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ASSE Update
John Newquist
• Explain what top safety people do,
• How OSHA works,
• Big issues
• Emerging issues from the workplace floor
• Where our members are?
Top Safety Results
Sales Impact of Selected Injuries
Direct Cost
Total Cost Sales
(5% profit)
Sprain $4,245 $6,792 $11,037 $220,740
Laceration $1,101 $4,955 $6,056 $121,120
$317 $1,427 $1,744 $34,880
Monthly Audits
Monthly Audits
Week Beginning
Number of Safety
Week Beginning
Safety Inspection
Monthly Training for Managers
Daily Job Briefings
Asse may 2016
Asse may 2016
• If you make it easier to use
safety, more likely it will be used
and get done.
• Cones, grease gun, lockout,
• Kevin O’Leary
• 35% of all fatalities occurred in
workers age 55 or older, with
1,691 deaths.
• This is the highest number of
fatalities ever recorded for this
group of workers.
Older workers
• The preliminary number of
workers ages 55 and older who
died on the job was "the highest
total ever reported" by the
bureau's census.
• The number jumped from 1,490
in 2013 to 1,621 in 2014, a 9
percent rise.
Region V Fatalities
• OSHA in Region 5 had 140
investigated fatalities in 2015 up
• 48 Illinois.
• 29 in Wisconsin up 50%
• 48 in Ohio
• 227 Struck by
• 185 Falls
• 166 Caught in
• 41 Electrocutions
• 32 Exposure
• 30 Other
• 20 Fire/Explosion
Region V Fall Fatalities 2010-2014
• 25 Ladders
• 19 Roofs
• 18 Same Surface
• 16 Other
• 14 Aerial Lift
• 9 Nonmoving Vehicle
Region V Most Cited Areas
• Machine Guarding
• GHS 1910.1200(e)
• GHS 1910.1200(h)
• 5(a)(1)
• Machine Guarding
OSHA In Region 5 - 2016
• 6200 inspection in 2015
• 68 Sigcases +14 egregious cases
• 47% construction
• 44% programmed
Leadership in Region V
• Ken Atha
• 20 Years Experience
• Regional
• Area Director
OSHA Leadership – Last Year
• May 2015
• “We think we're only
getting a very small
portion of the accidents
that should be reported,”
said Dr. David Michaels,
the U.S. Assistant
Secretary of Labor for
Occupational Safety and
Health who is in charge
of OSHA.
“When we investigate, we see that most employers don’t treat temporary
workers the way they treat their permanent employees — they don’t
provide them with the training that is necessary.”
• First Three Years of CSHO Training
• #1000 Initial Compliance.
• #1050 Introduction to Safety Standards for Safety
Officers (safety career path/safety specialists).
• #1250 Introduction to Health Standards for
Industrial Hygienists (health career path/industrial
• #2000 Construction Standards (construction career
path/ construction specialists).
• #1310 Investigative Interviewing Techniques
• #1410 Inspection Techniques and Legal Aspects.
• #2450 Evaluation of Safety and Health
Management Systems.
• #1230 Accident Investigation.
• #8200 Incident Command System I-200 course,
Criminal 2015
• Prosecutors said on Wednesday that the two
managers — Wilmer Cueva, of Sky Materials,
and Alfonso Prestia, of Harco Construction —
had ignored repeated warnings for months
from private inspectors that treacherous
conditions existed at the site on Ninth Avenue
• Manslaughter and other charges were being
brought against two construction managers
and the companies they worked for in the
April death of a worker at a Lower Manhattan
building site.
Neri Update February 2015
Mike Neri agreed to be permanently
enjoined from engaging in trenching,
excavation, construction or related
activities and permanently
prohibited from possessing or
leasing any construction excavation
• The judges also found that Neri,
based on a review of his tax
returns and other financial
records, was unable to pay the
$110,440 fine.
• Mike Neri was released from
Federal Prison December 24, 2014
OSHA Litigation 2015
• OSHA cited Pan Oceanic Engineering of Chicago
• $70,000 Willful cave in Protection 651(a)(1) Affirmed
• $15,400 Repeat Sidewalk under-mined 651(i)(3) Vacated
• $7,000 Competent Person 651(k) Vacated
• $13,200 Repeat traffic signs 1926.200(g) Vacated
• Trial held in Spring 2015.
Open Date: 07/22/2013
May 2016
— A teenager died after an
accident involving a tree
stump grinder Saturday in
Blackford County.
