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2006 Results

  March 08, 2007
Highlights                  Debt Profile

Brasiliana Reorganization
               g            Cash Flow

Market                      Capital Markets

Operating Performance       Conclusion

Financial Performance
       • Board of Directors has 20% of independent members (new rules of BOVESPA’s Level 2)

       • Issuance of R$ 300.0 million in CCB – early liquidation of the remaining part of the
       renegotiated debt (05/12/2006)

       • Tariff Adjustment – 11.45% (07/04/2006)

3Q06   • Increase in the maturities of FCESP Debt to 2022 - cash savings of approx. R$ 633 million
       until th end of 2008
          til the d f
       • Companhia Brasiliana de Energia´s reorganization
       • Secondary Offering of Eletropaulo shares - (09/25/2006)
             • Total offering size: R$ 1 3 billion
             • 15.8 billion class B preferred shares (38% of Eletropaulo´s total capital), with 100% of tag
             • Free-float increased from 18.3% to 56.2%

       • Adjusted EBITDA of R$2,490.8 million in 2006, 16.7% higher than 2005
4Q06   • Net Profit of R$ 373.4 million in 2006, compared to a loss of R$155.5 million in 2005
       • Reduction of 19.8% in Net Debt
       • Ratings increased (BB- in international scale and A in national scale)
       • Proposed Dividends of R$ 130.4 million (R$ 2.94/’000 common shares and R$ 3.23/’000
       preferred shares)                                                               3
Brasiliana Reorganization
•    Reduction of Brasiliana’s and holdco’s indebtedness from R$ 2,044.0 million (principal as
     of 09.30.2006) to R$ 800.0 million

                                                           AES Holdings
                                                             Brasil Ltda

                                           C 49.99%
                                             49 99%      C 50.01%
                                                           50 01%
                                           P 100.00%     P 0.00%
                                           T 53.84%      T 46.15%

                                                Cia. Brasiliana
                                                                               R$ 800 million
                                                 De Energia

                                                                                     C 71.27%
    C 100.00%         C 100.00%             C 98.26%
                                                                                     P 32.23%
    T 100.00%         T 100.00%             T 98.26%
                                                                                     T 52.51%

                       AES Uruguaiana                               P 7.38%
                                                  AES ELPA          T 4.44%
                        Inc (Cayman)
                            ( y    )

                      C 100.00%             C 77.81%
                      T 100.00%             P 0.00%
                                            T 30.97%                                            C = Common Shares
                                                                                                P = Preferred Shares
                       AES Uruguaiana                                                           T = Total
     AES Infoenergy                              Eletropaulo                  AES Tietê S.A.
                       Empreend. S.A.
Consumption Comparison in GWh
                  Captive Market Evolution (GWh)

                                7,360               7,528   7,436
                      7,221                7,370                                • Excluding all free consumers from previous
                                                                                periods, the captive market increased 5.1% in

1Q05       2Q05       3Q05       4Q05      1Q06     2Q06    3Q06      4Q06

                                                                                                                          4 6%

         6.9%                                                                                         0.1%
             12,687                                3.2%
                                                                                                31,634 31,656
                                                                                                31 634 31 656
                                              9,593 9,898
                                   6,606                                              6,527
                                                                     5.1%     4,865
                                                                              4 865

                                                               2,598 2,465

        Residential           Industrial       Commercial     Public Sector      Free            Billed Market           Total Market
                                                               and Others     Consumers
                                                                                              NOTE: Charts do not consider own consumption
                                                   2005                       2006                                                           5
Free Consumers
         % Total Market (2006)

                                                     Captive Consumers
                                18.5%                Free Consumers

                                                     Potentially Free Consumers

Net Revenue with TUSD X Free Consumers’ Consumption

                                                    467 1

     134.4                                          6,527



     2004                  2005                     2006
         Free Consumers (GWh)           TUSD (R$ million)

Operating Highlights

                      Loss Evolution* (%)                                           Collection Rate - % over Gross Revenue

             13.5                          -7.1%                                                                     +0.1%
                                  12.9                                                                        99.0           99.1
                                                       12.0                              97.5

              7.0                 6.4                  5.5

              6.5                 6.5                  6.5

            2004                 2005                 2006                               2004             2005               2006

        Technical Losses                Commercial Losses

Fraud Combat and Clandestine Connections (2006):                              Collection Rate (2006)
                                                                                    • Public Sector: 104.2%
• 443 thousand inspections and 49 thousand frauds detected
                                                                                    • Private Sector: 98.8%
• 80 thousand clandestine connections regularized

                                                                              Cuts and Reconnections – monthly average (2005 x 2006)
                                                                                    • Cuts – increase from 92 thousand to 116 thousand
 * Due to the improvement in the calculation criterion of Technical Losses,
 the Company altered its value retroactively from 5.6% to 6.5%, however
                                                                                    • Reconnections – increase from 55 thousand to 74
 without changing total losses                                                      thousand
Investments 2006
                                                                                R$ million

                       378                             Investments 2006
               49                                       (R$ 377.7 million)
       330              58

217                                                                     Customer Service and System
32                                              15%
               355               366                                    Maintenance
       297             319                8%                37%
                                                                        Loss Recovery
                                                                        Information Technology
2003   2004    2005    2006    2007 (e)         11%   14%
                                                                        Self Financed

       Capex   Self Financed

                                                                                                                                    R$ million
                        Gross Revenue                                                        Operating Expenses

                                                 +1.8%                                                         7,471.3

                                      11,153.7           11,350.8
                                      2 856 9            2,996.6
                                                         2 996 6                                                                      4,392.4
                                                                                                                                      4 392 4
                                      8,296.8            8,354.2        1,848.8              1,830.3                                   805.7
     2,839.7           2,964.8
                        781.1                                           1,105.1
                                                                        1 105 1              1,137.9
                                                                                             1 137 9
                                                                         188.4                                2,033.9
     2,064.5           2,183.7                                                               230.8                                    1,705.8
                                                                         555.3               461.7

     4Q05              4Q06            2005               2006          4Q05                 4Q06              2005                   2006
      Net Revenue            Deductions from Operating Revenue          Operating Expenses
                                                                         p      g p               Sector Charges
                                                                                                             g             Electricity +Transport
                                                                                                                                     y       p

