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Argumentative Essay On
Wearing School Uniforms
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Argumentative Essay On Wearing School UniformsArgumentative Essay On Wearing School Uniforms
The Dispute Over The South China Sea Essay
The dispute over the South China Sea denotes the process of power rebalancing while China
rising as a hegemony in East Asia. China craves for more resources and power and decides to
effectuate that by controlling more maritime territory. This act impelled the United State to align
with the Philippines to balance with China. In a realism world, U.S. has adequate reason to
intervene for fear for China becoming too strong a power. Realism assumes that under a balance
of power, the overriding aim of all states is to maximize power and become the only hegemony in
the system. States only help themselves in the anarchic international system. Therefore, China s
rise is regarded as a disconcerting threat to the U.S. s primacy of power in the present international
stage. The power shift in East Asia is creating security dilemmas; the U.S. thus demands more
security to its Asian allies including Philippines, Japan and South Korea. The rapidly rising Chinese
power would inevitably challenge the current international balance of power and appear
aggressively in the eyes of weaker power such as the Philippines. Therefore it seeks help to its ally,
the U.S., to counterbalance the power of China. China intends to gain more resources and to
transform current international order to its favor according to its national interests. The 2010
Chinese White Paper on National Defence states that: Contradictions continue to surface between
developed and developing countries and between traditional
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Beauty Of Yellowstone Research Paper
Beauty of Yellowstone When I was a little girl my grandparents went on a trip out west. They
flew to Colorado and from there they began their road trip through the vast wilderness of the
Rocky Mountains. They came home and told me stories of the great, beautiful mountains and
about all the beautiful farms and wildlife. Of all the stories they told me, the one that stood out
the most was the day they visited Yellowstone National Park. The moment I heard their story, I
knew I had to visit there one day. Hearing about Yellowstone s variation of wildlife, Old Faithful,
and nature has made Yellowstone the number one place I would like to visit. Yellowstone is one
place where I can see bears, eagles, snakes, and caribou all in one day. They have
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Issues Surrounding The Legalization Of Euthanasia
This essay will critically discuss slippery slope arguments with reference to the issues surrounding
the legalization of euthanasia. Firstly, the foundations of a slippery slope argument will be
discussed, along with the usual fallacious nature of this type of argument, also to be discussed, is if
slippery slope arguments ever provide good reasons for accepting their conclusions. Secondly,
euthanasiawill be introduced and discussed, this will be done using an example of a slippery slope
argumentby John Keown from his book Euthanasia, ethics and public policy: and argument against
legalization. From this example, the moralityof euthanasia will be discussed as to whether slippery
slope arguments show that euthanasia is immoral. Lastly, euthanasia will be discussed with
reference utilitarianism, and if euthanasia would potentially be viewed as a good or moral
option by utilitarian theory or if it would be viewed as immoral. Slippery slope arguments are
often used to argue that if we allow something to become legal we will be stepping onto the
slippery slope to allowing something viewed as morally wrong to also become legal. These
arguments are used often within society, although most of the time they are used in a casual
manner and the distance between point A and B is so large they are not taken seriously,
(Spielthenner, 2010; Jefferson, 2014). For that reason slippery slope arguments as a general idea
are not considered to be good logical arguments. So, slippery slope
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Synthesis Essay On Huckleberry Finn
Huck Finn Synthesis Essay: The Great Race Debate Slavery stretches its cruel branches into
decades of history. According to the American Anti slavery and Civil Rights Timeline on
Ushistory.org, the portuguese were the first to negotiate a slave trade in 1472. The portuguese
slave trade agreement also included ivory and gold as well as slaves. In 1610, the first ship
carrying slaves touched down in the new world. Four years after that the British Colony of
Massachusetts became the first colony to recognize slaveryas a legal institution. For as long as
slavery has been a legal institution abolitionists have been advocating for the freedom and rights of
slaves. In 1671 George Fox, the founder of the quakers, talked out against the institution of slavery
in the new world. In 1861 America ripped itself apart fighting a war, known as the American Civil
War, that would ultimately abolish slavery in the United States of America. Adventures of
Huckleberry Finnby Mark Twain was written and published after the end of the civil war, but is
set forty to fifty years before the beginning of the civil war. At this time it was socially
acceptable to own slaves, especially in the south where Huckleberry Finn lives. It was not
uncommon for slaves to be beaten or whipped if their work was unsatisfactory. Slaves were
treated as people without rights and property to their white owners. Today the transatlantic slave
trade has left its mark on America. There are still white supremacist groups, like the KKK, who
believe that they are the superior race and black people should be eradicated. Racial profiling of
black people has been an increasing issue to. Black people are getting killed and sent to jail for
crimes that if a white person were to commit, the white person would receive a lesser sentence.
Today racismis still running rampant in America. Many schools have banned teachers from
teaching on Twain s Huckleberry Finn for various reasons. One of those reasons is that Twain
uses the word nigger, and he uses it to many times. At the time that this book was written, slaves
and free black people were called niggers. So Twain in his writing is being politically correct when
writing about Jim and the other slaves
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Compassion Fatigue Paper
The current class has been very informative on nursing theories and it is the dream of every
aspiring nursing student and registered nurses to provide compassionate care to the patients. Nurses
have a role not only to offer physical care but to offer mental, spiritual and emotional support to
patients as well. Patients with complex and frequently diverse needs must be given the full attention
of the nursebased on their needs. Consistent research indicated the significant benefits which ensue
when nurses offer compassionate care; however this is not always the case, especially among
nurses which are involved in direct care of terminally ill patients and such nurses end up suffering
from compassion fatigue, this is what Joinson (1992) described... Show more content on
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Compassion fatigue is a huge reality and according to Potter et al. (2013), long term effects of
compassion fatigue have negative impact on the health, well being and performance of nurses
involved. Jean Watson s theory of caring said, true healing cannot be realized without caring
therefore, compassion fatigue is a problem that does not only affect nurses, but goes a notch
higher by also affecting the quality of care offered by compassion fatigue victims. Boyle (2011)
observed that there is need for nurses to be compassionate and caring especially when providing
care to patients, families or relatives. Slatten et al. (2011) noted that compassion fatigue is an
occupational hazard among nurses involved (that is, professionals involved in helping others).
Compassion fatigue is therefore, a significant problem affecting professional practice in nursing
because Rosa (2014) stated that, being a successful caregiver requires a nurse to be in a position
to find the meaning in what they do, remain committed and immersed in order to gain a sense of
purpose. However, compassion fatigue stands as a barrier to realization of sense of purpose among
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Sociological Dichotomy In Shanghai s Nightlife
A survey of Shanghai s nightlife demonstrates a sociological dichotomy, both in economic and
social hierarchical aspects. In recent decades of progressive economic and social change in China,
social inequality and class division have deepened in the rise of the sex industry, primarily
prostitution. Among the fastest growing industries in modern China, from the world of electronics
to global exports of technology, prostitutionis among China s thriving economic industries. An
observant 10 minute walk through any Chinese city guarantees an encounter of China s active sex
tradein some subtle disguise. Prostitutes in China are employed in even state owned hotels, they
walk the streets, and service in clubs, bars, massage parlors, sauna houses, barber shops, beauty
salons, and even buzzing karaoke buildings.
The presence of prostitution is ubiquitous at every class level of Chinese society, into the luxury
streets of Shanghai and impoverished villages of rural provinces. Yang Fan, a Chinese economist,
estimates 20 million sex workers in business throughout China, accounting for 6% of the country s
gross domestic product (Human Rights Watch). Beyond bearing economic influence, prostitution in
China is a matter of public health, gender inequality, organized crime, poverty, communal
inequality, and shifting societal values. Most significantly, the inner workings of the sex industryin
China are intrinsically linked to the sociological study of social hierarchy and class
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Contextual Theory. The Overall Purpose Of This Brief Paper
Contextual Theory The overall purpose of this brief paper is to characterize the main concepts,
main techniques, and any current research that supports contextual therapy in relation to contextual
theory. While the purpose of this exercise was to demonstrate knowledge of counseling theories not
addressed in class sessions, contextual therapy (which has also been referred to as contextual family
therapyin prior literature) is not per se a theory as much as it is a method of therapy based on Ivan
Boszormenyi Nagy s contextual theory. In his determination that there is more to understanding an
individual s challenges in relation to others, Boszormenyi Nagy designed contextual therapy to
draw attention to his empirically based findings from... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Excluding such information could lead to misrepresenting the factors by which the client
experiences the world and bankrupt the influence of culture on development. Boszormenyi Nagy
stretches facts to include those details about world views that are a product of our own created
reality that is culminated by choice and agency. While a child certainly does not have a choice into
what family they are born into, the parents do have a choice into how they will interact with each
other around that child, such that, inconsistencies or neglect of that healthy relationship could
create for the child a fact that unhealthy conflict is normal or that they must choose sides of
affection (Goldenthal, 2005). Since there is an underlying foundation of psychotherapy present,
contextual therapy accounts for facts that may be present that the client may not be able to bring to
their conscience or that they may be unwilling to acknowledge that were out of their control, but
nevertheless, still occurred (Ruzgyte, 2011).
Psychology. The functioning of the person within was also heavily regarded by Boszormenyi Nagy,
such that his reflections from psychoanalytical theories would illuminate the need to connect the
parts of the individual psyche: cognitive abilities; emotional functioning; instinctual drives; internal
conflicts; moral and intellectual development; and concepts of object relations theory
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Analysis Of The Necklace By Guy De Maupassant
aupassant, Guy de. Guy De Maupassant s the Necklace, and Other Stories. New York:
French, 1984. Print. In this short story can be observed that tragedy is brought by human beings
foolish desire. Human beings desires, which are a strong hope to have or do something, become a
motivating power to accomplish something we want to do and therefore it makes us feel proud
and achieving. In this short stories, Maupassant gi ve some lesson. It is useful to reader because
we can see his writing skills in this stories. The author also demonstrates her unlimited desire
through symbolism and adjective words. For example, she suffers because of her grim apartment
with its drab walls, threadbare furniture, and ugly curtains and she wants to be envied, attractive
in a house with large, silent anterooms, with elegant valets and large drawing rooms draped in
the most expensive silks with fine end tables of inestimable value . These adjectives are enough to
show Mathilde s unrealistic awareness of her situation with innate pride, which is not expected to
come true. This bibliography is different with other bibliography because it isn t summarize whole
facts about Maupassant or his works but we can see a little part of Maupassant writing skills
through his story. This source help who needs to know what is the story about the necklace. Also, it
is not a hard story so this source can be easy to read and understand. This source is objective and
this is book so it is also reliable. This source
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Asylum Short Story
As the medical student is in the asylum with his father turns out his father is actually dead and
he is the only one there all alone until he sees his girlfriend s face and hears her screaming and
screaming over and over. He tries to find where the noise is coming from he walks and as he does
the screaming gets louder and louder, he is getting closer until it stops when he gets interrupted by
the doctor in the asylum. The doctor had always worn a black cloak and dark red gloves like the
color of blood, nobody knew who he was besides his name Mr. Hatin and the medical student s
name is PennyWise. His life changes in his perspective, I fall asleep thinking of the things I have
done, but I rest on, as I did I started to have an unusual dream it was so surprisingly good , I then
rose up there she was the only girl I have loved and have killed but she is alive and well. She took
my hand, I looked where I am going I am not at the asylum anymore and I feel free happy. Beep!
Beep! Beep! There was the car I guess it actually is a dream. Mr Hatin took me by my arm and sat
me on the couch downstairs, he gave me a dirty look. I started to hear it again her... Show more
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But, the next day I got bailed out of the asylum so did the Marepen girl and these other 2 young
adult boys and girls. I can t believe I am innocent I never thought it would come to this I knew I
was a weirdo like my father, but I never knew something like this would happen to somebody
like me. In this case, I didn t know where to go to or where to start, but what I did know I don t
have to hear Sheila my ex girlfriend anymore. Above all, I decided to go back to school but not
being a medical student again, it still gives me the creeps of the asylum. Meanwhile, everything
is the exact way as I thought it would be except for that people at the college wrote Freak on my
locker and Go die in a
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Swimsuit Alternate Ending
We began to walk through town, Millard still had his arm linked around mine. Emma stopped at
what looked like a clothing store she and the other girls pulled me inside. I glanced around the
shop, amazed. These outfits were absolutely adorable, especially the swimsuits. I walked over to
a light blue halter top swimsuit and took it off the rack. It s so pretty! Isn t it? I said with a
bright smile. It definitely matches the dark blue streak in your hair. Bronwyn said with a soft
smile. After a few minutes we finally came out. The boys sat bordly on the wooden bench
outside the store. Millard instantly came up to me and once again linked arms with me. I heard
the girls snickering behind me. My face flushed into a full red, I felt so embarrassed and so...
helpless.After a few minutes we finally reached the beach, I felt the hot sand beneath my feet. I had
already changed into the swimsuit while we were at the store, I was just focused on getting into the
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I felt the cool water against my face as I swam down into the blackness. I soon felt something
touch my leg, I instantly knew who was, Millard... I already know it s you. I said, giggling
slightly, although I couldn t really see that well in the darkness, I knew he was around there
somewhere. As soon as my eyes were beginning to adjust to my dark surroundings, I saw a dark
shadow swim past me in the water, What the? I thought to myself. I shook my head and began to
swim back up, just then I felt someone grab my ankle, I let out a small yelp and attempted to kick
at whatever was holding onto me. I kicked what ever hit me as hard as possible, finally making it
let go of me. I swam up as fast as possible to the surface. As soon as I resurfaced, someone popped
up next to me, Millard! You jerk! I shouted as I splashed him angrily. He blocked his face, I m
sorry! He shouted as I kept splashing
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Analysis Of The Marketing Ethics Of California Fitness
Fitness clubs usually have positive images since exercising is good for our health. The healthy
images might lower people s alertness towards their promotion practices. California Fitness is a
well known fitness gym and health club, it is the second large fitness chain store in Hong Kong.
The company has caused controversies because of their marketingactivities. News articles reported
that the Consumer Council received a great number of complaints about California Fitness s sales
practice. In this essay, I will discuss one of California Fitness s marketing activities that involve
marketing ethical issues. I will apply the ethical values set by The American Marketing Association
(AMA) in the discussion.
Ferrell (2004) suggested that when ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Moreover, there would be other external charges and service charges. The advertisement is false
and misleading, it deceptive about pricing or credit terms. The customers have the right to be
informed, California Fitness fails to tell the truth in all situations and all times and did not offer the
price of the product offered in their advertisement, it is unethical and
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Complete Comparisons Of Wheatley And Poe
Complete Comparisons of Wheatley and Poe Throughout American literature, two poets emerge as
very unlikely candidates for poetic comparisons. Phillis Wheatley and Edgar Alan Poe s writings
in many ways reflect the unique lives that they lived, and having an understanding of the two poets
backgrounds can assist a reader in dissecting their manuscripts. Comparing works from the two is
an easy task to handle if an avid reader decides to pursue it, and even though they lived under
adverse conditions they have a way of shaping history into an intricate fashion of delicate, dark and
sophisticated writing. Phillis Wheatleyand Edgar Alan Poe are different in persona and literacy, but
when a reader processes more of their works, one can understand how these two writers helped
shape poetryfor generations after and still possess an impact on the literary world.
Phillis Wheatley was a young African American girl, brought to America at the age of seven to be
a slave. In her time maturing in the Wheatley household, young Phillis grew rapidly intellectually
and spiritually. Her faith in God and His divine nature is what inspired Wheatley to write a
prominent subject in her poem On Being Brought from Africa to America. Another example of
God being the backbone of her literary career is in her letter To the University of Cambridge in
New England. Though Wheatley was a slave, she is known as one of the most prominent poets in
the pre nineteenth century America. Mr. Edgar Alan Poe,
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Tiger Shark Research Paper
Under the sea in the world. There are many aquatic animals. Whether, dolphins, turtles, seahorses
and sharks. Sharks are the biggest and the more fighting looking of all fish. There are many kinds
of sharks such as whale shake and tiger shark. They are both sharks. However, they differ in two
major way appearance, diet, behaviour and conservation status. The first differences are in
appearance. The whale sharkis longer and heavier than the tiger shark. The length of the whale
shark is 10 meters but the tiger shark is 4 meters. The weight of the whale shark is 9 tonnes but
the tiger shark is 500 kilograms. The whale shark has larger mouth, longer tail and wider fin but
the tiger shark has many sharp teeth and the fin on the back of a tiger
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The Most Important Person In My Life
Throughout my life, I ve had the opportunity to meet many people who have helped me become
the person I am today. But there s one person in particular who I know I couldn t live without
and therefore is the most important person in my life. This person will do anything she can for
me, gives me wonderful advice, and has taught me a lot about life. She is my grandmother, Nana
as we call her , and her name is Mirta. I ve know her person ever since I was born. We met in a
hospital in Boston when I was about a week old. Although I don t remember of course she does.
