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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 961
Bandu A.Mule1, Prof.D.N.Hatkar2,Prof.M.S.Bembde3
1 ME student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MGM’s COE, Nanded, Maharashtra, India.
2 Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MGM’s COE, Nanded, Maharashtra, India.
3Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, TCOE, Nerul, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Abstract – In this present day double pipe heat exchanger
is the most common type of heat exchanger widely use in
oil refinery and other large chemical processes because it
suits high pressure application. To determine the
performance of double pipe heat exchanger, the hot fluid
has made to flow through inner tubes and cold fluid is flow
through the outer tubes. The main objective is to design
the DPHE with different angles of fins. & to study the flow
and temperature field inside the tubes. Also, attempts
were made to investigate the effects and heat transfer
characteristics of a DPHE for six different inclination of
fins namely 0 , 5 , 10 T
of DPHE has made by using CATIA V5 and meshing is
generated by using hyper mesh. The flow and temperature
field inside the tube have studied using ANSYS FLUENT
R18.0. The work determines with better enhancements in
heat transfer rate and overall heat transfer coefficient
using helical fins.
Key Words: Helical fins, overall heat transfer coefficient,
heat transfer rate, mass flow rate, CFD.
The heat exchanger is a device used to transfer the heat
from the hot fluid to cold fluid with maximum rate and
minimum investment. The heat exchanger is an important
device in various thermal systems for e.g. condenser and
evaporator in refrigeration systems, boiler & condenser in
steam power plants etc. The heat exchanger has wide
variety of industrial applications such as process
industries, chemical industries, food industries etc. Now
there is need of the compact heat exchangers to give
required heat transfer rate with minimum space
requirement. The helical fins on the inner tube increase
the area available for the heat transfer and the helical fins
on inner tube increases the turbulence. With helical fins at
larger pitch, the efficiency of the heat transfer
enhancement however is rather low when the total length
of heat exchanger is fixed. At high Reynolds number,
pressure drop will increase sharply if the helical pitch
decreases. Due to this reason the heat transfer
enhancement with helical fins is more suitable at low
Reynolds number. The worldwide researchers are making
hard efforts to find out suitable alternatives for heat
exchangers with different geometry and varying
parameters which effects on performance of heat
exchanger. Now days helix fins has became blessings for
researchers. Balarama Kundu et al. [1] had
experimentation on beneficial design of shell and tube
heat exchangers for attachment of longitudinal fins with
trapezoidal profile. In this experimentation, the
rectangular and trapezoidal fin shapes longitudinally
attached to the fin tubes. The results show that the heat
transfer rate was lesser than the rectangular cross section
keeping the outer shell diameter is a constant along with
all other constraints of a heat exchanger. N. Sathiya
Narayanan et al. [2] had done modelling and simulation of
helical fluid flow through double start screw type heat
exchanger. In this experimentation efficient heat transfer
is achieved by increasing the area of heat transfer by
providing fin arrangement. The result shows that an
efficient heat transfer is achieved as heat transfer
coefficient is more. Shewale omkar M et.al. [3] have
performed experimental investigation of double pipe heat
exchanger with helical fins on the inner rotating tube. In
this analysis the Nusselt Number obtained from the
experimental results are higher than that of theoretical
values obtained from Dittus-Boelter equation. The helical
fins over the inner tube results into the increase in the
heat transfer area and reduction in the hydraulic diameter
of the flow channel. The result shows that the Nusselt
number for the inner tube with helical fins is 4 times
higher than that of the plain inner tube for stationary
condition. The Nusselt number at the speed 50 rpm and
100 rpm are 36 % and 64% more than that of stationary
inner tube. Vinous M Hameed et al. [4] have carried out an
experimental study of turbulent flow heat transfer and
pressure loss in a double pipe heat exchanger with
triangular fins. The working fluids were air flowing in the
annular pipe and water through the inner circular tube.