•   Increases in relation to 4Q05 and 2005                          •   Reduction of 7.6% in 2006:
    are explained by:                                                      •   Reduction of 5.8% in energy purchase due to
                                                                               the change in mix (end of Initial Contracts)
      •   The application of the 11.45% average tariff
                                                                           •   Reduction of 45.0% in Other Expenses due to
          adjustment since July 4th, 2006                                      extraordinary expenses posted in 2005 and
      •   Total market evolution:
                                                                                        •    R$ 451 3 million – 2005
                  •    5.6% higher than 4Q05                                            •    R$ 158.6 million – 2006
                  •    4.6% higher than 2005
                                                                            R$ million

                             4Q05      x     4Q06    2005      x      2006
EBITDA                        290.8          433.1   1,121.9          1,763.4

RTE                           83.6            83.4    334.9            326.8

Pension Fund                  60.3            60.4    241.8           242.0

SP Municipal Government        0               0      330.5             0

PIS/Pasep taxes´ reversion     0               0      (72.0)            0

Provision - RTE              176.9            1.5     176.9            37.7

Provision - Contingencies      0               0        0             120.9

ADJUSTED EBITDA              611.6          578.4    2,134.0         2,490.8
MARGIN                       29.6%          26.5%    25.7%           29.8%

                               Reduction of 5.4%        Increase of 16.7%
Consolidated Financial Result
                                                                                                                               R$ million
                     Financial Result                               The financial result of 2006 is explained by:
4Q05                  4Q06               2005           2006
                                                                    •   The reduction of 39.0% in financial revenues
                                                                           •    Additional revenues of R$ 193.6 million in 2005 due to
(42.8)                (41.5)
                                                                                the change in RTE balance compensation rules
                                                                    •   The reduction of 25 2% in financial expenses
                                                +3.9%                   partially compensated the reduction in revenues
                                                                        in the financial result
                                            )           (342.3)            •    reduction of debt net total cost

                  Debt – Total Cost (Net)                                             Average Cost and Average Life
                                                                                                                    5 44        5.48
                                                                                                                                5 48
(160.4)                                                                                                                      104.28%
                   (153.7)                                                                            101.18%      97.27%
                                                                           88.22%         91.61%
                               (130.2)                                                                  3.90
                                                                               3.69         3.81
                                            (120 4)


4Q05               1Q06        2Q06             3Q06       4Q06            4Q05            1Q06        2Q06        3Q06        4Q06
                                                                                      Avg Cost - % CDI* p.a.         Avg Life - years
                                                                        CDI index at the end of the period
Net Profit
                                                                                       R$ million
•   The Company proposes distribution of dividends at the maximum amount allowed by the
    Brazilian Law, after absorbing the accumulated losses up to 2005:
     • R$ 2 94/’000 common shares
     • R$ 3.23/’000 preferred shares


                                                     Proposed Dividends 2006 (R$ million)

           +728.3%                               Accumulated Losses 2005                (262.1)
                     99.0                        Reversal of expired dividends                  3.8
                                                 Net Profit 2006                          373.4
                                                 Net Balance                              115.0
                                                 Legal Reserve (5%)                         (5.8)
     Q               4Q06
                      Q      2005      2006      Realization of Revaluation Reserve         21.1
                                                                                            21 1
                                                 Dividends                                130.4

Consolidated Debt
                                                                                                                                                   R$ million
                              Short Term x Long Term                                                          Gross Debt – 2006

                                        9 3%
                                                 5,075                                                         IGP-DI
              4,800            4,830                                4,830                                      50.0%
              21%     4,031    20%                27%                20%
                                         3,658                                 3,658
R$ mill ion

                                                                                                                                 Fixed Rate
                                                                                                                                   11 6%

              79%              80%                73%                80%                                            CDI/Selic                 1.6%

              3Q06             4Q06              2005               2006
                                                                                           •    Pension Fund -            R$ 2,415 million
                                                                                           •    Private Creditors - R$ 2,040 million
                              LT           ST            Net Debt                          •    BNDES -                    R$ 375 million

                               Debt Highlights – 2006                                           Ratings Evolution – Fitch Ratings

                                                                                         National Scale                              A
         •    Gross Debt: reduction of 4.8% ( $ 245.2 million)
                                          % (R$              )
                                                                                                                        BBB              Oct ‘06

         •    Net Debt: reduction of 19.8% (R$ 904.5 million)                                                                                      BB -
                                                                                                         BBB              Jul ‘06
         •    Foreign Currency: decreased from 6.0% to 1.6% of total                           BB         Dec ‘05
                                                                                               Oct ‘04
                                                                                                         B-                     International Scale

                                                                                       Last Update: 10/05/2006                                            13
Amortization Schedule
                                                                              P i i l 12/31/2006 - R$ million



                469           25                                                                    1,273

                                            440         441
                                            25           25
  346                                                          729
                             231            147         153               291       291
  112                                                                                       263
                378                                                       153       153
  234                                       268         263
                                                                          138       138     111

 Pre-    Payments            2007         2008          2009   2010      2011      2012     2013   2014-22
payments 2006

                 R$ (w/out FCESP)                   FCESP             BNDES          US$*

 * Exchange Rate in 12/31/2006 - US$ 1.00 = R$ 2.1380                                                       14
Managerial Cash Flow
                                                                                                                   R$ million

                   R$ million                            1Q06           2Q06           3Q06              4Q06        2006

Initial Cash                                                 492            358            619             767              492

Operating Cash Generation                                    687            653            725             741         2,806
Investments                                                 (
                                                                )            ( )
                                                                             (88)           ( )
                                                                                            (75)            ( )
                                                                                                            (85)          (
Net Financial Expenses                                      (194)            (85)         (176)             (91)          (545)
Net Amortization                                            (245)            (45)         (158)            (111)          (559)
Pension Fund Expenses
               p                                            (
                                                                )          (
                                                                               )            ( )
                                                                                            (85)            ( )
                                                                                                            (55)          (
Income Tax                                                  (147)            (67)           (83)            -             (297)
Free Cash Flow                                              (133)           261            148             399              675

