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of Digital Connections




Apple - WHY? 
We believe in challenging 
the status quo and doing 
things differently 
Apple - HOW? 
Our Products are 
beautifully designed and 
easy to use 
Apple - WHAT? 
We make Great Computers 














Credibility - Trust 
Consistency - Logic Emotions - Imagination




Behaviour Influence Persuade


1. Persuasive 
Facts & Figures 
2.Be Truthful 
4. Thought 
1. Drivers 
3. Lead with 
4. Same 
5. Pain & 


1. Persuasive 
Facts & Figures 
2.Be Truthful 
4. Thought 
1. Drivers 
3. Lead with 
4. Same 
5. Pain & 




1. Persuasive 
Facts & Figures 
2.Be Truthful 
4. Thought 
1. Drivers 
3. Lead with 
4. Same 
5. Pain & 














Display Planner 




















· It’s a marriage, not a one night stand 
· Humans are at the other end 
· Tailor your approach to the influencer 
· Listen and learn 
· Make friends before you need them 


· Be a giver, not a taker – givers gain 
· Share, comment and write reviews 
· Invite to interview, guest posts 
· Curate their content, include in Top lists 
· Co-create – look for joint opportunities 


· Employees advocates – they can reach an 
audience 10x that of your brand 
· Harness the power of the team 
· Identify you most socially savvy 
· Rules of the game – follow the content plan 
· Measure, share and grow 




Persona has a 
problem but is not 
aware of the solution 
Has a problem 
and is 
researching the 
Aware of your 
convince them! 
They’re a 
encourage to buy 
and share more


1. Industry 
Pain Points 
2. Common 
3. Trending 
Industry Topics 
4. Brand 
5. Research 
& Analysis 
6. Outside of 
industry into 
your world 
7. Industry 
News & 








1. Satisfied with what one is 
or has; not wanting more or 
anything else.














“A Brand is not 
what YOU say its is… 
it’s what THEY say it is”


Be genuine, Be sincere, Be authentic






On Social Channels 
(Twitter, LinkedIn) 


On Social Channels 
(Twitter, LinkedIn) 
Search Google for Jobs 


On Social Channels 
(Twitter, LinkedIn) 
Search Google for Jobs Viewing direct onto website 


On Social Channels 
(Twitter, LinkedIn) 
Search Google for Jobs Viewing direct onto website 
Apply for job









