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Architecting for
Microservices Part 2
Denver Code Club Meetup Bill Schwanitz, Technical Architect
December 15, 2016 Craig Martin, Vice President of Engineering
• Microservices (isn’t that what we are here
• What is a microservice?
• Zuul
• Eureka
• Hystrix
• Archaius
• Million Song Library code walkthrough
• Build Million Song Library
An overview of Microservices
• N number of modular components joined
together via the network.
• Decomposed by units of business or functionality
• Combined makes up an entire backend system
• Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
• Code with a singleness of purpose
• Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
• No client should be forced to depend on
methods it does not use
• Service grouped by business domain area or
• Many standalone “vertical” stack focused on a
single domain
Architecting for Microservices Part 2
• Netflix OSS
• “Gatekeeper”
• Makes endpoints available
• Main use cases
Auth-N (not Auth-z)
• Groovy and Java
Filters in Groovy
• Performance
• Forgetting to open endpoints
• Logging
• “Pre” filter - First line of defence
Check URL (Sitemap)
Data Transformation
• “routing” filters
Endpoint Mapping
Service Discovery
• “post” filters
Data transformation
• “static” filters
MSL server/msl-zuul:
Zuul - How does it
Lessons Learned
• Keep it lightweight
• Can be used for
Other Options
• NginX
• ELBs
• API Gateway
• Netflix OSS Service Registry
• Used for “discovery”
• Heartbeat of the application
• Why not use ELBs?
Fewer IPs
Compromise Security
• Replicated across regions
• Load balancing
• “Push” heartbeat monitoring
• Only works with
• Performance
• Scalability
Other Options
• Containerization
• Consul
• ELBs
What is it?
• Eureka Client
Registers with Eureka Server
Part of the bootstrap process
Routinely updates
• Eureka Server
Maintains mapping of VIPs to IPs
Round Robin Load Balancing
Netflix OSS Service Registry
• Typically abstract discovery via
Ribbon Client
Best Practices
• Discovery shouldn’t be a dev
• Single point of failure
• Scale “correctly”
How it works.
Hystrix - What is it?
Controls the interactions between
distributed services, by:
• Adding latency tolerance logic
• Adding fault tolerance logic
• Isolating points of access between the
• Stopping cascading failures across
• Providing fallback options
Hystrix - Why?
Compared to Monolithic applications,
Microservices strongly rely upon networks.
So failure detection and manipulation logic
is essential.
Normal function (Closed)
When a system is functioning smoothly
Failure state (Open)
At this juncture, every call to the dependency is short-circuited with a
HystrixRuntimeException, giving clear indication of its cause.
Half-open state
Once the sleep Interval passes, Hystrix checks system availability, letting other
requests fail-fast until the response is obtained. If the call is successful, go to
Closed; in case of failure, go back to Open
Hystrix - How?
● Wrapping all external calls in a HystrixCommand or HystrixObservableCommand
● Timing-out calls when needed.
● Maintaining a small thread-pool for each dependency (monitor load)
● Measuring successes, failures , timeouts, and thread rejections.
● Tripping a circuit-breaker to stop all requests to a particular service for a period of time
● Performing fallback logic when a request fails, is rejected, times-out, or short-circuits.
● Monitoring metrics and configuration changes in near real-time.
For Additional information:
Java library that provides APIs
to access and utilize properties
that can change dynamically at
runtime. It includes the following
● Dynamic, Typed Properties
● High throughput and Thread Safe
Configuration operations
● A polling framework that allows users to
obtain property changes to a
Configuration Source
● Allows retrieval of properties from local
properties files or a properties server
○ Darchaius.configurationSource.additi
○ Darchaius.configurationSource.additi
● Automatically updates to all servers
Million Song
• Java 8
• Netflix OSS (Eureka, Hystrix, Zuul,
• Datastax (Cassandra)
• Swagger
Backend Tech
Platform Tech
• Maven
• Docker
• Spinnaker
Documentation Tech
• Swagger
• Ascii Docs
Time to Look at Some Code
Netflix OSS
• Zuul
• Eureka
• Hystrix
• Archaius
Zuul - Example of Zuul
Configuration -
• In MSL, we configure Zuul via
the pom.xml and Archaius
• So here you see the
Zuul runs in jetty
We can supply additional
configuration via
Zuul will listen on port
Zuul - Example of Zuul
Configuration - properties
• In MSL, we configure Zuul via
the pom.xml and Archaius
Locations of the pre, routing
and post filters
Allowable and default
Configuration for one of
those clients
• And an example of a URL
Notice it goes to port 9000
Has the client name
Then the rest of the URL is
the URI to the client
• So Zuul redirects this request to
Example URL:
Eureka Example
• Registration
Tell Eureka Server that a
new instance of a
microservice has
Needs eureka properties
Needs Karyon to be
Handles routine
heartbeat from client
to server
• Healthcheck
Allows Eureka Server to
check if instance is still
up and running
Eureka Server will
remove any down
Karyon Startup:
KaryonServer server = new KaryonServer();
Healthcheck ReST Endpoint:
public class HealthCheckResource {
public Response healthcheck() {
return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).build();