• Blackford County Coroner
Tod Waters said 18-year-old
Cody Bronnenberg of
Yorktown was working with
his uncle at a home on
County Road 200 North east
of State Road 3.
May 2016• Pillsbury Mills plant in Springfield
• Joseph Chernis IV, a federal
indictment for improper asbestos
removal and for making false
• The penalty on each count is up to
five years in prison followed by
three years of supervised release
and a fine of up to $250,000.
• Chernis, of Sherman, is accused of
hiring an untrained individual to
illegally remove more than 1,000
feet of asbestos pipe insulation
from four buildings between
October 2014 and August 2015.
• "The asbestos debris was stuffed
into approximately 300 garbage
bags and at least two open-topped
cardboard boxes, and left inside
vacant buildings at the facility,"
according to the indictment
April 2016
• Don Blankenship, the longtime chief executive
officer of Massey Energy, was convicted on
charges that he violated federal mine safety
laws at the company’s Upper Big Branch Mine
prior to an April 2010 explosion that killed 29
• One year in prison + $250,000
• This is the maximum sentence allowed under
the law.
Jan 2016
• Cincinnati OH
• Grand jury indicts two managers
• Zachary Henzerling was working at
Environmental Enterprises on Dec.
28, 2012, when a fire broke out as
he was treating hazardous waste.
• The Colerain Township man was
burned, and later died from his
• Another worker also was badly
burned in the incident.
Oct 2015
• OSHA moves to a new enforcement
weighting system that assigns
greater value to complex
inspections that require more time
and resources.
• Routine inspections count as one
unit, while those requiring greater
resources — such as those
involving musculoskeletal
disorders, chemical exposures,
workplace violence, and process
safety management violations —
count as up to nine units.
Oct 2015
• Since the beginning of the year,
more than 20 workers with
allegedly bogus OSHA cards have
been busted at NY city
construction sites, sources
familiar with the crackdown said.
Oct 2015
• A jury convicted Griffin Campbell
of six counts of involuntary
manslaughter, rejecting the
third-degree murder charges
sought by prosecutors who said
Campbell ignored warnings of an
imminent collapse.
2015 Problems
• Trench 5-6 feet deep.
• Spoil at edge.
• No access.
2015 Problems
• Holes not secured and covered
with steel plate and fenced off.
2015 Problems
• Rigging is used when damaged
2015 Problems
• Not keeping the 10 feet safe
clearance from powerlines
• 240 volts temp lights may not be
ok to encroach on the 10 foot.
• Weatherproofing is not
2015 Problems
• Workers have ZERO documented
training in the MUCTD so set up
cones and flags haphazardly
May 2016
Apr 2016
Nov 2015
April 2015
• Lifting a piece of pine
about 5 foot long 18
inches across
• “the load made it to the
ground ok the hook of
the biner caught the
strap and held till we
lowered it down.”
Inspections. Each day before being used, the sling and all fastenings and
attachments shall be inspected for damage or defects by a competent person
designated by the employer.
May 2014
• Providence RI
• 8 hurt in fall
• The US Occupational Safety and
Health Administration said the
rigging used put excessive weight
on a carabiner, causing the metal
loop to fail, and the acrobats, who
were hanging by their hair, to fall
15 to 20 feet
• According to OSHA, circus staff
violated both industry practice and
the manufacturer’s instructions for
using the carabiner by attaching it
so it was pulled in three directions,
rather than two.
Feb 2016
A 26-year-old tower climber is expected to be in intensive care for another
ten days after he fell from a guyed tower in Rosenberg, Tex. when his
personal fall protection equipment failed after he slipped from a brace on
a climbing face as he was descending after a day’s work on an LTE project
for AT&T.
Key Changes in Z359.1
• Section
• Gate face strength requirements
have changed from 220 lbs.
(1kN) (old Standard) to 3,600
lbs. (16kN) (new Standard).
June 2013
• Officials canceled
work on the St.
Charles County
bridge after a 55-
gallon drum being
lifted by a crane fell
on 51-year-old
Jerseyville IL man.
• He was pronounced
dead at the scene.
Drums 2015
Ladders as a Last Resort
• JLG lift pod
July 2015
• Issues?
• “Perfect balance for cowboy boots”
• Photo Justin Morrison
February 2015
• Genie
• Allows a user to exit the platform and work
comfortably around the outside of the
platform with a 6-ft lanyard. It attaches to a 6-
or 8-ft platform on all Genie telescopic and
articulating boom lifts with lift heights higher
than 40 ft., with the exception of the S-125HD
July 2015
• San Luis Obispo, CA
• The machine's blades "came around and
broke his arm and came around again and
broke his arm a little further up the next
turnaround," said San Luis Obispo Fire
Battalion Chief Neal Berryman
• Berryman said the man's head or neck would
have been hit next.