More Related Content

Art and Science Of Digital Connections

Editor's Notes

  1. Welcome Outside sector Best practice Who we work with Best ingredients, years in the making Slides available @googedave / slideshare And book
  2. What is you goal What is it? Set the business objective and stick to it… be like the hedgehog not the fox (Jim Collins - Good to great) If you focus and a have a clear goal and the team is focused – no matter the size, even then underdogs can win Play to win So we want to recruit xxxxx
  3. Simon Sinek Start with why…. Based on human biology and chemistry Why – emotion – limbic part of the brain What – rational – neo cortex Apple v the Competition, other computer companies Inside out selling Uncover your why…. Ask you people… why do you work here… simple question Look out for answers that include ‘feel’ … I feel you help me….
  4. Be brave….how daring are you…? Don’t do the same old shit – being good enough isn’t good enough? KMART – American brand like Matalan KMART video…. This video took 6 months to get past from the exec board…
  5. 6 months… initially they weren't brave enough… Now have a following, millions of views Fan base, follow up videos, the characters even have their own Christmas cards They dared to be brave…
  6. So what do we have to do… We have to get to know those that we want to connect with… Its not B2B or B2C its about People to people… By getting to know the we can then create world class digital experiences To help us to become digitally famous… and connect with people
  7. But its not about identifying the masses Behind every digital experience is a human being…. The keyboard is the biggest conversation killer…. Its about focusing and understanding the individuals… This is about connecting with people
  8. So; Who are they? Ask ourselves … What makes people tick…? I’ve spent the last few years, research and understanding all the factors and the key ingredients Looking at the Art and Science Understanding the best bits, the ingredients that make us tick… If we can understand Humans…. We can fine tune our marketing into the minds of people
  9. Go back in time My research started in 384BC Aristotle the scientist, a famous Greek Philosopher Founding father of communication
  10. Aristotle stated… That human persuasion occurs with 3 ingredients Ethos – persuasion through credibility and trust Logos – persuasion through logic, facts and figures Pathos – Art of appealing to emotions
  11. Studies and research have shown most powerful ingredient…. Is the Power of Pathos – the power of persuasion through emotion If we look at the high engaging stories, Hollywood films, presentations The most successful are 65% Pathos…. They lead with emotion Engage people through emotion and you will be more likely to engage and persuade them to listen and act how you want
  12. Fast forward to now…. We have learnt more about the human brain in last 10 years….entire existence As marketers – take what biology and neuroscience tells us – understand the human brain Understand peoples behaviour, how to influence and persuade them Through understanding neuroscience. And what makes people tick we can aim to make emotional connections that will resonate and matter with those we want to connect with....   Connect through the power of personality.... Unlock the human algorithm
  13. Dr Steven Peters - sports Psychiatrist –working with elite athletes (Luiz Suarez story) Chimp Paradox – talks about 2 key areas of brain: Click Limbick – The Chimp Emotions, feelings and impressions, gut instinct, that love at first site Click NeoCortex – The Human (past the emotional reaction) Rational, plan and consider, facts and figures, seek the truth In a talk at Inbound Uk – I laid out 9 digital ingredients to create world class digital experiences Helping us to connect with both the human and the chimp to help us connect with people
  14. Couple of key areas I want to look at today…. The human part of our brains – the thought leader When the human mind makes decisions –we seek out expert opinion In our efforts to confirm to ourselves we are making the right choice This is where your candidates are carrying out research to their problems Top of funnel content
  15. Become the expert in you space Martin Lewis ! Money saving experts – started 2003 as a forum to help people save money Think about the Q&A that happen online inside Google on this subject everyday. He wanted to become the go to, expert in ‘helping’ people save money – be it mortgage, loans, best buy deals etc Also, one clever thing – he provided content ready made for Journalists…. His target influencers Influencing the influencers to accelerate and amplify his content along with his brand Providing high value content to help our minds feel we are making better informed decisions He built content, added value, forums, make content valuable to the community and the influencers of the community Sold for 2012 £87m – he doesn’t give a shit about saving money now!!
  16. But here’s the thing – if we want candidates to connect with the human parts of our brains We have to get past the chimp first! – the emotional part of our brains, the neocortex acts 5xs faster than our human brains Its that gut feeling, emotions and impressions – and we cant stop it from happening We have to connect with our chimps to reach the human parts of our brains Emotional Drivers – People feel first, think second Think of it as ‘Digital love at first site’
