADING Thank you for choosing IVF Australia, we bride on ourselves on our
success rates and price. This sheet has all the essential information about the causes of
infertility in both male and females, the treatments to these and different issues that
may come with these procedures. Infertility is the inability to conceive a pregnancy
after 12 month of unprotected sex. Infertility in male and females can occur from
various reasons such us the production of sex cells(gametes) and hormonal issues
as well as other reasons. Infertility is growing rapidly in today s world, it is becoming
a bigger and bigger problem in Australia as 1 in every 6 couples are effected by
infertility (19). A solution to this growing problem is Assisted... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Abnormal shape of the cervix can also or changes of texture in the cervical muscle
can cause issues for the sperm travelling from the vagina to the uterus.
Immunological Factors: Some Females may have antibodies to sperm produced by
the cervical muscles, sometimes the immune system of the mother can prevent the
embryo from attaching to the wall of the uterus and cause a miscarriage
Ageing: Reproductive functions decrease the older a woman gets, this is due to
fewer eggs being left in the ovary and the quality of the egg also diminishes. When a
woman is in her 30 s there is an increased chance of chromosome abnormalities like
down syndrome.
Causes of Male Infertility (4)
Varicocele (Veins around testicles in the scrotum): A swelling of the veins that drain
the testicles. The most common reversible cause of infertility in men. The exact
reason for Varicocele is unknown, one cause may be the abnormal testicular
temperature regulation. Varicocele reduces the quality of the sperm.
Infection: Infections can interfere with the production of sperm and the sperm health.
These infections include inflammation of the epididymis or testicle, as well as some
sexually transmitted diseases. Some infections can cause permanent testicular
damage however in most cases sperm can still be retrieved.
Ejaculation issues (location vas
Explain The Importance Of Sea Travel And Exploration
VU21481 Chung Kung GOH GEC00000BA Task 1 1. Tahiti , New Zealand , The
Great Southland (Australia) 2. It was difficult to go looking for the Great
Southern Land , as the sea was dangerous,the wind did not always blow in the right
direction for the sea travel and it was such a long way it was difficult to bring
enough food and water. 3. Sea travel and exploration was very important in the
thoose days as people could make a lot of money from trade and from gathering
natural resources. Exploration was also important as people loved the idea of sea
adventures and new discoveries. England was very interested in setting up a naval
based and supply post in the Southern Hemisphere. 4. Captain James Cook was a
seaman in the Royal Navy and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Earlier in 1770, James Cook charted and claimed possession of the east coast of
Australia for Britain. Seeking to pre empt the French colonial empire from
expanding into the region, Britain chose Australia as the site of a penal colony, and
in 1787, the First Fleet of eleven convict ships set sail for Botany Bay, arriving on
20 January 1788 to found Sydney, New South Wales, the first European settlement
on the continent. 2. They gathered together large numbers of convicts, responsible
for both petty and serious crimes such as stealing, burglary, highway robery and
possession of fire arms and , depending on their crimes sentences them to either 7 or
14 years of transportation,or to a life of transportation in Australia. The first convicts
came to Australia in ships known as the First Fleet. There were eleven ships in the
First Fleet and they were all commanded by Captain Arthur Philip. 3. There are four
main justifications for punishments being designed and implemented. Justice for the
victim is one justification. For example, punishments such as an eye for an eye aim
to make criminals suffer to the degree that their victims have suffered. Deterrence is
another justification. For example, hanging someone in public was intended to serve
as a warning to potential criminals about what would happen if they too broke the
law. Rehabilitation is a third
Semiotic Analysis of True Detective
Semiotic Analysis of True Detective In 1951, the first television crime drama series,
Dragnet significantly influenced our American culture. According to the New Oxford
American Dictionary, the term dragnet is a symbol, for, a system of coordinated
measures used to apprehend criminals or suspects. Most crime drama series solve a
different case each episode. Although, in current pop culture crime dramas focus on
one particular crime, throughout an entire season. Similar, to the show Homeland,
the HBO crime drama True Detectiveadds a twist on the conventional series. The
show depicts a subject matter that has affected modern society as a whole. Southern
Louisiana policedetectives Rust Cohle and Marty Hart, in 2012, are asked to revisit
their solving of a ritualistic murder case from 1995. The murder of a former student
of the Light of the Way Christian Academy lays the foundation, for detective Cohle s
doubts about the true design of religion. The True Detective storyline portrays the
utilization of religion, education, and politics, by men in power who manipulate and
control young innocent children. Questioning the validity of religion within a crime
drama series is relative to modern society. The conspiracy within the Catholic Church
to suppress hundreds of child molestations committed, by Catholic priests is a
pertinent sign represented in True Detective . Southern Louisiana is located in the
heart of the American Bible belt, where religion is not a choice, but a
Ancient Greek Anthropology
From an early age, we ,as humans, are constantly judging and analyzing our
surroundings. From the time we are babies to when we are old and tired, we have
a sort of gut instinct which guides us. Some call it our fight or flight instinct, while
others don t care to give it a name. This feeling has us constantly judging and
analyzing everyday situations and tasks to provide both safety and well being.
Throughout our primary and secondary educations, these ideas are emphasized and
fine tuned so that we don t judge just the safety of situations, but also everything
from English essays to mathematical questions in a cookie cutter fashion. That is,
we try to fit an over generalized guideline or rubric to every problem. As we are born
to judge and analyze,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The author of the article, Paul M.E. Shutler, states that of all topics in the history of
mathematics, Egyptian mathematics is the most overlooked. He continues that this is
due to our eagerness to translate these ancient problems into their modern
equivalent and then regard it as we would the work of a high school student, as
either correct or incorrect. As we can see, this is not only a problem which hinders
our ability to gain deeper insights on the past, but also opens the door for us to
simply brush off and categorize the magnificent solutions that the Egyptian
mathematicians came up with nearly 4,000 years ago as incorrect to our standards.
Paul goes on to say that, Anyone who has actually visited Egypt and seen at first
hand the colossal scale and absolute precision of their ancient monuments comes
away, of course, with a completely different impression (Page

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  • 3. Cardio Hip Hop Essay Cardio Hip Hop is a fast paced aerobic workout that increases your respiratory system and keeps you healthy. Aerobics was developed by Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper in 1968 and was intended for people in the military. Dr. Cooper wrote a book called Aerobics and developed a point system that scored workouts. He recommended at least 120 aerobic points per month to maintain good health. However, Jacki Sorenson, a well rounded dancer, put dance moves to aerobic exercise, thus beginning Aerobic Dancing. Aerobics was designed to improve Cardio fitness and keep the heart pumping at a fast rate. Between 50 90% of your max heart rate should be exercised to boost your fitness level in aerobic exercise. In 1983, Howard and Karen Schwartz introduced a new... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The RDA s estimate various amounts of nutrients needed daily to avoid deficiency and maintain good nutrition in healthy people (Dwyer 626). For example, to avoid iron deficiency, the recommended daily intake from the Institute of Medicine for a female, between the ages of 14 18, is minimum 15 mg and maximum 45 mg. There are symptoms when it comes to recognizing that your body may have a nutritional deficiency. Signs of iron, zinc and Vitamin B deficiencies is cracks in the corner of your mouth ( Dr. Mercola). One of the main nutritional deficiencies that affects most men and women is Magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is essential for heart health, muscles, kidneys and other organs (Shaw). The risk of a cardio disease decreases when Magnesium intake increases in both men and women. Another nutritional deficiency with a high risk factor is Vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiencies causes congestive heart failure and peripheral arterial disease according to a professor at John Hopkins Hospital. Health and Nutrition before, during and after cardio exercise is essential to the health of our heart and other organs and to our daily lives. Knowing what we eat and how it can affect our bodies over time is very helpful in the long run not only for our well being, but for our heart
  • 4. Gestational Crates Should Not Be On Factory Farms Gestational crates should not be on factory farms. Gestational crates limit the pigs movement so much that the mothers are stuck on there sides when there are pregnant and can not move to eat or go to the bathroom. Gestational crates should not be on factory farming. In this essay I will talk about how gestational crates abuse the pigs that are put in them, how the mother pigs are treated on these farms and how free range farming is better for the animals. I think that gestational crates should not be on factory farms. I think that gestational crates should not be on factory farms. I think this because it is not good for the pregnant mother pigs because they can t get off their sides and have to sit in their own feces. They also can t get
  • 5. The Importance Of Screen Time In The Media For as far back as I remember there has been a strong debate as to whether or not spending too much time in front of a media screen is bad for the youth. In these articles there are two strong positions and sides to the argument. Even though the first article has some valid points on why screen time should be minimized to the youth , which i will explain in this essay, I Personally have to disagree. Especially coming from someone who spent little time with media screens growing up I can explain how if I had it could ve played a big role in where I am today. In the first article, Screen time limits are vital for children They argue the facts on why screen time should be limited to the youth. Some of the main points that are discussed are that media time takes up most of the youths day. in paragraph 3 it specifically says, Children in the United States have an average of 7.5 hours of screen time per day. That gives the youth little time to be outside playing in the community, getting fresh air. Another point that was made was that media screens confuses a persons body clock, which eventually prevents sleep. To add onto the burden it not only prevents sleep, media screens also decreases a viewers attention spand. The last important points that I personally took from article one was that media time decreases the ability to complete a given task. Society has enough issues so if most of the upcoming youth cannot complete a given task then we are in big trouble. Now in
