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Aruba Essay
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Aruba Essay Aruba Essay
Persecution Of Christianity
Christianity originally was not viewed as a world religion. Christians were being persecuted in the
Roman empire by order of the emperors. They were already a small population and continued to
get smaller. Upon the arrival of Constantine the great the rulings of the Roman empire began to
change. The persecutions of Christians came to a halt when Constantine gained a role of higher
power in the second Rome, leading to promotion of Christianityspread and the beginning of the new
empire of Constantinople. Christians were only a small population found in the Roman empire. Due
to the group being a minority they were seen as the scapegoats for all issues in the empire. They
were blamed for anything from terrible weather to disease. Persecution of Christians began with
blame, from emperor Nero in 64 AD, due to a simple fire in Rome. Due to their small population it
was easy to discriminate and persecute them. However, upon Constantine s new rule of the empire
the persecution of Christians comes to a halt. Constantines introduction to the Christian faith
occurred during a defining battle. Maxentius and Constantine were in battle to gain the title of
emperor of the Roman empire. During the battle of Milvian Bridge, God appeared to Constantine
and told him if he marched into battle with the sign of God, Chi Rho cross, that he would come out
victorious. Constantine in disbelief asked Christians if this was the true sign of the one and only
God. When reassured by the Christians
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Separation Of Ammonium Chloride Essay
The purpose is to separate the elements from each other in a mixture and to recognize if there are
any associated physical changes of those elements. Moreover, it s intended to recognize the
percentage of error of each element s weight after the separation compared to its reference
percentage in the mixture
A mixture consists of iron, sodium chloride, ammonium chloride and silicon dioxide. A magnetic
source were used to separate the iron element and then its weight had been measured. The mixture
had been heated to separate the ammonium chloride, as it was evaporated. To determine the weight
of ammonium chloride, the mixture were weighted before and after the heating procedure. Then the
rest of the mixture were dissolved in water. The separation
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Preparation And Presentation Of A Company s Financial...
1.1Background to the study
Preparation and presentation of a company s financial statements is a process that is laden with the
use of estimates. The conceptual framework released by the Financial Accounting Standards Board
indicates that a company prepares financial statements with the intention of assisting investors
assess the company s future cash flow prospects (Financial Accounting Standards Board, 2010).
However, the process used by a company in assessing its cash flows is reliant on the use of
estimates and conjecture. For example, the company has to determine the fair value of its assets on
an ongoing basis if approximate value in the market is to be reflected in the financial statements.
These values are arrived ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It has also been argued that the increased use of complex financial derivatives contributed to the
confusion regarding the use of fair value accounting, especially among those companies that lacked
deep insight into the operations of the financial world (Laux Leuz, 2010). Even when there was
adequate knowledge on how these derivatives were to be accounted for, there are arguments that
companies failed to interpret the guidelines as would have been expected.
1.2Statement of the problem
Generally, there are two approaches in determining the value of a company s assets and liabilities
(Laux Leux, 2009). One, the company can use the historical cost approach. Under this method, the
purchase cost is used as the basis of determining other factors such as the asset s loss of value that
occurs over time. Therefore, a building acquired five decades ago would be presented in the
financial statements either at the cost at which it was built or the cost of land plus construction.
Depreciation is then deducted from this cost over its lifetime. The historical cost method has some
obvious drawbacks. The historical cost method disregards the occurrence of events that have the
impact of reducing the asset s value (Hitz, 2007). For example, it is possible that the cost of land
will have appreciated immensely over the
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Personal Narrative-Freshman Ella
Freshman Ella. It s a scary thought, but for this story we have to go back to March of my
freshman year at an event called Chamber Festival, which is basically when you play in small
groups instead of large orchestras. In our school orchestra I was second chair viola which, me only
being a freshman, was a very big deal. At least it was for me. Many of my other friends in orchestra
already had their own instruments, and I felt like it was time to get one of my own. So for
months I begged my parents. I insisted that I wouldn t give up playing in a year or two, that I
really would stick with it long enough for the investment to make sense. Finally, in the beginning
of 2015, they agreed to get me a viola. Now was the hard part, agreeing... Show more content on
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So first I went to Christian Eggerts. When I went there and asked for the viola they held for me,
I was sorely disappointed. The viola they had, had the exact same timbre as my school viola
which, though not bad, wasn t what I was looking for. I was disappointed, so I decided to look at
the other music shop, called The Baroque ViolinShop. When I walked into the white walled room,
the first thing I noticed was the three tables full of violins and violas. I walked around for a while,
before working up the courage to ask one of the workers if they had any 16 and ВЅ or 17 inch
violas. They had one, a 16 and ВЅ inch with a light finish, and slight striations on the wood. The
strings are worn, and my fingers have grey lines indented on the tips, after I ve played for hours.
The sides of the face are chipped from two years of wear and tear, for it goes everywhere I go. I
have a pretty indepth knowledge of what this viola looks like. Unlike most instrument owners, I
haven t given this viola a name yet. I don t know why, I just haven t found the right name yet. I
have put so many hours into this viola, you think I would be able to think of a name, since every
day I ve played for at least an
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about Shakespeare s play. For other uses, see Macbeth (disambiguation).
A poster for a c. 1884 American production ofMacbeth, starring Thomas W. Keene. Depicted,
counter clockwise from top left, are: Macbeth and Banquo meet the witches; just after the murder
ofDuncan; Banquo s ghost; Macbeth duels Macduff; and Macbeth.
Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare. It is considered one of his darkest and most
powerful tragedies. Set in Scotland, the play dramatizes the corrosive psychological and political
effects produced when evil is chosen as a way to fulfil the ambition for power.
The play is believed to have ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the following scene, a wounded sergeant reports to King Duncan of Scotland that his generals
Macbeth, who is the Thane of Glamis, and Banquo have just defeated the allied forces of Norway
and Ireland, who were led by the traitorous Macdonwald and the Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth, the
King s kinsman, is praised for his bravery and fighting prowess.
In the following scene, Macbeth and Banquo discuss the weather and their victory. As they wander
onto a heath, the Three Witches enter and greet them with prophecies. Though Banquo
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German Propaganda and its Effects on the Holocaust and...
German Propaganda and the effects on The Holocaust and WWII Propaganda in general is the
idea of getting others to believe in one s own beliefs. Propaganda is the attempt to influence
behavior...by affecting through the use of mass media of communications, the manner in which
a mass audience perceives and ascribes meaning to the material world. 1 Propaganda was a
major part of Germany s way to brain wash people into following Hitler and his army. The theme
of Hitler and Goebbels, (Paul Joseph Goebbels, was appointed Hitler s Reichspropagandaleiter, the
Nazis national director of propaganda), using propaganda, was to merge the traditional German
patriotism with Nazi ideological motifs 2, this was basically used from1919 to 1945.... Show more
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Propagandist use words that are bland and euphemistic. Special appeals are to accommodate
certain groups of people. The use of plain folks is to make the group believe that their ideas or
views are of the people 6. The band wagon use of propaganda is for people to think that since
everyone else is doing something, so should they. False connections leads to the technique of
transfer. Transfer constantly uses symbols and its main purpose is to carry over the authority,
sanction, and prestige of something we respect and revere to something the propagandist would
have us accept 7. The testimonial technique is when someone famous or someone that a person
respects says something and since they say it, well then that must be right, even if that person
has no real knowledge of the statement made. The question of bad logic or propaganda is that
there is logical and illogical conclusions. The propagandist deliberately manipulates logic in
order to promote their cause 8. Another part of logical fallacies is unwarranted extrapolation
which basically is when the communicator attempts to convince a person that a particular action
will lead to disaster or to utopia 9. Propaganda was spread in a variety of ways. Propaganda was
used in posters and leaflets. Leaflets were mostly spread by bomber airplanes. Sometimes the
leaflets were hung under balloons (with a release mechanism) and floated over enemy country10.
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Classroom Instruction And Lesson Planning Process
Appropriate texts, knowledge transformation, and learner development are all connected under the
umbrella of Content Area Literacy. According to Hodges (2015), comprehension is the ultimate
goal of content area literacy and all of this attributes play part in reaching that goal. All are
important concepts to apply to our classroom instruction and lesson planning process. It is not just
about reading the text well, but actually understand what is being said by the writer. This can be
understood in many of these concepts.
I enjoyed reading about content area literacy because I never realized that content area teachers
are also teachers of reading. This was very interesting because when we think of a science teacher
we expect them to be good at science and understand only that subject area. Though at the same
time they are trying to teach the student to understand the text being read. Many content area
teachers do not know how to help their students become better readers of expository text.
According to Wendt (2013), Although much research exists on the topic of literacy, the wide scope
of the field may confuse or intimidate teachers who serve areas that are not directly related to
reading and language.
As a future teacher, I want to facilitate the importance of understanding what is read from the text
whether I teach science, history, etc. I want to teach first or second grade, so this concept is still
important because I need to teach students to transform their knowledge
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Personal Criticism Of Joshua s Life
In an era of abiding comfort in the amount of likes we receive on social media, Youtube fame,
and ultimate self promotion, we, as a society, have become obsessed with the self and will claw
and scratch to keep the self up front and glorified. Personal constructive criticism has taken a back
seat to the selfexalted praises that only encourage and heighten the need of notoriety and fame. This
movement in our society and culture has damaged a majority of teenagers who struggle with
identity crisis, myself included. His name is Joshua, a personof great integrity and confidence who
refuses to give into society and give up during the complexity of life. Out of all the people that I ve
encountered, this peculiar boy has sparked my interest. Devoted, rebellious, and caring, Joshua is
an influential person in the small town of Woodbury that has a direct positive effect on those
around him.
On a chilly night, Joshua s family and I attend the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Joshua cares about those he loves in ways that challenge himself and challenge others to be
better. Growing up in such an exposed atmosphere of drugs, alcohol, and technology, few of
Joshua s friends and family have made poor choices. Joshua has helped many people out of their
dark days by staying and being the light to them. I asked Joshua to define friendship and he
believes that Friendship is knowing you have someone to talk to when in distress. It s being able
to call each other anytime and want to hang out. Friendship is also having the ability to listen to
someone else s issues and be there for them. Being able to challenge and confront others no matter
the risk of the relationship, a majority of the time, Joshua has a good intent. Joshua has indirectly
helped and challenged me to be better and truthful to myself, friends, and family of mine that are
going through a tough time. He has taught me this by being able to approach tough situations in a
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Human Development
1. What are the three basic dimensions of human development according to the United Nations,
and what is one example of a statistic that offers insight into each of these three dimensions? A:
The three basic dimensions of human development according to the United Nations are
knowledge, a decent standard of living, and a long and healthy life. One example of a statistic that
offers insight into each of these three dimensions is per capita GDP. Other statistics that offer
insight into each of these three dimensions are school enrollment rates, literacy rates, and life
expectancy at birth. 2. Which of the UN Millennium Declaration s eight development goals focus
directly on improving the lives of females? A: The third and fifth of the UN Millennium
Declaration s eight development goals focus directly on improving the lives of females. The third
of the UN... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
What is trafficking and how is it different from slavery? A: Trafficking happens when children
and adults fleeing poverty or searching for better prospects are deceived, bullied, and manipulated
into working in conditions that they do not want and that they do not choose. Trafficking is
different from slavery because the family does not sell their child. Instead, the parents send the
child away with a recruiter with hopes that the recruiter will send money and their child will earn
money to send back home. 4. What is the most common job for girls who are trafficked? A: The
most common jobs for girls who are trafficked are domestic servants or street vendors. 5. Which two
institutions have been largely responsible for lending money to developing countries in the era after
decolonization? A: The World Bank (bank) and the International Monetary Fund (financial
institution) have been largely responsible for lending money to developing countries in the era after
decolonization. 6. What demands must typically be met in order for a developing country to secure
a structural adjustment
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Was Hershey A Success Or A Failure
Almost every kid in this country has at one time or another eaten a Hershey chocolate bar. Hershey
chocolate has become famous around the world. It s crazy to know that the Hershey chocolate
factory is more than one hundred years old. Hershey was definitely one who started off with very
little and built his stature with many failures but also achievements. All this with an education up to
the fourth grade. The start to the journey of his Hersheycompany all started when he sold his
Lancastercaramel company for one million dollars (The Great Idea Finder). Since Hershey and his
wife were not able to have kids, he was involved with other children s education resulting in his
funding and starting his own school, hotel, and even his own visionary community ( Bio.). Milton
Hershey Is the father when it comes to chocolate, he revolutionized the American view on the
classic chocolate bar and created... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When the United States Army needed a food product that would serve as a survival ration for
soldiers in combat situations. They turned to the Hershey Chocolate Corporation. They needed a
ration bar that sustains the tropical heats of the war. Hershey came up with D day ration bars
and gave them to the soldiers. Unlike Hershey s confectionery products where warm chocolate
pours easily into molds, the non confectionery chocolate paste for the Field Ration D bar, as it
was formally known, was much thicker and did not flow at any temperature (Hershey
Community Archives). Hershey showed appreciation to the American troops with this gesture.
He is basically part of history. Milton Hershey will forever be remembered as the father of
chocolate, He changed the game of the chocolate bar, his company and is now part of history
due to WWI and much more because of his milestones. A kiss a day which is the slogan for the
chocolate kiss will always be a mystery why it s named like that because Milton Hershey took its
meaning to his
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Unconditional Love
All parents have a different opinion on how to raise children depending on their personalities.
They have different views on what is believed right or wrong. These views can shape the qualities
they have whether they are good or bad. My parents love me and care for me a lot, which causes
one of their best and worst qualities.
My parents having unconditional love for me cause them to feel the need to always look out for
me. They still believe that I am a little girl and I probably will always be one in their eyes. This
love, however, always causes them to try to control my life in order to keep me safe. I believe
that this is one of the worst qualities that they have because they do not let me make my own
decisions on what is right and what is wrong. They are way too overprotective about certain
aspects in my life, such as dating and going out. The love that they have for me also leads to their
best quality of caring for me unconditionally. Whenever I m feeling sick or down my parents are
always there for me to make me feel better.
