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Analytical Essay: Define
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Analytical Essay: Define Descriptive Analytical Essay: Define Descriptive


Digitally Controlled Single Phase Inverter For...
Digitally Controlled Single Phase Inverter for Photovoltaic Energy System Mr. Suraj Muley1, Mr.
Abhijit Padgavhankar2 E TC Department, Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Engineering,pune 41
1suraj.muley9@gmail.com E TC Department, Smt. Kashibai Navale College of Engineering ,pune 41
2 avpadgavhankar@sinhgad .edu Abstract This paper is concerned with the basic theory of a
Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation, considering different designing parameters and various
uncertainty. The project will start by a basic understanding of the circuit of the pwm Inverter, the
components used in the design and the reason for selecting such components in this circuit. After this,
tried to simulate a model circuit on any simulating software e.g. MATLAB and analyze the output
waveforms for various values of the elements used in the circuit and hence study the system response
and instabilities. key words: PV cell , SPWM. I. INTRODUCTION An inverter is basically a device
that converts electrical energy of DC form into that of AC. The Purpose of DC AC inverter is to take
DC power from a battery source and converts it to AC. For example the household inverter receives
DC supply from 12V or 24V battery and then inverter converts it to 240V AC with a desirable
frequency of 50Hz or 60Hz. These DC AC
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Causes Of Crimes Against Humanity Essay
We know crimes against humanity as a deliberate criminal act or acts that are typically part of a
systematic campaign which causes human suffering or death on a large scale. The acts are an attack on
human dignity where the crimes can be committed during times of war and peace. Offences that come
under this category include murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation or forcible transfer of a
population, imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty, torture, sexual violence,
persecution against any identifiable group or collective, enforced disappearance of persons and other
inhumane acts of a similar character and gravity1,2,3.
I have decided to examine sexual violence and in particular the motivations behind such crimes that
constitute as sexual violence; this encompasses crimes such as rape, sexual slavery, enforced
prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of
comparable gravity1,2,3,. In particular I am going to examine sexual violence in reference to the
conflict in former Yugoslavia, known as the Bosnian war.
The Bosnian War of 1992 1995 was a major conflict that was seen to be politically and racially
motivated between the Serbian s, Croatian s and Bosnian s. During this time the Serbian s were
participating in an illegal conflict by being in violation of the Geneva conventions, customary laws, as
well as committing odious offences that we know as crimes against humanity4.
It hasn t been overtly
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International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics...
International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management
Emerald Article: International logistics and one stop shopping Janjaap Semeijn, David B. Vellenga
Article information:
To cite this document: Janjaap Semeijn, David B. Vellenga, (1995), International logistics and one
stop shopping , International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management, Vol. 25 Iss: 10
pp. 26 44 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/09600039510101780
Downloaded on: 01 04 2012 References: This document contains references to 27 other documents
Citations: This document has been cited by 2 other documents To copy this document:
permissions@emeraldinsight.com This document has been downloaded 2086 times.
Access ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
25 No. 10, 1995, pp. 26 44. MCB University Press, 0960 0035
A preliminary version of this article was presented at the Western Decision Sciences Conference in
Maui, Hawaii, in April 1994.
Limitation The total number of integrated carriers which are in a position to provide onestop
shopping for international logistics to US shippers is estimated to number less than 30 worldwide. The
data obtained reflect the perceptions of ten of these carriers, yet they cannot provide the statistical and
analytical comfort that a survey of a larger population would yield. This study, therefore, should be
considered exploratory in nature, rather than providing conclusive results. Definitions of one stop
shopping The term one stop shopping, to describe total logistics service packages, found usage in
trade journals and carrier sales literature during the 1980s. Mahoney[10] describes one stop shopping
The multimodal carrier promises to become a transportation supermarket, where the shipper will be
able to satisfy all needs with One Stop Shopping . The shipper s shopping list will be fulfilled with
simplified documents from origin to destination and the shipper will receive an audited computerized
printout, just like the housewife at the checkout counter.
Logistics and one stop shopping 27
Vellenga, et al.[9] associate one stop shopping with: the image of a customer seeking to find
transportation enterprise that will accept the shipment, choose the most
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Globalization Is AAs A Popular Expression
Globalization is a term that became a popular expression in the 1980 s. Its use describes the amplified
movement of people, knowledge, ideas, goods and money across national borders that leads to
increased interdependence among the world s populations politically, publicly and culturally. Canada
is one of the most globally integrated countries in the world. Our society is comprised of a highly
advanced system of communication and information technology, contains a government that is
dynamic in universal organizations, an economy that is reliant on trade, a population that travels
abroad regularly, and a society composed of individuals from countless cultural backgrounds. (Foster,
T. (2006, March 9). Globalization, pg. 2 6 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It encompasses the deterioration of the environment through reduction of resources, ecosystems and
the extinction of the environment, which can either positively or negatively, affects certain Canadian
businesses. There is also the suppression of human rights to consider, which entails the lack of support
and working conditions workers may face in any field. Ultimately, it can be argued that globalization
is a force for environmental devastation, exploitation of workers and suppression of human rights, all
of which are negative effects on Canadian businesses.
Exploitation of workers works internationally to negatively affect the credibility and efficiency of
Canadian businesses. Nowadays most Canadians and residents of other developed western countries
are mindful of the existence of sweatshops and labour exploitation in developing countries such as
China, India, and Mexico. We all, including myself, agree that corrupt conditions and low wages for
those workers are unacceptable, but none of us can do anything about it because globalization allows
it to happen. Business is able to have factories in third world countries, such as Canadian business Joe
Fresh, which has factories in India, the Philippines and China.
People working in these factories are given less pay for more work. Their poverty and resulting
economic depression in their respective countries can trigger adverse reactions across the globe,
making them a target for foreigners to choose the cheap
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Mushrooms Are A Good Cash Crop
Mushrooms are a good cash crop. It is easy to grow and is brimming with protein, B vitamins and
minerals. They even have medicinal properties. Time between spawning and harvesting can be as
short as three weeks. Furthermore, after the cultivation, you can still use the substrate as a good soil
conditioner. Generally the oyster, shiitake and wood ear mushrooms cultivated .Although many other
types of mushrooms can be grown, we have chosen oyster the ones that can easily be cultivated with
using appropriate technology. When we choose to grow mushroom we should know the basic
knowledge about mushroom. The biology, morphology, species, temperature ranges for fruiting, and
market to sell.The life cycle of mushroom (Fungi) multiply by producing millions and millions of
spores. When a spore settles in a suitable environment, it can germinate and branch to form a
mycelium. When two sexually compatible mycelia meet, they may fuse to form a so called secondary
mycelium, which is capable of forming fruiting bodies.
Mushroom cultivation activities can play an important role in supporting the local economy by
contributing to subsistence food security, nutrition, and medicine. Generating additional employment
and income through local, regional and national trade and offering opportunities for processing
Biology of mushrooms
Mushrooms belong to the kingdom of Fungi, a group very distinct from plants, animals and bacteria.
Fungi lack
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There Is Currently A Critical Global Shortage Of Nurses
There is currently a critical global shortage of nurses and it is projected to grow logistically in the
prospective years. The reasons for the nurse shortage is multifactorial but one of the more prominent
reasons is that nurses are at an increased risk for work related stress particularly in specialty areas such
as mental health nursing. Psychiatric nurses are frequent victims of burn out and workplace violence
because of the nature of patients they serve, the demands of the institution, and the shortage of trained
staff. According to Qi et al. (2014), Nurses working in mental health hospitals have been found to
suffer from higher levels of work related stress, as they are frequently exposed to violent behavior by
mental health patients ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to Itzhaki et al. (2015), interventions such as training staff to deal with violence directed at
them contributed to the fact that even when nurses are working with mental health patients, it
promoted work safety as well as less stress. In addition, routine nursing staff training structured
around coping with aggression in mental health facilities are vital for preventing violence, dealing
with aggression, establishing trust and rapport with the patient, maintaining the security and the well
being of both staff and patients. Lastly, contrary to psychosocial and educational interventions is lack
of interventions provided to support the staff to cope with work place violence and job related stress
and burnout. Due to the lack of support, nurses tend to experience more burnout and less life
satisfaction. According to Itzhaki et al. (2015) a possible explanation could be that mental health
nurses often believe that patients violence towards them is to be expected and is considered part of the
job...Experiencing abuse could lead to ambiguity; nurses must take care of patients who abuse them.
This situation might evoke stress and reduce their life satisfaction. Therefore, it is essential as a
psychiatric mental health nurse to participate in trained programs such as Satori Alternatives to
Manage Aggression (SAMA) and psychosocial interventions such as group therapy to learn more
about work place violence and methods to reduce the effects of it along with stress
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Effective Use Of Sound In Citizen Kane
Citizen Kane may not be in color, but it once you get to the end of the movie you really see just how
black an white the movie really is. The amount of mystery that builds through out the movie is
amazing. At the end of the movie both the way they reveal the mystery and what the mysterious thing
is, is just stunning. That s why I rate this movie five out of five stars.
I give it such a high rating because is uses the color of the film amazingly and well as sound, then the
acting in this movie is very well done, and the story is great and how the director reveals the mystery
and how no one in the movie figures out what rosebud. Last but not least is the way sound is used in
the movie. Multiple times sound is a key aspects on what is
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Go Ask Alice Play Analysis
Go Ask Alice The play is set in modern time. Alice is a self conscious girl with her best friend and
parents by her side. Her parents and best friend Beth are kind of worried about her because she losing
so much wait. It s not that she is losing wait that scares her parents and Beth it s the amount of time
she is losing it in. Alice is losing wait very quickly which isn t a good thing. Alice is doing this at
home and for school life because she is scared of judgement everyone judges everything and that s
how kids are. Although Alice is very slack with confidence and is very depressed she tries her hardest
to stay positive. She makes an effort to be very positive ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She uses to be very excited and happy about school she was doing good and always thrived for that
she uses to write in her diary about her feelings which is good but because all of these drugs she is
changing drastically she saying how she doesn t care about finals and grades she never writes and she
is saying how running away sounds like a good idea. Also, how kids are just there for show and how
there not expected to talk or interact when just a month ago she was all for freedom of speech and be
how you want to be but no one ever really knew that since she had only written it in her diary. Alice
use to be a very weary and good girl her friends were the most important in her life she was sad to
hear her friend was going to summer camp and now she doesn t care that s her friend has completely
left because of her addiction. Alice has literally pushed EVERYONE away but she is to blinded by the
high to notice. Alice s parents know about her drug addiction and how she s dating a college student
when she is in high school but her parents still trust her and know she will do fine they do not like that
she s a drug addict but they feel there s nothing they can do but trust
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My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses in Netball Essay
From observing myself in a game situation these are what I consider are my strengths and weaknesses
for Netball and why I think each one is a strength or weakness.
Shoulder Pass
Bounce Pass
Chest Pass
High running Pass
Reaction Time
Strength 1: Shooting is one of my strengths as I think I perform it correctly. By correctly I mean
having a balanced position (standing with my feet shoulder width apart and keeping my body
straight), holding the ball above my head (so that the ball is resting on the tips of my fingers and my
thumbs form a W shape), bending my knees as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It s a high pass and should enable you to speed up the game. This pass requires lots of power to make
it travel faster; if it s slow and loopy a defender could intercept it. For me the power comes from
behind the ball. I spread my fingers around the ball, bend my arms and try to keep my elbows close to
my body. I then lift the ball above my right shoulder (as I m right handed) and let it drop back slightly.
This gives me extra power when I go to release the ball. To make it go through the air faster I put one
foot forward, this also helps me to lean into the pass. I think when you throw a shoulder pass it s best


to aim for your team mates head and chest (this will make it easier for them to catch the ball). In my
opinion to master a shoulder pass you have to follow the directions above and finally when you
release the ball I think you should follow through the pass (basically stretching out your arms and
fingertips after releasing the ball.
Strength 3: The bounce pass is a strength of mine and I think it s a really good pass to be good at. You
use it for short distances and I ve noticed from observing myself that it works well when you find
defenders are closing in on you and you need to act quickly. It s the best short distance pass to use
when players like the Centre and Wing Attack need to pass the ball into the semi circle to the
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Sex Offender Assessment Tools
of obtaining accurate data through treatment related assessment tools pertaining to the risk level of an
individual is higher compared to not using an appropriate assessment tool. Assessment Tools in
Treatment Since sex offender treatment programs are a comprehensive and dedicated treatment
programs for sex offenders. Treatment providers must rely on their knowledge of the treatment goals
and objectives, their treatment techniques and styles, and treatment related assessment tools to ensure
that treatment interventions are being delivered efficiently. There are various treatment models and
principles such as: (1) cognitive behavioral treatment; (2) Relapse Prevention (RP; Marlett and
Gordon, 1985); (3) Self Regulating Model (SRM; Ward and Hudson, 1998); (4) Risk, ... Show more
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The RNR is well known for its capacity to assess the risk factors and needs of offenders during
assessment and treatment. While the GLM caters to the RNR model addressing risk factors and
instilling individuals with important and valued life goals in a pro social, non harmful methods. For
these identified models to be effective in identifying risk factors, various assessment tools are needed
to efficiently identify risk associated with re offending. There are various assessment tools that can be
used, such as: (1) Childhood Experience Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ; Simons, Wurtele, Durham,
2008) measures developmental variables such as emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and physical abuse;
(2) Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS; Straus, 1979) measures early exposure to violence; (3) CEBQ
Sexual Experience Scale (Briere, 1992) measures frequency and types of sexual contact or abuse; (4)
Sexually Explicit Media Questionnaire (Wryobeck Wiederman, 1999) measures early exposure to
pornography and violent media; (5) Childhood Attachment Questionnaire originated by Hazan and
Shaver (1987) measures parent child attachments and bonds; and (6) Attraction to
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Frauds in Insurance
Rising frauds lead to greater operational threat.
