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An Introduction in 10 slides to
Digital Customer Experience
Digital. Two steps ahead

 Introducing the Capgemini Digital Customer Experience (DCX)
Global Service Line

 Market context
 What do organizations need to do?
 How do we make it happen?

 Why Capgemini DCX?
 Contact us

Copyright © Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved

An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience | February 2014
Capgemini DCX – Helping CXOs intelligently consume digital services to increase
business performance and build customer advocacy

 Businesses need to be agile, innovative, social, mobile, totally customer focused and
geared to provide a profitable customer promise
 CMO’s, COO’s, CIO’s and CFO’s globally are struggling with how to make digital a core
part of how they do business and serve their customers profitably
 Digital is driving rapid transformations in how organizations interact with other
organizations and end customers. It is driving change in how CX is delivered across
B2C, B2B and B2B2C
 Capgemini DCX enables organizations to deliver a “profitable promise to its customers”
based on intelligent insights and optimised processes. By combining deep understanding
of the customer context, with a single view of the enterprise, we enable organizations to
take real-time decisions and maximize profitability

Copyright © Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved

An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience | February 2014
Digitally-mature companies have significantly better financial performance*

Revenue generation efficiency


Market valuation













Basket of indicators:
 Revenue/employee
 Fixed asset turnover

Basket of indicators:
 EBIT Margin
 Net Profit Margin

Basket of indicators:
 Tobin’s Q Ratio
 Price/book ratio

* Average performance difference for firms in each quadrant versus the average performance of all large firms in the same industry for the 184 publicly-traded companies in our sample.

Organizations need to understand the business opportunity & how to realize it
Copyright © Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved

An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience | February 2014
Organizations need to digitally transform three key areas of their value proposition

Effective digital transformation is about changing the core of how business is done


Customer understanding

Process digitalization

 Analytics-based segmentation
 Socially-informed knowledge

 Performance improvement
 New features

Top line growth
 Digitally-enhanced selling
 Predictive marketing
 Streamlined customer processes

Worker enablement
 Working anywhere anytime
 Broader and faster communication
 Community knowledge sharing

Customer touch points
 Customer service
 Cross-channel coherence
 Self service

Performance management
 Operational transparency
 Data-driven decision-making

 Unified Data and Processes
 Analytics Capability

Digital Capabilities

Digitally-modified businesses
 Product/service augmentation
 Transitioning physical to digital
 Digital wrappers

New Digital Businesses
 Digital products
 Reshaping organizational

Digital Globalization
 Enterprise Integration
 Redistribution decision authority
 Shared digital services

 Business and IT Integration
 Solution Delivery

Source: Capgemini Consulting-MIT Analysis – Digital Transformation: A roadmap for billion-dollar organizations (c) 2012.

Copyright © Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved

An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience | February 2014
We know that our clients have one strategy: Their business strategy, we help them
use Digital intelligently to achieve it

Use Digital ASE/ hot-houses
to accelerate, test, learn and grow.

Implement a robust framework for transformation
to realize full and ongoing business benefits.

Think two steps ahead and stay nimble
as the rate of change is too great to anticipate further.

We help our clients realize this change. At Capgemini, we practice what we preach. Our digital
customer experience solutions are borne out of leading-edge research, world-beating experience and
a culture built on collaboration. In short, we are:


Our longstanding
research partnership with
MIT on digital

Our extensive consulting
and technology expertise.
We have been doing
digital for a long time

Partners in the truest
sense in your
transformation journey

Copyright © Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved

Willing to co-create new
commercial, service and
delivery models

An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience | February 2014
Capgemini DCX aggregates and enables an ecosystem of digital partners and tools
to remain agile at the customer interface and establish new deployment models
We provide a platform agnostic Digital transformation capability and excel at driving business value from the
aggregation of multi-stakeholder relationships at scale through our cloud integration platforms

Our system of engagement enables business benefit from digital initiatives
We deliver and assure our clients end to end DCX, at scale
We use our repository of ready to deploy assets and platforms to accelerate delivery
We ensure the availability of SME technical capability in alignment to business need

