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An Essay On Population
Writing an essay on the topic of population is undoubtedly a challenging task that requires a
nuanced understanding of various aspects. The complexity lies in the multifaceted nature of the
subject, which encompasses demographic trends, social implications, economic impacts, and
environmental considerations. Crafting a coherent and insightful essay demands thorough
research, critical analysis, and the ability to present a balanced perspective.
One of the difficulties arises from the sheer breadth of the topic. The population is not a
monolithic entity but a dynamic and diverse phenomenon shaped by factors such as birth rates,
death rates, migration patterns, and societal dynamics. To address this adequately, one must
delve into demographic theories, statistical data, and historical trends to provide a
comprehensive overview.
Furthermore, tackling the social implications of population growth or decline requires a nuanced
understanding of cultural, political, and economic contexts. It involves exploring issues such as
resource distribution, access to education and healthcare, and the impact on social structures.
Analyzing these intricate interconnections demands not only research skills but also the ability to
synthesize information into a cohesive narrative.
Addressing economic aspects adds another layer of complexity. Examining the influence of
population size on economic development, labor markets, and resource utilization requires a
grasp of economic theories and empirical studies. This involves navigating through intricate
relationships between population dynamics and macroeconomic variables, such as GDP growth,
unemployment rates, and income distribution.
Environmental considerations introduce yet another challenge. Exploring the ecological footprint
of a growing population, discussing sustainable practices, and analyzing the impact on
biodiversity necessitate an understanding of environmental science and policy. Balancing the
need for human development with ecological preservation requires careful consideration and a
well-informed perspective.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of population is no easy feat. It demands a
comprehensive understanding of demographic trends, social dynamics, economic factors, and
environmental concerns. Successfully navigating through these complexities requires dedication,
research skills, critical thinking, and the ability to articulate a well-rounded perspective. If you
find yourself grappling with such a task, remember that assistance is available. Similar essays and
more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net, where experts can provide the support needed to
tackle this challenging subject.
An Essay On Population An Essay On Population
Compare And Contrast The Three Estates Of France In The
In the late 1780 s, France was in a difficult time period. They were heavily in debt
and the king, Louis XVI and Antoinette went bankrupt because they spent all of the
money on themselves instead of trying to help the people in the town. Since there
wasn t that much money, people had to pay more taxes. Only we, the commoners,
had to pay the taxes and not the wealthy people, making the poor poorer and the
rich richer. The meeting of the Estates General was called by the King because
France was going through a financial crisis. In this meeting the estates tried to come
up with ideas to get out of debt, mostly by raising taxes. The three estates were the
clergy, the nobles, and the commoners. To decide, the estates used voting by order
How Does Robert Herick Use Uncertainty In We Grow...
Most people believe that disorder and uncertainty are negative and are flaws.
However, the two poets Robert Herrick and Emily Dickinson prove this thought
wrong. Herrick in his poem Delight in Disorder paints a portrait of a woman who
he is attracted to while Dickinson in We grow accustomed to the Dark gives a
glimpse into the nature of darkness. Despite the belief of most people, the two poets
use precise diction in order to show that disorder and uncertainty are rather appealing
and necessary in life.
Robert Herrick in Delight in Disorder uses words such as distraction, confusedly,
tempestuous, careless, and wild throughout his poem to express the disorder of the
woman s dress (4, 8, 10, 11, 12). However, in the end of his poem, Herrick writes, a
wild civility;/Do more bewitch me than when art/Is too precise in every part (12
13). The word bewitch proves that the speaker is so attracted to the disorder of the
dress that it is almost casting a spell on him. Also too precise in every part in the last
verse indicates that something that is so exact and perfect and what everyone thinks
they want is not attractive (13). In We grow accustomed to the Dark, similar to
Robert Herrick, Emily Dickinson shows uncertainty in people s lives by this phrase:
A moment―We uncertain step/For newness of the night (5 6). The night symbolizes
the uncertainty and the fear new phrases in life bring. After Dickinson expresses the
uncertainty newness can create for people, she writes, ... Show more content on
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If the two poets were not thoughtful in their diction, they would not succeed in
expressing the meaning of the poem in so few words. With their careful word
choices, Herrick and Dickinson is able to deliver their message that even though most
people think that disorder and uncertainty are negative and almost even dangerous,
they are rather attractive and necessary in
Jealousy in William Shakespeare s Othello Essay
Shakespeare has an exceptional ability to compose plays full of deceit, trickery,
murderous revenge, and jealousy. In Othello, one of his most recognized tragedies
was consistently evolving around the central theme of jealousy. Jealousy in
Othello is what the play was founded on. One of Shakespeare s most credible
characteristics in his writing is his ability to compose a play in which has a story
that originates, and strides on lies. As theses lies were unraveled the central theme
of his play became distinct, and clearly visible. The central theme was based on the
acts that characters had taken based on their jealous feelings. The flaws within all of
the characters lied within their blindness to over look Iagos lies. What made each...
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This scene being referred to is where Iago expressed his animosity for Othello. Iago
was subconsciously telling the audience how jealous he was about Cassio s
promotion. And at the same time Roderigo blatantly expressed his jealousy for
Desdemona s love for Othello. These two are the most common types of jealousy
and envy that we know and express.
O sir content you.
I follow him to serve my turn upon himВ…. (lines38 39)
It is as sure as you are Roderigo,
Where I the Moor, I would not be Iago.
In following him, I follow but myself.
Heaven is my judge, not I for love and duty,
But seeming so, for my perculiar end;
For when my outward action doth demonstrate
The native act and figure of my heart
In complient extern, tis not long after
But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve
For daws peck at; I am not what I am. (lines53 62)
Which brings us to who Iago is in this play. Iago, being the cause of this tragedy, is
an intricate and complex character, who unraveled the play with his lies. However
a person must keep in mind that the direction of Iago s jealousy was not only
against sexual love, but against love itself in all manifestations. Iago, being the
villain of this tragedy, appeared to have a desire to reach out and destroy the loving,
as well as the good in everything. For example, after he
Impact of British Colonization on Kenya
HistoryRussell McGillivray
Kenya The British colonization of Kenya destroyed the culture and economy of the
native people, but it established a democratic government and left Kenya a more
modernized country.[1] During the 1880 s through 1914, the start of WWI, was an
age of imperialism. One place that felt victim to this imperialism was Africa. At this
time Africa was a wholly unmodernized continent. The reason the Europeans went
after Africa was the introduction of the idea of social Darwinism and the white man
s burden . Social Darwinism is the belief that only the strongest and the most cunning
can make it to the top of the social ladder, and it was the White Man s Burden to step
in for these undeveloped countries ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Other than those though, there were some major contributions made that still effect
the country today. One such contribution was the Lyttleton Multiracial
Constitution,[19] which was imposed after the Mau Mau crisis, as a way to appease
the kikuyu rebels. This constitution was the first step on the way to establishing a
better relationship between the natives and the settlers.[20] This constitution, created
by the British, established a council, made up of legislators elected by all the people
of Kenya, which would make decisions on the future of the country. This was
established because the numerous cultural groups of Kenya had trouble agreeing
on decisions for the country, as each tribe wanted changes to better their own tribe.
The British established this to help the native Kenyan people, instead of taking
advantage of them. This went a long way toward bettering the relationship between
the two peoples. 6 years later the Macleod Constitution was established. This
created an African majority in the council that gave the Kenyan s more power over
the Settlers. It also gave each tribe a share of the power in the council, much like
the state representatives we have in our congress; each tribe had a different share of
the power based on size. The tribes with more people had more representatives in the
council, and therefore more power. With these two constitutions, the Kenyan people
were well on their way to becoming an
The Importance Of JesusMoral Authority In The Church
Whilst I think that Jesus divine authority has a significance importance for Christians,
I think that Jesus moral authority is more important because of its larger relevance to
society. Some of Jesus moral teachings are still relevant in non religious communities
are therefore this is more important than divine authority because it has had a more
significant effect on the world that his divine authority which is mostly limited to
those of the Christian faith.
Even though many people argue about the existence of Jesus as a religious figure,
most people will acknowledge that there was a historical Jesus who was a teacher of
wisdom. Wittgenstein saw Jesus as an authoritative figure not because of his divinity
but because of his attitude towards life and humanity. Wittgenstein praised Jesus for
living an honest life and argued that it was this that was more important because this
approach changed the way that people lived then and has continued to change the
way people live now. Tolstoy agrees with Wittgenstein suggesting that it was Jesus
Five moral commandments that made Jesus life notable, and not his divinity. I agree
with this idea that Jesus was a teacher of wisdom, and has a great impact on changing
the way in which people thought. This is something that continues to this day and
therefore I think that this has greater importance than his divine authority.
Alternatively, some argue that it is Jesus high Christology and the relationship that
Jesus has with God,
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Branc
1.Introduction of the Organization
BRAC, an international development organization based in Bangladesh, is the largest
non governmental development organization in the world. BRAC has pioneered a
unique model of sustainable business that integrates Corporate Social Responsibility
as functional components of enterprises. BRAC Enterprises, one of the flourishing
wings of BRAC. In 1978, BRAC s flagship social enterprise, Aarong, was created as
a support mechanism to BRAC s existing sericulture program so that the hand spun
silk they were creating could be successfully marketed at a larger scale. Aarong was
established as a retail distribution outlet that offered a fair price to the rural suppliers
while introducing the products to urban markets where both ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
3. Advantages gained from Social Enterprises Through its unique model and
integrated operations, BRAC achieves five distinctive advantages across its
The integrated network of BRAC Enterprises, Development Programs and
Investments together beget a unique synergy and essentially create a 2+2=5 Effect.
The surpluses generated by the social enterprises make BRAC more self sustaining
so that increasing numbers of poor people can become self reliant.
Cross Collaboration
BRAC enterprises maximize synergy, impact and value by their targeted outreach and
integrative products and services across multiple enterprises.
Cross Subsidy
Although BRAC enterprises aim for financial returns while fulfilling the social and
environmental missions, not all enterprises are equally profitable. The cumulative
surplus from BRAC enterprises combined are used to re invest in the BRAC
enterprises and support the development programs, on an as needed basis, not on a
pro rata basis across
History Of The Exclusionary Rule
More than a century since the Fourth Amendment, its value was hardly recognizable
by the criminal defendants since evidences seized by law enforcement in violation of
warrant and probable cause requirements was justifiable during the defendant
prosecution. The penalty for improperly search and seizure that the evidence is
obtain will be excluded from the court case, better known as the exclusionary rule.
Between the dawn and the intermediate of the 20th century, the exclusionary rule
obstruct illegal seized evidence from the federal courts, all of sudden, in 1961 the
well known case that revolves around the exclusionary rule, Mapp v. Ohio, was
applied to state courts and as a result, federal supervision under states search and
Impulsive Purchase
Executive summary:
In this essay we have discussed buyer behaviors. The difference between impulsive
purchase and unplanned purchase. Defined impulsive purchase and give example of
it. Highlight the main difference between impulsive purchase and unplanned
purchase. Provide real life example to support my point. What are the factors which
force us to indulge into such type of behavior. What are the impacts of these factors
on our buying habits. What is meant by what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas means
and how people use this quote to reduce the consequence of impulsive behavior?
What are the after effects of these buying habits and how they affect people life. How
people feel regretful when their habit of impulsive buying become ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some people spend more when they are happy while other spend more when they are
Momentary conditions:
Momentary conditions reflect state of being such as being tired, being ill, having a
great deal of money or having no money.
What happen in Vegas stays in Vegas:
As stated by ( Juggler ga,2005) What happen in Vegas stays in Vegas is a slogan
taken from what happen here, stays here it has been created by an advertising
agency named as R R Partners. To elaborate this more we can say that this means
what ever you do in Vegas will stay in Vegas. As we all know that Las Vegas are the
world most famous place for shopping and other stuff. People mostly go there and
spend all of their money on buying useless objects. These habits sometime create
negative impacts on buyers by giving birth to a sense of guilt or regret after buying
expensive products. As stated by (RachelB, n.d.) impulsive buying habits sometime
have very negative impacts on consumers and is becoming a serious problem for
them. The people who are involved in these types of habitual shopping habits faces
huge debts. The factors which force buyers to involve in these
Point of Purchase:
There is a major study took place in Point of Purchase advertising institute in US.
According to this study Point of Purchase displays are very common and they have
enormous impacts on buying habits of consumers. Marketers use many strategies to
Career Perceptions of Undergraduate Hospitality and...
Running Head: Hospitality Career Perception
Career Perceptions of Undergraduate Hospitality and Tourism Students: A Case Study
at Silapakorn International college, Thailand
Aticha Kweangsopha 52501315
Kamonluk Phophan 52501301 Panadda Wongdermdee 52501317
MBA Student in Hospitality and Tourism Management
Silapakorn University
Career Perceptions of Undergraduate Hospitality and Tourism Students: A Case Study
at International College, Silapakorn University
Aticha K., Kamonluk P. and Panadda W.
MBA Student in Hotel and Tourism Management
International College, Silapakorn University
The aim of this research ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Moreover, the research attempts find out how they value their work experience and
bachelor degree.
Research Question
This study aims to answer the following questions 1. Do students choose this program
because they intend to work in hospitality industry? 2. Do students are aware of the
working environment in the hospitality industry and what the hospitality industry
requires? 3. What do students think about hospitality bachelor degree? 4. Do students
value work experience over bachelor degree?
Research Methodology
The researcher selected undergraduate students of the Silapakorn University
International Collage as respondents. The reason of choosing this group of
respondents is because International Collage of Silapakorn University is famous for
hospitality and tourism education. Besides, the researcher is current master student
of this institute. The respondent encourages the researcher to gain an in depth
knowledge of the issues. Out of 75 distributed questionnaires; twenty questionnaires
from each of first year, second year and third year students have been completed and
returned. Fifteen questionnaires have been lost.
Research Method
The researcher had been considering various types of research design; the most
suitable and fit with this research is a
How the Red Scare Created a Hollywood Blacklist Essay
In the 1930s and 1940s many Hollywood writers, actors, producers, and directors
were suspected for communist affiliations. During this time, communism was a
popular political movement in the United States, especially among young liberals.
There was a growing fear of communism invading American society. By the end of
World War Two an event known as the Red Scare resulted in communism become
increasingly feared and hated by many in the United States. The Hollywood blacklist
caused the Hollywood industry a lot of harm in its business and reputation.
The House Committee on Un American Activities (HUAC) was created in 1938.
They were focused on investigating and putting an end to Communists and
Communist supporters in the American ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The most famous group of the blacklisted individuals was known as the Hollywood
Ten. It is made up of one director, Edward Dmytryk, and nine screenwriters. They all
refused to answer any questions from the House Committee on Un American
Activities, and were jailed by the government and blacklisted by Hollywood. Some
of the questions they refused to answer were: are you a member of the Screen
Writers Guild? and, are you now or have you ever been a member of the
Communist Party? Their unsuccessful defense was bases on First Amendment
claims. Even though being a member of the American Communist Party was
disliked and in some cases feared, it was never illegal. These men were convicted in
1948 for six months in two cases or one year prison terms in 1950. Edward Dmytryk
was summoned to appear before a House Committee hearing investigating Un
American Activities. He refused to cooperate with Committee and was sent to jail.
After spending numerous months behind bars, Dmytryk made the choice to testify
again, and give the names of other members in the American Communist Party, as the
HUAC had requested. On April 25, 1951, Dmytryk appeared before another HUAC
hearing and answered all their questions. He told them about his extremely short past
membership in the Communist party. He also named twenty six former members of
left wing groups. He gave
Public Finance Institutions in India- a Brief Discussion
Public finance institutions According to sec 4A of companies cat 1956: (1) Each of
the financial institutions specified in this sub section shall be regarded, for the
purposes of this Act, as a public financial institution, namely: (i) the Industrial Credit
and Investment Corporation of India Limited, a company formed and registered
under the Indian Companies Act, 1913 (7 of 1913);
(ii) the Industrial Finance Corporation of India, established under section 3 of the
Industrial Finance Corporation Act, 1948 (7 of 1948);
(iii) the Industrial Development Bank of India, established under section 3 of the
Industrial Development Bank of India Act, 1964 (18 of 1964);
(iv) the Life Insurance Corporation of India, established under ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
2005 ICICI acquired Investitsionno Kreditny Bank (IKB), a Russia bank with
about US$4mn in assets, head office in Balabanovo in the Kaluga region, and with
a branch in Moscow. ICICI renamed the bank ICICI Bank Eurasia. Also, ICICI
established a branch in Dubai International Financial Centre and in Hong Kong.
2006 ICICI Bank UK opened a branch in Antwerp, in Belgium. ICICI opened
representative offices in Bangkok, Jakarta, and Kuala Lumpur. 2007 ICICI
amalgamated Sangli Bank, which was headquartered in Sangli, in Maharashtra
State, and which had 158 branches in Maharashtra and another 31 in Karnataka
State. Sangli Bank had been founded in 1916 and was particularly strong in rural
areas. ICICI also received permission from the government of Qatar to open a
branch in Doha. ICICI Bank Eurasia opened a second branch, this time in St.
Petersburg. 2008 The US Federal Reserve permitted ICICI to convert its
representative office in New York into a branch. ICICI also established a branch in
Frankfurt. *2.Industrial* Development Bank of India The Industrial Development
Bank of India Limited commonly known by its acronym IDBI is one of India s
leading public sector banks and 4th largest Bank in overall ratings. RBI categorised
IDBI as an other public sector bank . It was established in 1964 by an Act of
Parliament to provide credit and other
The Challenges Of Adversity And Diversity In The
In recent years, diversity and inclusion have emerged as an essential business
practice. Why are diversity and inclusion so critical to organizations nowadays? Do
they really help organizations achieve better results? Why is it a unique issue in the
21st century workplace? To answer these questions, organizations should look into
factors such as globalization. Globalization increases interactions around the world
and diversifies the profile of the workforce, which also contributes to the changing
composition of the current workforce. While globalization offers extensive
opportunities for organizations, it also imposes many challenges that require new
responses. Organizations are not only looking for ways to effectively manage a
diverse workforce but also to leverage it to achieve better outcomes. As diversity and
inclusion gain more attention in the society, more research has been done on their
impact to organizations. Not too long ago, organizations implemented diversity
management initiatives, such as affirmative action and equal employment
legislations, just to fulfill their legal requirements (Jayne and Dipboye, 2004).
However, diversity and inclusion have since then become a business imperative. Are
diversity and inclusion the same? They seem to go hand in hand, but they are actually
two different notions that need to be addressed separately. While diversity recognizes
that each individual is different from one and another, and that such differences must
Analysis Of Consider The Lobster
Consideration: thoughtful of the rights and feelings of others
How do you consider the lobster? David Foster Wallace wrote the essay Consider the
Lobster. After the reading, the essay for the first time the thoughts that went through
my head consisted of how the lobsters were treated and what Wallace thought of the
lobsters. The lobsters are chosen out of usually a pot or a giant tank and then boiled
to death. They are placed into a pot of boiling hot water and the saying that the
lobsters are screaming in the pot comes to be true. Some people find it disturbing to
listen to the sound while others cover the pot and not let it bother them. Also, from
the first reading I thought that Wallace was being somewhat hypocritical because I
got the idea that it was acceptable for him to eat and coo ketch lobsters but seeing it
done in the setting of a restaurant, in a larger quantity makes it worse. Gathering all
this information again had made me rethink the essay and look towards the deeper
meaning. Wallace committed suicidein 2008 due to mental illness. So, when we
consider the lobster does it mean that to be considerate of it? Another point I came
to was about was mental illness and how in 2008 Wallace committed suicide.