I believe that since my parents are so strict, my relationship with them has slowly drifted apart. I
am not so close to them anymore because the problems I have now as an 18 year old, I am not
able to share it with them. They do care about me a lot, but they are not open to accepting my life
decisions and look down upon them, which makes me feel as if I cannot go to them when I need
help for certain things. This type of
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How Have Tattoos Changed Over Time
Tattoos have been around since 450 BC, it was used to mark the criminals and those fallen from
social grace. But since then or since the Europeans discovered the New World and the tattooed
tribes, its concepts has changed many times. You could classify the different changes in six eras in
the tattoo history; the colonist or pioneer Era, the circus or carnival Era, the working class era, the
rebel era, the new age era and presently the supermarket era. The colonist or pioneer era was
between the 1760s and 1870s is when the Europeans discovered tattoos amongst Native American
tribes such as Hawaiians and Borneans whose tattoos had spiritual meaning, it was a way to protect
themselves from physical harm and snakebite. But after their introduction with the Europeans...
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It was only a century later Maori men and women began to tattoo their faces again. In 1880s to the
1920s was known as the circus or carnival era, men and woman who were heavily tattooed,
mostly tribes or Native Americans were put on display to be admired. Though heavily tattooed
European wanted to join the circus to earn money but, they were refused because they were of
European decent. So they made up a story that they were kidnapped by Native Americans and
were forcibly tattooed, though most of their tattoos were American symbols, people still
admired them because they signified brutality and escape. During this time a new machine was
invented by Samuel O Reilly in 1891, to make tattoos more easily to apply and less painful. In
1920 to 1950s it is the working class era, due the circus tattoos have started to become popular, it
led to the start of tattoo parlours which were hidden in dark alleys and behind pool halls, so they
were characterized by poverty and crime. Tattooists made improvement to O Reilly machine by
constructing a more durable and precise
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Taking a Look at California State University Long Beach
Since 1949 California State University Long Beach has been educating and attracting students to its
institution. This wonderful campus is located on 1250 Bellflower Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90840.
The mission of this institution is an engage public university that is committed to give education
opportunities for graduates as well as undergraduates. This college is a learning environment that
prepares students to take another step for their educating needs. CaliforniaState UniversityLong
Beach ranks #1 in the nation for most graduates that receive degrees in doctoring, science, and
engineering. The founder of CSULB is DR. P. Victor Peterson which served for 10 years between
1949 through 1959 before he died. This university was found in the year of 1949.California State
Universityhas some specific requirements for those wishing to attend. Some of the obligations to
attend CSULB are graduating from high school, must have eligibility index, and must complete all
courses in the comprehensive pattern with the grade average of a c or better. Therefore to be
accounted as an admission attending, SAT must be taken. Honors courses in subjects that approved
taken in the last years of high school that will receive additional points in your grades. An important
issue to consider before attending the college California State University Long Beach. There are
four different financial aids that are available. Scholarships, grants, employment and loans are
offered to help students
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Clinic Manual
When did you read the clinic manual for the first time? How often have you re read one or more
sections? I read the clinic manual for the first time when it was handed out the first day of clinic
classes. I have re read various clinic manual sections about five to ten times throughout the semester.
I referenced the manual when looking up the proper guidelines for work product guidelines.
Have you entered all of your time in CLIO by the Monday deadline every week? If not, why not?
(e.g., were you unaware of the deadline? See Clinic Manual, Standard Operating Procedures. I
have not entered all of my time in CLIO by the Monday deadline every week. I am and have been
aware of the deadline. Time management has been and still is a on going ... Show more content on
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This is opposed to becoming too narrowly focused on a potential legal issues. Further, the
opportunity to sit in on PAA board meetings for the purpose of documenting minutes has allowed
me to better document the important facts from case law and summarizing issues.
Have your written communication skills improved? What has been your best piece of written
work so far this semester? Yes. My best pieces of work will be shown through my PAA Board
Minutes submissions and PAA Conflict of Interest Policy.
Have you developed your problem solving abilities this semester? What can you do to improve this
critical legal skill in the remainder of the semester? Yes. I could improve my critical legal skills
set further by continuing the birds eye approach of research. This allows me to look at a wider
array of potential legal issues opposed to becoming to narrow minded on my preconceived notions.
Do you anticipate having any difficulty meeting your time commitment to the clinic? No I don t.
Because the PAA workload requires many hours, I don t see myself missing my logged hours
On average, how much time have you spent in week on clinic or client work? Have you ever felt
like you wanted more clinic work but it was not available? If so, have you sought additional
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What Led to the 1929 Market Crash
The stock market will always be remembered, it was just so traumatizing to Americans and
history of America, especially the bankers it was just very wretched. More into point, it led to
something big and depressing that left an impact. 1928 things started getting unequal the rich
were getting richer and the poor were getting less poor, with an imbalance of 0.1 percent of
society earning the same total income as 42 percent this was bad news to everyone. The ones
suffering before all this was into action were the farmers during 1920s were the farmers since
they were still hung up about what happened 1920 21 when the government had cut the prices
but left costs high. But the prices didn t stop rising, the stock market prices kept rising and
rising while rapidly expanding, the expansion kept going until finally reaching peak in 1929,
productions started being declined. Black friday originally started in 1869 when the gold
speculators Jay Gould and James fist attempted to corner the gold market but they failed and
caused the gold market to collapse causing the stock market to crash, black friday helps the
markets when productions start being declined and to this day is an American tradition after
thanksgiving. Some didn t learn from this stock market crash and let another crash occur October
19, 1987 in San Francisco though it didn t have the same aftermath of the crash of 1929 it did
begin a new era of volatility. The Americans that were affected by the crash of 1929 called
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Coffee and Crisis Management Team
Starbucks Coffee Company Crisis Case Part I
Dr. Phillip G. Clampitt Cases in Media Management
August 1, 2009
Crisis Management Team: PuRr Luscious Ladies
Debra Dobson Diane LeVeque Joyce Jentges Karen Sobiesczyk
Proposed Crisis Management Plan
Table of Contents Part I
Purpose of Crisis Plan.........................................................................................4 Overview of
Starbucks. ........................................................................................5 Acknowledgement Forms
......................................................................................10 Crisis Rehearsal Dates
........................................................................................11 Crisis Risk
Assessment........................................................................................13 Overview Crisis
Vulnerabilities Potential Crisis Impact Chart Incident Report
Forms.......................................................................................19 ... Show more content on
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Starbucks is rekindling America s love affair with coffee, bringing romance and fresh flavor back
to the brew. The Starbucks Product With an eye for convenience and a passion for quality,
Starbucks Coffee Company has earned the reputation for providing only the highest quality
Arabica beans, roasted by expert roasters into an exquisitely blended balance of flavor at
convenient drive thru or off highway stores, or in highly frequented establishments such as
travel plazas, colleges, or airports. Starbucks also recognizes the desire for a relaxing
atmosphere, and Starbucks Entertainment of fine music, books, and film are available for
pleasure or purchase at stores, online, and iTunes. The Starbucks brand has grown beyond
coffees, offering rich blends of Tazo teas, Ethos water, and cool blended beverages as well as
delicious bakery, treats, and Starbucks merchandise that includes espresso machines, brewers,
and other coffee or tea related items. Expanding even beyond the beverage market, Starbucks
also premiered FrappuccinoВ® and FrappuccinoВ® Light blended coffees, as well as
FrappuccinoВ® juice blends. In 1996, an agreement with Pepsi Cola North America brought
these specialized espresso blends to grocery shelves; in 1995, with Dreyer s Grand Ice Cream, a
super premium line of coffee ice creams seven flavors like Java Chip and Coffee Almond Fudge
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Thug Life
Mendelian Genetics in Drosophila Melanogaster: Fruit Fly Inheritance
Total count for section amp; course data: Cross| Phenotype| Section 6 Total| Course Total| ap/ap x
+/+| wt| 211| 2604| | Apterous| 58| 824| | | | |
| | | | X(w)X(w) x X(+)Y| wt females| 15| 707| | white females| 9| 597| | wt males| 13| 633| | White
males| 13| 614| Totals| 760| 11,754|
Table 1: Total counts for section and course data. Four crosses were experimented to determine F2
generation pooled data: a monohybrid cross, two dihybrid crosses, and a sex linked cross.
X2 calculations for section data:
ap/ap x +/+| Phenotype| Observed| Expected| (O E)| (O E)2| (O E)2/E| wt| ... Show more content on
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X(w)X(w) x X(+)Y| Phenotype| Observed| Expected| (O E)| (O E)2| (O E)2/E| wt females| 707|
638| 69| 4,761| 7.46| White females| 597| 638| 41| 1,681| 2.63| wt males| 633| 638| 5| 25| 0.04|
White males| 614| 637| 23| 529| 0.83| Totals:| 2,551| 2,551| | 10.96|
Table 9: Course total results and X2 calculations for the sex linked F2 X(w)X(w) x X(+)Y cross.
The expected phenotypic frequency was 1:1:1:1 and the observed phenotypic frequency was also
approximately 1:1:1:1. The calculated X2 value was 10.96.
The total counts of all four crosses for both the section totals and course totals were recorded in
Table 1. The phenotypic ratios and X2 vales, and 614 white males (Table 9). Expected values
were calculated by multiplying the totals by 1/4 (0.25) for each phenotype. The X2 values for the
section and course results were 1.50 and 10.96, respectively.
Discussion The X2 value for each cross was calculated to determine that the observed and expected
ratios according to Mendelian inheritance were close in agreement (Garey et. al 2013). In order to
determine if the observed deviations for each cross were within the limits expected by
chance,10% and 25% of similar trials. The monohybrid autosomal ap/ap x +/+ cross results were
the most similar in comparison of results and probability of all the crosses. The chi square results
were extremely similar as expected and both accept the hypothesis that deviations
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Anne Sexton Again And Again
Anne Sexton
Author Anne Sexton who is considered who is considered one of the great America authors wrote
during the contemporary period. Particularly, his/her work titled Again and Again and Again
written in 1928 we can see evidence of the characteristics, themes and style identified with the
contemporary movement which was extant in America letters between 1945 and 1975. As a
representative of suck a movement, Anne sexton then remains one the most identifiable and iconic
writers of his/ her time.
Anne sexton was born on November 9, 1928, in Newton, Massachusetts. Suffering from depression,
she published her first book of poetry, to bedlam and part way back in 1960. In 1967, she won the
Pulitzer price and the Shelley memorial prize for
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Grandpa Hardy Biography
I was born December 27th, 1997, son of Steve Metzler and Tiffany Detty Metzler. My father s line
of work a supervisor at Merilatt in Jackson, Ohio. My mother was an educational aid at the
Buckeye Hills Career Center. I was raised on a dairy farm where my grandpa Metzler would wake
up every day at the crack of dawn to milk the cows and I was always right there with him, I looked
up to my grandpa Metzler. But my grandpa Detty was a former Oak Hill Football coach and
English teacher for 35 years and there is where most of my inspiration came. From the age of six I
played tackle football and loved every second of it. I played all the way up from pee wee to junior
high to now high school, which I am currently captain of the football team. My Grandpa was a
huge Ohio State Football fan, we went to multiple football games over the years those are times
with my grandpa that I will cherish forever. My inspiration of football has always come from my
grandpa Detty, growing up I was always told that my grandpa was a great football player and
coach, which... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
My career choice will be an intervention specialist with mild educational or behavioral
handicapped children. In my life I have always loved to help people who are in need that
sometimes cannot help themselves in a time of need. On December 24th, 2013 the man who had
molded me into what I am, passed away from a very long on and off battle with cancer. I was
devastated when he had pasted. This amazing man showed me to the game I fell in love with. Him
passing away has given me motivation to play a better and harder so that people could maybe
remember me like they did him. While I was at his viewing I had heard so many people tell me
what a great man, coach, and teacher, he was this gave me more motivation to become a teacher
and hopefully become half the man he was
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July Crisis Dbq
The First World War began in Europe, but by the end of it, the United States had joined. Once
involved, President Woodrow Wilson had a huge effect on drawing new country lines. His
decision was influenced by how the war began, as a cry to have states independent from an
empire, based on ethnicities to avoid alliances similar to what started this war. This global and total
war was the first of its kind, which began in Europefrom the assassination of Austria Hungary s
heir to the throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife by Gavrillo Princip in Sarajevo. This
local conflict quickly grew out of control due to alliances across European countries and
aggressive rulers and developed into what is now known as the July Crisis . In the four years
that this war was ongoing, the United States only participated in the last two and made a major
and lasting impact on Europe. The United States, led by President Woodrow Wilson, would be one
of the main four countries at the Paris Peace Conference after the war in order to decide on how to
change the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In his Fourteen Points speech, he said, A general association of nations must be formed under
specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and
territorial integrity to great and small states alike. He believed states should work together and
not let differences divide them so as to avoid another large scale war like this one was. Leaders
and delegates from all over the world met at this conference to discuss rules and regulations for
how the League would operate, with meetings lasting for months, arguing over clauses and what
should the League of Nations should be allowed to do or take control of. After four months of
discussions and negotiations, the League of Nations adopted their covenant , as Wilson called it,
and would rule as an assembly of countries to meet
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Physician Query Process
Physician queries need to be initiated in writing using a standard form that represents the type of
clinical information being requested. According to Becker s Healthcare (2011), the documentation
of queries needs to follow a standard format that includes all the relevant information. In this case,
the somewhere hospitalphysicianquery was not completed following the required standards. The
format, the grammar the design and the process described were not in line with the standards of a
physician query.