According to her I was wrapped around two blankets when she first saw me. She d made fun of
how small I was. Ever since we met our bond is unbreakable. Nana is spiritual,wise, and
understandingand I choose these qualities to describe her because these are what makes her
amazing and makes her who she is.
How can I describe an amazing women? She is five foot tall with shoulder lengths, with a wine
color hair and a with these hazel green eyes. She has a light tan color. She has a square shape
face with a little bit of wrinkles on her eyes and cheeks. She has narrow ears and thin eyebrows.
She likes to wear conservative church clothings. She loves loose and colorful dresses with her
hoop earrings and art deco necklace. She is not fat nor skinny but she has a oval type of body. She
does not have any tattoos and she always have her nails done.
My nana loves going to church. The first quality of my nana is that she s a
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Examples Of Satan In Paradise Lost By Dantes Inferno
The way Dante describes Satan makes the theme even more noticeable, especially when the way
he describes his version of Satan is contrasted with other images of Satan. The Satan of Milton s
Paradise Lost, for example, still has some of the rule and beauty he had when he was the most
dominant and attractive of all the angels. He was energetic, was able to make influential speeches
in hell, and able to leave Hell to lure Eve. His speechmaking has even influenced some future
readers that there is something honorable about his decision to rebel against God: Better to reign in
Hell than serve in Heaven, he says (Lines 258 263
). Dante s image of Satan is hideous and powerless, stuck in the ice made by the flapping of his
own wings, and nothing
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Essay On Cubes
Cubes Essay For the cubes essay I had to watch a video over four companies. Those companies
that I watched a cubes video over were MLB Network, ABC News Headquarters, The Huffington
Post, and New York Magazines. All four of these firms all have one thing in common with each
other. That trait that they all have in common is that there are all businesses devoted to
spreading news to its audience. I picked these four because I thought working at a place that
spreads news would be a good suit for me.However, even though all these businesses are devoted
to spreading news they all spread different news in different ways. Out of those four cubes videos
I watched the one job that I would want to work at the most is at MLB Network. One of the... Show
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I could definitely see myself fitting into an environment like the one at MLB Network.
Everything about this job all traces back to baseball. No matter what job that you do there,
wether it be providing highlights, helping prepare shows, or providing statistics for the show.
The other jobs I just don t know if I could see myself fitting in enough. For example the job at
ABC News just wouldn t be the fit for me because it does not involve something that I am
passionate about. Same as the Huffington Post it involves news and I just don t know if that is
the kind of environment for me. Same as the job at New York Magazines, writing is not my
strong suite so I wouldn t be that great working at a magazine place. The workplace that would
foster the most creativity with me is the job at MLB Network. This is because sports are
something that I am passionate and know a lot about. Any kind of work that involves something
you enjoy you are more likely to get involved in. Not only that, the job here would make me
more likely to foster creativity because I already know about the topic we are dealing with which
is baseball. Some of the other jobs might also be good for fostering creativity are the jobs at ABC
News, and at the Huffington Post. This is because both of those jobs involve news, and current
events. I also enjoy keeping up with the
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The Role And Role Of Public Administration
Public administrators play a huge role in the government and are the bridge connecting the
government and the public. They are the public s voice and ensure that we as people, have our
basic needs met. This does not go without issues and dilemmas, which are faced almost daily.
Multiple areas of a public administrator s job needto be taken into account such as public interest,
the dilemmas of privatizing governmentfunctions, ethical obligations and administrative
responsibility. On the other end of the spectrum, some believe that the needs of the people
cannot be accuratley guaged because our world is ever changing, which would make the job of
a public administrator impossible. When public administrators are chosen for their job, it is
believed that they are the best for the job and that they will hold the public s interest at heart.
Public interest is that which is the best for the majority. While not all decisions will make
everyone happy because, that is impossible; public administrators ensure that the people s best
interest is being heard. This group of people make sure that regulations and services are passed
that will help the people. While these might not be the most relevant and up to date issues, public
administrators are placed to make sure the basics such as social security and where our tax money
goes is in favor of the needs of the people. Public administrators don t get a lot of credit because the
things that they ensure are things that we take for granted
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A Report On The Company s Welcome Back At Underwriting A...
Welcome back. Last week we looked at underwriting a $250K high yield transaction through the
eyes of an independent lessor. Our existing customer, RedBet LLC, had properly paid off two
short term leases with us, leaving us a small exposure on a third lease (total exposure had been
$320K). RedBet is now coming back to financeof $250K in vacuum tank trailers, a sale that is
very important to our preferred vendor. RedBet is an oilfield servicing firm headquartered in New
Mexico. We asked, Would you do this deal? Why or why not?
As much as we appreciate our lessee, we know that it s even more important for us to value our
preferred vendor. With the oil business in decline and our vendor needing to close every sale,
this transaction may make or break our relationship with the vendor (who we think could find
another funding source to do this deal). In spite of the oil industry downturn, we want to retain
this vendor relationship because (a) the vendor is also offering us high quality non oilfield
transactions, (b) the cyclical oil business will eventually come back, (c) this vendor s originations
have been very profitable for us (high yield and excellent performanceв€’so far), (d) we don t
have a concentration in oilfield exposures, and (e) good vendor relationships like this are hard to
In addition, with a yield 17%, the transaction could generate substantial income for us. So instead
of categorically declining this oil industry transaction, we look for a way to get
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Essay On My Hero s Journey-Personal Narrative
As the border patrol exited the school taking me with him, mamma and papa were already in the
patrols car along with the rest of the family. Once I saw my family, my eyes opened wide,
shocked, I tried to grasp for air and words and what came out was, what s happening papa? Papa
looked out the window, with regret and sadness in his voice he simply said they have found us
miho. I instantly looked at mamma, with tears in her eyes she said we are getting deported
Panchito. She turned to papa and sobbed on his shoulder. The border officer put me in the car
along side Papa and mamma. After driving for a couple of hours we made it to Las Vegas. The
officer stoped for some gas. He got out of the car then opened the door and said sternly You... Show
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Papa woke us up early and said we are going to the store to buy as much as we can afford to help us
out with fixing the house and eating. We walked to get breakfast, since we no longer have our
carcachita, from a place called
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The s First Tool At Smx Superior Essay
It s been seven months due to the fact that we launched Optmyzr s first tool at SMX superior in
Seattle the first rate rating Tracker and we ve been busy adding equipment, reports and
optimizations seeing that then. Now, one of the most not unusual questions we get is while to
apply numerous optimizations and, of path, those observe regardless of what gear you re using.
There are lots of every day tweaks to make in any AdWords account, but what are a number of the
optimizations we do on a ordinary time table? Even as there s no one proper answer for each
account, I ll proportion a number of my thoughts about what to do and when to do it to keep an
account in excellent shape.
Do these at the least Quarterly
AdWords changes all of the time inside the past yr, we saw one among the larger adjustments in
latest memory with the forced migration to more desirable Campaigns. AdWords also frequently
launches new functions that are much less dramatic than more suitable Campaigns however that
could still have a massive impact on how your commercials carry out. Make certain you re now not
missing out on any of those. Right here are some current examples:
cell Bid Modifiers
Now that cellular and computing device commercials are all served from a single marketing
campaign, are you using cell bid modifiers for maximum overall performance?
Make sure you re searching at how your commercials are performing on distinct devices so you re
not losing cash on mobile gadgets or drugs.
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The Final Episode Of Breaking Bad Known As Face Off
The case study I have chosen is the final episode of season 4 of Breaking Bad Known as Face
Off. The name is in reference to what happens later in the episode. Through this essay I will
attempt to analyse the episode using theories that have been developed by Propp, Todorov and Levi
I will attempt a full break down of the show later, but for now I will do a quick summary of the
show just to bring everyone up to speed before hand. A high school chemistry teacher diagnosed
with inoperable cancer turns to manufacturing and selling methamphetamine, with his former
student, in order to secure his family s financial future (IMBb, 2008:Online). The Genre for this
particular series is Crime Drama but it has aspects of a thriller series thrown in as well. This helps
with view ability of the series as it keeps viewers on edge. We mobilise our genre knowledge
routinely to order our media experiences, and in doing so we come to recognise a wide of genres.
(Gillespie, Toynbee, 2006 :45)
Character roles
The first aspect that I will analyse is Character roles. This concept came about when Vladimir
Propp, a scholar and folklorist analysed hundreds of different Russian folklore stories and was able
to pin point certain traits that belongs to certain types of characters. There are 8 character roles in
Propp s theory and they have been given names, which might not reflect accurately in certain cases.
The Hero or in other words the protagonist would be Walter White as the series
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Two Point Discrimination Test Essay
In this lab we apply the technique known as a two point discrimination test. This test will allow
us to determine which regions of the skin are best able to discriminate between two
simultaneous sensory impulses. According to (Haggard et al. 2007), tactile discrimination
depends on the size of the receptive fields located on the somatosensory neurons. However
receptive fields for other types of sensations are located elsewhere. For vision we find that the
receptive fields are located inside the visual cortex, and for hearing we find receptive fields in the
auditory cortex. The ability for the body to discriminate two points depends on how well that area
of the body is innervated with neurons; and thus conferring to the size of the... Show more content
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Similarly, value marked .25 on the discriminator was a single point. The first person to have the
test done was to sit on a bench, lift his sleeve, and close his eyes. We would then conduct this
experiment by utilizing a series of pressure points using several different values on the two point
discriminator. This was performed while the subject would report how many points he was
feeling in that particular area. We began with the finger, first starting with a single point on the
discriminator. We then randomly picked points and recorded the values on a table. Next we did
the two point discrimination test on the forearm. This part of the method was performed near
the elbow, and again we began with a single point on the two point discriminator. Lastly we
applied the moving discrimination test with a third subject and one trial. We performed this test
near the palm, and recorded the distance after which he felt a difference. Overall three subjects
were tested and a total of five trials were recorded, two for the finger, one for the palm and two
for the forearm. It is important to note that the subjects were allowed to have a break and take a
breather. This gave him a more comfortable feeling prior to being tested. Results were taken
immediately after performing the experiment. For subject 1, we began with the finger. In two out
of six pressure points applied to subject 1 (finger), he recorded an improper result. Those points
happened to be very
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Summary Of Snow Falling On Cedars By Horace Whaley
In Snow Falling on Cedars, during an investigation of a murder, Horace Whaley who has racial
prejudice against Japanese provides an evidence that intentionally points to the Japanese
American Miyamoto. Whaley told the sheriff Art Moran that Carl s head wound resembled
wounds he had seen inflicted by Japanese soldiers skilled in the martial art of kendo (Guterson
58). However, in Japanese culture, the Kendo is a Japanese martial art. The ancient stick fighting
heritage and being top in his class makes him look like a murderer. The reason for this weaponry
is because of the need of self defense and uses it for protection. Because Whaley hates Japanese
and believes that Japanese are monsters, he has a pre existing belief that Miyamoto is the
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Things Fall Apart Gender Roles
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is a masterpiece and a good representation of Africa. It shows
Africans conflict with white colonizers through Okonkwo s eyes who is the protagonist of the
narration that represents resistance. The novel, also, shows the nature of Igbo culture as the reader
gets an insight of religious values, Justice system, tradition and customs. In addition, Gender plays
a significant role in things fall apart as everything appears to be gendered such as yam seeds
which is associated with masculinity. Also, there are gender stereotypes that men and women are
expected to fit in. However, sometimes their desires might not meet the framework of femininity
and masculinity. As a result, a conflict between ones desires and societies expectations might take
place. Igbo society appears to be a patriarchal one, where men are superior to women and the more
masculine the man is the more titles he will get, which will gain him more respect. In this essay the
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Even though women held important roles, they were inferior to their male counterpart because
of womanhood s association with weakness and fragility. Okonkwo hated anything feminine
because of his father who was a failure due to his effeminacy. Consequently, he works hard to fit
into masculinities framework. . It is obvious that Okonkow is a product of a patriarchal society
where gender role shaped if not all then art of his character. In order for a man to be masculine
being good at physical work is a must. Also, being emotionless, fearless and in constant control of
his family especially women. The more masculine the man is the more he will be rewarded by
earning more titles and respect. While most characters showed acceptance of gender role, some
characters did not fit into it which results in a conflict between them and their
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A-Day Landing
The seaborne invasion of Leyte did not end because General MacArthur had landed on the
beachhead within hours of the first wave. His presence was for propaganda and demonstration to
the native Filipinos that he did fulfill his promise to return. The United States landing forces met
light resistance if any on the beaches, which allowed for their swift advance inland. An increase in
Japanese resistance was noted as units moved off the beaches and towards their A Day objectives
and securing them on the first day as planned. Over the next few days units across the entire front
continued to advance inland towards secondary and third objectives against Japanese counterattacks
and stronger resistance. It was reported that the Japanese had suffered... Show more content on
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The invasion also forced the Japanese to commit the rest of its standing naval fleet to the
defense the archipelago and in doing so their fleet was nearly destroyed and rendered non
operational and no longer the same threat it once was in the Pacific theater. Japan never
recovered from the loss sustained at the battle for Leyte island, Battle of Leyte Gulf, and the
defense of the Philippines. The Americans had delivered a decisive blow to the Japans ability to
defend its standing empire and opened the door to bring the war to the Japanese home islands and
eventually the end of World War
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Character Relationships In Star Wars
Character relationships For stories that captivate the audiences, they need well developed plots with
characters who have interesting relationships with each other. The relationships of the characters
really drive the story because without the important relationships, there will not be a story. The
three points where it seems that the relationships the characters have are important to the story
would be in Star Wars, alien s relationships with humans, and in The Day After Tomorrow. There
are many key relationships characters share in Star Wars that without them, the story would actually
not have been a hit. Three of the relationships are Luke and Darth Vader, Luke and Han Solo, and
Anakin and Obi won. Luke and Darth Vader have an interesting relationship. Since Darth Vader is
in fact Luke s father but at the same time his enemy, it definitely draws the audience in to find out
what happens next. It also makes the final battle scene in Star Wars: Return of the Jedihigh tension
to see what will happen when Luke finally faces his father. Another relationship that helps the
story would be Luke and Han Solo. This character relationship is about two friends. It is
important to the story because Han Solo has gone out of his way to make sure Luke is alive,
such as when Luke was left out in the cold on Hoth. If Han Solo did not have the urge to save his
friend then there would be no story without the main character. Also, Han Solo and Luke fight side
by side to fight the galaxy and
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Advantages Of Mergers And Acquisitions
According to Brunsman (1998), Berman (2007), Arrow (1969), there are few main points that can
be highlighted about Mergers and Acquisitions:
A Merger and an Acquisition are two different processes. The results can be similar in the end but
the the ways the both processes work are different;
Mergers or acquisitions are not always successful, sometimes they fail;
Hostile vs. Friendly An acquisition could be labeled hostile or friendly. This just refers to whether
acquired shareholders of the company are on board with the transaction or not. Obviously, if they
welcome, the transaction is friendly and if they oppose the transaction, it is considered hostile. It is
important to remember though that if an acquisition labeled as a hostile, it doesn t necessarily mean
that it will be bad for the future of the company being acquired.
The following can be major benefits of mergers and acquisitions (Bertkovitch, 1993):
Increased value is generated for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, Microsoft s acquisition of Skype is a product acquisition. Then, some companies
can be acquired for non saleable assets. For instance, the asset can be anything, even simply a
customer database or a media property. Another advantage that can be taken from going into
acquisition is acquiring a new talent. Google is very famous for doing such kinds of acquisitions.
This company by buying businesses is taking the most important from each organization. For
instance, engineers or IT department, and afterward, destroy the parts of the bought company that
they don t need. Companies go through mergers and acquisitions for the target goal of improved
financial performance for shareholders. Profit is the main aim of almost every organization, so at
the end of the day, more money is always an objective and advantage from merger and acquisition
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Kanovolin Side Effects
Novolin side effects
A few patients with diabetes develop common side effects of Novolin such as itching, redness and
swollen at the injection spot and this is known as a local reaction. It may occur if the shot wasn t
injected properly. That s why it s important to self administer the injection if you comprehend the
injection procedure, if uncertain, allow the nurse to give the shots until you have mastered the art.
If the skin is sensitive to the cleansing solution you are using, or allergic to insulin, or experience a
local reaction, inform the physician.
Other usual Novolin insulin side effects, clears after a few weeks or days once the body become
used to the medication. Nevertheless, if the unwanted effects are irritating and interfere ... Show
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At times, even after you have followed the doctor s advice on the medication, diet, and exercise,
the blood glucose levels may still rise. However, don t give up but faithfully follow the diabetes
plan management, consequently, you will note a positive impact.
