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The Standard for Healthcare Facility
Management Compliance

Online Webinar Series

EOC Annual Evaluation
of the Management Plans
for the Physical Environment
Tom Zahorsky CHFM, CHSP-FSM
Vice President of Client Services
Email: tomz@sitefm.com
Phone: 281-362-1686

Martyn Buffler
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Email: mbuffler@sitefm.com
Phone: 512-480-0883 x125
Thank you for joining us today!
• Introductions (5 minutes)
• The Annual Evaluation Process (40 minutes)
• Next Steps (5 minutes)
• Q&A

• We will be in webinar mode – all lines muted
• Please enter questions in the control panel
• If you have technical difficulty press *0 for
operator assistance.
About SiteFM
SiteFM is Exclusive to Healthcare
• Based in Austin, TX for 22 years

• Over 425 facilities across the US using SiteFM
• SiteFM Work Order Manager and Facility Drawing
• SiteFM Vision – Critical Asset Monitoring and
Equipment Location

Healthcare Facility Management Experience
• Healthcare FM Experience on Staff
• Partnerships with Industry Leaders
• Compliance-Focused Solutions

“Technical knowledge of hospital
operations, codes and regulatory
standards, the IT design team, and
customer support truly set SiteFM
apart from other vendors. The
management of a complex medical
facility can be greatly enhanced by
forming a partnership with the
SiteFM team “

Northwest Hospital and Medical
Center / UW Medicine
Jim Ellis
Compliance Manager and
Fire Marshal
SiteFM Customers – Over 400+ Across the US
Life Safety Drawing – Creation and Hosting
SiteFM will review and assist you with updating your Life Safety Drawings
• Review of existing Life
Safety Drawings
• Creation/Update to all
specified Life Safety areas
• Printed Life Safety and
SOC floor plans, along with
CAD files
• Free Hosting – Online
web access
SiteFM Work Order Compliance
The latest mobile software technology is integrated in the NEW SiteFM
program, providing unprecedented work order mobility and efficiency for all types
and sizes of healthcare facilities.
SiteFM Vision
Environmental Monitoring & Asset Locating
SiteFM Vision improves healthcare facility workflow, operational visibility and
profitability by creating a healthcare based, scalable system with
comprehensive asset locating and environmental monitoring.
This comprehensive system empowers hospitals to increase staff -facility
efficiencies and improve documentation & reporting – while boosting customer
“95% of healthcare facilities
utilizing RTLS have realized
operational efficiency gains.”
-Recent KLAS report
Value to Attendees
• Please submit questions during the presentation to be
read during the Q&A session at the end of the
• To receive a copy of the slides, fill out the post-webinar
• SiteFM offers a free data analysis of your CMMS data
•Sign up for a product introductions/demonstrations for:
-Work Order Manager
-Facility Drawings
-Area and Equipment Monitoring
at www.SiteFM.com.
Faculty Background
Tom Zahorsky CHFM, CHSP-FSM

VP of Client Services, SiteFM
35+ Years in Healthcare Facilities Management
Former Joint Commission Life Safety Surveyor
Former OSHA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)
STAR Worksite Coordinator
Webinar Objectives
At the end of today’s program you will be able to discuss:
• The purpose and value of the annual evaluation
• Requirements for annual evaluations
– Objectives
– Scope
– Performance
– Effectiveness
• The annual evaluation process
• Impact on Safety and Operations

Determine effectiveness of program(s)
Measure progress towards goals
Organize the approach to Safety Management
Determine appropriateness of goals
Continue similar goals if appropriate
Establish new goals and measures
Provide a sense of direction
Value - Internally
• One of the most important internal Quality Improvement
documents in the hospital
• Determines program effectiveness
• Determines appropriate performance measures
• Used to update Management Plans
• Provides guidance for Safety Committee
Importance - Externally

• Insightful document for surveyor review
• Indicates program effectiveness
• Indicates understanding of process
Importance – TJC survey success
• From a survey success standpoint, the annual
evaluation used to be required by one element of
performance under one standard.
• Now, there are 4 standards and multiple elements of
performance that relate to the annual evaluation

Conducted in a timely manner
Put to use
How To - Objectives
• States the responsibility of the program(s)
• A statement of what it is that is to be accomplished by
this plan
• Comes directly from the Management Plan
• Rarely changes from year to year
How To - Objectives Example
• To provide a fire safe environment for staff, patients, and
visitors through a comprehensive program for the
management of Fire Prevention and Life Safety
systems, equipment, staff training and planned
inspections, maintenance and service to related
systems, equipment and building features.
How To - Objectives

