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Conference Call to Review
2006 Fiscal Year and Fourth Quarter
         Financial Results

           November 8, 2006
             8:00 a.m. EST
Forward Looking Statements
The matters discussed or incorporated by reference in this presentation may contain
“forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of
1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements other than
statements of historical fact included in this presentation are forward-looking statements
made in good faith by the Company and are intended to qualify for the safe harbor from
liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used
in this presentation or in any of the Company’s other documents or oral presentations,
the words “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “goal,” “intend,”
“objective,” “plan” “projection,” “seek,” “strategy” or similar words are intended to identify
forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and
uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in
this presentation, including the risks relating to regulatory trends and decisions, the
Company’s ability to continue to access the capital markets and the other factors
discussed in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These
factors include the risks and uncertainties discussed in the Company’s Annual Report on
Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2005, and the Company’s Quarterly
Report on Form 10-Q for the three and nine months ended June 30, 2006. Although the
Company believes these forward-looking statements to be reasonable, there can be no
assurance that they will approximate actual experience or that the expectations derived
from them will be realized. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise
any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or

Further, the Company will only update earnings guidance through its quarterly and
annual earnings releases. All estimated financial metrics for fiscal year 2007 and beyond
that appear in this presentation are current as of the date noted on each relevant slide.        2
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006

                                                         Key Drivers
 Net Income
                                                Increased contribution from
                                                nonutility businesses, primarily
                                                natural gas marketing segment, due
                                                to higher margins and market
                                       $162.3   Rate increase adjustments, primarily
$170.0                      20 %
                                                GRIP in Texas effective in 2006
$160.0                   $147.7                 Nonrecurring, noncash charge of
                    9%                          $14.6 million due to impairment of
$150.0     $135.8                               irrigation properties in West Texas
$140.0                                          Weather was 13% warmer than
                                                normal and 2% warmer than the
$130.0                                          prior year, as adjusted for
                                                jurisdictions with weather-
$120.0                                          normalized rates
$110.0                                          Increase in O&M expenses due to
         2005        2006         2006 (excl.   higher employee-related costs
                                   charge)      Increase in interest expense due to
                                                higher S-T Debt balances and
                ($ in millions)                 interest rate increases

Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006

Earnings per Diluted Share

                                                 2006 includes $0.18 per diluted
                                                 share related to nonrecurring,
 $2.00                                           noncash charge for
                                                 impairment of irrigation
                                                 properties in utility segment
 $1.75                                           Delivered on company’s 2006
                                                 guidance range of $1.80-$1.90
                                                 per diluted share, despite 13%
                                                 warmer than normal weather
                                                 Period-over-period increase of
                                                 almost 2.4 million weighted
                                                 average diluted shares
         2005         2006         2006 (excl.

Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006

Net Income by Segment


 ($ in millions)


                   $45.0                     30.6


                               2005                         2006
                      Utility                             Natural gas marketing
                      Pipeline and storage                Other nonutility
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006
 $98.9 million increase in gross profit
    $17.7 million increased utility gross profit primarily from

       o $22.9 million decrease primarily due to decreased throughput of 17.1
         Bcf, due to weather that was 2 percent warmer than the prior year

       o $16.1 million increase related to higher franchise fees, higher state
         gross receipts taxes paid and other items

       o $13.8 million increase due to rate adjustments resulting from the
         GRIP-related recovery for 2004 and 2005 capital expenditures in

       o $6.2 million increase due to recognition of previously deferred revenue
         associated with 2003 Rate Stabilization Filing with the Louisiana
         Public Service Commission

       o $2.9 million decrease due to the impact of Hurricane Katrina
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006

Jurisdictions Adjusted for WNA

 At September 30, 2006, we had WNA in the following service areas for
 the following periods as noted, which covers over 90% of our customer
 meters in service:
                 Tennessee                      November – April
                 Georgia                        October – May
                 Mississippi                    November – April
                 Kentucky                       November – April
                 Kansas                         October – May
                 Louisiana *                    December – March
                 Mid-Tex *                      October – May
                 Amarillo, TX                   October – May
                                                October – May
                 West Texas
                 Lubbock, TX                    October – May
                                                January – December

* New for the 2006-2007 winter heating season
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006
                                      YTD Warmer than Normal Weather Effect by Division
                                                                                                                                                             i da
                                                                                    ate               ky           s
                                                                                                                            ia n
                                                                                                                 xa                       ex
                                                                      S                                                                                   ol
                                                                 /K                                           Te        uis          d- T             s
                                                                            d-                 n                                                  n
                                                  MS                      Mi                                                       Mi
                                                            CO                              Ke                                                 Co
                                                                                                                                                          • Fiscal 2006 utility
                                                                                                                                                            gross profit was
Percent (Warmer) Colder than Normal

                                                                                                                                                            adversely affected
                                                                                       0%                  0%                                               by $49.2 million due
                                       0                                                                                                                    to weather that was
                                                                                                                                                            13% warmer than
                                                                                                                                                            normal, as adjusted
                                                                                                                                                            for jurisdictions with
                                                                  9%              10%
                                                                                                                                                          • Louisiana and Mid-
                                                                                                                                                            Tex Divisions did
                                                                                                                                                            not have weather-
                                                                                                                                                            normalized rates and
                                                                                                                                         18%                experienced warmer
                                                                                                                                                            than normal weather
                                                                                                                                                            of 22% and 28%,

                                                                 Actual / Normal                                  Adjusted for WNA
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006

 Relationship of Utility EPS to Heating Degree Days
                                                              Degree Days
   EPS                                                        (Adjusted for WNA)

  $1.25                                                            3,500
                    3,271                 $1.03
                                                    $0.83 *

  $0.25                                                            2,250
                    2004                   2005     2006

   * Excludes negative impact of asset impairment
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006

Utility Margin Sensitivity

                                                     2004–2006                          2006–2007E
                                                                                      Heating Season
                                                  Heating Seasons
               Heating Season
                                                    (Post-TXU Gas)
               (Before TXU Gas)

                     13%                                       17%

                     Weather                       Weather-                            Nonweather-
                     Normalized                    Sensitive Margin                    Sensitive Margin*

 * Non-weather sensitive margin is gas consumption not correlated to weather, i.e., gas clothes dryer, gas water heater,
 gas cooking, and includes monthly fixed charge

Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006
 $98.9 million increase in gross profit (continued)
     $68.6 million increase in natural gas marketing gross profit primarily
     due to
       o $27.3 million increase in realized marketing margins primarily due
         to increased volumes sold of 45.9 Bcf year over year and capturing
         higher margins in certain market areas that experienced increased
       o $1.8 million decrease in realized storage contribution as a result of
         unfavorable arbitrage spreads related to storage optimization
         efforts, coupled with increased storage fees on incremental
         storage capacity added in the third quarter of fiscal 2005
       o $12.7 million decrease in unrealized storage mark-to-market
         losses primarily due to favorable movement between the forward
         prices used to value financial hedges and the spot prices used to
         value the physical storage positions, coupled with an increase in
         physical storage positions of 7.6 Bcf year over year
       o $30.4 million increase in unrealized marketing mark-to-market
         gains primarily due to favorable movement in the forward prices
         used to value the financial derivatives used in these activities      11
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006

                                   Year Ended September 30
 Natural Gas Marketing Segment   2006       2005     Change
                                 (In thousands, except physical position)

 Storage Activities
     Realized margin              $26,225         $28,008          ($1,783)
     Unrealized margin             (1,293)        (14,007)          12,714
 Total Storage Activities          24,932          14,001           10,931

 Marketing Activities
     Realized margin               87,236          59,971           27,265
     Unrealized margin             18,459         (11,999)          30,458
 Total Marketing Activities       105,695          47,972           57,723

 GROSS PROFIT                    $130,627         $61,973          $68,654

 Net physical position (Bcf)           14.5             6.9                 7.6

Consolidated Financial Results- Fiscal 2006

                                Fair Value of Contracts at September 30, 2006
                                         Maturity in Years
                                                                      Total Fair
Source of Fair Value             <1         1-3        4-5      >5       Value
                                                (In thousands)

                                                    $   —   $     — $ (10,299)
Prices actively quoted       $ (17,421)   $ 7,122

Prices provided by other
   external sources              (440)      (936)                 —     (1,376)

Prices based on models &
   other valuation methods       (255)      (276)       —         —       (531)

                                                    $        $    — $ (12,206)
Total Fair Value             $ (18,116)   $ 5,910

Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006

 $98.9 million increase in gross profit (continued)
    $13.2 million increase in pipeline and storage gross
    profit primarily due to

      o $16.2 million increase due to a 34.9 Bcf increase
        in total transportation volumes, higher
        transportation & related service margins and
        more favorable arbitrage spreads captured in
        asset management contracts, partially offset by a

      o $3.0 million decrease due to the absence of
        inventory sales realized in the prior year
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006

 Increased O&M expenses of $17.1 million primarily
due to
     $19.6 million increase in employee costs associated
     with increased headcount and benefit costs primarily
     resulting from changes in the pension assumptions
     used to determine the fiscal 2006 costs
     $2.1 million decrease due to the absence of UCG
     acquisition-related M&I costs which became fully
     amortized in fiscal 2005
     $1.5 million increase in provision for doubtful
     accounts due to due to increased collection risk on
     higher customer bills caused by higher gas prices
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006

