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Debbie, Maria , Milka
GENRE                Done by:



 most of our inspirational films were drama related.
 Personal interest.

 our story is suitable only for this genre.

 We want to get a better understanding of the genre,
  therefore by picking it will be a great start.
 Original.

conventions   Use/develop/challenge              Purpose/
Arguments     Use                                Description :Husband
               Between protagonists             and wife arguing , wife
               Starting to be more aggressive
                                                 slaps husband , as she
                by hitting.                      thinks he does not love
              Challenge                          her, he hold her wrist ,
               Unusual hitting such as using    trying to calm her down ,
                some kind of weapons
               Weak protagonist winning
                                                 and stop her from doing
                                                 any other kind of physical

                                                 Purpose: Build up
                         OUR FILM

conventions   Use/develop/challenge      purpose/Description
Conflict      Use                        Description: By what
               Getting the wrong idea   wife understand , her
                about something or       husband does not love
                someone.                 her anymore, because he
               Causing violence or      does not show any
                argument.                affection for her anymore.

                                         Purpose: Emphasise
                                         emotion and develop
                        IN OUR FILM

conventions   Use/develop/challenge       purpose/Description
Emphasis of   Use                         Description:
emotion        Showing emotion            At first emotions will be
                  through behaviour and     coming just from wife,
                  how you treat other       but by the end husband
                  people                    will be sending out
              I.e.: Affection.              strong emotions too.
               Showing no kind of        Purpose:
                 affection for someone     audience feel more into
                 you love.                  the film , because they
              Challenge                     will know what each
               Sending out an image of     character is feeling.
                 an uncaring character.
                        OUR FILM

conventions   Use/develop/challenge     Purpose/
climax        use                        Description:
               Main characters point of  After some
                 view changes from what    accumulated
                 it was at first.          tension, wife
                                           explodes and ends
                                           up hitting the
                                           husband, leaves
                                           house and gets run

                                        Purpose :
                                         excite the
                               OUR FILM

convention          Use/develop/challenge       Description/Purpose
Use of symbols or   Use                         Description:
metaphors            Showing of something       Showing the wedding
                      that symbolises or          rings at the
                      informs the audience of     beginning of the
                      an event/date               opening sequence to
                                                  show it is about a
                                                  married couple.

                                                 Tell the audience
                                                  more about the
                                                  character, in a more
                                                  original way.
                           OUR FILM

convention      Use/develop/challenge         Description/Purpose
Happy           Use                           Description:
ending/relief    Protagonist end up           Husband promises he
                   together.                    is going to try and
                Get what they were              change and to start to
                fighting for throughout the     show more of his
                movie.                          emotions.
                Develop                        Wife starts to
                 Protagonist are not a         understand more the
                   couple.                      husbands point of
                Challenge                       view.
                 Get completely the
                   opposite of what they
                   tried to gain throughout
                   the movie
                 One of the protagonist
convention        Use/develop/challenge      Description/Purpose
Realism or        Use                        Description:
realistic issue    Using real issues such    These kind of
                    as love problems that      problems happen a
                    people can relate to.      lot in our everyday
                                              Couples tend to be
                                               shy and scared of
                                               showing and
                                               expressing their own

                                              Get closer to the
                                               audience as they may
                                               have similar
conventions   Use/develo/challenge        Description/purpose
Moral         Use                         Description:Love is not
message       Drama films all tend to     love if its not shown.
              have a moral message
              behind it, each story has
              their own message.
Done by: Maria
           Titanic                           grease

                                         . I liked this movie
  .The “I‟m flying” scene inspires       because it sent out a
   me because of the message it           good moral message.
   sends out. It is like both of them    . Its moral message was
   are on top of the world and            that you should not
   nobody around them can stop            change the way you look
   them.                                  for someone just to
  I liked the way the camera             attract them.
   moved around them so they
   emphasises that point really
Done by: Maria

                                                       IF ONLY

                                             . Our film can be based on this
 . I find that the notebook was very         movie. As the moral message of it
  inspiring because the romance is based      is the same.
  on something real.                         . This movie is inspirational
 . I also find it inspiring because many     because it shows that you should
  people go through this, and the moral       always appreciate the one that you
  message of it is to not let someone you     love, or you can end up regretting
  love go.                                    it.
 . You should never give up on love.        . It also shows that if you do start to
                                              appreciate her, then things will go
                                              really well and you can show her
                                              how much you love her
Done by: Maria

 . I find this movie inspiring
  because it shows that even
  though the one that you love is
  terminally ill, you should not leave
  them, but stay by their side.
 . This movie also inspires me,
  because it shows that love can
  change someone for the good and
  not for the bad.
Done by:
  Debbie                          THEMES


Suicide                                                Adolescence

                   Theme                     Poverty

    Conflict                                           Supernatural


Done by:
 Debbie                         CONCEPTS

                                 Pregnancy         Alcohol


DNA                                              drugs

  Memory loss                    Homosexuality

          Our   theme is conflict.
            Our concept is guilt.