  17. We need to focus on the emotional drivers that create ‘emotionally charged events’ in our brains MRI scans show that with emotion we literally lighting up our brains Think about it – when we share funny images, videos – it not the image we are sharing – its how it makes us feel (refer to shipped pants) Various studies show the top 5 emotions we need to bring into our marketing and communications Happy – joy, humour, affection – makes us want to share (cats, funny videos) Sad – helps us to empathise – we feel the need to talk about it and share - think charity videos Fear – Surprise, flight or fight response. When scared chemicals urge us to bond / tell people– get closer to people in the cinema) Anger – create controversy, illicit a response, dare we say create an argument – Anticipation – as humans we want to know the outcome – Hollywood does this to us all the time We want to see the ending!!!! – think Breaking bad or 24 – we’ll just watch one more!!! You need to build these emotions into your marketing and communications to candidates, you content, videos, people propositions Sharing is how we pass on our ‘personality’ Create emotionally charge connections = people will care and share you content, amplify your brand and turn candidates into fans
  18. So to lead with empathy – we need to understand those we want to connect with And in a digital world – you can never underestimate the power of the sticky note! In the world of increasing technology, our ability to empathise is becoming more important And be the difference between a one night stand, or relationship that matter and make a difference to you You do that… by become the candidate you want to be – stand in their shoes We have to understand who they are, their characteristics, their routines, what the like and dislike, the question they ask, the objection they have? Why do they want to change their jobs, why wouldn’t they? Empathy mapping, as humans we are hard wired to avoid Pain and seek Pleasure We want to avoid pain more than seek pleasure Bride story… feel good…click into…
  19. but you more than anything, don’t want to feel crap! It’s the hurt and rescue, the before and after
  20. We can also consider the different buying modes and motivators behind the persona’s Are they thinking fast or thinking slow? Are they driven by emotion or logic….? Competitive: What makes your solution the best? Fast, logical based decisions Spontaneous: Why should I choose you know? Fast, emotive based decisions Methodical: How does your process or solution work? Slow, logical thinking Humanistic: Whose used your solution for my problem?
  21. Are they a spontaneous persona They think fast and with emotion Similar to compulsive, buyers – You need to make it really easy for these people to take the action you want
  22. Methodical = Thinking more slowly and considered This person, wants to know all about your process, what happens, spending time on you website If it was an ecommerce page… John Lewis So, think about how your content and web pages… if this was you job detail page… Can you make you pages appeal to the 4 buying modes – answer the questions the 4 questions:
  23. And lets not forget the science of big data… this is your fact to your you fiction Providing balance to subjectivity Google is loving big data – and we have to look at how use this and the tools they provide With big data with what we call evidence based marketing. It provides us with the evidence to make the smart decisions   These tools will help you understand how your personas search online, their behaviour (a huge deal for Google now) What your user like, what they consume … Learn to use it and fine tune your digital experiences for your persona’s Giving you marginal gains in multiple places..
  24. So we know who they are, what makes them tick, How do we find them?
  25. Social media – image it’s just like going to the pub  So amny channels, where do you focus… think about it for a second. TV channels – different audiences – same in social So think about where your target candidates go for a pint on pay day! Step in to the room… and there are even tools that allow you to listen in on the conversations What are they talking about? What conversations? Who is the most interesting person in the room, If its not you, aim to make friends with those that are… This is social listening or social ‘evesdropping’
  26. And once you know what pubs the hangout it time romance them a little – want to make friends and get a date Lets not forget this can take time… in the real world we are choosing what pubs to hangout in… Me and Bry story – legal sector And we where nice! We didn’t talk about what we did – we showed interest in the people we spoke to first Good conversationalist listens most of the time because then they know what to say… We romanced them a little… we got to know, we played the dating game… Think about human behaviour – this is about how we make friends with people, not technology All we did was get to know people, look for opportunities to help them Social media isn’t about hits its about real live relationships and connections
  27. And think about this in your digital experiences…. The moment between the moments Tell the retail story… how people feel when they are in the changing rooms… Where do they make their buying decisions… exactly… ASOS catwalk videos and if you dropout of checkout and they will call you up with a ‘call to action’ Tesco Opticians – people want to try glasses on – augmented reality has improved conversion So what are you Moments between the Moments – identify them, where they? In your world, this would be the candidate experience… But for me this isn’t the ‘recruitment process’, It’s the moment they touch your brand… It not when they apply, when they fail… it not the just the on-boarding process – it’s the life of them interacting with the brand Its online and offline, it when they see a tweet, read a blog, view your websites, ask a friend about what its like to work there….
