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By Debbie, Maria, Milka

Done by:


Done by:

   Debbie  E+
   Maria  U

   Milka  U

     Group  U

Done by:

     WWW

  Good   organisation of slides
   Good moral message of film

   Clear ideas for opening sequence

   Wide range of conventions

   Clear diagrams for brainstorms

Done by:

     EBI

   Followed the order accurately
   Follow the task set

   Label all slides

   Use more information in some slides

   Done more research in what we talked about

Done by: Maria

 Develop our ideas more.
 Use less text and instead back up and explain with
  images. Also use appropriate images which indicate
  the task you are doing.
 When we don‟t understand anything we should ask
  for help.
 Get our grade up to C or higher.

Done by: Maria

     We changed our opening sequence as a group and
      improved it much more.
     We have also looked into themes and concepts and
      researched about them.
     We had a problem with what theme and what concept
      our opening sequence was and we then overcame them
      by researching more about different themes and
     From draft 1 to draft 2 we made a huge improvement.
      We developed out idea of the opening sequence and we
      also have developed out inspirational scenes.
     These changes helped us improve by understanding
      more about our opening sequence and how we are
      developing our ideas.                                  C
Done by:


   Our genre from the beginning has been Drama
   We did have some changes as the story did not fit
    to this genre very well
   We changed the story but kept the genre

Done by: Maria
Conventions   Use-Develop-      Description        Examples from
              Challenge         and Purpose        films
Argument or   Using             Heighten the
Conflict      conventions of    tension to
(DRAMA)       arguments         emphasis
              between mother    emotion. You
              and daughter.     develop
              Challenging the   sympathy for
              convention        the daughter
              because the       and hate for the
              violence turns    mother because
              into extreme      mother starts
              violence          arguing with her
                                and throws a TV
                                at precious.
Convention      Use-develop-            Description            Examples
                challenge               and purpose.           from films

Happy ending-   •   Freedom writers-    •   Not knowing
                    using a real life       whether the
Relief              situation of when       teacher is going
(DRAMA)             racism has taken        to change the
                    place and has           minds of these
                    made the society        children because
                    separate.               no other teacher
                   Challenging it by        could.
                using a Middle-class    •   She realises
                posh woman to               what has been
                change the minds of         happening and
                these young people.         she cares unlike
                Relief at the end           the other
                that everyone has           teachers. The
                united and love the         audience has
                teacher and are all         sympathy for the
                going to be in the          kids as they
                same class again            have had a hard
                with the same               life.

                                                               Done by: Maria
Done by: Maria
Convention   Use-Develop-                     Description and Examples of
             Challenege                       purpose         films
             •   In kidulthood they use
Real life        real life situations such
                                              The purpose of
situation        as when young                the film is to give
                 teenagers are being
                 brainwashed by gangs.        the older
             •   Also relationships are
                 tackled, and how
                                              generation a
                 relationships are being      look inside of
                 in todays society and
                 how girls are expected       young teenagers
                 to act.
                 They also tackle gun
                                              life's and the
                 and knife crime and          struggles they
                 challenge this by using
                 young 14 years olds          go through.
                 girls who are getting        And also for
                 into situations like this.
             •   They exaggerate              people to
                 different situations that
                 young teenagers go
                                              understand the
                 through.                     issue and for
                                              something to be                        D
Done by: Maria
Convention    Use-Develop-                Description         Example of
              Challenge                   and purpose         films:
Portrays      • In they use the   • The purpose
                convention of
journeys of     character                   in this film is
character       development because         to show that
                you see what they are
development     going through and           do not think
                also at the end when        that someone
                everything is going to
                be ok and they have         is ok when
                all become friends          you think
              • They challenge the          they aren't
                convention because          because they
                they include a posh
                white rich girl who you     always have
                do not expect to have       something
                any problems in her
                life.                       going on
                                            which you do
                                            not know                           D
                                            about.              Maria

  conventions   Use/develop/challenge              Purpose/
  Arguments     Use                                Description : Girlfriend
                 Between protagonists             will be have an argument
                 Starting to be more aggressive
                                                   with boyfriend about the
                  by hitting.                      lack of attention he gives
                Challenge                          her
                 Unusual hitting such as using
                  some kind of weapons
                 Weak protagonist winning
                                                   Purpose: Build up


  conventions   Use/develop/challenge      purpose/Description
  Conflict      Use                        Description: boyfriend
                 Getting the wrong idea   ends relationship with
                  about something or       girlfriend because of a
                  someone.                 conflict with the parents.
                 Causing violence or
                  argument.                Purpose: Emphasise
                                           emotion and develop


  conventions   Use/develop/challenge       purpose/Description
  Emphasis of   Use                         Description:
  emotion        Showing emotion            Emotions will be
                    through behaviour and     comeing and shown
                    how you treat other       mostly from the
                    people                    girlfriend. However
                I.e.: Affection.              during the flashbacks
                Develop                       the boyfriend may
                 Showing no kind of          show some emotions
                   affection for someone
                   you love.                Purpose:
                Challenge                    audience feel more into
                 Sending out an image of     the film , because they
                   an uncaring character.     will know what each
                                              character is feeling.

  conventions   Use/develop/challenge       Purpose/
  climax        use                        Description:
                 Main characters point of  After some
                   view changes from what    accumulated
                   it was at first.          tension, girlfriend
                                             explodes and ends
                                             up confronting the
                                             boyfriend about the
                                             lack of attention he
                                             gives her

                                            Purpose :
                                             excite the
Done by:              CONVENTIONS OF OPENING

  convention           Use/develop/challenge       Description/Purpose
  Use of symbols or    Use                         Description:
  metaphors             Showing of something       Showing the red rose
                         that symbolises or          as a sign of love and
                         informs the audience of     girlfriend
                         an event/date               remembering
                                                     boyfriend by looking
                                                     at the teddy bear.