Insurance is one of the tools for risk management that aims at reducing the risk on the day to day life
of individuals, organisation and society. At the same time, it should also be appreciated that insurance
cannot be utilised as a risk free tool for all types of situations. Insurance provides risk management
solutions to many situations that fall within the competence of human judgement and managerial
Insurance is very important in today s world there are number risk which people face in their day to
day life. The different types of insurance are life insurance, health insurance, automobile insurance,
and property insurance. These are the most common types ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The origin of life insurance in India can be traced back to 1818 with the establishment of the Oriental
Life Insurance Company in Calcutta. It was conceived as a means to provide for English Widows. In
those days a higher premium was charged for Indian lives than the non Indian lives as Indian lives
were considered riskier for coverage. The Bombay Mutual Life Insurance Society that started its
business in 1870 was the first company to charge same premium for both Indian and non Indian lives.
In 1912, insurance regulation formally began with the passing of Life Insurance Companies Act and
the Provident Fund Act.
By 1938, there were 176 insurance companies in India. But a number of frauds during 1920s and
1930s tainted the image of insurance industry in India. In 1938, the first comprehensive legislation
regarding insurance was introduced with the passing of Insurance Act of 1938 that provided strict
State Control over insurance business.
Insurance sector in India grew at a faster pace after independence. In 1956, Government of India
brought together 245 Indian and foreign insurers and provident societies under one nationalised
monopoly corporation and formed Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) by an Act of Parliament, viz. LIC
Act, 1956, with a capital contribution of Rs.5 crore.
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Constructivism And Realism Paradigm Analysis
The three main paradigms of international relations are liberalism, realism, and constructivism. In
regards to a zombie outbreak, each paradigm will predict a different outcome for survival and
cooperation. A liberal would argue that zombies represent a classic problem of dying and then coming
to life in an undead state and trying to make others to do so as well. Undoubtedly, the zombie dispute
would cross borderlines and affect all states, so the benefits from policy coordination would be
massive. A realist would argue that international politics would not be remarkably affected, at its main,
with the introduction of zombies into the mix of politics. Constructivism argues society is what we
perceive it to be, so zombies are what we make of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
More humans will come to one with the zombie way of undead life, as it were, the remaining humans
would feel social pressure to conform and eventually adopt the norms and practices of zombies kind
of like towards the end of Shaun of the Dead. In the end, even humans would adopt zombie
constructed perceptions of right and wrong, and when it s appropriate to grunt in a menacing manner.
Constructivism emphasizes the significance of beliefs, values, norms, and identities in constructing
social reality and ultimately shaping a state s behavior. As one scholar compressed the constructivist
paradigm, anarchy is what states make of it (Wendt 391). Transnational norms, relationships, and
identities are shaped over time as states interact with one another; these identities and norms, in turn,
mutually construct state behavior. As opposed to realists, who argue that anarchy unavoidably leads to
competition for power and conflict, constructivists maintain that the lack of central authority in
worldwide politics has no inherent qualities that enact upon states a specific pattern of behavior.
Therefore, constructivism opens the door to a wide variety of policy responses to a particular
challenge. Applying the constructivist perspective to the fictional zombie apocalypse scenario,
Drezner contends that the existential peril posed by zombies could be the exogenous shock needed to
break down
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Analysis Of Delta Airlines Flight 1086 Landed On Runway Essay
On March 5, 2015, Delta Airlines flight 1086 landed on runway 13 at La Guardia Airport (KLGA);
shortly afterwards skidding off the runway and coming to rest on a coastal embankment. While
investigating the accident it was found that there were many contributing factors that led to the
runway excursion by the aircraft, all of which could have been prevented with better crew resource
A factor that led to the MD 88 to veer of the side of the runway was the poor decision making process
that was used to land at La Guardia. At the time of arrival the weather was low visibility, accumulating
snow and ice fog. While enroute the flight crew continually monitored the weather at LGA to assess
the landing performance. The flight crew referred to Delta s contaminated runway crosswind
limitations and recognized that the crosswind would be at Delta s 10 knot limit if the runway braking
action was reported to be medium/poor. The controller asked them if they could accept the ILS
runway 13 approach? The first officer replied asking for braking action in which the controller had no
reports on it at the time due to snow removal and no aircraft were landing. By 1037, the flight crew
received a message on the ACARS from dispatch about runway 13/31 closure. Turns out the runway
was closed for snow removal operations at KLGA. At this point in time, the pilots seemed to be
surprised to have received this message after the controller just asked them if they could accept an
approach to
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Themes In Barn Burning
Symbols and Themes in Barn Burning and To Build a Fire
The short stories Barn Burning by William Faulkner and To Build a Fire by Jack London are, on their
surface, two very different tales. While Barn Burning tells the story of a young boy, Sarty, trying to
grow and develop his own moral code among his twisted father whom the boy doesn t agree with, but
follows because he is his blood, To Build a Fire tells a story of a man trekking alone on Yukon Trail in
miserable, dangerous weather that he is ill prepared for. When presented this way, these stories seem
to have nothing significant in common. Regardless of their drastically different plots, characters, and
settings, they nevertheless have very similar symbols and themes, ... Show more content on
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It is something that is now vital and is now being used as a tool rather than a weapon. The protagonist,
who is unnamed in the final publication, but was referred to as Vincent in earlier drafts, relies on fire
heavily and cannot use it irresponsibly, as any misuse will be detrimental to his life (London, 559).
This is interesting, as fire most often represents danger, like in Barn Burning, but in To Build a Fire ,
demands respect, as it is the only source of hope against the enemy, which is, in this case, nature.
Additionally, in both stories, there s a similar theme of running, but, again, it symbolizes two
contrasting ideas. In Barn Burning, the reader can see that the Snopes family is running away from the
law, and, later, Sarty is running away from his family, which both have contrasting meanings
themselves. When the family runs away, it is to selfishly avoid the negative consequences associated
with Snopes s actions; however, when Sarty runs away, it is to make the right choice for himself rather
than ...stick[ing] to his own blood (Faulkner, 232). Sarty decided the best choice was to abandon his
family, and is confident about this decision, never looking back. Conversely, Vincent, the protagonist
in To Build a Fire runs away less literally. While the reader is not given any indication to why exactly
he is enduring this dangerous trek other than to meet up with friends camping an unspecified distance
down the trail. However, one has to wonder what
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Reflection On Gender And Socialization
Gender socialization is defined as the process in which people learn to behave according to
stereotypical gender roles (Iwamoto, 2017). In my own life, gender socialization caused me to modify
my actions, behaviors, and relationships. Furthermore, although I have learned that these stereotypes
come from a place of generalization, and do not need to be endorsed, gender socialization still impacts
me even throughout my adult life. Because my parents are both immigrants from Bangladesh, most of
the gender roles I was exposed to as a child came from my family. One of the most prevalent aspects
of my family, and my overall culture, is arranged marriage. Both my mom and grandma experienced
an arranged marriage, and because I lived with both these women as a child, they were constantly
preparing me for my own future arranged marriage.
They taught me how to make tea for guests, how to cook traditional Bengali food, and how to clean
the house, all before I turned 10 years old. Whenever I wanted to do something that went against what
it meant to be a proper young girl, such as play with my younger brothers outside or skip making tea
one time, I heard the words, No one will marry you if you act like this. When I was about 11 years old,
I was sick of hearing that, so I screamed at my mom, telling her that maybe I don t want to get
married. I remember the look of shock on her face so clearly, even close to a decade later. Her next
words were, Well, the only other thing you can do is become a nun. Being told from such a young age
that I only had two choices in my life, get married or become a nun caused me to feel continuously
angry, especially at my family. I thought that nothing I did ever mattered as long as I did not find a
husband, have children, and spend the rest of my life taking care of them.
In this case, the specific multidimensional feminine norms I was taught to endorse were the domestic
norm, which mean that women are taught to be neat and clean, the care for children norm, which mean
that women are taught they should want children, and the romantic relationship norm, which mean
that women are taught that relationships are needed in life (Iwamoto, 2017).
Furthermore, although in Bengali culture it
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Business Continuity Planning And Disaster Recovery
Business continuity Planning and Disaster recovery: For any Organization to survive on log run,
executives must give priority to Disaster recovery (DR) and Business continuity (BC) plan during
budget allocations and never see a payback from those investments. Disasters won t happen daily, they
rarely occur. But when it happens and if the company doesn t have a Plan or mechanism to fast
recover, then that company loses its customer to its competitors. Business continuity plan includes
steps company must take to minimize the service outages. Organizations must have a system in place
to minimize the unplanned downtime. After Y2K crisis, companies added Business continuity plan
part of corporate IT planning. In most cases, idle solution is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Incident response occurs during the incident, however, disaster recover occurs after the incident has
taken place (Whitman Mattord, 2012). Adequately preparing for disasters would help in fast recovery.
For example, fire is a catastrophic disaster, so backups should be at off site location to minimize the
damage caused to clients, employees, stakeholders and investors. Disaster recovery plan must be
developed and implemented with top down support across all departments in an organization. Every
department in an organization must contribute to the disaster plan. IT team should write the disaster
plan because they have a deep insight into the company wide business process. IT department is in the
unique position of understanding of the daily operations of each department, as well as constant
communication with leads within those each department. Without a cross departmental participation it
is impossible to put out a proper plan. The disaster plan should include more possible scenarios
because the cause of disaster is more. The following are considered as disasters in the typical
organization: 1) Employee fraud 2) Stolen laptop 3) Fire 4) Terrorist attacks To effectively face the
disaster the disaster plan should be distributed across an organization because everyone knows their
role within the plan. Roles must be revised and Plans should be rehearsed periodically. Network
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How Does Marijuana Affect The Body
For many years scientists have conducted studies about marijuana and the different effects that it has
on the mind and body. Marijuana smoke can cause many of the same respiratory problems
experienced by tobacco smokers, such as increased daily cough and chest illnesses such as bronchitis,
and a greater instance of lung infections, according to NIDA. Whenever a person smokes marijuana,
THC quickly passes from the lungs into the bloodstream. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a crystalline
compound that is the main active ingredient of cannabis (Oxford, 1960). The blood carries the
chemical to the brain and other organs throughout the body. The body absorbs THC more slowly when
the person eats or drinks it. THC acts on specific brain cell receptors
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Bobby Rigg Research Paper
The Battle of the Sexes ended with Bobby Riggs s evisceration by Billie Jean King in three straight
sets, 6 4, 6 3, and 6 3. As Billie Jean King said in an interview preceding the match, without women s
tennis really making a name for itself, there was no way in the world that we could ve had a $100,000
winner takes all match, such as we re having now. The gains of the women s equality movement
allowed for the Battle of the Sexes to become the spectacle that it was. If Billie Jean King or even
Margaret Court had played Bobby Riggs, and beaten him originally, they wouldn t have been able to
prove that women were equal to men. However, due to the immense following and popularity of this
match, King s win made an important statement to the tennis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
In the end, both King and Riggs had won. King and women s tennis had made money from [Riggs],
and Riggs had made money from the match. Nonetheless, the outcome of this match did not ultimately
change tennis. Though the match brought awareness to the disparities between men s and women s
tennis, little was truly done to change the situation. It took 28 years for a grand slam, excluding the US
Open, to regularly award equal prize money to both men and women, and still more time for the rest
to follow in suit. While tennis is progressive in comparison to other sports in its implementation of
equal prize money to both genders, disparities still exist. Men and women still do not receive the same
pay for playing. It can be argued that Serena Williams, the number one ranked women s player, is
currently one of the most famous tennis players, yet she receives a little over half the pay of the
number one ranked men s player. Despite this, female athletes have not given up on the fight for
equality. The recent awareness brought to wage discrimination in sports through the US women s
soccer team has allowed for discussions surrounding the disparities between women s and men s
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Anatomy And Physiology Of The Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Bailey Kundinger
Anatomy and Physiology II
Friday February 17, 2017
Respiratory Syncytial Virus
A mother brings their toddler in to the clinic, with what they think is a cold but a nurse wonders if the
child could possibly have respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). A cold and RSV are a lot alike, in the way
that they both may come across as cold like symptoms, but this is not the case. Throughout this report
one will find out what the differences between a common cold and RSV are, the signs and symptoms a
toddler may have with this virus, the treatments one may face and ways to prevent this awful and
dangerous virus. The purpose of this report is to deepen one s understanding of the respiratory
syncytial virus and explain the dangerous ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
RSV will usually affect one s upper respiratory tract first before affecting the lower. It is also more
common that this virus will affect someone s upper respiratory rather than the lower respiratory.