When lobsters are chosen and boiled to eat, those people are sending them to their
grave . So, what does being considerate consist of when discussing a lobster, a dead
body and the food we are about to eat?
Jessica Mitford wrote the essay The Story of
What Does The Presence Of Different Sectarian Groups (...
How does the presence of three different sectarian groups (Christian, Sunni, Shiite)
affect the political, economic, and social stability of a nation is an interdisciplinary
research question because it seeks to understand the relationship between the
economics and its key insights while examining the political environment can led to
conflict and how that conflict was exacerbated by the involvement of many different
cultural sects. Analyzing the case of Lebanon requires an interdisciplinary approach
for several reasons. First, the problem is complex, meaning that there are several
components and each components has a different disciplinary character. Second,
important insights into the problem have been produced by expects from multiple
disciplines. Third, no single disciplinary approach has been able to address this
problem comprehensively. Fourth, the case of Lebanon falls within the research
domains of several disciplines. By establishing these links across disciplinary
knowledge domains requires creating common ground and performing integration,
which is a distinct feature of interdisciplinarity. The scope of this study will focus on
the nation of Lebanon with the events unraveling sense the early 1970 s until today.
The composition of the Lebanese society allows us to examine how the presence of
Christian, Sunni, and Shiite camps can lead to social instability with war being the
most extreme manifestation of civil strife. Instability in a nations political
Caliban And Demmigods
Caliban the Human Monster and the Demigods Caliban is a one of the main
characters in William Shakespeare s play The Tempest. Being the sole habitant on
the island of Prospero throughout a majority of the play, Caliban is illustrated as a
human with monster like characteristics. Caliban can be also be compared to the
demigods of Greek Mythology since Calibanand the demigods are both complex, yet
parallel, characters. Numerous times throughout The Tempest, Shakespeare uses the
magic behind the island to show Caliban s powers; likewise, demigod has godlike
powers. Similar to demigods, Caliban is a half human son with assumed powers,
demands revenge by manipulating or persuasion, and both have emotional and
physical vulnerabilities related to their human side. Rebellion is another feature these
two share to an extent.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The creation of Caliban could definitely be considered when comparing to a
demigod since demigods are created between a mortal human and god parent.
Demigods are known for their strength and courage, resemble much like man
(Blackboard 1) Demigods may have distinguished themselves in life by their
existence over other mortals and believe in this power to rule over man. As
Caliban lived by himself on a deserted island, he developed his own perceptions of
himself as a monster human and also believed he became leader over man. Caliban s
speech in Act III Scene II proves his close connection with the magic island, Sounds
and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling
instruments (Shakespeare 55). Demigods also connect with their land and close
surroundings. They use powers to create storms, disasters, and also peace using the
power of nature in reaction to their frustrations and also happiness (Blackboard
Argumentative Essay On Bay Windows
Bay window is one of the sought after kind of windows as it brings great sense of
style and adding more life to a room. It lets the sunlight enter into the room, letting
the people inside feel good in the morning. Bay windows let you see the large outer
space view of your home. It makes small room looks bigger. If you are thinking of
buying or installing bay windows, it is very important to ask first for bay windows
quotes. There are many manufacturers that offer measurements for their products and
services which some homeowners are requesting. This ensures that when you plan of
buying, the cost will suit to your budget.
The trendy bay windows tends to not be as ornate as its predecessors. The neoclassic
windows function a decorative enhancement for facades ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Perhaps you d like to extend your living room to create a relaxation/reading space.
Or perhaps you re looking for a decorative area in which to showcase some plants
or beautiful handmade vases. These are the types of scenarios that are perfect for a
bay window treatment. The depth of these windows is so substantial that the ledge
can be converted to a sitting area or a large shelving platform. Ultimately, it becomes
as functional as it is beautiful.
You ll also know that it is the perfect choice if you are craving lots of natural light in
your home. The dimensions of these windows are so vast and the transparency of
three glass panes so pristine that the sun will be shining through all day.
Make sure that your wall is wide enough to accommodate a bay window. Start out
by getting an estimate for a standard size and then work your way upwards if your
wall spacing (and budget) can afford it.
You ll often see them on the front exterior of homes as it definitely makes for great
first impressions. Consider the rooms at the front of your house first for an
appropriate location before considering the options in the
Betrayal In All Quiet On The Western Front
Has there really ever been a time in your life when everything has been all quiet? No
matter who you are, there is always something on your mind, or something that you
have to deal with. There is really only one way to achieve absolute quiet, and that is
by death. War unfortunately gives millions of people just that. All Quiet on the
Western Frontis a book that tells a story of young men and their journey throughout
WW1 from the German perspective. Three main points of war that will be
mentioned in this paper are betrayal, horror, and friendship. To begin with, betrayal
was a very prevalent theme in All Quiet on the Western Front. Firstly, an example of
betrayal was when the soldiers were given nice new uniforms to address the Kaiser,
but... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
First of all, the passing down of the boots was a great example of friendship. With
each passing of the pair of boots came even more memories that are shared. It was
also like a traditional type of thing among the soldiers. Also, another time when a
tremendous amount of friendship was shown was when Bertinck stopped the
flamethrowers. He sacrificed his own life to save the lives of his fellow squad
mates. Lastly, when Paul carried Kat all the way back to the dressing station was a
great example of friendship. Paul did not care what he had to do to make it back to
the dressing station to save Kat. It was a long and tedious walk for him but they got
there eventually. Unfortunately a piece of shrapnel hit Kat in the back of the head
that was unseen, and he died. Thus, friendship was probably one of the most
important things to have during
Nicotine Limitation
1) Cigarette smoking produces a strong dependence because of the drug nicotine.
Nicotine is responsible for producing the physical and mood altering effects in one s
brain that cause cigarette smoking to be pleasing. These effects are the reasons
individuals choose to continue to smoke more, thus resulting in dependence.
Furthermore, nicotineacts as a mild stimulant, which helps individuals stay awake,
focused, and relaxed. Nicotine is habit forming and causes unpleasant symptoms
when the body is lacking nicotine. One can theoretically choose to stop using a drug,
but one has a very difficult time doing so because of the potent reinforcing properties
of the substance. That is the case with nicotine (Hart Ksir, 2015, p. 244).
2) The regulation
Office Dakota Products Case Analysis
Office Dakota Products Case Analysis Course: BUSA 5061 Managerial Accounting
Students Name: Teresa Willette Professors Name: Dr. Conner/Dr. Pollard Date 3/20
/2011 Executive Summary The following analysis is written for Dakota Office
Products to evaluate current business operations and recommend future actions
necessary to ensure company success. In the analysis of the company we will
identify inefficient business practices that have led to the companies first profit loss
in its history. We will evaluate the companys current pricing structure, ordering
methods, shipping and delivery process, and deficiencies in cash flows. For Dakota
Office Products (DOP), its existing costing system was inadequate because it is
incapable of accounting for... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The key issue presented in front of the management is the possible steps to be taken
by the management in order to avoid such losses. Critical Thought The issue
addressed by the accounting system of Dakota office products invites our attention
to the premise of Activity Based costing methodology. We are certain about the fact
that the accounting and reporting system at Dakota Office Product is inappropriate
and is leading to the company making wrong decision ultimately leading to losses.
This was apparent from the record where the company was able to increase its sales
without a corresponding increase in the profits for that particular year. Activity based
costing system is an approach which seeks to allocate the overhead cost to the
products on a scientific and realistic basis. The existing system of allocating cost at
Dakota Office products were inadequate in so much so that it was following an
unreasonable basis for allocating the cost, which were known and visible, such as
the desktop delivery cost. The existing system was suffering from oversight of some
of the expenses. ABC costing system seeks to overcome the problem of oversight
and make a more reasonable allocation of the costs. The distinctive feature of this
method is the fact that the method can provide useful insights to the management as
to the activities which are leading to the cost by
The Dominican Republic Essay
The people of the Dominican Republic are knowledgeable of their past in order to
know what their future might bring. The Spanish settlers gave them their language,
as well as their predominant faith. Africans were brought to the Dominican
Republic as slaves, bringing their faith, music, and art. Their love of baseball came
from the United States troops. Creativity such as music and art is a large portion of
the Dominican Republican culture and lifestyle. Their music ranges from forms
such as meringue, bachata, and salsa. These diverse forms of music are also
combined with jazz, rock, and hip hop to form a culture of music. The art scene of
this country was discovered by Rafael Trujillo, who founded the national school of
fine arts in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
AS people of inclusion they believe Jesus came to include all, not exclude. All are
welcome. They are people of liberation because they seek to challenge all the
oppressed and they embody grace by living out their liberation until all are set free
of oppression. Dominicans are filled with hope, joy, and unrelenting optimism
because they believe: God is good, with God all things are possible, and God uses us
to transform the world. As Jesus people they believe Jesus was the incarnation if
God s grace. They believe Jesus was the ultimate liberal and showed us the way to
lead the life God intends for all of us.
Judicial branch judges are elected by a Council made up of members of the legislative
and executive branches with the president presiding. The branches in their
government resemble our government.
The daily life of the Dominican Republic is very interesting. During the day they do
many different things like cleaning and doing crafts with others. They have to regular
meals breakfast, lunch and dinner. Things that they would eat would be their national
dish beans and rice. Rice was the most important crop for them.
Dominican Day in August Colorful floats move on the street as music plays with the
participants wearing their costumes. People along the street yell, sing, dance, and
wave the Dominican flag.
The Dominican Republic shares an island with
Theme Of Water By The Spoonful
The pay Water by the Spoonful is social significance of crack cocaine addiction.
The play Water by the Spoonful is about four crack cocaine addicts who are
recovering their crack cocaine addiction together. They chat online and tell each
other their daily struggles. Odessa is a janitor who has a son who came back from
the military name Elliot. Odessa is like the mother of the three other recovering
addicts. Another social significance in the play is Elliot s addiction to pain
medication. Elliot got injured in the Iraq war and they prescribe him some
medications which he later became addicted. This shows the issue that many
veterans face when they come back home. Even those people who aren t veterans
who also become addicted to their prescribe... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
For instance, the addiction of Fountainhead and how he doesn t tell his wife about
his addiction because he is afraid of how she will react. When he finally tells her
she leaves him. In addition, the way fountainhead takes care of Odessa after she
overdose from crack when he barely knows her, while Odessa s family doesn t take
care of her. Odessa plays a big role in helping Chutes Ladder, Orangutan, and
Fountainhead with their recovery with crack through the online chat. The main
characters in the play Water by the Spoonful are trying to recover from their
addiction. Odessa s main objective is trying to help everyone recover from their
crack addiction. Orangutans objective is that she is trying to figure who she
is.Chute Ladders is trying not to push people away.Fountainhead objective is to
overcome his addiction so he can spend time with his son. Elliot objective is trying
to forget about his time in Iraq and to overcome his addiction with pain medication.
Jazmin is there to keep Elliot calm. Contemporary audience can relate to the use of
social media to connect with friends. How many of them have a strong bond with
someone who is miles away from
Essay on Satire in Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
Catch 22, by Joseph Heller, is a fictitious novel that depicts life on an American
bomber squadron on Pianosa, an island off the coast of Italy, during the closing
years of World War II. A bombardier by the name of Yossarian, the main character in
the story, is joined by many others to create a comic drama unlike any other. But aside
from the entertainment, Heller uses Catch 22to satirize many aspects of everyday life
that consist of hypocrisy, corruption, and insanity. From the laziness of policeman to
the fake happiness brought about by money, the novel is painted with a great number
of points targeted against the faults of modern society. However, along with these
smaller targets, a majority of the Heller s satirein the novel is aimed... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Nevertheless, in the eyes of Colonel Cathcart and Colonel Korn, they see
themselves risking their lives for America, but they do not even go on combat
missions and all they are really only responsible for is shuffling papers. Through
these characters, Heller satirizes how corrupt and unfair that system is, where
essentially random men are called upon to control other random men in an dictatorial
bureaucracy. Human nature is yet another target of Heller s satire in the novel and is
seen throughout many different characters. Heller explains to the reader, through this
method of satire just how selfish and greedy men are and become during the war.
Chief White Halfoat recollects his past life in the States where him and the rest of his
Native American kinsmen would not be allowed into certain hotels because of their
ethnicity. He states to Yossarianin a serious and convicted manner that racial
prejudice is a terrible thing and that it is terrible to treat a decent, loyal Indian like
a nigger, kike, wop or spic (53). Chief White Halfoat is against racism but refuses to
have an open mind toward other races and only cares about Indians, which results in
Chief White Halfoat being a racist himself. This is seen in modern American society
A Digital Representation Of Underwater Bathymetry
Bathymetry derived terrain variables are indicative of seabed morphology and can
be used as predictors of suitable benthic habitats. A digital elevation model (DEM)
is a digital representation of the elevation of locations on the land surface, and in
the case of this report can be used as a digital representation of underwater
bathymetry. The DEM can be used to derive various benthic terrain variables of
underwater systems (Pescus 2012). Some terrain variables include depth, slope,
rugosity, aspect and terrain variability. Depth is a major environmental gradient
which controls species distribution, as various under water organisms rely on
photosynthesis to survive and grow. As depth increases, less sunlight penetrates
the water, resulting in a limited source of energy for photosynthesizing organisms
(Pescus 2012). Additionally bigger/older individuals often prefer deeper waters
(Lauria et al. 2015). Slope (expressed in degrees with values from 0В° to 90В°)
describes the rate of change in elevation over distance. Low values of slope
correspond to flat ocean bottom (or areas of sediment deposition) while higher
values indicate potential rocky ledges. (Lauria et al. 2015) The slope of many
marine systems has a strong influence on the distribution of benthic components,
such as coral in coral reef systems. Slope can first be a derivative of a DEM and then
calculated using spatial analyst tools in ArcGIS. The slope represents the rate of
change of elevation for each DEM cell
Red Bull Research Paper
An energy drink sold by an austrian company in which it contained caffeine as the
principal ingredient and was introduced in the lives of many professional athletes,
late night workers, college students, gamers and everyday adults. All these
consumers have an explicit connection to, Red Bull, the most sold energy drink in
the world. Their connection to the energy reviving beverage, countless hours spent
on daily routines continuously repeated and within the daily lives of average
people who work or study to provide several necessities to the people who they
work for such as income for their families, bosses or companies. Therefore, an
innovative beverage was created in order to maintain performance during countless
hours of energy draining progress. Dietrich Mateschitz, the founder of Red Bull, who
in the 1980 s He created the formula of Red Bull Energy Drink and developed the
unique marketing concept of Red Bull (Red Bull Website), experimentation with
several ingredients and finally establishing the formula for the Red Bull energy
drink which first sold on April 1, 1987 in Austria. Since, it was released it has sold
over 62 billion cans and became a widely recognized energy drink and was not only
the launch of a completely new product but was in fact it was the birth of a totally
new product category .This product is fuel for the hard working average person of
the world, and its purpose is to maintain performance, the day feeling energized, and
opposite feeling of
The Death Of Hektor And The Destruction Of Troy
The death of Hektor and the destruction of Troy were solely caused by his own
pride. His refusal to the surrender, which would protect him and most importantly
the whole town of Troy, demonstrated his unimaginable selfish behavior. Instead of
protecting Troy, Hektor, without hesitation, picked to fight in order to prove his
superiority. . This is an example of how one s life can be demolished if pride and
honor is prioritized. Hektor acquiesced his whole life to a strong desire for honor,
which was implanted in his head by his parents. Oppositions towards my personal
beliefs are made by associates from church. Very Slavic beliefs are still heavily
implied in the surrounding society and the tendency for Russian people to stick
together and then establish similar views increases. .
Relying on the support of others, emphasis isn t placed on the careers of my friends.
Females rely on males for financial support, thus losing their independence. The man
is the main provider and source of income in the house , is a common Slavic belief
that restricts the actions of women. The common role of women is to spend time at
home raising the children that is why a career is irrelevant. In many ways, it is
considered wrong and embarrassing if a female is more financially stable than a male.
There is a common belief stating that marriage is the highlight of one s life. Marriage
is considered something honorable and hard to achieve, which is why some will go
to such extent as to
Why Is Child Labour Wrong
It is estimated that over 246 million kids between the ages of 5 and 15 around the
world are labouring every day for long hours. Most of these children work on farms
that produce consumer products such as cocoa, coffee, cotton, rubber and other crops.
At 6 a.m., 10 year old Emmanuel wakes and readies himself for a day of labor in
the cocoa fields. Along the way, he watches as other kids walk in the opposite
direction toward school. He reaches the fields at sunrise and uses his machete to
slice ripe cocoa pods from the tree. Later, he carries the cocoa pods he s harvested
from the field, hacks them open and gathers the beans, which will later be used to
make chocolate. (Biel )
Children that work in these situations are deprived of their safety, education, and
chance to experience childhood to its fullest potential. By avoiding buying products
from companies that use child labor, we can minimize the amount of children
injured, hindered by, and killed in the workforce every year.
Three quarters of the children who are forced into child labor work in very
hazardous conditions and do dangerous jobs such as working in mines, chemical
compounds and agricultural work, putting their lives at risk.
Hazardous child labour is the largest category of the worst forms of child labour with
an estimated 85 million children, aged 5 17, working in dangerous conditions in
sectors as diverse as agriculture, mining, construction, manufacturing, service
industries, hotels, bars, restaurants,
Summary Of The Help
The Help Annotated Bibliography
Tiffin University
Pulg, Claudia. The Help : It s Fine Work All Around. USA Today. Web. 9 Aug (2011)
In her review, Claudia was basically focused on how the movie was based on
racism and that in this time in the 1960 s that the movie would not be a great
movie to see. Claudia, states this statement because of all issues that were going
on with the civil rights at the time and how their services as maids were taken for
granted. While in the process the women who were maids went to meet with Sly
to them their stories a bond was created by Skeeter, Aibileen, and Minny and from
there they build a sisterhood. Claudia also praises the fact that everyone did a great
job in playing the characters. This article is a great resource because it pointed out
how the maids were taken advantage of and this would be a great way to get specific
Motoko, Rich. The Help : A Southern Mirrored Window. The New York Times. Web.
2 Nov (2009)
Motoko Rich, states that the novel is basically about the relationships between
African American and their employers in the 1960 s in Mississippi. In her review,
she explained who were the narrators of the novel. Aibileen and Minny and Skeeter.
