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APA Basics: Fundamentals Of
Formatting Research Pa
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APA Basics: Fundamentals Of Formatting Research Pa APA Basics: Fundamentals Of Formatting Research Pa
Baseball Rules Change Analysis
Baseball rule changes: Annotated Bibliography Adam, Felder Baseball s Fancy New Instant Replay
System Is Useless. Theatlantic.com. Culture article. 31 Mar. 2014 11 Oct. 2015.
This article was found on the atlantic.com in the culture of baseball section.
Adam Felder is the associate director of digital analytics also a baseball writer. The article
concentrates on how baseball replay has been useless for some teams. Some people say they need to
fix Instant replay. Basically instant replay needs to make sure the play is more right rather than wrong.
The circumstance we face is replay not being helpful, which is the reason why this article is prompted
because replay has been useless for baseball at this time. The article is persuasive to tell ... Show more
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Imber Gil is a baseball journalist, he is also has a sports writer profile and went to UC Irvine. Some of
the important detail in this article is that, replay needed to be reviewed and had to be used in more
pressure situations in the game. Also the face that replay itself was taking too long to review when
make a decision on the call, this is something that will need to review. Also a new rule being added
now mangers have 2 challenges instead of one during the previously season they only could challenge
one time. The circumstance that prompted this article is the instant replay rule needing to evaluated
and needing to be quicker on decision with the call on the field. The purpose this article is trying to
inform is, rules needing to be reviewed and changed. Also technology is helping baseball get the call
right and making the game exciting. The author is trying to target baseball fans that want to see
changes to the game, also wanting the replay to be reviewed and challenges to be made quicker on the
call on the field. As a matter of strategy, managers would be wise to challenge or request an otherwise
benign review when on defense, during stressful
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House Of The Red Fish Analysis
Do you find it hard to when looking for the similarities and differences of an object. Well you can use
the Double Bubble Map method to compare two subjects, there are three sides. The similarities, and
the different things about the subjects. In this case, the subjects were Tomi and Keet, the main
characters of House of The Red Fish . One of the many differences between Tomi and Keet is that
Tomi is determined to get his father s fishing sampan to the surface, but Keet is adamant about
keeping it at the bottom of the canal where it lays. The Double Bubble Map is convenient because it
keeps your notes organized, you can also virtually compare any two things, and lastly it s a fun
different way to taking dull notes. Firstly, this strategy is convenient because of how organized it is.
Even though there are a jumble of circles and words, the adjacent lines connecting one circle to the
next keep the space tidy and easy to find. In addition, when comparing Tomi and Keet, there are many
differences, but just as many similarities between the two. Using the Double Bubble method, you can
easily decipher the things they have in common, and the things that contrast. For example, both
characters share the trait of being stubborn, because Tomi will not give up raising his father s sampan,
the Taiyo Maru, but Keet on the other hand will do anything to keep the sampan on the ocean floor. ...
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You could compare dogs to cats, or sharks to lions. There is an endless array of things to compare and
contrast, and you will always find differences and similarities. Like Tomi, he is Japanese and
considered a traitor, but Keet is white and acts as though he is superior to Tomi because of his race. Or
you could compare Oiji Chan to Mr. Wilson. Oiji Chan is a Japanese immigrant and was taken to a
makeshift camp on Sand Island. Mr.Wilson is a BMTC Officer and is an American
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Unit 3 Assignment 1 Cognitive Radio Spectrum
The increased demand for radio spectrum has resulted from the evolution of feature rich and high data
rate wireless applications. The spectrum is limited, and the current radio spectrum regulations make its
use less productive. This has necessitated the development of dynamic spectrum allocation policies to
make the utilization of the existing spectrum in a better way. As per the current spectrum allocation
regulations, specific bands are assigned to particular services and only licensed users are granted
access to licensed bands. Cognitive radio (CR) is expected to modernize the way spectrum is
allocated. In a CR network, the cognitive radio part allows the unlicensed users (secondary users) to
access spectrum bands allocated to the licensed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the underlay approach, secondary users should operate below the noise floor of primary users, and
thus severe constraints are imposed on their transmission power. Ultra wideband (UWB) technology is
very suitable as the enabling technology for this approach. In spectrum overlay CR, secondary users
search for unused frequency bands, called white spaces, and use them for communication.
Developing reconfigurable filter for overlay and underlay CR would be the effective solution for
sensing and sharing by ensuring security. This would start by studying techniques employed in the
design of UWB filters. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 brings out the theory of
UWB and Cognitive Radio. Filter geometries and performances are discussed in Chapter 3. Section 4
compares the results of existing developed filters available in the literature. Section 5 concludes the
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Agriculture in the Himalayas of Nepal Essay
Agriculture in the Himalayas of Nepal
According to some estimates, as much as 90% of Nepal s population relies on agriculture for its
sustenance.[1] The significant climactic variations between Nepal s sub tropical Terai region, hills
region, and Himalayan mountain region lead to a variety of different agricultural models. Within the
northern Himalayan region, additional variations in agricultural style exist because of changes in the
qualities of available soil and quantities of moisture at different altitudes. Some researchers remark
that it is even possible to anticipate the ethnicity of a group in a rural Himalayan village by glancing at
an altimeter, as the traditional lifestyles maintained by the Nepali speaking caste Hindus ... Show more
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As they rely heavily on their crops to sustain themselves, they tend to remain in areas where
agriculture can continue throughout the year.
In midland mountainous regions from 2,500 to 3,200 meters above sea level, sub Tibetan groups (or
groups of Tibetan ethnicity and culture) grow one crop of wheat or barley per winter and one crop of
buckwheat during the summer. The climate in this region is cool and dry, and the dry field agriculture
used requires less labor than rice cultivation. This allows them to raise cattle, water buffalo and goats
to supplement their diet.[4]At even higher altitudes, where low levels of moisture permit only a single
crop of wheat or barley, yak, which are well suited for high altitudes, become a major component of
the lifestyle.[5] In the northern areas of Nepal, Tibetan pastoralists travel to altitudes reaching up to
5,200 meters as they seek out pasture for their animals during the summer monsoon season, although
few permanent habitations can be found above 4,000 meters. Where possible, these groups make up
for shortages in grain and other goods by trading wool, butter, meat, and draught animals. They may
also hunt, fish, and forage for wild plants, although habitat destruction from deforestation has caused a
decline in the availability of game and fish resources in much of Nepal, making it increasingly
difficult to rely on these assets for food.[6]
Unlike many third world countries, no strong landowning
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Conflict Of Self In John Calvin, The Accusative Case
John Calvin s Conflict of Self
John Calvin, the Accusative Case as he was called by friends, was known for being a stern and
humorless theologian and in truth he was, but there was more to him than just that. Throughout his
career, he was staunch in the belief of predetermination above all other thought. Unlike Luther, Calvin
had not begun life with the mindset of being a preacher, but he arguably had just as much, if not more
of an impact as a reformer. More humanist than previous reformers, but not truly that either, Calvin
existed in a state of conflict. Calvin was educated as a French Humanist with a less than humanist
view of predestination that culminated in an influential, but unfulfilled life.
Calvin had a different beginning to that of most reformists, which lent him a unique perspective.
According to Calvin his father had destined me for the study of theology. But afterwards, when he
considered that the legal profession commonly raised those who followed it to wealth , but in truth he
could not initially join the church due to the very same father embezzling money. Whether this
original desire left Calvin with a sense of unfulfilled destiny is uncertain, ... Show more content on
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The concept of predestination perhaps the strongest belief he held to the point where if you supported
the idea of free will. Others endeavor to overthrow God s eternal purpose of predestination, by which
he distinguishes between the reprobate and the elect; others take upon them to defend free will; and
forthwith many throw themselves into their ranks, not so much through ignorance as by a perversity of
zeal which I know not how to characterize. With regards to original sin Calvin. In refusal of other
ideas Calvin never touched upon opposite opinions, unless there was reason to fear. Calvin was
certainly set in his beliefs, but not without
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No Stipend for College Athletes Essay examples
No Stipend for the Athletes
When people think of college they automatically connect it to football or basketball, because these
sports are a major part of any college s means of funding and advertising. Athletics in college over the
years has become increasingly big amongst the social media and people. Today you could turn on the
TV and almost always see a college football or basketball game playing. With the increasing interest
in these sports and their players, people are starting to question if the players should get compensation
for the hard work and publicity they bring to their college. While many may be in favor of college
athletes being paid, I am not. College athletes should not get any more money than they already have
through ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They would also have to pay women s volleyball and softball as well. It doesn t matter if men s
football and basketball bring in the most revenue or not(Gaines, Cork). Also where would the money
come from? The University of Texas would not have any problem paying all their student athletes but
what about small colleges? Small colleges do not bring in the revenue that big colleges bring in and if
only big colleges could pay their player then that would lead into unfair recruitment and the colleges
that could pay would be able to get any player they wanted. Lastly these players do not need to get
paid in college, because college sports are meant to get the athletes ready for a professional career.
These athletes that play in college are getting a wide spectrum of exposure and experience. They
perform in a high profile environment, and gain access to incredible networks of people, says John
Rowady, president of sports marketing firm rEvolution (Riper, Tom Van). Take Johnny Manziel for
instance, he was playing on Texas A M and because of his success he was able to enter the 2014 NFL
draft with his teammate Mike Evans. Johnny Manziel is currently in the top 5 (Stankevitz, JJ).
Whatever these college athletes don t make playing in college, they can make up when they get into a
professional career. When Manziel is drafted he can earn up to $5 18 million dollars a year (Barnett,
Phillips). College athletes are not
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King Philip II Research Paper
I have chosen King Philip II because I wanted to learn more about him and his reign of Spain. King
Philip II was king of Spain from the year 1556 until 1598. He was also known as Philip the Prudent,
King of Portugal, King of Naples and Sicily, jure uxoris King of England and Ireland, Duke of Milan,
and Lord of the Seventeen Provinces of the Netherlands. He ruled one of the world s largest empires.
He became king in the Golden Age. The Spanish Golden Age was a period of flourishment in the arts
and in literature. Philip II was born in Valladolid, Spain on May 21, 1527, and the only son of Holy
Roman Emperor Charles V. By the time Philip died he had a total of four wives. Mysteriously, they all
died during or after childbirth. His first wife
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Effects of Daily Media Use on Youth Obesity
As according to a study done by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 8 18 year olds devote an average of 7
hours and 38 minutes...to using entertainment media across a typical day . Not only that, but most
youths also report to having no rules governing the amount of time spent on entertainment media in
the mediums of TV, videogames, and any computer use. Less than 50% actually have rules and
regulations on what video games they are allowed to play and what TV shows they can watch.
However, I believe that daily media use among children and teens needs to be controlled. If it is not,
this could potentially lead to negative ramifications, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, obesity, internet
addiction, and negative effects on the brain.
For a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Youths who are obese are also very likely to be obese in adulthood, with even higher risks of severe
health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and several types of cancer, including
cancer of the kidney, gall bladder, esophagus, breasts, and colon, just to name a few.
In addition, Dr. Douglas Gentile, Director of the Media Research Lab at Iowa State University reports,
Almost one out of every ten youth gamers shows enough symptoms of damage to their school, family,
and psychological functioning to merit serious concern. Some harmful symptoms of internet addiction
are: loses track of time while online , sacrifices needed hours of sleep to spend time online , becomes
anti social and chooses to instead spend time on the online instead of spending time with friends or
family, disregards set time limits and sneaks online when no one is around, becomes irritable, moody
or depressed when not online , Spends time online in place of homework or chores , Seems
preoccupied with getting back online when away from the computer , and Forms new relationships
with people he or she has met online . Sleep deprivation can cause memory loss, weight loss, sleep
paralysis, weakened immune system (more prone to illnesses), and high blood pressure. Consequently,
if one spends too much time online,
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Benefits Of A Pillow Talk
Pillow Talk: Does your sleep routine have you feeling hot? If there is one place we are all a little
peculiar it is in our bedtime routine. Some of us need our blankets tucked a certain way into the
mattress, others need their pillow nice and cool, and some like sleeping with pillows the size of them!
