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Ms. Lisa Chadha
S. Y. Msc. Nursing
• Commonest medical disorder in pregnancy.
• 18-20 pregnant women are anaemic in
developed countries as compared to 40-75 % in
developing countries .
• It is responsible for significant high maternal
and fetal mortality rate worldwide.
• Anemia is a condition in which
the number of red blood cells
or their oxygen carrying
capacity is insufficient to meet
the physiological needs of the
individual , which consequently
will vary by age, sex, attitude,
smoking, and pregnancy status
(WHO 2013).
Anemia in pregnancy
• Anemia in pregnancy is defined as
haemoglobin (Hb) concentration is less
than 11 g/dl.
• Mild : 9- 10.9 gm/dl
• Moderate : 7.8- 9 gm/dl
• Severe : < 7 gm/dl
• Very severe : <4 gm/dl
1. Physiological Anemia
2. Pathological Anemia
 Iron deficiency
Folic acid deficiency
 Vitamin B12 deficiency
3. Hemorrhagic Anemia
Acute—following bleeding in early months of pregnancy or APH
Chronic—hookworm infestation, bleeding piles, etc.
4. Hemolytic anemia
Familial—congenital jaundice, sickel cell anemia,
Acquired—malaria, severe infection, etc
5. Bone marrow insufficiency
hypoplasia or aplasia due to radiation, drugs or
severe infection.
6. Hemoglobinopathies
Abnormal structure of one of the globin chains of the
hemoglobin molecule of globin chains of the
hemoglobin molecule ex- sickle cell disease
• During pregnancy, maternal plasma volume gradually expands by
50%, an increase of approximately 1,200 ml by term.
• Most of the rise takes place before 32nd
to 34th
week’s gestation and
thereafter there is relatively little change (Letsky, 1987).
• The total increase in red blood cells is 25%, approximately 300 ml
that occurs later in pregnancy. This relative hemo-dilution produces
a fall in haemoglobin concentration, thus presenting a picture of
iron deficiency anemia.
• However, it has been found that these changes are a physiological
alteration of pregnancy necessary for the development of fetus.
• In adults, erythropoiesis is confined to the
bone marrow.
• Red cells are formed through stages of
pronormoblasts- normoblasts-
reticulocytes-nature nonnucleated
• The average life- span of red cells is about
120 days after which the RBC’s degenerate
and the haemoglobin are broken into
hemosiderin and bile pigment.
During pregnancy approximately 1,500
mg iron is needed for:-
Increase in maternal haemoglobin
The fetus and placenta (300-400 mg)
Replacemet of daily loss through urine, stool
and skin (250mg)
Replacement of blood lost at delivery
Lactation (1mg/day)
Elemental iron- 30 mg to 60 mg
Folic acid- 400 µg (0.4 mg)
It is recommended for pregnant women
to prevent maternal anemia, puerperal
sepsis, low birth weight, and preterm birth
of babies.
• About 95% of pregnant women with
anemia have iron deficiency type.
• A pregnant woman is said to be
anemic if her haemoglobin is less
than 10 gm/dl.
• Reduced intake or absorption
of iron
• Excess demand such as
multiple pregnancy
• Blood loss
• Reduced resistance to infection caused by
impaired cell-mediated immunity
• Reduced ability to withstand postpartum
• Strain of even an uncomplicated labor may
cause cardiac failure
• Predisposition to PIH and preterm labor due to
associated malnutrition
• Reduced enjoyment of pregnancy and
motherhood owing to fatigue
• Potential threat to life.
• Intrauterine hypoxia and
growth retardation
• Prematurity
• Anemia a few months after
birth due to poor stores
• Increased risk of perinatal
morbidity and mortality
• The midwife can help to
identify women at risk of
anemia by
• Accurate history of
medical, obstetric and
social life
• Avoidance of frequent childbirths
• Supplementary iron therapy
• Dietary advice
• Adequate treatments to
eradicate illnesses likely to
cause anemia
• Early detection of falling
hemoglobin level
• Women having haemoglobin level of 7.5 mg%
and those associated with obstetrical medical
complications must be hospitalized.
• Following therapeutic measures are to be
• Diet
• Antibiotic therapy
• Blood transfusion
• Iron therapy which may be oral/ parental
• Oral iron: daily dose 120- 180 gm is given.
Special precautions
Comfortable position on bed
Light analgesia
Oxygenation to increase
oxygenation of maternal blood and
prevent fetal hypoxia
Strict asepsis
Usually no problem.
 IV Methergin 0.2mg
or 20 units oxytocin in
500ml RL IV and
10units of IM given.
Intensive observation.
blood loss must be replaced
by fresh pack cell and
amount must not exceed
loss amount to avoid
 Bed rest
 Sign of infection detected and
 Pre delivery iron therapy must be
continued until patient restores.