July 2015
• MIDDLEFIELD, Ohio – Shady
Knob violated the law when they
allowed a 14-year-old boy to
operate machinery, which
resulted in him losing his hand.
• “Workers under age 18 are
prohibited from operating
power-driven woodworking
machinery, such as the wood
planer used here,” said Howard
Eberts, OSHA’s area director in
March 2015
• Island Lake IL
• The machinist was
using sandpaper to
remove surface rust
from a part of a
• His hand was caught
and pulled into
rotating parts,
breaking his bones.
• The worker underwent
several surgeries and
ANSI B Series
The user shall designate, provide, and ensure
the use of at least one of the following methods
of safeguarding that affords protection for the
operator, consistent with the requirements of
the task:
• guard(s)
• safeguarding device(s)
• awareness barrier(s) or awareness device(s)
• safe work procedure(s).
Machine Guarding
• Machine guarding best
• Case studies for the
business case for safety
• Construction ergonomics
The $12.70 is for one trade. Hazardous trades will pay more.
Work Comp
• NOC Code
• 3632 --------------- Machine Shop -------------- $6.00 per $100 of payroll
• 3400 --------------- Metal Stamping ------------ $6.98 per $100 of payroll
• 2881 --------------- Furniture/Cabinet Mfg. --- $4.35 per $100 of payroll
• 3372 --------------- Electro Plating -------------- $5.85 per $100 of payroll
Impact of Six Losses

More Related Content

Asse may 2016

  • 2. Objectives • Explain what top safety people do, • How OSHA works, • Big issues • Emerging issues from the workplace floor • Where our members are?
  • 4. Sales Impact of Selected Injuries Injury/ Illness Average Direct Cost Indirect Cost Total Cost Sales Needed (5% profit) Sprain $4,245 $6,792 $11,037 $220,740 Laceration $1,101 $4,955 $6,056 $121,120 Foreign Body $317 $1,427 $1,744 $34,880 4
  • 6. Monthly Audits 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1/7/05 2/18/05 4/1/05 5/13/05 6/24/05 8/5/05 9/16/05 10/28/05 12/9/05 1/20/06 3/3/06 4/14/06 Week Beginning Number of Safety Inspections 90% 95% 100% 1/7/05 2/18/05 4/1/05 5/13/05 6/24/05 8/5/05 9/16/05 10/28/05 12/9/05 1/20/06 3/3/06 4/14/06 Week Beginning Safety Inspection Scores 6
  • 15. Data • If you make it easier to use safety, more likely it will be used and get done. • Cones, grease gun, lockout, brooms. • Kevin O’Leary
  • 16. Data • 35% of all fatalities occurred in workers age 55 or older, with 1,691 deaths. • This is the highest number of fatalities ever recorded for this group of workers.
  • 17. Older workers • The preliminary number of workers ages 55 and older who died on the job was "the highest total ever reported" by the bureau's census. • The number jumped from 1,490 in 2013 to 1,621 in 2014, a 9 percent rise.
  • 18. Region V Fatalities • OSHA in Region 5 had 140 investigated fatalities in 2015 up +28. • 48 Illinois. • 29 in Wisconsin up 50% • 48 in Ohio • 227 Struck by • 185 Falls • 166 Caught in • 41 Electrocutions • 32 Exposure • 30 Other • 20 Fire/Explosion
  • 19. Region V Fall Fatalities 2010-2014 • 25 Ladders • 19 Roofs • 18 Same Surface • 16 Other • 14 Aerial Lift • 9 Nonmoving Vehicle
  • 20. Region V Most Cited Areas • Machine Guarding 1910.212(a)(1) • GHS 1910.1200(e) • GHS 1910.1200(h) • 5(a)(1) • Machine Guarding 1910.212(a)(3)
  • 21. OSHA In Region 5 - 2016 • 6200 inspection in 2015 • 68 Sigcases +14 egregious cases • 47% construction • 44% programmed
  • 22. Leadership in Region V • Ken Atha • 20 Years Experience • Regional Administrator • Area Director
  • 23. OSHA Leadership – Last Year • May 2015 • “We think we're only getting a very small portion of the accidents that should be reported,” said Dr. David Michaels, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health who is in charge of OSHA. “When we investigate, we see that most employers don’t treat temporary workers the way they treat their permanent employees — they don’t provide them with the training that is necessary.”