Specific actions planned to affect improvement
Objectives support program goals
Objectives should be measurable
Performance Indicators measure progress towards
specific objective
• Objectives can change from year to year
Objective Examples –
Fire/Life Safety Program
• Improve average staff performance on fire drills by 5%
• Achieve specifically identified improvements based on
scores from the Building Maintenance Program for Life
• Monitor compliance with the Above Ceiling work permit
and Hot Work Permit programs (new).
• Maintain consideration of the Statement of Conditions
(SOC) at each meeting of the Environment of Care
Committee by keeping it as a standing agenda item.
How To - Performance Indicators
• 100% Verification Testing-Yes or no, target 100%
• Average staff score on fire drills, trended monthly
• Improve fire door latching scores from 88% to at least
95% by changing frequency from semi-annually to
• Monitor number of Hot Work Permit program violations
verses total number of permits issued(new).
• Provide summary reports of discovered Life Safety
deficiencies and if they are work order correctable or will
require PFI and or ILSM
Safety Management
Monitor the knowledge of employees in the safety components of annual re-training. Test s cores from each of

Performance Indicators for the EOC

the EOC Categories are at least 95% taken by random sampling.
 Safety Management
 Employee Safety Management
 Security Management
 Emergency Management
 Hazardous Materials and Waste Management
 Life Safety Management
 Medical Equipment Management
 Utilities Management
National Patient Safety Goal Compliance Rate
Inpatient Fall Rate (falls/1000 patient days)
Employee Safety – Lost Time Injury Rate is Below State Average for SIC Code
Employee Safety – Needle stick or other injury rate below prior year (per 100,000 worked hours)
Hazard Surveillance – percent of probes found to be in compliance
Product Recalls – percent of recalls and notices responded to by deadlines
Security Management
Security Incidents per month by type
Security - % of CCTV system operational monthly
Security – staff scores on security drills
Security – response time to events of different types
Security – number of incidents of different types compared to year prior
Emergency Management
Emergency Preparedness scored staff performance on drills
Percent of HRSA Grant Funded Supplies Locatable
Percent of Emergency Contacts Valid During Random Test Calls (after hours)
Hazardous Materials and Waste Management
Hazardous Materials % accuracy of MSDS books random sample
Hazardous Materials & Waste – lbs. Infectious waste/patient day prior year comparison
Fire Prevention and Life Safety
Life Safety – staff score at least 95% on fire drill performance
Life Safety – all staff participate each year
Life Safety – BMP compliance rates > 95%
Medical Equipment Management
Medical Equipment Management – percent PM completed monthly
Medical Equipment Management – percent repairs completed (m)
Medical Equipment Management – average turn around time
Medical Equipment Management – User Error Rate as % of reported equip. failures
Utilities Management
Utilities Management – percent PM completed monthly
Utilities Management – percent repairs completed monthly
Utilities Management – average response time

How To - Scope

• A statement of what the plan is intended to manage
• The people, facilities and equipment, as related to the
particular discipline being evaluated
• Example: For the Fire and Life Safety Program, the
Scope could be stated as;
How To - Scope Example
• The Management Plan for the Fire and Life Safety
Program applies to all hospital staff, contract
staff, general and sub contractors, physicians, patients
and visitors, and all buildings and grounds. The plan
includes the management of Fire Safety Equipment, Life
Safety features of the building, Interim Life Safety
Measures, Life Safety drawings, staff knowledge of Life
Safety Requirements, and the ability of staff to respond
in the event of a fire emergency.
How To - Performance
• An objective evaluation of how the plan was managed in
the prior year
• Relative to each goal or measure
• What was planned?
• What was done?
• What did the performance indicators show?
How To - Effectiveness


Did indicators show improvement?
Were goals met or exceeded?
If “yes”, then deem the process “effective”
If “no” then deem the process not as effective as planned
There is no “failure”, only opportunities for improvement
How To – Next Year’s Goals
• If no further opportunity for improvement is indicated
(goal met), is continued monitoring required?
• If goal was not met, should efforts continue?
• Was the goal reasonable? Adjust target?
• Have new issues arisen that present an opportunity for
The Process