She continued with how Skeeter was desperate and very eager and wanted to
impress the editor at the publishing house in New York with a book idea and how she
Patty Mcvay Paraprofessional Analysis
Patty McVay stated seven roles paraprofessionals play in a classroom which include:
leading small groups designed by the teachers, gathering materials, providing
assistance for personal care and other physical needs, assisting students to complete
directions given by the teacher, facilitating interactions between students, adapting
lessons under the teacher s guidance and executing other, often unseen, but very
important tasks for the classroom community (McVay, 1998). If paraprofessionals
are able to lead small groups of students, teachers are able to address other students
and work on a lesson that a faster or slower pace dependent upon the level of the
group. The students are able to ask more questions, and feel more confident in asking
Determining the Water Potential of Potato Cells
EXERCISE 1C: Determining the Water Potential of Potato Cells
Introduction: Water potential was defined above as an expression of the tendency of
water to diffuse from one region to another. Water potential is a numerical value that
must be determined for a given temperature and pressure. In this exercise you will
determine the water potential of potato cells at room temperature and ambient
pressure by placing cores of potato tissue in sucrose solutions of different
concentrations and measuring the net movement of water in each case. In animal
cells, movement of H2O into and out of a cell is influenced by the relative
concentration of solute on either side of the cell membrane. If water moves out of
the cell, the cell will shrink or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
We will assume, for purposes of explanation, that the solute is not diffusing (Figure 1
.2a). The movement of water into the cell causes the cell to swell, and the cell
membrane pushes against the cell wall to produce an increase in pressure (turgor).
Figure 1.2a
Pure Water
(p= 0;((= 0; ( = 0
(p= 0;((= 3; ( = 3
Figure 1.2b
Pure Water
(p= 0; ((= 0; ( = 0
(p= +3; ((= 3; ( = 0
As water continues to diffuse into the cell, the rising positive turgor pressure
begins to cancel out the negative osmotic potential of the cell. This process will
continue until the positive turgor pressure is so large it completely cancels the
negative osmotic potential, and the water potential of the cell = 0 = ( of pure
water. At this point, a dynamic equilibrium is reached, and net water movement
will cease (Figure 1.2b). Now imagine starting over with a fresh piece of potato in
a beaker of distilled water. The potato has a water potential of 2.3 bars, as in the
above example. If you add solute to the water outside the potato cells, the water
potential of the solution surrounding the cells will decrease. It is possible to add just
enough solute to the water so that the water potential outside the cell is the same as
the water
Winter Warmer Persuasive Essay
Looking to warm up your winter? As winter approaches, hundreds of thousands of
snowbirds are preparing for their annual move from the north, escaping to warmer
climates. Of course you will be spending more than three months far far away from
the long, cold winters of the North, but are you sure which destination is the right
one for you? Whether you are moving South or West in search of warmer climates,
each state has its delicacies just waiting for you to enjoy. Choose wisely.
Check out eight states that will make your winter warmer.
1.Arizona It s hard to resist the idyllic landscapes, scenic splendor, tranquility and
endless blue skies of Arizona. From outdoor enthusiasts to wine connoisseurs; bird
watching and shopping, this state ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Texas The Lone Star State is certainly a popular destination for those RVers
escaping the frigid winter months of the north. Many snowbirds drive down in
RVs enroot to RV parks ranging from small to enormous. If you enjoy highly
organized activities with crafts and dancing, the larger RV parks are just for you.
If you like square or line dancing, this is the place to kick up your heels and start
dancing. If you enjoy exploring wild life; the small town of Rockport attracts bird
watchers from all over the world to visit the famed Aransas National Wildlife
Refuge, home of the endangered, migrating whooping crane and other wildlife
species. If butterflies are your favorite, Marble Falls is a great place to watch
monarch butterfly migrations in mid October or Colorado River waterfalls flowing
over marble outcroppings. Full of natural beauty, Texas is sure to keep you busy
during the winter
Ge Case Analysis
, Case #1: the turbine generator industry
The default prediction that we d make using economic theory (or common sense) in
the absence of game theory is that, in the turbine generator case, General Electric
should have undercut Westinghouse because the former has lower costs.
But we start to see why it didn t when we introduce capacity constraints into the
Bertrand model. Capacity constraints can stem from two things: decreasing returns to
scale, or demand uncertainties that create expected inventory cost risks and induce
firms to produce to order and carry backlogs. The second condition certainly prevails
in the turbine generator case.
Anti trust regulators observed that both GE and Westinghouse were pricing higher
than ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Empirical data suggests successful signaling between the firms in the Cournot aspect
of their game also.
Attempts by government to discourage tacit collusion in industries like this one are
worse than silly. They harm businesses and consumers, bring in no extra public
revenue, and may actually create monopolies instead of discouraging them! Such
perverse competition policies are nevertheless in place in both the European Union
and South Africa.
In the United States, firms can be investigated for collusion by the anti trust authority
only if there is physical evidence of communication about pricing strategies between
competing firms. In the EU and SA, by contrast, competition authorities can
investigate merely because they observe that industry prices aren t at competitive
So what is supposed to happen, under the latter regime, when competitive equilibrium
and Nash equilibrium don t coincide? This implies that at least one firm must
sacrifice some profits to deter the authority from investigating. It would be
inefficient if all firms in the industry so sacrificed at all times. For maximum
industry profits, one firm at a time should price away from equilibrium and be
compensated by the others. Thus we have it that as a result of (badly theorized)
competition policy policy explicitly designed to deter collusion we get incentives to
Balance Sheet and Sales
MBA Financial Management and Markets Exam 1 Spring 2009 The following
questions are designed to test your knowledge of the fundamental concepts of
financial management structure [chapter 1], financial valuation [chapter 2], financial
statements and tax planning [chapter 3], and short term financial forecasting and
financing [chapter 14]. Choose the best possible answer to the questions given. Each
question is equally weighted. Papers are due 2/26/09 at the beginning of class. True
/False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. ____ 1. There are three primary
disadvantages of a regular partnership: (1) unlimited liability, (2) limited life of the
organization, and (3) difficulty of transferring ownership. These combine to... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
d. Corporate investors are exposed to unlimited liability. e. Corporations generally
face relatively few regulations. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
a. In a regular partnership, liability for other partners misdeeds is limited to the
amount of a particular partner s investment in the business. b. Partnerships have
more difficulty attracting large amounts of capital than corporations because of
such factors as unlimited liability, the need to reorganize when a partner dies, and
the illiquidity (difficulty buying and selling) of partnership interests. c. A slow
growth company, with little need for new capital, would be more likely to
organize as a corporation than would a faster growing company. d. In a limited
partnership, the limited partners have voting control, while the general partner has
operating control over the business. Also, the limited partners are individually
responsible, on a pro rata basis, for the firm s debts in the event of bankruptcy. e. A
major disadvantage of all partnerships relative to all corporations is the fact that
federal income taxes must be paid by the partners rather than by the firm itself.
Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. The proper goal of the financial
manager should be to attempt to maximize the firm s expected cash flows, because
this will add the most to the wealth of the individual shareholders. b. The financial
manager should seek that combination of
Efficacy Research Examples
Efficacy trails is a type of applied research that test whether interventions work under
ideal circumstances (Singal, Higgins Waljee, 2014). The objective is to establish a
cause and effect between an independent and dependent variable. Efficacy research
utilizes three conditions to complete the objective covariation of independent and
dependent variables, time precedence of cause and, the presence of no other plausible
alternative explanation (Thomas Hersen, 2011,p. 322). To have a high degree of
confidence of saying that a particular intervention work researchers must ensure that
there is high internal validity. One method used to do that is to have a high degree of
experiment control. Researchers would want to have a potent intervention, they
would want eliminate any confounding variables (Thomas Hersen, 2011,p.322). The
lead researcher would want to ensure that all providers are well trained, there should
be any students or trainees administering any interventions. There would be a
homogenous sample in terms of their age, gender socioeconomic status, and ethnic
identification (Thomas Hersen, 2011,p.322). This group would lack generalizability,
therefore the results would not be able to generalize to... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
In this example the goal of efficacy research is to make a connection between the
CBT treatment and depression. Researchers would ensure that there if high internal
validity and experimental control. After conducting the research, researcher would
examine the results and make a research based conclusion. Efficacy research has
increased the creditability for therapeutic interventions. Without a method to test
interventions, it would be difficult to know which intervention should be used
diagnosis. Therefore it has been essential for the growth in the treatment arena of
A Novel Modeling And Design Of Statcom With
A Novel Modeling Design of STATCOM with Controllable grid connected Variable
Speed Wind Energy Supply System
Mohammad Arshad Ali
P.G Scholar,Dept of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
SRKR Engineering College
Bhimavaram, India.
In the grid new renewable resources are added to extract more power. This adds
more power quality issues to grid connection. A Power quality problem is an
occurrence manifested as a nonstandard voltage, current or frequency that results in
a failure or a mis operation of end user equipment. This paper investigates the use of
a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is connected at a point of common
coupling with Battery Energy Storage System(BESS)to overcome of a power quality
issues of a wind farm equipped with variable speed wind turbines driving Double Fed
Induction Generators (DFIG). A physical control scheme, including four control
loops: ac voltage, dc voltage, ac active current and ac reactive current controllers, is
pre specified for the STATCOM. A synthetic algorithm is proposed to embed these
physical control loops in the output feedback path. The simulation results
demonstrated that under various system disturbances, the proposed mode decoupling
STATCOM is effective in regulating IG terminal voltage.
The conventional energy sources such as oil, natural gas, coal, or nuclear are finite
and generate pollution. Alternatively, the renewable energysources like wind, fuel
cell, solar,
Cannibalism Is Taboo And A Violation Of The Law
The film showcases cannibalism, which is taboo and a violation of the law.
Cannibalism is generally frowned upon because it is not something that civilized
societies engage in. Cannibalism is an action that is primitive and what wild
animals do in order to survive. For humans to commit this atrocity, it signifies that
we have not moved beyond our animal nature. Thus, cannibalism threatens the idea
that we have evolved beyond this primitive behavior that separates us from wild
animals. It violates the border between civilized and savage. When we see
Leatherface and his family engage in cannibalism, we are repulsed that they could
violate this taboo that is central to maintaining a civilized society. Additionally,
cannibalism is taboo because it is like eating oneself. Kristeva (1982) writes, Fear
of the uncontrollable generative mother repels me from the body; I give up
cannibalism because abjection (of the mother) leads me toward respect for the
body of the other, my fellow man, my brother. The maternal body is a reminder of
the ties and dependence we had on our mothers. The fear of the mother s generative
power makes her body and thus all other bodies abject and inedible. By not
consuming the flesh of other humans, we are able to maintain our connections to
other people. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre depicts more severe acts of violence on
women than men, which may be explained by the abject. Creed (1986) suggests that
the reason for significant bleeding in a slasher
Essay on Happiness and Health in a Connecticut Nursing
2.The question presented in this study is would increasing the power and control an
individual have over their life cause them to be more happy and healthy? This is an
important question because the results could help patients in nursing homes to be
both happier and healthier. Langer and Rodin s hypothesis was that if patients in a
nursing home were given more control over their lives and activities, they would
show improvements in mental alertness, activity level, satisfaction with life, and
other measures of behavior and attitude.
3.The participants of this study was 91 individuals who were living at Arden House, a
Connecticut nursing home. these individuals were separated into two groups, the
first group ( containing 8 men and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The nurses also reported that the participants who were in the increased responsibility
group showed improvement in activity, health, and behavior well the comparison
group was shown to either decline or basically stay the same. More participants from
the responsibility group attended the movie, and 10 of them participated in the jelly
bean game as compared to the 1 participant from the comparison group.
5.Langer and Rodin concluded that the findings from their study supported their
hypothesis, and that individuals are indeed happier and healthier when given some
degree of control over their lives. In fact 18 months after the study the participants
in the increased responsibility group were in a super condition than those who
were in the control group. They also found that while 30% of the participants in the
comparison group had since passed away, only 15% of the experimental group had
died. 6.Probably the biggest concern there is in regards to this study is the one
pointed out by Langer and Rodin, which is that it may have been unethical to present
the participants with a greater level of control over their lives just to have it taken
away. This study impacted the history of psychologyby proving that a sense of
control is important for peoples physical and mental health.
7.This study changed psychology because it changed how psychologists viewed the
importance of control in regards to a person s mental health. This study has also lead
Kim Kardashian (PLACE PIC) Rihanna
(PLACE PIC)Rihanna is a Caribbean born singer, entertainer and pop icon who s
tumultuous and violent relationship with singer Chris Brown was highly publicized.
Figure 8.1 Justin Bieber Justin Bieber is a Canadian born singer, dancer, song
writer (also a pop icon) who has become most recently popular from his less than
pristine reputation as a bad boy
Figure 9 Lindsay Lohan Lindsay Lohan is an American child Actress, model and
singer whose reputation had begun as that of a budding child star has become far
more famous for having an alcohol addiction and being filmed by paparazzi
displaying ill behavior in public. (PLACE PIC) Kim Kardashian is a reality
television entertainer and model who rose to prominence initially from a leaked ...
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Comprised of three (3) females and three (3) males, three (3) Blacks (African
/African American), One (1) Latin American, and two (2) Caucasians. None of the
figures on the left display any outward signs of being affluent, nor are they
particularly attractive (at least by Hollywood standards), and they all appear to be
of the working class . The figures on the right include four (4) females and two (2)
males, are all youthful, attractive (literally by Hollywood standards), five (5) of
which are of Caucasian decent (the race of the American ruling class) and one is of
African/Caribbean decent. According to their clothing and outward appearance,
they all seem to be of prosperous means (note, the designer handbag in possession
of the girl (Lindsay Lohan) in the upper right hand corner, the expensive lingerie of
the female (Kim Kardashian) in the lower left, the couture of both the figures in
the lower most picture (Lady Gaga) and upper left corner (Rhianna), and the trendy
fashion of clothing of the two males (Robert Pattinson Justin Bieber) of the in color
photographs). Provided that Lady Gaga s couture is indeed fashioned of $100
worth of raw meat, one must take into account that $100 of meat would be what s
on the dinner table instead of on the red carpet for any person considered in the
lower or middle
How Did Cornelius Vanderbilt Change America
During the Industrial Revolution, businesses, jobs, and manufacturing started to
prosper rapidly. As the businesses started growing, so did the economy. The power
and wealth of business leaders dramatically increased which had a great influence and
became vital to the growth of the American economy. One of the very famous
business leaders during the Industrial Revolutionwas Cornelius Vanderbilt. Cornelius
Vanderbilt was a captain of industry who helped to make America strong. Cornelius
Vanderbilt was the the leader of steamboats and railroads who built important
infrastructures in the 1800s that helped the American economy to thrive. According
to Charles R. Geisst in his article Vanderbilt, Cornelius, before Vanderbilt entered the
steamship industry, he already owned a shipping business, but due to its unprofitable
future because of the competition with the newly introduced steamboats, he decided
to sell all of his current ships and decided to enter the steamship industry business....
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In 1873, he continued to expand his railroad business and he acquired the Lake
Shore and Michigan Southern, which he merged with the New York Central in order
to provide uninterrupted service between New York City and Chicago Illinois, via
Buffalo, Cleveland, and Detroit (Charles). This made transportation of goods and
people more efficient and just proved how powerful Vanderbilt when it comes to
purchasing power. Cornelius Vanderbilt is also considered a philanthropist even
though he made a little bit of contributions compared to other business leaders.
During the Civil War, he helped the federal government fight its enemies, the
Confederates, by donating his ships to them. He also funded $1,000,000 to build
Vanderbilt University in Tennessee
Effective Communication In Nursing Research
Improving Patient Safety Through a Nursing Lens
The purpose of this academic paper is to explore how the concept of communication
within the healthcare setting challenges nurses from ensuring patient safety. Using
evidence based literature, this paper will discuss concerns related to patient safety
and communication within the nursing world, two interventions that are currently
being practiced in order to address these concerns, and one other unique intervention
which can adequately elucidate these concerns.
Communication Patient Safety
A fundamental aspect within the nursing scope of practice is to profoundly maintain
patient safety through the implementation of safe, ethical, and competent nursing
care (Canadian Nurses Association, 2002). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
For instance, the aviation field actively implements the sterile cockpit as part of its
standard routine of attaining client safety. The Federal Aviation Administration
officially implemented the sterile cockpit amongst all aviation organizations, in order
to decrease the rising incidence of plane crashes occurring as a result of disruptions
(Hohenhaus Powell, 2008, p. 109). Through the implementation of the sterile cockpit,
aviation pilots are able to maintain adequate concentration without unnecessary
distractions, as the airplanes fly 10 000 feet above the ground (Hohenhaus Powell,
2008, p. 109). Similarly, the nursing profession can also implement the sterile cockpit
during the process of shift report, where persistent disruptions are at a rise and alter
the chances for effective communication. If all healthcare units had an area specific
to patient reporting, the chances for ensuring patient safety could drastically increase.
Moreover, team members can take additional measures in reducing disruptions by
responding to paging systems, patient and family concerns, and call bells as
healthcare providers engage in patient reporting with members of the interprofessional
The Common Psychiatric Disorder ( Bipolar Disorder )
As one of the more common psychiatric disorders, as well as the most complex,
Bipolar disorder is the leading causal factor of functional disability in which
aberrations of mood are found in correlation with changes in behaviors, biological
rhythms, and cognitive functions; being amongst the most severe of all
psychological disorders, with the highest rates of homelessness, suicide, and
hospitalization, as it concerns an estimated 2 4% of the population within then
United State alone. For mania, in the year following hospitalization, often scarcer
than 35% of those diagnosed will ever resume a station within the workforce.
Unfortunately, statistically, those inflicted with bipolar disorder are 25% 50% more
like to attempt suicide and 11% more apt to follow through. As a rather elusive
psychiatric disorder, the promise of a prevention verses cure has proven to be quite
limited, given the extraordinary complexity of the illness. Prior to the inception of
the illness, given one s predisposition, diversity, and non specific range of hazards for
said disorder; intervention, generally, has not been very effective. The pragmatic
porthole of prospect concerning early intervention is during the first episode of
illness, where the neuroanatomical, neuropsychological, clinical, and functional
consequences of the illness s progression are at a minimal. The earlier the
intervention, the greater the likelihood symptomology will be benign and
Euthanasi Why It Should Be Legal
Dillon Ryser
Mr. Allred
English 12
10 December 2014
Euthanasia: Why It Should Be Legal
In the past, a doctor was a friend who treated the diseases. Now a doctor is a
stranger who combats diseases. Their job is not only to prevent death but also to
improve the patient s quality of life. Lots of times there is nothing a doctor can do
to prevent a patient from dying if the patient has a terminal disease; all they can do is
wait for death to arrive. This waiting time can be very painful for both the patients
and the people who surround them. Not practicing euthanasia at the request of the
dying person is violating a person s rights, interfering with a doctor s job, and
increasing suffering.
First off, deciding if someone wants to be alive or ... Show more content on
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Hospitals are just wasting time and money on a situation that won t get better. If the
patient wants euthanasia they deserve a quick and painless death. Doctors cannot end
the huge amount of money wasted on a treatment that won t help so why not alleviate
some of those expenses from family members and taxpayers.