Since diabetes management is time consuming and overwhelming, it s advisable to talk to someone
for support. Request the doctor to recommend you to a mental health professional to share your
frustrations. Another alternative is to join a support group for those with diabetese, in such a
platform; you will have an opportunity to share your disappointments and triumphs with people
who can identify or understand what one is going through. The members may share tips on diabetes
management such as:
Keeping vaccination up to date elevated blood glucose levels can weaken the immune system. It s
good to get a flu shot every year and pneumonia vaccine as well.
Wash your feet daily using lukewarm water and dry them gently particularly between the toes. Then
moisturize with lotion but don t use the moisturizer between the toes. Remember to check the feet
daily for swelling, blisters, cuts and
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Analysis Of The Poem Sasuke
Sasuke! A girl with long blonde hair tied back in two pigtails wearing a long white dress cried.
Her wide cerulean eyes wavered as her lover walked toward her. What are you doing here? You
know you can t be here. She said, stepping forward slightly. She stared into the eyes of the man in
front of her. His raven hair framing his pale face, that glistened in the moonlight.
Sasuke reached out his hand, taking her hand in his own. He crouched on one knee, and kissed the
girl s hand lightly. I will never leave your side, no matter the danger, Naruko. Naruko frowned,
feeling the emotions and hearing his thoughts. She fell to her knees, still holding on to Sasuke s
But you must! It s too dangerous here! She cried.
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He walked toward the main room of the orphanage to speak with Iruka. He knocked on the door,
waited for an answer, and then opened the door. He smiled. Good morning, Iruka. He said.
A brown haired man with a large scar on the bridge of his nose, tan skin and brown eyes, looked
over his shoulder at Naruto. The man smiled brightly at the teen. Good morning, Naruto, did you eat
breakfast yet? Naruto shook his head.
I m going to do that on the way to school with Gaara. He promised me ramen. Naruto grinned. Iruka
gave him a look. He sighed, shaking his head.
All right, Naruto, I heard you re planning on moving out. Iruka said. Naruto s eyes widened. His
gaze softened and he averted it to the floor. He nodded his head.
Y Yeah, I am. Iruka sat in his desk, he smiled softly at Naruto. He encouraged the boy s
independence, but there was no need to hurry when it came to finding a place to live. He knew
Naruto hated being a burden, but he was never a burden to the orphanage. He wasn t a burden to
Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi. They loved him.
There s no need to rush, Iruka replied, still smiling. The kids love you and they want you to stay
here until you ve graduated. You have plenty of time until then. Naruto smiled back, nodding his
head. A knock on the door caught his attention. Naruto turned around to see a red haired teen that
was just a little bit taller than Naruto. He had dark rings around his deep sea green eyes
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Examples Of Stereotypes In A Big Happy Family
Motif of Stereotypes Many movie writers incorporate stereotypes into their film. Stereotypes in
movies can be good mechanisms to help the audience better understand the characters. For example,
common stereotypes of cowboys include grittiness and determination, which helps to develop them
for the viewer s entertainment. However, stereotypes can also present characters in a negative
light. In Madea s Big Happy Family, Tyler Perry uses the motif of African American
which includes rampant drug abuse, broken families, and inappropriate, disorderly behaviors. At its
roots, his movie contains nothing more than the theme of pigeonholing African Americans. The film
begins with Shirley, the matriarch of the family, sitting in a doctor s... Show more content on
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Mr. Brown, a friend of Madea, is at the hospital and needs a blood transfusion during his surgery.
His daughter, Cora, willingly volunteers. However, they discover that their blood types are not
the same, suggesting that he is not her actual father. After the movie, Mr. Brown, Madea, and
Cora all go on The Maury Show to determine whether or not Mr. Brown is Cora s father. Maury
claims that he is not Cora s father. Kimberly s nastiness toward her husband, Calvin, and the rest
of the family is eventually revealed to be from her experience of being raped as a teenager.
Byron, originally thought to be Shirley s youngest son, is exposed as Kimberly s illegitimate
son. This was kept hidden from both Calvin and Byron. After Calvin finds out, he and Kimberly
talk through their problems and decide to seek help, saving their marriage. Byron also has an
illegitimate child with his ex girlfriend Sabrina. This causes many problems for Byron, as Sabrina
is constantly around, and she makes it her personal campaign to slander him around his family. He
also must make child support payments to Sabrina, putting stress on him as he tries to hold down
an honest, but low paying, job. This is a knock on African Americans, as they are often labeled as
having many illegitimate
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Isis Innovation Limited Business Analysis
Technology Commercialisation
Assignment 1: Identify and Plan an Opportunity
Identifying the product opportunity
Software Scores English Language Students is a new learning language software developed by
Oxford University and is controlled by Isis Innovation. The software was made to measure the
student s performance accurately despising any accent, using a new method that is able to
recognise what is more important for the understanding of each word. English is the most
important language in the world and many english courses are trying to develop alternatives to be
a differential in the market. This new software can be a efficient tool to make the difference when
the student are looking for the best way to learn english.
Issis Innovation Limited is a technology transfer company owned by Oxford University that is
responsible for the intellectual property portfolio of the University and helps researchers, students
and clients across the public and private sectors to manage, protect and commercialise their
technologies and innovations. The Software Scores English Language Students is one of the Isis
Project (No 2900) and it s based on a recent research made by University of Oxford Phonetics
Laboratory which has analysed different speeches and dialects trying to recognise the loudness and
duration of each syllables, which is the more important characteristic for the understanding of the
word, hence the student can be scored without interference of the accent.
English is
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A Foundation For Studying Emotional Psychology
The main purpose behind the study conducted by Crivelli, Jarillo, Russell, FernГЎndez Dols (2016)
is to challenge the authenticity of the universality thesis. Their intention is to question whether
facial expressions used to signal different emotions are universally comprehended. Therefore, do
all human beings signal certain emotions with the same, universal, facial expression? The studies
conducted regarding the universality thesis were used as a foundation for studying emotional
psychology. Making it extremely relevant to question such influential research, which appears to
lack consistent and convincing results. There are three main issues regarding the universality
thesis. The first of which is that, methodological challenges occur from studying culturally
isolated societies. The most difficult issue to overcome being the language barrier. Similar to
how the Himba tribe has one word (burou) for both blue and green (Goldstein, Davidoff,
Roberson, 2009), similar language barriers may exist in regards to emotions and facial expressions.
For example, in a study conducted by Ekman, the Fore of Papua New Guinea have no word to
describe disgust (As cited in Crivelli, Jarillo, Russell, FernГЎndez Dols, 2016). In addition to this,
in Western society, we are familiar with question and answer formats. However, it may be
intimidating in these culturally isolated societies, which could invoke cultural norms. Secondly, the
range of results appears to be problematic. Although a
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Success Is No Illusion Greater Than Fear Essay
There is no illusion greater than fear. Lao Tzu. Most successful men and women entrepreneurs do
not let fear hold them back from achieving what they want. They know that success is not just
about having a dream but by overcoming the fear of failure and taking action on that dream or
else it will always remain a dream and never a reality. Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucksand
former owner of the Seattle Supersonics, probably realized this at an early age. Howard Schultz
was born on July 19, 1953, in Brooklyn, New York and grew up not having much as a child,
living in the Brooklyn projects with his parents and two other siblings. He later went to Northern
Michigan University on a football scholarship but decided not to play and instead pursued an
academic degree. In 1975, Howard Schultz graduated with a BA in Communications and
immediately went to work for Xerox Corp. in the sales and marketing division, which eventually
led him to Starbucks (Howard).
The original Starbucks was founded in 1971, in Seattle s historic Pike Place Market, by three
owners Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowker; who later on hired Howard Schultz to be
their director of sales in 1982 (Sun). During Schultz s trip to Italy, he saw the importance of how
coffee played a role in the social life of most Italians. It was a main point for the neighborhood,
where friends met, mingled and lingered throughout the day. After returning to Seattle, Howard
Schultz brought his idea to Starbucks owners
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Horse Racing History
The history of horse racing
The ancient sport of horse racing dates back thousands of years. The concept was created by
Central Asian nomadic tribesmen who were the first to domesticate horses. Horse racing has been
in organized sport around the world from the beginning of recorded history.
It is known that English knights in the 12th century would race stallions and wager amongst
themselves privately. During the 17 hundred horse racing officially became a professional sport.
From that point on breeding racing horses and bidding on horse racing rapidly expanded the sport
s popularity. In 1750 the Jockey Club was formed by racing Elites this club still regulates English
racing today. Another fact about the Jockey Club is that the horses known as thoroughbreds are
descendants of the original line of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Today Australia currently has more racecourses than any other Nation. Spring and fall mean
important races in Australia with the Melbourne Cup and Victoria Derby and VRC Oaks race
meets. Other major attractions include the Golden Slipper Stakes Caulfield cup and WS Cox Plate.
Spectating and gambling on thoroughbred horse races is a multibillion dollar market. The most
popular forms of horse racing in Australia are flat racing and racing over hurdles and fences. In
Australia, the Australian racing board governs horse racing.
Wagering bets on horse races have been one of the main factors of an appeal that have kept this
profession alive. The betting system used primarily in the United States has been used for hundreds
of years where bidders get payoffs based on the odds against the horse they want to win. Bettors
can wager not only on the winning horse, but they have the option of bidding on the horse that
comes in first or second, the horses that come in second or third etc. and win a prize based on what
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Keats And Finch And The Nightingale
In literature, it is generally agreed that The Nightingale invites the beholder to explore something
beyond the merely human . Both Keats and Finch imitate this concept in Ode to a Nightingale and
To the Nightingale by using poetic form and language to show the qualities of a bird that inspires
them to look beyond the physical and in Finch s case, challenge the confines of human restriction
whilst asserting poetryas a human necessity.
Keats was a key figure in the Romantic era in the first part of the 17th century which, according
to RenГ© Wellek s classic definition, sought to substitute imagination for the view of poetry,
nature for the view of the world, and symbol and myth for poetic style. Therefore, Keats Ode to a
Nightingale , written in 1819, has an affiliation with the natural world, through both the metaphors
he uses and his meter and rhyme. The fact that the poem is an Ode to a nightingale shows that
Keats is addressing the bird in particular and therefore it asserts the link that is found in
Romanticism between humans and the natural world. M. H. Abrams states that Keats wrote this
poem, whilst reminiscent of a Horation Ode, as what came to be known as a Romantic Meditative
Ode which is the personal ode of description and passionate meditation . It is clear here that what
Keats is passionate about in this poem is the country green . Keats coined the term negative
capability to describe passionate mediation in a letter to
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Evaluating The President Is The Best President
Evaluating the President Essay Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man
s character, give him power. Abraham Lincoln ( Quotes , par. 4). Lincoln was able to lead the
country successfully in a position of great power, even when there was pressure and hardship.
President Lincoln is the best president because he was decisive, kindhearted, and trustworthy.
Decisiveness is essential for a great leader because they must know what they want to do, and
then they must confidently act on it. One example where Lincoln showed decisiveness is his
decision to hold Fort Sumter, and later his decision to declare war. One day after President
Lincoln took office, he received a message from Major Robert Anderson, commander of the
troops at Fort Sumter. Lincoln was informed that the troops were running low on supplies, such
as ammunition and food. Lincoln had to decide whether to order the troops to stay, or to give up
the Fort to the Confederacy by leaving and coming back to the Union. He asked his cabinet for
advice, and even though there were conflicting opinions, Lincoln did what he thought was best .
Lincoln decided that he would continue to have the troops hold the fort. He would try to get
supplies to them by sending an unarmed boats to Fort Sumter. The boats were unarmed so that if
the Confederate troops attacked, they would look aggressive and violent. In the end, this approach
helped prevent four states from seceding the Union ( Fort Sumter 1 5). The
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Analysis Of The Article One Glowing Moment
The first article I choose was One Glowing Moment . It was about how back in 1996 Fox Sports
decided to launch technology that would make hockey a much more interesting game to watch
because people at the time with a basic standard picture on their television were having problems
keeping track of the puck. The way they would do this was with this FoxTrax technology they
would put a blue fuzz ball around the puck when it moving along the ice than when a player
shoots it there would be a red streak that follows it. The main reason that I selected this article
was because it reminded me of what the PGA LPGA does in golf when a player hits the ball with
a system they called name Trackman. The only difference it s that Trackman covered a variety
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Links Between Romeo And Juliet
[Enter Mercutio and Benvolio]
BenvolioLet s go home, Mercutio. It s hot and there are Capulets everywhere. If we run into them,
we won t be able to avoid a fight. The heat makes them cranky.
MercutioYou are like one of those guys who walks into a bar and places his baguette on the
counter, but only two drinks later you have pointed it toward the barman.
BenvolioAm I like that?
MercutioCome, come, thou art as hot as Jack in thy mood as any in Italy, and as soon mov d to be
moody, and as soon moody to be mov d.
BenvolioTo what?
MercutioSee, if there were for some reason two of you, there would soon be none at all, because
one would have killed the other! You would fight over the stupidest things like who has a single
hair more on his face; you got ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Gentlemen, for shame, forbear this outrage! Tybalt, Mercutio, the Prince expressly hath. Forbid this
bandying in Verona streets. Romeo steps between them. Hold, Tybalt! Good Mercutio! Tybalt under
Romeo s arm thrusts Mercutio in. Away Tybalt with his followers.
MercutioI am hurt. A plague a both houses! I am sped. Is he gone and hath nothing?
Benvolio What, art thou hurt?
MercutioAy, ay, a scratch, a scratch, marry, tis enough. Where is my page? Go, villain, fetch a
RomeoCourage, man, the hurt cannot be much.
MercutioNo, tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door, but tis enough, twill serve.
Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man. I am pepper d, I warrant, for this
world. A plague a both your houses! Zounds, a dog, a rat, a mouse, a cat, to scratch a man to
death! A braggart, a rogue, a villain, that fights by the book of arithmetic! Why the dev l came you
between us? I was hurt under your arm.
RomeoI thought all for the best.
MercutioHelp me into some house, Benvolio. Or I shall faint. A plague a both your houses! They
have made worms meat of me. I have it. And soundly too. Your houses! Exeunt Mercutio and
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Racial And Ethnic Stereotypes That Feed Discrimination
In America s society, there are millions of immigrants who make up roughly 15 percent of the
population. An immigrant is any individual who comes to live in foreign country permanently
where they are not originally born. Even though there are such high population rates for legal
immigrants, there is still immigrant bashing that occurs. Which consists of immigrants being
constantly tormented and belittled because of their ethical background. Alberto G. Mata and
Catalina Herrerias describe immigrant bashing and politicians stereotyping within their story. For
instance, the authors explain in depth how politicians use racial and ethnic groups to win electoral
races, and promote racial and ethnic stereotypes that feed discrimination. (Coramae... Show more
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(Coramae R. Mann, 2006) The members were also concerned about keeping America the way in
which they believe it should stay. Nonetheless the fact that America was home to numerous
languages before the Europeans settlers arrived. Which is why I can t help but to think, about
how the English Only Movement must have been filled with members who couldn t accept
change and refused to compromise. Individuals who were egotistical and self centered, who
would not accept America today, since we have more than one primary language. For instance,
when you are using a debit card machine it will prompt you to choose English or Spanish, back
in the times of the English Only Movement that would not have been an option. I m personally
glad this is an option now because it is needed to help cater to both the English speaking
Americans and the Spanish speaking Americans. Shortly after the U.S English Only Movement,
the Proposition 187 Fiscal Crisis, Illegal Aliens and Public Service was created. Which required
schools, health centers, and social service agencies to report suspected illegal immigrants and their
children to state and federal authorities. (Coramae R. Mann, 2006) These methods were designed
to keep illegal immigrants from migrating over the boards, and politicians use it for their in
advantage. In the year 1994 Governor
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How Did The Us Constitution Lead To The Failure Of The...
Imperatively, President Woodrow Wilson envisioned a world parliament which was exerted at the
Paris Peace Conference. However, the non existent relationship between United States and the
League of Nations was a vital decision in which lead to the failure of the League of Nations and
the uprising of another world war. The key element of the creation of the League of Nationswas that
nations should summon and solve major issues through discussion rather than war. Its purpose was
to strengthen international relations and improve cooperation among foreign powers, ultimately
creating an atmosphere fostering world peace. Conversely, U.S Congress hesitated to join
threatened by the policy of isolationism. The belief that the League would endanger
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Formal Business Report
Your Name
Your email address
Your Name
Your email address
Looking for a vacation home for your family that will also accommodate extended family and
guests? We have found the perfect real estate that fits all of your needs.
Looking for a vacation home for your family that will also accommodate extended family and
guests? We have found the perfect real estate that fits all of your needs.
LAKE front home
In Bariloche
LAKE front home
In Bariloche
Daniel Ladner
Relator, International Real Estate
5748 Wing Way
Dallas, TX 75201
April 15, 2015
Swiller Family
123 Hideaway Lane
Houston, TX 77001
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Swiller:
I submit here with a proposal in support of your request for finding a vacation home. ... Show more
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(South America Living).