  • 6. Athletes Paid Too Much There is no question that sports are a big part of American culture. Almost anyone that you speak with has a favorite team in some kind of sport. These beloved sports are not cheap, however. The sports industry pumps out billions of dollars each year. While a lot of this money goes towards stadium renovations, front office benefits, and marketing, nearly half of the money spent on sports in America goes toward the salaries of the players. Daniel Roberts, a sports writer for the popular Sports Illustrated, wrote an article entitled Fortunate 50. In this article, Roberts describes the fifty highest paid American athletes of 2013. In order for the athletes to make the list, they had to be a citizen of the United States or play within a United... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They are paid an adequate amount of money for the job they perform day to day. These individuals are able to get the money they make because America and the rest of the world loves sports. Network ratings, merchandise, and ticket sales are all directly related to the average people who watching and consuming. Over the years, network ratings have skyrocketed so people are able to see athletes perform. Merchandise and ticket sales produce billions of dollars for the sports industry each year based off the athletes performances and skill sets. Dr. Chris Mueller, a feature columnist for The Bleacher Report, explains in his article Two Sides to Every Coin: Are Professional Athletes Overpaid? explains how the fans are the people responsible for the large numbers that appear on athletes paychecks. Dr. Mueller states I have gladly shelled out up to $75 for a ticket to a game, and I have bought officially licensed team hoodies and travel mugs for more than I am willing to admit. Mueller continues by mentioning that We (the average people) are the ones who are willing to keep giving more of our hard earned money to attend games in person, buy over priced beer and food and wear the jerseys of our favorite athletes. If we stopped going to games and buying officially licensed merchandise, then these numbers would obviously have to go down to balance out the budget (Mueller). Mueller makes a good case that many of the people that are
  • 7. Homor Language And Its Benefits Of Humor And Language Humor and Language Humor is elusive, inexplicable phenomena, often the best medicine for our psychological problems and issues. Humor language is rarely discussed; we will explore later on the reasons why humor is avoided in schools, the types of humor and its benefits. At times we overlook humor as an important element in teaching and using it as a tool to contribute to a positive environment for learning, humor for some is considered to be synonyms of disorder and chaos. I m not going to start telling jokes, it will lead to a complete loss of control said my friend s teacher in LycГ©e school. For others, lack of knowledge as to how one may use humor in his speech effectively might prevent him from using his sense of humor. I enjoy humor, but I don t know how to go about using it, so I don t, I don t want... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The writer of the article Benefits of Humor (n.d), states that studies by Fabio Sala at the Hay Group have shown that humor, when used skillfully, reduces hostility, improves morale, and helps to communicate difficult messages. Other research done by three experts showed that humor makes the target person want to listen more, makes the information more memorable, distracts the person from thinking about counter arguments and it builds rapport and liking of the humorist. Most importantly, humor makes people healthier, on both physical and psychological level. Health wise, it lowers the blood pressure, improves breathing and strengthens the immune system and exercises the muscles. On the psychological base, humor distracts one from negative emotions, increases and boosts the energy, and it just makes us feel better and more connected to others. As cited in this article, humor also breaks through barriers laughter, can transcend age, race, gender and belief. Therefore, humor is a great tool employed to get closer to others, and communicate in a more friendly
  • 8. Marilyn Monroe Influence Known to the world as a sex symbol and a bombshell blonde, Marilyn Monroe was a tremendous cultural icon during her time and her influence continues to this day. In one of her biggest movies, Some Like It Hot, she plays Sugar Kane Kowalczyk, an innocent and charming singer who is not very bright. Given that fact, however, she is able to steal the moment which each scene she is in. In the scene of the band s first performance (after she meets Joe as Junior), Sugar sings I Wanna Be Loved By You in a ballroom filled with guests dancing and eating. The lighting of the shot already portrays her as a star; the other band members and the patrons are covered in a grayscale while Sugar is in the spotlight as the only bright light focuses on her
  • 9. Artificial Intelligence Frankenstein Yu Que Professor Michael Rectenwald Science, Technology and Society July 2015 Sense and Sensibility of Artificial Intelligence: Introduction When Machines Can Love Michael Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most breath taking topics in science and technology fields today. While the time frame of its real emergence has long been the focus of debates, the moral concern of such a practice is a more urgent question for the human race to answer. Authors and pundits from Mary Shelley in 1818 to Stephen Spielberg in 2001 have expressed their views on this problem already. British computer scientist Alan Turing was asked the question can machines think? half a decade ago, after which he developed the Turing test as a means... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, emotions obtained by such an empirical method can be negative and therefore can pose a threat to mankind. Here comes the challenge is there a way to endow artificial intelligence with an individual right to develop its own emotions, but without threatening the existence of the human Michael Rectenwald 7/30/2015 3:49 PM Michael Rectenwald 7/30/2015 3:49 PM race? In the later sections, I will try to shed some light on the questions raised above from a more scientific perspective. Michael Rectenwald 7/30/2015 3:49 PM 3.Current Developments in the Field Human beings tend to involve emotions into their decision making process. Recent studies have shown that advanced artificial intelligence can actually do the same. Multi agents system (MAS) is a system in which more than one intelligent agent can work together to achieve a collective goal. In such systems, the cooperation and negotiation within machines have been observed. Therefore, it is not Michael Rectenwald 7/30/2015 3:49 PM 5 The Blue Fairy is a character in the fairy tale Pinocchio. Her magic successfully transforms Pinocchio, the puppet, into a human boy. Field available for additional information in
  • 10. The Benefits Of The Black Market Kryslin Cotton English 1301 Professor Cain 23 November 2016 Under Ground Kings: The Benefits of the Black Market Why is there over 120 thousand people waiting on an organ transplant? Why are there 44 million uninsured people in the United States alone? Why is it that 1 in 10 americans cannot afford their medical medications? All simply answered by the fact that it s all too expensive. The poverty level, according to USDA 2015, in the United States for a family of four is $24 thousand. With so many conditions, cancers, and diseases, everyone should have equal health opportunity, but this is not the case. In turn, the population turns to alternative sources of help: such as the Black Market. The black market is basically any service or good in exchange for money that isn t legal. According to Amy Fontinelle, author of The Mechanics of the Black Market , illegal operations could be as simple as [...] bartering and not reporting the taxable value of the transaction, or hiring a regular housekeeper or babysitter, but failing to pay employment taxes (Fontinelle). Black markets contort and falsify government records. Many people enter the world of black markets because they do not want to or are not able to acquire licenses for certain occupations due to governmental restrictions. Such as in New York, to become a licensed taxi driver, one must purchase a medallion which cost $600 thousand or more; they turn to black market alternatives until they are caught. In extenuating
  • 11. Moving Beekeeping How would our life change so much if the bee dies out? With this question, I will discuss why the bees are important for humanity. Furthermore, I want to illustrate a life without the bee and what are the reasons why bees are dying so quickly. In connection with the bees, one sees much curiosities in the world; the shortage of bees in America has made some of their own benefit and a new branch of the economy has been created the moving beekeeping . Bee peas are transported on trucks to various fields and plantations all over the country. From one farmer to the next the bees are brought to pollute all sorts of plants. For the small livestock are the great hardships, but the moving beekeeping deserves good money. It is even more dramatic
  • 12. Persuasive Letter Mr. Allen I apologize for the inconvenience but I m traveling out of the country tomorrow night and coming back on the 23rd. But here is the estimate, you can go through it, I will be able to respond to any questions you might have even while i am out of the country. Please don t doubt shooting me an email. We can do the installation on the last week of the month or the first week of April. I will install a New RUUD Single stage 16 SEER 3 Ton A/C Condenser Outdoor pad New disconnect box fuses Robber noise pad electrical outdoor Rater whip clean refrigerant lines add Puron (as needed) RUUD 3 Ton Alum/cup Evaporator coil Drain switch ( avoids water overflowing inside the furnace protecting its components Wet switch
  • 13. Dolores Clara Fernandez Huert An American Labor Leader And... Dolores Clara Fernandez Huerta born April 10, 1930 in Dawson, New Mexico is an American labor leader and civil rights activist who was co founder of the National Farm Workers Association, and later the United Farm workers. Huerta has received many awards and accolades and has remained a role model and voice to many in the Latino community. Huerta had been born to Juan Fernandez and Alicia Chavez; they divorced when Huerta was just three years old. Both Huerta s parents were active in the rights of people and the community itself. Huerta s father was a field worker, miner, as well as a union activist. Huerta s mother was a business woman who owned a restaurant and a 70 room hotel where she helped low wage workers. A lot of Huerta s humanitarianism came from her mother, who was known for her kindness and compassion for others. Huerta personality followed close to her mother s as she too was caring and compassionate yet strong minded. Huerta began her activism when she was attending high school at Stockton High School. She was involved in several school programs and was even a dedicated Girl Scout till she was eighteen. High school wasn t the easiest for her, though, in a time when racial times were tough, she recalls a situation where a teacher accused her of plagiarism and gave her an unfair grade, and she believes this was due to racism. She soon went off to study at the University of the Pacific s Stockton College. While studying there she was able to gain a temporary
  • 14. Windows Operating Systems Analysis Windows Operating Systems Analysis Introduction Riordan Manufacturing is a global industry leader in its field of plastic injection molding. With more than 500 employees, 46 million dollars in annual earnings and offices in the US and China, Riordan has chosen to upgrade its current operating system. The company s goal is to upgrade the system without to much disruption to their current business processes. The objective of this paper is to compare and contrast Windows Operating System 2003 and Vista for Riordan Manufacturing. The analysis provided in this paper will be based on Cost, File Processing, Programming Capabilities, Availability of Application Software, and User Interface of the systems. Based on these various points we will ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Pontiac and Albany appear to be using the Token Ring protocol. The rationale for Adopting Existing Protocols TCP/IP and Ethernet are the most widely used protocols across a wide segment of different computer platforms. By upgrading the current hardware company wide, the TCP/IP protocol will already be built into the client and server machines browser software. The file system would be compatible with the existing hardware and it is going to be manageable and would support long file names, large volumes of data in the mean time it is going to offer better security. Programming Capabilities The programming ability of Microsoft servers primarily revolves around the .NET Framework. The .NET Framework is available on Windows NT and 98 platforms and higher. .NET provides developers and programmers tools to build applications that are fully managed, protected, feature rich, with simplified development and deployment. The claim is that virtually any programming language can be used. This is true if there are no specific needs for programming in Java language, either in the future or for purposes of backward compatibility. Other than this, applications can be built using C#, C++, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, Visual Basic .NET, to name a few. There are different versions of the framework available; however there
