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Bridge Science
Science Questions
Identify and discuss the design elements that you incorporated into your bridge.
Design Elements: While building this bridge, the first design element, was the deck design. We took
around one horizontal length of vertical popsicle sticks and lined them side by side, and repeated.
Later we connected them together with a horizontal popsicle stick. I then took two lines and placed
them ontop of eachother to create a flat surface. This way it will carry a lot of weight, and it will also
run smoothly. After this I created trusses to put on the side, so that the weight would be evenly
distributed amongst the bridge, instead of all the weight on one part. This would help stop the bridge
from immediately bending once weights were put into the bucket. To make the trusses I had to take
popsicle sticks and glue them into a triangle shape, and then glue them together from the bottom. This
way they wouldn t break apart. I then doubled them up so that it would be able to sustain more weight.
Under the bridge I placed a lot of beams, so that the bridge would hold together from the bottom,
instead of immediately bending once I placed a weight. I made the beam from gluing ... Show more
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For example, I let essa, emma, and abby work on the platform because they wanted to, so I let them
work on it. I did my side, they did their side of the platform. After 30 minutes I was done my platform.
After TWO periods they were done their platform, so once they were done their platform, I picked it
up and it started to fall apart. We had to restart all of it, because even after they rebuilt it, they only
used bent popsicle sticks. Only. There wasn t a single popsicle stick that they used was straight, so we
couldn t have used it. If I had someone who could actually make something that would work, it would
ve been way faster, and we would ve had more time to glue
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Marginalia Billy Collins Summary
In the poem Marginalia , by Billy Collins takes a look at the marginal notes written in books. The
marginal notes are seen as a communication between the reader and the words in the book. The note
sometimes can be negative because they are a way of releasing frustration with the work, especially if
not well received, but sometimes they are a way of celebrating on the work. [The narrator asserts
students to join the conversation with author s words by writing marginal notes; however, one may say
it proves to be a distraction, It causes readers to pre judge a book and lastly, it prevents one from
understanding the text.]
Marginal notes can be viewed as distractions to new owners of passing down texts. They are,
Sometimes the notes are ferocious, (Collins) when the narrator refers to ferocious, This implies that
the previous owner wrote comments in discontent. When the notes symbolize discontent they prove to
be a distraction because people instead of focusing on the text will start reading the comments
therefore getting disoriented and not focusing the text. When he refers , If i could just get my hands on
you, Kierkegaard or Conor Cruise O Brien this implies he could be doing something better than
reading their works. It also means, as the new reader sees the text may see their writings on the margin
and wonder why the previous owner wrote that and may get lost or impede him from understanding
and acknowledging the text and interpret the text from the actual meaning.
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J.P. Morgan Essay
J.P. Morgan
When people talk about J.P. Morgan, they often refer to one man. The J.P. Morgan dynasty was in fact
a combined effort of three generations of Morgans. In 1838, American businessman George Peabody
opened the London merchant banking firm that would establish the roots of the House of Morgan. In
1854, Junius S. Morgan became the partner of George Peabody and eventually took over the firm in
1864, renaming it J.S. Morgan amp; Co. At the age of twenty four, J. Pierpont Morgan inherited his
father s business, renamed the business to J.P. Morgan amp; Co., and made a point to consolidate the
firm s American and European interests. Under Pierpont s authority, J.P. Morgan ... Show more
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Including two world wars, J.P. Morgan Jr. also led the company through the great depression. In an
appearance before Congress in 1933, J.P. Morgan Jr. defined a business philosophy for his firm:
quot;At all times the idea of doing not only first class business, and that in a first class way, has been
before our minds. We have never been satisfied with simply keeping within the law, but have
constantly sought to act that we may fully observe the professional code, and so maintain the credit
and representation which has been handed down to us from our predecessors in the firm. quot;
A significant bill in congress was the Banking Act of 1933, a.k.a. Glass Steagall. It was this act, which
separated commercial and investment banking, that also divided the House of Morgan. As a result,
Harry Morgan, one of Jack Morgan s sons, along with two Morgan partners and about 25 employees
left to form the investment bank Morgan Stanley.
In 1943, when Jack Morgan died, Thomas Lamont became the chairman of the company. This marked
the first time since 1864 that a Morgan had not managed the firm.
One of the contributing factors to the success of J.P. Morgan was its financial involvements in military
events of the past. J.P. Morgan established its position as a future world power in 1870 when it
extended a ten million pound loan to the French government during the Franco Prussian
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The Business And Social Media Side Of Medical Advances
Case Study # 1 The Business and Social Media Side of Medical Advances
Introduction: One of the key themes of Biology 311 is the critical interplay between cell and
molecular biology, medicine, business, patent law, federal regulatory agencies (e.g. FDA), defense,
religion and many other aspects of our society that had little to no role in the world of cell and
molecular biology as few as 10 years ago. The attached article appeared as the lead article in The
Boston Globe on Sunday, August 23, 2015, and is an example of how changes in our society can affect
many of the aforementioned themes. Below are questions related to this article. Some are factual
questions that can be easily found on the internet and elsewhere; while others are ... Show more
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It is possible to know the clinical trials currently underway or patients enrolling online through
registry and database of results from privately and publicly clinical studies of people carried out
around the world.
4. Robert Langer, a faculty member at MIT s prestigious Whitehead Institute, is mentioned in the
article. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of In Vivo Therapeutics and has a long list of
accomplishments. As a faculty member should he or others who are full time faculty members at any
university or college have constraints on their contributions to and activity with biotechnology
companies? How might you design a fair strategic plan that would allow university research faculty to
translate their work into new medical devices or practices that have both commercial and medical
As faculty members, there should not be any form of restriction to how much they can contribute to
biotechnology companies since it is their invention on trial. However for effectiveness, they need to
work closely with experts from the biotechnology companies to create a device that fully meets
patients or people s needs for both commercial and medical potential.
5. One of the questions presented by this article is whether a patient who is undergoing an
experimental treatment should use social media to indicate his or her progress or lack thereof as well
as having the right to buy stock in the company sponsoring
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Essay on Laws of Evidence
Date: 08/31/2012
Re: Laws of Evidence Assignment #2
Statement of Assignment
You have asked me to analyze and determine whether the evidence that prosecution would like to
introduce at trial can be admitted based on the Federal Rules of Evidence. Pursuant to your request,
this memo includes my analysis, reasoning, and conclusions regarding the admissibility of such
Statement of Facts
The defendant was prosecuted for the murder of his wife. The victim s body was never recovered, no
murder weapon was ever found, and there were no witnesses to the crime. At trial, prosecution would
like to introduce the following as evidence: 1. A computer disk, found in the defendant s desk, that
contains a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
See Fed. R. Evid. 403(2011). In order for it to meet the requirements to be excluded, the danger of
unfair prejudice, confusing the issues, the jury being misled, undue delay, time being wasted, or
unnecessary presentation of cumulative evidence has to greatly outweigh the probative value of the
evidence. If harm that is not related to the legal issue of the case will be done to a party by the
introduction of the evidence, then the evidence prejudicial. A fact often possesses both probative and
prejudicial effects, in which case it is then left up to the court to determine if the prejudicial effects
outweigh the probative value enough to exclude the evidence, or if the probative value of the evidence
outweighs the prejudicial effects enough to deem the evidence as admissible. Prejudicial evidence
tends to discredit the accused and make the jury dislike him/her more, and offers little or no insight to
the matter of the case or assistance in the search for the truth.
Is the computer disk that was found in the defendant s desk containing a file named murder which
appears to be a twenty six step guide on how to carry out a murder admissible evidence in this case?
Although this evidence does not necessarily prove that the defendant is guilty of murdering his wife, it
does have the tendency to prove that the defendant was interested in gaining the knowledge of how to
carry out a
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The Purpose Of College Is To Discover Oneself
I strongly agree with Edmundson that the purpose of college is to discover oneself. To begin with,
person goes to college only once and he/she should study what he/she wants he is right when we come
to college we must study what we want to study for example I m a Biochemistry major I want to study
about molecules, orbitals in a molecule, naming molecules, I want to know all about the periodic
table, etc. I don t want to study History or Politics because I don t like those classes. I m here in
college studying something that I want to. I also believe that the family around are the motivation to
keep going in the studies at college. Mark s father had never been in any college Mark s father barely
gotten out of high school but Mark went to
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Martin Luther King Nobel Peace Prize
I hereby nominate the African American civil rights leader, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. to be awarded
the Nobel Peace Prize. King should receive the Nobel Peace Prize mainly because of his nonviolent
resistance of racial prejudice in America. He has emphasized equal rights with his non violent protests
and has made such a tremendous impact on the world. If he never stood up for what he believed in we
could still be stuck in a time where African Americans still couldn t use the same fountains as white
Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929; and is the middle child of
Michael King Sr. and Alberta Williams King. Around the age of twelve, he tried jumping out of a
second story window in attempt to kill
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Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
The typical description of a disease would be something that causes unwanted effects on the body;
however, mental illnesses show few physical symptoms and cause problems that outsiders can rarely
see. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), to be specific, is a complex disorder that occurs when a
person has five of the following symptoms: a depressed mood, diminished pleasure, weight loss or
gain, insomnia, lethargy, problems with concentrating, fatigue, feeling worthless, or having thoughts
of suicide (Myers 3). While MDD is chronic, depression is the infrequent counterpart. The official
etiology of depression is important because it is widespread and is becoming increasingly more
common. Knowing why an illness occurs, in theory, can help physicians ... Show more content on
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Genetic predisposition is an important part of the formation of mental illnesses. Mental illnesses and
depression often onset early in life due to the amount of stress and genetic predisposition. Specifically,
the SERT gene regulates serotonin in the body (Parks 30). Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that affects
mood, behavior, and memory. A neurotransmitter helps to relay messages to other areas of the body
through neurons, nerve cells, that are placed throughout the body. A neurotransmitter either inhibits or
excites messages through the body, such as pain or other feelings. The brain produces serotonin, which
is then spread throughout the body via the blood vessels. According to David Myers, the formula for
depression is a traumatic or important life stressor plus a variation on a serotonin controlling gene
(Myers 10). When serotonin production is imbalanced, sleep problems and irritability have a high
chance of occurring, which are linked to the onset of depression. Low serotonin levels trigger
depression after a traumatic event occurs (Parks 30). When the SERT gene is mutated, the risk for
depression increases. Variations in neurotransmitters and the genes that produce them, especially
serotonin and the SERT gene, lead to the development of depression when serotonin production is
imbalanced or
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Theme Of Truth And Ignorance In John Knowles A Separate...
In life, there are two opposing forces that wage a constant war in men s hearts, truth and ignorance.
While some walk along the enlightened path of truth, others are blinded by the veil of ignorance,
unable to see anything beyond their distorted view of the world. In John Knowles A Separate Peace,
two maturing teens named Gene and Finny feel the effects of this inner strife, which shapes their
actions and causes the fall, and eventual death, of Finny. While Gene comes to terms with the glaring
light of truth, Finny continues to hide behind a veil of ignorance and innocence, unable to handle the
truth s piercing rays.Through his writing, Knowles conveys that truth s omnipresent light shines
through the murky depths of ignorance, illuminating ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Near the end of the novel, Brinker organizes a mock trial in which Gene is accused of causing Finny s
fall. Throughout the trial, Finny adamantly denies Gene s involvement, claiming Gene was not even
on the tree when he fell. However, the arrival of Leper, a fellow classmate, causes him to doubt
himself. Leper is an innocent schoolboy who joins the military but deserts after going insane. He
returns to Devon Academy, where he is invited by Brinker to shed light upon the incident, which he
does by revealing Gene s involvement in Finny s fall. Finny, unable to handle the truth, emotionally
retreats from the room as he shouts You get the rest of the facts Brinker....you collect every f ing fact
there is in the world! (Knowles 177). Finny reacts emotionally to the truth because accepting it would
mean accepting his closest companion is no longer to be trusted. This is particularly scarring for Finny
because after his theory about the war is shattered, he becomes dependent on Gene s loyalty and
candor: Christ, I ve got to believe you, at least. I know you better than anybody (Knowles 163). In
both cases, Finny s innocent beliefs are shattered by Leper, who illuminates the reality of the world s
evils and consequently destroys Finny s blissful ignorance. Leper symbolizes the unadulterated truth;
he is unencumbered
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What Are The Negative Effects Of Colonizing Australia
The Impact Britain had and a negative side and a positive but we can say that they had more of a
negative impact When colonizing Australia they were introduced with to new plants, animals and
many more new undiscovered things. In some cases they had a devastating effect. Destruction an
deforestation occurred during when Britain colonized Australia, most habitats were cleared for
settlements which impacted negatively. Colonisation by the British had an lasting effect on the
Aborigines, their culture, way of life, freedom and their future. When the British conquered the
Aborigines were disposed from their land and goods. The Aborigines were forced out of their
hunting grounds and stayed away from the coastal area where they possessed a lot
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Essay on The Influential Life of Christopher Marlowe
During the Renaissance era, Christopher Marlowe impacted and inspired many of his fellow
playwrights during his short life. With the success of his plays and poems, some including
Tamburlaine the Great and Hero and Leander, came the praise for Marlowe s contemporaries.
According to Peter Farey, there were notably few contemporary dramatists whom had anything
negative to say about Marlowe, although he received much criticism regarding his personal life. His
relatively clean reputation diminished after his first arrest in 1593 and rumors of suspected corruption.