Final Cash                                                   358            619            767            1,166
                                                                                                          1 166        1,166
                                                                                                                       1 166

 •   Operating Cash Generation – reduction of operating costs and expenses along the year
 •   Financial Expense – semi-annual payments of interests in 1st and 3rd quarters (bonds and 8th issuance of debentures)
 •   Net Amortization – Issuance of R$ 300 million in CCB on May and early liquidation of the renegotiated debt in 2004
 •   Pension Fund Expenses – renegotiation of debt contracts in 3Q06
 •   Income Tax – Write-off of R$ 369.4 million (provision MGSP) made possible to take the tax benefit

Capital Markets

                           Price                                           Volume
     ELPL6 (Preferred Class B)
          • Rose 28.2% since 09/21/2006 (pricing)

     ELPL5 (Preferred Class A)                      •   The daily average traded volume of preferred shares
          • Rose 2.5% in 2006                           in 2006 is 4.3 times higher than 2005’s

           • Rose 32.7% in 2006

                         ELPL5 x ELPL6                      Daily Average Volume - preferred shares
                        (R$/'000 shares)                                 (R$ thousand)
  114 0                                                                                   18,024.9
                                                                                          18 024 9
   94.0                                                                  +331.5%
   86 0
   74.0                                                        4,177.5



         28 6






















































                                                                2005                        2006
                        ELPL5       ELPL6


•   Reversal of accumulated losses of R$ 262.1 million in 2005 to a net profit of R$ 373.4
    million i 2006
     illi   in

•   Proposed dividends of R$ 130.4 million (R$ 2.94/’000 – common shares and R$
    3.23/ 000
    3.23/’000 – preferred shares)

•   16.7% increase of Adjusted EBITDA,           going from R$ 2,134.0 million in 2005 to R$
    2,490.8 million in 2006

      • 7.6% reduction in Operating Expenses – lower volume of extraordinary expenses in 2006

•   Reduction of 19.8% in consolidated net debt and of R$ 228.3 million in foreign currency

•   Increase of total debt’s average life from 3.7 years to 5.5 years

•   Ratings increased by Fitch Ratings and S&P

•   Free float increased from 18.3% to 56.2% of the total capital

Earnings Results 2006

    March 08, 2007

Hi hli ht               Capex

Operating Performance   Expansion Requirement

Bilateral Contract      Capital Markets

Financial Performance   Conclusion

Highlights - 2006

       Jan,06: 100% of assured energy is sold through the bilateral
       contract with Eletropaulo

       Best Public Utility in 2005 according to Exame Magazine’s
       Melhores e Maiores Ranking

       Jul,06: Readjustment of price of bilateral contract with
       Eletropaulo in 0 9%
3Q06   Dividend payment of R$ 305.5 millions relative to the earnings
       obtained in 1H06

       Dividend and interest on equity of R$ 143 million payment relative
       to the earnings obtained in 3Q06
4Q06   EBITDA reached R$ 1,096.9 million, 16.8% higher than 2005
       Net Income of R$ 614.1, an increase of 10.4% in comparison with
       Proposal of R$ 165.2 million of dividends to be paid, relative to
       4Q06 results                                                      20
Energy Balance – 2006

                                                       Energy Generated x Billed Energy in GWh
            Caconde                 2.8%
            Euclides                3.7%
            Limoeiro                1.1%
        Água Vermelha              60.1%
                                                                                                        89.0%      Eletropaulo - Bilateral
                                                                                                                          11 107 7
         Barra Bonita               4.0%                TOTAL                   BILLED
              Bariri                4.5%               12,474.6                 12,474.6
                                                                                                        11 0%            MRE/CCEE*
            Ibitinga                5.3%                                                                                  1,366.6
          Promissão                 7.7%
            964 2
     Nova Avanhandava              10.6%
          Mogi Guaçu                0.2%
             31 7

*After deducing own consumption and transmission losses, the difference is addressed to the Energy Reallocation Mechanism – MRE
and to the Chamber of Energy Marketing – CCEE.                                                                                               21
Generation and Reliability

  In 2006 generation was 12% over the assured                                               Plant                              Period Without
                                                                                                                              Accidents –Years
                                                                                           Ibiti                                      18.5
                                                                                                                                      18 5
  Failure Index (FI) and Equivalent Availability                                           Mogi-Guaçu                                 11.9
  Factor (EAF) figures exceed the requirements                                             Nova Avanhandava                            9.0
  established by the National Eclectic Energy                                              Água Vermelha                               8.4
  Agency - ANEEL: 2.9 for (FI) and 92.8% for EAF                                           Limoeiro                                    6.3
                                                                                           Barra Bonita                                6.3
  Average of 7 years of operations without
                                                                                           Promissão                                   4.8
  accidents requiring removal of personnel from the
                                                                                           Caconde                                     3.7
  worksite                                                                                 Euclides da Cunha                           3.3
                                                                                           Bariri                                      1.0
                                 Generation                                                   Failure Index x Availability
123% 120%        123%                                                             97.2%     96.8%
                         117%                                     115%                                            96.1%
                                                  109%    107%            112%                            94.2%                                  93.0%
                                          98%                                                                               90.9%
                                                                                             2.2                   2.3
1,617    1,619   1,581   1,502                    1,392           1,467   1,424
                                          1,258           1,363                                                                                   1.7

1997      1998    1999   2000     2001     2002    2003    2004   2005    2006    2000      2001          2002    2003       2004      2005      2006

        Generation - MW Average            Generation / Assured Energy               Failure Index - FI           Equivalent Availability Factor - EAF
Bilateral Contract

Starting in January/2006: 1,268 MW (100% assured energy) is sold through the
bilateral contract with Eletropaulo
   Price adjusted by 0.9% in July, based on IGP-M variation
   Maturity: December, 2015
   Collateral: receivables
October/2003: amendment extending its term of effectiveness until June/2028
   In August/2005 ANEEL published the vetoing to the amendment, consequently Eletropaulo
   has b oug t a lawsuit against ANEEL’s dec s o , which is now a a t g judg e t on merits by
     as brought a su t aga st          s decision,    c s o awaiting judgment o      e ts
   a trial court