Doctors should be allowed to end life, especially when the person desires it. I am
only doing what I, as a physician, should do . (Kevorkian 170) It doesn t make sense
that they can keep someone alive without having the opportunity to ask that person if
they want to be living like that. Many patients now find themselves unable to live
without machines that restrict their movements and often cause different kinds of
pain, and some may prefer not to live at all . (Marzilli 69) The doctor is just the
person who helps the patient to do what they desire.
Many would say what makes life sustaining treatment none beneficial or too big of a
burden if it can achieve its design of saving life. On the other hand, if death is in the
best interests of some patients if the withdrawal of life sustaining treatment can be
said to be of benefit in this case then death constitutes a moral good for these patients
. (Doyal) Incompetent patients are unable to benefit from further treatment or find it
too large of a burden if they cannot benefit from being alive any longer. When the
continuing use of life sustaining treatment is to be of no benefit or of too much
burden, the doctor
Lamb Fostering Methods
Lamb fostering basically is when a lamb is take care of by another ewe that is not
its mother. Nowadays, it is not very uncommon for farmers to practice some type
of lamb fostering; this is due to the fact that farmers love to have as many lambs as
possible because each lamb represents their income. Fostering is very important for
experimental studies and keeping abandoned lambs and triplets alive (Alexander,
Stevens, Bradley, p. 231). The reason fostering helps keep triplets say alive is
because a ewe naturally only has two teats so she cannot produce enough milk for
three lambs but if another ewe only has one lamb, that ewe can feed the stray
triplet. The only problem with this is that ewes are very good at distinguishing
their own lambs from others and if they do not recognize a lamb then the ewe will
not let itself be suckled. So many times fostering methods include tricking the ewe to
accept the alien lamb as her own. This is why the farmers have to be sure to use the
method best suited not only for the them but also for the ewe.... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
90). Ewes naturally are drawn to the fluids that are ejected from her as she gives
birth. Because of this a technique to get her to accept another lamb is to rub this
fluid onto it within the first twelve hours postpartum (Basiouni Gonyou, 1988, p.
872). This technique is preferred by farmers due to the fact that not only is it one
of the easiest methods, it also is very effective and presents many positive results
(Basiouni Gonyou, 1988, p. 877). One of the reasons as to why this method is more
effective could be due to the fact that it is the least artificial and restrictive for the
ewe, which both the farmer and the ewe prefer (Ward, Liste, Tinarwo 2011, p.
Langston Hughes, An American Born Writer During The
Langston Hughes was an American born writer during the Harlem Renaissance era.
His work shed light on issues that white Americans turned their backs to. Racism and
segregations was, at one time, a very large issue in our country. Hughes addressed
that issue throughout poetry and in doing so, became the most popular writer of his
time. He opened the eyes of many, while accurately portraying African American
culture in such a way that everyone couldn t respect. The passion that Hughes had for
his topics is easily identified in his poems. A great majority of his poems relate back
to African American customs, struggles, heritage, and music. For that reason, Hughes
became listed among the greatest versatile writers of his time. Langston Hughes
supported equally then, and today his work is remembered as such. Mother to Son,
is the first poem that I read by Hughes. Just by the title alone, I knew that this work
was going to be heavy. Throughout the story, Hughes mother references crystal
stairs, stating that life for me ain t been no crystal stairs. The stairs that she is
referring to would be the stairs that lead to equality and freedom. She also states that
the stairs she took were splintered and torn up. To me, that symbolizes slavery and
the troubles she endured throughout her life thus far. Knowing that, the term crystal
stairs then becomes a bit easier to grasp. White people are given the crystal stairs,
meaning that their path is smooth and paved. Where as blacks of
Cheerleading Is Not A Sport
I am a cheerleader, and was taken away from what I love due to an injury. When
you think of cheerleading you imagine the make up, the pom poms, and the groups
of people throwing cheerleaders high in the air, but cheerleading is more. Cheer is
the performance of athletic skills, jumps, dancing, and chanting to get feedback from
crowds at events, games, etc. Cheerleaders can be featured at games in support of
sports teams, or at cheerleadingcompetitions to earn points. According to varsity.com,
which is a foundation that makes articles, social media, and supplies cheer groups
with equipment/clothing, frequent drama that speculates when we tell people we
cheer they say cheerleading is not a sport . Cheerleading fits all the criteria to be
Dream Deferral And Closure In The Women Of Brewster
Unfulfilled Dreams and Deferring Closure
In her critical essay, Dream, Deferral and Closure in The Women of Brewster Place
Jill Matus writes about the theme of unfulfilled dreams as it is portrayed in Gloria
Naylor s The Women of Brewster Place. Matus s main argument about this theme can
be summarized as her belief that Naylor uses the dream described at the end of the
novel as an out an end that allows her to not commit to one conclusion or other; a
deferral of closure, if you will. A reader might ask what the purpose of such a
noncommittal ending is as it relates to the novel as a whole. Matus offers some
answers to this question by claiming that the text and, more symbolically, the lives
of the characters and setting of the novel are prolonged by the deferred ending
because of the presentation of dream and in turn the dream affirms and perpetuates
the life of the street and characters. In other words, Matus argument could be
interpreted as the belief that the dream as it is presented in the end of the novel
leaves a sense of hope for an otherwise decaying setting and lives.
Personally, I agree with Matus s conclusions about how the ending works for the
novel even though it is not really an ending at all. I was convinced of this
argument based on how she uses Langston Hughes s poem Harlem about deferred
dreams to illustrate how the end of the novel is Naylor s way of reimagining the
same message of the poem. In the poem, Hughes writes about the fate of dreams
that are deferred or unfulfilled. He writes that these dreams dry up like raisins in
the sun, fester like sores, stink like rotten meat, crust over like a syrupy sweet.
Matus writes that she is interested in looking at the way in which Naylor rethinks the
poem in her novel s attention to dreams and desires and deferral, and then to consider
the implications of her vision in terms of the novel s sensitivity to history and social
context (50). The unfulfillment of dreams and desires are two major recurring themes
in the novel and what makes the ending of the novel so interesting is that it is a
narrative illustration of these themes. The unassuming reader is actually left
unfulfilled because the seeming conclusion to the novel is taken away
Characteristics Of Major Depressive Disorder
Major depressive disorder characterized by depressed mood and/or loss of interest
affects 7% of all Americans. In addition to its primary characteristics, people
diagnosed with MDD present with at least five of the following characteristics for the
majority of the day every day for 2 weeks: altered psychomotor activity, loss of
interest, problems concentrating or making decisions, altered sleep patterns, weight
loss or gain, fatigue, recurrent thoughts of death, and feelings of worthlessness or
excessive/inappropriate guilt. In order to meet the standards for clinical diagnosis, the
patient s symptoms must prevent normal functioning (social, occupational, or
otherwise) and cannot be explained alternatively by a medical condition or... Show
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One possibility is the decrease in diagnosis of MDD by primary care physicians due
to somatic rather than psychological presenting symptoms.
Functional consequences of MDD vary but typically depend on the severity of the
symptoms. Symptoms vary from no noticeable outward changes to total functional
incapacity. Suicide attempts are higher in females, but completion rates are higher in
males. Other risk factors for suicide include living alone, feelings of helplessness and
borderline personality disorder.
Based on a systematic review of 44 clinical trials dating from January 1, 1990 to
January 13, 2015, an effective evidence based first step intervention for managing
mild to severe MDD is second generation antidepressants. Approximately 60 % of
patients respond; however 70% do not remit. Of the several different families of
antidepressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), tricyclic
antidepressants (TCAs), norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (NRIs), and monoamine
oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed. SSRIs,
initially discovered as more tolerable forms of TCAs and MAOIs, based on the
monoaminergic hypothesis, the theory that depression results from low levels of
serotonin in the brain, work by inhibiting serotonin reuptake receptors present on
presynaptic neurons producing an increase of serotonin in the brain.
Comparison Between Macbeth And Into The Wild
Wanting for dreams to come true don t do that themselves, it depends on what
choices we do and don t make that help us strive towards our longings. Unless, we
are all controlled by fate, playing out the part in our lives that had been pre
organized for us. The unit selections Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, a biographical
novel, and Macbethby William Shakespeare, a drama, both focus on things we can
and can t control in our lives, but Into the Wilddoes a better job answering the
question in the prompt because rules are meant to be broken, Chris McCandless
just took it to the next level. He was able to leave his life behind, making decisions
most of us couldn t even imagine making. He sets an example of what we can
achieve in life. We... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
/For it is thine. ВЁ King Duncan had noticed the loyalty Macbeth displayed to his
home by serving the country, and since the King knew of the traitorous Thane of
Cawdor, King Duncan had awarded Macbeth the next Thane of Cawdor, just as
how the witches predictions. As Macbeth keeps dwelling on the sister witches
prophecies we can infer, Macbeth wants this fortunes to come true, so the news
brought by the two men must sound exciting to Macbeth. Macbeth knew he would
be the Thane of Glamis and Cawdor now but power tends to go straight to people s
head and now he wants to be king, the evident through lines 149 and 160 Cannot be
ill, cannot be good: if ill, / Why hath it given me earnest of success, / Commencing
in a truth? I am thane of Cawdor: If good, why do I yield to that suggestion / Whose
horrid image doth unfix my hair / And make my seated heart knock at my ribs,
/ Against the use of nature? Present fears / Are less than horrible imaginings: / My
thought, whose
The Election Swept Away Years Of Liberal Government
The 1997 general election swept away eighteen years of Conservative government,
replacing it with a Labour majority government with a majority of 179; their largest
majority ever, surpassing even the 145 seat majority won by the party in 1945.
Under the Labour landslide, several prominent Tory MPs and frontbenchers were
defeated by Labour, Liberal Democrat and Scottish National candidates, such as
Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind, Scottish Secretary Michael Forsyth, Trade
Secretary Ian Lang, former Health Secretary Edwina Currie, former Chancellor of
the Exchequer Norman Lamont, former Minister for Fun (National Heritage) David
Mellor, and scandal embroiled former Minister Neil Hamilton (who was defeated by
the Labour and Liberal... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After the polls had closed at ten o clock, but before the result was formally
announced, Portillo was interviewed live by Jeremy Paxman on the BBC s election
programme. By that stage, Portillo was aware of the result in his seat. Portillo was
seen to struggle answering Paxman s first question, So Michael, are you going to
miss the limo? or the follow up, Are we seeing the end of the Conservative Party as a
credible force in British politics? . [1]
The other candidates knew the result as they walked up onto the stage of the
Picketts Lock Leisure Centre in Enfield. Portillo, to a large amount of muttering had
won 19,137; this gained an applause from some Conservative supporters who
assumed that Portillo had won. After a minor party candidate s result had been
declared the returning officer began to announce Twigg s vote total. There was a
loud and prolonged cheer when Twigg s result of 20,570 was announced.
Portillo, to his credit gave a magnanimous concession speech. Portillo later stated that
he was determined to lose with as much dignity as possible, after having watched the
scenes in Putney where David Mellor had attacked Referendum Party founder and
leader Sir James Goldsmith.
The episode led to the phrase Portillo Moment, entering into the political lexicon.
Many viewers and pundits asked Were you still up for Portillo, asking whether
someone had stayed up until after three in the morning to see or hear the
Paradise Lost s Satan and The Grand Inquisitor s Evil
Evil s origin begins with Adam and Eve using their special gift, free will, to
commit the first sin. They sinned because they were tempted from the free will to
choose between following or disobeying God s orders. Paradise Lost is an epic
written by John Milton that describes the fallen angel Satan and the fall of man. The
Grand Inquisitor by Fyodor Dostoevsky is about an archbishop who talks with Jesus
and wants to burn him as a heretic. Paradise Lost and The Grand Inquisitor both
discuss free willand the stories of two benevolent characters that use their free will
to choose evil. In Paradise Lost and The Grand Inquisitor, the main characters Satan
and the Grand Inquisitor are evil because they use free will to choose evil over good.
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His perseverance to serve God s word makes him very similar to Satan. Both Satan
and the Grand Inquisitor brandished how they were virtuous supporters. Once
benevolent beings, Satan and the Grand Inquisitor soon turns toward evil. Satan and
the Grand Inquisitor s plight from good to evil begin with their desire for power. In
the case with Satan, he desires to overthrow God s kingdom and make it his own.
Satan is prideful and ambitious and decides to attempt overthrowing God.
If he opposed; and with ambitious aim against the throne and monarchy of God,
raised impious war in Heaven and battle proud. (Milton, 41 43, Book I).
By defying God, Satan conveys a message that says he wants God s throne. His
desire for power turns him into an evil being fighting against the obedient servants
of God. The Grand Inquisitor s ambition is similar aside the fact that he wants to
take power away from Jesus. He wants power taken away from Jesus because he
believes that Jesus doesn t know deserve the power to control people by his
teachings. Oh we shall persuade them that they will only become free when they
renounce their freedom to us and submit to us. (Dostoevsky, 239) The Grand
Inquisitor believes that Jesus was wrong in deserting his followers so the Grand
Inquisitor turns to evil. The Grand Inquisitor s step towards evil truly begins when
he places himself in Jesus role in preaching and follows Satan instead. His desire for
power shows the
How Did Geography Affect The Kingdom Of Ghana
How did geography affect society, culture, and trade of the kingdom of Ghana? The
Kingdom of Ghana had lots of trade and transportation through Africa, Asia, and the
Mediterranean region which they traded with Rome. They had plenty of gold and
food resources which helped the people throughout time. The empire had some few
political problems. Ghana is located in a different place than the modern country of
Ghana in West Africa. Ghana was located in the savanna region, and just south of it
lay rain forests where there was an abundance of gold found in streams and mine
shafts. Ancient Ghana was divided into ten regions, Western Ghana, Central Ghana,
Greater Accra, Eastern Ghana, Volta, Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Northern Ghana, Upper
West Ghana and Upper East Ghana. The Empire of Ghana was located in Western
Africa in what is today the countries of Mauritania, Senegal, and Mali. The region lies
just south of the SaharaDesert and is mostly savanna grasslands. Major rivers in the
region such as the Gambia River, Senegal River, and the Niger River served as the
means of transportation and trade. Vegetation grew mainly in the south western part
of the Kingdom, as there was very little rain in the northern part.The climate of
Ancient Ghana for most of the year was dry and hot, however rainfall did occur in
some parts during the year. Due to its geographic location on the trans Saharan trade
route, Ghana had a great advantage as merchants had to pass through it to exchange
Theme Of Romance In Pride And Prejudice
Romance seems so urgent and delightful in Austen because marriage is a business,
and her characters cannot help treating it as a pleasure. Pride and Prejudice is the
best of her novels because its romance involves two people who were born to be in
love, and care not about business, pleasure, or each other. It is frustrating enough
when one person refuses to fall in love, but when both refuse, we cannot rest until
they kiss.
Of course all depends on who the people are. When Dorothea marries the Rev.
Casaubon in Eliot s Middlemarch, it is a tragedy. She marries out of consideration
and respect, which is all wrong; she should have married for money, always
remembering that where money is, love often follows, since there is so much time
for it. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The movie is more robust than most period romances; it is set earlier than usual, in
the late 1700s, a period more down to earth than the early Victorian years. The
young ladies don t look quite so much like illustrations for Vanity Fair, and there is
mud around their hems when they come back from a walk. It is a time of rural
realities: When Mrs. Bennet sends a daughter to visit Netherfield Park, the country
residence of Mr. Bingley, she sends her on horseback, knowing it will rain, and she
will have to spend the
History of Calculus Essay
History of Calculus
The history of calculus falls into several distinct time periods, most notably the
ancient, medieval, and modern periods. The ancient period introduced some of the
ideas of integral calculus, but does not seem to have developed these ideas in a
rigorous or systematic way. Calculating volumes and areas, the basic function of
integral calculus, can be traced back to the Egyptian Moscow papyrus (c. 1800 BC),
in which an Egyptian successfully calculated the volume of a pyramidal
frustum.[1][2] From the school of Greek mathematics, Eudoxus (c. 408 #8722;355
BC) used the method of exhaustion, which prefigures the concept of the limit, to
calculate areas and volumes while Archimedes (c. 287 #8722;212 BC) developed this
idea ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Europe, the second half of the 17th century was a time of major innovation.
Calculus provided a new opportunity in mathematical physics to solve long standing
problems. Several mathematicians contributed to these breakthroughs, notably John
Wallis and Isaac Barrow. James Gregory proved a special case of the second
fundamental theorem of calculus in AD 1668.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was originally accused of plagiarism of Sir Isaac Newton s
unpublished works, but is now regarded as an independent inventor and contributor
towards calculus.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was originally accused of plagiarism of Sir Isaac Newton
s unpublished works, but is now regarded as an independent inventor and contributor
towards calculus.
Leibniz and Newton pulled these ideas together into a coherent whole and they are
usually credited with the independent and nearly simultaneous invention of calculus.
Newton was the first to apply calculus to general physics and Leibniz developed
much of the notation used in calculus today; he often spent days determining
appropriate symbols for concepts. The basic insight that both Newton and Leibniz
had was the fundamental theorem of calculus.
When Newton and Leibniz first published their results, there was great
Essay about Love
Love Love is difficult to define, difficult to measure, and difficult to understand.
Love is what great writers write about, great singers sing about, and great
philosophers ponder. Love is a powerful emotion, for which there is no wrong
definition, for it suits each and every person differently. Whether love is between
family, friends, or lovers, it is an overwhelming emotion that can be experienced in
many different ways. People experience love for the first time by being part of a
family. Family love is demonstrated through lessons of sacrifice, concern and
compassion, from the cradle to the grave. There are many different levels and
conditions of family love. It is the love we cherish between our intermediate family
and our... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A close knit loving bond between two people can begin with a friendship. Whether
it is a friendship between two males, two females, or one male and one female,
these friendships will develop into love. In no way is it a romantic love, but this
type of love connects and bonds friends. Friends may move away or friendships
may wane, but the love between the two people burns on forever. Romantic love is
a love that not every person will experience. It is a type of love that is not there at
the beginning, but grows within the individual. When one finally finds the love
they have been looking for, one can not imagine life with anybody else. Romantic
love is a connection between two souls that is captured with a feeling that is not
only felt within the heart but within their body as well. I have never been in love
with a girl; I can only imagine what it might be like to be in love. Guessing from
my sister s relationship with boys, it seems like a big headache instead of a
wonderful feeling. To simply write a definition of love is complicated because
every person has a different perception of love. The only way to capture the true
meaning of love is to experience the feeling and find out for oneself, what love is. In
our lives and the lives of others, love is evident. Whether it is between family,
friends, or lovers, love is a precious
Evolution Of Cats Essay
The house cat has been a favored companion for many years. Their small size and
independent tendencies makes them ideal pets for those who do not want a high
maintenance animal. They are quirky and show lots of love if you take care of them.
Cats are complex animals, but can be great pets. They have their own way of doing
things, but still can be a great companion. They have gone through a lot throughout
the years, yet still have barely changed. Cats are interesting in their own ways, both
their history and personalities.
The cat s scientific name is Eukaryota Anamalia Chordata Mammalia Carnivora
Felidae Felis catus ( Felis Catus: The Domestic Cat, n.d.). Usually just the term
Felidae is used ( Felis Catus: The Domestic Cat, n.d.). The evolution ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
They have special adaptations that they have acquired through time and evolution.
