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1st quarter 2007 Results

       May 14, 2007


Highlights              Debt Profile

Market                  Cash Flow

Operating Performance   Conclusion

Financial Performance



             • Adjusted EBITDA of R$ 505.1 million in 1Q07, 13.3% lower
                 j                                        ,
             than 1Q06

  1Q07       • Net Profit of R$ 165.6 million, compared to a net profit of R$
             25.1 illi in
             25 1 million i 1Q06

             • End of contingency with CTEEP regarding CETEMEQ
             property. Agreement's total amount of R$ 125.3 million
                       Agreement s

             • Renegotiation of R$ 300 million in CCB’s valid since May,
             12th – reduction of average cost from CDI + 1.82% to CDI +
Subsequent   1.20% and maturity extension from 6 to 8 years
  Events     • Rating increase by S&P (04/16/2007) – National Scale from
             A- to A, keeping the international rating scale in BB-

             • Dividends Payment (05/03/2007) - distribution of R$ 130.4
                               y      (           )
             million relative to FY 2006 earnings



Consumption Comparison in GWh
                        Captive Market Evolution (GWh)

                                                            7 840         7,709
                                                                          7 709
                        7,418     7,429   7,590   7,503
7,241       7,266                                                                          • Excluding all free consumers from previous
                                                                                           periods, the captive market increased 4.4% in
                                                                                           the last 12 months.

2Q05        3Q05        4Q05      1Q06    2Q06    3Q06      4Q06          1Q07

                                                                                                                           2 7%
                                                                                                       0.5%                       9,572
                3,181                                                                                                     9,317
                                          2,560 2,561                                               7,818 7 859
                                -8.2%                                             14.2%

                           1,647 1,512                                            1,500

                                                           599      605

        Residential         Industrial    Commercial      Public Sector              Free          Billed Market         Total Market
                                                           and Others             Consumers

                                             1Q06                                 1Q07                                                      4
                                                                                                     NOTE: Charts do not consider own consumption


Free Consumers
               % Total Market (1Q07)

                   80.5%                                 Captive Consumers

                                       18 1%             Free Consumers

                                                         Potentially Free Consumers


    Net Revenue with TUSD X Free Consumers’ Consumption
0                                                         115.2
       111.3                                                           1
0                                          1,716          1,713
                    1,654      1,658
       1 500                                                           1

0                                                                      8

0                                                                      7
       1Q06         2Q06       3Q06        4Q06           1Q07
               Free Consumers (GWh)            TUSD - R$ million


Operating Highlights
                                                                                    Collection Rate -
                    Loss Evolution (%)
                                                                                 % over Gross Revenue

                                                 -4.8%                                                       +2.5%

      13.5         12.9
                                12.0      12.8           12.2                                                        101.2
                                                                               99.0        99.1       98.7
       70          6.4                     6.3                      97.5
                                                                    97 5
                                5.5                       5.7

       6.5         6.5          6.5        6.5            6.5

     2004         2005          2006     1Q06            1Q07
                                                                   2004        2005       2006        1Q06           1Q07
             Technical Losses     Com m ercial Losses

Fraud Combat and Clandestine Connections (1Q07)                 Collection Rate (1Q07)

• Reduction of commercial losses in 0.6 percentage points in           Public Sector: 105.2%
the last 12 months                                                     Private Sector: 100.9%
• 75 thousand inspections and 7 thousand frauds detected        Cuts and Reconnections – monthly average (1Q06 x 1Q07)
• 15.2 thousand clandestine connections regularized                    Cuts - decrease from 107 thousand to 106 thousand
                                                                        Reconnections – increase from 70 thousand to 71



                                                                                           R$ million

                                                             Investments 1Q07
                                                               (R$87.7 million)

         49                                                     19%
330                      58                                                          28%

         3 55                                                20%                     18%
                         3 19

                                                 C us t o m e r S e rv ic e a nd S ys t e m E xpa ns io n
                                                 M a int e na nc e

2004    2005            2006            1Q 0 7   Lo s s R e c o v e ry
                                                 Inf o rm a t io n T e c hno lo gy
       C a pe x   S e lf F ina nc e d
                                                 O t he rs
                                                 S e lf F ina nc e d


                                                                                                                           R$ million
                         Gross Revenue                                                         Operating Expenses

              +3.0%                                  -6.4%
                                                      6 4%
                                           2,947.4                                                                       -2.9%
    2,679.1             2,759.8                              2,759.8                   +5.0%

                                           1,188.0                                                             1,406.0
    1 032 4             1,083.2
                         ,                                   1,083.2
                                                              ,                                1,364.9
                                                                                                ,                                1,364.9
                                                                             1 299 3

                                                                             941.1             1,042.7        1,034.4            1,042.7

    1,646.7             1,676.6
                        1 676 6            1,759.4
                                           1 759 4           1,676.6
                                                             1 676 6

