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STRIDESDirectorate for Education and Human Resources Programs
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Inside this issue:
African American and
Hispanic Women in Science
and Engineering, pg. 6
An Interview with
Dr. Raymond Johnson, pg. 9
A Profile of an AGEP
Institution: The Colorado
PEAKS Alliance, pg. 11
( A G E P )
V O L U M E 3
N U M B E R 3
J u l y 2 0 0 1
Continued on page 2
Careers of Minority Women Scientists
from the University of California, Berkeley1
By Anne J. MacLachlan, Specialist, Center for Studies in Higher Education,
University of California, Berkeley
he recent report on the situation of
women scientists at the Massachu-setts
Institute of Technology (MIT) has
brought the working conditions and treat-
ment of women scientists into the conscious-
ness of many in the academic community. In
all of the publicity about MIT and local cam-
pus conversations about women scientists,
however, women scientists of color and their
absence in major research departments have
not been discussed. Among the 14 tenured
women on the faculty at MIT, there are no
women of color. A recent survey of the top 50
research departments in Chemistry by Donna
Nelson at the University of Oklahoma con-
firmed that there were very few men or
women of color in any of these 50 depart-
ments.2 Yet for the past two decades these
same research universities have steadily been
awarding Ph.D.s in science and engineering
to persons of color, the majority of whom
have been men. Still, more than 4,877 women
of color have earned Ph.D.s in science and
engineering. (See Table 1) So where
are they?
If the field of vision is altered from the cur-
rent faculty distributed among institutions to
the Ph.D.s awarded from one institution, it is
possible to gain some insight into where
minority Ph.D.s may have gone. The follow-
ing discussion is based on preliminary results
from A Longitudinal Study of Minority Ph.D.s
from 1980 to 1990: Progress and Outcomes in
Science and Engineering during Graduate
School and Professional Life, in which careers
of University of California (UC) Ph.D.s are
tracked. One of these, UC Berkeley, has been
among the leading institutions to graduate
minority Ph.D.s in the last twenty years.
Many of its science and engineering depart-
ments enjoy the highest academic rankings in
the country. It is assumed that Ph.D.s earned
from such departments prepare the holder for
a distinguished life in science. The question
immediately arises in this context: If there are
distinguished minority graduates of this
institution why are they not filling faculty
positions at equally prestigious universities?
One simple answer is that they are there, but
invisible, as there are so few minority degree
holders. In the years between 1980 and 1990
Berkeley graduated 52 African American
Ph.D.s from all science and engineering
departments. Fifteen of those were women.
In the same period it graduated 24 Chicanos,
five of whom were women, and nine Native
Americans, three of whom were women. In
all these years then, only 23 Ph.D.s were
awarded to women from these traditionally
underrepresented American groups, although
for the purposes of the broad study
members of all ethnic groups are
included. (See Table 2)
Excepting Native Americans, where
we only have found five of the nine, we
have been successful in locating 78
percent of the African American
Ph.D.s from Berkeley and 88.5 per-
cent of the Chicanos. Two African
American men actually proved to be
African while three African American
men and one Chicano have declined
to be interviewed. Even had we found
every one of the 85 traditionally
underrepresented Ph.D. holders, the
number is a drop in the bucket com-
pared with the total number of full
time faculty in the natural sciences and
engineering (125,361) reported for
Notwithstanding their relative invisi-
bility at research universities, almost
all of those interviewed so far in this
study are living distinguished lives in
science. Their occupational choices
and locations are determined by many
factors in the pursuit of objectives
related to the opportunities to do sci-
ence rather than acquiring prestige.
They are using their training and
building substantial careers inside and
outside academe.
During the time that the respondents
were in training, as well as today, fac-
ulty tend to assume they are training
their students to develop careers much
like their own.This is a faulty assump-
tion as students of every ethnicity have
chosen a broad range of careers and
were often obliged to, given the nature
of the academic job market during the
1980s and early 1990s, take jobs out-
side of the academy.4 Still, the acute
shortage of minority faculty at leading
research universities raises many ques-
tions about the overall attractiveness of
such careers, as well as less than
wholehearted efforts to recruit
minorities to them.5
So where are the 56 predominantly
minority Ph.D.s interviewed so far in
this study now? (See Table 3.) Thirty-
three (59 percent) are employed at
academic institutions, either as associ-
ate or full professors, or as a senior
researcher or research manager. One
earned a M.D. Nine work directly for
either government labs or agencies,
one for a school district. Three have
acquired law degrees and work on
patents and technology issues.
Thirteen work in the private sector,
mostly as researchers. Almost all are at
mid-career or senior ranks in whatev-
er environment they are working. In
addition to the five working at
Historically Black Colleges and
Universities (HBCUs), three more are
working at other minority-serving
institutions, three at California State
With the exception of the one
community college, the remaining
institutions include: UCLA, Geor-gia
Institute of Technology, Pennsylvania
State University, UC Berkeley, Rice
University, Case Western University,
University of Washington, University
of Wisconsin, University of
Minnesota, Johns Hopkins University,
MIT, UC San Diego, Stanford
University and Gonzaga University.
While there are 15 Asian Americans
in this group, along with the remain-
ing interviewed population of African
Americans, Chicanos, one Filipino
American and two whites, all
ethnicities were distributed among the
range of prestigious institutions and
Turning to just the women in the
study, nine African Americans, five
Asian Americans, three Chicanas, one
Filipina and one white were inter-
viewed. Their employment includes 6
associate or full professorships at the
University of Minnesota, North
Carolina A&T University, Spelman
College, Cali-fornia State University
Please continue to send us your
comments, feedback and in-
quiries. The goal of this
newsletter is, after all, to serve
the needs of its readers. If you
are interested in submitting a
research article, please contact
Jolene Jesse at jjesse@aaas.org.
For further information about
our work, visit http:// ehrweb.
Making Strides is a quarterly (January,
April, July, and October) research
newsletter published by the American
Association for the Advance-ment of
Science, Directorate for Education and
Human Resources Programs. Its pur-
pose is to share information about
minority graduate education in the
fields of science, mathematics, and
engineering. It is available in print and
electronic format. Inquiries, informa-
tion related to AGEP, and all corre-
spondence should be sent to the editor.
Managing Editor: Yolanda S. George
Editor: Jolene Jesse
Art Director: Ann M. Williams
1200 New York Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20005
e-mail: mge@aaas.org
© 2001 AAAS
This newsletter was made possible by a grant
from the National Science Foundation. The
opinions expressed in this newsletter are those
of the authors and do not necessarily represent
the views of the AAAS Board of Directors,
the Council of AAAS, the staff or the mem-
bership of the association, nor the National
Science Foundation.
Continued on page 4
Year US All Black Asian/ Hisp. Native Mex Am. Total Min. White
Women Pac. Isl. Am.
1988 2,066 33 72 87 6 5 203 1,863
1989 2,316 38 93 108 9 8 256 2,060
1990 2,375 36 85 119 2 15 257 2,118
1991 2,453 48 134 108 9 14 313 2,140
1992 2,549 36 147 126 11 16 336 2,213
1993 2,699 56 174 150 5 14 399 2,300
1994 2,812 77 156 148 9 20 410 2,402
1995 2,906 79 224 130 8 20 461 2,445
1996 2,958 74 240 150 18 20 502 2,459
1997 3,015 76 244 172 8 31 531 2,484
1998 3,166 111 233 199 16 33 592 2,574
1999 3,132 111 246 214 18 28 617 2,515
Total 32,450 775 2,048 1,711 119 224 4,877 27,573
Table 1: U.S. Citizen Women Ph.D.’s in Science and Engineering, 1988-1999
Source: Science and Engineering Doctorate Awards 1999, NSF 2001
Ethnicity Total Men % Women %
Asian 347 282 81.30% 65 18.70%
Black 54 39 72.20% 15 27.80%
Chicano 24 19 79.20% 5 20.80%
Filipino 5 3 60.00% 2 40.00%
Nat. American 9 6 66.70% 3 33.30%
Other Hispanics 57 43 75.40% 14 24.60%
Others 142 125 88.00% 17 12.00%
White 2464 1909 77.50% 555 22.50%
Foreign 1036 941 90.80% 95 9.20%
Total: 4138 3367 81.40% 771 18.60%
Source: UC Berkeley Graduate Division Database
Table 2: UC Berkeley Science and Engineering Ph.Ds 1980-1990
By Gender and Ethnicity
Hayward, and Sonoma and Gonzaga
Univer-sities. Research positions at
academic institutions include UC
Office of the President, UC San
Diego, and Stanford University. One
woman is now a lawyer, four work for
the federal government at Sandia and
Lawrence Berkeley National Labora-
tories, the Department of Energy and
the Center for Disease Control. One
works as the science librarian in a tech-
nical high school, while three currently
work for major corporations as senior
researchers. A fourth resigned from
such a position to have her children.
Women chose their career paths for
many different reasons with different
degrees of purposefulness. For several
women there was a conscious desire to
work at institutions which would
enable them to serve their communi-
ties. In some of these cases that also
meant returning to the area where their
families lived. Others chose jobs or a
succession of positions to accommo-
date spouses. Several wished to remain
in the Bay Area. Given the range of
parameters behind the desire to con-
tinue to do serious science, it is striking
how almost all of these women were
able to find desirable positions.
Although one study participant main-
tains she was “lucky” as jobs “fell out of
the sky,” the pattern of employment
shows how training and talent pay off.
Another characteristic, which should
not be under-rated, is the degree of
determination and commitment to
succeed. As one woman remarked, an
important factor to her success, “my
perseverance and ability to handle suf-
In the group of 19 women discussed
here, only four received their degrees
before 1985, the rest finished their
degrees in the late 1980s. Fourteen of
the 19 had one or more postdoctoral
positions. Although one postdoctoral
position was “a loser experience,” and
another “unpleasant,” on the whole
these first postdoctoral appointments
were very important to developing
skills essential for the eventual career.
Comments range from “I learned
everything I know there,” “learned new
techniques, a different way of looking
at problems,” “developed independent
research area,” to “realized I was inter-
Table 3: Current Employment of 56 UC Berkeley Science and Engineering Ph.Ds.
Earned Between 1980-1990
Continued on page 5
Source: A. MacLachlan June 2001
ested in alternatives to doing research
science in academia,” while another
“missed teaching, I learned I didn’t
enjoy full time research.”
Only two women started their current
job directly out of graduate school.