On the outside, cats have whiskers on their face that help them to navigate (Foss,
Stewart Swift, 2008, p.12). They also have cupped ears that can rotate to catch
sound, which helps them to hunt (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008, p.10). Their tongues
are covered in papillae to help scrape food off of bones or to clean itself (Foss,
Stewart Swift, 2008, p.10). Their fur coats protect them from cold, bug bites,
stings, and other irritants, and can also be raised when frightened or threatened to
seem larger in size (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008, p.10). Not easily seen are the sweat
glands that cats only have on their paw pads (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008, p.11).
Moving inward, cats have a very flexible spine, aiding them when falling to land on
their feet or to help them get into small spaces (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008, p.12).
Most cats can see ultraviolet light (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008, p.9). Evolution has
favored night vision over being able to see colors during the day (Foss, Stewart
Swift, 2008, p.9). Another part of the cat s night vision is that at the back of the eye,
there is a layer of cells that reflects the light (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008, p.9). Cats
have to have a good sense of hearing and sight since they depend on that more than
smell when hunting (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008,
An Essay On Population.pdf

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  • 1. An Essay On Population Writing an essay on the topic of population is undoubtedly a challenging task that requires a nuanced understanding of various aspects. The complexity lies in the multifaceted nature of the subject, which encompasses demographic trends, social implications, economic impacts, and environmental considerations. Crafting a coherent and insightful essay demands thorough research, critical analysis, and the ability to present a balanced perspective. One of the difficulties arises from the sheer breadth of the topic. The population is not a monolithic entity but a dynamic and diverse phenomenon shaped by factors such as birth rates, death rates, migration patterns, and societal dynamics. To address this adequately, one must delve into demographic theories, statistical data, and historical trends to provide a comprehensive overview. Furthermore, tackling the social implications of population growth or decline requires a nuanced understanding of cultural, political, and economic contexts. It involves exploring issues such as resource distribution, access to education and healthcare, and the impact on social structures. Analyzing these intricate interconnections demands not only research skills but also the ability to synthesize information into a cohesive narrative. Addressing economic aspects adds another layer of complexity. Examining the influence of population size on economic development, labor markets, and resource utilization requires a grasp of economic theories and empirical studies. This involves navigating through intricate relationships between population dynamics and macroeconomic variables, such as GDP growth, unemployment rates, and income distribution. Environmental considerations introduce yet another challenge. Exploring the ecological footprint of a growing population, discussing sustainable practices, and analyzing the impact on biodiversity necessitate an understanding of environmental science and policy. Balancing the need for human development with ecological preservation requires careful consideration and a well-informed perspective. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of population is no easy feat. It demands a comprehensive understanding of demographic trends, social dynamics, economic factors, and environmental concerns. Successfully navigating through these complexities requires dedication, research skills, critical thinking, and the ability to articulate a well-rounded perspective. If you find yourself grappling with such a task, remember that assistance is available. Similar essays and more can be ordered on HelpWriting.net, where experts can provide the support needed to tackle this challenging subject. An Essay On Population An Essay On Population
  • 2. Compare And Contrast The Three Estates Of France In The 1780s In the late 1780 s, France was in a difficult time period. They were heavily in debt and the king, Louis XVI and Antoinette went bankrupt because they spent all of the money on themselves instead of trying to help the people in the town. Since there wasn t that much money, people had to pay more taxes. Only we, the commoners, had to pay the taxes and not the wealthy people, making the poor poorer and the rich richer. The meeting of the Estates General was called by the King because France was going through a financial crisis. In this meeting the estates tried to come up with ideas to get out of debt, mostly by raising taxes. The three estates were the clergy, the nobles, and the commoners. To decide, the estates used voting by order which
  • 3. How Does Robert Herick Use Uncertainty In We Grow... Most people believe that disorder and uncertainty are negative and are flaws. However, the two poets Robert Herrick and Emily Dickinson prove this thought wrong. Herrick in his poem Delight in Disorder paints a portrait of a woman who he is attracted to while Dickinson in We grow accustomed to the Dark gives a glimpse into the nature of darkness. Despite the belief of most people, the two poets use precise diction in order to show that disorder and uncertainty are rather appealing and necessary in life. Robert Herrick in Delight in Disorder uses words such as distraction, confusedly, tempestuous, careless, and wild throughout his poem to express the disorder of the woman s dress (4, 8, 10, 11, 12). However, in the end of his poem, Herrick writes, a wild civility;/Do more bewitch me than when art/Is too precise in every part (12 13). The word bewitch proves that the speaker is so attracted to the disorder of the dress that it is almost casting a spell on him. Also too precise in every part in the last verse indicates that something that is so exact and perfect and what everyone thinks they want is not attractive (13). In We grow accustomed to the Dark, similar to Robert Herrick, Emily Dickinson shows uncertainty in people s lives by this phrase: A moment―We uncertain step/For newness of the night (5 6). The night symbolizes the uncertainty and the fear new phrases in life bring. After Dickinson expresses the uncertainty newness can create for people, she writes, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If the two poets were not thoughtful in their diction, they would not succeed in expressing the meaning of the poem in so few words. With their careful word choices, Herrick and Dickinson is able to deliver their message that even though most people think that disorder and uncertainty are negative and almost even dangerous, they are rather attractive and necessary in
  • 4. Jealousy in William Shakespeare s Othello Essay Shakespeare has an exceptional ability to compose plays full of deceit, trickery, murderous revenge, and jealousy. In Othello, one of his most recognized tragedies was consistently evolving around the central theme of jealousy. Jealousy in Othello is what the play was founded on. One of Shakespeare s most credible characteristics in his writing is his ability to compose a play in which has a story that originates, and strides on lies. As theses lies were unraveled the central theme of his play became distinct, and clearly visible. The central theme was based on the acts that characters had taken based on their jealous feelings. The flaws within all of the characters lied within their blindness to over look Iagos lies. What made each... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This scene being referred to is where Iago expressed his animosity for Othello. Iago was subconsciously telling the audience how jealous he was about Cassio s promotion. And at the same time Roderigo blatantly expressed his jealousy for Desdemona s love for Othello. These two are the most common types of jealousy and envy that we know and express. O sir content you. I follow him to serve my turn upon himВ…. (lines38 39) It is as sure as you are Roderigo, Where I the Moor, I would not be Iago. In following him, I follow but myself. Heaven is my judge, not I for love and duty, But seeming so, for my perculiar end; For when my outward action doth demonstrate The native act and figure of my heart In complient extern, tis not long after But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve For daws peck at; I am not what I am. (lines53 62) Which brings us to who Iago is in this play. Iago, being the cause of this tragedy, is an intricate and complex character, who unraveled the play with his lies. However a person must keep in mind that the direction of Iago s jealousy was not only against sexual love, but against love itself in all manifestations. Iago, being the villain of this tragedy, appeared to have a desire to reach out and destroy the loving, as well as the good in everything. For example, after he
  • 5. Impact of British Colonization on Kenya HistoryRussell McGillivray Kenya The British colonization of Kenya destroyed the culture and economy of the native people, but it established a democratic government and left Kenya a more modernized country.[1] During the 1880 s through 1914, the start of WWI, was an age of imperialism. One place that felt victim to this imperialism was Africa. At this time Africa was a wholly unmodernized continent. The reason the Europeans went after Africa was the introduction of the idea of social Darwinism and the white man s burden . Social Darwinism is the belief that only the strongest and the most cunning can make it to the top of the social ladder, and it was the White Man s Burden to step in for these undeveloped countries ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Other than those though, there were some major contributions made that still effect the country today. One such contribution was the Lyttleton Multiracial Constitution,[19] which was imposed after the Mau Mau crisis, as a way to appease the kikuyu rebels. This constitution was the first step on the way to establishing a better relationship between the natives and the settlers.[20] This constitution, created by the British, established a council, made up of legislators elected by all the people of Kenya, which would make decisions on the future of the country. This was established because the numerous cultural groups of Kenya had trouble agreeing on decisions for the country, as each tribe wanted changes to better their own tribe. The British established this to help the native Kenyan people, instead of taking advantage of them. This went a long way toward bettering the relationship between the two peoples. 6 years later the Macleod Constitution was established. This created an African majority in the council that gave the Kenyan s more power over the Settlers. It also gave each tribe a share of the power in the council, much like the state representatives we have in our congress; each tribe had a different share of the power based on size. The tribes with more people had more representatives in the council, and therefore more power. With these two constitutions, the Kenyan people were well on their way to becoming an
  • 6. The Importance Of JesusMoral Authority In The Church Whilst I think that Jesus divine authority has a significance importance for Christians, I think that Jesus moral authority is more important because of its larger relevance to society. Some of Jesus moral teachings are still relevant in non religious communities are therefore this is more important than divine authority because it has had a more significant effect on the world that his divine authority which is mostly limited to those of the Christian faith. Even though many people argue about the existence of Jesus as a religious figure, most people will acknowledge that there was a historical Jesus who was a teacher of wisdom. Wittgenstein saw Jesus as an authoritative figure not because of his divinity but because of his attitude towards life and humanity. Wittgenstein praised Jesus for living an honest life and argued that it was this that was more important because this approach changed the way that people lived then and has continued to change the way people live now. Tolstoy agrees with Wittgenstein suggesting that it was Jesus Five moral commandments that made Jesus life notable, and not his divinity. I agree with this idea that Jesus was a teacher of wisdom, and has a great impact on changing the way in which people thought. This is something that continues to this day and therefore I think that this has greater importance than his divine authority. Alternatively, some argue that it is Jesus high Christology and the relationship that Jesus has with God,
  • 7. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Branc 1.Introduction of the Organization BRAC, an international development organization based in Bangladesh, is the largest non governmental development organization in the world. BRAC has pioneered a unique model of sustainable business that integrates Corporate Social Responsibility as functional components of enterprises. BRAC Enterprises, one of the flourishing wings of BRAC. In 1978, BRAC s flagship social enterprise, Aarong, was created as a support mechanism to BRAC s existing sericulture program so that the hand spun silk they were creating could be successfully marketed at a larger scale. Aarong was established as a retail distribution outlet that offered a fair price to the rural suppliers while introducing the products to urban markets where both ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3. Advantages gained from Social Enterprises Through its unique model and integrated operations, BRAC achieves five distinctive advantages across its enterprises: Synergy The integrated network of BRAC Enterprises, Development Programs and Investments together beget a unique synergy and essentially create a 2+2=5 Effect. The surpluses generated by the social enterprises make BRAC more self sustaining so that increasing numbers of poor people can become self reliant. Cross Collaboration BRAC enterprises maximize synergy, impact and value by their targeted outreach and integrative products and services across multiple enterprises. Cross Subsidy Although BRAC enterprises aim for financial returns while fulfilling the social and environmental missions, not all enterprises are equally profitable. The cumulative surplus from BRAC enterprises combined are used to re invest in the BRAC enterprises and support the development programs, on an as needed basis, not on a pro rata basis across
  • 8. History Of The Exclusionary Rule More than a century since the Fourth Amendment, its value was hardly recognizable by the criminal defendants since evidences seized by law enforcement in violation of warrant and probable cause requirements was justifiable during the defendant prosecution. The penalty for improperly search and seizure that the evidence is obtain will be excluded from the court case, better known as the exclusionary rule. Between the dawn and the intermediate of the 20th century, the exclusionary rule obstruct illegal seized evidence from the federal courts, all of sudden, in 1961 the well known case that revolves around the exclusionary rule, Mapp v. Ohio, was applied to state courts and as a result, federal supervision under states search and seizureguideline
  • 9. Impulsive Purchase Executive summary: In this essay we have discussed buyer behaviors. The difference between impulsive purchase and unplanned purchase. Defined impulsive purchase and give example of it. Highlight the main difference between impulsive purchase and unplanned purchase. Provide real life example to support my point. What are the factors which force us to indulge into such type of behavior. What are the impacts of these factors on our buying habits. What is meant by what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas means and how people use this quote to reduce the consequence of impulsive behavior? What are the after effects of these buying habits and how they affect people life. How people feel regretful when their habit of impulsive buying become ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some people spend more when they are happy while other spend more when they are upset. Momentary conditions: Momentary conditions reflect state of being such as being tired, being ill, having a great deal of money or having no money. What happen in Vegas stays in Vegas: As stated by ( Juggler ga,2005) What happen in Vegas stays in Vegas is a slogan taken from what happen here, stays here it has been created by an advertising agency named as R R Partners. To elaborate this more we can say that this means what ever you do in Vegas will stay in Vegas. As we all know that Las Vegas are the world most famous place for shopping and other stuff. People mostly go there and spend all of their money on buying useless objects. These habits sometime create negative impacts on buyers by giving birth to a sense of guilt or regret after buying expensive products. As stated by (RachelB, n.d.) impulsive buying habits sometime have very negative impacts on consumers and is becoming a serious problem for them. The people who are involved in these types of habitual shopping habits faces huge debts. The factors which force buyers to involve in these Point of Purchase: There is a major study took place in Point of Purchase advertising institute in US. According to this study Point of Purchase displays are very common and they have enormous impacts on buying habits of consumers. Marketers use many strategies to
  • 10. Career Perceptions of Undergraduate Hospitality and... Running Head: Hospitality Career Perception Career Perceptions of Undergraduate Hospitality and Tourism Students: A Case Study at Silapakorn International college, Thailand Aticha Kweangsopha 52501315 Kamonluk Phophan 52501301 Panadda Wongdermdee 52501317 MBA Student in Hospitality and Tourism Management Silapakorn University Career Perceptions of Undergraduate Hospitality and Tourism Students: A Case Study at International College, Silapakorn University Aticha K., Kamonluk P. and Panadda W. MBA Student in Hotel and Tourism Management International College, Silapakorn University Abstract The aim of this research ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, the research attempts find out how they value their work experience and bachelor degree. Research Question This study aims to answer the following questions 1. Do students choose this program because they intend to work in hospitality industry? 2. Do students are aware of the working environment in the hospitality industry and what the hospitality industry requires? 3. What do students think about hospitality bachelor degree? 4. Do students value work experience over bachelor degree? Research Methodology Respondents The researcher selected undergraduate students of the Silapakorn University International Collage as respondents. The reason of choosing this group of respondents is because International Collage of Silapakorn University is famous for hospitality and tourism education. Besides, the researcher is current master student of this institute. The respondent encourages the researcher to gain an in depth knowledge of the issues. Out of 75 distributed questionnaires; twenty questionnaires from each of first year, second year and third year students have been completed and returned. Fifteen questionnaires have been lost. Research Method
  • 11. The researcher had been considering various types of research design; the most suitable and fit with this research is a
  • 12. How the Red Scare Created a Hollywood Blacklist Essay In the 1930s and 1940s many Hollywood writers, actors, producers, and directors were suspected for communist affiliations. During this time, communism was a popular political movement in the United States, especially among young liberals. There was a growing fear of communism invading American society. By the end of World War Two an event known as the Red Scare resulted in communism become increasingly feared and hated by many in the United States. The Hollywood blacklist caused the Hollywood industry a lot of harm in its business and reputation. The House Committee on Un American Activities (HUAC) was created in 1938. They were focused on investigating and putting an end to Communists and Communist supporters in the American ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The most famous group of the blacklisted individuals was known as the Hollywood Ten. It is made up of one director, Edward Dmytryk, and nine screenwriters. They all refused to answer any questions from the House Committee on Un American Activities, and were jailed by the government and blacklisted by Hollywood. Some of the questions they refused to answer were: are you a member of the Screen Writers Guild? and, are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party? Their unsuccessful defense was bases on First Amendment claims. Even though being a member of the American Communist Party was disliked and in some cases feared, it was never illegal. These men were convicted in 1948 for six months in two cases or one year prison terms in 1950. Edward Dmytryk was summoned to appear before a House Committee hearing investigating Un American Activities. He refused to cooperate with Committee and was sent to jail. After spending numerous months behind bars, Dmytryk made the choice to testify again, and give the names of other members in the American Communist Party, as the HUAC had requested. On April 25, 1951, Dmytryk appeared before another HUAC hearing and answered all their questions. He told them about his extremely short past membership in the Communist party. He also named twenty six former members of left wing groups. He gave
  • 13. Public Finance Institutions in India- a Brief Discussion Public finance institutions According to sec 4A of companies cat 1956: (1) Each of the financial institutions specified in this sub section shall be regarded, for the purposes of this Act, as a public financial institution, namely: (i) the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited, a company formed and registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1913 (7 of 1913); (ii) the Industrial Finance Corporation of India, established under section 3 of the Industrial Finance Corporation Act, 1948 (7 of 1948); (iii) the Industrial Development Bank of India, established under section 3 of the Industrial Development Bank of India Act, 1964 (18 of 1964); (iv) the Life Insurance Corporation of India, established under ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2005 ICICI acquired Investitsionno Kreditny Bank (IKB), a Russia bank with about US$4mn in assets, head office in Balabanovo in the Kaluga region, and with a branch in Moscow. ICICI renamed the bank ICICI Bank Eurasia. Also, ICICI established a branch in Dubai International Financial Centre and in Hong Kong. 2006 ICICI Bank UK opened a branch in Antwerp, in Belgium. ICICI opened representative offices in Bangkok, Jakarta, and Kuala Lumpur. 2007 ICICI amalgamated Sangli Bank, which was headquartered in Sangli, in Maharashtra State, and which had 158 branches in Maharashtra and another 31 in Karnataka State. Sangli Bank had been founded in 1916 and was particularly strong in rural areas. ICICI also received permission from the government of Qatar to open a branch in Doha. ICICI Bank Eurasia opened a second branch, this time in St. Petersburg. 2008 The US Federal Reserve permitted ICICI to convert its representative office in New York into a branch. ICICI also established a branch in Frankfurt. *2.Industrial* Development Bank of India The Industrial Development Bank of India Limited commonly known by its acronym IDBI is one of India s leading public sector banks and 4th largest Bank in overall ratings. RBI categorised IDBI as an other public sector bank . It was established in 1964 by an Act of Parliament to provide credit and other
  • 14. The Challenges Of Adversity And Diversity In The Workplace In recent years, diversity and inclusion have emerged as an essential business practice. Why are diversity and inclusion so critical to organizations nowadays? Do they really help organizations achieve better results? Why is it a unique issue in the 21st century workplace? To answer these questions, organizations should look into factors such as globalization. Globalization increases interactions around the world and diversifies the profile of the workforce, which also contributes to the changing composition of the current workforce. While globalization offers extensive opportunities for organizations, it also imposes many challenges that require new responses. Organizations are not only looking for ways to effectively manage a diverse workforce but also to leverage it to achieve better outcomes. As diversity and inclusion gain more attention in the society, more research has been done on their impact to organizations. Not too long ago, organizations implemented diversity management initiatives, such as affirmative action and equal employment legislations, just to fulfill their legal requirements (Jayne and Dipboye, 2004). However, diversity and inclusion have since then become a business imperative. Are diversity and inclusion the same? They seem to go hand in hand, but they are actually two different notions that need to be addressed separately. While diversity recognizes that each individual is different from one and another, and that such differences must be