  • 15. Essay about Street Gangs in the United States Street gangs in this country can probably be traced back to the first wave of Europeans who migrated to the colonies for a better life for themselves and their families. Many of the first gangs were formed as a means of self protection, with the thinking that there is simply strength in numbers. The missions of gangs in today s society have grown and emerged to include many violent criminal avenues, including drug trafficking, prostitution, money laundering, and extortion but the original thinking that there is strength in numbers remains true. Criminology experts believe that the number of teens involved in gangs or gang activity may be as high as 1 in every 5 people in most urban areas. Those number jump to 1 in every 3 people in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These men and women are then released back onto the streets, back into our communities. Prison has not changed who they are, their violent behaviors, or their part in a street gang. They go back to the life they knew before prison, and the life they kept up while in prison. The most dangerous aspect of this cycle of crime is that these men and women return to prison again and again each time thinking they are a little tougher and their position in the gang a lot stronger. Their return trips to prison may ease the fears of the community for a few months or a few years, and each time the job of a correction officer becomes more difficult and more dangerous. Correction Officers in state and county run prisons and jails face serious dangers and grave responsibilities everyday. They are locked inside prison walls with some of the most treacherous men and women in the world. One of the most terrifying aspects of being a Correction Officer is the existence of gangs. Gang members are considered more dangerous than other inmates, because they are threat not only to other inmates but to correction officers as well. Gangs survive out on the streets, and continue to thrive and recruit members while in prisons. Dangerous gangs seem to enlist more members who are in prison than outside on the streets. New recruits feel scared and alone behind the prison walls, they need protection and to be respected, being in a gang gives them that. The Mexican Mafia
  • 16. Essay about Womens Roles In ancient India, women occupied a very important position, a superior position to men. To understand the position of women in Hinduism, we must recognize the Hindu scriptures guidelines to a woman s position in Hindu society, but fail to address some roles of a Hindu woman specifically. This vague generalization of a woman s role in the religious spectrum leaves open interpretation for the woman. Conflict arises when women are criticized by men, for the way they interpret the guidelines. Critically, we begin with the Hinduscriptures, because it is the heart and source of their cultural norms which can be perceived as an expression of the perceptions of the way of life. Scriptures of Hinduismhold the highest authority towards women... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Treated as servants, by their husbands, marriage equals subservience. Classical Hindu laws focus almost exclusively on women as wives, emphasizing how women should behave toward men. When I say equality of women, I refer to equal roles within Hindu marriages. The basic rules for women behavior, as expressed in the Laws of Manu, Ca. A.D. 200, stress the need to control women because of their evil character (Wadley 117). Submission to male control is the sole duty of women in the Hindu society. Trained from a young age in self sacrifice, the female is subject to her father, then to her husband, and is never independent herself. Despite the circumstance, she must at all times be a faithful wife and worship her husband as a god. In the patriarchal interpretation of these sacred texts, the wife should always strive to be pure and submissive. Mythology also provides endless models of a good wife, where the male authoritative figure prescribes control of women. As the wife is taught to serve her husband as a god, without murmur or complaint, I will explore the symbolic relevance of gods and goddesses toward wives obedience to husbands. The interchangeable symbols of Hindu gods and goddesses to be discussed are derived from various ritual contexts and legends. Some interchanges of male and female symbolic meanings about marriage correspond with evoking symbolic perspectives of gods and goddesses (Ferro Luzzi 45). According to Susan
  • 17. Essay The Gospel of Mark INTRODUCTION At the risk of being judgmental this book is very complicated. The points are many and varied. In his lead up to his commentary proper Myers makes many points as he expounds the many topics that would influence that commentary. The World of Jesus and the World of Mark, the filters and models of that social world, the cross cultural history and the socio economic tensions of both worlds are all considered. The Jewish War is also a point to consider in that it occurs around the time of writing and most of the historicity comes from the works of Josephus. The major point to consider however is Myers self confessed socio historical hermeneutic. Because there are two parts to this essay discussion has been restricted to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The hypotheses on how this Gospel originated are many and varied. The continuity of the actual message of the story of the life of Jesus seems, it would be generally agreed, to hinge on the Gospel of Mark being a source for the other Synoptic gospels at least. Much argument has also gone on about the place and time of writing of Mark and how this influences the traditioning or the handing on of the story. How the original written version came to be from the oral process is also a cause for the concern as regards continuity of the story. Was it faithfully translated? Nineham states that Jesus very character was determined by the particular circumstances in which the tradition was handed down. Those who kept it shaped the tradition itself. They had their own motives and beliefs and these have influenced the tradition that has brought out the character of Jesus as we know today (Nineham 1986: 21). This traditioning was a process that began by orally recounting the story at private or public gatherings. The public gatherings being more favoured because preachers or teachers, that is those entrusted with the traditioning process, would have told the story at worship or catechumen gatherings (Nineham 1986: 22). As is sometimes the practice with preaching today so it may have been in the first century. Anyone telling the story would be driven by a particular need of the time, for example if a message on good neighbours was needed then the
  • 18. The Importance Of Colors In Gilead Imagery, particularly when describing beautiful colors before Gilead and contrasting them with the dull colors described in Gilead reveal how drastically life has changed. Offred mentions that in the past when she took her daughter to get ice cream, everything was colored so delicately, pale orange, pale green, pale pink and that her daughter, dressed in similar ice cream pastels would choose her treat by the color (Atwood 165). In life before Gilead, colors were vivid and cheerful, something to make objects more enjoyable to look at. People could wear whatever color they please, and colors had no additional meaning to them other than to show people had freedom to make their own decisions. However, in Gilead, color imagery shows the lack of decision and the rigid societal structure the government imposes. Each group has their own colors even in minor aspects of life, such as with umbrellas categorized as black, for the Commander, blue, for the Commander s Wife, and the one assigned to [Offred], which is red (Atwood 9). Each color labels members of the society as part of a certain category and defines their roles without further consideration. Here, colors serve as a way to restrict peoples freedoms unlike when colors previously served as way to enhance freedom of choice and expression. In Gilead, The women... are color coded to strip them of their individual identities and to mark their social status and relationships to men restricting everyone s freedom, even the
  • 19. Dance In Contemporary Dance Contemporary dance techniques There is a lot of confusion when you are asking about the contemporary dance as a lot of people even the dancers don t know what the actual dance form is. Actually, the dance form changes from time to time so it is not easy to adapt as you have to change with time. Every now and then there are new experiments and discoveries in the field of contemporary dance. A lot of people and schools are there who claim to have expertise on the contemporary dance but they usually teach other forms of dance like ballroom, salsa or some jazz styles. So it is not about the dancing style but shape you re in while your movement in dancing which indicates a proper technique of contemporary dance. So in the training, the focus must be on the positions and shape rather than the styles while attending the classes to learn the contemporary style of dancing. Every lesson will surprise you as it will be very different from the previously taken lesson. These dancing classes are very good for the preparation of a huge range of movements possible in a student like dynamics, various forms, and the qualities. That is the only reason contemporary dancers are seen ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The major difference which draws a line between contemporary dance and other dance techniques is the relaxed movement which you can see only in contemporary dance. It has different names in different places, some call it Release Technique . The dancing is very different from a gym workout as it can be done in a very relaxed way and keeps you away from unnecessary tension. The execution of movement is very essential while performing a contemporary dance as it enhances the self awareness of the dancer. The dancing form allows the freedom of the well being of a dancer rather than just some physical training exercises which help to improve a dancer in both mind and body. Professional dancers love this technique a lot as it is very pleasant to work
  • 20. The Background Of Girl Scouts Girl Scouts is a common program, in which many people place their girls in. It was started by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912 and now has over 1.8 million Girl Scouts. She came up with the concept while volunteering in England with the Girl Guides. She soon formed the program in order uplift, empower and give back. The Girl Scouts organization was known for being about their cookies, but after rebranding they are known for their causes. The organization s impact on the community and young women s lives makes a difference. Most young women who has experienced his organization has had success in their career, or advancements in their skills. Girl Scouts has faced branding obstacles. However, they have overcome them and maintained their focus on their number one priority; the betterment of young women. In this paper, we will further discuss the background, the brand, the obstacles faced, and the structured beliefs and values of the organization. In 1912, Girl Scouts was founded by Juliette Gordon Low in Savannah, Georgia. She gathered 18 diverse young women, who had a passion for learning. She soon taught them about the outdoors and formed educational programs for their advancement. According to Young Mason (2012), She dreamed of giving the United States and the world something for all of the girls. She envisioned an organization that would bring girls out of their sheltered home environments to serve their communities and experience the outdoors that would give them the