Hystrix example
• Create a subclass of
• The command group key
groups commands for
configuration, thread pooling,
• Override the run() method
• Optionally override the
getFallback() method
• Instantiate your command
• Call its execute() method
class ValidateAccountCommand extends HystrixCommand<Boolean>
private Account account;
protected ValidateAccountCommand(Account account) {
this.account = account;
protected Boolean run() throws Exception {
return AccountValidator.isValid(account);
protected Boolean getFallback() {
return false;
public Boolean save(Account account) throws Exception {
return (new ValidateAccountCommand(account).execute());
Example• Configuration
Declare the properties
Can be a local file or a
properties server
• Use
Properties are typed
Only need to declare the
Then just use x.get()
whenever you need to
use the value
Calling x.get() once and
storing the result is an
anti-pattern - doesn’t
allow for dynamic
static final DynamicLongProperty timeToWait = DynamicPropertyFactory
.getInstance().getLongProperty("msl.sleep", 100);
void foo() {
long t = timeToWait.get();
static final long t = DynamicPropertyFactory
.getInstance().getLongProperty("msl.sleep", 100).get();
void foo() {
• The API is described in one place, a
yaml formatted file (can also be
described using annotations in an
existing Java file)
• From the yaml file, swagger tools
generate client and server code stubs,
and documentation
• Since code and documentation are
created from the same yaml file, the
code and the documentation will never
Swagger - What?
A specification and associated tools for
describing, producing, consuming, and
visualizing a ReST API
YAML File:
x-swagger-router-controller: catalog_controller
description: "Get browsing data for albums in the catalog"
- Catalog
operationId: browse_albums
$ref: "#/parameters/PagingState"
$ref: "#/parameters/Items"
$ref: "#/parameters/Facets"
description: Success
$ref: "#/definitions/AlbumList"
description: “Invalid pagingState or facet”
Yaml Details
• First line defines the URI path to the
• tags: grouping endpoints for docs
• x-swagger-router-controller: the name
of the Node controller file
• operationId: name of the function in
server stub
• parameters: optional path and query
Swagger - Generated Server Stub
@Consumes({ "application/json" })
@Produces({ "application/json" })
public class CatalogEdgeApi {
private final CatalogEdgeApiService delegate = CatalogEdgeApiServiceFactory.getCatalogEdgeApi();
@Consumes({ "application/json" })
@Produces({ "application/json" })
public Response browseAlbums(
@QueryParam("items") Integer items,
@QueryParam("pagingState") String pagingState,
@QueryParam("facets") String facets)
) throws NotFoundException {
return delegate.browseAlbums(items,pagingState,facets);
public abstract class CatalogEdgeApiService {
public abstract Response browseAlbums(Integer items,String pagingState,String facets)
throws NotFoundException;
MSL Local Installation
● git installed
● personal git account created
CD to where you want to install it
cd ~
Retrieve the main MSL repository from github
git clone https://github.com/kenzanmedia/million-song-library
CD into the new directory
cd million-song-library/bin
Be sure the setup script is executable
chmod +x setup.sh
Run the setup script
Want to learn more?
Follow us!

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Architecting for Microservices Part 2

  • 1. Architecting for Microservices Part 2 Denver Code Club Meetup Bill Schwanitz, Technical Architect December 15, 2016 Craig Martin, Vice President of Engineering
  • 2. Agenda • Microservices (isn’t that what we are here for?) • What is a microservice? • NETFLIX OSS • Zuul • Eureka • Hystrix • Archaius • Million Song Library code walkthrough • Build Million Song Library
  • 3. An overview of Microservices • N number of modular components joined together via the network. • Decomposed by units of business or functionality • Combined makes up an entire backend system • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) • Code with a singleness of purpose • Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) • No client should be forced to depend on methods it does not use • Service grouped by business domain area or capability • Many standalone “vertical” stack focused on a single domain
  • 5. • Netflix OSS • “Gatekeeper” Routing Monitoring Security • Makes endpoints available • Main use cases Auth-N (not Auth-z) DDOS Transformation • Groovy and Java Filters in Groovy Zuul Challenges • Performance • Forgetting to open endpoints • Logging
  • 6. • “Pre” filter - First line of defence Check URL (Sitemap) Auth-N Structure Data Transformation • “routing” filters Endpoint Mapping Service Discovery • “post” filters Data transformation logging • “static” filters Healthcheck References: MSL server/msl-zuul: github.com/kenzanlabs/msl- zuul/tree/master/src/main/groovy/filters Zuul - How does it work? Lessons Learned • Keep it lightweight • Can be used for soaking Other Options • NginX • ELBs • API Gateway
  • 7. • Netflix OSS Service Registry • Used for “discovery” • Heartbeat of the application • Why not use ELBs? Fewer IPs Compromise Security Groups Stateless • Replicated across regions • Load balancing • “Push” heartbeat monitoring Eureka Challenges • Only works with AWS • Performance • Scalability Other Options • Containerization (Kubernetes) • Consul • ELBs What is it?