It is believed by a copious amount of scholars that Marlowe was a considerably controversial
individual in the eyes of spectators during the 16th century. After all, many harbored a ... Show more
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However, he was fortunate enough to be selected at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge on another
scholarship from a former Archbishop of Canterbury named Matthew Parker. The dramatist left
Canterbury for university near the end of 1580 and received his B.A. degree in 1584 and later his
M.A. several years later. Throughout his relatively short lifespan, Christopher Marlowe flourished
remarkably as an artist because of the fruition of his plays and poems. The dramatist s first play,
Tamburlaine the Great, was performed on a classic stage in 1587 in London. This play was the first
English play to be written in blank verse and has been deliberated to be the beginning of the more
mature phase of the Elizabethan theatre. The dramatist also wrote in iambic pentameter, which became
very popular before the end of this age (Escoala). Marlowe wrote a total of seven plays and two
poems, including Tamburlaine the Great (parts one and two), Doctor Faustus, The Massacre at Paris,
and Hero and Leander. The immense success of Marlowe s plays is partly because of the stage
presence of actor Edward Alleyn. The role of Tamburlaine in Tamburlaine the Great was most likely
written for him, for Alleyn was awfully tall for the time period and the character of Tamburlaine is
described to be rather haughty. Above all, Marlowe was admired for his contemporaries during the
Renaissance era, with George Peele remembering him as
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Naked Economics Chapter 2 Essay
The main point of chapter two is to explain why economies do not have a fixed number of jobs
regardless of manpower. This is a common misconception whereas an increase in the manpower of an
economy will increase the unemployment rate. However, due to large numbers of migrations that have
occurred recently, real world experiments can be observed to understand the impacts. What has been
learned from these events is that a reactive economy can handle fluctuations in the size of the
workforce satisfactorily. The Mariel boatlift is a good real world example of a large migration from
Cuba to Miami had little impact on employment and wages in Miami. The economic explanation for
this illogical occurrence is due the ability the Miami economy was ... Show more content on
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Lowering the retirement age may be a good way for those to exit the labor force opening up more jobs
and reducing unemployment. However, it will have the opposite impact, due to the ratio of working
age population to the retirees. This puts more cost of retirements on the GDP, increasing the taxes
levied to pay for items like social security. In turn, this increase in the costs of labor will have the
opposite effect and would have negative impacts to employment. In France another method to increase
more people in a job was the 35 hour work week law. Studies in Germany and France have shown that
reducing the work week has little impact on employment though. People in Germany did work less,
but additional position creation did not happen. In France those who were impacted by the reduction
actually were more likely to lose their job and had no positive impact in the level of employment. The
reason shortening the work week does not increase the level of employment is the same as migration.
There are not a fixed number of jobs or hours to be
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This Narrative Will Give You Information On Women’S Roles
This narrative will give you information on women s roles in the 18th and 19th century. It will discuss
Queen Victoria role, and her thoughts when she ruled in the 18th century and Harriet Tubman s role
and her views during the 19th century. If the two met, their conversation could start by both of them
asking questions about their views and concerns during their time. Queen Victoria would have started
the dialog by asking Harriet questions about their similarities and when did she become so passionate
about her freedom and the freedom of other slaves. Queen Victoria would proceed with other
questions such as Harriet s leadership abilities and her capability of leading black slaves to their
freedom without losing anyone on their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Her mother was Victoire Maria Louisa of Saxe Coburg. Queen Victoria became the successor to the
British crown after the death of her uncle George IV in 1825. Members of Parliament gave royalty to
the princess (Daniels, 2016). The first couple of days of her rule were quite remarkable in which she
showed poise, composure, and she had experienced in governmental procedures of her state. Queen
Victoria delegates were surprised and agreed with her knowledge she was given in her training, as a
child growing up. Queen Victoria took to her responsibilities with ease as though she had the
experience of a person having been doing such a job for a while and gaining experience along the way.
In doing so, she earned the respect of her subjects giving her the appearance of presence of mind. Her
looks seem to be delightful along with her youth, which influenced an immeasurable interest in all
who came in contact with her. Queen Victoria had respect for others, her compassion was of school
children in a memorandum to her minister, Lord Melbourne advising him to give an additional holiday
to school officials to approve a holiday on for coronations in the future (Browne, 2005). During this
period, times were hard and her subjects were depressed, along with adversities and bad business
management kept the nation in a state of unrest. There were people in the community that caused
issues of disturbances in
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Arguments Against Government Censorship
Government censorship is a huge issue, particularly when it comes to media messages. There is a fine
line that must be walked when deciding what should be censored. However, it boils down, in my
opinion, to one major consideration; is what is being made public going to harm or endanger anyone?
If the answer to that is no then I don t think that the government should censor it. However, I do think
that we have seen examples, recently right here in Tuscaloosa where some kind of government
censorship should have been exercised.
January 10th, the morning after the National Championship a man jumped out of some bushes and
held a gun to a bank tellers head and then proceeded to take the employees inside hostage. The media
kept live coverage going, spilling their guesses about ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1644 John Milton published a prose titled Areopagitica which opposed censorship. While he was
not fighting for freedom of press he was fighting more for the freedom of the printing press. At the
time anything written had to be approved by Parliament before it could be published, he was against
that censorship and stated that not knowing was more dangerous than knowing. Milton s work which
pre dated the issue of the freedom of the press quite a bit laid the groundwork for opposing censorship.
I believe he had a point, when you allow too much censorship you essentially put all the power in one
group of people s hands, the ones deciding what to censor. On the other hand, when you ban
censorship then a system of checks and balances exists. For example, the new President, Donald
Trump has been discussing censoring specific federal agency websites, specifically the EPA s website
on climate change. That sort of censorship is bad. But because of where we live and the fact that we
are unaccustomed to censorship everyone began calling him out on it and, for now at least, the website
is staying
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Importance of Healthy Eating
The Importance of Healthy Eating University of Phoenix October 24, 2010 A growing number of
people are becoming aware of the importance of eating healthy. For some eating a nutritious and
healthy meal conjures up images of meals consisting of salads only. Everyone knows there is
something they could change in his or her life to become healthier. For some it is exercising and eating
healthier. When it is concerning healthy eating, it is good to receive educated about what is healthy to
eat. Living food smart doesn t mean that he or she have to give up his or her favorite meals and
concentrate on calorie counting. The equation to dieting is simple; it is about balance and moderation.
Eating the correct ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In order advancement in lifestyle to take place, a daily checklist is require to showing improvements.
Several healthful options available because grocery stores are offering more foods that are both good
for an individual and easy to fix. Barbara Rolls, a professor of bio behavioral healthy at Penn State
University, said that, portion served in the home and typical recipes in cookbooks are bigger now than
in the 70s. To stay lean and healthy in this expanding world you don t have to cut out whole categories
of foods or eat tiny portions. Dr. Rolls continues to mentions several ways that individuals can eat
healthy and still get the proper balanced diet. Another approach mentioned in her reading is that you
can add vegetables to any of your favorite dishes as well as bulk up stews and even the world s
favorite dish macaroni and cheese. How can stews be bulk up with large amounts of healthy items?
Adding water rich vegetables such as broccoli, carrots and tomatoes will make a healthy hearty dish.
Dr. Walter Willett author of, Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy. states that People tend to dish out the same
portion, so why not make it lower in calories ? Our studies show that you are likely to eat the same
portion of food as usual and will be satisfied with fewer calories because some of the space in the
bowl is taken up by low calorie dense vegetables. The customized food pyramid recommends that a
male weighting 252 pounds at a 6 foot 2 inches in height
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Wal Mart
What, historically, has been Wal Marts key source of competitive advantage in discount retailing?
WalMart s competitive advantage is a result of several key strategic choices. First, WalMart s choice
of geographic location in rural/small town locations that were not being served by competitors
allowed it to establish itself as the sole discount retailer in these areas. WalMart s inventory
management strategy. From the onset, WalMart has been a leader in implementing new and cost
effective methods to manage inventory. Merchandise is tailored to local market demand via traiting
where a product s movements are indexed over a thousand store and market traits. WalMart s
operations strategy. WalMart s operations activities fit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They expect their stores to keep expenses at a bare minimum and pinch pennies wherever possible
.Wal Mart has a policy know as plus one they demand that suppliers either lower their prices or
increase the quality on every item every year. You MIGHT get a better deal by purchasing in volume
at Sam s Club, but most of the time the prices are pretty much the same. Non food items can actually
be more expensive at Sam s. Take into consideration that you have to pay a membership fee and most
advantages go away. 3. Compare Wal Marts competitive advantage in 1986 to the scenario in 2011?
Wal Mart is the largest public corporation according to the Forbes Global, it has been running chain of
stores and warehouses nationally and internationally.Wal Mart has been providing the thousands of
brands under one roof at low cost compared to its competitors. Wal Mart has competitive advantage
over its competitors because of the following core competencies. As promised in its slogan Wal Mart
has been providing products at lower prices, it is possible due to the low cost operations. Wal Mart
share the value of low cost with customers by selling the products at lower prices. Hard working,
efficient and process oriented employees has been working with Wal Mart. Better use of technology to
directly connect with supplier and partners. Implemented Just in time inventory process to reduce the
cost of managing inventory at Warehouses Sam s Club Expanding and
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Accounting for Leases 3
stfx university | Accounting For Leases | Capital Vs. Operating Leases | | 200906027 | 11/16/2010 |
This paper will outline the differences in accounting treatment of and criteria for determining whether
leases should be accounted for as either a capital lease or an operating lease. I will be limiting my
discussion to the accounting treatment of leases by the lessee. This paper will discuss the current
accounting treatment for the two types of leases according to Canadian GAAP and will tie in elements
of the conceptual framework to the treatment of leases from CICA handbook section 1000, followed
by a discussion on accounting theories related to lease treatment, and finally current issues outlined in
academic research ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Company owners must ensure that they are carefully watching the treatment of leases because this
could mean the difference between a manager achieving their bonus or not. The accounting treatment
for leases can be easily manipulated by self interested managers.
Another accounting theory that can tie into the accounting treatment of leases is the positive
accounting theory. The positive accounting theory is defined in our textbook as being concerned with
predicting such actions as the choice of accounting policies by firm managers and how managers will
respond to proposed new accounting standards (Scott, 2009, p.284). We are concerned with predicting
what managers should and ought to do when it comes to the implementation of new accounting
The positive accounting theory is relevant when dealing with lease accounting because as stated
above, how a lease is recorded on a company s financial statements can make the difference between
an employee achieving their goals or not. It is important to be able to predict how a manager will react
to changes in accounting standards. If the change in accounting standards will have positive effects on
the company s financial statements, managers will be happy to
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Suspense In Tim Burton s Sleepy Hollow
Sleepy Hollow, directed by Tim Burton, is a thrilling horror film which tells the story of a bewitched
town called Sleepy Hollow. Set in 1799, Constable Ichabod Crane is requested to venture to Sleepy
Hollow in order to solve the mysterious murders of two decapitated victims. Upon his arrival, he is
told about the belief of the evil spirit of the Hessian Headless Horseman. At first, Crane does not
believe this rumour and is very stubborn that the culprit is of flesh and blood. However, through his
investigations and ventures he finds that the culprit is a spirit of the underworld, who is being
controlled by a living person. Two scenes from the film and various cinematic techniques will be used
to demonstrate specific aspects of the film such ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Such films include Dracula and Frankenstein, where the monster falls in love with an innocent woman
in a dark world. The film Sleepy Hollow is classified as a part of this genre. Through the use of
cinematic techniques, Burton has created a gothic horror film which can commonly be seen in the Tree
of the Dead scene. Through this scene, Burton has heavily used dark lighting to influence the theme
gothic horror as the darkness creates a gothic and dark sense of feeling. The use of this darkness
surrounding the Tree of the Dead incorporates the feeling of a gothic theme as the setting is dark and
gloomy, which falls under the gothic horror genre. Another aspect which interprets the film as a part of
the gothic horror genre is the use of setting. The settings in this film are always gloomy and sad
representing the theme of gothic horror. Using the town of Sleepy Hollow for example, the town is
always seen as a sad and gloomy town as the shade and colour of the town is often a darker shade.
Music is another effective technique used to display the gothic horror genre in this film as it is always
played in a low manner, usually consisting of a base and violins. It creates the dark and gloomy sense
of feeling which is common in gothic horror films. The dark and deep music allows the sense of
gothic horror to be created as it is a gloomy and dark genre, which can clearly
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Inception And Growth Of Netflix
Addressed to: Mrs C Waller
Date: 5th February 2016
Topic: Inception and Growth of Netflix
I have compiled this business report to address the inception and growth of Netflix, I will also be
identifying the different business environments and their components as well as the degree of control
that the entrepreneur (Reed Hastings) has over these environments. I will also discuss the challenges
that could present themselves in each environment as well as new advances of the company, future
challenges and the impact of Netflix on the South African market.
Comprehensive Summary:
Netflix is an American multinational provider of on demand Internet streaming media, and of flat rate
DVD by mail in the United States, where mailed DVDs and Blu ray Disc are sent via Permit Reply
Mail. The CEO of Netflix is Reed Hastings, the company was founded in ... Show more content on
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This environment is often the most challenging for managers to deal with. Has less control than micro,
consists of seven aspects.
Customers( people or other businesses who buy product. The buy in for Netflix was tight, technology
didn t reach Hastings vision yet he had to meet the customers needs and have reasonable prices,
Blockbusters and other companies later became customers.)
Suppliers( provide the raw materials and other services. Not a lot of people signed Hastings and his
business, he was heavily reliant on studios as their distribution was better than his and his was poor.)
Competitors( business needs to constantly be aware of their competitors and keep a close watch over
businesses selling the same product., need to find a way to beat their prices. They can do this through
marketing and advertising. Netflix struggled to beat its competitors but eventually partnered with
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Acc 2101
Case AP6 2: American Eagle Outfitters, Inc.
American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. AP6 2 Financial information for American Eagle is presented in
Appendix A at the end of the book. Required: 1. In the summary of significant accounting policies,
what is American Eagle s procedure in accounting for inventory? pA 12
AE evaluates merchandise inventory at the lower of average cost or market, utilizing retail method.