  • 15. Analysis Of Consider The Lobster Consideration: thoughtful of the rights and feelings of others How do you consider the lobster? David Foster Wallace wrote the essay Consider the Lobster. After the reading, the essay for the first time the thoughts that went through my head consisted of how the lobsters were treated and what Wallace thought of the lobsters. The lobsters are chosen out of usually a pot or a giant tank and then boiled to death. They are placed into a pot of boiling hot water and the saying that the lobsters are screaming in the pot comes to be true. Some people find it disturbing to listen to the sound while others cover the pot and not let it bother them. Also, from the first reading I thought that Wallace was being somewhat hypocritical because I got the idea that it was acceptable for him to eat and coo ketch lobsters but seeing it done in the setting of a restaurant, in a larger quantity makes it worse. Gathering all this information again had made me rethink the essay and look towards the deeper meaning. Wallace committed suicidein 2008 due to mental illness. So, when we consider the lobster does it mean that to be considerate of it? Another point I came to was about was mental illness and how in 2008 Wallace committed suicide. When lobsters are chosen and boiled to eat, those people are sending them to their grave . So, what does being considerate consist of when discussing a lobster, a dead body and the food we are about to eat? Jessica Mitford wrote the essay The Story of
  • 16. What Does The Presence Of Different Sectarian Groups (... How does the presence of three different sectarian groups (Christian, Sunni, Shiite) affect the political, economic, and social stability of a nation is an interdisciplinary research question because it seeks to understand the relationship between the economics and its key insights while examining the political environment can led to conflict and how that conflict was exacerbated by the involvement of many different cultural sects. Analyzing the case of Lebanon requires an interdisciplinary approach for several reasons. First, the problem is complex, meaning that there are several components and each components has a different disciplinary character. Second, important insights into the problem have been produced by expects from multiple disciplines. Third, no single disciplinary approach has been able to address this problem comprehensively. Fourth, the case of Lebanon falls within the research domains of several disciplines. By establishing these links across disciplinary knowledge domains requires creating common ground and performing integration, which is a distinct feature of interdisciplinarity. The scope of this study will focus on the nation of Lebanon with the events unraveling sense the early 1970 s until today. The composition of the Lebanese society allows us to examine how the presence of Christian, Sunni, and Shiite camps can lead to social instability with war being the most extreme manifestation of civil strife. Instability in a nations political
  • 17. Caliban And Demmigods Caliban the Human Monster and the Demigods Caliban is a one of the main characters in William Shakespeare s play The Tempest. Being the sole habitant on the island of Prospero throughout a majority of the play, Caliban is illustrated as a human with monster like characteristics. Caliban can be also be compared to the demigods of Greek Mythology since Calibanand the demigods are both complex, yet parallel, characters. Numerous times throughout The Tempest, Shakespeare uses the magic behind the island to show Caliban s powers; likewise, demigod has godlike powers. Similar to demigods, Caliban is a half human son with assumed powers, demands revenge by manipulating or persuasion, and both have emotional and physical vulnerabilities related to their human side. Rebellion is another feature these two share to an extent.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The creation of Caliban could definitely be considered when comparing to a demigod since demigods are created between a mortal human and god parent. Demigods are known for their strength and courage, resemble much like man (Blackboard 1) Demigods may have distinguished themselves in life by their existence over other mortals and believe in this power to rule over man. As Caliban lived by himself on a deserted island, he developed his own perceptions of himself as a monster human and also believed he became leader over man. Caliban s speech in Act III Scene II proves his close connection with the magic island, Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments (Shakespeare 55). Demigods also connect with their land and close surroundings. They use powers to create storms, disasters, and also peace using the power of nature in reaction to their frustrations and also happiness (Blackboard
  • 18. Argumentative Essay On Bay Windows Bay window is one of the sought after kind of windows as it brings great sense of style and adding more life to a room. It lets the sunlight enter into the room, letting the people inside feel good in the morning. Bay windows let you see the large outer space view of your home. It makes small room looks bigger. If you are thinking of buying or installing bay windows, it is very important to ask first for bay windows quotes. There are many manufacturers that offer measurements for their products and services which some homeowners are requesting. This ensures that when you plan of buying, the cost will suit to your budget. The trendy bay windows tends to not be as ornate as its predecessors. The neoclassic windows function a decorative enhancement for facades ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Perhaps you d like to extend your living room to create a relaxation/reading space. Or perhaps you re looking for a decorative area in which to showcase some plants or beautiful handmade vases. These are the types of scenarios that are perfect for a bay window treatment. The depth of these windows is so substantial that the ledge can be converted to a sitting area or a large shelving platform. Ultimately, it becomes as functional as it is beautiful. You ll also know that it is the perfect choice if you are craving lots of natural light in your home. The dimensions of these windows are so vast and the transparency of three glass panes so pristine that the sun will be shining through all day. Make sure that your wall is wide enough to accommodate a bay window. Start out by getting an estimate for a standard size and then work your way upwards if your wall spacing (and budget) can afford it. You ll often see them on the front exterior of homes as it definitely makes for great first impressions. Consider the rooms at the front of your house first for an appropriate location before considering the options in the
  • 19. Betrayal In All Quiet On The Western Front Has there really ever been a time in your life when everything has been all quiet? No matter who you are, there is always something on your mind, or something that you have to deal with. There is really only one way to achieve absolute quiet, and that is by death. War unfortunately gives millions of people just that. All Quiet on the Western Frontis a book that tells a story of young men and their journey throughout WW1 from the German perspective. Three main points of war that will be mentioned in this paper are betrayal, horror, and friendship. To begin with, betrayal was a very prevalent theme in All Quiet on the Western Front. Firstly, an example of betrayal was when the soldiers were given nice new uniforms to address the Kaiser, but... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First of all, the passing down of the boots was a great example of friendship. With each passing of the pair of boots came even more memories that are shared. It was also like a traditional type of thing among the soldiers. Also, another time when a tremendous amount of friendship was shown was when Bertinck stopped the flamethrowers. He sacrificed his own life to save the lives of his fellow squad mates. Lastly, when Paul carried Kat all the way back to the dressing station was a great example of friendship. Paul did not care what he had to do to make it back to the dressing station to save Kat. It was a long and tedious walk for him but they got there eventually. Unfortunately a piece of shrapnel hit Kat in the back of the head that was unseen, and he died. Thus, friendship was probably one of the most important things to have during
  • 20. Nicotine Limitation 1) Cigarette smoking produces a strong dependence because of the drug nicotine. Nicotine is responsible for producing the physical and mood altering effects in one s brain that cause cigarette smoking to be pleasing. These effects are the reasons individuals choose to continue to smoke more, thus resulting in dependence. Furthermore, nicotineacts as a mild stimulant, which helps individuals stay awake, focused, and relaxed. Nicotine is habit forming and causes unpleasant symptoms when the body is lacking nicotine. One can theoretically choose to stop using a drug, but one has a very difficult time doing so because of the potent reinforcing properties of the substance. That is the case with nicotine (Hart Ksir, 2015, p. 244). 2) The regulation
  • 21. Office Dakota Products Case Analysis Office Dakota Products Case Analysis Course: BUSA 5061 Managerial Accounting Students Name: Teresa Willette Professors Name: Dr. Conner/Dr. Pollard Date 3/20 /2011 Executive Summary The following analysis is written for Dakota Office Products to evaluate current business operations and recommend future actions necessary to ensure company success. In the analysis of the company we will identify inefficient business practices that have led to the companies first profit loss in its history. We will evaluate the companys current pricing structure, ordering methods, shipping and delivery process, and deficiencies in cash flows. For Dakota Office Products (DOP), its existing costing system was inadequate because it is incapable of accounting for... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The key issue presented in front of the management is the possible steps to be taken by the management in order to avoid such losses. Critical Thought The issue addressed by the accounting system of Dakota office products invites our attention to the premise of Activity Based costing methodology. We are certain about the fact that the accounting and reporting system at Dakota Office Product is inappropriate and is leading to the company making wrong decision ultimately leading to losses. This was apparent from the record where the company was able to increase its sales without a corresponding increase in the profits for that particular year. Activity based costing system is an approach which seeks to allocate the overhead cost to the products on a scientific and realistic basis. The existing system of allocating cost at Dakota Office products were inadequate in so much so that it was following an unreasonable basis for allocating the cost, which were known and visible, such as the desktop delivery cost. The existing system was suffering from oversight of some of the expenses. ABC costing system seeks to overcome the problem of oversight and make a more reasonable allocation of the costs. The distinctive feature of this method is the fact that the method can provide useful insights to the management as to the activities which are leading to the cost by
  • 22. The Dominican Republic Essay The people of the Dominican Republic are knowledgeable of their past in order to know what their future might bring. The Spanish settlers gave them their language, as well as their predominant faith. Africans were brought to the Dominican Republic as slaves, bringing their faith, music, and art. Their love of baseball came from the United States troops. Creativity such as music and art is a large portion of the Dominican Republican culture and lifestyle. Their music ranges from forms such as meringue, bachata, and salsa. These diverse forms of music are also combined with jazz, rock, and hip hop to form a culture of music. The art scene of this country was discovered by Rafael Trujillo, who founded the national school of fine arts in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... AS people of inclusion they believe Jesus came to include all, not exclude. All are welcome. They are people of liberation because they seek to challenge all the oppressed and they embody grace by living out their liberation until all are set free of oppression. Dominicans are filled with hope, joy, and unrelenting optimism because they believe: God is good, with God all things are possible, and God uses us to transform the world. As Jesus people they believe Jesus was the incarnation if God s grace. They believe Jesus was the ultimate liberal and showed us the way to lead the life God intends for all of us. Judicial branch judges are elected by a Council made up of members of the legislative and executive branches with the president presiding. The branches in their government resemble our government. The daily life of the Dominican Republic is very interesting. During the day they do many different things like cleaning and doing crafts with others. They have to regular meals breakfast, lunch and dinner. Things that they would eat would be their national dish beans and rice. Rice was the most important crop for them. Dominican Day in August Colorful floats move on the street as music plays with the participants wearing their costumes. People along the street yell, sing, dance, and wave the Dominican flag. The Dominican Republic shares an island with
  • 23. Theme Of Water By The Spoonful The pay Water by the Spoonful is social significance of crack cocaine addiction. The play Water by the Spoonful is about four crack cocaine addicts who are recovering their crack cocaine addiction together. They chat online and tell each other their daily struggles. Odessa is a janitor who has a son who came back from the military name Elliot. Odessa is like the mother of the three other recovering addicts. Another social significance in the play is Elliot s addiction to pain medication. Elliot got injured in the Iraq war and they prescribe him some medications which he later became addicted. This shows the issue that many veterans face when they come back home. Even those people who aren t veterans who also become addicted to their prescribe... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For instance, the addiction of Fountainhead and how he doesn t tell his wife about his addiction because he is afraid of how she will react. When he finally tells her she leaves him. In addition, the way fountainhead takes care of Odessa after she overdose from crack when he barely knows her, while Odessa s family doesn t take care of her. Odessa plays a big role in helping Chutes Ladder, Orangutan, and Fountainhead with their recovery with crack through the online chat. The main characters in the play Water by the Spoonful are trying to recover from their addiction. Odessa s main objective is trying to help everyone recover from their crack addiction. Orangutans objective is that she is trying to figure who she is.Chute Ladders is trying not to push people away.Fountainhead objective is to overcome his addiction so he can spend time with his son. Elliot objective is trying to forget about his time in Iraq and to overcome his addiction with pain medication. Jazmin is there to keep Elliot calm. Contemporary audience can relate to the use of social media to connect with friends. How many of them have a strong bond with someone who is miles away from
  • 24. Essay on Satire in Catch-22 by Joseph Heller Catch 22, by Joseph Heller, is a fictitious novel that depicts life on an American bomber squadron on Pianosa, an island off the coast of Italy, during the closing years of World War II. A bombardier by the name of Yossarian, the main character in the story, is joined by many others to create a comic drama unlike any other. But aside from the entertainment, Heller uses Catch 22to satirize many aspects of everyday life that consist of hypocrisy, corruption, and insanity. From the laziness of policeman to the fake happiness brought about by money, the novel is painted with a great number of points targeted against the faults of modern society. However, along with these smaller targets, a majority of the Heller s satirein the novel is aimed... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nevertheless, in the eyes of Colonel Cathcart and Colonel Korn, they see themselves risking their lives for America, but they do not even go on combat missions and all they are really only responsible for is shuffling papers. Through these characters, Heller satirizes how corrupt and unfair that system is, where essentially random men are called upon to control other random men in an dictatorial bureaucracy. Human nature is yet another target of Heller s satire in the novel and is seen throughout many different characters. Heller explains to the reader, through this method of satire just how selfish and greedy men are and become during the war. Chief White Halfoat recollects his past life in the States where him and the rest of his Native American kinsmen would not be allowed into certain hotels because of their ethnicity. He states to Yossarianin a serious and convicted manner that racial prejudice is a terrible thing and that it is terrible to treat a decent, loyal Indian like a nigger, kike, wop or spic (53). Chief White Halfoat is against racism but refuses to have an open mind toward other races and only cares about Indians, which results in Chief White Halfoat being a racist himself. This is seen in modern American society today
  • 25. A Digital Representation Of Underwater Bathymetry Bathymetry derived terrain variables are indicative of seabed morphology and can be used as predictors of suitable benthic habitats. A digital elevation model (DEM) is a digital representation of the elevation of locations on the land surface, and in the case of this report can be used as a digital representation of underwater bathymetry. The DEM can be used to derive various benthic terrain variables of underwater systems (Pescus 2012). Some terrain variables include depth, slope, rugosity, aspect and terrain variability. Depth is a major environmental gradient which controls species distribution, as various under water organisms rely on photosynthesis to survive and grow. As depth increases, less sunlight penetrates the water, resulting in a limited source of energy for photosynthesizing organisms (Pescus 2012). Additionally bigger/older individuals often prefer deeper waters (Lauria et al. 2015). Slope (expressed in degrees with values from 0В° to 90В°) describes the rate of change in elevation over distance. Low values of slope correspond to flat ocean bottom (or areas of sediment deposition) while higher values indicate potential rocky ledges. (Lauria et al. 2015) The slope of many marine systems has a strong influence on the distribution of benthic components, such as coral in coral reef systems. Slope can first be a derivative of a DEM and then calculated using spatial analyst tools in ArcGIS. The slope represents the rate of change of elevation for each DEM cell
  • 26. Red Bull Research Paper An energy drink sold by an austrian company in which it contained caffeine as the principal ingredient and was introduced in the lives of many professional athletes, late night workers, college students, gamers and everyday adults. All these consumers have an explicit connection to, Red Bull, the most sold energy drink in the world. Their connection to the energy reviving beverage, countless hours spent on daily routines continuously repeated and within the daily lives of average people who work or study to provide several necessities to the people who they work for such as income for their families, bosses or companies. Therefore, an innovative beverage was created in order to maintain performance during countless hours of energy draining progress. Dietrich Mateschitz, the founder of Red Bull, who in the 1980 s He created the formula of Red Bull Energy Drink and developed the unique marketing concept of Red Bull (Red Bull Website), experimentation with several ingredients and finally establishing the formula for the Red Bull energy drink which first sold on April 1, 1987 in Austria. Since, it was released it has sold over 62 billion cans and became a widely recognized energy drink and was not only the launch of a completely new product but was in fact it was the birth of a totally new product category .This product is fuel for the hard working average person of the world, and its purpose is to maintain performance, the day feeling energized, and opposite feeling of
  • 27. The Death Of Hektor And The Destruction Of Troy The death of Hektor and the destruction of Troy were solely caused by his own pride. His refusal to the surrender, which would protect him and most importantly the whole town of Troy, demonstrated his unimaginable selfish behavior. Instead of protecting Troy, Hektor, without hesitation, picked to fight in order to prove his superiority. . This is an example of how one s life can be demolished if pride and honor is prioritized. Hektor acquiesced his whole life to a strong desire for honor, which was implanted in his head by his parents. Oppositions towards my personal beliefs are made by associates from church. Very Slavic beliefs are still heavily implied in the surrounding society and the tendency for Russian people to stick together and then establish similar views increases. . Relying on the support of others, emphasis isn t placed on the careers of my friends. Females rely on males for financial support, thus losing their independence. The man is the main provider and source of income in the house , is a common Slavic belief that restricts the actions of women. The common role of women is to spend time at home raising the children that is why a career is irrelevant. In many ways, it is considered wrong and embarrassing if a female is more financially stable than a male. There is a common belief stating that marriage is the highlight of one s life. Marriage is considered something honorable and hard to achieve, which is why some will go to such extent as to
  • 28. Why Is Child Labour Wrong It is estimated that over 246 million kids between the ages of 5 and 15 around the world are labouring every day for long hours. Most of these children work on farms that produce consumer products such as cocoa, coffee, cotton, rubber and other crops. At 6 a.m., 10 year old Emmanuel wakes and readies himself for a day of labor in the cocoa fields. Along the way, he watches as other kids walk in the opposite direction toward school. He reaches the fields at sunrise and uses his machete to slice ripe cocoa pods from the tree. Later, he carries the cocoa pods he s harvested from the field, hacks them open and gathers the beans, which will later be used to make chocolate. (Biel ) Children that work in these situations are deprived of their safety, education, and chance to experience childhood to its fullest potential. By avoiding buying products from companies that use child labor, we can minimize the amount of children injured, hindered by, and killed in the workforce every year. Three quarters of the children who are forced into child labor work in very hazardous conditions and do dangerous jobs such as working in mines, chemical compounds and agricultural work, putting their lives at risk. Hazardous child labour is the largest category of the worst forms of child labour with an estimated 85 million children, aged 5 17, working in dangerous conditions in sectors as diverse as agriculture, mining, construction, manufacturing, service industries, hotels, bars, restaurants,
  • 29. Summary Of The Help 09/15/2015 ENG142 The Help Annotated Bibliography Tiffin University Pulg, Claudia. The Help : It s Fine Work All Around. USA Today. Web. 9 Aug (2011) . In her review, Claudia was basically focused on how the movie was based on racism and that in this time in the 1960 s that the movie would not be a great movie to see. Claudia, states this statement because of all issues that were going on with the civil rights at the time and how their services as maids were taken for granted. While in the process the women who were maids went to meet with Sly to them their stories a bond was created by Skeeter, Aibileen, and Minny and from there they build a sisterhood. Claudia also praises the fact that everyone did a great job in playing the characters. This article is a great resource because it pointed out how the maids were taken advantage of and this would be a great way to get specific details. Motoko, Rich. The Help : A Southern Mirrored Window. The New York Times. Web. 2 Nov (2009) http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/03/books/03help.html?pagewanted=all Motoko Rich, states that the novel is basically about the relationships between African American and their employers in the 1960 s in Mississippi. In her review, she explained who were the narrators of the novel. Aibileen and Minny and Skeeter. She continued with how Skeeter was desperate and very eager and wanted to impress the editor at the publishing house in New York with a book idea and how she
  • 30. Patty Mcvay Paraprofessional Analysis Patty McVay stated seven roles paraprofessionals play in a classroom which include: leading small groups designed by the teachers, gathering materials, providing assistance for personal care and other physical needs, assisting students to complete directions given by the teacher, facilitating interactions between students, adapting lessons under the teacher s guidance and executing other, often unseen, but very important tasks for the classroom community (McVay, 1998). If paraprofessionals are able to lead small groups of students, teachers are able to address other students and work on a lesson that a faster or slower pace dependent upon the level of the group. The students are able to ask more questions, and feel more confident in asking