Set Goals

Take Action
When to Conduct Evaluations

Evaluation sets the course for the Safety Committee
Must be the first undertaking each year
One extra committee meeting recommended
Sole purpose of meeting is review of annual evaluations
and setting goals for the coming year
When to Conduct Evaluations
• Example: Committee meets bi-monthly in the even
months (Feb, Apr, June, etc.)
• Hold extra meeting in January
• Each plan owner presents their evaluation to committee
• Committee provides input, sets goals for coming year
• Evaluations completed now Management Plans can be
• Sec. 482.21 Condition of participation: Quality
assessment and performance improvement program.
• (3) The hospital must document what quality
improvement projects are being conducted, the reasons
for conducting these projects, and the measurable
progress achieved on these projects.
• The CMS COP (Condition of Participation) are not
prescriptive in terms of the process
• Hospitals must have a process that they can
demonstrate the effectiveness of
• The annual evaluation process makes sense but is more
open in terms of the manner in which it is conducted
• The CMS COP (Condition of Participation) are not
prescriptive in terms of the process
• Hospitals must have a process that they can
demonstrate the effectiveness of
• The annual evaluation process makes sense but is more
open in terms of the manner in which it is conducted
Det norske veritas (The dnv)

PE.1 Facility ……………………………………………………………………………………. 130
PE.2 Life Safety Management System ……………………………………………………… 132
PE.3 Safety Management System …………………………………………………………… 134
PE.4 Security Management System …………………………………………………………. 135
PE.5 Hazardous Material (Hazmat) Management System ……………………………….. 136
PE.6 Emergency Management System …………………………………………………….. 137
PE.7 Medical Equipment Management System ……………………………………………. 139
PE.8 Utility Management System ……………………………………………………………. 140
Det norske veritas (DNV)
• The DNV relates directly to the CMS COP (Condition of
Participation) are not prescriptive in terms of how this is
done, however;
• Hospitals are expected to integrate the ISO 9001 Quality
Management Process into their operations, including this
• Accreditation surveys are conducted annually…
The Joint Commission
• EC.04.01.01 EP 15 – “every 12 months, the hospital
evaluates each environment of care management
plan, including a review of the plan’s
objectives, scope, performance and effectiveness (See
also EC.01.01.01, EPs 3-8, and EC.04.01.03, EP 1)”
The Joint Commission
• EC.04.01.03 EP 1 – “Representatives from
clinical, administrative and support services participate in
the analysis of environment of care data (See also
EC.04.01.01, EPs 3-6, and 8-15 and EC.04.01.05, EP
The Joint Commission
• EC.04.01.01, EPs 3-6… – “based on its process(es) the
hospital reports and investigates the following;
• EP 3 – injuries to patients or others
• EP 4 – occupational illness/employee injuries
• EP 5 – damage to property
• EP 6 – Security incidents
• EP 8 – Hazardous materials
• EP 9 – Fire safety issues
• EP 10 – Medical/Laboratory equipment
• EP 11 – Utility Systems
The Joint Commission
• EC.04.01.05, the organization improves its
environment of care
• EP 1 – action is taken on improvement
• EP 2 –the effectiveness of actions is evaluated
• EP 3 – P.I. results reported
• EP 3 refers then to EC.04.01.03, EP 1; and
EM.03.01.03 EP 16
The Joint Commission
• EM.03.01.03 – The organization evaluates the
effectiveness of its Emergency Operations Plan
• Rationale statement includes “the organization
conducts and annual review of its planning
The Joint Commission
• EM.03.01.03 – The organization
evaluates the effectiveness of its
Emergency Operations Plan
• EP 1 – annual HVA
• EP 2 – annual review of scope, etc.
• EP 3 – annual review of inventory process
The Joint Commission
• EM.03.01.03 – The organization evaluates the
effectiveness of its Emergency Operations Plan
• EP 16 – the hospital modifies its Emergency
Operations Plan based on its evaluations of
emergency response exercises and responses
to actual emergencies.
The Joint Commission
• Essentially, the objectives, scope, performance and
effectiveness of each of the management plans
must be evaluated at least annually.
• Include the EOP, HVA, EM Inventory Process
• Safety and Security Risk Assessment
• Though not listed in TJC’s Life Safety
Chapter, items addressed therein should be
included in the Fire/Life Safety Management Plan
and should be evaluated annually as before.
The Joint Commission