Appropriate format of the policy
Legal health record
Physician query process
Maintenance of the completed query
Somewhere hospital requires that documentation in the medical record be consistent and adequate to
substantiate claims, facilitate care, and provide legal protection to the doctor, patient, and the
medical center. In addition to these, the physicians can be queried to clarify the diagnosis, verify
visual relationships between diagnosis and/or symptoms, and validate conditions present on
admission. Queries may be posed during hospitalization and after discharge. The evaluation shows
that the somewhere hospital physician query is not in line with ... Show more content on
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The design of the query needs to include vital elements such as the name of the patient, the date of
admission, the date of initiation of the query, account number, contact, and the name of the query
initiator, medical record number, and the statement of the issue. In this case, the query contained
most of the information that should be included in the design. However, in some situations,
information such as the date query initiated was not included. Besides, the issues of contact
information of the query initiator as not included which needs to be addressed. Most importantly,
the query should not be designed so that the only thing needed is a
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The Evolution of the Giraffe Neck Essay
The Evolution of the Giraffe Neck
Throughout time, one theory has remained constant in terms of why giraffes developed longer
necks. The idea, which was presented by Charles Darwin states quite simply that giraffes
selected for longer necks in order to reach the food that was higher off the ground during the dry
season. No one has ever challenged that idea until 1996. Initially, Gould argued that the story the
giraffe evolved its long neck in competition to reach scare foliage is supported by no evidence
(18). That s when two scientists, Robert Simmons and Lou Scheepers made the claim that necks
evolved for a very different reason: sexual selection. Within this paper, information will be
presented that argues both for and against ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If food was scarce, it makes sense that the giraffes would evolve to keep their species alive. In
order for this theory to remain true, there should be length increases in limbs in the same
proportion as to the increases in their heads and necks. On the other hand, the proposed theory
deals with the notion that the length of the giraffe neck increased because the neck is used as a
weapon during intrasexual combat (Simmons 773). The basic idea of this is that during
competition two males stand next to each other and exchange hits by using their necks. The top
or back of the skull is actually used to knock the competitor to the ground. It is likely that with a
larger neck and head, the giraffe is more destructive. It is also assumed that larger and longer
necks would be selected for. The process of necking is unique to giraffes and only male giraffes
have ever been viewed doing this. Therefore, it is likely that this action is related to sexual
selection. Necking has been observed to be very effective for giraffes to obtain their mates. Often
the males are knocked unconscious or even killed during the fighting. The violent nature of these
fights is unbelievable. Even when an opponent may be knocked to the ground, that does not stop
the fight. They may still be kicked or stepped which can eventually lead to death. Sexual selection
is a special form of natural selection that is responsible for the evolution of traits that promote
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Kindle Fire Hdx Essay
Kindle Fire HDX tech support
What is the Kindle Fire HDX?
The Fire HDX, formerly named Kindle Fire HDX, is the high end model in Amazon sKindle Fire
line of tablet computers. It was announce on September 25, 2013 and is available in two models, 7
inch and 8.9 inch.
The Fire HDX is the new version of the formerly Kindle Fire HDXmodel .It is the high end
model in Amazon s Kindle Fire line of tablet computers. It was a big day in the world of
technology when on 25th September 2013 when the declaration of the new models were made.
the two models of tablet computers of 7 inch and 8.9 inch were launched one by one .. The 7 inch
model (WiFi ) was released on 18th October, 2013 and the 8.9 inch WiFi model was released on
November 7, 2013 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The configuration of the tablets are capable enough to send content in the form of video through
a mechanism similar to a Wireless Display HDMI adapterthat is using a Second Screen
wirelessly, but is incapable to send vedio content through HDMI cable as was send by its
predecessor, named the Kindle Fire HD.
The 2014 refresh uses Fire OS 4 Sangria , which features profiles so each user on the tablet can
have their own settings and apps.
Mayday feature
One of the reputed journal of PC Magazine statetd that after the Pressing of the Mayday button,
and a live operator from Amazon appears in a video chat window on your screen to answer all of
your Kindle Fire questions within 15 seconds.. He or she is there to instruct you what apps you
should download. In his review one of the software engineer of the Kindle Fire HDX 7 called the
Mayday remote video as revolutionary and one of the most amazing feature of Amazon.
PC Magazine grants 4 out of 5 to the Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 7 Wi Fi edition and rated it
Excellent .They pointed out to the Fast processor ,Sharp screen, etremely easy to use features with
having Amazing live tech support.Not only that the screen has color accurateness with high pixel
density at 339 PPI. The Fire HDX ahs the machnism to
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The Christian Influence on The Middle Ages Essay
In 312 CE, Roman Emperor Constantine achieved a victory at the Milvian Bridge. The night
previous to this battle, Constantine dreamt of a cross inscribed in hoc signo vinces, in this sign you
will conquer. As trivial as this dream may seem, it ultimately signified the beginning of the rise of
Christianity. With his victory, Emperor Constantine converted to Christianityand supported and
encouraged it throughout the empire. In 313 CE, another milestone occurred as the emperors, both
Constantine Iof the West and Licinius of the East, signed the Edict of Milan declaring that the
Diocletianic Persecution would end, and Christianity would be tolerated in the Roman Empire. This
religion began to flourish as people quickly converted from pagan... Show more content on
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One of the most important contributors of this time was Saint Benedict of Nursia. To guide
Christians pursuing such a life, St. Benedict wrote Regula Benedicti, The Rule of Saint Benedict.
This book was composed of precepts for monks to follow as they lived in communal monasteries
under an abbot. Ideally, poverty, chastity, and obedience were the most sought after traits that one
should follow. Saint Benedict instructed monks to participate daily in written prayers, devotionals,
manual labor, and commanded a pledge of poverty, chastity, and obedience (Benedict).
Because these rules are not just spiritually beneficial, secular impacts were gained from the
monasteries way of life. Monks became a hero of the people of the medieval times in countless
ways. These monks were examples to all of a righteous way of living. When monks devoted their
lives to God, others saw the devotion exemplified in daily life. The humility the monks strived for
implicated a humble heart , serious and humble speech , doing nothing except what is commended
by his superiors , and being content with the worst of everything (Benedict). This lifestyle could
infinitely increase the quality of life for any person as it provided an example for people to
become helpful, moral citizens, regardless of religious affiliation. As Christianity and monasteries
became more popular amongst people, monks traveled to
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Synopsis Of A Double Bottomed Murder
A Double Bottomed Murder Synopsis
William Templeton, a famous hairstylist, is killed in his own studio located in one of the Florida s
resort towns. His son, Adam Templeton finds the body; only an accidental alibi saves the young
man from being holding in killing. William slept with most of his female clients, representatives of
the high society. The local sheriffdecides to allow the case to fade away as potential suspects have
too high status. Adam wants to find the murderer; the man travels through the country as most of
women returned to their main residents during the local investigation
Adam meets with father s permanent lovers and finds out new information about William s
personality. At a certain point he starts to suspect Molly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Policemen arrest the woman, and she commits a suicide in the custody; she lefts a strange message
that mentions a videotape. Adam finds the film, when he cleans father s apartments. The tape was
brought to the man s house by one of his lovers; both police and Adam could not identify her. The
video was addressed to Molly. William indicts her for infecting him with HIV. The man decides to
revenge: he kills himself in a way to set Molly up. Adam is caught in a dilemma: to say the truth or
to save remnants of father s good name and save the reputation of a strange woman. Script Outline
Opening Closing Images
William Templeton s kind face in close up is the first image the auditory sees. The first
impression creates a sharp contrast with the following frames, as viewers understand they see a
face of the dead man with a hairstylist s tail comb in his sinciput. The closing image is Adam s
shocking face in close up. Men s affinity connects all episodes of the plot: the son experiences
consequences of father s life.
Inciting Incident
Father s murder became the inciting incident in Adam s life. The man turned to a private
investigator from a careless clubber. Adam uncowered unpleasant facts of father s biography.
First Act
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Evaluation Of My Course Project
Course Project: MariaLacey Miller DeVry University Online Introduction For my course project
I have selected scenario two. This scenario is about an employee named Maria, a person of
Latino ancestry. She is a second generation, native born American citizen with a graduate degree
and ten years of experience with her current employer. Maria has filed a complaint against her
company because she believes she was unfairly eliminated as a candidate for a promotion
because of her distinctive accent. Maria states that her supervisor informed her that she was not
being promoted because he feared that their clients would have trouble understanding her accent.
She claims that she is highly qualified for the promotion because of the years she has worked
for the company and her educational background. However, the promotion was given to Alex, an
Angelo, who has had less time with the company but has better job evaluations. Maria also
claims that the reason for her low job evaluation is because of a built in bias on part of her White
male supervisors because she is the only woman and the only person of color in the department.
Maria alleges that the company is engaging in discriminatory practices, however, the company
states that Maria has had disciplinary action against her regarding attendance, she is loud and
aggressive with co workers and that the ability to clear communication was an imperative element
of the position. My objective is to evaluate this case
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Assisted Suicide And The Euthanasia Movement
Assisted Suicide Imagine being in enough excruciating pain for a long enough time and deciding
that even dying would be better. Assisted suicide is affecting more people around the world
every day; either under agreeable or disagreeable terms, depending on each person s opinion.
What is assisted suicide and why is controversy over this topic still here after at least 1,500 years
of existence (A Merciful End: The EuthanasiaMovement in Modern America)? There are many
factors to consider when one wants to figure out the side of this global controversy they want to
belong to. Some of these include financial demands, different types of assisted suicide, general
suicidal rates (in areas where it is already legalized), demographic facts, and its history. Assisted
suicide has produced a series of different outcomes within society: the raising of suicidal rates,
arguing over the topic, and the increasing of its popularity within the world. The term assisted
suicide is quite self explanatory in its definition: the suicide of a patient suffering from an
incurable disease, effected by the taking of lethal drugs provided by a doctor. Assisted suicide, in
the areas that have legalized it, usually has to involve a request to the physician for a medication
induced death. In some places, people are able to choose to die before illness takes control. This
method has existed for many years and has not always required a physician s approval. The history
of assisted suicide is
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The Situation Of Ukraine As A Crisis
In 2014 the situation in Ukraine truly became a crisis. Then president, Viktor Yanukovych s pro
Russian stance made his leave of office in March 2014 quite the event. Russian troops immediately
began to mass near the Ukrainian border and set up camp at key points around the Crimean
peninsula. The Crimean Peninsula is a region in southern Ukraine that contains a significantly large
number of ethnic Russians. On March 16, a referendum to separate Crimeafrom Ukraine and join
Russiawas voted on in Crimea under the close watch of pro Russian troops. Within days Russia
annexed the peninsula causing uproar in the rest of Ukraine and the world. Ukraine soon responded
with military action against pro Russian rebels in the east where Crimea is... Show more content on
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This independence was officially ended in 1922 when the Soviet Union incorporated Ukraine.
Under the control of the Soviets Ukraine was the site of several mass executions and famine s
ordered and/or caused by Stalin which killed around ten million people. This led to one of the
primary reasons for the conflict happening in the eastern part of the country today. Stalin sent
millions of Russians to the resource abundant east Ukraine. Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine
Steven Pifer said that this cultural divide between the two parts of the country explains why the
sense of Ukrainian nationalism is not as deep in the east as it is in the west, (Bates). Even when
the Nazis invaded the country many citizens were happy to be liberated from the Soviets.
Unfortunately the country became one of the bloodiest countries of the war having one sixth (5.3
million people) of its entire population killed. After the war Stalin once again executed more
Ukrainians on the grounds that they cooperated with the Nazis. Ukraine finally became fully
independent in 1991 when over 90% of Ukrainians opted to declare independence from the
collapsing Soviet Union. Despite the country s formal independence the new Russian state
continued to involve itself with Ukraine. Ukraine s 2004 presidential election was fraught with
fraud as the Kremlin supported Viktor Yanukovych who was pro Russian. This fraud led to what
was known as the Orange Revolution which kept power away from Yanukovych until 2010 when
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Metaphors In Maus
Art is an outlet through which one is capable of conveying their thoughts, emotions and stories.
After the Holocaust in particular, people were able to view the world through the viewpoint of
these artists. With the ability to see the victim s emotions portrayed visually, one can begin to
comprehend them from a personal perspective and understand the sentiments of sorrow.
Spiegelman s Maus is an excellent representation of how art can channel emotion. Through his
works we are able to uncover the truth of his father s life. Through metaphors especially,
Spiegelman is able to portray the oppressive power versus the oppressed. On page 51, panel eight
we are especially able to see the metaphor in it s full form, with Vladek depicted as an innocent
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The Economic Economy Of Australia
Every year, the statistical organization of each country will count the gross domestic product
(GDP) of the country, and calculate the growth rate compared with other countries. In general, GDP
growth has become an important manifestation of the country s comprehensive national strength. In
economics, GDP is an important index of a country s economic health. It is important because each
component of GDP will represent in daily life. In Australia, GDP growth dependent on its service
sector, manufacturing and agriculture, in which the service sector accounted for the highest
proportion of total GDP. Moreover, Australia is a country which has rich resources, and this become
another economic growth point that different from other countries.... Show more content on
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For different purpose, the different GDP frames will be used. Real GDP is the value of final goods
and services produced in a given year when valued at the prices of a reference base year;
Nominal GDP is the value of final goods and services produced in a given year when valued at the
prices of that year. The maximum level of real GDP that can be produced while avoiding shortages
of labour, capital, land and entrepreneurial ability that would bring rising inflation is called potential
GDP (McTaggart, Findlay Parkin, 2012). In this essay, GDP stands for real GDP, and real GDP can
be calculated by either the expenditure approach or the income approach. In this essay, the
expenditure approach will be used. Aggregate expenditure describes the relationship between total
consumption and national income. It can be calculated with a formula: AE = C + I + G + NX. In
this formula, the C stands for household consumption, the I stands for investment expenditure, the
G stands for government expenditure and the NX stands for net export expenditure. The change of
these components will eventually affect real GPD. The expenditure approach is important because
it can tell the government of consumers demand so that the government can better allocate
resources. It can also convey the economic situation signals to the central bank to help them to carry
out macroeconomic regulation and control. The figure 1 below shows the aggregate expenditure
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Essay about Human Sex Trafficking
Human Sex Trafficking Human sex trafficking is an illegal form of modern day slavery that has
turned into a lucrative business throughout our nation. Sex is very big business and there is a
tremendous amount of money that can be made. There are people that will use any means
necessary to be a part of this industry. Young women and children are used as a commodity,
offered a better life and then sold like property to increase the wallets of these criminals. I am
against this kind of inhumane treatment and know that as a nation we can do more to abolish this
so called business forever. I believe this possible with more laws, stronger penalties for breaking
those laws, and awareness that this is a very big and rapidly growing problem... Show more content
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He took her to get something to eat and then to the guesthouse he was renting. He made her
shower, which was the first time she had ever showered in a bathroom and was very freaked out
by that. He then proceeded to have sex with her and drove her back to the brothel. When they
got back he gave her extra money for herself. She began to see him more and more and every
time he would give her extra money for her to do what she wanted with it. She would go
shopping and buy clothing that didn t say whore. They were just normal clothes, jeans and t
shirts. After a while she stayed with him at night and went back to aunty nop during the day.