Entertainment Facilities
Museums provide hours of entertainment for the whole family. Three museums that provide
exhibits include Natural Science sections, urban archaeology, lithographs, an aboriginal history and
so many others that would hold your families interest. (South America Living).
Restauants in Bariloche are of excellence quality. The best restaurants are found to be located
around the lake. With your home being on the lake you would have plenty of dining within your
close proximity. Shopping is excellent. You will find everything you need within a short distance.
Dining Since the city is centered on a lake, the traditional food is catered to seafood. With the
property located on the lake, your dining experiences would be endless. With great food and
wonderful atmosphere your family will most certainly enjoy this area. (Price Travel).
Bariloche s main street is where you will find everything that your family would need or want. The
shops sell anything from leather goods to teas and gourds. You will also find the smoke meats that
you could enjoy in your summer dining room. Just imagine all the family gathered around the table
to the delicious local meats and cheese.
Local handcrafts are usually made of wool and wood. These crafts could be used to decorate your
beautiful home. (Frommer s).
Currency Exchange Rate
The Argentine
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History Of Chile
Chile s economy is considered one of the most developed in Latin America, and is believed that it
will be a developed country between 2018 and 2020. It also has the highest Human Development
Index (HDI) in Latin America. According to IMF estimates, the country will reach a GDP per
capita of just over 18,000 USD over a period of 4 years (2014). In early 2010, Chile became the first
full member of the OECD in South America and second in Latin America after Mexico, due to the
recognition in the economic advances of recent decades, social development and strong institutional
restructuring, which has led to Chile to settle in the thirty members of this organization, which
groups the major ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Two roads can lead to achieve growth in productivity. On the one hand, Chile needs to optimize
processes with the already available resources which requires the proper functioning of markets,
competition, institutions with higher degrees of legitimacy, reduce the regulatory bureaucracy that
generate losses of efficiency, an infrastructure that does not progress and limit the flexibility
necessary for proper allocation of resources. While on the other hand, Chile needs to innovate,
implement new ideas, create products, designs, processes, business models or a productive
organization. In both cases, the basis for increased productivity are the people. Therefore, it is
essential that all Chileans have access to better training and an environment that allows them to
deploy their creative talent with an environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship
without barriers to entry to ensure free competition which does not condemn failure, and allows the
flexibility to adapt and use new technologies offered by the dynamic
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Bartleby the Scrivener, Deeply Symbolic Essay examples
Bartleby the Scrivener, a Deeply Symbolic Work
Bartleby the Scrivener, is one of the most complicated stories Melville has ever written, perhaps
by any American writer of that period. It id a deep and symbolic work, its make you think of
every little detail differently. It makes you realize that a little detail actually make a difference
and give a meaning to the story analysis. The walls are controlling symbols of the story; in fact
some had said that it s a parable of walls. Melville tells us explicitly that certain prosaic facts are
indispensable to understand a story (Leo Marx 1970). One of the walls, which is part of sky light
shaft, is white. And it provides the best light available, with the sky invisible. There is no ... Show
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Some had interpreted his phrase as a scream for help, as if he is shouting I am a human being, I
can and will make choices concerning my own life. But when his preferences are completely
ignored and he is sent to the city prison, he gives up on life and dies. It appeared to him as if he
had lost the one element of humanity he seemed to possess. Others said that, his refusal of the
lawyer s request has been read as a critique of the materialism of American culture that was
growing at this time. Where it is pretty much significant in the story that the lawyer s office is on
Wall Street and Wall Street was at that time becoming the hub of financial activity in the U.S. His
refusal amounts to a heroic opposition to economic control. That shows how the theme of this
story is extremely subtle, and that gives the story its popularity among readers allover the world.
The last paragraph can t be left without analysis; it s where a new mystery was revealed. It is the
one thing the lawyer had discovered about Bartleby; the rumor that Bartleby once worked in the
Dead Letter office, and was fired in an administrative shake up. Dead letters! Does it not sound
like dead men? В… On errands of life, these letters speed to deathВ… The lawyer wonders
whether it was the lonely depressing job, reading letters meant for people now gone or dead,
which drove Bartleby into his final stillness beneath a prison yard tree
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Babatunde Olatunji
The Nigerian drummer, Babatunde Olatunji, brought the traditions of African drumming to
America while studying in New York, but it all started in Ajido, Nigeria where he was born.
Babatunde Olatunji was born on April 7, 1927 in Ajido Nigeria. He was born in the family of the
Yoruba Tribe, which was one of Nigeria s largest ethnic groups. As a teen, Olatunji moved to
Nigeria s biggest city, Lagos, in order to attend school where he received the Rotary International
Foundation Scholarship. The scholarship was given by the United States in 1950 where Olatunji
decided to leave home for Atlanta, Georgia. Although he had gone to Atlanta to study political
science, his interest in musiccontinued to soar (Musician Guide). In 1954, Olatunji graduated...
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While the rhythm sets the beat, the melody is the main creator of the characteristics. The melody
sets the tone, mood, and the story behind the song. Many songs feature complex melodies in order
to tell its story, but the melody is quite simple in Oya (Primitive Fire) . The melody is played by
many different percussion instruments, and begins in the second section of the song. At first listen,
the song sounds more like different layers of rhythmic patterns, but the combination of these
patterns creates a distinct melody. Unlike in common western music, the melody is being created
through the use of layers and counterpoint rather than a solo instrument. This is very common in
the ancient African music that Olatunji learned. The melody is played in a pentomic scale, but
because a lot of Nigerian drum music is improvisation, it is difficult to identify the specific major
or minor scale.
The harmony is a harder concept to grasp in Olatunji s musical works because of the style of
Nigerian drum music. Nigerian drum music is commonly layers of instruments put together.
Because each instrument has its own leading role, it is hard to hear which instrument is specifically
harmonizing with the other instruments. In Oya (Primitive Fire) however, the harmony is a bit
more prominent; the harmony is played by the drums in section two. In this section there are two
sets of drums being played.
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North Mississippi Hill Country Picnic
I grew up in a small, rural town in Potts Camp, Mississippi, which is about forty five minutes
from Oxford, Mississippi. Around 2005 my family and I moved away, and during this time The
North Mississippi Hill Country Picnic was evolving. Kenny Brown a resident from Potts Camp,
Mississippi created the idea of having a picnic to educate, remember, and appreciate their local
blues artists, such as R. L. Burnside. The picnic is held in Waterford, Mississippi and lasts for
two days. Some of the local venders offer barbeque and catfish plates, along with a slice of
watermelon, denoted by the local boy scouts. The festival attracts many travelers to Marshall
County, Sara stated, As many as 11 foreign countries and 38 states for the 2014 festival... Show
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From a young boy he played the blues and was mentored by one of the successful blues man from
Mississippi. Kenny wanted to remember the late blues musicians from Mississippi by hosting a
festival each year for his community and other travelers from around the world. Many feel that
while attending the picnic that it is just a time for fun, good music, food and celebration. However,
Jeremy Martin (2014) stated, You are part of a special moment, and, when the sun goes down
and the day s heat breaks, when grandparents hobble up the stage to guest with their
grandchildren you realize that this is far better, far bigger, than any festival you d ever heard of
before . The picnic is a time of remembrance and to educate the younger generation of their local
blues culture, for many it is a way of
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Uses of Archetype, Foreshadow, and Symbolism in One...
Uses of Archetype, Foreshadow, and Symbolism in One Hundred Years of Solitude
Throughout all works of world literature, certain passages will have special significance to the plot
progression of that novel. This key passage must provide insight upon the overall theme of that
work through characterization, symbolism, and imagery. In Gabriel Garc iacute;a M aacute;rquez s
novel One Hundred Years of Solitude, the passage selected for commentary uses the literary
techniques of archetype, foreshadow, and symbolism to inform characterization. The concept of
consanguineous love affairs is also reinforced in this passage along with the idea of the necessity of
outside influence on a family. These concepts inform the characterization of ... Show more content
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This text reveals more information upon the theme of cyclic occurrences throughout the work.
The name Jos eacute; Arcadio also holds much symbolic significance. The text describes previous
Jos eacute; Arcadios as impulsive and outgoing, although they liked to retain much control over
their domestic situations. Jos eacute; Arcadio Segundo, on the other hand, resembled past
Aurelianos. He was an insurrectionist, as he led the strike against the banana company. Similarly,
Colonel Aureliano Buend iacute;a commanded the civil war many years earlier. He also
endeavored to translate Melqu iacute;ades manuscripts in his later life, to escape the pains of the
massacre that he witnessed; Aureliano Buend iacute;a did the same in order to forget about his
involvement in the wars. Also, at his death Jos eacute; Arcadio Segundo dies with his eyes open;
Aureliano Buend iacute;a was born in the same way. Throughout his entire life, he shows little
signs of representing the stereotypical Jos eacute; Arcadio. This reversal of characterization is quite
symbolic in that one expects Jos eacute; Arcadio Segundo to behave like his namesakes; instead his
behavior more closely resembles that of Aureliano Buend iacute;a.
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Anthropomorphism in Greek Myth Essay
Paper #1: The role of anthropomorphism in Greek mythology.
God created man in his image, and man, being a gentleman, returned the compliment.
Mark Twain
In his beginning, man was part of nature. He knew little about the causes of natural phenomenon
and certainly knew of no way to control them. This is perhaps the reason for his creation of ritual
and later religion. As man evolved he began to consider the possibilities of gaining some type of
control over his environment. If nature was simply a random set of events ruled only by chaos
than this wouldn t be possible. However, if something or better yet someone was in control, one
could acquire what they desired by pleasing this entity. In the beginning, according to some ... Show
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It is obvious therefore that there are, as always seems to be the case, exceptions; however in most
cases the gods are seen as similar to man s image. Aside form the human form, gods speak the
same language as the Greeks and use the same organs to do so, in other words, no telepathy. While
they are able in some cases to reproduce asexually, sexual reproduction seems to be the more often
used method. The asexual reproduction of Gaea produced Uranus, the Mountains, and Pontus. Later
her sexual reproduction with Uranus produced numerous offspring. While the use of sexual
reproduction was human like (obviously not exclusive to humans but still human like), the use of
alternative reproduction was represented in the myths. An example of such an alternative would be
the conception of the Giants and Erinyes by Gaea when the blood of Uranus fell onto her. While
the Greeks seem to have known that human reproduction was related to the sperm entering the
woman, they also seem to think the Gods had ways to bypass this requirement. Going along with
this observation of sperm into woman, they Greeks recognized the woman as the vessel in which
life developed, whether she attributed to this life s origination is another question. However there
are some exceptions to this such as when Zeus eats his pregnant wife, thus becoming the
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Pension Funds and Pension Crisis
Pension Funds and the Pension Crisis Introduction Pension funds are any plans, funds or
schemes which provide retirement income. These funds are important to shareholders of listed
and private companies and they are particularly important to the stock market which is
dominated by large institutional investors. This essay discusses the idea of pension funds and
the pension crises. It defines the issues of pension funds, talks about the various pensions,
categorizes them, and discusses the pension crisis and its implications to the US in particular
and to the world in general. Pension Funds Pension funds are any plans, funds or schemes which
provide retirement income. The money in them varies from some offering very little making it
not worthwhile for their holder to retires, whilst others pay more than the employee has earned
in his lifetime. Examples of the former are the present day crisis with Chicago teachers who have
found that their pension is giving them as little as 42,000 per year ((NYT Times (September 19,
2012) Next School Crisis for Chicago: Pension Fund Is Running Dry). Examples with the latter are
the absurd instances of Yonkers, where policemen in their 40s are retiring on $100,000 pensions
(more than their top salaries), or in California, where payments to Calipers, the biggest state
pension fund, soared while financing for higher education was cut (ibid). The largest 300 pension
funds collectively hold about $6 trillion in assets (Global Investment
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Media Corporations Profiting from Violence Essay
Media Corporations Profit from Violence
Whether it is a body found along the road, a school shooting, or planes flying into the World
Trade Center, the images will be replayed over and over on Television ad nausea.. The most
horrific acts may eventually be retold in books and movies. Packaging and selling the violence of
the moment belongs to television and television will keep reminding us of it.
The special custom made armor covered his body from neck to toe. As the black clad gunman
wandered the street, randomly firing a high powered semi automatic rifle at Los Angeles police, a
city sat transfixed to their televisions, hypnotised by the unreal events unfolding outside their doors.
When the LAPD realised that the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With up to 3/4 of the world s television audience watching American programming, the tool of
American conversation is becoming the tool of the world s conversation, and the topic of
conversation is violence.
American television viewers have an insatiable appetite for televised violence, and as they
become desensitized to violent images they seek out stronger images. The image providers have
discovered a novel way to increase the intensity of the violent images move away from
entertainment violence and show real violence. In the past few years real life and death
programming has become more commonplace on television, both as news and entertainment
programming. Shows like Cops, Real Life Encounters with Wild Animals, and Real Highway
Pursuits have begun to appear on our television screens with an incresing regularity. These
programs routinely show acts of real violence, caught on home video. Television news directors
have adopted the credo if it bleeds, it leads to such an extent that it has almost become cliche. The
thrill of watching fake violence is waning and being replaced by the drama of watching real
violence. And the higher the body count, the more we watch.
Nothing manufactures violent images on a larger scale than a war and, consequently, American
television reaches its zenith of violent images and mass
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Questions On The Urinary System
The Urinary System
Experiment 1: Post lab questions:
Table 1: Solution present in each container before 60 minutes submersion.
SolutionDialysis TubingBeaker
Congo RedPresent Absent
Yellow Food ColorPresentAbsent
Table 2: Solution present in each container after 60 minutes submersion
SolutionDialysis TubingBeaker
Congo RedPresentAbsent
Yellow Food ColorSlightly PresentPresent
1. What specific part of the kidney does the dialysis tubing represent? What is the function of this
It represents the part of the kidney that acts like a semipermeable membrane, the nephrons. The
nephrons are made of membranous tubules that act analogously to the semipermeable dialysis bag.
When blood passes through the tubules, particles in the blood leave the tubule by the process of
2. What does the yellow food color represent at the end of the experiment? What does the Congo
red represent?
The Congo red solution is used to mimic blood and the yellow food color mimics the excretory
product of the kidney. When a mixture of Congo red, yellow food color and water were mixed and
taken in a dialysis bag, the yellow food color diffuses out into the surrounding water in which the
dialysis bag is suspended. At the end of the experiment, the contents in the dialysis bag represent the
blood; the contents of the beaker represent the urine formed. The beaker has a slight yellow tinge
that results from the yellow food color.
3. Why is it important for the kidney to filter
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Hospital Supply Case Study
IV.SCENARIOS3 Question 15 Question 27 Question 310 Question 412 Question 513 Question 614
Question 716 V.CONCLUSION18 Bibliography19
The case is about manufacturing company, Hospital Supply, Inc., that produced hydraulic hoists for
the local market. The hydraulic hoist is useful to the hospital for moving bedridden patients. Most
of sales made to local hospitals. Significant to activity of sales and production of hydraulic hoist,
there are costs incurred due to the consumption of resources. Presented in Exhibit 1 are the costs of
manufacturing and marketing hydraulic hoists at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This also works in reverse. If the break even point in sales dollars is known, it can be divided by
the selling price per unit to determine the break even point in units.
| |
Decision Point 1:
The concept of break even stated that volume that is lower than break even point, a loss is
expected. Meanwhile, volume at higher than break even, a profit is expected[4]. Therefore,
Hospital Supply, Inc. should produce at least 1,882 units in order not to incur any losses.
Figure 3 Contribution Margin Income Statement
|Hospital Supply, Inc. Break Even Income Statement |
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The Impact Of Unemployment On Aboriginal And Torres Strait...
One social determinant that impacts Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is unemployment.
According to the Australian Census in 2011, 56% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
population in Australia were participating in the labour force, however, 17.2% of this population
were unemployed but seeking employment (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2013).
Comparing these numbers to the non indigenous population, the percentage of the indigenous
population in the labour force is significantly lower than non indigenous Australians, with a
difference of 20.5% (ABS, 2013).
Through my learning of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing, it was
mentioned that most indigenous people were unemployed or experienced poverty, the statistics
allowed me to put these statements into perspective. Upon learning this I felt quite shocked and
alarmed at the high rates of people that were not working or even trying to find work. It gave me a
better understanding of how seeking employment for indigenous people may be a stressful and
daunting process. But it also made me think on how unemployment can affect the health and
wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
I believe that being unemployed for a prolonged period may be a detriment to physical and mental
health due to overwhelming stress. The idea of unemployment being detrimental to health
correlates with Pharr s (2012) and Janlert s (2014) researches on the impact of unemployment on
mental and physical health. Both concluded similarly that people who have been unemployed for
prolonged period have poor mental health compared to the employed, Pharr (2012) also stated that
unemployed people are hesitant to receive medical treatment for physical health due to cost. Stress
contributes to poor mental health but also feelings of disappointment and shame towards
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FXT2 Task 1 Essay
FXT2 Enterprise Continuity
The purpose of this presentation is to educate you on disaster recovery plans and/or enterprise
continuity plan. The following slide will include basic structures, roles in the plan, and employee
FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan
The presentation will cover the following topics
Employee responsibilities of a ECP/DRP
Operational disturbance optimization
High level employee education plan
ECP/DRP content with input from IT vendors
Employee awareness education program
FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan
Team Responsibilities
Emergency Management Team
Top tier of emergency response team that manages lower teams.