Whatever your routine is to sleep there always seems to be one issue or another keeping us all up at
night! Whether it is the feeling of a pea under your mattress, the weight of your sheets, or the dreaded
night sweats, something always seems to get in the way of our precious sleep! Let s focus on
something we can help you be more comfortable sleeping with night sweats! Simple Tips to Avoid
Night Sweats 1. Wear lightweight loose pajamas to help with airflow. 2. ... Show more content on
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Have a fan circulating the room to keep a nice breeze for when you start to heat up. 3. Try a wool
duvet, it can absorb up to 3 times more sweat than cotton blankets. Is your mattress the culprit? If you
are feeling hot once you get under the covers and feel like the heat is simply turning up higher and
higher, it might be time for a new mattress! If you are looking for comfort but want to avoid the heat
that memory foam can cause try the alternative from Sealy a hybrid of Gel memory foam and latex.
You do not have to worry about giving up comfort, as it is stronger than most memory foams alone,
giving you extra support so you don t sink in so go ahead and have that extra donut. The gel memory
foam has tons of tiny gel beads that help airflow, which keeps you much cooler at night! Night Sweats
VS Pillows Do you ever feel like you have a soft heater under your head just warming you up? Instead
of flipping your pillow over and over trying to find the cool side try a new innovative and exciting
pillow. It has been 25 years in the making and it all started from one man s
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Sport and Manliness in Antebellum America
I do not accept the thesis that American men living in cities before the Civil War engaged in sport
primarily to define themselves, publicly, as manly. I would accept this thesis if it had stated that men
living in cities before the Civil War engaged in sports to define themselves, publicly, and manly. The
word that made me disagree with the original thesis is the word primarily . I am not stating that men
did not engage in sport to define themselves, publicly, as manly, but I do not think that it is the
primary reason. I would have also accepted this thesis if it had stated that men living in cities before
the Civil War engaged in prize fighting primarily to define themselves, publicly, as manly.
Prizefighting is a sport but it does not provide the standard for all sports. I will use excerpts from the
various sources we have read in class in order to defend my position. What is the purpose of sport?
The answer to this question has many different answers for the many different types of people. For
some people sport is a source means of entertainment, for others it is source of exercise and recreation.
It can be another opportunity for someone to gamble or it can be a way to make new friends and enjoy
other peoples company. In some sports, like prize fighting and wrestling, men can exhibit their
manliness or superiority through competition but there were and still are many more sports than
simply prize fighting and wrestling. Since the beginning of the Americas, the
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To Kill A Mockingbird Eveline Alternate Ending
Prologue Eveline watched her team members run out one by one and die shot by shot. If they thought
killing James was easy they were idiots. He single handedly controlled Chicago for four months
without MPC knowing. He swiped and killed innocent mortals without notice for four months, and
these Scouts were trying to take him head on. This was why Eveline worked on her own, partners
were useless. The bodies piled up were good Scouts, MPC would only send the best for James. But if
she managed to fit it in her busy schedule, then it was something only she could do. Finally a short red
head stood behind James with the tip of her gun pressed against his head. Eveline entertained the idea
of leaving without breaking a sweat. Yes, that would be nice. Then the red headed fool destroyed
Eveline s hopes. MPC is sentencing you to death, she spouted the MPC s words. They helped avoid
lawsuits, but Eveline didn t bother. It just got you killed. Anyway, how could someone tattle if they
were dead. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A deep laugh shook the building as her body burned in his fingertips. The red head became ashes at
his feet, a lost Scout among many. I can smell you hunter, the mage smiled. He enjoying this game.
Eveline moved left as his eyes shot to her previous position. She moved like a shadow, hidden in the
darkness. James missed the wisp of black hair and glint of silver eyes. Then find me, Eveline sang as
she moved with grace. She would play his
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Male-Female Relationships In When Harry Met Sally And When...
After recently meeting, Harry and Sally are stuck together in an eight hour car ride heading to New
York City. Not knowing each other well, they make small talk, getting to know the other person. The
topic of male female relationships comes up in the conversation, and Harry says that men are only
friends with women because they want to sleep with them. This question of Can women and men be
friends without sleeping with each other? is one of main themes film s most popular romantic
comedies of all time, When Harry met Sally.
In recent years, one of the most popular sub genre of film, romantic comedies or rom coms for short,
has gotten a bad reputation. Due to many rom coms following the same storyline and containing
typical rom com tropes, many have become bored with the genre, and some detest it because of its
predictable nature. There are some hidden gems within the genre that veer off from the typical rom
com films, like When Harry Met Sally. With a well casted group of characters to a well written
screenplay, When Harry Met Sally goes against many of the stereotypes of a rom com while dealing
with themes that are commonly used in the genre.
The movie begins with recently graduated Sally and Harry headed off to New York City. Just recently
met, Harry and Sally start to learn more about each other while being stuck in a car for eight hours,
but after arriving at the city, they part ways with both assuming that they won t ever see each other
again. Five years pass, and Harry and Sally accidentally bump into each other. They both speak briefly
to each other, but both decide not to keep in touch after the awkward encounter. Another five years
pass and Sally runs into Harry again in a bookstore. Both talk about their recent heartbreaks and bond
over them. The rest of the film follows Harry and Sally friendship while both are dealing with their
recently ended relationships and are trying to find love in the city.
The screenplay for this film is what makes it original in a genre that is stereotypical. Nora Ephron,
who wrote the film, has written other well known rom com films such as Bewitched and Sleepless in
Seattle. An aspect of this screenplay that makes this film special is the pacing. The balance
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The Effects Of Organized Sports On Children
Organized Sports are Good to Children As the time pass, and as the technology is advancing rapidly,
the tradition of playing outside is diminished rapidly. Many people are concentrating on their
electronic devices in ages early as three. Sports is the most effective way that children can express
their joyful and brilliance. It prepares children with advantages of physical activities, confidence, and
enjoyment. Participating in organized sports when kids are young arise the greater results. There are
several reasons to support that organized sports are good to children. First, organized sports are good
for children because it improves social skills. Kids who are participating in team sports have full of
confidence. According to Gary R. Collins who writes the Spotlight or stress, This is especially
uncomfortable and stressful when other people expect us to do one thing, when we fear that we can t
do what is expected, and we think that our inability may cause us to lose respect in the eyes of others.
((( ))) Since everyone is not perfect, sometimes they can win or lose the games. According to Collins,
Acceptance is a third divine characteristic of success. ((( ))) At the beginning they can be afraid of
losing, but it is good opportunity to have ability of accepting. They will have challenging mind and
sense of purpose with more passion through experiencing many competitions. They will have high self
esteem and will be full of confidence by victories that they challenge
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Politics During The Gilded Age Essay
Autumn Wiktorowski
Professor Wolfe
13 January 2016
American History 202
American Politics during the Gilded Age Politics from 1877 to 1901 were filled with corruption,
dishonesty, and unlawful behavior. The competition between the two major parties, the Republicans,
and the Democrats, characterized the Gilded Aged politics. Minor parties, like the Populist Party, did
exist, however, never lasted long. America saw rapid industrialization, urbanization, and the rise of big
business with natural resources, manufactured goods, and growing labor supply all helping to increase
economic outstanding. High tariffs prevented outside merchandise from making its way into the
United States, forcing Americans to buy and sell within their own limits. During ... Show more content
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These presidents Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland, and
Benjamin Harrison mostly had unremarkable terms in office. Starting with Hayes, who technically lost
the election, and had very little political power. His election is known as the most corrupt election in
U.S. history. He fired employees who were not needed and tried to reform the government s
nonelected workers but had no congressional backing. After Hayes, Garfield, a Half Breed, became
the 20th president but was assassinated shortly after the election. Chester Arthur, a Republican, took
his place as president and obtained congressional support for reforming the spoils system. Grover
Cleveland served two presidential terms in office. As a Democrat, he vetoed hundreds of wasteful
bills, while also achieving the Interstate Commerce Commission and civil service reform. The 23rd
president, Benjamin Harrison, was a Republican. While in office, he introduced the McKinley Tariff
and increased federal
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Examples Of Cultural Issues In The 1920s
The 1920s was a breeding ground for racial violence and cultural wars. These social issues impacted
many different people groups. Racial violence was a bad issue in the 1920s because it lead to many
deaths and injuries. An example of this is the Tulsa race riot killing 39 and injuring over 800 people.
The cultural wars in the 1920s were a result of the conflict between conservative ideas and liberal
ideas. The main conflict was between the fast city way of life and the slow rural way of life. This was
bad because it created a divide between the people creating conflict and more social issues. A few of
the cultural issues of the 1920s were Prohibition and the Red Scare. Prohibition was the prevention of
manufacturing alcohol in the 1920s. This
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Tips For Helping You Out If You Are Planning Go On Any Trip
This article is meant for helping you out if you are planning to go on any trip. Here you can read all
the useful tips which can save both your time and money. So if you are going to travel anywhere than
have a look on the following tips which we have included to help you out and make things easier for
you. If you are going to visit a place for the first time, you are sure to face difficulties in finding the
directions, and different places there. Everything seems new and unfamiliar at a new place. This
causes a lot of time wastage which could have been used to visit more new places. But travel guides
can help you in this regard. They are the best way to save your time and money. Try to make a planner
for your trip before going there. Include the main attractions of that place and set more time for them.
You can also get the information of all the good hotels of that place in which you can comfortably
stay. You can save your time by not including those places which seem unattractive to you. There are
many discount offers and other deals in these guides which can be really useful in saving your money.
These discounts are available for accommodation, taxis and many other things. Don t forget to read
the reviews provided by the people in these guides as well as on the Internet. These reviews can really
help you in getting an overall idea about a place or a hotel. You can avoid the places which have got
bad reviews. Don t waste all your time on a single place. That means you
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Jimmy Hoffa s Dead Body
Although a serious topic of the past, Jimmy Hoffa s disappearance has become a light hearted joke
that people share. Numerous articles have covered his case, both formally and informally. Neal
Matthews s magazine article, Desperately Seeking Jimmy, which was published by Boating Magazine
on November 1999, described Matthews s search for Jimmy Hoffa s dead body. The article illustrates
the author s experiences during the search for Hoffa s body. Matthews uses personal experience and
visuals to explain the investigation in an entertaining manner, which was suitable for the mass market
magazine. The article begins with a scene from his search and subsequently describes his mission,
background information, his experience in searching for Hoffa s body, and the results. During his
mission, Matthews provides the reader with background knowledge about Jimmy Hoffa s case, as well
as what equipment he used to search for his remains. He later includes the information that a jailed
killer provided about his assistance in hiding Hoffa s body, which showed them where the remains
could reside. After the background information, Matthews returns to describing his experience and the
results. Alongside the information about Jimmy Hoffa, the author includes information about the
equipment he used. Although not specifically describing how his search was terminated, Matthews
jokingly concludes his article with a favor to help with the search since he could not find Hoffa s
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Saco-Casco Bay Model Analysis
The Saco Casco Bays, in the southern Maine are susceptible to coastal inundation due to the influence
of winter storms. High resolution storm surge modeling based on Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model
has been setup for the Saco Casco Bays for conducting ensemble hindcast simulation of winter storm
Juno. The model is one way nested with the Northeast Coastal Ocean Forecast System (NECOFS) and
driven by high resolution NECOFS/WRF and moderate resolution NAM WRF to understand the
impact of wind speed and direction on predicting the surge. The low pressure system causes a
maximum surge of 0.662m at Portland on 27th Jan 2015 at 9:00 GMT. The model simulated coastal
currents are more than 0.8 m/s is able to depict strong eddy formed at the mouth
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The Cold War
With the end of the Cold War , the hypothesis of war between states declined and created opportunities
for peace and security. However, new types of conflicts, new challenges for maintaining international
security and new threats to peace emerged. The U.S. attacks on September 11, 2001, marked a before
and after in international relations, security concepts, and the emergence of new threats. Governments
have had the necessity to change and to design new strategies to address these new threats.
Furthermore, it has been necessary to modify the roles of the Armed Forces.
The paper analyzes the role of the armed forces combating the new threats in Peru. First, it explains
the new threats that Peru is facing and the role of the armed forces combating them, its employment,
and legal issues that allow its participation. After that, this paper analyzes the strengths and
weaknesses of military participation. Finally, it recommends measures to strengthen its participation.