Someone with an upper respiratory infection may come across as having the common cold, tonsillitis,
the flu, and etc. The flu is also able to occur in someone who has a lower respiratory tract infection, as
well as, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis, and tuberculosis ( Respiratory Tract Infections, 2014).
RSV is a virus that is hard to diagnosis because the signs and symptoms are a lot like the common
cold. One may start to develop a runny nose or decrease in appetite the first couple of days when
having this virus; but coughing, sneezing, and wheezing may also occur. In young infants, they may
experience irritability or difficulties with breathing ( CDC, 2014). One may have this virus before
realizing the symptoms like a dry cough, low grade fever, sore throat or headache (Mayo Clinic,
1998). Someone with an upper respiratory tract infection may have a fever, headache, sore throat or
wheezing; whereas someone with a lower respiratory tract infection may have a cough, increased
breathing rate, tightness in the chest. While both tract infections should be taken seriously, they both
can lead to RSV.
Bronchitis and Bronchiolitis are also two very serious infections that may lead to RSV.
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Cloning Is Ethically Immoral And Should Never Be Done Essay
Reproductive human cloning is a form of asexual reproduction done in a lab, not by a sperm fertilizing
an egg. This issue has been a hot topic for the past decade after Dolly the sheep was cloning in
Scotland. Dolly was the first cloned mammal, whose very existence created much heat in the general
public (Hansen, pg. 235, in Vaughn). Many people believe that cloning is ethically immoral and
should never be done, but others think that scientific advances can greatly cure diseases. What is
human cloning? Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human. Human
cloning allows advanced technology to take an initiative in fixing defective genes, however are the
precautions taken of what the future has in store? Cloning should not be an acceptable process in
today s society. By making cloning acceptable, we are saying that everyone has the right to make a
replica of them or give permission for others to be cloned. We are also saying that other cloning
methods will have the approval of the community and will be acceptable, yet morally so many
religions would disapprove of this method. Picture this. A couple walks into a hospital and finds out
that the baby they are having has Down Syndrome. If the couple decides to alter the gene of the
embryo, the baby would be artificially made instead of natural. The concept of altering genes and
human cloning is morally wrong because of the possibility of aging faster, loss of individuality, and
religious and ethical view
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GlobalPhone Provides Innovative Connections
GlobalPhone Provides Innovative Connections GlobalPhone is a VOIP provider that offers a wide
selection of communication services tailored for business use. Gphone was founded in 1995 and is a
privately held, debt free corporation. They currently offer their services to thousands of customers
located in the United States as well as in other countries located throughout the world. Gphone Is
Associated With the Most Popular IT and Telecommunication Companies Gphone is associated with
world class manufacturers such as Broadsoft, and carriers including ATT, Qwest, Verizon, and Global
Crossing. The staff members who represent GlobalPhone want to provide today s high tech
telecommunication industry with a creative approach to enabling technology, with outstanding
customer support and services offered at competitive rates. GlobalPhone Products from the Leading
Technical Brands The GlobalPhone Corporation offers an assortment of SIP business phones for their
customers to choose from. These phones have some of the most innovative features and include the
latest in technology advancements. They offer SIP VOIP handsets and soft phones for use with their
Hosted PBX services from well known companies such as Polycom, Cisco, Linksys, Counterpath, and
Aastra. The Services GlobalPhone Has To Offer GlobalPhone has many services to offer the fast
paced, communication driven business world. Enjoy the savings and flexibility from their VOIP plan.
Or the hassle free installation of
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PEST analysis for the car industry
Research question/Purpose
The Car Industry is changing its structure quickly. While Toyota earned some 124 billion SEK last
year, GM lost about 65 billion SEK. Many mergers have happened and more changes are bound to
happen. Write an essay pointing out the PEST factors you find having a strong impact and causing
these changes in the car industry. Also, reflect on the changes you think will happen in the years to
1.Introduction [1]
PEST analysis is a process of checking and analyzing information relating to the environment. The
PEST analysis is a useful tool for understanding market growth or decline, and as such the position,
potential and direction for a business as a business measurement tool. It involves monitoring the
changes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Government sometimes announces a variety of regulations that could cause impacts on industry. As to
automotive industry, government regulations, such as improving protection for safety and fuel
consumption and improve emission against air pollution, have increased total cost to car products. As
is seen from above figure which is statistically made by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the
middle part shows the average price of a car with no regulated improvements in 1967. The lower part
represents the value of added protection for safety and polluting emissions equipments. The upper part
is the price due to non regulated improvements together with other quality and price increases. It is
obvious that the government regulations have brought large influences on the price of car products.
3)Vote for new president [5]
In early days, automobile manufactures hope governments to build public roads to stimulate
customers demands. Road building was sometimes also influenced by political ideologies. If the
government could take policies and actions to improve transportation system, the auto industry could
be benefited very much. That is why the voting of president could affect car industry. Once the new
elected president who supports to increase government spending on roads wins on voting, whole auto
industry in this country could have a brilliant future.
3.Influences of economical factors
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Bikini Atoll Nuclear Test
I decided i wanted to check up on bikini atoll and see how the island and former people are doing
today. I found an article called Bikini Atoll nuclear test:60 years later and island still unlivable. and
decided to pull a couple of interesting paragraphs and paste them below. To answer some of the
questions i asked myself the day i watched the documentary.
The Marshall Islands are marking 60 years since the devastating US hydrogen bomb test at Bikini
Atoll, with exiled islanders saying they are too fearful to ever go back because of nuclear
Part of the intense cold war nuclear arms race, the 15 megatonne Bravo test on 1 March 1954 was a
thousand times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. It exposed thousands
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How Does Mary Shelly Create Designer Babies In Frankenstein
How does the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelly relate to the modern method of creating designer
babies ?
There are three main points from the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelly in relation to the modern
creation of designer babies such as the danger of knowledge as abuse of technology, Frankenstein by
Mary Shelly portrays a mentally unstable scientist named Victor Frankenstein, who reanimates a dead
body and when Frankenstein s Monster is born, he unintentionally causes havoc to the community, but
when he is rejected he begins intentionally cause pain.
The monster reads Victor Frankenstein s notes upon his creation, once he realises how he was created
he begins to seek revenge on his creator. Mary Shelly conveys the major thematic topics of the use of
knowledge being abused for either good or evil purposes, the use of modern technology on everyday
life, the concept of playing god, and the unknown powers of nature the a major outcome from these is
alienation and isolation which can be related to certain aspects of designer babies. Like Frankenstein
the modern day equivalent to these themes is designer babies in contrast to Frankenstein there are
many ethical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For this I had deprived myself of rest and health. I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded
moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and
disgust filled my heart. (Shelley, 70) victor becomes confronted with the morally perplexing question
of what responsibility must we exercise once we bring people back from the
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The Military Actions Of The American Civil War
Throughout history the efficacy of specific military actions have been debated and discussed. Military
tacticians and scholars have pondered the overall completion of objectives and the broad values
presented by the action. This debate has occurred for many of the actions taken in the American Civil
War. In terms of accomplishment, the March to the Sea was one of the most effective military actions
of the Civil War. Historians may debate the level of devastation that union soldiers forced on the
civilian population during the march, but Sherman s desire to rip the heart out of the Confederate war
effort succeeded (Simon Schurst). General William Tecumseh Sherman understood the effectiveness
of bringing home the war to the people of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At the end of 1864, Sherman was in charge of over 60,000 union fighting men. Sherman realized that
he had to find a way to bring about a quicker resolution to the war. To bring about this resolution he
wanted to get the people of the Confederacy to feel the effects of war. He was not interested in the
limited war that had been fought in the preceding years. Sherman, and his superior Grant, both
understood that if the Confederacy s spirit could be broken the north would prevail quickly. Unlike
many others in the union army, these men knew that as long as the southern psyche remained whole,
southerners would support the war effort, no matter the casualties suffered or the territory lost (Lance).
Sherman understood that by affecting southern morale and the southern will to fight, he could win the
war. His March to the Sea was determined to break the back of the Confederacy and bring a speedy
end to the Civil War. To do this there needed to be new tactics and a new type of warfare. Sherman
had institutionalized a type of warfare new to the Civil War. His desire to crush southern resolve had
embraced the principle of total war. For the majority of the Civil War, the battles had been fought with
a sense that there were certain rules to the war. A degree of limited war had been practiced. War had a
code. These codes of war had been developed during a time of scientific research and humanistic
development. The codes of war developed during the
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The Age of Enlightment
In Europe in the early 17th century, Christianity was the dominant religion. Most countries believed
that it was the only acceptable one, and that there should not be any toleration for other religions. In
many countries, the monarchs (or the other rulers) would enforce Christianity and persecute people
with other beliefs. Some of these beliefs, however, changed during the Age of Enlightenment from the
late 1600 s to the mid 1700 s. The philosophers during the Age of Enlightenment influenced peoples
way of thinking through their ideas of reason, empiricism, and the power of nature. The ideas that the
philosophers had eliminated the stranglehold that religion had on the people and the government.
Through the heavy influence of John Locke, Isaac Newton, and other philosophers, alternative
religions, mainly deism, emerged, which changed how people viewed themselves and their
relationship to government. Through their discoveries and theories, the philosophers during the Age of
Enlightenment greatly affected the way that people viewed themselves. Isaac Newton was the first of
these philosophers to alter the views of the people of the time. Newton believed that the key to
discovery was trial and error. He believed that no one should firmly believe in anything unless it was
distinctly proven. This idea is known as empiricism. Along with these views, he also believed that
there was a scientific and mathematical reason for everything on earth. Rather than God being the only
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Phospholipids
1. They attach to cellular membrane and appear to fuse with them, releasing their content into the cell.
2. They are taken up by the cell and their phospholipids are incorporated into the cell membrane by
which the drug trapped inside is released.
3. In the case of phagocytic cell, liposomes are taken up, the phospholipids walls are acted upon by
organelles called lysosomes and entrapped drug is released.
1.4.1 Advantages of liposomes (6, 22, 24, 25):
1. They are biodegradable, biocompatible and biologically inert.
2. They are non pyrogenic and nontoxic.
3. They are controlled drug delivery systems.
4. They carry both hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs.
5. They prevent oxidation of entrapped drug.
6. They deliver drug to the site of action. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Table 1.1: Classification of liposome based on structural features
MLV Multilamellar large vesicles
OLV Oligolamellar vesicles
UV Unilamellar vesicles
SUV Small unilamellar vesicles
MUV Medium sized unilamellar vesicles
LUV Large unilamellar vesicles
GUV Giant unilamellar vesicles
MVV Multivesicular vesicles
Table 1.2: Classification of liposome based on method of preparation
REV Single or oligolamellar vesicle made by reverse phase evaporation method
MLV / REV Multilamellar vesicles made by reverse phase evaporation
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Business Maths Statistics Assignment 1
EXCEL PART B. QA). The pie charts show that a higher percentage of the male gender has tried the
product in comparison to the female gender. Over 50% of both genders have tried the product.
However, the fact that the percentage of males who tried the product is higher, suggests that gender
does play a role in whether the people will try the product. Yet the role genders play is small, because
the difference between the percentage of females who tried the product and males who tried the
product is small at only 7%. However, since the graphs do not compare the genders within the total
sample surveyed and are only a percentage of each specific gender, more ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
The type of data itself is nominal not numerical. The income of both males and females is not as
accurate as we would like, because it has been collected within large income ranges, for example $0 to
$25,000. Therefore to use the data, midpoints must be found, doing this has caused the data to become
very general and does not show specifics on income levels per person. The incomes are shown on the
graph as midpoints which have a large range within them. This further shows that the information is
too general for many business applications and decision making. The graph has narrowed down the
five income midpoints of interest to three. These three income midpoints were $12,500 $37,500
$62,500. However exactly what income levels within these ranges have not been determined. This
means that the information is vague. The information would be more useful if specific income levels
and have tried frequencies per income were investigated. The graph would be more useful if it showed
actual income levels and numbers of people within that income level who had tried the product. It
only tells us the midpoint which has a large range and therefore, the information is quite general. This
information would be fine if we wanted to target general income groups but it would be insufficient if
we wanted to determine specific income levels who have tried the product, as we do not know what
that income level
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Social Tension Surrounding The United States Essay
In what has become known as the issue of the century by many (Buchanan, 2015), immigration has
been a topic of debate and an area of sociological tension for several decades in the United States. It
can be seen daily in our newspapers, television shows and especially in America politics. In fact, it
could be argued that this form of social tension in the United States goes as far back as 1492 when
Christopher Columbus first stepped foot on what is now North America. It was from this point that
social tension surrounding immigration into the modern United States truly began between early
European explorers and the existing Native Americans.
Social tension surrounding immigration began to peak when large scale immigration into the United
States started in the late 1800 s. In the early days of immigration into the United States the social
tension surrounded the diaspora of the Native Americans which lead to the creation of indian
reservations (cite US History.org). This early social tension primarily surrounded the obtainment of
land and the establishment of property. As we move forward into history, modern immigration tension
in America is more focused on immigration from Mexico.
