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31/05/13 1
Applying for a Job in the
Qld Public Sector
Shane Bowering
Director (Red Tape Busters)
31/05/13 2
Course Outline
 The Qld Public Sector recruitment and
selection process
 Writing a Job Application
 Preparing a Resume and Covering Letter
 Study exercise – preparing an
application for a position
 Feedback regarding your application
 The Interview Process
 Course Review
31/05/13 3
Session 1 - Overview
 Introduce Presenters/Company etc
 Participants Introduction
 Legislative requirements of the
recruitment process
 How do positions become vacant & how
can they be filled
 Selection Panel Processes
 Documents used in the process
 Tasks to be completed prior to deciding
to apply for a Position
31/05/13 4
Session 1
 Overview of Presenter
 Overview of our Company and our
 Our experiences in the public
sector and in preparing job
applications, conducting interviews
31/05/13 5
Equal Opportunity in
Employment Act
 Purpose of the Act is to provide
equal employment opportunities
(EEO) in the public sector
 Agencies required to develop an
EEO management plan
 Act refers to target groups, these
being women, ATSI people,
people with an ethnic background,
people with a disability
31/05/13 6
 Nothing in the Act requires any
actions that are incompatible with
recruitment, selection, promotion
and transfer being dealt with on a
basis of merit
 This Act is about broadening the
opportunities of the target group to
be in a better position to attain
employment on merit
31/05/13 7
Anti-Discrimination Act
 An Act to promote equality of
opportunity for everyone by
protecting them from unfair
discrimination in certain areas of
activity and from sexual
harassment and certain
associated objectionable conduct
31/05/13 8
 There is specific mention of a need
to ensure workers are not
discriminated against in the areas
of promotion, transfer, training,
dismissal etc.
 However an employer may impose
genuine occupational requirements
for a position eg. An Actor, Political
31/05/13 9
Public Sector
Management Standard for
Recruitment and
 Primary objective is to detail the
framework for the Qld Public
Sector recruitment and selection
 The Standard highlights the Qld
Government’s commitment to
appointment based on merit
31/05/13 10
The Standard outlines
the principles and
guidelines relating to:
 the recruitment and selection
 selection committee;
 selection strategy;
 shortlisting;
 information gathering;
 information verification;
 selection recommendation
 selection decision; and
 post selection process action
31/05/13 11
How do Positions become
vacant and how are they
How do they become Vacant
Natural Attrition
Position upgrade
31/05/13 12
How are they filled
 Normal recruitment processes
 Compassionate Transfers
 Redeployment
 Equal Transfer
 Temporary Appointments
 Secondments/Relief
31/05/13 13
Processes used by
Selection Panels
 Ensure the Position Description
(PD) is current
 Make changes to the PD
 Advertise the Position
 Determine weightings for the
various Selection Criteria
31/05/13 14
 Assess the applications and short-list
 Determine appropriate interview
questions and the most appropriate
 Determine the selection techniques to
be used (at least 2 required)
 Advise applicants who are short-listed
of the Interview and the process to be
31/05/13 15
 Conduct Interview as per
required standard and advice
given previously to applicants
 Assess Interview results
 Conduct referee checks
 Reconvene to discuss
31/05/13 16
 Submit recommendation and upon
approval advise both successful
and non-successful applicants
 Supply applicants with Feedback on
their performance
 Appeals Process
31/05/13 17
Working Documents Used in
the Selection Process
31/05/13 18
 Position Description
 Question sheet which includes
predetermined responses
 Applicant Shortlisting Grid
 Selection Summary Grid
 Interview Guide
31/05/13 19
 Reference Recording Sheets
 EEO Statistical Data Sheet
 Vacant Position Nomination
31/05/13 20
Tasks to be completed
prior to deciding to
apply for a position
 Obtain a copy of the PD
 Research the reason for the
vacancy and the likely future
requirements of the position with
the Manager of the position
 Assess yourself honestly
regarding your ability to meet the
selection criteria and perform the
duties of the position
31/05/13 21
 Research the organisational
structure within which the
vacancy exists
 Establish and consider whether
the position offers future
promotional opportunities
 Ensure you have time available
to prepare a worthwhile
31/05/13 22
Session 2
 Things to be done prior to writing
your application
 Basic rules in writing an
 Generic Selection Criteria
 Addressing Selection Criteria
 The Covering Letter
 Resumes
 Presentation and Fonts
31/05/13 23
Things to be done prior to
writing an application
31/05/13 24
 Ensure you have taken
everything into consideration as
per the last session
 Obtain and research from
documents relating to the
position, eg. Corporate plan,
Strategic Plans, Operational
Plans & Business Plans etc.