Safety & Security Management (EC)
Hazardous Materials Management (EC)
Fire and Life Safety Management (EC,LS)
Medical Equipment Management (EC)
Utilities Management (EC)
Emergency Management Plan, HVA &
Inventory Process (EM)
In Review



Set Goals

Take Action
In Review
• Regardless of the accrediting body, the
annual evaluation process is valuable
• Measures program effectiveness
• Assures appropriate goals and measures
• Provide a sense of direction to the
• Aligns with quality management
Seminar/Webinar Topics
• The partner presentation to this is our “Managing an
Effective Safety Committee”
• The Barrier Management Program
• Managing Life Safety Drawings
• The Life Safety Code Surveyor
• Register at www.SiteFM.com
• These programs can be presented for your state
Healthcare Facilities Management association
SiteFM Work Order Manager
Helps you manage the EOC Process
• Full WO-CMMS with Compliance
Management Features &
• Mobile Component – Complete PMs
and Inspections on Mobile Devices

• Comprehensive EOC Mgmt.
Reporting Solution – Monitor &
Measure what matters
• Combines Inspection Software with
your CMMS.
• Provides valuable data for
documentation and improvement.
SiteFM Professional Services
A Healthcare Maintenance Management System
is only as good as the system’s data.

Healthcare – CMMS

Life Safety Drawing

Space Allocation Cost

Utility Management

Asset Tagging & Bar



Report & Space Book

Professional Services

Code Implementation

Data Conversion

Free Hosting

and Support
Next Steps
• Please fill out the post-webinar survey to request a copy

of presentation.

• Sign up for a SiteFM product demonstration for:
•Work Order Manager CMMS
•Facility Drawing Management
•SiteFM Vision – Critical Asset Monitoring and Equipment Location

• Please share this information with your peers.

Thank you!

The SiteFM team…..
The Standard for Healthcare Facility
Management Compliance

Questions and Answers
Tom Zahorsky CHFM, CHSP-FSM
Vice President of Client Services
Email: tomz@sitefm.com
Phone: 281-362-1686
Martyn Buffler
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Email: mbuffler@sitefm.com
Phone: 512-480-0883 x125

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EOC Annual Evaluation of the Management Plans for the Physical Environmentual eval slideshare

