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       for impact
       2004 Annual Report
BD is a medical technology company
                       that serves healthcare institutions, life
                       science researchers, clinical laboratories,
                       industry and the general public. BD
                       manufactures and sells a broad range
                       of medical supplies, devices, laboratory
                       equipment and diagnostic products.

                       Thousands of dollars, except per-share amounts
Financial highlights                                                         2004         2003    Change
                       Operating results
                       Revenues                                         $4,934,745   $4,463,509    10.6%
                       Income from continuing operations                $ 582,504    $ 554,930      5.0%
                       Diluted earnings per share,
                         from continuing operations                           2.21         2.10     5.2%
                       Dividends per common share                              .60          .40    50.0%
Edward J. Ludwig
                                                                Chairman, President and
                                                                Chief Executive Officer

                                                                   Achieving these objectives will enable us to make addi-
                                                                tional investments to fuel our innovation and become a
                                                                “great company.”
                                                                   A great company achieves great performance for its cus-
                                                                tomers and shareholders. In the operational effectiveness story
                                                                on pages two and three, we focus on the superb job BD associ-
                                                                ates are doing in such areas as procurement, manufacturing,
                                                                inventory management, distribution and customer service.
                                                                   A great company makes great contributions to society.
                                                                We do this by providing innovations that impact the practices
                                                                and delivery of healthcare worldwide. Hence, our theme for
                                                                this year’s report is “Innovating for Impact.”
                                                                   A great company is a great place to work, where diverse
                                                                groups of associates are highly engaged and continuously
                        To our shareholders                     developing new skills and capabilities.
                                                                   Let’s look at each of these “Three Greats” as we assess our
                                                                accomplishments in 2004:
I am pleased to report that fiscal 2004 was another very good
year for BD. Our performance provides clear evidence that       Great operational performance
the strategy we have been implementing over the past several    Company revenues grew 11 percent overall (6 percent on a
years continues to work. The Company achieved its operating     currency-neutral basis) to $4.935 billion. Each of the three
and strategic goals for 2004 and showed solid improvement       segments contributed to this revenue growth. Our pro forma
over 2003.                                                      gross profit margin increased 100 basis points to 50.2 percent,
   Our business strategy has two interrelated objectives that   driven by our higher margin products, continuing successful
we are continuing to drive:                                     implementation of lean manufacturing, Six Sigma and process
   • First, we will develop, manufacture and market             validation, and excellence in program management. Our drive
     innovative, high-quality medical devices that demon-       for operating efficiencies is supported by our SAP-based enter-
     strably improve the lives of patients, healthcare          prise resource planning system (named “Genesis”).
     workers and researchers.                                      Pro forma net income from continuing operations increased
   • Second, we will achieve operating efficiencies that will    18 percent from 2003, reflecting our revenue growth and
     exceed customers’ demands and expand cash flow and          improvement in our pro forma operating margin from 18 per-
     operating margins.                                         cent to 19 percent.
                                                                   We generated over $1 billion in operating cash flow during
                                                                the year and effectively managed our working capital and capi-
                                                                tal expenditures.
We returned $450 million to shareholders by repurchasing                   opportunities in the pharmaceutical drug discovery arena. We
9.6 million common shares and raised our quarterly dividend                   recorded a charge to reflect the net assets of Clontech at fair
payout by 20 percent over 2004. At this rate, our 2005 divi-                  value and have classified the results of Clontech operations as
dend payout is 80 percent higher than our 2003 payout.                        “discontinued operations” for all periods.

Three significant transactions                                                 Great contributions to medical care:
As noted in our reported results for fiscal 2004, there were                   Innovating for impact
three significant transactions that occurred in the year that                  Revenue growth and new product launches provide indis-
are unusual in nature and are, therefore, excluded from our                   putable evidence that we are innovating for impact.
discussion of pro forma results.                                                 BD Medical revenues rose 9 percent (4 percent excluding
   In the first quarter of 2004, we implemented a voluntary                    foreign currency translation) to $2.7 billion. Sales of safety-
recall of certain lots of our BD Test Strips associated with our              engineered products worldwide grew 11 percent in this seg-
blood glucose monitors. As always, patient care was our prior-                ment, supported by next-generation safety products, such as
ity. This recall is now fully behind us, and our blood glucose                the BD Integra syringe, that provide more value than their
monitor products are performing at the expected quality level.                predecessors. New product lines, such as prefilled flush syringes
   In the third quarter, BD and Retractable Technologies, Inc.                and auto-disable syringes, further contributed to revenue
(RTI) agreed to settle their legal dispute. Settling this matter              growth. In Diabetes Care, we are gaining traction with the
enabled us to avoid protracted, distracting litigation and focus              BD Logic and the Paradigm Link® blood glucose monitors. In
our efforts on our core strategies.                                           our final fiscal quarter, the blood glucose business reached an
   In the fourth quarter, BD announced plans to sell the                      annual run rate of $60 million. Additionally, the U.S. Food
Clontech unit of our BD Biosciences segment. This transaction                 and Drug Administration has given clearance for people using
allows BD Biosciences to direct resources toward higher growth                the BD Logic and Paradigm Link® blood glucose monitors to

Operational effectiveness:                                                                                     Total inventory turns
                                                                                                               (Per year)
The complement to innovation                                                                           3.75


The focus of this annual report is innova-            As the accompanying charts demonstrate,
tion at BD. Innovation, however, is just one       key performance metrics reflect the strides          1.50
dimension of overall Company performance.          we’ve made in operational effectiveness over
For BD, operational effectiveness is equally       the last few years. How are we achieving these
important. Innovation helps to drive top line      improvements? Here are some examples:                      2000     2001      2002    2003     2004

revenue growth. Operational effectiveness             Medical Surgical Systems’ three largest
                                                                                                              Cash flow from continuing operations
not only impacts bottom line profit per-            plants in Europe are matching production                   (Millions of dollars)
formance, it also complements innovation           and demand so well that, for the month of
because of its focus on productivity, efficiency,   September, total backorder was negligible.
resource utilization and customer satisfac-        In the U.S., BD no longer conducts a costly
tion – all combining to drive competitive          and time-consuming annual physical inven-
advantage. In my view, operational effective-      tory – because overall inventory accuracy is
ness feeds innovation, delights customers          99.9 percent (as measured by continuous            240
and rewards shareholders.                          cycle counts). Starting in 2005, the IT organi-    0
                                                                                                              2000    2001       2002   2003     2004
   What exactly do we mean by operational          zation is accelerating the pace of Six Sigma
effectiveness? It’s the end-to-end process         literacy. By 2007, we expect 100 percent of        in lean manufacturing, Six Sigma and process
that embraces everything from production           IT associates worldwide to earn Six Sigma cer-     validation. In addition to building core capabil-
planning to order fulfillment, and all the          tification, including certifications at the green-   ities, the organization has focused on three
activities that support that process, including    belt, blackbelt and master blackbelt levels.       broad-based initiatives:
procurement, manufacturing, distribution              The progress of recent years has been               Genesis – Our SAP-based global enterprise
and customer service.                              achieved through establishing core capabilities    resource planning system is the enabler that is
conduct alternate site testing when checking blood glucose lev-               Bioscience, Inc., whose novel technologies for investigating bio-
els. This is great news for people with diabetes, as the ability to           chemical and physiological changes in living cells in real time
test the palm or forearm provides a more convenient “best-in-                 are a good fit with BD Biosciences’ drug discovery portfolio.
class” approach to checking blood glucose levels.                                We are confident that the products that contributed to our
   Sales of safety-engineered products also were a source of                  revenue growth will continue to serve our customers well in
strength this year for BD Diagnostics, where revenues reached                 2005 and beyond.
$1.5 billion, up 12 percent (7 percent excluding foreign cur-                    Our drive for innovations with significant impact extends
rency translation). Sales of safety-engineered products world-                well beyond today’s products. We plan to increase our R&D
wide increased 27 percent within BD Diagnostics. In addition,                 spending at a rate of 12 to 15 percent per year beginning in
BD Diagnostics’ revenues were driven by strong demand for                     2005. We are confident that this step-up in our spending will
the BD ProbeTec ET system for amplified infectious disease                     yield exciting new innovations in advanced drug delivery, supe-
testing, and a number of clinical accounts committed to con-                  rior diagnostic systems and new bioscience platforms in the
vert to our BD Phoenix Automated Microbiology System                          years beyond 2007.
after we launched it in the U.S. and Japan.
   BD Biosciences revenues grew 14 percent (9 percent                         Social responsibility – great companies are called to do more
excluding foreign currency translation) to $723 million. The                  We are honored to work with great philanthropic institutions
BD FACSAria cell sorter system represents the most successful                 such as The U.S. Fund for UNICEF, the International AIDS
launch of a flow cytometer instrument in the 30-year history of                Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), the American Red Cross and Project
the business. Sales of flow cytometry reagents remained strong,                HOPE. Together, we are addressing some of the most challeng-
and the new BD FACSCanto benchtop cell analyzer received                      ing healthcare problems in the world, including maternal
a highly positive reception in the marketplace. Looking to con-               and neonatal tetanus, HIV/AIDS, measles and diabetes. BD is
tinued growth in the future, BD Biosciences acquired Atto                     proud to share our time, resources and talents with these

facilitating business process optimization.       Company spending across businesses, sites          fulfilling customer needs. Individual manufac-
Genesis functions as the information back-        and regions. North America distribution            turing sites have always done a superb job.
bone of the Company, putting information at       costs as a percent of sales have been on           The difference today is that each site is part of
our fingertips and allowing us to see what is      the decrease for the past three years. Sales       a larger, two-stage manufacturing strategy
happening throughout every stage in the           and Operations Planning has come under             that we call “the engine and the enterprise.”
manufacturing and supply chain process. As a      a new focus, and we are looking to drive to        The engine is world-class manufacturing at
result of this new capability, we have estab-     a best-in-class process over the next three        the site level. The second stage is contributing
lished global metrics in the areas of forecast    years. In customer service, we have reinvested     to the enterprise and supporting the sales ful-
accuracy, finished goods inventory turns and       in a skills development program and driven         fillment process because, at the end of the
backorders that will push us to a best-in-class   better service to customers by better aligning     day, customers want the right product at the
level of operational efficiencies.                 resources to key customer requirements.            right time at the right place.
   Business processes – After completing          Consolidation of customer service resources           The common link among these initiatives
Genesis, we established a Business Process        is also paying dividends. Finally, we are re-      is that superior performance in supply chain
Organization to drive process optimization in     evaluating our distribution networks in North      logistics and business processes makes BD
the areas of procurement, supply chain plan-      America, Asia and Europe in an effort to           easier to do business with and, thus, has a
ning, distribution and customer service. We       re-optimize our network to drive higher levels     major impact on customer satisfaction. As is
have seen marked operational improvements         of customer satisfaction.                          true with innovation in the marketplace, BD’s
in all of these areas. Five years ago, we            Cultural change – BD associates are focus-      operational effectiveness is having tremen-
launched a procurement initiative that is         ing on integrated processes rather than            dous impact – and I am confident that in the
delivering tremendous value. We put together      isolated functions. Manufacturing, for exam-       future we are only going to get better.
a purchasing organization to leverage             ple, now views itself as a key contributor to      –Edward J. Ludwig
“Trusted Partners” to improve the lives of those most in need.      Northwestern University Medical Faculty Foundation, and
         Please refer to the special insert at page 16 to learn more about   Frank A. Olson, Chairman Emeritus and retired Chief
         BD’s commitment to social responsibility.                           Executive Officer of the Hertz Corporation.
                                                                                Harry and Frank served BD shareholders for a combined
                                                                             40 years and have greatly contributed to our success with their
         Building a great place to work: energizing and
                                                                             counsel and support. We will miss them and we wish them our
         developing our associates
         BD is able to achieve higher levels of operating effective-         very best in all of their future endeavors.
         ness and drive new innovations in healthcare because of the            Additionally, it is my pleasure to welcome two new execu-
         ever-increasing skills of our associates and the leadership         tives from outside BD to our Leadership Team. Jeffrey Sherman,
         demonstrated by our executives around the world.                    our Vice President and General Counsel, joins us from Wyeth.
            BD University (BDU), our principal process for broadening        Peter Natale, a Six Sigma master black belt, serves as Vice
         the skills and knowledge of BD associates, is closely aligned       President and Chief Information Officer and joins us from
         with our business strategy. BDU is where we sharpen our             General Electric.
         implementation and leadership skills. We learn lean manu-
         facturing, Six Sigma, program management, sales excellence,         In summary: progress on the journey toward greatness
         engagement, inclusion and leadership. Our unique “leaders as        2004 marked a year of significant achievements and progress
         teachers” approach is gaining public recognition as a bench-        on our journey toward greatness. I am proud to thank my
         mark for corporate learning and development. More than              fellow associates – 25,000 strong, in nearly 50 countries around
         500 BD leaders have been certified as teachers and more than         the world – for their energy, talents and hard work on behalf
         8,000 associates have participated in BDU courses.                  of the people we serve. Across the globe, BD is guided by our
            Our new long-term equity-based incentive program is              Core Values in every aspect of our business:
         another way we align actions with our quest for greatness. The         • We do what is right
         program was designed to reward associates based on perform-            • We always seek to improve
         ance. This plan is being broadly implemented throughout                • We accept personal responsibility
         the Company and focuses on rewarding successes in innovation           • We treat each other with respect
         (measured by revenue growth) and operating effectiveness               The opportunities to improve healthcare – to “Help All
         (measured by return on invested capital) over successive three-     People Live Healthy Lives” – are extraordinary. Working
         year intervals.                                                     together with our trusted partners, all of us at BD will con-
                                                                             tinue to make a difference in people’s lives.
         Key management and Board developments                                  We will stay the course we have set. The course might be
         BD has always been committed to pursuing outstanding                a familiar one, but it will lead us to new and exciting places.
         corporate governance on behalf of our shareholders. Great           We are committed to delivering ever more innovative health-
         corporate governance starts with outstanding, independent           care solutions and outstanding operational performance in
         and committed board members. I am pleased to welcome                service to our customers and shareholders.
         two new members to the BD Board of Directors:
            Basil L. Anderson, Vice Chairman of Staples, Inc., was
         elected to BD’s Board of Directors on March 23, 2004. He
         also serves on the Board of Directors of Staples, Inc., is a
         board member of Charles River Associates and chairs the
         audit committee of the Board of Directors of Hasbro, Inc.
            Gary A. Mecklenburg, President and Chief Executive               Edward J. Ludwig
         Officer of Northwestern Memorial HealthCare, was elected             Chairman, President and
         to the Board on November 23, 2004.                                  Chief Executive Officer
            I would also like to thank our two retiring directors for
         their outstanding service and contributions. They are Harry N.
         Beaty, M.D., Emeritus Dean, Northwestern University Medical
         School and Chairman of the Board and President of the

