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Chloe Adkins
CI 350
For this assignment we were asked to create a lesson using the ASSURE Method
for the following students in a 1st grade class: Special ed, 10 boys, 7 girls, 70% white
20% African-American and 10% Latino.7 students in the class have mild to severe
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).
A- Analyze the learners. The learners in this class are very diverse in terms of
their specific needs. Some students need more assistance than other. This is a first grade
class and the average age of the classroom ranges from 6 and a half years old. All of the
students in this class are from the Appalachian area and many of the students have not
traveled out of the area.
S-State the objectives- The students in this classroom need to know the months of
the year for their future and everyday life. By the end of this lesson the students will
recount the months of the year to me in chronological order. They will learn through
provided activities such as the song and web quest. They will be able to recount the
months of the year in chronological order with 89 percent accuracy. They will continue to
build upon this skill as it will be used for the remainder of the year and the remainder of
their lives making it extremely relevant. The students will classify the months by which
season they occur in our area in the following weeks and after the unit is complete. They
will know how to do this from the class discussion and art project. The students will be
able to tell which months occur in which season in our area of West Virginia with 85
percent accuracy. They will learn this as it will be applicable to their everyday lives.
S-Select methods, media, and materials. We will begin the lesson by using a short
webquest. The webquest can be found at the link in parenthesees
(http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=112826). After some discussion we will listen to the
months of the year song on youtube. This song can be heard at
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5enDRrWyXaw). After this we will use markers
poster board as a tool to make something visual for the students to see. We will then use a
pencil as a tool and practice writing the month of the year.
U-Utilize media and materials. The students will learn the months of the year
through multiple methods. that will help the students become involved with the activity
and in cooperate technology. We will do the Webquest on the smart board together as a
team. This will help the class be involved while not making the activity too advanced.
After the webquest we will use discussion. We will discuss what the webquest said about
months of the year. After the discussion we will practice singing the months of the year
song. We will listen the first few times and then begin to sing. To make the months
interesting I will have each student or group of two students pretend to be a month. I will
hand out materials that might make them think about the month. For example: October- a
pumpkin, December- A string of lights, January- A snowflake, etc. Following the song I
will have the children form groups and draw representations of the months of the year.
We will then paint the pictures and hang them up around the room in chronological order
so the students can see them everyday to act as a review throughout the following weeks.
The students and I will then practice writing the names of the months of the year. This
will help them with their fine motor skills as many of them still have difficulty
controlling a pencil.
R- Require learner participation. I will require the students to participate by doing
interactive activities. We will begin this with our group webquest. I will have the students
take turns coming up to the smart board and controlling it. The rest of the students will sit
in a circle on the story rug in front of the smart board. This will allow them to work in a
collaborative manner and solve problems with my minimal involvement. The students
will go on to stay in collaborative groups for the remainder of the lesson. They will stay
in a collaborative group for the song on youtube. The different materials I will give them
will keep them engaged. They will continue to be forced to participate when we do the art
project, as they will be the ones forced to create. I will provide guidance and support, but
strive for them to come up with the majority of the ideas.
E- Evaluate and revise. I will assess how well the students learned the lesson by
using anecdotal records in the weeks following. I do not want the students to simply
memorize the information for a day. I want them to truly learn the months of the year and
be able to recall them in the future. I will pop around the room and see how many
students can recall the months of the year with no assistance in the following weeks. If
this lesson becomes too long for my students and they begin loosing focus I will break
the lesson up into smaller sessions right before and right after recess. We will use the
song as a tool to center them back in the classroom after being out on the playground. I
will evaluate the effectiveness of the media by how well the students enjoyed the
activities and by using my anecdotal records to see how well they learned the months
following each activity.

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Assure method 1st grade

  • 1. Chloe Adkins CI 350 ASSURE Lesson For this assignment we were asked to create a lesson using the ASSURE Method for the following students in a 1st grade class: Special ed, 10 boys, 7 girls, 70% white 20% African-American and 10% Latino.7 students in the class have mild to severe ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). A- Analyze the learners. The learners in this class are very diverse in terms of their specific needs. Some students need more assistance than other. This is a first grade class and the average age of the classroom ranges from 6 and a half years old. All of the students in this class are from the Appalachian area and many of the students have not traveled out of the area. S-State the objectives- The students in this classroom need to know the months of the year for their future and everyday life. By the end of this lesson the students will recount the months of the year to me in chronological order. They will learn through provided activities such as the song and web quest. They will be able to recount the months of the year in chronological order with 89 percent accuracy. They will continue to build upon this skill as it will be used for the remainder of the year and the remainder of their lives making it extremely relevant. The students will classify the months by which season they occur in our area in the following weeks and after the unit is complete. They will know how to do this from the class discussion and art project. The students will be able to tell which months occur in which season in our area of West Virginia with 85 percent accuracy. They will learn this as it will be applicable to their everyday lives.
  • 2. S-Select methods, media, and materials. We will begin the lesson by using a short webquest. The webquest can be found at the link in parenthesees (http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=112826). After some discussion we will listen to the months of the year song on youtube. This song can be heard at (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5enDRrWyXaw). After this we will use markers poster board as a tool to make something visual for the students to see. We will then use a pencil as a tool and practice writing the month of the year. U-Utilize media and materials. The students will learn the months of the year through multiple methods. that will help the students become involved with the activity and in cooperate technology. We will do the Webquest on the smart board together as a team. This will help the class be involved while not making the activity too advanced. After the webquest we will use discussion. We will discuss what the webquest said about months of the year. After the discussion we will practice singing the months of the year song. We will listen the first few times and then begin to sing. To make the months interesting I will have each student or group of two students pretend to be a month. I will hand out materials that might make them think about the month. For example: October- a pumpkin, December- A string of lights, January- A snowflake, etc. Following the song I will have the children form groups and draw representations of the months of the year. We will then paint the pictures and hang them up around the room in chronological order so the students can see them everyday to act as a review throughout the following weeks. The students and I will then practice writing the names of the months of the year. This will help them with their fine motor skills as many of them still have difficulty controlling a pencil.
  • 3. R- Require learner participation. I will require the students to participate by doing interactive activities. We will begin this with our group webquest. I will have the students take turns coming up to the smart board and controlling it. The rest of the students will sit in a circle on the story rug in front of the smart board. This will allow them to work in a collaborative manner and solve problems with my minimal involvement. The students will go on to stay in collaborative groups for the remainder of the lesson. They will stay in a collaborative group for the song on youtube. The different materials I will give them will keep them engaged. They will continue to be forced to participate when we do the art project, as they will be the ones forced to create. I will provide guidance and support, but strive for them to come up with the majority of the ideas. E- Evaluate and revise. I will assess how well the students learned the lesson by using anecdotal records in the weeks following. I do not want the students to simply memorize the information for a day. I want them to truly learn the months of the year and be able to recall them in the future. I will pop around the room and see how many students can recall the months of the year with no assistance in the following weeks. If this lesson becomes too long for my students and they begin loosing focus I will break the lesson up into smaller sessions right before and right after recess. We will use the song as a tool to center them back in the classroom after being out on the playground. I will evaluate the effectiveness of the media by how well the students enjoyed the activities and by using my anecdotal records to see how well they learned the months following each activity.