  • 1. The Standard for Healthcare Facility Management Compliance Online Webinar Series EOC Annual Evaluation of the Management Plans for the Physical Environment Faculty: Tom Zahorsky CHFM, CHSP-FSM Vice President of Client Services Email: tomz@sitefm.com Phone: 281-362-1686 SiteFM Host: Martyn Buffler Vice President, Sales and Marketing Email: mbuffler@sitefm.com Phone: 512-480-0883 x125 SiteFM
  • 2. Thank you for joining us today! Agenda • Introductions (5 minutes) • The Annual Evaluation Process (40 minutes) • Next Steps (5 minutes) • Q&A Housekeeping • We will be in webinar mode – all lines muted • Please enter questions in the control panel • If you have technical difficulty press *0 for operator assistance.
  • 3. About SiteFM SiteFM is Exclusive to Healthcare • Based in Austin, TX for 22 years • Over 425 facilities across the US using SiteFM • SiteFM Work Order Manager and Facility Drawing Management • SiteFM Vision – Critical Asset Monitoring and Equipment Location Healthcare Facility Management Experience • Healthcare FM Experience on Staff • Partnerships with Industry Leaders • Compliance-Focused Solutions “Technical knowledge of hospital operations, codes and regulatory standards, the IT design team, and customer support truly set SiteFM apart from other vendors. The management of a complex medical facility can be greatly enhanced by forming a partnership with the SiteFM team “ Northwest Hospital and Medical Center / UW Medicine Jim Ellis Compliance Manager and Fire Marshal
  • 4. SiteFM Customers – Over 400+ Across the US
  • 5. Life Safety Drawing – Creation and Hosting SiteFM will review and assist you with updating your Life Safety Drawings Deliverables • Review of existing Life Safety Drawings • Creation/Update to all specified Life Safety areas • Printed Life Safety and SOC floor plans, along with CAD files • Free Hosting – Online web access
  • 6. SiteFM Work Order Compliance The latest mobile software technology is integrated in the NEW SiteFM program, providing unprecedented work order mobility and efficiency for all types and sizes of healthcare facilities.
  • 7. SiteFM Vision Environmental Monitoring & Asset Locating SiteFM Vision improves healthcare facility workflow, operational visibility and profitability by creating a healthcare based, scalable system with comprehensive asset locating and environmental monitoring. This comprehensive system empowers hospitals to increase staff -facility efficiencies and improve documentation & reporting – while boosting customer service. “95% of healthcare facilities utilizing RTLS have realized operational efficiency gains.” -Recent KLAS report
  • 8. Value to Attendees • Please submit questions during the presentation to be read during the Q&A session at the end of the presentation • To receive a copy of the slides, fill out the post-webinar survey • SiteFM offers a free data analysis of your CMMS data •Sign up for a product introductions/demonstrations for: -Work Order Manager -Facility Drawings -Area and Equipment Monitoring at www.SiteFM.com.
  • 9. Faculty Background Tom Zahorsky CHFM, CHSP-FSM • • • • VP of Client Services, SiteFM 35+ Years in Healthcare Facilities Management Former Joint Commission Life Safety Surveyor Former OSHA Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) STAR Worksite Coordinator
  • 10. Webinar Objectives At the end of today’s program you will be able to discuss: • The purpose and value of the annual evaluation • Requirements for annual evaluations – Objectives – Scope – Performance – Effectiveness • The annual evaluation process • Impact on Safety and Operations
  • 11. Purpose • • • • • • • Determine effectiveness of program(s) Measure progress towards goals Organize the approach to Safety Management Determine appropriateness of goals Continue similar goals if appropriate Establish new goals and measures Provide a sense of direction
  • 12. Value - Internally • One of the most important internal Quality Improvement documents in the hospital • Determines program effectiveness • Determines appropriate performance measures • Used to update Management Plans • Provides guidance for Safety Committee
  • 13. Importance - Externally • Insightful document for surveyor review • Indicates program effectiveness • Indicates understanding of process
  • 14. Importance – TJC survey success • From a survey success standpoint, the annual evaluation used to be required by one element of performance under one standard. • Now, there are 4 standards and multiple elements of performance that relate to the annual evaluation process
  • 16. How To - Objectives • States the responsibility of the program(s) • A statement of what it is that is to be accomplished by this plan • Comes directly from the Management Plan • Rarely changes from year to year
  • 17. How To - Objectives Example • To provide a fire safe environment for staff, patients, and visitors through a comprehensive program for the management of Fire Prevention and Life Safety systems, equipment, staff training and planned inspections, maintenance and service to related systems, equipment and building features.
  • 18. How To - Objectives • • • • Specific actions planned to affect improvement Objectives support program goals Objectives should be measurable Performance Indicators measure progress towards specific objective • Objectives can change from year to year
  • 19. Objective Examples – Fire/Life Safety Program • Improve average staff performance on fire drills by 5% • Achieve specifically identified improvements based on scores from the Building Maintenance Program for Life Safety. • Monitor compliance with the Above Ceiling work permit and Hot Work Permit programs (new). • Maintain consideration of the Statement of Conditions (SOC) at each meeting of the Environment of Care Committee by keeping it as a standing agenda item.