page 4
For BD, this is the age of renaissance.
The Company has entered what may
be its most productive period so far
for developing new and innovative
products having the potential to
impact major healthcare challenges
around the world. Changes in vision,
culture and process are energizing
today’s BD associates and creating
high potential opportunities for the
future. Even better: This renaissance
is just beginning.
The BD Integra Syringe with retracting                                                            The BD Hypak prefilled
BD PrecisionGlide needle is the first product                                                      syringe with BD Preventis
of its type with a detachable needle, enabling                                                    automatic needle shield-
clinicians to use different needles for aspiration                                                ing system is the most
and for administration of medication.                                                             widely used safety
                                                     The BD Bard-Parker Protected Blade System    system for prefilled
                                                     represents one of the most sweeping          syringes in the U.S.
                                                     changes in surgical blades in the 90 years
                                                     since surgical handles with replaceable
                                                     blades were developed.

Winged collection sets
are an important device
in blood collection, espe-
cially for the elderly,
children and those with
fragile veins. To meet the
needs of these patients
while also helping to pro-
tect healthcare workers
from needlestick injuries,
BD offers widely-used
devices including the
BD Vacutainer Safety-Lok
Blood Collection Set.

Seeking even more
advanced protection
for healthcare workers,
BD has introduced the
BD Vacutainer Push
Button Blood Collection
Set, designed with the
specific goal of prevent-
ing needlestick injuries
during blood sample
collection. Developed
with extensive input
from clinicians, this is
the first semi-automatic
winged needle set with
next-generation features
including intuitive, one-
handed in-vein activation.
The easier the device
is to use, the more likely
healthcare workers
are to use it properly,
thereby complying with
safety guidelines and
reducing injuries.
Healthcare worker safety Leading the way

                                        “Advanced protection products are an
                                         $800 million business for BD in the
                                         U.S. Yet, we continually look at our
                                          line with an eye to developing new
                                           products or improving existing ones
                                            to meet changing clinical needs.
The BD Vacutainer Push

                                             What’s more, the transition to safety
Button Blood Collection Set is
BD’s next-generation safety

                                             outside the U.S. is still ahead of us.”
product in winged collection sets.

                                                –Melanie O’Neill, Vice President, Medical Surgical Systems

BD         offers the most complete line of advanced protection         incorporates that same form and function in a reusable stain-
           products in the industry, with more than 300 indi-           less-steel surgical handle. A clear plastic sliding shield that
vidual catalog numbers. BD’s leadership role in the effort to           locks with an audible click and tactile feedback differentiates
protect healthcare workers from accidental sharps injuries is           the BD product. When retracted for use, the shield becomes
showing highly positive results. According to the EPINet                an integral part of the handle. When the blade is covered, the

computerized surveillance program, which tracks needlestick             audible click and tactile feedback recur. The shield is easily
injuries to nurses in the U.S., the injury rate fell 51 percent         activated with one finger; however, the clinician must also
overall between 1993 and 2001 (the most recent year for                 press down to release the shield. This combination of the two
which figures are available). In fact, in eight of nine device           motions ensures that the shield is not moved accidentally.
categories tracked by EPINet, needlestick injuries to nurses               The BD Bard-Parker Protected Blade System was launched
fell at rates ranging from 55 to 100 percent.                           with the most popular size handle and blade sizes. BD is
   BD is advancing safety in blood collection with its                  adding to the line with a goal of offering blades and handles
BD Vacutainer Push Button Blood Collection Set. It joins                in all configurations and sizes.
a wide range of safety-engineered blood collection devices,                For ophthalmic surgery, BD expanded its line of safety-
including the BD Vacutainer Eclipse Blood Collection Needle,            engineered products this year with the introduction of the
which is widely used in the U.S. and is also winning accept-            BD Safety Knife with BD Xstar Blade. The single-use knife
ance in Canada, Europe and Japan.                                       features an integrated safety shield to protect the BD Xstar
   BD is also focusing attention on the operating room                  Blade, which is manufactured using a proprietary grindless
with the launch of the BD Bard-Parker Protected Blade                   technology for sharpness and consistency. The integrated safety
System. This product offering complements the                           shield is activated by the user through a spring-assisted slider
BD Bard-Parker Protected Disposable Scalpel, introduced                 that provides tactile and audible feedback in the shielded and
in 2001 as a safer alternative to conventional disposable               unshielded positions.
scalpels. The BD Bard-Parker Protected Blade System

                                                                                                                                           page 7
Patient safety Do no harm

   “BD is a recognized leader in health-
    care worker safety. What is less
    known is that we have done
    just as much for patient safety
    and infection prevention, which
    are even bigger and broader issues. Our
    efforts go far beyond product solutions                                                                            The BD Nexiva Closed IV
                                                                                                                       Catheter System helps
    to services, training and advocacy with                                                                            lower the risk of patient
                                                                                                                       infection by reducing the
    public health policymakers.”                                                                                       potential for fluid path-
                                                                                                                       way contamination.
    – Amber Hogan, Manager, Health Affairs

     P       atient safety has been a focus of BD’s innovation for years,    lowered because design features reduce the need for manipula-
             not only in the U.S. but around the world. For example,         tion at the insertion site. Breakthrough products such as the
         BD in China launched an integrated catheter design that for the     BD Nexiva CIVCS help to improve healthcare worker safety
         last several years has been one of the Company’s most success-      through integrated sharps safety features.
         ful products in the Asia-Pacific region. The product signifi-            The BD PosiFlush prefilled syringe is another significant
         cantly improved medical practice in China. Additional features      innovation in IV therapy. The BD PosiFlush saline syringe is
         have now been added and the product has evolved into the            the first syringe specifically designed with unique features to
         BD Nexiva Closed IV Catheter System (CIVCS). Great ideas            enhance catheter maintenance protocols. Available with normal
         can – and do – come from everywhere.                                saline and heparin lock solutions, all BD PosiFlush prefilled
            BD is enhancing its leadership in patient safety with several    syringes are latex and preservative-free, color-coded for easy
         current initiatives. Patient safety is a growing concern through-   identification, and designed to significantly reduce blood reflux
         out the European community and most major world markets.            and its associated complications.
         Many quality-based standards organizations are adding patient          In another major area of patient safety – reducing errors
         safety to healthcare performance measures.                          in specimen collection and management – the BD.id Patient
            Bloodstream contamination introduced through IV therapy          Identification System has been implemented by Norwalk
         is of particular concern. IV lines must be constantly maintained    Hospital in Connecticut. The hospital chose the BD.id system
         to guard against bacteria and viruses when administering a          based on its simplicity and its ability to minimize medical risk
         drug, cleaning the system or withdrawing blood. Open IV             and address all potential failure points. The other two hospitals
         systems can temporarily expose the patient to airborne con-         that have implemented the BD.id system – The Valley Hospital
         taminants. In Europe and Japan, many systems are perma-             in Ridgewood, New Jersey and South Georgia Medical Center
         nently open, putting patients at greater risk. In addition to       in Valdosta, Georgia – achieved close to a 100 percent reduction
         closing the fluid path, the BD Nexiva CIVCS incorporates             in specimen collection errors.
     BD sharp needle technology and a patented cannula tipping                  Recognizing the importance of hand hygiene, BD plays
     process to help reduce the pain of insertion. The risk of other         another role in patient safety by being the largest single-source
     patient complications – vein irritation and phlebitis – may be          provider of surgical hand antiseptic products, including
                                                                             BD E-Z Care Rinseless, Brushless Antiseptic.
page 8
BD PosiFlush Prefilled Saline and Heparin
The BD Q-Syte Closed
                             Lock Flush syringes help protect both patient
Luer Access device is an
                             and healthcare worker and are the first deliv-
IV access site that elimi-
                             ery devices that BD is both manufacturing
nates the need for nee-
                             and filling.
dles and can also help
prevent bloodstream
                                                                                               The BD.id Patient Identification
infections through con-
                                                                             System – the first to fully integrate bar-coding
tamination of IV lines.
                                                                             technology with specimen collection standards –
                                                                             is in its first in-hospital applications.

                                                                                                             Each year, nearly 2 million
                                                                                                             patients in the U.S. con-
                                                                                                             tract an infection while
                                                                                                             in a hospital. Of these,
                                                                                                             nearly 90,000 die as a
                                                                                                             result of their infections.

                                                                                                             BD seeks to reduce
                                                                                                             risks to patients and
                                                                                                             ensure that more
                                                                                                             people are sent home
                                                                                                             healthy. Unlike anything
                                                                                                             else on the market,
                                                                                                             the BD Nexiva Closed IV
                                                                                                             Catheter System (CIVCS)
                                                                                                             has the potential to
                                                                                                             change the way infusion
                                                                                                             therapy is delivered
                                                                                                             and to improve safety
                                                                                                             for patients as well
                                                                                                             as healthcare workers
                                                                                                             in hospital and non-
                                                                                                             acute care settings. The
                                                                                                             BD Nexiva CIVCS helps
                                                                                                             lower the risk of patient
                                                                                                             infection by reducing
                                                                                                             the potential for fluid
                                                                                                             pathway contamination.
                                                                                                             For healthcare workers,
                                                                                                             it reduces exposure
                                                                                                             to blood. It also provides
                                                                                                             them greater conven-
                                                                                                             ience and efficiency
                                                                                                             because it is the first
                                                                                                             system to integrate three
                                                                                                             separate IV compon-
                                                                                                             ents into a single,
                                                                                                             preassembled device.
At 5 millimeters (3⁄16 inch), the BD Ultra-Fine III
                                                  Mini Pen Needle is the shortest pen needle in the
                                                  world and can be used safely by both children
                                                  and adults.

                                                                                                        BD Ultra-Fine 33 Lancets are the thinnest
The BD Ultra-Fine II Short Needle Insulin
                                                                                                        lancets available, an attribute that translates
Syringe is scaled in half-unit markings, allow-
                                                                                                        into low pain for diabetes patients when they
ing for precise dosage, and offers a short
                                                                                                        take a blood sample.
(8-millimeter) needle.

Worldwide, more than
180 million people cur-
rently suffer from dia-
betes, including 400,000
children. Poor dietary
habits, obesity and
sedentary lifestyles are
also responsible for
increasing the incidence
of diabetes among
adolescents worldwide.

BD continues to respond
to the needs of people
with diabetes by provid-
ing a wide range of tools
and services to help them
manage their disease. As
one example, in North
America, a recent inno-
vation is the Paradigm
Link® blood glucose mon-
itor, powered by BD Logic
technology. It is the first
blood glucose monitor
to provide wireless com-
munication between a
monitor and Medtronic’s
“smart” Paradigm®
insulin pumps. This inte-
grated, easy-to-use
system simplifies diabetes
management: blood
sugar monitoring and
insulin dosing.
Diabetes Improving quality of life

                                        “Diabetes is more prevalent than once
                                         thought. Cases could more than double
                                           between 2000 and 2030, according
                                           to the World Health Organization.
                                           A longtime leader in devices for
                                           insulin therapy, BD is well positioned
The Paradigm Link® blood

                                         to link information management to
glucose monitor (left),
developed with Medtronic

                                         insulin delivery and glucose monitoring
for use with a “smart”
Paradigm® insulin pump

                                         to improve patient outcomes.”
(right), won a 2004 Medical
Design Excellence Award.