  28. In the Talent acquisition world - I’ve been in rooms full of people and had lots of debates about what exactly is a talent pool?! From what I’ve seen in many cases, we work like hell to get people into an ATS…. But they go to the ATS to die!!! we send candidate into the ATS to die – especially those that don’t pass The twighlight zone is littered with moments between the moments If I was speaking at digital ecommerce conference – we’d be simply be talking about a database of customers. We be talking about how we need to communicate and market to them every week – without fail! As an example if we didn’t have marketing automation place for Painter and Decorators with Dulux in place, we’d lose around 40k per month (a lot paint) We’d be super focused on repeat customers and the Life time value of a customer So, what’s our plan in the talent acquisition world to marketing to candidates? If we treat these people right… we could be driving referrals, they could be amplifying your content, helping your employer brand
  29. Right now in your twilight zones…You have PACKAGED PEOPLE as PASS or FAIL Humans – how have you made them feel on pass – but more importantly how have you made them feel at failure? Pain You, literally a shelf full of thousands of people with potential…. A huge community that you may not be engaging with…? You have Ken and Barbies – what do we know about them… they become more valuable What's more, we can change their appearance, their clothes and their characters… helping them to undertake different jobs Surely it’s the same with people… Are we assessing for potential? Lets discover their potential? What about internal ability…? Not just today, but next month, next year… Most of you in the room, probably have an entire database full of passive candidates and potential stars If we treat these people right… we could be driving referrals, they could be amplifying your content, helping your employer brand
  30. And… lets all remember that candidates are customers (along with their friends) Lets not forget the detriment effect of a poor experience (not just pass and fail) but how we treat them – remember…. What happens? We tell everyone!!! I saw a piece of research pepsico published that 8% of people – the candidate experience awards say around 30% (gulp!) I’d argue there a higher impact – those unhappy people, will spread the word How hard do you work on creating a world class experience, don’t forget your digital experience is embedded in your candidate experience and how you make people ‘feel’ about you This isn’t about creating a talent pool of people for when you want them – This is about building a community of ‘humans’ who care and share what you say, helping you to become digitally famous I ask you to start thinking about the Life time value of a candidate -this could be s significant impact on your time to hire and cost per hire and your business success – or fail. Turning strangers, not just into candidates BUT turning them into fans about you, your people and your brand. Lets keep in touch with them, show we care, learn more about them and they’ll care about you…
  31. How do we make connection with people… Think about human behaviour – this is about how we make friends with people, not technology
  32. Identify influencers – think about those that influencer your target persona’s Charlotte Caldwell Story Recruitment, In-house – we decided to target Employment law partners… Explain why… Tell story of how how…
  33. Influence the influencer / Influencer marketing A marriage, not a one night stand… don’t go for the quickie!! Listen and learn to what you target influencers are interested in – Good conversationalist, listen most of the time – then we know what to say Humans are at the other end… be nice, interested in them, Make friends before you need them When we are married to someone – we demonstrate loyalty (its hard to break) – Booster rockets either side of the shuttle – internal and external but like all marriages you have to work at it –it take time and we have to put effort into it
  34. Influencers can have big ego’s Egojacking Be a giver not a taker Share their content, comment on their work (be nice!), write reviews Invite to interview (a new form of cold calling), ask for guest posts, Curate their content Put them into top ‘10, 50 list’ tell ‘insurance story’ Co-create – once you made friends, look for opportunities to create a joint piece of work Make them feel good about themselves – chemical Oxytocin is released
  35. Something we are seeing more and more of… In the war for talent - Using the power of your teams to accelerate content amplification – research shows x10 Your employees are a special forces team of talent scouts on the war for talent When the put the shuttle into space, it take 60 seconds, but 12 months planning – your team are the rocket boosters – your people can help amplify your brand and break through the stratosphere Your people in your organisations give you the power - they are your rocket boosters to your EVP – your brand ambassadors Becoming a team that people love following helping you to becomce a business that people love supporting.
  36. How do we connect? Have something interesting to say, it has to be worthwhile… How can we engage….