 Discuss the specifics of the
position with the previous holder
of the position and other people
in the same field
31/05/13 25
 Determine if there are any
peculiarities resulting from the
geographic location of the position
 Talk to the Manager of the position
to determine where they see the
position going and what priorities
they have for the next 12 months
 Talk to Clients of the position to
gain an insight into their
perceptions of the service
31/05/13 26
Basic rules in writing an
 An application contains the
following elements: a covering
letter; a departmental application
form; a statement addressing the
selection criteria individually; and
a resume, as a minimum
 Ensure that you submit at least the
departmental application form
prior to the closing date of the
31/05/13 27
 Utilise as much of the Departments
“in-house” information as possible
in your application
 Keep the content succinct and to a
readable volume, ie. Don’t make
the panel read a novel, but don’t
sell yourself short
 Ensure your presentation is to the
highest level possible
(appearances count)
31/05/13 28
Addressing Selection
 Elementise the criteria to ensure you
cover all of the components in your
 Present your response in a
structured manner which includes
the processes used to meet the
requirements of the criteria and
examples where you have
demonstrated your ability to perform
the required skills
31/05/13 29
 Try to limit your response for each
criteria to no longer than 2 A4
 You may wish to demonstrate
some strategic thinking by
explaining how you would use
these skills in the new role
31/05/13 30
The ESTEP Theory
 Experience
 Skills
 Theory
 Example
 Proof
31/05/13 31
The Covering Letter –
Should include the
 Details of the position for which
you are applying
 Reference to your experience
 Commitment to the organisations
 A desire to be interviewed
31/05/13 32
The Resume
 Your Resume should always start with
your most current career details and
document back to your first position
 The Resume should contain the
following information:
Each position you have held (back 5 to
10 years)
the period you held the position;
key duties you performed;
achievements you accomplished whilst in
the position;
and any other notable information
31/05/13 33
 Where possible only give 3 –5
examples of each, ie. The most
notable 3-5 achievements etc.
 Ensure that if you have had
regular or large periods of relief
that these are included in your
resume as a “position held”
 You may also wish to document
academic achievements in your
Resume in detail, at a minimum
all qualifications should be
31/05/13 34
 Training course and other
qualifications should be recorded
 Your personal details are required
so that contact can be made with
you at any time
 Your referees details are required
including their names, positions
and contact details (These should
include current and past
31/05/13 35
Presentation and Fonts
31/05/13 36
 Always utilise a header and a
footer to re-inforce your details
in the panels mind
 Ensure that you use the same
structure of fonts sizes and
features throughout the
 Use indents and bullets to
emphasise individual messages
31/05/13 37
 Utilise fonts that improve peoples
recognition of your message
 Colour where practical will make
your application appear more
readable and professional
 Your application should always be
bound with a cover sheet and
backing board and transparent
plastic cover unless otherwise
specified by the Department.
 You should always prepare at
least 3 copies of an application (1
for each panel member)
31/05/13 38
 Don’t be afraid to do things
differently as this will make you
stand out, however always
remember it must be professional
31/05/13 39
End of Session 2 –
31/05/13 40
Session 3
 Different Interview Styles in the
Public Sector
 Interview Preparation
31/05/13 41
Different Interview
Styles in the Public
 Casual
 Round Table
 Behind the desk
 Standard Structure
 Hyperthetical/Theoretical
31/05/13 42
Interview Preparation
 Ensure you obtain the weightings of each
criteria from the panel when you are advised
of your interview time. Those criteria
weighted more heavily require extra
 Try and find out as much as you can about
the interviews/interviewees/process etc from
the panel chair/friends etc
 Commence preparing for the interview
31/05/13 43
 Re-read your application thoroughly
 Prepare notes on particular aspects of
each criteria that you want to address
in the interview (including examples)
 Try and ensure that you bring new
examples to the interview (as opposed
to the application).
31/05/13 44
 Select some documents/work that you
have previously produced to take to
your interview as proof that you meet
the criteria.
 Ensure you have examples for all
 Prepare a diagram of some
description to use in the interview
 Prepare a Business Plan or Action
Plan for the position
31/05/13 45
 Prepare a folder for each selection
criteria and have everything associated
with that criteria in that folder.