  Pension, Post-Retirement & Other Benefits Expense

(in millions)

                                      $53.3       Other
                                                  Medical & Dental
 $50.0                         9.3                Post-Retirement
 $40.0           9.9
                                              2006 Pension Assumptions
 $20.0                         14.2           8.50% return on plan assets
                                              5.00% discount rate
 $10.0                                        4.00% wage increase
                2005           2006

Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006

Utility Bad Debt Expense as a Percent of Revenues

           2.0    1.86


           1.0                    0.83
                                                  0.58    0.58
           0.5                            0.29

                 2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006

 Increased taxes, other than income, of $17.3 million primarily due to
 increased franchise fees and state gross receipts taxes

 Increased operating expenses due to $22.9 million noncash charge to
 recognize the impairment of West Texas irrigation properties in fiscal 2006

 Increased interest charges of $13.9 million
       $18.7 million increase primarily due to higher short-term debt
       balances used for natural gas purchases made at significantly higher
       prices coupled with an increase in the 3-month LIBOR rate, partially
       offset by
       $4.8 million decrease in interest charges from the early payoff of
       $72.5 million of First Mortgage Bonds in June 2005

 Decreased miscellaneous income of $1.1 million due to $3.3 million
 noncash charge in fiscal 2006 related to an adverse regulatory ruling in
 Tennessee associated with gas purchases and the PBR calculation
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006
                                  West Texas Irrigation Volumes Decline
                (in thousands)                                                                        (in BCF)

                        20.0                                                                           20.0

Number of Water Wells

                        15.0                                                                           15.0

                                                                                                                 Irrigation Volumes
                                      16.3                        12.2
                               12.2                 13.1                        9.6
                        10.0                                                                           10.0
                         5.0                                                                           5.0
                         0.0                                                                           0.0


















Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006

       Capital Expenditures

                 Utility CAPEX                                           Nonutility CAPEX
                  (in millions)                                            (in millions)

                  $300.6          $307.7                                                    $117.6


$225                                                                              68.5

$75                                                                               49.1
          90.2          89.1
 $0                                                               2005            2006
          2005          2006
                                       Fiscal 2006 Expenditures
                                  Maintenance Capital: $287.1 million
                                  Growth Capital:      $138.2 million                                20
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 4Q

  Net Income (Loss)
                                                        Key Drivers
                                                Increase in natural gas marketing
                                        $20.9   margins, primarily unrealized
                                                marketing and storage margins
 $15.0                      $6.1                Nonrecurring, after-tax charge of
                                                $14.8 million due to impairment of
                                                irrigation properties in West Texas
                                                Rate increases associated with
                                                Texas GRIP
                                                Increased interest expense due to
                                                higher average short-term debt
          4Q 2005      4Q 2006        4Q 2006
                                                balances and an increase in the 3-
                                       (excl.   month LIBOR rate
                    ($ in millions)

Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 4Q

Net Income (Loss) per Diluted Share

    $0.40                           $0.25
                                            Includes a nonrecurring, after-
    $0.20                                   tax charge due to impairment
                                            of irrigation properties in West
                                            Texas Utility Division of $0.18
                                            per diluted share
                                            Quarter-over-quarter increase
              ($0.21)                       of approximately 1.7 million
                                            weighted average diluted
                                            shares outstanding
             Q4 2005    Q4 2006   Q4 2006

Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 4Q

Capital Expenditures

                 Utility CAPEX                                          Nonutility CAPEX
                  (in millions)                                           (in millions)

$120               $91.2                                                                   $27.0

 $60    65.6
 $30                                                             15.1             13.5
        25.6               24.6
                                                               2005 4Q           2006 4Q
       2005 4Q        2006 4Q
                                     Fiscal 2006 4Q Expenditures
                                  Maintenance Capital: $64.5 million
                                  Growth Capital:      $38.1 million                               23
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 4Q

                                 Quarter Ended September 30
 Natural Gas Marketing Segment   2006       2005     Change
                                 (In thousands, except physical position)

 Storage Activities
     Realized margin             ($18,375)        $12,526         ($30,901)
     Unrealized margin             41,631          (6,942)          48,573
 Total Storage Activities          23,256           5,584           17,672

 Marketing Activities
     Realized margin               23,973          16,790            7,183
     Unrealized margin             13,988          (8,800)          22,788
 Total Marketing Activities        37,961           7,990           29,971

 GROSS PROFIT                     $61,217         $13,574          $47,643

  Net physical position (Bcf)          14.5             6.9                 7.6
Highlights – Fiscal 2006
Natural Gas Gathering Project       (map in appendix)

 May 10, 2006, announced plans to construct 60-mile, 20-
 inch natural gas gathering system in eastern Kentucky
 Expected to relieve severe pipeline constraints and
 accommodates rapidly expanding production in the region
 (Big Sandy)
 Estimated project cost is $75-$80 million
 An independent producer in the area will have ownership
 interest in the project
 Project received exemption from regulatory oversight by
 the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in early
 October; other required regulatory approvals pending
 Anticipate construction to begin in the first half of fiscal
 2007, and operations to begin in fiscal 2008
Highlights – Fiscal 2006

Louisiana Rate Settlement
 May 25, 2006, Louisiana Public Service Commission (LPSC) approved
 settlement of several existing dockets
 Allows modified WNA which provides for partial decoupling
 Renews the Rate Stabilization Clause (RSC) with provisions reducing
 regulatory lag and a refund of $400,000
       First RSC filing for the LGS service area made in August 2006,
       with an effective date of August 12, 2006, based on a test year
       ended December 31, 2005
       First RSC filing for the Trans La service area should be made by
       December 31, 2006, for the test period ending September 30,
       2006, with effective date of April 1, 2007
       WNA in both service areas will be effective for an initial three year
       period beginning with the 2006-2007 winter
 Implemented new rates subject to refund in September 2006, reflecting
 reduction of about 26,500 customers and recovery of costs as a result of
 damage related to Hurricane Katrina                                         26
Highlights – Fiscal 2006
Rate Case Filing in Mid-Tex Division
May 31, 2006, filed for rate increase of $60 million and
several rate design changes including WNA, Revenue
Stabilization, and recovery of the gas cost component of bad
July 6, 2006, an interim agreement was reached to implement
WNA effective October 1, 2006
     Interim WNA uses 30 years of weather history and permanent
     WNA will allow the parties to contest the period of weather
     data used to calculate normal weather
Hearing is currently in progress and expected to continue
through November 15, 2006
Anticipate decision on the case by April 2007
Any rate increase will be effective from the day of final order;
any rate decrease will be effective from May 31, 2006
Affects approximately 1.5 million customers in Texas             27
Highlights – Fiscal 2006
        Mid-Tex Division Rate Case – Proposed Schedule
                              2006                                          2007
Event                    September    October    November    December    January   February   March    April
Last Day to File            9/15/06
Discovery in Company’s
Direct Case
Staff and Intervenor
Direct Testimony
Company Rebuttal
Hearing on the Merits                 10/31/06
Hearing on the Merits
Initial Briefs Due
Reply Briefs Due
Proposal for Decision
(PFD) Issued
Exceptions Due
Replies to Exceptions
First Possible RRC                                                                   2/6/07
Conference (Oral
Second Possible RRC
Conference (Decision)
Highlights – Fiscal 2006
  GRIP Filings – State of Texas
April 13, 2006, Atmos Pipeline-Texas 2005 GRIP filing of $3.3 million
revenue increase related to return and capital-related expenses on $21.6
million in net investment during calendar 2005, implemented August 2006
March 31, 2006, Mid-Tex Division 2005 GRIP filing of $11.8 million related
to return and capital-related expenses on $62.1 million increase in net
investment during calendar 2005; implemented September 2006
September 2005, Mid-Tex Division 2004 GRIP filing of $6.7 million related
to return and capital-related expenses on $29.4 million increase in net
investment during calendar 2004, implemented Feb. 2006
September 2005, Atmos Pipeline-Texas 2004 GRIP filing of $1.9 million
revenue increase related to return and capital-related expenses on $10.6
million in net investment during calendar 2004, implemented January 2006
September 2005, West Texas Division 2004 GRIP filing for $3.8 million on
increase in net investment of $22.6 million
   Implementation of new charges in January 2006, except for the inside city limits
   customers, which went into effect in May 2006.