                                                                             358.2             322.3           371.7             322.3

     1Q06                1Q07               4Q06              1Q07            1Q06              1Q07            4Q06              1Q07

          Net Revenue             Deduction of Operating Revenue                   Operating Expenses         Electricity + Transport
•   Increase of 3.0% in relation to 1Q06:                              •   Increase of 10.8% in non-manageable expenses in relation to

      •   Tariff adjustment of 11.45% applied since July 4th, 2006         1Q06:

      •   Increase of 2.7% in the total market (captive + free               •   Increase of R$ 140.0 million in energy purchase, due to the
          consumers)                                                             readjustments of contracts with Tietê (0.9%) since July,
                                                                                 2006; Itaipu (10.3%) and Auctions (12.1%) since January,
                                                                       •   Reduction of 10.0% in manageable expenses in relation to
                                                                             •   Reduction of 22.5% in Other Expenses and reduction of
                                                                                 53.2% in pension expenses                    8


                                                            R$ million

                   1Q06      x     1Q07   4Q06      x      1Q07

EBITDA             423.8          391.0   433.1            391.0

RTE                81.3           82.1     83.4            82.1

Pension Fund       60.5           26.7     60.4            26.7

Provision - RTE    16.8            5.3     1.5              5.3

ADJUSTED EBITDA   582.4          505.1    578.4           505.1

MARGIN            35.4%          30.1%
                                 30 1%    32.9%
                                          32 9%           30.1%
                                                          30 1%

                   Reduction of 13.3%       Reduction of 12.7%



                                                                                                               R$ million
                  Financial Result                                                    Net Profit

                                                                                  165.6                            165.6
    1Q06           1Q07           4Q06              1Q07                                            +67.2%

                                                                 +560 1%                           99.0
                   (25.3)                           (25.3)
               -79.2%                                            25.1

   (121.7)                                                       1Q06             1Q07             4Q06            1Q07

Improvement of the financial result due to:                  •   Net Margin of 9.9% in 1Q07
• The decrease of 41.2% in financial expenses:               •   Finalized in 2006, the recognition in the income
                                                                 statement of the actuarial liability with the Pension Fund,
     • Reduction of the average cost of the debt
                                                                 which stemmed for a gross annual expense of R$ 486.3
                                                                                        g                  p         $
     • Reduction of 68.6% in Swap expenses, due to the           million, recurrent between 2002 and 2006.
        R$ 152.6 million decrease of foreign currency debt
    •   Credits of R$ 21.7 million of IPTU recognized in
        CETEMEQ´s agreement (
                          t (non-recurrent event)
                                         t     t)



Consolidated Debt
                                                                                                                                         R$ million
                               Short Term x Long Term                                                                 Gross Debt – 1Q07
                                          -9 6%
                                                                                                                      IGP DI
             4,830                                  4,774                                                             50.0%
                               4,606                        4,411   4,606
             21%                   20%              27%             20%
                      3,658                                                                                                           Fixed Rate
                                            3,306                              3,306

R$ mill

             79%                   80%                              80%                                                   CDI/Selic                1.6%
                                                    73%                                                                    36.8%

                                                                                                   •     Pension Fund -      R$ 2,394 million
             4Q06                  1Q07             1Q06            1Q07                           •     Private Creditors - R$ 1,994 million
                                                                                                   •     BNDES -             R$ 218 million
                              LT           ST         Net Debt

                         Debt Highlights – last 12 months                                                Average Cost and Average Life
                                                                                                                               5.44       5.48         5.46
       •     Gross Debt: reduction of 3.5% (R$ 168.5 million)                          110.00%                                          104.28%     102.63%   5
                                                                                                              101.18%      97.27%
       •     Net Debt: reduction of 25.0% (R$ 1,1 billion)                             90.00%
                                                                                            %                                                                 4

                                                                                       70.00%     3.81         3.90
       •     Foreign Currency: 1.6% of total
                                                                                       50.00%                                                                 2
       •     Amendment of CCB (R$ 300 million) – May, 2007:
                                                                                       30.00%                                                                 1
                •    Reduction of average cost from CDI + 1.82% to CDI                 10.00%                                                                 0
                     + 1.20%                                                                     1Q06          2Q06        3Q06          4Q06         1Q07

                •    Increase of average life from 3.5 to 5.5 years                                    Avg. Cost - % CDI* p.a.            Avg. Life - years   11
                                                                                                 CDI index at the end of the period


Managerial Cash Flow
                                                                                                   R$ million
               R$ million                         1Q06            2Q06           3Q06            4Q06            1Q07

Initial Cash                                           492            358             619             767          1,166