  • 21. The Island Of Dr. Moreau Religion Science and Religion in The Island of Dr. Moreau The Island of Dr. Moreau depicts the dueling concepts between science and religion. Throughout the Victorian Era within which H.G. Wells novel was written, turmoil between science and religion was at its peak. New scientific theories were proposed including Darwinism, which H.G. Wells strongly advocated as witnessed in his book. Many Christians opposed these findings as these new ideas often disproved what was written in the Bible. Therefore, a divide was created amongst Christians and scientists, the basis of the material introduced in The Island of Dr. Moreau. Due to opposing conflict between science and religion, Wells proposes the solution that rules separate humanity from animals. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Wells articles... is whether ordinary people should be allowed to know the facts and should discuss their implications (Woolf 498). This excerpt is a prime example of the division between science and religion that was occurring throughout the time period within this book was written. Many people began to support Wells in his beliefs of scientific principles such as Darwinism. However, there were those who strongly dejected it and even became hostile that those scientific ideas were available to the public. The reason the ideas were so easily accessible were because of literary interpretation in controversial books such as The Island of Dr. Moreau. One interpretation in The Island of Dr. Moreau was that Moreau is a scientific God. Dr. Moreau and God display many of the same characteristics when comparing the Bible to H.G. Wells novel. They are both depicted as invisible, but still there watching. This is shown in The Island of Dr. Moreau as Wells has written, You cannot see him. But he can see you. Fear the law, (Wells 163). In the Bible a similar dialog is written, The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good, (The Holy Bible 378). Both texts also describe the two characters as healing and wounding. In Wells novel it is written, His is the Hand that
  • 22. Reasons For Student Plagiarism Information Literacy Today plagiarism increase among the academic students more than ever. Plagiarism has been defined by Encyclopedia Britannica as the act of taking the writing of another person and passing them of as one s own Also simply we can define as stealing someone s work or idea. There are several reasons why student plagiarize and why it increases. Plagiarism increases because of growing technology. By using a search engine in google or any other search engine it s easy to download thousands of files in a very short time and then using copy, past make it easy to plagiarize or taking picture by smart phones from your homework or exam question and send it by text message or email to others. Also, laziness, lack of time and planning, fear of failure, lack of interest are some other reason for plagiarism. two surveys were conducted by Stephen Davis over a six year period from 1987 1992 in large and small, public and privet universities and college across the united states. He found similar reason for cheating at all of the sites: the most frequently reason for cheating was I do study, but cheat to enhance my score (29.75%). My job cuts down on study time (14.28%) and usually don t study (13.60%) also were high on the list I cheat so my GPA looks better to prospective employers (8.16%) and I fell pressure from parents to get a good grade so I cheat (6.80%) . (Lathrop and Kathleen,33) Not only Plagiarism is violation of law but also, it s an academic dishonesty and breach of ethic. Now let s think about but Who will more be harmed by plagiarism? The first person is the one who plagiarize because most of the homework and test are designed to increase student s knowledge and skills that they need for their future. One of the recurring criticisms of college graduates by employers is that the graduates have poor written communication skills. Legal studies classes can be used to improve the quality of student written work by giving students assignments that require significant writing practice. These assignments have the added bonus for students of helping them improve their critical thinking skills . (Bruton and Dan Childers,152), Next society will be harmed by plagiarism if the person
  • 23. Descriptive Essay About Beauty I know we are far apart, but I just had to share this fantasy with you. Hope you like this. For your birthday, your friends pitch in to order you a massage...and I just so happen to be the lucky gal working this particular shift...the late shift...and the only shift where we do outcalls. After I arrive at the door, I cannot believe how unbelievably sexy you are, and I m immediately excited at the possibilities. To break the ice, I bring a bottle of wine and a bouquet of red roses. After a period of casual conversation and a few glasses of wine, I ask if you re ready to get started. I sense that you are initially shy and a little nervous, so I suggest that you lead me to the bedroom. I ask you to undress, lay on your stomach on the bed, and cover yourself with a towel. I tell you that I ll be right outside the door, and to call me when you are ready. Even though you are covered by the towel, I gaze at the shape of your sexy body and that amazingly sexy ass. My imagination goes into overdrive, thinking how lucky I am to explore such a sexy body. My heart races and I feel an intense tingle in my shorts. I definitely want to give you more than just a g rated massage. I love the idea that we are in complete privacy, as everyone on the outside believes I m giving you an innocent massage, but I m excited at the idea of slowly turning this into an amazing sexual adventure, (and I m hoping that you are just as adventurous), while it remains our little secret. As I gently rub
  • 24. Short Story Of The Marigolds The story starts with an older woman late in her life, named Ms. Lottie planting some lovely Marigolds in her front yard. She made them look nice, neat. She didn t live in the nicest place. She wasn t a millionaire but those simple flowers were special. Like a glimpse of sunshine in her yard. She didn t have much energy but she always found perseverance to tend to them and take good care of them. But sadly, those Marigolds are wrecked by some bad children in her neighborhood. Those rotten kids strongly hated the Marigolds. The group of kids was led by Lizabeth, a young girl in the neighborhood. Miss Lottie sees Lizabeth destroying the marigolds, and Lizabeth realizes what she has just done. When she looks at Miss Lottie while wrecking the
  • 25. Two Non-Physical Traits Of Terry Fox Two non physical traits of Terry fox is that he is very determined and brave. Terry demonstrates his determination on page 45, chapter six, during his interview with Winston s father. He states that he had started wheelchair basketball after he had amputated his leg. He also says that he had pushed himself harder than he should have and that he played until his hands started to bleed. This shows how Terry did not give up and that he tried to reach his limits in wheelchair basketball. If Terry was not determined at all he would have gave up or at least would not have pushed himself so hard that his hands would start to hurt and bleed. Furthermore, Terry had practiced his run for nearly fourteen months running over three thousand miles. He added
  • 26. Concentration Camps In Ww2 Horrifying, murder, screams, terror are the definition of concentration camps. Concentration camps are what the nazis used in WW2. Hitler was the mastermind behind all of this, an evil mastermind. First, a concentration camp is where people are killed for nothing (Engel). They were best known for being operated by the Nazis (Engel). They killed millions of people (Engel). The nazis mostly used it for jews because they thought it was the jews fault they lost the war (Engel). Second, they held a lot of political prisoners like Jews, Communists etc (Engel). Auschwitz wasn t just a death camp it would literally work people to death for labor work (Engel). They would send the weak, sick and disabled right to the gas chambers. In march alone 18,000
  • 27. Deforestation In Latin America Essay Deforestation is defined as: the clearing of virgin forests, or intentional destruction or removal of trees and other vegetation for agricultural, commercial, housing, or firewood use without replanting and without allowing time for the forest to regenerate itself (SCRIBD). Deforestation has been a problem in Latin America since the early 1900s and the severity of the dilemma is increasing rapidly. Deforestation not only has consequences for the environment, but also, the indigenous people and the national economy. The logging industry in Latin America is often exploited by multinational companies that are not properly regulated. The land that has provided a home and cultivated indigenous development for centuries is being dissipated rapidly. Due to an exponentially growing global population, there is an increased demand for low priced goods like timber, crops, and meat. Many Latin American countries value revenue from selling these goods over the health of their local ecosystems. The crisis of deforestation and habitat loss is shifting from a local to global problem. As deforestation continues, global warming escalates worldwide, impacting every country and person. About 15 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions come from tropical deforestation, which is more than from all the world s cars, trucks and buses combined (Schwartzman). Puerto Rico and Brazil provide contrasting examples of the impact of deforestation. Puerto Rico had an economic and environmental shift
  • 28. Cyber Surveillance And Intrusion Detection System Essay Abstract In this era of technology, everything is available at just one click; Security is a big issue when we talk about networks. Hackers and intruders are getting smarter. There are various methods to secure the network infrastructure and communication over the Internet, for example firewalls, encryption, and virtual private networks. Intrusion detection is a relatively new approach to such techniques. By using intrusion detection, we can collect and use information from known types of attacks and find out if someone is trying to attack the network/host. Keywords: intrusion detection system I.Introduction Intrusions are the activities that violate the security policy of system. Intruders may be from outside the network or legitimate users of the network. Intrusion can be a physical, system or remote intrusion. Intrusion Detection is the process used to identify intrusions i.e. a piece of software that monitors a computer system or network resources to detect malicious activities unauthorized attempts to use the system or abuse of existing privileges in a network or on a host system. It identifies and stops attacks in progress and conducts forensic analysis once attack is over. It detects intrusions and attacks that were not stopped by preventative techniques (firewalls, packet filtering routers, proxy servers. In this whole approach, determining who is much harder than just detecting that an intrusion occurred. Figure: The role of Intrusion Detection in network
  • 29. Music Appreciation Of The New York Philharmonic The paper at hand is a music appreciation of The New York Philharmonic s performance of Gustav Holst s The Planets at Avery Fisher Hall, New York, on 7th July 2013 at 3:00 p.m. This tenth season of Summertime Classics, presented by The New York Philharmonic, features Bramwell Tovey, who has been the host as well as the conductor of this series since its commencement in 2004 (Gilbert, 2013, p.1). Tovey, a Grammy winning conductor is renowned all around the world as a highly versatile musician due to his artistic depth as well as charismatic personality that reflects in his works as a composer and pianist (p.1). On the other hand, The New York Philharmonic is an orchestragroup that is comprised of highly talented musicians who by playing musical instruments such as violins, piccolo, cellos, trombones etc are able to bring in the essence of the works done by original composers (Keller, 2012, p.7). This concert series basically features two programs with Holst s The Planets being performed during the end of the second program, which also includes Adams Short Ride in a Fast Machine, Offenbach s Ballet of the Snowflakes from Le Voyage dans la lune and Josef Strauss s Music of the Spheres (New York Public Radio, 2013, p.1). I happened to really enjoy the concert primarily due to the overall ambience provided by the program. Tovey does a wonderful job in leading the orchestra as well as maintaining a good rapport with the audience throughout the concert. It felt like the