 Diet
 Patient and family members must
be counseled for help at home
regarding baby care and household
• Folic acid deficiency anemia happens
when body does not have enough folic
• Folic acid is one of the B vitamins, and it
helps your body make new cells,
including new red blood cells
• Deficiency of folic acid can cause
placental abruption, nueral tube defect
and congenital cardiac septal defects
 Vitamin B12 deficiency, also known
as hypocobalaminemia, refers to
low blood levels of vitamin B 12.
 Deficiency of vitamin B 12 can also
produce megaloblastic anemia.
 Deficiency is most likely in
vegetarians who eat no animal
 Sickle cell anemia is a disease in
which body produces abnormally
shaped red blood cells.
 The cells are shaped like a crescent
or sickle.
 They don't last as long as normal,
round red blood cells. This leads
to anemia.
 The sickle cells also get stuck in
blood vessels, blocking blood flow.
This can cause pain and organ
• The Thalesemia syndrome are commonly
found genetic disorders of the blood.
• The basic defect is reduced rate of
haemoglobin chain synthesis. This leads to
ineffective erythropoisis and increased
hemolysis with resultant inadequate
haemoglobin content.the syndrome are of
two types:
• The alpha and beta thalesemia depending on
the globin chain synthesis affected
• Anemia in pregnancy is the most
commonly occurring disorder during
pregnancy, so every mother who are
pregnant must screen for anemia and
must take treatment as soon as
possible along with foods rich in iron
and also must have family support
and care throughout pregnancy.
• D.C Dutta’s, “ Textbook of Obstetrics”, 7th
ed. 2013, New Central
Book Agency ( P) Ltd, London, page no:- 260- 268
• Annamma Jacob, “ A Comprehensive textbook of midwifery &
gynaecological nursing”, 3rd
ed. 2012, Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers (P) Ltd., page no:323-330
• Myles, “textbook of midwies”, 6th
ed.2014, Elvester (Ltd), page no:
• Lowdermilk, Perry& Bobak, “Maternity & Women’s Health Care”, 6th
ed. 1996, page no:846
• www.anemiainpregnancy.com
Anaemia in pregnancy

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Anaemia in pregnancy

  • 1. ANEMIA IN PREGNANCY PRESENTED BY: Ms. Lisa Chadha S. Y. Msc. Nursing Pune
  • 2. INTRODUCTION • Commonest medical disorder in pregnancy. • 18-20 pregnant women are anaemic in developed countries as compared to 40-75 % in developing countries . • It is responsible for significant high maternal and fetal mortality rate worldwide.
  • 3. DEFINITION • Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or their oxygen carrying capacity is insufficient to meet the physiological needs of the individual , which consequently will vary by age, sex, attitude, smoking, and pregnancy status (WHO 2013).
  • 4. Anemia in pregnancy • Anemia in pregnancy is defined as haemoglobin (Hb) concentration is less than 11 g/dl.
  • 5. CLASSIFICATION • Mild : 9- 10.9 gm/dl • Moderate : 7.8- 9 gm/dl • Severe : < 7 gm/dl • Very severe : <4 gm/dl
  • 6. CLASSIFICATION OF ANEMIA 1. Physiological Anemia 2. Pathological Anemia  Iron deficiency Folic acid deficiency  Vitamin B12 deficiency 3. Hemorrhagic Anemia Acute—following bleeding in early months of pregnancy or APH Chronic—hookworm infestation, bleeding piles, etc.
  • 7. 4. Hemolytic anemia Familial—congenital jaundice, sickel cell anemia, etc. Acquired—malaria, severe infection, etc 5. Bone marrow insufficiency hypoplasia or aplasia due to radiation, drugs or severe infection. 6. Hemoglobinopathies Abnormal structure of one of the globin chains of the hemoglobin molecule of globin chains of the hemoglobin molecule ex- sickle cell disease
  • 8. PHYSIOLOGICAL ANEMIA OF PREGNANCY • During pregnancy, maternal plasma volume gradually expands by 50%, an increase of approximately 1,200 ml by term. • Most of the rise takes place before 32nd to 34th week’s gestation and thereafter there is relatively little change (Letsky, 1987). • The total increase in red blood cells is 25%, approximately 300 ml that occurs later in pregnancy. This relative hemo-dilution produces a fall in haemoglobin concentration, thus presenting a picture of iron deficiency anemia. • However, it has been found that these changes are a physiological alteration of pregnancy necessary for the development of fetus.
  • 9. ERYTHROPOISIS • In adults, erythropoiesis is confined to the bone marrow. • Red cells are formed through stages of pronormoblasts- normoblasts- reticulocytes-nature nonnucleated erythrocytes • • The average life- span of red cells is about 120 days after which the RBC’s degenerate and the haemoglobin are broken into hemosiderin and bile pigment.