Physical Security Team
Responsible for maintaining physical security ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Failure points could be hardware/software or personnel. To mitigate these points assessments will
be made in how to best mitigate the failure and what would need to be done to prevent it from
causing an outage.
Single point would be one user knows how a specific system/hardware functions. He/She is out
sick during and outage or in my case people like to say gets hit by a bus. To mitigate this, hire
additional resources or cross train resources to handle the system/hardware as a backup function in
the even he/she is out of the office.
Instead of having one physical piece of hardware that could fail, setup virtualization with
redundancy. Virtualization platforms today have the ability to shift a virtual machine from one
physical host to another in the event of a failure to provide fault tolerance.
FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan
Facilities/Security Layer Organization
This layer deals with the physical aspects of the campus. For example, heating, cooling, power,
access controls to secured locations of the campus.
Work with power provider(s) to establish redundant power from multiple grids.
Establish generator services for portions of the campus where power downtime is not acceptable.
FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan
A3. Disaster Recovery Training
First define the most senior personnel to provide administration in the
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Lars Eighner s On Dumpster Diving
Many people think that dumpster diving is a survival to search and find something in a
dumpster that they needed some discarded food/drink in order to survive if they are homeless
and are really hungry/thirsty. The purpose of Lars Eighner s memoir, On Dumpster Diving , is to
understand the style of his writing of why capitalizes the letter D in Dumpster . The importance of
this memoir is symbolized to define his survival needs including his dog, Lizbeth which is both his
living and eating at a dumpster. There are many reasons why I chose Lars Eighner s essay, On
Dumpster Diving. I believe the style of Lars s memoir was effective because Lars was impressed
living in dumpsters, Lars was searching and scavenging for food in a dumpster and... Show more
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In other words, he was trying to find something valuable in the dumpster that he might/will find it
useful for him to keep. In Lars s memoir, he wrote, As for collecting objects, I usually restrict
myself to collecting one kind of small object at a time, such as pocket calculators, sunglasses, or
campaign buttons. [...] But even if had a home with extensive storage space I could not save
everything that might be valuable in some contingency. (Eighner 146). This quote means that,
finding something valuable in the dumpster has meant a lot to him that if he and his dog, Lizbeth
had a home, it would/will be useful for him to collect all of the junk for him to keep it as a
souvenir and or even a dumpster collection. In the other hand, I found it interesting when I keep on
reading further, he had found a lot more discarded items of what we throw out that we don t need
no more that he also states, Dumpsters contain bank statements, bills, correspondence, and other
documents, just as anyone might expect. But there are also less obvious sources of information.
[...] (Eighner 147) to show how we could find some personal information/documentation in a
Therefore, there are many reasons why I chose Lars Eighner s essay, On Dumpster Diving .
Dumpster diving can really help a homeless person search for food and or drink in order to
survive. Dumpster diving is effectual. It can also help a homeless
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  • 6. Compassion Fatigue Paper The current class has been very informative on nursing theories and it is the dream of every aspiring nursing student and registered nurses to provide compassionate care to the patients. Nurses have a role not only to offer physical care but to offer mental, spiritual and emotional support to patients as well. Patients with complex and frequently diverse needs must be given the full attention of the nursebased on their needs. Consistent research indicated the significant benefits which ensue when nurses offer compassionate care; however this is not always the case, especially among nurses which are involved in direct care of terminally ill patients and such nurses end up suffering from compassion fatigue, this is what Joinson (1992) described... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Compassion fatigue is a huge reality and according to Potter et al. (2013), long term effects of compassion fatigue have negative impact on the health, well being and performance of nurses involved. Jean Watson s theory of caring said, true healing cannot be realized without caring therefore, compassion fatigue is a problem that does not only affect nurses, but goes a notch higher by also affecting the quality of care offered by compassion fatigue victims. Boyle (2011) observed that there is need for nurses to be compassionate and caring especially when providing care to patients, families or relatives. Slatten et al. (2011) noted that compassion fatigue is an occupational hazard among nurses involved (that is, professionals involved in helping others). Compassion fatigue is therefore, a significant problem affecting professional practice in nursing because Rosa (2014) stated that, being a successful caregiver requires a nurse to be in a position to find the meaning in what they do, remain committed and immersed in order to gain a sense of purpose. However, compassion fatigue stands as a barrier to realization of sense of purpose among ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Sociological Dichotomy In Shanghai s Nightlife A survey of Shanghai s nightlife demonstrates a sociological dichotomy, both in economic and social hierarchical aspects. In recent decades of progressive economic and social change in China, social inequality and class division have deepened in the rise of the sex industry, primarily prostitution. Among the fastest growing industries in modern China, from the world of electronics to global exports of technology, prostitutionis among China s thriving economic industries. An observant 10 minute walk through any Chinese city guarantees an encounter of China s active sex tradein some subtle disguise. Prostitutes in China are employed in even state owned hotels, they walk the streets, and service in clubs, bars, massage parlors, sauna houses, barber shops, beauty salons, and even buzzing karaoke buildings. The presence of prostitution is ubiquitous at every class level of Chinese society, into the luxury streets of Shanghai and impoverished villages of rural provinces. Yang Fan, a Chinese economist, estimates 20 million sex workers in business throughout China, accounting for 6% of the country s gross domestic product (Human Rights Watch). Beyond bearing economic influence, prostitution in China is a matter of public health, gender inequality, organized crime, poverty, communal inequality, and shifting societal values. Most significantly, the inner workings of the sex industryin China are intrinsically linked to the sociological study of social hierarchy and class ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Contextual Theory. The Overall Purpose Of This Brief Paper Contextual Theory The overall purpose of this brief paper is to characterize the main concepts, main techniques, and any current research that supports contextual therapy in relation to contextual theory. While the purpose of this exercise was to demonstrate knowledge of counseling theories not addressed in class sessions, contextual therapy (which has also been referred to as contextual family therapyin prior literature) is not per se a theory as much as it is a method of therapy based on Ivan Boszormenyi Nagy s contextual theory. In his determination that there is more to understanding an individual s challenges in relation to others, Boszormenyi Nagy designed contextual therapy to draw attention to his empirically based findings from... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Excluding such information could lead to misrepresenting the factors by which the client experiences the world and bankrupt the influence of culture on development. Boszormenyi Nagy stretches facts to include those details about world views that are a product of our own created reality that is culminated by choice and agency. While a child certainly does not have a choice into what family they are born into, the parents do have a choice into how they will interact with each other around that child, such that, inconsistencies or neglect of that healthy relationship could create for the child a fact that unhealthy conflict is normal or that they must choose sides of affection (Goldenthal, 2005). Since there is an underlying foundation of psychotherapy present, contextual therapy accounts for facts that may be present that the client may not be able to bring to their conscience or that they may be unwilling to acknowledge that were out of their control, but nevertheless, still occurred (Ruzgyte, 2011). Psychology. The functioning of the person within was also heavily regarded by Boszormenyi Nagy, such that his reflections from psychoanalytical theories would illuminate the need to connect the parts of the individual psyche: cognitive abilities; emotional functioning; instinctual drives; internal conflicts; moral and intellectual development; and concepts of object relations theory ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Analysis Of The Necklace By Guy De Maupassant aupassant, Guy de. Guy De Maupassant s the Necklace, and Other Stories. New York: French, 1984. Print. In this short story can be observed that tragedy is brought by human beings foolish desire. Human beings desires, which are a strong hope to have or do something, become a motivating power to accomplish something we want to do and therefore it makes us feel proud and achieving. In this short stories, Maupassant gi ve some lesson. It is useful to reader because we can see his writing skills in this stories. The author also demonstrates her unlimited desire through symbolism and adjective words. For example, she suffers because of her grim apartment with its drab walls, threadbare furniture, and ugly curtains and she wants to be envied, attractive in a house with large, silent anterooms, with elegant valets and large drawing rooms draped in the most expensive silks with fine end tables of inestimable value . These adjectives are enough to show Mathilde s unrealistic awareness of her situation with innate pride, which is not expected to come true. This bibliography is different with other bibliography because it isn t summarize whole facts about Maupassant or his works but we can see a little part of Maupassant writing skills through his story. This source help who needs to know what is the story about the necklace. Also, it is not a hard story so this source can be easy to read and understand. This source is objective and this is book so it is also reliable. This source ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Asylum Short Story As the medical student is in the asylum with his father turns out his father is actually dead and he is the only one there all alone until he sees his girlfriend s face and hears her screaming and screaming over and over. He tries to find where the noise is coming from he walks and as he does the screaming gets louder and louder, he is getting closer until it stops when he gets interrupted by the doctor in the asylum. The doctor had always worn a black cloak and dark red gloves like the color of blood, nobody knew who he was besides his name Mr. Hatin and the medical student s name is PennyWise. His life changes in his perspective, I fall asleep thinking of the things I have done, but I rest on, as I did I started to have an unusual dream it was so surprisingly good , I then rose up there she was the only girl I have loved and have killed but she is alive and well. She took my hand, I looked where I am going I am not at the asylum anymore and I feel free happy. Beep! Beep! Beep! There was the car I guess it actually is a dream. Mr Hatin took me by my arm and sat me on the couch downstairs, he gave me a dirty look. I started to hear it again her... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But, the next day I got bailed out of the asylum so did the Marepen girl and these other 2 young adult boys and girls. I can t believe I am innocent I never thought it would come to this I knew I was a weirdo like my father, but I never knew something like this would happen to somebody like me. In this case, I didn t know where to go to or where to start, but what I did know I don t have to hear Sheila my ex girlfriend anymore. Above all, I decided to go back to school but not being a medical student again, it still gives me the creeps of the asylum. Meanwhile, everything is the exact way as I thought it would be except for that people at the college wrote Freak on my locker and Go die in a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Swimsuit Alternate Ending We began to walk through town, Millard still had his arm linked around mine. Emma stopped at what looked like a clothing store she and the other girls pulled me inside. I glanced around the shop, amazed. These outfits were absolutely adorable, especially the swimsuits. I walked over to a light blue halter top swimsuit and took it off the rack. It s so pretty! Isn t it? I said with a bright smile. It definitely matches the dark blue streak in your hair. Bronwyn said with a soft smile. After a few minutes we finally came out. The boys sat bordly on the wooden bench outside the store. Millard instantly came up to me and once again linked arms with me. I heard the girls snickering behind me. My face flushed into a full red, I felt so embarrassed and so... helpless.After a few minutes we finally reached the beach, I felt the hot sand beneath my feet. I had already changed into the swimsuit while we were at the store, I was just focused on getting into the water.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I felt the cool water against my face as I swam down into the blackness. I soon felt something touch my leg, I instantly knew who was, Millard... I already know it s you. I said, giggling slightly, although I couldn t really see that well in the darkness, I knew he was around there somewhere. As soon as my eyes were beginning to adjust to my dark surroundings, I saw a dark shadow swim past me in the water, What the? I thought to myself. I shook my head and began to swim back up, just then I felt someone grab my ankle, I let out a small yelp and attempted to kick at whatever was holding onto me. I kicked what ever hit me as hard as possible, finally making it let go of me. I swam up as fast as possible to the surface. As soon as I resurfaced, someone popped up next to me, Millard! You jerk! I shouted as I splashed him angrily. He blocked his face, I m sorry! He shouted as I kept splashing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Analysis Of The Marketing Ethics Of California Fitness Fitness clubs usually have positive images since exercising is good for our health. The healthy images might lower people s alertness towards their promotion practices. California Fitness is a well known fitness gym and health club, it is the second large fitness chain store in Hong Kong. The company has caused controversies because of their marketingactivities. News articles reported that the Consumer Council received a great number of complaints about California Fitness s sales practice. In this essay, I will discuss one of California Fitness s marketing activities that involve marketing ethical issues. I will apply the ethical values set by The American Marketing Association (AMA) in the discussion. Ferrell (2004) suggested that when ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Moreover, there would be other external charges and service charges. The advertisement is false and misleading, it deceptive about pricing or credit terms. The customers have the right to be informed, California Fitness fails to tell the truth in all situations and all times and did not offer the price of the product offered in their advertisement, it is unethical and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Complete Comparisons Of Wheatley And Poe Complete Comparisons of Wheatley and Poe Throughout American literature, two poets emerge as very unlikely candidates for poetic comparisons. Phillis Wheatley and Edgar Alan Poe s writings in many ways reflect the unique lives that they lived, and having an understanding of the two poets backgrounds can assist a reader in dissecting their manuscripts. Comparing works from the two is an easy task to handle if an avid reader decides to pursue it, and even though they lived under adverse conditions they have a way of shaping history into an intricate fashion of delicate, dark and sophisticated writing. Phillis Wheatleyand Edgar Alan Poe are different in persona and literacy, but when a reader processes more of their works, one can understand how these two writers helped shape poetryfor generations after and still possess an impact on the literary world. Phillis Wheatley was a young African American girl, brought to America at the age of seven to be a slave. In her time maturing in the Wheatley household, young Phillis grew rapidly intellectually and spiritually. Her faith in God and His divine nature is what inspired Wheatley to write a prominent subject in her poem On Being Brought from Africa to America. Another example of God being the backbone of her literary career is in her letter To the University of Cambridge in New England. Though Wheatley was a slave, she is known as one of the most prominent poets in the pre nineteenth century America. Mr. Edgar Alan Poe, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Tiger Shark Research Paper Under the sea in the world. There are many aquatic animals. Whether, dolphins, turtles, seahorses and sharks. Sharks are the biggest and the more fighting looking of all fish. There are many kinds of sharks such as whale shake and tiger shark. They are both sharks. However, they differ in two major way appearance, diet, behaviour and conservation status. The first differences are in appearance. The whale sharkis longer and heavier than the tiger shark. The length of the whale shark is 10 meters but the tiger shark is 4 meters. The weight of the whale shark is 9 tonnes but the tiger shark is 500 kilograms. The whale shark has larger mouth, longer tail and wider fin but the tiger shark has many sharp teeth and the fin on the back of a tiger ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The Most Important Person In My Life Throughout my life, I ve had the opportunity to meet many people who have helped me become the person I am today. But there s one person in particular who I know I couldn t live without and therefore is the most important person in my life. This person will do anything she can for me, gives me wonderful advice, and has taught me a lot about life. She is my grandmother, Nana as we call her , and her name is Mirta. I ve know her person ever since I was born. We met in a hospital in Boston when I was about a week old. Although I don t remember of course she does. According to her I was wrapped around two blankets when she first saw me. She d made fun of how small I was. Ever since we met our bond is unbreakable. Nana is spiritual,wise, and understandingand I choose these qualities to describe her because these are what makes her amazing and makes her who she is. How can I describe an amazing women? She is five foot tall with shoulder lengths, with a wine color hair and a with these hazel green eyes. She has a light tan color. She has a square shape face with a little bit of wrinkles on her eyes and cheeks. She has narrow ears and thin eyebrows. She likes to wear conservative church clothings. She loves loose and colorful dresses with her hoop earrings and art deco necklace. She is not fat nor skinny but she has a oval type of body. She does not have any tattoos and she always have her nails done. My nana loves going to church. The first quality of my nana is that she s a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Examples Of Satan In Paradise Lost By Dantes Inferno The way Dante describes Satan makes the theme even more noticeable, especially when the way he describes his version of Satan is contrasted with other images of Satan. The Satan of Milton s Paradise Lost, for example, still has some of the rule and beauty he had when he was the most dominant and attractive of all the angels. He was energetic, was able to make influential speeches in hell, and able to leave Hell to lure Eve. His speechmaking has even influenced some future readers that there is something honorable about his decision to rebel against God: Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven, he says (Lines 258 263 ). Dante s image of Satan is hideous and powerless, stuck in the ice made by the flapping of his own wings, and nothing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Essay On Cubes Cubes Essay For the cubes essay I had to watch a video over four companies. Those companies that I watched a cubes video over were MLB Network, ABC News Headquarters, The Huffington Post, and New York Magazines. All four of these firms all have one thing in common with each other. That trait that they all have in common is that there are all businesses devoted to spreading news to its audience. I picked these four because I thought working at a place that spreads news would be a good suit for me.However, even though all these businesses are devoted to spreading news they all spread different news in different ways. Out of those four cubes videos I watched the one job that I would want to work at the most is at MLB Network. One of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I could definitely see myself fitting into an environment like the one at MLB Network. Everything about this job all traces back to baseball. No matter what job that you do there, wether it be providing highlights, helping prepare shows, or providing statistics for the show. The other jobs I just don t know if I could see myself fitting in enough. For example the job at ABC News just wouldn t be the fit for me because it does not involve something that I am passionate about. Same as the Huffington Post it involves news and I just don t know if that is the kind of environment for me. Same as the job at New York Magazines, writing is not my strong suite