Average cost includes merchandise design and sourcing costs and related expenses. AE records
merchandise receipts at the time merchandise is delivered to the foreign shipping port by the
manufacturer; at this point the title and risk of loss is transferred to the company.
2. For the most recent year, what is the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Gross profit ratio:
GPR 2008 = 1,423,138/3,055,419 = 0,466
GPR 2009=1,174,101/2,988,866 = 0,393
GPR 2010=1,158,049/2,990,520 = 0,387
Gross profit ratio had been declining through the period of 2008 2010, which indicates decrease of
markup that the company achieved on its inventory, which also means that it lowered sales prices
compared to costs.
7. For the most recent year, calculate American Eagle s ratio of operating expenses to net sales.
Ratio of OE to NS is = (756,256+17,992+145,408)/2,990,520=0,3075
Case AP6 3: The Buckle, Inc.
The Buckle, Inc. AP6 3 Financial information for The Buckle is presented in Appendix B at the end of
the book. Required: 1. In the summary of significant accounting policies, what is The Buckle s
procedure in accounting for inventory?
Cost of inventory is determined using the average method; inventory is stated at the lower of cost or
market. +pB13
2. For the most recent year, what is the amount of inventory in the balance sheet? What does this
amount represent? Inventory as of Jan 30, 2010 is $88,187.
This amount represents cost of items as of Jan 30,2010 which the company intends for sale to
customers but have not yet sold.
3. The Buckle refers to its cost of goods sold using a different name. What is it?


Cost of sales (including buying, distribution, and occupancy costs) 4. For the most recent year, what is
the amount of cost of goods sold in the
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Four Corporate Strategies Of HTC Corporation
The organization that I picked is HTC Corporation which is a multinational firm situated in Taiwan.
The organization was built up in the year 1997 where it began as a unique equipment producer and
design maker, designing and fabricating devices, for example, cell phones and tablets (Anonymous,
2016). For the previous years, the organization has been in operation; it is driven by their inventive
thought which has empowered it to make an upper hand over different electronics organizations.
The principle business opponents for HTC Corporation are Samsung Corporation which makes and
markets distinctive assortments of electronics like Smartphones, Televisions, Laptops and Tablets;
Apple Company specializes on iPhones and Techno Company. These organizations have offered a stiff
rivalry henceforth the need to have a steady organization structure and also great advertising
techniques to improve competitive edge (Edwards, J., 2014).
1. Which of the four multinational strategies is the MNE pursuing?
HTC Corp. will adhere to its strategy of offering medium to high cost telephones, despite the fact that
it has been attempting to contend in that price range in the midst of the expanding predominance of
Apple Inc. also, Samsung Electronics Co. (Luk, L. what s more, Poon, A., 2012). HTC, producer of
cell phones, reported they re not straying from the value based pricing strategy that HTC says
underpins their brand image and are pronouncing they won t offer cheap cell phones in spite
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Similarities Between The Odyssey And O Brother Where Art Thou
Have you ever heard the phrase, Sing in me, Muse ? If so, there s a possibility you ve heard it in the
introduction from either, Homer s The Odyssey (8th century) or in O Brother Where Art Thou (2000).
In O Brother Where Art Thou and The Odyssey, the sirens from the book and the laundry ladies in the
movie, are described almost exactly the same. Also in the book and the movie, a cyclops is included,
but is portrayed differently in both. In addition throughout both of the works, the main protagonist,
Odysseus (The Odyssey) and Everett (O Brother Where Art Thou), are on a journey in returning back
to their families. Although the two works have many differences, much like the time period and the
crew size difference, they do share many similarities ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Odysseus (The Odyssey) and Everett (O Brother Where Art Thou) both were faced with conflicts that
kept them from being with their families. Odysseus had just finished fighting in the Trojan War, and as
years went on he had to overcome many challenges before actually returning back to his home in
Ithaca. Unfortunately, he returned only to find his wife, Penelope, hosting a contest for suitors in her
hand in marriage. Everett had convinced Delmer and Pete to break out of prison with him so they
could go retrieve the treasure from a cabin he had hid the money in. Similarly to Odysseus, in reality
he only wanted to escape to make sure his ex wife, Penny, didn t remarry anyone else besides
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Summary Of In Praise Of Chain Stores
What is your opinion on chain stores do they make your city boring or make it less boring. Virginia
Postrels says chain stores divide prices and economic diversity . Her essay In Praise of Chain Stores
brought to mind the chain stores in my area and the effect they have had . There are many ways a
chain store can affect an area but only a few that can make a change that is lasting. Augusta has
become less boring area because chain stores offer diversity in shopping, more movement, and
economic growth First, chain stress have given Augusta more diversity in shopping. They allow
anyone to look different from everyone else. Having the options chain stores offer give people a sense
of uniqueness. Imagine if everyone
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Compare the relationships between Mr and Miss Bingley, Mr...
Compare the relationships between Mr and Miss Bingley, Mr and Miss
Darcy and any two of the Bennett sisters, exploring the use Austen makes of sibling relationships in
the novel.
The core theme in Pride and Prejudice is the relationships between
[MSOffice1] siblings. Austen had a large family and many siblings with whom she was close but with
her sister Cassandra, was she especially so. These reflect the sibling relationships that, in my opinion,
are central to the novel. Each character has more than one sibling relationship, whether related through
blood, through growing up together or in the sense of a close friendship. For example, Darcy has more
than one sibling relationship, as he is related to Georgiana, he grew up with ... Show more content on
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Lizzy is headstrong, quick to judge, readily states her opinion as with Lady Catherine De Bourgh, and
is unaffected by Darcy s comments, to which other women may have taken offence, particularly, She
is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me
She is warm hearted and caring and has become a much loved character by both readers and critics
alike. Elizabeth Jenkins, biographer, claims that Elizabeth Bennett has perhaps received more
admiration than any other heroine in English literature because of this.2
Jane and Lizzy are very close to each other and this intimate relationship is lacking within the other
three girls. Kitty and Lydia are close in that they stay with each other and share the same views and
interests, for example the officers and regiment. Lydia is the most independent of all the sisters and I
believe that if she were to have a more intimate relationship with one or all of her sisters, similar to
that of Jane and Lizzy s, she would not have brought such shame on them. This is because she would
have had the advice and care of the other girls and at the least would have confided in them.
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Timothy Findley s Famous Last Words
After being recognized as an exceptional writer, Timothy Findley published the novel Famous Last
Words in 1981. Findley is known for his novels featuring many themes...including war, displacement,
and emotional repression (Quill and Quire 1). Although Findley s works contain these specific themes,
are the narrators of these novels reliable? Usually A narrative normally begins with an Orientation,
introducing and identifying the participants in the action: the time, the place, and the initial behavior
(Labov 2). Using Labov s reasoning, is Mauberley a reliable narrator whose word the reader can
accept his words as the truth? Labov also states that For a narrative to be successful, it cannot report
only the most reportable event. It must also be credible...the more reportable, the less credible (5). The
term reportable refers to an event that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After falling asleep, the Duke of Windsor has a dream in which he was alone (Findley 232). It is
evident that Mauberley, the narrator, cannot narrate another character s dreams. Furthermore, the Duke
of Windsor mentions that he was alone , which proves why Mauberley could not narrate the dream
The reliability of Mauberley s narrative as the truth is considered a lie. Mauberley narrates several
scenes encounters between Edward and Queen Mary, Allenby and Lindbergh, von Ribbentrop and
Schellenberg at which he was not present, and for which he has no plausible, naturalistic source
(Scobie 1). Furthermore, Mauberley is a pro Fascist, which is why people cannot trust him as the
According to Scobie, on many different occasions within the narrative there is Mauberley s attraction
to Fascism (1). Fascism is a right wing political system characterized by state control and extreme
nationalism (Fascism). Although Mauberley is not directly labelled a Fascist, he does however
embody many of the
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How Do Red Blood Cells Affect The Cardiovascular System
Every second, about two million red blood cells die in the human body. Fortunately, the bone marrow
can keep up with the body by creating red blood cells at the same rate of which they die. If red blood
cells malfunction, there are serious diseases and consequences that will affect the Cardiovascular
system. Red blood cells are built to complete specific functions in this system. The red blood cell
affects the body s blood flow, and the amount of oxygen in all parts of the body.
Red blood cells play a big role in the cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system s main
function is to get blood from the heart, and distribute it to the whole body. The cardiovascular system
is a highway network that links to all parts of the human body (Pearson 78). This system is made up of
the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The blood in this system consists of plasma, red blood cells, white
blood cells, and platelets. These substances provide the body with oxygen, and protection from other
viruses and bacteria. Without the cardiovascular system, the human body would not be able to
function. The red blood cell is a biconcave disk, which means ... Show more content on
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Some symptoms of a high or low red blood cell count can include: fatigue, joint pain, and shortness of
breath (WebMD). A normal red blood cell count is anywhere from 4.7 to 6.1 million cells per
microliter for men, and anywhere from 4.2 to 5.4 million cells per microliter for women. Some causes
for a high red blood cell count are: smoking, heart disease, dehydration, or a bone marrow disease.
Another form of malfunction in the red blood cell is anemia. There are multiple types of anemia, such
as: sickle cell anemia, iron deficiency anemia, and hemolytic anemia. Hemolytic anemia is when red
blood cells are destroyed by an abnormal process in your body (WebMD). These malfunctions affect
how well the red blood cell and cardiovascular system work in the human
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The Culture of the State of Georgia, A Paragraph
Have you ever wanted to visit a state with beautiful mountains and waterfalls? If so Georgia is a great
state to visit,because its known for it s beautiful Appalachian Mountains. It also has beautiful
waterfalls on the mountains. In this paragraph, it tells about the culture of Georgia. The first people
that stepped on Georgia s land stepped on it about 10,000 years ago. Georgia is located along the
Atlantic Ocean and is Southeastern in the United States.Georgia is roughly about 57,906 square miles
and it s population is about 8,186,453.The capital of Georgia is Atlanta and it was admitted to the
Union on January 2,1788, also it was the fourth state that had been named.It is usually pretty hot in the
Summer and pretty humid in the Winter. Known for its many larger cities which are Atlanta, Augusta,
Columbus, Savannah, Macon, Sandy Springs, Marietta, East Point, North Atlanta, and Alpharetta. Its
the youngest of 13 former English colonies and East of the Mississippi River.The motto is Non sibi
sed allis which means , Not for self, but for others. It means that don t be so selfish,sharing is caring. It
was the first state to vote against ratification of the 19th Amendment, which is giving women the right
to vote.Georgia was found in 1732, at which time it s boundaries were even larger.Out of any state in
the South, it had the largest number of plantations. White males owning at least 500 acres of land
could be elected and pass laws for the colony. The state grows many
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The Strengths of the U.K. Constitution Essay
The Strengths of the U.K. Constitution Britain s need for a codified constitution, as a unitary state, is
different. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is also a political union, but
based on the sovereignty of the national Parliament. The UK now has a Scottish Parliament and
Northern Ireland Assembly able to pass their own domestic legislation and a National Assembly for
Wales which can make secondary legislation. But all these were created by and are subordinate to the
Westminster Parliament, as are all 468 county, borough, district and unitary councils. Parliamentary
sovereignty also entails the right to make or unmake any law whatever. This means that (a) historically
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This to some, is regarded as a strength, as the constitution can adapt to political developments and
changing circumstances and is, therefore, less likely to contain outdated rules and obligations.
Codified constitutions tend to be less flexible and contain special rigid procedures that must be
followed before any constitutional changes can be introduced. As a result to this, changes are usually
rare. The UK constitution has many sources to it, and how it was created in the first place. The Habeas
Corpus Act of 1679 gives some protection for the citizen against wrongful imprisonment. It enables
anyone who has been confined to demand to be brought before a court for a free trial. The strengths of
the UK constitution is that it is flexible and is easy to update if laws are changed. If it needs to change
in future then it can continue to evolve. It is not entrenched unlike the constitution of the United States
of America. The current system of an uncodified constitution provides a strong and effective
government. There is accountability and supreme authority. Compared to the US Constitution, the rule
of law in the UK is seen as all are equal under the law and the government must respect the laws when
making decisions and taking action. Such a rule is strength to the
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The Impeachment Of Drug Traffickers
The Impeachment of Drug Traffickers Each favela used to be control by a drug gang, whose leader
was named the dono (literally, the owner ) of the favela. In the case of Babilônia, it was the Terceiro
Commando (CT). The Pacification Policy enabled to end the rule by drug lords, thus containing the
violence that killed many residents trapped in shootings. Interviewees agreed that violence has
decreased even though drug trafficking is still present. Drug traffickers acted as patrons within the
favela. Evidence from the interviews confirms the picture sketched by Arias in the favela of Santa Ana
and Vigario Geral (Arias, 2006). When interviewees were asked about what the traffickers did for the
community, the first thing they all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Traffickers also solved issues of rape and thefts, usually by capital punishment. Arias described myth
of personal security in the favelas, as traffickers were assisting only people in their network. An
electrician in Babilônia confirmed it, saying that generally people who are unhappy with UPP are
those who were related to traffickers . Drug traffickers then involved in politics in order to secure their
position. When asked about the interference of traffickers in politics, or with the Residents
Association, interviewees said they did not know or if they agreed to talk about it, said that it
happened in many favelas, but not in Babilônia. Carlos Antônio, former president of the Residents
Association of Babilônia, explained that during political campaigns, traffickers stayed at the entrance
of the favelas and charged politicians that wanted to get it. If they did not accept the deal, they had to
abandon the idea of campaigning in this favela . According to a report released by the Brazilian
Newspaper O Globo, traffickers charged up to R$100,000 (25 000 USD) to let politicians enter non
pacified favelas to leave posters and hand out pamphlets during the 2012 municipal elections.