The last white paper on national defense, April 2005, recognized the external and internal threats that
Peru is facing. As external threats, those generated if someone tries to apply security doctrines
incompatible with the rule of international law, threats that could emerge from the crisis regarding
scarcity of natural resources of strategic value, terrorism, drug trafficking, and international crime. As
internal threats, it recognized terrorists and subversive groups, radical groups promoting social
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Australian Car Manufacturing Industry Comes to an End
It is believed that the Australian car manufacturing industry has come to an end. The following essay
will argue that the government should not provide finances to save the automotive manufacturing
industry. There is a continuous debate between the shareholders of the automotive businesses and the
Australian citizens on what should be done with this issue. In order to determine the strength of the
argument, the following essay will completely analyze relevant information; examine the affects of
moving production to overseas, why production is being moved? Take a look at who is to blame and
what the media says should be done?
The car manufacturing industry is a large enterprise and supplies employment for more than 45,000
people and indirectly employs nearly 200,000 (Cassin, 2013). However it is believed that the
Australian government should not provide funds to the car manufactures, Australia cannot compete
with the larger automotive manufacturing countries. The statistics of 2013 show that, 1.13 million cars
were sold, out of that figure just over 100,000 were purchased locally made. This tells us that less than
10% of Australian s actually bought an Australian manufactured car (Smith, 2014). If we aren t going
to buy them who will?
Affects of moving production?
It is assumed that the Australian car production industry employs more than 200,000 jobs indirectly
(Cassin, 2013). Therefore moving production overseas will cut a massive hole in the employment
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The Medicinal Purposes of Garlic Essay
One claim where additional research is being done on is the affect of garlic on cardiovascular disease
(CVD). According to the American Heart Association, one in every three American adults has one or
more types of CVD. The most common types of CVDs include high blood pressure, coronary heart
disease, heart failure and stroke. CVD has been the number one cause of death in America since 1900,
with the exception of 1918. On average, 2,300 Americans die each day from some type of CVD
(American Heart Association, 2010). Through different trials and tests, Garlic has been found to help
provide protection against various CVDs, which based on the statistics, can help hundreds of
thousands of people in America. Garlic has been found to lower ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
One study showed that garlic was able to reverse the buildup of fat and begin to clear the arteries.
However, for these results a large amount of garlic was needed to be consumed and over a lengthy
period of time (Fulder, 1997).
While studying animals, a scientist by the name of David Kritchevsky at the Wistar Institute in
Philadelphia, concluded that garlic reduced the cholesterols levels in the body by slowing down the
catalyst in the liver, which ultimately decreases the amount of cholesterol that is actually being
produced. One study which supports this conclusion was done by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
In this study, pigs were fed their normal diet with the addition of garlic extract. The LDL cholesterol
fell by half, the HDL cholesterol increased by 20 percent, and the production of fats in the liver also
was reduced by half (Fulder, 1997). These studies performed on animals proved garlic to be effective,
but the real tests are the ones done on humans; those are the ones which are more convincing.
In fact, multiple studies have been conducted on humans and have come to similar conclusions about
the effectiveness of garlic on cardiovascular disease prevention. In the late 1970s, several studies were
done testing the use of raw garlic consumption. Healthy subjects along with individuals with ischemic
heart disease consumed raw garlic for two to three months. The results showed a reduction in blood
cholesterol and triglyceride
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India Association Plans A Newsletter
The poem India Association Plans a Newsletter by Sharat Chandra has a lot of meaning to it behind
retaining home culture in another country. Throughout the poem, Chandra discusses on how the
second generation children should still preserve their own culture, and not forget about the heritage
you came from. The poem itself can be understood in a way that is meaningful for all new immigrants
who want to sustain their own heritage in another land which is why today s reader should pay
attention to this poem. Personally, I feel the poem can tell today s readers about the problems with
being too Americanized. Sharat Chandra uses metaphor, imagery, and symbols in India Association
Plans a Newsletter to convey a sense of what relieves the younger generation from falling back too
behind on their own culture, and not completely wash it down just because you are living in a different
Breezing through the poem I can spot metaphors, and those are the ones that contradict what Chandra
says in the previous lines. Chandra is an immigrant from India who has been in the U.S. for about two
decades. Today s readers can get a sense of motherhood after reading this because the poet says, to
make India over there to become India over here (Line 7); this can be interpreted in a such way that
just because we are in the United States it doesn t mean that we can t bring our country here. The
motherhood literally refers to as giving birth or raising a child, but in the sense of this
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The Problem Of Homeless Women
Research shows the number of homelessness women have steadily increases over the past decade .In
the 1960s, only 3% of the homeless population were women and there was a perception that homeless
women were prostitutes as a result women need were not recognised by society (Marcus, 2014).
However, the 1970s when homelessness remerge as a political issues due to the increased number of
homeless it was harder for the society to ignore. Although most of homeless most were still men,
among them were younger single women, from impoverish background and from racial minority
(Smith and Gilford, see Fitzpatrick, Peter Kemp and Klinker, 2010). Moreover by 1980s many more
women were deinstitutionalized form mental health institutions without sufficient housing or social
support (Ravenhill, 2008) as a result of this the rate of women homelessness escalated. Subsequently,
during the period of 2005 to 2006 data out of the 164, 000 household that were accepted as homeless,
39% contained pregnant woman or women with minor children. This rate have risen significantly, in
2009 to 2010 an increase of 45% were female headed household with their children and 12% were
single women, and 19% were couples with dependent children (Homeless Link, 2015),
aim/ objective
Defined and explore homelessness in the United Kingdom and the implication for women.
Definitions of homelessness vary depending on the source. The concept of homelessness has been
defined as a continuum ranging from rough
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Sports Arbitrage Essay
Why is Sports Arbitrage not as profitable as Cryptocurrency Arbitrage Arbitrage is rooted deeply in
both economics and finance markets. It is the practice of leveraging on price differences existing in
different markets to harness profit. Sports bettors rely on arbing to make a profit regardless of the
outcome of anticipated events. No form of handicapping, all that is required is shopping and simple
maths. Learning from Wall Street traders who seek ideal opportunities and chances, sports arbitrators
or bettors search for model wagers. The chances must come with a non existing risk and a guaranteed
profit. But this is not done in the traditional financial markets; the searchlight is on sports betting
outlets and markets. Sport arbitraging
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New Way to Spend a Holiday
An experience in life that forces you to grow up and to take on responsibility, can only be rewarding
and uplifting in the future. When you look back at all you came through and the courage that possesed
you at that most trying time. I only have one moment that really sticks out in my mind.
br Christmas on 1997 my family and I went to The Banquet which is a local food provider for the less
fortunate in Sioux Falls. Being thrilled about this certain project my mom decided we should do was
not quiet my attitude. I didn t want to spend Christmas in a dusty old high school serving food to
people. Why could we just be normal and stay home with family. But despite all my protest it was set
and we were going.
br For volunteers your ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
br The tradition continues with my family. We serve either Thanksgiving or Christmas every year and
I can t think of a better way to spend a
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The Oedipal Complex Literary Analysis
Many stories include a child who vies for their parent(s) attention. One being, Oedipus, by Sophocles,
where Oedipus rivals his father, who he believes is a stranger, to gain the attention of his wife/mother.
The idea of a child, mostly boys, trying to gain their parent(s) (who tend to be a mother more often
than a father) attention is known as The Oedipal Complex , created by Sigmund Freud. The Oedipal
Complex , is a theory of a developing of feelings a boy develops towards his mother. He then is
against his father, or another male figure with his mother, and has jealousy or anger towards the man.
Eventually the boy tries to rival the man for attention from his mother. The Oedipal Complex is very
prominent in the short story, The Rocking Horse Winner , written by DH Lawerence. One of the
protagonists, Paul, develops the idea in which he should raise money for his mother, since she
considers herself unlucky . The mother, Hester, believes she is unlucky because herself and her
husband work low income jobs which are unable to support their lavish tastes. Therefore, Paul is
introduced to horse racing by his gardener, Basset, who bids on who he believes will win the races.
Paul tells Basset who he wants to bid on, and Basset would go and put the bid down for Paul. One day
Paul was discussing his connection with his gardener with his Uncle Oscar. His Uncle Oscar took Paul
to his first race, they both bidded on Daffodil, who won the race, afterwards Uncle Oscar is included
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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies for Posttraumatic Stress...
Cognitive Behavioral Therapies for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Posttraumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) is classified as an anxiety disorder that can develop after an individual has observed and/or
experienced an extreme traumatic event that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury to
one s self or another (APA, 2000). An extreme traumatic event can include, but is not limited to,
military combat, terrorist attacks, natural or manmade disasters, sexual assault, physical assault,
robbery, and torture (APA, 2000). The type of traumatic event could influence the way in which
medical and mental health care professionals assess, conceptualize, and subsequently treat the
individuals with a PTSD diagnosis. For this reason, sexual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The purpose of psychoeducation is to legitimize the traumatic reaction, to help the client develop a
formulation of her or his symptoms, and to establish a justification for treatment (Harvey, Bryant,
Tarrier, 2003). Prolonged Exposure and/or In Vivo Exposure Prolonged exposure requires that the
client repeatedly, in a systematic manner, relive the memories of the traumatic event over an extended
period of time (Foa, Dancu, Hembree, Jaycox, Meadows, Street, 1999; Foa Rauch, 2004; Harvey,
Bryant, Tarrier, 2003). In prolonged exposure, the client is expected to (a) vividly call to mind the
traumatic event, with as much detail as possible, (b) recount the memory of the traumatic event to the
therapist in the present tense, and (c) have constant exposure to the memory until the distress
decreases (McDonagh, McHugo, Sengupta, Demment, Schnurr, Friendman, Ford, Mueser, Fournier,
Descamps, 2005). The therapist s role, in prolonged exposure, is to help the client identify hot spots or
the most distressing aspect of the memory. The therapist and the client then develop a hierarchy of
memories to address, from least to most distressing. These memories are addressed one at a time until
habituation of anxiety to the memory occurs, which is determined by
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Response Letter To Star Street
I hope you are well. Seven months ago you installed an iron gate for my company in the Star Street
neighborhood. This letter is in regards to the current situation of the gate, and the problems it is
causing one of my tenants. I would really appreciate help with this. I must bring to your attention that
due to the ground having settled, the gate doors are uneven and now drag when moved. Additionally,
it takes a lot of force to open them. This has made it difficult for my tenant to open and close it daily.
Along with this, the gate has begun to rust and has damaged the surrounding white paint. I have
attached pictures for your reviewal. Upon inspection there is no cement placed or indication to create a
level ground, which is common with all
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Civil Growth, Ingenuity And Generosity
Civil Growth, Ingenuity and Generosity: United States 1940
Emily M. Mascari
Southern New Hampshire University
Author Note
This paper was prepared for Sophomore Seminar, taught by Professor Kramer.
The United States of America was a boiling time in the 1940 s. With World War II approaching,
United States of America (USA) citizens went above and beyond to help out the cause. Doctor s and
student of universities unraveled mysteries and did what some would call impossible. It didn t matter
what color you were or who you loved, but if you were helping to aid the USA during war, you were
all right. Through tragedy, suffering and back breaking work, the United States of America pulled
themselves together as a whole, and made themselves ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The USA needed more men for war and more people in the work force to cover jobs. Because of the
desperateness and proudness of citizens, not only did women benefit but also racial minorities,
homosexuals and the mentally ill benefited.
Women all around the USA were picking up their husbands wrenches and were going to work. They
had finally gotten the share of independence they longed for but, it wouldn t take long for women to
take another step towards ultimate civil freedom. In March of 1942, women were able to step out of
their dresses and jump into militant uniform. No longer did they need to become nurses to be in war,
but now they had the opportunity to become greater than men. Women took jobs as WASP s , WAVES
and WAC s . They trained male piolets, tested planes, free men of combat roles and worked as
volunteer emergency medics (Berkin, Miller, Cherny, Gormly, 2015). If women did not get jobs or
take lead, women may not have the same freedoms as of the 21st century.