 We are going to show this by the husband
     feeling guilty of what he has done.
   We show this by flashbacks of the two
  In our first group meeting we put all our ideas
 together to come out with the idea we have now. It
 wasn't too difficult because we all had very similar
 ideas of what we wanted our opening sequence to
 be about.
   Married couple where wife does everything for the

   Husband shows no affection for her

   She gets fed up and they both argue

   She gets run over and put into coma

   He feels guilty and believes it is time to change as
    he realises how important she is to him.
   Closeup shot of wedding rings

   Husband having flashback of him arguing with wife
    and him hitting her

   Door shutting

   Car screeching

   Him running shouting „no‟
   At first we did not have any ideas for what our
  moral message was going to be therefore made
  things harder. However now we have a very clear
  idea of what message we want to send out.

Moral message :
 love is not love if it is not shown.

 We only realise what we have after we loose it.
Done by: Maria

   We are going to create enigma by not showing who
           was the one who has been run over.
      By both of them leaving the house we are left
    curious as to which one of them has been run over.
   Age : 15-20
   Gender : mostly females
   Ethnicity : any
   Location : United Kingdom
   Hobbies : going out with friends, having fun, going cinema etc
   Social class : Middle class, working class

     Target audience would be interested because :
    It has a lot to do with love
   Very common problems in this age range
   15-20 year olds interested in finding out new things about
   Can be a good way to start showing their emotions more
Done by:
Debbie              CHARACTERS

Girl : sophie            Boy : danny

•20 year old girl
                         •20 year old boy
                         •Doesn't like to
                         show emotions
 Girl     Hair down most
          of the time to
                                       Boy      fashionabl
          cover face

               Fashionable                             Always keep
                                                       straight facia

               clothes                                   Macho

                             g rings

    The idea for are locations where we would be
 filming is, Deborah's house in her living room, were
    most of the filming would taken place, but might
              move a bit around the house.
 Also we are going to film outside Westfield for the
   scene where the car runs over one of them takes

  We will be using non-linear narrative in are film as
     there will be flash-backs and flash-forward

 Claude Levi-Strauss - constant creation of
  conflict/opposition propels narrative.(love/hate,
 Tvzetan Todorov simply equilibrium,
  disequilibrium, new equilibrium
   our parents will drop us, or we could get train or

There is no health & safety danger in these

  I do believe that the place we would be filming is
 always available, as it is one of the group members
   house. As we wouldn't need to make an official
           promotion to film in are location.