 Visit the office where your interview
will be conducted to familiarise
yourself with its location
 Have a friend do dummy interviews
with you so your comfortable with
your content (can be difficult and is
 Have a summary prepared for the end
of the interview.
31/05/13 46
The Interview
 Dress appropriately and professionally
for the interview, for the position you are
applying for and for the environment in
which you will be working.
 Arrive early for the interview – allowing
time for the nerves to settle.
 If questions provided prior to interview –
take your time read them thoroughly –
take notes on what you want to say.
31/05/13 47
 Greet the panel chair
 Thank them for the opportunity.
 Greet other panel members.
 Set yourself up at the interview
31/05/13 48
 Fill glass of water
 Take your time.
 Speak slowly
 Maintain eye contact
31/05/13 49
 Refer to your notes.
 Monitor body language of panel.
 Be positive and project your voice
 LISTEN!!!!!!
31/05/13 50
 Make sure you cover off everything you
want to say with each criteria.
 Draw a diagram/use whiteboard if
possible and confident enough.
 Deliver your summary.
 Add anything else you had forgotten
31/05/13 51
 Have an intelligent question
 Thank the panel individually
31/05/13 52
Be Confident and Project your
31/05/13 53
Session 4
 Reflection on areas of concern
 Summation of key points
 Course feedback
31/05/13 54
Summation of key
 Preparation in each phase of the process
is the key to success
 If you want the job you will have to put in
considerable effort to get it
 Confidence is essential, both in your own
ability, that you have prepared
adequately – application and interview
and when dealing with the Panel or Panel
31/05/13 55
 Be careful about the jobs you
select to apply for, as you don’t
want to do all this if your not right
for the position or its not right for
 Select your Referees carefully,
they need to be totally on your side
 Start doing projects in your work
environment now that you can use
as examples at interview
 Keep your application up to date
31/05/13 56
 Project confidence at the interview.
 Use the glass of water.
 Again preparation is the key.
31/05/13 57
Red Tape Busters
 Job Application Writing
 Interview Coaching
 Quality Assurance
 Consulting to Public Transport
 Consulting to Government
 Training
 Making Government Work for You!!

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Applying for a job in the qld public sector website document

  • 1. 31/05/13 1 Applying for a Job in the Qld Public Sector Presenter: Shane Bowering Director (Red Tape Busters)
  • 2. 31/05/13 2 Course Outline  The Qld Public Sector recruitment and selection process  Writing a Job Application  Preparing a Resume and Covering Letter  Study exercise – preparing an application for a position  Feedback regarding your application  The Interview Process  Course Review
  • 3. 31/05/13 3 Session 1 - Overview  Introduce Presenters/Company etc  Participants Introduction  Legislative requirements of the recruitment process  How do positions become vacant & how can they be filled  Selection Panel Processes  Documents used in the process  Tasks to be completed prior to deciding to apply for a Position
  • 4. 31/05/13 4 Session 1 Introduction  Overview of Presenter  Overview of our Company and our services  Our experiences in the public sector and in preparing job applications, conducting interviews etc.
  • 5. 31/05/13 5 Equal Opportunity in Employment Act  Purpose of the Act is to provide equal employment opportunities (EEO) in the public sector  Agencies required to develop an EEO management plan  Act refers to target groups, these being women, ATSI people, people with an ethnic background, people with a disability
  • 6. 31/05/13 6  Nothing in the Act requires any actions that are incompatible with recruitment, selection, promotion and transfer being dealt with on a basis of merit  This Act is about broadening the opportunities of the target group to be in a better position to attain employment on merit
  • 7. 31/05/13 7 Anti-Discrimination Act 1991  An Act to promote equality of opportunity for everyone by protecting them from unfair discrimination in certain areas of activity and from sexual harassment and certain associated objectionable conduct
  • 8. 31/05/13 8  There is specific mention of a need to ensure workers are not discriminated against in the areas of promotion, transfer, training, dismissal etc.  However an employer may impose genuine occupational requirements for a position eg. An Actor, Political Adviser
  • 9. 31/05/13 9 Public Sector Management Standard for Recruitment and Selection  Primary objective is to detail the framework for the Qld Public Sector recruitment and selection processes  The Standard highlights the Qld Government’s commitment to appointment based on merit
  • 10. 31/05/13 10 The Standard outlines the principles and guidelines relating to:  the recruitment and selection process;  selection committee;  selection strategy;  shortlisting;  information gathering;  information verification;  selection recommendation  selection decision; and  post selection process action
  • 11. 31/05/13 11 How do Positions become vacant and how are they filled? How do they become Vacant Natural Attrition Restructures Position upgrade
  • 12. 31/05/13 12 How are they filled  Normal recruitment processes  Compassionate Transfers  Redeployment  Equal Transfer  Temporary Appointments  Secondments/Relief
  • 13. 31/05/13 13 Processes used by Selection Panels  Ensure the Position Description (PD) is current  Make changes to the PD  Advertise the Position  Determine weightings for the various Selection Criteria
  • 14. 31/05/13 14  Assess the applications and short-list applicants  Determine appropriate interview questions and the most appropriate responses  Determine the selection techniques to be used (at least 2 required)  Advise applicants who are short-listed of the Interview and the process to be used