so I wouldn t be that great working at a magazine place. The workplace that would foster the most creativity with me is the job at MLB Network. This is because sports are something that I am passionate and know a lot about. Any kind of work that involves something you enjoy you are more likely to get involved in. Not only that, the job here would make me more likely to foster creativity because I already know about the topic we are dealing with which is baseball. Some of the other jobs might also be good for fostering creativity are the jobs at ABC News, and at the Huffington Post. This is because both of those jobs involve news, and current events. I also enjoy keeping up with the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Role And Role Of Public Administration Public administrators play a huge role in the government and are the bridge connecting the government and the public. They are the public s voice and ensure that we as people, have our basic needs met. This does not go without issues and dilemmas, which are faced almost daily. Multiple areas of a public administrator s job needto be taken into account such as public interest, the dilemmas of privatizing governmentfunctions, ethical obligations and administrative responsibility. On the other end of the spectrum, some believe that the needs of the people cannot be accuratley guaged because our world is ever changing, which would make the job of a public administrator impossible. When public administrators are chosen for their job, it is believed that they are the best for the job and that they will hold the public s interest at heart. Public interest is that which is the best for the majority. While not all decisions will make everyone happy because, that is impossible; public administrators ensure that the people s best interest is being heard. This group of people make sure that regulations and services are passed that will help the people. While these might not be the most relevant and up to date issues, public administrators are placed to make sure the basics such as social security and where our tax money goes is in favor of the needs of the people. Public administrators don t get a lot of credit because the things that they ensure are things that we take for granted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. A Report On The Company s Welcome Back At Underwriting A... Welcome back. Last week we looked at underwriting a $250K high yield transaction through the eyes of an independent lessor. Our existing customer, RedBet LLC, had properly paid off two short term leases with us, leaving us a small exposure on a third lease (total exposure had been $320K). RedBet is now coming back to financeof $250K in vacuum tank trailers, a sale that is very important to our preferred vendor. RedBet is an oilfield servicing firm headquartered in New Mexico. We asked, Would you do this deal? Why or why not? As much as we appreciate our lessee, we know that it s even more important for us to value our preferred vendor. With the oil business in decline and our vendor needing to close every sale, this transaction may make or break our relationship with the vendor (who we think could find another funding source to do this deal). In spite of the oil industry downturn, we want to retain this vendor relationship because (a) the vendor is also offering us high quality non oilfield transactions, (b) the cyclical oil business will eventually come back, (c) this vendor s originations have been very profitable for us (high yield and excellent performanceв€’so far), (d) we don t have a concentration in oilfield exposures, and (e) good vendor relationships like this are hard to develop. In addition, with a yield 17%, the transaction could generate substantial income for us. So instead of categorically declining this oil industry transaction, we look for a way to get ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Essay On My Hero s Journey-Personal Narrative As the border patrol exited the school taking me with him, mamma and papa were already in the patrols car along with the rest of the family. Once I saw my family, my eyes opened wide, shocked, I tried to grasp for air and words and what came out was, what s happening papa? Papa looked out the window, with regret and sadness in his voice he simply said they have found us miho. I instantly looked at mamma, with tears in her eyes she said we are getting deported Panchito. She turned to papa and sobbed on his shoulder. The border officer put me in the car along side Papa and mamma. After driving for a couple of hours we made it to Las Vegas. The officer stoped for some gas. He got out of the car then opened the door and said sternly You... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Papa woke us up early and said we are going to the store to buy as much as we can afford to help us out with fixing the house and eating. We walked to get breakfast, since we no longer have our carcachita, from a place called ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The s First Tool At Smx Superior Essay It s been seven months due to the fact that we launched Optmyzr s first tool at SMX superior in Seattle the first rate rating Tracker and we ve been busy adding equipment, reports and optimizations seeing that then. Now, one of the most not unusual questions we get is while to apply numerous optimizations and, of path, those observe regardless of what gear you re using. There are lots of every day tweaks to make in any AdWords account, but what are a number of the optimizations we do on a ordinary time table? Even as there s no one proper answer for each account, I ll proportion a number of my thoughts about what to do and when to do it to keep an account in excellent shape. Do these at the least Quarterly AdWords changes all of the time inside the past yr, we saw one among the larger adjustments in latest memory with the forced migration to more desirable Campaigns. AdWords also frequently launches new functions that are much less dramatic than more suitable Campaigns however that could still have a massive impact on how your commercials carry out. Make certain you re now not missing out on any of those. Right here are some current examples: cell Bid Modifiers Now that cellular and computing device commercials are all served from a single marketing campaign, are you using cell bid modifiers for maximum overall performance? Make sure you re searching at how your commercials are performing on distinct devices so you re not losing cash on mobile gadgets or drugs. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. The Final Episode Of Breaking Bad Known As Face Off The case study I have chosen is the final episode of season 4 of Breaking Bad Known as Face Off. The name is in reference to what happens later in the episode. Through this essay I will attempt to analyse the episode using theories that have been developed by Propp, Todorov and Levi Strauss. I will attempt a full break down of the show later, but for now I will do a quick summary of the show just to bring everyone up to speed before hand. A high school chemistry teacher diagnosed with inoperable cancer turns to manufacturing and selling methamphetamine, with his former student, in order to secure his family s financial future (IMBb, 2008:Online). The Genre for this particular series is Crime Drama but it has aspects of a thriller series thrown in as well. This helps with view ability of the series as it keeps viewers on edge. We mobilise our genre knowledge routinely to order our media experiences, and in doing so we come to recognise a wide of genres. (Gillespie, Toynbee, 2006 :45) Character roles The first aspect that I will analyse is Character roles. This concept came about when Vladimir Propp, a scholar and folklorist analysed hundreds of different Russian folklore stories and was able to pin point certain traits that belongs to certain types of characters. There are 8 character roles in Propp s theory and they have been given names, which might not reflect accurately in certain cases. The Hero or in other words the protagonist would be Walter White as the series ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Two Point Discrimination Test Essay In this lab we apply the technique known as a two point discrimination test. This test will allow us to determine which regions of the skin are best able to discriminate between two simultaneous sensory impulses. According to (Haggard et al. 2007), tactile discrimination depends on the size of the receptive fields located on the somatosensory neurons. However receptive fields for other types of sensations are located elsewhere. For vision we find that the receptive fields are located inside the visual cortex, and for hearing we find receptive fields in the auditory cortex. The ability for the body to discriminate two points depends on how well that area of the body is innervated with neurons; and thus conferring to the size of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Similarly, value marked .25 on the discriminator was a single point. The first person to have the test done was to sit on a bench, lift his sleeve, and close his eyes. We would then conduct this experiment by utilizing a series of pressure points using several different values on the two point discriminator. This was performed while the subject would report how many points he was feeling in that particular area. We began with the finger, first starting with a single point on the discriminator. We then randomly picked points and recorded the values on a table. Next we did the two point discrimination test on the forearm. This part of the method was performed near the elbow, and again we began with a single point on the two point discriminator. Lastly we applied the moving discrimination test with a third subject and one trial. We performed this test near the palm, and recorded the distance after which he felt a difference. Overall three subjects were tested and a total of five trials were recorded, two for the finger, one for the palm and two for the forearm. It is important to note that the subjects were allowed to have a break and take a breather. This gave him a more comfortable feeling prior to being tested. Results were taken immediately after performing the experiment. For subject 1, we began with the finger. In two out of six pressure points applied to subject 1 (finger), he recorded an improper result. Those points happened to be very ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Summary Of Snow Falling On Cedars By Horace Whaley In Snow Falling on Cedars, during an investigation of a murder, Horace Whaley who has racial prejudice against Japanese provides an evidence that intentionally points to the Japanese American Miyamoto. Whaley told the sheriff Art Moran that Carl s head wound resembled wounds he had seen inflicted by Japanese soldiers skilled in the martial art of kendo (Guterson 58). However, in Japanese culture, the Kendo is a Japanese martial art. The ancient stick fighting heritage and being top in his class makes him look like a murderer. The reason for this weaponry is because of the need of self defense and uses it for protection. Because Whaley hates Japanese and believes that Japanese are monsters, he has a pre existing belief that Miyamoto is the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Things Fall Apart Gender Roles 103082 Introduction: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is a masterpiece and a good representation of Africa. It shows Africans conflict with white colonizers through Okonkwo s eyes who is the protagonist of the narration that represents resistance. The novel, also, shows the nature of Igbo culture as the reader gets an insight of religious values, Justice system, tradition and customs. In addition, Gender plays a significant role in things fall apart as everything appears to be gendered such as yam seeds which is associated with masculinity. Also, there are gender stereotypes that men and women are expected to fit in. However, sometimes their desires might not meet the framework of femininity and masculinity. As a result, a conflict between ones desires and societies expectations might take place. Igbo society appears to be a patriarchal one, where men are superior to women and the more masculine the man is the more titles he will get, which will gain him more respect. In this essay the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Even though women held important roles, they were inferior to their male counterpart because of womanhood s association with weakness and fragility. Okonkwo hated anything feminine because of his father who was a failure due to his effeminacy. Consequently, he works hard to fit into masculinities framework. . It is obvious that Okonkow is a product of a patriarchal society where gender role shaped if not all then art of his character. In order for a man to be masculine being good at physical work is a must. Also, being emotionless, fearless and in constant control of his family especially women. The more masculine the man is the more he will be rewarded by earning more titles and respect. While most characters showed acceptance of gender role, some characters did not fit into it which results in a conflict between them and their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. A-Day Landing The seaborne invasion of Leyte did not end because General MacArthur had landed on the beachhead within hours of the first wave. His presence was for propaganda and demonstration to the native Filipinos that he did fulfill his promise to return. The United States landing forces met light resistance if any on the beaches, which allowed for their swift advance inland. An increase in Japanese resistance was noted as units moved off the beaches and towards their A Day objectives and securing them on the first day as planned. Over the next few days units across the entire front continued to advance inland towards secondary and third objectives against Japanese counterattacks and stronger resistance. It was reported that the Japanese had suffered... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The invasion also forced the Japanese to commit the rest of its standing naval fleet to the defense the archipelago and in doing so their fleet was nearly destroyed and rendered non operational and no longer the same threat it once was in the Pacific theater. Japan never recovered from the loss sustained at the battle for Leyte island, Battle of Leyte Gulf, and the defense of the Philippines. The Americans had delivered a decisive blow to the Japans ability to defend its standing empire and opened the door to bring the war to the Japanese home islands and eventually the end of World War ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Character Relationships In Star Wars Character relationships For stories that captivate the audiences, they need well developed plots with characters who have interesting relationships with each other. The relationships of the characters really drive the story because without the important relationships, there will not be a story. The three points where it seems that the relationships the characters have are important to the story would be in Star Wars, alien s relationships with humans, and in The Day After Tomorrow. There are many key relationships characters share in Star Wars that without them, the story would actually not have been a hit. Three of the relationships are Luke and Darth Vader, Luke and Han Solo, and Anakin and Obi won. Luke and Darth Vader have an interesting relationship. Since Darth Vader is in fact Luke s father but at the same time his enemy, it definitely draws the audience in to find out what happens next. It also makes the final battle scene in Star Wars: Return of the Jedihigh tension to see what will happen when Luke finally faces his father. Another relationship that helps the story would be Luke and Han Solo. This character relationship is about two friends. It is important to the story because Han Solo has gone out of his way to make sure Luke is alive, such as when Luke was left out in the cold on Hoth. If Han Solo did not have the urge to save his friend then there would be no story without the main character. Also, Han Solo and Luke fight side by side to fight the galaxy and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Advantages Of Mergers And Acquisitions According to Brunsman (1998), Berman (2007), Arrow (1969), there are few main points that can be highlighted about Mergers and Acquisitions: A Merger and an Acquisition are two different processes. The results can be similar in the end but the the ways the both processes work are different; Mergers or acquisitions are not always successful, sometimes they fail; Hostile vs. Friendly An acquisition could be labeled hostile or friendly. This just refers to whether acquired shareholders of the company are on board with the transaction or not. Obviously, if they welcome, the transaction is friendly and if they oppose the transaction, it is considered hostile. It is important to remember though that if an acquisition labeled as a hostile, it doesn t necessarily mean that it will be bad for the future of the company being acquired. The following can be major benefits of mergers and acquisitions (Bertkovitch, 1993): Increased value is generated for ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, Microsoft s acquisition of Skype is a product acquisition. Then, some companies can be acquired for non saleable assets. For instance, the asset can be anything, even simply a customer database or a media property. Another advantage that can be taken from going into acquisition is acquiring a new talent. Google is very famous for doing such kinds of acquisitions. This company by buying businesses is taking the most important from each organization. For instance, engineers or IT department, and afterward, destroy the parts of the bought company that they don t need. Companies go through mergers and acquisitions for the target goal of improved financial performance for shareholders. Profit is the main aim of almost every organization, so at the end of the day, more money is always an objective and advantage from merger and acquisition ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Kanovolin Side Effects Novolin side effects A few patients with diabetes develop common side effects of Novolin such as itching, redness and swollen at the injection spot and this is known as a local reaction. It may occur if the shot wasn t injected properly. That s why it s important to self administer the injection if you comprehend the injection procedure, if uncertain, allow the nurse to give the shots until you have mastered the art. If the skin is sensitive to the cleansing solution you are using, or allergic to insulin, or experience a local reaction, inform the physician. Other usual Novolin insulin side effects, clears after a few weeks or days once the body become used to the medication. Nevertheless, if the unwanted effects are irritating and interfere ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At times, even after you have followed the doctor s advice on the medication, diet, and exercise, the blood glucose levels may still rise. However, don t give up but faithfully follow the diabetes plan management, consequently, you will note a positive impact. Since diabetes management is time consuming and overwhelming, it s advisable to talk to someone for support. Request the doctor to recommend you to a mental health professional to share your frustrations. Another alternative is to join a support group for those with diabetese, in such a platform; you will have an opportunity to share your disappointments and triumphs with people who can identify or understand what one is going through. The members may share tips on diabetes management such as: Keeping vaccination up to date elevated blood glucose levels can weaken the immune system. It s good to get a flu shot every year and pneumonia vaccine as well. Wash your feet daily using lukewarm water and dry them gently particularly between the toes. Then moisturize with lotion but don t use the moisturizer between the toes. Remember to check the feet daily for swelling, blisters, cuts and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Analysis Of The Poem Sasuke Sasuke! A girl with long blonde hair tied back in two pigtails wearing a long white dress cried. Her wide cerulean eyes wavered as her lover walked toward her. What are you doing here? You know you can t be here. She said, stepping forward slightly. She stared into the eyes of the man in front of her. His raven hair framing his pale face, that glistened in the moonlight. Sasuke reached out his hand, taking her hand in his own. He crouched on one knee, and kissed the girl s hand lightly. I will never leave your side, no matter the danger, Naruko. Naruko frowned, feeling the emotions and hearing his thoughts. She fell to her knees, still holding on to Sasuke s hand. But you must! It s too dangerous here! She cried. Forget ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He walked toward the main room of the orphanage to speak with Iruka. He knocked on the door, waited for an answer, and then opened the door. He smiled. Good morning, Iruka. He said. A brown haired man with a large scar on the bridge of his nose, tan skin and brown eyes, looked over his shoulder at Naruto. The man smiled brightly at the teen. Good morning, Naruto, did you eat breakfast yet? Naruto shook his head. I m going to do that on the way to school with Gaara. He promised me ramen. Naruto grinned. Iruka gave him a look. He sighed, shaking his head. All right, Naruto, I heard you re planning on moving out. Iruka said. Naruto s eyes widened. His gaze softened and he averted it to the floor. He nodded his head. Y Yeah, I am. Iruka sat in his desk, he smiled softly at Naruto. He encouraged the boy s independence, but there was no need to hurry when it came to finding a place to live. He knew Naruto hated being a burden, but he was never a burden to the orphanage. He wasn t a burden to Konohamaru, Udon, and Moegi. They loved him. There s no need to rush, Iruka replied, still smiling. The kids love you and they want you to stay here until you ve graduated. You have plenty of time until then. Naruto smiled back, nodding his head. A knock on the door caught his attention. Naruto turned around to see a red haired teen that was just a little bit taller than Naruto. He had dark rings around his deep sea green eyes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Examples Of Stereotypes In A Big Happy Family Motif of Stereotypes Many movie writers incorporate stereotypes into their film. Stereotypes in movies can be good mechanisms to help the audience better understand the characters. For example, common stereotypes of cowboys include grittiness and determination, which helps to develop them for the viewer s entertainment. However, stereotypes can also present characters in a negative light. In Madea s Big Happy Family, Tyler Perry uses the motif of African American stereotypes, which includes rampant drug abuse, broken families, and inappropriate, disorderly behaviors. At its roots, his movie contains nothing more than the theme of pigeonholing African Americans. The film begins with Shirley, the matriarch of the family, sitting in a doctor s... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mr. Brown, a friend of Madea, is at the hospital and needs a blood transfusion during his surgery. His daughter, Cora, willingly volunteers. However, they discover that their blood types are not the same, suggesting that he is not her actual father. After the movie, Mr. Brown, Madea, and Cora all go on The Maury Show to determine whether or not Mr. Brown is Cora s father. Maury claims that he is not Cora s father. Kimberly s nastiness toward her husband, Calvin, and the rest of the family is eventually revealed to be from her experience of being raped as a teenager. Byron, originally thought to be Shirley s youngest son, is exposed as Kimberly s illegitimate son. This was kept hidden from both Calvin and Byron. After Calvin finds out, he and Kimberly talk through their problems and decide to seek help, saving their marriage. Byron also has an illegitimate child with his ex girlfriend Sabrina. This causes many problems for Byron, as Sabrina is constantly around, and she makes it her personal campaign to slander him around his family. He also must make child support payments to Sabrina, putting stress on him as he tries to hold down an honest, but low paying, job. This is a knock on African Americans, as they are often labeled as having many illegitimate ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Isis Innovation Limited Business Analysis Technology Commercialisation Assignment 1: Identify and Plan an Opportunity Identifying the product opportunity Software Scores English Language Students is a new learning language software developed by Oxford University and is controlled by Isis Innovation. The software was made to measure the student s performance accurately despising any accent, using a new method that is able to recognise what is more important for the understanding of each word. English is the most important language in the world and many english courses are trying to develop alternatives to be a differential in the market. This new software can be a efficient tool to make the difference when the student are looking for the best way to learn english. Issis Innovation Limited is a technology transfer company owned by Oxford University that is responsible for the intellectual property portfolio of the University and helps researchers, students and clients across the public and private sectors to manage, protect and commercialise their technologies and innovations. The Software Scores English Language Students is one of the Isis Project (No 2900) and it s based on a recent research made by University of Oxford Phonetics Laboratory which has analysed different speeches and dialects trying to recognise the loudness and duration of each syllables, which is the more important characteristic for the understanding of the word, hence the student can be scored without interference of the accent. English is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. A Foundation For Studying Emotional Psychology The main purpose behind the study conducted by Crivelli, Jarillo, Russell, FernГЎndez Dols (2016) is to challenge the authenticity of the universality thesis. Their intention is to question whether facial expressions used to signal different emotions are universally comprehended. Therefore, do all human beings signal certain emotions with the same, universal, facial expression? The studies conducted regarding the universality thesis were used as a foundation for studying emotional psychology. Making it extremely relevant to question such influential research, which appears to lack consistent and convincing results. There are three main issues regarding the universality thesis. The first of which is that, methodological challenges occur from studying culturally isolated societies. The most difficult issue to overcome being the language barrier. Similar to how the Himba tribe has one word (burou) for both blue and green (Goldstein, Davidoff, Roberson, 2009), similar language barriers may exist in regards to emotions and facial expressions. For example, in a study conducted by Ekman, the Fore of Papua New Guinea have no word to describe disgust (As cited in Crivelli, Jarillo, Russell, FernГЎndez Dols, 2016). In addition to this, in Western society, we are familiar with question and answer formats. However, it may be intimidating in these culturally isolated societies, which could invoke cultural norms. Secondly, the range of results appears to be problematic. Although a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Success Is No Illusion Greater Than Fear Essay There is no illusion greater than fear. Lao Tzu. Most successful men and women entrepreneurs do not let fear hold them back from achieving what they want. They know that success is not just about having a dream but by overcoming the fear of failure and taking action on that dream or else it will always remain a dream and never a reality. Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucksand former owner of the Seattle Supersonics, probably realized this at an early age. Howard Schultz was born on July 19, 1953, in Brooklyn, New York and grew up not having much as a child, living in the Brooklyn projects with his parents and two other siblings. He later went to Northern Michigan University on a football scholarship but decided not to play and instead pursued an academic degree. In 1975, Howard Schultz graduated with a BA in Communications and immediately went to work for Xerox Corp. in the sales and marketing division, which eventually led him to Starbucks (Howard). The original Starbucks was founded in 1971, in Seattle s historic Pike Place Market, by three owners Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowker; who later on hired Howard Schultz to be their director of sales in 1982 (Sun). During Schultz s trip to Italy, he saw the importance of how coffee played a role in the social life of most Italians. It was a main point for the neighborhood, where friends met, mingled and lingered throughout the day. After returning to Seattle, Howard Schultz brought his idea to Starbucks owners ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Horse Racing History The history of horse racing The ancient sport of horse racing dates back thousands of years. The concept was created by Central Asian nomadic tribesmen who were the first to domesticate horses. Horse racing has been in organized sport around the world from the beginning of recorded history. It is known that English knights in the 12th century would race stallions and wager amongst themselves privately. During the 17 hundred horse racing officially became a professional sport. From that point on breeding racing horses and bidding on horse racing rapidly expanded the sport s popularity. In 1750 the Jockey Club was formed by racing Elites this club still regulates English racing today. Another fact about the Jockey Club is that the horses known as thoroughbreds are descendants of the original line of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Today Australia currently has more racecourses than any other Nation. Spring and fall mean important races in Australia with the Melbourne Cup and Victoria Derby and VRC Oaks race meets. Other major attractions include the Golden Slipper Stakes Caulfield cup and WS Cox Plate. Spectating and gambling on thoroughbred horse races is a multibillion dollar market. The most popular forms of horse racing in Australia are flat racing and racing over hurdles and fences. In Australia, the Australian racing board governs horse racing. Bidding Wagering bets on horse races have been one of the main factors of an appeal that have kept this profession alive. The betting system used primarily in the United States has been used for hundreds of years where bidders get payoffs based on the odds against the horse they want to win. Bettors can wager not only on the winning horse, but they have the option of bidding on the horse that comes in first or second, the horses that come in second or third etc. and win a prize based on what they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Keats And Finch And The Nightingale In literature, it is generally agreed that The Nightingale invites the beholder to explore something beyond the merely human . Both Keats and Finch imitate this concept in Ode to a Nightingale and To the Nightingale by using poetic form and language to show the qualities of a bird that inspires them to look beyond the physical and in Finch s case, challenge the confines of human restriction whilst asserting poetryas a human necessity. Keats was a key figure in the Romantic era in the first part of the 17th century which, according to RenГ© Wellek s classic definition, sought to substitute imagination for the view of poetry, nature for the view of the world, and symbol and myth for poetic style. Therefore, Keats Ode to a Nightingale , written in 1819, has an affiliation with the natural world, through both the metaphors he uses and his meter and rhyme. The fact that the poem is an Ode to a nightingale shows that Keats is addressing the bird in particular and therefore it asserts the link that is found in Romanticism between humans and the natural world. M. H. Abrams states that Keats wrote this poem, whilst reminiscent of a Horation Ode, as what came to be known as a Romantic Meditative Ode which is the personal ode of description and passionate meditation . It is clear here that what Keats is passionate about in this poem is the country green . Keats coined the term negative capability to describe passionate mediation in a letter to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Evaluating The President Is The Best President Evaluating the President Essay Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man s character, give him power. Abraham Lincoln ( Quotes , par. 4). Lincoln was able to lead the country successfully in a position of great power, even when there was pressure and hardship. President Lincoln is the best president because he was decisive, kindhearted, and trustworthy. Decisiveness is essential for a great leader because they must know what they want to do, and then they must confidently act on it. One example where Lincoln showed decisiveness is his decision to hold Fort Sumter, and later his decision to declare war. One day after President Lincoln took office, he received a message from Major Robert Anderson, commander of the troops at Fort Sumter. Lincoln was informed that the troops were running low on supplies, such as ammunition and food. Lincoln had to decide whether to order the troops to stay, or to give up the Fort to the Confederacy by leaving and coming back to the Union. He asked his cabinet for advice, and even though there were conflicting opinions, Lincoln did what he thought was best . Lincoln decided that he would continue to have the troops hold the fort. He would try to get supplies to them by sending an unarmed boats to Fort Sumter. The boats were unarmed so that if the Confederate troops attacked, they would look aggressive and violent. In the end, this approach helped prevent four states from seceding the Union ( Fort Sumter 1 5). The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Analysis Of The Article One Glowing Moment The first article I choose was One Glowing Moment . It was about how back in 1996 Fox Sports decided to launch technology that would make hockey a much more interesting game to watch because people at the time with a basic standard picture on their television were having problems keeping track of the puck. The way they would do this was with this FoxTrax technology they would put a blue fuzz ball around the puck when it moving along the ice than when a player shoots it there would be a red streak that follows it. The main reason that I selected this article was because it reminded me of what the PGA LPGA does in golf when a player hits the ball with a system they called name Trackman. The only difference it s that Trackman covered a variety ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Links Between Romeo And Juliet [Enter Mercutio and Benvolio] BenvolioLet s go home, Mercutio. It s hot and there are Capulets everywhere. If we run into them, we won t be able to avoid a fight. The heat makes them cranky. MercutioYou are like one of those guys who walks into a bar and places his baguette on the counter, but only two drinks later you have pointed it toward the barman. BenvolioAm I like that? MercutioCome, come, thou art as hot as Jack in thy mood as any in Italy, and as soon mov d to be moody, and as soon moody to be mov d. BenvolioTo what? MercutioSee, if there were for some reason two of you, there would soon be none at all, because one would have killed the other! You would fight over the stupidest things like who has a single hair more on his face; you got ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Gentlemen, for shame, forbear this outrage! Tybalt, Mercutio, the Prince expressly hath. Forbid this bandying in Verona streets. Romeo steps between them. Hold, Tybalt! Good Mercutio! Tybalt under Romeo s arm thrusts Mercutio in. Away Tybalt with his followers. MercutioI am hurt. A plague a both houses! I am sped. Is he gone and hath nothing? Benvolio What, art thou hurt? MercutioAy, ay, a scratch, a scratch, marry, tis enough. Where is my page? Go, villain, fetch a surgeon. RomeoCourage, man, the hurt cannot be much. MercutioNo, tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as a church door, but tis enough, twill serve. Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man. I am pepper d, I warrant, for this world. A plague a both your houses! Zounds, a dog, a rat, a mouse, a cat, to scratch a man to death! A braggart, a rogue, a villain, that fights by the book of arithmetic! Why the dev l came you between us? I was hurt under your arm. RomeoI thought all for the best. MercutioHelp me into some house, Benvolio. Or I shall faint. A plague a both your houses! They have made worms meat of me. I have it. And soundly too. Your houses! Exeunt Mercutio and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Racial And Ethnic Stereotypes That Feed Discrimination In America s society, there are millions of immigrants who make up roughly 15 percent of the population. An immigrant is any individual who comes to live in foreign country permanently where they are not originally born. Even though there are such high population rates for legal immigrants, there is still immigrant bashing that occurs. Which consists of immigrants being constantly tormented and belittled because of their ethical background. Alberto G. Mata and Catalina Herrerias describe immigrant bashing and politicians stereotyping within their story. For instance, the authors explain in depth how politicians use racial and ethnic groups to win electoral races, and promote racial and ethnic stereotypes that feed discrimination. (Coramae... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (Coramae R. Mann, 2006) The members were also concerned about keeping America the way in which they believe it should stay. Nonetheless the fact that America was home to numerous languages before the Europeans settlers arrived. Which is why I can t help but to think, about how the English Only Movement must have been filled with members who couldn t accept change and refused to compromise. Individuals who were egotistical and self centered, who would not accept America today, since we have more than one primary language. For instance, when you are using a debit card machine it will prompt you to choose English or Spanish, back in the times of the English Only Movement that would not have been an option. I m personally glad this is an option now because it is needed to help cater to both the English speaking Americans and the Spanish speaking Americans. Shortly after the U.S English Only Movement, the Proposition 187 Fiscal Crisis, Illegal Aliens and Public Service was created. Which required schools, health centers, and social service agencies to report suspected illegal immigrants and their children to state and federal authorities. (Coramae R. Mann, 2006) These methods were designed to keep illegal immigrants from migrating over the boards, and politicians use it for their in advantage. In the year 1994 Governor ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. How Did The Us Constitution Lead To The Failure Of The... Imperatively, President Woodrow Wilson envisioned a world parliament which was exerted at the Paris Peace Conference. However, the non existent relationship between United States and the League of Nations was a vital decision in which lead to the failure of the League of Nations and the uprising of another world war. The key element of the creation of the League of Nationswas that nations should summon and solve major issues through discussion rather than war. Its purpose was to strengthen international relations and improve cooperation among foreign powers, ultimately creating an atmosphere fostering world peace. Conversely, U.S Congress hesitated to join threatened by the policy of isolationism. The belief that the League would endanger ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Formal Business Report Your Name Your email address Your Name Your email address Abstract Looking for a vacation home for your family that will also accommodate extended family and guests? We have found the perfect real estate that fits all of your needs. Abstract Looking for a vacation home for your family that will also accommodate extended family and guests? We have found the perfect real estate that fits all of your needs. LAKE front home In Bariloche LAKE front home In Bariloche Daniel Ladner Relator, International Real Estate 5748 Wing Way Dallas, TX 75201 April 15, 2015 Swiller Family 123 Hideaway Lane Houston, TX 77001 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Swiller: I submit here with a proposal in support of your request for finding a vacation home. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (South America Living). Entertainment Facilities Museums provide hours of entertainment for the whole family. Three museums that provide exhibits include Natural Science sections, urban archaeology, lithographs, an aboriginal history and so many others that would hold your families interest. (South America Living). Restauants in Bariloche are of excellence quality. The best restaurants are found to be located around the lake. With your home being on the lake you would have plenty of dining within your close proximity. Shopping is excellent. You will find everything you need within a short distance. Dining Since the city is centered on a lake, the traditional food is catered to seafood. With the property located on the lake, your dining experiences would be endless. With great food and wonderful atmosphere your family will most certainly enjoy this area. (Price Travel). Shopping