That soon came to an end and she was given a key to his place and she never went back to auntie
s house. Then the day came that Dietrich s contract was up, it was time for him to go back
home to Switzerland. He offered to take Somaly with him but she refused. Before he left he
asked one of his friends Guillaume to look after her. He let her stay with him in his villa.
Guillaume knew a lot of people and had a lot of parties. He also got her work cleaning houses for
his friends. At one of the parties is where she met Pierre. Pierre was a lab tech for a humanitarian
agency from France, in Cambodia called Medicins Sans Fronieres. Somaly and Pierre became very
close and he gave her an opportunity to volunteer at the clinic. She spoke the right language for the
patients. She began working every
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Pros And Cons Of Community Probation And Community...
Community corrections are programs which oversea offenders outside of jail or prison.
Community corrections include probation and parole. Probation is supervision within the
community instead of jail or prison. Parole is a dated time where parolees are supervised upon
release from prison. Some offenders are not dangerous to society. Their crimes do not warrant
incarceration. The crimes are petty offences and will not be placed in a general population in prison.
If they are placed in a prison they might be subject to gang raped, bullying, which will cost them to
retaliate and possibly lock them into a life of crime. Community correctionsis cost effective. It is
best to keep them in the community and have them supervise by trained court officers... Show more
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Brown wasn t taken into custody after his probation was revoked even though the probation
department recommended jail time. The judge scheduled a court date to check on his progress.
TMZ reports the judge scheduled a March 20th court date to check in on Brown s progress. At
Friday s hearing, Mr. Brown s probation officer stated a positive review that he had completed his
community service sentence. The judge had the option of prolonging his probation, however, he
ruled the singer would no longer be under the eye of the judicial system.
Though Chris Brown still have issues, probation has definitely helped him to turn his life around
and to think in a positive manner. He has a long way to go, but it is a working progress. Now he
is more into his music, and focused on staying out of trouble. In my opinion, instead of throwing
offenders in jail for crimes probation is a great remedy which has impacted many individuals for
being incarcerated. I think probation should be an option for minor crimes and should be more
enforced often. I think community correction is great program that should be implemented and
required in all states, thus allowing minor offender the opportunity to be reformed on the outside. I
specifically implored community conviction especially as related to juvenile. Often time juveniles
are at the wrong place at the wrong time unjustly prosecuted due to lack of family support and
money. This service will greatly impact juveniles in a poor community, and does
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Rooney Pickney Arledge
This quote was said by television broadcasting executive Roone Pickney Arledge, a person whom
Life Magazine declared One of the 100 most important Americans of the 20th Century and is
considered by many to be the father of modern televised sports (Boss). This quote by Arledge is
an example of his talent and know how for developing new ideas that not only provide a quality
viewing experience, but also appeal to a mass audience. His ideas were revolutionary, and changed
the way sports were watched and the entire televisionindustry forever. I initially chose to write my
paper on Roone Arledge because I have been an avid watcher of televised sports for a long time,
but I had never heard of Arledge until reading the article The Impact of Roone Arledge on
Televised Sports by Randy Roberts and James Olsen in our required reading. I thoroughly enjoyed
reading this article because I had previously never contemplated how differently sports were
televised in the past, why sports broadcastingis the way it is today, and who was largely responsible
for this dramatic change. Roone Arledge was born in Queens, New York City on July 8th, 1931
and grew up in the suburbs of Long Island where he excelled in both academics and sports. This
led him to eventually enroll at the prestigious Colombia University, where he had aspirations of
becoming a professional writer while working as editor for the student newspaper (Marc). His
interest in journalism and television production prompted him
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November 1, 2012GWL Roofing Limited
GWL Roofing Limited (GWL) manufactures roofing materials, and installs and services roofs for
industrial, commercial, and investment (ICI) properties. GWL s head office and sole
manufacturing facility are located in eastern Quebec. In addition, GWL has distribution facilities
located across eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. The U.S. location houses the
administrative functions of GWL s wholly owned U.S. subsidiary, GWL Roofing U.S. Limited
Gaston Laroche, who was a roofer by trade, founded GWL in 1963. Gaston s business philosophy
was to offer his customers superior products at premium prices. Under Gaston s leadership, GWL
grew ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In addition, GWL claims that its products are specifically designed to meet the demands of the
harsh winters experienced in Canada and in the northern United States. As a result, GWL s products
tend to be more expensive to manufacture than those produced by its competitors. GWL s roofs are
guaranteed against defects in materials for a period of 15 years by its warranty program.
GWL markets itself as a provider of roof management solutions. The cost of a roof over its
useful life of about 20 years can be quite substantial for ICI properties. Maintaining a high quality
roof is essential to the value of the property, as well as to the continuity of the operations housed
by the property. However, most maintenance managers employed to manage ICI properties by
property managers, manufacturers, and other organizations are generalists, and typically don t have
extensive knowledge of roofing problems and proper roofing maintenance procedures. GWL not
only sells the physical roof itself, but also offers its customers worry free roofing solutions.
In order to meet the growing demand for expertise in roof maintenance, in 1998, GWL began
offering its customers a Roof Management Program with respect to the roofs that it installs.
According to this program, the customer enters into a long term maintenance and servicing contract
with GWL. The customer makes an annual maintenance payment, and GWL takes care of all
matters pertaining to the customer s roof. The annual
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Essay on The Beginning of the N.F.L.
The Beginning of the N.F.L.
The year was 1920 and pro football was in a state of confusion. The three main problems that led
to all the confusion were, salaries rising, players jumping from team to team and the use of players
still enrolled in college. So, on August 20, 1920, a group of men representing the four current pro
teams met. When the day was done the American Professional Football Conference was born.
The A.P.F.C. was formed to make one governingbody over pro football. Then, on September 17,
1920, a second organizational meeting was held. At the second meeting the following teams
attended: the Akron Pros; Canton Bulldogs; Cleveland Ohio Indians; Dayton Ohio Triangles;
Decatur Illinois Staleys Athletic Club; Hammond ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On September 26, the first game, which featured an APFA team was played at Rock Island s
Douglas Park. A crowd of 800 watched the Independents defeat the St. Paul Ideals 48 0. A week
later, October 3, the first game matching two APFA teams was held. At Triangle Park, Dayton
defeated Columbus 14 0, with Lou Partlow of Dayton scoring the first touchdown in a game
between Association teams. The same day, Rock Island defeated Muncie 45 0. At the league
meeting in Akron, April 30, the championship of the 1920 season was awarded to the Akron Pros.
The APFA was later reorganized, they realized that Jim Thorpewas a better player then president.
So, they picked Joe Carr as the new president. Carr moved the Association s headquarters to
Columbus, drafted a league constitution and by laws, gave teams territorial rights, restricted
player movements, developed membership criteria for the franchises, and issued standings for
the first time. This made it that the APFA would have a clear champion. The league was also
increased to 22 teams. It was during this year that the Green Bay Packers were granted a
franchise. It was during the 1921 season, that Fritz Pollard was made the first black head coach in
the history of Pro Football.
The Chicago Statleys who would later become the Bears were crowned the 1921 league
champions. Nothing really big happened for the APFA in 1922 except for a name change,
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Essay Famine Relief
In response to the recent failure of the international community to prevent the famine crisis in the
Horn of Africa since July 2011, Suzanne Dvorak the chief executive of Save the Children wrote
that, We need to provide help now. But we cannot forget that these children are wasting away in a
disaster that we could and should have prevented she added, The UN estimates that every $1 spent
in prevention saves $7 in emergency spending. (Dvorak, 2011). Many people who read such
statement wonder about our obligation towards faminerelief, and ask, whether we are morally
obliged to spend one dollar in order to prevent such a crisis or not. Forty years ago, Peter Singer
answered this question in his article Famine,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
John Arthur presented a moderate view, more in line with our current behavior, that recognizes an
individual s entitlement to resources as an excuse against any moral requirement to give them
away. I will briefly present these entitlements, and explain why they can t justify our refusal to
help and aid in famine relief. Entitlements of Rights: We are not obligated to give away our body
parts in order to save others, this is heroism and we are obliged to it .Our rights to our bodies
weight against whatever duty to help. Accordingly, strangers have only negative rights which are
rights against our interference and they don t have the rights to receive some benefits. (831)
I am sure, most of the people, including me , agree that the first part of his argument is plausible
since it s difficult to decide to give one s kidney even to our loved ones, mind you a stranger.
However, this is not the case with famine relief or helping the poor people since nobody is
required to take such an action. The things we have to sacrifice in order to prevent starvation
and to help the poor do not jeopardize our health or our well being like donating a kidney. I don t
think that anybody can argue that giving 10, 20, or even 1000 dollars a month put us in any kind
of risk or can be morally significant if compared to giving away our kidney! Arthur didn t give this
comparison any importance since he wanted only to prove our rights to our possessions; and he
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Essay on Analysis of The Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Analysis of The Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls
The grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of our God stands forever Isaiah 40.8
Mohammed Dib, a Bedouin shepherd of the T Amireh tribe (Keller, 1957, 401) could not have
known that he would be the person who, in 1947, would bring to bear the words of Isaiah 40.8
This shepherd boy had been clambering around the clefts and gullies of a rock face on Wadi
Qumran, north of the Dead Sea hoping to find one of his lost lambs. Thinking that it could have
taken refuge in a cave he threw stones at the opening. He heard a jar break, became fearful and ran
to fetch his fellow tribesmen. What they discovered were written scrolls of ancient papyrus, stuffed
in jars and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There have been 400 manuscripts including 100 Biblical manuscripts discovered. These include
every book in the Old Testament with the exception of
Esther. The best known is the complete book of Isaiah. The scrolls and fragments
Which come from Qumran date from 200 B.C. to A.D. 68. Those from Wadi Murabba at go up
to A.D. 132 135. In the Khirbet Qumran near the cave where the first discoveries were made there
has been found the ruins of a cemetery and a settlement which had been the nucleus of a Jewish
community which Father de Vaux views as possibly being the wilderness retreat of the Essenes. It
will take a whole generation of Biblical scholars to assess the value of these manuscripts (Harding,
1956) Introduction
Indeed, some 50 years have elapsed and many Biblical scholars have assessed the manuscripts.
It will not be the purposes of this paper to debate the validity of the documents nor enter into
archeological debate, this paper however will in Section 1, provide further historical evidence in
support of the Essenes sect dwelling at Qumran. The writer will present an outline of the monastic
lifestyle of the Essenes, their closed community, their laws and beliefs.
The hypothesis of
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The Physics of Riding Bulls Essay
The Physics of Riding Bulls
Rodeo is a sport that came about by everyday work being made into competition.
Every event in rodeo has a practical purpose; all but one that is. There is no practical reason to get
on a bull; only the thrills, chills, and rush of excitement. ItВЎВ¦s more than a challenge between
riders. ItВЎВ¦s a challenge between man and beast. Legendary cowboy Larry Mahan had an even
different way of looking at it. He said, ВЎВ§ItВЎВ¦s not a challenge with the animal but with the
weakness in oneВЎВ¦s selfВЎВЁ. At any rate, itВЎВ¦s all about the challenge.
The challenge is simple; stay on the bullВЎВ¦s back for eight seconds while keeping one hand fee
from contact with the bull or your own body. Well it sounds simple anyways.... Show more content
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This exerts a force in the opposite direction the bull is going. The force is the product of the
bullВЎВ¦s mass and its acceleration. With a rider on the bullВЎВ¦s back this force then becomes a
combination of the bullВЎВ¦s mass plus the riderВЎВ¦s mass times the acceleration of both which
is attributed only by the bull. All the rider needs to do in this case is hold on tight. There may be
some air resistance, but it is too small to notice. The bull further complicates the ride by bucking
(a combination of raring, kicking, and jumping). Each component of the buck is relatively simple.
When a bull rares, it creates a force pushing the rider backwards. When a bull kicks, it creates a
force throwing the rider forwards. When the bull jumps, it creates a force pushing the rider straight
upwards. Each force is once again the product of how fast the bull changes positions (acceleration)
and itВЎВ¦s mass. In each of these situations the bullВЎВ¦s mass is combined with the riderВЎВ¦s.
So, if the combined mass remains the same, all the rider has to do to counter the force created by
the bull is move in the opposite direction as the bull with and equal acceleration. Acceleration
equals the change in velocity divided by the change in time. The velocity is the change in position
divided by the change in time. Both the bull and the rider can accelerate instantaneously. Therefore
the velocity is the only variable the rider needs to adjust to the counter the bullВЎВ¦s force. If the
distance change
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Roanoke Colony Dbq
For hundreds of years the story of The Lost Colony has been told to children for
generations.Contrastly, as time trickles by we find out more information about the Lost Colony .