  37. In marketing with have buying funnels or This a funnel shows the ‘considerations stages’ people go through See, think, Do, Delight See – persona has a problem, but not are of the solution Think – Has a problem and is researching thinking about the possible solutions First to stages are often where your target persona’s are asking questions, seeking answers, in research mode helping to qualify themselves Do – Aware of your solution, we need to convince them to do it Delight – there you customer – so you’ve got them – convince them to do more What's interesting for the talent acquisition world – passive candidates are at the see stage and the delight stage – delight is your twilight zone A shelf full of ken and barbies just dying to be taken of the shelf!
  38. Content is the currency of influence Through research here is he ‘Magnificent seven’ themes of content proven to help you connect with your audience 1: Industry pain points: challenge facing the industry, provide case studies on who you or your people overcame them 2: Common questions: Ask you teams, LinkedIn discussions groups (.net developers), answer the questions, resonates and positions you as an authority 3: Trending industry topics: LinkedIn discussions – trending topics by nature stir interest – add value through you and your peoples insights 4: Brand stories: Can provoke stories 5: Research & Analysis Data whispers will become new messiahs – it’s the soli where idea’s grow – create research, seek opinion from influencers (include them in your research) Salary surveys 6: Outside of industry into your world What's happening outside of your sector, best proactive and apply it your world – tell ecommerce story and how users search for jobs 7: Industry news & trends Hot news, think real-time marketing – tell insurance story
  39. Big content and visual or interactive assets can speak a 1000 words and Helping you entertain, inspire (emotion) ; educate and convince (rational) your persona targets. Helping them to engage with you and your brand. We need to think about what we want to achieve and how to use content assets to bring people down the see think do funnel For example, entertainment in the form of video often works well at top of funnel and see level content If we want to convince people to take action at the ‘do’ stage, further down the funnel – then case studies and reviews work well – this is where the power of social proof can be your friend – remember when you say it you are selling, when its your customers is genuine social proof This isn’t just about applying for jobs, its about engaging and sharing your content, amplifying your brand into communities of people just like themselves Helping to amplify and integrate your brand onto the mind-shelves of those you want to connect with and build your talent communities ‘Edutainment’ – entertaining and educational… those that get shared the most…
  40. But here is the thing… Everyone is talking about content marketing… and what do they need to do to engage their audience… When we talk about producing content… what are thinking? What do we see when we talk about content marketing
  41. OR…..
  42. Or are we just satisfied with what we are producing? But, What are we producing….? Or are you just satisfied? Is satisfied good enough? Is good enough? Being satisfied just isn’t anywhere near good enough. You need to think differently. Content goes much, much deeper than that… it’s a commitment, not a campaign It doesn't mean everyone has to write but it requires an interest and collaboration. This is because content isn't just marketing it also culture. Create a content culture in your teams. Great content can attract great people and help you become digitally famous as the authority in those target communities you want to connect with   We don't need more content. We need content that does more.
  43. The currency of real networking is Generosity and Value – give your best stuff away Its not the source of the content, its how valuable it is to the customer, how does it help and add value to them in their lives (professional and personal) Help candidates, people with their day to day life's… Graduate campaign, its not about the opportunity, it about helping them out with pain and pleasure Throughout the ‘see, think, do’ funnel…. We’ve got videos, infographics, downloads Create more value, for more people, more often… So, when it comes to choosing… They choose you….
  44. A brilliant way of engaging you audience with content is thought the power of Telling a good (authentic) Story Tell stories to engage your audience that resonate with them You have to work at the stories you tell, and keep telling them…. Who have been some of the greatest story tellers over the years…. The good news, science has proven this to be right. We are hardwired to listen, take in and remember stories as opposed to facts and figures
  45. Hollywood…. If we learn from those that have been telling stories for decades… Hollywood film has 6, themes, formula's they follow to build emotional drivers in their audience And they do it very well The make the hero’s and the characters reflect those they want to connect with… click
  46. Their customers…. In the films, they have characters that will mirror or resonate with the customer of the films – to attract them there to watch it Its why avengers had the female character xxx in because they wanted to grow their audience and bring more women to see the film Aliens – sci-fi (typically a male dominant genre) – female lead – my wife loves Aliens (especially for hangover) days! So, put the spotlight on your customers and you benefit by attracting those you want to engage with