                                                    Tell the audience
                                                     more about the
                                                     character, in a more
                                                     original way.


  convention      Use/develop/challenge         Description/Purpose
  Happy           Use                           Description:
  ending/relief    Protagonist end up           Boyfriend remeets
                     together.                    girlfriend after a few
                  Get what they were fighting     months after realising
                  for throughout the movie.       that he wanted to fight
                  Develop                         for her because what
                   Protagonist are not a         he felt wasn‟t only a
                     couple.                      teenage love with no
                  Challenge                       importance
                   Get completely the           Girlfriend is a little
                     opposite of what they        confused at first but
                     tried to gain throughout     ends up understanding
                     the movie                    the boyfriend and
                   One of the protagonist        decides not to waste
                     dies.                        time.                     D
Done by:            CONVENTIONS OF OPENING

  convention        Use/develop/challenge      Description/Purpose
  Realism or        Use                        Description:
  realistic issue    Using real issues such    Teenage love
                      as love problems that      happens all the time
                      people can relate to.      in some time in our
                                                Teenagers tend to call
                                                 love to attraction or
                                                 „crush‟ they don‟t
                                                 usually know the
                                                 meaning of real love‟

                                                Get closer to the
                                                 audience as they may
                                                 have similar             D

  conventions   Use/develop/challenge       Description/purpose
  Moral         Use                         Description:
  message       Drama films all tend to      Love is not love if its
                have a moral message          not shown.
                behind it, each story has
                their own message.           Make sure about
                                              what you feel before
                                              involving anyone

Done by: Maria

  .The “I‟m flying” scene inspires me
   because of the message it sends out.
   It is like both of them are on top of the    . I liked this movie
   world and nobody around them can
   stop them.
                                                 because it sent out a
  I liked the way the camera moved              good moral message.
   around them so they emphasises that          . Its moral message was
   point really well.                            that you should not
  In this film they used the concept of         change the way you look
   love and in our film we are going to          for someone just to
   use this because we are going to
   show that you should not let someone
                                                 attract them.
   you love go and you should spend
   every moment with them because you
   never know when they will be gone.
Done by: Maria

                                                           IF ONLY

 . I find that the notebook was very
  inspiring because the romance is based
  on something real.
 . I also find it inspiring because many
  people go through this, and the moral          . Our film can be based on this
  message of it is to not let someone you         movie. As the moral message of it
  love go.                                        is the same.
 . You should never give up on love.            . This movie is inspirational
 I liked especially this scene of the movie      because it shows that you should
  because it was like regret and guilt that       always appreciate the one that you
  they let each other go. And out film we are     love, or you can end up regretting
  going to be showing the guilt and the           it.
  regret for letting her go.                     . It also shows that if you do start to
                                                  appreciate her, then things will go       E
                                                  really well and you can show her
                                                  how much you love her
Done by: Maria

 . I find this movie inspiring because it
  shows that even though the one that
  you love is terminally ill, you should
  not leave them, but stay by their side.
 . This movie also inspires me,
  because it shows that love can change
  someone for the good and not for the
 I liked this scene because it was the
  moment they realised they have
  feelings for one another and it was like
  it was them two on their own and no
  one else around them.                                       E
Done by:

      Titanic  first                           A walk to remember
      kiss                                       singing scene

                                             • Moment we were not
• First kiss is always special in the film
• We want a scene this special as it
                                             • We want a moment in our
  gets the audience to feel into the
                                               film where one of the main
  feelings of the character .
                                               characters expresses their
• Becomes memorable.
                                             • In our film we will have the
                                               boy singing to her to show     E
                                               the love he feels for her
Done by:
                                             If only  raining
  Honey  video clip                         scene/ shows the

                                        • Should always show what you are
• I like this particular scene as       • Moral message very inspiring for ours
  although she is about to follow her   • Beautiful speech , very touching
  dream she still goes to help her      • Sadness at the end when the guy dies
  old friends                             from saving the girl.
• In our film we would want a scene     • In our film we would expect a scene
  where although the girl is having       like this when he comes back and
  problems she will be ready to help      they end up together at the end of the
  who ever needs her.                     film                                  E
MY INSPIRATIONS SCENES                                                   Done by:
         Rihanna:                             Diary of a mad
         We found love                        black woman

this video is really inspiring as it shows    This video is inspiring because it
that a young couple do go into conflicted,
                                              shows how a woman who was humble
as they sometimes might disagree
I find the scene inspiriting as it shows     and good to her husband is chucked out
that, people would do anything for there      of her house and she turns into a mad
loved ones, even mess up there life           black woman.
This also shows that if you do don‟t          She abandoned her family life for her
listen to your close ones, you will go down   husband which showed she was
the wrong path                                committed so she didn‟t deserve this.
 The music and the atmosphere in this        Her crying and the shouting that follows
video makes you feel on edge, and makes       makes the audience feel sorry for her       E
you feel like you wouldn't never want to go   because in previous scenes she is
down that path
                                              showed a s a dedicated wife. I find that
Done by:


 This film is inspiring, as it
shows us that people do
change for the things they love,
while pushing away the people
who loves them.
 To not give up your dream,
just because, you stand out
from everyone else. So you                    E
shouldn't change your self for
THEME / CONCEPT               MILKA

              Our  theme is guilt.
       Our concept is hidden feelings.

 We are going to show this by the girl feeling
        guilty of the breakup has done.
   We show this by flashbacks and of her
    crying over memories she has with ex-
                    boyfriend .
Done by:
  Debbie                          THEMES


Suicide                                                Adolescence

                   Guilt                     Poverty

    Conflict                                           Supernatural


                 Depression                                           F
Done by:

                                 Pregnancy         Alcohol

DNA                                              drugs

  Memory loss                    Homosexuality

 Theme: Guilt
 Guilt is when a person cannot bear the sanctions of
  their wrongs and regret doing the wrongs.
 Just like in “how the Grinch stole Christmas”.

 The Grinch felt guilty of taking presents from the
  little kids and does feel remorseful in the end of the

Done by:

   Married couple where wife does everything for the

   Husband shows no affection for her

   She gets fed up and they both argue

   She gets run over and put into coma

   He feels guilty and believes it is time to change as
    he realises how important she is to him.
Done by:

   Close up shot of wedding rings

   Husband having flashback of him arguing with wife
    and him hitting her

   Door shutting

   Car screeching

   Him running shouting „no‟
Done by:

     How we are improving
     Watching more drama films
     Using inspirational scenes from films we‟ve watched
     Selecting the best ideas from each group member

     How you have changed and developed the idea
     Kept the same main idea of the couple but changed the story
      behind it
     Made it more realistic and less „cheesy‟

     How is everyone contributing
     Everyone giving their own ideas
     All group members are watching different drama films
     We bring back ideas of possible shots and locations for our
      opening sequence                                              H
Done by:

     Teenage couple „fall in love‟ and start going out

     Parents accept him but always find something strange about
      him but don‟t know what.