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Assignment 9 part 2 final

  • 1. ASSIGNMENT 9: GETTING INTO GROUPS Debbie, Maria , Milka
  • 2. GENRE Done by: Debbie Drama Reasons:  most of our inspirational films were drama related.  Personal interest.  our story is suitable only for this genre.  We want to get a better understanding of the genre, therefore by picking it will be a great start.  Original.
  • 3. CONVENTIONS USED IN OUR FILM conventions Use/develop/challenge Purpose/ description Arguments Use Description :Husband  Between protagonists and wife arguing , wife Develop  Starting to be more aggressive slaps husband , as she by hitting. thinks he does not love Challenge her, he hold her wrist ,  Unusual hitting such as using trying to calm her down , some kind of weapons  Weak protagonist winning and stop her from doing any other kind of physical aggression. Purpose: Build up tension.
  • 4. CONVENTIONS USED IN OUR FILM conventions Use/develop/challenge purpose/Description Conflict Use Description: By what  Getting the wrong idea wife understand , her about something or husband does not love someone. her anymore, because he  Causing violence or does not show any argument. affection for her anymore. Purpose: Emphasise emotion and develop sympathy
  • 5. CONVENTIONS USED IN OUR FILM conventions Use/develop/challenge purpose/Description Emphasis of Use Description: emotion  Showing emotion  At first emotions will be through behaviour and coming just from wife, how you treat other but by the end husband people will be sending out I.e.: Affection. strong emotions too. Develop  Showing no kind of Purpose: affection for someone  audience feel more into you love. the film , because they Challenge will know what each  Sending out an image of character is feeling. an uncaring character.
  • 6. CONVENTIONS USED IN OUR FILM conventions Use/develop/challenge Purpose/ description climax use Description:  Main characters point of  After some view changes from what accumulated it was at first. tension, wife explodes and ends up hitting the husband, leaves house and gets run over. Purpose :  excite the audience.
  • 7. CONVENTIONS USED IN OUR FILM convention Use/develop/challenge Description/Purpose Use of symbols or Use Description: metaphors  Showing of something  Showing the wedding that symbolises or rings at the informs the audience of beginning of the an event/date opening sequence to show it is about a married couple. Purpose:  Tell the audience more about the character, in a more original way.
  • 8. CONVENTIONS USED IN OUR FILM convention Use/develop/challenge Description/Purpose Happy Use Description: ending/relief  Protagonist end up  Husband promises he together. is going to try and Get what they were change and to start to fighting for throughout the show more of his movie. emotions. Develop  Wife starts to  Protagonist are not a understand more the couple. husbands point of Challenge view.  Get completely the opposite of what they tried to gain throughout the movie  One of the protagonist dies.
  • 9. convention Use/develop/challenge Description/Purpose Realism or Use Description: realistic issue  Using real issues such  These kind of as love problems that problems happen a people can relate to. lot in our everyday life.  Couples tend to be shy and scared of showing and expressing their own feelings. Purpose:  Get closer to the audience as they may have similar problems.
  • 10. conventions Use/develo/challenge Description/purpose Moral Use Description:Love is not message Drama films all tend to love if its not shown. have a moral message behind it, each story has their own message.
  • 11. Done by: Maria INSPIRATIONAL FILMS Titanic grease  . I liked this movie  .The “I‟m flying” scene inspires because it sent out a me because of the message it good moral message. sends out. It is like both of them  . Its moral message was are on top of the world and that you should not nobody around them can stop change the way you look them. for someone just to  I liked the way the camera attract them. moved around them so they emphasises that point really well.
  • 12. Done by: Maria IF ONLY  . Our film can be based on this  . I find that the notebook was very movie. As the moral message of it inspiring because the romance is based is the same. on something real.  . This movie is inspirational  . I also find it inspiring because many because it shows that you should people go through this, and the moral always appreciate the one that you message of it is to not let someone you love, or you can end up regretting love go. it.  . You should never give up on love.  . It also shows that if you do start to appreciate her, then things will go really well and you can show her how much you love her
  • 13. Done by: Maria  . I find this movie inspiring because it shows that even though the one that you love is terminally ill, you should not leave them, but stay by their side.  . This movie also inspires me, because it shows that love can change someone for the good and not for the bad.
  • 14. Done by: Debbie THEMES Discrimination Jealousy Obssession Suicide Adolescence Justice Theme Poverty Conflict Supernatural Revenge Science Racism Religion Depression
  • 15. Done by: Debbie CONCEPTS Love affairs HIV Pregnancy Alcohol Hidden feelings Prostitution cancer Concepts DNA drugs Memory loss Homosexuality guilt
  • 16. THEME / CONCEPT  Our theme is conflict.  Our concept is guilt.  We are going to show this by the husband feeling guilty of what he has done.  We show this by flashbacks of the two arguing.
  • 17. IDEA DEVELOPMENT In our first group meeting we put all our ideas together to come out with the idea we have now. It wasn't too difficult because we all had very similar ideas of what we wanted our opening sequence to be about.
  • 18. IDEA – WHOLE FILM  Married couple where wife does everything for the husband  Husband shows no affection for her  She gets fed up and they both argue  She gets run over and put into coma  He feels guilty and believes it is time to change as he realises how important she is to him.
  • 19. IDEA- OPENING SEQUENCE  Closeup shot of wedding rings  Husband having flashback of him arguing with wife and him hitting her  Door shutting  Car screeching  Him running shouting „no‟
  • 20. IDEA DEVELOPMENT At first we did not have any ideas for what our moral message was going to be therefore made things harder. However now we have a very clear idea of what message we want to send out. Moral message :  love is not love if it is not shown.  We only realise what we have after we loose it.
  • 21. Done by: Maria ENIGMA  We are going to create enigma by not showing who was the one who has been run over.  By both of them leaving the house we are left curious as to which one of them has been run over.
  • 22. TARGET AUDIENCE  Age : 15-20  Gender : mostly females  Ethnicity : any  Location : United Kingdom  Hobbies : going out with friends, having fun, going cinema etc  Social class : Middle class, working class Target audience would be interested because :  It has a lot to do with love  Very common problems in this age range  15-20 year olds interested in finding out new things about love.  Can be a good way to start showing their emotions more often.
  • 23. Done by: Debbie CHARACTERS Girl : sophie Boy : danny •20 year old girl •20 year old boy •Fashionable •Aggressive •Loving •Stubborn •Caring •Doesn't like to •Wealthy show emotions •spoilt •Difficult •„family‟ background background •hegemonic
  • 24. COSTUME & PROPS Girl Hair down most of the time to Boy fashionabl e cover face Fashionable Always keep straight facia expression Casual clothes Macho Casual clothes Props Weddin g rings
  • 25. IDEA FOR LOCATIONS  The idea for are locations where we would be filming is, Deborah's house in her living room, were most of the filming would taken place, but might move a bit around the house.  Also we are going to film outside Westfield for the scene where the car runs over one of them takes place.
  • 26. NARRATIVE We will be using non-linear narrative in are film as there will be flash-backs and flash-forward
  • 27. THEORIES WE WILL INCLUDE  Claude Levi-Strauss - constant creation of conflict/opposition propels narrative.(love/hate, control/panic).  Tvzetan Todorov simply equilibrium, disequilibrium, new equilibrium
  • 28. HOW WE WILL GET THERE  our parents will drop us, or we could get train or bus. There is no health & safety danger in these locations.
  • 29. IF LOCATIONS IS ALWAYS ACCESSIBLE I do believe that the place we would be filming is always available, as it is one of the group members house. As we wouldn't need to make an official promotion to film in are location.