                                         —Bill Marshall, President, Diabetes Care

A     focus on higher value products, combined with                       Strengthening its traditional leadership in insulin delivery,
      business strategies aimed at growth, is the key driver          BD brought to market two new insulin syringes featuring
behind the faster pace of innovation across BD today. BD              the thinnest insulin syringe needles available in the U.S. –
is committed to developing products and systems – in both             the 31-gauge BD Ultra-Fine II Short Needle Insulin Syringe
insulin delivery and blood glucose monitoring – that will help        and the 30-gauge BD Ultra-Fine Needle Insulin Syringe.
improve diabetes management and the quality of life for               The Company also introduced a 1ml version of its BD Integra
those who have diabetes.                                              syringe, which extends retracting technology to a smaller size
   BD is working to discover and develop novel approaches             syringe that can be used for insulin delivery in a clinical setting,
for the future and is teaming with external partners to broaden       as well as other uses.
its market presence. Today’s higher value diabetes management             Renewing its long-term efforts in diabetes education,
products are the Paradigm Link blood glucose monitor and              BD is working with swimmer Gary Hall, Jr. – the winner of

the BD Logic blood glucose monitor. Significantly, both prod-          10 Olympic medals – who has Type 1 diabetes. By teaming
ucts have received clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug              with Hall, BD seeks to inspire people with diabetes and
Administration (FDA) for alternate site testing (off-finger),          demonstrate that they can access the insulin injection products
providing greater convenience for patients when checking              and educational support they need to live healthy lives.
blood glucose levels. Both feature a small sample size and                In keeping with new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
5-second test time, and the Paradigm Link monitor is used             recommendations for the safe home disposal of needles, lancets

with “smart” Paradigm® pumps to greatly simplify the complex          and syringes, BD offers the BD Sharps Disposal By Mail
process of managing diabetes. Looking to the future, BD               system for safe disposal of used insulin sharps. The BD Sharps
continues to actively research more advanced approaches to            Disposal By Mail system encompasses containment, storage,
treating a disease that is spreading at an ever-faster rate, with     transportation, disposal and tracking of sharps, all in one
the ultimate goal of helping to find a cure.                           package. System materials are available in local pharmacies
                                                                      and include sharps containers, wrapping bags and postage-paid
                                                                      mailing boxes.

                                                                                                                                          page 11
Infectious diseases Speed saves

    “In the U.S., hospital-acquired infections
     affect 2 million patients at a cost of
     $4.5 billion annually. The integration
     of the BD Phoenix system with the
     BD EpiCenter Data Management
     System and its novel software provides
     medical professionals with leading-                                                                         The BD EpiCenter Microbiology

     edge clinical solutions to rapidly                                                                          Data Management System inter-
                                                                                                                 faces seamlessly with existing lab-

     detect and treat these infections.”                                                                         oratory information systems and
                                                                                                                 various BD microbiology systems.

     –John J. Meduri, Worldwide Strategy Center Director, Diagnostics Systems

      T        he BD EpiCenter Microbiology Data Management System           our competitors – with further expansion set for 2005. The
               and the instruments it coordinates could define the            BD Phoenix system also offers technology for detecting emerg-
          integrated microbiology laboratory of the future. For infection    ing antibiotic resistance through real-time biological testing,
          control administrators, pharmacists and other medical staff,       which can help contain the spread of infectious diseases within
          the BD EpiCenter system provides exclusive data analysis that      an institution.
          allows these professionals to monitor trends in their facilities      A wider range of tests continues to drive worldwide
          and communicate information about these trends. From the           growth of the BD ProbeTec ET system and solidify BD’s
          hospital’s perspective, it links the laboratory to medical deci-   position as the global leader in amplified testing. BD received
          sions by improving the quality of information coming from          U.S. FDA clearance for Legionella pneumophila in 2004. In
          the laboratory. The technology helps to curtail the spread of      2005, BD plans to expand its tests for atypical pneumonia
          drug-resistant “superbugs”– a growing problem for clinics and      to include Mycoplasma pneumoniae and the Chlamydiacea
          hospitals – through rapid detection and diagnosis, providing       family in Europe. Amplified atypical pneumonia tests pro-
          clinical solutions to medical professionals.                       vide additional diagnostic information to enable doctors to
             One of the instruments supported by the BD EpiCenter            continue or modify therapy. Using tests may also reduce
          system is the BD Phoenix Automated Microbiology System.            costs (for pharmaceuticals, length of hospital stay, testing
          Marking one of the most significant instrument launches             and sample collection), lower the rate of antibiotic resistance
          for BD since the introduction of the BD ProbeTec ET system         and improve patient outcomes. These molecular respiratory
      in 1998, the BD Phoenix system was introduced in the U.S.              tests should complement the BD ProbeTec ET assays for
      and Japanese markets in late 2004 following a 2001 launch              M. tuberculosis and other mycobacteria, which have been
      in Europe.                                                             sold outside the U.S. since 2000.
             The BD Phoenix system offers several competitive advan-            In late 2005, BD plans to launch the next-generation
      tages, beginning with full automation requiring minimal                BACTEC system, the BD BACTEC LX Microbial Detection
      manual intervention and the ability to deliver direct, reportable      System. This system is designed to offer greater organism
      answers. In addition, BD’s multi-parameter determination               recovery, faster time-to-detection, improved workflow, and
      (MPD) technology enables the BD Phoenix system to identify             greater efficiency and flexibility.
      more than 300 organisms – about 50 percent more than
page 12
BD is developing its
next-generation blood
                                                                          Applications for
culturing instrument,
                                                                          the BD ProbeTec ET
                                                                          system are expand-
Microbial Detection
                           The BD Phoenix                                 ing with U.S. FDA
System, which will
                           Automated Microbiology System rapidly          clearance of a diagnostic test for Legionella
utilize state-of-the-art
                           identifies the bacteria infecting a patient     pneumophila and the launch of three tests for
laser technology
                           and directs optimal therapy. It was launched   atypical pneumonia in Europe and Asia-Pacific.
and magnetic sam-
                           in the U.S. and Japan in late 2004.
ple agitation.

                                                                                                       A patient whose condi-
                                                                                                       tion is diagnosed rapidly
                                                                                                       and specifically can be
                                                                                                       treated more efficiently
                                                                                                       and, hopefully, will
                                                                                                       recover more quickly
                                                                                                       and fully than if the
                                                                                                       diagnosis is delayed.

                                                                                                       The BD EpiCenter
                                                                                                       Microbiology Data
                                                                                                       Management System is
                                                                                                       designed to be the
                                                                                                       information core of the
                                                                                                       advanced microbiology
                                                                                                       laboratory. To provide
                                                                                                       hospitals with rapid
                                                                                                       results despite today’s
                                                                                                       shortage of microbiol-
                                                                                                       ogists, the system
                                                                                                       streamlines specimen
                                                                                                       processing and facili-
                                                                                                       tates the consistent
                                                                                                       analysis of results from
                                                                                                       multiple technologists.

                                                                                                       Capturing, analyzing
                                                                                                       and presenting micro-
                                                                                                       biology data in a timely
                                                                                                       manner enables physi-
                                                                                                       cians, pathologists
                                                                                                       and infection control
                                                                                                       personnel to rapidly
                                                                                                       identify – and act
                                                                                                       against – emerging epi-
                                                                                                       demiology trends.
The newly developed            Expected to reach the
                                                  BD SoloMed syringe is          market in early 2005,
                                                  intended for the acute         the BD SoloShot VX-2
                                                  care environment in devel-     syringe permits variable
                                                  oping countries. An extra      dosing, enables medi-
BD MultiTEST immuno-fluorescence reagents,         push after use breaks the      cation to be reconstituted,
together with BD TruCOUNT tubes, provide a        plunger, preventing reuse.     and automatically locks
reliable and reproducible method for CD4 count-   BD will also offer a safety-   after injection.
ing used to manage clinical care for persons      shielded version.
infected with HIV.

In 2003, AIDS claimed
almost 3 million lives
around the world
and nearly 5 million
more people became
newly infected with
HIV. Young people – ages
15 to 24 – account for
nearly half of all new HIV
infections worldwide.

Despite signs of progress
in funding, political
commitment and access
to treatment, the AIDS
pandemic requires an
extraordinary accelera-
tion in global response.
BD is answering this
call by providing front-
line products that are
making contributions
ranging from prevention
to therapeutic monitor-
ing. But if there is to
be greater headway
in this battle against
HIV/AIDS, it will come
through research and
advanced diagnostics.
The BD FACSCanto sys-
tem serves as a powerful
tool for researchers and
clinicians seeking to
understand this disease
and the immune system.
HIV/AIDS Passion confronts pandemic

                                        “The HIV/AIDS pandemic is the world’s
                                              largest healthcare issue today.
                                              More than 20 million people have
                                              died, 42 million more are living
                                              with it and the number infected
                                              rises daily. BD possesses products,
                                              technologies and knowledge to
The BD FACSCanto system
                                         make a difference – backed by a passion
adapts high performance
BD FACSAria cell sorter tech-
                                         for helping all people live healthy lives.”
nology to a “workhorse”
analyzer for the clinical and
                                          – Krista Thompson, Vice President and General Manager, HIV/AIDS
clinical research markets.

BD         ’s highly sophisticated instruments–such as the            healthcare workers from the transmission of HIV and other
           BD FACSCanto system introduced in 2004 – enable            diseases through accidental injuries caused by contaminated
researchers to better understand HIV/AIDS, which will                 needles. BD Diagnostics technologies are used to diagnose and
hopefully lead someday to the development of an effective             monitor many infectious diseases associated with HIV/AIDS.
vaccine. BD also produces basic, but highly precise,                  Notable among these is the BD BACTEC MGIT 960, which
products – for example, the auto-disable BD SoloShot VX               shortens the time required for detection and susceptibility test-
and BD SoloMed syringes – that are critical in light of               ing of tuberculosis, a leading killer of AIDS patients globally.
World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 40 percent             The Company is also broadening its global infrastructure with
of all injections in the developing world are given with previ-       additional on-the-ground resources in Europe and Africa.
ously used devices. Additionally, it is estimated that reused            BD will seek to expand its role as a supplier and resource
devices cause 260,000 HIV/AIDS infections annually.                   for government health ministries and public health agencies
   Sophisticated research as well as basic clinical technologies      around the world, while also maintaining its philanthropic
represent the broad spectrum of BD innovations focused on             activities in the HIV/AIDS arena, through, for example, dona-
combating HIV/AIDS. As Krista Thompson, named to lead                 tions to the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI). In a
the HIV/AIDS strategy across BD, says, “It takes innovation           new collaboration, BD is working with the William J. Clinton
to make things simple and affordable. We tend to think of             Presidential Foundation to provide the developing world with
innovation as highly technical and complex, but in order to           affordable monitoring technologies for CD4 testing.
battle this disease we need to get appropriate products to the           Thompson makes two additional observations about BD
people who need them.”                                                and its role in the battle against HIV/AIDS. First, BD is look-
   In working toward a coordinated HIV/AIDS strategy, BD              ing at HIV/AIDS as a disease state – that is, thinking about it
is seeking to leverage the research, prevention and diagnostic        holistically and bringing all of its resources to bear in much
tools that it provides in each of its three business segments.        the same way it approaches diabetes. Second, she says, this
Examples include BD FastImmune reagents along with flow                will be a long battle for the world. “With a combination of
cytometers from BD Biosciences, used by HIV vaccine research-         philanthropic and sustainable business efforts, BD can marshal
ers to assess immune response. BD Medical provides advanced           both current technologies and future innovations in a concerted
protection devices that prevent reuse and help safeguard              effort to help defeat HIV/AIDS.”
                                                                                                                                          page 15
Immunization Global reach

    “BD devices have immunized billions
     of people in the developing world
     because they’re simple, reliable, eco-
     nomical and can’t be reused. Behind
     the scenes is an equally significant
     contribution – BD people working                                                                                      The BD SoloShot IX and
                                                                                                                           BD SoloShot LX auto-
     directly with local public health                                                                                     disable syringes expand
                                                                                                                           the BD SoloShot family to
     authorities and educating and train-                                                                                  five color-coded syringes
                                                                                                                           for easy identification.
     ing indigenous healthcare providers.”
     – Gary Henniger, Director, Operations, Emerging Markets Injection Safety, BD Medical

      I     nnovation rarely comes to Afghanistan, Mali, Rwanda and            address safe injection practices and provide solutions.
            dozens of other developing countries. When it does – in the        Additionally, BD’s worldwide manufacturing expertise contin-
          form of deceptively simple, inexpensive injection devices – it’s     ues to enable the Company to produce devices at moderate
          easy to overlook. But what can’t be overlooked is the impact         prices that support the sustainability of long-term immuniza-
          of auto-disable injection technology, not only in getting vac-       tion programs.
          cines to remote and rugged areas, but also in making progress           In the future, newer devices using advanced medical tech-
          against unsafe immunization practices that risk transmitting         nology promise to make immunizations even more effective.
          blood-borne pathogens.                                               One such device, still under development, is the BD Intradermal
             Teaming with the World Health Organization (WHO)                  Delivery System. Its tiny microneedle penetrates the intradermal
          and other international health agencies, BD developed the            layer immediately under the outermost epidermal skin layer.
          first auto-disable devices in the 1980s. Initially, high cost         BD scientists have found that certain drugs delivered at this
          threatened to curtail widespread use. BD responded by focus-         layer get into the blood stream faster and at lower doses than
          ing its manufacturing expertise on simple designs that drove         standard injections. The microneedle itself is a major innova-
          the cost of each device down significantly. Over the years, in        tion, as thin as a human hair and as short as 1 millimeter.
          excess of 2.5 billion immunizations have been administered           Those characteristics make it nearly pain-free, less threatening
          using BD SoloShot devices alone.                                     and easy to use.
             In its ongoing effort to make injections safe, BD is leveraging      After smallpox emerged as a bioterror threat, BD drew
          its global reach and resources. BD engineers and BD scientists       on its bank of knowledge and experience to release the
          in India, China, Singapore, Brazil, Spain and the U.S. all           BD Bifurcated Needle for administering smallpox vaccine
          contributed to BD’s portfolio of devices for safer injection,        in mass immunization campaigns and emergency response
          including devices for clinical uses beyond immunization, for         situations. Given BD’s commitment to preventing needlestick
          emerging countries. BD’s global presence gives the Company           injuries, the next step was to create a safety-engineered
          on-the-ground support capabilities in Asia, Africa and Latin         version. Based on proven BD Eclipse technology, that device –
          America. The Company has also collaborated with a global             the BD Eclipse Bifurcated Needle with Safety Shield – features
          consortium of international agencies, government agencies,           single-handed activation, is easy to use and is economical.
          nongovernmental organizations and industry leaders to
page 16
The BD Eclipse Bifurcated                       The BD Uniject prefill
Needle with Safety                              injection device is a
Shield brings BD Eclipse                        single-use system, pre-
                                                                                                   The BD Intradermal Delivery
safety shielding to a nee-                      venting needle reuse
                                                                                      System features a tiny microneedle the
dle designed for delivery                       and eliminating the
                                                                            width of a human hair. Studies have shown that
of smallpox vaccine in                          need for filling syringes
                                                                            delivery to the skin’s intradermal layer can make
large-scale campaigns or     from vials. Its innovative design allows for
                                                                            certain drugs more effective.
emergency responses.         fast and easy injections, while the com-
                             pact size allows easy transport, storage
                             and disposal.