Highlights – Fiscal 2006

   GRIP Filing Process in Texas

                                       Effective Immediately

               60                      Effective under “Operation of Law”
Atmos files
with cities

                                         Atmos appeals
                                         to RRC within
                            DENY                          Up to
                                            30 days


Highlights – Fiscal 2006
Rate Case Filing – Missouri
April 7, 2006, filed request for 1st rate increase in over
9 years in Missouri

Request for revenue increase of about $3.4 million, or

Total company investments approximate $22.0 million
over the 9-year period

Currently in settlement discussions with commission

Serve approximately 60,000 residential, commercial
and industrial customers in Missouri
Highlights – Fiscal 2006
Rate Case Result – Tennessee

November 2005, Tennessee Regulatory Authority
(TRA) began investigation into allegations by the
Consumer Advocate’s Office of the Tennessee
Attorney General’s Office that Atmos Energy was
overcharging customers by approximately $10 million
On October 27, 2006, the TRA voted to reduce rates
by $6.1 million, effective December 1, 2006
We are currently analyzing the timing of a new rate
case filing
Serve approximately 125,000 residential, commercial
and industrial customers in Tennessee
Highlights – Fiscal 2006
Rate Stabilization Results - Mississippi
 October 3, 2005, Mississippi Public Utilities Staff reached an agreement with the
 Mississippi Division of Atmos Energy, requiring an up-front rate reduction of
 $600,000 effective October 1, 2005 and the following revisions:
 Annual filings to be made, effective November 1 each year, effective September 5,
 New earnings sharing mechanism established
     50/50 sharing of all earnings above allowed ROE for the first year
     Thereafter, Atmos allowed to retain up to 250 additional basis points above ROE
 Calculated ROE plus a performance adjuster of up to 50 basis points (currently
 Shifts $10 million in annual margins from volumetric to customer charge
 Revised WNA to include approximately 4% of additional heating degree days
 Reduces regulatory lag, adjusts for forward-looking known and measurable
 expenses and utilizes an average expected rate base
 Changes affect approximately 251,000 customers
Highlights – Fiscal 2006

Gas Held in Underground Storage – by Segment

                          September 30, 2006                 September 30, 2005
    Segment          Balance     Volumes     WACOG      Balance     Volumes     WACOG
                     ($MM’s)         (Bcf)              ($MM’s)         (Bcf)

  Atmos Utility      $   385.5       59.9    $   6.43   $   328.6       54.7    $   6.01

   Natural Gas            63.0       15.3        7.88       110.1         8.2       5.80

Pipeline & Storage        13.0         2.6       7.89        12.1         1.8       6.06

      Total:         $   461.5       77.8    $   6.76   $   450.8       64.7    $   5.99

Highlights – Fiscal 2006
Credit Facilities
November 7, 2006, Atmos Energy entered into a new $300
million, 364-day committed revolving credit facility
   Supplements amounts available under existing $18 million
   committed credit facility and $25 million uncommitted credit facility,
   under essentially the same terms as the $600 million 3-year
   committed revolving credit facility
April 1, 2006, Atmos Energy renewed its existing $18
million committed credit facility, with no material changes to
terms and pricing
November 28, 2005, Atmos Energy Marketing (AEM)
increased its $250 million uncommitted credit facility to
$580 million, with essentially same terms
   On March 31, 2006, AEM subsequently amended and extended
   this facility to March 31, 2007
On October 18, 2005, Atmos Energy entered into a $600
million, 3-year committed revolving credit facility through
October 18, 2008, which serves as a backup liquidity
facility for our commercial paper program                                   35
Highlights – Fiscal 2006
Investment Grade Credit Ratings
Moody’s                           Rating
      Senior Unsecured Debt:      Baa3
      Commercial Paper:           P-3
      Outlook:                    stable
Standard & Poor’s
      Senior Unsecured Debt:      BBB
      Commercial Paper:           A-2
      Outlook:                    stable
      Senior Unsecured Debt:      BBB+
      Commercial Paper:           F-2
      Outlook:                    stable

Highlights – Fiscal 2006
Annual Dividend Increase
   19th consecutive annual dividend increase

    92nd consecutive dividend declared

    1.6 percent annual increase from $0.315 per share to
    $0.32 per share each quarter

    Indicated annual dividend of $1.28 per share

    To be paid on December 11, 2006, to shareholders of
    record on November 27, 2006

Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2007E

Annual Dividend Growth







         Note: Amounts are adjusted for mergers and acquisitions. For fiscal 2007, $1.28 is the indicated annual dividend.
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2007E

Earnings Guidance – Fiscal 2007E
Atmos Energy anticipates earnings to be in the range of
$1.90 - $2.00 per fully diluted share for the 2007 fiscal year
Assumptions include:
  • Contribution from natural gas marketing segment reflects less
    volatility in gas prices
        o Total expected gross margin contribution from the marketing segment in
          the range of $75 million to $85 million, including $10 million positive
          mark-to-market impact
  •   Continued execution of rate strategy and collection efforts
  •   Normal weather in non-WNA jurisdictions
  •   Bad debt expense of no more than $22 million
  •   Average short-term interest rate @ 6.3%
  •   No material acquisitions
Note: Changes in these events or other circumstances that the company cannot currently anticipate could
materially impact earnings, and could result in earnings for fiscal 2007 significantly above or below this outlook.
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2007E

  Projected Net Income by Segment
  ($ millions, except EPS)

                                          2005       2006
                                                            $     88 - 89
                              $ 63
Utility                               $   81     $   53
                                                                  28 - 32
Natural Gas Marketing                     23         58
                                                                  39 - 41
Pipeline & Storage                        31         36
Other                                      1          1
                                                                157 - 165
Total                                    136        148
 Avg. Diluted Shares                    79.0       81.4
                                                            $1.90 - $2.00
                             $ 1.58
 Earnings Per Share                   $ 1.72     $ 1.82

Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2007E

Atmos Energy Marketing – Gross Profit Margin Composition
                                Impacted by customer volume demand
         Marketing              Sales prices are:
                                    • Cost plus profit margin           $43 - $46 Million
    (Bundled gas deliveries &       • Cost plus demand charges
   (Bundled gas deliveries &
         peaking sales)
        peaking sales)
                                Margins: More predictable

                                Impacted by gas price spread values
                                in the market (arbitrage opportunity)
    Asset Optimization
   Asset Optimization                                                   $32 - $39 Million
                                Physical storage capabilities
                                Available storage and transport
    (Storage & transportation
   (Storage & transportation    capacity
                                Margins: More variable
                                Total margins reflect:
                                Stability from marketing margins
                                                                        $75 - $85 Million
                                Upside from optimizing our storage
         Total AEM
        Total AEM               and transportation assets to capture
         Margins                arbitrage value

                                Margins: Stable with potential upside
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2007E

Capital Expenditures
 In the 2006 fiscal year, Atmos Energy spent $425.3
million in capital expenditures

 For fiscal 2007, we project between $425-$440 million
in capital expenditures
     Approximately $251 - $262 million maintenance
      o Nonutility: $42 million - $47 million
      o Utility: $209 million - $215 million
     Approximately $174 - $178 million growth
      o Nonutility: $78 million - $79 million
      o Utility: $96 million – $99 million

Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2007E

 Minimizing Volatility With Gas Supply Hedging
 For the 2006-2007 heating season, Atmos Energy is hedging
approximately 49 percent of its expected winter gas utility supply
   22 percent are naturally hedged through a combination of owned
   underground storage assets and contract pipeline storage
   27 percent is hedged through the use of financial derivatives (primarily
   futures and fixed forward contracts)
We project the weighted-average cost for storage gas and financial
contracts to be approximately $7.53 per Mcf. This compares to a
weighted-average cost of approximately $9.06 per Mcf for the same
period last year
Hedging provides relative protection to the company and its
customers against volatility in gas prices
   Customers will pay a blended rate for gas costs
   Atmos Energy should reduce the effects of higher gas prices on its
   customer receivables and working capital requirements                      43
Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2007E

  Pension, Post-Retirement & Other Benefits Expense

(in millions)
                       $53.3                     Other
                                                 Medical & Dental
 $50.0           9.3                             Post-Retirement
                                              2007 Pension Assumptions
 $20.0          14.2           12.8           8.25% return on plan assets
                                              6.30% discount rate
 $10.0                                        4.00% wage increase
                2006       2007E

Consolidated Financial Results
2006 Fiscal Year and Fourth Quarter

Consolidated Income Statements –
Fiscal 2006
                                               Year Ended September 30
       (000s except EPS)                       2006              2005

       Operating Revenues:
        Utility Segment                    $   3,650,591     $   3,103,140
        Natural Gas Marketing Segment          3,156,524         2,106,278
        Pipeline and Storage Segment             160,567           153,289
        Other Nonutility Segment                   5,898             5,302
        Intersegment Eliminations               (821,217)         (406,136)
                                               6,152,363         4,961,873
       Purchased Gas Cost:
        Utility Segment                        2,725,534         2,195,774
        Natural Gas Marketing Segment          3,025,897         2,044,305
        Pipeline and Storage Segment                 838             6,811
        Other Nonutility Segment                     -                 -
        Intersegment Eliminations               (816,476)         (402,654)
                                               4,935,793         3,844,236
        Gross Profit                           1,216,570         1,117,637

       Operation and Maintenance Expense        433,418           416,281
       Depreciation and Amortization            185,596           178,005
       Taxes, other than income                 191,993           174,696
       Impairment of Long-lived Assets           22,947               -
       Miscellaneous Income                         881             2,021
       Interest Charges                         146,607           132,658
       Income Before Income Taxes               236,890           218,018
       Income Tax Expense                        89,153            82,233
       Net Income                          $    147,737      $    135,785
       Net Income Per Share:
           Basic                           $       1.83      $        1.73
           Diluted                         $       1.82      $        1.72
       Average Shares Outstanding:
           Basic                                 80,731            78,508
           Diluted                               81,390            79,012
Consolidated Income Statements –
Fiscal 2006 4Q
                                          Three Months Ended September 30
      (000s except EPS)                       2006              2005