This paper will explore immigration into the United States and help determine why it is a source of
social tension. Some groups suggest that immigration threatens America s resources and should be
better controlled while others suggest that immigration is vital to the success of
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Regulatory Issues and Non-Tariff Barriers
3.2 Regulatory issues and non tariff barriers: a cap for the potential
Despite the high level of openness concerning trade, Appendix 1 and 2 show that trade partnership
between EU and US have been worsening compared to other area of the World. This is because
connections among trade and all other economic relations is higher and difficult to estimate; indeed
46% of TTIP stakeholders declared concerns about unnecessary regulatory barriers, 45% by tariffs,
38% by customs procedures and 20% by barriers to investment as obstacle to trade. (Commission
Staff working document, 2013).
Reducing non tariff barriers, so called behind the border barriers, will have to be the key part of
transatlantic trade liberalization. The cost of dealing with them can be estimated by Trade cost
equivalent (TCE) (See table 1 for 3 key industries). As much as 80% of the total potential gains come
from cutting costs imposed by bureaucracy and regulations, as well as from liberalizing trade in
services and public procurement, so the mandate of EC and US parliament clearly defines area of
concerns for TTIP:
Regulatory convergence: technical requirements and voluntary standards divergences in specific
sectors, such as chemical, automotive, ICT, pharmaceutical (European Commission, Mandate, 2013)
have been addressed ( see European Commission, Negotiations round, 2014). This can be achieved by
enhancing the compatibility by focusing on rules, which are different in US and EU; but with the same
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Sextus Empiricus, St. Augustine
In this paper the following principles and concepts of morality in the perspective of Sextus Empiricus,
St. Augustine and Plato will be examined. St. Augustine is attempts to induce that if God made human
being in his image then why is there so much suffering and destruction. One of Sextus Empiricus
theories is that there is no correct or incorrect way of living because each culture perceives the world
differently. Plato is trying to persuade people that knowledge cannot come from our senses because
our senses are constantly changing. According to Christianity all human beings were made in God s
image with the ability of having free will. So humans have the ability to choose right or wrong and
this is part of the knowledge that God gave to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Therefore that s why St. Augustine would say evil couldn t derive from teaching because teaching is
good. In true teaching or knowledge there is no evil there because education is good and positive
according to St. Augustine. So where does evil come from and who is responsible for that? If God
made humans and a lot of people do sin and evil why don t people blame God. But God cant be the
source of evil because God is good and he can t do evil. If something is evil because it is illegal, that
means then the law determines what is evil and what is not evil. Evil and good can t depend on laws;
the law does not determine what is good or evil. Thrasymachus in Plato dialogue would disagree
because there is no good or evil. Good and evil is just what society determines to be good and evil
based on the law it makes. Maybe evil is what people don t like what is done to them. So if someone
does not want to be killed then it s evil to kill. Evil does not happen in the action it happens in the
thought and in the desire. Just because we lust for something by that just wanting to do it is considered
to be evil. Perhaps then lust is the evil element
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We Have Come Very Far People of South Africa
Good morning people of south Africa. I feel blessed to serve this country as we have proven to the
world that we are capable of overcoming challenges we encounter. Today I have the honour of
addressing the people, so that they know that by entrusting their faith in us, the Party for the People,
they are making the right choice!! I am especially honoured to be addressing our brave men and
women who work hard to make this country a better place, a place where the economy provides
growth and unemployment and poverty dimishes! An economy where the young are entitled to a
quality education and the elderly have piece of mind that they will receive the best FREE medical
care! An economy that provides a sustainable future for the youth of this country and rewards each
and every citizen for their hard work! This is a good reminder that what we have here in south Africa
is special. For most of history, people have been trapped in un unified societies, where the same
people always stays on top and everyone else never had the chance .But South Africa is exceptional
because , here , we believe that every human being, is unique, and that every human being has a right
to go as far as their talents and capabilities will allow us to work .Like most South Africans, this is a
personal representaion . My great grandparents came here in search of opportunity to improve their
lives and give their children the opportunity for a better life. And they left me something that not many
people can
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Stepladder Position Paper
Across the range of decisions that groups make, group members need task, relational, and procedural
skills (Gouran, 2003). Problem recognition and framing must be identified first in order fro decisions
to be made. According to (Barge Keyton, 1994) a group cannot make a decision if its members cannot
identify the decision that needs to be made or if they frame a decision inaccurately or inappropriately.
In other words, group members have to agree upon what the decision is really about.
The stepladder technique is one strategy that teams can use to approach problem solving and decision
making. It include five steps According to (Mindtools,2015) Present the task or problem to all
members in order for the team to form an opinion on how to best
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Argumentative Essay On Xenotransplantation
Imagine having a child and when she is born she has heart failure and if you do not do anything about
it she will die. One day the nurse from the hospital tells you that they can do Xenotransplantation
where they use a chimpanzee heart in this case instead of a human heart. At first, you are nervous
because it is a heart from a chimpanzee not a human but they reassure you that it is sterile and free of
infection and disease and it could save her life. After telling you that, they tell you that after the last
chimpanzee heart transplant the baby only lived 20 days which is longer than she would live without it
because there are no human hearts available for her. If you knew that she may not live for long but in
the time, she is living a human heart could become available but if she survives she will have to be on
anti rejection medication for the rest of her life would you continue with the procedure and give your
child a chimpanzee heart? (Thesis Statement) Medical technology has improved since the 1600s when
the first blood transfusion with sheep blood was transferred into a patient in 1667. Xenotransplants are
when you are transplanting organs or tissues from one species into another. There are many animals
used like pigs and monkeys as well as many others. Animals like chimpanzees and baboons are used
because they are genetically closer to humans which means there is less chance of rejection of the
organ but there is a limited supply so they are not used as often.
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Human Rights And The Rights Of Tribal Communities
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Polar Bears
Cut off and forced to adapt Population of Bears went away from the rest of the species. Because of
rivalry for food?? Imprisoned by glaciers and became separated in Arctic. Lots died from the
unforgiving/ harsh environment, but those with evolutionary advantage( IE ideal fur colour) stayed
alive and reproduced cause paler bears had better advantage owing to the white hue of the habitat,
whereas darker fur bears had harder times blending into the frequently icy habitat while hunting. From
then, paler bears appeared more often in new generation as mutations genes continuously happen in
meiotic replication, so new alleles for genes occur in the population ie new alleles for lighter fur
colour and hollow insulating shafts were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
APOB works by extracting the fat from the blood cells and transferring it into the fat cells. In other
species the fats remain in the blood stream and are deposited as atherosclerotic plaques in the lumen of
the coronary arteries, causing cardiovascular disease and heart attacks.
The study of differences and similarities between the anatomy of living things.
This Image assesses the skeletons of human, cat whale bat, demonstrating how alike they are although
these animals have very different lifestyles in very dissimilar environments. All these limbs are made
of the same key parts; but, they perform totally different functions. Justification for resemblances like
these: the Different species evolved from shared ancestors.
Verifies evolution cause there are fossil records that demonstrate alteration of the anatomy of
particular living organisms...shows that different organisms have a common ancestor...Validates
Darwins theory of
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Atlantic City Licenses Brand New Online Casino
Article 21 Atlantic City licenses brand new online casino
It is considered to the devil s playground when it comes to online casino licensing, but new ground
seems to have been made as another online casino has been approved to operate in Atlantic City. The
Resorts Digital brand, which own the popular Resorts Casino Hotel, have been looking for sometime
to open up an online arm to their business and it seems that they have finally been approved for digital
operations moving forward.
When it comes to online table gaming Resorts Digital may already be a name you re aware of. While
they may have to been late to the dance as it were when it comes to online table gaming, sites like
resortcasino.com and mohegansuncasino.com have been able to ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Up until now many feel that the rules had been shockingly restrictive, forcing operators to bend until a
point where running an online casino simply isn t viable from a financial perspective. The decision to
approve Resorts Digital could be seen as a change of vision. Speaking on the matter Digital Resorts
CFO Tim Ebling said, When we made our pitch to the commissioners we made it very clear that our
number one goal as a brand was to get our online casino arm up and operational . He also said, What
we feel we presented to the commission was a strongly organised business structure, something that
has true grounds for long term success. From now on our members will be able to see that Resorts
Digital offers the true complete package .
Digital Resort s CEO and President Mark Giannantonio also spoke on the matter, admitting prior
failings. He said, Frankly, when it came online casino gaming in the past, we have been fairly slow to
get going, with commission related issues being fairly problematic . However, given the recent
developments, he feels that Digital Resorts will be the first operational online digital gaming lounge .
From what has been said, Digital Resorts has its eyes set on being number one spot when it comes to
online casino gaming in Atlantic City. For more information on the upcoming Digital Resorts online
gaming rollout, stay tuned to the news section of your favourite online casino portal.
Article 22
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Grace Hospice Of Texas Provides Quality Professional Care
Grace Hospice mission statement is Grace Hospice of Texas provides quality professional care and
compassionate support for terminally ill patients and their families with his grace. (Introduction to
Hospice Care 2) (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 2015)
Grace Hospice basic service provide end of life care and understanding of death as a natural process of
life, and Grace Hospice offer palliative and comfort care; meanwhile Grace Hospice assist the family
in caring for their loved one at home through an interdisciplinary team of professionals. Grace
Hospice is a public organization. (Introduction to Hospice Care 2) (National Hospice and Palliative
Care Organization, 2015)
Hospice originated in Great Britain back in 60 s by Dame Cicely Saunders, who felt the need for
palliative cure for diagnosed with terminal illness. In 1892, hospice became funded through Medicare
Benefit Program after many years of lobbying for funding was established. (Introduction to Hospice
Care 2) (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 2015)
Grace Hospice agency mission supported social works values by importance of human relationships.
Social workers use human relationship to promote change in individuals, families, groups, and
communities. An example, is if we discussed an issue with a family member we also involved the
patients to make sure the patient knew what we saying about them.(Social Work and Social Welfare
Grace Hospice ethical codes provide 1) respect for
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Denmark Health Care System
The Nation Denmark is the oldest kingdom in the world and one of the oldest states in Europe. The
current monarch, Queen Margrethe II is very popular among the Danes and began ruling in 1972.
Denmark s history started with the Viking age. The Danes conquered northern and eastern England
and Christianity was introduced during this time. The Reformation fighting ended in 1536 and left the
establishment of the Lutheran church headed by the monarch. Denmark lost territory and money in the
Thirty Years War with Sweden. However, the Great Northern War restored Denmark s power in the
Baltic. Despite some territorial losses, Denmark started to prosper economically, introducing a
representative form of government and many social and educational reforms. Denmark remained
neutral in the First World War and the present southern border with Germany was established. As
Hitler rose to power in Germany, Denmark introduced the Great Social Reforms, continuing to
prosper culturally. Denmark was occupied by Germany in World War II. Denmark joined the
European Community in 1973. The education system in Denmark is much desired. All higher
education in Denmark is free, including college, graduate schools, and medical school. The Danish
school system consists of a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is available to all residents, free of charge. The quality of the care is high with popular patient
satisfaction. Citizens are able to choose a doctor and the entire health care system is much more cost
effective than the United States. Average life expectancy for men is 78 years and women is 82 years.
Overall, the Danish are not only the happiest country in the world, but also one of the fittest. They
cycle and walk to work, are often part of some type of sports club, and eat healthy. The Danish also
practice the tradition of Hygge, which means creating a warm environment and enjoying the good
things in life with good
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Today s Juvenile Court System Essay
Today s juvenile court system handles most cases involving those under the age of 18 year old. This
was not always the case and the ideal of a separate court system for adults and children is only about
100 years old. When looking at the differences that set juvenile courts apart, it is important to study
the history and see how it developed over time.