The results shows that the heat dissipation 3.815 to
5.405times than that of smooth tube. . In the lowest space
the average increment in nusselt number is about 98%
over the smooth tube heat exchanger. Yu et al. [5]
performed to compute the heat transfer and pressure drop
characteristics of tubes with internal wave-like
longitudinal fins. They conducted two cases for this work
were carefully examined, using air as a working fluid. For
the tube of type A, since the inner channel of the insertion
is not blocked, its flow cross-section area only differs
mildly from that without the insertion. While for the tube
of type B the cross-section of the inner tube is totally
blocked. The wave-like fins are within the annulus and
span its full width. There are total 20 waves. The outer
tube was electrically heated. Pressure taps were no
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 962
uniformly distributed in 13 cross-sections along the test
tube axis. Results showed that the wave-like fins enhance
heat transfer significantly with the blocked case by 36%
higher than that of unblocked tube. Sameer H. Ameen et al.
[6] has constructed a model with parabolic fins fixed over
the outer surfaces of its inner pipe with different
inclination angles from copper alloy. They carried out the
numerical work using ANSYS14.0 and conclude that local
heat convection for parabolic fin heat exchangers is 2.42
times greater than pipes without fins.
1.1 Materials selection
Heat Exchanger
The selection of material is the first step while designing a
heat exchanger. There are so many materials available at
market for double pipe heat exchanger like copper,
stainless steel, aluminum, etc. However, the process
temperature and pressure dictates the choice of the
material. As we are dealing with hot fluid there will be
chances of development of thermal stresses, so copper and
stainless steel are selected. As copper is having high
thermal conductivity it is selected for inner tube and
stainless steel for annulus. The brazing material used in
stainless steel exchangers is a nickel based alloy with
appropriate melting and welding characteristics.
Table -1: Thermal Properties of water
Sr.no. Property Water(hot) Water(cold)
1 C, J/kg K 4179 4179
2 ρ k / 3 997.1 997.1
3 k, W/m K 0.605 0.605
4 u, m2/s 0.001 0.001
2. Computational fluid dynamic procedure
2.1 Geometry and computational fluid domain:
The schematic diagram of computational fluid domain is
as shown in fig.1.
(b) (C)
(d) (e)
(f) (g)
Fig.1 (a) Geometry of Double pipe heat exchanger, (b)
Computational fluid domain
2.2 Grid Generation
Fig. 2 Discretized computational domain
2.3 Setting of boundary condition and solving
The inlet boundary conditions are defined as cold fluid
velocity flowing though outer pipe and hot fluid velocity
flowing though inner pipe in counter flow.
Table2: Boundary Conditions
Quantities Boundary Conditions
Working fluid Water Water
Inner pipe
(hot fluid)
Hot inlet (water)
Velocity Temperature
0.1472 m/s 550C
Outer pipe
(cold fluid)
Cold inlet (Water)
Velocity Temperature
0.05859 m/s to 0.5859 m/s 280C
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 963
2.4 Post processing
The variables such as temperature, velocity, water are
represented in the form of vectors, contours which are
extracted from post processing tool.
3. Experimental set up
3.1 Fabrication:
The experimental set up fabricated as per design of heat
exchanger. Four temperature indicators are used to
measure inlet and outlet temperatures. Two pumps with
two flow controlling valves each and a flow meter, two
tanks to store the water. The system line diagram is shown
in fig.3
Fig. 3 Line diagram of set up
3.2 Actual set up photo
4. Data processing
4.1 Analysis of heat exchanger
1. According to first law of thermodynamics, heat transfer
rate from hot fluid is equal to cold fluid. It is given by,
 Hot fluid heat transfer rate Qh= mh*Cph*(Thi-Tho)
 Cold fluid heat transfer rate Qc= mc*Cpc*(Tco-Tci)
Where, mh and mc are the mass flow rates of hot and cold
fluid respectively, Cph and Cpc are the specific heats of hot
and cold fluid respectively, Thi and Tci are hot and cold
inlet temperatures, Tho and Tco are hot and cold outlet
temperatures. Then average of both of them is taken for
further calculation as shown below,
Qavg = (Qh + Qc)/2
2. Logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) is
calculated by using formula,
LMTD (∆Tlm) =
( – ) ( – )
( – ) ( – )
3. The surface area is calculated as
As= Π*D *L+ LNH
The overall heat transfer coefficient
is calculated by using formula,
Qavg= U*As*∆Tlm
5. Results and Discussion
Effects of helix angles of fin in the base fluid on
thermophysical properties of water and different
parameters like heat transfer rate, overall heat transfer
coefficient are discussed in this chapter.