  • 30. Metaphors In The Scarlet Letter Device: Metaphor, a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. Quote: She had wondered, without rule or guidance, in a moral wilderness; as vast, as intricate and shadowy, as the untamed forest. (Hawthorne) Mr. Hardebeck I can t find the page, but it s in chapter 16 I believe. Author s purpose: I think what Nathaniel Hawthorne is trying to say, is that she is entering an evil place (dark place) and she doesn t need guidance due to The Scarlet Letter; however, when she takes that off, the sunshine came to her. Nathaniel made it seem like she got her freedom. This is when Pearl through a fit and wanted her to put it back on, so the sunshine can go back to her. Then
  • 31. Australian Human Rights Currently the Australian Constitution identifies five explicit human rights which every Australian is entitled to. Section 51 (xxxi) expresses that property can only be taken from a State or person by the Commonwealth on just terms. Section 80 details that everyone has a right to a fair trial by a jury and section 116 implies freedom of religion in that no laws are to be made in order to define or prohibit any religion (Findlaw Australia, 2016). Section 41 of the Australian Constitution gives citizens the right to vote by stating that no person should be prevented from voting for representatives in the House of the Parliament of the Commonwealth (Commonwealth Consolidated Acts, unkown). Section 117 conveys that no Australian from one State... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Common law is set by precedents and customs that have been developed over lengthy periods of time rather that statutes. It allows judges to interpret current legislation which allows for flexibility when difficult and unique cases arise. When precedents are set a common law is created, for example the unique case of Kevin and Jennifer v Attorney General (2001). This case was the first in Australia to deal with the topic of transexuatal marriage. It followed the example of the United Kingdom s Corbett v Corbett (1971) case which defined what it was to be female or male (Oxford University Press, 2003). The Australian courts decision to allow Kevin, a transextual man, to marry meant that any future transexual people who wished to do the same were permitted by common law. Although common law is set by magistrates, the Commonwealth Government is able to expand or reduce common law as they see necessary (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2015). Important human rights are protected by common law including the presumption of innocence and the right to sue for false imprisonment (Australian Human Rights Commision, 2009). Common law is not a solidly structured form of human rights protection although it does allow flexibility within court cases while the ability for the government to alter common law provides further assurance in that no common law can not be altered. Issues may also arise from allowing the government to possess this power because while Australia is a democracy, voters may not consider human rights as an important issue when choosing who they would like to govern
  • 32. Walter Benjamin and the past disassociating with present In Walter Benjamin s Berlin Childhood Around 1900, he applies a variety of concepts with respect to time: past, present, and future. The concepts are highlighted in his vignettes: Victory Column , The Telephone , and Butterfly Hunt . Benjamin attempts to imbue his writing with a different structure of timefrom what was conventional. He perceives history as a section of moments, and each moment is an integral whole in its own right, making it equal to the present(Knights). Benjamin also notes that the ignoring of the past and the focus on the progression of the futurecauses harmful effects to nature (Knights). The concept of technological progress appears to give grounds for the domination and abuse of nature (Patke). Subsequently,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though Benjamin attributes a sense of delight to his image of the Victory Column , there is also a contrasting affect of death that permeates through the vignette. There is a portico around the Victory Column, but it is when Benjamin asserts that this portico was itself the inferno a sense of death becomes apparent. It is evident that Benjamin wants to spotlight the darkness around the column. It seems that Benjamin is using this past image to illustrate a sense of responsibility for the innocently suffered of past generations. Benjamin is placing a redemptive quality to the death of the past individuals. There is a sense of redemption embedded in his past. Benjamin wants it visible that the Victory is surrounded by death, which is analogous of his present situation. Sigmund Freud agrees with Benjamin s reluctance on war as he states war Broke out, and it brought disillusion (Freud 172) and that A future war, because of such great advances in the means of destruction, would mean the extermination of one or perhaps both adversaries. (Freud 231). If Germany in Benjamin s present is to obtain a Victory in its oppressive endeavor, it is through mass death, which is proven through the past. Thus, the Victory Column depicts Benjamin s past delights before his innocence was corrupted by the future, and an example of how studying the past and its follies can save immense death. Progression through technological advancement is a process
  • 33. Amul Swot Analysis Introduction: AMUL was Formed in 1946, It has started the Dairy Cooperative movement in India and formed an Apex Cooperative Organization, Gujarat Co operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd.(GCMMF), owned by some 2.1 million milk producers in Gujarat, India. AMUL is one of the largest milk and milk based products manufacturer in India. It is Known to be the founder of the white revolution in India, AMUL has some strong products and brands up its sleeves, strongest of them being AMUL ice cream. Similarly, the Milk Dairy products company has a very in depth product portfolio including cheese, butter, curd, chocolates, ice cream, and others. Objective of AMUL: The objective of AMUL, is to encourage White Revolution in the country and make ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Its product portfolio is comprised mainly of Dairy products. AMUL butter, AMUL cheese and AMUL ice cream are cash cows for AMUL as they have the major market share in their product category. AMUL ice cream is amongst the top 10 ice cream brands of India. Price in the marketing mix of AMUL AMUL has a strategy of low cost pricing. whereas, in the case of AMUL, when AMUL started, there were no national competitors and the dairy market was confused. During the introduction stage itself, AMUL had a vision to provide their products to customers at its best affordable rates. And the same vision is in place even today. Place in the marketing mix of AMUL AMUL has a vast distribution network because its ice creams, milk, butter and cheese is found everywhere. As it is a FMCG product, it follows the methodology of breaking the bulk. The first factory output is in bulk. Later on this bulk becomes smaller and smaller and finally one individual slab of butter or scoop of ice cream is sold at retail
  • 34. The State Council Of The Peoples Republic Of China The State Council of the Peoples Republic of China violates the Hong Kong Basic Law by purposefully creating a pro Beijing majority in the Hong Kong Election Committee and thus denies citizens participation in the election of their Chief Executive. This social injustice forms part of a larger social justice struggle whereby the autonomy of Hong Kongis slowly being eroded by Central Government control. Hong Kong citizens have long been discontent with the Chinese Central Government over concerns about their long term political freedom. Many believe in the principles set forth by their British colonisers: capitalism, free trade and freedom of speech. In contrast, China believes in communism by means of a one party state and censorship. As a result of the huge disparity of social, economic and political freedoms between Hong Kong and China, Hong Kong citizens have developed their own sense of national pride, a type of Hong Kong centric identity that celebrates their autonomy from the Central Government (Leung). Indeed a 2011 poll found that 67% of Hong Kong citizens considered them Hong Kong people first and Chinese second showing the deep rootedness of the cultural divide that exists between Hong Kong and China (The University of Hong Kong). Meanwhile, the People s Republic of China and its citizens have never accepted Hong Kong as a separate state; the reason for which lies in China s history. When the British won the Opium Wars, they forced China into an unequal
  • 35. Needle-Stick Injuries Essay I was walking in the park two days ago and I felt something while cleaning up after my dog. I found a hypodermic needle. I don t know how old the needle was it could have been under the snow for the whole winter. The needle was definitely out there for at least a couple of days, it was broken and bent. The E.R. doctor prescribed combivir as a human Immunodeficiency Virus prophylactic. The side effects are miserable, I felt like I had the flu.Anonymous www.morningsidebarc.org An estimated nine million people in the United States use more than three billion needles. These needles and syringes are used by diabetics, hemophiliacs, infertility patients and allergy sufferers to manage medical conditions at home.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the United States, more than 500,000 needle stick injuries related to residential needle disposal are reported every year. A needle stick injury in the community setting, usually arises from the accidental puncturing of the skin by a syringe needle left in places such as in parks, playgrounds, laneways or public toilets. Sometimes, when people are walking in these public areas they accidentally step on a needle left there by somebody else. When a person suffers a needle stick injury, there is usually some anxiety and distress. This is a natural response when thoughts of potential blood borne infections such as HIV, hepatitis B and C occur. However, the risk of catching a serious infection as a result of an accidental needle stick injury is very low. This is because these viruses do not survive for long outside of the body. Most community needle stick injuries involve needles that have been discarded for some time. The most commonly transmissible diseases of concern is the human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV). Hepatitis B: HBV is the most transmissible, with a risk of infection following exposure of around 6 30 percent. Hepatitis C: Infection from HCV following a needle stick is around 1.8 percent and HIV risk of becoming infected with HIV is a mere 0.3 percent. Of course the chance
  • 36. Gloria Estefan s Accomplishments This year s Kennedy Center Honorees included Singer/Songwriter Lionel Richie, Screenwriter and Creator Norman Lear, Singer/Conga Queen Gloria Estefan, Dancer Carmen de Lavallade and Hip Hop Mogul LL Cool J. Dec. 3 marked the 40th anniversary of the annual Kennedy Center Honors held in Washington D.C. The Kennedy Center Honors have been highly talked about in the news after President Trump made headlines for saying that he will not be in attendance for this year s honors. This was the first time in 20 years that the President was not in attendance and the first ever for non diplomatic reasons. However, without the President in attendance the show was still a night to remember. The honorees were all excited and thrilled to be added to this new class of Kennedy Center Honorees. This class included many of firsts from Gloria Estefan being the first Cuban artist to be honored to LL Cool J being the youngest and first Hip Hop Artist to be honored, and Norman Lear being the oldest. Gloria Estefan, the Queen of Conga and Grammy Award winning singer, was excited to be honored this year and to represent all of her people from Cuba. Gloria Estefan is known for interjecting both the Latin culture within pop... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... De Lavallade has been dancing for over 60 years, and came into prominence in the early 40s and 50s. She spoke on the struggle of being a black female dancer and said, People didn t take dancing so seriously then, oh its just the dancers. We were ignored a great deal and we were able to be taught her craft. Her cousin was the ballerina Janet Cooke and De Lavallade said she experienced more issues Cooke. Walking behind Janet s Shoes, because she was the one that broke the doors down, she said. The tribute to De Lavallade was quite touching and truly showcased some of her notable dances over the years and also featured a few fan favorites( Misty Copeland and former student Meryl