  • 24. OSHA
  • 25. OSHA
  • 26. OSHA • First Three Years of CSHO Training • #1000 Initial Compliance. • #1050 Introduction to Safety Standards for Safety Officers (safety career path/safety specialists). • #1250 Introduction to Health Standards for Industrial Hygienists (health career path/industrial hygienists). • #2000 Construction Standards (construction career path/ construction specialists). • #1310 Investigative Interviewing Techniques • #1410 Inspection Techniques and Legal Aspects. • #2450 Evaluation of Safety and Health Management Systems. • #1230 Accident Investigation. • #8200 Incident Command System I-200 course,
  • 27. OSHA
  • 28. Criminal 2015 • Prosecutors said on Wednesday that the two managers — Wilmer Cueva, of Sky Materials, and Alfonso Prestia, of Harco Construction — had ignored repeated warnings for months from private inspectors that treacherous conditions existed at the site on Ninth Avenue • Manslaughter and other charges were being brought against two construction managers and the companies they worked for in the April death of a worker at a Lower Manhattan building site.
  • 29. Neri Update February 2015 Mike Neri agreed to be permanently enjoined from engaging in trenching, excavation, construction or related activities and permanently prohibited from possessing or leasing any construction excavation equipment. • The judges also found that Neri, based on a review of his tax returns and other financial records, was unable to pay the $110,440 fine. • Mike Neri was released from Federal Prison December 24, 2014
  • 30. OSHA Litigation 2015 • OSHA cited Pan Oceanic Engineering of Chicago $105,600 • $70,000 Willful cave in Protection 651(a)(1) Affirmed • $15,400 Repeat Sidewalk under-mined 651(i)(3) Vacated • $7,000 Competent Person 651(k) Vacated • $13,200 Repeat traffic signs 1926.200(g) Vacated • Trial held in Spring 2015. Open Date: 07/22/2013
  • 31. May 2016 • HARTFORD CITY, Ind. (WISH) — A teenager died after an accident involving a tree stump grinder Saturday in Blackford County. • Blackford County Coroner Tod Waters said 18-year-old Cody Bronnenberg of Yorktown was working with his uncle at a home on County Road 200 North east of State Road 3.
  • 32. May 2016• Pillsbury Mills plant in Springfield IL • Joseph Chernis IV, a federal indictment for improper asbestos removal and for making false statements • The penalty on each count is up to five years in prison followed by three years of supervised release and a fine of up to $250,000. • Chernis, of Sherman, is accused of hiring an untrained individual to illegally remove more than 1,000 feet of asbestos pipe insulation from four buildings between October 2014 and August 2015. • "The asbestos debris was stuffed into approximately 300 garbage bags and at least two open-topped cardboard boxes, and left inside vacant buildings at the facility," according to the indictment announcement.
  • 33. April 2016 • Don Blankenship, the longtime chief executive officer of Massey Energy, was convicted on charges that he violated federal mine safety laws at the company’s Upper Big Branch Mine prior to an April 2010 explosion that killed 29 miners. • One year in prison + $250,000 • This is the maximum sentence allowed under the law.
  • 34. Jan 2016 • Cincinnati OH • Grand jury indicts two managers • Zachary Henzerling was working at Environmental Enterprises on Dec. 28, 2012, when a fire broke out as he was treating hazardous waste. • The Colerain Township man was burned, and later died from his injuries. • Another worker also was badly burned in the incident.
  • 35. Oct 2015 • OSHA moves to a new enforcement weighting system that assigns greater value to complex inspections that require more time and resources. • Routine inspections count as one unit, while those requiring greater resources — such as those involving musculoskeletal disorders, chemical exposures, workplace violence, and process safety management violations — count as up to nine units.
  • 36. Oct 2015 • Since the beginning of the year, more than 20 workers with allegedly bogus OSHA cards have been busted at NY city construction sites, sources familiar with the crackdown said.
  • 37. Oct 2015 • A jury convicted Griffin Campbell of six counts of involuntary manslaughter, rejecting the third-degree murder charges sought by prosecutors who said Campbell ignored warnings of an imminent collapse.
  • 38. 2015 Problems • Trench 5-6 feet deep. • Spoil at edge. • No access.
  • 39. 2015 Problems • Holes not secured and covered with steel plate and fenced off.