Table 3: For 0.017 Kg/sec
Table 4: For 0.034 Kg/sec
1, 2 - Storage tanks
3, 4 – Pumps
5, 6 - Ball valves
7, 8 – Rota meters
9 -Stainless steel tube
10 - Copper tube
11 - Control panel
Overall Heat
(W/m2 OC)
39.94 39 462.86 747.06 236.43 357.63
39.97 500.74 390.88
40.02 40 563.02 818.55 441.70 636.82
40.22 570.14 450.01
40.43 41 655.91 854.14 523.44 685.39
40.78 582.95 467.99
Overall Heat
(W/m2 OC)
36.43 37 649.86 996.5 293.26 451.3
36.89 696.84 511.26
36.94 37 775.13 1067.64 571.32 763.9
37.14 800.05 593.79
37.35 39 829.83 1138.86 621.51 878.2
37.70 825.67 619.84
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 964
5.1 Effect on overall heat transfer coefficient
Graph 5.1 Helix angle Vs Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient
From CFD analysis, it shows that the mass flow rate
increases then overall heat transfer coefficient increases.
The graph shows the effect of helix angle on overall heat
transfer coefficient for five flow rate
5.2 Effect on heat transfer rate
Graph 5.2 Helix angle Vs Heat Transfer Rate (Q)
From CFD analysis, it shows that the mass flow rate
increases then heat transfer rate increases. The graph
shows the effect of helix angle on heat transfer rate for five
flow rate. From CFD analysis of different helix angle of
fins it is found that increase in helix angle then increases
the overall heat transfer coefficient. Also, the mass flow
rate increases the values of U.
(a) 0 angle (b) angle
(c) 1 angle (d) 15 angle
(e) 2 angle (f) 25 angle
Fig.5.3 Temperature distribution diagrams
The figure5.3
, 15 , and 20 and 25 Diagrams are for
the first reading of each helix angle. As hot flow rate is
constant throughout and cold flow rate is varied from 1
LPM to 5 LPM.
6. Conclusions
Analysis of different helix angles of fins for a double pipe
heat exchanger with the help of ANSYS FLUENT R18.0 is
studied. From those angles experimental study on three
angles ( ) is performed. The thermal performance
parameter overall heat transfer coefficient has been
determined. Some of main conclusions of the present work
are noted below.
1. From CFD analysis it is observed that increase in
heat transfer rate (1494.75 W to1920.05 W) and overall
heat transfer coefficient (734.58 W/m2 OC to 1570.46 W/m2
OC W) it
2. From CFD analysis it is observed that increase in
helix fins gives promising enhancement in heat transfer
0ͦ 10ͦ 20ͦ 25ͦ
Helix angle
Helix angle Vs Overall Heat
Transfer Coefficient
1 lpm
1 lpm
2 lpm
2 lpm
3 lpm
3 lpm
4 lpm
4 lpm
0ͦ 5ͦ 10ͦ 15ͦ 20ͦ 25ͦ
Helix Angle
Helix Angle Vs Heat Transfer Rate
1 lpm
1 lpm
2 lpm
3 lpm
3 lpm
5 lpm
5 lpm
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 965
4. From these analysis it indicates that heat transfer
rate is better for helical fins in double pipe heat
The conventional method used for the design and
development of double pipe heat exchanger are expensive
.CFD provide alternative to cost effectiveness speedy
solution to DPHE design and optimization. The extension
of this work can be done by using Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) analysis for knowing heat transfer rate
over the helical fins in DPHE.
