Incorporating our Payroll Deduction POS Software, ArbaRapidPay, has been shown to increase employee participation and sales for retail and food service operations by upwards of 25%. POS integration plays a key role in the overall functionality of point-of-sale software, and ARBA has taken note of these necessities. ArbaRapidPay integrates your payroll deduction purchases with your POS register sales for ease of documentation and reporting. Allowing managers to have an easier time responding to sales data insights will bolster your locations' selling capabilities. Our integrated software extends to your POS inventory items as well, and automatic on-hand quantity updates to your inventory will be achievable after each POS transaction. These once very tedious tasks are now automated with ARBA, saving managers time and expediting their return on investment for their POS software.
Visit for more information on the latest POS software upgrades and enhancements!
2. Implementation Process
ArbaRapidPay reports on the payroll deduction data in order to be beneficial to both
business and HR staff
ARBA trains you on using of the system, increases your understanding of the system,
and empowers you to use the system
The process is automated based on what best fits into your payroll cycle
ArbaRapidPay is configured to create and receive files in formats intended to lessen the
need for ERP programming and support
File and Process Specifications are developed based on the needs and capabilities of
your ERP system and processes
3. Ease of Implementation
ARBA begins with your ERP system’s demands
and capabilities
The ARBAPRO payroll deduction process
interfaces with your system without needing direct
interaction with your ERP system
Lessens your programming and support needs
Provides automation and assurance that the files
are there when you need them
4. Three Files
Employee Import Census File – Populates ARBA with
customer information to allow for record keeping and badge
swipes at the point of sale. Also manages terminated and
on-leave employees.
Deduction Export File – Provides Payroll with employee
information and balances to be deducted.
Balance Reduction (Post-off) File – Reconciles the
deductions from ARBA with actual amounts deducted by
Payroll, reduces employees' balances in ARBA, and allows
ARBA to maintain any arrearages and report discrepancies.
5. Configuration Capabilities
Versatile file criteria with 20+ possible unique
Flexible file content and format configurations
Multiple employee types configurable with
separate export dates and credit limits, and
monthly or weekly export cycles
Full balance and split payment export options
6. From Point of Sale to Postoff
receives the Employee
Import Census File to
update the employee
ID Badge is swiped at
the point of sale
ARBA displays
employee name and
Sale is tendered as a
payroll deduction
Sale is accepted if
sufficient credit is
ARBA records the
transactions, reports
on the data, and
updates current
ARBA exports
employee balances
with the configured
interval and format
Payroll receives the file
and processes the
Payroll provides ARBA
with the Post-off file to
reduce balances and
maintain arrearages
7. Reports Sampling
Daily Media
Daily Transactions
Employees Termed with Balance
Postoff Discrepancy
Customer List (name, limit, last payment, & current
Customer Detail (above + individual transaction
and payment amounts for each employee)
8. Optional Fundraiser Module
Separates fundraiser data from regular payroll
Able to export multiple or consolidated files,
either separate or combined with regular
payroll deductions
Fundraisers configured individually, with
unique time periods, credit limits, and