                             Average Revenue – R$/ MWh


                                           73 6


                    2000     2001   2002   2003   2004    2005   Bilateral

                                                                                           R$ million
                    Net Revenue                                 Costs and Operational Expenses
                                            1.387                                                                 357
                              1 220
                              1 220
                                      14%                                                          18              38
                                                                                                          3%       35
                                                                 132                                               68
                                                                   5    -36%   85
      321          346
                   346                                                                                             103
      321                                                         58                               79
                                                                     11      5 10 8
                                                                  19             14
                                                                  23           32                  64              67
                                                                     16       16
      4T05         4Q06
                   4T06       2005
                              2005          2006
                                            2006                 4Q05            4Q06             2005            2006
                                                             Power Purchase               Royalties        Others*
                                                             Operational Expenses         Provisions       Depreciation
                                                      2006 x 2005
Volume of energy sold to Eletropaulo 33.8% higher       Power Purchase: raise of R$ 26.1 million on
– from 948 MW to 1,268 MW                               transmission fees as a greater volume was sold
                                                        to Eletropaulo
July/2006: Price readjustment of bilateral contract     Others: the percentage of net revenues to be
(0.9%)                                                  applied to Research & Development was raised
                                                        from 0.25% to 1%
                                                        Allowance of R$ 58.3 million in 2005 for the
                                                        principal and interest on RTE (Special Price
                                                        Review) compared to R$ 17.7 million for RTE’s
                                                        monetary adjustment in 2006
                                                      *Others: R&D, fiscalization fees, insurance, hydro way and others
                                                                                  R$ million

                                 80.2%       77.0%           79.1%

                                                     17%     1,097

                   205            278

                  4Q05           4Q06         2005           2006

Greater volume of energy sold through bilateral contract - from 948 MW to 1,268

July/2006: price readjustment of bilateral contract (0.9%)

Lower operating allowances

                                                                                                   R$ million

               Financial Results                                      Net Income
    4Q05         4Q06        2005         2006                                    45.6%
                                                                                  45 6%         44.3%
      7                                                                47.7%
                 (35)                                                             556

                                                        145           165
                                                        4T05         4Q06
                                                                     4T06         2005          2006
                                    72%   (111)                   Lucro Líquido
                                                                  Net Income      Margem Líquida
                                                                                  Net margin

2006 x 2005:                                       2006 x 2005:
   Accrual by Selic Interest rates on balance of     10% higher net income
   RTE receivables of R$ 37.0 million in 2005
   (4Q05) according to Annel requirement,            Lower margin due to financial results
   compared to R$ 17 7 million in 2006 (R$ 2.9
             dt     17.7 illi    i          29
                                                   4Q06 x 4Q05
   million in 4Q06)
                                                     14% higher net income favored by reduction on
                                                     costs and operational expenses
   Debts impacted by IGP-M variation


Cash availability = R$ 690.3 million (December/2006)

                                                                                   R$ million

         Creditor    Amount               Maturity            Terms               Collateral

      Eletrobras     1,364.8              May/13       IGP-M + 10% p.y.          Receivables
      FunCesp III     20.7                Sep/27        IGP-DI + 6% p.y.         Receivables

                                  Net Debt – R$ billion

                           3.3x     3.2x
                    3 0x                       2.0x
                                               2 0x
                                     1.4                       0.7x
                                               1.3                        0.6x
                    1.1    1.1                        1.1

                                                               0.7        0.7

                    2000   2001      2002      2003   2004     2005       2006
                               Net Debt               Net Debt / EBITDA
Capex – 2006: R$ 46.5 million                                                               Capex – 2006
Capex estimated - 2007: R$ 75 5 million:
                           75.5                                                     12.5%

  R$ 22.4 million: Construction of three small hydropower plants
  already belonging to the Company and located in the interior of
  São Paulo State. Together, they will boast an installed capacity
                                                                       29 5%                                                 55.4%
                                                                                                                             55 4%
  of 8MW.
  The remaining will be basically used to restore the capacity of
  and upgrade equipment:                                                   Equip.       Hidroway       PCH     Environment      IT

       Bariri: Completion of the capacity restoration and
       upgrading of Generating Unit #3
       Promissão: Capacity restoration and upgrading of                              Capex – R$ million
       Generating Unit #2
       Nova Avanhandava: Capacity restoration and upgrading                                                                  75.5
       of Generating Unit #1
       Reforestation                                                                                             46.5

                                                                         30.5                           27.5
Investment in Small Hydropower Plants                                                          21.9
  Acquisition of License to build three small hydropower plants
  in the State of Rio de Janeiro, with a total installed capacity of
  52 MW and average 28.97 MW of assured energy, still subject            2002       2003       2004     2005    2006     2007E
  to the fulfillment of certain conditions and to ANEEL’s approval
  – investment estimated in R$ 225 million in 2 years                                                                               28
Capital Markets
          AES Tietê – Base 100 (dec/05)                                           Average daily
                                                                          trading volume (R$ thousand)
130                                                                                   69%
120                                                   122                                    4,196.9
110                                                                        1,810.2
100                                                                         1,624.5
                                                                            1.624,5          1,619.7

 dec-05    mar-06     jun-06         sep-06        dec-06                   2005              2006
           Ibovespa      GETI3             GETI4

                                     Remuneration Paid vs. Dividend Yield

                               R$ 614.1 million      2006

                               R$ 539.0 million      2005

                                                     2004                    13.4%
                               R$ 276 9 million

                                                     Common   Preferred
Expansion Requirement

Requirement: increase installed capacity by at least 15% (approximately 400 MW), within a period of eight
years, starting from the date of execution of its Concession Contract in December, 1999

Requirement was established by the Privatization Documents and reflected in the “Share Purchase

It can be accomplished through:
       b          li h d th      h
       increasing the installed capacity in the State of São Paulo; or
       energy purchasing from new plants, located in São Paulo, through long term agreements (at least 5
Restriction to increase the capacity:
      no hydro resource available in the Sate of São Paulo
      environmental restrictions to thermal plants in São Paulo
      gas supplyl
      “New Model Law for the Electric Sector” (Law # 10,848/04)