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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
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Analysis of Double Pipe Heat Exchanger With Helical Fins

  • 1. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 961 ANALYSIS OF DOUBLE PIPE HEAT EXCHANGER WITH HELICAL FINS Bandu A.Mule1, Prof.D.N.Hatkar2,Prof.M.S.Bembde3 1 ME student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MGM’s COE, Nanded, Maharashtra, India. 2 Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MGM’s COE, Nanded, Maharashtra, India. 3Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, TCOE, Nerul, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract – In this present day double pipe heat exchanger is the most common type of heat exchanger widely use in oil refinery and other large chemical processes because it suits high pressure application. To determine the performance of double pipe heat exchanger, the hot fluid has made to flow through inner tubes and cold fluid is flow through the outer tubes. The main objective is to design the DPHE with different angles of fins. & to study the flow and temperature field inside the tubes. Also, attempts were made to investigate the effects and heat transfer characteristics of a DPHE for six different inclination of fins namely 0 , 5 , 10 T of DPHE has made by using CATIA V5 and meshing is generated by using hyper mesh. The flow and temperature field inside the tube have studied using ANSYS FLUENT R18.0. The work determines with better enhancements in heat transfer rate and overall heat transfer coefficient using helical fins. Key Words: Helical fins, overall heat transfer coefficient, heat transfer rate, mass flow rate, CFD. 1. INTRODUCTION The heat exchanger is a device used to transfer the heat from the hot fluid to cold fluid with maximum rate and minimum investment. The heat exchanger is an important device in various thermal systems for e.g. condenser and evaporator in refrigeration systems, boiler & condenser in steam power plants etc. The heat exchanger has wide variety of industrial applications such as process industries, chemical industries, food industries etc. Now there is need of the compact heat exchangers to give required heat transfer rate with minimum space requirement. The helical fins on the inner tube increase the area available for the heat transfer and the helical fins on inner tube increases the turbulence. With helical fins at larger pitch, the efficiency of the heat transfer enhancement however is rather low when the total length of heat exchanger is fixed. At high Reynolds number, pressure drop will increase sharply if the helical pitch decreases. Due to this reason the heat transfer enhancement with helical fins is more suitable at low Reynolds number. The worldwide researchers are making hard efforts to find out suitable alternatives for heat exchangers with different geometry and varying parameters which effects on performance of heat exchanger. Now days helix fins has became blessings for researchers. Balarama Kundu et al. [1] had experimentation on beneficial design of shell and tube heat exchangers for attachment of longitudinal fins with trapezoidal profile. In this experimentation, the rectangular and trapezoidal fin shapes longitudinally attached to the fin tubes. The results show that the heat transfer rate was lesser than the rectangular cross section keeping the outer shell diameter is a constant along with all other constraints of a heat exchanger. N. Sathiya Narayanan et al. [2] had done modelling and simulation of helical fluid flow through double start screw type heat exchanger. In this experimentation efficient heat transfer is achieved by increasing the area of heat transfer by providing fin arrangement. The result shows that an efficient heat transfer is achieved as heat transfer coefficient is more. Shewale omkar M et.al. [3] have performed experimental investigation of double pipe heat exchanger with helical fins on the inner rotating tube. In this analysis the Nusselt Number obtained from the experimental results are higher than that of theoretical values obtained from Dittus-Boelter equation. The helical fins over the inner tube