                                                                                                            According to World
                                                                                                            Health Organization
                                                                                                            estimates, in the year
                                                                                                            2000 alone, reused
                                                                                                            medical devices led to
                                                                                                            260,000 new cases of
                                                                                                            HIV/AIDS, 2 million
                                                                                                            hepatitis C infections and
                                                                                                            21 million hepatitis B
                                                                                                            infections. Mass immu-
                                                                                                            nization programs repre-
                                                                                                            sent 10 percent of all
                                                                                                            injections administered
                                                                                                            in the developing world.
                                                                                                            BD is expanding its reuse
                                                                                                            prevention efforts to
                                                                                                            help address the other
                                                                                                            90 percent of injections
                                                                                                            administered to give
                                                                                                            other medical care.

                                                                                                            The BD SoloShot IX
                                                                                                            and BD SoloShot LX
                                                                                                            auto-disable syringes
                                                                                                            expand BD’s array of
                                                                                                            auto-disable devices for
                                                                                                            protecting children and
                                                                                                            adults from unsafe injec-
                                                                                                            tions. The BD SoloShot IX
                                                                                                            features a color-coded
                                                                                                            plunger based on ISO
                                                                                                            standards for quick,
                                                                                                            sure identification of
                                                                                                            the correct device. The
                                                                                                            BD SoloShot LX is for the
                                                                                                            tuberculosis vaccine and
                                                                                                            other low-dose vaccines.
Compact and easy to use, the BD FACSAria cell
                                           sorter represents the most successful launch of a
                                           sorter in the history of the flow cytometry industry.

BD recently enhanced its cytometric                                                               BD Gentest hepatocytes
bead array (CBA) line with the launch                                                             are liver cells used by pharmaceutical com-
of a CBA Flex Set that allows investiga-                                                          panies to test the safety of developmental
tors to custom configure their assays                                                              drugs. Novel BD Falcon Flip-Lock packaging
for greater sensitivity.                                                                          maintains cell quality during shipping.

Newly developed medi-
cines can make a vast
difference in quality
of life. Often, patients
just want to get back to
doing normal, daily tasks.
Remarkably, only one
among many thousands
of screened compounds
ultimately receives FDA
approval to become a
new medicine.

It takes an estimated
$800 million or more, and
an average of 10 to 15
years, to develop a new
drug. The Pathway HT
imaging system is
designed to provide high
resolution images for
use in developing cell-
based assays, making
drug discovery more
effective and efficient,
and helping to get new
drugs to patients faster.

The system became part
of BD Biosciences’ drug
discovery product port-
folio as a result of BD’s
2004 acquisition of
Atto Bioscience. Its
ability to investigate
living cells in real time
holds the potential
to accelerate the pace
at which new medicines
can be developed.
Drug discovery Enabling others to innovate

                                         “To make the drug discovery process more
                                          efficient and effective, researchers are
                                          increasingly using cell-based assays as a
                                          more biologically relevant approach. BD
                                          offers a 30-year history of cell analysis
                                          and a full range of tools, including flow
                                          cytometry, fluorescent reporter systems
The Pathway HT system targets
the field of high content cell analysis
                                          and research monoclonal antibodies.”
for the pharmaceutical, biotechnol-
ogy, academic and government
                                          – David Litman, Chief Technology Officer and Worldwide Vice President of Research & Development,
research markets.
                                           BD Biosciences

BD         Biosciences is building upon its leadership in cell           In flow cytometry, the BD FACSAria cell sorter was a
           analysis with the most extensive line of flow cyto-         key factor driving strong sales for BD and growing the size
metry instrumentation, addressing the broadest range of               of the flow cytometry market over the 2003-2004 period.
applications. That position is complemented by in vitro drug          The BD FACSAria cell sorter represents a revolutionary
candidate toxicity screening products from the Discovery              advancement in flow cytometry, not only through higher
Labware unit and cell signaling reagents from the Pharmingen          levels of performance, but also through ease of use and con-
unit. For scientists engaged in basic research or drug discovery,     venience as it requires no time-consuming optical alignment
this combination of competencies makes BD Biosciences a               or special room modifications.
supplier of choice.                                                      The 2004 acquisition of Atto Bioscience offers numerous
   A large part of BD Biosciences’ mission is to support bio-         synergies with the existing BD portfolio. It provides another
medical research by providing tools and technology to                 major instrument platform, in addition to our family of flow
scientists pursuing promising discoveries. That means the             cytometers, and expands our position in cell biology. It also
Company must offer leading-edge solutions – customers                 complements BD’s expertise in drug toxicity testing, which
demand it. There are several key drivers of innovation at BD:         remains a hurdle in the drug discovery process; it links well
   • Close relationships with leading researchers that stimulate      with Pharmingen’s expertise in fluorescent proteins; and it fits
      BD Biosciences’ own innovation.                                 well with Discovery Labware’s plates for imaging. In turn,
   • In-depth experience and technical insight that provide a         BD Biosciences’ worldwide reach provides the opportunity for
      solid base from which to launch innovation.                     Atto products to be sold well beyond their current U.S. focus.
   • Well-respected scientists and technologists who are disci-       A substantial majority of Atto’s business is in the U.S., so it
      plined in addressing the needs of the market.                   stands to gain from BD’s worldwide presence, sales and service.
   • A total systems approach – not only reagents or instru-          For drug companies involved in the high throughput screening
      ments, but the entire solution.                                 used for drug discovery, the Pathway HT system delivers high
                                                                      content analysis earlier in the process.

                                                                                                                                        page 19
Pursuing Our
Trusted Partners
Social responsibility and BD

This is the first time BD has added a separate section
highlighting social responsibility to its traditional Annual
Report. In doing so, we seek to communicate our long-
standing commitment to good corporate citizenship,
as well as the many ways that we are pursuing our
corporate purpose of helping all people live healthy lives.

BD works closely with nonprofit and other
organizations that share our purpose and vision. In
support of these organizations, our comprehensive
corporate giving effort includes financial resources,
BD products and services, gifts-in-kind, and the
talent, integrity and dedication of BD associates the
world over. Additional in-depth information about
our objectives, philosophy and activities is available
at our website at www.bd.com/citizenship/.
Vaccine development and
 research are focus of BD grants
 to Johns Hopkins University

New vaccines with the potential to ease some of the world’s    infectious agents. The BD grant provides equipment and
most serious public health problems hold tremendous prom-      reagents needed to evaluate the response of lymphocytes and
ise. The challenge of developing and evaluating those vac-     other immune cells to infections and immunizations.
cines demands an ongoing commitment to world-class               The Vaccine Evaluation Unit is funding a collaborative
immunology research.                                           effort to test the safety and efficacy of novel ways to
  BD has committed grants totaling $1.6 million in financial    deliver vaccines. Studies are being conducted using new
and other support to the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School        “microneedle” injection devices and other advanced vac-
of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, helping this lead-    cine delivery technologies developed by BD. These inno-
ing academic institution make progress in vaccine discovery    vations offer the potential to boost immune response and
and development. The grants establish the BD Immune            lower dosage volume for a wide range of existing and
Function Laboratory, a state-of-the-art facility for evalua-   emerging vaccines.
ting immune responses to infectious diseases and experimen-      Diane Griffin, M.D., Ph.D., and Chair of the Johns
tal vaccines. They also fund the Vaccine Evaluation Unit,      Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Department
a research collaboration to evaluate advanced BD devices       of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, commented
for the delivery of new vaccines.                              that, “The grants have dramatically expanded our capacity
  Investigators at the School of Public Health are utilizing   to look at important questions related to T-cell function for
the BD Immune Function Laboratory to work on new vac-          vaccine development and have enabled us to acquire new
cines for measles, dengue, HIV, malaria and other major        capacity for cell sorting.”
expanding the capacity
      to look at
   important questions…
the direction
        of children’s
    entire lives…
In Sandy, Utah, BD associates
 unite to give a gift with the
 power to transform a child’s life

Pete Allen went to Guayaquil, Ecuador, to change lives. After   sent medical teams to impoverished areas in third world
arriving, it took him only a split second to realize that his   countries to perform orthopedic, maxillofacial and dental
life, too, would be changed. About 1,000 parents and their      surgery on children. Allen joined the PPW board and in
children were waiting for him and the small team of sur-        2002 he made the trip to Ecuador.
geons from the U.S. What the parents wanted – desperately –       He returned to the BD Medical facility in Sandy not only
was help for their children, who suffered with clubfeet,        changed, but convinced that he could do more. With the
rickets and other congenital orthopedic problems. In the        support of senior management in Sandy, he organized a drive
next few days, the team operated on as many children as         to raise $12,500 among BD associates. If he was successful,
possible and, as Allen says, “changed the direction of their    BD would match that amount and the $25,000 would be
entire lives.”                                                  enough to send another team of surgeons to Ecuador.
  Allen is Platform Team Leader for Infusion Therapy at           In 2003, Sandy launched its drive – with enthusiasm.
BD Medical’s facility in Sandy, Utah, where infusion therapy,   Fundraising activities included a spaghetti dinner, volley-
medical-surgical products and antimicrobial products are        ball tournament and a giant garage sale. One BD associate
designed and manufactured. His experience in Ecuador            even volunteered to shave her head – and alone raised
actually started three years earlier when he learned about      $6,700 for her efforts. By the time the drive ended, BD in
the Project Perfect World Foundation, a nonprofit effort         Sandy raised $30,000, which BD matched for a total of
organized by a group of hospitals to improve the lives of       $60,000 – enough to send two teams to Ecuador. Both
underprivileged children in emerging countries. Every year      trips – in October of 2003 and 2004 – included a total of 10
since its founding in 1995, Project Perfect World (PPW) has     BD associates, selected from nearly 70 who applied to go.
mothers and infants
       from the
   “silent killer”

                      Photo credit: UNICEF
BD/U.S. Fund for UNICEF
 collaboration shows progress
 in the battle against MNT

In the late 1990’s, BD joined with UNICEF, making a corpo-       validated as having eliminated MNT, and in 2005 validation
rate commitment to aid in UNICEF’s efforts at eliminating        of elimination is expected in another eight countries. To date,
maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT), a preventable disease       33 out of 57 target countries have implemented activities to
often caused by unclean birthing practices. BD is the U.S.       eliminate MNT.
Fund for UNICEF’s first and largest corporate supporter of          41.5 million women of childbearing age have been pro-
MNT elimination, with a multi-year integrated strategy that      tected against tetanus so far. BD Uniject prefilled injection
includes cash grants, product donations, employee involve-       devices have been introduced in six countries, including
ment, field visits, matching gifts and promotional support.       Afghanistan. The BD Uniject device’s simplicity and ease of
  MNT, often known as the “silent killer,” affects new-          use enabled it to serve as a tool for lay healthcare providers
borns delivered at home under unsanitary conditions in           in that country – women who went door-to-door administer-
remote villages. Pregnant women are also at risk if deliveries   ing the vaccine despite restrictive cultural norms and armed
or other medical procedures are conducted in unhygienic          conflict. (The other BD injection device used in the campaign
conditions. Among the countries targeted are the 27 coun-        is the BD SoloShot auto-disable syringe.)
tries that account for over 90 percent of the cases of MNT         BD has donated $4 million in cash and 135 million auto-
reported worldwide.                                              disable injection devices in support of the MNT initiative.
  Substantial progress has been made in the five years since      The total commitment of $15 million makes BD the largest
the campaign was announced. In 2000, 220,000 newborns            single corporate donor to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF’s MNT
died from MNT, according to World Health Organization            campaign. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF reports that it has
estimates. That number has now been reduced by some              leveraged BD’s cash donation to raise an additional $2 mil-
70,000 annually. Six countries have been provisionally           lion from other donors.
Enterprise Profile