  • 37. Allusions In The Play Fences During the Reagan Era, the play Fences was made in 1983 by August Wilson, in which discusses the race relations and experiences of black people. The play is set during the 1950 s in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Troy, the protagonist, is a 53 year old man trying to satisfy his family needs economically. Throughout the play, there is racial discrimination towards black people, due to them not having their civil rights back in the 1950 s. Not only that, but this text uses other texts to add support for the style of writing and create a more significant meaning of the text. Therefore, the text Fences has borrowed from other texts by the use of biblical allusions and referring to the context of historical indications, in which adds credibility... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout the play, the use of allusions is borrowed from other texts, in which creates effect towards the theme by knowing each character s flaw and how they symbolize a different theme. For example, Troy s brother Gabriel is represented as the savior and messenger of the play by always discussing about St. Peter, and his theme encompasses as a biblical feature. Not only that, but Troy s wife Rose is portrayed as the supporting and loving person of the play by always trying to solve problems between Troy and Cory, in which her theme perpetuates as a family feature by versing to biblical allusions. For that reason, by the text borrowing from other texts, it adds concrete details by supplying evidence from other sources, in order to designate a definite purpose. Nevertheless, the effects of an allusion creates credibility to a setting by the historical allusions given in the story plot, in which incorporates the background knowledge of what s going on during the time set by the story
  • 38. Germany s Responsibility for World War I Essay Germany s Responsibility for World War I After World War I fingers immediately began to be pointed as to who caused the war. At the Versailles Peace Conference, 1919 the victorious powers, the Triple Entente, placed entire fault on Germany, forcing them to admit blame and pay the huge war debts. However even in this day and age who is to blame for the First World War is still a much debated subject, as historians presented new interpretations to the events, which lead up to WWI. This essay will discuss to what extent Germany was responsible for the war in perspective with other key events, which also played a part in igniting World War I. The Unification of Germany threatened the balance of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Industrialization within Germany was booming, allocating more money to be spent on military reforms, etc. As Britain is an island, the government deemed it imperative for her to have the best navy available and Germany, desiring to prove her military strength united a naval race between the two, which infuriated Britain. Yet the Scheiffen Plan is one of the biggest arguments in favor of Germany being to blame for causing WWI. It called for fast mobilization of troops and the quick invasion of neighboring countries (before they were able to gather their troops), as to avoid a two front war, this is what brought Britain into the war, as the Kaiser insisted on invading France through Belgium which was in alliance of neutrality with Britain. This along with the Blank Check which was given by Germany to Austria to do what they felt necessary in the Balkans (Serbia), after the assassination of Duke Ferdinand, are where many historians such as Fritz Fischer draw their criticisms of Germany, and argue her to be the main cause of WWI. By researching government documents, many never before seen by normal citizens, Fisher drew that the Kaiser s government cold bloodedly planned the outbreak of WWI from 1912 onwards. Fischer believes that the First World War was no preventative war, born out of fear and desperation; it
  • 39. Arab Spring and the French Revolution French Revolution and the Arab Spring Essay Essay Prompt: To what extent does the French Revolution reflect the recent conflicts seen within the Arab Spring? Note: Consider the following themes: * Short term and long term causes * Popular Revolts * Voice of the People leaders, writings, media and symbols * Shifts in Power * International Interventions * Religious Repercussions Research links/News Articles: Middle East Region http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article /0,9171,2050032,00.html Middle East Region http://www.time.com/time/magazine /article/0,9171,2050022,00.html Egypt http://www.time.com/time/world/article /0,8599,2047006,00.html Egypt ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... he required sources (3) are cited properly in the paper * The paper was submitted to turnitin.com by the deadline * The paper must be 850 1000 words Essay Rubric Unique/OriginalStrong UsefulBasicLacking Introduction (5 /55)ExemplaryCommendableCapableFairPoor 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 Proper Introduction... * First sentence used to hook the reader * You need to in text cite the source of the quote * Then at least three sentences of FR, Arab Spring background/historical context that sets up the thesis * DO NOT WRITE A THESIS INTRODUCTION (Meaning: don t respond to the prompt in the first four sentences) Unique /OriginalStrong UsefulBasicLacking Thesis (15 /55)ExemplaryCommendableCapableFairPoor 15 14 13 12 11 10 * A sophisticated, insightful, crystal clear thesis states your argument and drives your essay * Thesis makes a claim that is analytical answering why or How (Hint: use the word because ) * The thesis is the last sentence of the Introduction but is linked to each body paragraph topic (Claim) sentence 22+ 21 20 19 17 16
  • 40. Essay on American Civil War Assignment: Unit 6 Review Questions Student Name: Score: (___/99)*50= ___/50 Part 1: Life on the Great Plains (22 points) Describe the changes that took place on the Great Plains before and after the Civil War. Do this by filling in the chart provided by using the text and the internet. Make sure that all answers are complete. The first section has been done for you. Category: People Pre Civil War: Sioux, Cheyenne, Arapahoe, Nez Perce Post Civil War: Farmers, Ranchers Category: Building Materials Pre Civil War: Buffalo Remains Post Civil War: Bricks of sod Category: Food Supply Pre Civil War: Buffalo Post Civil War: Farms and domestic animals Category: Homes Pre Civil War: Shelters Post Civil War:... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them, have run away to the hills, and have no blankets, no food. No one knows where they are perhaps freezing to death. I want to have time to look for my children, and see how many of them I can find. Maybe I shall find them among the dead. Hear me, my chiefs! I am tired. My heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands I will fight no more forever. D0JmkpLBwcHSQlVF9JX1hVQV9ATykADQpUXV1QSkJJXkBRSE9JV1hZWS4KHAQGF Answer the following question using complete sentences. 1. List at least five reasons why Chief Joseph made the decision to surrender. A large amount of the tribe had died Those who are still alive are suffering The tribe is disoriented from all the fleeing and fighting They lack survival supplies They have suffered enough from fighting and fleeing 2. How do Chief Joseph words reveal his moral qualities? He spoke about the tribe as individuals naming those who had been lost and worried for the sake of his people lacking the necessary supplies to survive. He also
  • 41. mentioned wishing to search for those who had been lost in the battle. Part 3: Answer the following questions based on your reading of the The Significance of the Frontier in American History. (8 points) 1. Why did Turner believe that the American frontier was different from the European frontier? 2. According to Turner, how
  • 42. Lorenzo Lotto Research Paper Lorenzo Lotto was born in 1480 in Venice, Italy and died in 1557 in Loreto, Marche, Italy. Lotto was an Italian painter from the late Renaissance. Lotto was known for his perceptive portraits and mystical paintings of religious subjects. Lotto represents one of the best examples of the valuable relationship between the Marche schools. Lotto was one of the leading Venetian trained painters of the earlier 16th century. He mainly painted portraits and religious paintings. Lotto worked mainly outside Venice. He was at Treviso in 1503, then in the Marches, around 1508. From 1513 to 1525 he was mainly at Bergamo in Lombardy, where he painted several major pieces. In 1526, there were long times when he was gone, which was followed by his retirement... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Peter Martyr painted in 1503 and the Portrait of Bishop Bernardo de Rossi painted in 1505. After 1513 Lotto lived mainly in Bergamo, where his paintings fully developed. His most successful works of this period are the altarpieces in San Bernardino and in Santo Spirito, which show a new creativity , a greater ability in rendering light and shade, and a preference for fancier colors. In 1526 or 1527 Lotto returned to Venice, where he was influenced by the glowing palette and grand compositional system of Titian. During the late Renaissance period his work became more emotional like in the Madonna of the Rosary painted in 1539 and the Crucifixion painted in 1531. In the Madonna Enthroned with Four Saints painted in 1540 shows Lorenzo Lotto at the height of his work as a painter. In 1554 Lotto became partially blind. Lorenzo Lotto entered the Santa Casa in Loreto as an oblate member with a permission to work there. There he started one of his most sensitive work of art, the Presentation in the Temple. Lotto died in the process of making the Presentation in the Temple so it remains unfinished. One of Lotto s most famous painting is Venus and her son Cupid in a bower painted in 1520. It was painted for a couple s wedding in Bergamo. Lotto was fascinated with the relations to the goddess and marriage. The Allegory of Virtue and Vice is another famous painting by Lotto painted in 1505. The most famous painting by
  • 43. Annotated Bibliography On Romanticism Annotated Bibliography: Romanticism CHASE, CYNTHIA. ROMANTICISM. ROUTLEDGE, 2017 Cynthia Chase s book combines several essays and excerpts from a variety of authors from both the traditional Romantic period and the current feminist authors trying to emulate the Romantic style. With each excerpt Chase provides an analysis explaining the Romantic characteristics and how each excerpt helps to explain the role of language in historical context. Chase includes essays from Geoffrey Hartmand, Paul de Man, Neil Hertz, Cathy Caruth, Mary Jacobus, Karen Swann, Margaret Homans, Marjorie Levinson, Jerome Christensen, and Carol Jacobs. Chase puts a modern lense on Romanticism making it more relatable and easier to understand. Cynthia Chase teaches English and writing courses in the Departments of English and Comparative Literature at Cornell University. Cornell University is a highly prestigious university which shows Chase is an expert in her field and gives credibility to her book. Chase received her PhD from Yale in 1981. Rather than simply describing Romantic characteristics, Chase provides excerpts from several famous traditional and modern works. Chase s book is irreplaceable because of its brilliant fusion of feminist writers from today and authors from many years ago. Chase s work is very useful for a research project on Romanticism because it gives examples of Romantic literature in a modern writing style making it more Huller 2 relatable and easier for the reader to understand. Excerpts from this book are wonderful for showing the many characteristics of Romanticism because they not only simply describe the various aspects of Romanticism, but they also instill the aspects of Romanticism into the reader s mind by providing several examples of Romantic writing. The analyses provide insight into a complicated topic making Romanticism easier to understand. Melani, Lilia. Introduction to Romanticism. Academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu, 2009, academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/english/melani/cs6/rom.html. Melani s article gives a basic understanding of Romanticism. Melani speaks of nature,