  • 31. Determining the Water Potential of Potato Cells EXERCISE 1C: Determining the Water Potential of Potato Cells Introduction: Water potential was defined above as an expression of the tendency of water to diffuse from one region to another. Water potential is a numerical value that must be determined for a given temperature and pressure. In this exercise you will determine the water potential of potato cells at room temperature and ambient pressure by placing cores of potato tissue in sucrose solutions of different concentrations and measuring the net movement of water in each case. In animal cells, movement of H2O into and out of a cell is influenced by the relative concentration of solute on either side of the cell membrane. If water moves out of the cell, the cell will shrink or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We will assume, for purposes of explanation, that the solute is not diffusing (Figure 1 .2a). The movement of water into the cell causes the cell to swell, and the cell membrane pushes against the cell wall to produce an increase in pressure (turgor). Figure 1.2a Before Pure Water (p= 0;((= 0; ( = 0 (p= 0;((= 3; ( = 3 Figure 1.2b After Pure Water (p= 0; ((= 0; ( = 0 (p= +3; ((= 3; ( = 0 As water continues to diffuse into the cell, the rising positive turgor pressure begins to cancel out the negative osmotic potential of the cell. This process will continue until the positive turgor pressure is so large it completely cancels the negative osmotic potential, and the water potential of the cell = 0 = ( of pure water. At this point, a dynamic equilibrium is reached, and net water movement will cease (Figure 1.2b). Now imagine starting over with a fresh piece of potato in a beaker of distilled water. The potato has a water potential of 2.3 bars, as in the above example. If you add solute to the water outside the potato cells, the water potential of the solution surrounding the cells will decrease. It is possible to add just enough solute to the water so that the water potential outside the cell is the same as the water
  • 32. Winter Warmer Persuasive Essay Looking to warm up your winter? As winter approaches, hundreds of thousands of snowbirds are preparing for their annual move from the north, escaping to warmer climates. Of course you will be spending more than three months far far away from the long, cold winters of the North, but are you sure which destination is the right one for you? Whether you are moving South or West in search of warmer climates, each state has its delicacies just waiting for you to enjoy. Choose wisely. Check out eight states that will make your winter warmer. 1.Arizona It s hard to resist the idyllic landscapes, scenic splendor, tranquility and endless blue skies of Arizona. From outdoor enthusiasts to wine connoisseurs; bird watching and shopping, this state ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Texas The Lone Star State is certainly a popular destination for those RVers escaping the frigid winter months of the north. Many snowbirds drive down in RVs enroot to RV parks ranging from small to enormous. If you enjoy highly organized activities with crafts and dancing, the larger RV parks are just for you. If you like square or line dancing, this is the place to kick up your heels and start dancing. If you enjoy exploring wild life; the small town of Rockport attracts bird watchers from all over the world to visit the famed Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, home of the endangered, migrating whooping crane and other wildlife species. If butterflies are your favorite, Marble Falls is a great place to watch monarch butterfly migrations in mid October or Colorado River waterfalls flowing over marble outcroppings. Full of natural beauty, Texas is sure to keep you busy during the winter
  • 33. Ge Case Analysis , Case #1: the turbine generator industry The default prediction that we d make using economic theory (or common sense) in the absence of game theory is that, in the turbine generator case, General Electric should have undercut Westinghouse because the former has lower costs. But we start to see why it didn t when we introduce capacity constraints into the Bertrand model. Capacity constraints can stem from two things: decreasing returns to scale, or demand uncertainties that create expected inventory cost risks and induce firms to produce to order and carry backlogs. The second condition certainly prevails in the turbine generator case. Anti trust regulators observed that both GE and Westinghouse were pricing higher than ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Empirical data suggests successful signaling between the firms in the Cournot aspect of their game also. Attempts by government to discourage tacit collusion in industries like this one are worse than silly. They harm businesses and consumers, bring in no extra public revenue, and may actually create monopolies instead of discouraging them! Such perverse competition policies are nevertheless in place in both the European Union and South Africa. In the United States, firms can be investigated for collusion by the anti trust authority only if there is physical evidence of communication about pricing strategies between competing firms. In the EU and SA, by contrast, competition authorities can investigate merely because they observe that industry prices aren t at competitive equilibrium. So what is supposed to happen, under the latter regime, when competitive equilibrium and Nash equilibrium don t coincide? This implies that at least one firm must sacrifice some profits to deter the authority from investigating. It would be inefficient if all firms in the industry so sacrificed at all times. For maximum industry profits, one firm at a time should price away from equilibrium and be compensated by the others. Thus we have it that as a result of (badly theorized) competition policy policy explicitly designed to deter collusion we get incentives to
  • 34. Balance Sheet and Sales MBA Financial Management and Markets Exam 1 Spring 2009 The following questions are designed to test your knowledge of the fundamental concepts of financial management structure [chapter 1], financial valuation [chapter 2], financial statements and tax planning [chapter 3], and short term financial forecasting and financing [chapter 14]. Choose the best possible answer to the questions given. Each question is equally weighted. Papers are due 2/26/09 at the beginning of class. True /False Indicate whether the statement is true or false. ____ 1. There are three primary disadvantages of a regular partnership: (1) unlimited liability, (2) limited life of the organization, and (3) difficulty of transferring ownership. These combine to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... d. Corporate investors are exposed to unlimited liability. e. Corporations generally face relatively few regulations. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. In a regular partnership, liability for other partners misdeeds is limited to the amount of a particular partner s investment in the business. b. Partnerships have more difficulty attracting large amounts of capital than corporations because of such factors as unlimited liability, the need to reorganize when a partner dies, and the illiquidity (difficulty buying and selling) of partnership interests. c. A slow growth company, with little need for new capital, would be more likely to organize as a corporation than would a faster growing company. d. In a limited partnership, the limited partners have voting control, while the general partner has operating control over the business. Also, the limited partners are individually responsible, on a pro rata basis, for the firm s debts in the event of bankruptcy. e. A major disadvantage of all partnerships relative to all corporations is the fact that federal income taxes must be paid by the partners rather than by the firm itself. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? a. The proper goal of the financial manager should be to attempt to maximize the firm s expected cash flows, because this will add the most to the wealth of the individual shareholders. b. The financial manager should seek that combination of
  • 35. Efficacy Research Examples Efficacy trails is a type of applied research that test whether interventions work under ideal circumstances (Singal, Higgins Waljee, 2014). The objective is to establish a cause and effect between an independent and dependent variable. Efficacy research utilizes three conditions to complete the objective covariation of independent and dependent variables, time precedence of cause and, the presence of no other plausible alternative explanation (Thomas Hersen, 2011,p. 322). To have a high degree of confidence of saying that a particular intervention work researchers must ensure that there is high internal validity. One method used to do that is to have a high degree of experiment control. Researchers would want to have a potent intervention, they would want eliminate any confounding variables (Thomas Hersen, 2011,p.322). The lead researcher would want to ensure that all providers are well trained, there should be any students or trainees administering any interventions. There would be a homogenous sample in terms of their age, gender socioeconomic status, and ethnic identification (Thomas Hersen, 2011,p.322). This group would lack generalizability, therefore the results would not be able to generalize to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this example the goal of efficacy research is to make a connection between the CBT treatment and depression. Researchers would ensure that there if high internal validity and experimental control. After conducting the research, researcher would examine the results and make a research based conclusion. Efficacy research has increased the creditability for therapeutic interventions. Without a method to test interventions, it would be difficult to know which intervention should be used diagnosis. Therefore it has been essential for the growth in the treatment arena of
  • 36. A Novel Modeling And Design Of Statcom With Controllable... A Novel Modeling Design of STATCOM with Controllable grid connected Variable Speed Wind Energy Supply System Mohammad Arshad Ali P.G Scholar,Dept of Electrical and Electronics Engineering SRKR Engineering College Bhimavaram, India. Arshad6786@gmail.com ABSTRACT In the grid new renewable resources are added to extract more power. This adds more power quality issues to grid connection. A Power quality problem is an occurrence manifested as a nonstandard voltage, current or frequency that results in a failure or a mis operation of end user equipment. This paper investigates the use of a static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) is connected at a point of common coupling with Battery Energy Storage System(BESS)to overcome of a power quality issues of a wind farm equipped with variable speed wind turbines driving Double Fed Induction Generators (DFIG). A physical control scheme, including four control loops: ac voltage, dc voltage, ac active current and ac reactive current controllers, is pre specified for the STATCOM. A synthetic algorithm is proposed to embed these physical control loops in the output feedback path. The simulation results demonstrated that under various system disturbances, the proposed mode decoupling STATCOM is effective in regulating IG terminal voltage. INTRODUCTION The conventional energy sources such as oil, natural gas, coal, or nuclear are finite and generate pollution. Alternatively, the renewable energysources like wind, fuel cell, solar,
  • 37. Cannibalism Is Taboo And A Violation Of The Law The film showcases cannibalism, which is taboo and a violation of the law. Cannibalism is generally frowned upon because it is not something that civilized societies engage in. Cannibalism is an action that is primitive and what wild animals do in order to survive. For humans to commit this atrocity, it signifies that we have not moved beyond our animal nature. Thus, cannibalism threatens the idea that we have evolved beyond this primitive behavior that separates us from wild animals. It violates the border between civilized and savage. When we see Leatherface and his family engage in cannibalism, we are repulsed that they could violate this taboo that is central to maintaining a civilized society. Additionally, cannibalism is taboo because it is like eating oneself. Kristeva (1982) writes, Fear of the uncontrollable generative mother repels me from the body; I give up cannibalism because abjection (of the mother) leads me toward respect for the body of the other, my fellow man, my brother. The maternal body is a reminder of the ties and dependence we had on our mothers. The fear of the mother s generative power makes her body and thus all other bodies abject and inedible. By not consuming the flesh of other humans, we are able to maintain our connections to other people. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre depicts more severe acts of violence on women than men, which may be explained by the abject. Creed (1986) suggests that the reason for significant bleeding in a slasher
  • 38. Essay on Happiness and Health in a Connecticut Nursing Home 2.The question presented in this study is would increasing the power and control an individual have over their life cause them to be more happy and healthy? This is an important question because the results could help patients in nursing homes to be both happier and healthier. Langer and Rodin s hypothesis was that if patients in a nursing home were given more control over their lives and activities, they would show improvements in mental alertness, activity level, satisfaction with life, and other measures of behavior and attitude. 3.The participants of this study was 91 individuals who were living at Arden House, a Connecticut nursing home. these individuals were separated into two groups, the first group ( containing 8 men and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The nurses also reported that the participants who were in the increased responsibility group showed improvement in activity, health, and behavior well the comparison group was shown to either decline or basically stay the same. More participants from the responsibility group attended the movie, and 10 of them participated in the jelly bean game as compared to the 1 participant from the comparison group. 5.Langer and Rodin concluded that the findings from their study supported their hypothesis, and that individuals are indeed happier and healthier when given some degree of control over their lives. In fact 18 months after the study the participants in the increased responsibility group were in a super condition than those who were in the control group. They also found that while 30% of the participants in the comparison group had since passed away, only 15% of the experimental group had died. 6.Probably the biggest concern there is in regards to this study is the one pointed out by Langer and Rodin, which is that it may have been unethical to present the participants with a greater level of control over their lives just to have it taken away. This study impacted the history of psychologyby proving that a sense of control is important for peoples physical and mental health. 7.This study changed psychology because it changed how psychologists viewed the importance of control in regards to a person s mental health. This study has also lead to
  • 39. Kim Kardashian (PLACE PIC) Rihanna (PLACE PIC)Rihanna is a Caribbean born singer, entertainer and pop icon who s tumultuous and violent relationship with singer Chris Brown was highly publicized. Figure 8.1 Justin Bieber Justin Bieber is a Canadian born singer, dancer, song writer (also a pop icon) who has become most recently popular from his less than pristine reputation as a bad boy Figure 9 Lindsay Lohan Lindsay Lohan is an American child Actress, model and singer whose reputation had begun as that of a budding child star has become far more famous for having an alcohol addiction and being filmed by paparazzi displaying ill behavior in public. (PLACE PIC) Kim Kardashian is a reality television entertainer and model who rose to prominence initially from a leaked ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Comprised of three (3) females and three (3) males, three (3) Blacks (African /African American), One (1) Latin American, and two (2) Caucasians. None of the figures on the left display any outward signs of being affluent, nor are they particularly attractive (at least by Hollywood standards), and they all appear to be of the working class . The figures on the right include four (4) females and two (2) males, are all youthful, attractive (literally by Hollywood standards), five (5) of which are of Caucasian decent (the race of the American ruling class) and one is of African/Caribbean decent. According to their clothing and outward appearance, they all seem to be of prosperous means (note, the designer handbag in possession of the girl (Lindsay Lohan) in the upper right hand corner, the expensive lingerie of the female (Kim Kardashian) in the lower left, the couture of both the figures in the lower most picture (Lady Gaga) and upper left corner (Rhianna), and the trendy fashion of clothing of the two males (Robert Pattinson Justin Bieber) of the in color photographs). Provided that Lady Gaga s couture is indeed fashioned of $100 worth of raw meat, one must take into account that $100 of meat would be what s on the dinner table instead of on the red carpet for any person considered in the lower or middle
  • 40. How Did Cornelius Vanderbilt Change America During the Industrial Revolution, businesses, jobs, and manufacturing started to prosper rapidly. As the businesses started growing, so did the economy. The power and wealth of business leaders dramatically increased which had a great influence and became vital to the growth of the American economy. One of the very famous business leaders during the Industrial Revolutionwas Cornelius Vanderbilt. Cornelius Vanderbilt was a captain of industry who helped to make America strong. Cornelius Vanderbilt was the the leader of steamboats and railroads who built important infrastructures in the 1800s that helped the American economy to thrive. According to Charles R. Geisst in his article Vanderbilt, Cornelius, before Vanderbilt entered the steamship industry, he already owned a shipping business, but due to its unprofitable future because of the competition with the newly introduced steamboats, he decided to sell all of his current ships and decided to enter the steamship industry business.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1873, he continued to expand his railroad business and he acquired the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, which he merged with the New York Central in order to provide uninterrupted service between New York City and Chicago Illinois, via Buffalo, Cleveland, and Detroit (Charles). This made transportation of goods and people more efficient and just proved how powerful Vanderbilt when it comes to purchasing power. Cornelius Vanderbilt is also considered a philanthropist even though he made a little bit of contributions compared to other business leaders. During the Civil War, he helped the federal government fight its enemies, the Confederates, by donating his ships to them. He also funded $1,000,000 to build Vanderbilt University in Tennessee
  • 41. Effective Communication In Nursing Research Improving Patient Safety Through a Nursing Lens The purpose of this academic paper is to explore how the concept of communication within the healthcare setting challenges nurses from ensuring patient safety. Using evidence based literature, this paper will discuss concerns related to patient safety and communication within the nursing world, two interventions that are currently being practiced in order to address these concerns, and one other unique intervention which can adequately elucidate these concerns. Communication Patient Safety A fundamental aspect within the nursing scope of practice is to profoundly maintain patient safety through the implementation of safe, ethical, and competent nursing care (Canadian Nurses Association, 2002). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For instance, the aviation field actively implements the sterile cockpit as part of its standard routine of attaining client safety. The Federal Aviation Administration officially implemented the sterile cockpit amongst all aviation organizations, in order to decrease the rising incidence of plane crashes occurring as a result of disruptions (Hohenhaus Powell, 2008, p. 109). Through the implementation of the sterile cockpit, aviation pilots are able to maintain adequate concentration without unnecessary distractions, as the airplanes fly 10 000 feet above the ground (Hohenhaus Powell, 2008, p. 109). Similarly, the nursing profession can also implement the sterile cockpit during the process of shift report, where persistent disruptions are at a rise and alter the chances for effective communication. If all healthcare units had an area specific to patient reporting, the chances for ensuring patient safety could drastically increase. Moreover, team members can take additional measures in reducing disruptions by responding to paging systems, patient and family concerns, and call bells as healthcare providers engage in patient reporting with members of the interprofessional
  • 42. The Common Psychiatric Disorder ( Bipolar Disorder ) As one of the more common psychiatric disorders, as well as the most complex, Bipolar disorder is the leading causal factor of functional disability in which aberrations of mood are found in correlation with changes in behaviors, biological rhythms, and cognitive functions; being amongst the most severe of all psychological disorders, with the highest rates of homelessness, suicide, and hospitalization, as it concerns an estimated 2 4% of the population within then United State alone. For mania, in the year following hospitalization, often scarcer than 35% of those diagnosed will ever resume a station within the workforce. Unfortunately, statistically, those inflicted with bipolar disorder are 25% 50% more like to attempt suicide and 11% more apt to follow through. As a rather elusive psychiatric disorder, the promise of a prevention verses cure has proven to be quite limited, given the extraordinary complexity of the illness. Prior to the inception of the illness, given one s predisposition, diversity, and non specific range of hazards for said disorder; intervention, generally, has not been very effective. The pragmatic porthole of prospect concerning early intervention is during the first episode of illness, where the neuroanatomical, neuropsychological, clinical, and functional consequences of the illness s progression are at a minimal. The earlier the intervention, the greater the likelihood symptomology will be benign and
  • 43. Euthanasi Why It Should Be Legal Dillon Ryser Mr. Allred English 12 10 December 2014 Euthanasia: Why It Should Be Legal In the past, a doctor was a friend who treated the diseases. Now a doctor is a stranger who combats diseases. Their job is not only to prevent death but also to improve the patient s quality of life. Lots of times there is nothing a doctor can do to prevent a patient from dying if the patient has a terminal disease; all they can do is wait for death to arrive. This waiting time can be very painful for both the patients and the people who surround them. Not practicing euthanasia at the request of the dying person is violating a person s rights, interfering with a doctor s job, and increasing suffering. First off, deciding if someone wants to be alive or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Hospitals are just wasting time and money on a situation that won t get better. If the patient wants euthanasia they deserve a quick and painless death. Doctors cannot end the huge amount of money wasted on a treatment that won t help so why not alleviate some of those expenses from family members and taxpayers. Doctors should be allowed to end life, especially when the person desires it. I am only doing what I, as a physician, should do . (Kevorkian 170) It doesn t make sense that they can keep someone alive without having the opportunity to ask that person if they want to be living like that. Many patients now find themselves unable to live without machines that restrict their movements and often cause different kinds of pain, and some may prefer not to live at all . (Marzilli 69) The doctor is just the person who helps the patient to do what they desire. Many would say what makes life sustaining treatment none beneficial or too big of a burden if it can achieve its design of saving life. On the other hand, if death is in the best interests of some patients if the withdrawal of life sustaining treatment can be said to be of benefit in this case then death constitutes a moral good for these patients . (Doyal) Incompetent patients are unable to benefit from further treatment or find it too large of a burden if they cannot benefit from being alive any longer. When the continuing use of life sustaining treatment is to be of no benefit or of too much burden, the doctor
  • 44. Lamb Fostering Methods Lamb fostering basically is when a lamb is take care of by another ewe that is not its mother. Nowadays, it is not very uncommon for farmers to practice some type of lamb fostering; this is due to the fact that farmers love to have as many lambs as possible because each lamb represents their income. Fostering is very important for experimental studies and keeping abandoned lambs and triplets alive (Alexander, Stevens, Bradley, p. 231). The reason fostering helps keep triplets say alive is because a ewe naturally only has two teats so she cannot produce enough milk for three lambs but if another ewe only has one lamb, that ewe can feed the stray triplet. The only problem with this is that ewes are very good at distinguishing their own lambs from others and if they do not recognize a lamb then the ewe will not let itself be suckled. So many times fostering methods include tricking the ewe to accept the alien lamb as her own. This is why the farmers have to be sure to use the method best suited not only for the them but also for the ewe.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 90). Ewes naturally are drawn to the fluids that are ejected from her as she gives birth. Because of this a technique to get her to accept another lamb is to rub this fluid onto it within the first twelve hours postpartum (Basiouni Gonyou, 1988, p. 872). This technique is preferred by farmers due to the fact that not only is it one of the easiest methods, it also is very effective and presents many positive results (Basiouni Gonyou, 1988, p. 877). One of the reasons as to why this method is more effective could be due to the fact that it is the least artificial and restrictive for the ewe, which both the farmer and the ewe prefer (Ward, Liste, Tinarwo 2011, p.