BD Biosciences                              BD Diagnostics                                BD Medical
BD Biosciences is one of the world’s        BD Diagnostics is a leading provider          BD Medical is among the world’s lead-
largest businesses focused on bringing      of products for the safe collection and       ing suppliers of medical devices. Since
innovative research and clinical tools to   transport of diagnostic specimens, and        opening the first manufacturing plant in
life scientists and clinicians. Our tools   of instrumentation for quick, accurate        the U.S. to produce syringes and needles
accelerate the pace of biomedical dis-      analysis for a broad range of microbiol-      in 1906, BD Medical has been at the
covery by enabling researchers to study     ogy and infectious disease testing. These     forefront of innovative device develop-
cells, and the components of cells, to      products provide the diagnostic industry      ment for injection and infusion-based
gain a better understanding of normal       with high quality, efficient arrays for the    drug delivery. BD Medical is a world
and disease processes. That critical        preanalytical activity of blood collection,   leader in providing safety-engineered
information is used to aid the discovery    and for routine microbiology and infec-       injection, infusion and surgery devices.
and development of new drugs and            tious disease testing.                           The primary markets served by
vaccines, and to improve the diagnosis         BD Diagnostics serves hospitals,           BD Medical are hospitals and clinics;
and management of diseases.                 laboratories and clinics; reference labora-   physicians’ office practices; consumers
    The primary markets served by           tories; blood banks; healthcare workers;      and retail pharmacies; public health
BD Biosciences are research and clinical    patients; physicians’ office practices; and    agencies; pharmaceutical companies;
laboratories; hospitals and transplant      industrial microbiology laboratories.         and healthcare workers.
centers; blood banks; and biotechno-           BD Diagnostics’ principal products            BD Medical’s principal product lines
logy and pharmaceutical companies.          and services are integrated systems for       include needles and syringes for medica-
    BD Biosciences’ principal product       evacuated blood collection; an extensive      tion delivery; IV catheters and infusion
lines include fluorescence activated         line of safety-engineered specimen col-       therapy products; insulin injection
cell sorters and analyzers; cell imaging    lection products and systems; plated          devices and blood glucose monitors for
systems, monoclonal antibodies and          media; automated blood culturing and          people with diabetes; surgical blades and
kits; reagent systems for life sciences     molecular testing systems; microorgan-        regional anesthesia needles; ophthalmic
research; products to aid in drug discov-   ism identification and drug susceptibility     surgery devices; sharps disposal contain-
ery and growth of tissue cells; and         systems; and healthcare consulting.           ers; and home healthcare products.
diagnostic assays.

Revenue in
millions of dollars
                                                      From left: William A. Kozy,
BD Biosciences                                        President, BD Diagnostics;
$723                                                  Vincent A. Forlenza, President,
                                                      BD Biosciences; Gary M. Cohen,
                                                      President, BD Medical

BD Diagnostics

BD Medical
Becton, Dickinson and Company

Financial Table of Contents                            Page
Ten-Year Summary of Selected Financial Data              22
Financial Review                                         24
Report of Management                                     37
Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm 37
Consolidated Statements of Income                        38
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income          39
Consolidated Balance Sheets                              40
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                    41
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements               42

                        U.S. Revenues                                 Non-U.S. Revenues                    Income from Continuing Operations
                        (Millions of Dollars)                         (Millions of Dollars)                (Millions of Dollars)

                        2500                                          2500

                        2000                                          2000

                        1500                                          1500


                        1000                                          1000

                        500                                           500

                        0                                             0
                                         01*† 02†                                     01*† 02†                          01*† 02†
                                  00                03   04                     00               03   04          00               03   04

                                                                      Diluted Earnings Per Share–
                        Return on Invested Capital                    Income from Continuing Operations    Dividends Per Common Share
                        (Percent)                                     (Dollars)                            (Dollars)

                        25                                                                                 0.6





                        0                                                                                  0.0
                                         01*† 02†                                                                       01*† 02†
                                                                                      01*† 02†
                                  00                03   04                                                       00               03   04
                                                                                00               03   04

                       * reflects the adoption of SAB 101
                       † reflects restatement for LIFO to FIFO (2001 and 2002 only)