      Operating Revenues:
       Utility Segment                    $    395,917      $     452,347
       Natural Gas Marketing Segment           673,603            632,751
       Pipeline and Storage Segment             39,510             30,604
       Other Nonutility Segment                  1,398              1,244
       Intersegment Eliminations              (138,974)          (115,659)
                                               971,454          1,001,287
      Purchased Gas Cost:
       Utility Segment                         236,628           300,593
       Natural Gas Marketing Segment           612,386           619,177
       Pipeline and Storage Segment                248            (2,084)
       Other Nonutility Segment                    -                 -
       Intersegment Eliminations              (137,885)         (114,765)
                                               711,377           802,921
       Gross Profit                            260,077           198,366

      Operation and Maintenance Expense        108,123           110,641
      Depreciation and Amortization             48,422            45,234
      Taxes, other than income                  33,302            34,159
      Impairment of Long-lived Assets           22,947               -
      Miscellaneous Income (Expense)             1,909              (846)
      Interest Charges                          38,982            33,354
      Income (Loss) Before Income Taxes         10,210           (25,868)
      Income Tax Expense (Benefit)               4,151            (9,066)
      Net Income (Loss)                   $      6,059      $    (16,802)
      Net Income (Loss) Per Share:
          Basic                           $       0.07      $       (0.21)
          Diluted                         $       0.07      $       (0.21)
      Average Shares Outstanding:
          Basic                                 81,073            80,030
          Diluted                               81,762            80,030
Utility Operating Income – By Division
Fiscal 2006

                                              Year Ended September 30
                                              2006              2005

  Utility Operating Income
     Colorado-Kansas Division             $     22,524      $      25,157
     Kentucky Division                          14,338             18,657
     Louisiana Division                         27,772             24,819
     Mid-States Division                        35,555             35,687
     Mid-Tex Division                           71,703             84,965
     Mississippi Division                       23,276             19,045
     West Texas Division                         2,215             27,520
     Other                                       4,511                515
                                          $    201,894      $     236,365
         Total Utility Operating Income

Utility Operating Income (Loss) – By Division
Fiscal 2006 4Q

                                                 Three Months Ended September 30
                                                     2006               2005

  Utility Operating Income (Loss)
     Colorado-Kansas Division                    $       (899)     $      (1,777)
     Kentucky Division                                   (538)               794
     Louisiana Division                                 2,570             (2,122)
     Mid-States Division                                 (904)            (1,756)
     Mid-Tex Division                                   4,280              2,963
     Mississippi Division                              (2,204)            (5,616)
     West Texas Division                              (21,838)             1,440
     Other                                                324               (887)
                                                 $    (19,209)     $      (6,961)
         Total Utility Operating Income (Loss)

Utility Volumes - Fiscal 2006

                                  Year Ended September 30
                                   2006            2005      Change     % Change

 Sales Volumes (MMcf)
    Residential                     144,780        162,016   (17,236)     (11%)
    Commercial                       87,006         92,401    (5,395)      (6%)
    Public authority and other        8,457          9,084      (627)      (7%)
    Industrial                       26,161         29,434    (3,273)     (11%)
    Irrigation                        5,629          3,348     2,281        68%
        Total                       272,033        296,283   (24,250)      (8%)
                                    121,962        114,851     7,111         6%
 Transportation (MMcf)
        Total Consolidated
                                    393,995        411,134   (17,139)      (4%)
         Utility Volumes (MMcf)

Utility Volumes - Fiscal 2006 4Q

                              Three Months Ended September 30
                                    2006           2005       Change    % Change

 Sales Volumes (MMcf)
    Residential                      12,026         12,242      (216)      (2%)
    Commercial                       12,315         12,342       (27)          -
    Public authority and other          679            639        40         6%
    Industrial                        4,937          5,548      (611)     (11%)
    Irrigation                        2,514          2,435        79         3%
        Total                        32,471         33,206      (735)      (2%)
                                     30,578         26,216     4,362        17%
 Transportation (MMcf)
        Total Consolidated
                                     63,049         59,422     3,627        6%
         Utility Volumes (MMcf)

Cash Flow Statements - Fiscal 2006

                                                               Year Ended September 30
                                                            2006                    2005
                                                        $    147,737           $         135,785
     Net income
     Impairment of long-lived assets                          22,947                          -
     Depreciation and amortization                           185,967                     178,796
     Deferred income taxes                                    86,128                      12,669
     Other                                                    18,530                      11,522
     Net change in operating assets and liabilities         (149,860)                     48,172
                                                             311,449                     386,944
       Operating cash flow

     Acquisitions                                                  -                (1,916,696)
     Capital expenditures - growth                          (138,242)                     (90,194)
     Capital expenditures - non-growth                      (287,082)                    (242,989)
     Other, net                                               (5,767)                      (2,131)
                                                            (119,642)               (1,865,066)
       Operating cash flow after investing activities

     Repayment of long-term debt                              (3,264)                    (103,425)
     Settlement of Treasury lock agreements                        -                      (43,770)
     Dividends paid                                         (102,275)                     (98,978)

       Cash flow after acquisitions
                                                        $   (225,181)          $    (2,111,239)
         and growth capital

Capitalization - Fiscal 2006

                                          As of September 30
                                 2006                            2005

  Short-term debt        $    382,416     9.1%          $      144,809    3.7%

  Long-term debt             2,183,548   51.8%              2,186,368    55.6%

  Shareholders' equity       1,648,098   39.1%              1,602,422    40.7%

  Total capitalization   $   4,214,062   100.0%         $   3,933,599    100.0%

As a Reminder…

 The audio and slide presentation of this conference call
 will be available on Atmos Energy’s Web site by 8:00 a.m.
 Eastern Standard Time on November 8, 2006, through
 midnight on February 6, 2007. Atmos Energy’s Web site
 address is: www.atmosenergy.com.

 To listen to the live conference call, dial 800-257-1836 by
 8:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on November 8, 2006.


Atmos Energy Marketing
 Economic Value vs. GAAP Reported Results
We commercially manage our storage assets by capturing arbitrage value through
optimization strategies that create embedded (forward) value in the portfolio. We
report the transactions for external reporting purposes in accordance with GAAP.

GAAP Reported Value is the period to period net change in fair value of the
portfolio reported in the income statement that results from the process of marking
to market the physical storage volumes and corresponding financial instruments in
an interim period.

Economic Value is the period to period forward margin of our storage portfolio
that results from the process of calculating our weighted average cost of inventory
(WACOG), and our weighted average sales price of our forward financials
(WASP), then multiplying the difference times inventory volumes. This margin will
be realized in cash when the hedged transaction is settled.

    Economic Value represents the “forward” economic margin of the transactions, while GAAP
    reported results reflect that portion of our “forward” margin that has been recorded in the income
    Volatility in earnings includes the impact of the accounting treatment of our storage portfolio and is
    reflective of relatively high price volatility of the prompt month and the relatively low volatility of the
    offsetting forward months.

Atmos Energy Marketing

    Economic Value vs. GAAP Reported Results

        Reported GAAP                                Economic Value*
        Reported GAAP
             Value                                    (Commercial Value)
      - -Physical and Financial
          Physical and Financial                     - Physical and Financial
               Positions                                    Positions
                                                          $60.0 MM
            ($16.0 MM)
           ($16.0 MM)
                                   Market Spread
                                   Embedded margin
                                                           *Realizing Economic Value
                                     $76.0 MM               is dependent on ability to
                                                            execute – deliver physical
                                                            gas & close financial hedges
                                                            Supporting data appears on
                                                            the following slide
At September 30, 2006                                                                      57
Atmos Energy Marketing

       Economic Value vs. GAAP Reported Results

                 Physical               Economic Value (EV)                       GAAP Reported Value - MTM            Market Spread
                                       ($ per Bcf)
    Period        Volume                                             Total                           Total                         Total
                             WASP       WACOG         EV        ($ in millions)    ($ per Bcf)  ($ in millions)   ($ per Bcf) ($ in millions)
    Ending         (Bcf)

                   14.1      7.7606        6.5967    1.1639                         (0.5559)                          1.7198
     6/30/2005                                                       16.4                             (7.8)                          24.2

                   6.9       6.3466        4.4435    1.9031                         (2.1502)                          4.0533
     9/30/2005                                                       13.1                             (14.8)                         27.9

                   19.0     10.2353        8.7417    1.4936                         (3.0297)                          4.5233
     6/30/2006                                                       28.4                             (57.7)                         86.1

                   14.5     11.9716        7.8329    4.1387                         (1.1076)                          5.2463
     9/30/2006                                                       60.0                             (16.0)                         76.0

                  (4.5)     $ 1.7363   $    (0.9088) $ 2.6451                       1.9221                        $     0.7230
Variance                                                         $      31.6                      $        41.7                  $      (10.1)

 WASP: Weighted average sales price for gas held in storage
 WACOG: Weighted average cost of AEM’s gas in storage
 EV: “Economic Value” which equals gas sales price (WASP) minus cost of gas (WACOG) on a per unit basis

Atmos Pipeline and Storage

                                           Straight Creek Gathering
                   Interstate transmission
                   lines continue on to major
                                                  Construction of approximately 60 miles
                   cities in the Northeast