     Until one day the couple have a big argument about the lack
      of affection he gives her

     He sends her an email saying „the love‟ he thought he felt for
      her has no logic and wants to break up. (teenage love)

     After 2 months he has the courage to admit to her that he
      broke up because he knew her parents would never accept
      him and would always think he was not good for her.              H
Done by:

   Girl on computer ( Facebook) looking at pictures of
    them two.
   Girlfriend sees pictures of them two when happy
    and has flashback. (happy)
   Goes back on Facebook sees picture of boyfriend
    with parents and has flashback (conflict)
   Back to reality and gets text saying to check her
   Long email and ends with the words „I'm sorry‟

Done by:

   From draft 1 we improved :
  Opening sequence is more modern
  o due to the ideas used such as, using facebook
   Matches more the target audience
  o kind of hobbies and life style people in this age range
    take .
   A lot more clear to the audience
  o Idea is better explained and gives hints about what the
    film may be about
   Creates enigma
  o Different to how it did at first,makes more sense and
    more realistic.
   Realistic story (links to genre)


SHOT LIST                                        MARIA
Time   Scene   Shot           Location   Characters   Art           Costume   Notes
               description                            dept./props

       1       Girl opens     Debbie's   Sophie                     1
               door           bedroom

       2       Girl walks
               into room                                            1
       3       Wide shot of
               room and                                             1
               girl walking
       4       Camera
               focuses more                                         1
               on the girl
               and the
       5       Side profile
               of girl                                              1
       6       Close up
               shot of face                                         1
       7       Girl grabs                             Laptop
               laptop                                               1
       8       Girl takes
               laptop and                                           1
               turns                                                                  K

Time   Scene                 Location   Characters                 Costume   Notes
               Shot                                  Art
               description                           dept./props
       9       walks                                               1
               back and
               Girl sits
       10      on bed                                              1
               Girl gets
       11      comfortab                                           1
               le on bed
       12      opens                                               1
       13      turns on                                            1
       14      Facebook                                            1
       15      Looks at
                                                                   2                 K
               photos of
               the two
Done by:
SHOT LIST                                                     Debbie
 Time   Scene   Shot             Location   Characters   Costume

        16      Extreme          Bedroom    Sophie       1
                closeup of
                fighting back
                her tears

        17      Happy            park       Sophie and   2
                Flashback                   danny
        18      long shot of     park       Sophie and   2
                couple Holding              danny

        19      Mid shot of      park       Sophie and   2
                Danny giving                danny
        20      Back to          Bedroom    Sophie       1

        21      Extreme          Bedroom    Sophie       1
                closeup of her                                           K
                face (upset)
Done by:
       SHOTLIST                                                Debbie
Time        Scene   Shot            Location      Characters      Costume
            22      Close up shot   Bedroom       Sophie          1
                    of picture

            23      Mid shot of     Bedroom       Sophie          1
                    down to see
                    many pictures
            24      Close up Shot   Bedroom       Sophie          3
                    of laptop,
                    picture of
                    her with
                    Danny and
            25      Close up shot   Bedroom       Danny, sophie   1
                    of girl                       and parents
                    smiling in
            26      Goes to         Living room   Danny and       4
                    flashback mid                 sophie
                    shot of
                    couple in
            27      Mid shot of     Living        Danny and       4
                    danny on his                  sophie
                    phone                                                   K
Done by: debbie
SHOT LIST                                         and milka
 Time   Scene   Shot          Location      Characters    Costume
        28      Close up      Living room   Sophie        4
                shot of
                girl with
                angry face
        29      Mid shot of   Living room   Danny         4
                phone down
        30      mid shot of   Living room   Danny and     4
                Couple                      Sophie
        31      Mid shot of   Living room   Danny         4
        32      Mid shot of   Living room   Mum           2
                Mum coming
                in room
        33      Extreme       Living room   Mum and       4
                close up                    sophie
                shot of
                mums lips
                when                                                K
                talking to
Done by
SHOT LIST                                                milka
Time   Scene   Shot          Location   Characters   Costume
       34      Extreme                  Sophie       1
               closeup of
       35      Close up                 Sophie       1
               shot of
       36      Mid shot of              Sophie       1
               girl with
       37      Extreme                  Sophie       1
               closeup of
       38      Mid shot of              Sophie       1
       39      Close up                 Sophie       1
               shot of
               girls face                                          K
               reading the
Done by:
Time   Scene   Shot          Location   Characters   Costume
       40      Extreme                  Sophie       1
               close up
               shot of
               some words
               of email
       41      Extreme                  Sophie       1
               shot of
               girl facial
       42      Extreme                  Sophie       1
               shot of ‘im
               sorry’ on

ENIGMA                     BY MARIA

 We are going to create Enigma by the audience not
  knowing why the boyfriend broke up with her.
 Also by why she is looking back at the photos and
  what is the reason she is upset.
 We will also create enigma by only showing a few
  words from the message.

Done by:

     Age : 15-20
     Gender : mostly females
     Ethnicity : any
     Location : United Kingdom
     Hobbies : going out with friends, having fun, going cinema etc
     Social class : Middle class, working class

       Target audience would be interested in idea because of the
      plot :
      It has a lot to do with love
     Very common problems in this age range
     15-20 year olds interested in finding out new things about
     Can be a good way to start showing their emotions more
      often.                                                           M
Done by:

  Target audience would be interested in idea because of the form:

     Type of editing will be modern
     Not quite the kind of music that an older generation would
     Transitions we will use our target audience will find it interesting
      as if it was a younger person or older wouldn‟t find it so amusing.

  Target audience would be interested in idea because of the
    genre/conventions :

     People in this age range will mostly prefer films of this genre
     Find the convention about the moral message interesting
     Drama films is always a popular genre as it has a little bit of
      climax but also some romance going on
Done by:
Debbie                  CHARACTERS        Character

                                          Poor broken hearted
     Girl : Sophie                       girl

                      •20 year old girl
Done by:
Debbie          CHARACTERS

                       Sophie will have                  Scarves
                       this kind of hair

                stylish top

                              Casual winter
  Fashionable                 clothes         Big bags             N
Done by:


           Beige Hollister                          Black
           jumper                                   Winter

                             Navy salsa jeans
                             90 Euros

Done by:

              White all

Beige ralph
hoodie                    Navy salsa jeans
                          70 euros

Done by:

            Red dolly dress
                                     Sheer black
            £25                      tights


                              Black Winter boots


Done by:
                                  White all star
COSTUMES SOPHIE (4)               £40

           checkerd shirt


                            Navy salsa jeans
                            90 euros

Done by:
Debbie              CHARACTERS              Character

                                            The lier with no
     Boy : danny                           feelings

                    •20 year old boy
                    •Doesn't like to show
                    •Difficult background
Done by:
Debbie                CHARACTERS
                                               plain shirt