Operating Cash Generation                              687            653             725             741             634
Investments                                          (
                                                         )             ( )
                                                                       (88)           ( )
                                                                                      (75)            ( )
                                                                                                      (85)               ( )
Net Financial Expenses                               (194)             (85)          (176)            (91)          (187)
Net Amortization                                     (245)             (45)          (158)           (111)               (71)
Pension Fund Expenses                                (
                                                         )           (
                                                                         )            ( )
                                                                                      (85)            ( )
                                                                                                      (55)               ( )
Income Tax                                           (147)             (67)           (83)            -                  (97)
Free Cash Flow                                       (133)            261             148             399             135

Final Cash                                             358            619             767           1,166
                                                                                                    1 166          1,301
                                                                                                                   1 301

 •   Operating Cash Flow: payment of R$ 89.7 million to CTEEP, according to the agreement to end the litigation on the
     CETEMEQ property

 •   Net Financial Expenses: semi-annual payments of interest on the 8th debenture issuance (R$ 63.7 million) and Real-
     denominated bonds (R$ 45.3 million)

 •   Pension Fund Expenses: Lower expenses on the pension fund, due to the renegotiation of the debt contracts with
                    p               p             p           ,                g




• Net Profit of R$ 165.6 million in 1Q07, R$ 140.5 million higher than the net profit in

• R d ti
  Reduction of 25 0% i consolidated net d bt i th l t 12 months
             f 25.0% in     lid t d   t debt in the last    th

• Increase of total debt’s average life from 3 7 to 5 5 years
                    debt s                   3.7    5.5

• Ratings increased by S&P in national scale from A- to A

• Dividends payment resumed on May 3rd, 2007 - R$ 130.4 million relative to FY 2006



1st quarter 2007 Results

       May 14th, 2007



Hi hli ht               Debt Profile
                        D bt P fil

Operating Performance   Cash Flow

Capex                   Conclusion

Financial Performance



Highlights – 1Q07

             Increase of 15.1% in energy generated
             EBITDA of R$ 287.2 million, 4.9% higher than 1Q06
             Net Income of R$ 160.5 million, an increase of 5.0% in
  1Q07       comparison with 1Q06

             Payment of R$ 160.5 million in dividends, which
             corresponds to 100% of the net earnings obtained in
                   p                              g
Subsequent   1Q07:
             - R$ 1.61 per 1,000 common shares
             - R$ 1.77 per 1,000 preferred shares



Energy Balance – 1Q07

                Generation – MW average                                       Billed Energy - GWh
                                                                                      3,557     15 %
                    109%          107%                 112%                            177
          98%                                                                                              978


                      1,392       1,363       1,467      1,424                        2,755                2,800
1 040

2001        2002      2003        2004         2005      2006      1T07               1Q06                 1Q07

        Generation - MW Average           Generation / Assured Energy             Eletropaulo    MRE       CCEE/Losses

      Increase of 15.1% in energy generated                                 Eletropaulo t iff – R$ 133 87/MWh
                                                                            El t     l tariff      133.87/MWh

   Generation was 45.6% above the assured energy                            MRE tariff – R$ 7.47/MWh
 (1,275 MW)                                                                 CCEE tariff * – R$ 19.27/MWh
      Growth of 61 2% in volume sold to CCEE/MRE

                                                                           * 1Q07 average



Capex – 1Q07: R$ 10.2 million                                                          Capex – 1Q07
  The main investments made in 1Q07 refer to capacity   p y
  restoration, upgrade in equipments and reforestation.                         3.1%      18.3%

Forecasted Capex - 2007: R$ 75.5 million:
  R$ 22.4 million: Construction of three small hydropower
  plants located in the interior of São Paulo State. Together,
  they will boast an installed capacity of 8MW.
                                                                       Equip.     Hidroway      PCH      IT    Environment
  R$ 36 6 million: Restoration and upgrading of the plants
  R$ 11.7 million: Environment
  R$ 4.8 million: SAP                                                            Capex – R$ million

Investment in Small Hydropower Plants
  Acquisition of License to build three small hydropower plants
  in the S
         State of Rio de Janeiro, with a total installed capacity of
                f                                                  f                     27.5
  52MW and average 28.97MW of assured energy, approved by              12.4                                   10.2
  ANEEL – forecasted investment of R$ 225 million in 2 years.

                                                                       2003      2004    2005     2006        1T07   2007e



Expansion Requirement
Requirement: increase installed capacity by at least 15% (400 MW), until December, 2007:
     increasing the installed capacity in the State of São Paulo; or
     energy purchasing from new plants, located in São Paulo, through long term agreements (at
  least 5 years)
Restriction to increase the capacity:
     State of São Paulo – no hydro resource available and environmental restrictions to thermal
      gas supply
     “New Model of the Electric Sector” (Law # 10,848/04)
                                          (                )

Proposal from AES Tietê to the State Government of São Paulo:
     suspension of the obligation to increase the capacity for 5 years. During this period AES Tietê
  would analyze freely any project for investment, regardless of the location
              y       y yp j                     , g
     after the suspension period, in the case that the restriction continues, a AES Tietê would be
  released of this obligation
     no amount or new obligation would be paid in compensation