One went to a national laboratory
where she does “interesting stuff at
times, but loses an incredible amount
of time in bureaucracy.” One went
directly to a tenure track job at a
California State university. Most of the
other women reached their current
positions within two or three job
changes including postdoctoral posi-
tions. Only two women required seven
or more job changes to get to their pre-
sent position. Most report a high satis-
faction rating in their current positions
with a score of one or two on a five-
point scale, with one the highest. A
surprising number of women managed
to find satisfying work while being
constrained geographically, with an
astounding total of nine succeeding in
staying in the Bay Area, although not
without some major effort.
One respondent’s postdoctoral experi-
ence was so negative she was turned off
by academic politics and earned a law
degree. Another trained as a librarian.
Few were completely free to follow
their fancy, as motherhood, elderly
parents, and other family responsibili-
ties required creative solutions to sci-
entific employment. For some, howev-
er, there was no conflict, as job and
other responsibilities could be
In comparing the percentages of men
and women who hold academic jobs
currently, 31.6 percent of women and
56.8 percent of men hold such posi-
tions. Not only are there fewer women,
but fewer proportionately in academic
jobs. One reason for this is that women
have left academic positions, as the
academic experience often led them to
seek another kind of scientific work.
Two had temporary teaching jobs as
their first position. Both were jobs of
convenience. Neither promoted a
desire to stay in academic teaching.
The attorney taught at a community
college and an extension program for
many years. Another could not sustain
the uncertainties of her teaching posi-
tion because her husband died and she
needed to have a permanent regular
position to support her children. Yet
another now employed in industry, had
an academic postdoctoral position as
well as a subsequent teaching position
and ended up being put off academic
work forever. Still another, who taught
briefly, learned she preferred being in a
lab. If all these women had stayed in
the academy, then the percentage
would have been higher than that of
the men in the study: 63 percent.
Clearly some of the choices which led
to the positions now currently held by
these women were idiosyncratic, but
the decision to leave for several was
preceded by unpleasant treatment or
conflict. Although there are generally
high levels of satisfaction articulated
about current employment, there are
traces of regret. Two of the women not
in the academy always wanted to teach
at a HBCU. Those who do teach are
generally very satisfied, but two raised
issues of inadequate opportunities to
pursue research. One had a very diffi-
cult promotion to professor in a situa-
tion in which “the dean almost implied
bias.” Another is unhappy with the
new chair. Even if one is doing excel-
lent science and working extensively to
promote students’ participation in sci-
ence, the quality of life in the academy
can fluctuate for many other reasons.
Does science discriminate against
women?6 Certainly several women in
this study have had difficulties in sus-
taining research careers, or when in
them have had to bounce against bar-
riers to promotion in the organization
even, as in one case, when she was win-
ning national and company prizes for
innovative science. Nineteen women
are a small sample. Yet these 19 mani-
fest such a deep commitment to their
work, and ingenuity and determina-
tion to make their work successful, that
the pattern of success is dominant.
Obstacles—sexist, racist or other—
have been overcome one way or
1I would like to thank the Spencer
Foundation and the UC Industry
University Cooperative Research Program
for their generous support of this work.
Thanks to Mia Ong and Kara Sammet for
their work on this project.
2Jennifer Jacobson, “Minority Groups are
Poorly Represented on Chemistry Faculties,
Study Finds.” Chronicle of Higher
Education, May 21, 2001.
3Almanac of the Chronicle of Higher
Education, September 2000.
4Anne J. MacLachlan, Berkeley Placement
Project: Placement of All Berkeley Ph.D.s
between 1980 and 1989. U.C.Berkeley,
5Daryl G. Smith, Caroline S. Turner,
Trevor Chandler, Charles Henry,
Interrupting the Usual: Successful Strategies
for Hiring Diverse Faculty. Report to the
Spencer Foundation, April 30, 2001.
6Donna K. Ginther, Does Science
Discriminate against Women? Evidence
from Academia, 1973-97. Working Paper
Series, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta,
February 2001.
African American and Hispanic Women in
Science and Engineering
By Cheryl B. Leggon, Ph.D., Director of Women’s Studies, Wake Forest University
he underrepresentation of
women in general, and African
American and Hispanic
women in particular, is a critically
important issue for the United States
(U.S.)—especially as people of color
are rapidly becoming the numerical
majority of the population. Women of
Hispanic origin (of any race) are one of
the fastest growing population groups
in the U.S. Who does science largely
determines who will do science insofar
as scientists act as gatekeepers who
determine who is qualified to be a sci-
entist. Scientists are humans who
bring their socio-cultural and histori-
cal backgrounds to the practice of sci-
ence. This background affects what is
studied, how it is studied, and how
results are to be used (Leggon, 1995).
An important prerequisite for dis-
cussing African Americans and
Hispanics in science and engineering
(S&E) is a clear specification of terms.
The term “African American” is used
to refer to Americans born in the
United States who are the biological,
socio-legal descendants of people with
origins in Africa. Particularly within
the context of data on the S&E work-
force, it is vital to distinguish between
Blacks born in the U.S., and non-U.S.-
born Blacks. Data that combine U.S.-
born-and-raised Blacks with Blacks
born and raised outside of the U.S. are
problematic because they greatly
underestimate the extent of African
American participation in S&E.
Moreover there are significant social
and cultural differences between
Blacks born in the U.S. and those born
and raised elsewhere. One of the most
noteworthy differences is that African
Americans were educated in a race-
and class-based school system (Weber
Just as the term “Black” obscures
important intergroup differences, the
term “Hispanic” is problematic for the
same reason. “Hispanic” is an umbrella
term encompassing Puerto Ricans,
Mexican Americans, Cubans, and peo-
ple with origins in Central and South
America. It obscures critical socio-eco-
nomic, cultural and historical differ-
ences among groups. For example,
Mexican Americans are different from
Puerto Ricans, and Puerto Ricans
who grew up on the island are
different from those who grew up on
the mainland. Puerto Ricans raised on
the mainland (sometimes called
“New Yoricans”) share similarities
with African Americans. Mexican
Americans (sometimes called “Chica-
nos”) are similar to Native Americans.
Data on the S&E workforce should be
disaggregated not only by race/ethnic-
ity but also by gender. Collecting data
by either race/ethnicity or gender
masks critical intra-group differences.
This is especially problematic for
women of color, such as African
Americans and Hispanics. Most stud-
ies do not focus on minority women in
science and engineering; those that do
rarely focus on the structural condi-
tions surrounding Ph.D. training
(MacLachlan, 2001). Often these
women tend to be in a “double bind” in
at least two ways. First, when they are
not included in either research on
women or research on African
Americans and Hispanics; second,
when they are included, but relegated
to footnotes or parenthetical discus-
sion. Although they share some issues
with white women and men of color,
women of color have issues and con-
cerns that differ from those of both
groups. It is my contention that issues
stemming from both race/ethnicity
and gender are not merely additive,
but synergistic. This article discusses
the underrepresentation of African
American and Hispanic women not
only in the S&E education pipeline,
but also in the S&E workplace.
S&E Education Pipeline
African American women and
Hispanic women comprise 75 percent
of the students at minority-serving
institutions (MSI). For these groups
MSIs include Historically Black
Colleges and Universities (HBCUs),
predominantly Hispanic-serving insti-
tutions (HSIs), and the University of
Puerto Rico (UPR) system. The UPR
system consists of three graduate cam-
puses and eight four-year colleges.
UPR is the baccalaureate-source insti-
tution for approximately 20 percent of
all science, mathematics, engineering
and technology (SMET) doctoral
degrees earned by Hispanics in the
U.S. (Weiner, 2000). Similarly,
HBCUs are major producers of
African American students who later
earn doctorates in the biological and
physical sciences (Leggon and
Pearson, 1997).
At the undergraduate level in MSIs,
Hispanic and African American
women are well represented in mathe-
matics, physics, and computer science.
At the graduate level, although both
Hispanic and African American
continued on next page 7
women out-earn their male counter-
parts in terms of the total number of
Ph.D.s in all fields, these women
either do not enter graduate programs
in mathematics or, if they enter these
programs, they are not retained
through to the Ph.D. Hispanic and
African American women do not per-
sist in science because they are not
encouraged to do so (NCES, 2000).
Research on women in science indi-
cates that not encouraging women to
persist produces the same result as
actively discouraging them (Hall and
Sandler, 1982; Sonnert and Holton,
Table 1 shows the percentages of
women among Blacksi and Hispanics
in S&E by degree level from 1995-
For both Blacks and Hispanics, there
is an inverse correlation between
degree level and the percentage of the
race/ethnic group that is female. This
correlation holds for Blacks in every
field, and for Hispanics in every field
except engineering and mathematics.
Women comprise at least half of
Blacks in S&E with: bachelors degrees
in physics, mathematics, biological sci-
ence, agricultural science, psychology,
social science; masters degrees in
mathematics, biological science, psy-
chology, and social science; and doc-
torates in biological science and social
science. Women comprise at least half
of Hispanics in S&E: in biological sci-
ence, psychology, and social science at
the bachelors level; agricultural sci-
ences and psychology at the masters
level; and in no S&E field at the doc-
toral level.
The S&E workforce in the
For the overall U.S. labor force, the
U.S. Department of Labor projects
that after Hispanic women and men,
Black women will comprise the largest
share of non-white labor force entrants
between 1994 and 2005 (U.S. Dept. of
Labor, 1997b). Although they have a
lower participation rate in the U.S.
labor force than both Black and white
women, Hispanic women are one of
the fastest growing groups of working
women in the U.S.
Among those women who graduated
in 1990 or later, women comprise 30
percent of the S&E labor force. In
1997, women comprised 23 percent of
the U.S. S&E labor force, and women
of color accounted for 4.6 percent of
all scientists and engineers in the labor
force. Within each racial/ethnic group,
women were a smaller percentage of
the S&E labor force than were men.
Women comprised higher percentages
than men in computer science, biolog-
ical science and social science, but
lower percentages in engineering. In
1997, 20 percent of all women in the
S&E labor force were women of color.
continued on page 8
Table 1: Percentage Women of Blacks and Hispanics in S&E by degree level 1995-1997
Field Black Hispanic
Engineering 34.3 33.4 23.7 22.5 23.0 23.7
Physics 58.0 48.6 20.0 44.2 38.1 22.9
Mathematics 52.4 50.1 28.6 41.5 29.6 33.3
Computer 48.9 44.8 25.0 39.9 28.4 11.8
Biological 68.4 71.6 54.0 57.9 48.6 43.2
Agricultural 54.8 41.7 24.0 47.1 51.4 26.9
Natural Sci.& 60.8 44.6 34.2 39.7 31.0 31.0
Psychology 79.2 77.0 26.5 75.7 73.0 63.3
Social Science 60.0 57.8 51.8 54.4 45.0 39.2
Total S&E 60.1 57.6 46.9 52.3 43.8 40.6
Non S&E 66.3 70.1 64.5 62.7 63.7 56.8
All Fields 64.5 68.7 57.2 59.2 60.1 47.8
Source: NSF 2000
Among this group, Black and
Hispanic women comprise one percent
each (Asian women comprised two
percent, and Native American women
approximately one-tenth of one per-
cent). Hispanics have the most propor-
tional distribution among those in
S&E occupations. White women sci-
entists and engineers had a lower
unemployment rate in 1997 than did
nonwhite women, 2 percent and 2.8
percent, respectively. Moreover, a
higher percentage of Hispanic women
(17 percent) than of Black women
(9 percent) worked part time in 1997.
There are three major employment
sectors for S&E degree holders: busi-
ness or industry; national, state and
local government; and academe. In
1997, among both sexes employed in
the S&E workforce, 55 percent of
Hispanics and 53 percent of Blacks
worked in for-profit business or indus-
try. Among all racial/ethnic groups
employed in business or industry,
women were less likely than men to
report research and development as a
primary or secondary activity, and
more likely than men to report com-
puter applications as a primary or sec-
ondary work activity. Moreover, Black
and Hispanic scientists and engineers
are more likely than any other groups
to be employed in government at all
levels (federal, state, local)—including
the military. Among all employed in
the S&E workforce, women are more
likely than men to be employed in
educational institutions, and less likely
to work in business or industry.
Among those employed in educational
institutions, females are more likely
than males to work in 2-year colleges.
Within 4-year colleges and universi-
ties, there is an inverse correlation
between gender and rank: the higher
the rank, the fewer the women. Black
and Hispanic females with S&E
degrees are less likely than both white
women and men of any racial/ethnic
group to be full professors. Moreover,
Black and Hispanic females are less
likely than men of any racial/ethnic
group and white women to be tenured.
In 1997, 29 percent of both Black and
Hispanic women held tenure. For
white women and white men, the
tenure percentages were 38 percent
and 63 percent, respectively.
Black and Hispanic women with S&E
degrees employed in academe are crit-
ical to the future of S&E. They have a
direct impact on who will do science,
insofar as they teach, advise and men-
tor the next generations of scientists
and engineers. The absence of Black
and Hispanic female S&E faculty in
undergraduate and graduate class-
rooms and laboratories sends the mes-
sage not only to Black and Hispanic
students but also to all students that
Black and Hispanic women cannot be
scientists. However, the presence of
Black and Hispanic females in class-
rooms and laboratories is necessary but
not sufficient to counter this message.
If Black and Hispanic women are pre-
sent but treated poorly by their col-
leagues and/or students, Black and
Hispanic female students will choose
not to enter academic science in par-
ticular, or any S&E field in general.iii
Therefore, the focus should be on
improving the professional environ-
ment for Black and Hispanic female
faculty as well as for their student
How can this be done?
Regardless of employment sector,
management—e.g., department chairs,
academic deans, managers, and divi-
sion directors—can and should be
made accountable for the extent to
which women of color (also men of
color and white women) are mentored
and their careers developed. In acad-
eme at the institutional level, this
should be a major factor in awarding
research funds and grants. In other
words, the focus should be on the
macro-level of institutions, not on the
micro-level of individuals. Things
can—and must—be done to improve
both the representation and profes-
sional experiences of under-participat-
ing groups in the S&E workforce. Not
being part of the solution perpetuates
the problem.
i The term “Black” is now used because that is the term used by the source of these data, the National Science
ii The National Science Foundation (NSF 00-327) defines scientists and engineers in terms of occupation, not
degree field.
iii Nelson (2001) makes these points about women in chemistry.
Hall, R.M., and Bernice Sandler. (1982). “The Classroom Climate: A Chilly One for Women?” Washington, DC:
Association of American Colleges.
Leggon, Cheryl B. (1995). “The Impact of Science and Technology on African Americans.” Humboldt Journal of
Social Relations, Volume 21:2.
Leggon, Cheryl B. and Willie Pearson, Jr. (1997). “The Baccalaureate Origins of African American Female
Scientists,” Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 3(4):213-224.
Malcom, Shirley (2000) “Minority Ph.D. Production in SME Fields: Distributing the Work?” Making Strides,
volume 2, number 3, July.
MacLachlan, Anne J. (2001) “The Lives and Careers of Minority Women Scientists.” Center for Studies in Higher
Education, http://ishi.lib.berkeley.edu/cshe/projects/minority/invesandcareers.htm.
National Center for Education Statistics (2000). Entry and Persistence of Women and Minorities in College Science and
Engineering Education.
National Science Foundation (2000). Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering.
NSF 00-327.
Nelson, Donna J. (2000) “Constancy in Chemistry: Effects on females and minorities. AWIS Magazine.
Sonnert, Gerhard and Gerald Holton (1995). Who Succeeds in Science: The Gender Dimension. New Brunswick, NJ:
Rutgers University Press.
U.S. Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau:
1997a Facts on Working Women, “Women of Hispanic Origin in the Labor Force,” No. 97, February .
1997b Facts on Working Women, “Women of African American Origin in the Labor Force,” No. 97, March.
Weber, Lyn (2001) Understanding Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality: A Conceptual Framework. McGraw-Hill.
Weiner, Brad (2000) “A Profile of AGEP Institution: University of Puerto Rico,” Making Strides,
volume 2, number 3, July.
An Interview with
Dr.Raymond Johnson
MS: Tell me about your background
and the reasons you chose math.
Johnson: I was a student in high school
when the Soviet Union launched
Sputnik. This event triggered a renewed
interest in science and math, and my
high school offered special math enrich-
ment classes. I took those classes and
found that I liked it.
MS: What was it about math specif-
ically that you liked?
Johnson: It wasn’t really math but the
classes that I enjoyed. The supplemental
classes just happened to be in math.
What I liked about them is that they
went beyond the basic material in the
textbook. I learned more about what
math was going to be like as a profes-
Then when I went to the University of
Texas and had to choose a major, I found
I liked math better than anything else.
My professors then suggested I go on to
graduate school.
I applied to Rice University. Rice
University was, at the time, due to a stip-
ulation in William Marsh Rice’s will, for
the white citizens of Texas only.This was
being contested, however, and I was
accepted. Some alumni of the university
then contested integration, and so it took
a year before I was formally admitted to
the school.
MS: Was it difficult for you being one
of the first African Americans at
Johnson: Not really. It was an unusual
time—1963, and the Civil Rights
Revolution was in full swing. All my
fellow graduate students were very sup-
portive, and I made friends that I have
kept to this day. Most everyone I met
there felt that my admission and the
integration of the campus were the
appropriate things to do.
MS: Did any of your own experi-
ences as a graduate or undergrad-
uate student inform your later activ-
ities on behalf of graduate
Johnson: I was very much alone in grad-
uate school. I didn’t learn anything about
building a community or anything like
that. But I was welcomed into the group
of other math graduate students at Rice.
We were a small group starting out
together and were put under heavy pres-
sure. So we all stuck together because we
were going through the same thing. I
was the only Black graduate student at
Rice at the time, and there was only one
other Black undergraduate student,
whom I never met.
MS: Where did you go after that?
Johnson: My advisor at Rice took a job
at the University of Chicago before I was
finished with my doctorate. I went to
Chicago with him, but finished my
degree at Rice. After that I came to the
University of Maryland.
MS: What were your own experi-
ences in the academic job market?
Johnson: I graduated at a time when it
was much simpler. My advisor asked me
where I wanted to go. I said East and he
made some phone calls. He called the
University of Maryland and I was told
that I got the job. There were lots more
jobs then than now.
MS: You made a conscious effort to
diversify the math program at
UMCP. Those efforts have led to a
third of your current graduate stu-
dents being female and 15 percent
coming from underrepresented
What steps did UMCP’s math
department institute to reach this
level of success?
Johnson: Our efforts started when
I was Associate Chair with direct
responsibility for the graduate program.
I began to try to recruit minority stu-
dents by visiting Historically Black
Colleges and Univer-sities (HBCUs). I
was successful in getting some students
to come.
At some point we began to have a num-
ber of Black students, but they weren’t
really talking to each other. There was a
feeling that you were not supposed to
cluster together. I wasn’t directly
involved with all the African American
students either. Our program coordina-
tor came to me to see if we could get
some money to get the Black students
together. I began to meet with them as a
group. I wanted them to know that it is
all right to mingle with everyone—even
each other. Once we began to meet as a
group, we made much more progress in
recruiting more African American stu-
dents to the program. Students saw that
there was a place to anchor onto, that
there were significant avenues for inter-
action, and this made them more willing
to select us.
MS: Why was there this feeling
among the African American stu-
Each issue of Making Strides features a short interview with a science, mathematics or
engineering (SME) professor who has been instrumental in mentoring and encourag-
ing students through the pipeline, as well as demonstrating leadership and outstanding
accomplishments in the world of SME.
This issue profiles Dr. Raymond Johnson, Professor of Mathematics at the University
of Maryland, College Park. As Chair of the Mathematics Department, Dr. Johnson was
instrumental in diversifying the graduate student body. He has won UMCP’s
Distinguished Minority Faculty Award and was the co-organizer of the first
Conference for African American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences and
Minorities and Applied Mathematics: Connections to Industry and Laboratories.
Continued on next page
dents that you weren’t supposed to
cluster together?
Johnson: I think that its part of the
social conditioning. People look suspi-
ciously at groups of African Americans.
The students felt that.They also felt they
should interact with everyone. They are
right about that, but that doesn’t mean
that they can’t interact with each other as
well. They just didn’t realize that they
had so much in common. Their interac-
tion with each other was productive
because they were able to look at anoth-
er dimension of what was going on in
graduate school by talking with each
other. They did not know each other at
all is what we discovered.
MS: Once you did begin to meet as
a group, what specific activities did
you do that seemed to attract more
Johnson: I specifically invited other
Black professionals with Ph.D.s to meet
with them. Meetings were about once a
month and were definitely thematic. For
example, I brought in a professor of math
education, Dr. Genevieve Knight from
Coppin State University, to talk about
her work and how her education at the
University of Maryland prepared her to
do her job. Meetings were based on a
professional theme that allowed the
students to contemplate their future
MS: Have you found that having a
critical mass of minority students
has made a difference, and is it sus-
tainable over the long run?
Johnson: I found that it has made a dif-
ference and is sustainable. Students see
others like themselves and that makes
them want to come. There are so many
questions that students ask when choos-
ing a program. Is this the school for me?
Do they have the academics that I need?
But most African American students
find that simply asking the academic
questions isn’t enough. Once we had a
critical mass and a community it has
become self-perpetuating. Critical mass
is the thing that did it.
MS: What constitutes a “critical
mass?” How many students?
Johnson: I don’t really know. More than
one. I think it depends on the size of the
school and would be different at differ-
ent schools. There should be enough so
that the Black students feel comfortable
and that they are not alone or will be sin-
gled out. I knew we reached a critical
mass when the students became more
comfortable at the university.
MS: How did your efforts affect the
overall climate in UMCP’s Math
Johnson: That’s hard to say. I think it
helped but I can’t prove it. Some of the
things that we did for the African
American students were incorporated
into our orientation for all new graduate
students. We found that for all graduate
students there was a problem in making
connections with each other. So our
graduate office began assigning each
entering graduate student with a student
mentor. Some of the things we saw that
worked with the African American stu-
dents were adapted to all students.
MS: What effect has the current
anti-affirmative action climate had
on your diversity efforts?
Johnson: It has had an impact in that
our university used to have scholarships
reserved specifically for African
American students to attract them to
Maryland.These were lost in the wake of
the Michael Williams scholarship ruling.
Now individual departments have to use
their own resources. We’ve been lucky in
that our department has stepped up to
the plate in terms of using its own
The university-level program, though, did
offer us a certain amount of flexibility
that allowed us to bring in students that
might not have looked so great on paper.
There were times that at the departmen-
tal level we might not have considered a
candidate because their applications did-
n’t seem strong. But then the university
would rank them as a top candidate in
their recruitment efforts and we would
be able to accept them into the program.
Then with some mentoring, we were
able to nurture them and allow them to
grow in the program.
After these university-wide programs
were eliminated, they were replaced by
grant programs to individual depart-
ments to help in minority recruitment
efforts at the departmental level.
Recruiting is essentially a departmental
activity. If a department didn’t use these
grant opportunities then nothing came
of it. The math department made the
effort to use it and from there we were
able to continue to diversify. In the end it
all comes down to departmental activity.
MS: I have read that you have been
somewhat disappointed in the post-
doctoral job market experiences of
some of your students. Where have
your graduates ended up in gener-
al? Have you found that most go
into the professoriate?
Johnson: I have been somewhat disap-
pointed in the academic jobs that our
African American students have
attained. Many have found positions at
HBCUs such as Howard University,
Morgan State University, and North
Carolina A&T. But current legend
would have them receiving job offers
from Rutgers, the University of Virginia,
or other Research I universities. This has
happened sporadically with some of our
white students. But our Black students
have not even been contacted or gotten
interviews there.
Our students who have gone into indus-
try, though, have done extremely well,
landing positions at the Departments of
Energy and Defense and in top corpora-
tions. Those are the kinds of places and
the level at which I would like to see the
people who choose academia be in as
well. Lately we have been encouraging
students to consider non-academic
jobs more.
MS: What is the best way to recruit
more women and minorities into
SME disciplines?
Johnson: When I made the decision to
consciously go out and recruit students
from underrepresented groups, I first sat
down and identified the schools that had
sent us students in the past who had been
successful. I then focused my recruitment
efforts there. I visited those schools in an
effort to make contact with them. Every
school has a different recruiting area, and
that is where efforts should begin.
Once you’ve recruited the students, you
need to have institutional procedures in
place to evaluate them. Again, this was
where campus wide fellowship commit-
Continued from page 9
Continued on page 12
A Profile of an AGEP Institution: The
Colorado PEAKS Alliance
By Barbara E. Kraus and Christine Macdonald, The Graduate School, University of Colorado at Boulder
hen asked why he chose a
career path in academia
instead of industry, Charles
Glass replies: “There are very few
African American environmental engi-
neers in academia. I thought my presence
could make a difference.” Glass, who
earned his Ph.D. in civil engineering at
the University of Colorado at Boulder in
1997, is currently an assistant professor
of civil engineering at Howard
University. He is pleased that the
University of Colorado’s AGEP award
will help increase the successes that CU’s
minority students in science, math and
engineering have had at the University.
The National Science Foundation fund-
ed AGEP grant provides funding for the
new Colorado PEAKS Alliance, a part-
nership between CU-Boulder and
Colorado State University, to develop a
model of minority graduate education in
which the graduate schools coordinate
recruiting pipelines and support pro-
grams. The PEAKS Alliance initiatives
are designed to triple the number of
underrepresented minorities graduating
with Ph.D.s and entering the professori-
ate in the fields of science, math and
engineering. CU-Boulder, ranked 16th
in the nation in awarding doctoral
degrees to minority students in SME
fields, is the lead institution of the
Colorado PEAKS Alliance.
One of the reasons CU-Boulder and
CSU competed successfully for the
AGEP grant is because the infrastruc-
ture to recruit and retain minority stu-
dents in science, math and engineering
was nearly in place at both institutions.
CU-Boulder’s Sum-mer Multicultural
Access to Research Training (SMART)
program brings talented minority under-
graduates to campus to work with facul-
ty mentors on research projects and to
introduce them to graduate education.
Colorado State University is the lead
institution for the Colorado Alliance for
Minority Participation (LS CO-AMP),
which has built a strong pipeline of
minority undergraduates at eight bac-
calaureate-degree granting institutions,
five community colleges and four Native
American tribal partners in Colorado
and the Four Corners region.
The SMART program, begun in 1989,
has established a successful infrastructure
that supports diversity at CU-Boulder.
SMART provides undergraduates the
opportunity to prepare for graduate
school, and to consider CU-Boulder for
their graduate education. SMART is
also extremely effective in generating
high levels of faculty involvement in
campus diversity efforts. The program is
so rewarding for faculty, despite the
additional commitment of time and
energy, that the number of faculty who
volunteer to be mentors each year far
exceeds the number of students the pro-
gram can financially support. Many
SMART faculty mentors also learn
about and take part in other Graduate
School diversity programs—such as a
program that supports faculty travel to
minority-serving institutions to recruit
graduate students.
SMART also reaches out to current CU-
Boulder graduate students. Between 5
and 10 minority graduate students
receive a small stipend to facilitate the
rapid integration of the SMART interns
into CU-Boulder’s research environ-
ment. These graduate students become
committed to SMART, and often
remain in touch with the program after
graduating. Eight graduate students who
worked for SMART are now in faculty
positions across the United States and
Puerto Rico. They are among the best
recruiters for the program.
Charles Glass knows firsthand the bene-
fits of CU-Boulder’s SMART program.
After participating in SMART as an
undergraduate in 1991, Glass returned to
CU as a graduate student in order to
continue to work with his faculty men-
tor. Upon receiving his Ph.D. at CU-
Boulder, Glass taught at the University
of Nevada-Reno, and then landed his
current position at Howard, where he is
continuing the minority mentorship
cycle by sending his talented undergrad-
uates to the SMART program. SMART
was a key factor in inspiring Glass to
attend graduate school. “CU is a really
supportive place,” he says. “It wasn’t until
I participated in the SMART program
that I really learned to enjoy research and
thinking. The professors involved in the
SMART program were genuinely inter-
ested in our future and that’s one reason
why I decided to go to CU for graduate
school.” Glass is now excited about the
additional support and professional
opportunities that the Colorado PEAKS
Alliance will provide to minority gradu-
ate students.
Colorado’s AGEP Initiative
As part of the AGEP initiative to
increase the number of minority Ph.D.s
entering the professoriate, CU-Boulder
is offering 10 Chancel-lor’s Teaching
Fellowships annually for minority doc-
toral students. These new teaching fel-
lowships provide full support for first-
year minority doctoral students to serve
as teaching assistants within an SME
field. CSU is also providing two new
PEAKS graduate teaching fellowships
that provide full support plus tuition.
These teaching fellowships encourage
PEAKS students to become involved in
campus teacher training programs, such
as the Graduate Teacher Program and
Continued on next page
the Preparing Future Faculty program, at
the beginning of their doctoral studies
and to consider the professoriate as a future
The CU-Boulder and CSU Graduate
Schools also offer PEAKS Fellow-ships
in addition to the teaching fellowships as
an incentive to entering minority doctor-
al students. These fellowships consist of a
$2,500 diversity fellowship for students
during their first year of doctoral study
and a $3,500 research award to support
their research during the summer follow-
ing their first year of study. SME depart-
ments accepting students who receive the
teaching and research fellowships must
guarantee an additional four years of
funding for each student’s doctoral edu-
CU-Boulder offered its first round of
Chancellor’s Teaching Fellowships last
spring to minority students who entered
doctoral programs during the 2000-01
academic year. Alexander Villacorta, a
doctoral student in applied mathematics
and a former SMART intern, is a mem-
ber of the first group of graduate students
to benefit from the AGEP program.
After working as a teaching assistant for
Introduction to Differential Equations,
Villacorta says that he discovered that “I
truly loved teaching. Every week I looked
forward to those classes and the new
techniques I would try.” As for his future
plans, Villacorta says,” even though some
experience in industry is important in my
field [applied math], I’d like to end up in
academia.” Villacorta agrees that the
SMART program “definitely” influenced
his decision to attend graduate school;
before attending SMART, he says, “I had
thought of grad school, but not serious-
ly.” Villacorta is now working in the resi-
dence hall for this summer’s SMART
program. In fact, five of the first ten
recipients of the AGEP Chancellor’s
Teaching Fellowships are working with
SMART this summer.
“The SMART program helped to inspire
me to give something back,” says Charles
Glass. “I believe in programs like
SMART—that’s why I continue to be a
recruiter for them.” With the NSF-fund-
ed AGEP grant, the University of
Colorado at Boulder and Colorado State
University are committed to creating a
sustainable graduate school infrastructure
that produces future generations of facul-
ty that are representative of our increas-
ingly diverse society.
tees might have had an advantage in
that they were better able to see poten-
tial. It’s a calibration problem. Depart-
ments need to work at assessing the
quality of students based on informa-
tion that the students have provided,
but whose import may not always be
immediately apparent.
MS: What is the best way to retain
more women and minorities in
SME disciplines?
Johnson: For us, the most important
issue is to get students to pass their
qualifying written exams. We found
that success depended on students talk-
ing to one another. Once this dialog
was opened up they could easily form
groups to study together. We found an
increase in study sessions for both
African Americans and the more gen-
eral student body. People chose study
groups as appropriate, based on sub-
fields or affinity or whatever. That was
the main benefit of our activities for
retention. Students were able to reach
out and form groups more easily.
Research shows that reaching out does
not take place until students feel com-
fortable and know who they are. Then
they are able to reach out and partici-
pate in activities organized by other
MS: Did you do anything to help
other faculty assume mentoring
Johnson: Yes and no. Actually, I didn’t
really have to. Once a student passes
the written exam, they have to choose a
faculty advisor, and that has always
been a strong mentoring position. But,
if you don’t get to that point you don’t
get a mentor. When more students
began to work together to pass the
exam, more African American students
were able to get past that hurdle.
Through that process, we exposed a
number of faculty members to high
quality African American students and
that did have an impact on the faculty.
From there things just took their natur-
al course.
Thank you so much for your
insights, Dr. Johnson!
Charles Glass, who was the keynote speaker for the annual CU-Boulder Multicultural
Engineering Program awards banquet in April, 2001.
Continued from page 10

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Anne MacLachlan study

  • 1. REFORM STRUCTURAL TOWARD MAKING STRIDESDirectorate for Education and Human Resources Programs American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Inside this issue: African American and Hispanic Women in Science and Engineering, pg. 6 An Interview with Dr. Raymond Johnson, pg. 9 A Profile of an AGEP Institution: The Colorado PEAKS Alliance, pg. 11 R E S E A R C H N E W S O N A L L I A N C E S F O R G R A D U A T E E D U C A T I O N A N D T H E P R O F E S S O R I A T E ( A G E P ) V O L U M E 3 N U M B E R 3 J u l y 2 0 0 1 Continued on page 2 Careers of Minority Women Scientists from the University of California, Berkeley1 By Anne J. MacLachlan, Specialist, Center for Studies in Higher Education, University of California, Berkeley T he recent report on the situation of women scientists at the Massachu-setts Institute of Technology (MIT) has brought the working conditions and treat- ment of women scientists into the conscious- ness of many in the academic community. In all of the publicity about MIT and local cam- pus conversations about women scientists, however, women scientists of color and their absence in major research departments have not been discussed. Among the 14 tenured women on the faculty at MIT, there are no women of color. A recent survey of the top 50 research departments in Chemistry by Donna Nelson at the University of Oklahoma con- firmed that there were very few men or women of color in any of these 50 depart- ments.2 Yet for the past two decades these same research universities have steadily been awarding Ph.D.s in science and engineering to persons of color, the majority of whom have been men. Still, more than 4,877 women of color have earned Ph.D.s in science and engineering. (See Table 1) So where are they? If the field of vision is altered from the cur- rent faculty distributed among institutions to the Ph.D.s awarded from one institution, it is possible to gain some insight into where minority Ph.D.s may have gone. The follow- ing discussion is based on preliminary results from A Longitudinal Study of Minority Ph.D.s from 1980 to 1990: Progress and Outcomes in Science and Engineering during Graduate School and Professional Life, in which careers of University of California (UC) Ph.D.s are tracked. One of these, UC Berkeley, has been among the leading institutions to graduate minority Ph.D.s in the last twenty years. Many of its science and engineering depart- ments enjoy the highest academic rankings in the country. It is assumed that Ph.D.s earned from such departments prepare the holder for a distinguished life in science. The question immediately arises in this context: If there are distinguished minority graduates of this institution why are they not filling faculty positions at equally prestigious universities? One simple answer is that they are there, but invisible, as there are so few minority degree holders. In the years between 1980 and 1990 Berkeley graduated 52 African American Ph.D.s from all science and engineering departments. Fifteen of those were women. In the same period it graduated 24 Chicanos, five of whom were women, and nine Native Americans, three of whom were women. In all these years then, only 23 Ph.D.s were awarded to women from these traditionally underrepresented American groups, although
  • 2. for the purposes of the broad study members of all ethnic groups are included. (See Table 2) Excepting Native Americans, where we only have found five of the nine, we have been successful in locating 78 percent of the African American Ph.D.s from Berkeley and 88.5 per- cent of the Chicanos. Two African American men actually proved to be African while three African American men and one Chicano have declined to be interviewed. Even had we found every one of the 85 traditionally underrepresented Ph.D. holders, the number is a drop in the bucket com- pared with the total number of full time faculty in the natural sciences and engineering (125,361) reported for 1992.3 Notwithstanding their relative invisi- bility at research universities, almost all of those interviewed so far in this study are living distinguished lives in science. Their occupational choices and locations are determined by many factors in the pursuit of objectives related to the opportunities to do sci- ence rather than acquiring prestige. They are using their training and building substantial careers inside and outside academe. During the time that the respondents were in training, as well as today, fac- ulty tend to assume they are training their students to develop careers much like their own.This is a faulty assump- tion as students of every ethnicity have chosen a broad range of careers and were often obliged to, given the nature of the academic job market during the 1980s and early 1990s, take jobs out- side of the academy.4 Still, the acute shortage of minority faculty at leading research universities raises many ques- tions about the overall attractiveness of such careers, as well as less than wholehearted efforts to recruit minorities to them.5 So where are the 56 predominantly minority Ph.D.s interviewed so far in this study now? (See Table 3.) Thirty- three (59 percent) are employed at academic institutions, either as associ- ate or full professors, or as a senior researcher or research manager. One earned a M.D. Nine work directly for either government labs or agencies, one for a school district. Three have acquired law degrees and work on patents and technology issues. Thirteen work in the private sector, mostly as researchers. Almost all are at mid-career or senior ranks in whatev- er environment they are working. In addition to the five working at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), three more are working at other minority-serving institutions, three at California State universities. With the exception of the one community college, the remaining institutions include: UCLA, Geor-gia Institute of Technology, Pennsylvania State University, UC Berkeley, Rice University, Case Western University, University of Washington, University of Wisconsin, University of Minnesota, Johns Hopkins University, MIT, UC San Diego, Stanford University and Gonzaga University. While there are 15 Asian Americans in this group, along with the remain- ing interviewed population of African Americans, Chicanos, one Filipino American and two whites, all ethnicities were distributed among the range of prestigious institutions and organizations. Turning to just the women in the study, nine African Americans, five Asian Americans, three Chicanas, one Filipina and one white were inter- viewed. Their employment includes 6 associate or full professorships at the University of Minnesota, North Carolina A&T University, Spelman College, Cali-fornia State University LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK Please continue to send us your comments, feedback and in- quiries. The goal of this newsletter is, after all, to serve the needs of its readers. If you are interested in submitting a research article, please contact Jolene Jesse at jjesse@aaas.org. For further information about our work, visit http:// ehrweb. aaas.org/mge/. Making Strides is a quarterly (January, April, July, and October) research newsletter published by the American Association for the Advance-ment of Science, Directorate for Education and Human Resources Programs. Its pur- pose is to share information about minority graduate education in the fields of science, mathematics, and engineering. It is available in print and electronic format. Inquiries, informa- tion related to AGEP, and all corre- spondence should be sent to the editor. Managing Editor: Yolanda S. George Editor: Jolene Jesse Art Director: Ann M. Williams 1200 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20005 202-326-6631 e-mail: mge@aaas.org http://ehrweb.aaas.org/mge/ © 2001 AAAS This newsletter was made possible by a grant from the National Science Foundation. The opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the AAAS Board of Directors, the Council of AAAS, the staff or the mem- bership of the association, nor the National Science Foundation. 2 Continued on page 4
  • 3. Year US All Black Asian/ Hisp. Native Mex Am. Total Min. White Women Pac. Isl. Am. 1988 2,066 33 72 87 6 5 203 1,863 1989 2,316 38 93 108 9 8 256 2,060 1990 2,375 36 85 119 2 15 257 2,118 1991 2,453 48 134 108 9 14 313 2,140 1992 2,549 36 147 126 11 16 336 2,213 1993 2,699 56 174 150 5 14 399 2,300 1994 2,812 77 156 148 9 20 410 2,402 1995 2,906 79 224 130 8 20 461 2,445 1996 2,958 74 240 150 18 20 502 2,459 1997 3,015 76 244 172 8 31 531 2,484 1998 3,166 111 233 199 16 33 592 2,574 1999 3,132 111 246 214 18 28 617 2,515 Total 32,450 775 2,048 1,711 119 224 4,877 27,573 Table 1: U.S. Citizen Women Ph.D.’s in Science and Engineering, 1988-1999 Source: Science and Engineering Doctorate Awards 1999, NSF 2001 Ethnicity Total Men % Women % Asian 347 282 81.30% 65 18.70% Black 54 39 72.20% 15 27.80% Chicano 24 19 79.20% 5 20.80% Filipino 5 3 60.00% 2 40.00% Nat. American 9 6 66.70% 3 33.30% Other Hispanics 57 43 75.40% 14 24.60% Others 142 125 88.00% 17 12.00% White 2464 1909 77.50% 555 22.50% Foreign 1036 941 90.80% 95 9.20% Total: 4138 3367 81.40% 771 18.60% Source: UC Berkeley Graduate Division Database Table 2: UC Berkeley Science and Engineering Ph.Ds 1980-1990 By Gender and Ethnicity 3
  • 4. Hayward, and Sonoma and Gonzaga Univer-sities. Research positions at academic institutions include UC Office of the President, UC San Diego, and Stanford University. One woman is now a lawyer, four work for the federal government at Sandia and Lawrence Berkeley National Labora- tories, the Department of Energy and the Center for Disease Control. One works as the science librarian in a tech- nical high school, while three currently work for major corporations as senior researchers. A fourth resigned from such a position to have her children. Women chose their career paths for many different reasons with different degrees of purposefulness. For several women there was a conscious desire to work at institutions which would enable them to serve their communi- ties. In some of these cases that also meant returning to the area where their families lived. Others chose jobs or a succession of positions to accommo- date spouses. Several wished to remain in the Bay Area. Given the range of parameters behind the desire to con- tinue to do serious science, it is striking how almost all of these women were able to find desirable positions. Although one study participant main- tains she was “lucky” as jobs “fell out of the sky,” the pattern of employment shows how training and talent pay off. Another characteristic, which should not be under-rated, is the degree of determination and commitment to succeed. As one woman remarked, an important factor to her success, “my perseverance and ability to handle suf- fering.” In the group of 19 women discussed here, only four received their degrees before 1985, the rest finished their degrees in the late 1980s. Fourteen of the 19 had one or more postdoctoral positions. Although one postdoctoral position was “a loser experience,” and another “unpleasant,” on the whole these first postdoctoral appointments were very important to developing skills essential for the eventual career. Comments range from “I learned everything I know there,” “learned new techniques, a different way of looking at problems,” “developed independent research area,” to “realized I was inter- Table 3: Current Employment of 56 UC Berkeley Science and Engineering Ph.Ds. Earned Between 1980-1990 4 Continued on page 5 Source: A. MacLachlan June 2001
  • 5. ested in alternatives to doing research science in academia,” while another “missed teaching, I learned I didn’t enjoy full time research.” Only two women started their current job directly out of graduate school. One went to a national laboratory where she does “interesting stuff at times, but loses an incredible amount of time in bureaucracy.” One went directly to a tenure track job at a California State university. Most of the other women reached their current positions within two or three job changes including postdoctoral posi- tions. Only two women required seven or more job changes to get to their pre- sent position. Most report a high satis- faction rating in their current positions with a score of one or two on a five- point scale, with one the highest. A surprising number of women managed to find satisfying work while being constrained geographically, with an astounding total of nine succeeding in staying in the Bay Area, although not without some major effort. One respondent’s postdoctoral experi- ence was so negative she was turned off by academic politics and earned a law degree. Another trained as a librarian. Few were completely free to follow their fancy, as motherhood, elderly parents, and other family responsibili- ties required creative solutions to sci- entific employment. For some, howev- er, there was no conflict, as job and other responsibilities could be resolved. In comparing the percentages of men and women who hold academic jobs currently, 31.6 percent of women and 56.8 percent of men hold such posi- tions. Not only are there fewer women, but fewer proportionately in academic jobs. One reason for this is that women have left academic positions, as the academic experience often led them to seek another kind of scientific work. Two had temporary teaching jobs as their first position. Both were jobs of convenience. Neither promoted a desire to stay in academic teaching. The attorney taught at a community college and an extension program for many years. Another could not sustain the uncertainties of her teaching posi- tion because her husband died and she needed to have a permanent regular position to support her children. Yet another now employed in industry, had an academic postdoctoral position as well as a subsequent teaching position and ended up being put off academic work forever. Still another, who taught briefly, learned she preferred being in a lab. If all these women had stayed in the academy, then the percentage would have been higher than that of the men in the study: 63 percent. Clearly some of the choices which led to the positions now currently held by these women were idiosyncratic, but the decision to leave for several was preceded by unpleasant treatment or conflict. Although there are generally high levels of satisfaction articulated about current employment, there are traces of regret. Two of the women not in the academy always wanted to teach at a HBCU. Those who do teach are generally very satisfied, but two raised issues of inadequate opportunities to pursue research. One had a very diffi- cult promotion to professor in a situa- tion in which “the dean almost implied bias.” Another is unhappy with the new chair. Even if one is doing excel- lent science and working extensively to promote students’ participation in sci- ence, the quality of life in the academy can fluctuate for many other reasons. Does science discriminate against women?6 Certainly several women in this study have had difficulties in sus- taining research careers, or when in them have had to bounce against bar- riers to promotion in the organization even, as in one case, when she was win- ning national and company prizes for innovative science. Nineteen women are a small sample. Yet these 19 mani- fest such a deep commitment to their work, and ingenuity and determina- tion to make their work successful, that the pattern of success is dominant. Obstacles—sexist, racist or other— have been overcome one way or another. 5 1I would like to thank the Spencer Foundation and the UC Industry University Cooperative Research Program for their generous support of this work. Thanks to Mia Ong and Kara Sammet for their work on this project. 2Jennifer Jacobson, “Minority Groups are Poorly Represented on Chemistry Faculties, Study Finds.” Chronicle of Higher Education, May 21, 2001. 3Almanac of the Chronicle of Higher Education, September 2000. 4Anne J. MacLachlan, Berkeley Placement Project: Placement of All Berkeley Ph.D.s between 1980 and 1989. U.C.Berkeley, 1992. 5Daryl G. Smith, Caroline S. Turner, Trevor Chandler, Charles Henry, Interrupting the Usual: Successful Strategies for Hiring Diverse Faculty. Report to the Spencer Foundation, April 30, 2001. 6Donna K. Ginther, Does Science Discriminate against Women? Evidence from Academia, 1973-97. Working Paper Series, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, February 2001. Endnotes
  • 6. African American and Hispanic Women in Science and Engineering By Cheryl B. Leggon, Ph.D., Director of Women’s Studies, Wake Forest University Introduction T he underrepresentation of women in general, and African American and Hispanic women in particular, is a critically important issue for the United States (U.S.)—especially as people of color are rapidly becoming the numerical majority of the population. Women of Hispanic origin (of any race) are one of the fastest growing population groups in the U.S. Who does science largely determines who will do science insofar as scientists act as gatekeepers who determine who is qualified to be a sci- entist. Scientists are humans who bring their socio-cultural and histori- cal backgrounds to the practice of sci- ence. This background affects what is studied, how it is studied, and how results are to be used (Leggon, 1995). An important prerequisite for dis- cussing African Americans and Hispanics in science and engineering (S&E) is a clear specification of terms. The term “African American” is used to refer to Americans born in the United States who are the biological, socio-legal descendants of people with origins in Africa. Particularly within the context of data on the S&E work- force, it is vital to distinguish between Blacks born in the U.S., and non-U.S.- born Blacks. Data that combine U.S.- born-and-raised Blacks with Blacks born and raised outside of the U.S. are problematic because they greatly underestimate the extent of African American participation in S&E. Moreover there are significant social and cultural differences between Blacks born in the U.S. and those born and raised elsewhere. One of the most noteworthy differences is that African Americans were educated in a race- and class-based school system (Weber 2001). Just as the term “Black” obscures important intergroup differences, the term “Hispanic” is problematic for the same reason. “Hispanic” is an umbrella term encompassing Puerto Ricans, Mexican Americans, Cubans, and peo- ple with origins in Central and South America. It obscures critical socio-eco- nomic, cultural and historical differ- ences among groups. For example, Mexican Americans are different from Puerto Ricans, and Puerto Ricans who grew up on the island are different from those who grew up on the mainland. Puerto Ricans raised on the mainland (sometimes called “New Yoricans”) share similarities with African Americans. Mexican Americans (sometimes called “Chica- nos”) are similar to Native Americans. Data on the S&E workforce should be disaggregated not only by race/ethnic- ity but also by gender. Collecting data by either race/ethnicity or gender masks critical intra-group differences. This is especially problematic for women of color, such as African Americans and Hispanics. Most stud- ies do not focus on minority women in science and engineering; those that do rarely focus on the structural condi- tions surrounding Ph.D. training (MacLachlan, 2001). Often these women tend to be in a “double bind” in at least two ways. First, when they are not included in either research on women or research on African Americans and Hispanics; second, when they are included, but relegated to footnotes or parenthetical discus- sion. Although they share some issues with white women and men of color, women of color have issues and con- cerns that differ from those of both groups. It is my contention that issues stemming from both race/ethnicity and gender are not merely additive, but synergistic. This article discusses the underrepresentation of African American and Hispanic women not only in the S&E education pipeline, but also in the S&E workplace. S&E Education Pipeline African American women and Hispanic women comprise 75 percent of the students at minority-serving institutions (MSI). For these groups MSIs include Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), predominantly Hispanic-serving insti- tutions (HSIs), and the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) system. The UPR system consists of three graduate cam- puses and eight four-year colleges. UPR is the baccalaureate-source insti- tution for approximately 20 percent of all science, mathematics, engineering and technology (SMET) doctoral degrees earned by Hispanics in the U.S. (Weiner, 2000). Similarly, HBCUs are major producers of African American students who later earn doctorates in the biological and physical sciences (Leggon and Pearson, 1997). At the undergraduate level in MSIs, Hispanic and African American women are well represented in mathe- matics, physics, and computer science. At the graduate level, although both Hispanic and African American 6 continued on next page 7
  • 7. 7 women out-earn their male counter- parts in terms of the total number of Ph.D.s in all fields, these women either do not enter graduate programs in mathematics or, if they enter these programs, they are not retained through to the Ph.D. Hispanic and African American women do not per- sist in science because they are not encouraged to do so (NCES, 2000). Research on women in science indi- cates that not encouraging women to persist produces the same result as actively discouraging them (Hall and Sandler, 1982; Sonnert and Holton, 1995). Table 1 shows the percentages of women among Blacksi and Hispanics in S&E by degree level from 1995- 1997. For both Blacks and Hispanics, there is an inverse correlation between degree level and the percentage of the race/ethnic group that is female. This correlation holds for Blacks in every field, and for Hispanics in every field except engineering and mathematics. Women comprise at least half of Blacks in S&E with: bachelors degrees in physics, mathematics, biological sci- ence, agricultural science, psychology, social science; masters degrees in mathematics, biological science, psy- chology, and social science; and doc- torates in biological science and social science. Women comprise at least half of Hispanics in S&E: in biological sci- ence, psychology, and social science at the bachelors level; agricultural sci- ences and psychology at the masters level; and in no S&E field at the doc- toral level. The S&E workforce in the U.S.ii For the overall U.S. labor force, the U.S. Department of Labor projects that after Hispanic women and men, Black women will comprise the largest share of non-white labor force entrants between 1994 and 2005 (U.S. Dept. of Labor, 1997b). Although they have a lower participation rate in the U.S. labor force than both Black and white women, Hispanic women are one of the fastest growing groups of working women in the U.S. Among those women who graduated in 1990 or later, women comprise 30 percent of the S&E labor force. In 1997, women comprised 23 percent of the U.S. S&E labor force, and women of color accounted for 4.6 percent of all scientists and engineers in the labor force. Within each racial/ethnic group, women were a smaller percentage of the S&E labor force than were men. Women comprised higher percentages than men in computer science, biolog- ical science and social science, but lower percentages in engineering. In 1997, 20 percent of all women in the S&E labor force were women of color. continued on page 8 Table 1: Percentage Women of Blacks and Hispanics in S&E by degree level 1995-1997 Field Black Hispanic BS MS Ph.D. BS MS Ph.D. Engineering 34.3 33.4 23.7 22.5 23.0 23.7 Physics 58.0 48.6 20.0 44.2 38.1 22.9 Mathematics 52.4 50.1 28.6 41.5 29.6 33.3 Computer 48.9 44.8 25.0 39.9 28.4 11.8 Science Biological 68.4 71.6 54.0 57.9 48.6 43.2 Science Agricultural 54.8 41.7 24.0 47.1 51.4 26.9 Science Natural Sci.& 60.8 44.6 34.2 39.7 31.0 31.0 S&E Psychology 79.2 77.0 26.5 75.7 73.0 63.3 Social Science 60.0 57.8 51.8 54.4 45.0 39.2 Total S&E 60.1 57.6 46.9 52.3 43.8 40.6 Non S&E 66.3 70.1 64.5 62.7 63.7 56.8 All Fields 64.5 68.7 57.2 59.2 60.1 47.8 Source: NSF 2000
  • 8. 8 Among this group, Black and Hispanic women comprise one percent each (Asian women comprised two percent, and Native American women approximately one-tenth of one per- cent). Hispanics have the most propor- tional distribution among those in S&E occupations. White women sci- entists and engineers had a lower unemployment rate in 1997 than did nonwhite women, 2 percent and 2.8 percent, respectively. Moreover, a higher percentage of Hispanic women (17 percent) than of Black women (9 percent) worked part time in 1997. There are three major employment sectors for S&E degree holders: busi- ness or industry; national, state and local government; and academe. In 1997, among both sexes employed in the S&E workforce, 55 percent of Hispanics and 53 percent of Blacks worked in for-profit business or indus- try. Among all racial/ethnic groups employed in business or industry, women were less likely than men to report research and development as a primary or secondary activity, and more likely than men to report com- puter applications as a primary or sec- ondary work activity. Moreover, Black and Hispanic scientists and engineers are more likely than any other groups to be employed in government at all levels (federal, state, local)—including the military. Among all employed in the S&E workforce, women are more likely than men to be employed in educational institutions, and less likely to work in business or industry. Among those employed in educational institutions, females are more likely than males to work in 2-year colleges. Within 4-year colleges and universi- ties, there is an inverse correlation between gender and rank: the higher the rank, the fewer the women. Black and Hispanic females with S&E degrees are less likely than both white women and men of any racial/ethnic group to be full professors. Moreover, Black and Hispanic females are less likely than men of any racial/ethnic group and white women to be tenured. In 1997, 29 percent of both Black and Hispanic women held tenure. For white women and white men, the tenure percentages were 38 percent and 63 percent, respectively. Discussion/Summary/ Conclusions Black and Hispanic women with S&E degrees employed in academe are crit- ical to the future of S&E. They have a direct impact on who will do science, insofar as they teach, advise and men- tor the next generations of scientists and engineers. The absence of Black and Hispanic female S&E faculty in undergraduate and graduate class- rooms and laboratories sends the mes- sage not only to Black and Hispanic students but also to all students that Black and Hispanic women cannot be scientists. However, the presence of Black and Hispanic females in class- rooms and laboratories is necessary but not sufficient to counter this message. If Black and Hispanic women are pre- sent but treated poorly by their col- leagues and/or students, Black and Hispanic female students will choose not to enter academic science in par- ticular, or any S&E field in general.iii Therefore, the focus should be on improving the professional environ- ment for Black and Hispanic female faculty as well as for their student counterparts. How can this be done? Regardless of employment sector, management—e.g., department chairs, academic deans, managers, and divi- sion directors—can and should be made accountable for the extent to which women of color (also men of color and white women) are mentored and their careers developed. In acad- eme at the institutional level, this should be a major factor in awarding research funds and grants. In other words, the focus should be on the macro-level of institutions, not on the micro-level of individuals. Things can—and must—be done to improve both the representation and profes- sional experiences of under-participat- ing groups in the S&E workforce. Not being part of the solution perpetuates the problem. ENDNOTES i The term “Black” is now used because that is the term used by the source of these data, the National Science Foundation. ii The National Science Foundation (NSF 00-327) defines scientists and engineers in terms of occupation, not degree field. iii Nelson (2001) makes these points about women in chemistry. BIBLIOGRAPHY Hall, R.M., and Bernice Sandler. (1982). “The Classroom Climate: A Chilly One for Women?” Washington, DC: Association of American Colleges. Leggon, Cheryl B. (1995). “The Impact of Science and Technology on African Americans.” Humboldt Journal of Social Relations, Volume 21:2. Leggon, Cheryl B. and Willie Pearson, Jr. (1997). “The Baccalaureate Origins of African American Female Scientists,” Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 3(4):213-224. Malcom, Shirley (2000) “Minority Ph.D. Production in SME Fields: Distributing the Work?” Making Strides, volume 2, number 3, July. MacLachlan, Anne J. (2001) “The Lives and Careers of Minority Women Scientists.” Center for Studies in Higher Education, http://ishi.lib.berkeley.edu/cshe/projects/minority/invesandcareers.htm. National Center for Education Statistics (2000). Entry and Persistence of Women and Minorities in College Science and Engineering Education. National Science Foundation (2000). Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering. NSF 00-327. Nelson, Donna J. (2000) “Constancy in Chemistry: Effects on females and minorities. AWIS Magazine. http://www.awis.org/magazine.html. Sonnert, Gerhard and Gerald Holton (1995). Who Succeeds in Science: The Gender Dimension. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. U.S. Department of Labor, Women’s Bureau: 1997a Facts on Working Women, “Women of Hispanic Origin in the Labor Force,” No. 97, February . 1997b Facts on Working Women, “Women of African American Origin in the Labor Force,” No. 97, March. Weber, Lyn (2001) Understanding Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality: A Conceptual Framework. McGraw-Hill. Weiner, Brad (2000) “A Profile of AGEP Institution: University of Puerto Rico,” Making Strides, volume 2, number 3, July.
  • 9. 9 An Interview with Dr.Raymond Johnson MS: Tell me about your background and the reasons you chose math. Johnson: I was a student in high school when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik. This event triggered a renewed interest in science and math, and my high school offered special math enrich- ment classes. I took those classes and found that I liked it. MS: What was it about math specif- ically that you liked? Johnson: It wasn’t really math but the classes that I enjoyed. The supplemental classes just happened to be in math. What I liked about them is that they went beyond the basic material in the textbook. I learned more about what math was going to be like as a profes- sion. Then when I went to the University of Texas and had to choose a major, I found I liked math better than anything else. My professors then suggested I go on to graduate school. I applied to Rice University. Rice University was, at the time, due to a stip- ulation in William Marsh Rice’s will, for the white citizens of Texas only.This was being contested, however, and I was accepted. Some alumni of the university then contested integration, and so it took a year before I was formally admitted to the school. MS: Was it difficult for you being one of the first African Americans at Rice? Johnson: Not really. It was an unusual time—1963, and the Civil Rights Revolution was in full swing. All my fellow graduate students were very sup- portive, and I made friends that I have kept to this day. Most everyone I met there felt that my admission and the integration of the campus were the appropriate things to do. MS: Did any of your own experi- ences as a graduate or undergrad- uate student inform your later activ- ities on behalf of graduate students? Johnson: I was very much alone in grad- uate school. I didn’t learn anything about building a community or anything like that. But I was welcomed into the group of other math graduate students at Rice. We were a small group starting out together and were put under heavy pres- sure. So we all stuck together because we were going through the same thing. I was the only Black graduate student at Rice at the time, and there was only one other Black undergraduate student, whom I never met. MS: Where did you go after that? Johnson: My advisor at Rice took a job at the University of Chicago before I was finished with my doctorate. I went to Chicago with him, but finished my degree at Rice. After that I came to the University of Maryland. MS: What were your own experi- ences in the academic job market? Johnson: I graduated at a time when it was much simpler. My advisor asked me where I wanted to go. I said East and he made some phone calls. He called the University of Maryland and I was told that I got the job. There were lots more jobs then than now. MS: You made a conscious effort to diversify the math program at UMCP. Those efforts have led to a third of your current graduate stu- dents being female and 15 percent coming from underrepresented groups. What steps did UMCP’s math department institute to reach this level of success? Johnson: Our efforts started when I was Associate Chair with direct responsibility for the graduate program. I began to try to recruit minority stu- dents by visiting Historically Black Colleges and Univer-sities (HBCUs). I was successful in getting some students to come. At some point we began to have a num- ber of Black students, but they weren’t really talking to each other. There was a feeling that you were not supposed to cluster together. I wasn’t directly involved with all the African American students either. Our program coordina- tor came to me to see if we could get some money to get the Black students together. I began to meet with them as a group. I wanted them to know that it is all right to mingle with everyone—even each other. Once we began to meet as a group, we made much more progress in recruiting more African American stu- dents to the program. Students saw that there was a place to anchor onto, that there were significant avenues for inter- action, and this made them more willing to select us. MS: Why was there this feeling among the African American stu- Each issue of Making Strides features a short interview with a science, mathematics or engineering (SME) professor who has been instrumental in mentoring and encourag- ing students through the pipeline, as well as demonstrating leadership and outstanding accomplishments in the world of SME. This issue profiles Dr. Raymond Johnson, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Maryland, College Park. As Chair of the Mathematics Department, Dr. Johnson was instrumental in diversifying the graduate student body. He has won UMCP’s Distinguished Minority Faculty Award and was the co-organizer of the first Conference for African American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences and Minorities and Applied Mathematics: Connections to Industry and Laboratories. Continued on next page 9
  • 10. 10 dents that you weren’t supposed to cluster together? Johnson: I think that its part of the social conditioning. People look suspi- ciously at groups of African Americans. The students felt that.They also felt they should interact with everyone. They are right about that, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t interact with each other as well. They just didn’t realize that they had so much in common. Their interac- tion with each other was productive because they were able to look at anoth- er dimension of what was going on in graduate school by talking with each other. They did not know each other at all is what we discovered. MS: Once you did begin to meet as a group, what specific activities did you do that seemed to attract more students? Johnson: I specifically invited other Black professionals with Ph.D.s to meet with them. Meetings were about once a month and were definitely thematic. For example, I brought in a professor of math education, Dr. Genevieve Knight from Coppin State University, to talk about her work and how her education at the University of Maryland prepared her to do her job. Meetings were based on a professional theme that allowed the students to contemplate their future professions. MS: Have you found that having a critical mass of minority students has made a difference, and is it sus- tainable over the long run? Johnson: I found that it has made a dif- ference and is sustainable. Students see others like themselves and that makes them want to come. There are so many questions that students ask when choos- ing a program. Is this the school for me? Do they have the academics that I need? But most African American students find that simply asking the academic questions isn’t enough. Once we had a critical mass and a community it has become self-perpetuating. Critical mass is the thing that did it. MS: What constitutes a “critical mass?” How many students? Johnson: I don’t really know. More than one. I think it depends on the size of the school and would be different at differ- ent schools. There should be enough so that the Black students feel comfortable and that they are not alone or will be sin- gled out. I knew we reached a critical mass when the students became more comfortable at the university. MS: How did your efforts affect the overall climate in UMCP’s Math Department? Johnson: That’s hard to say. I think it helped but I can’t prove it. Some of the things that we did for the African American students were incorporated into our orientation for all new graduate students. We found that for all graduate students there was a problem in making connections with each other. So our graduate office began assigning each entering graduate student with a student mentor. Some of the things we saw that worked with the African American stu- dents were adapted to all students. MS: What effect has the current anti-affirmative action climate had on your diversity efforts? Johnson: It has had an impact in that our university used to have scholarships reserved specifically for African American students to attract them to Maryland.These were lost in the wake of the Michael Williams scholarship ruling. Now individual departments have to use their own resources. We’ve been lucky in that our department has stepped up to the plate in terms of using its own resources. The university-level program, though, did offer us a certain amount of flexibility that allowed us to bring in students that might not have looked so great on paper. There were times that at the departmen- tal level we might not have considered a candidate because their applications did- n’t seem strong. But then the university would rank them as a top candidate in their recruitment efforts and we would be able to accept them into the program. Then with some mentoring, we were able to nurture them and allow them to grow in the program. After these university-wide programs were eliminated, they were replaced by grant programs to individual depart- ments to help in minority recruitment efforts at the departmental level. Recruiting is essentially a departmental activity. If a department didn’t use these grant opportunities then nothing came of it. The math department made the effort to use it and from there we were able to continue to diversify. In the end it all comes down to departmental activity. MS: I have read that you have been somewhat disappointed in the post- doctoral job market experiences of some of your students. Where have your graduates ended up in gener- al? Have you found that most go into the professoriate? Johnson: I have been somewhat disap- pointed in the academic jobs that our African American students have attained. Many have found positions at HBCUs such as Howard University, Morgan State University, and North Carolina A&T. But current legend would have them receiving job offers from Rutgers, the University of Virginia, or other Research I universities. This has happened sporadically with some of our white students. But our Black students have not even been contacted or gotten interviews there. Our students who have gone into indus- try, though, have done extremely well, landing positions at the Departments of Energy and Defense and in top corpora- tions. Those are the kinds of places and the level at which I would like to see the people who choose academia be in as well. Lately we have been encouraging students to consider non-academic jobs more. MS: What is the best way to recruit more women and minorities into SME disciplines? Johnson: When I made the decision to consciously go out and recruit students from underrepresented groups, I first sat down and identified the schools that had sent us students in the past who had been successful. I then focused my recruitment efforts there. I visited those schools in an effort to make contact with them. Every school has a different recruiting area, and that is where efforts should begin. Once you’ve recruited the students, you need to have institutional procedures in place to evaluate them. Again, this was where campus wide fellowship commit- Continued from page 9 Continued on page 12
  • 11. 11 A Profile of an AGEP Institution: The Colorado PEAKS Alliance By Barbara E. Kraus and Christine Macdonald, The Graduate School, University of Colorado at Boulder W hen asked why he chose a career path in academia instead of industry, Charles Glass replies: “There are very few African American environmental engi- neers in academia. I thought my presence could make a difference.” Glass, who earned his Ph.D. in civil engineering at the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1997, is currently an assistant professor of civil engineering at Howard University. He is pleased that the University of Colorado’s AGEP award will help increase the successes that CU’s minority students in science, math and engineering have had at the University. The National Science Foundation fund- ed AGEP grant provides funding for the new Colorado PEAKS Alliance, a part- nership between CU-Boulder and Colorado State University, to develop a model of minority graduate education in which the graduate schools coordinate recruiting pipelines and support pro- grams. The PEAKS Alliance initiatives are designed to triple the number of underrepresented minorities graduating with Ph.D.s and entering the professori- ate in the fields of science, math and engineering. CU-Boulder, ranked 16th in the nation in awarding doctoral degrees to minority students in SME fields, is the lead institution of the Colorado PEAKS Alliance. One of the reasons CU-Boulder and CSU competed successfully for the AGEP grant is because the infrastruc- ture to recruit and retain minority stu- dents in science, math and engineering was nearly in place at both institutions. CU-Boulder’s Sum-mer Multicultural Access to Research Training (SMART) program brings talented minority under- graduates to campus to work with facul- ty mentors on research projects and to introduce them to graduate education. Colorado State University is the lead institution for the Colorado Alliance for Minority Participation (LS CO-AMP), which has built a strong pipeline of minority undergraduates at eight bac- calaureate-degree granting institutions, five community colleges and four Native American tribal partners in Colorado and the Four Corners region. The SMART program, begun in 1989, has established a successful infrastructure that supports diversity at CU-Boulder. SMART provides undergraduates the opportunity to prepare for graduate school, and to consider CU-Boulder for their graduate education. SMART is also extremely effective in generating high levels of faculty involvement in campus diversity efforts. The program is so rewarding for faculty, despite the additional commitment of time and energy, that the number of faculty who volunteer to be mentors each year far exceeds the number of students the pro- gram can financially support. Many SMART faculty mentors also learn about and take part in other Graduate School diversity programs—such as a program that supports faculty travel to minority-serving institutions to recruit graduate students. SMART also reaches out to current CU- Boulder graduate students. Between 5 and 10 minority graduate students receive a small stipend to facilitate the rapid integration of the SMART interns into CU-Boulder’s research environ- ment. These graduate students become committed to SMART, and often remain in touch with the program after graduating. Eight graduate students who worked for SMART are now in faculty positions across the United States and Puerto Rico. They are among the best recruiters for the program. Charles Glass knows firsthand the bene- fits of CU-Boulder’s SMART program. After participating in SMART as an undergraduate in 1991, Glass returned to CU as a graduate student in order to continue to work with his faculty men- tor. Upon receiving his Ph.D. at CU- Boulder, Glass taught at the University of Nevada-Reno, and then landed his current position at Howard, where he is continuing the minority mentorship cycle by sending his talented undergrad- uates to the SMART program. SMART was a key factor in inspiring Glass to attend graduate school. “CU is a really supportive place,” he says. “It wasn’t until I participated in the SMART program that I really learned to enjoy research and thinking. The professors involved in the SMART program were genuinely inter- ested in our future and that’s one reason why I decided to go to CU for graduate school.” Glass is now excited about the additional support and professional opportunities that the Colorado PEAKS Alliance will provide to minority gradu- ate students. Colorado’s AGEP Initiative As part of the AGEP initiative to increase the number of minority Ph.D.s entering the professoriate, CU-Boulder is offering 10 Chancel-lor’s Teaching Fellowships annually for minority doc- toral students. These new teaching fel- lowships provide full support for first- year minority doctoral students to serve as teaching assistants within an SME field. CSU is also providing two new PEAKS graduate teaching fellowships that provide full support plus tuition. These teaching fellowships encourage PEAKS students to become involved in campus teacher training programs, such as the Graduate Teacher Program and Continued on next page
  • 12. the Preparing Future Faculty program, at the beginning of their doctoral studies and to consider the professoriate as a future career. The CU-Boulder and CSU Graduate Schools also offer PEAKS Fellow-ships in addition to the teaching fellowships as an incentive to entering minority doctor- al students. These fellowships consist of a $2,500 diversity fellowship for students during their first year of doctoral study and a $3,500 research award to support their research during the summer follow- ing their first year of study. SME depart- ments accepting students who receive the teaching and research fellowships must guarantee an additional four years of funding for each student’s doctoral edu- cation. CU-Boulder offered its first round of Chancellor’s Teaching Fellowships last spring to minority students who entered doctoral programs during the 2000-01 academic year. Alexander Villacorta, a doctoral student in applied mathematics and a former SMART intern, is a mem- ber of the first group of graduate students to benefit from the AGEP program. After working as a teaching assistant for Introduction to Differential Equations, Villacorta says that he discovered that “I truly loved teaching. Every week I looked forward to those classes and the new techniques I would try.” As for his future plans, Villacorta says,” even though some experience in industry is important in my field [applied math], I’d like to end up in academia.” Villacorta agrees that the SMART program “definitely” influenced his decision to attend graduate school; before attending SMART, he says, “I had thought of grad school, but not serious- ly.” Villacorta is now working in the resi- dence hall for this summer’s SMART program. In fact, five of the first ten recipients of the AGEP Chancellor’s Teaching Fellowships are working with SMART this summer. “The SMART program helped to inspire me to give something back,” says Charles Glass. “I believe in programs like SMART—that’s why I continue to be a recruiter for them.” With the NSF-fund- ed AGEP grant, the University of Colorado at Boulder and Colorado State University are committed to creating a sustainable graduate school infrastructure that produces future generations of facul- ty that are representative of our increas- ingly diverse society. tees might have had an advantage in that they were better able to see poten- tial. It’s a calibration problem. Depart- ments need to work at assessing the quality of students based on informa- tion that the students have provided, but whose import may not always be immediately apparent. MS: What is the best way to retain more women and minorities in SME disciplines? Johnson: For us, the most important issue is to get students to pass their qualifying written exams. We found that success depended on students talk- ing to one another. Once this dialog was opened up they could easily form groups to study together. We found an increase in study sessions for both African Americans and the more gen- eral student body. People chose study groups as appropriate, based on sub- fields or affinity or whatever. That was the main benefit of our activities for retention. Students were able to reach out and form groups more easily. Research shows that reaching out does not take place until students feel com- fortable and know who they are. Then they are able to reach out and partici- pate in activities organized by other groups. MS: Did you do anything to help other faculty assume mentoring roles? Johnson: Yes and no. Actually, I didn’t really have to. Once a student passes the written exam, they have to choose a faculty advisor, and that has always been a strong mentoring position. But, if you don’t get to that point you don’t get a mentor. When more students began to work together to pass the exam, more African American students were able to get past that hurdle. Through that process, we exposed a number of faculty members to high quality African American students and that did have an impact on the faculty. From there things just took their natur- al course. Thank you so much for your insights, Dr. Johnson! Charles Glass, who was the keynote speaker for the annual CU-Boulder Multicultural Engineering Program awards banquet in April, 2001. Continued from page 10 12