If women could do it, minorities could do it too. African Americans, homosexual and the mentally ill
gained benefits from the war. African men now had complete ease going into the military and could
serve the country like any other citizen could. This was a huge step for the USA because not long
before, African Americans were extreamly segragated. This moment of allowance shows extream
cilvil growth withing the states.
Not only African Americans, but
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A News Article On Fake News
Ireland is now officially accepting Trump refugees from America . This was the headline of a news
article posted on Facebook that nearly one million people clicked on. To the unsuspecting eye, this
title could be viewed as truth and might ultimately spread by word of mouth to other uninformed
individuals. Unfortunately, the numerous pairs of eyes that scanned the sentences written in this article
soon realized that this news piece was nothing but an instance of fake news . Fake news, is defined as
a type of hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation (false information) via traditional print or other
forms of media . This type of news is not based in fact, and because of this reality the spread of fake
news in recent months has brought ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In order to solve this problem, I believe it is the duty of the American citizen to educate themselves
regarding the validity of their news source. Individuals and nations owe it to themselves and the world
to become informed . It is important for American citizens to be informed regarding the falsehoods of
fake news, as an informed nation would be less susceptible to believing and spreading false
information. Within the scope of American society, it is a relatively feasible task to validate the degree
of truth in a news story. One manner in which an individual can become more informed in regards to
the validity of a specific news source is to use the fact checking resources on Snopes.com. Snopes is a
website dedicated to assigning truth ratings to articles through the process of first hand contact with
the primary source of a publication, contact with experts in the subject area relevant to the information
presented in the article, and a meticulous comparison and contrast with other news outlets . A website
such as Snopes should not be relied on entirely however to decipher whether an article is fake news or
not. Individuals should also take some time to perform other precautionary actions such as, conducting
background research on the authors of news articles,
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Statutory Rape Essay
The perspective offered by such longitudinal data sheds remarkable light on the problem of statutory
rape, identifying for us key markers, as well as key actors, in the history of the law s enforcement and
helping us to understand their roles in constructing the meaning of this crime over successive
generations. ... The statutory rape codes have been used at various times to reinforce fathers interests
in their daughters marriageability, to protect young women s chastity from seductive men, to control
promiscuous or disease laden adolescent females, to enhance child support collection efforts, to reduce
teenage pregnancy, and to identify and punish sexual exploitation of teenagers. ... Given the constant
state of jockeying, compromise and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Perpetrators of statutory rape were not being pursued vigorously, as the concept of rape based on
presumed inability to consent to sex had fallen out of favor. ... As conservative commentators decried
the harmful public and financial consequences of the rising teen birth rate, a handful of social
scientists devoted their efforts to learning more about the relationships and behaviors that led to births
among teenagers: they studied the youth population and their sexual partners looking for clues to
explain changing patterns of behavior. ... Pursuant to changes in the SRVPP Guidelines, California s
statutory rape enforcement policy grew to encompass all forms of non pregnancy inducing sex
between adults and minors (including sexual behavior short of intercourse, acts between adult women
and teen boys, and acts between same sex partners), as well as crimes involving multiple victims,
pimping/prostitution, the provision of alcohol or drugs to minors, acquaintance rape, and rape of
disabled minors. ... These same themes emerged in the early 1990s, when a new set of fiscally and
morally conservative policymakers became concerned about rising welfare costs and the
demographics of the populations receiving welfare; like their predecessors, they constructed statutory
rape as antithetical to the social norms of financial and sexual responsibility and dangerous to society
s welfare
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Analyze The Role Of Naturalization In America
World War I military draft cards are another resource that could assist you in determining time of
Naturalization and location. As can be seen in the example provided it is clearly noted that Myer was a
Naturalized citizen.
By 1825, the number of Jews was roughly 4500 in America, but the number of German Jews
immigrating was on a steady increase. Cincinnati, Ohio experienced a large growth of these people
and became a center for Reform Judaism in America. These Jews created communities in small towns
of the Midwest, West, and South. Though land was plentiful in the Ohio Valley, the Jews were
unaccustomed to the ways of farming and chose to settle in populated areas.
Jewish population growth in America exploded in 1880 through 1924 with close to two million Jews
coming from Russia, Poland, Austria Hungary, and Romania. After their arrival at Castle Garden (and
later Ellis Island), the immigrants often settled in some of the poorer neighborhoods of major cities ...
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However, by 1817 New Brunswick began issuing naturalization certificates. In Upper Canada there
were no naturalization laws until roughly 1828. It was not until Canada gained its independence in
1867 that naturalization became a federal process. The provinces had jurisdiction over immigrants, but
the certificates were granted by the Secretary of State for Canada. Petitions for citizenship were
forwarded on to the Secretary of State from the local judicial courts. Unfortunately the Department of
the Secretary of State destroyed the records for the years 1854 to 1917. All that remains for those
years is the index which holds the name, residence and court where the certificate was sent.
Fortunately the records for the years after 1917 are much more detailed and helpful. A resident or
citizen of Canada can submit an Access to Information Request Form which is available at Canadian
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The Media Development Authority Aids The Growth Of...
Singapore s media sector has posted a combined growth rate of 6.8 per cent between year 1997 and
2008. The following year, the media industry has provided $2.3 billion returns to the nation s economy
as well as $6.4 billion revenue in value added. The media industry has employed about 66,000
employees. Industries such as television broadcast and production, film, publishing and printing,
interactive and digital media and music make up the media sector in Singapore. The Media
Development Authority aids the growth of Singapore s media sector. This is accomplished by
stimulating a favorable business environment by regulating its policies that increases ventures as well
as innovation. This process delivers more content selections for end users. Through a dual method of
co regulation and discussions, the Media Development Authority depresses blockades which enables
market access as well as industry growth. This also guarantees that Singaporeans continue to have
admission to local content of worth and value. MDA works hand in hand with the community by
tapping on the knowledge and viewpoints of an extensive range of society. Through meetings and
discussions with committees consisting of citizens, MDA warrants that the policies and procedures are
in line with community values and morals. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/85 of
singapore viewers/2241228.html The Annual Nielson Media Index report states that on a weekly
basis, about 85 percent of Singapore viewers tune
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Army Farewell Speeches
Good afternoon, and thank you all for helping me welcome and bid farewell to two excellent Army
officers. First, Colonel Ronald Kastelein, I want to applaud you here publicly for a job well done in
the 654th RSG. (You and audience clapping). You started your military career in 1988 with a
commission from the University of Montana ROTC program. It is an honor to stand here and
recognize the service of a Soldier who has spent nearly 30 years serving the Nation. You are a Soldier
for Life. You started Army Strong, served Army Strong and remained Army Strong. As I read your bio
in the program, I realized all the changes in our military that you ve seen over the years. When you
started, Army Strong, as a cadet in the mid 1980s, the uniforms were different, basic training was
different, and we were fighting a different kind of war. Operation Urgent Fury and Operation Just
Cause rescued 600 American students in Grenada and protected more than 35,000 Americans in
Panama while simultaneously capturing Manuel Noriega respectively. By the time you accepted your
commission as a second lieutenant, you prepared yourself to serve Army Strong and deploy to
Operation Desert Storm in the liberation of Kuwait. This early career deployment and redeployment
set the stage for you to remain a Soldier for Life . After several successful ... Show more content on
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The company s efforts resulted in a 40% increase their overall readiness. So, you know a great deal
about putting the right Soldiers, in the right places, to do the right jobs for the Army Reserve. That s
why I know your next position at XXXX will be great for you and the Soldiers there. Good luck to
you and your family in your next
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The Benefits Of Community Gardening
Another aspect of community gardening, is regarding those who participate in it. Community gardens
can be seen in many cities, with the community coming together to grow produce and relationships
along the way. However, it is becoming a growing trend to start this idea at a younger scale. Many
schools across North America have started implementing a garden into their after school or
extracurricular programs. By introducing gardening to children at a young age allows for them to take
in many of the benefits that come from gardening, and encouraging new ways of engagement.
Gardening provides many hands on activities for children, including designing, planting, and
harvesting the food (Yost, 2009). Many studies have shown that children who take care of a garden, or
live near one, are more likely to show an interest in gardening as they grow up and develop a strong
relationship with gardens and trees (Lohr, 2005).
In California, school gardens have become very popular and are continuously promoting them through
the State s Education Department. An example of one of the schools in the state is Le Conte
Elementary School, which not only has flowers and vegetables, but also livestock, like goats and
chickens. The science curriculum at the school is very inclusive with gardening activities, such as
propagation, transplanting, and composting (Ferris, 2001).
There have been many studies on the effects of school gardens on children. They have shown that
students who participated in a
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Core Competencies Of Virgin Atlantic
In July 2017, news headlines hit the airwaves and the internet regarding Sir Richard Branson giving
up control of the 33 years old airline, Virgin Atlantic (Bkaskara, 2017). Apparently, the air carrier
industry has experienced increased competitiveness. Low cost rivals are putting pressure on traditional
transatlantic carriers, which has made Virgin Atlantic, once a trailblazing carrier, to struggle. In 2012,
Delta Air Lines came to the rescue of the carrier in a joint venture, taking up 49 percent of the
company (Stothard, 2017). Even so, in the July 2017 alliance, Branson, according to Stothard (2017)
gave up his control as a part of a wide ranging disturbance of the airline carrier industry that will see
Delta Air Lines, Air France KLM, and China Eastern intensify their alliances. The aim of the airline is
to embrace the human spirit and let it fly (Virgin Atlantic, 2016). Its main focus has been on services
such as safety and security, for its 5.4 million customers flown in 2016 (Virgin Atlantic, 2016). To
enhance its efficiency, Virgin Atlantic has implemented various strategic management practices to
achieve competitive advantage and growth.
Virgin Atlantic Analysis
Core Competency Virgin Atlantic has various strengths and opportunities, as well as weaknesses and
threats within the airline carrier industry. Virgin Atlantic has a strong brand reputation. It has
modernized fleet with among the largest technological adoptions in the aviation industry. For instance,
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What Are The Mistakes Of The Aztec Empire
For many years The Aztec Empire was able to rule all of Mexico by killing and destroying everything
on their path. This group of people, who was known to be the The Mexica , was hardly able to survive
by eating snakes and other small mammals. However, the Aztecs overcame those troubles and became
a successful tribe, in which their ultimate goal was to be the most dominant. This tribe was considered
to be more advance and successful than other people do to the brilliant way they build their cities,
temple and pyramids. In addition, it was believed that they had great communication skills and strong
religious beliefs. Although, the Aztec had many skills and where considered to be bright human
beings, it was still not enough to defeat the Spanish conquistadors who had arrived in Mexico. Finally,
this powerful tribe had conquer and remain in power for so many years, which leads to the question
what went wrong. In this essay it will explain the Aztec s history as well as the mistakes that leaded to
their mistakes. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Their strong religious beliefs had led them to travel many miles in search of the land they believed the
gods wanted them to go. However, finding the place to settle was not an easy task for the Aztecs. They
suffered hunger, diseases and others struggles. Still with all those obstacles they where able to find a
sign that they believed was sent from the gods to stay in that land. The infamous sign portrayed an
eagle sitting on a cactus with a snake on its peak. At that point they realized the land in which they
where standing was there home and decided to name Tenochtitlan . Today, Tenochtitlan is known as
Mexico City and is considered to be the largest city on the
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Justification Of Agreement Research Paper
Cashel McCarthy
ECON 240
Justification of Agreement
WTO GAMMA Round Malaysia s Trade Agreements
Malaysia is one of the fastest growing and most open economies of our decade (World Bank 2017). Its
geographical location plays a large role in this. Malaysia neighbors Singapore, Thailand, and borders
the Gulf of Thailand and the Malacca Straight. The east and west sides of the country are completely
exposed to bodies of water and near the global trade route which enhances the country s accessibility
and facilitates development and foreign trade. Malaysia s GDP is 296.4 billion USD (2016 WB) and is
expected, by the OECD to grow at 4.2% in 2017.
Malaysia s current comparative advantage, the country s ability to produce goods at lower ... Show
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Skilled workers are managers, professionals, and technicians and associate professionals. The
production of integrated circuits in Malaysia demands semi skilled workers, reinforcing that labor is
Malaysia s abundant factor of production resulting the country s comparative advantage in electronic
integrated systems.