The São Paulo State Government and ANEEL are evaluating the following alternatives:
      extension of the term for 2 years
      suspension of the obligation of expansion, once the non-feasibility of this execution has been
Neither ANEEL nor the São Paulo State Government have sent a formal reply to AES Tietê with regard
to this issue so far                                                                              19


                                                                                          R$ million
                Net Revenue                                    Costs and Operational Expenses
                                                          94                89                                       89
                                                                  -5%                           85
                                                          13                  8                          5%         8
           3%                     4%                      5                   4                  8                  4
    349          360       346         360                                                       5
                                                          13                 16                 10                 16

                                                          20                 17                 14                 17

                                                          24                 27                 32                 27

                                                          18                 16                 16                 16

   1Q06         1Q07       4Q06        1Q07              1Q06               1Q07               4Q06               1Q07

                                                       Power Purchase              Royalties          Others*
                                                       Operational Expenses        Provisions         Depreciation

  1Q07 x 1Q06                                            1Q07 x 1Q06

Net Revenues in 1Q07 up 3% from 1Q06 :                 Reduction of 5.3% in costs and operational
                                                       expenses mainly due to higher expenses in 1Q06 :
(i) 0.9% price adjustment granted in July06 for the
energy sold under the bilateral contract                   (i) Recognition of an actuarial loss of R$ 3.3
(ii) Increase of 16.7% in the revenues obtained from
energy marketed through the MRE/CCEE                      (ii) Increase in R&D expenses due to the
                                                       change quotes from 0.25% to 1% and the impact of
(iii) greater volume of energy demanded by
                                                       a change in the rules in the accounting criteria.
Eletropaulo in 1Q07

                                                         *Others: R&D, fiscalization fees, insurance, hydro way and others


                                                                    R$ million
               78 4%        79.8%
                            79 8%       80.2%
                                        80 2%     79.8%
                                                  79 8%

                       5%    287                  287

               1Q06         1Q07      4Q06        1Q07

 1Q07 x 1Q06

Price readjustment of bilateral contract in July, 2006 ( + 0.9% )
16.7% increase obtained from energy marketed through MRE/CCEE
Lower costs and operational expenses

 1Q07 x 4Q06

Revenues obtained from energy marketed through MRE/CCEE
R           bt i d f               k t d th      h
Greater volume of energy sold through bilateral contract


                                                                                            R$ million
               Financial Results                                Net Income
1Q06           1Q07       4Q06           1Q07      43.8%        44.6%
                                                           5%                        2%

 (23)   24%                                         153         161          165           161
                (29)               16%    (29)

                                                   1Q06         1Q07         4Q06          1Q07
                                                                Net Income    Net Margin

 1Q07 x 1Q06                                      1Q07 x 1Q06

Financial Income: decreased by 6.8% mainly       Increase of 0.8 percentage points in the net
due to the decline in average CDI rates from     margin.
17.2% in 1Q06 to 12.9% in 1Q07.
                                                 Payment of R$ 160.5 million in dividends,
Financial Expenses: increase of 8.9%             which corresponds to 100% of the net
basically due to an growth of IGP-M from 0.7%    earnings obtained in 1Q07.
to 1.1% .




Cash availability = R$ 686 million (March, 2007)

                                                                                      in R$ million
       Amount         Ceditor                Maturity               Cost                  Collateral
                      Montante              Vencimento              Custo                  Garantia
        1,339.9      Eletrobras             May, 2013      IGP-M + 10% p.a.               Receivables
         11.9        FunCesp III            Sep, 2027       IGP-DI + 6% p.a.              Receivables

                                            Net Debt – R$ billion
                    1.4                       1.4x
                                 13                     0.7x                       0.6x
                                              1.1                     0.6x

                                                         0.7          0.7           0.7

                   2002          2003        2004       2005         2006          1Q07

                                 Net Debt                      Net Debt / EBITDA


Cash Flow

CASH FLOW - R$ million                       1Q06       2Q06        3Q06       4Q06          1Q07
CASH BALANCE - BEGINNING OF PERIOD            797.9      851.7       777.2      673.6         691.0

Operating cash flow                           269.8        308.4      289.9       279.6       287.9
Investments                                    ( )
                                               (4.5)        ( )
                                                            (6.3)      ( )
                                                                       (7.7)      (
                                                                                  (23.6))      ( )
Net Financial Expenses                        (21.2)       (17.7)     (14.6)      (18.8)      (16.1)
Net Amortizations                             (41.4)       (43.7)     (50.1)      (44.8)      (46.4)
Income Tax                                   (144.7)       (20.2)     (15.9)      (31.7)     (220.1)
                           q y
Dividends and Interest on Equity               ( )
                                               (4.1)     (294.9)
                                                         (      )   (305.3)
                                                                    (      )    (143.4)
                                                                                (       )         -
FREE CASH FLOW                                 53.8        (74.4)   (103.6)         17.4       (4.4)

CASH BALANCE - END OF PERIOD                  851.7       777.2      673.6       691.0        686.6

      The free cash flow in 1Q07 was negative in R$ 4 million, mainly due to the
      payment of R$ 220 million of Income Tax and Social Contribution.