Proposal from AES Tietê to the State Government of São Paulo:
     Suspension of the obligation to increase the capacity for 5 years. During this period AES Tietê can
     S        i    f th bli ti      t i        th         it f          D i    thi     i d       Ti tê
     analyze freely any project for investment, regardless the location
     After the suspension period, in the case that restriction continue, a AES Tietê will be released of this
     No amount of resources and/or obligation will be paid in compensation

The State Government has not yet responded to this proposal.                                                30

   Generation was 12% higher than assured energy

   EBITDA of R$ 1.1 billion in 2006, 16.8% higher than 2005. EBITDA
   margin of 79.1% compared to 77.0% in the previous year.
       i   f 9 %              d      0% i h        i

   Dividends and interest on equity distribution corresponding to 100% of
   2006 Net Income, R$ 614.1 million*

* R$ 448.9 million paid in advance and R$ 165.2 to be deliberated during the Shareholders’ Meeting scheduled for April 9, 2007

The statements contained in this document with regard to the business prospects, projected
operating and financial results, and growth potential of AES Eletropaulo are merely forecasts based
on the expectations of Company Management in relation to its future performance. Such estimates
are highly dependent on market behavior and on the conditions affecting Brazil‘s macroeconomic
performance as well as the electricity sector and international market and they are therefore
subject to change.