Traffickers thus had affiliations with politicians and consequently influenced
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Death And The Black Death
Imagine peering out your window on a hot summer day. Gazing up at the sky and seeing an eye
scorching, glorious sunset. Then you see the blood and oozing scabs covering 3 out of every 10 of all
your friends and family member bodies. What would you do if this monstrous disease called The
Black Death was taking over your village? Well, this very tragic event in history did, in fact,
happen.The Black Death started to take over the world around 1347 and originated in China. It tested
the villager s emotions and abilities to do what s right in hard times. The disease pulled on their tender
heartstring and ripped them apart. The Muslim and Christian religious reactions to this tragic situation
were more different than alike. Some people were being helpful and generous to the sick, while others
were taking advantage of the dying people. What would you do if this monstrous disease called The
Black Death was taking over your village? During The Black Death, the Christian and Muslim
religious reactions were more different than alike. The author of a primary source written in 1348
called Cronaca Senese (3A) is named Agnolo di Tura (The Fat). The author states, Father abandoned
child, wife, husband, one brother another . This quote is one representation of how the Christians
reacted to the black death. Christians left there friends and even family members in the dust.
Christians were more worried about surviving themselves and taking advantage of the people dying
than they were
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Lilo And Stitch Character Analysis
Lilo and Stitch Lilo s ordinary world is in Hawaii and stitch s ordinary world is that he was made as
experiment 626 13:16. Lilo and Stitch is a Disney which was aimed for kids but the author used
Campbell s technique to give a better understanding of the story not only for kids. This justifies that
hero s are not always followed by very godly like leaders. The proof of Lilo and stitch being created
based on the mono myths helped show that the Hero s journey is ambiguous. The odyssey was an
overall heroic theme with a splash of patriarchy added to show the dominance of men. The mono
myths helped create an entertaining plot of a heroic kind of story. The hero journey throughout the
novel as Odysseus undergoes many obstacles and learns great ... Show more content on
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Nani showed lack of responsibility of taking care of Lilo and having a job, but she still fights to keep
her. Stitch comes along when he lands on Earth because he tries to get away from being accused as a
criminal on his home base. The call to adventure is the two conflicts are fate for in which this is a call
to adventure. In this situation, Fate is calling Lilo and Stitch to an adventure in which they are both
destined to eventually meet. The transition of stitch going into two completely different environments
which is going from outer space to Earth. This gives stitch a difficult time changing and fitting into a
humane society. In earth he is defined to being a dog when really he is an alien and does not know any
better but to act like an alien. He is disobedient and breaks everything around him. The meeting with
the mentor occurs when Lilo adopts Stitch. They are each other s mentors. When stitch gets put into an
animal shelter, fate brings both Stitch and Lilo together as she was looking for a pet to pick out. After
that, Lilo and Stitch mentor each other in ways they learn differences from each other and gain
something out of it and rather it being physical, this is both mentally and internally helpful for both of
them when this helps them seek a resolution to internal
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Is Vaccination Safe Or Safe
Lets look at what a vaccination is first: a vaccine introduces a antigen (a foreign substance that
triggers an immune system response) into the body, and the person produces antibodies and develops
active immunity to a disease without having the clinical disease (Ball, Bindler and Cowen 370).
Research reports of vaccination progress show supporting data of the decline in morbidity from nine
vaccine preventable diseases and their complications. The diseases being: smallpox, diphtheria,
pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, measles, mumps, rubella and haemophilus type B (cdc.gov).
Vaccinations have proven their benefits over time, they improve the quality of life and allow the
parents to have a piece of mind in this area concerning their child s ... Show more content on
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A number of issues arise from non vaccinated children; one very important issue is herd immunity or
what some may call community immunity. This type of immunity protects those people, children and
adults, who can not be vaccinated due to age, poor health conditions or those whom are immune
compromised. These are the individuals that rely on the herd to be vaccinated to prevent contraction of
vaccine preventable diseases. This means the more individuals who are vaccinate the less likely the
disease will spread. Another risk is the protection of future generations. An example of this is the
chicken pox vaccination: if a child is vaccinated against the chicken pox virus when young, the
chances of the child acquiring Shingle s Zoster as an adult is dramatically decreased. Vaccinations
helps protect an unborn child if the mother is vaccinated prior pregnancy; it prevents the disease from
being transferred to the baby while in the womb or during the delivery. Unfortunately due to a
decrease in vaccinated children, there has been an increase in measles and pertussis (whopping cough)
which were once thought to be eradicated. A reason for the increase in measles and whopping cough is
because some parents are choosing to not have their child vaccinated, which allows these diseases to
creep back into our society. A Jan. 2008 outbreak of measles in San Diego, CA resulted
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Summary Of Erik Larson s The Devil s The Red Devil ...
This lesson provides an overview of Erik Larson s 2003 book The Devil in the White City , including
a summary, an analysis of the book s structure, and a discussion of the real life individuals and events
at the heart of the story.
!!!Who s the Devil, and Where is the White City?
When Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese team up to make a big budget movie based on your
book, you know you ve arrived. This doesn t happen to most nonfiction authors, but it s happening to
Erik Larson, best known for his 2003 book The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness
at the Fair that Changed America .
The Devil in the White City is set in Chicago, Illinois in the early 1890s. The book entwines two true
stories that, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
!!!The Devil: H. H. Holmes and The Murder Castle
Dr. H. H. Holmes is one of the two main figures in The Devil in the White City . Born Herman
Webster Mudgett in 1861, Holmes was a shady character from the beginning. While studying
medicine and surgery at the University of Michigan, he stole bodies from the university s laboratory,
mutilated them, and reported their deaths as accidents so he could collect on the insurance policies he
had taken out on the dead. Around the time that he arrived in Chicago, Holmes began using his
famous __alias__, or false name, Dr. H. H. Holmes.
Upon arriving in Chicago in 1886, Holmes set himself up in business as a pharmacist. In 1893,
sensing a once in a lifetime business opportunity, he opened a hotel, which he called the World s Fair
Hotel. The building would become notorious as Holmes s Murder Castle.
Holmes s hotel was an impenetrable maze of more than 100 windowless rooms, dead end hallways,
and doors opening to nowhere. To ensure that he alone understood the overall plan of the building,
Holmes constantly hired and fired building crews, keeping anyone from working on the Murder Castle
for too long.
Holmes murdered dozens perhaps hundreds of people who stayed in his hotel while they were in
Chicago to attend the World s Fair. His victims were primarily women, but he preyed occasionally on
men and children as well. His Murder Castle was specially
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Goldilocks And Red Riding Hood Comparative Essay
The story of Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks are very different but similar in some ways. The
story of Goldilocks has to do with a little girl breaking into a family of bears house, while Little Red
Riding Hood centers on a little girl going to her grandmother s house to later discover there is a wolf
impersonating as her grandma. However, the girls decisions are the reason the stories are even famous.
Goldilocks and Red Riding Hood made different decisions that affected the plot of both stories. If
Little Red Riding Hood had never gone to her grandmother s house, she would never have known
there was a wolf in disguise. The same concept applies to Goldilocks. If she had never wandered into
the bears home or if she had completed her crimes quicker, the story would be completely different.
Red Riding Hood s decisions are cautious and thoughtful, unlike those of Goldilocks. She was being
generous by giving her grandmother some fresh cakes that she made while Goldilocks broke into a
home, ate their food, and broke their furniture. Goldilocks ventures into the woods without her parent
s permission while Red Riding Hood s parents knew her whereabouts. Goldilocks simply doesn t care
about how others feel, and she makes herself the first priority over everything and everyone else. Both
of the children made brave decisions. They both decide ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Both involve two young girls walking in the woods. However, the girls make very different decisions
in each story. While Goldilocks makes irresponsible decisions, she is never really in danger. Red
Riding Hood makes responsible decisions, but she finds herself in serious danger with the wicked
wolf. Goldilocks just runs away at the end of the story while Red Riding Hood is rescued by the
woodcutter from a certain death. The decisions of both girls determine the plot of each
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Analysis of the Play Candide Essay
In Act One of Candide, there is four scenes, the first scene is entitled Westphalia, when the scene is
first introduced the music has a happy sound, similar to that of circus music and as the introduction
goes on the music goes from an allegro tempo to a peaceful and dream like piano sound and grave
tempo. As the music continues to come in the lights continue to brighten on stage as well as if the
music and lights are tied together. As the cast came out they performed the opening song during this
song they harmonized really well. In Scene One the audience is introduced to the Baron and Baroness
of Westphalia, Baron Thunder ton Tronck and Baroness; the Baron is a baritone, his voice is low but
not low enough to be a bass; the Baroness is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During a later part of Scene Two when the cast is dancing the movements match the music, they
appeared to be doing the Waltz, so the music had abrupt changes. In Scene Three: Cadiz, the orchestra
plays some sad and somber music at the beginning. As the scene progresses the music goes from dark
and dismal to happy and cheerful. During one of the songs of Scene Four: Paris the Old Lady,
Cunegonde and Candide were discussing a flight and the music being played by the orchestra matched
the lyrics bringing the idea of a flight to life. The Old Lady has a mezzo soprano voice she executes all
of her notes well in the song. At the end of scene three Candide, Cunegonde, and the Old Lady leave
to go to a new place and in the song they sing there are rounds, which were well executed. It helped
change the mood again which brightened up the audience. In Act Two, Scene One: Buenos Aires, the
music has a fast tempo and the music is being played at a forte level, as the music continues it
suddenly softens to piano and the tempo slows down. Later in the scene during one of the songs you
could hear a washing board being played which added a new sound to the music the audience was
hearing. When the audience is being introduced to the Commander, a song that has a Spanish sound is
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The Hybrid Electric Engine Concept
This summer, I had the opportunity to intern at Pratt Whitney Engines, a subsidiary of United
Technologies Corporation, in East Hartford, CT. Pratt Whitney is one of the largest aircraft engine
makers, for both commercial and military aircraft in the world, with over 31,000 employees that
support more than 11,000 customers around the world. Within Pratt Whitney, there are several areas of
operation. I worked in their Propulsion Systems Analysis in the vehicle systems analysis group. While
working at Pratt Whitney I had the opportunity to work on quite a few projects, including looking at a
hybrid electric engine concept, which was my main project for the semester. The hybrid electric
engine concept was one of several engine concepts that were discussed in the NASA Subsonic Ultra
Green Aircraft Research, otherwise known as SUGAR, research papers. NASA partnered with Boeing
to identify possible aircraft and engine concepts that would meet certain performance, noise, and
emission standards. NASA expected that these concepts would be possible between 2030 and 2045. In
the Phase 1 report, released in 2011, they looked into five aircraft concepts ranging from a 2008
baseline, which was a Boeing 737 aircraft, to a gas turbine battery concept and hybrid wing aircraft. In
NASA s Phase 2 SUGAR report, released in 2012, they updated some information of the aircraft and
engine concepts used in the Phase 1 report along with adding new aircraft and engine concepts. In all
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Examples Of Archetypes In Big Fish
Throughout Big Fish, there were many archetypes used to show the underlying meaning of the film.
Archetypal symbols, characters, and the archetypal Romance plot were evident in the story. Through
the use of these archetypes, the viewer realizes that Edward Bloom is the Big Fish and the movie is
the story of his journey to be free.
Big Fish contains many archetypal symbols with a deeper meaning than what meets the eye. The most
prominent archetype in this movie is, as the title suggests, the big fish. In mythology, a fish represents
divine creation and life. The fish s large size is also indicative of its power and importance. Edward
Bloom personifies the big fish; he brought life to everyone he came across through his interesting and
inspiring ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The plot has many elements of the hero s quest, a key part of a romance. Edward feels he has
outgrown the town of Ashton, so he leaves. He receives supernatural aid from the giant, Karl, and has
many other helpers throughout his journey, as seen above. He struggles for his life many times, first
when he believes the giant to be harmful, again on the haunted road, and yet again in Vietnam while
stealing enemy plans. In a hero s quest, the triumph of the hero may consist of rebirth or reappearance,
which is seen in Big Fish. Edward turning into a fish in the story of his death fulfills this romantic plot
device and represents the fact that while he may physically leave the world, his legacy will live on
forever. The setting of the work lends further credence to Big Fish being a romance plot. In a romance,
the hero encounters a world full of magic and supernatural intervention. In Edward s tale of his life, he
sees his own death through the witch s eye, has the giant topple cars, and turns into a fish when he
dies. The plot structure of Big Fish is clearly a romance and is enriched by archetypes entrenched in
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School Lunch Program Essay
Public school lunch programs have come a long way since the 1970 s. Most initiatives were privately
ran which meant big variation from city to city and even school to school. Legal complexities and a
lack of support from the Board of Education made it nearly impossible to create a sustainable
program. It was not until the agriculture industry realized that public schools served as a market for
surplus foods that school lunch programs gained momentum on a national scale. Despite the surpluses
later being prioritized for the war efforts during world war II, it was obvious that school lunch
programs were popular. It was just a constant challenge on how to keep them funded. Finally, two bills
were introduced to secure permanent funding. Drafts and numerous revisions ultimately ended in the
birth of the National School Lunch Act of 1946. Public schools finally receive public ... Show more
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Some things have been attempted in both directions in regard to the nutrition aspect. During the
Reagan era, regulations were made that allowed pickle relish and other condiments to count as
vegetables to deal with budget cuts. In contrast, Michelle Obama s Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of
2010 provided schools with more funds and new nutrition standards to fight childhood obesity. This
paper is going to focus not on the nutritional challenges directly, but rather on the logistical process of
the food from the supplier to the student. It can be argued that the core competency of public schools
is on education and not on food production. As a result, many schools have started outsourcing and
using contract food services like Chartwell s for their food needs. However, some schools still use
independent food services. In Michigan for the 2016 2017 school year, Chartwell s dominates the food
service selected by school districts with Preferred Meals and Aramark as the next in
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With Reference to Case Studies, Critically Evaluate the...