      Investments 4Q06 – Payment on acquisition of licenses to build three small
      hydropower plants in the State of Rio de Janeiro, with a total installed capacity of
      52 MW and average 28.97 MW of assured energy.




Generation was 46% higher than assured energy

EBITDA of R$ 287 2 million in 1Q07 4 9% higher than the same period in
              287.2           1Q07, 4.9%
2006. EBITDA margin of 79.8% compared to 78.4% in 1Q06.

Payment of R$ 160.5 million in dividends, which corresponds to 100% of
1T07 net earnings.

AES Tietê has been analyzing new opportunities of investments and
expansion aiming at increasing the Company’s results



The statements contained in this document with regard to the business prospects, projected
operating and financial results, and growth potential are merely forecasts based on the
expectations of Company Management in relation to its future performance. Such estimates are
highly dependent on market behavior and on the conditions affecting Brazil‘s macroeconomic
performance as well as the electricity sector and international market and they are therefore
subject to change.

                                 May 14th, 2007

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Apre 1 t07

  • 1. 1st quarter 2007 Results May 14, 2007
  • 2. Highlights Debt Profile Market Cash Flow Operating Performance Conclusion Financial Performance
  • 3. Highlights • Adjusted EBITDA of R$ 505.1 million in 1Q07, 13.3% lower j , than 1Q06 1Q07 • Net Profit of R$ 165.6 million, compared to a net profit of R$ 25.1 illi in 25 1 million i 1Q06 • End of contingency with CTEEP regarding CETEMEQ property. Agreement's total amount of R$ 125.3 million Agreement s • Renegotiation of R$ 300 million in CCB’s valid since May, 12th – reduction of average cost from CDI + 1.82% to CDI + Subsequent 1.20% and maturity extension from 6 to 8 years Events • Rating increase by S&P (04/16/2007) – National Scale from A- to A, keeping the international rating scale in BB- • Dividends Payment (05/03/2007) - distribution of R$ 130.4 y ( ) million relative to FY 2006 earnings 3
  • 4. Consumption Comparison in GWh Captive Market Evolution (GWh) 7,840 7 840 7,709 7 709 7,418 7,429 7,590 7,503 7,241 7,266 • Excluding all free consumers from previous periods, the captive market increased 4.4% in the last 12 months. 2Q05 3Q05 4Q05 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 1Q07 2.7% 2 7% 5.6% 0.5% 9,572 3,181 9,317 3,013 2,560 2,561 7,818 7 859 7,859 -8.2% 14.2% 1,713 1,647 1,512 1,500 1.0% 599 605 Residential Industrial Commercial Public Sector Free Billed Market Total Market and Others Consumers 1Q06 1Q07 4 NOTE: Charts do not consider own consumption
  • 5. Free Consumers % Total Market (1Q07) 80.5% Captive Consumers 18.1% 18 1% Free Consumers Potentially Free Consumers 1.4% % Net Revenue with TUSD X Free Consumers’ Consumption 125.2 0 1 117.1 0 115.2 113.4 111.3 1 0 1,716 1,713 1,654 1,658 1,500 1 500 1 0 9 0 0 8 0 7 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 1Q07 5 Free Consumers (GWh) TUSD - R$ million
  • 6. Operating Highlights Collection Rate - Loss Evolution (%) % over Gross Revenue -4.8% +2.5% 13.5 12.9 12.0 12.8 12.2 101.2 99.0 99.1 98.7 7.0 70 6.4 6.3 97.5 97 5 5.5 5.7 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 2004 2005 2006 1Q06 1Q07 2004 2005 2006 1Q06 1Q07 Technical Losses Com m ercial Losses Fraud Combat and Clandestine Connections (1Q07) Collection Rate (1Q07) • Reduction of commercial losses in 0.6 percentage points in Public Sector: 105.2% the last 12 months Private Sector: 100.9% • 75 thousand inspections and 7 thousand frauds detected Cuts and Reconnections – monthly average (1Q06 x 1Q07) • 15.2 thousand clandestine connections regularized Cuts - decrease from 107 thousand to 106 thousand Reconnections – increase from 70 thousand to 71 thousand 6
  • 7. Investments R$ million illi Investments 1Q07 (R$87.7 million) 404 378 49 19% 330 58 28% 33 6% 3 55 20% 18% 3 19 297 88 9% 17 C us t o m e r S e rv ic e a nd S ys t e m E xpa ns io n 71 M a int e na nc e 2004 2005 2006 1Q 0 7 Lo s s R e c o v e ry Inf o rm a t io n T e c hno lo gy C a pe x S e lf F ina nc e d O t he rs S e lf F ina nc e d 7