                                                                                                                                               page 21

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  • 1. Innovating for impact 2004 Annual Report
  • 2. BD is a medical technology company that serves healthcare institutions, life science researchers, clinical laboratories, industry and the general public. BD manufactures and sells a broad range of medical supplies, devices, laboratory equipment and diagnostic products. Thousands of dollars, except per-share amounts Financial highlights 2004 2003 Change Operating results Revenues $4,934,745 $4,463,509 10.6% Income from continuing operations $ 582,504 $ 554,930 5.0% Diluted earnings per share, from continuing operations 2.21 2.10 5.2% Dividends per common share .60 .40 50.0%
  • 3. Edward J. Ludwig Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Achieving these objectives will enable us to make addi- tional investments to fuel our innovation and become a “great company.” A great company achieves great performance for its cus- tomers and shareholders. In the operational effectiveness story on pages two and three, we focus on the superb job BD associ- ates are doing in such areas as procurement, manufacturing, inventory management, distribution and customer service. A great company makes great contributions to society. We do this by providing innovations that impact the practices and delivery of healthcare worldwide. Hence, our theme for this year’s report is “Innovating for Impact.” A great company is a great place to work, where diverse groups of associates are highly engaged and continuously To our shareholders developing new skills and capabilities. Let’s look at each of these “Three Greats” as we assess our accomplishments in 2004: I am pleased to report that fiscal 2004 was another very good year for BD. Our performance provides clear evidence that Great operational performance the strategy we have been implementing over the past several Company revenues grew 11 percent overall (6 percent on a years continues to work. The Company achieved its operating currency-neutral basis) to $4.935 billion. Each of the three and strategic goals for 2004 and showed solid improvement segments contributed to this revenue growth. Our pro forma over 2003. gross profit margin increased 100 basis points to 50.2 percent, Our business strategy has two interrelated objectives that driven by our higher margin products, continuing successful we are continuing to drive: implementation of lean manufacturing, Six Sigma and process • First, we will develop, manufacture and market validation, and excellence in program management. Our drive innovative, high-quality medical devices that demon- for operating efficiencies is supported by our SAP-based enter- strably improve the lives of patients, healthcare prise resource planning system (named “Genesis”). workers and researchers. Pro forma net income from continuing operations increased • Second, we will achieve operating efficiencies that will 18 percent from 2003, reflecting our revenue growth and exceed customers’ demands and expand cash flow and improvement in our pro forma operating margin from 18 per- operating margins. cent to 19 percent. We generated over $1 billion in operating cash flow during the year and effectively managed our working capital and capi- tal expenditures.
  • 4. We returned $450 million to shareholders by repurchasing opportunities in the pharmaceutical drug discovery arena. We 9.6 million common shares and raised our quarterly dividend recorded a charge to reflect the net assets of Clontech at fair payout by 20 percent over 2004. At this rate, our 2005 divi- value and have classified the results of Clontech operations as dend payout is 80 percent higher than our 2003 payout. “discontinued operations” for all periods. Three significant transactions Great contributions to medical care: As noted in our reported results for fiscal 2004, there were Innovating for impact three significant transactions that occurred in the year that Revenue growth and new product launches provide indis- are unusual in nature and are, therefore, excluded from our putable evidence that we are innovating for impact. discussion of pro forma results. BD Medical revenues rose 9 percent (4 percent excluding In the first quarter of 2004, we implemented a voluntary foreign currency translation) to $2.7 billion. Sales of safety- recall of certain lots of our BD Test Strips associated with our engineered products worldwide grew 11 percent in this seg- blood glucose monitors. As always, patient care was our prior- ment, supported by next-generation safety products, such as ity. This recall is now fully behind us, and our blood glucose the BD Integra syringe, that provide more value than their monitor products are performing at the expected quality level. predecessors. New product lines, such as prefilled flush syringes In the third quarter, BD and Retractable Technologies, Inc. and auto-disable syringes, further contributed to revenue (RTI) agreed to settle their legal dispute. Settling this matter growth. In Diabetes Care, we are gaining traction with the enabled us to avoid protracted, distracting litigation and focus BD Logic and the Paradigm Link® blood glucose monitors. In our efforts on our core strategies. our final fiscal quarter, the blood glucose business reached an In the fourth quarter, BD announced plans to sell the annual run rate of $60 million. Additionally, the U.S. Food Clontech unit of our BD Biosciences segment. This transaction and Drug Administration has given clearance for people using allows BD Biosciences to direct resources toward higher growth the BD Logic and Paradigm Link® blood glucose monitors to Operational effectiveness: Total inventory turns (Per year) The complement to innovation 3.75 3.00 2.25 The focus of this annual report is innova- As the accompanying charts demonstrate, tion at BD. Innovation, however, is just one key performance metrics reflect the strides 1.50 dimension of overall Company performance. we’ve made in operational effectiveness over 0.75 For BD, operational effectiveness is equally the last few years. How are we achieving these 0.00 important. Innovation helps to drive top line improvements? Here are some examples: 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 revenue growth. Operational effectiveness Medical Surgical Systems’ three largest Cash flow from continuing operations not only impacts bottom line profit per- plants in Europe are matching production (Millions of dollars) formance, it also complements innovation and demand so well that, for the month of 1200 because of its focus on productivity, efficiency, September, total backorder was negligible. 960 resource utilization and customer satisfac- In the U.S., BD no longer conducts a costly 720 tion – all combining to drive competitive and time-consuming annual physical inven- 480 advantage. In my view, operational effective- tory – because overall inventory accuracy is ness feeds innovation, delights customers 99.9 percent (as measured by continuous 240 and rewards shareholders. cycle counts). Starting in 2005, the IT organi- 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 What exactly do we mean by operational zation is accelerating the pace of Six Sigma effectiveness? It’s the end-to-end process literacy. By 2007, we expect 100 percent of in lean manufacturing, Six Sigma and process that embraces everything from production IT associates worldwide to earn Six Sigma cer- validation. In addition to building core capabil- planning to order fulfillment, and all the tification, including certifications at the green- ities, the organization has focused on three activities that support that process, including belt, blackbelt and master blackbelt levels. broad-based initiatives: procurement, manufacturing, distribution The progress of recent years has been Genesis – Our SAP-based global enterprise and customer service. achieved through establishing core capabilities resource planning system is the enabler that is
  • 5. conduct alternate site testing when checking blood glucose lev- Bioscience, Inc., whose novel technologies for investigating bio- els. This is great news for people with diabetes, as the ability to chemical and physiological changes in living cells in real time test the palm or forearm provides a more convenient “best-in- are a good fit with BD Biosciences’ drug discovery portfolio. class” approach to checking blood glucose levels. We are confident that the products that contributed to our Sales of safety-engineered products also were a source of revenue growth will continue to serve our customers well in strength this year for BD Diagnostics, where revenues reached 2005 and beyond. $1.5 billion, up 12 percent (7 percent excluding foreign cur- Our drive for innovations with significant impact extends rency translation). Sales of safety-engineered products world- well beyond today’s products. We plan to increase our R&D wide increased 27 percent within BD Diagnostics. In addition, spending at a rate of 12 to 15 percent per year beginning in BD Diagnostics’ revenues were driven by strong demand for 2005. We are confident that this step-up in our spending will the BD ProbeTec ET system for amplified infectious disease yield exciting new innovations in advanced drug delivery, supe- testing, and a number of clinical accounts committed to con- rior diagnostic systems and new bioscience platforms in the vert to our BD Phoenix Automated Microbiology System years beyond 2007. after we launched it in the U.S. and Japan. BD Biosciences revenues grew 14 percent (9 percent Social responsibility – great companies are called to do more excluding foreign currency translation) to $723 million. The We are honored to work with great philanthropic institutions BD FACSAria cell sorter system represents the most successful such as The U.S. Fund for UNICEF, the International AIDS launch of a flow cytometer instrument in the 30-year history of Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), the American Red Cross and Project the business. Sales of flow cytometry reagents remained strong, HOPE. Together, we are addressing some of the most challeng- and the new BD FACSCanto benchtop cell analyzer received ing healthcare problems in the world, including maternal a highly positive reception in the marketplace. Looking to con- and neonatal tetanus, HIV/AIDS, measles and diabetes. BD is tinued growth in the future, BD Biosciences acquired Atto proud to share our time, resources and talents with these facilitating business process optimization. Company spending across businesses, sites fulfilling customer needs. Individual manufac- Genesis functions as the information back- and regions. North America distribution turing sites have always done a superb job. bone of the Company, putting information at costs as a percent of sales have been on The difference today is that each site is part of our fingertips and allowing us to see what is the decrease for the past three years. Sales a larger, two-stage manufacturing strategy happening throughout every stage in the and Operations Planning has come under that we call “the engine and the enterprise.” manufacturing and supply chain process. As a a new focus, and we are looking to drive to The engine is world-class manufacturing at result of this new capability, we have estab- a best-in-class process over the next three the site level. The second stage is contributing lished global metrics in the areas of forecast years. In customer service, we have reinvested to the enterprise and supporting the sales ful- accuracy, finished goods inventory turns and in a skills development program and driven fillment process because, at the end of the backorders that will push us to a best-in-class better service to customers by better aligning day, customers want the right product at the level of operational efficiencies. resources to key customer requirements. right time at the right place. Business processes – After completing Consolidation of customer service resources The common link among these initiatives Genesis, we established a Business Process is also paying dividends. Finally, we are re- is that superior performance in supply chain Organization to drive process optimization in evaluating our distribution networks in North logistics and business processes makes BD the areas of procurement, supply chain plan- America, Asia and Europe in an effort to easier to do business with and, thus, has a ning, distribution and customer service. We re-optimize our network to drive higher levels major impact on customer satisfaction. As is have seen marked operational improvements of customer satisfaction. true with innovation in the marketplace, BD’s in all of these areas. Five years ago, we Cultural change – BD associates are focus- operational effectiveness is having tremen- launched a procurement initiative that is ing on integrated processes rather than dous impact – and I am confident that in the delivering tremendous value. We put together isolated functions. Manufacturing, for exam- future we are only going to get better. a purchasing organization to leverage ple, now views itself as a key contributor to –Edward J. Ludwig
  • 6. “Trusted Partners” to improve the lives of those most in need. Northwestern University Medical Faculty Foundation, and Please refer to the special insert at page 16 to learn more about Frank A. Olson, Chairman Emeritus and retired Chief BD’s commitment to social responsibility. Executive Officer of the Hertz Corporation. Harry and Frank served BD shareholders for a combined 40 years and have greatly contributed to our success with their Building a great place to work: energizing and counsel and support. We will miss them and we wish them our developing our associates BD is able to achieve higher levels of operating effective- very best in all of their future endeavors. ness and drive new innovations in healthcare because of the Additionally, it is my pleasure to welcome two new execu- ever-increasing skills of our associates and the leadership tives from outside BD to our Leadership Team. Jeffrey Sherman, demonstrated by our executives around the world. our Vice President and General Counsel, joins us from Wyeth. BD University (BDU), our principal process for broadening Peter Natale, a Six Sigma master black belt, serves as Vice the skills and knowledge of BD associates, is closely aligned President and Chief Information Officer and joins us from with our business strategy. BDU is where we sharpen our General Electric. implementation and leadership skills. We learn lean manu- facturing, Six Sigma, program management, sales excellence, In summary: progress on the journey toward greatness engagement, inclusion and leadership. Our unique “leaders as 2004 marked a year of significant achievements and progress teachers” approach is gaining public recognition as a bench- on our journey toward greatness. I am proud to thank my mark for corporate learning and development. More than fellow associates – 25,000 strong, in nearly 50 countries around 500 BD leaders have been certified as teachers and more than the world – for their energy, talents and hard work on behalf 8,000 associates have participated in BDU courses. of the people we serve. Across the globe, BD is guided by our Our new long-term equity-based incentive program is Core Values in every aspect of our business: another way we align actions with our quest for greatness. The • We do what is right program was designed to reward associates based on perform- • We always seek to improve ance. This plan is being broadly implemented throughout • We accept personal responsibility the Company and focuses on rewarding successes in innovation • We treat each other with respect (measured by revenue growth) and operating effectiveness The opportunities to improve healthcare – to “Help All (measured by return on invested capital) over successive three- People Live Healthy Lives” – are extraordinary. Working year intervals. together with our trusted partners, all of us at BD will con- tinue to make a difference in people’s lives. Key management and Board developments We will stay the course we have set. The course might be BD has always been committed to pursuing outstanding a familiar one, but it will lead us to new and exciting places. corporate governance on behalf of our shareholders. Great We are committed to delivering ever more innovative health- corporate governance starts with outstanding, independent care solutions and outstanding operational performance in and committed board members. I am pleased to welcome service to our customers and shareholders. two new members to the BD Board of Directors: Basil L. Anderson, Vice Chairman of Staples, Inc., was elected to BD’s Board of Directors on March 23, 2004. He also serves on the Board of Directors of Staples, Inc., is a board member of Charles River Associates and chairs the audit committee of the Board of Directors of Hasbro, Inc. Gary A. Mecklenburg, President and Chief Executive Edward J. Ludwig Officer of Northwestern Memorial HealthCare, was elected Chairman, President and to the Board on November 23, 2004. Chief Executive Officer I would also like to thank our two retiring directors for their outstanding service and contributions. They are Harry N. Beaty, M.D., Emeritus Dean, Northwestern University Medical School and Chairman of the Board and President of the page 4
  • 7. For BD, this is the age of renaissance. The Company has entered what may be its most productive period so far for developing new and innovative products having the potential to impact major healthcare challenges around the world. Changes in vision, culture and process are energizing today’s BD associates and creating high potential opportunities for the future. Even better: This renaissance is just beginning.
  • 8. The BD Integra Syringe with retracting The BD Hypak prefilled BD PrecisionGlide needle is the first product syringe with BD Preventis of its type with a detachable needle, enabling automatic needle shield- clinicians to use different needles for aspiration ing system is the most and for administration of medication. widely used safety The BD Bard-Parker Protected Blade System system for prefilled represents one of the most sweeping syringes in the U.S. changes in surgical blades in the 90 years since surgical handles with replaceable blades were developed. Winged collection sets are an important device in blood collection, espe- cially for the elderly, children and those with fragile veins. To meet the needs of these patients while also helping to pro- tect healthcare workers from needlestick injuries, BD offers widely-used devices including the BD Vacutainer Safety-Lok Blood Collection Set. Seeking even more advanced protection for healthcare workers, BD has introduced the BD Vacutainer Push Button Blood Collection Set, designed with the specific goal of prevent- ing needlestick injuries during blood sample collection. Developed with extensive input from clinicians, this is the first semi-automatic winged needle set with next-generation features including intuitive, one- handed in-vein activation. The easier the device is to use, the more likely healthcare workers are to use it properly, thereby complying with safety guidelines and reducing injuries.
  • 9. Healthcare worker safety Leading the way “Advanced protection products are an $800 million business for BD in the U.S. Yet, we continually look at our line with an eye to developing new products or improving existing ones to meet changing clinical needs. The BD Vacutainer Push What’s more, the transition to safety Button Blood Collection Set is BD’s next-generation safety outside the U.S. is still ahead of us.” product in winged collection sets. –Melanie O’Neill, Vice President, Medical Surgical Systems BD offers the most complete line of advanced protection incorporates that same form and function in a reusable stain- products in the industry, with more than 300 indi- less-steel surgical handle. A clear plastic sliding shield that vidual catalog numbers. BD’s leadership role in the effort to locks with an audible click and tactile feedback differentiates protect healthcare workers from accidental sharps injuries is the BD product. When retracted for use, the shield becomes showing highly positive results. According to the EPINet an integral part of the handle. When the blade is covered, the TM computerized surveillance program, which tracks needlestick audible click and tactile feedback recur. The shield is easily injuries to nurses in the U.S., the injury rate fell 51 percent activated with one finger; however, the clinician must also overall between 1993 and 2001 (the most recent year for press down to release the shield. This combination of the two which figures are available). In fact, in eight of nine device motions ensures that the shield is not moved accidentally. categories tracked by EPINet, needlestick injuries to nurses The BD Bard-Parker Protected Blade System was launched fell at rates ranging from 55 to 100 percent. with the most popular size handle and blade sizes. BD is BD is advancing safety in blood collection with its adding to the line with a goal of offering blades and handles BD Vacutainer Push Button Blood Collection Set. It joins in all configurations and sizes. a wide range of safety-engineered blood collection devices, For ophthalmic surgery, BD expanded its line of safety- including the BD Vacutainer Eclipse Blood Collection Needle, engineered products this year with the introduction of the which is widely used in the U.S. and is also winning accept- BD Safety Knife with BD Xstar Blade. The single-use knife ance in Canada, Europe and Japan. features an integrated safety shield to protect the BD Xstar BD is also focusing attention on the operating room Blade, which is manufactured using a proprietary grindless with the launch of the BD Bard-Parker Protected Blade technology for sharpness and consistency. The integrated safety System. This product offering complements the shield is activated by the user through a spring-assisted slider BD Bard-Parker Protected Disposable Scalpel, introduced that provides tactile and audible feedback in the shielded and in 2001 as a safer alternative to conventional disposable unshielded positions. scalpels. The BD Bard-Parker Protected Blade System page 7