     Inspirational picture of character

                            straight facial
                           Casual clothes
                           Manly posture

                             All star /                       N

                                               Ripped Jeans
Done by:

                                  Black converse
             Grey jacket

                     Navy jeans


Done by:

                                          All star converse
                Checkered shirt

                            Light jeans


Done by:

                  Hollister t-shirt


                                      Blue and white jacket


                                                              All star converse

    Light jeans                                                           N

Done by:
Debbie              PROPS
                                              o blackberry curve

      Samsung laptop

                        •Girl looking at
                        pictures on
                        Facebook of
                        the couple.           •Girl receives
                        •Check the            text from boy
                        email he sent         telling her to
                        her                   check her
                                              email,           Rose
      oTeddy bear
                                                               giving the girl a
                             •Remind girl of                   rose on first
                             boyfriend that has                date
                             just left.
Done by: Milka

                                 • we are going to film in debbie‟s bedroom
                                 most of the time only for the flashbacks we
                                          are using other locations


  Shot of
  from the       Another shot taken
  door           from the door                              Girl and boy
                                                            coming down
                                                            the stairs    O
                                                            holding hands
Done by: Milka


     Living room, sofa where the
       couple have the argument

                        • Door scene of where
                        danny leaves the house   • We are using this
                        after argument with      park in wembley to
                        sophie                   show the flashback
                                                 of a happy moment
                                                 between the couple

Done by: Milka

     Car
     Train
     Bus
     Walking
     Cycle

  •Crossing the road
  •Getting robbed
  •Tripping over
  •If going by train  careful not to fall on to
  •Not get involved in arguments with people
  you do not know                                  O
  •Do not give attention do strangers
Done by: Milka


  We will be using:
     non-linear narrative = film shown in correct same order as happened
     some scenes will be in chronological order
     Make it clearer to the audience so don‟t get confused with order of
   order of these detailed events need to be very clear as they are the
      key of our film.
  o   linear narrative = mostly made of flashbacks as you may see the
      event first and then go onto the explanation.
     Creates enigma
     Divided into three sections  setup, conflict, decision
FILM THEORY                                   MARIA

   We applies Todorov‟s theory in our story

At the beginning we use equilibrium of when
 the girl is happy looking at the pictures.
We then realize that something is wrong with
 her as we see her not smiling anymore.
We then see the flashback of the two arguing.
Then the recognition of something is wrong
 when the boyfriend e-mails her saying look at
 your e-mail.
And an attempt to fix the situation.

FILM THEORY                          MARIA
   We did not use claude-levi strauss theory because
    he believed that all movies should end in conflict.
    However our movie ended in the two being
   Logo:

  Canadian entertainment company
 Founded: 1997
 Made: $1,704,000,000
 I like this company because they mostly do drama-
  based films. Such as “Precious” which made
  $62,889,395. The budget of the film was
  &10,000,000. So it shows that they make a lot of
  profit out of it.                                   R
PARAMOUNT PICTURES                           MARIA

   Logo:

   Operating income: $1.2 billion
   Founded: 1912
   American film and television production/distribution company.
   I like the distributing company because they make
    inspirational movies which have a strong moving meaning
    behind them.
   One example of a film is: Freedom writers.
   The budget of the film was $21,000,000
   And the box office made $43,090,741
COLUMBIA                            MARIA
   Logo:

   Founded: 1919
   American film production and distribution company.
   I like this distributing company because most of their
    target audience is aimed at teenagers.
   They made films such as: The Ugly Truth
   It was a Romantic Drama and was aimed at the same
    target audience as the one in our opening sequence
   Its budget was $38 million
   And the box office made: $205,298,907
Done by
TITLES /CREDITS                                                       Milka
                           We found this title intrusting.
                           he word beauty is in bold, to show us that
                           it‟s the more important word out of both.
                            We also like the way the whole post is
                           simple, and pure, to show that true beauty is
                           pure, the way there is a bright red rose also            By Milka,
                           symbolizes the word beauty
                                                                                    Debbie and
                          We liked the way the title is down on the side, it
                          makes it look different.
                          I also liked the way the whole title is in caps lock     The credits
                          and big. it gives us a hint that the film isn't as calm   would be
                          as the film above, and is a bit dreadful
                                                                                    something like
                          We found the „X‟ very interesting, as it is in red
                          and sort of looks like a danger sign. the colure          this.
                          makes it stand out more.                                  with a photo of
                                                                                    Danny and Sophie
                                                                                    as the
For the title, we would like to do something meaningful, as
                                                                                    The photo that
the genre we picked was drama.
                                                                                    would be at the
We all came up the conclusion that we would name are
                                                                                    background of the
film „Teenage Love‟ so it would be nice to put the word
                                                                                    credits, would be
LOVE in bold, as We got inspired by the two titles above.
                                                                                    the same photo
The color we would do it is pink as the gender that we are
                                                                                    she was looking at
aiming for are mostly females and as pink is a female
                                                                                    on the opening

Teenage          Love
Teenage   Love
Teenage Love
Done by:
MUSIC/SOUND                                               Milka
Wizard of Waverly place movie
I found the non-digeteic sound, that was playing when Selena was crying inspiring,
    because it really suited the whole scene and fitted in just right.

Titanic saw really inspiring, as the „flying scene was romantic, and they played a
    romantic song at the background as it was suitable for the scene

Step up 1
I found the club scene in step up inspiring because there was music playing and when
    the characters started to take, the music volume level got put down, and we could
    hear everything they were saying clearly, at the same time the music was still

Done by:


        We would use this as a non-
        diegetic sound, when she looks at
        the old pictures of her ex-boyfriend
        and when she starts crying, while
        thinking about it.


                We would play this sound
                at the part when she gets
                happy flashbacks of her
                and partner before they
                broke up.
Done by:

BBFC stands for = British Board of Film Classification

What it is :
 Company that classifies films (age range and
 Eg . U, PG,12a, 15, etc.