  • 8. Results R$ million illi Gross Revenue Operating Expenses +3.0% -6.4% 6 4% 2,947.4 -2.9% 2,679.1 2,759.8 2,759.8 +5.0% 1,188.0 1,406.0 1,032.4 1 032 4 1,083.2 , 1,083.2 , 1,364.9 , 1,364.9 1,299.3 1 299 3 941.1 1,042.7 1,034.4 1,042.7 1,646.7 1,676.6 1 676 6 1,759.4 1 759 4 1,676.6 1 676 6 358.2 322.3 371.7 322.3 1Q06 1Q07 4Q06 1Q07 1Q06 1Q07 4Q06 1Q07 Net Revenue Deduction of Operating Revenue Operating Expenses Electricity + Transport • Increase of 3.0% in relation to 1Q06: • Increase of 10.8% in non-manageable expenses in relation to • Tariff adjustment of 11.45% applied since July 4th, 2006 1Q06: • Increase of 2.7% in the total market (captive + free • Increase of R$ 140.0 million in energy purchase, due to the consumers) readjustments of contracts with Tietê (0.9%) since July, 2006; Itaipu (10.3%) and Auctions (12.1%) since January, 2007 • Reduction of 10.0% in manageable expenses in relation to 1Q06: • Reduction of 22.5% in Other Expenses and reduction of 53.2% in pension expenses 8
  • 9. EBITDA R$ million illi 1Q06 x 1Q07 4Q06 x 1Q07 EBITDA 423.8 391.0 433.1 391.0 RTE 81.3 82.1 83.4 82.1 Pension Fund 60.5 26.7 60.4 26.7 Provision - RTE 16.8 5.3 1.5 5.3 ADJUSTED EBITDA 582.4 505.1 578.4 505.1 ADJUSTED EBITDA MARGIN 35.4% 30.1% 30 1% 32.9% 32 9% 30.1% 30 1% Reduction of 13.3% Reduction of 12.7% 9
  • 10. Results R$ million illi Financial Result Net Profit 165.6 165.6 1Q06 1Q07 4Q06 1Q07 +67.2% +560.1% +560 1% 99.0 (25.3) (25.3) (41.5) -38.9% -79.2% 25.1 (121.7) 1Q06 1Q07 4Q06 1Q07 Improvement of the financial result due to: • Net Margin of 9.9% in 1Q07 • The decrease of 41.2% in financial expenses: • Finalized in 2006, the recognition in the income statement of the actuarial liability with the Pension Fund, • Reduction of the average cost of the debt which stemmed for a gross annual expense of R$ 486.3 g p $ • Reduction of 68.6% in Swap expenses, due to the million, recurrent between 2002 and 2006. R$ 152.6 million decrease of foreign currency debt • Credits of R$ 21.7 million of IPTU recognized in CETEMEQ CETEMEQ´s agreement ( t (non-recurrent event) t t) 10
  • 11. Consolidated Debt R$ million illi Short Term x Long Term Gross Debt – 1Q07 -25.0% -9 6% 9.6% IGP-DI IGP DI 4,830 4,774 50.0% 4,606 4,411 4,606 21% 20% 27% 20% 3,658 Fixed Rate 3,306 3,306 lion 11.5% R$ mill Libor 79% 80% 80% CDI/Selic 1.6% 73% 36.8% • Pension Fund - R$ 2,394 million 4Q06 1Q07 1Q06 1Q07 • Private Creditors - R$ 1,994 million • BNDES - R$ 218 million LT ST Net Debt Debt Highlights – last 12 months Average Cost and Average Life 5.44 5.48 5.46 • Gross Debt: reduction of 3.5% (R$ 168.5 million) 110.00% 104.28% 102.63% 5 101.18% 97.27% 91.61% • Net Debt: reduction of 25.0% (R$ 1,1 billion) 90.00% % 4 70.00% 3.81 3.90 3 • Foreign Currency: 1.6% of total 50.00% 2 • Amendment of CCB (R$ 300 million) – May, 2007: 30.00% 1 • Reduction of average cost from CDI + 1.82% to CDI 10.00% 0 + 1.20% 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 1Q07 • Increase of average life from 3.5 to 5.5 years Avg. Cost - % CDI* p.a. Avg. Life - years 11 CDI index at the end of the period
  • 12. Managerial Cash Flow R$ million illi R$ million 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 1Q07 Initial Cash 492 358 619 767 1,166 Operating Cash Generation 687 653 725 741 634 Investments ( (101) ) ( ) (88) ( ) (75) ( ) (85) ( ) (95) Net Financial Expenses (194) (85) (176) (91) (187) Net Amortization (245) (45) (158) (111) (71) p Pension Fund Expenses ( (134) ) ( (108) ) ( ) (85) ( ) (55) ( ) (48) Income Tax (147) (67) (83) - (97) Free Cash Flow (133) 261 148 399 135 Final Cash 358 619 767 1,166 1 166 1,301 1 301 • Operating Cash Flow: payment of R$ 89.7 million to CTEEP, according to the agreement to end the litigation on the CETEMEQ property • Net Financial Expenses: semi-annual payments of interest on the 8th debenture issuance (R$ 63.7 million) and Real- denominated bonds (R$ 45.3 million) • Pension Fund Expenses: Lower expenses on the pension fund, due to the renegotiation of the debt contracts with p p p , g FCESP 12