  • 44. My Experience In Radiograph Places Today I did my internship in the radiograph area of the clinic. Due to an office closure the Tuesday prior, the patient count double. This is because all patients were rescheduled for the next Tuesday without staggering their appointments. We were working franticly to move patients, but on this particular day the office was understaffed. I was in the radiograph room taking radiographs. I captured the radiographs of about 30 patients. At four bitewings a piece, that s a lot of pictures. I was able to do it in a timely manner. I was fine with it though because I needed more practice on my radiographs. The receptionist/office manager had mentioned that if I had not come, it would have taken twice as long. There isn t anyone actually on the payroll. Because of this, help varies quite a bit on a daily basis. As always, the office had a cheery atmosphere. Everyone was so positive and ready to work. I found an app that allows me to speak to patients in Spanish. Although it worked quite well, I expressed my desire to be fluent. One of the dentists offered to teach me Spanish in exchange for me correcting her English. She says she always asks for people to correct her, but no one will. I think it s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I was surprised because usually there are so many that often, the receptionist finds busy work for them to do. A few patients volunteered to help out while waiting for treatment so we had some hands on deck. Like always, the common goal was to get patients in and out. It was nice to see the patients help out. I ve never seen it this busy before but we got through rather quickly. I didn t get a whole lot of time shadowing, as I was in the back taking radiographs. However, I did learn how to explain this as simply as possible. I had a lot of patience, no pun intended. A lot of the patients couldn t speak English, had a hard time opening their mouths, or both. All in all, we made it through the day and I loved every minute of
  • 45. Mary Jane Mcleod Bethune Research Paper Jessica Gibson February 16, 2016 P.S.176Q Class 5 501 Education Mary Jane McLeod Bethune was an American educator and life rights leader best known for starting a private school for African American students in Daytona Beach, Florida. She was born on July 10, 1875 in Maysville, SC. She went to school at bible institute for home and foreign missions. It is now moody bible institute. She also went to scotia seminary which is now barber scotia College. For nearly a decade she worked as an educator. She married fellow teacher Albertus Bethune in 1898. Bethune believed that education provided the key to racial advancement. To that end, Bethune founded the Daytona normal and industrial institute ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He went on to be a teacher and principal at J.J Clemmons High school, where he was active in raising money for bus services for African American students. He later helped institute voting rights for black citizens in his county and was elected the first African American mayor of roper in the mid 1970s. He became principal of Clemmons high in the early 1940s and held the position for more than three decades, until 1974. He actively raised money to provide a school bus for African American children beginning in 1946, where as previously only white students had transportation services. In the following years, he worked with the local chapter of the national association for the advancement of colored people to file a lawsuit and institute voting rights for African Americancitizens in his community of Washington County which was made a reality in the mid 1950s. He went to school at North Carolina Central University. He won mayor in 1967. He held office as mayor for 20 years. The recipient of many awards and dedications, including posthumous honors, E.V. Wilkins died in roper on June 2, 2002, at the age of 90 years old. Those are some of the things I know about E.V.
  • 46. Analyzing Three Groups Of Advertisements Based On The... After reading Which Ad Pulled Best , I am going to analysis three groups of advertisements based on the criterions provide by the reading. The first one is Example 19, an advertisement about Timex Watch. I think the second ad did a better job than the first one. To start with, when I saw the second ad, I can easily recognize the benefit the product offers compare to the first one. In the second ad, it named out the benefit in the upper page, which is The Timer Turn Pill Alarm Watch, More convenient than any excuse. When I read this heading, I can know what unique feature that Timex offers that different from other watch makers. In the middle of the page it uses three scenarios to show the alarm feature of this watch. All three scenarios are very common in our everyday life. So when people read this ad, they may think about themselves in that situation. And when I saw this part of the ad, I know what message the advertiser what to convey when you buy this watch, you can avoid all those situations and this watch will keep you be on time for everything. When looking carefully, you will see there are some figures teach you how to set the alarm. In this way, people can easily understand how to use it. At the bottom of the page, there are a few sentences to further explain how to use the alarm system and also introduce two more features, which are sound and light flash. Also, this ad is advertised in People magazine, which is a general audience weekly magazine, focusing on
  • 47. Guillain-Barre Syndrome Essay Guillain Barre Syndrome Guillain Barre Syndrome, or acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, is a self limiting disease characterized by areflexia and acute progressive motor weakness of at least one limb. Other symptoms include motor weakness of the extremities and face, loss or reduction of deep tendon reflexes, decreased sensation throughout the body,ophthalmoplegia, and ataxia. In severe cases respiratory failure and autonomic dysfunction may occur. Respiratory failure results from the demyelination of the phrenic and intercostal nerves. Consequently, the person loses the ability to inhale and exhale. Autonomic dysfunction resulting from the demyelination of the sympathetic and vagus nerves can lead to cardiac arrhythmias, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If he/she was on a respirator, the mean time doubles to 169 days. The affected individual can usually expect a full recovery; however, some are left with a residual deficit after one year. 0.6 to 1.9 persons per 100,000 people are afflicted with GBS each year. The disease occurs worldwide and can strike anyone. Recent data has shown that white Caucasian males between the ages of 16 to 25 and 45 to 60 are the most prone. 15 to 20% of GBS patients require some form of mechanical ventilation during the course of the disease. Although mortality rate is 2.4 to 6.4%, there is an 80% recovery. Despite the high recovery rate, 15% of the survivors retain some disability. 90% of GBS patients had a viral like illness and 4.5% received vaccinations within one month of the onset. Most of the illnesses preceding GBS were caused by cytomegalovirus and Epstein Barr viruses. Strong correlations also occurred with Campylobacter jejuni infections, Lyme disease, and AIDS. IgM and IgG antibodies to C. jejuni were detected in 15 of 38 GBS patients. Of the individuals that contracted GBS following vaccinations, the swine flu vaccine of 1976 77 had the highest correlation rate. On a lesser note, five cases of GBS werereported following vaccinations with Haemophilus influenza s type b diphtheria toxoid conjugate. Since 14 million doses of the vaccine have been distributed since June 1990, the incidence remains marginal. Experimental evidence linking GBS in humans with allergic
  • 48. Questions On My Past Usernames IGN xArcticStrqfe (Rank Warlord) my past usernames were, xArcticStrqfe 10/19/2016 @ 3:31:14 PM xX_ArticPvPz_Xx 4/4/2016 @ 4:57:14 PM poprr Age: 36 birthday is July 4 1980 Timezone: PST, united states How many hours can you contribute to the server each day: I can contribute around 4 8 hours each day on the network, As a staff member i will have to be active to help other, or ban hackers of the network. Have you had any previous punishments on OpCraft: I have never had any punishments on the network, and until the day i die. I will never be punished on this server. What Is your previous staff experience: Yeah, i have had some staff experience, such as on skidhcf, Which the server is being developed as i m writing this application. And the other server i was staff on was WeeabooHCF which is down forever, it was an ok server. Not everyone knew about but i have gained a lot of experiences as being a staff member onto that server. Over the years of being staff on those server listed above i have gained so much knowledge on kitmap and hcf server. Such as being able to know if someone is hacking, or just if they are using obvious hacks, such as b hop, etc. I loved being staff on WeeabooHCF, like i said it wasn t as known. But at least 30 40 players played on it. I just have learned so much as being a head mod on that server. Its was a great experience being a staff member on that server. And i wish to have a great experience playing on the opcraft network. Why do you
  • 49. The Features of Inka Culture Inka Culture Inka, was a community that used to live in the area of Cuzco, which is located about 10,000 feet in the mountains of Southern Peru. The word inka means ruler . The state inka was created during the time of wars. Inka s population was 800,000km squared in 1438. Their wars were pretty big back in the days, they had around 200,000 soldiers, which of course was considered the largest and best armed in the region. Their transportation was walking through the highways because they had no cars to transport to their wars. They also carried their supplies on the backs of llamas. Once they settled down and marked their territories for their troops, they were instructed in the Quechua language. The Quechua language became the lingua franca of the state (Duiker 177). The inka culture did not have a writing system, instead they recorded their communications by a knotted string called quipu . This was able to record numerical nature and whatever they needed to communicate, instead they just memorized it and then recite it when needed. Even though they had a lack of writing system, they still had a high level of cultural achievement. They had a highly developed tradition, also some poetry and music. Apparently the Inka Empire was destroyed by the Spanish culture by a very heartless way. The Spanish Fransisco Pizarro stole over 280,000 kg of gold from the Inka. He also destroyed and prohibited everything of native religions and culture but even though he did
  • 50. Training Performance Management Is A Non Profit Government... VA (Veterans Affairs) Medical Care Facility, is a non profit government organization that focuses upon the needs within the community and respect to the veterans in which it serves. VAMCF, takes pride in promoting respect and privacy in an efficient work environment, while providing resources through proper department channels to each patient seeking assistance. The organization is a multi level management lead by a board of directors: Due to the upcoming retirement of VAMCF Assistant President, it is deemed necessary to begin the interview process of possible candidates as a replacement. Steps include: Job AnalysisRecruitmentSelection TrainingPerformance ManagementPay/Incentives/Benefits (Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., Wright, P. M. 2014. Pg. 87 90). Basic requirements for potential candidates must have 5+ years of experience within a government facility, minimum of Master s degree in Medical Management /Administration or similar. Candidates will be required to travel out of state multiple weekends a month. Individual must maintain a confidential level of security clearance , including no criminal history. Additional requirements include but are not limited to, personnel skills, ability to work under high amounts of stress, bi lingual, computer intellect, advertising experience, potential staff recruitment. Candidate Evaluation: The first step for hiring process is to evaluate the resumes that have been submitted. Second, face to