  • 43. Bariloche s main street is where you will find everything that your family would need or want. The shops sell anything from leather goods to teas and gourds. You will also find the smoke meats that you could enjoy in your summer dining room. Just imagine all the family gathered around the table to the delicious local meats and cheese. Local handcrafts are usually made of wool and wood. These crafts could be used to decorate your beautiful home. (Frommer s). Currency Exchange Rate The Argentine ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. History Of Chile COUNTRY ANALYSIS: GOOD IS NOT ENOUGH, CHILE Introduction Chile s economy is considered one of the most developed in Latin America, and is believed that it will be a developed country between 2018 and 2020. It also has the highest Human Development Index (HDI) in Latin America. According to IMF estimates, the country will reach a GDP per capita of just over 18,000 USD over a period of 4 years (2014). In early 2010, Chile became the first full member of the OECD in South America and second in Latin America after Mexico, due to the recognition in the economic advances of recent decades, social development and strong institutional restructuring, which has led to Chile to settle in the thirty members of this organization, which groups the major ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Two roads can lead to achieve growth in productivity. On the one hand, Chile needs to optimize processes with the already available resources which requires the proper functioning of markets, competition, institutions with higher degrees of legitimacy, reduce the regulatory bureaucracy that generate losses of efficiency, an infrastructure that does not progress and limit the flexibility necessary for proper allocation of resources. While on the other hand, Chile needs to innovate, implement new ideas, create products, designs, processes, business models or a productive organization. In both cases, the basis for increased productivity are the people. Therefore, it is essential that all Chileans have access to better training and an environment that allows them to deploy their creative talent with an environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship without barriers to entry to ensure free competition which does not condemn failure, and allows the flexibility to adapt and use new technologies offered by the dynamic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Bartleby the Scrivener, Deeply Symbolic Essay examples Bartleby the Scrivener, a Deeply Symbolic Work Bartleby the Scrivener, is one of the most complicated stories Melville has ever written, perhaps by any American writer of that period. It id a deep and symbolic work, its make you think of every little detail differently. It makes you realize that a little detail actually make a difference and give a meaning to the story analysis. The walls are controlling symbols of the story; in fact some had said that it s a parable of walls. Melville tells us explicitly that certain prosaic facts are indispensable to understand a story (Leo Marx 1970). One of the walls, which is part of sky light shaft, is white. And it provides the best light available, with the sky invisible. There is no ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some had interpreted his phrase as a scream for help, as if he is shouting I am a human being, I can and will make choices concerning my own life. But when his preferences are completely ignored and he is sent to the city prison, he gives up on life and dies. It appeared to him as if he had lost the one element of humanity he seemed to possess. Others said that, his refusal of the lawyer s request has been read as a critique of the materialism of American culture that was growing at this time. Where it is pretty much significant in the story that the lawyer s office is on Wall Street and Wall Street was at that time becoming the hub of financial activity in the U.S. His refusal amounts to a heroic opposition to economic control. That shows how the theme of this story is extremely subtle, and that gives the story its popularity among readers allover the world. The last paragraph can t be left without analysis; it s where a new mystery was revealed. It is the one thing the lawyer had discovered about Bartleby; the rumor that Bartleby once worked in the Dead Letter office, and was fired in an administrative shake up. Dead letters! Does it not sound like dead men? В… On errands of life, these letters speed to deathВ… The lawyer wonders whether it was the lonely depressing job, reading letters meant for people now gone or dead, which drove Bartleby into his final stillness beneath a prison yard tree ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Babatunde Olatunji The Nigerian drummer, Babatunde Olatunji, brought the traditions of African drumming to America while studying in New York, but it all started in Ajido, Nigeria where he was born. Babatunde Olatunji was born on April 7, 1927 in Ajido Nigeria. He was born in the family of the Yoruba Tribe, which was one of Nigeria s largest ethnic groups. As a teen, Olatunji moved to Nigeria s biggest city, Lagos, in order to attend school where he received the Rotary International Foundation Scholarship. The scholarship was given by the United States in 1950 where Olatunji decided to leave home for Atlanta, Georgia. Although he had gone to Atlanta to study political science, his interest in musiccontinued to soar (Musician Guide). In 1954, Olatunji graduated... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... While the rhythm sets the beat, the melody is the main creator of the characteristics. The melody sets the tone, mood, and the story behind the song. Many songs feature complex melodies in order to tell its story, but the melody is quite simple in Oya (Primitive Fire) . The melody is played by many different percussion instruments, and begins in the second section of the song. At first listen, the song sounds more like different layers of rhythmic patterns, but the combination of these patterns creates a distinct melody. Unlike in common western music, the melody is being created through the use of layers and counterpoint rather than a solo instrument. This is very common in the ancient African music that Olatunji learned. The melody is played in a pentomic scale, but because a lot of Nigerian drum music is improvisation, it is difficult to identify the specific major or minor scale. The harmony is a harder concept to grasp in Olatunji s musical works because of the style of Nigerian drum music. Nigerian drum music is commonly layers of instruments put together. Because each instrument has its own leading role, it is hard to hear which instrument is specifically harmonizing with the other instruments. In Oya (Primitive Fire) however, the harmony is a bit more prominent; the harmony is played by the drums in section two. In this section there are two sets of drums being played. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. North Mississippi Hill Country Picnic I grew up in a small, rural town in Potts Camp, Mississippi, which is about forty five minutes from Oxford, Mississippi. Around 2005 my family and I moved away, and during this time The North Mississippi Hill Country Picnic was evolving. Kenny Brown a resident from Potts Camp, Mississippi created the idea of having a picnic to educate, remember, and appreciate their local blues artists, such as R. L. Burnside. The picnic is held in Waterford, Mississippi and lasts for two days. Some of the local venders offer barbeque and catfish plates, along with a slice of watermelon, denoted by the local boy scouts. The festival attracts many travelers to Marshall County, Sara stated, As many as 11 foreign countries and 38 states for the 2014 festival... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From a young boy he played the blues and was mentored by one of the successful blues man from Mississippi. Kenny wanted to remember the late blues musicians from Mississippi by hosting a festival each year for his community and other travelers from around the world. Many feel that while attending the picnic that it is just a time for fun, good music, food and celebration. However, Jeremy Martin (2014) stated, You are part of a special moment, and, when the sun goes down and the day s heat breaks, when grandparents hobble up the stage to guest with their grandchildren you realize that this is far better, far bigger, than any festival you d ever heard of before . The picnic is a time of remembrance and to educate the younger generation of their local blues culture, for many it is a way of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Uses of Archetype, Foreshadow, and Symbolism in One... Uses of Archetype, Foreshadow, and Symbolism in One Hundred Years of Solitude Throughout all works of world literature, certain passages will have special significance to the plot progression of that novel. This key passage must provide insight upon the overall theme of that work through characterization, symbolism, and imagery. In Gabriel Garc iacute;a M aacute;rquez s novel One Hundred Years of Solitude, the passage selected for commentary uses the literary techniques of archetype, foreshadow, and symbolism to inform characterization. The concept of consanguineous love affairs is also reinforced in this passage along with the idea of the necessity of outside influence on a family. These concepts inform the characterization of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This text reveals more information upon the theme of cyclic occurrences throughout the work. The name Jos eacute; Arcadio also holds much symbolic significance. The text describes previous Jos eacute; Arcadios as impulsive and outgoing, although they liked to retain much control over their domestic situations. Jos eacute; Arcadio Segundo, on the other hand, resembled past Aurelianos. He was an insurrectionist, as he led the strike against the banana company. Similarly, Colonel Aureliano Buend iacute;a commanded the civil war many years earlier. He also endeavored to translate Melqu iacute;ades manuscripts in his later life, to escape the pains of the massacre that he witnessed; Aureliano Buend iacute;a did the same in order to forget about his involvement in the wars. Also, at his death Jos eacute; Arcadio Segundo dies with his eyes open; Aureliano Buend iacute;a was born in the same way. Throughout his entire life, he shows little signs of representing the stereotypical Jos eacute; Arcadio. This reversal of characterization is quite symbolic in that one expects Jos eacute; Arcadio Segundo to behave like his namesakes; instead his behavior more closely resembles that of Aureliano Buend iacute;a. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Anthropomorphism in Greek Myth Essay Paper #1: The role of anthropomorphism in Greek mythology. God created man in his image, and man, being a gentleman, returned the compliment. Mark Twain In his beginning, man was part of nature. He knew little about the causes of natural phenomenon and certainly knew of no way to control them. This is perhaps the reason for his creation of ritual and later religion. As man evolved he began to consider the possibilities of gaining some type of control over his environment. If nature was simply a random set of events ruled only by chaos than this wouldn t be possible. However, if something or better yet someone was in control, one could acquire what they desired by pleasing this entity. In the beginning, according to some ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is obvious therefore that there are, as always seems to be the case, exceptions; however in most cases the gods are seen as similar to man s image. Aside form the human form, gods speak the same language as the Greeks and use the same organs to do so, in other words, no telepathy. While they are able in some cases to reproduce asexually, sexual reproduction seems to be the more often used method. The asexual reproduction of Gaea produced Uranus, the Mountains, and Pontus. Later her sexual reproduction with Uranus produced numerous offspring. While the use of sexual reproduction was human like (obviously not exclusive to humans but still human like), the use of alternative reproduction was represented in the myths. An example of such an alternative would be the conception of the Giants and Erinyes by Gaea when the blood of Uranus fell onto her. While the Greeks seem to have known that human reproduction was related to the sperm entering the woman, they also seem to think the Gods had ways to bypass this requirement. Going along with this observation of sperm into woman, they Greeks recognized the woman as the vessel in which life developed, whether she attributed to this life s origination is another question. However there are some exceptions to this such as when Zeus eats his pregnant wife, thus becoming the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Pension Funds and Pension Crisis Pension Funds and the Pension Crisis Introduction Pension funds are any plans, funds or schemes which provide retirement income. These funds are important to shareholders of listed and private companies and they are particularly important to the stock market which is dominated by large institutional investors. This essay discusses the idea of pension funds and the pension crises. It defines the issues of pension funds, talks about the various pensions, categorizes them, and discusses the pension crisis and its implications to the US in particular and to the world in general. Pension Funds Pension funds are any plans, funds or schemes which provide retirement income. The money in them varies from some offering very little making it not worthwhile for their holder to retires, whilst others pay more than the employee has earned in his lifetime. Examples of the former are the present day crisis with Chicago teachers who have found that their pension is giving them as little as 42,000 per year ((NYT Times (September 19, 2012) Next School Crisis for Chicago: Pension Fund Is Running Dry). Examples with the latter are the absurd instances of Yonkers, where policemen in their 40s are retiring on $100,000 pensions (more than their top salaries), or in California, where payments to Calipers, the biggest state pension fund, soared while financing for higher education was cut (ibid). The largest 300 pension funds collectively hold about $6 trillion in assets (Global Investment ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Media Corporations Profiting from Violence Essay Media Corporations Profit from Violence Whether it is a body found along the road, a school shooting, or planes flying into the World Trade Center, the images will be replayed over and over on Television ad nausea.. The most horrific acts may eventually be retold in books and movies. Packaging and selling the violence of the moment belongs to television and television will keep reminding us of it. The special custom made armor covered his body from neck to toe. As the black clad gunman wandered the street, randomly firing a high powered semi automatic rifle at Los Angeles police, a city sat transfixed to their televisions, hypnotised by the unreal events unfolding outside their doors. When the LAPD realised that the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With up to 3/4 of the world s television audience watching American programming, the tool of American conversation is becoming the tool of the world s conversation, and the topic of conversation is violence. American television viewers have an insatiable appetite for televised violence, and as they become desensitized to violent images they seek out stronger images. The image providers have discovered a novel way to increase the intensity of the violent images move away from entertainment violence and show real violence. In the past few years real life and death programming has become more commonplace on television, both as news and entertainment programming. Shows like Cops, Real Life Encounters with Wild Animals, and Real Highway Pursuits have begun to appear on our television screens with an incresing regularity. These programs routinely show acts of real violence, caught on home video. Television news directors have adopted the credo if it bleeds, it leads to such an extent that it has almost become cliche. The thrill of watching fake violence is waning and being replaced by the drama of watching real violence. And the higher the body count, the more we watch. Nothing manufactures violent images on a larger scale than a war and, consequently, American television reaches its zenith of violent images and mass ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Questions On The Urinary System The Urinary System Experiment 1: Post lab questions: Table 1: Solution present in each container before 60 minutes submersion. SolutionDialysis TubingBeaker Congo RedPresent Absent Yellow Food ColorPresentAbsent Table 2: Solution present in each container after 60 minutes submersion SolutionDialysis TubingBeaker Congo RedPresentAbsent Yellow Food ColorSlightly PresentPresent 1. What specific part of the kidney does the dialysis tubing represent? What is the function of this part? It represents the part of the kidney that acts like a semipermeable membrane, the nephrons. The nephrons are made of membranous tubules that act analogously to the semipermeable dialysis bag. When blood passes through the tubules, particles in the blood leave the tubule by the process of diffusion. 2. What does the yellow food color represent at the end of the experiment? What does the Congo red represent? The Congo red solution is used to mimic blood and the yellow food color mimics the excretory product of the kidney. When a mixture of Congo red, yellow food color and water were mixed and taken in a dialysis bag, the yellow food color diffuses out into the surrounding water in which the dialysis bag is suspended. At the end of the experiment, the contents in the dialysis bag represent the blood; the contents of the beaker represent the urine formed. The beaker has a slight yellow tinge that results from the yellow food color. 3. Why is it important for the kidney to filter ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Hospital Supply Case Study Table of Contents I.INTRODUCTION2 II.STATEMENT OF PROBLEM2 III.OBJECTIVES3 IV.SCENARIOS3 Question 15 Question 27 Question 310 Question 412 Question 513 Question 614 Question 716 V.CONCLUSION18 Bibliography19 INTRODUCTION The case is about manufacturing company, Hospital Supply, Inc., that produced hydraulic hoists for the local market. The hydraulic hoist is useful to the hospital for moving bedridden patients. Most of sales made to local hospitals. Significant to activity of sales and production of hydraulic hoist, there are costs incurred due to the consumption of resources. Presented in Exhibit 1 are the costs of manufacturing and marketing hydraulic hoists at ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This also works in reverse. If the break even point in sales dollars is known, it can be divided by the selling price per unit to determine the break even point in units. | | Decision Point 1: The concept of break even stated that volume that is lower than break even point, a loss is expected. Meanwhile, volume at higher than break even, a profit is expected[4]. Therefore, Hospital Supply, Inc. should produce at least 1,882 units in order not to incur any losses. Figure 3 Contribution Margin Income Statement |Hospital Supply, Inc. Break Even Income Statement | ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. The Impact Of Unemployment On Aboriginal And Torres Strait... One social determinant that impacts Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is unemployment. According to the Australian Census in 2011, 56% of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population in Australia were participating in the labour force, however, 17.2% of this population were unemployed but seeking employment (Australian Bureau of Statistics [ABS], 2013). Comparing these numbers to the non indigenous population, the percentage of the indigenous population in the labour force is significantly lower than non indigenous Australians, with a difference of 20.5% (ABS, 2013). Through my learning of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing, it was mentioned that most indigenous people were unemployed or experienced poverty, the statistics allowed me to put these statements into perspective. Upon learning this I felt quite shocked and alarmed at the high rates of people that were not working or even trying to find work. It gave me a better understanding of how seeking employment for indigenous people may be a stressful and daunting process. But it also made me think on how unemployment can affect the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I believe that being unemployed for a prolonged period may be a detriment to physical and mental health due to overwhelming stress. The idea of unemployment being detrimental to health correlates with Pharr s (2012) and Janlert s (2014) researches on the impact of unemployment on mental and physical health. Both concluded similarly that people who have been unemployed for prolonged period have poor mental health compared to the employed, Pharr (2012) also stated that unemployed people are hesitant to receive medical treatment for physical health due to cost. Stress contributes to poor mental health but also feelings of disappointment and shame towards ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. FXT2 Task 1 Essay FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan The purpose of this presentation is to educate you on disaster recovery plans and/or enterprise continuity plan. The following slide will include basic structures, roles in the plan, and employee awareness. FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan The presentation will cover the following topics Employee responsibilities of a ECP/DRP Operational disturbance optimization High level employee education plan ECP/DRP content with input from IT vendors Employee awareness education program FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan Team Responsibilities Emergency Management Team Top tier of emergency response team that manages lower teams. Physical Security Team Responsible for maintaining physical security ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Failure points could be hardware/software or personnel. To mitigate these points assessments will be made in how to best mitigate the failure and what would need to be done to prevent it from causing an outage. Examples Single point would be one user knows how a specific system/hardware functions. He/She is out sick during and outage or in my case people like to say gets hit by a bus. To mitigate this, hire additional resources or cross train resources to handle the system/hardware as a backup function in the even he/she is out of the office. Instead of having one physical piece of hardware that could fail, setup virtualization with redundancy. Virtualization platforms today have the ability to shift a virtual machine from one physical host to another in the event of a failure to provide fault tolerance. FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan Facilities/Security Layer Organization
  • 56. This layer deals with the physical aspects of the campus. For example, heating, cooling, power, access controls to secured locations of the campus. Examples Work with power provider(s) to establish redundant power from multiple grids. Establish generator services for portions of the campus where power downtime is not acceptable. FXT2 Enterprise Continuity Plan A3. Disaster Recovery Training First define the most senior personnel to provide administration in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. Lars Eighner s On Dumpster Diving Many people think that dumpster diving is a survival to search and find something in a dumpster that they needed some discarded food/drink in order to survive if they are homeless and are really hungry/thirsty. The purpose of Lars Eighner s memoir, On Dumpster Diving , is to understand the style of his writing of why capitalizes the letter D in Dumpster . The importance of this memoir is symbolized to define his survival needs including his dog, Lizbeth which is both his living and eating at a dumpster. There are many reasons why I chose Lars Eighner s essay, On Dumpster Diving. I believe the style of Lars s memoir was effective because Lars was impressed living in dumpsters, Lars was searching and scavenging for food in a dumpster and... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In other words, he was trying to find something valuable in the dumpster that he might/will find it useful for him to keep. In Lars s memoir, he wrote, As for collecting objects, I usually restrict myself to collecting one kind of small object at a time, such as pocket calculators, sunglasses, or campaign buttons. [...] But even if had a home with extensive storage space I could not save everything that might be valuable in some contingency. (Eighner 146). This quote means that, finding something valuable in the dumpster has meant a lot to him that if he and his dog, Lizbeth had a home, it would/will be useful for him to collect all of the junk for him to keep it as a souvenir and or even a dumpster collection. In the other hand, I found it interesting when I keep on reading further, he had found a lot more discarded items of what we throw out that we don t need no more that he also states, Dumpsters contain bank statements, bills, correspondence, and other documents, just as anyone might expect. But there are also less obvious sources of information. [...] (Eighner 147) to show how we could find some personal information/documentation in a dumpster. Therefore, there are many reasons why I chose Lars Eighner s essay, On Dumpster Diving . Dumpster diving can really help a homeless person search for food and or drink in order to survive. Dumpster diving is effectual. It can also help a homeless ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...