  • 45. Langston Hughes, An American Born Writer During The Harlem... Langston Hughes was an American born writer during the Harlem Renaissance era. His work shed light on issues that white Americans turned their backs to. Racism and segregations was, at one time, a very large issue in our country. Hughes addressed that issue throughout poetry and in doing so, became the most popular writer of his time. He opened the eyes of many, while accurately portraying African American culture in such a way that everyone couldn t respect. The passion that Hughes had for his topics is easily identified in his poems. A great majority of his poems relate back to African American customs, struggles, heritage, and music. For that reason, Hughes became listed among the greatest versatile writers of his time. Langston Hughes supported equally then, and today his work is remembered as such. Mother to Son, is the first poem that I read by Hughes. Just by the title alone, I knew that this work was going to be heavy. Throughout the story, Hughes mother references crystal stairs, stating that life for me ain t been no crystal stairs. The stairs that she is referring to would be the stairs that lead to equality and freedom. She also states that the stairs she took were splintered and torn up. To me, that symbolizes slavery and the troubles she endured throughout her life thus far. Knowing that, the term crystal stairs then becomes a bit easier to grasp. White people are given the crystal stairs, meaning that their path is smooth and paved. Where as blacks of
  • 46. Cheerleading Is Not A Sport I am a cheerleader, and was taken away from what I love due to an injury. When you think of cheerleading you imagine the make up, the pom poms, and the groups of people throwing cheerleaders high in the air, but cheerleading is more. Cheer is the performance of athletic skills, jumps, dancing, and chanting to get feedback from crowds at events, games, etc. Cheerleaders can be featured at games in support of sports teams, or at cheerleadingcompetitions to earn points. According to varsity.com, which is a foundation that makes articles, social media, and supplies cheer groups with equipment/clothing, frequent drama that speculates when we tell people we cheer they say cheerleading is not a sport . Cheerleading fits all the criteria to be considered
  • 47. Dream Deferral And Closure In The Women Of Brewster Place Unfulfilled Dreams and Deferring Closure In her critical essay, Dream, Deferral and Closure in The Women of Brewster Place Jill Matus writes about the theme of unfulfilled dreams as it is portrayed in Gloria Naylor s The Women of Brewster Place. Matus s main argument about this theme can be summarized as her belief that Naylor uses the dream described at the end of the novel as an out an end that allows her to not commit to one conclusion or other; a deferral of closure, if you will. A reader might ask what the purpose of such a noncommittal ending is as it relates to the novel as a whole. Matus offers some answers to this question by claiming that the text and, more symbolically, the lives of the characters and setting of the novel are prolonged by the deferred ending because of the presentation of dream and in turn the dream affirms and perpetuates the life of the street and characters. In other words, Matus argument could be interpreted as the belief that the dream as it is presented in the end of the novel leaves a sense of hope for an otherwise decaying setting and lives. Personally, I agree with Matus s conclusions about how the ending works for the novel even though it is not really an ending at all. I was convinced of this argument based on how she uses Langston Hughes s poem Harlem about deferred dreams to illustrate how the end of the novel is Naylor s way of reimagining the same message of the poem. In the poem, Hughes writes about the fate of dreams that are deferred or unfulfilled. He writes that these dreams dry up like raisins in the sun, fester like sores, stink like rotten meat, crust over like a syrupy sweet. Matus writes that she is interested in looking at the way in which Naylor rethinks the poem in her novel s attention to dreams and desires and deferral, and then to consider the implications of her vision in terms of the novel s sensitivity to history and social context (50). The unfulfillment of dreams and desires are two major recurring themes in the novel and what makes the ending of the novel so interesting is that it is a narrative illustration of these themes. The unassuming reader is actually left unfulfilled because the seeming conclusion to the novel is taken away
  • 48. Characteristics Of Major Depressive Disorder Major depressive disorder characterized by depressed mood and/or loss of interest affects 7% of all Americans. In addition to its primary characteristics, people diagnosed with MDD present with at least five of the following characteristics for the majority of the day every day for 2 weeks: altered psychomotor activity, loss of interest, problems concentrating or making decisions, altered sleep patterns, weight loss or gain, fatigue, recurrent thoughts of death, and feelings of worthlessness or excessive/inappropriate guilt. In order to meet the standards for clinical diagnosis, the patient s symptoms must prevent normal functioning (social, occupational, or otherwise) and cannot be explained alternatively by a medical condition or... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One possibility is the decrease in diagnosis of MDD by primary care physicians due to somatic rather than psychological presenting symptoms. Functional consequences of MDD vary but typically depend on the severity of the symptoms. Symptoms vary from no noticeable outward changes to total functional incapacity. Suicide attempts are higher in females, but completion rates are higher in males. Other risk factors for suicide include living alone, feelings of helplessness and borderline personality disorder. Treatments Based on a systematic review of 44 clinical trials dating from January 1, 1990 to January 13, 2015, an effective evidence based first step intervention for managing mild to severe MDD is second generation antidepressants. Approximately 60 % of patients respond; however 70% do not remit. Of the several different families of antidepressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (NRIs), and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), SSRIs are the most commonly prescribed. SSRIs, initially discovered as more tolerable forms of TCAs and MAOIs, based on the monoaminergic hypothesis, the theory that depression results from low levels of serotonin in the brain, work by inhibiting serotonin reuptake receptors present on presynaptic neurons producing an increase of serotonin in the brain.
  • 49. Comparison Between Macbeth And Into The Wild Wanting for dreams to come true don t do that themselves, it depends on what choices we do and don t make that help us strive towards our longings. Unless, we are all controlled by fate, playing out the part in our lives that had been pre organized for us. The unit selections Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, a biographical novel, and Macbethby William Shakespeare, a drama, both focus on things we can and can t control in our lives, but Into the Wilddoes a better job answering the question in the prompt because rules are meant to be broken, Chris McCandless just took it to the next level. He was able to leave his life behind, making decisions most of us couldn t even imagine making. He sets an example of what we can achieve in life. We... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... /For it is thine. ВЁ King Duncan had noticed the loyalty Macbeth displayed to his home by serving the country, and since the King knew of the traitorous Thane of Cawdor, King Duncan had awarded Macbeth the next Thane of Cawdor, just as how the witches predictions. As Macbeth keeps dwelling on the sister witches prophecies we can infer, Macbeth wants this fortunes to come true, so the news brought by the two men must sound exciting to Macbeth. Macbeth knew he would be the Thane of Glamis and Cawdor now but power tends to go straight to people s head and now he wants to be king, the evident through lines 149 and 160 Cannot be ill, cannot be good: if ill, / Why hath it given me earnest of success, / Commencing in a truth? I am thane of Cawdor: If good, why do I yield to that suggestion / Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair / And make my seated heart knock at my ribs, / Against the use of nature? Present fears / Are less than horrible imaginings: / My thought, whose
  • 50. The Election Swept Away Years Of Liberal Government The 1997 general election swept away eighteen years of Conservative government, replacing it with a Labour majority government with a majority of 179; their largest majority ever, surpassing even the 145 seat majority won by the party in 1945. Under the Labour landslide, several prominent Tory MPs and frontbenchers were defeated by Labour, Liberal Democrat and Scottish National candidates, such as Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind, Scottish Secretary Michael Forsyth, Trade Secretary Ian Lang, former Health Secretary Edwina Currie, former Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont, former Minister for Fun (National Heritage) David Mellor, and scandal embroiled former Minister Neil Hamilton (who was defeated by the Labour and Liberal... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After the polls had closed at ten o clock, but before the result was formally announced, Portillo was interviewed live by Jeremy Paxman on the BBC s election programme. By that stage, Portillo was aware of the result in his seat. Portillo was seen to struggle answering Paxman s first question, So Michael, are you going to miss the limo? or the follow up, Are we seeing the end of the Conservative Party as a credible force in British politics? . [1] The other candidates knew the result as they walked up onto the stage of the Picketts Lock Leisure Centre in Enfield. Portillo, to a large amount of muttering had won 19,137; this gained an applause from some Conservative supporters who assumed that Portillo had won. After a minor party candidate s result had been declared the returning officer began to announce Twigg s vote total. There was a loud and prolonged cheer when Twigg s result of 20,570 was announced. Portillo, to his credit gave a magnanimous concession speech. Portillo later stated that he was determined to lose with as much dignity as possible, after having watched the scenes in Putney where David Mellor had attacked Referendum Party founder and leader Sir James Goldsmith. The episode led to the phrase Portillo Moment, entering into the political lexicon. Many viewers and pundits asked Were you still up for Portillo, asking whether someone had stayed up until after three in the morning to see or hear the
  • 51. Paradise Lost s Satan and The Grand Inquisitor s Evil Evil s origin begins with Adam and Eve using their special gift, free will, to commit the first sin. They sinned because they were tempted from the free will to choose between following or disobeying God s orders. Paradise Lost is an epic written by John Milton that describes the fallen angel Satan and the fall of man. The Grand Inquisitor by Fyodor Dostoevsky is about an archbishop who talks with Jesus and wants to burn him as a heretic. Paradise Lost and The Grand Inquisitor both discuss free willand the stories of two benevolent characters that use their free will to choose evil. In Paradise Lost and The Grand Inquisitor, the main characters Satan and the Grand Inquisitor are evil because they use free will to choose evil over good. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... His perseverance to serve God s word makes him very similar to Satan. Both Satan and the Grand Inquisitor brandished how they were virtuous supporters. Once benevolent beings, Satan and the Grand Inquisitor soon turns toward evil. Satan and the Grand Inquisitor s plight from good to evil begin with their desire for power. In the case with Satan, he desires to overthrow God s kingdom and make it his own. Satan is prideful and ambitious and decides to attempt overthrowing God. If he opposed; and with ambitious aim against the throne and monarchy of God, raised impious war in Heaven and battle proud. (Milton, 41 43, Book I). By defying God, Satan conveys a message that says he wants God s throne. His desire for power turns him into an evil being fighting against the obedient servants of God. The Grand Inquisitor s ambition is similar aside the fact that he wants to take power away from Jesus. He wants power taken away from Jesus because he believes that Jesus doesn t know deserve the power to control people by his teachings. Oh we shall persuade them that they will only become free when they renounce their freedom to us and submit to us. (Dostoevsky, 239) The Grand Inquisitor believes that Jesus was wrong in deserting his followers so the Grand Inquisitor turns to evil. The Grand Inquisitor s step towards evil truly begins when he places himself in Jesus role in preaching and follows Satan instead. His desire for power shows the
  • 52. How Did Geography Affect The Kingdom Of Ghana How did geography affect society, culture, and trade of the kingdom of Ghana? The Kingdom of Ghana had lots of trade and transportation through Africa, Asia, and the Mediterranean region which they traded with Rome. They had plenty of gold and food resources which helped the people throughout time. The empire had some few political problems. Ghana is located in a different place than the modern country of Ghana in West Africa. Ghana was located in the savanna region, and just south of it lay rain forests where there was an abundance of gold found in streams and mine shafts. Ancient Ghana was divided into ten regions, Western Ghana, Central Ghana, Greater Accra, Eastern Ghana, Volta, Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Northern Ghana, Upper West Ghana and Upper East Ghana. The Empire of Ghana was located in Western Africa in what is today the countries of Mauritania, Senegal, and Mali. The region lies just south of the SaharaDesert and is mostly savanna grasslands. Major rivers in the region such as the Gambia River, Senegal River, and the Niger River served as the means of transportation and trade. Vegetation grew mainly in the south western part of the Kingdom, as there was very little rain in the northern part.The climate of Ancient Ghana for most of the year was dry and hot, however rainfall did occur in some parts during the year. Due to its geographic location on the trans Saharan trade route, Ghana had a great advantage as merchants had to pass through it to exchange goods
  • 53. Theme Of Romance In Pride And Prejudice Romance seems so urgent and delightful in Austen because marriage is a business, and her characters cannot help treating it as a pleasure. Pride and Prejudice is the best of her novels because its romance involves two people who were born to be in love, and care not about business, pleasure, or each other. It is frustrating enough when one person refuses to fall in love, but when both refuse, we cannot rest until they kiss. Of course all depends on who the people are. When Dorothea marries the Rev. Casaubon in Eliot s Middlemarch, it is a tragedy. She marries out of consideration and respect, which is all wrong; she should have married for money, always remembering that where money is, love often follows, since there is so much time for it. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The movie is more robust than most period romances; it is set earlier than usual, in the late 1700s, a period more down to earth than the early Victorian years. The young ladies don t look quite so much like illustrations for Vanity Fair, and there is mud around their hems when they come back from a walk. It is a time of rural realities: When Mrs. Bennet sends a daughter to visit Netherfield Park, the country residence of Mr. Bingley, she sends her on horseback, knowing it will rain, and she will have to spend the
  • 54. History of Calculus Essay History of Calculus The history of calculus falls into several distinct time periods, most notably the ancient, medieval, and modern periods. The ancient period introduced some of the ideas of integral calculus, but does not seem to have developed these ideas in a rigorous or systematic way. Calculating volumes and areas, the basic function of integral calculus, can be traced back to the Egyptian Moscow papyrus (c. 1800 BC), in which an Egyptian successfully calculated the volume of a pyramidal frustum.[1][2] From the school of Greek mathematics, Eudoxus (c. 408 #8722;355 BC) used the method of exhaustion, which prefigures the concept of the limit, to calculate areas and volumes while Archimedes (c. 287 #8722;212 BC) developed this idea ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Europe, the second half of the 17th century was a time of major innovation. Calculus provided a new opportunity in mathematical physics to solve long standing problems. Several mathematicians contributed to these breakthroughs, notably John Wallis and Isaac Barrow. James Gregory proved a special case of the second fundamental theorem of calculus in AD 1668. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was originally accused of plagiarism of Sir Isaac Newton s unpublished works, but is now regarded as an independent inventor and contributor towards calculus. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was originally accused of plagiarism of Sir Isaac Newton s unpublished works, but is now regarded as an independent inventor and contributor towards calculus. Leibniz and Newton pulled these ideas together into a coherent whole and they are usually credited with the independent and nearly simultaneous invention of calculus. Newton was the first to apply calculus to general physics and Leibniz developed much of the notation used in calculus today; he often spent days determining appropriate symbols for concepts. The basic insight that both Newton and Leibniz had was the fundamental theorem of calculus. When Newton and Leibniz first published their results, there was great
  • 55. Essay about Love Love Love is difficult to define, difficult to measure, and difficult to understand. Love is what great writers write about, great singers sing about, and great philosophers ponder. Love is a powerful emotion, for which there is no wrong definition, for it suits each and every person differently. Whether love is between family, friends, or lovers, it is an overwhelming emotion that can be experienced in many different ways. People experience love for the first time by being part of a family. Family love is demonstrated through lessons of sacrifice, concern and compassion, from the cradle to the grave. There are many different levels and conditions of family love. It is the love we cherish between our intermediate family and our... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A close knit loving bond between two people can begin with a friendship. Whether it is a friendship between two males, two females, or one male and one female, these friendships will develop into love. In no way is it a romantic love, but this type of love connects and bonds friends. Friends may move away or friendships may wane, but the love between the two people burns on forever. Romantic love is a love that not every person will experience. It is a type of love that is not there at the beginning, but grows within the individual. When one finally finds the love they have been looking for, one can not imagine life with anybody else. Romantic love is a connection between two souls that is captured with a feeling that is not only felt within the heart but within their body as well. I have never been in love with a girl; I can only imagine what it might be like to be in love. Guessing from my sister s relationship with boys, it seems like a big headache instead of a wonderful feeling. To simply write a definition of love is complicated because every person has a different perception of love. The only way to capture the true meaning of love is to experience the feeling and find out for oneself, what love is. In our lives and the lives of others, love is evident. Whether it is between family, friends, or lovers, love is a precious
  • 56. Evolution Of Cats Essay The house cat has been a favored companion for many years. Their small size and independent tendencies makes them ideal pets for those who do not want a high maintenance animal. They are quirky and show lots of love if you take care of them. Cats are complex animals, but can be great pets. They have their own way of doing things, but still can be a great companion. They have gone through a lot throughout the years, yet still have barely changed. Cats are interesting in their own ways, both their history and personalities. The cat s scientific name is Eukaryota Anamalia Chordata Mammalia Carnivora Felidae Felis catus ( Felis Catus: The Domestic Cat, n.d.). Usually just the term Felidae is used ( Felis Catus: The Domestic Cat, n.d.). The evolution ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They have special adaptations that they have acquired through time and evolution. On the outside, cats have whiskers on their face that help them to navigate (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008, p.12). They also have cupped ears that can rotate to catch sound, which helps them to hunt (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008, p.10). Their tongues are covered in papillae to help scrape food off of bones or to clean itself (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008, p.10). Their fur coats protect them from cold, bug bites, stings, and other irritants, and can also be raised when frightened or threatened to seem larger in size (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008, p.10). Not easily seen are the sweat glands that cats only have on their paw pads (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008, p.11). Moving inward, cats have a very flexible spine, aiding them when falling to land on their feet or to help them get into small spaces (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008, p.12). Most cats can see ultraviolet light (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008, p.9). Evolution has favored night vision over being able to see colors during the day (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008, p.9). Another part of the cat s night vision is that at the back of the eye, there is a layer of cells that reflects the light (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008, p.9). Cats have to have a good sense of hearing and sight since they depend on that more than smell when hunting (Foss, Stewart Swift, 2008,