Most people believe that Roanoke were killed by the Spanish. However, because of recent
discoveries. Roanoke must have been forced to relocate because of a drought in route to Chowan
River and intermarried with Native Americans because of these new revelations.
During, Roanoke and Jamestown there seemed to have been a drought that became problematic to
the colony (Document H). Without, water it becomes difficult to produce crops and have maintain
drinking water. This left Roanoke in a bad predicament so, they had no choice but to relocate. The
tree rings discovered in 1998 provides valid proof that the drought happened from 1587 1589.
John White returned back to Roanoke in 1590 after leaving his daughter, Eleanor Dare, and
granddaughter, Virginia Dare in North Carolina. Accordingly, to White s journal the colony was no
longer present and it seemed that the house has been taken down, no sailing boats, and the words
CROATOAN was engraved in the ground (Document C). Additionally, there were no signs of...
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Four to five generations after Roanoke John Lawson made an excerpt from a New Voyage to
Carolina in 1709. This excerpt stated that some Hatters Indians who lived on Roanoke Island had
Ancestors who were European. Furthermore, the Indians who made these claims had gray eyes and
could comprehend English (Document D). This justifies that Croatan Native Americans and the
Roanoke colony intermarried due to the generic features of their offspring. Moreover, a Kendall
Family Signet Ring was in Croatoan Indian Village in Buxton, NC which most likely belonged to
one of the colonist gives evidence that Roanoke did, in fact, go to
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Blitzkrieg Essay
The word Blitz itself is a shortened form of the German word Blitzkrieg meaning lightening war,
it means a heavy bombing attack from the air. It is often used to describe the German air raids
on London in 1940, but many other cities were also blitzed. It was widely believed that Britain
would be heavily bombed immediately after the war was declared and huge amounts of deaths and
injuries were expected with mass burials planned and 1,250,000 cardboard coffins were produced.
However these figures were completely inaccurate as they were based on when the Luftwaffe had
bombed during the Spanish Civil War, and during this time had virtually no opposition. During The
Blitz London was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He believed that this would dampen spirits and break morale to such an extent that the people
would force the government to come to terms with him. However the excuse Hitler used to
justify the Blitz was that he was bombing military targets. The Blitz also attempted to destroy
industry, with London docks being bombed often and the Luftwaffe also tried to hit railway
lines, junctions, power stations and gas holders, but the bombing was felt worst of all by the
working class near city centres. The Blitz also affected the life of children with many of them
being uprooted and evacuated to the countryside, some with their mothers, some without. Around
1,500,000 people were evacuated at the start of the Blitz, which had a massive effect on people s
lives and many lifestyles being completely turned around. Children from the city were often very
skinny and undernourished and when they were evacuated often had much more food, and much
healthier food to keep them strong. Some would go home looking completely different to how
they looked when they went. Those that stayed in the cities were bothered by ARP wardens
checking for air raid precautions, the wardens were often accused of interfering. Along with
household precautions there were also air raid shelters, but many people didn t have them and went
into tube stations during raids. The raids affected everybody s lives, as at
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Reaction Paper On Ecocriticism
The term ecocriticism was coined in 1978 by William Rueckert in his essay Literature and
Ecology: An Experiment in Ecocriticism. Interest in the study of nature writing and reading
literature with a focus on green issues grew through the 1980s, and by the early 1990s, ecocriticism
had emerged as a recognizable discipline within literature departments of American universities. It
is highly relevant today when man s life on earthis threatened by three major factors : Global
warming; Ozone Depletion; Nuclear threat. It is important now that man focuses his attention on
the marvellous creations of God, especially the three cycles Water cycle, Carbon oxygen cycle,
Nitrogen cycle. In this regard, the scientific accuracy of the Bible is amazing. The Bible revealed
astonishing details regarding earth s climatesystem, centuries before non Biblical writings did. The
Bible books genesis, Job, Isaiah, Ecclesiastes, Amos reveal details of the three cycles of nature. In
the 11th century B.C.E., King Solomon of Israel wrote... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This paper is an eco tour into the concepts of vital cycles of nature in the Bible, focusing on green
issues, as the Bible yields a lot to this eco critical analysis and provides practical solutions
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Romanian Village History
In this video, I learned that Romania is the most unspoiled region in Europe. In Transylvania:
Cluj Napoca there is a wave of painters and plenty of art, botanical gardens, a huge collection of
plant ancient wooden villages, skills and techniques/ for working with wood are preserved and
nurtured. They enable a continuation of architecture. In Maramures: Sapanta, the wild existence is
tough, they were backed hot summers and Siberian winters. They have an upbeat attitude to life
and sensation. Sapanta has a happy cemetery that s more of a tribute to the people who lived there
rather than just a graveyard. The cemetery is not about death it s about a celebration of life, people
s stories. They also have religious festivals, celebrations... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They have tried to find space to combine the new with the old. They want to transform the area into
a place of cultural events, to bring the young and teach them Romanian traditional crafts. In this
video, they talk about tradition and teaching it to the younger generation. They want them to keep
the traditions, there is a singer that is trying to make her music to were the younger generation will
want to listen to it.
To get to the MaramureИ™, national park you head up to the mountains on a train, it is a great
way to experience nature without having to walk and use a compass. Bucovina Patrouti, Probota,
Dragomirna, Sucevita, and Moldovita. In these places they are very religious, that is why you
will see plenty of churches. They have beautiful art on the outside of the buildings, this art is from
the bible. It is put outside of the churches so that the ones not going to the church can still learn
and enjoy the bible. One of the guys from the church says that their churches were built like
heaven gates. The churches were built for everyone, not just the people who go every Sunday.
They paint the inside and outside to show and teach people how to connect with God and how to
talk with him. The older the churches get the more the paintings fade away. They have the artist
come in and refresh the paintings so that they look brand new.
Vanatori national park, the Moldivian landscape is being at least partially
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  • 10. Human Development 1. What are the three basic dimensions of human development according to the United Nations, and what is one example of a statistic that offers insight into each of these three dimensions? A: The three basic dimensions of human development according to the United Nations are knowledge, a decent standard of living, and a long and healthy life. One example of a statistic that offers insight into each of these three dimensions is per capita GDP. Other statistics that offer insight into each of these three dimensions are school enrollment rates, literacy rates, and life expectancy at birth. 2. Which of the UN Millennium Declaration s eight development goals focus directly on improving the lives of females? A: The third and fifth of the UN Millennium Declaration s eight development goals focus directly on improving the lives of females. The third of the UN... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... What is trafficking and how is it different from slavery? A: Trafficking happens when children and adults fleeing poverty or searching for better prospects are deceived, bullied, and manipulated into working in conditions that they do not want and that they do not choose. Trafficking is different from slavery because the family does not sell their child. Instead, the parents send the child away with a recruiter with hopes that the recruiter will send money and their child will earn money to send back home. 4. What is the most common job for girls who are trafficked? A: The most common jobs for girls who are trafficked are domestic servants or street vendors. 5. Which two institutions have been largely responsible for lending money to developing countries in the era after decolonization? A: The World Bank (bank) and the International Monetary Fund (financial institution) have been largely responsible for lending money to developing countries in the era after decolonization. 6. What demands must typically be met in order for a developing country to secure a structural adjustment ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Was Hershey A Success Or A Failure Almost every kid in this country has at one time or another eaten a Hershey chocolate bar. Hershey chocolate has become famous around the world. It s crazy to know that the Hershey chocolate factory is more than one hundred years old. Hershey was definitely one who started off with very little and built his stature with many failures but also achievements. All this with an education up to the fourth grade. The start to the journey of his Hersheycompany all started when he sold his Lancastercaramel company for one million dollars (The Great Idea Finder). Since Hershey and his wife were not able to have kids, he was involved with other children s education resulting in his funding and starting his own school, hotel, and even his own visionary community ( Bio.). Milton Hershey Is the father when it comes to chocolate, he revolutionized the American view on the classic chocolate bar and created... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the United States Army needed a food product that would serve as a survival ration for soldiers in combat situations. They turned to the Hershey Chocolate Corporation. They needed a ration bar that sustains the tropical heats of the war. Hershey came up with D day ration bars and gave them to the soldiers. Unlike Hershey s confectionery products where warm chocolate pours easily into molds, the non confectionery chocolate paste for the Field Ration D bar, as it was formally known, was much thicker and did not flow at any temperature (Hershey Community Archives). Hershey showed appreciation to the American troops with this gesture. He is basically part of history. Milton Hershey will forever be remembered as the father of chocolate, He changed the game of the chocolate bar, his company and is now part of history due to WWI and much more because of his milestones. A kiss a day which is the slogan for the chocolate kiss will always be a mystery why it s named like that because Milton Hershey took its meaning to his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Unconditional Love All parents have a different opinion on how to raise children depending on their personalities. They have different views on what is believed right or wrong. These views can shape the qualities they have whether they are good or bad. My parents love me and care for me a lot, which causes one of their best and worst qualities. Event: My parents having unconditional love for me cause them to feel the need to always look out for me. They still believe that I am a little girl and I probably will always be one in their eyes. This love, however, always causes them to try to control my life in order to keep me safe. I believe that this is one of the worst qualities that they have because they do not let me make my own decisions on what is right and what is wrong. They are way too overprotective about certain aspects in my life, such as dating and going out. The love that they have for me also leads to their best quality of caring for me unconditionally. Whenever I m feeling sick or down my parents are always there for me to make me feel better. Exploration: I believe that since my parents are so strict, my relationship with them has slowly drifted apart. I am not so close to them anymore because the problems I have now as an 18 year old, I am not able to share it with them. They do care about me a lot, but they are not open to accepting my life decisions and look down upon them, which makes me feel as if I cannot go to them when I need help for certain things. This type of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. How Have Tattoos Changed Over Time Tattoos have been around since 450 BC, it was used to mark the criminals and those fallen from social grace. But since then or since the Europeans discovered the New World and the tattooed tribes, its concepts has changed many times. You could classify the different changes in six eras in the tattoo history; the colonist or pioneer Era, the circus or carnival Era, the working class era, the rebel era, the new age era and presently the supermarket era. The colonist or pioneer era was between the 1760s and 1870s is when the Europeans discovered tattoos amongst Native American tribes such as Hawaiians and Borneans whose tattoos had spiritual meaning, it was a way to protect themselves from physical harm and snakebite. But after their introduction with the Europeans... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It was only a century later Maori men and women began to tattoo their faces again. In 1880s to the 1920s was known as the circus or carnival era, men and woman who were heavily tattooed, mostly tribes or Native Americans were put on display to be admired. Though heavily tattooed European wanted to join the circus to earn money but, they were refused because they were of European decent. So they made up a story that they were kidnapped by Native Americans and were forcibly tattooed, though most of their tattoos were American symbols, people still admired them because they signified brutality and escape. During this time a new machine was invented by Samuel O Reilly in 1891, to make tattoos more easily to apply and less painful. In 1920 to 1950s it is the working class era, due the circus tattoos have started to become popular, it led to the start of tattoo parlours which were hidden in dark alleys and behind pool halls, so they were characterized by poverty and crime. Tattooists made improvement to O Reilly machine by constructing a more durable and precise ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Taking a Look at California State University Long Beach Since 1949 California State University Long Beach has been educating and attracting students to its institution. This wonderful campus is located on 1250 Bellflower Blvd, Long Beach, CA 90840. The mission of this institution is an engage public university that is committed to give education opportunities for graduates as well as undergraduates. This college is a learning environment that prepares students to take another step for their educating needs. CaliforniaState UniversityLong Beach ranks #1 in the nation for most graduates that receive degrees in doctoring, science, and engineering. The founder of CSULB is DR. P. Victor Peterson which served for 10 years between 1949 through 1959 before he died. This university was found in the year of 1949.California State Universityhas some specific requirements for those wishing to attend. Some of the obligations to attend CSULB are graduating from high school, must have eligibility index, and must complete all courses in the comprehensive pattern with the grade average of a c or better. Therefore to be accounted as an admission attending, SAT must be taken. Honors courses in subjects that approved taken in the last years of high school that will receive additional points in your grades. An important issue to consider before attending the college California State University Long Beach. There are four different financial aids that are available. Scholarships, grants, employment and loans are offered to help students ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Clinic Manual When did you read the clinic manual for the first time? How often have you re read one or more sections? I read the clinic manual for the first time when it was handed out the first day of clinic classes. I have re read various clinic manual sections about five to ten times throughout the semester. I referenced the manual when looking up the proper guidelines for work product guidelines. Have you entered all of your time in CLIO by the Monday deadline every week? If not, why not? (e.g., were you unaware of the deadline? See Clinic Manual, Standard Operating Procedures. I have not entered all of my time in CLIO by the Monday deadline every week. I am and have been aware of the deadline. Time management has been and still is a on going ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is opposed to becoming too narrowly focused on a potential legal issues. Further, the opportunity to sit in on PAA board meetings for the purpose of documenting minutes has allowed me to better document the important facts from case law and summarizing issues. Have your written communication skills improved? What has been your best piece of written work so far this semester? Yes. My best pieces of work will be shown through my PAA Board Minutes submissions and PAA Conflict of Interest Policy. Have you developed your problem solving abilities this semester? What can you do to improve this critical legal skill in the remainder of the semester? Yes. I could improve my critical legal skills set further by continuing the birds eye approach of research. This allows me to look at a wider array of potential legal issues opposed to becoming to narrow minded on my preconceived notions. Do you anticipate having any difficulty meeting your time commitment to the clinic? No I don t. Because the PAA workload requires many hours, I don t see myself missing my logged hours requirements. On average, how much time have you spent in week on clinic or client work? Have you ever felt like you wanted more clinic work but it was not available? If so, have you sought additional ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. What Led to the 1929 Market Crash The stock market will always be remembered, it was just so traumatizing to Americans and history of America, especially the bankers it was just very wretched. More into point, it led to something big and depressing that left an impact. 