  • 20. How To - Performance Indicators • 100% Verification Testing-Yes or no, target 100% • Average staff score on fire drills, trended monthly • Improve fire door latching scores from 88% to at least 95% by changing frequency from semi-annually to quarterly • Monitor number of Hot Work Permit program violations verses total number of permits issued(new). • Provide summary reports of discovered Life Safety deficiencies and if they are work order correctable or will require PFI and or ILSM
  • 21. Safety Management Monitor the knowledge of employees in the safety components of annual re-training. Test s cores from each of Performance Indicators for the EOC the EOC Categories are at least 95% taken by random sampling.  Safety Management  Employee Safety Management  Security Management  Emergency Management  Hazardous Materials and Waste Management  Life Safety Management  Medical Equipment Management  Utilities Management National Patient Safety Goal Compliance Rate Inpatient Fall Rate (falls/1000 patient days) Employee Safety – Lost Time Injury Rate is Below State Average for SIC Code Employee Safety – Needle stick or other injury rate below prior year (per 100,000 worked hours) Hazard Surveillance – percent of probes found to be in compliance Product Recalls – percent of recalls and notices responded to by deadlines Security Management Security Incidents per month by type Security - % of CCTV system operational monthly Security – staff scores on security drills Security – response time to events of different types Security – number of incidents of different types compared to year prior Emergency Management Emergency Preparedness scored staff performance on drills Percent of HRSA Grant Funded Supplies Locatable Percent of Emergency Contacts Valid During Random Test Calls (after hours) Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Hazardous Materials % accuracy of MSDS books random sample Hazardous Materials & Waste – lbs. Infectious waste/patient day prior year comparison Fire Prevention and Life Safety Life Safety – staff score at least 95% on fire drill performance Life Safety – all staff participate each year Life Safety – BMP compliance rates > 95% Medical Equipment Management Medical Equipment Management – percent PM completed monthly Medical Equipment Management – percent repairs completed (m) Medical Equipment Management – average turn around time Medical Equipment Management – User Error Rate as % of reported equip. failures Utilities Management Utilities Management – percent PM completed monthly Utilities Management – percent repairs completed monthly Utilities Management – average response time SiteFM™
  • 22. How To - Scope • A statement of what the plan is intended to manage • The people, facilities and equipment, as related to the particular discipline being evaluated • Example: For the Fire and Life Safety Program, the Scope could be stated as;
  • 23. How To - Scope Example • The Management Plan for the Fire and Life Safety Program applies to all hospital staff, contract staff, general and sub contractors, physicians, patients and visitors, and all buildings and grounds. The plan includes the management of Fire Safety Equipment, Life Safety features of the building, Interim Life Safety Measures, Life Safety drawings, staff knowledge of Life Safety Requirements, and the ability of staff to respond in the event of a fire emergency.
  • 24. How To - Performance • An objective evaluation of how the plan was managed in the prior year • Relative to each goal or measure • What was planned? • What was done? • What did the performance indicators show?
  • 25. How To - Effectiveness • • • • • Did indicators show improvement? Were goals met or exceeded? If “yes”, then deem the process “effective” If “no” then deem the process not as effective as planned There is no “failure”, only opportunities for improvement
  • 26. How To – Next Year’s Goals • If no further opportunity for improvement is indicated (goal met), is continued monitoring required? • If goal was not met, should efforts continue? • Was the goal reasonable? Adjust target? • Have new issues arisen that present an opportunity for improvement?
  • 28. When to Conduct Evaluations • • • • Evaluation sets the course for the Safety Committee Must be the first undertaking each year One extra committee meeting recommended Sole purpose of meeting is review of annual evaluations and setting goals for the coming year
  • 29. When to Conduct Evaluations • Example: Committee meets bi-monthly in the even months (Feb, Apr, June, etc.) • Hold extra meeting in January • Each plan owner presents their evaluation to committee • Committee provides input, sets goals for coming year • Evaluations completed now Management Plans can be updated
  • 30. CMS • Sec. 482.21 Condition of participation: Quality assessment and performance improvement program. • (3) The hospital must document what quality improvement projects are being conducted, the reasons for conducting these projects, and the measurable progress achieved on these projects.
  • 31. CMS • The CMS COP (Condition of Participation) are not prescriptive in terms of the process • Hospitals must have a process that they can demonstrate the effectiveness of • The annual evaluation process makes sense but is more open in terms of the manner in which it is conducted
  • 32. CMS • The CMS COP (Condition of Participation) are not prescriptive in terms of the process • Hospitals must have a process that they can demonstrate the effectiveness of • The annual evaluation process makes sense but is more open in terms of the manner in which it is conducted