                                                of gathering facilities in eastern Kentucky
                                                  Should relieve severe pipeline
                                                constraints and accommodate rapidly
                                                expanding production in the region (Big
                                                  Estimated cost is $75-$80 million
                                                  Kinzer Drilling will have an ownership
                                                interest in the project
                                                  Received exemption from regulatory
                                                oversight by the Federal Energy
                                                Regulatory Commission but pending other
                                                regulatory approvals
                                                  Anticipate construction to begin in first
                                                half of fiscal 2007 with operations
                                                beginning in fiscal 2008

Atmos Pipeline - Texas

Atmos Pipeline - Texas
Project Update
                                        CAPEX*                                 GRIP Filings **

     Project                 2005                     2006                 2005                  2006
 Northside Loop
 JV with Energy          $1.6 million            $54.6 million        $15.2 million         $41.0 million

  Line/Corridor          $4.0 million            $16.1 million                              $20.1 million

   Devon Line/
    Corridor                   ----                    ----                  ----                 ----

  Katy Capacity                                                              ----
   Expansion/            $1.3 million            $13.0 million                              $14.3 million

       Total:            $6.9 million            $83.7 million        $15.2 million         $75.4 million
Estimated total annual revenues are $15.0 million. All projects were placed in-service in June 2006.
* CAPEX is calculated on a fiscal year basis
** Capital expenditures are included in GRIP filings on a calendar year basis and when the asset is operational
Atmos Pipeline - Texas
Project Map

