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Audio Engineering Essay Topics
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Audio Engineering Essay TopicsAudio Engineering Essay Topics
Iron Chloride Lab Report
Unknown 1 Iron Chloride Background and Rationale: We found that unknown 1 was Iron
Chloride. Iron Chloride has a chemical formula of FeCl3. Another name for Iron Chloride is
Ferric Chloride. Iron Chloride is known as a flocculent, which helps to filter through water. 60%
Iron Chloride uses goes towards wastewater treatment, 8% industrial water treatment, 20%
drinking water treatment, and 12% other. Iron chloride is also used commonly for etching. We
predicted that our substance was part chloride because it had a faint acidic odor. Question: What
is the identity of unknown 1 in test tube 20? Hypothesis: If we perform 3 characteristic property
tests we will find a chemical that is part chloride. Flame reaction Test 1 Materials: Alcohol... Show
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The formula of potassium dichromate is K₂Cr₂O₇. It s scientific name is Potassium
Dichromate. It is most commonly used for dyeing, bleaching, staining and tanning. It flames
when heated up and is a very strong oxidizer. Potassium Dichromate is also used in wood and
other preservatives. However potassium dichromate is inorganic. Question: What is the identity
of substance 1? Hypothesis: If we test three different characteristic properties of our substance
we will find a substance that has a triclinic state when crystallized. Color/appearance Test 1:
Materials: Unknown substance. Procedure: We all looked at the substance until we agreed on
one color and shape. Data: We found that our substance was round shaped and angled orange
powder. Solubility Test 2: Materials: We used three ml of water, a test tube, rubber stopper, 10
ml graduated, test tube rack, weigh paper, triple beam balance, and a (3) gram(s) of solution.
Procedure: We dissolved the first gram by rolling it in our hand for three minutes. Because it
dissolved we added a gram more of the solution and got our data. Data: We found that our solution
was soluble in water. Amount of solution 0=precipitate, +=dissolved 1g + 2g + 3g + 4g
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Essay on The Roman Catholic View of Marriage
The Roman Catholic View of Marriage
Lots of people, male and female, spend there childhoods dreaming about the big day. White
dresses, fresh flowers, big church and of course the rings, just to name a few of the important
things needing to be arranged. People spend months preparing the big day. The list of things to do
never ends food, clothes, guest list and reception. But how often do we stop and think about the
Christian beliefs on marriage. When did we last ask what do the rings mean? Dress mean? Vows
mean? These are just a few of the questions I will try to answer in the following:
Catholics only have one major rule about marriage. They may have lots of others that are equally
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This is like the story in the bible of the man who asked god why through the hard the bad times of
his life were why there only one set of foot prints, this is like us we need to carry our partners in
hard times.
Christians believed that Jesus believed that separation is wrong and people should not separate
because to separate is to go against the god giving life to the family. And people who do not want
to receive the gift of life have not had a proper marriage;
man shall leave his mother and father and will be
united with his wife and the shall be one flesh..
let them not separate
this shows that Jesus believed that it was hard to separate because we are no longer one but we are
together and one flesh.
God s commandments lead Christians to a happy life in marriage. Even though Christians never
expect a happy unflawed marriage they use the 10 commandments as a guide line;
You shall not covet your neighbor s wife
This in modern language means you shall not look at your neighbor s (friends) wife provocative
and lustful way. The 10 commandments are the laws every Christian tries to obey.