  • 40. 2015 Problems • Rigging is used when damaged
  • 41. 2015 Problems • Not keeping the 10 feet safe clearance from powerlines • 240 volts temp lights may not be ok to encroach on the 10 foot. • Weatherproofing is not insulation.
  • 42. 2015 Problems • Workers have ZERO documented training in the MUCTD so set up cones and flags haphazardly
  • 46. April 2015 • Lifting a piece of pine about 5 foot long 18 inches across • “the load made it to the ground ok the hook of the biner caught the strap and held till we lowered it down.” 46 1910.184(d) Inspections. Each day before being used, the sling and all fastenings and attachments shall be inspected for damage or defects by a competent person designated by the employer.
  • 47. May 2014 • Providence RI • 8 hurt in fall • The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration said the rigging used put excessive weight on a carabiner, causing the metal loop to fail, and the acrobats, who were hanging by their hair, to fall 15 to 20 feet • According to OSHA, circus staff violated both industry practice and the manufacturer’s instructions for using the carabiner by attaching it so it was pulled in three directions, rather than two.
  • 48. Feb 2016 48 A 26-year-old tower climber is expected to be in intensive care for another ten days after he fell from a guyed tower in Rosenberg, Tex. when his personal fall protection equipment failed after he slipped from a brace on a climbing face as he was descending after a day’s work on an LTE project for AT&T.
  • 49. Key Changes in Z359.1 • Section • Gate face strength requirements have changed from 220 lbs. (1kN) (old Standard) to 3,600 lbs. (16kN) (new Standard). 49
  • 50. June 2013 • Officials canceled work on the St. Charles County bridge after a 55- gallon drum being lifted by a crane fell on 51-year-old Jerseyville IL man. • He was pronounced dead at the scene.
  • 52. Ladders as a Last Resort • JLG lift pod
  • 53. July 2015 • Issues? • “Perfect balance for cowboy boots” • Photo Justin Morrison 53
  • 54. February 2015 • Genie • Allows a user to exit the platform and work comfortably around the outside of the platform with a 6-ft lanyard. It attaches to a 6- or 8-ft platform on all Genie telescopic and articulating boom lifts with lift heights higher than 40 ft., with the exception of the S-125HD model.
  • 56. July 2015 • San Luis Obispo, CA • The machine's blades "came around and broke his arm and came around again and broke his arm a little further up the next turnaround," said San Luis Obispo Fire Battalion Chief Neal Berryman • Berryman said the man's head or neck would have been hit next. 56
  • 57. July 2015 • MIDDLEFIELD, Ohio – Shady Knob violated the law when they allowed a 14-year-old boy to operate machinery, which resulted in him losing his hand. • “Workers under age 18 are prohibited from operating power-driven woodworking machinery, such as the wood planer used here,” said Howard Eberts, OSHA’s area director in Cleveland. 57 Unsafe! Safe
  • 58. March 2015 • Island Lake IL • The machinist was using sandpaper to remove surface rust from a part of a computer-run machine. • His hand was caught and pulled into rotating parts, breaking his bones. • The worker underwent several surgeries and rehabilitation 58
  • 59. ANSI B Series The user shall designate, provide, and ensure the use of at least one of the following methods of safeguarding that affords protection for the operator, consistent with the requirements of the task: • guard(s) • safeguarding device(s) • awareness barrier(s) or awareness device(s) • safe work procedure(s). 59
  • 61. Challenges • Machine guarding best practices • Case studies for the business case for safety • Construction ergonomics
  • 63. The $12.70 is for one trade. Hazardous trades will pay more.
  • 64. Work Comp • NOC Code • 3632 --------------- Machine Shop -------------- $6.00 per $100 of payroll • 3400 --------------- Metal Stamping ------------ $6.98 per $100 of payroll • 2881 --------------- Furniture/Cabinet Mfg. --- $4.35 per $100 of payroll • 3372 --------------- Electro Plating -------------- $5.85 per $100 of payroll
  • 65. Impact of Six Losses

Editor's Notes

  1. 4
  2. http://www.crainscleveland.com/article/20150503/SUB1/305039987/osha-leader-visits-northeast-ohio-stresses-transparency
  3. - See more at: http://www.wvgazette.com/article/20141113/GZ01/141119629/1104#sthash.JJfThKIX.dpuf
  4. Liftmax is the black drum
  5. http://www.workerscompensation.com/compnewsnetwork/workers-comp-blogwire/19607-dollars-and-cents-of-frequency-and-severity-work-comp-premium-impact.html