  • 51. Santiago s Pain Hemmingway is an allegorical writer. Meaning, in Hemmingway s stories the reader often can discover hidden meanings of the story. So when reading Old Man and the Sea, the reader should expect for the story to be allegorical. Because there are many examples of Santiago suffering throughout the novel, one should suspect that Hemmingway was trying to use Santiago s pain to prove a point. But if Hemmingway is trying to prove a point, then what is the point he is trying to prove? To find that we have to answer these questions as well: Why is there so much pain? What the heck does this have to do with the story? What is Hemmingway trying to tell us to change as we go through our daily lives? More importantly, is Hemmingway s moral still applicable... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But the question still remains: how do these examples of pain supposed to impact the reader. What is Hemmingway trying to tell his audience through all of Santiago s pain? There are different answers for each type of pain. For emotional pain, Hemmingway is trying to say how not people will not be friends with you long if you are not contributing to the relationship. As it is shown when only the boy is left to care for the old man as he nears the end of his fishing career, when Hemmingway was losing popularity and respect from publishers/fellow authors, or even when LeBron James left the Cavaliers but came back again to win a championship ring for the city of Cleveland. For financial pain, Hemmingway is trying to tell his audience to not rely on a job for too long. He tries to send the message that eventually you will become old and your job will not pay as well or maybe even pay at all, but we should have a backup saving plan to be ready when this happens. Hemmingway tries to tell his audience that be warning that what might happen through Santiago s suffering as he still has to work in his old age. Lastly, for social pain Hemmingway tries to tell his audience not to shut out other people from their life. To show this, Hemmingway uses the example of how other fisherman respect Santiago but do not want to associate with him. Hemmingway also uses how it feels for Santiago too even look at his dead wife. Both of these examples are used to show how alone Santiago is. Hemmingway uses this to warn the reader not to push people out of his or her life or they will end up alone like Santiago. In summation, Hemmingway warns his audience not to push people out through Santiago s social pain, people will leave you if they are not benefitting from the relationship, and Hemmingway warns his audience what will happen if they don t
  • 52. Introduction Of A Primary Alcohol Substitution 5. Introduction In this experiment, a primary alcohol was converted into a primary bromoalkane using hydrobromic acid. The reaction was done under reflux and then distilled to obtain a product of higher purity. The degree of the alkyl halide obtained from the experiment was tested with silver nitrate and sodium iodide. An infrared (IR) spectra and the weight of the product were obtained for further analysis. The IR gave information on the present functional groups and product weight was used to calculate the percent yield. 6. Data and Results The product obtained after reflux was a yellow liquid. With the halide tests, the product reacted faster with sodium iodide to form a precipitate than with silver nitrate. This indicates that the degree of the product was primary and that bromine did replace the alcohol group. The IR of the product showed four peaks at 3326.36, 2932.86, 1465.34, and 1028.73. These peaks indicate O H, C H, C H3, and C O bonds, respectively, within the product. 2.032 grams of product were recovered from the reaction. With this, a percent yield of 27.14% was calculated. 7. Discussion and Conclusion Nucleophilic aliphatic substitution is the replacement of one group for another at a saturated, sp3 hybridized carbon atom. This process is often used to interconvert functional groups, such as in the preparation of alkyl halides. In these reactions, nucleophiles attack the carbon atom which the electronegative leaving group breaks its bond
  • 53. For Choosing Ivf Australia, We Bride On Ourselves On Our... HEADING Thank you for choosing IVF Australia, we bride on ourselves on our success rates and price. This sheet has all the essential information about the causes of infertility in both male and females, the treatments to these and different issues that may come with these procedures. Infertility is the inability to conceive a pregnancy after 12 month of unprotected sex. Infertility in male and females can occur from various reasons such us the production of sex cells(gametes) and hormonal issues as well as other reasons. Infertility is growing rapidly in today s world, it is becoming a bigger and bigger problem in Australia as 1 in every 6 couples are effected by infertility (19). A solution to this growing problem is Assisted... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Abnormal shape of the cervix can also or changes of texture in the cervical muscle can cause issues for the sperm travelling from the vagina to the uterus. Immunological Factors: Some Females may have antibodies to sperm produced by the cervical muscles, sometimes the immune system of the mother can prevent the embryo from attaching to the wall of the uterus and cause a miscarriage Ageing: Reproductive functions decrease the older a woman gets, this is due to fewer eggs being left in the ovary and the quality of the egg also diminishes. When a woman is in her 30 s there is an increased chance of chromosome abnormalities like down syndrome. Causes of Male Infertility (4) Varicocele (Veins around testicles in the scrotum): A swelling of the veins that drain the testicles. The most common reversible cause of infertility in men. The exact reason for Varicocele is unknown, one cause may be the abnormal testicular temperature regulation. Varicocele reduces the quality of the sperm. Infection: Infections can interfere with the production of sperm and the sperm health. These infections include inflammation of the epididymis or testicle, as well as some sexually transmitted diseases. Some infections can cause permanent testicular damage however in most cases sperm can still be retrieved. Ejaculation issues (location vas
  • 54. Explain The Importance Of Sea Travel And Exploration VU21481 Chung Kung GOH GEC00000BA Task 1 1. Tahiti , New Zealand , The Great Southland (Australia) 2. It was difficult to go looking for the Great Southern Land , as the sea was dangerous,the wind did not always blow in the right direction for the sea travel and it was such a long way it was difficult to bring enough food and water. 3. Sea travel and exploration was very important in the thoose days as people could make a lot of money from trade and from gathering natural resources. Exploration was also important as people loved the idea of sea adventures and new discoveries. England was very interested in setting up a naval based and supply post in the Southern Hemisphere. 4. Captain James Cook was a seaman in the Royal Navy and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Earlier in 1770, James Cook charted and claimed possession of the east coast of Australia for Britain. Seeking to pre empt the French colonial empire from expanding into the region, Britain chose Australia as the site of a penal colony, and in 1787, the First Fleet of eleven convict ships set sail for Botany Bay, arriving on 20 January 1788 to found Sydney, New South Wales, the first European settlement on the continent. 2. They gathered together large numbers of convicts, responsible for both petty and serious crimes such as stealing, burglary, highway robery and possession of fire arms and , depending on their crimes sentences them to either 7 or 14 years of transportation,or to a life of transportation in Australia. The first convicts came to Australia in ships known as the First Fleet. There were eleven ships in the First Fleet and they were all commanded by Captain Arthur Philip. 3. There are four main justifications for punishments being designed and implemented. Justice for the victim is one justification. For example, punishments such as an eye for an eye aim to make criminals suffer to the degree that their victims have suffered. Deterrence is another justification. For example, hanging someone in public was intended to serve as a warning to potential criminals about what would happen if they too broke the law. Rehabilitation is a third
  • 55. Semiotic Analysis of True Detective Semiotic Analysis of True Detective In 1951, the first television crime drama series, Dragnet significantly influenced our American culture. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, the term dragnet is a symbol, for, a system of coordinated measures used to apprehend criminals or suspects. Most crime drama series solve a different case each episode. Although, in current pop culture crime dramas focus on one particular crime, throughout an entire season. Similar, to the show Homeland, the HBO crime drama True Detectiveadds a twist on the conventional series. The show depicts a subject matter that has affected modern society as a whole. Southern Louisiana policedetectives Rust Cohle and Marty Hart, in 2012, are asked to revisit their solving of a ritualistic murder case from 1995. The murder of a former student of the Light of the Way Christian Academy lays the foundation, for detective Cohle s doubts about the true design of religion. The True Detective storyline portrays the utilization of religion, education, and politics, by men in power who manipulate and control young innocent children. Questioning the validity of religion within a crime drama series is relative to modern society. The conspiracy within the Catholic Church to suppress hundreds of child molestations committed, by Catholic priests is a pertinent sign represented in True Detective . Southern Louisiana is located in the heart of the American Bible belt, where religion is not a choice, but a
  • 56. Ancient Greek Anthropology From an early age, we ,as humans, are constantly judging and analyzing our surroundings. From the time we are babies to when we are old and tired, we have a sort of gut instinct which guides us. Some call it our fight or flight instinct, while others don t care to give it a name. This feeling has us constantly judging and analyzing everyday situations and tasks to provide both safety and well being. Throughout our primary and secondary educations, these ideas are emphasized and fine tuned so that we don t judge just the safety of situations, but also everything from English essays to mathematical questions in a cookie cutter fashion. That is, we try to fit an over generalized guideline or rubric to every problem. As we are born to judge and analyze,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The author of the article, Paul M.E. Shutler, states that of all topics in the history of mathematics, Egyptian mathematics is the most overlooked. He continues that this is due to our eagerness to translate these ancient problems into their modern equivalent and then regard it as we would the work of a high school student, as either correct or incorrect. As we can see, this is not only a problem which hinders our ability to gain deeper insights on the past, but also opens the door for us to simply brush off and categorize the magnificent solutions that the Egyptian mathematicians came up with nearly 4,000 years ago as incorrect to our standards. Paul goes on to say that, Anyone who has actually visited Egypt and seen at first hand the colossal scale and absolute precision of their ancient monuments comes away, of course, with a completely different impression (Page