      North Side



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atmos enerrgy 46_pres

  • 1. Conference Call to Review 2006 Fiscal Year and Fourth Quarter Financial Results November 8, 2006 8:00 a.m. EST
  • 2. Forward Looking Statements The matters discussed or incorporated by reference in this presentation may contain “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this presentation are forward-looking statements made in good faith by the Company and are intended to qualify for the safe harbor from liability established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this presentation or in any of the Company’s other documents or oral presentations, the words “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “goal,” “intend,” “objective,” “plan” “projection,” “seek,” “strategy” or similar words are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in this presentation, including the risks relating to regulatory trends and decisions, the Company’s ability to continue to access the capital markets and the other factors discussed in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These factors include the risks and uncertainties discussed in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2005, and the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the three and nine months ended June 30, 2006. Although the Company believes these forward-looking statements to be reasonable, there can be no assurance that they will approximate actual experience or that the expectations derived from them will be realized. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Further, the Company will only update earnings guidance through its quarterly and annual earnings releases. All estimated financial metrics for fiscal year 2007 and beyond that appear in this presentation are current as of the date noted on each relevant slide. 2
  • 3. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 Key Drivers Net Income Increased contribution from nonutility businesses, primarily natural gas marketing segment, due to higher margins and market volatility $162.3 Rate increase adjustments, primarily $170.0 20 % GRIP in Texas effective in 2006 $160.0 $147.7 Nonrecurring, noncash charge of 9% $14.6 million due to impairment of $150.0 $135.8 irrigation properties in West Texas $140.0 Weather was 13% warmer than normal and 2% warmer than the $130.0 prior year, as adjusted for jurisdictions with weather- $120.0 normalized rates $110.0 Increase in O&M expenses due to 2005 2006 2006 (excl. higher employee-related costs charge) Increase in interest expense due to higher S-T Debt balances and ($ in millions) interest rate increases 3
  • 4. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 Earnings per Diluted Share Notes 2006 includes $0.18 per diluted $2.00 share related to nonrecurring, 16% $2.00 noncash charge for impairment of irrigation $1.82 6% properties in utility segment $1.72 $1.75 Delivered on company’s 2006 guidance range of $1.80-$1.90 per diluted share, despite 13% warmer than normal weather $1.50 Period-over-period increase of almost 2.4 million weighted average diluted shares $1.25 outstanding 2005 2006 2006 (excl. charge) 4
  • 5. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 Net Income by Segment 81.1 $90.0 58.6 $75.0 53.0 ($ in millions) $60.0 35.6 $45.0 30.6 23.4 $30.0 0.5 0.7 $15.0 $0.0 2005 2006 Utility Natural gas marketing Pipeline and storage Other nonutility 5
  • 6. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 Drivers $98.9 million increase in gross profit $17.7 million increased utility gross profit primarily from o $22.9 million decrease primarily due to decreased throughput of 17.1 Bcf, due to weather that was 2 percent warmer than the prior year o $16.1 million increase related to higher franchise fees, higher state gross receipts taxes paid and other items o $13.8 million increase due to rate adjustments resulting from the GRIP-related recovery for 2004 and 2005 capital expenditures in Texas o $6.2 million increase due to recognition of previously deferred revenue associated with 2003 Rate Stabilization Filing with the Louisiana Public Service Commission o $2.9 million decrease due to the impact of Hurricane Katrina 6
  • 7. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 Jurisdictions Adjusted for WNA At September 30, 2006, we had WNA in the following service areas for the following periods as noted, which covers over 90% of our customer meters in service: Tennessee November – April Georgia October – May Mississippi November – April Kentucky November – April Kansas October – May Louisiana * December – March Mid-Tex * October – May Amarillo, TX October – May October – May West Texas Lubbock, TX October – May January – December Virginia * New for the 2006-2007 winter heating season 7
  • 8. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 YTD Warmer than Normal Weather Effect by Division ted s i da a ate ky s ia n xa ex S ol tuc St /K Te uis d- T s d- n n W. MS Mi Mi CO Ke Co Lo 10 • Fiscal 2006 utility gross profit was Percent (Warmer) Colder than Normal adversely affected 2% 0% 0% by $49.2 million due 0 to weather that was 13% warmer than 1% normal, as adjusted for jurisdictions with 5% weather-normalized 7% rates (10) 9% 10% 9% • Louisiana and Mid- Tex Divisions did 13% not have weather- 15% normalized rates and 18% experienced warmer (20) than normal weather of 22% and 28%, 22% respectively 28% (30) Actual / Normal Adjusted for WNA 8
  • 9. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 Relationship of Utility EPS to Heating Degree Days Degree Days EPS (Adjusted for WNA) $1.25 3,500 $1.16 3,271 $1.03 3,250 $1.00 $0.83 * 3,000 $0.75 2,587 2,750 2,527 $0.50 2,500 $0.25 2,250 2004 2005 2006 * Excludes negative impact of asset impairment 9
  • 10. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 Utility Margin Sensitivity 2004–2006 2006–2007E 2003–2004 Heating Season Heating Seasons Heating Season (Post-TXU Gas) (Before TXU Gas) 9% 5% 35% 36% 48% 51% 86% 13% 17% Weather Weather- Nonweather- Normalized Sensitive Margin Sensitive Margin* * Non-weather sensitive margin is gas consumption not correlated to weather, i.e., gas clothes dryer, gas water heater, gas cooking, and includes monthly fixed charge 10
  • 11. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 Drivers $98.9 million increase in gross profit (continued) $68.6 million increase in natural gas marketing gross profit primarily due to o $27.3 million increase in realized marketing margins primarily due to increased volumes sold of 45.9 Bcf year over year and capturing higher margins in certain market areas that experienced increased volatility o $1.8 million decrease in realized storage contribution as a result of unfavorable arbitrage spreads related to storage optimization efforts, coupled with increased storage fees on incremental storage capacity added in the third quarter of fiscal 2005 o $12.7 million decrease in unrealized storage mark-to-market losses primarily due to favorable movement between the forward prices used to value financial hedges and the spot prices used to value the physical storage positions, coupled with an increase in physical storage positions of 7.6 Bcf year over year o $30.4 million increase in unrealized marketing mark-to-market gains primarily due to favorable movement in the forward prices used to value the financial derivatives used in these activities 11
  • 12. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 Year Ended September 30 Natural Gas Marketing Segment 2006 2005 Change (In thousands, except physical position) Storage Activities Realized margin $26,225 $28,008 ($1,783) Unrealized margin (1,293) (14,007) 12,714 Total Storage Activities 24,932 14,001 10,931 Marketing Activities Realized margin 87,236 59,971 27,265 Unrealized margin 18,459 (11,999) 30,458 Total Marketing Activities 105,695 47,972 57,723 GROSS PROFIT $130,627 $61,973 $68,654 Net physical position (Bcf) 14.5 6.9 7.6 12
  • 13. Consolidated Financial Results- Fiscal 2006 Fair Value of Contracts at September 30, 2006 Maturity in Years Total Fair Source of Fair Value <1 1-3 4-5 >5 Value (In thousands) $ — $ — $ (10,299) Prices actively quoted $ (17,421) $ 7,122 Prices provided by other — external sources (440) (936) — (1,376) Prices based on models & other valuation methods (255) (276) — — (531) $ $ — $ (12,206) — Total Fair Value $ (18,116) $ 5,910 13
  • 14. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 Drivers $98.9 million increase in gross profit (continued) $13.2 million increase in pipeline and storage gross profit primarily due to o $16.2 million increase due to a 34.9 Bcf increase in total transportation volumes, higher transportation & related service margins and more favorable arbitrage spreads captured in asset management contracts, partially offset by a o $3.0 million decrease due to the absence of inventory sales realized in the prior year 14
  • 15. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 Drivers Increased O&M expenses of $17.1 million primarily due to $19.6 million increase in employee costs associated with increased headcount and benefit costs primarily resulting from changes in the pension assumptions used to determine the fiscal 2006 costs $2.1 million decrease due to the absence of UCG acquisition-related M&I costs which became fully amortized in fiscal 2005 $1.5 million increase in provision for doubtful accounts due to due to increased collection risk on higher customer bills caused by higher gas prices 15
  • 16. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 Pension, Post-Retirement & Other Benefits Expense (in millions) $53.3 Other $60.0 Medical & Dental $44.1 $50.0 9.3 Post-Retirement Pension $40.0 9.9 20.1 $30.0 16.7 2006 Pension Assumptions $20.0 14.2 8.50% return on plan assets 5.00% discount rate 12.8 $10.0 4.00% wage increase 9.7 4.7 $0.0 2005 2006 16
  • 17. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 Utility Bad Debt Expense as a Percent of Revenues 2.0 1.86 1.5 Percent 1.0 0.83 0.58 0.58 0.5 0.29 0.0 0.0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 17
  • 18. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 Drivers Increased taxes, other than income, of $17.3 million primarily due to increased franchise fees and state gross receipts taxes Increased operating expenses due to $22.9 million noncash charge to recognize the impairment of West Texas irrigation properties in fiscal 2006 Increased interest charges of $13.9 million $18.7 million increase primarily due to higher short-term debt balances used for natural gas purchases made at significantly higher prices coupled with an increase in the 3-month LIBOR rate, partially offset by $4.8 million decrease in interest charges from the early payoff of $72.5 million of First Mortgage Bonds in June 2005 Decreased miscellaneous income of $1.1 million due to $3.3 million noncash charge in fiscal 2006 related to an adverse regulatory ruling in Tennessee associated with gas purchases and the PBR calculation 18
  • 19. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 West Texas Irrigation Volumes Decline (in thousands) (in BCF) 20.0 20.0 15.8 16.4 15.2 Number of Water Wells 14.5 15.0 15.0 Irrigation Volumes 12.8 16.3 12.2 10.5 12.2 13.1 9.6 11.8 10.0 10.0 8.3 7.0 9.5 8.0 7.2 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.1 3.1 0.0 0.0 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19
  • 20. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 Capital Expenditures Utility CAPEX Nonutility CAPEX (in millions) (in millions) $300.6 $307.7 $117.6 $150 $375 $120 $300 $90 $225 68.5 218.6 210.4 $32.6 $60 $150 $30 $75 49.1 32.6 90.2 89.1 $0 $0 2005 2006 2005 2006 Maintenance Growth Fiscal 2006 Expenditures Maintenance Capital: $287.1 million Growth Capital: $138.2 million 20
  • 21. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 4Q Net Income (Loss) Key Drivers Increase in natural gas marketing $20.9 margins, primarily unrealized $25.0 marketing and storage margins $15.0 $6.1 Nonrecurring, after-tax charge of $14.8 million due to impairment of $5.0 irrigation properties in West Texas ($5.0) Rate increases associated with Texas GRIP ($15.0) ($16.8) Increased interest expense due to ($25.0) higher average short-term debt 4Q 2005 4Q 2006 4Q 2006 balances and an increase in the 3- (excl. month LIBOR rate charge) ($ in millions) 21