According to the H O model countries export products that use their abundant and cheap factors of
production and import goods that use the countries scarce factors. In the case of Malaysia, it is
electronic integrated circuits. As stated before, it amounts to 40% of the country s total exports.
Although Malaysia s comparative advantage is in manufacturing electronic goods, its productivity is
decreasing. Malaysia s comparative advantage good does not fully align with the Heckscher Ohlin
(HO) Model which suggests that trade occurs between countries that have different resources where
one is labor abundant and the other capital abundant. In the case of Malaysia and its three major trade
partners who are capital abundant exports the same good that they import from Malaysia which is
labor abundant..
Although manufactured goods are where the comparative advantage lies, the country s productivity is
slowly decreasing and is being overrun by foreign competitors. This is due to the global economy
slowdown Malaysia has struggled to upgrade its industrial sector
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  • 1. APA Basics: Fundamentals Of Formatting Research Pa 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site HelpWriting.net. The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from HelpWriting.net, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. APA Basics: Fundamentals Of Formatting Research Pa APA Basics: Fundamentals Of Formatting Research Pa
  • 2. Baseball Rules Change Analysis Baseball rule changes: Annotated Bibliography Adam, Felder Baseball s Fancy New Instant Replay System Is Useless. Theatlantic.com. Culture article. 31 Mar. 2014 11 Oct. 2015. This article was found on the atlantic.com in the culture of baseball section. Adam Felder is the associate director of digital analytics also a baseball writer. The article concentrates on how baseball replay has been useless for some teams. Some people say they need to fix Instant replay. Basically instant replay needs to make sure the play is more right rather than wrong. The circumstance we face is replay not being helpful, which is the reason why this article is prompted because replay has been useless for baseball at this time. The article is persuasive to tell ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Imber Gil is a baseball journalist, he is also has a sports writer profile and went to UC Irvine. Some of the important detail in this article is that, replay needed to be reviewed and had to be used in more pressure situations in the game. Also the face that replay itself was taking too long to review when make a decision on the call, this is something that will need to review. Also a new rule being added now mangers have 2 challenges instead of one during the previously season they only could challenge one time. The circumstance that prompted this article is the instant replay rule needing to evaluated and needing to be quicker on decision with the call on the field. The purpose this article is trying to inform is, rules needing to be reviewed and changed. Also technology is helping baseball get the call right and making the game exciting. The author is trying to target baseball fans that want to see changes to the game, also wanting the replay to be reviewed and challenges to be made quicker on the call on the field. As a matter of strategy, managers would be wise to challenge or request an otherwise benign review when on defense, during stressful ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. House Of The Red Fish Analysis Do you find it hard to when looking for the similarities and differences of an object. Well you can use the Double Bubble Map method to compare two subjects, there are three sides. The similarities, and the different things about the subjects. In this case, the subjects were Tomi and Keet, the main characters of House of The Red Fish . One of the many differences between Tomi and Keet is that Tomi is determined to get his father s fishing sampan to the surface, but Keet is adamant about keeping it at the bottom of the canal where it lays. The Double Bubble Map is convenient because it keeps your notes organized, you can also virtually compare any two things, and lastly it s a fun different way to taking dull notes. Firstly, this strategy is convenient because of how organized it is. Even though there are a jumble of circles and words, the adjacent lines connecting one circle to the next keep the space tidy and easy to find. In addition, when comparing Tomi and Keet, there are many differences, but just as many similarities between the two. Using the Double Bubble method, you can easily decipher the things they have in common, and the things that contrast. For example, both characters share the trait of being stubborn, because Tomi will not give up raising his father s sampan, the Taiyo Maru, but Keet on the other hand will do anything to keep the sampan on the ocean floor. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... You could compare dogs to cats, or sharks to lions. There is an endless array of things to compare and contrast, and you will always find differences and similarities. Like Tomi, he is Japanese and considered a traitor, but Keet is white and acts as though he is superior to Tomi because of his race. Or you could compare Oiji Chan to Mr. Wilson. Oiji Chan is a Japanese immigrant and was taken to a makeshift camp on Sand Island. Mr.Wilson is a BMTC Officer and is an American ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. Unit 3 Assignment 1 Cognitive Radio Spectrum The increased demand for radio spectrum has resulted from the evolution of feature rich and high data rate wireless applications. The spectrum is limited, and the current radio spectrum regulations make its use less productive. This has necessitated the development of dynamic spectrum allocation policies to make the utilization of the existing spectrum in a better way. As per the current spectrum allocation regulations, specific bands are assigned to particular services and only licensed users are granted access to licensed bands. Cognitive radio (CR) is expected to modernize the way spectrum is allocated. In a CR network, the cognitive radio part allows the unlicensed users (secondary users) to access spectrum bands allocated to the licensed ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the underlay approach, secondary users should operate below the noise floor of primary users, and thus severe constraints are imposed on their transmission power. Ultra wideband (UWB) technology is very suitable as the enabling technology for this approach. In spectrum overlay CR, secondary users search for unused frequency bands, called white spaces, and use them for communication. Developing reconfigurable filter for overlay and underlay CR would be the effective solution for sensing and sharing by ensuring security. This would start by studying techniques employed in the design of UWB filters. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 brings out the theory of UWB and Cognitive Radio. Filter geometries and performances are discussed in Chapter 3. Section 4 compares the results of existing developed filters available in the literature. Section 5 concludes the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Agriculture in the Himalayas of Nepal Essay Agriculture in the Himalayas of Nepal According to some estimates, as much as 90% of Nepal s population relies on agriculture for its sustenance.[1] The significant climactic variations between Nepal s sub tropical Terai region, hills region, and Himalayan mountain region lead to a variety of different agricultural models. Within the northern Himalayan region, additional variations in agricultural style exist because of changes in the qualities of available soil and quantities of moisture at different altitudes. Some researchers remark that it is even possible to anticipate the ethnicity of a group in a rural Himalayan village by glancing at an altimeter, as the traditional lifestyles maintained by the Nepali speaking caste Hindus ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As they rely heavily on their crops to sustain themselves, they tend to remain in areas where agriculture can continue throughout the year. In midland mountainous regions from 2,500 to 3,200 meters above sea level, sub Tibetan groups (or groups of Tibetan ethnicity and culture) grow one crop of wheat or barley per winter and one crop of buckwheat during the summer. The climate in this region is cool and dry, and the dry field agriculture used requires less labor than rice cultivation. This allows them to raise cattle, water buffalo and goats to supplement their diet.[4]At even higher altitudes, where low levels of moisture permit only a single crop of wheat or barley, yak, which are well suited for high altitudes, become a major component of the lifestyle.[5] In the northern areas of Nepal, Tibetan pastoralists travel to altitudes reaching up to 5,200 meters as they seek out pasture for their animals during the summer monsoon season, although few permanent habitations can be found above 4,000 meters. Where possible, these groups make up for shortages in grain and other goods by trading wool, butter, meat, and draught animals. They may also hunt, fish, and forage for wild plants, although habitat destruction from deforestation has caused a decline in the availability of game and fish resources in much of Nepal, making it increasingly difficult to rely on these assets for food.[6] Unlike many third world countries, no strong landowning ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Conflict Of Self In John Calvin, The Accusative Case John Calvin s Conflict of Self John Calvin, the Accusative Case as he was called by friends, was known for being a stern and humorless theologian and in truth he was, but there was more to him than just that. Throughout his career, he was staunch in the belief of predetermination above all other thought. Unlike Luther, Calvin had not begun life with the mindset of being a preacher, but he arguably had just as much, if not more of an impact as a reformer. More humanist than previous reformers, but not truly that either, Calvin existed in a state of conflict. Calvin was educated as a French Humanist with a less than humanist view of predestination that culminated in an influential, but unfulfilled life. Calvin had a different beginning to that of most reformists, which lent him a unique perspective. According to Calvin his father had destined me for the study of theology. But afterwards, when he considered that the legal profession commonly raised those who followed it to wealth , but in truth he could not initially join the church due to the very same father embezzling money. Whether this original desire left Calvin with a sense of unfulfilled destiny is uncertain, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The concept of predestination perhaps the strongest belief he held to the point where if you supported the idea of free will. Others endeavor to overthrow God s eternal purpose of predestination, by which he distinguishes between the reprobate and the elect; others take upon them to defend free will; and forthwith many throw themselves into their ranks, not so much through ignorance as by a perversity of zeal which I know not how to characterize. With regards to original sin Calvin. In refusal of other ideas Calvin never touched upon opposite opinions, unless there was reason to fear. Calvin was certainly set in his beliefs, but not without ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. No Stipend for College Athletes Essay examples No Stipend for the Athletes When people think of college they automatically connect it to football or basketball, because these sports are a major part of any college s means of funding and advertising. Athletics in college over the years has become increasingly big amongst the social media and people. Today you could turn on the TV and almost always see a college football or basketball game playing. With the increasing interest in these sports and their players, people are starting to question if the players should get compensation for the hard work and publicity they bring to their college. While many may be in favor of college athletes being paid, I am not. College athletes should not get any more money than they already have through ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They would also have to pay women s volleyball and softball as well. It doesn t matter if men s football and basketball bring in the most revenue or not(Gaines, Cork). Also where would the money come from? The University of Texas would not have any problem paying all their student athletes but what about small colleges? Small colleges do not bring in the revenue that big colleges bring in and if only big colleges could pay their player then that would lead into unfair recruitment and the colleges that could pay would be able to get any player they wanted. Lastly these players do not need to get paid in college, because college sports are meant to get the athletes ready for a professional career. These athletes that play in college are getting a wide spectrum of exposure and experience. They perform in a high profile environment, and gain access to incredible networks of people, says John Rowady, president of sports marketing firm rEvolution (Riper, Tom Van). Take Johnny Manziel for instance, he was playing on Texas A M and because of his success he was able to enter the 2014 NFL draft with his teammate Mike Evans. Johnny Manziel is currently in the top 5 (Stankevitz, JJ). Whatever these college athletes don t make playing in college, they can make up when they get into a professional career. When Manziel is drafted he can earn up to $5 18 million dollars a year (Barnett, Phillips). College athletes are not ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. King Philip II Research Paper I have chosen King Philip II because I wanted to learn more about him and his reign of Spain. King Philip II was king of Spain from the year 1556 until 1598. He was also known as Philip the Prudent, King of Portugal, King of Naples and Sicily, jure uxoris King of England and Ireland, Duke of Milan, and Lord of the Seventeen Provinces of the Netherlands. He ruled one of the world s largest empires. He became king in the Golden Age. The Spanish Golden Age was a period of flourishment in the arts and in literature. Philip II was born in Valladolid, Spain on May 21, 1527, and the only son of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. By the time Philip died he had a total of four wives. Mysteriously, they all died during or after childbirth. His first wife ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Effects of Daily Media Use on Youth Obesity As according to a study done by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 8 18 year olds devote an average of 7 hours and 38 minutes...to using entertainment media across a typical day . Not only that, but most youths also report to having no rules governing the amount of time spent on entertainment media in the mediums of TV, videogames, and any computer use. Less than 50% actually have rules and regulations on what video games they are allowed to play and what TV shows they can watch. However, I believe that daily media use among children and teens needs to be controlled. If it is not, this could potentially lead to negative ramifications, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, obesity, internet addiction, and negative effects on the brain. For a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Youths who are obese are also very likely to be obese in adulthood, with even higher risks of severe health problems such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and several types of cancer, including cancer of the kidney, gall bladder, esophagus, breasts, and colon, just to name a few. In addition, Dr. Douglas Gentile, Director of the Media Research Lab at Iowa State University reports, Almost one out of every ten youth gamers shows enough symptoms of damage to their school, family, and psychological functioning to merit serious concern. Some harmful symptoms of internet addiction are: loses track of time while online , sacrifices needed hours of sleep to spend time online , becomes anti social and chooses to instead spend time on the online instead of spending time with friends or family, disregards set time limits and sneaks online when no one is around, becomes irritable, moody or depressed when not online , Spends time online in place of homework or chores , Seems preoccupied with getting back online when away from the computer , and Forms new relationships with people he or she has met online . Sleep deprivation can cause memory loss, weight loss, sleep paralysis, weakened immune system (more prone to illnesses), and high blood pressure. Consequently, if one spends too much time online, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Benefits Of A Pillow Talk Pillow Talk: Does your sleep routine have you feeling hot? If there is one place we are all a little peculiar it is in our bedtime routine. Some of us need our blankets tucked a certain way into the mattress, others need their pillow nice and cool, and some like sleeping with pillows the size of them! Whatever your routine is to sleep there always seems to be one issue or another keeping us all up at night! Whether it is the feeling of a pea under your mattress, the weight of your sheets, or the dreaded night sweats, something always seems to get in the way of our precious sleep! Let s focus on something we can help you be more comfortable sleeping with night sweats! Simple Tips to Avoid Night Sweats 1. Wear lightweight loose pajamas to help with airflow. 2. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Have a fan circulating the room to keep a nice breeze for when you start to heat up. 3. Try a wool duvet, it can absorb up to 3 times more sweat than cotton blankets. Is your mattress the culprit? If you are feeling hot once you get under the covers and feel like the heat is simply turning up higher and higher, it might be time for a new mattress! If you are looking for comfort but want to avoid the heat that memory foam can cause try the alternative from Sealy a hybrid of Gel memory foam and latex. You do not have to worry about giving up comfort, as it is stronger than most memory foams alone, giving you extra support so you don t sink in so go ahead and have that extra donut. The gel memory foam has tons of tiny gel beads that help airflow, which keeps you much cooler at night! Night Sweats VS Pillows Do you ever feel like you have a soft heater under your head just warming you up? Instead of flipping your pillow over and over trying to find the cool side try a new innovative and exciting pillow. It has been 25 years in the making and it all started from one man s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Sport and Manliness in Antebellum America I do not accept the thesis that American men living in cities before the Civil War engaged in sport primarily to define themselves, publicly, as manly. I would accept this thesis if it had stated that men living in cities before the Civil War engaged in sports to define themselves, publicly, and manly. The word that made me disagree with the original thesis is the word primarily . I am not stating that men did not engage in sport to define themselves, publicly, as manly, but I do not think that it is the primary reason. I would have also accepted this thesis if it had stated that men living in cities before the Civil War engaged in prize fighting primarily to define themselves, publicly, as manly. Prizefighting is a sport but it does not provide the standard for all sports. I will use excerpts from the various sources we have read in class in order to defend my position. What is the purpose of sport? The answer to this question has many different answers for the many different types of people. For some people sport is a source means of entertainment, for others it is source of exercise and recreation. It can be another opportunity for someone to gamble or it can be a way to make new friends and enjoy other peoples company. In some sports, like prize fighting and wrestling, men can exhibit their manliness or superiority through competition but there were and still are many more sports than simply prize fighting and wrestling. Since the beginning of the Americas, the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. To Kill A Mockingbird Eveline Alternate Ending Prologue Eveline watched her team members run out one by one and die shot by shot. If they thought killing James was easy they were idiots. He single handedly controlled Chicago for four months without MPC knowing. He swiped and killed innocent mortals without notice for four months, and these Scouts were trying to take him head on. This was why Eveline worked on her own, partners were useless. The bodies piled up were good Scouts, MPC would only send the best for James. But if she managed to fit it in her busy schedule, then it was something only she could do. Finally a short red head stood behind James with the tip of her gun pressed against his head. Eveline entertained the idea of leaving without breaking a sweat. Yes, that would be nice. Then the red headed fool destroyed Eveline s hopes. MPC is sentencing you to death, she spouted the MPC s words. They helped avoid lawsuits, but Eveline didn t bother. It just got you killed. Anyway, how could someone tattle if they were dead. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A deep laugh shook the building as her body burned in his fingertips. The red head became ashes at his feet, a lost Scout among many. I can smell you hunter, the mage smiled. He enjoying this game. Eveline moved left as his eyes shot to her previous position. She moved like a shadow, hidden in the darkness. James missed the wisp of black hair and glint of silver eyes. Then find me, Eveline sang as she moved with grace. She would play his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Male-Female Relationships In When Harry Met Sally And When... After recently meeting, Harry and Sally are stuck together in an eight hour car ride heading to New York City. Not knowing each other well, they make small talk, getting to know the other person. The topic of male female relationships comes up in the conversation, and Harry says that men are only friends with women because they want to sleep with them. This question of Can women and men be friends without sleeping with each other? is one of main themes film s most popular romantic comedies of all time, When Harry met Sally. In recent years, one of the most popular sub genre of film, romantic comedies or rom coms for short, has gotten a bad reputation. Due to many rom coms following the same storyline and containing typical rom com tropes, many have become bored with the genre, and some detest it because of its predictable nature. There are some hidden gems within the genre that veer off from the typical rom com films, like When Harry Met Sally. With a well casted group of characters to a well written screenplay, When Harry Met Sally goes against many of the stereotypes of a rom com while dealing with themes that are commonly used in the genre. The movie begins with recently graduated Sally and Harry headed off to New York City. Just recently met, Harry and Sally start to learn more about each other while being stuck in a car for eight hours, but after arriving at the city, they part ways with both assuming that they won t ever see each other again. Five years pass, and Harry and Sally accidentally bump into each other. They both speak briefly to each other, but both decide not to keep in touch after the awkward encounter. Another five years pass and Sally runs into Harry again in a bookstore. Both talk about their recent heartbreaks and bond over them. The rest of the film follows Harry and Sally friendship while both are dealing with their recently ended relationships and are trying to find love in the city. The screenplay for this film is what makes it original in a genre that is stereotypical. Nora Ephron, who wrote the film, has written other well known rom com films such as Bewitched and Sleepless in Seattle. An aspect of this screenplay that makes this film special is the pacing. The balance ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Effects Of Organized Sports On Children Organized Sports are Good to Children As the time pass, and as the technology is advancing rapidly, the tradition of playing outside is diminished rapidly. Many people are concentrating on their electronic devices in ages early as three. Sports is the most effective way that children can express their joyful and brilliance. It prepares children with advantages of physical activities, confidence, and enjoyment. Participating in organized sports when kids are young arise the greater results. There are several reasons to support that organized sports are good to children. First, organized sports are good for children because it improves social skills. Kids who are participating in team sports have full of confidence. According to Gary R. Collins who writes the Spotlight or stress, This is especially uncomfortable and stressful when other people expect us to do one thing, when we fear that we can t do what is expected, and we think that our inability may cause us to lose respect in the eyes of others. ((( ))) Since everyone is not perfect, sometimes they can win or lose the games. According to Collins, Acceptance is a third divine characteristic of success. ((( ))) At the beginning they can be afraid of losing, but it is good opportunity to have ability of accepting. They will have challenging mind and sense of purpose with more passion through experiencing many competitions. They will have high self esteem and will be full of confidence by victories that they challenge ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Politics During The Gilded Age Essay Autumn Wiktorowski Professor Wolfe 13 January 2016 American History 202 American Politics during the Gilded Age Politics from 1877 to 1901 were filled with corruption, dishonesty, and unlawful behavior. The competition between the two major parties, the Republicans, and the Democrats, characterized the Gilded Aged politics. Minor parties, like the Populist Party, did exist, however, never lasted long. America saw rapid industrialization, urbanization, and the rise of big business with natural resources, manufactured goods, and growing labor supply all helping to increase economic outstanding. High tariffs prevented outside merchandise from making its way into the United States, forcing Americans to buy and sell within their own limits. During ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These presidents Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland, and Benjamin Harrison mostly had unremarkable terms in office. Starting with Hayes, who technically lost the election, and had very little political power. His election is known as the most corrupt election in U.S. history. He fired employees who were not needed and tried to reform the government s nonelected workers but had no congressional backing. After Hayes, Garfield, a Half Breed, became the 20th president but was assassinated shortly after the election. Chester Arthur, a Republican, took his place as president and obtained congressional support for reforming the spoils system. Grover Cleveland served two presidential terms in office. As a Democrat, he vetoed hundreds of wasteful bills, while also achieving the Interstate Commerce Commission and civil service reform. The 23rd president, Benjamin Harrison, was a Republican. While in office, he introduced the McKinley Tariff and increased federal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Examples Of Cultural Issues In The 1920s The 1920s was a breeding ground for racial violence and cultural wars. These social issues impacted many different people groups. Racial violence was a bad issue in the 1920s because it lead to many deaths and injuries. An example of this is the Tulsa race riot killing 39 and injuring over 800 people. The cultural wars in the 1920s were a result of the conflict between conservative ideas and liberal ideas. The main conflict was between the fast city way of life and the slow rural way of life. This was bad because it created a divide between the people creating conflict and more social issues. A few of the cultural issues of the 1920s were Prohibition and the Red Scare. Prohibition was the prevention of manufacturing alcohol in the 1920s. This ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Tips For Helping You Out If You Are Planning Go On Any Trip This article is meant for helping you out if you are planning to go on any trip. Here you can read all the useful tips which can save both your time and money. So if you are going to travel anywhere than have a look on the following tips which we have included to help you out and make things easier for you. If you are going to visit a place for the first time, you are sure to face difficulties in finding the directions, and different places there. Everything seems new and unfamiliar at a new place. This causes a lot of time wastage which could have been used to visit more new places. But travel guides can help you in this regard. They are the best way to save your time and money. Try to make a planner for your trip before going there. Include the main attractions of that place and set more time for them. You can also get the information of all the good hotels of that place in which you can comfortably stay. You can save your time by not including those places which seem unattractive to you. There are many discount offers and other deals in these guides which can be really useful in saving your money. These discounts are available for accommodation, taxis and many other things. Don t forget to read the reviews provided by the people in these guides as well as on the Internet. These reviews can really help you in getting an overall idea about a place or a hotel. You can avoid the places which have got bad reviews. Don t waste all your time on a single place. That means you ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Jimmy Hoffa s Dead Body Although a serious topic of the past, Jimmy Hoffa s disappearance has become a light hearted joke that people share. Numerous articles have covered his case, both formally and informally. Neal Matthews s magazine article, Desperately Seeking Jimmy, which was published by Boating Magazine on November 1999, described Matthews s search for Jimmy Hoffa s dead body. The article illustrates the author s experiences during the search for Hoffa s body. Matthews uses personal experience and visuals to explain the investigation in an entertaining manner, which was suitable for the mass market magazine. The article begins with a scene from his search and subsequently describes his mission, background information, his experience in searching for Hoffa s body, and the results. During his mission, Matthews provides the reader with background knowledge about Jimmy Hoffa s case, as well as what equipment he used to search for his remains. He later includes the information that a jailed killer provided about his assistance in hiding Hoffa s body, which showed them where the remains could reside. After the background information, Matthews returns to describing his experience and the results. Alongside the information about Jimmy Hoffa, the author includes information about the equipment he used. Although not specifically describing how his search was terminated, Matthews jokingly concludes his article with a favor to help with the search since he could not find Hoffa s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Saco-Casco Bay Model Analysis The Saco Casco Bays, in the southern Maine are susceptible to coastal inundation due to the influence of winter storms. High resolution storm surge modeling based on Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model has been setup for the Saco Casco Bays for conducting ensemble hindcast simulation of winter storm Juno. The model is one way nested with the Northeast Coastal Ocean Forecast System (NECOFS) and driven by high resolution NECOFS/WRF and moderate resolution NAM WRF to understand the impact of wind speed and direction on predicting the surge. The low pressure system causes a maximum surge of 0.662m at Portland on 27th Jan 2015 at 9:00 GMT. The model simulated coastal currents are more than 0.8 m/s is able to depict strong eddy formed at the mouth ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. The Cold War With the end of the Cold War , the hypothesis of war between states declined and created opportunities for peace and security. However, new types of conflicts, new challenges for maintaining international security and new threats to peace emerged. The U.S. attacks on September 11, 2001, marked a before and after in international relations, security concepts, and the emergence of new threats. Governments have had the necessity to change and to design new strategies to address these new threats. Furthermore, it has been necessary to modify the roles of the Armed Forces. The paper analyzes the role of the armed forces combating the new threats in Peru. First, it explains the new threats that Peru is facing and the role of the armed forces combating them, its employment, and legal issues that