  • 15. 31/05/13 15  Conduct Interview as per required standard and advice given previously to applicants  Assess Interview results  Conduct referee checks  Reconvene to discuss recommendation
  • 16. 31/05/13 16  Submit recommendation and upon approval advise both successful and non-successful applicants  Supply applicants with Feedback on their performance  Appeals Process
  • 17. 31/05/13 17 Working Documents Used in the Selection Process
  • 18. 31/05/13 18  Position Description  Question sheet which includes predetermined responses  Applicant Shortlisting Grid  Selection Summary Grid  Interview Guide
  • 19. 31/05/13 19  Reference Recording Sheets  EEO Statistical Data Sheet  Vacant Position Nomination Form
  • 20. 31/05/13 20 Tasks to be completed prior to deciding to apply for a position  Obtain a copy of the PD  Research the reason for the vacancy and the likely future requirements of the position with the Manager of the position  Assess yourself honestly regarding your ability to meet the selection criteria and perform the duties of the position
  • 21. 31/05/13 21  Research the organisational structure within which the vacancy exists  Establish and consider whether the position offers future promotional opportunities  Ensure you have time available to prepare a worthwhile application
  • 22. 31/05/13 22 Session 2  Things to be done prior to writing your application  Basic rules in writing an application  Generic Selection Criteria  Addressing Selection Criteria  The Covering Letter  Resumes  Presentation and Fonts
  • 23. 31/05/13 23 Things to be done prior to writing an application
  • 24. 31/05/13 24  Ensure you have taken everything into consideration as per the last session  Obtain and research from documents relating to the position, eg. Corporate plan, Strategic Plans, Operational Plans & Business Plans etc.  Discuss the specifics of the position with the previous holder of the position and other people in the same field
  • 25. 31/05/13 25  Determine if there are any peculiarities resulting from the geographic location of the position  Talk to the Manager of the position to determine where they see the position going and what priorities they have for the next 12 months  Talk to Clients of the position to gain an insight into their perceptions of the service provided
  • 26. 31/05/13 26 Basic rules in writing an application  An application contains the following elements: a covering letter; a departmental application form; a statement addressing the selection criteria individually; and a resume, as a minimum  Ensure that you submit at least the departmental application form prior to the closing date of the application
  • 27. 31/05/13 27  Utilise as much of the Departments “in-house” information as possible in your application  Keep the content succinct and to a readable volume, ie. Don’t make the panel read a novel, but don’t sell yourself short  Ensure your presentation is to the highest level possible (appearances count)
  • 28. 31/05/13 28 Addressing Selection Criteria  Elementise the criteria to ensure you cover all of the components in your response  Present your response in a structured manner which includes the processes used to meet the requirements of the criteria and examples where you have demonstrated your ability to perform the required skills
  • 29. 31/05/13 29  Try to limit your response for each criteria to no longer than 2 A4 pages  You may wish to demonstrate some strategic thinking by explaining how you would use these skills in the new role
  • 30. 31/05/13 30 The ESTEP Theory  Experience  Skills  Theory  Example  Proof
  • 31. 31/05/13 31 The Covering Letter – Should include the following:  Details of the position for which you are applying  Reference to your experience  Commitment to the organisations goals  A desire to be interviewed
  • 32. 31/05/13 32 The Resume  Your Resume should always start with your most current career details and document back to your first position  The Resume should contain the following information: Each position you have held (back 5 to 10 years) the period you held the position; key duties you performed; achievements you accomplished whilst in the position; and any other notable information
  • 33. 31/05/13 33  Where possible only give 3 –5 examples of each, ie. The most notable 3-5 achievements etc.  Ensure that if you have had regular or large periods of relief that these are included in your resume as a “position held”  You may also wish to document academic achievements in your Resume in detail, at a minimum all qualifications should be documented
  • 34. 31/05/13 34  Training course and other qualifications should be recorded  Your personal details are required so that contact can be made with you at any time  Your referees details are required including their names, positions and contact details (These should include current and past Supervisors/Managers)
  • 36. 31/05/13 36  Always utilise a header and a footer to re-inforce your details in the panels mind  Ensure that you use the same structure of fonts sizes and features throughout the document  Use indents and bullets to emphasise individual messages
  • 37. 31/05/13 37  Utilise fonts that improve peoples recognition of your message  Colour where practical will make your application appear more readable and professional  Your application should always be bound with a cover sheet and backing board and transparent plastic cover unless otherwise specified by the Department.  You should always prepare at least 3 copies of an application (1 for each panel member)
  • 38. 31/05/13 38  Don’t be afraid to do things differently as this will make you stand out, however always remember it must be professional
  • 39. 31/05/13 39 End of Session 2 – Hooroo!!!