  • 10. Patient safety Do no harm “BD is a recognized leader in health- care worker safety. What is less known is that we have done just as much for patient safety and infection prevention, which are even bigger and broader issues. Our efforts go far beyond product solutions The BD Nexiva Closed IV Catheter System helps to services, training and advocacy with lower the risk of patient infection by reducing the public health policymakers.” potential for fluid path- way contamination. – Amber Hogan, Manager, Health Affairs P atient safety has been a focus of BD’s innovation for years, lowered because design features reduce the need for manipula- not only in the U.S. but around the world. For example, tion at the insertion site. Breakthrough products such as the BD in China launched an integrated catheter design that for the BD Nexiva CIVCS help to improve healthcare worker safety last several years has been one of the Company’s most success- through integrated sharps safety features. ful products in the Asia-Pacific region. The product signifi- The BD PosiFlush prefilled syringe is another significant cantly improved medical practice in China. Additional features innovation in IV therapy. The BD PosiFlush saline syringe is have now been added and the product has evolved into the the first syringe specifically designed with unique features to BD Nexiva Closed IV Catheter System (CIVCS). Great ideas enhance catheter maintenance protocols. Available with normal can – and do – come from everywhere. saline and heparin lock solutions, all BD PosiFlush prefilled BD is enhancing its leadership in patient safety with several syringes are latex and preservative-free, color-coded for easy current initiatives. Patient safety is a growing concern through- identification, and designed to significantly reduce blood reflux out the European community and most major world markets. and its associated complications. Many quality-based standards organizations are adding patient In another major area of patient safety – reducing errors safety to healthcare performance measures. in specimen collection and management – the BD.id Patient Bloodstream contamination introduced through IV therapy Identification System has been implemented by Norwalk is of particular concern. IV lines must be constantly maintained Hospital in Connecticut. The hospital chose the BD.id system to guard against bacteria and viruses when administering a based on its simplicity and its ability to minimize medical risk drug, cleaning the system or withdrawing blood. Open IV and address all potential failure points. The other two hospitals systems can temporarily expose the patient to airborne con- that have implemented the BD.id system – The Valley Hospital taminants. In Europe and Japan, many systems are perma- in Ridgewood, New Jersey and South Georgia Medical Center nently open, putting patients at greater risk. In addition to in Valdosta, Georgia – achieved close to a 100 percent reduction closing the fluid path, the BD Nexiva CIVCS incorporates in specimen collection errors. BD sharp needle technology and a patented cannula tipping Recognizing the importance of hand hygiene, BD plays process to help reduce the pain of insertion. The risk of other another role in patient safety by being the largest single-source patient complications – vein irritation and phlebitis – may be provider of surgical hand antiseptic products, including BD E-Z Care Rinseless, Brushless Antiseptic. page 8
  • 11. BD PosiFlush Prefilled Saline and Heparin The BD Q-Syte Closed Lock Flush syringes help protect both patient Luer Access device is an and healthcare worker and are the first deliv- IV access site that elimi- ery devices that BD is both manufacturing nates the need for nee- and filling. dles and can also help prevent bloodstream The BD.id Patient Identification infections through con- System – the first to fully integrate bar-coding tamination of IV lines. technology with specimen collection standards – is in its first in-hospital applications. Each year, nearly 2 million patients in the U.S. con- tract an infection while in a hospital. Of these, nearly 90,000 die as a result of their infections. BD seeks to reduce risks to patients and ensure that more people are sent home healthy. Unlike anything else on the market, the BD Nexiva Closed IV Catheter System (CIVCS) has the potential to change the way infusion therapy is delivered and to improve safety for patients as well as healthcare workers in hospital and non- acute care settings. The BD Nexiva CIVCS helps lower the risk of patient infection by reducing the potential for fluid pathway contamination. For healthcare workers, it reduces exposure to blood. It also provides them greater conven- ience and efficiency because it is the first system to integrate three separate IV compon- ents into a single, preassembled device.
  • 12. At 5 millimeters (3⁄16 inch), the BD Ultra-Fine III Mini Pen Needle is the shortest pen needle in the world and can be used safely by both children and adults. BD Ultra-Fine 33 Lancets are the thinnest The BD Ultra-Fine II Short Needle Insulin lancets available, an attribute that translates Syringe is scaled in half-unit markings, allow- into low pain for diabetes patients when they ing for precise dosage, and offers a short take a blood sample. (8-millimeter) needle. Worldwide, more than 180 million people cur- rently suffer from dia- betes, including 400,000 children. Poor dietary habits, obesity and sedentary lifestyles are also responsible for increasing the incidence of diabetes among adolescents worldwide. BD continues to respond to the needs of people with diabetes by provid- ing a wide range of tools and services to help them manage their disease. As one example, in North America, a recent inno- vation is the Paradigm Link® blood glucose mon- itor, powered by BD Logic technology. It is the first blood glucose monitor to provide wireless com- munication between a monitor and Medtronic’s “smart” Paradigm® insulin pumps. This inte- grated, easy-to-use system simplifies diabetes management: blood sugar monitoring and insulin dosing.
  • 13. Diabetes Improving quality of life “Diabetes is more prevalent than once thought. Cases could more than double between 2000 and 2030, according to the World Health Organization. A longtime leader in devices for insulin therapy, BD is well positioned The Paradigm Link® blood to link information management to glucose monitor (left), developed with Medtronic insulin delivery and glucose monitoring for use with a “smart” Paradigm® insulin pump to improve patient outcomes.” (right), won a 2004 Medical Design Excellence Award. —Bill Marshall, President, Diabetes Care A focus on higher value products, combined with Strengthening its traditional leadership in insulin delivery, business strategies aimed at growth, is the key driver BD brought to market two new insulin syringes featuring behind the faster pace of innovation across BD today. BD the thinnest insulin syringe needles available in the U.S. – is committed to developing products and systems – in both the 31-gauge BD Ultra-Fine II Short Needle Insulin Syringe insulin delivery and blood glucose monitoring – that will help and the 30-gauge BD Ultra-Fine Needle Insulin Syringe. improve diabetes management and the quality of life for The Company also introduced a 1ml version of its BD Integra those who have diabetes. syringe, which extends retracting technology to a smaller size BD is working to discover and develop novel approaches syringe that can be used for insulin delivery in a clinical setting, for the future and is teaming with external partners to broaden as well as other uses. its market presence. Today’s higher value diabetes management Renewing its long-term efforts in diabetes education, products are the Paradigm Link blood glucose monitor and BD is working with swimmer Gary Hall, Jr. – the winner of ® the BD Logic blood glucose monitor. Significantly, both prod- 10 Olympic medals – who has Type 1 diabetes. By teaming ucts have received clearance from the U.S. Food and Drug with Hall, BD seeks to inspire people with diabetes and Administration (FDA) for alternate site testing (off-finger), demonstrate that they can access the insulin injection products providing greater convenience for patients when checking and educational support they need to live healthy lives. blood glucose levels. Both feature a small sample size and In keeping with new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 5-second test time, and the Paradigm Link monitor is used recommendations for the safe home disposal of needles, lancets ® with “smart” Paradigm® pumps to greatly simplify the complex and syringes, BD offers the BD Sharps Disposal By Mail process of managing diabetes. Looking to the future, BD system for safe disposal of used insulin sharps. The BD Sharps continues to actively research more advanced approaches to Disposal By Mail system encompasses containment, storage, treating a disease that is spreading at an ever-faster rate, with transportation, disposal and tracking of sharps, all in one the ultimate goal of helping to find a cure. package. System materials are available in local pharmacies and include sharps containers, wrapping bags and postage-paid mailing boxes. page 11
  • 14. Infectious diseases Speed saves “In the U.S., hospital-acquired infections affect 2 million patients at a cost of $4.5 billion annually. The integration of the BD Phoenix system with the BD EpiCenter Data Management System and its novel software provides medical professionals with leading- The BD EpiCenter Microbiology edge clinical solutions to rapidly Data Management System inter- faces seamlessly with existing lab- detect and treat these infections.” oratory information systems and various BD microbiology systems. –John J. Meduri, Worldwide Strategy Center Director, Diagnostics Systems T he BD EpiCenter Microbiology Data Management System our competitors – with further expansion set for 2005. The and the instruments it coordinates could define the BD Phoenix system also offers technology for detecting emerg- integrated microbiology laboratory of the future. For infection ing antibiotic resistance through real-time biological testing, control administrators, pharmacists and other medical staff, which can help contain the spread of infectious diseases within the BD EpiCenter system provides exclusive data analysis that an institution. allows these professionals to monitor trends in their facilities A wider range of tests continues to drive worldwide and communicate information about these trends. From the growth of the BD ProbeTec ET system and solidify BD’s hospital’s perspective, it links the laboratory to medical deci- position as the global leader in amplified testing. BD received sions by improving the quality of information coming from U.S. FDA clearance for Legionella pneumophila in 2004. In the laboratory. The technology helps to curtail the spread of 2005, BD plans to expand its tests for atypical pneumonia drug-resistant “superbugs”– a growing problem for clinics and to include Mycoplasma pneumoniae and the Chlamydiacea hospitals – through rapid detection and diagnosis, providing family in Europe. Amplified atypical pneumonia tests pro- clinical solutions to medical professionals. vide additional diagnostic information to enable doctors to One of the instruments supported by the BD EpiCenter continue or modify therapy. Using tests may also reduce system is the BD Phoenix Automated Microbiology System. costs (for pharmaceuticals, length of hospital stay, testing Marking one of the most significant instrument launches and sample collection), lower the rate of antibiotic resistance for BD since the introduction of the BD ProbeTec ET system and improve patient outcomes. These molecular respiratory in 1998, the BD Phoenix system was introduced in the U.S. tests should complement the BD ProbeTec ET assays for and Japanese markets in late 2004 following a 2001 launch M. tuberculosis and other mycobacteria, which have been in Europe. sold outside the U.S. since 2000. The BD Phoenix system offers several competitive advan- In late 2005, BD plans to launch the next-generation tages, beginning with full automation requiring minimal BACTEC system, the BD BACTEC LX Microbial Detection manual intervention and the ability to deliver direct, reportable System. This system is designed to offer greater organism answers. In addition, BD’s multi-parameter determination recovery, faster time-to-detection, improved workflow, and (MPD) technology enables the BD Phoenix system to identify greater efficiency and flexibility. more than 300 organisms – about 50 percent more than page 12
  • 15. BD is developing its next-generation blood Applications for culturing instrument, the BD ProbeTec ET the BD BACTEC LX system are expand- Microbial Detection The BD Phoenix ing with U.S. FDA System, which will Automated Microbiology System rapidly clearance of a diagnostic test for Legionella utilize state-of-the-art identifies the bacteria infecting a patient pneumophila and the launch of three tests for laser technology and directs optimal therapy. It was launched atypical pneumonia in Europe and Asia-Pacific. and magnetic sam- in the U.S. and Japan in late 2004. ple agitation. A patient whose condi- tion is diagnosed rapidly and specifically can be treated more efficiently and, hopefully, will recover more quickly and fully than if the diagnosis is delayed. The BD EpiCenter Microbiology Data Management System is designed to be the information core of the advanced microbiology laboratory. To provide hospitals with rapid results despite today’s shortage of microbiol- ogists, the system streamlines specimen processing and facili- tates the consistent analysis of results from multiple technologists. Capturing, analyzing and presenting micro- biology data in a timely manner enables physi- cians, pathologists and infection control personnel to rapidly identify – and act against – emerging epi- demiology trends.
  • 16. The newly developed Expected to reach the BD SoloMed syringe is market in early 2005, intended for the acute the BD SoloShot VX-2 care environment in devel- syringe permits variable oping countries. An extra dosing, enables medi- BD MultiTEST immuno-fluorescence reagents, push after use breaks the cation to be reconstituted, together with BD TruCOUNT tubes, provide a plunger, preventing reuse. and automatically locks reliable and reproducible method for CD4 count- BD will also offer a safety- after injection. ing used to manage clinical care for persons shielded version. infected with HIV. In 2003, AIDS claimed almost 3 million lives around the world and nearly 5 million more people became newly infected with HIV. Young people – ages 15 to 24 – account for nearly half of all new HIV infections worldwide. Despite signs of progress in funding, political commitment and access to treatment, the AIDS pandemic requires an extraordinary accelera- tion in global response. BD is answering this call by providing front- line products that are making contributions ranging from prevention to therapeutic monitor- ing. But if there is to be greater headway in this battle against HIV/AIDS, it will come through research and advanced diagnostics. The BD FACSCanto sys- tem serves as a powerful tool for researchers and clinicians seeking to understand this disease and the immune system.
  • 17. HIV/AIDS Passion confronts pandemic “The HIV/AIDS pandemic is the world’s largest healthcare issue today. More than 20 million people have died, 42 million more are living with it and the number infected rises daily. BD possesses products, technologies and knowledge to The BD FACSCanto system make a difference – backed by a passion adapts high performance BD FACSAria cell sorter tech- for helping all people live healthy lives.” nology to a “workhorse” analyzer for the clinical and – Krista Thompson, Vice President and General Manager, HIV/AIDS clinical research markets. BD ’s highly sophisticated instruments–such as the healthcare workers from the transmission of HIV and other BD FACSCanto system introduced in 2004 – enable diseases through accidental injuries caused by contaminated researchers to better understand HIV/AIDS, which will needles. BD Diagnostics technologies are used to diagnose and hopefully lead someday to the development of an effective monitor many infectious diseases associated with HIV/AIDS. vaccine. BD also produces basic, but highly precise, Notable among these is the BD BACTEC MGIT 960, which products – for example, the auto-disable BD SoloShot VX shortens the time required for detection and susceptibility test- and BD SoloMed syringes – that are critical in light of ing of tuberculosis, a leading killer of AIDS patients globally. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 40 percent The Company is also broadening its global infrastructure with of all injections in the developing world are given with previ- additional on-the-ground resources in Europe and Africa. ously used devices. Additionally, it is estimated that reused BD will seek to expand its role as a supplier and resource devices cause 260,000 HIV/AIDS infections annually. for government health ministries and public health agencies Sophisticated research as well as basic clinical technologies around the world, while also maintaining its philanthropic represent the broad spectrum of BD innovations focused on activities in the HIV/AIDS arena, through, for example, dona- combating HIV/AIDS. As Krista Thompson, named to lead tions to the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI). In a the HIV/AIDS strategy across BD, says, “It takes innovation new collaboration, BD is working with the William J. Clinton to make things simple and affordable. We tend to think of Presidential Foundation to provide the developing world with innovation as highly technical and complex, but in order to affordable monitoring technologies for CD4 testing. battle this disease we need to get appropriate products to the Thompson makes two additional observations about BD people who need them.” and its role in the battle against HIV/AIDS. First, BD is look- In working toward a coordinated HIV/AIDS strategy, BD ing at HIV/AIDS as a disease state – that is, thinking about it is seeking to leverage the research, prevention and diagnostic holistically and bringing all of its resources to bear in much tools that it provides in each of its three business segments. the same way it approaches diabetes. Second, she says, this Examples include BD FastImmune reagents along with flow will be a long battle for the world. “With a combination of cytometers from BD Biosciences, used by HIV vaccine research- philanthropic and sustainable business efforts, BD can marshal ers to assess immune response. BD Medical provides advanced both current technologies and future innovations in a concerted protection devices that prevent reuse and help safeguard effort to help defeat HIV/AIDS.” page 15