  • 33. Det norske veritas (The dnv) • • • • • • • • • PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT (PE) PE.1 Facility ……………………………………………………………………………………. 130 PE.2 Life Safety Management System ……………………………………………………… 132 PE.3 Safety Management System …………………………………………………………… 134 PE.4 Security Management System …………………………………………………………. 135 PE.5 Hazardous Material (Hazmat) Management System ……………………………….. 136 PE.6 Emergency Management System …………………………………………………….. 137 PE.7 Medical Equipment Management System ……………………………………………. 139 PE.8 Utility Management System ……………………………………………………………. 140
  • 34. Det norske veritas (DNV) • The DNV relates directly to the CMS COP (Condition of Participation) are not prescriptive in terms of how this is done, however; • Hospitals are expected to integrate the ISO 9001 Quality Management Process into their operations, including this process • Accreditation surveys are conducted annually…
  • 35. The Joint Commission • EC.04.01.01 EP 15 – “every 12 months, the hospital evaluates each environment of care management plan, including a review of the plan’s objectives, scope, performance and effectiveness (See also EC.01.01.01, EPs 3-8, and EC.04.01.03, EP 1)”
  • 36. The Joint Commission • EC.04.01.03 EP 1 – “Representatives from clinical, administrative and support services participate in the analysis of environment of care data (See also EC.04.01.01, EPs 3-6, and 8-15 and EC.04.01.05, EP 3)”
  • 37. The Joint Commission • EC.04.01.01, EPs 3-6… – “based on its process(es) the hospital reports and investigates the following; • EP 3 – injuries to patients or others • EP 4 – occupational illness/employee injuries • EP 5 – damage to property • EP 6 – Security incidents • EP 8 – Hazardous materials • EP 9 – Fire safety issues • EP 10 – Medical/Laboratory equipment • EP 11 – Utility Systems
  • 38. The Joint Commission • EC.04.01.05, the organization improves its environment of care • EP 1 – action is taken on improvement opportunities • EP 2 –the effectiveness of actions is evaluated • EP 3 – P.I. results reported • EP 3 refers then to EC.04.01.03, EP 1; and EM.03.01.03 EP 16
  • 39. The Joint Commission • EM.03.01.03 – The organization evaluates the effectiveness of its Emergency Operations Plan • Rationale statement includes “the organization conducts and annual review of its planning activities”
  • 40. The Joint Commission • EM.03.01.03 – The organization evaluates the effectiveness of its Emergency Operations Plan • EP 1 – annual HVA • EP 2 – annual review of scope, etc. • EP 3 – annual review of inventory process
  • 41. The Joint Commission • EM.03.01.03 – The organization evaluates the effectiveness of its Emergency Operations Plan • EP 16 – the hospital modifies its Emergency Operations Plan based on its evaluations of emergency response exercises and responses to actual emergencies.
  • 42. The Joint Commission • Essentially, the objectives, scope, performance and effectiveness of each of the management plans must be evaluated at least annually. • Include the EOP, HVA, EM Inventory Process • Safety and Security Risk Assessment • Though not listed in TJC’s Life Safety Chapter, items addressed therein should be included in the Fire/Life Safety Management Plan and should be evaluated annually as before.
  • 43. The Joint Commission • • • • • • Safety & Security Management (EC) Hazardous Materials Management (EC) Fire and Life Safety Management (EC,LS) Medical Equipment Management (EC) Utilities Management (EC) Emergency Management Plan, HVA & Inventory Process (EM)
  • 45. In Review • Regardless of the accrediting body, the annual evaluation process is valuable • Measures program effectiveness • Assures appropriate goals and measures • Provide a sense of direction to the organization • Aligns with quality management processes
  • 46. Seminar/Webinar Topics • The partner presentation to this is our “Managing an Effective Safety Committee” • The Barrier Management Program • Managing Life Safety Drawings • The Life Safety Code Surveyor • Register at www.SiteFM.com • These programs can be presented for your state Healthcare Facilities Management association
  • 47. SiteFM Work Order Manager Helps you manage the EOC Process • Full WO-CMMS with Compliance Management Features & Functionality • Mobile Component – Complete PMs and Inspections on Mobile Devices Real-Time • Comprehensive EOC Mgmt. Reporting Solution – Monitor & Measure what matters • Combines Inspection Software with your CMMS. • Provides valuable data for documentation and improvement.
  • 48. SiteFM Professional Services A Healthcare Maintenance Management System is only as good as the system’s data. Healthcare – CMMS Life Safety Drawing Space Allocation Cost Utility Management Asset Tagging & Bar Implementation/ Creation Report & Space Book Professional Services Code Implementation Data Conversion Free Hosting and Support
  • 49. Next Steps • Please fill out the post-webinar survey to request a copy of presentation. • Sign up for a SiteFM product demonstration for: •Work Order Manager CMMS •Facility Drawing Management •SiteFM Vision – Critical Asset Monitoring and Equipment Location • Please share this information with your peers. Thank you! The SiteFM team…..
  • 50. The Standard for Healthcare Facility Management Compliance Questions and Answers Tom Zahorsky CHFM, CHSP-FSM Vice President of Client Services Email: tomz@sitefm.com Phone: 281-362-1686 SiteFM Martyn Buffler Vice President, Sales and Marketing Email: mbuffler@sitefm.com Phone: 512-480-0883 x125 SiteFM