  • 10. IRON REQUIREMENTS IN PREGNANCY During pregnancy approximately 1,500 mg iron is needed for:- Increase in maternal haemoglobin (400-500mg) The fetus and placenta (300-400 mg) Replacemet of daily loss through urine, stool and skin (250mg) Replacement of blood lost at delivery (200mg) Lactation (1mg/day)
  • 11. IRON AND FOLIC ACID REQUIREMENT IN PREGNANCY Elemental iron- 30 mg to 60 mg Folic acid- 400 µg (0.4 mg) It is recommended for pregnant women to prevent maternal anemia, puerperal sepsis, low birth weight, and preterm birth of babies.
  • 12. IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA • About 95% of pregnant women with anemia have iron deficiency type. • A pregnant woman is said to be anemic if her haemoglobin is less than 10 gm/dl.
  • 13. CAUSES • Reduced intake or absorption of iron • Excess demand such as multiple pregnancy • Blood loss
  • 14. EFFECTS OF ANEMIA ON THE MOTHER • Reduced resistance to infection caused by impaired cell-mediated immunity • Reduced ability to withstand postpartum hemorrhage • Strain of even an uncomplicated labor may cause cardiac failure • Predisposition to PIH and preterm labor due to associated malnutrition • Reduced enjoyment of pregnancy and motherhood owing to fatigue • Potential threat to life.
  • 15. EFFECTS TO FETUS/ BABY • Intrauterine hypoxia and growth retardation • Prematurity • LBW • Anemia a few months after birth due to poor stores • Increased risk of perinatal morbidity and mortality
  • 16. PREVENTION OF IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA • The midwife can help to identify women at risk of anemia by • Accurate history of medical, obstetric and social life
  • 17. MANAGEMENT • Avoidance of frequent childbirths • Supplementary iron therapy • Dietary advice • Adequate treatments to eradicate illnesses likely to cause anemia • Early detection of falling hemoglobin level
  • 18. CURATIVE MANAGEMENT • Women having haemoglobin level of 7.5 mg% and those associated with obstetrical medical complications must be hospitalized. • Following therapeutic measures are to be instituted: • Diet • Antibiotic therapy • Blood transfusion • Iron therapy which may be oral/ parental • Oral iron: daily dose 120- 180 gm is given.
  • 20. 1st stage Special precautions Comfortable position on bed Light analgesia Oxygenation to increase oxygenation of maternal blood and prevent fetal hypoxia Strict asepsis
  • 21. 2nd stage Usually no problem.  IV Methergin 0.2mg or 20 units oxytocin in 500ml RL IV and 10units of IM given.
  • 22. 3rd stage Intensive observation. blood loss must be replaced by fresh pack cell and amount must not exceed loss amount to avoid overloading
  • 23. Puerperium  Bed rest  Sign of infection detected and treated  Pre delivery iron therapy must be continued until patient restores.  Diet  Patient and family members must be counseled for help at home regarding baby care and household chores
  • 24. FOLIC ACID DEFICIENCY ANEMIA (MEGALOBLASTIC ANEMIA):- • Folic acid deficiency anemia happens when body does not have enough folic acid. • Folic acid is one of the B vitamins, and it helps your body make new cells, including new red blood cells • Deficiency of folic acid can cause placental abruption, nueral tube defect and congenital cardiac septal defects
  • 25. VITAMIN B 12 DEFICIENCY  Vitamin B12 deficiency, also known as hypocobalaminemia, refers to low blood levels of vitamin B 12.  Deficiency of vitamin B 12 can also produce megaloblastic anemia.  Deficiency is most likely in vegetarians who eat no animal product.
  • 26. SICKLE CELL ANEMIA  Sickle cell anemia is a disease in which body produces abnormally shaped red blood cells.  The cells are shaped like a crescent or sickle.  They don't last as long as normal, round red blood cells. This leads to anemia.  The sickle cells also get stuck in blood vessels, blocking blood flow. This can cause pain and organ damage
  • 27. THALESEMIA SYNDROMES: • The Thalesemia syndrome are commonly found genetic disorders of the blood. • The basic defect is reduced rate of haemoglobin chain synthesis. This leads to ineffective erythropoisis and increased hemolysis with resultant inadequate haemoglobin content.the syndrome are of two types: • The alpha and beta thalesemia depending on the globin chain synthesis affected
  • 28. CONCLUSION • Anemia in pregnancy is the most commonly occurring disorder during pregnancy, so every mother who are pregnant must screen for anemia and must take treatment as soon as possible along with foods rich in iron and also must have family support and care throughout pregnancy. •
  • 29. BIBLIOGRAPHY • D.C Dutta’s, “ Textbook of Obstetrics”, 7th ed. 2013, New Central Book Agency ( P) Ltd, London, page no:- 260- 268 • Annamma Jacob, “ A Comprehensive textbook of midwifery & gynaecological nursing”, 3rd ed. 2012, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., page no:323-330 • Myles, “textbook of midwies”, 6th ed.2014, Elvester (Ltd), page no: 273-275 • Lowdermilk, Perry& Bobak, “Maternity & Women’s Health Care”, 6th ed. 1996, page no:846 • www.anemiainpregnancy.com