  47. This is backed up in science and neurology …we can get people on our same same wavelength MRI scan from research by D Hassan (Psychologist) shows us how are minds sync When we tell stories both the storyteller and the listeners brains respond. And the same areas of their brains being to light up and they share the same experience – this is what we see here Our minds actually ‘synch together’… its know as neurocoupling We are hard wired to try and understand each other – Stories activate parts of our brains that allows the listeners to connect and form their own ideas and experiences around the story being told This is marketing’s very own ‘vulcan mind meld’ In sales we are told to ‘mirror’ behaviour as this will help us connect and influence – well by telling stories we are helping our minds mirror each other But we have to be very careful not to hit…..
  48. In the NLP we have something called the critical faculty – it’s the human bullshit monitor As marketers, we are the greatest bullshit trainers in the world We are competing for attention amongst so much noise..   People see on average 10000 links a day... The average human attention span is 7 seconds – a gold fish has 8!! Who remembers the billboard and the adverts you've seen getting here today?   Who records x-factor so we don't have to see the ads... My son watches what he wants to watch, So many competitive voices, fighting for our attention How many of you have the ‘good old staged corporate videos’ how often do you see videos about companies – who really watches ! Do you ever see a bad job advert – someone should write a crap advert and I reckon it would go viral! Tell the truth… part of the human brain seeks the truth – this is how we are hard wired So tell the truth, use stories that resonate with your persona’s pains and pleasure points
  49. Stories can help you build you brand and people proposition Its backed up further as MRI scans show that when we evaluate brands, we primary use emotions and how we ‘feel’ rather than logic and facts and figures It not what you think or say it is… it is what they say it is… You can’t control your brand, you can only influence it… Its what people say about you, when you have left the room… Your employer brand doesn’t stop with pass or fail. It isn’t just about recruitment. Its retention, experience and communication from them moment they touch your brand – for their life time. Tell your brand stories through the people, those that reflect those that you want to connect with Let your people tell stories of how it feels to work with you Makes sure that your telling the stories that resonate to what matters to you audience   Helping you to get on their wave length and becoming a contagious and magnetic brand
  50. People feel first, think second…. This backed up further as MRI scans show that when we evaluate brands, we primarily use emotions and how we ‘feel’ rather than logic and facts and figures By understanding the personas and people we want to connect with you can then join and influence the conversation going on in your audiences hearts and minds In Hollywood films, throughout different scenes – we feel the experience – the surprise, the tension – and what happens our brains rise our hear rates?? Identify the emotional drivers you candidates feel and experience; and put them into your stories, helping you connect through the power of personality It's not about b2b or b2c it's about people to people - that's the business you are in.... You need to humanise and bring emotion into you marketing and your people propositions.... Share genuine, real stories - bring authenticity into your brand be genuine, be sincere, be authentic…. Because when people love what you do and how you make them feel; you benefit from the greatest marketing channel of them all ... Word of mouth… People may forget what you said or did… But the won’t forget how you made them feel….
  51. But here’s the thing… I know a lot of you out there (or you know that your board and FD’s) will be saying… What’s the ROI of all this stuff! This is the killer question for a lot of people… Show me the money!
  52. Ok, this easy enough to look at the equation of ROI… And I completely agree of its importance… Indeed, if I step outside of your world and go into the ecommerce world – it vital But ROI of social and content or indeed any channel isn’t linear… 93% of buying decisions are influenced by social – who asks their friends on Facebook to recommend a plumber or a spark or a roofer… Social isn’t sales, It customer service, research and development, brand awareness, building loyalty – so many more things than just how many placements In marketing we are touched 7 times…. Think about how people’s buying behaviour in the real world
  53. More than anything, think how you can Be Memorable It’s not about being ‘content’ with what we put out there. When we create emotionally charged events, chemicals are released into our brains Dopamine – its is the save button of our brains… that’s why we remember And its how we become memorable…. That will help us to become digitally famous amongst those we want to connect with
  54. Explain story and set scene David and Goliath Take on the might of Gillette Thought differently, understood his target personas… Create and video that used emotion, and tapped into the ‘psychy’ of his target persona groups Men, who shave, active lifestyle, ‘blokey blokes’
  55. That video was seen by 16m in 7 days He has 1.2m likes on Facebook 80,000 followers in twitters He doesn’t have customers, he has fans – evangelist helps spread the word -helping spread the ‘cause’ and the ‘why’ for dollar shave So, you have to care about what you do, and people will care about you… You and your brand will connect and build a community of real people Be memorable
  56. Its been emotional….!