                                   March 08, 2007

More Related Content

Apre 4 t06

  • 1. 2006 Results March 08, 2007
  • 2. Highlights Debt Profile Brasiliana Reorganization g Cash Flow Market Capital Markets Operating Performance Conclusion Financial Performance
  • 3. Highlights • Board of Directors has 20% of independent members (new rules of BOVESPA’s Level 2) 1Q06 • Issuance of R$ 300.0 million in CCB – early liquidation of the remaining part of the renegotiated debt (05/12/2006) 2Q06 • Tariff Adjustment – 11.45% (07/04/2006) 3Q06 • Increase in the maturities of FCESP Debt to 2022 - cash savings of approx. R$ 633 million until th end of 2008 til the d f • Companhia Brasiliana de Energia´s reorganization • Secondary Offering of Eletropaulo shares - (09/25/2006) • Total offering size: R$ 1 3 billion 1.3 • 15.8 billion class B preferred shares (38% of Eletropaulo´s total capital), with 100% of tag along • Free-float increased from 18.3% to 56.2% • Adjusted EBITDA of R$2,490.8 million in 2006, 16.7% higher than 2005 4Q06 • Net Profit of R$ 373.4 million in 2006, compared to a loss of R$155.5 million in 2005 • Reduction of 19.8% in Net Debt • Ratings increased (BB- in international scale and A in national scale) • Proposed Dividends of R$ 130.4 million (R$ 2.94/’000 common shares and R$ 3.23/’000 preferred shares) 3
  • 4. Brasiliana Reorganization • Reduction of Brasiliana’s and holdco’s indebtedness from R$ 2,044.0 million (principal as of 09.30.2006) to R$ 800.0 million AES Holdings BNDES Brasil Ltda C 49.99% 49 99% C 50.01% 50 01% P 100.00% P 0.00% T 53.84% T 46.15% Cia. Brasiliana R$ 800 million De Energia C 71.27% C 100.00% C 100.00% C 98.26% P 32.23% T 100.00% T 100.00% T 98.26% T 52.51% AES Uruguaiana P 7.38% AES ELPA T 4.44% Inc (Cayman) ( y ) C 100.00% C 77.81% T 100.00% P 0.00% T 30.97% C = Common Shares P = Preferred Shares AES Uruguaiana T = Total AES Infoenergy Eletropaulo AES Tietê S.A. Empreend. S.A. 4
  • 5. Consumption Comparison in GWh Captive Market Evolution (GWh) 7,792 , 7,360 7,528 7,436 7,221 7,370 • Excluding all free consumers from previous 7,166 6,904 periods, the captive market increased 5.1% in 2006. 1Q05 2Q05 3Q05 4Q05 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 4.6% 4 6% 6.9% 0.1% 38,183 36,499 12,687 3.2% 11,863 , 31,634 31,656 31 634 31 656 -12.9% 9,593 9,898 34.2% 7,580 6,606 6,527 -5.1% 5.1% 4,865 4 865 2,598 2,465 Residential Industrial Commercial Public Sector Free Billed Market Total Market and Others Consumers NOTE: Charts do not consider own consumption 2005 2006 5
  • 6. Free Consumers % Total Market (2006) Captive Consumers 80.9% 18.5% Free Consumers Potentially Free Consumers 0.6% Net Revenue with TUSD X Free Consumers’ Consumption 467.1 467 1 367.3 134.4 6,527 4,865 2,675 2004 2005 2006 Free Consumers (GWh) TUSD (R$ million) 6
  • 7. Operating Highlights Loss Evolution* (%) Collection Rate - % over Gross Revenue 13.5 -7.1% +0.1% 12.9 99.0 99.1 12.0 97.5 7.0 6.4 5.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 2004 2005 2006 2004 2005 2006 Technical Losses Commercial Losses Fraud Combat and Clandestine Connections (2006): Collection Rate (2006) • Public Sector: 104.2% • 443 thousand inspections and 49 thousand frauds detected • Private Sector: 98.8% • 80 thousand clandestine connections regularized Cuts and Reconnections – monthly average (2005 x 2006) • Cuts – increase from 92 thousand to 116 thousand * Due to the improvement in the calculation criterion of Technical Losses, the Company altered its value retroactively from 5.6% to 6.5%, however • Reconnections – increase from 55 thousand to 74 without changing total losses thousand 7
  • 8. Investments 2006 R$ million illi 404 378 Investments 2006 49 (R$ 377.7 million) 330 58 33 217 Customer Service and System Expansion 32 15% 355 366 Maintenance 297 319 8% 37% Loss Recovery 186 Information Technology 14% Others 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 (e) 11% 14% Self Financed Capex Self Financed 8
  • 9. Results R$ million illi Gross Revenue Operating Expenses -7.6% +1.8% 7,471.3 6,903.9 11,153.7 11,350.8 4,712.5 2,856.9 2 856 9 2,996.6 2 996 6 4,392.4 4 392 4 -1.0% +4,4% +4.4% 724.9 8,296.8 8,354.2 1,848.8 1,830.3 805.7 2,839.7 2,964.8 781.1 1,105.1 1 105 1 1,137.9 1 137 9 775.2 188.4 2,033.9 2,064.5 2,183.7 230.8 1,705.8 555.3 461.7 4Q05 4Q06 2005 2006 4Q05 4Q06 2005 2006 Net Revenue Deductions from Operating Revenue Operating Expenses p g p Sector Charges g Electricity +Transport y p • Increases in relation to 4Q05 and 2005 • Reduction of 7.6% in 2006: are explained by: • Reduction of 5.8% in energy purchase due to the change in mix (end of Initial Contracts) • The application of the 11.45% average tariff • Reduction of 45.0% in Other Expenses due to adjustment since July 4th, 2006 extraordinary expenses posted in 2005 and 2006: • Total market evolution: • R$ 451 3 million – 2005 451.3 • 5.6% higher than 4Q05 • R$ 158.6 million – 2006 • 4.6% higher than 2005 9
  • 10. EBITDA R$ million illi 4Q05 x 4Q06 2005 x 2006 EBITDA 290.8 433.1 1,121.9 1,763.4 RTE 83.6 83.4 334.9 326.8 Pension Fund 60.3 60.4 241.8 242.0 SP Municipal Government 0 0 330.5 0 PIS/Pasep taxes´ reversion 0 0 (72.0) 0 Provision - RTE 176.9 1.5 176.9 37.7 Provision - Contingencies 0 0 0 120.9 ADJUSTED EBITDA 611.6 578.4 2,134.0 2,490.8 ADJUSTED EBITDA MARGIN 29.6% 26.5% 25.7% 29.8% Reduction of 5.4% Increase of 16.7% 10
  • 11. Consolidated Financial Result R$ million illi Financial Result The financial result of 2006 is explained by: 4Q05 4Q06 2005 2006 • The reduction of 39.0% in financial revenues • Additional revenues of R$ 193.6 million in 2005 due to (42.8) (41.5) the change in RTE balance compensation rules -2.9% • The reduction of 25 2% in financial expenses 25.2% +3.9% partially compensated the reduction in revenues in the financial result ( (329.6) ) (342.3) • reduction of debt net total cost Debt – Total Cost (Net) Average Cost and Average Life 5.44 5 44 5.48 5 48 (160.4) 104.28% (153.7) 101.18% 97.27% 88.22% 91.61% (130.2) 3.90 3.69 3.81 (120.4) (120 4) (104.2) 4Q05 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 4Q05 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 Avg Cost - % CDI* p.a. Avg Life - years 11 CDI index at the end of the period
  • 12. Net Profit R$ million illi • The Company proposes distribution of dividends at the maximum amount allowed by the Brazilian Law, after absorbing the accumulated losses up to 2005: • R$ 2 94/’000 common shares 2.94/’000 • R$ 3.23/’000 preferred shares 373.4 Proposed Dividends 2006 (R$ million) +728.3% Accumulated Losses 2005 (262.1) 99.0 Reversal of expired dividends 3.8 Net Profit 2006 373.4 12.0 Net Balance 115.0 Legal Reserve (5%) (5.8) 4Q05 Q 4Q06 Q 2005 2006 Realization of Revaluation Reserve 21.1 21 1 Dividends 130.4 (155.5) 12