  • 8. • Eureka Client Registers with Eureka Server Part of the bootstrap process Routinely updates • Eureka Server Maintains mapping of VIPs to IPs Redundancy Round Robin Load Balancing Netflix OSS Service Registry • Typically abstract discovery via Ribbon Client Best Practices • Discovery shouldn’t be a dev responsibility • Single point of failure • Scale “correctly” Eureka How it works.
  • 9. Hystrix - What is it? Controls the interactions between distributed services, by: • Adding latency tolerance logic • Adding fault tolerance logic • Isolating points of access between the services • Stopping cascading failures across them • Providing fallback options Hystrix - Why? Compared to Monolithic applications, Microservices strongly rely upon networks. So failure detection and manipulation logic is essential. Normal function (Closed) When a system is functioning smoothly Failure state (Open) At this juncture, every call to the dependency is short-circuited with a HystrixRuntimeException, giving clear indication of its cause. Half-open state Once the sleep Interval passes, Hystrix checks system availability, letting other requests fail-fast until the response is obtained. If the call is successful, go to Closed; in case of failure, go back to Open
  • 10. Hystrix - How? ● Wrapping all external calls in a HystrixCommand or HystrixObservableCommand ● Timing-out calls when needed. ● Maintaining a small thread-pool for each dependency (monitor load) ● Measuring successes, failures , timeouts, and thread rejections. ● Tripping a circuit-breaker to stop all requests to a particular service for a period of time ● Performing fallback logic when a request fails, is rejected, times-out, or short-circuits. ● Monitoring metrics and configuration changes in near real-time. For Additional information: https://github.com/Netflix/Hystrix/wiki/How-it-Works
  • 11. Archaius Java library that provides APIs to access and utilize properties that can change dynamically at runtime. It includes the following features: ● Dynamic, Typed Properties ● High throughput and Thread Safe Configuration operations ● A polling framework that allows users to obtain property changes to a Configuration Source ● Allows retrieval of properties from local properties files or a properties server ○ Darchaius.configurationSource.additi onalUrls=file:///apps/myapp/applicatio n.properties ○ Darchaius.configurationSource.additi onalUrls=http://myserver/properties ● Automatically updates to all servers
  • 13. • Java 8 • Netflix OSS (Eureka, Hystrix, Zuul, Archaius) • Datastax (Cassandra) • Swagger Backend Tech Platform Tech • Maven • Docker • Spinnaker Documentation Tech • Swagger • Ascii Docs
  • 14. Time to Look at Some Code Netflix OSS • Zuul • Eureka • Hystrix • Archaius
  • 15. Zuul - Example of Zuul Configuration - pom.xml • In MSL, we configure Zuul via the pom.xml and Archaius properties • So here you see the pom.xml: Zuul runs in jetty We can supply additional configuration via Archaius Zuul will listen on port 9000 Example: <plugin> <groupId>org.eclipse.jetty</groupId> <artifactId>jetty-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>${jetty-version}</version> <configuration> <systemProperties> <systemProperty> <name>archaius.deployment.applicationId</name> <value>zuul</value> </systemProperty> </systemProperties> . . . <httpConnector> <port>9000</port> </httpConnector> </configuration> </plugin> References: github.com/kenzanlabs/msl-zuul
  • 16. Zuul - Example of Zuul Configuration - properties • In MSL, we configure Zuul via the pom.xml and Archaius properties: Locations of the pre, routing and post filters Allowable and default clients Configuration for one of those clients • And an example of a URL Notice it goes to port 9000 Has the client name loginedge Then the rest of the URL is the URI to the client • So Zuul redirects this request to login-edge:9001 Properties: zuul.filter.pre.path=src/main/groovy/filters/pre zuul.filter.routing.path=src/main/groovy/filters/route zuul.filter.post.path=src/main/groovy/filters/post zuul.niws.clientlist=loginedge|accountedge|catalogedge|ratingsedge loginedge.zuul.client.DeploymentContextBasedVipAddresses=msl.log in.edge loginedge.zuul.client.Port=9001 Example URL: https://msl.kenzanlabs.com:9000/loginedge/login References: github.com/kenzanlabs/msl-zuul/tree/master/src/main/resources