results into the increase in the heat transfer area and reduction in the hydraulic diameter of the flow channel. The result shows that the Nusselt number for the inner tube with helical fins is 4 times higher than that of the plain inner tube for stationary condition. The Nusselt number at the speed 50 rpm and 100 rpm are 36 % and 64% more than that of stationary inner tube. Vinous M Hameed et al. [4] have carried out an experimental study of turbulent flow heat transfer and pressure loss in a double pipe heat exchanger with triangular fins. The working fluids were air flowing in the annular pipe and water through the inner circular tube. The results shows that the heat dissipation 3.815 to 5.405times than that of smooth tube. . In the lowest space the average increment in nusselt number is about 98% over the smooth tube heat exchanger. Yu et al. [5] performed to compute the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of tubes with internal wave-like longitudinal fins. They conducted two cases for this work were carefully examined, using air as a working fluid. For the tube of type A, since the inner channel of the insertion is not blocked, its flow cross-section area only differs mildly from that without the insertion. While for the tube of type B the cross-section of the inner tube is totally blocked. The wave-like fins are within the annulus and span its full width. There are total 20 waves. The outer tube was electrically heated. Pressure taps were no
  • 2. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 962 uniformly distributed in 13 cross-sections along the test tube axis. Results showed that the wave-like fins enhance heat transfer significantly with the blocked case by 36% higher than that of unblocked tube. Sameer H. Ameen et al. [6] has constructed a model with parabolic fins fixed over the outer surfaces of its inner pipe with different inclination angles from copper alloy. They carried out the numerical work using ANSYS14.0 and conclude that local heat convection for parabolic fin heat exchangers is 2.42 times greater than pipes without fins. 1.1 Materials selection Heat Exchanger The selection of material is the first step while designing a heat exchanger. There are so many materials available at market for double pipe heat exchanger like copper, stainless steel, aluminum, etc. However, the process temperature and pressure dictates the choice of the material. As we are dealing with hot fluid there will be chances of development of thermal stresses, so copper and stainless steel are selected. As copper is having high thermal conductivity it is selected for inner tube and stainless steel for annulus. The brazing material used in stainless steel exchangers is a nickel based alloy with appropriate melting and welding characteristics. Table -1: Thermal Properties of water Sr.no. Property Water(hot) Water(cold) 1 C, J/kg K 4179 4179 2 ρ k / 3 997.1 997.1 3 k, W/m K 0.605 0.605 4 u, m2/s 0.001 0.001 2. Computational fluid dynamic procedure 2.1 Geometry and computational fluid domain: The schematic diagram of computational fluid domain is as shown in fig.1. (a) (b) (C) (d) (e) (f) (g) Fig.1 (a) Geometry of Double pipe heat exchanger, (b) Computational fluid domain 2.2 Grid Generation Fig. 2 Discretized computational domain 2.3 Setting of boundary condition and solving The inlet boundary conditions are defined as cold fluid velocity flowing though outer pipe and hot fluid velocity flowing though inner pipe in counter flow. Table2: Boundary Conditions Quantities Boundary Conditions Working fluid Water Water Inner pipe (hot fluid) Hot inlet (water) Velocity Temperature 0.1472 m/s 550C Outer pipe (cold fluid) Cold inlet (Water) Velocity Temperature 0.05859 m/s to 0.5859 m/s 280C