allow its participation. After that, this paper analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of military participation. Finally, it recommends measures to strengthen its participation. The last white paper on national defense, April 2005, recognized the external and internal threats that Peru is facing. As external threats, those generated if someone tries to apply security doctrines incompatible with the rule of international law, threats that could emerge from the crisis regarding scarcity of natural resources of strategic value, terrorism, drug trafficking, and international crime. As internal threats, it recognized terrorists and subversive groups, radical groups promoting social violence, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Australian Car Manufacturing Industry Comes to an End Introduction It is believed that the Australian car manufacturing industry has come to an end. The following essay will argue that the government should not provide finances to save the automotive manufacturing industry. There is a continuous debate between the shareholders of the automotive businesses and the Australian citizens on what should be done with this issue. In order to determine the strength of the argument, the following essay will completely analyze relevant information; examine the affects of moving production to overseas, why production is being moved? Take a look at who is to blame and what the media says should be done? The car manufacturing industry is a large enterprise and supplies employment for more than 45,000 people and indirectly employs nearly 200,000 (Cassin, 2013). However it is believed that the Australian government should not provide funds to the car manufactures, Australia cannot compete with the larger automotive manufacturing countries. The statistics of 2013 show that, 1.13 million cars were sold, out of that figure just over 100,000 were purchased locally made. This tells us that less than 10% of Australian s actually bought an Australian manufactured car (Smith, 2014). If we aren t going to buy them who will? Affects of moving production? It is assumed that the Australian car production industry employs more than 200,000 jobs indirectly (Cassin, 2013). Therefore moving production overseas will cut a massive hole in the employment ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Medicinal Purposes of Garlic Essay One claim where additional research is being done on is the affect of garlic on cardiovascular disease (CVD). According to the American Heart Association, one in every three American adults has one or more types of CVD. The most common types of CVDs include high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, heart failure and stroke. CVD has been the number one cause of death in America since 1900, with the exception of 1918. On average, 2,300 Americans die each day from some type of CVD (American Heart Association, 2010). Through different trials and tests, Garlic has been found to help provide protection against various CVDs, which based on the statistics, can help hundreds of thousands of people in America. Garlic has been found to lower ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One study showed that garlic was able to reverse the buildup of fat and begin to clear the arteries. However, for these results a large amount of garlic was needed to be consumed and over a lengthy period of time (Fulder, 1997). While studying animals, a scientist by the name of David Kritchevsky at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, concluded that garlic reduced the cholesterols levels in the body by slowing down the catalyst in the liver, which ultimately decreases the amount of cholesterol that is actually being produced. One study which supports this conclusion was done by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In this study, pigs were fed their normal diet with the addition of garlic extract. The LDL cholesterol fell by half, the HDL cholesterol increased by 20 percent, and the production of fats in the liver also was reduced by half (Fulder, 1997). These studies performed on animals proved garlic to be effective, but the real tests are the ones done on humans; those are the ones which are more convincing. In fact, multiple studies have been conducted on humans and have come to similar conclusions about the effectiveness of garlic on cardiovascular disease prevention. In the late 1970s, several studies were done testing the use of raw garlic consumption. Healthy subjects along with individuals with ischemic heart disease consumed raw garlic for two to three months. The results showed a reduction in blood cholesterol and triglyceride ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. India Association Plans A Newsletter The poem India Association Plans a Newsletter by Sharat Chandra has a lot of meaning to it behind retaining home culture in another country. Throughout the poem, Chandra discusses on how the second generation children should still preserve their own culture, and not forget about the heritage you came from. The poem itself can be understood in a way that is meaningful for all new immigrants who want to sustain their own heritage in another land which is why today s reader should pay attention to this poem. Personally, I feel the poem can tell today s readers about the problems with being too Americanized. Sharat Chandra uses metaphor, imagery, and symbols in India Association Plans a Newsletter to convey a sense of what relieves the younger generation from falling back too behind on their own culture, and not completely wash it down just because you are living in a different country. Breezing through the poem I can spot metaphors, and those are the ones that contradict what Chandra says in the previous lines. Chandra is an immigrant from India who has been in the U.S. for about two decades. Today s readers can get a sense of motherhood after reading this because the poet says, to make India over there to become India over here (Line 7); this can be interpreted in a such way that just because we are in the United States it doesn t mean that we can t bring our country here. The motherhood literally refers to as giving birth or raising a child, but in the sense of this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Problem Of Homeless Women Research shows the number of homelessness women have steadily increases over the past decade .In the 1960s, only 3% of the homeless population were women and there was a perception that homeless women were prostitutes as a result women need were not recognised by society (Marcus, 2014). However, the 1970s when homelessness remerge as a political issues due to the increased number of homeless it was harder for the society to ignore. Although most of homeless most were still men, among them were younger single women, from impoverish background and from racial minority (Smith and Gilford, see Fitzpatrick, Peter Kemp and Klinker, 2010). Moreover by 1980s many more women were deinstitutionalized form mental health institutions without sufficient housing or social support (Ravenhill, 2008) as a result of this the rate of women homelessness escalated. Subsequently, during the period of 2005 to 2006 data out of the 164, 000 household that were accepted as homeless, 39% contained pregnant woman or women with minor children. This rate have risen significantly, in 2009 to 2010 an increase of 45% were female headed household with their children and 12% were single women, and 19% were couples with dependent children (Homeless Link, 2015), aim/ objective Defined and explore homelessness in the United Kingdom and the implication for women. Definitions of homelessness vary depending on the source. The concept of homelessness has been defined as a continuum ranging from rough ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Sports Arbitrage Essay Why is Sports Arbitrage not as profitable as Cryptocurrency Arbitrage Arbitrage is rooted deeply in both economics and finance markets. It is the practice of leveraging on price differences existing in different markets to harness profit. Sports bettors rely on arbing to make a profit regardless of the outcome of anticipated events. No form of handicapping, all that is required is shopping and simple maths. Learning from Wall Street traders who seek ideal opportunities and chances, sports arbitrators or bettors search for model wagers. The chances must come with a non existing risk and a guaranteed profit. But this is not done in the traditional financial markets; the searchlight is on sports betting outlets and markets. Sport arbitraging ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. New Way to Spend a Holiday An experience in life that forces you to grow up and to take on responsibility, can only be rewarding and uplifting in the future. When you look back at all you came through and the courage that possesed you at that most trying time. I only have one moment that really sticks out in my mind. br br Christmas on 1997 my family and I went to The Banquet which is a local food provider for the less fortunate in Sioux Falls. Being thrilled about this certain project my mom decided we should do was not quiet my attitude. I didn t want to spend Christmas in a dusty old high school serving food to people. Why could we just be normal and stay home with family. But despite all my protest it was set and we were going. br br For volunteers your ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... br br The tradition continues with my family. We serve either Thanksgiving or Christmas every year and I can t think of a better way to spend a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. The Oedipal Complex Literary Analysis Many stories include a child who vies for their parent(s) attention. One being, Oedipus, by Sophocles, where Oedipus rivals his father, who he believes is a stranger, to gain the attention of his wife/mother. The idea of a child, mostly boys, trying to gain their parent(s) (who tend to be a mother more often than a father) attention is known as The Oedipal Complex , created by Sigmund Freud. The Oedipal Complex , is a theory of a developing of feelings a boy develops towards his mother. He then is against his father, or another male figure with his mother, and has jealousy or anger towards the man. Eventually the boy tries to rival the man for attention from his mother. The Oedipal Complex is very prominent in the short story, The Rocking Horse Winner , written by DH Lawerence. One of the protagonists, Paul, develops the idea in which he should raise money for his mother, since she considers herself unlucky . The mother, Hester, believes she is unlucky because herself and her husband work low income jobs which are unable to support their lavish tastes. Therefore, Paul is introduced to horse racing by his gardener, Basset, who bids on who he believes will win the races. Paul tells Basset who he wants to bid on, and Basset would go and put the bid down for Paul. One day Paul was discussing his connection with his gardener with his Uncle Oscar. His Uncle Oscar took Paul to his first race, they both bidded on Daffodil, who won the race, afterwards Uncle Oscar is included ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies for Posttraumatic Stress... Cognitive Behavioral Therapies for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is classified as an anxiety disorder that can develop after an individual has observed and/or experienced an extreme traumatic event that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury to one s self or another (APA, 2000). An extreme traumatic event can include, but is not limited to, military combat, terrorist attacks, natural or manmade disasters, sexual assault, physical assault, robbery, and torture (APA, 2000). The type of traumatic event could influence the way in which medical and mental health care professionals assess, conceptualize, and subsequently treat the individuals with a PTSD diagnosis. For this reason, sexual ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The purpose of psychoeducation is to legitimize the traumatic reaction, to help the client develop a formulation of her or his symptoms, and to establish a justification for treatment (Harvey, Bryant, Tarrier, 2003). Prolonged Exposure and/or In Vivo Exposure Prolonged exposure requires that the client repeatedly, in a systematic manner, relive the memories of the traumatic event over an extended period of time (Foa, Dancu, Hembree, Jaycox, Meadows, Street, 1999; Foa Rauch, 2004; Harvey, Bryant, Tarrier, 2003). In prolonged exposure, the client is expected to (a) vividly call to mind the traumatic event, with as much detail as possible, (b) recount the memory of the traumatic event to the therapist in the present tense, and (c) have constant exposure to the memory until the distress decreases (McDonagh, McHugo, Sengupta, Demment, Schnurr, Friendman, Ford, Mueser, Fournier, Descamps, 2005). The therapist s role, in prolonged exposure, is to help the client identify hot spots or the most distressing aspect of the memory. The therapist and the client then develop a hierarchy of memories to address, from least to most distressing. These memories are addressed one at a time until habituation of anxiety to the memory occurs, which is determined by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Response Letter To Star Street I hope you are well. Seven months ago you installed an iron gate for my company in the Star Street neighborhood. This letter is in regards to the current situation of the gate, and the problems it is causing one of my tenants. I would really appreciate help with this. I must bring to your attention that due to the ground having settled, the gate doors are uneven and now drag when moved. Additionally, it takes a lot of force to open them. This has made it difficult for my tenant to open and close it daily. Along with this, the gate has begun to rust and has damaged the surrounding white paint. I have attached pictures for your reviewal. Upon inspection there is no cement placed or indication to create a level ground, which is common with all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Civil Growth, Ingenuity And Generosity Civil Growth, Ingenuity and Generosity: United States 1940 Emily M. Mascari Southern New Hampshire University Author Note This paper was prepared for Sophomore Seminar, taught by Professor Kramer. Abstract The United States of America was a boiling time in the 1940 s. With World War II approaching, United States of America (USA) citizens went above and beyond to help out the cause. Doctor s and student of universities unraveled mysteries and did what some would call impossible. It didn t matter what color you were or who you loved, but if you were helping to aid the USA during war, you were all right. Through tragedy, suffering and back breaking work, the United States of America pulled themselves together as a whole, and made themselves ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The USA needed more men for war and more people in the work force to cover jobs. Because of the desperateness and proudness of citizens, not only did women benefit but also racial minorities, homosexuals and the mentally ill benefited. Women all around the USA were picking up their husbands wrenches and were going to work. They had finally gotten the share of independence they longed for but, it wouldn t take long for women to take another step towards ultimate civil freedom. In March of 1942, women were able to step out of their dresses and jump into militant uniform. No longer did they need to become nurses to be in war, but now they had the opportunity to become greater than men. Women took jobs as WASP s , WAVES and WAC s . They trained male piolets, tested planes, free men of combat roles and worked as volunteer emergency medics (Berkin, Miller, Cherny, Gormly, 2015). If women did not get jobs or take lead, women may not have the same freedoms as of the 21st century. If women could do it, minorities could do it too. African Americans, homosexual and the mentally ill gained benefits from the war. African men now had complete ease going into the military and could serve the country like any other citizen could. This was a huge step for the USA because not long before, African Americans were extreamly segragated. This moment of allowance shows extream cilvil growth withing the states. Not only African Americans, but ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. A News Article On Fake News Ireland is now officially accepting Trump refugees from America . This was the headline of a news article posted on Facebook that nearly one million people clicked on. To the unsuspecting eye, this title could be viewed as truth and might