Used for :
 Cinema
 Videos
 media
Done by:
     Our film is a PG
BBFC standards                               How we are meeting them

Discriminatory language or behavior is       We are not using any kind of
unlikely to be acceptable                    discrimination

References to illegal drugs or drug misuse   We are not using any kind of drugs or
must be innocuous or carry a suitable        sending out any messages to do with drugs
anti-drug message

Frightening sequences should not be          No frightening scenes
prolonged or intense

No detail of potentially dangerous           Only dangerous behaviour is during the
behavior which young children are likely     argument there will be some aggression
to copy.
Language                                     No strong language will be used             U
Mild bad language only
Done by:


BBFC standards                        How we are meeting them
Natural nudity, with no sexual        There will be no nudity or sexual
context                               scenes
Sexual activity may be implied, but   No sexual activity will be implied
should be discreet and infrequent.
Moderate violence, without detail,    Moderate violence may be used
may be allowed, if justified by its


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Assignment 11 (draft 2)

  • 1. ASSIGNMENT 11 (DRAFT 2) By Debbie, Maria, Milka A
  • 2. Done by: Debbie RECORD OF GRADE FOR DRAFT 1 B
  • 3. Done by: Debbie RECORD OF GRADE  Debbie  E+  Maria  U  Milka  U  Group  U B
  • 4. Done by: Debbie RECORD OF GRADE  WWW Good organisation of slides  Good moral message of film  Clear ideas for opening sequence  Wide range of conventions  Clear diagrams for brainstorms B
  • 5. Done by: Debbie RECORD OF GRADE  EBI  Followed the order accurately  Follow the task set  Label all slides  Use more information in some slides  Done more research in what we talked about B
  • 6. Done by: Maria TARGETS  Develop our ideas more.  Use less text and instead back up and explain with images. Also use appropriate images which indicate the task you are doing.  When we don‟t understand anything we should ask for help.  Get our grade up to C or higher. B
  • 7. Done by: Maria DECISIONS & REVISIONS  We changed our opening sequence as a group and improved it much more.  We have also looked into themes and concepts and researched about them.  We had a problem with what theme and what concept our opening sequence was and we then overcame them by researching more about different themes and concepts.  From draft 1 to draft 2 we made a huge improvement. We developed out idea of the opening sequence and we also have developed out inspirational scenes.  These changes helped us improve by understanding more about our opening sequence and how we are developing our ideas. C
  • 8. Done by: Debbie GENRE  Our genre from the beginning has been Drama  We did have some changes as the story did not fit to this genre very well  We changed the story but kept the genre D
  • 9. Done by: Maria CONVENTIONS OF GENRE Conventions Use-Develop- Description Examples from Challenge and Purpose films Argument or Using Heighten the Conflict conventions of tension to (DRAMA) arguments emphasis between mother emotion. You and daughter. develop Challenging the sympathy for convention the daughter because the and hate for the violence turns mother because into extreme mother starts violence arguing with her and throws a TV at precious. D
  • 10. Convention Use-develop- Description Examples challenge and purpose. from films Happy ending- • Freedom writers- • Not knowing using a real life whether the Relief situation of when teacher is going (DRAMA) racism has taken to change the place and has minds of these made the society children because separate. no other teacher Challenging it by could. using a Middle-class • She realises posh woman to what has been change the minds of happening and these young people. she cares unlike Relief at the end the other that everyone has teachers. The united and love the audience has teacher and are all sympathy for the going to be in the kids as they same class again have had a hard with the same life. teacher. D Done by: Maria
  • 11. Done by: Maria KIDULTHOOD Convention Use-Develop- Description and Examples of Challenege purpose films • In kidulthood they use Real life real life situations such The purpose of situation as when young the film is to give teenagers are being brainwashed by gangs. the older • Also relationships are tackled, and how generation a relationships are being look inside of in todays society and how girls are expected young teenagers • to act. They also tackle gun life's and the and knife crime and struggles they challenge this by using young 14 years olds go through. girls who are getting And also for into situations like this. • They exaggerate people to different situations that young teenagers go understand the through. issue and for something to be D done.
  • 12. Done by: Maria Convention Use-Develop- Description Example of Challenge and purpose films: Portrays • In they use the • The purpose convention of journeys of character in this film is character development because to show that you see what they are development going through and do not think also at the end when that someone everything is going to be ok and they have is ok when all become friends you think again. • They challenge the they aren't convention because because they they include a posh white rich girl who you always have do not expect to have something any problems in her life. going on which you do not know D about. Maria
  • 13. Done by: CONVENTIONS OF OPENING Debbie SEQUENCE conventions Use/develop/challenge Purpose/ description Arguments Use Description : Girlfriend  Between protagonists will be have an argument Develop  Starting to be more aggressive with boyfriend about the by hitting. lack of attention he gives Challenge her  Unusual hitting such as using some kind of weapons  Weak protagonist winning Purpose: Build up tension. D
  • 14. Done by: CONVENTIONS OF OPENING Debbie SEQUENCE conventions Use/develop/challenge purpose/Description Conflict Use Description: boyfriend  Getting the wrong idea ends relationship with about something or girlfriend because of a someone. conflict with the parents.  Causing violence or argument. Purpose: Emphasise emotion and develop sympathy D
  • 15. Done by: CONVENTIONS OF OPENING Debbie SEQUENCE conventions Use/develop/challenge purpose/Description Emphasis of Use Description: emotion  Showing emotion  Emotions will be through behaviour and comeing and shown how you treat other mostly from the people girlfriend. However I.e.: Affection. during the flashbacks Develop the boyfriend may  Showing no kind of show some emotions affection for someone you love. Purpose: Challenge  audience feel more into  Sending out an image of the film , because they an uncaring character. will know what each character is feeling. D
  • 16. Done by: CONVENTIONS OF OPENING Debbie SEQUENCE conventions Use/develop/challenge Purpose/ description climax use Description:  Main characters point of  After some view changes from what accumulated it was at first. tension, girlfriend explodes and ends up confronting the boyfriend about the lack of attention he gives her Purpose :  excite the audience. D
  • 17. Done by: CONVENTIONS OF OPENING Debbie SEQUENCE convention Use/develop/challenge Description/Purpose Use of symbols or Use Description: metaphors  Showing of something  Showing the red rose that symbolises or as a sign of love and informs the audience of girlfriend an event/date remembering boyfriend by looking at the teddy bear. Purpose:  Tell the audience more about the character, in a more original way. D