With reference to case studies, critically evaluate the success of management schemes in fragile
environments (40 marks)
A fragile environment is one which is easy to disrupt, and once disrupted, difficult to restore. An
example of this kind of environment is the Sundarbans; the largest single block of mangrove swamp in
the world, covering 10,000 km² from the coasts of West Bengal to Bangladesh. The mangrove swamps
are sensitive to a number of factors, including temperature, salinity and sea level, where small changes
may be able to cause huge impacts on the overall health and effectiveness of the swamps to protect the
coastline and the 300,000 livelihoods that depend on it.
The mangrove swamps can act as shock absorbers, protecting ... Show more content on
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It is for these threats that the Sundarbans Tiger Reserve was created in 1973, and later designated as
the Sundarban Forest Reserve in 1978. It now covers the whole of the Sundarbans, aimed towards
managing it in a sustainable way. Armed forest staff patrol in motorboats and launches, protecting the
reserve from poachers and theft of forest products such as the valuable honey and wax that is limited
for collecting to only two and a half months a year, while seminars, workshops and awareness camps
are conducted frequently inside the park to educate people and tourists on eco conservation and eco
development. By educating people, there will be a greater understanding and cooperation between
local villagers and authorities, so locals can benefit from the surrounding ecosystem while still
protecting the environment and not completely exploiting it.
The Sundarbans Biodiversity Conservation Project (SBPC) was also put in place by the Bangladesh
government in 1999, aimed towards conserving the environment and biodiversity, as well as reducing
the poverty in the area. This included focussing on the organisation of the Sundarbans Forest Reserve,
resource management, development of the impact zone, ecotourism and environmental awareness,
technical advice, monitoring and research studies.
However, the project was cancelled in 2005 due to issues with the integrity and design
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The V Fusion + Energy Drink
For as long as there has been coffee and tea, beverages have been used as a source of instant energy.
People that work long hours and become exhausted with all that work started looking for ways to stay
awake and accomplish their tasks. Companies then realized this need and cashed in on it. V Fusion +
Energy is just one of the many drinks that have hit the market. While the quick energy enhancement is
just one of the benefits, Fusion + Energy also asserts to be refreshing with its blend of vegetable and
fruit juice. With this mix, it also claims to have less caffeine and is a healthier choice.
The V Fusion + energy drink has potential for growth. In this multi billion dollar industry, there is
room for advancement. Campbell s has implemented many programs to outperform their competition
(Vfusionplusenergy.com). The PESTAL analysis factors are the political, economic, social,
technological, ecological and legal influences.
Social environment are things such as the workplace where a lot of energy drinks are consumed.
People that are unemployed will not consume as many since they are not keeping the late nights as the
employed. Another factor would be demography. Places where there is a larger population of elderly
people will not consume the product. Areas, such as college and university cities have much younger
people. They are the ones that will utilize the product and on a regular basis. They have the need for
staying awake; not just for work but studies and sometimes
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Thomas Alva Edison Research Paper
Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio. Thomas s father, Samuel, was
an exiled political activist from Canada. His mother, Nancy, was a school teacher. He had scarlet fever
as a child, which left him have hearing loss in both ears and as he got older he was nearly deaf. He did
not do well in school, so he was home school by his mother. When he was 12 he started his own
business of selling newspapers to train passengers. He also started his own newspaper called the
Grand Trunk Herald . Edison saved a 3 year child from being run over by a train, so the grateful father
taught him how to operate a telegraph. When he was 21 he went to Boston and got a job at the
Western Union Company. At the time, Boston was America s center for science. That is ... Show more
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At 22, Thomas moved to New York City and invented an improved stock ticker that he sold for
$40,000. At 23, he made his first laboratory and manufacturing facility in Newark, New Jersey. He
made a quadruplex telegraph, that was capable of transmitting two signals in two different directions
on the same wire and he sold that for more than $100,000. At 24, Thomas got married to a 16 year old
Mary Stilwell. She died when she was 29. Although many books say that Mary died of typhoid, her
death certificate states that she died of congestion of the brain. Mary and Thomas had three children in
their 13 years of marriage. However, since none of them had children of their own, there are no living
direct descendants of Thomas and Mary. At 29, he moved his company to Menlo Park, New Jersey. At
30, he developed the phonograph, for recording sound. At the age of 32, he got the patent for his
incandescent light bulb. In 1880, he wanted to make a company that would deliver the electricity, so
he made the Edison Illuminating Company (the first investor owned electric utility), later became the
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Describe The Most Rewarding Risk In School
The most rewarding risk i ve taken was at school. I was in 7th grade making my schedule, I wanted to
be an aide. I had been working hard and getting good grades. We were making our schedules for 8th
grade. In order to be an aide you must have good grades and no referrals. I got office aide in 8th grade,
which I m in now and it s fun to do. As and aide i have to deliver mail and pick up mail. Three risks
that can give you good rewards in return are, taking hard classes in school, applying for a good
college, and applying for a job. For example, taking a risk would be taking hard classes in school. If
you take hard classes in school. If you take hard classes in school you could get good grades. You
could also get into a good college. Confucius
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The Power Of Wu Zetia
Anything men can do, women can do better. No one in Chinese history could have represented this
infamous quote better than Empress Wu. Wu Zetian became a significant figure in world history for
many reasons, good and bad. Foremost, she is known to be the first and only female emperor in
Chinese history, maintaining her rule over the country for nearly half a century. During that time
period, women were not usually permitted to become emperor, let alone have any position in politics,
yet Wu Zetian still managed to obtain the roll. Empress Wu, as not only a ruler but a leader, was
extraordinary. She improved the lives of her people by providing China with a powerful and stable
centralized government and advancing the political system with the addition of skillful bureaucrats.
The power she was able to hold and the authority she exemplified changed Chinese history and is set
as an inspiration for other aspiring women.
In this paper, the secondary sources chosen introduce the female ruler of China, Wu Zetian. These
sources include 2 books and 3 scholarly articles on this significant historical figure. The first source is
an article from the Journal of Asian Culture, called Echo and Shadow: Images of Women in
Traditional China, written by Eugene Eoyang. It presents important women in Chinese history, dating
back to circa 90 A.D. The article argues that behind the common facts about Chinese women being
inferior to men, they have accomplished much more than it seems. One of the
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Level 3 Unit 8 P1
This source (source 8) is an extract from the diary of sister Lydia king. She was a nurse on the hospital
ship Sicilia during the Gallipoli campaign. The source is a primary source as it an eyewitness account
from sister Lydia king. The extract reflects the injuries suffered by solders fighting in the Gallipoli
account, it is written in the first person, as it is a descriptive account of what sister Lydia king saw and
experienced her. The extract reflects upon the horrific nature of war and fighting by describing the
hopelessness that this nurse felt when faced with the daunting task of tending to over 250 injured
solders. As this extract is from a diary the purpose may be to writing things down so as to remember
them or to help one cope with
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  • 11. What Are The Negative Effects Of Colonizing Australia The Impact Britain had and a negative side and a positive but we can say that they had more of a negative impact When colonizing Australia they were introduced with to new plants, animals and many more new undiscovered things. In some cases they had a devastating effect. Destruction an deforestation occurred during when Britain colonized Australia, most habitats were cleared for settlements which impacted negatively. Colonisation by the British had an lasting effect on the Aborigines, their culture, way of life, freedom and their future. When the British conquered the Aborigines were disposed from their land and goods. The Aborigines were forced out of their hunting grounds and stayed away from the coastal area where they possessed a lot ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Essay on The Influential Life of Christopher Marlowe During the Renaissance era, Christopher Marlowe impacted and inspired many of his fellow playwrights during his short life. With the success of his plays and poems, some including Tamburlaine the Great and Hero and Leander, came the praise for Marlowe s contemporaries. According to Peter Farey, there were notably few contemporary dramatists whom had anything negative to say about Marlowe, although he received much criticism regarding his personal life. His relatively clean reputation diminished after his first arrest in 1593 and rumors of suspected corruption. It is believed by a copious amount of scholars that Marlowe was a considerably controversial individual in the eyes of spectators during the 16th century. After all, many harbored a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, he was fortunate enough to be selected at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge on another scholarship from a former Archbishop of Canterbury named Matthew Parker. The dramatist left Canterbury for university near the end of 1580 and received his B.A. degree in 1584 and later his M.A. several years later. Throughout his relatively short lifespan, Christopher Marlowe flourished remarkably as an artist because of the fruition of his plays and poems. The dramatist s first play, Tamburlaine the Great, was performed on a classic stage in 1587 in London. This play was the first English play to be written in blank verse and has been deliberated to be the beginning of the more mature phase of the Elizabethan theatre. The dramatist also wrote in iambic pentameter, which became very popular before the end of this age (Escoala). Marlowe wrote a total of seven plays and two poems, including Tamburlaine the Great (parts one and two), Doctor Faustus, The Massacre at Paris, and Hero and Leander. The immense success of Marlowe s plays is partly because of the stage presence of actor Edward Alleyn. The role of Tamburlaine in Tamburlaine the Great was most likely written for him, for Alleyn was awfully tall for the time period and the character of Tamburlaine is described to be rather haughty. Above all, Marlowe was admired for his contemporaries during the Renaissance era, with George Peele remembering him as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Naked Economics Chapter 2 Essay The main point of chapter two is to explain why economies do not have a fixed number of jobs regardless of manpower. This is a common misconception whereas an increase in the manpower of an economy will increase the unemployment rate. However, due to large numbers of migrations that have occurred recently, real world experiments can be observed to understand the impacts. What has been learned from these events is that a reactive economy can handle fluctuations in the size of the workforce satisfactorily. The Mariel boatlift is a good real world example of a large migration from Cuba to Miami had little impact on employment and wages in Miami. The economic explanation for this illogical occurrence is due the ability the Miami economy was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lowering the retirement age may be a good way for those to exit the labor force opening up more jobs and reducing unemployment. However, it will have the opposite impact, due to the ratio of working age population to the retirees. This puts more cost of retirements on the GDP, increasing the taxes levied to pay for items like social security. In turn, this increase in the costs of labor will have the opposite effect and would have negative impacts to employment. In France another method to increase more people in a job was the 35 hour work week law. Studies in Germany and France have shown that reducing the work week has little impact on employment though. People in Germany did work less, but additional position creation did not happen. In France those who were impacted by the reduction actually were more likely to lose their job and had no positive impact in the level of employment. The reason shortening the work week does not increase the level of employment is the same as migration. There are not a fixed number of jobs or hours to be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. This Narrative Will Give You Information On Women’S Roles This narrative will give you information on women s roles in the 18th and 19th century. It will discuss Queen Victoria role, and her thoughts when she ruled in the 18th century and Harriet Tubman s role and her views during the 19th century. If the two met, their conversation could start by both of them asking questions about their views and concerns during their time. Queen Victoria would have started the dialog by asking Harriet questions about their similarities and when did she become so passionate about her freedom and the freedom of other slaves. Queen Victoria would proceed with other questions such as Harriet s leadership abilities and her capability of leading black slaves to their freedom without losing anyone on their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Her mother was Victoire Maria Louisa of Saxe Coburg. Queen Victoria became the successor to the British crown after the death of her uncle George IV in 1825. Members of Parliament gave royalty to the princess (Daniels, 2016). The first couple of days of her rule were quite remarkable in which she showed poise, composure, and she had experienced in governmental procedures of her state. Queen Victoria delegates were surprised and agreed with her knowledge she was given in her training, as a child growing up. Queen Victoria took to her responsibilities with ease as though she had the experience of a person having been doing such a job for a while and gaining experience along the way. In doing so, she earned the respect of her subjects giving her the appearance of presence of mind. Her looks seem to be delightful along with her youth, which influenced an immeasurable interest in all who came in contact with her. Queen Victoria had respect for others, her compassion was of school children in a memorandum to her minister, Lord Melbourne advising him to give an additional holiday to school officials to approve a holiday on for coronations in the future (Browne, 2005). During this period, times were hard and her subjects were depressed, along with adversities and bad business management kept the nation in a state of unrest. There were people in the community that caused issues of disturbances in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Arguments Against Government Censorship Government censorship is a huge issue, particularly when it comes to media messages. There is a fine line that must be walked when deciding what should be censored. However, it boils down, in my opinion, to one major consideration; is what is being made public going to harm or endanger anyone? If the answer to that is no then I don t think that the government should censor it. However, I do think that we have seen examples, recently right here in Tuscaloosa where some kind of government censorship should have been exercised. January 10th, the morning after the National Championship a man jumped out of some bushes and held a gun to a bank tellers head and then proceeded to take the employees inside hostage. The media kept live coverage going, spilling their guesses about ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1644 John Milton published a prose titled Areopagitica which opposed censorship. While he was not fighting for freedom of press he was fighting more for the freedom of the printing press. At the time anything written had to be approved by Parliament before it could be published, he was against that censorship and stated that not knowing was more dangerous than knowing. Milton s work which pre dated the issue of the freedom of the press quite a bit laid the groundwork for opposing censorship. I believe he had a point, when you allow too much censorship you essentially put all the power in one group of people s hands, the ones deciding what to censor. On the other hand, when you ban censorship then a system of checks and balances exists. For example, the new President, Donald Trump has been discussing censoring specific federal agency websites, specifically the EPA s website on climate change. That sort of censorship is bad. But because of where we live and the fact that we are unaccustomed to censorship everyone began calling him out on it and, for now at least, the website is staying ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Importance of Healthy Eating The Importance of Healthy Eating University of Phoenix October 24, 2010 A growing number of people are becoming aware of the importance of