The movement to separate children from adults in the court system can be traced back to English
common law, just like most of America s criminal justice system. English lawyer William Blackstone
had a significant influence on the separation of Juvenile and adult courts. Blackstone s Commentaries
on the Laws of England, that was first published in the late 1760 s, was widely read and well regarded
by the founders of America (History of Juvenile Justice). In Blackstone s book, he identified
individuals who were considered incapable of committing crimes (History of Juvenile Justice). Two
requirement needed to be met in order for someone to commit a crime. First, the individual had to
have a vicious will , or the intent to commit a crime (History of Juvenile Justice). Second, the
individual had to commit the crime. Blackstone then when on to state that one group of people who
were unable to commit a crime were called infants (History of Juvenile Justice). These people where
not literality infant or babies, but people too young to understand their actions, and therefore lacked
the vicious will needed to commit a crime. At
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Cold Pack Research Paper
Cold pack is a first aid device that used to relieve pain, swelling, and inflammation from injuries and
other conditions, such as arthritis. The cold pack usually contain two plastic bags with one contains an
ionic compound and the other bag contains water. The design of the ice pack is to make it small
enough to fit in a first aid kit, but still be inexpensive and effective. In this experiment, the purpose
was to find out which salt and in what quantity should be used to make an effective but the least
expensive cold pack. Calorimetry is the process of measuring the amount of heat released during
chemical reaction, it measures the temperature difference of the initial and final temperature. When
knowing the changing of heat of the reaction, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first step in this investigation was to determine the heat energy change associated with the
dissolution of each salt. Three 250ml beakers were obtained, two of the beakers were filled with about
50ml of distilled water and one was placed on the hot plate until it boils. The third beaker was filled
with half ice and half water. A thermometer was placed in the second beaker to record the room
temperature water. The next step is to calibrate by submerging temperature probe into the ice water
beaker and stir it for a little bit, then allow it to stabilize. Once it was stabilized, the temperature was
entered to calibrate. The same process was repeated for the other two beakers, the room temperature
and boiling water. Once calibration was complete, the next step in the investigation was to determine
the enthalpy of heat solution for the two salts. Each salt was measured 1 gram and set aside. To find
the enthalpy a calorimeter was used, then filled 50ml of room temperature water in a graduated
cylinder. The water was poured into the calorimeter cup then close the top and measured the initial
temperature. Then the top was opened and 1gram of Ammonium chloride was pour into the cup,
stirred the salt with the rod and once it reached plateaued the final temperature was recorded. The
same process was done for the second salt Sodium thiosulfate. The step taken to reduce error in the
experiment was to measure the content as accurately as possible and redo the calculation multiple
times to make sure it is
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Essay about Comparing and Contrasting the Men of Jane Eyre
Comparing and Contrasting the Men of Jane Eyre
Love and companionship means different things to different people. Sometimes one searches for it in a
person much like himself; a mate who upholds their own values and thinks the same thoughts. Other
times, people yearn for someone with fresh ideas and an opposite personality to bring new emotions to
his life. But in either case, the person that sometimes ends up being the mate one is attracted to is not
always a choice that is conventionally upheld by society or perfect in every way. Charlotte Brontë s
Jane Eyre is a story of one such case of a love found between two people who are not necessarily the
most beautiful or outstanding people, but that find a mutual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
John and Mr. Rochester throughout the novel, and each offers Jane something very different. As it is
commonly remarked in the novel, Mr. Rochester is not a handsome man, and Jane is rather plain
herself. When she is asked by him, You examine me, Miss Eyre, do you think me handsome? she
quickly responds, No, sir, without the slightest bit of restraint. Obviously, the aspect of physical
perfection is not important to Jane, as she rises above this superficial quality and still loves him for the
man he is inside. She herself has never been flattered by others about her beauty and perhaps the less
attractive physique of her lover makes her more comfortable around him and less pressured to
conform and accept the conventional characteristics of beauty, which she does not possess. St. John
boasts physical qualities that are very much the opposite of Mr. Rochester. As Jane describes him, St.
John dresses well. He is a handsome man: tall, fair, with blue eyes, and a Grecian profile. Although
Jane depicts him as an almost godlike figure, these perfections of physical stature are not things that
make Jane feel comfortable or attracted to him. During her life she has not had much contact with
beauty and handsome features, and has become accustomed to this acceptance of natural appearance
and does not have the desire to search for a life companion that has such an ideal outward
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Essay on Child Observation
1Observer: Michelle Stanley Date of Observation: 3/2/10
Fictitious Name of Child: Abby Setting: Bed room and living room
Child s Age: 3 years and 10 months Physical Description of Child: When I walked into the house
Abby was wearing her princess Belle dress up gown. Her hair is bright blonde, down l loose and
knotted, her eyed are blue, her skin is pale and her cheeks are rosy.
Time Observed: 4:00pm 4:10pm
Behavior Observed: Upon entering the house Abby politely took my jacket and hung it up on a chair.
She then ran up the stairs and asked me to come see her dollhouse. She identified every little thing in
her dollhouse as she was showing it to me. She showed me the windows , stove , soap , mantel , ...
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She may one day need physical therapy for this but as of right now she participates in activities such
as swimming and using the monkey bars on a play set. She is also always made to carry her bags, and
once or twice a week she and her father have fake push up competitions. As a result of her weaker
upper trunk she may one day have trouble in fine motor skills, such as forming her letters, but so far
she has developed normally.
When did she begin walking?
Around 1 year, she began to walk.
What percentile is Abby in for height and weight?
Abby is in the 50th percentile for weight for kids her age and in the 98th percentile for height.
What have you done for daycare throughout the years?
From birth until September of 2006 Abby remained with me at home. When I finally returned to work
Abby s primary care giver was her father, he stayed home with her from September of 2006 through
December of 2006. She was then placed in the care of her aunt s daycare from December of 2006 until
August of 2008 as she then began Preschool at Precious Gems Learning Center.
How is Abby doing academically?
She can recognize and write all of her letters, knows how to spell her first and last name, can
recognize and write simple words such as mom and dad , can recognize numbers up through ten and
can count up to about thirty.
Has she received any evaluations from her learning
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Medicine Vs. Simpson In The History Of Medicine
Some people may say that Simpson is more important in the history of medicine than Lister. Simpson
dealt with the pain section during the 19th century, and after many years of previous surgeons/doctors
attempting to find a thing to fight pain, Simpson found the answer in Chloroform. This was important
because it was used widely for military purposes and also aided in childbirth; Queen Elizabeth 1st and
Charles Dickens wife, both used Chloroform during the birth of their children. Although, there were
many setbacks in the use of anaesthesia and Chloroform. A patient took Chloroform for an ingrown
toenail and died. This was important because it showed that Simpson didn t know how much
Chloroform to use for each patient. However, other people
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Why Is Coming To Age Important
Coming of age has many wonderful and poor traits of every man and womans life. Coming of age can
we be excellent for some people and horrific for others, it all depends on the person. Some people face
many consequences while others get more superior results while growing up. You have to learn to
change from a petty irresponsible child to answerable adult. For example, responsibility.
Responsibility is a massive part of coming of age. To come to age there is many hard responsibilities
that you have to get through especially if you want more privileges. A big responsibility of coming to
age is work. No matter if you re working with your dad to buy a new car or working in an office to
pay rent, it s all a huge responsibility. Work is life. Without work you will get nowhere in life, that is
why it s such a big responsibility not even just coming of age but in general. Another huge
responsibility of coming of age is driving safely. A perk of coming to age is that you can get the
opportunity to drive. But, it s also a colossal responsibility. If you mess up, the punishment could be as
worse as death, or even death to other people. Driving is a big deal, a huge responsibility but also a
huge reward. Even if you succeed on your drivers ed and get your ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
There are many consequences of coming to age, if you re driving and not paying any attention, BAM
there goes your car and maybe even your or somebody else s life. Another humongous consequence of
coming to age is losing money. When you come to age and you re working, paying rent and buying
groceries it can be devastating if you lose money. Unfortunately there s lots of ways to lose money.
For example, you re working your butt off for seven days straight to buy the new iphone eight. Then
two weeks later you re out at a party and you drop it and it breaks. Just like that 900$ down the drain.
Losing money is a serious issue especially when you are coming of
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  • 11. to aim for your team mates head and chest (this will make it easier for them to catch the ball). In my opinion to master a shoulder pass you have to follow the directions above and finally when you release the ball I think you should follow through the pass (basically stretching out your arms and fingertips after releasing the ball. Strength 3: The bounce pass is a strength of mine and I think it s a really good pass to be good at. You use it for short distances and I ve noticed from observing myself that it works well when you find defenders are closing in on you and you need to act quickly. It s the best short distance pass to use when players like the Centre and Wing Attack need to pass the ball into the semi circle to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Sex Offender Assessment Tools of obtaining accurate data through treatment related assessment tools pertaining to the risk level of an individual is higher compared to not using an appropriate assessment tool. Assessment Tools in Treatment Since sex offender treatment programs are a comprehensive and dedicated treatment programs for sex offenders. Treatment providers must rely on their knowledge of the treatment goals and objectives, their treatment techniques and styles, and treatment related assessment tools to ensure that treatment interventions are being delivered efficiently. There are various treatment models and principles such as: (1) cognitive behavioral treatment; (2) Relapse Prevention (RP; Marlett and Gordon, 1985); (3) Self Regulating Model (SRM; Ward and Hudson, 1998); (4) Risk, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The RNR is well known for its capacity to assess the risk factors and needs of offenders during assessment and treatment. While the GLM caters to the RNR model addressing risk factors and instilling individuals with important and valued life goals in a pro social, non harmful methods. For these identified models to be effective in identifying risk factors, various assessment tools are needed to efficiently identify risk associated with re offending. There are various assessment tools that can be used, such as: (1) Childhood Experience Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ; Simons, Wurtele, Durham, 2008) measures developmental variables such as emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and physical abuse; (2) Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS; Straus, 1979) measures early exposure to violence; (3) CEBQ Sexual Experience Scale (Briere, 1992) measures frequency and types of sexual contact or abuse; (4) Sexually Explicit Media Questionnaire (Wryobeck Wiederman, 1999) measures early exposure to pornography and violent media; (5) Childhood Attachment Questionnaire originated by Hazan and Shaver (1987) measures parent child attachments and bonds; and (6) Attraction to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Frauds in Insurance EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Rising frauds lead to greater operational threat. Insurance is one of the tools for risk management that aims at reducing the risk on the day to day life of individuals, organisation and society. At the same time, it should also be appreciated that insurance cannot be utilised as a risk free tool for all types of situations. Insurance provides risk management solutions to many situations that fall within the competence of human judgement and managerial skills. Insurance is very important in today s world there are number risk which people face in their day to day life. The different types of insurance are life insurance, health insurance, automobile insurance, and property insurance. These are the most common types ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The origin of life insurance in India can be traced back to 1818 with the establishment of the Oriental Life Insurance Company in Calcutta. It was conceived as a means to provide for English Widows. In those days a higher premium was charged for Indian lives than the non Indian lives as Indian lives were considered riskier for coverage. The Bombay Mutual Life Insurance Society that started its business in 1870 was the first company to charge same premium for both Indian and non Indian lives. In 1912, insurance regulation formally began with the passing of Life Insurance Companies Act and the Provident Fund Act. By 1938, there were 176 insurance companies in India. But a number of frauds during 1920s and 1930s tainted the image of insurance industry in India. In 1938, the first comprehensive legislation regarding insurance was introduced with the passing of Insurance Act of 1938 that provided strict State Control over insurance business. Insurance sector in India grew at a faster pace after independence. In 1956, Government of India brought together 245 Indian and foreign insurers and provident societies under one nationalised monopoly corporation and formed Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) by an Act of Parliament, viz. LIC Act, 1956, with a capital contribution of Rs.5 crore. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Constructivism And Realism Paradigm Analysis The three main paradigms of international relations are liberalism, realism, and constructivism. In regards to a zombie outbreak, each paradigm will predict a different outcome for survival and cooperation. A liberal would argue that zombies represent a classic problem of dying and then coming to life in an undead state and trying to make others to do so as well. Undoubtedly, the zombie dispute would cross borderlines and affect all states, so the benefits from policy coordination would be massive. A realist would argue that international politics would not be remarkably affected, at its main, with the introduction of zombies into the mix of politics. Constructivism argues society is what we perceive it to be, so zombies are what we make of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... More humans will come to one with the zombie way of undead life, as it were, the remaining humans would feel social pressure to conform and eventually adopt the norms and practices of zombies kind of like towards the end of Shaun of the Dead. In the end, even humans would adopt zombie constructed perceptions of right and wrong, and when it s appropriate to grunt in a menacing manner. Constructivism emphasizes the significance of beliefs, values, norms, and identities in constructing social reality and ultimately shaping a state s behavior. As one scholar compressed the constructivist paradigm, anarchy is what states make of it (Wendt 391). Transnational norms, relationships, and identities are shaped over time as states interact with one another; these identities and norms, in turn, mutually construct state behavior. As opposed to realists, who argue that anarchy unavoidably leads to competition for power and conflict, constructivists maintain that the lack of central authority in worldwide politics has no inherent qualities that enact upon states a specific pattern of behavior. Therefore, constructivism opens the door to a wide variety of policy responses to a particular challenge. Applying the constructivist perspective to the fictional zombie apocalypse scenario, Drezner contends that the existential peril posed by zombies could be the exogenous shock needed to break down ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Analysis Of Delta Airlines Flight 1086 Landed On Runway Essay On March 5, 2015, Delta Airlines flight 1086 landed on runway 13 at La Guardia Airport (KLGA); shortly afterwards skidding off the runway and coming to rest on a coastal embankment. While investigating the accident it was found that there were many contributing factors that led to the runway excursion by the aircraft, all of which could have been prevented with better crew resource management. A factor that led to the MD 88 to veer of the side of the runway was the poor decision making process that was used to land at La Guardia. At the time of arrival the weather was low