  • 40. 31/05/13 40 Session 3  Different Interview Styles in the Public Sector  Interview Preparation
  • 41. 31/05/13 41 Different Interview Styles in the Public Sector  Casual  Round Table  Behind the desk  Standard Structure  Hyperthetical/Theoretical
  • 42. 31/05/13 42 Interview Preparation  Ensure you obtain the weightings of each criteria from the panel when you are advised of your interview time. Those criteria weighted more heavily require extra attention.  Try and find out as much as you can about the interviews/interviewees/process etc from the panel chair/friends etc  Commence preparing for the interview
  • 43. 31/05/13 43  Re-read your application thoroughly  Prepare notes on particular aspects of each criteria that you want to address in the interview (including examples)  Try and ensure that you bring new examples to the interview (as opposed to the application).
  • 44. 31/05/13 44  Select some documents/work that you have previously produced to take to your interview as proof that you meet the criteria.  Ensure you have examples for all criteria  Prepare a diagram of some description to use in the interview  Prepare a Business Plan or Action Plan for the position
  • 45. 31/05/13 45  Prepare a folder for each selection criteria and have everything associated with that criteria in that folder.  Visit the office where your interview will be conducted to familiarise yourself with its location  Have a friend do dummy interviews with you so your comfortable with your content (can be difficult and is questionable)  Have a summary prepared for the end of the interview.
  • 46. 31/05/13 46 The Interview  Dress appropriately and professionally for the interview, for the position you are applying for and for the environment in which you will be working.  Arrive early for the interview – allowing time for the nerves to settle.  If questions provided prior to interview – take your time read them thoroughly – take notes on what you want to say.
  • 47. 31/05/13 47  Greet the panel chair  Thank them for the opportunity.  Greet other panel members.  Set yourself up at the interview table.
  • 48. 31/05/13 48  Fill glass of water  Take your time.  Speak slowly  Maintain eye contact
  • 49. 31/05/13 49  Refer to your notes.  Monitor body language of panel.  Be positive and project your voice clearly.  LISTEN!!!!!!
  • 50. 31/05/13 50  Make sure you cover off everything you want to say with each criteria.  Draw a diagram/use whiteboard if possible and confident enough.  Deliver your summary.  Add anything else you had forgotten
  • 51. 31/05/13 51  Have an intelligent question prepared.  Thank the panel individually
  • 52. 31/05/13 52 Be Confident and Project your Confidence
  • 53. 31/05/13 53 Session 4  Reflection on areas of concern  Summation of key points  Course feedback
  • 54. 31/05/13 54 Summation of key points  Preparation in each phase of the process is the key to success  If you want the job you will have to put in considerable effort to get it  Confidence is essential, both in your own ability, that you have prepared adequately – application and interview and when dealing with the Panel or Panel Chairperson
  • 55. 31/05/13 55  Be careful about the jobs you select to apply for, as you don’t want to do all this if your not right for the position or its not right for you  Select your Referees carefully, they need to be totally on your side  Start doing projects in your work environment now that you can use as examples at interview  Keep your application up to date
  • 56. 31/05/13 56  Project confidence at the interview.  Use the glass of water.  Again preparation is the key.
  • 57. 31/05/13 57 Red Tape Busters  Job Application Writing  Interview Coaching  Quality Assurance  Consulting to Public Transport Operators  Consulting to Government  Training  Making Government Work for You!!