  • 18. Immunization Global reach “BD devices have immunized billions of people in the developing world because they’re simple, reliable, eco- nomical and can’t be reused. Behind the scenes is an equally significant contribution – BD people working The BD SoloShot IX and BD SoloShot LX auto- directly with local public health disable syringes expand the BD SoloShot family to authorities and educating and train- five color-coded syringes for easy identification. ing indigenous healthcare providers.” – Gary Henniger, Director, Operations, Emerging Markets Injection Safety, BD Medical I nnovation rarely comes to Afghanistan, Mali, Rwanda and address safe injection practices and provide solutions. dozens of other developing countries. When it does – in the Additionally, BD’s worldwide manufacturing expertise contin- form of deceptively simple, inexpensive injection devices – it’s ues to enable the Company to produce devices at moderate easy to overlook. But what can’t be overlooked is the impact prices that support the sustainability of long-term immuniza- of auto-disable injection technology, not only in getting vac- tion programs. cines to remote and rugged areas, but also in making progress In the future, newer devices using advanced medical tech- against unsafe immunization practices that risk transmitting nology promise to make immunizations even more effective. blood-borne pathogens. One such device, still under development, is the BD Intradermal Teaming with the World Health Organization (WHO) Delivery System. Its tiny microneedle penetrates the intradermal and other international health agencies, BD developed the layer immediately under the outermost epidermal skin layer. first auto-disable devices in the 1980s. Initially, high cost BD scientists have found that certain drugs delivered at this threatened to curtail widespread use. BD responded by focus- layer get into the blood stream faster and at lower doses than ing its manufacturing expertise on simple designs that drove standard injections. The microneedle itself is a major innova- the cost of each device down significantly. Over the years, in tion, as thin as a human hair and as short as 1 millimeter. excess of 2.5 billion immunizations have been administered Those characteristics make it nearly pain-free, less threatening using BD SoloShot devices alone. and easy to use. In its ongoing effort to make injections safe, BD is leveraging After smallpox emerged as a bioterror threat, BD drew its global reach and resources. BD engineers and BD scientists on its bank of knowledge and experience to release the in India, China, Singapore, Brazil, Spain and the U.S. all BD Bifurcated Needle for administering smallpox vaccine contributed to BD’s portfolio of devices for safer injection, in mass immunization campaigns and emergency response including devices for clinical uses beyond immunization, for situations. Given BD’s commitment to preventing needlestick emerging countries. BD’s global presence gives the Company injuries, the next step was to create a safety-engineered on-the-ground support capabilities in Asia, Africa and Latin version. Based on proven BD Eclipse technology, that device – America. The Company has also collaborated with a global the BD Eclipse Bifurcated Needle with Safety Shield – features consortium of international agencies, government agencies, single-handed activation, is easy to use and is economical. nongovernmental organizations and industry leaders to page 16
  • 19. The BD Eclipse Bifurcated The BD Uniject prefill Needle with Safety injection device is a Shield brings BD Eclipse single-use system, pre- The BD Intradermal Delivery safety shielding to a nee- venting needle reuse System features a tiny microneedle the dle designed for delivery and eliminating the width of a human hair. Studies have shown that of smallpox vaccine in need for filling syringes delivery to the skin’s intradermal layer can make large-scale campaigns or from vials. Its innovative design allows for certain drugs more effective. emergency responses. fast and easy injections, while the com- pact size allows easy transport, storage and disposal. According to World Health Organization estimates, in the year 2000 alone, reused medical devices led to 260,000 new cases of HIV/AIDS, 2 million hepatitis C infections and 21 million hepatitis B infections. Mass immu- nization programs repre- sent 10 percent of all injections administered in the developing world. BD is expanding its reuse prevention efforts to help address the other 90 percent of injections administered to give other medical care. The BD SoloShot IX and BD SoloShot LX auto-disable syringes expand BD’s array of auto-disable devices for protecting children and adults from unsafe injec- tions. The BD SoloShot IX features a color-coded plunger based on ISO standards for quick, sure identification of the correct device. The BD SoloShot LX is for the tuberculosis vaccine and other low-dose vaccines.
  • 20. Compact and easy to use, the BD FACSAria cell sorter represents the most successful launch of a sorter in the history of the flow cytometry industry. BD recently enhanced its cytometric BD Gentest hepatocytes bead array (CBA) line with the launch are liver cells used by pharmaceutical com- of a CBA Flex Set that allows investiga- panies to test the safety of developmental tors to custom configure their assays drugs. Novel BD Falcon Flip-Lock packaging for greater sensitivity. maintains cell quality during shipping. Newly developed medi- cines can make a vast difference in quality of life. Often, patients just want to get back to doing normal, daily tasks. Remarkably, only one among many thousands of screened compounds ultimately receives FDA approval to become a new medicine. It takes an estimated $800 million or more, and an average of 10 to 15 years, to develop a new drug. The Pathway HT imaging system is designed to provide high resolution images for use in developing cell- based assays, making drug discovery more effective and efficient, and helping to get new drugs to patients faster. The system became part of BD Biosciences’ drug discovery product port- folio as a result of BD’s 2004 acquisition of Atto Bioscience. Its ability to investigate living cells in real time holds the potential to accelerate the pace at which new medicines can be developed.
  • 21. Drug discovery Enabling others to innovate “To make the drug discovery process more efficient and effective, researchers are increasingly using cell-based assays as a more biologically relevant approach. BD offers a 30-year history of cell analysis and a full range of tools, including flow cytometry, fluorescent reporter systems The Pathway HT system targets the field of high content cell analysis and research monoclonal antibodies.” for the pharmaceutical, biotechnol- ogy, academic and government – David Litman, Chief Technology Officer and Worldwide Vice President of Research & Development, research markets. BD Biosciences BD Biosciences is building upon its leadership in cell In flow cytometry, the BD FACSAria cell sorter was a analysis with the most extensive line of flow cyto- key factor driving strong sales for BD and growing the size metry instrumentation, addressing the broadest range of of the flow cytometry market over the 2003-2004 period. applications. That position is complemented by in vitro drug The BD FACSAria cell sorter represents a revolutionary candidate toxicity screening products from the Discovery advancement in flow cytometry, not only through higher Labware unit and cell signaling reagents from the Pharmingen levels of performance, but also through ease of use and con- unit. For scientists engaged in basic research or drug discovery, venience as it requires no time-consuming optical alignment this combination of competencies makes BD Biosciences a or special room modifications. supplier of choice. The 2004 acquisition of Atto Bioscience offers numerous A large part of BD Biosciences’ mission is to support bio- synergies with the existing BD portfolio. It provides another medical research by providing tools and technology to major instrument platform, in addition to our family of flow scientists pursuing promising discoveries. That means the cytometers, and expands our position in cell biology. It also Company must offer leading-edge solutions – customers complements BD’s expertise in drug toxicity testing, which demand it. There are several key drivers of innovation at BD: remains a hurdle in the drug discovery process; it links well • Close relationships with leading researchers that stimulate with Pharmingen’s expertise in fluorescent proteins; and it fits BD Biosciences’ own innovation. well with Discovery Labware’s plates for imaging. In turn, • In-depth experience and technical insight that provide a BD Biosciences’ worldwide reach provides the opportunity for solid base from which to launch innovation. Atto products to be sold well beyond their current U.S. focus. • Well-respected scientists and technologists who are disci- A substantial majority of Atto’s business is in the U.S., so it plined in addressing the needs of the market. stands to gain from BD’s worldwide presence, sales and service. • A total systems approach – not only reagents or instru- For drug companies involved in the high throughput screening ments, but the entire solution. used for drug discovery, the Pathway HT system delivers high content analysis earlier in the process. page 19
  • 22. Pursuing Our PURPOSE Trusted Partners Social responsibility and BD This is the first time BD has added a separate section highlighting social responsibility to its traditional Annual Report. In doing so, we seek to communicate our long- standing commitment to good corporate citizenship, as well as the many ways that we are pursuing our corporate purpose of helping all people live healthy lives. BD works closely with nonprofit and other organizations that share our purpose and vision. In support of these organizations, our comprehensive corporate giving effort includes financial resources, BD products and services, gifts-in-kind, and the talent, integrity and dedication of BD associates the world over. Additional in-depth information about our objectives, philosophy and activities is available at our website at www.bd.com/citizenship/.
  • 23. Vaccine development and research are focus of BD grants to Johns Hopkins University New vaccines with the potential to ease some of the world’s infectious agents. The BD grant provides equipment and most serious public health problems hold tremendous prom- reagents needed to evaluate the response of lymphocytes and ise. The challenge of developing and evaluating those vac- other immune cells to infections and immunizations. cines demands an ongoing commitment to world-class The Vaccine Evaluation Unit is funding a collaborative immunology research. effort to test the safety and efficacy of novel ways to BD has committed grants totaling $1.6 million in financial deliver vaccines. Studies are being conducted using new and other support to the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School “microneedle” injection devices and other advanced vac- of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, helping this lead- cine delivery technologies developed by BD. These inno- ing academic institution make progress in vaccine discovery vations offer the potential to boost immune response and and development. The grants establish the BD Immune lower dosage volume for a wide range of existing and Function Laboratory, a state-of-the-art facility for evalua- emerging vaccines. ting immune responses to infectious diseases and experimen- Diane Griffin, M.D., Ph.D., and Chair of the Johns tal vaccines. They also fund the Vaccine Evaluation Unit, Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Department a research collaboration to evaluate advanced BD devices of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, commented for the delivery of new vaccines. that, “The grants have dramatically expanded our capacity Investigators at the School of Public Health are utilizing to look at important questions related to T-cell function for the BD Immune Function Laboratory to work on new vac- vaccine development and have enabled us to acquire new cines for measles, dengue, HIV, malaria and other major capacity for cell sorting.”
  • 24. …dramatically expanding the capacity to look at important questions…
  • 25. …changing the direction of children’s entire lives…
  • 26. In Sandy, Utah, BD associates unite to give a gift with the power to transform a child’s life Pete Allen went to Guayaquil, Ecuador, to change lives. After sent medical teams to impoverished areas in third world arriving, it took him only a split second to realize that his countries to perform orthopedic, maxillofacial and dental life, too, would be changed. About 1,000 parents and their surgery on children. Allen joined the PPW board and in children were waiting for him and the small team of sur- 2002 he made the trip to Ecuador. geons from the U.S. What the parents wanted – desperately – He returned to the BD Medical facility in Sandy not only was help for their children, who suffered with clubfeet, changed, but convinced that he could do more. With the rickets and other congenital orthopedic problems. In the support of senior management in Sandy, he organized a drive next few days, the team operated on as many children as to raise $12,500 among BD associates. If he was successful, possible and, as Allen says, “changed the direction of their BD would match that amount and the $25,000 would be entire lives.” enough to send another team of surgeons to Ecuador. Allen is Platform Team Leader for Infusion Therapy at In 2003, Sandy launched its drive – with enthusiasm. BD Medical’s facility in Sandy, Utah, where infusion therapy, Fundraising activities included a spaghetti dinner, volley- medical-surgical products and antimicrobial products are ball tournament and a giant garage sale. One BD associate designed and manufactured. His experience in Ecuador even volunteered to shave her head – and alone raised actually started three years earlier when he learned about $6,700 for her efforts. By the time the drive ended, BD in the Project Perfect World Foundation, a nonprofit effort Sandy raised $30,000, which BD matched for a total of organized by a group of hospitals to improve the lives of $60,000 – enough to send two teams to Ecuador. Both underprivileged children in emerging countries. Every year trips – in October of 2003 and 2004 – included a total of 10 since its founding in 1995, Project Perfect World (PPW) has BD associates, selected from nearly 70 who applied to go.
  • 27. …protecting mothers and infants from the “silent killer” … Photo credit: UNICEF
  • 28. BD/U.S. Fund for UNICEF collaboration shows progress in the battle against MNT In the late 1990’s, BD joined with UNICEF, making a corpo- validated as having eliminated MNT, and in 2005 validation rate commitment to aid in UNICEF’s efforts at eliminating of elimination is expected in another eight countries. To date, maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT), a preventable disease 33 out of 57 target countries have implemented activities to often caused by unclean birthing practices. BD is the U.S. eliminate MNT. Fund for UNICEF’s first and largest corporate supporter of 41.5 million women of childbearing age have been pro- MNT elimination, with a multi-year integrated strategy that tected against tetanus so far. BD Uniject prefilled injection includes cash grants, product donations, employee involve- devices have been introduced in six countries, including ment, field visits, matching gifts and promotional support. Afghanistan. The BD Uniject device’s simplicity and ease of MNT, often known as the “silent killer,” affects new- use enabled it to serve as a tool for lay healthcare providers borns delivered at home under unsanitary conditions in in that country – women who went door-to-door administer- remote villages. Pregnant women are also at risk if deliveries ing the vaccine despite restrictive cultural norms and armed or other medical procedures are conducted in unhygienic conflict. (The other BD injection device used in the campaign conditions. Among the countries targeted are the 27 coun- is the BD SoloShot auto-disable syringe.) tries that account for over 90 percent of the cases of MNT BD has donated $4 million in cash and 135 million auto- reported worldwide. disable injection devices in support of the MNT initiative. Substantial progress has been made in the five years since The total commitment of $15 million makes BD the largest the campaign was announced. In 2000, 220,000 newborns single corporate donor to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF’s MNT died from MNT, according to World Health Organization campaign. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF reports that it has estimates. That number has now been reduced by some leveraged BD’s cash donation to raise an additional $2 mil- 70,000 annually. Six countries have been provisionally lion from other donors.
  • 29. Enterprise Profile BD Biosciences BD Diagnostics BD Medical BD Biosciences is one of the world’s BD Diagnostics is a leading provider BD Medical is among the world’s lead- largest businesses focused on bringing of products for the safe collection and ing suppliers of medical devices. Since innovative research and clinical tools to transport of diagnostic specimens, and opening the first manufacturing plant in life scientists and clinicians. Our tools of instrumentation for quick, accurate the U.S. to produce syringes and needles accelerate the pace of biomedical dis- analysis for a broad range of microbiol- in 1906, BD Medical has been at the covery by enabling researchers to study ogy and infectious disease testing. These forefront of innovative device develop- cells, and the components of cells, to products provide the diagnostic industry ment for injection and infusion-based gain a better understanding of normal with high quality, efficient arrays for the drug delivery. BD Medical is a world and disease processes. That critical preanalytical activity of blood collection, leader in providing safety-engineered information is used to aid the discovery and for routine microbiology and infec- injection, infusion and surgery devices. and development of new drugs and tious disease testing. The primary markets served by vaccines, and to improve the diagnosis BD Diagnostics serves hospitals, BD Medical are hospitals and clinics; and management of diseases. laboratories and clinics; reference labora- physicians’ office practices; consumers The primary markets served by tories; blood banks; healthcare workers; and retail pharmacies; public health BD Biosciences are research and clinical patients; physicians’ office practices; and agencies; pharmaceutical companies; laboratories; hospitals and transplant industrial microbiology laboratories. and healthcare workers. centers; blood banks; and biotechno- BD Diagnostics’ principal products BD Medical’s principal product lines logy and pharmaceutical companies. and services are integrated systems for include needles and syringes for medica- BD Biosciences’ principal product evacuated blood collection; an extensive tion delivery; IV catheters and infusion lines include fluorescence activated line of safety-engineered specimen col- therapy products; insulin injection cell sorters and analyzers; cell imaging lection products and systems; plated devices and blood glucose monitors for systems, monoclonal antibodies and media; automated blood culturing and people with diabetes; surgical blades and kits; reagent systems for life sciences molecular testing systems; microorgan- regional anesthesia needles; ophthalmic research; products to aid in drug discov- ism identification and drug susceptibility surgery devices; sharps disposal contain- ery and growth of tissue cells; and systems; and healthcare consulting. ers; and home healthcare products. diagnostic assays. Revenue in millions of dollars From left: William A. Kozy, BD Biosciences President, BD Diagnostics; $723 Vincent A. Forlenza, President, BD Biosciences; Gary M. Cohen, President, BD Medical BD Diagnostics $1,532 BD Medical $2,680
  • 30. Becton, Dickinson and Company Financials Financial Table of Contents Page Ten-Year Summary of Selected Financial Data 22 Financial Review 24 Report of Management 37 Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm 37 Consolidated Statements of Income 38 Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income 39 Consolidated Balance Sheets 40 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 41 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 42 U.S. Revenues Non-U.S. Revenues Income from Continuing Operations (Millions of Dollars) (Millions of Dollars) (Millions of Dollars) 600 2500 2500 500 2000 2000 400 1500 1500 300 1000 1000 200 500 500 100 0 0 0 01*† 02† 01*† 02† 01*† 02† 00 03 04 00 03 04 00 03 04 Diluted Earnings Per Share– Return on Invested Capital Income from Continuing Operations Dividends Per Common Share (Percent) (Dollars) (Dollars) 2.5 25 0.6 0.5 2.0 20 0.4 1.5 15 0.3 1.0 10 0.2 0.5 5 0.1 0.0 0 0.0 01*† 02† 01*† 02† 01*† 02† 00 03 04 00 03 04 00 03 04 * reflects the adoption of SAB 101 † reflects restatement for LIFO to FIFO (2001 and 2002 only) page 21