  • 3. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 963 2.4 Post processing The variables such as temperature, velocity, water are represented in the form of vectors, contours which are extracted from post processing tool. 3. Experimental set up 3.1 Fabrication: The experimental set up fabricated as per design of heat exchanger. Four temperature indicators are used to measure inlet and outlet temperatures. Two pumps with two flow controlling valves each and a flow meter, two tanks to store the water. The system line diagram is shown in fig.3 Fig. 3 Line diagram of set up 3.2 Actual set up photo 4. Data processing 4.1 Analysis of heat exchanger 1. According to first law of thermodynamics, heat transfer rate from hot fluid is equal to cold fluid. It is given by,  Hot fluid heat transfer rate Qh= mh*Cph*(Thi-Tho)  Cold fluid heat transfer rate Qc= mc*Cpc*(Tco-Tci) Where, mh and mc are the mass flow rates of hot and cold fluid respectively, Cph and Cpc are the specific heats of hot and cold fluid respectively, Thi and Tci are hot and cold inlet temperatures, Tho and Tco are hot and cold outlet temperatures. Then average of both of them is taken for further calculation as shown below, Qavg = (Qh + Qc)/2 2. Logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD) is calculated by using formula, LMTD (∆Tlm) = ( – ) ( – ) ( – ) ( – ) 3. The surface area is calculated as As= Π*D *L+ LNH The overall heat transfer coefficient is calculated by using formula, Qavg= U*As*∆Tlm 5. Results and Discussion Effects of helix angles of fin in the base fluid on thermophysical properties of water and different parameters like heat transfer rate, overall heat transfer coefficient are discussed in this chapter. Table 3: For 0.017 Kg/sec Table 4: For 0.034 Kg/sec 1, 2 - Storage tanks 3, 4 – Pumps 5, 6 - Ball valves 7, 8 – Rota meters 9 -Stainless steel tube 10 - Copper tube 11 - Control panel Fins inclin ation angle Tco CFD Tco EXP Heat Transfer (W) CFD Heat Transfer (W) EXP Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (W/m2 OC) CFD EXP 39.94 39 462.86 747.06 236.43 357.63 39.97 500.74 390.88 40.02 40 563.02 818.55 441.70 636.82 40.22 570.14 450.01 40.43 41 655.91 854.14 523.44 685.39 40.78 582.95 467.99 Fins inclin ation angle Tco CFD Tco EXP Heat Transfer (W) CFD Heat Transfer (W) EXP Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (W/m2 OC) CFD EXP 36.43 37 649.86 996.5 293.26 451.3 36.89 696.84 511.26 36.94 37 775.13 1067.64 571.32 763.9 37.14 800.05 593.79 37.35 39 829.83 1138.86 621.51 878.2 37.70 825.67 619.84
  • 4. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 964 5.1 Effect on overall heat transfer coefficient Graph 5.1 Helix angle Vs Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient (U) From CFD analysis, it shows that the mass flow rate increases then overall heat transfer coefficient increases. The graph shows the effect of helix angle on overall heat transfer coefficient for five flow rate 5.2 Effect on heat transfer rate Graph 5.2 Helix angle Vs Heat Transfer Rate (Q) From CFD analysis, it shows that the mass flow rate increases then heat transfer rate increases. The graph shows the effect of helix angle on heat transfer rate for five flow rate. From CFD analysis of different helix angle of fins it is found that increase in helix angle then increases the overall heat transfer coefficient. Also, the mass flow rate increases the values of U. (a) 0 angle (b) angle (c) 1 angle (d) 15 angle (e) 2 angle (f) 25 angle Fig.5.3 Temperature distribution diagrams The figure5.3 , 15 , and 20 and 25 Diagrams are for the first reading of each helix angle. As hot flow rate is constant throughout and cold flow rate is varied from 1 LPM to 5 LPM. 6. Conclusions Analysis of different helix angles of fins for a double pipe heat exchanger with the help of ANSYS FLUENT R18.0 is studied. From those angles experimental study on three angles ( ) is performed. The thermal performance parameter overall heat transfer coefficient has been determined. Some of main conclusions of the present work are noted below. 1. From CFD analysis it is observed that increase in heat transfer rate (1494.75 W to1920.05 W) and overall heat transfer coefficient (734.58 W/m2 OC to 1570.46 W/m2 OC W) it decreases 2. From CFD analysis it is observed that increase in helix fins gives promising enhancement in heat transfer rate. E o 0 2000 0ͦ 10ͦ 20ͦ 25ͦ OverallHeatTramnsfer CoefficientW/m20c Helix angle Helix angle Vs Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient 1 lpm CFD 1 lpm EXP 2 lpm CFD 2 lpm EXP 3 lpm CFD 3 lpm EXP 4 lpm CFD 4 lpm EXP 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0ͦ 5ͦ 10ͦ 15ͦ 20ͦ 25ͦ HeatTransferRate(W) Helix Angle Helix Angle Vs Heat Transfer Rate 1 lpm cfd 1 lpm exp 2 lpm cfd 3 lpm cfd 3 lpm exp 5 lpm cfd 5 lpm exp