  • 22. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 4Q Net Income (Loss) per Diluted Share Notes $0.40 $0.25 Includes a nonrecurring, after- $0.20 tax charge due to impairment $0.07 of irrigation properties in West Texas Utility Division of $0.18 $0.00 per diluted share Quarter-over-quarter increase ($0.20) ($0.21) of approximately 1.7 million weighted average diluted ($0.40) shares outstanding Q4 2005 Q4 2006 Q4 2006 (excl. charge) 22
  • 23. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 4Q Capital Expenditures Utility CAPEX Nonutility CAPEX (in millions) (in millions) $40 $120 $91.2 $27.0 $75.6 $30 $90 $15.1 13.5 $20 $60 65.6 51.0 $10 $30 15.1 13.5 25.6 24.6 $0 $0 2005 4Q 2006 4Q 2005 4Q 2006 4Q Maintenance Growth Fiscal 2006 4Q Expenditures Maintenance Capital: $64.5 million Growth Capital: $38.1 million 23
  • 24. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2006 4Q Quarter Ended September 30 Natural Gas Marketing Segment 2006 2005 Change (In thousands, except physical position) Storage Activities Realized margin ($18,375) $12,526 ($30,901) Unrealized margin 41,631 (6,942) 48,573 Total Storage Activities 23,256 5,584 17,672 Marketing Activities Realized margin 23,973 16,790 7,183 Unrealized margin 13,988 (8,800) 22,788 Total Marketing Activities 37,961 7,990 29,971 GROSS PROFIT $61,217 $13,574 $47,643 Net physical position (Bcf) 14.5 6.9 7.6 24
  • 25. Highlights – Fiscal 2006 Natural Gas Gathering Project (map in appendix) May 10, 2006, announced plans to construct 60-mile, 20- inch natural gas gathering system in eastern Kentucky Expected to relieve severe pipeline constraints and accommodates rapidly expanding production in the region (Big Sandy) Estimated project cost is $75-$80 million An independent producer in the area will have ownership interest in the project Project received exemption from regulatory oversight by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in early October; other required regulatory approvals pending Anticipate construction to begin in the first half of fiscal 2007, and operations to begin in fiscal 2008 25
  • 26. Highlights – Fiscal 2006 Louisiana Rate Settlement May 25, 2006, Louisiana Public Service Commission (LPSC) approved settlement of several existing dockets Allows modified WNA which provides for partial decoupling Renews the Rate Stabilization Clause (RSC) with provisions reducing regulatory lag and a refund of $400,000 First RSC filing for the LGS service area made in August 2006, with an effective date of August 12, 2006, based on a test year ended December 31, 2005 First RSC filing for the Trans La service area should be made by December 31, 2006, for the test period ending September 30, 2006, with effective date of April 1, 2007 WNA in both service areas will be effective for an initial three year period beginning with the 2006-2007 winter Implemented new rates subject to refund in September 2006, reflecting reduction of about 26,500 customers and recovery of costs as a result of damage related to Hurricane Katrina 26
  • 27. Highlights – Fiscal 2006 Rate Case Filing in Mid-Tex Division May 31, 2006, filed for rate increase of $60 million and several rate design changes including WNA, Revenue Stabilization, and recovery of the gas cost component of bad debt July 6, 2006, an interim agreement was reached to implement WNA effective October 1, 2006 Interim WNA uses 30 years of weather history and permanent WNA will allow the parties to contest the period of weather data used to calculate normal weather Hearing is currently in progress and expected to continue through November 15, 2006 Anticipate decision on the case by April 2007 Any rate increase will be effective from the day of final order; any rate decrease will be effective from May 31, 2006 Affects approximately 1.5 million customers in Texas 27
  • 28. Highlights – Fiscal 2006 Mid-Tex Division Rate Case – Proposed Schedule 2006 2007 Event September October November December January February March April Last Day to File 9/15/06 Discovery in Company’s Direct Case 10/3/06 Staff and Intervenor Direct Testimony 10/24/06 Company Rebuttal Hearing on the Merits 10/31/06 BEGINS 11/15/06 Hearing on the Merits CONCLUDES 11/28/06 Initial Briefs Due 12/7/06 Reply Briefs Due 1/8/07 Proposal for Decision (PFD) Issued 1/23/07 Exceptions Due 1/30/07 Replies to Exceptions First Possible RRC 2/6/07 Conference (Oral Argument) 4/2/07 Second Possible RRC Conference (Decision) 28
  • 29. Highlights – Fiscal 2006 GRIP Filings – State of Texas April 13, 2006, Atmos Pipeline-Texas 2005 GRIP filing of $3.3 million revenue increase related to return and capital-related expenses on $21.6 million in net investment during calendar 2005, implemented August 2006 March 31, 2006, Mid-Tex Division 2005 GRIP filing of $11.8 million related to return and capital-related expenses on $62.1 million increase in net investment during calendar 2005; implemented September 2006 September 2005, Mid-Tex Division 2004 GRIP filing of $6.7 million related to return and capital-related expenses on $29.4 million increase in net investment during calendar 2004, implemented Feb. 2006 September 2005, Atmos Pipeline-Texas 2004 GRIP filing of $1.9 million revenue increase related to return and capital-related expenses on $10.6 million in net investment during calendar 2004, implemented January 2006 September 2005, West Texas Division 2004 GRIP filing for $3.8 million on increase in net investment of $22.6 million Implementation of new charges in January 2006, except for the inside city limits customers, which went into effect in May 2006. 29
  • 30. Highlights – Fiscal 2006 GRIP Filing Process in Texas Effective Immediately ACCEPT 60 Effective under “Operation of Law” IGNORE days Atmos files with cities Atmos appeals to RRC within DENY Up to 30 days 105 days RRC SUSPEND Rules 45 days 30
  • 31. Highlights – Fiscal 2006 Rate Case Filing – Missouri April 7, 2006, filed request for 1st rate increase in over 9 years in Missouri Request for revenue increase of about $3.4 million, or 5.9% Total company investments approximate $22.0 million over the 9-year period Currently in settlement discussions with commission Serve approximately 60,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in Missouri 31
  • 32. Highlights – Fiscal 2006 Rate Case Result – Tennessee November 2005, Tennessee Regulatory Authority (TRA) began investigation into allegations by the Consumer Advocate’s Office of the Tennessee Attorney General’s Office that Atmos Energy was overcharging customers by approximately $10 million On October 27, 2006, the TRA voted to reduce rates by $6.1 million, effective December 1, 2006 We are currently analyzing the timing of a new rate case filing Serve approximately 125,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in Tennessee 32
  • 33. Highlights – Fiscal 2006 Rate Stabilization Results - Mississippi October 3, 2005, Mississippi Public Utilities Staff reached an agreement with the Mississippi Division of Atmos Energy, requiring an up-front rate reduction of $600,000 effective October 1, 2005 and the following revisions: Annual filings to be made, effective November 1 each year, effective September 5, 2006 New earnings sharing mechanism established 50/50 sharing of all earnings above allowed ROE for the first year Thereafter, Atmos allowed to retain up to 250 additional basis points above ROE Calculated ROE plus a performance adjuster of up to 50 basis points (currently 9.8%) Shifts $10 million in annual margins from volumetric to customer charge Revised WNA to include approximately 4% of additional heating degree days Reduces regulatory lag, adjusts for forward-looking known and measurable expenses and utilizes an average expected rate base Changes affect approximately 251,000 customers 33
  • 34. Highlights – Fiscal 2006 Gas Held in Underground Storage – by Segment September 30, 2006 September 30, 2005 Segment Balance Volumes WACOG Balance Volumes WACOG ($MM’s) (Bcf) ($MM’s) (Bcf) Atmos Utility $ 385.5 59.9 $ 6.43 $ 328.6 54.7 $ 6.01 Natural Gas 63.0 15.3 7.88 110.1 8.2 5.80 Marketing Pipeline & Storage 13.0 2.6 7.89 12.1 1.8 6.06 Total: $ 461.5 77.8 $ 6.76 $ 450.8 64.7 $ 5.99 34
  • 35. Highlights – Fiscal 2006 Credit Facilities November 7, 2006, Atmos Energy entered into a new $300 million, 364-day committed revolving credit facility Supplements amounts available under existing $18 million committed credit facility and $25 million uncommitted credit facility, under essentially the same terms as the $600 million 3-year committed revolving credit facility April 1, 2006, Atmos Energy renewed its existing $18 million committed credit facility, with no material changes to terms and pricing November 28, 2005, Atmos Energy Marketing (AEM) increased its $250 million uncommitted credit facility to $580 million, with essentially same terms On March 31, 2006, AEM subsequently amended and extended this facility to March 31, 2007 On October 18, 2005, Atmos Energy entered into a $600 million, 3-year committed revolving credit facility through October 18, 2008, which serves as a backup liquidity facility for our commercial paper program 35
  • 36. Highlights – Fiscal 2006 Investment Grade Credit Ratings Moody’s Rating Senior Unsecured Debt: Baa3 Commercial Paper: P-3 Outlook: stable Standard & Poor’s Senior Unsecured Debt: BBB Commercial Paper: A-2 Outlook: stable Fitch Senior Unsecured Debt: BBB+ Commercial Paper: F-2 Outlook: stable 36
  • 37. Highlights – Fiscal 2006 Annual Dividend Increase 19th consecutive annual dividend increase 92nd consecutive dividend declared 1.6 percent annual increase from $0.315 per share to $0.32 per share each quarter Indicated annual dividend of $1.28 per share To be paid on December 11, 2006, to shareholders of record on November 27, 2006 37
  • 38. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2007E Annual Dividend Growth $1.28E $1.20 $1.00 $0.80 $0.60 $0.40 $0.20 $0.00 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '8 '9 '9 '9 '9 '9 '9 '9 '9 '9 '9 '0 '0 '0 '0 '0 '0 '0 '0 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Note: Amounts are adjusted for mergers and acquisitions. For fiscal 2007, $1.28 is the indicated annual dividend. 38
  • 39. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2007E Earnings Guidance – Fiscal 2007E Atmos Energy anticipates earnings to be in the range of $1.90 - $2.00 per fully diluted share for the 2007 fiscal year Assumptions include: • Contribution from natural gas marketing segment reflects less volatility in gas prices o Total expected gross margin contribution from the marketing segment in the range of $75 million to $85 million, including $10 million positive mark-to-market impact • Continued execution of rate strategy and collection efforts • Normal weather in non-WNA jurisdictions • Bad debt expense of no more than $22 million • Average short-term interest rate @ 6.3% • No material acquisitions Note: Changes in these events or other circumstances that the company cannot currently anticipate could materially impact earnings, and could result in earnings for fiscal 2007 significantly above or below this outlook. 39
  • 40. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2007E Projected Net Income by Segment ($ millions, except EPS) 2007E 2005 2006 2004 $ 88 - 89 $ 63 Utility $ 81 $ 53 28 - 32 17 Natural Gas Marketing 23 58 39 - 41 3 Pipeline & Storage 31 36 2-3 3 Other 1 1 157 - 165 86 Total 136 148 82.6 54.4 Avg. Diluted Shares 79.0 81.4 $1.90 - $2.00 $ 1.58 Earnings Per Share $ 1.72 $ 1.82 40
  • 41. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2007E Atmos Energy Marketing – Gross Profit Margin Composition 2007E Impacted by customer volume demand Marketing Sales prices are: Marketing • Cost plus profit margin $43 - $46 Million (Bundled gas deliveries & • Cost plus demand charges (Bundled gas deliveries & peaking sales) peaking sales) Margins: More predictable Impacted by gas price spread values in the market (arbitrage opportunity) Asset Optimization Asset Optimization $32 - $39 Million Physical storage capabilities Available storage and transport (Storage & transportation (Storage & transportation capacity management) management) Margins: More variable = Total margins reflect: Stability from marketing margins $75 - $85 Million Upside from optimizing our storage Total AEM Total AEM and transportation assets to capture Margins Margins arbitrage value Margins: Stable with potential upside 41