  • 18. Done by: CONVENTIONS OF OPENING Debbie SEQUENCE convention Use/develop/challenge Description/Purpose Happy Use Description: ending/relief  Protagonist end up  Boyfriend remeets together. girlfriend after a few Get what they were fighting months after realising for throughout the movie. that he wanted to fight Develop for her because what  Protagonist are not a he felt wasn‟t only a couple. teenage love with no Challenge importance  Get completely the  Girlfriend is a little opposite of what they confused at first but tried to gain throughout ends up understanding the movie the boyfriend and  One of the protagonist decides not to waste dies. time. D
  • 19. Done by: CONVENTIONS OF OPENING Debbie SEQUENCE convention Use/develop/challenge Description/Purpose Realism or Use Description: realistic issue  Using real issues such  Teenage love as love problems that happens all the time people can relate to. in some time in our lives.  Teenagers tend to call love to attraction or „crush‟ they don‟t usually know the meaning of real love‟ Purpose:  Get closer to the audience as they may have similar D problems.
  • 20. Done by: CONVENTIONS OF OPENING Debbie SEQUENCE conventions Use/develop/challenge Description/purpose Moral Use Description: message Drama films all tend to  Love is not love if its have a moral message not shown. behind it, each story has their own message.  Make sure about what you feel before involving anyone else. D
  • 21. Done by: Maria INSPIRATIONAL FILMS Grease Titanic  .The “I‟m flying” scene inspires me because of the message it sends out. It is like both of them are on top of the  . I liked this movie world and nobody around them can stop them. because it sent out a  I liked the way the camera moved good moral message. around them so they emphasises that  . Its moral message was point really well. that you should not  In this film they used the concept of change the way you look love and in our film we are going to for someone just to use this because we are going to show that you should not let someone attract them. you love go and you should spend every moment with them because you never know when they will be gone. E
  • 22. Done by: Maria IF ONLY  . I find that the notebook was very inspiring because the romance is based on something real.  . I also find it inspiring because many people go through this, and the moral  . Our film can be based on this message of it is to not let someone you movie. As the moral message of it love go. is the same.  . You should never give up on love.  . This movie is inspirational  I liked especially this scene of the movie because it shows that you should because it was like regret and guilt that always appreciate the one that you they let each other go. And out film we are love, or you can end up regretting going to be showing the guilt and the it. regret for letting her go.  . It also shows that if you do start to appreciate her, then things will go E really well and you can show her how much you love her
  • 23. Done by: Maria  . I find this movie inspiring because it shows that even though the one that you love is terminally ill, you should not leave them, but stay by their side.  . This movie also inspires me, because it shows that love can change someone for the good and not for the bad.  I liked this scene because it was the moment they realised they have feelings for one another and it was like it was them two on their own and no one else around them. E
  • 24. Done by: Debbie INSPIRATIONS SCENES Titanic  first A walk to remember kiss  singing scene • Moment we were not • First kiss is always special in the film expecting. • We want a scene this special as it • We want a moment in our gets the audience to feel into the film where one of the main feelings of the character . characters expresses their • Becomes memorable. feelings • In our film we will have the boy singing to her to show E the love he feels for her
  • 25. Done by: Debbie MY INSPIRATIONAL SCENES If only  raining Honey  video clip scene/ shows the love • Should always show what you are feeling • I like this particular scene as • Moral message very inspiring for ours although she is about to follow her • Beautiful speech , very touching dream she still goes to help her • Sadness at the end when the guy dies old friends from saving the girl. • In our film we would want a scene • In our film we would expect a scene where although the girl is having like this when he comes back and problems she will be ready to help they end up together at the end of the who ever needs her. film E
  • 26. MY INSPIRATIONS SCENES Done by: Milka Rihanna: Diary of a mad We found love black woman this video is really inspiring as it shows  This video is inspiring because it that a young couple do go into conflicted, shows how a woman who was humble as they sometimes might disagree I find the scene inspiriting as it shows and good to her husband is chucked out that, people would do anything for there of her house and she turns into a mad loved ones, even mess up there life black woman. This also shows that if you do don‟t  She abandoned her family life for her listen to your close ones, you will go down husband which showed she was the wrong path committed so she didn‟t deserve this.  The music and the atmosphere in this Her crying and the shouting that follows video makes you feel on edge, and makes makes the audience feel sorry for her E you feel like you wouldn't never want to go because in previous scenes she is down that path showed a s a dedicated wife. I find that inspiring
  • 27. Done by: Milka THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA  This film is inspiring, as it shows us that people do change for the things they love, while pushing away the people who loves them.  To not give up your dream, just because, you stand out from everyone else. So you E shouldn't change your self for anybody
  • 28. THEME / CONCEPT MILKA  Our theme is guilt.  Our concept is hidden feelings.  We are going to show this by the girl feeling guilty of the breakup has done.  We show this by flashbacks and of her crying over memories she has with ex- boyfriend .
  • 29. Done by: Debbie THEMES Discrimination Jealousy Obssession Suicide Adolescence Justice Guilt Poverty Conflict Supernatural Revenge Science Racism Religion Depression F
  • 30. Done by: Debbie CONCEPTS Love affairs HIV Pregnancy Alcohol Hidden feelings Prostitution cancer Hidden feelings DNA drugs Memory loss Homosexuality F fantasy
  • 31. Maria RESEARCH OF THEME  Theme: Guilt  Guilt is when a person cannot bear the sanctions of their wrongs and regret doing the wrongs.  Just like in “how the Grinch stole Christmas”.  The Grinch felt guilty of taking presents from the little kids and does feel remorseful in the end of the movie. G
  • 32. Done by: Debbie PREVIOUS IDEA – WHOLE FILM  Married couple where wife does everything for the husband  Husband shows no affection for her  She gets fed up and they both argue  She gets run over and put into coma  He feels guilty and believes it is time to change as H he realises how important she is to him.
  • 33. Done by: Debbie PREVIOUS IDEA- OPENING SEQUENCE  Close up shot of wedding rings  Husband having flashback of him arguing with wife and him hitting her  Door shutting  Car screeching  Him running shouting „no‟ H