  • 13. Consolidated Debt R$ million illi Short Term x Long Term Gross Debt – 2006 -19.8% -9.3% 9 3% 5,075 IGP-DI 4,800 4,830 4,830 50.0% 4,562 21% 4,031 20% 27% 20% 3,658 3,658 R$ mill ion Fixed Rate 11.6% 11 6% Libor 79% 80% 73% 80% CDI/Selic 1.6% 36.8% 3Q06 4Q06 2005 2006 • Pension Fund - R$ 2,415 million • Private Creditors - R$ 2,040 million LT ST Net Debt • BNDES - R$ 375 million Debt Highlights – 2006 Ratings Evolution – Fitch Ratings National Scale A • Gross Debt: reduction of 4.8% ( $ 245.2 million) % (R$ ) BBB+ BBB Oct ‘06 • Net Debt: reduction of 19.8% (R$ 904.5 million) BB - BBB Jul ‘06 B+ • Foreign Currency: decreased from 6.0% to 1.6% of total BB Dec ‘05 debt Oct ‘04 B+ B- International Scale Last Update: 10/05/2006 13
  • 14. Amortization Schedule Principal P i i l 12/31/2006 - R$ million illi 1,273 917 881 47 153 628 469 25 1,273 159 440 441 25 25 346 729 231 147 153 291 291 112 263 378 153 153 153 234 268 263 212 138 138 111 23 Pre- Payments 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014-22 payments 2006 2006 R$ (w/out FCESP) FCESP BNDES US$* * Exchange Rate in 12/31/2006 - US$ 1.00 = R$ 2.1380 14
  • 15. Managerial Cash Flow R$ million illi R$ million 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 4Q06 2006 Initial Cash 492 358 619 767 492 Operating Cash Generation 687 653 725 741 2,806 Investments ( (101) ) ( ) (88) ( ) (75) ( ) (85) ( (349) ) Net Financial Expenses (194) (85) (176) (91) (545) Net Amortization (245) (45) (158) (111) (559) Pension Fund Expenses p ( (134) ) ( (108) ) ( ) (85) ( ) (55) ( (382) ) Income Tax (147) (67) (83) - (297) Free Cash Flow (133) 261 148 399 675 Final Cash 358 619 767 1,166 1 166 1,166 1 166 • Operating Cash Generation – reduction of operating costs and expenses along the year • Financial Expense – semi-annual payments of interests in 1st and 3rd quarters (bonds and 8th issuance of debentures) • Net Amortization – Issuance of R$ 300 million in CCB on May and early liquidation of the renegotiated debt in 2004 • Pension Fund Expenses – renegotiation of debt contracts in 3Q06 • Income Tax – Write-off of R$ 369.4 million (provision MGSP) made possible to take the tax benefit 15
  • 16. Capital Markets Price Volume ELPL6 (Preferred Class B) • Rose 28.2% since 09/21/2006 (pricing) ELPL5 (Preferred Class A) • The daily average traded volume of preferred shares • Rose 2.5% in 2006 in 2006 is 4.3 times higher than 2005’s IBOVESPA • Rose 32.7% in 2006 ELPL5 x ELPL6 Daily Average Volume - preferred shares (R$/'000 shares) (R$ thousand) 122.0 118.0 114.0 114 0 18,024.9 18 024 9 110.0 106.0 102.0 98.0 94.0 +331.5% 90.0 86.0 86 0 82.0 78.0 74.0 4,177.5 70.0 5 06 06 06 28 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 20 20 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 /2 1/ 0/ 1/ 1 31 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 /3 /3 /3 /3 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 12 10 11 12 2005 2006 ELPL5 ELPL6 16
  • 17. Conclusion • Reversal of accumulated losses of R$ 262.1 million in 2005 to a net profit of R$ 373.4 million i 2006 illi in • Proposed dividends of R$ 130.4 million (R$ 2.94/’000 – common shares and R$ 3.23/ 000 3.23/’000 – preferred shares) • 16.7% increase of Adjusted EBITDA, going from R$ 2,134.0 million in 2005 to R$ 2,490.8 million in 2006 • 7.6% reduction in Operating Expenses – lower volume of extraordinary expenses in 2006 • Reduction of 19.8% in consolidated net debt and of R$ 228.3 million in foreign currency debt • Increase of total debt’s average life from 3.7 years to 5.5 years • Ratings increased by Fitch Ratings and S&P • Free float increased from 18.3% to 56.2% of the total capital 17
  • 18. Earnings Results 2006 March 08, 2007 18
  • 19. Highlights Hi hli ht Capex C Operating Performance Expansion Requirement Bilateral Contract Capital Markets Financial Performance Conclusion 19
  • 20. Highlights - 2006 Jan,06: 100% of assured energy is sold through the bilateral contract with Eletropaulo 1Q06 Best Public Utility in 2005 according to Exame Magazine’s Melhores e Maiores Ranking 2Q06 Jul,06: Readjustment of price of bilateral contract with Eletropaulo in 0 9% 0.9% 3Q06 Dividend payment of R$ 305.5 millions relative to the earnings obtained in 1H06 Dividend and interest on equity of R$ 143 million payment relative $ to the earnings obtained in 3Q06 4Q06 EBITDA reached R$ 1,096.9 million, 16.8% higher than 2005 Net Income of R$ 614.1, an increase of 10.4% in comparison with 2005 Proposal of R$ 165.2 million of dividends to be paid, relative to 4Q06 results 20
  • 21. Energy Balance – 2006 Energy Generated x Billed Energy in GWh Caconde 2.8% 344.6 Euclides 3.7% 463.8 Limoeiro 1.1% 132.0 Água Vermelha 60.1% 89.0% Eletropaulo - Bilateral 7,498.1 , 11,107.7 11 107 7 Barra Bonita 4.0% TOTAL BILLED 495.2 Bariri 4.5% 12,474.6 12,474.6 565.6 11.0% 11 0% MRE/CCEE* Ibitinga 5.3% 1,366.6 655.9 Promissão 7.7% 964.2 964 2 Nova Avanhandava 10.6% 1,323.5 Mogi Guaçu 0.2% 31.7 31 7 *After deducing own consumption and transmission losses, the difference is addressed to the Energy Reallocation Mechanism – MRE and to the Chamber of Energy Marketing – CCEE. 21 .
  • 22. Generation and Reliability In 2006 generation was 12% over the assured Plant Period Without Accidents –Years gy energy Ibitinga Ibiti 18.5 18 5 Failure Index (FI) and Equivalent Availability Mogi-Guaçu 11.9 Factor (EAF) figures exceed the requirements Nova Avanhandava 9.0 established by the National Eclectic Energy Água Vermelha 8.4 Agency - ANEEL: 2.9 for (FI) and 92.8% for EAF Limoeiro 6.3 Barra Bonita 6.3 Average of 7 years of operations without Promissão 4.8 accidents requiring removal of personnel from the Caconde 3.7 worksite Euclides da Cunha 3.3 Bariri 1.0 Generation Failure Index x Availability 123% 120% 123% 97.2% 96.8% 117% 115% 96.1% 109% 107% 112% 94.2% 93.0% 92.6% 98% 90.9% 81% 3.0 2.8 2.5 25 2.2 2.3 1,617 1,619 1,581 1,502 1,392 1,467 1,424 1,258 1,363 1.7 1.6 1,040 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Generation - MW Average Generation / Assured Energy Failure Index - FI Equivalent Availability Factor - EAF 22