eating healthy. For some eating a nutritious and healthy meal conjures up images of meals consisting of salads only. Everyone knows there is something they could change in his or her life to become healthier. For some it is exercising and eating healthier. When it is concerning healthy eating, it is good to receive educated about what is healthy to eat. Living food smart doesn t mean that he or she have to give up his or her favorite meals and concentrate on calorie counting. The equation to dieting is simple; it is about balance and moderation. Eating the correct ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In order advancement in lifestyle to take place, a daily checklist is require to showing improvements. Several healthful options available because grocery stores are offering more foods that are both good for an individual and easy to fix. Barbara Rolls, a professor of bio behavioral healthy at Penn State University, said that, portion served in the home and typical recipes in cookbooks are bigger now than in the 70s. To stay lean and healthy in this expanding world you don t have to cut out whole categories of foods or eat tiny portions. Dr. Rolls continues to mentions several ways that individuals can eat healthy and still get the proper balanced diet. Another approach mentioned in her reading is that you can add vegetables to any of your favorite dishes as well as bulk up stews and even the world s favorite dish macaroni and cheese. How can stews be bulk up with large amounts of healthy items? Adding water rich vegetables such as broccoli, carrots and tomatoes will make a healthy hearty dish. Dr. Walter Willett author of, Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy. states that People tend to dish out the same portion, so why not make it lower in calories ? Our studies show that you are likely to eat the same portion of food as usual and will be satisfied with fewer calories because some of the space in the bowl is taken up by low calorie dense vegetables. The customized food pyramid recommends that a male weighting 252 pounds at a 6 foot 2 inches in height ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Wal Mart What, historically, has been Wal Marts key source of competitive advantage in discount retailing? WalMart s competitive advantage is a result of several key strategic choices. First, WalMart s choice of geographic location in rural/small town locations that were not being served by competitors allowed it to establish itself as the sole discount retailer in these areas. WalMart s inventory management strategy. From the onset, WalMart has been a leader in implementing new and cost effective methods to manage inventory. Merchandise is tailored to local market demand via traiting where a product s movements are indexed over a thousand store and market traits. WalMart s operations strategy. WalMart s operations activities fit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They expect their stores to keep expenses at a bare minimum and pinch pennies wherever possible .Wal Mart has a policy know as plus one they demand that suppliers either lower their prices or increase the quality on every item every year. You MIGHT get a better deal by purchasing in volume at Sam s Club, but most of the time the prices are pretty much the same. Non food items can actually be more expensive at Sam s. Take into consideration that you have to pay a membership fee and most advantages go away. 3. Compare Wal Marts competitive advantage in 1986 to the scenario in 2011? Wal Mart is the largest public corporation according to the Forbes Global, it has been running chain of stores and warehouses nationally and internationally.Wal Mart has been providing the thousands of brands under one roof at low cost compared to its competitors. Wal Mart has competitive advantage over its competitors because of the following core competencies. As promised in its slogan Wal Mart has been providing products at lower prices, it is possible due to the low cost operations. Wal Mart share the value of low cost with customers by selling the products at lower prices. Hard working, efficient and process oriented employees has been working with Wal Mart. Better use of technology to directly connect with supplier and partners. Implemented Just in time inventory process to reduce the cost of managing inventory at Warehouses Sam s Club Expanding and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Accounting for Leases 3 stfx university | Accounting For Leases | Capital Vs. Operating Leases | | 200906027 | 11/16/2010 | This paper will outline the differences in accounting treatment of and criteria for determining whether leases should be accounted for as either a capital lease or an operating lease. I will be limiting my discussion to the accounting treatment of leases by the lessee. This paper will discuss the current accounting treatment for the two types of leases according to Canadian GAAP and will tie in elements of the conceptual framework to the treatment of leases from CICA handbook section 1000, followed by a discussion on accounting theories related to lease treatment, and finally current issues outlined in academic research ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Company owners must ensure that they are carefully watching the treatment of leases because this could mean the difference between a manager achieving their bonus or not. The accounting treatment for leases can be easily manipulated by self interested managers. Another accounting theory that can tie into the accounting treatment of leases is the positive accounting theory. The positive accounting theory is defined in our textbook as being concerned with predicting such actions as the choice of accounting policies by firm managers and how managers will respond to proposed new accounting standards (Scott, 2009, p.284). We are concerned with predicting what managers should and ought to do when it comes to the implementation of new accounting policies. The positive accounting theory is relevant when dealing with lease accounting because as stated above, how a lease is recorded on a company s financial statements can make the difference between an employee achieving their goals or not. It is important to be able to predict how a manager will react to changes in accounting standards. If the change in accounting standards will have positive effects on the company s financial statements, managers will be happy to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Suspense In Tim Burton s Sleepy Hollow Sleepy Hollow, directed by Tim Burton, is a thrilling horror film which tells the story of a bewitched town called Sleepy Hollow. Set in 1799, Constable Ichabod Crane is requested to venture to Sleepy Hollow in order to solve the mysterious murders of two decapitated victims. Upon his arrival, he is told about the belief of the evil spirit of the Hessian Headless Horseman. At first, Crane does not believe this rumour and is very stubborn that the culprit is of flesh and blood. However, through his investigations and ventures he finds that the culprit is a spirit of the underworld, who is being controlled by a living person. Two scenes from the film and various cinematic techniques will be used to demonstrate specific aspects of the film such ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Such films include Dracula and Frankenstein, where the monster falls in love with an innocent woman in a dark world. The film Sleepy Hollow is classified as a part of this genre. Through the use of cinematic techniques, Burton has created a gothic horror film which can commonly be seen in the Tree of the Dead scene. Through this scene, Burton has heavily used dark lighting to influence the theme gothic horror as the darkness creates a gothic and dark sense of feeling. The use of this darkness surrounding the Tree of the Dead incorporates the feeling of a gothic theme as the setting is dark and gloomy, which falls under the gothic horror genre. Another aspect which interprets the film as a part of the gothic horror genre is the use of setting. The settings in this film are always gloomy and sad representing the theme of gothic horror. Using the town of Sleepy Hollow for example, the town is always seen as a sad and gloomy town as the shade and colour of the town is often a darker shade. Music is another effective technique used to display the gothic horror genre in this film as it is always played in a low manner, usually consisting of a base and violins. It creates the dark and gloomy sense of feeling which is common in gothic horror films. The dark and deep music allows the sense of gothic horror to be created as it is a gloomy and dark genre, which can clearly ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Inception And Growth Of Netflix Addressed to: Mrs C Waller Date: 5th February 2016 Topic: Inception and Growth of Netflix I have compiled this business report to address the inception and growth of Netflix, I will also be identifying the different business environments and their components as well as the degree of control that the entrepreneur (Reed Hastings) has over these environments. I will also discuss the challenges that could present themselves in each environment as well as new advances of the company, future challenges and the impact of Netflix on the South African market. Comprehensive Summary: Netflix is an American multinational provider of on demand Internet streaming media, and of flat rate DVD by mail in the United States, where mailed DVDs and Blu ray Disc are sent via Permit Reply Mail. The CEO of Netflix is Reed Hastings, the company was founded in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This environment is often the most challenging for managers to deal with. Has less control than micro, consists of seven aspects. Customers( people or other businesses who buy product. The buy in for Netflix was tight, technology didn t reach Hastings vision yet he had to meet the customers needs and have reasonable prices, Blockbusters and other companies later became customers.) Suppliers( provide the raw materials and other services. Not a lot of people signed Hastings and his business, he was heavily reliant on studios as their distribution was better than his and his was poor.) Competitors( business needs to constantly be aware of their competitors and keep a close watch over businesses selling the same product., need to find a way to beat their prices. They can do this through marketing and advertising. Netflix struggled to beat its competitors but eventually partnered with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Acc 2101 Case AP6 2: American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. AP6 2 Financial information for American Eagle is presented in Appendix A at the end of the book. Required: 1. In the summary of significant accounting policies, what is American Eagle s procedure in accounting for inventory? pA 12 AE evaluates merchandise inventory at the lower of average cost or market, utilizing retail method. Average cost includes merchandise design and sourcing costs and related expenses. AE records merchandise receipts at the time merchandise is delivered to the foreign shipping port by the manufacturer; at this point the title and risk of loss is transferred to the company. 2. For the most recent year, what is the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Gross profit ratio: GPR 2008 = 1,423,138/3,055,419 = 0,466 GPR 2009=1,174,101/2,988,866 = 0,393 GPR 2010=1,158,049/2,990,520 = 0,387 Gross profit ratio had been declining through the period of 2008 2010, which indicates decrease of markup that the company achieved on its inventory, which also means that it lowered sales prices compared to costs. 7. For the most recent year, calculate American Eagle s ratio of operating expenses to net sales. Ratio of OE to NS is = (756,256+17,992+145,408)/2,990,520=0,3075 Case AP6 3: The Buckle, Inc. The Buckle, Inc. AP6 3 Financial information for The Buckle is presented in Appendix B at the end of the book. Required: 1. In the summary of significant accounting policies, what is The Buckle s procedure in accounting for inventory? Cost of inventory is determined using the average method; inventory is stated at the lower of cost or market. +pB13 2. For the most recent year, what is the amount of inventory in the balance sheet? What does this amount represent? Inventory as of Jan 30, 2010 is $88,187. This amount represents cost of items as of Jan 30,2010 which the company intends for sale to customers but have not yet sold. 3. The Buckle refers to its cost of goods sold using a different name. What is it?
  • 22. Cost of sales (including buying, distribution, and occupancy costs) 4. For the most recent year, what is the amount of cost of goods sold in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Four Corporate Strategies Of HTC Corporation The organization that I picked is HTC Corporation which is a multinational firm situated in Taiwan. The organization was built up in the year 1997 where it began as a unique equipment producer and design maker, designing and fabricating devices, for example, cell phones and tablets (Anonymous, 2016). For the previous years, the organization has been in operation; it is driven by their inventive thought which has empowered it to make an upper hand over different electronics organizations. The principle business opponents for HTC Corporation are Samsung Corporation which makes and markets distinctive assortments of electronics like Smartphones, Televisions, Laptops and Tablets; Apple Company specializes on iPhones and Techno Company. These organizations have offered a stiff rivalry henceforth the need to have a steady organization structure and also great advertising techniques to improve competitive edge (Edwards, J., 2014). 1. Which of the four multinational strategies is the MNE pursuing? HTC Corp. will adhere to its strategy of offering medium to high cost telephones, despite the fact that it has been attempting to contend in that price range in the midst of the expanding predominance of Apple Inc. also, Samsung Electronics Co. (Luk, L. what s more, Poon, A., 2012). HTC, producer of cell phones, reported they re not straying from the value based pricing strategy that HTC says underpins their brand image and are pronouncing they won t offer cheap cell phones in spite ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Similarities Between The Odyssey And O Brother Where Art Thou Have you ever heard the phrase, Sing in me, Muse ? If so, there s a possibility you ve heard it in the introduction from either, Homer s The Odyssey (8th century) or in O Brother Where Art Thou (2000). In O Brother Where Art Thou and The Odyssey, the sirens from the book and the laundry ladies in the movie, are described almost exactly the same. Also in the book and the movie, a cyclops is included, but is portrayed differently in both. In addition throughout both of the works, the main protagonist, Odysseus (The Odyssey) and Everett (O Brother Where Art Thou), are on a journey in returning back to their families. Although the two works have many differences, much like the time period and the crew size difference, they do share many similarities ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Odysseus (The Odyssey) and Everett (O Brother Where Art Thou) both were faced with conflicts that kept them from being with their families. Odysseus had just finished fighting in the Trojan War, and as years went on he had to overcome many challenges before actually returning back to his home in Ithaca. Unfortunately, he returned only to find his wife, Penelope, hosting a contest for suitors in her hand in marriage. Everett had convinced Delmer and Pete to break out of prison with him so they could go retrieve the treasure from a cabin he had hid the money in. Similarly to Odysseus, in reality he only wanted to escape to make sure his ex wife, Penny, didn t remarry anyone else besides ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Summary Of In Praise Of Chain Stores What is your opinion on chain stores do they make your city boring or make it less boring. Virginia Postrels says chain stores divide prices and economic diversity . Her essay In Praise of Chain Stores brought to mind the chain stores in my area and the effect they have had . There are many ways a chain store can affect an area but only a few that can make a change that is lasting. Augusta has become less boring area because chain stores offer diversity in shopping, more movement, and economic growth First, chain stress have given Augusta more diversity in shopping. They allow anyone to look different from everyone else. Having the options chain stores offer give people a sense of uniqueness. Imagine if everyone ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Compare the relationships between Mr and Miss Bingley, Mr... Compare the relationships between Mr and Miss Bingley, Mr and Miss Darcy and any two of the Bennett sisters, exploring the use Austen makes of sibling relationships in the novel. The core theme in Pride and Prejudice is the relationships between [MSOffice1] siblings. Austen had a large family and many siblings with whom she was close but with her sister Cassandra, was she especially so. These reflect the sibling relationships that, in my opinion, are central to the novel. Each character has more than one sibling relationship, whether related through blood, through growing up together or in the sense of a close friendship. For example, Darcy has more than one sibling relationship, as he is related to Georgiana, he grew up with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Lizzy is headstrong, quick to judge, readily states her opinion as with Lady Catherine De Bourgh, and is unaffected by Darcy s comments, to which other women may have taken offence, particularly, She is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me She is warm hearted and caring and has become a much loved character by both readers and critics alike. Elizabeth Jenkins, biographer, claims that Elizabeth Bennett has perhaps received more admiration than any other heroine in English literature because of this.2 Jane and Lizzy are very close to each other and this intimate relationship is lacking within the other three girls. Kitty and Lydia are close in that they stay with each other and share the same views and interests, for example the officers and regiment. Lydia is the most independent of all the sisters and I believe that if she were to have a more intimate relationship with one or all of her sisters, similar to that of Jane and Lizzy s, she would not have brought such shame on them. This is because she would have had the advice and care of the other girls and at the least would have confided in them. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Timothy Findley s Famous Last Words After being recognized as an exceptional writer, Timothy Findley published the novel Famous Last Words in 1981. Findley is known for his novels featuring many themes...including war, displacement, and emotional repression (Quill and Quire 1). Although Findley s works contain these specific themes, are the narrators of these novels reliable? Usually A narrative normally begins with an Orientation, introducing and identifying the participants in the action: the time, the place, and the initial behavior (Labov 2). Using Labov s reasoning, is Mauberley a reliable narrator whose word the reader can accept his words as the truth? Labov also states that For a narrative to be successful, it cannot report only the most reportable event. It must also be credible...the more reportable, the less credible (5). The term reportable refers to an event that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... After falling asleep, the Duke of Windsor has a dream in which he was alone (Findley 232). It is evident that Mauberley, the narrator, cannot narrate another character s dreams. Furthermore, the Duke of Windsor mentions that he was alone , which proves why Mauberley could not narrate the dream truthfully. The reliability of Mauberley s narrative as the truth is considered a lie. Mauberley narrates several scenes encounters between Edward and Queen Mary, Allenby and Lindbergh, von Ribbentrop and Schellenberg at which he was not present, and for which he has no plausible, naturalistic source (Scobie 1). Furthermore, Mauberley is a pro Fascist, which is why people cannot trust him as the narrator. According to Scobie, on many different occasions within the narrative there is Mauberley s attraction to Fascism (1). Fascism is a right wing political system characterized by state control and extreme nationalism (Fascism). Although Mauberley is not directly labelled a Fascist, he does however embody many of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. How Do Red Blood Cells Affect The Cardiovascular System Every second, about two million red blood cells die in the human body. Fortunately, the bone marrow can keep up with the body by creating red blood cells at the same rate of which they die. If red blood cells malfunction, there are serious diseases and consequences that will affect the Cardiovascular system. Red blood cells are built to complete specific functions in this system. The red blood cell affects the body s blood flow, and the amount of oxygen in all parts of the body. Red blood cells play a big role in the cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system s main function is to get blood from the heart, and distribute it to the whole body. The cardiovascular system is a highway network that links to all parts of the human body (Pearson 78). This system is made up of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The blood in this system consists of plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. These substances provide the body with oxygen, and protection from other viruses and bacteria. Without the cardiovascular system, the human body would not be able to function. The red blood cell is a biconcave disk, which means ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some symptoms of a high or low red blood cell count can include: fatigue, joint pain, and shortness of breath (WebMD). A normal red blood cell count is anywhere from 4.7 to 6.1 million cells per microliter for men, and anywhere from 4.2 to 5.4 million cells per microliter for women. Some causes for a high red blood cell count are: smoking, heart disease, dehydration, or a bone marrow disease. Another form of malfunction in the red blood cell is anemia. There are multiple types of anemia, such as: sickle cell anemia, iron deficiency anemia, and hemolytic anemia. Hemolytic anemia is when red blood cells are destroyed by an abnormal process in your body (WebMD). These malfunctions affect how well the red blood cell and cardiovascular system work in the human ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Culture of the State of Georgia, A Paragraph Have you ever wanted to visit a state with beautiful mountains and waterfalls? If so Georgia is a great state to visit,because its known for it s beautiful Appalachian Mountains. It also has beautiful waterfalls on the mountains. In this paragraph, it tells about the culture of Georgia. The first people that stepped on Georgia s land stepped on it about 10,000 years ago. Georgia is located along the Atlantic Ocean and is Southeastern in the United States.Georgia is roughly about 57,906 square miles and it s population is about 8,186,453.The capital of Georgia is Atlanta and it was admitted to the Union on January 2,1788, also it was the fourth state that had been named.It is usually pretty hot in the Summer and pretty humid in the Winter. Known for its many larger cities which are Atlanta, Augusta, Columbus, Savannah, Macon, Sandy Springs, Marietta, East Point, North Atlanta, and Alpharetta. Its the youngest of 13 former English colonies and East of the Mississippi River.The motto is Non sibi sed allis which means , Not for self, but for others. It means that don t be so selfish,sharing is caring. It was the first state to vote against ratification of the 19th Amendment, which is giving women the right to vote.Georgia was found in 1732, at which time it s boundaries were even larger.Out of any state in the South, it had the largest number of plantations. White males owning at least 500 acres of land could be elected and pass laws for the colony. The state grows many ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. The Strengths of the U.K. Constitution Essay The Strengths of the U.K. Constitution Britain s need for a codified constitution, as a unitary state, is different. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is also a political union, but based on the sovereignty of the national Parliament. The UK now has a Scottish Parliament and Northern Ireland Assembly able to pass their own domestic legislation and a National Assembly for Wales which can make secondary legislation. But all these were created by and are subordinate to the Westminster Parliament, as are all 468 county, borough, district and unitary councils. Parliamentary sovereignty also entails the right to make or unmake any law whatever. This means that (a) historically ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This to some, is regarded as a strength, as the constitution can adapt to political developments and changing circumstances and is, therefore, less likely to contain outdated rules and obligations. Codified constitutions tend to be less flexible and contain special rigid procedures that must be followed before any constitutional changes can be introduced. As a result to this, changes are usually rare. The UK constitution has many sources to it, and how it was created in the first place. The Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 gives some protection for the citizen against wrongful imprisonment. It enables anyone who has been confined to demand to be brought before a court for a free trial. The strengths of the UK constitution is that it is flexible and is easy to update if laws are changed. If it needs to change in future then it can continue to evolve. It is not entrenched unlike the constitution of the United States of America. The current system of an uncodified constitution provides a strong and effective government. There is accountability and supreme authority. Compared to the US Constitution, the rule of law in the UK is seen as all are equal under the law and the government must respect the laws when making decisions and taking action. Such a rule is strength to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Impeachment Of Drug Traffickers The Impeachment of Drug Traffickers Each favela used to be control by a drug gang, whose leader was named the dono (literally, the owner ) of the favela. In the case of Babilônia, it was the Terceiro Commando (CT). The Pacification Policy enabled to end the rule by drug lords, thus containing the violence that killed many residents trapped in shootings. Interviewees agreed that violence has decreased even though drug trafficking is still present. Drug traffickers acted as patrons within the favela. Evidence from the interviews confirms the picture sketched by Arias in the favela of Santa Ana and Vigario Geral (Arias, 2006). When interviewees were asked about what the traffickers did for the community, the first thing they all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Traffickers also solved issues of rape and thefts, usually by capital punishment. Arias described myth of personal security in the favelas, as traffickers were assisting only people in their network. An electrician in Babilônia confirmed it, saying that generally people who are unhappy with UPP are those who were related to traffickers . Drug traffickers then involved in politics in order to secure their position. When asked about the interference of traffickers in politics, or with the Residents Association, interviewees said they did not know or if they agreed to talk about it, said that it happened in many favelas, but not in Babilônia. Carlos Antônio, former president of the Residents Association of Babilônia, explained that during political campaigns, traffickers stayed at the entrance of the favelas and charged politicians that wanted to get it. If they did not accept the deal, they had to abandon the idea of campaigning in this favela . According to a report released by the Brazilian Newspaper O Globo, traffickers charged up to R$100,000 (25 000 USD) to let politicians enter non pacified favelas to leave posters and hand out pamphlets during the 2012 municipal elections. Traffickers thus had affiliations with politicians and consequently influenced ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Death And The Black Death Imagine peering out your window on a hot summer day. Gazing up at the sky and seeing an eye scorching, glorious sunset. Then you see the blood and oozing scabs covering 3 out of every 10 of all your friends and family member bodies. What would you do if this monstrous disease called The Black Death was taking over your village? Well, this very tragic event in history did, in fact, happen.The Black Death started to take over the world around 1347 and originated in China. It tested the villager s emotions and abilities to do what s right in hard times. The disease pulled on their tender heartstring and ripped them apart. The Muslim and Christian religious reactions to this tragic situation were more different than alike. Some people were being helpful and generous to the sick, while others were taking advantage of the dying people. What would you do if this monstrous disease called The Black Death was taking over your village? During The Black Death, the Christian and Muslim religious reactions were more different than alike. The author of a primary source written in 1348 called Cronaca Senese (3A) is named Agnolo di Tura (The Fat). The author states, Father abandoned child, wife, husband, one brother another . This quote is one representation of how the Christians reacted to the black death. Christians left there friends and even family members in the dust. Christians were more worried about surviving themselves and taking advantage of the people dying than they were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Lilo And Stitch Character Analysis Lilo and Stitch Lilo s ordinary world is in Hawaii and stitch s ordinary world is that he was made as experiment 626 13:16. Lilo and Stitch is a Disney which was aimed for kids but the author used Campbell s technique to give a better understanding of the story not only for kids. This justifies that hero s are not always followed by very godly like leaders. The proof of Lilo and stitch being created based on the mono myths helped show that the Hero s journey is ambiguous. The odyssey was an overall heroic theme with a splash of patriarchy added to show the dominance of men. The mono myths helped create an entertaining plot of a heroic kind of story. The hero journey throughout the novel as Odysseus undergoes many obstacles and learns great ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Nani showed lack of responsibility of taking care of Lilo and having a job, but she still fights to keep her. Stitch comes along when he lands on Earth because he tries to get away from being accused as a criminal on his home base. The call to adventure is the two conflicts are fate for in which this is a call to adventure. In this situation, Fate is calling Lilo and Stitch to an adventure in which they are both destined to eventually meet. The transition of stitch going into two completely different environments which is going from outer space to Earth. This gives stitch a difficult time changing and fitting into a humane society. In earth he is defined to being a dog when really he is an alien and does not know any better but to act like an alien. He is disobedient and breaks everything around him. The meeting with the mentor occurs when Lilo adopts Stitch. They are each other s mentors. When stitch gets put into an animal shelter, fate brings both Stitch and Lilo together as she was looking for a pet to pick out. After that, Lilo and Stitch mentor each other in ways they learn differences from each other and gain something out of it and rather it being physical, this is both mentally and internally helpful for both of them when this helps them seek a resolution to internal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Is Vaccination Safe Or Safe Lets look at what a vaccination is first: a vaccine introduces a antigen (a foreign substance that triggers an immune system response) into the body, and the person produces antibodies and develops active immunity to a disease without having the clinical disease (Ball, Bindler and Cowen 370). Research reports of vaccination progress show supporting data of the decline in morbidity from nine vaccine preventable diseases and their complications. The diseases being: smallpox, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, measles, mumps, rubella and haemophilus type B (cdc.gov). Vaccinations have proven their benefits over time, they improve the quality of life and allow the parents to have a piece of mind in this area concerning their child s ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A number of issues arise from non vaccinated children; one very important issue is herd immunity or what some may call community immunity. This type of immunity protects those people, children and adults, who can not be vaccinated due to age, poor health conditions or those whom are immune compromised. These are the individuals that rely on the herd to be vaccinated to prevent contraction of vaccine preventable diseases. This means the more individuals who are vaccinate the less likely the disease will spread. Another risk is the protection of future generations. An example of this is the chicken pox vaccination: if a child is vaccinated against the chicken pox virus when young, the chances of the child acquiring Shingle s Zoster as an adult is dramatically decreased. Vaccinations helps protect an unborn child if the mother is vaccinated prior pregnancy; it prevents the disease from being transferred to the baby while in the womb or during the delivery. Unfortunately due to a decrease in vaccinated children, there has been an increase in measles and pertussis (whopping cough) which were once thought to be eradicated. A reason for the increase in measles and whopping cough is because some parents are choosing to not have their child vaccinated, which allows these diseases to creep back into our society. A Jan. 2008 outbreak of measles in San Diego, CA resulted ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Summary Of Erik Larson s The Devil s The Red Devil ... This lesson provides an overview of Erik Larson s 2003 book The Devil in the White City , including a summary, an analysis of the book s structure, and a discussion of the real life individuals and events at the heart of the story. !!!Who s the Devil, and Where is the White City? When Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese team up to make a big budget movie based on your book, you know you ve arrived. This doesn t happen to most nonfiction authors, but it s happening to Erik Larson, best known for his 2003 book The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America . The Devil in the White City is set in Chicago, Illinois in the early 1890s. The book entwines two true stories that, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... !!!The Devil: H. H. Holmes and The Murder Castle Dr. H. H. Holmes is one of the two main figures in The Devil in the White City . Born Herman Webster Mudgett in 1861, Holmes was a shady character from the beginning. While studying medicine and surgery at the University of Michigan, he stole bodies from the university s laboratory, mutilated them, and reported their deaths as accidents so he could collect on the insurance policies he had taken out on the dead. Around the time that he arrived in Chicago, Holmes began using his famous __alias__, or false name, Dr. H. H. Holmes. Upon arriving in Chicago in 1886, Holmes set himself up in business as a pharmacist. In 1893, sensing a once in a lifetime business opportunity, he opened a hotel, which he called the World s Fair Hotel. The building would become notorious as Holmes s Murder Castle. Holmes s hotel was an impenetrable maze of more than 100 windowless rooms, dead end hallways, and doors opening to nowhere. To ensure that he alone understood the overall plan of the building, Holmes constantly hired and fired building crews, keeping anyone from working on the Murder Castle for too long. Holmes murdered dozens perhaps hundreds of people who stayed in his hotel while they were in Chicago to attend the World s Fair. His victims were primarily women, but he preyed occasionally on men and children as well. His Murder Castle was specially ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Goldilocks And Red Riding Hood Comparative Essay The story of Little Red Riding Hood and Goldilocks are very different but similar in some ways. The story of Goldilocks