ultimately spread by word of mouth to other uninformed individuals. Unfortunately, the numerous pairs of eyes that scanned the sentences written in this article soon realized that this news piece was nothing but an instance of fake news . Fake news, is defined as a type of hoax or deliberate spread of misinformation (false information) via traditional print or other forms of media . This type of news is not based in fact, and because of this reality the spread of fake news in recent months has brought ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In order to solve this problem, I believe it is the duty of the American citizen to educate themselves regarding the validity of their news source. Individuals and nations owe it to themselves and the world to become informed . It is important for American citizens to be informed regarding the falsehoods of fake news, as an informed nation would be less susceptible to believing and spreading false information. Within the scope of American society, it is a relatively feasible task to validate the degree of truth in a news story. One manner in which an individual can become more informed in regards to the validity of a specific news source is to use the fact checking resources on Snopes.com. Snopes is a website dedicated to assigning truth ratings to articles through the process of first hand contact with the primary source of a publication, contact with experts in the subject area relevant to the information presented in the article, and a meticulous comparison and contrast with other news outlets . A website such as Snopes should not be relied on entirely however to decipher whether an article is fake news or not. Individuals should also take some time to perform other precautionary actions such as, conducting background research on the authors of news articles, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Statutory Rape Essay The perspective offered by such longitudinal data sheds remarkable light on the problem of statutory rape, identifying for us key markers, as well as key actors, in the history of the law s enforcement and helping us to understand their roles in constructing the meaning of this crime over successive generations. ... The statutory rape codes have been used at various times to reinforce fathers interests in their daughters marriageability, to protect young women s chastity from seductive men, to control promiscuous or disease laden adolescent females, to enhance child support collection efforts, to reduce teenage pregnancy, and to identify and punish sexual exploitation of teenagers. ... Given the constant state of jockeying, compromise and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Perpetrators of statutory rape were not being pursued vigorously, as the concept of rape based on presumed inability to consent to sex had fallen out of favor. ... As conservative commentators decried the harmful public and financial consequences of the rising teen birth rate, a handful of social scientists devoted their efforts to learning more about the relationships and behaviors that led to births among teenagers: they studied the youth population and their sexual partners looking for clues to explain changing patterns of behavior. ... Pursuant to changes in the SRVPP Guidelines, California s statutory rape enforcement policy grew to encompass all forms of non pregnancy inducing sex between adults and minors (including sexual behavior short of intercourse, acts between adult women and teen boys, and acts between same sex partners), as well as crimes involving multiple victims, pimping/prostitution, the provision of alcohol or drugs to minors, acquaintance rape, and rape of disabled minors. ... These same themes emerged in the early 1990s, when a new set of fiscally and morally conservative policymakers became concerned about rising welfare costs and the demographics of the populations receiving welfare; like their predecessors, they constructed statutory rape as antithetical to the social norms of financial and sexual responsibility and dangerous to society s welfare ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Analyze The Role Of Naturalization In America World War I military draft cards are another resource that could assist you in determining time of Naturalization and location. As can be seen in the example provided it is clearly noted that Myer was a Naturalized citizen. By 1825, the number of Jews was roughly 4500 in America, but the number of German Jews immigrating was on a steady increase. Cincinnati, Ohio experienced a large growth of these people and became a center for Reform Judaism in America. These Jews created communities in small towns of the Midwest, West, and South. Though land was plentiful in the Ohio Valley, the Jews were unaccustomed to the ways of farming and chose to settle in populated areas. Jewish population growth in America exploded in 1880 through 1924 with close to two million Jews coming from Russia, Poland, Austria Hungary, and Romania. After their arrival at Castle Garden (and later Ellis Island), the immigrants often settled in some of the poorer neighborhoods of major cities ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, by 1817 New Brunswick began issuing naturalization certificates. In Upper Canada there were no naturalization laws until roughly 1828. It was not until Canada gained its independence in 1867 that naturalization became a federal process. The provinces had jurisdiction over immigrants, but the certificates were granted by the Secretary of State for Canada. Petitions for citizenship were forwarded on to the Secretary of State from the local judicial courts. Unfortunately the Department of the Secretary of State destroyed the records for the years 1854 to 1917. All that remains for those years is the index which holds the name, residence and court where the certificate was sent. Fortunately the records for the years after 1917 are much more detailed and helpful. A resident or citizen of Canada can submit an Access to Information Request Form which is available at Canadian post ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. The Media Development Authority Aids The Growth Of... Singapore s media sector has posted a combined growth rate of 6.8 per cent between year 1997 and 2008. The following year, the media industry has provided $2.3 billion returns to the nation s economy as well as $6.4 billion revenue in value added. The media industry has employed about 66,000 employees. Industries such as television broadcast and production, film, publishing and printing, interactive and digital media and music make up the media sector in Singapore. The Media Development Authority aids the growth of Singapore s media sector. This is accomplished by stimulating a favorable business environment by regulating its policies that increases ventures as well as innovation. This process delivers more content selections for end users. Through a dual method of co regulation and discussions, the Media Development Authority depresses blockades which enables market access as well as industry growth. This also guarantees that Singaporeans continue to have admission to local content of worth and value. MDA works hand in hand with the community by tapping on the knowledge and viewpoints of an extensive range of society. Through meetings and discussions with committees consisting of citizens, MDA warrants that the policies and procedures are in line with community values and morals. http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/85 of singapore viewers/2241228.html The Annual Nielson Media Index report states that on a weekly basis, about 85 percent of Singapore viewers tune ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Army Farewell Speeches Good afternoon, and thank you all for helping me welcome and bid farewell to two excellent Army officers. First, Colonel Ronald Kastelein, I want to applaud you here publicly for a job well done in the 654th RSG. (You and audience clapping). You started your military career in 1988 with a commission from the University of Montana ROTC program. It is an honor to stand here and recognize the service of a Soldier who has spent nearly 30 years serving the Nation. You are a Soldier for Life. You started Army Strong, served Army Strong and remained Army Strong. As I read your bio in the program, I realized all the changes in our military that you ve seen over the years. When you started, Army Strong, as a cadet in the mid 1980s, the uniforms were different, basic training was different, and we were fighting a different kind of war. Operation Urgent Fury and Operation Just Cause rescued 600 American students in Grenada and protected more than 35,000 Americans in Panama while simultaneously capturing Manuel Noriega respectively. By the time you accepted your commission as a second lieutenant, you prepared yourself to serve Army Strong and deploy to Operation Desert Storm in the liberation of Kuwait. This early career deployment and redeployment set the stage for you to remain a Soldier for Life . After several successful ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The company s efforts resulted in a 40% increase their overall readiness. So, you know a great deal about putting the right Soldiers, in the right places, to do the right jobs for the Army Reserve. That s why I know your next position at XXXX will be great for you and the Soldiers there. Good luck to you and your family in your next ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. The Benefits Of Community Gardening Another aspect of community gardening, is regarding those who participate in it. Community gardens can be seen in many cities, with the community coming together to grow produce and relationships along the way. However, it is becoming a growing trend to start this idea at a younger scale. Many schools across North America have started implementing a garden into their after school or extracurricular programs. By introducing gardening to children at a young age allows for them to take in many of the benefits that come from gardening, and encouraging new ways of engagement. Gardening provides many hands on activities for children, including designing, planting, and harvesting the food (Yost, 2009). Many studies have shown that children who take care of a garden, or live near one, are more likely to show an interest in gardening as they grow up and develop a strong relationship with gardens and trees (Lohr, 2005). In California, school gardens have become very popular and are continuously promoting them through the State s Education Department. An example of one of the schools in the state is Le Conte Elementary School, which not only has flowers and vegetables, but also livestock, like goats and chickens. The science curriculum at the school is very inclusive with gardening activities, such as propagation, transplanting, and composting (Ferris, 2001). There have been many studies on the effects of school gardens on children. They have shown that students who participated in a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Core Competencies Of Virgin Atlantic In July 2017, news headlines hit the airwaves and the internet regarding Sir Richard Branson giving up control of the 33 years old airline, Virgin Atlantic (Bkaskara, 2017). Apparently, the air carrier industry has experienced increased competitiveness. Low cost rivals are putting pressure on traditional transatlantic carriers, which has made Virgin Atlantic, once a trailblazing carrier, to struggle. In 2012, Delta Air Lines came to the rescue of the carrier in a joint venture, taking up 49 percent of the company (Stothard, 2017). Even so, in the July 2017 alliance, Branson, according to Stothard (2017) gave up his control as a part of a wide ranging disturbance of the airline carrier industry that will see Delta Air Lines, Air France KLM, and China Eastern intensify their alliances. The aim of the airline is to embrace the human spirit and let it fly (Virgin Atlantic, 2016). Its main focus has been on services such as safety and security, for its 5.4 million customers flown in 2016 (Virgin Atlantic, 2016). To enhance its efficiency, Virgin Atlantic has implemented various strategic management practices to achieve competitive advantage and growth. Virgin Atlantic Analysis Core Competency Virgin Atlantic has various strengths and opportunities, as well as weaknesses and threats within the airline carrier industry. Virgin Atlantic has a strong brand reputation. It has modernized fleet with among the largest technological adoptions in the aviation industry. For instance, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. What Are The Mistakes Of The Aztec Empire For many years The Aztec Empire was able to rule all of Mexico by killing and destroying everything on their path. This group of people, who was known to be the The Mexica , was hardly able to survive by eating snakes and other small mammals. However, the Aztecs overcame those troubles and became a successful tribe, in which their ultimate goal was to be the most dominant. This tribe was considered to be more advance and successful than other people do to the brilliant way they build their cities, temple and pyramids. In addition, it was believed that they had great communication skills and strong religious beliefs. Although, the Aztec had many skills and where considered to be bright human beings, it was still not enough to defeat the Spanish conquistadors who had arrived in Mexico. Finally, this powerful tribe had conquer and remain in power for so many years, which leads to the question what went wrong. In this essay it will explain the Aztec s history as well as the mistakes that leaded to their mistakes. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Their strong religious beliefs had led them to travel many miles in search of the land they believed the gods wanted them to go. However, finding the place to settle was not an easy task for the Aztecs. They suffered hunger, diseases and others struggles. Still with all those obstacles they where able to find a sign that they believed was sent from the gods to stay in that land. The infamous sign portrayed an eagle sitting on a cactus with a snake on its peak. At that point they realized the land in which they where standing was there home and decided to name Tenochtitlan . Today, Tenochtitlan is known as Mexico City and is considered to be the largest city on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Justification Of Agreement Research Paper Cashel McCarthy ECON 240 Justification of Agreement December WTO GAMMA Round Malaysia s Trade Agreements Malaysia is one of the fastest growing and most open economies of our decade (World Bank 2017). Its geographical location plays a large role in this. Malaysia neighbors Singapore, Thailand, and borders the Gulf of Thailand and the Malacca Straight. The east and west sides of the country are completely exposed to bodies of water and near the global trade route which enhances the country s accessibility and facilitates development and foreign trade. Malaysia s GDP is 296.4 billion USD (2016 WB) and is expected, by the OECD to grow at 4.2% in 2017. Malaysia s current comparative advantage, the country s ability to produce goods at lower ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Skilled workers are managers, professionals, and technicians and associate professionals. The production of integrated circuits in Malaysia demands semi skilled workers, reinforcing that labor is Malaysia s abundant factor of production resulting the country s comparative advantage in electronic integrated systems. EVIDENCE: According to the H O model countries export products that use their abundant and cheap factors of production and import goods that use the countries scarce factors. In the case of Malaysia, it is electronic integrated circuits. As stated before, it amounts to 40% of the country s total exports. Although Malaysia s comparative advantage is in manufacturing electronic goods, its productivity is decreasing. Malaysia s comparative advantage good does not fully align with the Heckscher Ohlin (HO) Model which suggests that trade occurs between countries that have different resources where one is labor abundant and the other capital abundant. In the case of Malaysia and its three major trade partners who are capital abundant exports the same good that they import from Malaysia which is labor abundant.. Although manufactured goods are where the comparative advantage lies, the country s productivity is slowly decreasing and is being overrun by foreign competitors. This is due to the global economy slowdown Malaysia has struggled to upgrade its industrial sector ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...