  • 23. Bilateral Contract Starting in January/2006: 1,268 MW (100% assured energy) is sold through the bilateral contract with Eletropaulo Price adjusted by 0.9% in July, based on IGP-M variation Maturity: December, 2015 Collateral: receivables October/2003: amendment extending its term of effectiveness until June/2028 In August/2005 ANEEL published the vetoing to the amendment, consequently Eletropaulo has b oug t a lawsuit against ANEEL’s dec s o , which is now a a t g judg e t on merits by as brought a su t aga st s decision, c s o awaiting judgment o e ts a trial court Average Revenue – R$/ MWh 133.9 119.6 94.4 73.6 73 6 54.0 48.8 45.9 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Bilateral Contrato 23
  • 24. Results R$ million Net Revenue Costs and Operational Expenses 1,387 1.387 357 345 1,220 1 220 1.220 1 220 14% 18 38 3% 35 77 47 46 132 68 8% 8% 61 5 -36% 85 321 346 346 103 321 58 79 11 5 10 8 19 14 23 32 64 67 16 16 4Q05 4T05 4Q06 4T06 2005 2005 2006 2006 4Q05 4Q06 2005 2006 Power Purchase Royalties Others* Operational Expenses Provisions Depreciation 2006 x 2005 Volume of energy sold to Eletropaulo 33.8% higher Power Purchase: raise of R$ 26.1 million on – from 948 MW to 1,268 MW transmission fees as a greater volume was sold to Eletropaulo July/2006: Price readjustment of bilateral contract Others: the percentage of net revenues to be (0.9%) applied to Research & Development was raised from 0.25% to 1% Allowance of R$ 58.3 million in 2005 for the principal and interest on RTE (Special Price Review) compared to R$ 17.7 million for RTE’s monetary adjustment in 2006 24 *Others: R&D, fiscalization fees, insurance, hydro way and others
  • 25. Results R$ million EBITDA 80.2% 77.0% 79.1% 17% 1,097 939 63.9% 205 278 36% 4Q05 4Q06 2005 2006 Greater volume of energy sold through bilateral contract - from 948 MW to 1,268 MW July/2006: price readjustment of bilateral contract (0.9%) Lower operating allowances 25
  • 26. Results R$ million Financial Results Net Income 4Q05 4Q06 2005 2006 45.6% 45,6% 45 6% 44.3% 44,3% 7 47.7% 47,7% 45.2% 45,2% 10% 10% 614 614 (35) 556 14% 14% 145 145 165 (64) 4Q05 4T05 4Q06 4T06 2005 2006 72% (111) Lucro Líquido Net Income Margem Líquida Net margin 2006 x 2005: 2006 x 2005: Accrual by Selic Interest rates on balance of 10% higher net income RTE receivables of R$ 37.0 million in 2005 (4Q05) according to Annel requirement, Lower margin due to financial results compared to R$ 17 7 million in 2006 (R$ 2.9 dt 17.7 illi i 29 4Q06 x 4Q05 million in 4Q06) 14% higher net income favored by reduction on costs and operational expenses Debts impacted by IGP-M variation 26
  • 27. Debt Cash availability = R$ 690.3 million (December/2006) R$ million Creditor Amount Maturity Terms Collateral Eletrobras 1,364.8 May/13 IGP-M + 10% p.y. Receivables FunCesp III 20.7 Sep/27 IGP-DI + 6% p.y. Receivables Net Debt – R$ billion 3.3x 3.2x 3.0x 3 0x 2.0x 2 0x 1.4x 1.4 0.7x 1.3 0.6x 1.1 1.1 1.1 0.7 0.7 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Net Debt Net Debt / EBITDA 27
  • 28. CAPEX Capex – 2006: R$ 46.5 million Capex – 2006 Capex estimated - 2007: R$ 75 5 million: 75.5 12.5% 2.0% R$ 22.4 million: Construction of three small hydropower plants already belonging to the Company and located in the interior of São Paulo State. Together, they will boast an installed capacity 29.5% 29 5% 55.4% 55 4% of 8MW. 0.5% The remaining will be basically used to restore the capacity of and upgrade equipment: Equip. Hidroway PCH Environment IT Bariri: Completion of the capacity restoration and upgrading of Generating Unit #3 Promissão: Capacity restoration and upgrading of Capex – R$ million Generating Unit #2 Nova Avanhandava: Capacity restoration and upgrading 75.5 of Generating Unit #1 Reforestation 46.5 30.5 27.5 Investment in Small Hydropower Plants 21.9 12.4 Acquisition of License to build three small hydropower plants in the State of Rio de Janeiro, with a total installed capacity of Janeiro 52 MW and average 28.97 MW of assured energy, still subject 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007E to the fulfillment of certain conditions and to ANEEL’s approval – investment estimated in R$ 225 million in 2 years 28
  • 29. Capital Markets AES Tietê – Base 100 (dec/05) Average daily trading volume (R$ thousand) 140 133 130 69% 124 120 122 4,196.9 4.196,9 GETI3 110 1,810.2 1.810,2 GETI4 100 1,624.5 1.624,5 1,619.7 1.619,7 90 dec-05 mar-06 jun-06 sep-06 dec-06 2005 2006 Ibovespa GETI3 GETI4 Remuneration Paid vs. Dividend Yield 12.0% R$ 614.1 million 2006 11.4% 13.2% R$ 539.0 million 2005 13.2% 2004 13.4% R$ 276 9 million 276.9 12.3% Common Preferred 29
  • 30. Expansion Requirement Requirement: increase installed capacity by at least 15% (approximately 400 MW), within a period of eight y years, starting from the date of execution of its Concession Contract in December, 1999 g Requirement was established by the Privatization Documents and reflected in the “Share Purchase Agreement” It can be accomplished through: b li h d th h increasing the installed capacity in the State of São Paulo; or energy purchasing from new plants, located in São Paulo, through long term agreements (at least 5 years) Restriction to increase the capacity: no hydro resource available in the Sate of São Paulo environmental restrictions to thermal plants in São Paulo gas supplyl “New Model Law for the Electric Sector” (Law # 10,848/04) Proposal from AES Tietê to the State Government of São Paulo: Suspension of the obligation to increase the capacity for 5 years. During this period AES Tietê can S i f th bli ti t i th it f D i thi i d Ti tê analyze freely any project for investment, regardless the location After the suspension period, in the case that restriction continue, a AES Tietê will be released of this obligation No amount of resources and/or obligation will be paid in compensation The State Government has not yet responded to this proposal. 30
  • 31. Conclusion Generation was 12% higher than assured energy EBITDA of R$ 1.1 billion in 2006, 16.8% higher than 2005. EBITDA margin of 79.1% compared to 77.0% in the previous year. i f 9 % d 0% i h i Dividends and interest on equity distribution corresponding to 100% of 2006 Net Income, R$ 614.1 million* * R$ 448.9 million paid in advance and R$ 165.2 to be deliberated during the Shareholders’ Meeting scheduled for April 9, 2007 31
  • 32. The statements contained in this document with regard to the business prospects, projected operating and financial results, and growth potential of AES Eletropaulo are merely forecasts based on the expectations of Company Management in relation to its future performance. Such estimates are highly dependent on market behavior and on the conditions affecting Brazil‘s macroeconomic performance as well as the electricity sector and international market and they are therefore market, subject to change. March 08, 2007