  • 17. Eureka Example • Registration Tell Eureka Server that a new instance of a microservice has started Needs eureka properties Needs Karyon to be instantiated Handles routine heartbeat from client to server • Healthcheck Allows Eureka Server to check if instance is still up and running Eureka Server will remove any down instance Properties: eureka.name=loginedge eureka.vipAddress=msl.login.edge eureka.port=9001 eureka.serviceUrl.default=http://localhost:8080/eureka/v2/ eureka.region=default eureka.preferSameZone=true eureka.registration.enabled=true Karyon Startup: KaryonServer server = new KaryonServer(); server.start(); Healthcheck ReST Endpoint: @Path("/healthcheck") public class HealthCheckResource { @GET @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) public Response healthcheck() { return Response.status(Response.Status.OK).build(); } }
  • 18. Hystrix example Setup • Create a subclass of HystrixCommand • The command group key groups commands for configuration, thread pooling, etc. • Override the run() method • Optionally override the getFallback() method Calling • Instantiate your command class • Call its execute() method Code: class ValidateAccountCommand extends HystrixCommand<Boolean> { private Account account; protected ValidateAccountCommand(Account account) { super(Setter.withGroupKey(HystrixCommandGroupKey.Factory .asKey("validateAccount"))); this.account = account; } @Override protected Boolean run() throws Exception { return AccountValidator.isValid(account); } @Override protected Boolean getFallback() { return false; } } public Boolean save(Account account) throws Exception { return (new ValidateAccountCommand(account).execute()); }
  • 19. Archaius Example• Configuration Declare the properties source(s) Can be a local file or a properties server • Use Properties are typed Boolean Int Long String etc. Only need to declare the DynamicXProperty once Then just use x.get() whenever you need to use the value Calling x.get() once and storing the result is an anti-pattern - doesn’t allow for dynamic reconfiguration Properties: archaius.configurationSource.additionalUrls= file://msl-login-edge-config/edge-config.properties or archaius.configurationSource.additionalUrls=http://myserver/properties Code: static final DynamicLongProperty timeToWait = DynamicPropertyFactory .getInstance().getLongProperty("msl.sleep", 100); void foo() { long t = timeToWait.get(); sleep(t) } Anti-pattern: static final long t = DynamicPropertyFactory .getInstance().getLongProperty("msl.sleep", 100).get(); void foo() { sleep(t) }
  • 20. Why? • The API is described in one place, a yaml formatted file (can also be described using annotations in an existing Java file) • From the yaml file, swagger tools generate client and server code stubs, and documentation • Since code and documentation are created from the same yaml file, the code and the documentation will never diverge Swagger - What? A specification and associated tools for describing, producing, consuming, and visualizing a ReST API YAML File: . . . /catalog-edge/browse/album: x-swagger-router-controller: catalog_controller get: description: "Get browsing data for albums in the catalog" tags: - Catalog operationId: browse_albums parameters: - $ref: "#/parameters/PagingState" - $ref: "#/parameters/Items" - $ref: "#/parameters/Facets" responses: "200": description: Success schema: $ref: "#/definitions/AlbumList" "400": description: “Invalid pagingState or facet” . . . Yaml Details • First line defines the URI path to the endpoint • tags: grouping endpoints for docs • x-swagger-router-controller: the name of the Node controller file • operationId: name of the function in server stub • parameters: optional path and query parameters
  • 21. Swagger - Generated Server Stub CatalogEdgeApi.java @Path("/catalog-edge") @Consumes({ "application/json" }) @Produces({ "application/json" }) public class CatalogEdgeApi { private final CatalogEdgeApiService delegate = CatalogEdgeApiServiceFactory.getCatalogEdgeApi(); @GET @Path("/browse/album") @Consumes({ "application/json" }) @Produces({ "application/json" }) public Response browseAlbums( @QueryParam("items") Integer items, @QueryParam("pagingState") String pagingState, @QueryParam("facets") String facets) ) throws NotFoundException { return delegate.browseAlbums(items,pagingState,facets); } ... } CatalogEdgeApiService.java public abstract class CatalogEdgeApiService { public abstract Response browseAlbums(Integer items,String pagingState,String facets) throws NotFoundException; }
  • 22. MSL Local Installation Prerequisites ● git installed ● personal git account created CD to where you want to install it cd ~ Retrieve the main MSL repository from github git clone https://github.com/kenzanmedia/million-song-library CD into the new directory cd million-song-library/bin Be sure the setup script is executable chmod +x setup.sh Run the setup script ./setup.sh
  • 23. Want to learn more? Follow us! @kenzanmedia www.linkedin.com/company/kenzan-media techblog.kenzan.com www.facebook.com/kenzanmedia/