visibility, accumulating snow and ice fog. While enroute the flight crew continually monitored the weather at LGA to assess the landing performance. The flight crew referred to Delta s contaminated runway crosswind limitations and recognized that the crosswind would be at Delta s 10 knot limit if the runway braking action was reported to be medium/poor. The controller asked them if they could accept the ILS runway 13 approach? The first officer replied asking for braking action in which the controller had no reports on it at the time due to snow removal and no aircraft were landing. By 1037, the flight crew received a message on the ACARS from dispatch about runway 13/31 closure. Turns out the runway was closed for snow removal operations at KLGA. At this point in time, the pilots seemed to be surprised to have received this message after the controller just asked them if they could accept an approach to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Themes In Barn Burning Symbols and Themes in Barn Burning and To Build a Fire The short stories Barn Burning by William Faulkner and To Build a Fire by Jack London are, on their surface, two very different tales. While Barn Burning tells the story of a young boy, Sarty, trying to grow and develop his own moral code among his twisted father whom the boy doesn t agree with, but follows because he is his blood, To Build a Fire tells a story of a man trekking alone on Yukon Trail in miserable, dangerous weather that he is ill prepared for. When presented this way, these stories seem to have nothing significant in common. Regardless of their drastically different plots, characters, and settings, they nevertheless have very similar symbols and themes, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is something that is now vital and is now being used as a tool rather than a weapon. The protagonist, who is unnamed in the final publication, but was referred to as Vincent in earlier drafts, relies on fire heavily and cannot use it irresponsibly, as any misuse will be detrimental to his life (London, 559). This is interesting, as fire most often represents danger, like in Barn Burning, but in To Build a Fire , demands respect, as it is the only source of hope against the enemy, which is, in this case, nature. Additionally, in both stories, there s a similar theme of running, but, again, it symbolizes two contrasting ideas. In Barn Burning, the reader can see that the Snopes family is running away from the law, and, later, Sarty is running away from his family, which both have contrasting meanings themselves. When the family runs away, it is to selfishly avoid the negative consequences associated with Snopes s actions; however, when Sarty runs away, it is to make the right choice for himself rather than ...stick[ing] to his own blood (Faulkner, 232). Sarty decided the best choice was to abandon his family, and is confident about this decision, never looking back. Conversely, Vincent, the protagonist in To Build a Fire runs away less literally. While the reader is not given any indication to why exactly he is enduring this dangerous trek other than to meet up with friends camping an unspecified distance down the trail. However, one has to wonder what ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Reflection On Gender And Socialization Gender socialization is defined as the process in which people learn to behave according to stereotypical gender roles (Iwamoto, 2017). In my own life, gender socialization caused me to modify my actions, behaviors, and relationships. Furthermore, although I have learned that these stereotypes come from a place of generalization, and do not need to be endorsed, gender socialization still impacts me even throughout my adult life. Because my parents are both immigrants from Bangladesh, most of the gender roles I was exposed to as a child came from my family. One of the most prevalent aspects of my family, and my overall culture, is arranged marriage. Both my mom and grandma experienced an arranged marriage, and because I lived with both these women as a child, they were constantly preparing me for my own future arranged marriage. They taught me how to make tea for guests, how to cook traditional Bengali food, and how to clean the house, all before I turned 10 years old. Whenever I wanted to do something that went against what it meant to be a proper young girl, such as play with my younger brothers outside or skip making tea one time, I heard the words, No one will marry you if you act like this. When I was about 11 years old, I was sick of hearing that, so I screamed at my mom, telling her that maybe I don t want to get married. I remember the look of shock on her face so clearly, even close to a decade later. Her next words were, Well, the only other thing you can do is become a nun. Being told from such a young age that I only had two choices in my life, get married or become a nun caused me to feel continuously angry, especially at my family. I thought that nothing I did ever mattered as long as I did not find a husband, have children, and spend the rest of my life taking care of them. In this case, the specific multidimensional feminine norms I was taught to endorse were the domestic norm, which mean that women are taught to be neat and clean, the care for children norm, which mean that women are taught they should want children, and the romantic relationship norm, which mean that women are taught that relationships are needed in life (Iwamoto, 2017). Furthermore, although in Bengali culture it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Business Continuity Planning And Disaster Recovery Business continuity Planning and Disaster recovery: For any Organization to survive on log run, executives must give priority to Disaster recovery (DR) and Business continuity (BC) plan during budget allocations and never see a payback from those investments. Disasters won t happen daily, they rarely occur. But when it happens and if the company doesn t have a Plan or mechanism to fast recover, then that company loses its customer to its competitors. Business continuity plan includes steps company must take to minimize the service outages. Organizations must have a system in place to minimize the unplanned downtime. After Y2K crisis, companies added Business continuity plan part of corporate IT planning. In most cases, idle solution is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Incident response occurs during the incident, however, disaster recover occurs after the incident has taken place (Whitman Mattord, 2012). Adequately preparing for disasters would help in fast recovery. For example, fire is a catastrophic disaster, so backups should be at off site location to minimize the damage caused to clients, employees, stakeholders and investors. Disaster recovery plan must be developed and implemented with top down support across all departments in an organization. Every department in an organization must contribute to the disaster plan. IT team should write the disaster plan because they have a deep insight into the company wide business process. IT department is in the unique position of understanding of the daily operations of each department, as well as constant communication with leads within those each department. Without a cross departmental participation it is impossible to put out a proper plan. The disaster plan should include more possible scenarios because the cause of disaster is more. The following are considered as disasters in the typical organization: 1) Employee fraud 2) Stolen laptop 3) Fire 4) Terrorist attacks To effectively face the disaster the disaster plan should be distributed across an organization because everyone knows their role within the plan. Roles must be revised and Plans should be rehearsed periodically. Network Security ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. How Does Marijuana Affect The Body For many years scientists have conducted studies about marijuana and the different effects that it has on the mind and body. Marijuana smoke can cause many of the same respiratory problems experienced by tobacco smokers, such as increased daily cough and chest illnesses such as bronchitis, and a greater instance of lung infections, according to NIDA. Whenever a person smokes marijuana, THC quickly passes from the lungs into the bloodstream. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a crystalline compound that is the main active ingredient of cannabis (Oxford, 1960). The blood carries the chemical to the brain and other organs throughout the body. The body absorbs THC more slowly when the person eats or drinks it. THC acts on specific brain cell receptors ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Bobby Rigg Research Paper The Battle of the Sexes ended with Bobby Riggs s evisceration by Billie Jean King in three straight sets, 6 4, 6 3, and 6 3. As Billie Jean King said in an interview preceding the match, without women s tennis really making a name for itself, there was no way in the world that we could ve had a $100,000 winner takes all match, such as we re having now. The gains of the women s equality movement allowed for the Battle of the Sexes to become the spectacle that it was. If Billie Jean King or even Margaret Court had played Bobby Riggs, and beaten him originally, they wouldn t have been able to prove that women were equal to men. However, due to the immense following and popularity of this match, King s win made an important statement to the tennis ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the end, both King and Riggs had won. King and women s tennis had made money from [Riggs], and Riggs had made money from the match. Nonetheless, the outcome of this match did not ultimately change tennis. Though the match brought awareness to the disparities between men s and women s tennis, little was truly done to change the situation. It took 28 years for a grand slam, excluding the US Open, to regularly award equal prize money to both men and women, and still more time for the rest to follow in suit. While tennis is progressive in comparison to other sports in its implementation of equal prize money to both genders, disparities still exist. Men and women still do not receive the same pay for playing. It can be argued that Serena Williams, the number one ranked women s player, is currently one of the most famous tennis players, yet she receives a little over half the pay of the number one ranked men s player. Despite this, female athletes have not given up on the fight for equality. The recent awareness brought to wage discrimination in sports through the US women s soccer team has allowed for discussions surrounding the disparities between women s and men s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Anatomy And Physiology Of The Respiratory Syncytial Virus Bailey Kundinger Anatomy and Physiology II Friday February 17, 2017 Respiratory Syncytial Virus A mother brings their toddler in to the clinic, with what they think is a cold but a nurse wonders if the child could possibly have respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). A cold and RSV are a lot alike, in the way that they both may come across as cold like symptoms, but this is not the case. Throughout this report one will find out what the differences between a common cold and RSV are, the signs and symptoms a toddler may have with this virus, the treatments one may face and ways to prevent this awful and dangerous virus. The purpose of this report is to deepen one s understanding of the respiratory syncytial virus and explain the dangerous ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... RSV will usually affect one s upper respiratory tract first before affecting the lower. It is also more common that this virus will affect someone s upper respiratory rather than the lower respiratory. Someone with an upper respiratory infection may come across as having the common cold, tonsillitis, the flu, and etc. The flu is also able to occur in someone who has a lower respiratory tract infection, as well as, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis, and tuberculosis ( Respiratory Tract Infections, 2014). RSV is a virus that is hard to diagnosis because the signs and symptoms are a lot like the common cold. One may start to develop a runny nose or decrease in appetite the first couple of days when having this virus; but coughing, sneezing, and wheezing may also occur. In young infants, they may experience irritability or difficulties with breathing ( CDC, 2014). One may have this virus before realizing the symptoms like a dry cough, low grade fever, sore throat or headache (Mayo Clinic, 1998). Someone with an upper respiratory tract infection may have a fever, headache, sore throat or wheezing; whereas someone with a lower respiratory tract infection may have a cough, increased breathing rate, tightness in the chest. While both tract infections should be taken seriously, they both can lead to RSV. Bronchitis and Bronchiolitis are also two very serious infections that may lead to RSV. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Cloning Is Ethically Immoral And Should Never Be Done Essay Reproductive human cloning is a form of asexual reproduction done in a lab, not by a sperm fertilizing an egg. This issue has been a hot topic for the past decade after Dolly the sheep was cloning in Scotland. Dolly was the first cloned mammal, whose very existence created much heat in the general public (Hansen, pg. 235, in Vaughn). Many people believe that cloning is ethically immoral and should never be done, but others think that scientific advances can greatly cure diseases. What is human cloning? Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human. Human cloning allows advanced technology to take an initiative in fixing defective genes, however are the precautions taken of what the future has in store? Cloning should not be an acceptable process in today s society. By making cloning acceptable, we are saying that everyone has the right to make a replica of them or give permission for others to be cloned. We are also saying that other cloning methods will have the approval of the community and will be acceptable, yet morally so many religions would disapprove of this method. Picture this. A couple walks into a hospital and finds out that the baby they are having has Down Syndrome. If the couple decides to alter the gene of the embryo, the baby would be artificially made instead of natural. The concept of altering genes and human cloning is morally wrong because of the possibility of aging faster, loss of individuality, and religious and ethical view ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. GlobalPhone Provides Innovative Connections GlobalPhone Provides Innovative Connections GlobalPhone is a VOIP provider that offers a wide selection of communication services tailored for business use. Gphone was founded in 1995 and is a privately held, debt free corporation. They currently offer their services to thousands of customers located in the United States as well as in other countries located throughout the world. Gphone Is Associated With the Most Popular IT and Telecommunication Companies Gphone is associated with world class manufacturers such as Broadsoft, and carriers including ATT, Qwest, Verizon, and Global Crossing. The staff members who represent GlobalPhone want to provide today s high tech telecommunication industry with a creative approach to enabling technology, with outstanding customer support and services offered at competitive rates. GlobalPhone Products from the Leading Technical Brands The GlobalPhone Corporation offers an assortment of SIP business phones for their customers to choose from. These phones have some of the most innovative features and include the latest in technology advancements. They offer SIP VOIP handsets and soft phones for use with their Hosted PBX services from well known companies such as Polycom, Cisco, Linksys, Counterpath, and Aastra. The Services GlobalPhone Has To Offer GlobalPhone has many services to offer the fast paced, communication driven business world. Enjoy the savings and flexibility from their VOIP plan. Or the hassle free installation of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. PEST analysis for the car industry Research question/Purpose The Car Industry is changing its structure quickly. While Toyota earned some 124 billion SEK last year, GM lost about 65 billion SEK. Many mergers have happened and more changes are bound to happen. Write an essay pointing out the PEST factors you find having a strong impact and causing these changes in the car industry. Also, reflect on the changes you think will happen in the years to come. 1.Introduction [1] PEST analysis is a process of checking and analyzing information relating to the environment. The PEST analysis is a useful tool for understanding market growth or decline, and as such the position, potential and direction for a business as a business measurement tool. It involves monitoring the changes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... [4] Government sometimes announces a variety of regulations that could cause impacts on industry. As to automotive industry, government regulations, such as improving protection for safety and fuel consumption and improve emission against air pollution, have increased total cost to car products. As is seen from above figure which is statistically made by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the middle part shows the average price of a car with no regulated improvements in 1967. The lower part represents the value of added protection for safety and polluting emissions equipments. The upper part is the price due to non regulated improvements together with other quality and price increases. It is obvious that the government regulations have brought large influences on the price of car products. 3)Vote for new president [5] In early days, automobile manufactures hope governments to build public roads to stimulate customers demands. Road building was sometimes also influenced by political ideologies. If the government could take policies and actions to improve transportation system, the auto industry could be benefited very much. That is why the voting of president could affect car industry. Once the new elected president who supports to increase government spending on roads wins on voting, whole auto industry in this country could have a brilliant future. 