  • 42. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2007E Capital Expenditures In the 2006 fiscal year, Atmos Energy spent $425.3 million in capital expenditures For fiscal 2007, we project between $425-$440 million in capital expenditures Approximately $251 - $262 million maintenance o Nonutility: $42 million - $47 million o Utility: $209 million - $215 million Approximately $174 - $178 million growth o Nonutility: $78 million - $79 million o Utility: $96 million – $99 million 42
  • 43. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2007E Minimizing Volatility With Gas Supply Hedging For the 2006-2007 heating season, Atmos Energy is hedging approximately 49 percent of its expected winter gas utility supply requirements 22 percent are naturally hedged through a combination of owned underground storage assets and contract pipeline storage 27 percent is hedged through the use of financial derivatives (primarily futures and fixed forward contracts) We project the weighted-average cost for storage gas and financial contracts to be approximately $7.53 per Mcf. This compares to a weighted-average cost of approximately $9.06 per Mcf for the same period last year Hedging provides relative protection to the company and its customers against volatility in gas prices Customers will pay a blended rate for gas costs Atmos Energy should reduce the effects of higher gas prices on its customer receivables and working capital requirements 43
  • 44. Consolidated Financial Results – Fiscal 2007E Pension, Post-Retirement & Other Benefits Expense (in millions) $59.1 $53.3 Other $60.0 Medical & Dental 10.4 $50.0 9.3 Post-Retirement Pension $40.0 25.3 20.1 $30.0 2007 Pension Assumptions $20.0 14.2 12.8 8.25% return on plan assets 6.30% discount rate $10.0 4.00% wage increase 10.6 9.7 $0.0 2006 2007E 44
  • 45. Consolidated Financial Results 2006 Fiscal Year and Fourth Quarter 45
  • 46. Consolidated Income Statements – Fiscal 2006 Year Ended September 30 (000s except EPS) 2006 2005 Operating Revenues: Utility Segment $ 3,650,591 $ 3,103,140 Natural Gas Marketing Segment 3,156,524 2,106,278 Pipeline and Storage Segment 160,567 153,289 Other Nonutility Segment 5,898 5,302 Intersegment Eliminations (821,217) (406,136) 6,152,363 4,961,873 Purchased Gas Cost: Utility Segment 2,725,534 2,195,774 Natural Gas Marketing Segment 3,025,897 2,044,305 Pipeline and Storage Segment 838 6,811 Other Nonutility Segment - - Intersegment Eliminations (816,476) (402,654) 4,935,793 3,844,236 Gross Profit 1,216,570 1,117,637 Operation and Maintenance Expense 433,418 416,281 Depreciation and Amortization 185,596 178,005 Taxes, other than income 191,993 174,696 Impairment of Long-lived Assets 22,947 - Miscellaneous Income 881 2,021 Interest Charges 146,607 132,658 Income Before Income Taxes 236,890 218,018 Income Tax Expense 89,153 82,233 Net Income $ 147,737 $ 135,785 Net Income Per Share: Basic $ 1.83 $ 1.73 Diluted $ 1.82 $ 1.72 Average Shares Outstanding: Basic 80,731 78,508 Diluted 81,390 79,012 46
  • 47. Consolidated Income Statements – Fiscal 2006 4Q Three Months Ended September 30 (000s except EPS) 2006 2005 Operating Revenues: Utility Segment $ 395,917 $ 452,347 Natural Gas Marketing Segment 673,603 632,751 Pipeline and Storage Segment 39,510 30,604 Other Nonutility Segment 1,398 1,244 Intersegment Eliminations (138,974) (115,659) 971,454 1,001,287 Purchased Gas Cost: Utility Segment 236,628 300,593 Natural Gas Marketing Segment 612,386 619,177 Pipeline and Storage Segment 248 (2,084) Other Nonutility Segment - - Intersegment Eliminations (137,885) (114,765) 711,377 802,921 Gross Profit 260,077 198,366 Operation and Maintenance Expense 108,123 110,641 Depreciation and Amortization 48,422 45,234 Taxes, other than income 33,302 34,159 Impairment of Long-lived Assets 22,947 - Miscellaneous Income (Expense) 1,909 (846) Interest Charges 38,982 33,354 Income (Loss) Before Income Taxes 10,210 (25,868) Income Tax Expense (Benefit) 4,151 (9,066) Net Income (Loss) $ 6,059 $ (16,802) Net Income (Loss) Per Share: Basic $ 0.07 $ (0.21) Diluted $ 0.07 $ (0.21) Average Shares Outstanding: Basic 81,073 80,030 Diluted 81,762 80,030 47
  • 48. Utility Operating Income – By Division Fiscal 2006 Year Ended September 30 2006 2005 Utility Operating Income Colorado-Kansas Division $ 22,524 $ 25,157 Kentucky Division 14,338 18,657 Louisiana Division 27,772 24,819 Mid-States Division 35,555 35,687 Mid-Tex Division 71,703 84,965 Mississippi Division 23,276 19,045 West Texas Division 2,215 27,520 Other 4,511 515 $ 201,894 $ 236,365 Total Utility Operating Income 48
  • 49. Utility Operating Income (Loss) – By Division Fiscal 2006 4Q Three Months Ended September 30 2006 2005 Utility Operating Income (Loss) Colorado-Kansas Division $ (899) $ (1,777) Kentucky Division (538) 794 Louisiana Division 2,570 (2,122) Mid-States Division (904) (1,756) Mid-Tex Division 4,280 2,963 Mississippi Division (2,204) (5,616) West Texas Division (21,838) 1,440 Other 324 (887) $ (19,209) $ (6,961) Total Utility Operating Income (Loss) 49
  • 50. Utility Volumes - Fiscal 2006 Year Ended September 30 2006 2005 Change % Change Sales Volumes (MMcf) Residential 144,780 162,016 (17,236) (11%) Commercial 87,006 92,401 (5,395) (6%) Public authority and other 8,457 9,084 (627) (7%) Industrial 26,161 29,434 (3,273) (11%) Irrigation 5,629 3,348 2,281 68% Total 272,033 296,283 (24,250) (8%) 121,962 114,851 7,111 6% Transportation (MMcf) Total Consolidated 393,995 411,134 (17,139) (4%) Utility Volumes (MMcf) 50
  • 51. Utility Volumes - Fiscal 2006 4Q Three Months Ended September 30 2006 2005 Change % Change Sales Volumes (MMcf) Residential 12,026 12,242 (216) (2%) Commercial 12,315 12,342 (27) - Public authority and other 679 639 40 6% Industrial 4,937 5,548 (611) (11%) Irrigation 2,514 2,435 79 3% Total 32,471 33,206 (735) (2%) 30,578 26,216 4,362 17% Transportation (MMcf) Total Consolidated 63,049 59,422 3,627 6% Utility Volumes (MMcf) 51
  • 52. Cash Flow Statements - Fiscal 2006 Year Ended September 30 2006 2005 (000s) $ 147,737 $ 135,785 Net income Impairment of long-lived assets 22,947 - Depreciation and amortization 185,967 178,796 Deferred income taxes 86,128 12,669 Other 18,530 11,522 Net change in operating assets and liabilities (149,860) 48,172 311,449 386,944 Operating cash flow Acquisitions - (1,916,696) Capital expenditures - growth (138,242) (90,194) Capital expenditures - non-growth (287,082) (242,989) Other, net (5,767) (2,131) (119,642) (1,865,066) Operating cash flow after investing activities Repayment of long-term debt (3,264) (103,425) Settlement of Treasury lock agreements - (43,770) Dividends paid (102,275) (98,978) Cash flow after acquisitions $ (225,181) $ (2,111,239) and growth capital 52
  • 53. Capitalization - Fiscal 2006 As of September 30 2006 2005 (000s) Short-term debt $ 382,416 9.1% $ 144,809 3.7% Long-term debt 2,183,548 51.8% 2,186,368 55.6% Shareholders' equity 1,648,098 39.1% 1,602,422 40.7% Total capitalization $ 4,214,062 100.0% $ 3,933,599 100.0% 53
  • 54. As a Reminder… The audio and slide presentation of this conference call will be available on Atmos Energy’s Web site by 8:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on November 8, 2006, through midnight on February 6, 2007. Atmos Energy’s Web site address is: www.atmosenergy.com. To listen to the live conference call, dial 800-257-1836 by 8:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time on November 8, 2006. 54
  • 55. Appendix 55
  • 56. Atmos Energy Marketing Economic Value vs. GAAP Reported Results We commercially manage our storage assets by capturing arbitrage value through optimization strategies that create embedded (forward) value in the portfolio. We report the transactions for external reporting purposes in accordance with GAAP. GAAP Reported Value is the period to period net change in fair value of the portfolio reported in the income statement that results from the process of marking to market the physical storage volumes and corresponding financial instruments in an interim period. Economic Value is the period to period forward margin of our storage portfolio that results from the process of calculating our weighted average cost of inventory (WACOG), and our weighted average sales price of our forward financials (WASP), then multiplying the difference times inventory volumes. This margin will be realized in cash when the hedged transaction is settled. Economic Value represents the “forward” economic margin of the transactions, while GAAP reported results reflect that portion of our “forward” margin that has been recorded in the income statement. Volatility in earnings includes the impact of the accounting treatment of our storage portfolio and is reflective of relatively high price volatility of the prompt month and the relatively low volatility of the offsetting forward months. 56
  • 57. Atmos Energy Marketing Economic Value vs. GAAP Reported Results Reported GAAP Economic Value* Reported GAAP Value (Commercial Value) Value - -Physical and Financial Physical and Financial - Physical and Financial Positions Positions Positions $60.0 MM ($16.0 MM) ($16.0 MM) Market Spread Embedded margin difference *Realizing Economic Value $76.0 MM is dependent on ability to execute – deliver physical gas & close financial hedges Supporting data appears on the following slide At September 30, 2006 57
  • 58. Atmos Energy Marketing Economic Value vs. GAAP Reported Results Physical Economic Value (EV) GAAP Reported Value - MTM Market Spread ($ per Bcf) Period Volume Total Total Total WASP WACOG EV ($ in millions) ($ per Bcf) ($ in millions) ($ per Bcf) ($ in millions) Ending (Bcf) 14.1 7.7606 6.5967 1.1639 (0.5559) 1.7198 6/30/2005 16.4 (7.8) 24.2 6.9 6.3466 4.4435 1.9031 (2.1502) 4.0533 9/30/2005 13.1 (14.8) 27.9 19.0 10.2353 8.7417 1.4936 (3.0297) 4.5233 6/30/2006 28.4 (57.7) 86.1 14.5 11.9716 7.8329 4.1387 (1.1076) 5.2463 9/30/2006 60.0 (16.0) 76.0 (4.5) $ 1.7363 $ (0.9088) $ 2.6451 1.9221 $ 0.7230 Variance $ 31.6 $ 41.7 $ (10.1) WASP: Weighted average sales price for gas held in storage WACOG: Weighted average cost of AEM’s gas in storage EV: “Economic Value” which equals gas sales price (WASP) minus cost of gas (WACOG) on a per unit basis 58
  • 59. Atmos Pipeline and Storage Straight Creek Gathering System Interstate transmission lines continue on to major Construction of approximately 60 miles cities in the Northeast of gathering facilities in eastern Kentucky Should relieve severe pipeline constraints and accommodate rapidly expanding production in the region (Big Sandy) Estimated cost is $75-$80 million Kinzer Drilling will have an ownership interest in the project Received exemption from regulatory oversight by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission but pending other regulatory approvals Anticipate construction to begin in first half of fiscal 2007 with operations beginning in fiscal 2008 59
  • 60. Atmos Pipeline - Texas 60
  • 61. Atmos Pipeline - Texas Project Update CAPEX* GRIP Filings ** Project 2005 2006 2005 2006 Northside Loop JV with Energy $1.6 million $54.6 million $15.2 million $41.0 million Transfer Enbridge --- Line/Corridor $4.0 million $16.1 million $20.1 million Compression Devon Line/ Corridor ---- ---- ---- ---- Compression Katy Capacity ---- Expansion/ $1.3 million $13.0 million $14.3 million Compression Total: $6.9 million $83.7 million $15.2 million $75.4 million Estimated total annual revenues are $15.0 million. All projects were placed in-service in June 2006. * CAPEX is calculated on a fiscal year basis ** Capital expenditures are included in GRIP filings on a calendar year basis and when the asset is operational 61
  • 62. Atmos Pipeline - Texas Project Map North Side Loop Enbridge Compression 62