  • 34. Done by: Debbie IDEA DEVELOPMENT  How we are improving  Watching more drama films  Using inspirational scenes from films we‟ve watched  Selecting the best ideas from each group member  How you have changed and developed the idea  Kept the same main idea of the couple but changed the story behind it  Made it more realistic and less „cheesy‟  How is everyone contributing  Everyone giving their own ideas  All group members are watching different drama films  We bring back ideas of possible shots and locations for our opening sequence H
  • 35. Done by: Debbie IDEA – WHOLE FILM  Teenage couple „fall in love‟ and start going out  Parents accept him but always find something strange about him but don‟t know what.  Until one day the couple have a big argument about the lack of affection he gives her  He sends her an email saying „the love‟ he thought he felt for her has no logic and wants to break up. (teenage love)  After 2 months he has the courage to admit to her that he broke up because he knew her parents would never accept him and would always think he was not good for her. H
  • 36. Done by: Debbie IDEA- OPENING SEQUENCE  Girl on computer ( Facebook) looking at pictures of them two.  Girlfriend sees pictures of them two when happy and has flashback. (happy)  Goes back on Facebook sees picture of boyfriend with parents and has flashback (conflict)  Back to reality and gets text saying to check her email  Long email and ends with the words „I'm sorry‟ H
  • 37. Done by: Debbie IDEA DEVELOPMENT  From draft 1 we improved : Opening sequence is more modern o due to the ideas used such as, using facebook  Matches more the target audience o kind of hobbies and life style people in this age range take .  A lot more clear to the audience o Idea is better explained and gives hints about what the film may be about  Creates enigma o Different to how it did at first,makes more sense and more realistic. H  Realistic story (links to genre)
  • 38. SCRIPT J
  • 39. SCRIPT J
  • 40. SHOT LIST MARIA Day Time Scene Shot Location Characters Art Costume Notes description dept./props 1 Girl opens Debbie's Sophie 1 door bedroom 2 Girl walks into room 1 3 Wide shot of room and 1 girl walking in. 4 Camera focuses more 1 on the girl and the laptop. 5 Side profile of girl 1 6 Close up shot of face 1 7 Girl grabs Laptop laptop 1 8 Girl takes laptop and 1 turns K around.
  • 41. MARIA Time Scene Location Characters Costume Notes Shot Art description dept./props Girl 9 walks 1 back and heads towards bed Girl sits 10 on bed 1 Girl gets 11 comfortab 1 le on bed Girl 12 opens 1 laptop Girl 13 turns on 1 laptop Opens 14 Facebook 1 15 Looks at 2 K photos of the two together.
  • 42. Done by: SHOT LIST Debbie Time Scene Shot Location Characters Costume description 16 Extreme Bedroom Sophie 1 closeup of sophie fighting back her tears 17 Happy park Sophie and 2 Flashback danny 18 long shot of park Sophie and 2 couple Holding danny hands 19 Mid shot of park Sophie and 2 Danny giving danny rose 20 Back to Bedroom Sophie 1 reality 21 Extreme Bedroom Sophie 1 closeup of her K face (upset)
  • 43. Done by: SHOTLIST Debbie Time Scene Shot Location Characters Costume description 22 Close up shot Bedroom Sophie 1 of picture album 23 Mid shot of Bedroom Sophie 1 lpatop Scrolling down to see many pictures 24 Close up Shot Bedroom Sophie 3 of laptop, Clicks picture of her with Danny and parents 25 Close up shot Bedroom Danny, sophie 1 of girl and parents smiling in reality 26 Goes to Living room Danny and 4 flashback mid sophie shot of couple in sofa 27 Mid shot of Living Danny and 4 danny on his sophie phone K
  • 44. Done by: debbie SHOT LIST and milka Time Scene Shot Location Characters Costume description 28 Close up Living room Sophie 4 shot of girl with angry face 29 Mid shot of Living room Danny 4 Danny putting phone down 30 mid shot of Living room Danny and 4 Couple Sophie arguing 31 Mid shot of Living room Danny 4 door shutting (Danny leaving) 32 Mid shot of Living room Mum 2 Mum coming in room 33 Extreme Living room Mum and 4 close up sophie shot of mums lips when K talking to sophie
  • 45. Done by SHOT LIST milka Time Scene Shot Location Characters Costume description 34 Extreme Sophie 1 closeup of phone vibrating 35 Close up Sophie 1 shot of facebook page (deleting album 36 Mid shot of Sophie 1 girl with phone 37 Extreme Sophie 1 closeup of text 38 Mid shot of Sophie 1 girl worried getting laptop 39 Close up Sophie 1 shot of girls face K reading the email
  • 46. Done by: Milka SHOT LIST Time Scene Shot Location Characters Costume description 40 Extreme Sophie 1 close up shot of some words of email 41 Extreme Sophie 1 closeup shot of girl facial expression 42 Extreme Sophie 1 closeup shot of ‘im sorry’ on email. K
  • 47. ENIGMA BY MARIA  We are going to create Enigma by the audience not knowing why the boyfriend broke up with her.  Also by why she is looking back at the photos and what is the reason she is upset.  We will also create enigma by only showing a few words from the message. L
  • 48. Done by: Debbie TARGET AUDIENCE  Age : 15-20  Gender : mostly females  Ethnicity : any  Location : United Kingdom  Hobbies : going out with friends, having fun, going cinema etc  Social class : Middle class, working class Target audience would be interested in idea because of the plot :  It has a lot to do with love  Very common problems in this age range  15-20 year olds interested in finding out new things about love.  Can be a good way to start showing their emotions more often. M
  • 49. Done by: Debbie TARGET AUDIENCE Target audience would be interested in idea because of the form:  Type of editing will be modern  Not quite the kind of music that an older generation would appreciate  Transitions we will use our target audience will find it interesting as if it was a younger person or older wouldn‟t find it so amusing. Target audience would be interested in idea because of the genre/conventions :  People in this age range will mostly prefer films of this genre  Find the convention about the moral message interesting  Drama films is always a popular genre as it has a little bit of climax but also some romance going on M
  • 50. Done by: Debbie CHARACTERS Character representation: Poor broken hearted  Girl : Sophie girl •20 year old girl •Fashionable •Loving •Caring •Wealthy •spoilt •„family‟ background N
  • 51. Done by: Debbie CHARACTERS Sophie will have Scarves this kind of hair style Baggy, stylish top Casual winter Fashionable clothes Big bags N
  • 52. Done by: Debbie COSTUMES SOPHIE (1) Beige Hollister Black jumper Winter boots £40 £35 Navy salsa jeans 90 Euros N
  • 53. Done by: Debbie COSTUMES SOPHIE (2) White all star converse £40 Beige ralph lauren hoodie Navy salsa jeans 70 euros £75 N
  • 54. Done by: Debbie COSTUMES SOPHIE (3) Red dolly dress Sheer black £25 tights £2.50 Black Winter boots £35 N
  • 55. Done by: Debbie White all star converse COSTUMES SOPHIE (4) £40 Hollister checkerd shirt £44 Navy salsa jeans 90 euros N
  • 56. Done by: Debbie CHARACTERS Character representation: The lier with no  Boy : danny feelings •20 year old boy •Aggressive •Stubborn •Doesn't like to show emotions •Difficult background •hegemonic N
  • 57. Done by: Debbie CHARACTERS Checkered/ plain shirt  Inspirational picture of character Fashionable  straight facial expression Macho Casual clothes Manly posture All star / N boots Ripped Jeans
  • 58. Done by: Debbie COSTUMES JEAN (1) Black converse Grey jacket £30 £40 Navy jeans £25 N