  • 13. Conclusion • Net Profit of R$ 165.6 million in 1Q07, R$ 140.5 million higher than the net profit in 1Q06 • R d ti Reduction of 25 0% i consolidated net d bt i th l t 12 months f 25.0% in lid t d t debt in the last th • Increase of total debt’s average life from 3 7 to 5 5 years debt s 3.7 5.5 • Ratings increased by S&P in national scale from A- to A A • Dividends payment resumed on May 3rd, 2007 - R$ 130.4 million relative to FY 2006 earnings 13
  • 14. 1st quarter 2007 Results May 14th, 2007 14
  • 15. Highlights Hi hli ht Debt Profile D bt P fil Operating Performance Cash Flow Capex Conclusion Financial Performance 15
  • 16. Highlights – 1Q07 Increase of 15.1% in energy generated EBITDA of R$ 287.2 million, 4.9% higher than 1Q06 Net Income of R$ 160.5 million, an increase of 5.0% in 1Q07 comparison with 1Q06 Payment of R$ 160.5 million in dividends, which corresponds to 100% of the net earnings obtained in p g Subsequent 1Q07: - R$ 1.61 per 1,000 common shares Events - R$ 1.77 per 1,000 preferred shares 16
  • 17. Energy Balance – 1Q07 Generation – MW average Billed Energy - GWh 4,093 146% 3,557 15 % 315 115% 109% 107% 112% 177 98% 978 625 81% 1,895 1,392 1,363 1,467 1,424 2,755 2,800 1,258 1,040 1 040 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1T07 1Q06 1Q07 Generation - MW Average Generation / Assured Energy Eletropaulo MRE CCEE/Losses Increase of 15.1% in energy generated Eletropaulo t iff – R$ 133 87/MWh El t l tariff 133.87/MWh Generation was 45.6% above the assured energy MRE tariff – R$ 7.47/MWh (1,275 MW) CCEE tariff * – R$ 19.27/MWh Growth of 61 2% in volume sold to CCEE/MRE 61.2% * 1Q07 average 17
  • 18. CAPEX Capex – 1Q07: R$ 10.2 million Capex – 1Q07 The main investments made in 1Q07 refer to capacity p y restoration, upgrade in equipments and reforestation. 3.1% 18.3% 51.3% Forecasted Capex - 2007: R$ 75.5 million: 25.6% R$ 22.4 million: Construction of three small hydropower 1.8% plants located in the interior of São Paulo State. Together, they will boast an installed capacity of 8MW. Equip. Hidroway PCH IT Environment R$ 36 6 million: Restoration and upgrading of the plants 36.6 R$ 11.7 million: Environment R$ 4.8 million: SAP Capex – R$ million 75.5 Investment in Small Hydropower Plants 46.5 Acquisition of License to build three small hydropower plants in the S State of Rio de Janeiro, with a total installed capacity of f f 27.5 21.9 52MW and average 28.97MW of assured energy, approved by 12.4 10.2 ANEEL – forecasted investment of R$ 225 million in 2 years. 2003 2004 2005 2006 1T07 2007e 18
  • 19. Expansion Requirement Requirement: increase installed capacity by at least 15% (400 MW), until December, 2007: increasing the installed capacity in the State of São Paulo; or energy purchasing from new plants, located in São Paulo, through long term agreements (at least 5 years) Restriction to increase the capacity: State of São Paulo – no hydro resource available and environmental restrictions to thermal plants gas supply “New Model of the Electric Sector” (Law # 10,848/04) ( ) Proposal from AES Tietê to the State Government of São Paulo: suspension of the obligation to increase the capacity for 5 years. During this period AES Tietê would analyze freely any project for investment, regardless of the location y y yp j , g after the suspension period, in the case that the restriction continues, a AES Tietê would be released of this obligation no amount or new obligation would be paid in compensation The São Paulo State Government and ANEEL are evaluating the following alternatives: extension of the term for 2 years suspension of the obligation of expansion, once the non-feasibility of this execution has been proven Neither ANEEL nor the São Paulo State Government have sent a formal reply to AES Tietê with regard to this issue so far 19