Copyright © Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved

An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience | February 2014
Capgemini DCX helps organizations’ intelligently use digital to do good business
effectively. We offer:
 Our Digital Transformation thought leadership over a number of years with MIT that
informs our understanding of the business opportunity and how to realize it
 Proven Digital transformation methodologies (ACE, CVP). Our track record in
“making it happen”, digital delivery evidenced through our client references
 Our deep and broad technology know-how. Out-of the box Cloud based technology
integration platforms such as Immediate which enable secure delivery of Agile IT and
Software-as-a-Service integration assets combined with our large-scale project
delivery track record. We understand how to intelligently combine digital and legacy
capability to deliver business outcomes
 Our Digital partner ecosystem. We remain technology agnostic but go-to-market with
the “right” mix of partners to deliver our customer promise
 Our ability and track record in commercial innovation. We co-create new service and
commercial models with our clients demonstrating our openness to sharing the risks and
rewards with them. We offer a one stop shop responsible for pricing, operations and
performance by aggregating different solutions & partners.

Copyright © Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved

An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience | February 2014
Contact Us



Senior Vice President, Global Leader, DCX GSL

Global Head of Sector Propositions GSL



Vice President, Head Digital Sales and Markets

Global Head of Digital Delivery Centre

Cliff Evans

You can also contact us via

Copyright © Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved

Global Solutions Lead, DCX GSL

An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience | February 2014
About Capgemini
With more than 130,000 people in 44 countries, Capgemini is one
of the world's foremost providers of consulting, technology and
outsourcing services. The Group reported 2012 global revenues
of EUR 10.3 billion.
Together with its clients, Capgemini creates and delivers
business and technology solutions that fit their needs and drive
the results they want. A deeply multicultural organization,
Capgemini has developed its own way of working, the
Collaborative Business Experience™, and draws on Rightshore®,
its worldwide delivery model.

Learn more about us at www.capgemini.com.

The information contained in this presentation is proprietary.
© 2014 Capgemini. All rights reserved.
Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini.

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An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience

  • 1. An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience Digital. Two steps ahead
  • 2. Agenda  Introducing the Capgemini Digital Customer Experience (DCX) Global Service Line  Market context  What do organizations need to do?  How do we make it happen?  Why Capgemini DCX?  Contact us Copyright © Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience | February 2014 2
  • 3. Capgemini DCX – Helping CXOs intelligently consume digital services to increase business performance and build customer advocacy  Businesses need to be agile, innovative, social, mobile, totally customer focused and geared to provide a profitable customer promise  CMO’s, COO’s, CIO’s and CFO’s globally are struggling with how to make digital a core part of how they do business and serve their customers profitably  Digital is driving rapid transformations in how organizations interact with other organizations and end customers. It is driving change in how CX is delivered across B2C, B2B and B2B2C  Capgemini DCX enables organizations to deliver a “profitable promise to its customers” based on intelligent insights and optimised processes. By combining deep understanding of the customer context, with a single view of the enterprise, we enable organizations to take real-time decisions and maximize profitability Copyright © Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience | February 2014 3
  • 4. Digitally-mature companies have significantly better financial performance* Revenue generation efficiency Profitability Market valuation +6% +9% -11% +26% -12% +12% -4% -10% -24% +9% -7% +7% Basket of indicators:  Revenue/employee  Fixed asset turnover Basket of indicators:  EBIT Margin  Net Profit Margin Basket of indicators:  Tobin’s Q Ratio  Price/book ratio * Average performance difference for firms in each quadrant versus the average performance of all large firms in the same industry for the 184 publicly-traded companies in our sample. Organizations need to understand the business opportunity & how to realize it Copyright © Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience | February 2014 4
  • 5. Organizations need to digitally transform three key areas of their value proposition Effective digital transformation is about changing the core of how business is done Customer Experience Operational Processes Customer understanding Process digitalization  Analytics-based segmentation  Socially-informed knowledge  Performance improvement  New features Top line growth  Digitally-enhanced selling  Predictive marketing  Streamlined customer processes Worker enablement  Working anywhere anytime  Broader and faster communication  Community knowledge sharing Customer touch points  Customer service  Cross-channel coherence  Self service Performance management  Operational transparency  Data-driven decision-making  Unified Data and Processes  Analytics Capability Digital Capabilities Business Model Digitally-modified businesses  Product/service augmentation  Transitioning physical to digital  Digital wrappers New Digital Businesses  Digital products  Reshaping organizational boundaries Digital Globalization  Enterprise Integration  Redistribution decision authority  Shared digital services  Business and IT Integration  Solution Delivery Source: Capgemini Consulting-MIT Analysis – Digital Transformation: A roadmap for billion-dollar organizations (c) 2012. Copyright © Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience | February 2014 5
  • 6. We know that our clients have one strategy: Their business strategy, we help them use Digital intelligently to achieve it Use Digital ASE/ hot-houses to accelerate, test, learn and grow. Implement a robust framework for transformation to realize full and ongoing business benefits. Think two steps ahead and stay nimble as the rate of change is too great to anticipate further. We help our clients realize this change. At Capgemini, we practice what we preach. Our digital customer experience solutions are borne out of leading-edge research, world-beating experience and a culture built on collaboration. In short, we are: Empirical Practice-Proven Our longstanding research partnership with MIT on digital transformation Our extensive consulting and technology expertise. We have been doing digital for a long time Collaborative Partners in the truest sense in your transformation journey Copyright © Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved Innovators Willing to co-create new commercial, service and delivery models An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience | February 2014 6
  • 7. Capgemini DCX aggregates and enables an ecosystem of digital partners and tools to remain agile at the customer interface and establish new deployment models We provide a platform agnostic Digital transformation capability and excel at driving business value from the aggregation of multi-stakeholder relationships at scale through our cloud integration platforms • • • • Our system of engagement enables business benefit from digital initiatives We deliver and assure our clients end to end DCX, at scale We use our repository of ready to deploy assets and platforms to accelerate delivery We ensure the availability of SME technical capability in alignment to business need Copyright © Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience | February 2014 7
  • 8. Capgemini DCX helps organizations’ intelligently use digital to do good business effectively. We offer:  Our Digital Transformation thought leadership over a number of years with MIT that informs our understanding of the business opportunity and how to realize it  Proven Digital transformation methodologies (ACE, CVP). Our track record in “making it happen”, digital delivery evidenced through our client references  Our deep and broad technology know-how. Out-of the box Cloud based technology integration platforms such as Immediate which enable secure delivery of Agile IT and Software-as-a-Service integration assets combined with our large-scale project delivery track record. We understand how to intelligently combine digital and legacy capability to deliver business outcomes  Our Digital partner ecosystem. We remain technology agnostic but go-to-market with the “right” mix of partners to deliver our customer promise  Our ability and track record in commercial innovation. We co-create new service and commercial models with our clients demonstrating our openness to sharing the risks and rewards with them. We offer a one stop shop responsible for pricing, operations and performance by aggregating different solutions & partners. Copyright © Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience | February 2014 8
  • 9. Contact Us Simon Short Kees Jacobs Senior Vice President, Global Leader, DCX GSL simon.short@capgemini.com @simonsishort Global Head of Sector Propositions GSL kees.jacobs@capgemini.com Maggie Buggie Clifton Menezes Vice President, Head Digital Sales and Markets maggie.buggie@capgemini.com @maggiebuggie Global Head of Digital Delivery Centre clifton.menezes@capgemini.com Cliff Evans You can also contact us via digital.sales.global@capgemini.com Copyright © Capgemini 2014. All Rights Reserved Global Solutions Lead, DCX GSL clifford.evans@capgemini.com @cliffevans7 An Introduction in 10 slides to Digital Customer Experience | February 2014 9
  • 10. About Capgemini With more than 130,000 people in 44 countries, Capgemini is one of the world's foremost providers of consulting, technology and outsourcing services. The Group reported 2012 global revenues of EUR 10.3 billion. Together with its clients, Capgemini creates and delivers business and technology solutions that fit their needs and drive the results they want. A deeply multicultural organization, Capgemini has developed its own way of working, the Collaborative Business Experience™, and draws on Rightshore®, its worldwide delivery model. Learn more about us at www.capgemini.com. www.capgemini.com The information contained in this presentation is proprietary. © 2014 Capgemini. All rights reserved. Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini.