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Yoram Reich June, 1994
Annotated bibliography on research methodologies
Yoram Reich
Department of Solids, Materials, and Structures
Faculty of Engineering
Tel Aviv University
Ramat Aviv 69978
Arti cial Intelligence in Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing (AI EDAM)
Special issue on Research Methodology, edited by Reich, Y.
1994, 8(4):355-366
1 Introduction
This annotated bibliography includes a small sample of sources on various aspects of research
methodology from diverse disciplines that in uence research on arti cial intelligence techniques
in engineering design analysis and manufacturing (AIEDAM). Some of these sources are extended
edited volumes containing many relevant contributions and pointing to additional references. These
volumes are marked by a preceding bullet (). The bibliography is not comprehensive; it covers
only several important subjects and in each subject, it lists several representative contributions
ordered chronologically. The selected list of subjects includes:
(1) Philosophy. This section is very short. It is very easy to locate many (or even too many)
additional references from this category.
(2) AI research methodology. This section contains references on issues related to AI re-
search methodology. Many additional references on the foundation of AI appear in
(Partridge and Wilks, 1990).
This section also includes a subsection with several example projects that exemplify
di erent methodological issues and a subsection describing the evolution of ideas in one
particular expert system programme that were informed by research and practical
(3) Veri cation and validation of expert systems. This topic is treated separately from
AI research methodology due to the volume of publications it has produced. This
topic bears signi cant relevance to the perception of AI programs as theories since the
veri cationand validation of these programs is consideredas their evaluation as theories.
For AIEDAM research, being more applied than AI, these veri cation and validation
techniques may involve greater emphasis on practical testing of programs.
By and large, the research on this subject focused on rule-based expert systems al-
though, some work has been done on propositional and rst-order predicate logic knowl-
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edge representation. It is interesting to mention the extent at which researchers in
this area use terminology for evaluation criteria. A partial list includes: accuracy,
adaptability, adequacy, appeal, availability, breadth, completeness, consistency, con-
ciseness, coverage, depth, e ectiveness, eciency, extent, extensibility, face, validity,
friendliness, generality, granularity, incrementalism, modi ability, naturalness, opera-
tional validity, portability, precision, realism, reliability, resolution, robustness, sensi-
tivity, scope, soundness, suitability, technical validity, testability, transparency, Turing
test, understandability, usefulness, validity, and wholeness.
(4) Machine learning. This topic is treated separately from AI research due to the e ort
spent by researchers to elucidate the issues related to the evaluation of machine learning
(ML) projects and the relation between theoretical, empirical, and practical research.
An intrinsic property of this discipline accounts for some of this activity: ML programs
must be tested even in basic research to show improvement of performance due to learn-
ing; therefore, evaluation becomes inherently central to ML. This section is particularly
instructive since the importance of ML in AI and AIEDAM is growing constantly.
(5) Social science. This section demonstrates that research methodology involves not only
discussions on worldviews but also analyzes of the detailed techniques of research meth-
ods within each worldview. Since AIEDAM research gains insight from engineers and
its results might have to be evaluated in practical settings, the importance of social
science research methods grows.
Additional references on this topic appear in the practitioner perspective section.
(6) Social science and computing. This section discusses the interaction between social
science and computing as it manifests in studying the interaction between users and
computer tools. The section contains representative studies from computer-supported
cooperativework(CSCW),participatorydesign of computer systems (PD),development
of human-computer interaction (HCI)1 tools and graphical user interfaces (GUI), and
the utilization of AI tools in various settings including research. All these issues have
some overlap with AIEDAM research.
(7) Information systems research and development. This section deals with methods for
developing information systems for practice. It documents views on developing systems
with users and on the study of such systems in traditional as well as case-study methods.
Information systems research and development are highly relevant to AIEDAM research
if the latter is expected to have any practical impact.
(8) Practitioners perspective. The section deals with practitioners perspective of research
methodology. It provides a sample of studies illustrating the multiplicity of approaches
to doing research in various disciplines. These studies are almost always prefaced with
a critique of the traditional scienti c method.
(9) Engineering design and manufacturing research. This section contains several references
on methods for doing research in engineering design and manufacturing (with or without
Notice the acronym CHI of the conference series as opposed to HCI; is this accidental? or does it re ect di erent
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2 Philosophy
(Kuhn, 1962) This book is a classic critique of the positivist view of scienti c progress. This
book illustrates how science progresses through periods of normal science when scientists employ
various types of criteria for judging theories' and how paradigms shift through revolutions triggered
by anomalies that cannot be accounted for by any rationalization.
(Popper, 1965) This book discusses how progress in science occurs through raising conjectures and
putting them to stringent tests by trying to refute them. While no con rmation of hypotheses is
possible, a hypothesis is better than the other if it allows for better chances of being refuted.
(Lakatos, 1968) This paper suggests that science is organized in research programmes: a structure
including a hard core that is not questioned and auxiliary hypotheses that guard it from negative
evidence. Acknowledging that no data can con rm or refute a theory, scientists should adhere to
some normative rules when revising auxiliary hypotheses.
(Habermas, 1971) This book provides a critique of positivism through a study of the historical
development of ideas that led to contemporary positivism. The book does not argue against science,
but against scientism: The view that equates all knowledge with science.
(Toulmin, 1972) This book argues for the necessity to bring philosophy and science together for
a reappraisal of epistemology and methodology. Philosophy is to be a historical, empirical, and
pragmatic enterprise that should focus on issues such as conceptual change in the sciences and
human thought.
(Weimer, 1979) This book develops a meta-theory of science in which positivism and logical em-
piricism and called justi cationism and opinions such as those of Popper and Kuhn are termed
non-justi cationism. The book criticizes justi cationist theories of science and uses the meta-
theory to explain the di erences between positions of di erent contemporary non-justi catinists
(Knorr-Cetina, 1981) This book provides a constructivist view of science. It uses several metaphors
of a scientist to study the way in which social processes make up for the lack of any rational way
for advancing science.
(Bunge, 1983) A part of an eight-book treatise on philosophy, this book provides a systems science
perspective on epistemology and research methodology. It presents a serious study of scienti c
 (Kourany, 1987) This book is an excellent collection of contributions by leading philosophers on
the issues central to scienti c inquiry: the nature of explanations, the validation of knowledge, and
the historical development of knowledge.
 (Pickering, 1992) This book provides a constructivist view of science or a perspective of science as
practice. The rst part of the book presents positions on the practice of science and the second part
contains discussions on the di erences between science-as-practice and the sociology of scienti c
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3 AI research methodology
(Newell and Simon, 1976) This paper discusses the hard core of AI: the physical symbol system
hypothesis. The hypothesis states that a physical symbol system has the necessary and sucient
conditions to act intelligently.
(McDermott, 1981) This paper illustrates how simple practices of AI such as naming procedures
and data structures, hinder progress and cause confusion about the merit of research.
 (Haugeland, 1981) This book contains a collection of papers on the philosophy and objectives of
cognitive science.
(Nilsson, 1982) This paper presents AI as a branch of computer science that similar to the other
branches is concerned with representational formalisms: The one that underlies AI is propositional
languages. The paper argues that beside few topics, AI is concerned with the formalismsthemselves
and not their content. It also argues against including peripheral processes, such as vision, in
(Newell, 1983)This chapter describes the historicalevolution of some of the key issues in AI research
over the past 40 years and through them the relations between AI and its neighboring disciplines.
 (Yazdani and Narayanan, 1984) This edited volume contains, among other topics, sections on
AI methodology and the philosophical implications of AI. The nature of programs as theories and
their testing is a principal issue.
(McDermott et al, 1985) This paper summarizes the views of several researchers on the status of
AI, the expectations of its practical utility within the public, the role of researchers and the media
in creating these expectations, and other similar issues.
(Hall and Kibler, 1985) Starting from several positions on AI research, the paper arrives at a
classi cation of ve approaches: performance, constructive, formal, speculative and empirical, to
doing AI research with some exemplars projects in each class. The paper argues that researchers
aught to make their commitment to a particular approach clear in their research reports.
 (Gilbert and Heath, 1985) This edited volume discusses the potential interaction between AI and
sociology. The views range from dismissing the computational metaphor of intelligence to thinking
that AI methods, in particular building programs and testing them, may provide tools for studying
problems in sociology.
(Sharkey and Brown, 1986) This paper argues that signi cant bene t can result from a cooperation
between AI and cognitive science for explaining human cognition. Without such cooperation, AI
claims to mimic intelligence may be faulty. Schema theory and spreading activation network theory
are examples of such successful cooperation.
(Partridge, 1986) This paper discusses the di erences between software engineering and AI system
building. Consequently, di erent approaches are necessary for these two activities. Nevertheless,
independent of any approach for developing AI systems, such development is likely to pose software
problems more signi cant than those resulting from developing regular software.
(Partridge, 1987) This note reports on a workshop on the foundation of AI. The presentations at
this workshop have been collected into (Partridge and Wilks, 1990).
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(Schank, 1987) This paper de nes the primary objective of AI as building an intelligent machine.
Ten broad classes of problems are central to AI research. Two routes to performing research are
application and scienti c.
(Cohen and Howe, 1988) This paper argues that evaluation is a means of progress for AI research. It
lists di erent criteria for evaluating research problems, methods, implementations, and experiments
and their results.
 (Lehner and Adelman, 1989) This special issue on perspectives on knowledge engineering sam-
ples papers from di erent, sometimes contrasting, perspectives including: classical AI, psychology-
based, knowledge engineering, decision science, software engineering, empirical, and philosophical.
(Bundy and Ohlsson, 1990) This chapter contains the debate that appeared in AISB Quarterly in
1984 between an AI researcher and a psychologist, mainly on the relation between AI programs
and theories. Much of the debate revolved around the clari cation of di erent terms from the
perspectives of the two disciplines.
(Dietrich, 1990) This paper presents a strong critique of AI methodology by discussing two errors
in the AI programme: the assumption that adopting Turing thesis helps AI nd the right programs
to mimic intelligence and the assumption that the theory of computation can lead to a theory of
 (Partridge and Wilks, 1990) This edited volume is a comprehensive source, including a signi -
cant bibliography, on the foundations of AI. The topics discussed include various methodological
questions such as the role of representations and programs in research and the limitations of AI
(Wegner, 1991)This paper discusses the tension between the formalist,realist, and idealistparadigms
as re ected in four topics in computer science: modes and paradigms of computation, type versus
value, and computational versus software complexity.
(West and Travis, 1991) Starting with describing the sensitivity of AI researchers to criticism, this
paper discusses the role of metaphors in science (a perspective or model; in contrast, a worldview
can include several metaphors) and provide a strong critique of the computational metaphor of AI.
(Sloane, 1991) This paper describes a failure of an AI project due to a methodological de ciency:
the use of participatory design to implement a hierarchical control that clearly will undermine the
participation of some of its developers in future decision making.
(Cohen, 1991) This paper surveys papers from the 8th AAAI conference to reveal two trends in
AI research: model centered (or more theoretical) and system centered (or more empirical). The
paper argues for a combined approach. The two trends and the combined approach are referred to
as di erent methodologies.
(Churchill and Walsh, 1991) This paper criticizes the arguments in (Cohen, 1991) and o ers a
comparable, but modest analysis of European AI research.
(McKevitt and Partridge, 1991) This paper proposes a software engineering approach that may
address the dicult issues in AI research: the poor description and de nition of AI problems and
the poor testing of hypotheses. The paper also discusses the role of AI programs as theories.
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3.1 Several examples
(Ritchie and Hanna, 1984) This paper demonstrates through a detailed case study that AI programs
may not be able to serve as theories. It is almost impossible to clearly and accurately state what
AI programs do and why. It is equally hard, therefore, to replicate such programs.
(Lenat and Brown, 1984) This paper responses to the critique in (Ritchie and Hanna, 1984). It
explains why AM appeared to work and why its adhocness may be its source of power.
(Niwa et al, 1984) This paper describes a study comparing between knowledge representation
schemes. Years later, similar ideas have been incorporated in the Sisyphus project of the knowledge
acquisition community (Linster, 1992).
(Pople,1985)This paper re ects upon a decade of research experience with building expert diagnosis
systems. It argues that the development of real expert systems is empirical, requiring iterating
between observations, modeling, testing in real context with experts, and model revision.
(Clancey, 1986) This paper re ects upon six year of developing a series of large systems and contains
some methodological guidelines. Central to the experience is that the development of a sequence
of systems was inspiring and lead to major changes in understanding the underlying problem.
(Arbib and Hesse, 1986) This book provides an example of how AI and philosophical perspectives
can interact to re ne both. The results is an integratedperspective of human knowledge | certainly
not a de nite solution, but a stimulating one.
(Cohen and Howe, 1989) This paper describes the role of evaluation in guiding AI research by re-
ecting upon three case studies of design systems. The paper makes a distinction between empirical
and applied AI research.
3.2 The evolution of one expert system programme
(McDermott, 1982) This paper describes the R1 system for con guring DEC's VAX computers.
The paper describes the task, the details of the system and its implementation, and its successful
use in con guring computer orders based on one year perspective.
(Bachant and McDermott, 1984) This paper discusses the development of R1 in its four years
of operation in terms of the knowledge it had accumulated, the evolution of the development
process, the diculties in adding even similar knowledge into the knowledge base, and some of the
perspectives that have changed with regard to the system over the years.
(McDermott, 1986; McDermott, 1988) These papers suggest how better expert systems could be
built using the experience from earlier projects. The focus of projects should be on better under-
standing of problems-solving methods and building knowledge acquisition tools that can assist in
the acquisition and utilization of knowledge for these methods.
(McDermott, 1990) This paper argues that the isolationistapproach of AI hampered its objective
to ease the process of software programming.
(Marques et al, 1992) This paper argues that embedding tools that users can use to create useful
programs and correct their performance can ease the diculties inherent to users-programmers
interaction. The paper describes three tools that are aimed at supporting such a process.
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(McDermott, 1994) This seminar criticizes past ML and knowledge acquisition approaches to build
AI systems that can function well in the changing environment of a workplace. It o ers an alter-
native that may improve the situation.
4 Veri cation and validation of expert systems
(Gevarter, 1987) This paper discusses the principles of evaluating expert system building tools.
The paper also conducts such evaluation of many commercially available tools. The evaluation is
based on their built-in functionality, not on their proven merit in practice.
(Marcot, 1987) This paper describes how expert systems need to be developed, including their
evaluation through a long set of criteria.
(Bundy, 1987; Bundy, 1988) These papers argue that a key to the making of more reliable expert
systems is through developing a sound theoretical foundation for making knowledge engineering an
engineering science. The tool of mathematical logic is o ered as the proper sound foundation.
(Agarwal and Tanniru, 1990) This paper describes an approach for the development of expert
systems that is driven by the need to transfer expertise to non-expert users. This situation di ers
from the needs driving the development of regular information systems through prototyping.
(Chu and Elam, 1990) This paper demonstrates that the utilization of computer tools can restrict
decision making as compared to making decisions without computer aids.
 (Ayel and Laurent, 1991) This edited volume includes chapters on general issues of veri cation
and validation of expert systems including mainly an elaboration on ensuring the logical structure
of expert systems.
(Adelman, 1991)Thispapers provides an excellent tutorialoverviewon three methods for evaluating
expert systems: controlled experiments, quasi-experiments, and case studies; and their di ering
characteristics with respect to the reliability and validity of expert systems.
 (Gupta, 1991) This edited volume contains many references on: the veri cation and validation of
expert systems, methods for developing expert systems to promote their quality, and case studies of
expert systems development. This collection contains only previously published, widely referenced
(Preece and Moseley, 1992) This paper describes a case study of evaluating three approaches to
expert system development by solving the same problem with these approaches and comparing the
development and evaluation process of all three.
(Preece et al, 1992) This paper provides a review of several programs for the syntactic veri cation
of expert systems.
(Reich, 1995) This paper discusses the measurement of knowledge in expert systems, a fundamental
issue in the development and evaluation of such systems. The paper discusses this evaluation
through several complementary perspectives.
(Guida and Mauri, 1993) This paper argues that present evaluations of expert systems are poor,
partial, and not easily applicable. The paper attempts to de ne the ingredients of evaluation more
precisely and provide a framework for evaluation. The paper leaves out the evaluation of the expert
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system in a practical setting.
(Prerau et al, 1993) This paper reports on the evaluation of four di erent expert systems. The
relations between the evaluation and the expert systems features are highlighted.
(Nazareth and Kennedy, 1993) This paper provides a historical survey of the development of re-
search in veri cation and validation of expert systems. The paper discusses an agenda for future
research that is hypothesized to lead such research towards becoming a mature scienti c discipline.
(Adelman et al, 1994) This paper reviews di erent evaluation methods for assessing the technical,
empirical, and subjective facets of expert systems. Such an evaluation is required to test whether
a system meets sponsors and users criteria and expectations.
5 Machine learning
(Angluin and Smith, 1983) This paper reviews theories of inductive inference and their relation to
algorithms and their implementations, including evaluation criteria of inductive inference methods.
The most fundamental problem is the gap between abstract theories and concrete algorithms.
(Kibler and Langley, 1988) This paper explains how ML techniques are to be evaluated experi-
mentally. The paper outlines the details of: which dependent variables are important, comparing
between methods, changing domain characteristics, and designing experiments.
(Amsterdam, 1988) This paper criticizes formal and empirical models of learning from a psycho-
logical and ontological considerations. The critical argument is that learning a single concept is an
under representative case of learning a web of concepts which is necessary for modeling learning.
(Weiss and Kapouleas, 1989) This paper discusses an empirical evaluation of several ML classi ca-
tion methods, including a description and justi cation of the method of comparison.
(Mingers, 1989b; Mingers, 1989a) These papers describe empirical studies of two critical aspects of
decision tree induction methods: the selection of splitting attribute and the pruning of trees. The
methods and criteria of evaluation are discussed in detail.
(Buntine, 1989) This paper criticizes the Valiant model of learning for being too conservative and
inapplicable to model practical implementations. The de ciencies of the model are discusses and
an alternative Bayesian model is proposed.
(Buntine, 1990) This paper criticizes several myths held by ML researchers concerning learning
classi cation rules. It discusses them from a Bayesian perspective and raises issues that should be
addressed by researchers both theoretically and experimentally.
(Turney, 1991) This paper identi es the issue of bias as the one preventing from ML theories to be
relevant to practice. The paper proposes a way to incorporate bias in theories that may improve
on the Bayesian approach of (Buntine, 1989).
 (Thrun et al, 1991) This edited report summarizes the performance of many ML programs on a
very simple learning task. Note that the task is a priori more favorable for some of the programs.
(Segre et al, 1991) This paper analyzes several cases of experimental evaluation of explanation-
based learning (EBL) programs and reveals methodological problems. These problems may a ect
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the conclusions obtained from these experiments.
 (Linster, 1992) This edited volume contains the solution of several research groups to the same
knowledge acquisition problems. It represents an attempt to improve the evaluation of di erent
knowledge acquisition approaches.
(Pazzani and Sarrett, 1992) This paper presents an average, rather than worst, case analysis of
some simple ML programs in an attempt to better tie the predictions of ML theories and practical
6 Social science
(Blumberg and Pringle, 1983) This paper criticizes empirical manipulation as the solution to
the how to do research in the social sciences whose nature contrasts the non-reactive, non-
evolutionary, and closed nature of the natural sciences. The paper reviews an example of an action
research project that failed due to the use of controlled experiments. Subsequently, the paper
discusses the particular needs that action researchers have in doing their research.
(Shvyrkov, 1987; Shvyrkov and Persidsky, 1991) These papers argue that the basic hypothesis
underlying the use of statistics is the homogeneity of the empirical data set. The methods to test
this property are purely subjective. These papers discuss some contradictions that this raises and
propose a solution.
(Smith, 1987) This paper shows how qualitative and quantitative analyzes could be combined to
support both better understanding (through qualitative analyzes) and better causal explanations
(through quantitative analyzes) of social phenomena.
(Aldag and Stearns, 1988) This paper studies several journals in the organizational science to ana-
lyze the kind of methods used in management research. A variety of methods is detected including:
meta-analysis, sampling, qualitativestudies, studying managerialdecision making, causal modeling,
and historical analysis of events.
(Maso, 1989) This paper describes the conditions under which research goals must be reformu-
lated during research. This should be done not only in qualitative research, such as participant
observation, but also in other types of research as well.
(Bloombaum, 1991) This paper demonstrates how a awed research conclusion could have been
avoided by employing a more careful experimental design. The critical relation between theory,
experimental design, data collection, and its analysis are therefore revealed.
(Bailey, 1992) This paper claims that social scientists are forced to adopt the positivists method-
ology that is associated with mature science while abandoning case study approaches. The paper
suggests that instead of such move, the criteria of each of the methodologies should be developed
to ensure scienti c rigor.
(Brinberg et al, 1992) This paper shows that a Bayesian analysis can extract useful information
about a hypothesis from a series of confounded and un-confounded experiments.
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7 Social science and computing
(Gallupe et al, 1988) This paper presents results that the use of GDSS signi cantly improves
decision quality of groups.
(Nunamaker et al, 1988) This paper analyzes observations of many groups using GDSS, to conclude
that on some dimensions using GDSS was useful to the groups using it.
(Pinsonneault and Kraemer, 1990) This paper argues that empirical ndings in this area are often
contradictory and inconsistent. This forces great care in developing and testing facilities for elec-
tronic meetings. The paper describes an empirical study that demonstrates that the bene ts from
GDSS are di erent than from GCSS (Group Communication Support Systems).
(Gray et al, 1990) Starting by reviewing the discrepancies between empirical ndings on electronic
meeting, this paper develops a classi cation of experiments to allow for a better comparison of
experiments. It is hoped that comparing between similar experiments will improve the analysis
and development of new tools.
 (Carroll, 1991) This book discusses the role of psychological theories in the design of human-
computer interactions. The relation between an interdisciplinary science borrowing from several
basic sciences is discussed, including its impact on the two sciences. Doing science in context is one
of the themes of this book.
(Tatzla and Mack, 1991) This chapter summarizes positions on methods that may lead to more
practically relevant HCI research.
(Pylyshyn, 1991) This paper provides an acknowledgment by a classical cognitive scientist of the
incompetence of psychological research to contribute to the development of better HCI systems.
 (Greenberg, 1991) This book contains various perspective of doing CSCW research including
studying groups without computers as a necessary control information. The book discusses
traditional as well as participatory design approaches to developing CSCW tools.
 (Bowers and Benford, 1991) This edited volume contains discussions on fundamental issues in
CSCW. The focus of CSCW is seen not as how human interact with computers but how they
interact with each other through computers. This brings into considerations issues from sociology,
psychology and computer science.
8 Information systems research and development
(Benbasat et al, 1987) Using research cases, this paper argues for the usefulness of using case studies
in management information system (MIS) development projects. Using the insight from the study,
the paper explains how these cases could have been performed better.
(Tait and Vessey, 1988) This paper analyzes many information systems projects to conclude that
when involving users in complex systems, sucient resources must be provided to prevent project
failures in spite of user participation.
(Baronas and Louis, 1988) This paper argues that involving users in implementation, not in devel-
opment, can improve information system acceptance.
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(Weitzel and Andrews, 1988) This paper describes the practical issues involved in implementing a
knowledge-based system by a joint project of a research institute and the company that expects to
use the system. The paper includes recommendations for executing similar projects.
(Kaplan and Duchon, 1988) This paper describes the combination of qualitative and quantitative
methods in research using one case study of MIS development project. The paper discusses the
learning that researchers gained in the course of the project through such analysis methods.
(Lee, 1989) This paper argues that the case-study approach to doing MIS studies can be rigor as
traditional methods.
(Barki and Hartwick, 1989) This paper argues that past research did not demonstrate that user
involvement is bene cial. The reason is that user involvement should be assessed not based on
whether users participated in the project but whether they were committed to the project, that is,
by using the participants subjective psychological state rather than the simple observable behavior.
9 Practitioners perspective
(Lewin, 1946) A paper in a special issue on action and research, this paper is one of the rst papers
on action research. It argues against the move to basic research and discusses the alternative for
studying two issues: general laws of group life and understanding of speci c group life situations.
The integration of many disciplines is required to support such studies.
(Blissett, 1972) This book examines the role of politics in science. The aim is not to denigrate
science, but to demonstrate that it involves more than theories and experiments to include the
generation and resolution of con icts between the players of science.
(Fishlock, 1975) This book describes the relationships between science and technology and other
concerns, such as economics, through an analysis of several major industries in Britain.
(DeMillo et al, 1979) This paper illustrates the social processes underlying the determination of
mathematicians' con dence in the correctness of theorems. Since such social processes are nonex-
istent in program veri cation, there cannot be con dence in program correctness.
(Argyris, 1980) A management scientist perspective of social science. This book describes some
of the contradictions in common views of social science and attempts to provide a foundation for
action science.
 (Reason and Rowan, 1981; Reason, 1988) These edited volumes contain many perspectives of
action research. The rst book provides a broad introduction to action research including its
philosophy, methodology, experience, and future directions. The second book elaborates on group
research and the validity of action research but mainly concentrates on reporting on experiences
from action research projects.
(Grinnell, 1982) A biomedical scientist perspective. This book describes the social aspects of doing
science, such as attitude, process, and institution, drawing on experience from biomedical science.
on, 1983) This book locates the sources of practical knowledge in the process of re ection-in-
action drawing on observation of several practitioners in diverse elds. The book criticizes scientists
for their lack of interest in practical competence.
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(Ziman,1984)This book attempts to integratethe insightthat historians, philosophers, sociologists,
and researchers have had on the practice of science. The book discusses many issues starting with
details of doing research to communication, authority, and other social issues of research practice.
 (Schuster and Yeo, 1986) This edited volume contains historical studies on the rhetorical and
political dimensions of a particular methodology. While these studies reject the existence of a
single general scienti c method, they arm that the historical study of methods is important.
(Redner, 1987) This book discusses the relation between the development of science and the social
organization of science. Science no longer resembles what it used to be before World War II; it
has become less orderly, competitive, political, and more powerful. After discussing some pitfalls
of science the book proposes a new way of organizing world science.
(Casti, 1989) A mathematician/system scientist perspective. This book reviews the major views
of science progress in the philosophy of science. Subsequently, the book analyzes several signi cant
questions of contemporary scienti c thought. The question of the possibility of strong AI receives
a positive answer.
(Addis, 1990) This book is an engineer's perspective of the relation between structural engineering
and architecture theories and their practice. Progress in these elds over history is described as a
sequence of revolutionary changes in the sense of Kuhn.
(Vincenti, 1990) An engineer perspective. This book demonstrates through case studies in aero-
nautics that in the process of design, engineers create new knowledge. Therefore, engineering is
not really an applied science.
 (Palumbo and Calista, 1990) This edited volume discusses the relation between implementation
research and the outcome of public policy. The inability of research to predict the outcome suggests
that di erent ways of doing implementation research may be appropriate. The foundations of
di erent worldviews are discussed in various chapters.
 (Guba, 1990) This edited volume in an excellent comprehensive source on the alternative world-
views (or paradigms) that govern research in the social sciences. The contribution from education
researcher includes discussions on the issues that are critical to any inquiry.
(Efron and Tibshirani, 1991) This paper discusses statistical techniques that were made possible
due to the availability of computers. These techniques allow for drawing valid statistical inferences
without making various assumptions required to achieve tractability in traditional mathematical
models of statistical analysis.
(Peters, 1991) This book provides a critique of ecology and environmental science which neglect the
importance of predictive power while concentrating on rationalization and historical explanations.
From such studies the quality of predictions is poor and inconsequential to practice.
 (Whyte, 1991) This edited volume presents Participatory Action Research (PAR) as a worldview
that can advance both research and practice. The volume contains many example projects that
demonstrate the ideas and a comparison with action research or action science.
 (Smith and Dainty, 1991) This edited volume discusses research methodology of management
science. It contains contributions on the two diametrically competing perspectives: objective,
positivist, hard, which they term from the inside and subjective, ethnographic or soft, which
they term from the outside. An interesting part deals with di erent social issues pertaining to
AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 12
Yoram Reich June, 1994
research including the doctoral dissertation context and politics in action research.
(Schumm, 1991) This book describes an earth scientist perspective on the approach to doing re-
search. An approach and not method because there is no single method that earth scientists adopt.
The book includes some of the pitfalls awaiting researchers in their practice.
 (Floyd et al, 1992) This book provides an excellent constructivist perspective of software pro-
gramming practice. It bears high relation to AI inasmuch as programs are viewed as theories or as
the basic experimental setup.
 (Gilliers, 1992) This book is an elaboration on two opposing perspectives of historians of mathe-
matics on whether there were revolutions in the development of mathematics. The books contains
examples of what can be interpreted as such revolutions.
10 Engineering design and manufacturing research
(Dixon, 1987) This paper argues that the scienti c method must be exercised in design research
for creating a scienti c theory of design. A particular emphasis is placed on computable design
(Antonsson, 1987) This paper argues that better hypotheses generation and testing is required to
improve design research. A simple six-step process is brie y illustrated as an acceptable approach.
oranzon and Josefson, 1988) This edited volume contains a wide range of topics related to the
use of AI technology in practice as re ected by the research on expert systems in Britain and the
work-life emphasis in Scandinavia.
(Amarel, 1989) This report argues that a science of design that leads to computer methods can
improve design productivity. Such science could be advanced by developing and testing AI tech-
niques for solving realistic complex problems. Several examples of such projects are presented and
an agenda for future research is outlined.
 (Rosenbrock, 1989) This edited volume contains contribution discussing the application of AI
technology to human-centered systems in manufacturing.
(Muster and Mistree, 1990) This paper discusses the implication on engineering design research
caused by moving from a mechanistic conception of issues to a holistic systems thinking. The
paper proposes a set of criteria for evaluating research proposals.
(Corbett et al, 1991) This book discusses methods for conducting collaborative interdisciplinary
projects between engineers, sociologists, and users, for building human-centered manufacturing
technology. The borders the book wishes to cross are those between engineering and social
science, between theory and practice, and between cultures of di erent participants.
(Ullman, 1991) This paper provides a grim summary of the status of research on design theory in
the U.S. The lack of philosophical foundation of research is stressed.
(Konda et al, 1992) After criticizing present approaches in design theory, this paper develops the
concept of shared memory in design as a theme for understanding design. The paper proposes
research programs that will allow designers to bene t from shared memory.
AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 13
Yoram Reich June, 1994
(Reich, 1992) This report attempts to delineate the gap between design research and practice from
philosophical, theoretical, and practical perspectives. An approach to doing research based on
participatory research is proposed to bring research and practice together.
(Reich, 1993a) This paper discusses the need to report the process of doing research in addition
to research results; otherwise, wrong paths and fruitless avenues are likely to re-appear in other
projects as well. The ideas are exempli ed by the report on the development of the learning system
(Reich, 1993b) This paper argues that there is not one scienti c method that is appropriate for
design research. Rather, many methods must be practiced, studied, and re ected upon. An
elaborate sample of issues related to the proposal in (Antonsson, 1987) is presented.
(Fenves et al, 1994) This paper discusses the evolution of research on standard processing and
attempts to explain the reasons for the lack of dissemination of research results into practice.
 (Rehak, 1994) This edited volume contains the views of researchers on various issues of computer-
aided engineering (CAE) such as the relation of CAE to research and practice, CAE research
on product models and integrated systems, research approaches, and future directions for CAE
(Dym and Levitt, 1994) This paper discusses the evolution of CAE research from its early promise
to its present impasse. The paper attempts to explain some of the reasons for this situation and
proposes a shift in education as one of the ways to improvement.
(Garcia et al, 1994) This paper describes a project for developing computational support for writing
design documents. The project starts from an elaborate set of observational studies of practitioners,
followed by conjecturing several hypotheses, designing a computational support and testing it with
practitioners. Methodological issues in conducting such studies are also discussed.
(Lowe, 1994) This paper describes the philosophy and application of proof planning to con guration
problems. Central to the methodology is the hypothetico-deductive approach of hypothesizing,
validation through tests and hypotheses modi cations.
(Steinberg, 1994) This paper discusses two methodological issues of doing research on AI and
design: the application of AI methods to multiple tasks for proper testing and the collaboration of
researchers with experts for developing meaningful research.
(Tomiyama, 1994) This paper discusses the evolution of ideas in General Design Theory and their
incorporation into developing new technologies. The methodological issues in doing CAE research
are exposed through the discussion.
(Reich, 1994a) This paper reviews the central issues in studying research methodology by dividing
the study into three layers: worldviews, research heuristics, and speci c issues.
(Reich, 1994b) This paper argues that the problems of CAE research are rooted in its de cient
methodology which does not match the main objective of CAE research: improved practice.
AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 14
Yoram Reich June, 1994
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AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 23

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Annotated Bibliography On Research Methodologies

  • 1. Yoram Reich June, 1994 Annotated bibliography on research methodologies Yoram Reich Department of Solids, Materials, and Structures Faculty of Engineering Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv 69978 Israel yoram@eng.tau.ac.il Arti cial Intelligence in Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing (AI EDAM) Special issue on Research Methodology, edited by Reich, Y. 1994, 8(4):355-366 1 Introduction This annotated bibliography includes a small sample of sources on various aspects of research methodology from diverse disciplines that in uence research on arti cial intelligence techniques in engineering design analysis and manufacturing (AIEDAM). Some of these sources are extended edited volumes containing many relevant contributions and pointing to additional references. These volumes are marked by a preceding bullet (). The bibliography is not comprehensive; it covers only several important subjects and in each subject, it lists several representative contributions ordered chronologically. The selected list of subjects includes: (1) Philosophy. This section is very short. It is very easy to locate many (or even too many) additional references from this category. (2) AI research methodology. This section contains references on issues related to AI re- search methodology. Many additional references on the foundation of AI appear in (Partridge and Wilks, 1990). This section also includes a subsection with several example projects that exemplify di erent methodological issues and a subsection describing the evolution of ideas in one particular expert system programme that were informed by research and practical experience. (3) Veri cation and validation of expert systems. This topic is treated separately from AI research methodology due to the volume of publications it has produced. This topic bears signi cant relevance to the perception of AI programs as theories since the veri cationand validation of these programs is consideredas their evaluation as theories. For AIEDAM research, being more applied than AI, these veri cation and validation techniques may involve greater emphasis on practical testing of programs. By and large, the research on this subject focused on rule-based expert systems al- though, some work has been done on propositional and rst-order predicate logic knowl- AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 1
  • 2. Yoram Reich June, 1994 edge representation. It is interesting to mention the extent at which researchers in this area use terminology for evaluation criteria. A partial list includes: accuracy, adaptability, adequacy, appeal, availability, breadth, completeness, consistency, con- ciseness, coverage, depth, e ectiveness, eciency, extent, extensibility, face, validity, friendliness, generality, granularity, incrementalism, modi ability, naturalness, opera- tional validity, portability, precision, realism, reliability, resolution, robustness, sensi- tivity, scope, soundness, suitability, technical validity, testability, transparency, Turing test, understandability, usefulness, validity, and wholeness. (4) Machine learning. This topic is treated separately from AI research due to the e ort spent by researchers to elucidate the issues related to the evaluation of machine learning (ML) projects and the relation between theoretical, empirical, and practical research. An intrinsic property of this discipline accounts for some of this activity: ML programs must be tested even in basic research to show improvement of performance due to learn- ing; therefore, evaluation becomes inherently central to ML. This section is particularly instructive since the importance of ML in AI and AIEDAM is growing constantly. (5) Social science. This section demonstrates that research methodology involves not only discussions on worldviews but also analyzes of the detailed techniques of research meth- ods within each worldview. Since AIEDAM research gains insight from engineers and its results might have to be evaluated in practical settings, the importance of social science research methods grows. Additional references on this topic appear in the practitioner perspective section. (6) Social science and computing. This section discusses the interaction between social science and computing as it manifests in studying the interaction between users and computer tools. The section contains representative studies from computer-supported cooperativework(CSCW),participatorydesign of computer systems (PD),development of human-computer interaction (HCI)1 tools and graphical user interfaces (GUI), and the utilization of AI tools in various settings including research. All these issues have some overlap with AIEDAM research. (7) Information systems research and development. This section deals with methods for developing information systems for practice. It documents views on developing systems with users and on the study of such systems in traditional as well as case-study methods. Information systems research and development are highly relevant to AIEDAM research if the latter is expected to have any practical impact. (8) Practitioners perspective. The section deals with practitioners perspective of research methodology. It provides a sample of studies illustrating the multiplicity of approaches to doing research in various disciplines. These studies are almost always prefaced with a critique of the traditional scienti c method. (9) Engineering design and manufacturing research. This section contains several references on methods for doing research in engineering design and manufacturing (with or without AI). 1 Notice the acronym CHI of the conference series as opposed to HCI; is this accidental? or does it re ect di erent worldviews? AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 2
  • 3. Yoram Reich June, 1994 2 Philosophy (Kuhn, 1962) This book is a classic critique of the positivist view of scienti c progress. This book illustrates how science progresses through periods of normal science when scientists employ various types of criteria for judging theories' and how paradigms shift through revolutions triggered by anomalies that cannot be accounted for by any rationalization. (Popper, 1965) This book discusses how progress in science occurs through raising conjectures and putting them to stringent tests by trying to refute them. While no con rmation of hypotheses is possible, a hypothesis is better than the other if it allows for better chances of being refuted. (Lakatos, 1968) This paper suggests that science is organized in research programmes: a structure including a hard core that is not questioned and auxiliary hypotheses that guard it from negative evidence. Acknowledging that no data can con rm or refute a theory, scientists should adhere to some normative rules when revising auxiliary hypotheses. (Habermas, 1971) This book provides a critique of positivism through a study of the historical development of ideas that led to contemporary positivism. The book does not argue against science, but against scientism: The view that equates all knowledge with science. (Toulmin, 1972) This book argues for the necessity to bring philosophy and science together for a reappraisal of epistemology and methodology. Philosophy is to be a historical, empirical, and pragmatic enterprise that should focus on issues such as conceptual change in the sciences and human thought. (Weimer, 1979) This book develops a meta-theory of science in which positivism and logical em- piricism and called justi cationism and opinions such as those of Popper and Kuhn are termed non-justi cationism. The book criticizes justi cationist theories of science and uses the meta- theory to explain the di erences between positions of di erent contemporary non-justi catinists positions. (Knorr-Cetina, 1981) This book provides a constructivist view of science. It uses several metaphors of a scientist to study the way in which social processes make up for the lack of any rational way for advancing science. (Bunge, 1983) A part of an eight-book treatise on philosophy, this book provides a systems science perspective on epistemology and research methodology. It presents a serious study of scienti c realism. (Kourany, 1987) This book is an excellent collection of contributions by leading philosophers on the issues central to scienti c inquiry: the nature of explanations, the validation of knowledge, and the historical development of knowledge. (Pickering, 1992) This book provides a constructivist view of science or a perspective of science as practice. The rst part of the book presents positions on the practice of science and the second part contains discussions on the di erences between science-as-practice and the sociology of scienti c knowledge. AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 3
  • 4. Yoram Reich June, 1994 3 AI research methodology (Newell and Simon, 1976) This paper discusses the hard core of AI: the physical symbol system hypothesis. The hypothesis states that a physical symbol system has the necessary and sucient conditions to act intelligently. (McDermott, 1981) This paper illustrates how simple practices of AI such as naming procedures and data structures, hinder progress and cause confusion about the merit of research. (Haugeland, 1981) This book contains a collection of papers on the philosophy and objectives of cognitive science. (Nilsson, 1982) This paper presents AI as a branch of computer science that similar to the other branches is concerned with representational formalisms: The one that underlies AI is propositional languages. The paper argues that beside few topics, AI is concerned with the formalismsthemselves and not their content. It also argues against including peripheral processes, such as vision, in AI. (Newell, 1983)This chapter describes the historicalevolution of some of the key issues in AI research over the past 40 years and through them the relations between AI and its neighboring disciplines. (Yazdani and Narayanan, 1984) This edited volume contains, among other topics, sections on AI methodology and the philosophical implications of AI. The nature of programs as theories and their testing is a principal issue. (McDermott et al, 1985) This paper summarizes the views of several researchers on the status of AI, the expectations of its practical utility within the public, the role of researchers and the media in creating these expectations, and other similar issues. (Hall and Kibler, 1985) Starting from several positions on AI research, the paper arrives at a classi cation of ve approaches: performance, constructive, formal, speculative and empirical, to doing AI research with some exemplars projects in each class. The paper argues that researchers aught to make their commitment to a particular approach clear in their research reports. (Gilbert and Heath, 1985) This edited volume discusses the potential interaction between AI and sociology. The views range from dismissing the computational metaphor of intelligence to thinking that AI methods, in particular building programs and testing them, may provide tools for studying problems in sociology. (Sharkey and Brown, 1986) This paper argues that signi cant bene t can result from a cooperation between AI and cognitive science for explaining human cognition. Without such cooperation, AI claims to mimic intelligence may be faulty. Schema theory and spreading activation network theory are examples of such successful cooperation. (Partridge, 1986) This paper discusses the di erences between software engineering and AI system building. Consequently, di erent approaches are necessary for these two activities. Nevertheless, independent of any approach for developing AI systems, such development is likely to pose software problems more signi cant than those resulting from developing regular software. (Partridge, 1987) This note reports on a workshop on the foundation of AI. The presentations at this workshop have been collected into (Partridge and Wilks, 1990). AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 4
  • 5. Yoram Reich June, 1994 (Schank, 1987) This paper de nes the primary objective of AI as building an intelligent machine. Ten broad classes of problems are central to AI research. Two routes to performing research are application and scienti c. (Cohen and Howe, 1988) This paper argues that evaluation is a means of progress for AI research. It lists di erent criteria for evaluating research problems, methods, implementations, and experiments and their results. (Lehner and Adelman, 1989) This special issue on perspectives on knowledge engineering sam- ples papers from di erent, sometimes contrasting, perspectives including: classical AI, psychology- based, knowledge engineering, decision science, software engineering, empirical, and philosophical. (Bundy and Ohlsson, 1990) This chapter contains the debate that appeared in AISB Quarterly in 1984 between an AI researcher and a psychologist, mainly on the relation between AI programs and theories. Much of the debate revolved around the clari cation of di erent terms from the perspectives of the two disciplines. (Dietrich, 1990) This paper presents a strong critique of AI methodology by discussing two errors in the AI programme: the assumption that adopting Turing thesis helps AI nd the right programs to mimic intelligence and the assumption that the theory of computation can lead to a theory of intelligence. (Partridge and Wilks, 1990) This edited volume is a comprehensive source, including a signi - cant bibliography, on the foundations of AI. The topics discussed include various methodological questions such as the role of representations and programs in research and the limitations of AI technology. (Wegner, 1991)This paper discusses the tension between the formalist,realist, and idealistparadigms as re ected in four topics in computer science: modes and paradigms of computation, type versus value, and computational versus software complexity. (West and Travis, 1991) Starting with describing the sensitivity of AI researchers to criticism, this paper discusses the role of metaphors in science (a perspective or model; in contrast, a worldview can include several metaphors) and provide a strong critique of the computational metaphor of AI. (Sloane, 1991) This paper describes a failure of an AI project due to a methodological de ciency: the use of participatory design to implement a hierarchical control that clearly will undermine the participation of some of its developers in future decision making. (Cohen, 1991) This paper surveys papers from the 8th AAAI conference to reveal two trends in AI research: model centered (or more theoretical) and system centered (or more empirical). The paper argues for a combined approach. The two trends and the combined approach are referred to as di erent methodologies. (Churchill and Walsh, 1991) This paper criticizes the arguments in (Cohen, 1991) and o ers a comparable, but modest analysis of European AI research. (McKevitt and Partridge, 1991) This paper proposes a software engineering approach that may address the dicult issues in AI research: the poor description and de nition of AI problems and the poor testing of hypotheses. The paper also discusses the role of AI programs as theories. AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 5
  • 6. Yoram Reich June, 1994 3.1 Several examples (Ritchie and Hanna, 1984) This paper demonstrates through a detailed case study that AI programs may not be able to serve as theories. It is almost impossible to clearly and accurately state what AI programs do and why. It is equally hard, therefore, to replicate such programs. (Lenat and Brown, 1984) This paper responses to the critique in (Ritchie and Hanna, 1984). It explains why AM appeared to work and why its adhocness may be its source of power. (Niwa et al, 1984) This paper describes a study comparing between knowledge representation schemes. Years later, similar ideas have been incorporated in the Sisyphus project of the knowledge acquisition community (Linster, 1992). (Pople,1985)This paper re ects upon a decade of research experience with building expert diagnosis systems. It argues that the development of real expert systems is empirical, requiring iterating between observations, modeling, testing in real context with experts, and model revision. (Clancey, 1986) This paper re ects upon six year of developing a series of large systems and contains some methodological guidelines. Central to the experience is that the development of a sequence of systems was inspiring and lead to major changes in understanding the underlying problem. (Arbib and Hesse, 1986) This book provides an example of how AI and philosophical perspectives can interact to re ne both. The results is an integratedperspective of human knowledge | certainly not a de nite solution, but a stimulating one. (Cohen and Howe, 1989) This paper describes the role of evaluation in guiding AI research by re- ecting upon three case studies of design systems. The paper makes a distinction between empirical and applied AI research. 3.2 The evolution of one expert system programme (McDermott, 1982) This paper describes the R1 system for con guring DEC's VAX computers. The paper describes the task, the details of the system and its implementation, and its successful use in con guring computer orders based on one year perspective. (Bachant and McDermott, 1984) This paper discusses the development of R1 in its four years of operation in terms of the knowledge it had accumulated, the evolution of the development process, the diculties in adding even similar knowledge into the knowledge base, and some of the perspectives that have changed with regard to the system over the years. (McDermott, 1986; McDermott, 1988) These papers suggest how better expert systems could be built using the experience from earlier projects. The focus of projects should be on better under- standing of problems-solving methods and building knowledge acquisition tools that can assist in the acquisition and utilization of knowledge for these methods. (McDermott, 1990) This paper argues that the isolationistapproach of AI hampered its objective to ease the process of software programming. (Marques et al, 1992) This paper argues that embedding tools that users can use to create useful programs and correct their performance can ease the diculties inherent to users-programmers interaction. The paper describes three tools that are aimed at supporting such a process. AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 6
  • 7. Yoram Reich June, 1994 (McDermott, 1994) This seminar criticizes past ML and knowledge acquisition approaches to build AI systems that can function well in the changing environment of a workplace. It o ers an alter- native that may improve the situation. 4 Veri cation and validation of expert systems (Gevarter, 1987) This paper discusses the principles of evaluating expert system building tools. The paper also conducts such evaluation of many commercially available tools. The evaluation is based on their built-in functionality, not on their proven merit in practice. (Marcot, 1987) This paper describes how expert systems need to be developed, including their evaluation through a long set of criteria. (Bundy, 1987; Bundy, 1988) These papers argue that a key to the making of more reliable expert systems is through developing a sound theoretical foundation for making knowledge engineering an engineering science. The tool of mathematical logic is o ered as the proper sound foundation. (Agarwal and Tanniru, 1990) This paper describes an approach for the development of expert systems that is driven by the need to transfer expertise to non-expert users. This situation di ers from the needs driving the development of regular information systems through prototyping. (Chu and Elam, 1990) This paper demonstrates that the utilization of computer tools can restrict decision making as compared to making decisions without computer aids. (Ayel and Laurent, 1991) This edited volume includes chapters on general issues of veri cation and validation of expert systems including mainly an elaboration on ensuring the logical structure of expert systems. (Adelman, 1991)Thispapers provides an excellent tutorialoverviewon three methods for evaluating expert systems: controlled experiments, quasi-experiments, and case studies; and their di ering characteristics with respect to the reliability and validity of expert systems. (Gupta, 1991) This edited volume contains many references on: the veri cation and validation of expert systems, methods for developing expert systems to promote their quality, and case studies of expert systems development. This collection contains only previously published, widely referenced papers. (Preece and Moseley, 1992) This paper describes a case study of evaluating three approaches to expert system development by solving the same problem with these approaches and comparing the development and evaluation process of all three. (Preece et al, 1992) This paper provides a review of several programs for the syntactic veri cation of expert systems. (Reich, 1995) This paper discusses the measurement of knowledge in expert systems, a fundamental issue in the development and evaluation of such systems. The paper discusses this evaluation through several complementary perspectives. (Guida and Mauri, 1993) This paper argues that present evaluations of expert systems are poor, partial, and not easily applicable. The paper attempts to de ne the ingredients of evaluation more precisely and provide a framework for evaluation. The paper leaves out the evaluation of the expert AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 7
  • 8. Yoram Reich June, 1994 system in a practical setting. (Prerau et al, 1993) This paper reports on the evaluation of four di erent expert systems. The relations between the evaluation and the expert systems features are highlighted. (Nazareth and Kennedy, 1993) This paper provides a historical survey of the development of re- search in veri cation and validation of expert systems. The paper discusses an agenda for future research that is hypothesized to lead such research towards becoming a mature scienti c discipline. (Adelman et al, 1994) This paper reviews di erent evaluation methods for assessing the technical, empirical, and subjective facets of expert systems. Such an evaluation is required to test whether a system meets sponsors and users criteria and expectations. 5 Machine learning (Angluin and Smith, 1983) This paper reviews theories of inductive inference and their relation to algorithms and their implementations, including evaluation criteria of inductive inference methods. The most fundamental problem is the gap between abstract theories and concrete algorithms. (Kibler and Langley, 1988) This paper explains how ML techniques are to be evaluated experi- mentally. The paper outlines the details of: which dependent variables are important, comparing between methods, changing domain characteristics, and designing experiments. (Amsterdam, 1988) This paper criticizes formal and empirical models of learning from a psycho- logical and ontological considerations. The critical argument is that learning a single concept is an under representative case of learning a web of concepts which is necessary for modeling learning. (Weiss and Kapouleas, 1989) This paper discusses an empirical evaluation of several ML classi ca- tion methods, including a description and justi cation of the method of comparison. (Mingers, 1989b; Mingers, 1989a) These papers describe empirical studies of two critical aspects of decision tree induction methods: the selection of splitting attribute and the pruning of trees. The methods and criteria of evaluation are discussed in detail. (Buntine, 1989) This paper criticizes the Valiant model of learning for being too conservative and inapplicable to model practical implementations. The de ciencies of the model are discusses and an alternative Bayesian model is proposed. (Buntine, 1990) This paper criticizes several myths held by ML researchers concerning learning classi cation rules. It discusses them from a Bayesian perspective and raises issues that should be addressed by researchers both theoretically and experimentally. (Turney, 1991) This paper identi es the issue of bias as the one preventing from ML theories to be relevant to practice. The paper proposes a way to incorporate bias in theories that may improve on the Bayesian approach of (Buntine, 1989). (Thrun et al, 1991) This edited report summarizes the performance of many ML programs on a very simple learning task. Note that the task is a priori more favorable for some of the programs. (Segre et al, 1991) This paper analyzes several cases of experimental evaluation of explanation- based learning (EBL) programs and reveals methodological problems. These problems may a ect AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 8
  • 9. Yoram Reich June, 1994 the conclusions obtained from these experiments. (Linster, 1992) This edited volume contains the solution of several research groups to the same knowledge acquisition problems. It represents an attempt to improve the evaluation of di erent knowledge acquisition approaches. (Pazzani and Sarrett, 1992) This paper presents an average, rather than worst, case analysis of some simple ML programs in an attempt to better tie the predictions of ML theories and practical results. 6 Social science (Blumberg and Pringle, 1983) This paper criticizes empirical manipulation as the solution to the how to do research in the social sciences whose nature contrasts the non-reactive, non- evolutionary, and closed nature of the natural sciences. The paper reviews an example of an action research project that failed due to the use of controlled experiments. Subsequently, the paper discusses the particular needs that action researchers have in doing their research. (Shvyrkov, 1987; Shvyrkov and Persidsky, 1991) These papers argue that the basic hypothesis underlying the use of statistics is the homogeneity of the empirical data set. The methods to test this property are purely subjective. These papers discuss some contradictions that this raises and propose a solution. (Smith, 1987) This paper shows how qualitative and quantitative analyzes could be combined to support both better understanding (through qualitative analyzes) and better causal explanations (through quantitative analyzes) of social phenomena. (Aldag and Stearns, 1988) This paper studies several journals in the organizational science to ana- lyze the kind of methods used in management research. A variety of methods is detected including: meta-analysis, sampling, qualitativestudies, studying managerialdecision making, causal modeling, and historical analysis of events. (Maso, 1989) This paper describes the conditions under which research goals must be reformu- lated during research. This should be done not only in qualitative research, such as participant observation, but also in other types of research as well. (Bloombaum, 1991) This paper demonstrates how a awed research conclusion could have been avoided by employing a more careful experimental design. The critical relation between theory, experimental design, data collection, and its analysis are therefore revealed. (Bailey, 1992) This paper claims that social scientists are forced to adopt the positivists method- ology that is associated with mature science while abandoning case study approaches. The paper suggests that instead of such move, the criteria of each of the methodologies should be developed to ensure scienti c rigor. (Brinberg et al, 1992) This paper shows that a Bayesian analysis can extract useful information about a hypothesis from a series of confounded and un-confounded experiments. AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 9
  • 10. Yoram Reich June, 1994 7 Social science and computing (Gallupe et al, 1988) This paper presents results that the use of GDSS signi cantly improves decision quality of groups. (Nunamaker et al, 1988) This paper analyzes observations of many groups using GDSS, to conclude that on some dimensions using GDSS was useful to the groups using it. (Pinsonneault and Kraemer, 1990) This paper argues that empirical ndings in this area are often contradictory and inconsistent. This forces great care in developing and testing facilities for elec- tronic meetings. The paper describes an empirical study that demonstrates that the bene ts from GDSS are di erent than from GCSS (Group Communication Support Systems). (Gray et al, 1990) Starting by reviewing the discrepancies between empirical ndings on electronic meeting, this paper develops a classi cation of experiments to allow for a better comparison of experiments. It is hoped that comparing between similar experiments will improve the analysis and development of new tools. (Carroll, 1991) This book discusses the role of psychological theories in the design of human- computer interactions. The relation between an interdisciplinary science borrowing from several basic sciences is discussed, including its impact on the two sciences. Doing science in context is one of the themes of this book. (Tatzla and Mack, 1991) This chapter summarizes positions on methods that may lead to more practically relevant HCI research. (Pylyshyn, 1991) This paper provides an acknowledgment by a classical cognitive scientist of the incompetence of psychological research to contribute to the development of better HCI systems. (Greenberg, 1991) This book contains various perspective of doing CSCW research including studying groups without computers as a necessary control information. The book discusses traditional as well as participatory design approaches to developing CSCW tools. (Bowers and Benford, 1991) This edited volume contains discussions on fundamental issues in CSCW. The focus of CSCW is seen not as how human interact with computers but how they interact with each other through computers. This brings into considerations issues from sociology, psychology and computer science. 8 Information systems research and development (Benbasat et al, 1987) Using research cases, this paper argues for the usefulness of using case studies in management information system (MIS) development projects. Using the insight from the study, the paper explains how these cases could have been performed better. (Tait and Vessey, 1988) This paper analyzes many information systems projects to conclude that when involving users in complex systems, sucient resources must be provided to prevent project failures in spite of user participation. (Baronas and Louis, 1988) This paper argues that involving users in implementation, not in devel- opment, can improve information system acceptance. AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 10
  • 11. Yoram Reich June, 1994 (Weitzel and Andrews, 1988) This paper describes the practical issues involved in implementing a knowledge-based system by a joint project of a research institute and the company that expects to use the system. The paper includes recommendations for executing similar projects. (Kaplan and Duchon, 1988) This paper describes the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods in research using one case study of MIS development project. The paper discusses the learning that researchers gained in the course of the project through such analysis methods. (Lee, 1989) This paper argues that the case-study approach to doing MIS studies can be rigor as traditional methods. (Barki and Hartwick, 1989) This paper argues that past research did not demonstrate that user involvement is bene cial. The reason is that user involvement should be assessed not based on whether users participated in the project but whether they were committed to the project, that is, by using the participants subjective psychological state rather than the simple observable behavior. 9 Practitioners perspective (Lewin, 1946) A paper in a special issue on action and research, this paper is one of the rst papers on action research. It argues against the move to basic research and discusses the alternative for studying two issues: general laws of group life and understanding of speci c group life situations. The integration of many disciplines is required to support such studies. (Blissett, 1972) This book examines the role of politics in science. The aim is not to denigrate science, but to demonstrate that it involves more than theories and experiments to include the generation and resolution of con icts between the players of science. (Fishlock, 1975) This book describes the relationships between science and technology and other concerns, such as economics, through an analysis of several major industries in Britain. (DeMillo et al, 1979) This paper illustrates the social processes underlying the determination of mathematicians' con dence in the correctness of theorems. Since such social processes are nonex- istent in program veri cation, there cannot be con dence in program correctness. (Argyris, 1980) A management scientist perspective of social science. This book describes some of the contradictions in common views of social science and attempts to provide a foundation for action science. (Reason and Rowan, 1981; Reason, 1988) These edited volumes contain many perspectives of action research. The rst book provides a broad introduction to action research including its philosophy, methodology, experience, and future directions. The second book elaborates on group research and the validity of action research but mainly concentrates on reporting on experiences from action research projects. (Grinnell, 1982) A biomedical scientist perspective. This book describes the social aspects of doing science, such as attitude, process, and institution, drawing on experience from biomedical science. (Sch on, 1983) This book locates the sources of practical knowledge in the process of re ection-in- action drawing on observation of several practitioners in diverse elds. The book criticizes scientists for their lack of interest in practical competence. AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 11
  • 12. Yoram Reich June, 1994 (Ziman,1984)This book attempts to integratethe insightthat historians, philosophers, sociologists, and researchers have had on the practice of science. The book discusses many issues starting with details of doing research to communication, authority, and other social issues of research practice. (Schuster and Yeo, 1986) This edited volume contains historical studies on the rhetorical and political dimensions of a particular methodology. While these studies reject the existence of a single general scienti c method, they arm that the historical study of methods is important. (Redner, 1987) This book discusses the relation between the development of science and the social organization of science. Science no longer resembles what it used to be before World War II; it has become less orderly, competitive, political, and more powerful. After discussing some pitfalls of science the book proposes a new way of organizing world science. (Casti, 1989) A mathematician/system scientist perspective. This book reviews the major views of science progress in the philosophy of science. Subsequently, the book analyzes several signi cant questions of contemporary scienti c thought. The question of the possibility of strong AI receives a positive answer. (Addis, 1990) This book is an engineer's perspective of the relation between structural engineering and architecture theories and their practice. Progress in these elds over history is described as a sequence of revolutionary changes in the sense of Kuhn. (Vincenti, 1990) An engineer perspective. This book demonstrates through case studies in aero- nautics that in the process of design, engineers create new knowledge. Therefore, engineering is not really an applied science. (Palumbo and Calista, 1990) This edited volume discusses the relation between implementation research and the outcome of public policy. The inability of research to predict the outcome suggests that di erent ways of doing implementation research may be appropriate. The foundations of di erent worldviews are discussed in various chapters. (Guba, 1990) This edited volume in an excellent comprehensive source on the alternative world- views (or paradigms) that govern research in the social sciences. The contribution from education researcher includes discussions on the issues that are critical to any inquiry. (Efron and Tibshirani, 1991) This paper discusses statistical techniques that were made possible due to the availability of computers. These techniques allow for drawing valid statistical inferences without making various assumptions required to achieve tractability in traditional mathematical models of statistical analysis. (Peters, 1991) This book provides a critique of ecology and environmental science which neglect the importance of predictive power while concentrating on rationalization and historical explanations. From such studies the quality of predictions is poor and inconsequential to practice. (Whyte, 1991) This edited volume presents Participatory Action Research (PAR) as a worldview that can advance both research and practice. The volume contains many example projects that demonstrate the ideas and a comparison with action research or action science. (Smith and Dainty, 1991) This edited volume discusses research methodology of management science. It contains contributions on the two diametrically competing perspectives: objective, positivist, hard, which they term from the inside and subjective, ethnographic or soft, which they term from the outside. An interesting part deals with di erent social issues pertaining to AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 12
  • 13. Yoram Reich June, 1994 research including the doctoral dissertation context and politics in action research. (Schumm, 1991) This book describes an earth scientist perspective on the approach to doing re- search. An approach and not method because there is no single method that earth scientists adopt. The book includes some of the pitfalls awaiting researchers in their practice. (Floyd et al, 1992) This book provides an excellent constructivist perspective of software pro- gramming practice. It bears high relation to AI inasmuch as programs are viewed as theories or as the basic experimental setup. (Gilliers, 1992) This book is an elaboration on two opposing perspectives of historians of mathe- matics on whether there were revolutions in the development of mathematics. The books contains examples of what can be interpreted as such revolutions. 10 Engineering design and manufacturing research (Dixon, 1987) This paper argues that the scienti c method must be exercised in design research for creating a scienti c theory of design. A particular emphasis is placed on computable design theories. (Antonsson, 1987) This paper argues that better hypotheses generation and testing is required to improve design research. A simple six-step process is brie y illustrated as an acceptable approach. (G oranzon and Josefson, 1988) This edited volume contains a wide range of topics related to the use of AI technology in practice as re ected by the research on expert systems in Britain and the work-life emphasis in Scandinavia. (Amarel, 1989) This report argues that a science of design that leads to computer methods can improve design productivity. Such science could be advanced by developing and testing AI tech- niques for solving realistic complex problems. Several examples of such projects are presented and an agenda for future research is outlined. (Rosenbrock, 1989) This edited volume contains contribution discussing the application of AI technology to human-centered systems in manufacturing. (Muster and Mistree, 1990) This paper discusses the implication on engineering design research caused by moving from a mechanistic conception of issues to a holistic systems thinking. The paper proposes a set of criteria for evaluating research proposals. (Corbett et al, 1991) This book discusses methods for conducting collaborative interdisciplinary projects between engineers, sociologists, and users, for building human-centered manufacturing technology. The borders the book wishes to cross are those between engineering and social science, between theory and practice, and between cultures of di erent participants. (Ullman, 1991) This paper provides a grim summary of the status of research on design theory in the U.S. The lack of philosophical foundation of research is stressed. (Konda et al, 1992) After criticizing present approaches in design theory, this paper develops the concept of shared memory in design as a theme for understanding design. The paper proposes research programs that will allow designers to bene t from shared memory. AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 13
  • 14. Yoram Reich June, 1994 (Reich, 1992) This report attempts to delineate the gap between design research and practice from philosophical, theoretical, and practical perspectives. An approach to doing research based on participatory research is proposed to bring research and practice together. (Reich, 1993a) This paper discusses the need to report the process of doing research in addition to research results; otherwise, wrong paths and fruitless avenues are likely to re-appear in other projects as well. The ideas are exempli ed by the report on the development of the learning system Bridger. (Reich, 1993b) This paper argues that there is not one scienti c method that is appropriate for design research. Rather, many methods must be practiced, studied, and re ected upon. An elaborate sample of issues related to the proposal in (Antonsson, 1987) is presented. (Fenves et al, 1994) This paper discusses the evolution of research on standard processing and attempts to explain the reasons for the lack of dissemination of research results into practice. (Rehak, 1994) This edited volume contains the views of researchers on various issues of computer- aided engineering (CAE) such as the relation of CAE to research and practice, CAE research on product models and integrated systems, research approaches, and future directions for CAE research. (Dym and Levitt, 1994) This paper discusses the evolution of CAE research from its early promise to its present impasse. The paper attempts to explain some of the reasons for this situation and proposes a shift in education as one of the ways to improvement. (Garcia et al, 1994) This paper describes a project for developing computational support for writing design documents. The project starts from an elaborate set of observational studies of practitioners, followed by conjecturing several hypotheses, designing a computational support and testing it with practitioners. Methodological issues in conducting such studies are also discussed. (Lowe, 1994) This paper describes the philosophy and application of proof planning to con guration problems. Central to the methodology is the hypothetico-deductive approach of hypothesizing, validation through tests and hypotheses modi cations. (Steinberg, 1994) This paper discusses two methodological issues of doing research on AI and design: the application of AI methods to multiple tasks for proper testing and the collaboration of researchers with experts for developing meaningful research. (Tomiyama, 1994) This paper discusses the evolution of ideas in General Design Theory and their incorporation into developing new technologies. The methodological issues in doing CAE research are exposed through the discussion. (Reich, 1994a) This paper reviews the central issues in studying research methodology by dividing the study into three layers: worldviews, research heuristics, and speci c issues. (Reich, 1994b) This paper argues that the problems of CAE research are rooted in its de cient methodology which does not match the main objective of CAE research: improved practice. AI EDAM, 1994, 8(4):355-366 14
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