1928 things started getting unequal the rich were getting richer and the poor were getting less poor, with an imbalance of 0.1 percent of society earning the same total income as 42 percent this was bad news to everyone. The ones suffering before all this was into action were the farmers during 1920s were the farmers since they were still hung up about what happened 1920 21 when the government had cut the prices but left costs high. But the prices didn t stop rising, the stock market prices kept rising and rising while rapidly expanding, the expansion kept going until finally reaching peak in 1929, productions started being declined. Black friday originally started in 1869 when the gold speculators Jay Gould and James fist attempted to corner the gold market but they failed and caused the gold market to collapse causing the stock market to crash, black friday helps the markets when productions start being declined and to this day is an American tradition after thanksgiving. Some didn t learn from this stock market crash and let another crash occur October 19, 1987 in San Francisco though it didn t have the same aftermath of the crash of 1929 it did begin a new era of volatility. The Americans that were affected by the crash of 1929 called ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Coffee and Crisis Management Team Starbucks Coffee Company Crisis Case Part I Dr. Phillip G. Clampitt Cases in Media Management August 1, 2009 Crisis Management Team: PuRr Luscious Ladies Debra Dobson Diane LeVeque Joyce Jentges Karen Sobiesczyk Proposed Crisis Management Plan 2 Table of Contents Part I Purpose of Crisis Plan.........................................................................................4 Overview of Starbucks. ........................................................................................5 Acknowledgement Forms ......................................................................................10 Crisis Rehearsal Dates ........................................................................................11 Crisis Risk Assessment........................................................................................13 Overview Crisis Vulnerabilities Potential Crisis Impact Chart Incident Report Forms.......................................................................................19 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Starbucks is rekindling America s love affair with coffee, bringing romance and fresh flavor back to the brew. The Starbucks Product With an eye for convenience and a passion for quality, Starbucks Coffee Company has earned the reputation for providing only the highest quality Arabica beans, roasted by expert roasters into an exquisitely blended balance of flavor at convenient drive thru or off highway stores, or in highly frequented establishments such as travel plazas, colleges, or airports. Starbucks also recognizes the desire for a relaxing atmosphere, and Starbucks Entertainment of fine music, books, and film are available for pleasure or purchase at stores, online, and iTunes. The Starbucks brand has grown beyond coffees, offering rich blends of Tazo teas, Ethos water, and cool blended beverages as well as delicious bakery, treats, and Starbucks merchandise that includes espresso machines, brewers, and other coffee or tea related items. Expanding even beyond the beverage market, Starbucks also premiered FrappuccinoВ® and FrappuccinoВ® Light blended coffees, as well as FrappuccinoВ® juice blends. In 1996, an agreement with Pepsi Cola North America brought these specialized espresso blends to grocery shelves; in 1995, with Dreyer s Grand Ice Cream, a super premium line of coffee ice creams seven flavors like Java Chip and Coffee Almond Fudge ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Thug Life Mendelian Genetics in Drosophila Melanogaster: Fruit Fly Inheritance Results Total count for section amp; course data: Cross| Phenotype| Section 6 Total| Course Total| ap/ap x +/+| wt| 211| 2604| | Apterous| 58| 824| | | | | | | | | X(w)X(w) x X(+)Y| wt females| 15| 707| | white females| 9| 597| | wt males| 13| 633| | White males| 13| 614| Totals| 760| 11,754| Table 1: Total counts for section and course data. Four crosses were experimented to determine F2 generation pooled data: a monohybrid cross, two dihybrid crosses, and a sex linked cross. X2 calculations for section data: ap/ap x +/+| Phenotype| Observed| Expected| (O E)| (O E)2| (O E)2/E| wt| ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... X(w)X(w) x X(+)Y| Phenotype| Observed| Expected| (O E)| (O E)2| (O E)2/E| wt females| 707| 638| 69| 4,761| 7.46| White females| 597| 638| 41| 1,681| 2.63| wt males| 633| 638| 5| 25| 0.04| White males| 614| 637| 23| 529| 0.83| Totals:| 2,551| 2,551| | 10.96| Table 9: Course total results and X2 calculations for the sex linked F2 X(w)X(w) x X(+)Y cross. The expected phenotypic frequency was 1:1:1:1 and the observed phenotypic frequency was also approximately 1:1:1:1. The calculated X2 value was 10.96. The total counts of all four crosses for both the section totals and course totals were recorded in Table 1. The phenotypic ratios and X2 vales, and 614 white males (Table 9). Expected values were calculated by multiplying the totals by 1/4 (0.25) for each phenotype. The X2 values for the section and course results were 1.50 and 10.96, respectively. Discussion The X2 value for each cross was calculated to determine that the observed and expected ratios according to Mendelian inheritance were close in agreement (Garey et. al 2013). In order to determine if the observed deviations for each cross were within the limits expected by chance,10% and 25% of similar trials. The monohybrid autosomal ap/ap x +/+ cross results were the most similar in comparison of results and probability of all the crosses. The chi square results were extremely similar as expected and both accept the hypothesis that deviations ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Anne Sexton Again And Again Anne Sexton Author Anne Sexton who is considered who is considered one of the great America authors wrote during the contemporary period. Particularly, his/her work titled Again and Again and Again written in 1928 we can see evidence of the characteristics, themes and style identified with the contemporary movement which was extant in America letters between 1945 and 1975. As a representative of suck a movement, Anne sexton then remains one the most identifiable and iconic writers of his/ her time. Anne sexton was born on November 9, 1928, in Newton, Massachusetts. Suffering from depression, she published her first book of poetry, to bedlam and part way back in 1960. In 1967, she won the Pulitzer price and the Shelley memorial prize for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Grandpa Hardy Biography I was born December 27th, 1997, son of Steve Metzler and Tiffany Detty Metzler. My father s line of work a supervisor at Merilatt in Jackson, Ohio. My mother was an educational aid at the Buckeye Hills Career Center. I was raised on a dairy farm where my grandpa Metzler would wake up every day at the crack of dawn to milk the cows and I was always right there with him, I looked up to my grandpa Metzler. But my grandpa Detty was a former Oak Hill Football coach and English teacher for 35 years and there is where most of my inspiration came. From the age of six I played tackle football and loved every second of it. I played all the way up from pee wee to junior high to now high school, which I am currently captain of the football team. My Grandpa was a huge Ohio State Football fan, we went to multiple football games over the years those are times with my grandpa that I will cherish forever. My inspiration of football has always come from my grandpa Detty, growing up I was always told that my grandpa was a great football player and coach, which... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... My career choice will be an intervention specialist with mild educational or behavioral handicapped children. In my life I have always loved to help people who are in need that sometimes cannot help themselves in a time of need. On December 24th, 2013 the man who had molded me into what I am, passed away from a very long on and off battle with cancer. I was devastated when he had pasted. This amazing man showed me to the game I fell in love with. Him passing away has given me motivation to play a better and harder so that people could maybe remember me like they did him. While I was at his viewing I had heard so many people tell me what a great man, coach, and teacher, he was this gave me more motivation to become a teacher and hopefully become half the man he was ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. July Crisis Dbq The First World War began in Europe, but by the end of it, the United States had joined. Once involved, President Woodrow Wilson had a huge effect on drawing new country lines. His decision was influenced by how the war began, as a cry to have states independent from an empire, based on ethnicities to avoid alliances similar to what started this war. This global and total war was the first of its kind, which began in Europefrom the assassination of Austria Hungary s heir to the throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife by Gavrillo Princip in Sarajevo. This local conflict quickly grew out of control due to alliances across European countries and aggressive rulers and developed into what is now known as the July Crisis . In the four years that this war was ongoing, the United States only participated in the last two and made a major and lasting impact on Europe. The United States, led by President Woodrow Wilson, would be one of the main four countries at the Paris Peace Conference after the war in order to decide on how to change the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In his Fourteen Points speech, he said, A general association of nations must be formed under specific covenants for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike. He believed states should work together and not let differences divide them so as to avoid another large scale war like this one was. Leaders and delegates from all over the world met at this conference to discuss rules and regulations for how the League would operate, with meetings lasting for months, arguing over clauses and what should the League of Nations should be allowed to do or take control of. After four months of discussions and negotiations, the League of Nations adopted their covenant , as Wilson called it, and would rule as an assembly of countries to meet ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Physician Query Process Physician queries need to be initiated in writing using a standard form that represents the type of clinical information being requested. According to Becker s Healthcare (2011), the documentation of queries needs to follow a standard format that includes all the relevant information. In this case, the somewhere hospitalphysicianquery was not completed following the required standards. The format, the grammar the design and the process described were not in line with the standards of a physician query. Appropriate format of the policy Legal health record Physician query process Maintenance of the completed query Somewhere hospital requires that documentation in the medical record be consistent and adequate to substantiate claims, facilitate care, and provide legal protection to the doctor, patient, and the medical center. In addition to these, the physicians can be queried to clarify the diagnosis, verify visual relationships between diagnosis and/or symptoms, and validate conditions present on admission. Queries may be posed during hospitalization and after discharge. The evaluation shows that the somewhere hospital physician query is not in line with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The design of the query needs to include vital elements such as the name of the patient, the date of admission, the date of initiation of the query, account number, contact, and the name of the query initiator, medical record number, and the statement of the issue. In this case, the query contained most of the information that should be included in the design. However, in some situations, information such as the date query initiated was not included. Besides, the issues of contact information of the query initiator as not included which needs to be addressed. Most importantly, the query should not be designed so that the only thing needed is a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Evolution of the Giraffe Neck Essay The Evolution of the Giraffe Neck Throughout time, one theory has remained constant in terms of why giraffes developed longer necks. The idea, which was presented by Charles Darwin states quite simply that giraffes selected for longer necks in order to reach the food that was higher off the ground during the dry season. No one has ever challenged that idea until 1996. Initially, Gould argued that the story the giraffe evolved its long neck in competition to reach scare foliage is supported by no evidence (18). That s when two scientists, Robert Simmons and Lou Scheepers made the claim that necks evolved for a very different reason: sexual selection. Within this paper, information will be presented that argues both for and against ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If food was scarce, it makes sense that the giraffes would evolve to keep their species alive. In order for this theory to remain true, there should be length increases in limbs in the same proportion as to the increases in their heads and necks. On the other hand, the proposed theory deals with the notion that the length of the giraffe neck increased because the neck is used as a weapon during intrasexual combat (Simmons 773). The basic idea of this is that during competition two males stand next to each other and exchange hits by using their necks. The top or back of the skull is actually used to knock the competitor to the ground. It is likely that with a larger neck and head, the giraffe is more destructive. It is also assumed that larger and longer necks would be selected for. The process of necking is unique to giraffes and only male giraffes have ever been viewed doing this. Therefore, it is likely that this action is related to sexual selection. Necking has been observed to be very effective for giraffes to obtain their mates. Often the males are knocked unconscious or even killed during the fighting. The violent nature of these fights is unbelievable. Even when an opponent may be knocked to the ground, that does not stop the fight. They may still be kicked or stepped which can eventually lead to death. Sexual selection is a special form of natural selection that is responsible for the evolution of traits that promote ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Kindle Fire Hdx Essay Kindle Fire HDX tech support What is the Kindle Fire HDX? The Fire HDX, formerly named Kindle Fire HDX, is the high end model in Amazon sKindle Fire line of tablet computers. It was announce on September 25, 2013 and is available in two models, 7 inch and 8.9 inch. The Fire HDX is the new version of the formerly Kindle Fire HDXmodel .It is the high end model in Amazon s Kindle Fire line of tablet computers. It was a big day in the world of technology when on 25th September 2013 when the declaration of the new models were made. the two models of tablet computers of 7 inch and 8.9 inch were launched one by one .. The 7 inch model (WiFi ) was released on 18th October, 2013 and the 8.9 inch WiFi model was released on November 7, 2013 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The configuration of the tablets are capable enough to send content in the form of video through a mechanism similar to a Wireless Display HDMI adapterthat is using a Second Screen wirelessly, but is incapable to send vedio content through HDMI cable as was send by its predecessor, named the Kindle Fire HD. The 2014 refresh uses Fire OS 4 Sangria , which features profiles so each user on the tablet can have their own settings and apps. Mayday feature One of the reputed journal of PC Magazine statetd that after the Pressing of the Mayday button, and a live operator from Amazon appears in a video chat window on your screen to answer all of your Kindle Fire questions within 15 seconds.. He or she is there to instruct you what apps you should download. In his review one of the software engineer of the Kindle Fire HDX 7 called the Mayday remote video as revolutionary and one of the most amazing feature of Amazon. Reception[edit] PC Magazine grants 4 out of 5 to the Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 7 Wi Fi edition and rated it Excellent .They pointed out to the Fast processor ,Sharp screen, etremely easy to use features with having Amazing live tech support.Not only that the screen has color accurateness with high pixel density at 339 PPI. The Fire HDX ahs the machnism to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. The Christian Influence on The Middle Ages Essay In 312 CE, Roman Emperor Constantine achieved a victory at the Milvian Bridge. The night previous to this battle, Constantine dreamt of a cross inscribed in hoc signo vinces, in this sign you will conquer. As trivial as this dream may seem, it ultimately signified the beginning of the rise of Christianity. With his victory, Emperor Constantine converted to Christianityand supported and encouraged it throughout the empire. In 313 CE, another milestone occurred as the emperors, both Constantine Iof the West and Licinius of the East, signed the Edict of Milan declaring that the Diocletianic Persecution would end, and Christianity would be tolerated in the Roman Empire. This religion began to flourish as people quickly converted from pagan... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the most important contributors of this time was Saint Benedict of Nursia. To guide Christians pursuing such a life, St. Benedict wrote Regula Benedicti, The Rule of Saint Benedict. This book was composed of precepts for monks to follow as they lived in communal monasteries under an abbot. Ideally, poverty, chastity, and obedience were the most sought after traits that one should follow. Saint Benedict instructed monks to participate daily in written prayers, devotionals, manual labor, and commanded a pledge of poverty, chastity, and obedience (Benedict). Because these rules are not just spiritually beneficial, secular impacts were gained from the monasteries way of life. Monks became a hero of the people of the medieval times in countless ways. These monks were examples to all of a righteous way of living. When monks devoted their lives to God, others saw the devotion exemplified in daily life. The humility the monks strived for implicated a humble heart , serious and humble speech , doing nothing except what is commended by his superiors , and being content with the worst of everything (Benedict). This lifestyle could infinitely increase the quality of life for any person as it provided an example for people to become helpful, moral citizens, regardless of religious affiliation. As Christianity and monasteries became more popular amongst people, monks traveled to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Synopsis Of A Double Bottomed Murder A Double Bottomed Murder Synopsis William Templeton, a famous hairstylist, is killed in his own studio located in one of the Florida s resort towns. His son, Adam Templeton finds the body; only an accidental alibi saves the young man from being holding in killing. William slept with most of his female clients, representatives of the high society. The local sheriffdecides to allow the case to fade away as potential suspects have too high status. Adam wants to find the murderer; the man travels through the country as most of women returned to their main residents during the local investigation Adam meets with father s permanent lovers and finds out new information about William s personality. At a certain point he starts to suspect Molly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Policemen arrest the woman, and she commits a suicide in the custody; she lefts a strange message that mentions a videotape. Adam finds the film, when he cleans father s apartments. The tape was brought to the man s house by one of his lovers; both police and Adam could not identify her. The video was addressed to Molly. William indicts her for infecting him with HIV. The man decides to revenge: he kills himself in a way to set Molly up. Adam is caught in a dilemma: to say the truth or to save remnants of father s good name and save the reputation of a strange woman. Script Outline Opening Closing Images William Templeton s kind face in close up is the first image the auditory sees. The first impression creates a sharp contrast with the following frames, as viewers understand they see a face of the dead man with a hairstylist s tail comb in his sinciput. The closing image is Adam s shocking face in close up. Men s affinity connects all episodes of the plot: the son experiences consequences of father s life. Inciting Incident Father s murder became the inciting incident in Adam s life. The man turned to a private investigator from a careless clubber. Adam uncowered unpleasant facts of father s biography. First Act ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Evaluation Of My Course Project Course Project: MariaLacey Miller DeVry University Online Introduction For my course project I have selected scenario two. This scenario is about an employee named Maria, a person of Latino ancestry. She is a second generation, native born American citizen with a graduate degree and ten years of experience with her current employer. Maria has filed a complaint against her company because she believes she was unfairly eliminated as a candidate for a promotion because of her distinctive accent. Maria states that her supervisor informed her that she was not being promoted because he feared that their clients would have trouble understanding her accent. She claims that she is highly qualified for the promotion because of the years she has worked for the company and her educational background. However, the promotion was given to Alex, an Angelo, who has had less time with the company but has better job evaluations. Maria also claims that the reason for her low job evaluation is because of a built in bias on part of her White male supervisors because she is the only woman and the only person of color in the department. Maria alleges that the company is engaging in discriminatory practices, however, the company states that Maria has had disciplinary action against her regarding attendance, she is loud and aggressive with co workers and that the ability to clear communication was an imperative element of the position. My objective is to evaluate this case ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Assisted Suicide And The Euthanasia Movement Assisted Suicide Imagine being in enough excruciating pain for a long enough time and deciding that even dying would be better. Assisted suicide is affecting more people around the world every day; either under agreeable or disagreeable terms, depending on each person s opinion. What is assisted suicide and why is controversy over this topic still here after at least 1,500 years of existence (A Merciful End: The EuthanasiaMovement in Modern America)? There are many factors to consider when one wants to figure out the side of this global controversy they want to belong to. Some of these include financial demands, different types of assisted suicide, general suicidal rates (in areas where it is already legalized), demographic facts, and its history. Assisted suicide has produced a series of different outcomes within society: the raising of suicidal rates, arguing over the topic, and the increasing of its popularity within the world. The term assisted suicide is quite self explanatory in its definition: the suicide of a patient suffering from an incurable disease, effected by the taking of lethal drugs provided by a doctor. Assisted suicide, in the areas that have legalized it, usually has to involve a request to the physician for a medication induced death. In some places, people are able to choose to die before illness takes control. This method has existed for many years and has not always required a physician s approval. The history of assisted suicide is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Situation Of Ukraine As A Crisis In 2014 the situation in Ukraine truly became a crisis. Then president, Viktor Yanukovych s pro Russian stance made his leave of office in March 2014 quite the event. Russian troops immediately began to mass near the Ukrainian border and set up camp at key points around the Crimean peninsula. The Crimean Peninsula is a region in southern Ukraine that contains a significantly large number of ethnic Russians. On March 16, a referendum to separate Crimeafrom Ukraine and join Russiawas voted on in Crimea under the close watch of pro Russian troops. Within days Russia annexed the peninsula causing uproar in the rest of Ukraine and the world. Ukraine soon responded with military action against pro Russian rebels in the east where Crimea is... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This independence was officially ended in 1922 when the Soviet Union incorporated Ukraine. Under the control of the Soviets Ukraine was the site of several mass executions and famine s ordered and/or caused by Stalin which killed around ten million people. This led to one of the primary reasons for the conflict happening in the eastern part of the country today. Stalin sent millions of Russians to the resource abundant east Ukraine. Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Steven Pifer said that this cultural divide between the two parts of the country explains why the sense of Ukrainian nationalism is not as deep in the east as it is in the west, (Bates). Even when the Nazis invaded the country many citizens were happy to be liberated from the Soviets. Unfortunately the country became one of the bloodiest countries of the war having one sixth (5.3 million people) of its entire population killed. After the war Stalin once again executed more Ukrainians on the grounds that they cooperated with the Nazis. Ukraine finally became fully independent in 1991 when over 90% of Ukrainians opted to declare independence from the collapsing Soviet Union. Despite the country s formal independence the new Russian state continued to involve itself with Ukraine. Ukraine s 2004 presidential election was fraught with fraud as the Kremlin supported Viktor Yanukovych who was pro Russian. This fraud led to what was known as the Orange Revolution which kept power away from Yanukovych until 2010 when ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Metaphors In Maus Art is an outlet through which one is capable of conveying their thoughts, emotions and stories. After the Holocaust in particular, people were able to view the world through the viewpoint of these artists. With the ability to see the victim s emotions portrayed visually, one can begin to comprehend them from a personal perspective and understand the sentiments of sorrow. Spiegelman s Maus is an excellent representation of how art can channel emotion. Through his works we are able to uncover the truth of his father s life. Through metaphors especially, Spiegelman is able to portray the oppressive power versus the oppressed. On page 51, panel eight we are especially able to see the metaphor in it s full form, with Vladek depicted as an innocent ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Economic Economy Of Australia Every year, the statistical organization of each country will count the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country, and calculate the growth rate compared with other countries. In general, GDP growth has become an important manifestation of the country s comprehensive national strength. In economics, GDP is an important index of a country s economic health. It is important because each component of GDP will represent in daily life. In Australia, GDP growth dependent on its service sector, manufacturing and agriculture, in which the service sector accounted for the highest proportion of total GDP. Moreover, Australia is a country which has rich resources, and this become another economic growth point that different from other countries.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For different purpose, the different GDP frames will be used. Real GDP is the value of final goods and services produced in a given year when valued at the prices of a reference base year; Nominal GDP is the value of final goods and services produced in a given year when valued at the prices of that year. The maximum level of real GDP that can be produced while avoiding shortages of labour, capital, land and entrepreneurial ability that would bring rising inflation is called potential GDP (McTaggart, Findlay Parkin, 2012). In this essay, GDP stands for real GDP, and real GDP can be calculated by either the expenditure approach or the income approach. In this essay, the expenditure approach will be used. Aggregate expenditure describes the relationship between total consumption and national income. It can be calculated with a formula: AE = C + I + G + NX. In this formula, the C stands for household consumption, the I stands for investment expenditure, the G stands for government expenditure and the NX stands for net export expenditure. The change of these components will eventually affect real GPD. The expenditure approach is important because it can tell the government of consumers demand so that the government can better allocate resources. It can also convey the economic situation signals to the central bank to help them to carry out macroeconomic regulation and control. The figure 1 below shows the aggregate expenditure ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Essay about Human Sex Trafficking Human Sex Trafficking Human sex trafficking is an illegal form of modern day slavery that has turned into a lucrative business throughout our nation. Sex is very big business and there is a tremendous amount of money that can be made. There are people that will use any means necessary to be a part of this industry. Young women and children are used as a commodity, offered a better life and then sold like property to increase the wallets of these criminals. I am against this kind of inhumane treatment and know that as a nation we can do more to abolish this so called business forever. I believe this possible with more laws, stronger penalties for breaking those laws, and awareness that this is a very big and rapidly growing problem... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He took her to get something to eat and then to the guesthouse he was renting. He made her shower, which was the first time she had ever showered in a bathroom and was very freaked out by that. He then proceeded to have sex with her and drove her back to the brothel. When they got back he gave her extra money for herself. She began to see him more and more and every time he would give her extra money for her to do what she wanted with it. She would go shopping and buy clothing that didn t say whore. They were just normal clothes, jeans and t shirts. After a while she stayed with him at night and went back to aunty nop during the day. That soon came to an end and she was given a key to his place and she never went back to auntie s house. Then the day came that Dietrich s contract was up, it was time for him to go back home to Switzerland. He offered to take Somaly with him but she refused. Before he left he asked one of his friends Guillaume to look after her. He let her stay with him in his villa. Guillaume knew a lot of people and had a lot of parties. He also got her work cleaning houses for his friends. At one of the parties is where she met Pierre. Pierre was a lab tech for a humanitarian agency from France, in Cambodia called Medicins Sans Fronieres. Somaly and Pierre became very close and he gave her an opportunity to volunteer at the clinic. She spoke the right language for the patients. She began working every ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Pros And Cons Of Community Probation And Community... Community corrections are programs which oversea offenders outside of jail or prison. Community corrections include probation and parole. Probation is supervision within the community instead of jail or prison. Parole is a dated time where parolees are supervised upon release from prison. Some offenders are not dangerous to society. Their crimes do not warrant incarceration. The crimes are petty offences and will not be placed in a general population in prison. If they are placed in a prison they might be subject to gang raped, bullying, which will cost them to retaliate and possibly lock them into a life of crime. Community correctionsis cost effective. It is best to keep them in the community and have them supervise by trained court officers... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Brown wasn t taken into custody after his probation was revoked even though the probation department recommended jail time. The judge scheduled a court date to check on his progress. TMZ reports the judge scheduled a March 20th court date to check in on Brown s progress. At Friday s hearing, Mr. Brown s probation officer stated a positive review that he had completed his community service sentence. The judge had the option of prolonging his probation, however, he ruled the singer would no longer be under the eye of the judicial system. Though Chris Brown still have issues, probation has definitely helped him to turn his life around and to think in a positive manner. He has a long way to go, but it is a working progress. Now he is more into his music, and focused on staying out of trouble. In my opinion, instead of throwing offenders in jail for crimes probation is a great remedy which has impacted many individuals for being incarcerated. I think probation should be an option for minor crimes and should be more enforced often. I think community correction is great program that should be implemented and required in all states, thus allowing minor offender the opportunity to be reformed on the outside. I specifically implored community conviction especially as related to juvenile. Often time juveniles are at the wrong place at the wrong time unjustly prosecuted due to lack of family support and money. This service will greatly impact juveniles in a poor community, and does ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Rooney Pickney Arledge This quote was said by television broadcasting executive Roone Pickney Arledge, a person whom Life Magazine declared One of the 100 most important Americans of the 20th Century and is considered by many to be the father of modern televised sports (Boss). This quote by Arledge is an example of his talent and know how for developing new ideas that not only provide a quality viewing experience, but also appeal to a mass audience. His ideas were revolutionary, and changed the way sports were watched and the entire televisionindustry forever. I initially chose to write my paper on Roone Arledge because I have been an avid watcher of televised sports for a long time, but I had never heard of Arledge until reading the article The Impact of Roone Arledge on Televised Sports by Randy Roberts and James Olsen in our required reading. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this article because I had previously never contemplated how differently sports were televised in the past, why sports broadcastingis the way it is today, and who was largely responsible for this dramatic change. Roone Arledge was born in Queens, New York City on July 8th, 1931 and grew up in the suburbs of Long Island where he excelled in both academics and sports. This led him to eventually enroll at the prestigious Colombia University, where he had aspirations of becoming a professional writer while working as editor for the student newspaper (Marc). His interest in journalism and television production prompted him ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Axea MODULE 2, MINI REPORT 2 November 1, 2012GWL Roofing Limited Overview GWL Roofing Limited (GWL) manufactures roofing materials, and installs and services roofs for industrial, commercial, and investment (ICI) properties. GWL s head office and sole manufacturing facility are located in eastern Quebec. In addition, GWL has distribution facilities located across eastern Canada and the northeastern United States. The U.S. location houses the administrative functions of GWL s wholly owned U.S. subsidiary, GWL Roofing U.S. Limited (GWL US). Gaston Laroche, who was a roofer by trade, founded GWL in 1963. Gaston s business philosophy was to offer his customers superior products at premium prices. Under Gaston s leadership, GWL grew ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In addition, GWL claims that its products are specifically designed to meet the demands of the harsh winters experienced in Canada and in the northern United States. As a result, GWL s products tend to be more expensive to manufacture than those produced by its competitors. GWL s roofs are guaranteed against defects in materials for a period of 15 years by its warranty program. GWL markets itself as a provider of roof management solutions. The cost of a roof over its useful life of about 20 years can be quite substantial for ICI properties. Maintaining a high quality roof is essential to the value of the property, as well as to the continuity of the operations housed by the property. However, most maintenance managers employed to manage ICI properties by property managers, manufacturers, and other organizations are generalists, and typically don t have extensive knowledge of roofing problems and proper roofing maintenance procedures. GWL not only sells the physical roof itself, but also offers its customers worry free roofing solutions. In order to meet the growing demand for expertise in roof maintenance, in 1998, GWL began offering its customers a Roof Management Program with respect to the roofs that it installs. According to this program, the customer enters into a long term maintenance and servicing contract with GWL. The customer makes an annual maintenance payment, and GWL takes care of all matters pertaining to the customer s roof. The annual ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Essay on The Beginning of the N.F.L. The Beginning of the N.F.L. The year was 1920 and pro football was in a state of confusion. The three main problems that led to all the confusion were, salaries rising, players jumping from team to team and the use of players still enrolled in college. So, on August 20, 1920, a group of men representing the four current pro teams met. When the day was done the American Professional Football Conference was born. The A.P.F.C. was formed to make one governingbody over pro football. Then, on September 17, 1920, a second organizational meeting was held. At the second meeting the following teams attended: the Akron Pros; Canton Bulldogs; Cleveland Ohio Indians; Dayton Ohio Triangles; Decatur Illinois Staleys Athletic Club; Hammond ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On September 26, the first game, which featured an APFA team was played at Rock Island s Douglas Park. A crowd of 800 watched the Independents defeat the St. Paul Ideals 48 0. A week later, October 3, the first game matching two APFA teams was held. At Triangle Park, Dayton defeated Columbus 14 0, with Lou Partlow of Dayton scoring the first touchdown in a game between Association teams. The same day, Rock Island defeated Muncie 45 0. At the league meeting in Akron, April 30, the championship of the 1920 season was awarded to the Akron Pros. The APFA was later reorganized, they realized that Jim Thorpewas a better player then president. So, they picked Joe Carr as the new president. Carr moved the Association s headquarters to Columbus, drafted a league constitution and by laws, gave teams territorial rights, restricted player movements, developed membership criteria for the franchises, and issued standings for the first time. This made it that the APFA would have a clear champion. The league was also increased to 22 teams. It was during this year that the Green Bay Packers were granted a franchise. It was during the 1921 season, that Fritz Pollard was made the first black head coach in the history of Pro Football. The Chicago Statleys who would later become the Bears were crowned the 1921 league champions. Nothing really big happened for the APFA in 1922 except for a name change, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Essay Famine Relief In response to the recent failure of the international community to prevent the famine crisis in the Horn of Africa since July 2011, Suzanne Dvorak the chief executive of Save the Children wrote that, We need to provide help now. But we cannot forget that these children are wasting away in a disaster that we could and should have prevented she added, The UN estimates that every $1 spent in prevention saves $7 in emergency spending. (Dvorak, 2011). Many people who read such statement wonder about our obligation towards faminerelief, and ask, whether we are morally obliged to spend one dollar in order to prevent such a crisis or not. Forty years ago, Peter Singer answered this question in his article Famine,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... John Arthur presented a moderate view, more in line with our current behavior, that recognizes an individual s entitlement to resources as an excuse against any moral requirement to give them away. I will briefly present these entitlements, and explain why they can t justify our refusal to help and aid in famine relief. Entitlements of Rights: We are not obligated to give away our body parts in order to save others, this is heroism and we are obliged to it .Our rights to our bodies weight against whatever duty to help. Accordingly, strangers have only negative rights which are rights against our interference and they don t have the rights to receive some benefits. (831) I am sure, most of the people, including me , agree that the first part of his argument is plausible since it s difficult to decide to give one s kidney even to our loved ones, mind you a stranger. However, this is not the case with famine relief or helping the poor people since nobody is required to take such an action. The things we have to sacrifice in order to prevent starvation and to help the poor do not jeopardize our health or our well being like donating a kidney. I don t think that anybody can argue that giving 10, 20, or even 1000 dollars a month put us in any kind of risk or can be morally significant if compared to giving away our kidney! Arthur didn t give this comparison any importance since he wanted only to prove our rights to our possessions; and he ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Essay on Analysis of The Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls Analysis of The Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls Preamble The grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of our God stands forever Isaiah 40.8 Mohammed Dib, a Bedouin shepherd of the T Amireh tribe (Keller, 1957, 401) could not have known that he would be the person who, in 1947, would bring to bear the words of Isaiah 40.8 This shepherd boy had been clambering around the clefts and gullies of a rock face on Wadi Qumran, north of the Dead Sea hoping to find one of his lost lambs. Thinking that it could have taken refuge in a cave he threw stones at the opening. He heard a jar break, became fearful and ran to fetch his fellow tribesmen. What they discovered were written scrolls of ancient papyrus, stuffed in jars and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There have been 400 manuscripts including 100 Biblical manuscripts discovered. These include every book in the Old Testament with the exception of Esther. The best known is the complete book of Isaiah. The scrolls and fragments Which come from Qumran date from 200 B.C. to A.D. 68. Those from Wadi Murabba at go up to A.D. 132 135. In the Khirbet Qumran near the cave where the first discoveries were made there has been found the ruins of a cemetery and a settlement which had been the nucleus of a Jewish community which Father de Vaux views as possibly being the wilderness retreat of the Essenes. It will take a whole generation of Biblical scholars to assess the value of these manuscripts (Harding, 1956) Introduction Indeed, some 50 years have elapsed and many Biblical scholars have assessed the manuscripts. It will not be the purposes of this paper to debate the validity of the documents nor enter into archeological debate, this paper however will in Section 1, provide further historical evidence in support of the Essenes sect dwelling at Qumran. The writer will present an outline of the monastic lifestyle of the Essenes, their closed community, their laws and beliefs. The hypothesis of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. The Physics of Riding Bulls Essay The Physics of Riding Bulls Rodeo is a sport that came about by everyday work being made into competition. Every event in rodeo has a practical purpose; all but one that is. There is no practical reason to get on a bull; only the thrills, chills, and rush of excitement. ItВЎВ¦s more than a challenge between riders. ItВЎВ¦s a challenge between man and beast. Legendary cowboy Larry Mahan had an even different way of looking at it. He said, ВЎВ§ItВЎВ¦s not a challenge with the animal but with the weakness in oneВЎВ¦s selfВЎВЁ. At any rate, itВЎВ¦s all about the challenge. The challenge is simple; stay on the bullВЎВ¦s back for eight seconds while keeping one hand fee from contact with the bull or your own body. Well it sounds simple anyways.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This exerts a force in the opposite direction the bull is going. The force is the product of the bullВЎВ¦s mass and its acceleration. With a rider on the bullВЎВ¦s back this force then becomes a combination of the bullВЎВ¦s mass plus the riderВЎВ¦s mass times the acceleration of both which is attributed only by the bull. All the rider needs to do in this case is hold on tight. There may be some air resistance, but it is too small to notice. The bull further complicates the ride by bucking (a combination of raring, kicking, and jumping). Each component of the buck is relatively simple. When a bull rares, it creates a force pushing the rider backwards. When a bull kicks, it creates a force throwing the rider forwards. When the bull jumps, it creates a force pushing the rider straight upwards. Each force is once again the product of how fast the bull changes positions (acceleration) and itВЎВ¦s mass. In each of these situations the bullВЎВ¦s mass is combined with the riderВЎВ¦s. So, if the combined mass remains the same, all the rider has to do to counter the force created by the bull is move in the opposite direction as the bull with and equal acceleration. Acceleration equals the change in velocity divided by the change in time. The velocity is the change in position divided by the change in time. Both the bull and the rider can accelerate instantaneously. Therefore the velocity is the only variable the rider needs to adjust to the counter the bullВЎВ¦s force. If the distance change ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Roanoke Colony Dbq For hundreds of years the story of The Lost Colony has been told to children for generations.Contrastly, as time trickles by we find out more information about the Lost Colony . Most people believe that Roanoke were killed by the Spanish. However, because of recent discoveries. Roanoke must have been forced to relocate because of a drought in route to Chowan River and intermarried with Native Americans because of these new revelations. During, Roanoke and Jamestown there seemed to have been a drought that became problematic to the colony (Document H). Without, water it becomes difficult to produce crops and have maintain drinking water. This left Roanoke in a bad predicament so, they had no choice but to relocate. The tree rings discovered in 1998 provides valid proof that the drought happened from 1587 1589. John White returned back to Roanoke in 1590 after leaving his daughter, Eleanor Dare, and granddaughter, Virginia Dare in North Carolina. Accordingly, to White s journal the colony was no longer present and it seemed that the house has been taken down, no sailing boats, and the words CROATOAN was engraved in the ground (Document C). Additionally, there were no signs of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Four to five generations after Roanoke John Lawson made an excerpt from a New Voyage to Carolina in 1709. This excerpt stated that some Hatters Indians who lived on Roanoke Island had Ancestors who were European. Furthermore, the Indians who made these claims had gray eyes and could comprehend English (Document D). This justifies that Croatan Native Americans and the Roanoke colony intermarried due to the generic features of their offspring. Moreover, a Kendall Family Signet Ring was in Croatoan Indian Village in Buxton, NC which most likely belonged to one of the colonist gives evidence that Roanoke did, in fact, go to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Blitzkrieg Essay Blitzkrieg The word Blitz itself is a shortened form of the German word Blitzkrieg meaning lightening war, it means a heavy bombing attack from the air. It is often used to describe the German air raids on London in 1940, but many other cities were also blitzed. It was widely believed that Britain would be heavily bombed immediately after the war was declared and huge amounts of deaths and injuries were expected with mass burials planned and 1,250,000 cardboard coffins were produced. However these figures were completely inaccurate as they were based on when the Luftwaffe had bombed during the Spanish Civil War, and during this time had virtually no opposition. During The Blitz London was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He believed that this would dampen spirits and break morale to such an extent that the people would force the government to come to terms with him. However the excuse Hitler used to justify the Blitz was that he was bombing military targets. The Blitz also attempted to destroy industry, with London docks being bombed often and the Luftwaffe also tried to hit railway lines, junctions, power stations and gas holders, but the bombing was felt worst of all by the working class near city centres. The Blitz also affected the life of children with many of them being uprooted and evacuated to the countryside, some with their mothers, some without. Around 1,500,000 people were evacuated at the start of the Blitz, which had a massive effect on people s lives and many lifestyles being completely turned around. Children from the city were often very skinny and undernourished and when they were evacuated often had much more food, and much healthier food to keep them strong. Some would go home looking completely different to how they looked when they went. Those that stayed in the cities were bothered by ARP wardens checking for air raid precautions, the wardens were often accused of interfering. Along with household precautions there were also air raid shelters, but many people didn t have them and went into tube stations during raids. The raids affected everybody s lives, as at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Reaction Paper On Ecocriticism The term ecocriticism was coined in 1978 by William Rueckert in his essay Literature and Ecology: An Experiment in Ecocriticism. Interest in the study of nature writing and reading literature with a focus on green issues grew through the 1980s, and by the early 1990s, ecocriticism had emerged as a recognizable discipline within literature departments of American universities. It is highly relevant today when man s life on earthis threatened by three major factors : Global warming; Ozone Depletion; Nuclear threat. It is important now that man focuses his attention on the marvellous creations of God, especially the three cycles Water cycle, Carbon oxygen cycle, Nitrogen cycle. In this regard, the scientific accuracy of the Bible is amazing. The Bible revealed astonishing details regarding earth s climatesystem, centuries before non Biblical writings did. The Bible books genesis, Job, Isaiah, Ecclesiastes, Amos reveal details of the three cycles of nature. In the 11th century B.C.E., King Solomon of Israel wrote... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This paper is an eco tour into the concepts of vital cycles of nature in the Bible, focusing on green issues, as the Bible yields a lot to this eco critical analysis and provides practical solutions ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Romanian Village History In this video, I learned that Romania is the most unspoiled region in Europe. In Transylvania: Cluj Napoca there is a wave of painters and plenty of art, botanical gardens, a huge collection of plant ancient wooden villages, skills and techniques/ for working with wood are preserved and nurtured. They enable a continuation of architecture. In Maramures: Sapanta, the wild existence is tough, they were backed hot summers and Siberian winters. They have an upbeat attitude to life and sensation. Sapanta has a happy cemetery that s more of a tribute to the people who lived there rather than just a graveyard. The cemetery is not about death it s about a celebration of life, people s stories. They also have religious festivals, celebrations... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They have tried to find space to combine the new with the old. They want to transform the area into a place of cultural events, to bring the young and teach them Romanian traditional crafts. In this video, they talk about tradition and teaching it to the younger generation. They want them to keep the traditions, there is a singer that is trying to make her music to were the younger generation will want to listen to it. To get to the MaramureИ™, national park you head up to the mountains on a train, it is a great way to experience nature without having to walk and use a compass. Bucovina Patrouti, Probota, Dragomirna, Sucevita, and Moldovita. In these places they are very religious, that is why you will see plenty of churches. They have beautiful art on the outside of the buildings, this art is from the bible. It is put outside of the churches so that the ones not going to the church can still learn and enjoy the bible. One of the guys from the church says that their churches were built like heaven gates. The churches were built for everyone, not just the people who go every Sunday. They paint the inside and outside to show and teach people how to connect with God and how to talk with him. The older the churches get the more the paintings fade away. They have the artist come in and refresh the paintings so that they look brand new. Vanatori national park, the Moldivian landscape is being at least partially ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...