  • 59. Done by: Debbie COSTUMES JEAN (2) All star converse Checkered shirt £40 £20 Light jeans £30 N
  • 60. Done by: Debbie COSTUMES JEAN (3) Hollister t-shirt £20 Blue and white jacket £50 All star converse £40 Light jeans N £30
  • 61. Done by: Debbie PROPS o blackberry curve  Samsung laptop •Girl looking at pictures on Facebook of the couple. •Girl receives •Check the text from boy email he sent telling her to her check her email, Rose oTeddy bear •Boyfriend giving the girl a •Remind girl of rose on first boyfriend that has date N just left.
  • 62. Done by: Milka IDEA FOR LOCATIONS • we are going to film in debbie‟s bedroom most of the time only for the flashbacks we are using other locations Desk Shot of bedroom from the Another shot taken door from the door Girl and boy coming down the stairs O holding hands
  • 63. Done by: Milka OTHER LOCATIONS  Living room, sofa where the couple have the argument • Door scene of where danny leaves the house • We are using this after argument with park in wembley to sophie show the flashback of a happy moment between the couple O
  • 64. Done by: Milka HOW WE WILL GET THERE  Car  Train  Bus  Walking  Cycle •Crossing the road •Getting robbed •Tripping over •If going by train  careful not to fall on to railway •Not get involved in arguments with people you do not know O •Do not give attention do strangers
  • 65. Done by: Milka NARRATIVE USED We will be using:  non-linear narrative = film shown in correct same order as happened events.  some scenes will be in chronological order  Make it clearer to the audience so don‟t get confused with order of events.  order of these detailed events need to be very clear as they are the key of our film. o linear narrative = mostly made of flashbacks as you may see the event first and then go onto the explanation.  Creates enigma  Divided into three sections  setup, conflict, decision
  • 66. FILM THEORY MARIA  We applies Todorov‟s theory in our story At the beginning we use equilibrium of when the girl is happy looking at the pictures. We then realize that something is wrong with her as we see her not smiling anymore. We then see the flashback of the two arguing. Then the recognition of something is wrong when the boyfriend e-mails her saying look at your e-mail. And an attempt to fix the situation. Q
  • 67. FILM THEORY MARIA  We did not use claude-levi strauss theory because he believed that all movies should end in conflict. However our movie ended in the two being together.
  • 68. LIONS GATE ENTERTAINMENT BY:MARIA  Logo:  Canadian entertainment company  Founded: 1997  Made: $1,704,000,000  I like this company because they mostly do drama- based films. Such as “Precious” which made $62,889,395. The budget of the film was &10,000,000. So it shows that they make a lot of profit out of it. R
  • 69. PARAMOUNT PICTURES MARIA  Logo:  Operating income: $1.2 billion  Founded: 1912  American film and television production/distribution company.  I like the distributing company because they make inspirational movies which have a strong moving meaning behind them.  One example of a film is: Freedom writers.  The budget of the film was $21,000,000  And the box office made $43,090,741 R
  • 70. COLUMBIA MARIA  Logo:  Founded: 1919  American film production and distribution company.  I like this distributing company because most of their target audience is aimed at teenagers.  They made films such as: The Ugly Truth  It was a Romantic Drama and was aimed at the same target audience as the one in our opening sequence  Its budget was $38 million R  And the box office made: $205,298,907
  • 71. Done by TITLES /CREDITS Milka We found this title intrusting. he word beauty is in bold, to show us that it‟s the more important word out of both.  We also like the way the whole post is simple, and pure, to show that true beauty is pure, the way there is a bright red rose also By Milka, symbolizes the word beauty Debbie and Maria We liked the way the title is down on the side, it makes it look different. I also liked the way the whole title is in caps lock The credits and big. it gives us a hint that the film isn't as calm would be as the film above, and is a bit dreadful something like We found the „X‟ very interesting, as it is in red and sort of looks like a danger sign. the colure this. makes it stand out more. with a photo of Danny and Sophie as the background. For the title, we would like to do something meaningful, as The photo that the genre we picked was drama. would be at the We all came up the conclusion that we would name are background of the film „Teenage Love‟ so it would be nice to put the word credits, would be LOVE in bold, as We got inspired by the two titles above. the same photo The color we would do it is pink as the gender that we are she was looking at aiming for are mostly females and as pink is a female on the opening color. sequence
  • 72. TITLES /CREDITS Teenage Love  Teenage Love Teenage Love
  • 73. Done by: MUSIC/SOUND Milka Non-diegetic: Wizard of Waverly place movie I found the non-digeteic sound, that was playing when Selena was crying inspiring, because it really suited the whole scene and fitted in just right. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BoR0otGGSY Titanic Titanic saw really inspiring, as the „flying scene was romantic, and they played a romantic song at the background as it was suitable for the scene http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MDPeL8lpzo Diegetic: Step up 1 I found the club scene in step up inspiring because there was music playing and when the characters started to take, the music volume level got put down, and we could hear everything they were saying clearly, at the same time the music was still playing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzl-0NuOzHE&feature=related
  • 74. Done by: SOME COPYRIGHT SOUNDS WE WOULD USE Milka FOR OPENING SEQUENCE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LbkxP_UCBQ We would use this as a non- diegetic sound, when she looks at the old pictures of her ex-boyfriend and when she starts crying, while thinking about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvElHGvuJEY&feature=related We would play this sound at the part when she gets happy flashbacks of her and partner before they broke up.
  • 75. Done by: Debbie BBFC AND RATING BBFC stands for = British Board of Film Classification What it is :  Company that classifies films (age range and categories)  Eg . U, PG,12a, 15, etc. Used for :  Cinema  Videos  media U
  • 76. Done by: Debbie BBFC OF OUR FILM  Our film is a PG BBFC standards How we are meeting them Discriminatory language or behavior is We are not using any kind of unlikely to be acceptable discrimination References to illegal drugs or drug misuse We are not using any kind of drugs or must be innocuous or carry a suitable sending out any messages to do with drugs anti-drug message Frightening sequences should not be No frightening scenes prolonged or intense No detail of potentially dangerous Only dangerous behaviour is during the behavior which young children are likely argument there will be some aggression to copy. Language No strong language will be used U Mild bad language only
  • 77. Done by: Debbie BBFC OF OUR FILM BBFC standards How we are meeting them Natural nudity, with no sexual There will be no nudity or sexual context scenes Sexual activity may be implied, but No sexual activity will be implied should be discreet and infrequent. Moderate violence, without detail, Moderate violence may be used may be allowed, if justified by its context U