  • 5. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 04 Issue: 08 | Aug -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 965 4. From these analysis it indicates that heat transfer rate is better for helical fins in double pipe heat exchanger. FUTURE SCOPE The conventional method used for the design and development of double pipe heat exchanger are expensive .CFD provide alternative to cost effectiveness speedy solution to DPHE design and optimization. The extension of this work can be done by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis for knowing heat transfer rate over the helical fins in DPHE. REFERENCES [1]Balaram Kundu “B tube heat exchangers for attachment of longitudinal fins z ” E Technology, an International Journal 18 (2015) 336e-350. [2]. N. Sathiya Naray “M of helical fluid flow through double start screw type heat ” T S nce (2011) vol.15, Pp. 183-194. [ ]” S k M “Experimental investigation of double pipe heat exchanger with helical fins on the ” E journal case studies in Thermal Engineering 5 (2015) 48–58. [4] Vinous M Hameed et al. “ Experimental study of turbulent flow heat transfer and pressure loss in a double “I ernational journal of energy and environment (2015) vol.7 pp.149- 158 . [ ]Y B T W Q “P D H T Characterstics of Turbulent Flow in Annular Tubes with Internal Wave-L k F ” H M Transfer, Vol.4, pp.643-651. [6] Sameer H. Ameen, Deyaa Mohammed N. Mahmood “E N I Structural and Thermal Characteristics of Externally F D P H E “I J of Application or Innovation in Engineering and Management, vol.3, Issue 4, April 2014. [7]. M. Sheikholeslami, M. Jafaryar, F. Farkhadnia, D.D. Ganji, M. Gorji-Bandpy, "Thermal management of double pipe air to water heat exchanger", Energy and Buildings (2014),enbuild.2014.11.076. [8] Dong H. Lee, Jin M. Jung, Jong H. Ha, Young I. Cho, ″I H T P C H F T A C H E ″ International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.39, pp.161–166, 2012 [9] Z. Iqbal*, K.S. Syed, M. Ishaq, "Optimal fin shape in finned double pipe with fully developed laminar flow", Centre for Advanced Studies in Pure and Applied Mathematics (CASPAM), Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan 60800, Pakistan, Applied Thermal Engineering 51 (2013) 1202e1223. [10] Mayank Bhola, Vinod Kumar, Dr. Satyendra Singh," Heat Transfer Enhancement in Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger in ANSYS FLUENT", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278- 0181 IJERTV4IS040092 (This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.) Vol. 4 Issue 04, April-2015. [11] Shuai and Chang et.al.” Three–dimensional numerical simulation on integral pin– fin tube heat exchanger using fluent software ” International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.49, pp.161–166, 2012. [ ] M G “N drop and heat transfer characteristics on the air side of the circular – ” E journal case studies in Thermal Engineering 5 (2011) 48–58. [ ] K R H “H CFD” I research journal of engineering and technology (2015) volume 2, Issue 9. [14] Snehal S. Pachegaonkar, Santosh G. Taji, Narayan S “P A D P H E A T T I ” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (2014) Volume-3, Issue-3. [16] Angela Ourivio Nieckele, Francisco Eduardo Mourão Saboya, "Turbulent Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Pinned Annular Regions", J. Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. vol.22 n.1 Rio de Janeiro 2000. [17]. Rennie, T.J. and Raghavan, V.G.S., 2006, Numerical studies of a doublepipe helical heat exchanger. Appl Thermal Eng, 26, 1266–1273. [18].Vimal Kumar, Burhanuddin Faizee, Monisha Mridha, K.D.P. Nigam, 2007, Numerical studies of a tube-in-tube helically coiled heat exchanger, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 47, 2287–2295. [19].J.S. Jayakumar, S.M. Mahajani, J.C. Mandal, P.K. Vijayan, and Rohidas Bhoi, 2008, Experimental and CFD estimation of heat transfer in helically coiled heat exchangers , Chemical Engg Research and Design, 221- 232. [20].Rahul Kharat, Nitin Bhardwaj, R.S. Jha, 2009, Development of heat transfer coefficient correlation for
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