  • 20. Results R$ million Net Revenue Costs and Operational Expenses 94 89 89 -5% 85 13 8 5% 8 3% 4% 5 4 8 4 349 360 346 360 5 13 16 10 16 20 17 14 17 24 27 32 27 18 16 16 16 1Q06 1Q07 4Q06 1Q07 1Q06 1Q07 4Q06 1Q07 Power Purchase Royalties Others* Operational Expenses Provisions Depreciation 1Q07 x 1Q06 1Q07 x 1Q06 Net Revenues in 1Q07 up 3% from 1Q06 : Reduction of 5.3% in costs and operational expenses mainly due to higher expenses in 1Q06 : (i) 0.9% price adjustment granted in July06 for the energy sold under the bilateral contract (i) Recognition of an actuarial loss of R$ 3.3 million. (ii) Increase of 16.7% in the revenues obtained from energy marketed through the MRE/CCEE (ii) Increase in R&D expenses due to the change quotes from 0.25% to 1% and the impact of (iii) greater volume of energy demanded by a change in the rules in the accounting criteria. Eletropaulo in 1Q07 20 *Others: R&D, fiscalization fees, insurance, hydro way and others
  • 21. Results R$ million EBITDA 78.4% 78 4% 79.8% 79 8% 80.2% 80 2% 79.8% 79 8% 3% 274 5% 287 287 278 1Q06 1Q07 4Q06 1Q07 1Q07 x 1Q06 Price readjustment of bilateral contract in July, 2006 ( + 0.9% ) 16.7% increase obtained from energy marketed through MRE/CCEE Lower costs and operational expenses 1Q07 x 4Q06 Revenues obtained from energy marketed through MRE/CCEE R bt i d f k t d th h Greater volume of energy sold through bilateral contract 21
  • 22. Results R$ million Financial Results Net Income 1Q06 1Q07 4Q06 1Q07 43.8% 44.6% 47.7% 44.6% 5% 2% (23) 24% 153 161 165 161 (29) 16% (29) (35) 1Q06 1Q07 4Q06 1Q07 Net Income Net Margin 1Q07 x 1Q06 1Q07 x 1Q06 Financial Income: decreased by 6.8% mainly Increase of 0.8 percentage points in the net due to the decline in average CDI rates from margin. 17.2% in 1Q06 to 12.9% in 1Q07. Payment of R$ 160.5 million in dividends, $ Financial Expenses: increase of 8.9% which corresponds to 100% of the net basically due to an growth of IGP-M from 0.7% earnings obtained in 1Q07. to 1.1% . 22
  • 23. Debt Cash availability = R$ 686 million (March, 2007) in R$ million Amount Ceditor Maturity Cost Collateral Montante Vencimento Custo Garantia 1,339.9 Eletrobras May, 2013 IGP-M + 10% p.a. Receivables 11.9 FunCesp III Sep, 2027 IGP-DI + 6% p.a. Receivables Net Debt – R$ billion $ 3.2x 2.0x 1.4 1.4x 1.3 13 0.7x 0.6x 1.1 0.6x 0.7 0.7 0.7 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1Q07 Net Debt Net Debt / EBITDA 23
  • 24. Cash Flow CASH FLOW - R$ million 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 1Q07 CASH BALANCE - BEGINNING OF PERIOD 797.9 851.7 777.2 673.6 691.0 Operating cash flow 269.8 308.4 289.9 279.6 287.9 Investments ( ) (4.5) ( ) (6.3) ( ) (7.7) ( (23.6)) ( ) (9.7) Net Financial Expenses (21.2) (17.7) (14.6) (18.8) (16.1) Net Amortizations (41.4) (43.7) (50.1) (44.8) (46.4) Income Tax (144.7) (20.2) (15.9) (31.7) (220.1) q y Dividends and Interest on Equity ( ) (4.1) (294.9) ( ) (305.3) ( ) (143.4) ( ) - FREE CASH FLOW 53.8 (74.4) (103.6) 17.4 (4.4) CASH BALANCE - END OF PERIOD 851.7 777.2 673.6 691.0 686.6 The free cash flow in 1Q07 was negative in R$ 4 million, mainly due to the payment of R$ 220 million of Income Tax and Social Contribution. Investments 4Q06 – Payment on acquisition of licenses to build three small hydropower plants in the State of Rio de Janeiro, with a total installed capacity of 52 MW and average 28.97 MW of assured energy. 24
  • 25. Conclusion Generation was 46% higher than assured energy EBITDA of R$ 287 2 million in 1Q07 4 9% higher than the same period in 287.2 1Q07, 4.9% 2006. EBITDA margin of 79.8% compared to 78.4% in 1Q06. Payment of R$ 160.5 million in dividends, which corresponds to 100% of g 1T07 net earnings. AES Tietê has been analyzing new opportunities of investments and expansion, expansion aiming at increasing the Company’s results 25
  • 26. The statements contained in this document with regard to the business prospects, projected operating and financial results, and growth potential are merely forecasts based on the expectations of Company Management in relation to its future performance. Such estimates are highly dependent on market behavior and on the conditions affecting Brazil‘s macroeconomic performance as well as the electricity sector and international market and they are therefore market, subject to change. May 14th, 2007