3.Influences of economical factors ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Bikini Atoll Nuclear Test I decided i wanted to check up on bikini atoll and see how the island and former people are doing today. I found an article called Bikini Atoll nuclear test:60 years later and island still unlivable. and decided to pull a couple of interesting paragraphs and paste them below. To answer some of the questions i asked myself the day i watched the documentary. The Marshall Islands are marking 60 years since the devastating US hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll, with exiled islanders saying they are too fearful to ever go back because of nuclear contamination. Part of the intense cold war nuclear arms race, the 15 megatonne Bravo test on 1 March 1954 was a thousand times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. It exposed thousands ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. How Does Mary Shelly Create Designer Babies In Frankenstein How does the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelly relate to the modern method of creating designer babies ? There are three main points from the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelly in relation to the modern creation of designer babies such as the danger of knowledge as abuse of technology, Frankenstein by Mary Shelly portrays a mentally unstable scientist named Victor Frankenstein, who reanimates a dead body and when Frankenstein s Monster is born, he unintentionally causes havoc to the community, but when he is rejected he begins intentionally cause pain. The monster reads Victor Frankenstein s notes upon his creation, once he realises how he was created he begins to seek revenge on his creator. Mary Shelly conveys the major thematic topics of the use of knowledge being abused for either good or evil purposes, the use of modern technology on everyday life, the concept of playing god, and the unknown powers of nature the a major outcome from these is alienation and isolation which can be related to certain aspects of designer babies. Like Frankenstein the modern day equivalent to these themes is designer babies in contrast to Frankenstein there are many ethical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For this I had deprived myself of rest and health. I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart. (Shelley, 70) victor becomes confronted with the morally perplexing question of what responsibility must we exercise once we bring people back from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Military Actions Of The American Civil War Throughout history the efficacy of specific military actions have been debated and discussed. Military tacticians and scholars have pondered the overall completion of objectives and the broad values presented by the action. This debate has occurred for many of the actions taken in the American Civil War. In terms of accomplishment, the March to the Sea was one of the most effective military actions of the Civil War. Historians may debate the level of devastation that union soldiers forced on the civilian population during the march, but Sherman s desire to rip the heart out of the Confederate war effort succeeded (Simon Schurst). General William Tecumseh Sherman understood the effectiveness of bringing home the war to the people of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At the end of 1864, Sherman was in charge of over 60,000 union fighting men. Sherman realized that he had to find a way to bring about a quicker resolution to the war. To bring about this resolution he wanted to get the people of the Confederacy to feel the effects of war. He was not interested in the limited war that had been fought in the preceding years. Sherman, and his superior Grant, both understood that if the Confederacy s spirit could be broken the north would prevail quickly. Unlike many others in the union army, these men knew that as long as the southern psyche remained whole, southerners would support the war effort, no matter the casualties suffered or the territory lost (Lance). Sherman understood that by affecting southern morale and the southern will to fight, he could win the war. His March to the Sea was determined to break the back of the Confederacy and bring a speedy end to the Civil War. To do this there needed to be new tactics and a new type of warfare. Sherman had institutionalized a type of warfare new to the Civil War. His desire to crush southern resolve had embraced the principle of total war. For the majority of the Civil War, the battles had been fought with a sense that there were certain rules to the war. A degree of limited war had been practiced. War had a code. These codes of war had been developed during a time of scientific research and humanistic development. The codes of war developed during the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Age of Enlightment In Europe in the early 17th century, Christianity was the dominant religion. Most countries believed that it was the only acceptable one, and that there should not be any toleration for other religions. In many countries, the monarchs (or the other rulers) would enforce Christianity and persecute people with other beliefs. Some of these beliefs, however, changed during the Age of Enlightenment from the late 1600 s to the mid 1700 s. The philosophers during the Age of Enlightenment influenced peoples way of thinking through their ideas of reason, empiricism, and the power of nature. The ideas that the philosophers had eliminated the stranglehold that religion had on the people and the government. Through the heavy influence of John Locke, Isaac Newton, and other philosophers, alternative religions, mainly deism, emerged, which changed how people viewed themselves and their relationship to government. Through their discoveries and theories, the philosophers during the Age of Enlightenment greatly affected the way that people viewed themselves. Isaac Newton was the first of these philosophers to alter the views of the people of the time. Newton believed that the key to discovery was trial and error. He believed that no one should firmly believe in anything unless it was distinctly proven. This idea is known as empiricism. Along with these views, he also believed that there was a scientific and mathematical reason for everything on earth. Rather than God being the only cause ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Phospholipids 1. They attach to cellular membrane and appear to fuse with them, releasing their content into the cell. 2. They are taken up by the cell and their phospholipids are incorporated into the cell membrane by which the drug trapped inside is released. 3. In the case of phagocytic cell, liposomes are taken up, the phospholipids walls are acted upon by organelles called lysosomes and entrapped drug is released. 1.4.1 Advantages of liposomes (6, 22, 24, 25): 1. They are biodegradable, biocompatible and biologically inert. 2. They are non pyrogenic and nontoxic. 3. They are controlled drug delivery systems. 4. They carry both hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs. 5. They prevent oxidation of entrapped drug. 6. They deliver drug to the site of action. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Table 1.1: Classification of liposome based on structural features MLV Multilamellar large vesicles OLV Oligolamellar vesicles UV Unilamellar vesicles SUV Small unilamellar vesicles MUV Medium sized unilamellar vesicles LUV Large unilamellar vesicles GUV Giant unilamellar vesicles MVV Multivesicular vesicles Table 1.2: Classification of liposome based on method of preparation REV Single or oligolamellar vesicle made by reverse phase evaporation method MLV / REV Multilamellar vesicles made by reverse phase evaporation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Business Maths Statistics Assignment 1 BMS11 Business Maths and Statistics ASSIGNMENT 1 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS USING EXCEL PART B. QA). The pie charts show that a higher percentage of the male gender has tried the product in comparison to the female gender. Over 50% of both genders have tried the product. However, the fact that the percentage of males who tried the product is higher, suggests that gender does play a role in whether the people will try the product. Yet the role genders play is small, because the difference between the percentage of females who tried the product and males who tried the product is small at only 7%. However, since the graphs do not compare the genders within the total sample surveyed and are only a percentage of each specific gender, more ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The type of data itself is nominal not numerical. The income of both males and females is not as accurate as we would like, because it has been collected within large income ranges, for example $0 to $25,000. Therefore to use the data, midpoints must be found, doing this has caused the data to become very general and does not show specifics on income levels per person. The incomes are shown on the graph as midpoints which have a large range within them. This further shows that the information is too general for many business applications and decision making. The graph has narrowed down the five income midpoints of interest to three. These three income midpoints were $12,500 $37,500 $62,500. However exactly what income levels within these ranges have not been determined. This means that the information is vague. The information would be more useful if specific income levels and have tried frequencies per income were investigated. The graph would be more useful if it showed actual income levels and numbers of people within that income level who had tried the product. It only tells us the midpoint which has a large range and therefore, the information is quite general. This information would be fine if we wanted to target general income groups but it would be insufficient if we wanted to determine specific income levels who have tried the product, as we do not know what that income level ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Social Tension Surrounding The United States Essay Introduction In what has become known as the issue of the century by many (Buchanan, 2015), immigration has been a topic of debate and an area of sociological tension for several decades in the United States. It can be seen daily in our newspapers, television shows and especially in America politics. In fact, it could be argued that this form of social tension in the United States goes as far back as 1492 when Christopher Columbus first stepped foot on what is now North America. It was from this point that social tension surrounding immigration into the modern United States truly began between early European explorers and the existing Native Americans. Social tension surrounding immigration began to peak when large scale immigration into the United States started in the late 1800 s. In the early days of immigration into the United States the social tension surrounded the diaspora of the Native Americans which lead to the creation of indian reservations (cite US History.org). This early social tension primarily surrounded the obtainment of land and the establishment of property. As we move forward into history, modern immigration tension in America is more focused on immigration from Mexico. This paper will explore immigration into the United States and help determine why it is a source of social tension. Some groups suggest that immigration threatens America s resources and should be better controlled while others suggest that immigration is vital to the success of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Regulatory Issues and Non-Tariff Barriers 3.2 Regulatory issues and non tariff barriers: a cap for the potential Despite the high level of openness concerning trade, Appendix 1 and 2 show that trade partnership between EU and US have been worsening compared to other area of the World. This is because connections among trade and all other economic relations is higher and difficult to estimate; indeed 46% of TTIP stakeholders declared concerns about unnecessary regulatory barriers, 45% by tariffs, 38% by customs procedures and 20% by barriers to investment as obstacle to trade. (Commission Staff working document, 2013). Reducing non tariff barriers, so called behind the border barriers, will have to be the key part of transatlantic trade liberalization. The cost of dealing with them can be estimated by Trade cost equivalent (TCE) (See table 1 for 3 key industries). As much as 80% of the total potential gains come from cutting costs imposed by bureaucracy and regulations, as well as from liberalizing trade in services and public procurement, so the mandate of EC and US parliament clearly defines area of concerns for TTIP: Regulatory convergence: technical requirements and voluntary standards divergences in specific sectors, such as chemical, automotive, ICT, pharmaceutical (European Commission, Mandate, 2013) have been addressed ( see European Commission, Negotiations round, 2014). This can be achieved by enhancing the compatibility by focusing on rules, which are different in US and EU; but with the same broad ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Sextus Empiricus, St. Augustine In this paper the following principles and concepts of morality in the perspective of Sextus Empiricus, St. Augustine and Plato will be examined. St. Augustine is attempts to induce that if God made human being in his image then why is there so much suffering and destruction. One of Sextus Empiricus theories is that there is no correct or incorrect way of living because each culture perceives the world differently. Plato is trying to persuade people that knowledge cannot come from our senses because our senses are constantly changing. According to Christianity all human beings were made in God s image with the ability of having free will. So humans have the ability to choose right or wrong and this is part of the knowledge that God gave to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therefore that s why St. Augustine would say evil couldn t derive from teaching because teaching is good. In true teaching or knowledge there is no evil there because education is good and positive according to St. Augustine. So where does evil come from and who is responsible for that? If God made humans and a lot of people do sin and evil why don t people blame God. But God cant be the source of evil because God is good and he can t do evil. If something is evil because it is illegal, that means then the law determines what is evil and what is not evil. Evil and good can t depend on laws; the law does not determine what is good or evil. Thrasymachus in Plato dialogue would disagree because there is no good or evil. Good and evil is just what society determines to be good and evil based on the law it makes. Maybe evil is what people don t like what is done to them. So if someone does not want to be killed then it s evil to kill. Evil does not happen in the action it happens in the thought and in the desire. Just because we lust for something by that just wanting to do it is considered to be evil. Perhaps then lust is the evil element ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. We Have Come Very Far People of South Africa Good morning people of south Africa. I feel blessed to serve this country as we have proven to the world that we are capable of overcoming challenges we encounter. Today I have the honour of addressing the people, so that they know that by entrusting their faith in us, the Party for the People, they are making the right choice!! I am especially honoured to be addressing our brave men and women who work hard to make this country a better place, a place where the economy provides growth and unemployment and poverty dimishes! An economy where the young are entitled to a quality education and the elderly have piece of mind that they will receive the best FREE medical care! An economy that provides a sustainable future for the youth of this country and rewards each and every citizen for their hard work! This is a good reminder that what we have here in south Africa is special. For most of history, people have been trapped in un unified societies, where the same people always stays on top and everyone else never had the chance .But South Africa is exceptional because , here , we believe that every human being, is unique, and that every human being has a right to go as far as their talents and capabilities will allow us to work .Like most South Africans, this is a personal representaion . My great grandparents came here in search of opportunity to improve their lives and give their children the opportunity for a better life. And they left me something that not many people can ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Stepladder Position Paper Across the range of decisions that groups make, group members need task, relational, and procedural skills (Gouran, 2003). Problem recognition and framing must be identified first in order fro decisions to be made. According to (Barge Keyton, 1994) a group cannot make a decision if its members cannot identify the decision that needs to be made or if they frame a decision inaccurately or inappropriately. In other words, group members have to agree upon what the decision is really about. The stepladder technique is one strategy that teams can use to approach problem solving and decision making. It include five steps According to (Mindtools,2015) Present the task or problem to all members in order for the team to form an opinion on how to best ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Argumentative Essay On Xenotransplantation Imagine having a child and when she is born she has heart failure and if you do not do anything about it she will die. One day the nurse from the hospital tells you that they can do Xenotransplantation where they use a chimpanzee heart in this case instead of a human heart. At first, you are nervous because it is a heart from a chimpanzee not a human but they reassure you that it is sterile and free of infection and disease and it could save her life. After telling you that, they tell you that after the last chimpanzee heart transplant the baby only lived 20 days which is longer than she would live without it because there are no human hearts available for her. If you knew that she may not live for long but in the time, she is living a human heart could become available but if she survives she will have to be on anti rejection medication for the rest of her life would you continue with the procedure and give your child a chimpanzee heart? (Thesis Statement) Medical technology has improved since the 1600s when the first blood transfusion with sheep blood was transferred into a patient in 1667. Xenotransplants are when you are transplanting organs or tissues from one species into another. There are many animals used like pigs and monkeys as well as many others. Animals like chimpanzees and baboons are used because they are genetically closer to humans which means there is less chance of rejection of the organ but there is a limited supply so they are not used as often. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Polar Bears SKIN AND FUR Cut off and forced to adapt Population of Bears went away from the rest of the species. Because of rivalry for food?? Imprisoned by glaciers and became separated in Arctic. Lots died from the unforgiving/ harsh environment, but those with evolutionary advantage( IE ideal fur colour) stayed alive and reproduced cause paler bears had better advantage owing to the white hue of the habitat, whereas darker fur bears had harder times blending into the frequently icy habitat while hunting. From then, paler bears appeared more often in new generation as mutations genes continuously happen in meiotic replication, so new alleles for genes occur in the population ie new alleles for lighter fur colour and hollow insulating shafts were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... APOB works by extracting the fat from the blood cells and transferring it into the fat cells. In other species the fats remain in the blood stream and are deposited as atherosclerotic plaques in the lumen of the coronary arteries, causing cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY: The study of differences and similarities between the anatomy of living things. This Image assesses the skeletons of human, cat whale bat, demonstrating how alike they are although these animals have very different lifestyles in very dissimilar environments. All these limbs are made of the same key parts; but, they perform totally different functions. Justification for resemblances like these: the Different species evolved from shared ancestors. . Verifies evolution cause there are fossil records that demonstrate alteration of the anatomy of particular living organisms...shows that different organisms have a common ancestor...Validates Darwins theory of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Atlantic City Licenses Brand New Online Casino Article 21 Atlantic City licenses brand new online casino It is considered to the devil s playground when it comes to online casino licensing, but new ground seems to have been made as another online casino has been approved to operate in Atlantic City. The Resorts Digital brand, which own the popular Resorts Casino Hotel, have been looking for sometime to open up an online arm to their business and it seems that they have finally been approved for digital operations moving forward. When it comes to online table gaming Resorts Digital may already be a name you re aware of. While they may have to been late to the dance as it were when it comes to online table gaming, sites like resortcasino.com and mohegansuncasino.com have been able to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Up until now many feel that the rules had been shockingly restrictive, forcing operators to bend until a point where running an online casino simply isn t viable from a financial perspective. The decision to approve Resorts Digital could be seen as a change of vision. Speaking on the matter Digital Resorts CFO Tim Ebling said, When we made our pitch to the commissioners we made it very clear that our number one goal as a brand was to get our online casino arm up and operational . He also said, What we feel we presented to the commission was a strongly organised business structure, something that has true grounds for long term success. From now on our members will be able to see that Resorts Digital offers the true complete package . Digital Resort s CEO and President Mark Giannantonio also spoke on the matter, admitting prior failings. He said, Frankly, when it came online casino gaming in the past, we have been fairly slow to get going, with commission related issues being fairly problematic . However, given the recent developments, he feels that Digital Resorts will be the first operational online digital gaming lounge . From what has been said, Digital Resorts has its eyes set on being number one spot when it comes to online casino gaming in Atlantic City. For more information on the upcoming Digital Resorts online gaming rollout, stay tuned to the news section of your favourite online casino portal. Article 22 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Grace Hospice Of Texas Provides Quality Professional Care Grace Hospice mission statement is Grace Hospice of Texas provides quality professional care and compassionate support for terminally ill patients and their families with his grace. (Introduction to Hospice Care 2) (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 2015) Grace Hospice basic service provide end of life care and understanding of death as a natural process of life, and Grace Hospice offer palliative and comfort care; meanwhile Grace Hospice assist the family in caring for their loved one at home through an interdisciplinary team of professionals. Grace Hospice is a public organization. (Introduction to Hospice Care 2) (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 2015) Hospice originated in Great Britain back in 60 s by Dame Cicely Saunders, who felt the need for palliative cure for diagnosed with terminal illness. In 1892, hospice became funded through Medicare Benefit Program after many years of lobbying for funding was established. (Introduction to Hospice Care 2) (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 2015) Grace Hospice agency mission supported social works values by importance of human relationships. Social workers use human relationship to promote change in individuals, families, groups, and communities. An example, is if we discussed an issue with a family member we also involved the patients to make sure the patient knew what we saying about them.(Social Work and Social Welfare 15) Grace Hospice ethical codes provide 1) respect for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Denmark Health Care System The Nation Denmark is the oldest kingdom in the world and one of the oldest states in Europe. The current monarch, Queen Margrethe II is very popular among the Danes and began ruling in 1972. Denmark s history started with the Viking age. The Danes conquered northern and eastern England and Christianity was introduced during this time. The Reformation fighting ended in 1536 and left the establishment of the Lutheran church headed by the monarch. Denmark lost territory and money in the Thirty Years War with Sweden. However, the Great Northern War restored Denmark s power in the Baltic. Despite some territorial losses, Denmark started to prosper economically, introducing a representative form of government and many social and educational reforms. Denmark remained neutral in the First World War and the present southern border with Germany was established. As Hitler rose to power in Germany, Denmark introduced the Great Social Reforms, continuing to prosper culturally. Denmark was occupied by Germany in World War II. Denmark joined the European Community in 1973. The education system in Denmark is much desired. All higher education in Denmark is free, including college, graduate schools, and medical school. The Danish school system consists of a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is available to all residents, free of charge. The quality of the care is high with popular patient satisfaction. Citizens are able to choose a doctor and the entire health care system is much more cost effective than the United States. Average life expectancy for men is 78 years and women is 82 years. Overall, the Danish are not only the happiest country in the world, but also one of the fittest. They cycle and walk to work, are often part of some type of sports club, and eat healthy. The Danish also practice the tradition of Hygge, which means creating a warm environment and enjoying the good things in life with good ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Today s Juvenile Court System Essay Today s juvenile court system handles most cases involving those under the age of 18 year old. This was not always the case and the ideal of a separate court system for adults and children is only about 100 years old. When looking at the differences that set juvenile courts apart, it is important to study the history and see how it developed over time. The movement to separate children from adults in the court system can be traced back to English common law, just like most of America s criminal justice system. English lawyer William Blackstone had a significant influence on the separation of Juvenile and adult courts. Blackstone s Commentaries on the Laws of England, that was first published in the late 1760 s, was widely read and well regarded by the founders of America (History of Juvenile Justice). In Blackstone s book, he identified individuals who were considered incapable of committing crimes (History of Juvenile Justice). Two requirement needed to be met in order for someone to commit a crime. First, the individual had to have a vicious will , or the intent to commit a crime (History of Juvenile Justice). Second, the individual had to commit the crime. Blackstone then when on to state that one group of people who were unable to commit a crime were called infants (History of Juvenile Justice). These people where not literality infant or babies, but people too young to understand their actions, and therefore lacked the vicious will needed to commit a crime. At ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Cold Pack Research Paper Cold pack is a first aid device that used to relieve pain, swelling, and inflammation from injuries and other conditions, such as arthritis. The cold pack usually contain two plastic bags with one contains an ionic compound and the other bag contains water. The design of the ice pack is to make it small enough to fit in a first aid kit, but still be inexpensive and effective. In this experiment, the purpose was to find out which salt and in what quantity should be used to make an effective but the least expensive cold pack. Calorimetry is the process of measuring the amount of heat released during chemical reaction, it measures the temperature difference of the initial and final temperature. When knowing the changing of heat of the reaction, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first step in this investigation was to determine the heat energy change associated with the dissolution of each salt. Three 250ml beakers were obtained, two of the beakers were filled with about 50ml of distilled water and one was placed on the hot plate until it boils. The third beaker was filled with half ice and half water. A thermometer was placed in the second beaker to record the room temperature water. The next step is to calibrate by submerging temperature probe into the ice water beaker and stir it for a little bit, then allow it to stabilize. Once it was stabilized, the temperature was entered to calibrate. The same process was repeated for the other two beakers, the room temperature and boiling water. Once calibration was complete, the next step in the investigation was to determine the enthalpy of heat solution for the two salts. Each salt was measured 1 gram and set aside. To find the enthalpy a calorimeter was used, then filled 50ml of room temperature water in a graduated cylinder. The water was poured into the calorimeter cup then close the top and measured the initial temperature. Then the top was opened and 1gram of Ammonium chloride was pour into the cup, stirred the salt with the rod and once it reached plateaued the final temperature was recorded. The same process was done for the second salt Sodium thiosulfate. The step taken to reduce error in the experiment was to measure the content as accurately as possible and redo the calculation multiple times to make sure it is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Essay about Comparing and Contrasting the Men of Jane Eyre Comparing and Contrasting the Men of Jane Eyre Love and companionship means different things to different people. Sometimes one searches for it in a person much like himself; a mate who upholds their own values and thinks the same thoughts. Other times, people yearn for someone with fresh ideas and an opposite personality to bring new emotions to his life. But in either case, the person that sometimes ends up being the mate one is attracted to is not always a choice that is conventionally upheld by society or perfect in every way. Charlotte Brontë s Jane Eyre is a story of one such case of a love found between two people who are not necessarily the most beautiful or outstanding people, but that find a mutual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... John and Mr. Rochester throughout the novel, and each offers Jane something very different. As it is commonly remarked in the novel, Mr. Rochester is not a handsome man, and Jane is rather plain herself. When she is asked by him, You examine me, Miss Eyre, do you think me handsome? she quickly responds, No, sir, without the slightest bit of restraint. Obviously, the aspect of physical perfection is not important to Jane, as she rises above this superficial quality and still loves him for the man he is inside. She herself has never been flattered by others about her beauty and perhaps the less attractive physique of her lover makes her more comfortable around him and less pressured to conform and accept the conventional characteristics of beauty, which she does not possess. St. John boasts physical qualities that are very much the opposite of Mr. Rochester. As Jane describes him, St. John dresses well. He is a handsome man: tall, fair, with blue eyes, and a Grecian profile. Although Jane depicts him as an almost godlike figure, these perfections of physical stature are not things that make Jane feel comfortable or attracted to him. During her life she has not had much contact with beauty and handsome features, and has become accustomed to this acceptance of natural appearance and does not have the desire to search for a life companion that has such an ideal outward ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Essay on Child Observation 1Observer: Michelle Stanley Date of Observation: 3/2/10 Fictitious Name of Child: Abby Setting: Bed room and living room Child s Age: 3 years and 10 months Physical Description of Child: When I walked into the house Abby was wearing her princess Belle dress up gown. Her hair is bright blonde, down l loose and knotted, her eyed are blue, her skin is pale and her cheeks are rosy. Time Observed: 4:00pm 4:10pm Behavior Observed: Upon entering the house Abby politely took my jacket and hung it up on a chair. She then ran up the stairs and asked me to come see her dollhouse. She identified every little thing in her dollhouse as she was showing it to me. She showed me the windows , stove , soap , mantel , ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She may one day need physical therapy for this but as of right now she participates in activities such as swimming and using the monkey bars on a play set. She is also always made to carry her bags, and once or twice a week she and her father have fake push up competitions. As a result of her weaker upper trunk she may one day have trouble in fine motor skills, such as forming her letters, but so far she has developed normally. When did she begin walking? Around 1 year, she began to walk. What percentile is Abby in for height and weight? Abby is in the 50th percentile for weight for kids her age and in the 98th percentile for height. What have you done for daycare throughout the years? From birth until September of 2006 Abby remained with me at home. When I finally returned to work Abby s primary care giver was her father, he stayed home with her from September of 2006 through December of 2006. She was then placed in the care of her aunt s daycare from December of 2006 until August of 2008 as she then began Preschool at Precious Gems Learning Center. How is Abby doing academically? She can recognize and write all of her letters, knows how to spell her first and last name, can recognize and write simple words such as mom and dad , can recognize numbers up through ten and can count up to about thirty. Has she received any evaluations from her learning ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Medicine Vs. Simpson In The History Of Medicine Some people may say that Simpson is more important in the history of medicine than Lister. Simpson dealt with the pain section during the 19th century, and after many years of previous surgeons/doctors attempting to find a thing to fight pain, Simpson found the answer in Chloroform. This was important because it was used widely for military purposes and also aided in childbirth; Queen Elizabeth 1st and Charles Dickens wife, both used Chloroform during the birth of their children. Although, there were many setbacks in the use of anaesthesia and Chloroform. A patient took Chloroform for an ingrown toenail and died. This was important because it showed that Simpson didn t know how much Chloroform to use for each patient. However, other people ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Why Is Coming To Age Important Coming of age has many wonderful and poor traits of every man and womans life. Coming of age can we be excellent for some people and horrific for others, it all depends on the person. Some people face many consequences while others get more superior results while growing up. You have to learn to change from a petty irresponsible child to answerable adult. For example, responsibility. Responsibility is a massive part of coming of age. To come to age there is many hard responsibilities that you have to get through especially if you want more privileges. A big responsibility of coming to age is work. No matter if you re working with your dad to buy a new car or working in an office to pay rent, it s all a huge responsibility. Work is life. Without work you will get nowhere in life, that is why it s such a big responsibility not even just coming of age but in general. Another huge responsibility of coming of age is driving safely. A perk of coming to age is that you can get the opportunity to drive. But, it s also a colossal responsibility. If you mess up, the punishment could be as worse as death, or even death to other people. Driving is a big deal, a huge responsibility but also a huge reward. Even if you succeed on your drivers ed and get your ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are many consequences of coming to age, if you re driving and not paying any attention, BAM there goes your car and maybe even your or somebody else s life. Another humongous consequence of coming to age is losing money. When you come to age and you re working, paying rent and buying groceries it can be devastating if you lose money. Unfortunately there s lots of ways to lose money. For example, you re working your butt off for seven days straight to buy the new iphone eight. Then two weeks later you re out at a party and you drop it and it breaks. Just like that 900$ down the drain. Losing money is a serious issue especially when you are coming of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...