has to do with a little girl breaking into a family of bears house, while Little Red Riding Hood centers on a little girl going to her grandmother s house to later discover there is a wolf impersonating as her grandma. However, the girls decisions are the reason the stories are even famous. Goldilocks and Red Riding Hood made different decisions that affected the plot of both stories. If Little Red Riding Hood had never gone to her grandmother s house, she would never have known there was a wolf in disguise. The same concept applies to Goldilocks. If she had never wandered into the bears home or if she had completed her crimes quicker, the story would be completely different. Red Riding Hood s decisions are cautious and thoughtful, unlike those of Goldilocks. She was being generous by giving her grandmother some fresh cakes that she made while Goldilocks broke into a home, ate their food, and broke their furniture. Goldilocks ventures into the woods without her parent s permission while Red Riding Hood s parents knew her whereabouts. Goldilocks simply doesn t care about how others feel, and she makes herself the first priority over everything and everyone else. Both of the children made brave decisions. They both decide ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Both involve two young girls walking in the woods. However, the girls make very different decisions in each story. While Goldilocks makes irresponsible decisions, she is never really in danger. Red Riding Hood makes responsible decisions, but she finds herself in serious danger with the wicked wolf. Goldilocks just runs away at the end of the story while Red Riding Hood is rescued by the woodcutter from a certain death. The decisions of both girls determine the plot of each ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Analysis of the Play Candide Essay In Act One of Candide, there is four scenes, the first scene is entitled Westphalia, when the scene is first introduced the music has a happy sound, similar to that of circus music and as the introduction goes on the music goes from an allegro tempo to a peaceful and dream like piano sound and grave tempo. As the music continues to come in the lights continue to brighten on stage as well as if the music and lights are tied together. As the cast came out they performed the opening song during this song they harmonized really well. In Scene One the audience is introduced to the Baron and Baroness of Westphalia, Baron Thunder ton Tronck and Baroness; the Baron is a baritone, his voice is low but not low enough to be a bass; the Baroness is a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During a later part of Scene Two when the cast is dancing the movements match the music, they appeared to be doing the Waltz, so the music had abrupt changes. In Scene Three: Cadiz, the orchestra plays some sad and somber music at the beginning. As the scene progresses the music goes from dark and dismal to happy and cheerful. During one of the songs of Scene Four: Paris the Old Lady, Cunegonde and Candide were discussing a flight and the music being played by the orchestra matched the lyrics bringing the idea of a flight to life. The Old Lady has a mezzo soprano voice she executes all of her notes well in the song. At the end of scene three Candide, Cunegonde, and the Old Lady leave to go to a new place and in the song they sing there are rounds, which were well executed. It helped change the mood again which brightened up the audience. In Act Two, Scene One: Buenos Aires, the music has a fast tempo and the music is being played at a forte level, as the music continues it suddenly softens to piano and the tempo slows down. Later in the scene during one of the songs you could hear a washing board being played which added a new sound to the music the audience was hearing. When the audience is being introduced to the Commander, a song that has a Spanish sound is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. The Hybrid Electric Engine Concept This summer, I had the opportunity to intern at Pratt Whitney Engines, a subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation, in East Hartford, CT. Pratt Whitney is one of the largest aircraft engine makers, for both commercial and military aircraft in the world, with over 31,000 employees that support more than 11,000 customers around the world. Within Pratt Whitney, there are several areas of operation. I worked in their Propulsion Systems Analysis in the vehicle systems analysis group. While working at Pratt Whitney I had the opportunity to work on quite a few projects, including looking at a hybrid electric engine concept, which was my main project for the semester. The hybrid electric engine concept was one of several engine concepts that were discussed in the NASA Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research, otherwise known as SUGAR, research papers. NASA partnered with Boeing to identify possible aircraft and engine concepts that would meet certain performance, noise, and emission standards. NASA expected that these concepts would be possible between 2030 and 2045. In the Phase 1 report, released in 2011, they looked into five aircraft concepts ranging from a 2008 baseline, which was a Boeing 737 aircraft, to a gas turbine battery concept and hybrid wing aircraft. In NASA s Phase 2 SUGAR report, released in 2012, they updated some information of the aircraft and engine concepts used in the Phase 1 report along with adding new aircraft and engine concepts. In all of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Examples Of Archetypes In Big Fish Throughout Big Fish, there were many archetypes used to show the underlying meaning of the film. Archetypal symbols, characters, and the archetypal Romance plot were evident in the story. Through the use of these archetypes, the viewer realizes that Edward Bloom is the Big Fish and the movie is the story of his journey to be free. Big Fish contains many archetypal symbols with a deeper meaning than what meets the eye. The most prominent archetype in this movie is, as the title suggests, the big fish. In mythology, a fish represents divine creation and life. The fish s large size is also indicative of its power and importance. Edward Bloom personifies the big fish; he brought life to everyone he came across through his interesting and inspiring ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The plot has many elements of the hero s quest, a key part of a romance. Edward feels he has outgrown the town of Ashton, so he leaves. He receives supernatural aid from the giant, Karl, and has many other helpers throughout his journey, as seen above. He struggles for his life many times, first when he believes the giant to be harmful, again on the haunted road, and yet again in Vietnam while stealing enemy plans. In a hero s quest, the triumph of the hero may consist of rebirth or reappearance, which is seen in Big Fish. Edward turning into a fish in the story of his death fulfills this romantic plot device and represents the fact that while he may physically leave the world, his legacy will live on forever. The setting of the work lends further credence to Big Fish being a romance plot. In a romance, the hero encounters a world full of magic and supernatural intervention. In Edward s tale of his life, he sees his own death through the witch s eye, has the giant topple cars, and turns into a fish when he dies. The plot structure of Big Fish is clearly a romance and is enriched by archetypes entrenched in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. School Lunch Program Essay Public school lunch programs have come a long way since the 1970 s. Most initiatives were privately ran which meant big variation from city to city and even school to school. Legal complexities and a lack of support from the Board of Education made it nearly impossible to create a sustainable program. It was not until the agriculture industry realized that public schools served as a market for surplus foods that school lunch programs gained momentum on a national scale. Despite the surpluses later being prioritized for the war efforts during world war II, it was obvious that school lunch programs were popular. It was just a constant challenge on how to keep them funded. Finally, two bills were introduced to secure permanent funding. Drafts and numerous revisions ultimately ended in the birth of the National School Lunch Act of 1946. Public schools finally receive public ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some things have been attempted in both directions in regard to the nutrition aspect. During the Reagan era, regulations were made that allowed pickle relish and other condiments to count as vegetables to deal with budget cuts. In contrast, Michelle Obama s Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 provided schools with more funds and new nutrition standards to fight childhood obesity. This paper is going to focus not on the nutritional challenges directly, but rather on the logistical process of the food from the supplier to the student. It can be argued that the core competency of public schools is on education and not on food production. As a result, many schools have started outsourcing and using contract food services like Chartwell s for their food needs. However, some schools still use independent food services. In Michigan for the 2016 2017 school year, Chartwell s dominates the food service selected by school districts with Preferred Meals and Aramark as the next in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. With Reference to Case Studies, Critically Evaluate the... With reference to case studies, critically evaluate the success of management schemes in fragile environments (40 marks) A fragile environment is one which is easy to disrupt, and once disrupted, difficult to restore. An example of this kind of environment is the Sundarbans; the largest single block of mangrove swamp in the world, covering 10,000 km² from the coasts of West Bengal to Bangladesh. The mangrove swamps are sensitive to a number of factors, including temperature, salinity and sea level, where small changes may be able to cause huge impacts on the overall health and effectiveness of the swamps to protect the coastline and the 300,000 livelihoods that depend on it. The mangrove swamps can act as shock absorbers, protecting ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is for these threats that the Sundarbans Tiger Reserve was created in 1973, and later designated as the Sundarban Forest Reserve in 1978. It now covers the whole of the Sundarbans, aimed towards managing it in a sustainable way. Armed forest staff patrol in motorboats and launches, protecting the reserve from poachers and theft of forest products such as the valuable honey and wax that is limited for collecting to only two and a half months a year, while seminars, workshops and awareness camps are conducted frequently inside the park to educate people and tourists on eco conservation and eco development. By educating people, there will be a greater understanding and cooperation between local villagers and authorities, so locals can benefit from the surrounding ecosystem while still protecting the environment and not completely exploiting it. The Sundarbans Biodiversity Conservation Project (SBPC) was also put in place by the Bangladesh government in 1999, aimed towards conserving the environment and biodiversity, as well as reducing the poverty in the area. This included focussing on the organisation of the Sundarbans Forest Reserve, resource management, development of the impact zone, ecotourism and environmental awareness, technical advice, monitoring and research studies. However, the project was cancelled in 2005 due to issues with the integrity and design ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. The V Fusion + Energy Drink For as long as there has been coffee and tea, beverages have been used as a source of instant energy. People that work long hours and become exhausted with all that work started looking for ways to stay awake and accomplish their tasks. Companies then realized this need and cashed in on it. V Fusion + Energy is just one of the many drinks that have hit the market. While the quick energy enhancement is just one of the benefits, Fusion + Energy also asserts to be refreshing with its blend of vegetable and fruit juice. With this mix, it also claims to have less caffeine and is a healthier choice. The V Fusion + energy drink has potential for growth. In this multi billion dollar industry, there is room for advancement. Campbell s has implemented many programs to outperform their competition (Vfusionplusenergy.com). The PESTAL analysis factors are the political, economic, social, technological, ecological and legal influences. Social environment are things such as the workplace where a lot of energy drinks are consumed. People that are unemployed will not consume as many since they are not keeping the late nights as the employed. Another factor would be demography. Places where there is a larger population of elderly people will not consume the product. Areas, such as college and university cities have much younger people. They are the ones that will utilize the product and on a regular basis. They have the need for staying awake; not just for work but studies and sometimes ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Thomas Alva Edison Research Paper Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio. Thomas s father, Samuel, was an exiled political activist from Canada. His mother, Nancy, was a school teacher. He had scarlet fever as a child, which left him have hearing loss in both ears and as he got older he was nearly deaf. He did not do well in school, so he was home school by his mother. When he was 12 he started his own business of selling newspapers to train passengers. He also started his own newspaper called the Grand Trunk Herald . Edison saved a 3 year child from being run over by a train, so the grateful father taught him how to operate a telegraph. When he was 21 he went to Boston and got a job at the Western Union Company. At the time, Boston was America s center for science. That is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At 22, Thomas moved to New York City and invented an improved stock ticker that he sold for $40,000. At 23, he made his first laboratory and manufacturing facility in Newark, New Jersey. He made a quadruplex telegraph, that was capable of transmitting two signals in two different directions on the same wire and he sold that for more than $100,000. At 24, Thomas got married to a 16 year old Mary Stilwell. She died when she was 29. Although many books say that Mary died of typhoid, her death certificate states that she died of congestion of the brain. Mary and Thomas had three children in their 13 years of marriage. However, since none of them had children of their own, there are no living direct descendants of Thomas and Mary. At 29, he moved his company to Menlo Park, New Jersey. At 30, he developed the phonograph, for recording sound. At the age of 32, he got the patent for his incandescent light bulb. In 1880, he wanted to make a company that would deliver the electricity, so he made the Edison Illuminating Company (the first investor owned electric utility), later became the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Describe The Most Rewarding Risk In School The most rewarding risk i ve taken was at school. I was in 7th grade making my schedule, I wanted to be an aide. I had been working hard and getting good grades. We were making our schedules for 8th grade. In order to be an aide you must have good grades and no referrals. I got office aide in 8th grade, which I m in now and it s fun to do. As and aide i have to deliver mail and pick up mail. Three risks that can give you good rewards in return are, taking hard classes in school, applying for a good college, and applying for a job. For example, taking a risk would be taking hard classes in school. If you take hard classes in school. If you take hard classes in school you could get good grades. You could also get into a good college. Confucius ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Power Of Wu Zetia Anything men can do, women can do better. No one in Chinese history could have represented this infamous quote better than Empress Wu. Wu Zetian became a significant figure in world history for many reasons, good and bad. Foremost, she is known to be the first and only female emperor in Chinese history, maintaining her rule over the country for nearly half a century. During that time period, women were not usually permitted to become emperor, let alone have any position in politics, yet Wu Zetian still managed to obtain the roll. Empress Wu, as not only a ruler but a leader, was extraordinary. She improved the lives of her people by providing China with a powerful and stable centralized government and advancing the political system with the addition of skillful bureaucrats. The power she was able to hold and the authority she exemplified changed Chinese history and is set as an inspiration for other aspiring women. In this paper, the secondary sources chosen introduce the female ruler of China, Wu Zetian. These sources include 2 books and 3 scholarly articles on this significant historical figure. The first source is an article from the Journal of Asian Culture, called Echo and Shadow: Images of Women in Traditional China, written by Eugene Eoyang. It presents important women in Chinese history, dating back to circa 90 A.D. The article argues that behind the common facts about Chinese women being inferior to men, they have accomplished much more than it seems. One of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Level 3 Unit 8 P1 This source (source 8) is an extract from the diary of sister Lydia king. She was a nurse on the hospital ship Sicilia during the Gallipoli campaign. The source is a primary source as it an eyewitness account from sister Lydia king. The extract reflects the injuries suffered by solders fighting in the Gallipoli account, it is written in the first person, as it is a descriptive account of what sister Lydia king saw and experienced her. The extract reflects upon the horrific nature of war and fighting by describing the hopelessness that this nurse felt when faced with the daunting task of tending to over 250 injured solders. As this extract is from a diary the purpose may be to writing things down so as to remember them or to help one cope with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...