During the marriage ceremony we agree to accept the gift of
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Psalms Literary Analysis
When reading the Psalms the reader should actively read as in participating in a sport. My
professor of English Dr. John Burkett instilled this into the class as we studied the Psalms. This
sets the stage when actively reading, the reader is engulfed by the text and is then alongside with
the psalmist: in feeling, emotion and even to the landscape where the psalmist is. Thus, actively
reading motivates the reader to clearly understand the meaning of the text that is read. The word is
described in the Dictionary of hermeneutics by Dr. James D. Hernando reads: Meaning is a word
used differently by scholars in their various approaches to interpretation . David writes the Psalms
for the reader to understand the fuller meaning as in the Sensus plenior . However David uses
figurative language he is writing with the readers in mind. Figurative language refers to all uses
of words that are metaphorical or symbolic in nature, conveying a meaning different from their
common, literal sense. An example of David s figurative language is You have kept count of my
tossing s; put my tears in Your bottle; are they not in Your book (Ps. 56:8 ESV)? The bottle is a
figurative meaning of Godremembering all his tears. God does not need a bottle for remembrance
this is a way for David to convey to his reader s Gods eternal loving memory will remember their
every teardrop. When diving into this nugget of truth, God s love for us is unfathomable. The depth
of love from David s point
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Biographies And Biographies Of Books Essay
The term nonfiction is a very broad classifier of literature. Alongside fiction, the two genres account
for all the literature in existence. A quick internet search will present a number of genres that are
considered nonfiction. From historical eyewitness accounts, to creative nonfiction, to biographies,
there are many genres that people generally accept as factual. Memoirs and biographies are usually
counted on the more reliable side. Thus, there exist a number of sub genrethat fall under the title of
nonfiction . However, take a look past the surface, a number of problems with this stance arise. In
all truth, the brains of human beings are the only source behind the facts of biographies and
memoirs. As it turns out, this is the source is far from credible. Memoirs and biographies are not
reliable sources of nonfiction due to the differences between brains, bias which affects the brain,
and the faulty nature of brain functions. Every person has a distinct, separate brain, despite how
similar people may feel to the others around them. Calahan had violent behaviors and got more
violent as she was hospitalized, but the doctors would say that she is schizophrenic or has
phycosis. She knew this was not true and kept going back. When she was later released, Calahan
wanted to know what she had forgotten and had no memory of. She would watch the surveillance
footage, look at doctors reports, and listen to her parents and her boyfriend about what they were
witnessing. This
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American Sniper Quotes
In the autobiography American Sniper by Chris Kyle, Chris is a violent and malicious figure in
many different ways. The wicked motives of his actions are what particularly makes Chris a cruel
being. Chris ended up recording over 160 confirmed kills during the Iraq War, in which he recorded
the most amount of sniperkills in U.S history. However, the intent of his kills were far from
humane. Chris stated during his BUD/S training that, I wanted to be a SEAL in the worst way
(Kyle 20). The quote implies he wanted to be a SEAL just so he can get involved in the action, and
shoot down Iraqis. Chris constantly reminds readers of his vicious attitude through statements such
as, I wanted, more than anything, to experience the thrill of battle
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Bromopropane And Potassium Hydroxide Lab Report
The purposes of this experiment were to model a bimolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction
between potassium hydroxide (KOH) with 1 bromopropane and determine whether it follows a
second order rate law mechanism. A rate constant of 0.0684 M 1 min 1 was obtained for this
reaction at 45.1В°C, which was determined through equilibrating the reaction and performing
titrations of 0.390 M KOH with 0.1000 M hydrochloric acid (HCl). The activation energy
calculated from class data was 50.188 kJ/mol, which deviated largely from the literature range
value of 72.80 83.76 kJ/mol. It was concluded that the reaction was consistent with the predicted
SN2 mechanism, based on the regression of a trendline.
Many reactions that exist in nature involve a double displacement between ions and reactants with
solvents. A bimolecular nucleophilic substitution, or SN2 reaction, involves a nucleophilic attack on
a substrate and the departure of a leaving group. A nucleophileis a compound or ion that donates
electrons to promote bond formation (Caldwell, 1984). In order for a leaving group in a
compound to leave, it must possess the characteristics of a weak base and be able to occupy
electrons. Several factors affect the rate and favorability of such reaction, such as (Bateman, 1940).
In addition, the substrate that is attacked by the nucleophile is commonly an unhindered primary
substrate to allow the reaction to occur quicker. An SN2 reaction follows the second order rate law.
In this
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Analysis Of John Irving s The Fate God
Everyday people lose something in one way or the other and for most of the things, they don t
ponder on the importance of the things lost. Throughout the novel, John Irving depicts different
unique objects that has either has no arms or has lost their arms. The armadillo, Tabitha s
dressmaker dummy, his swaddled body, and Mary Magdalenes statue are symbolically omenfor
Owen. Of all the objects, the Watahantowet s familiar totem was greatest message from God to
Owen for that it appeared in the beginning and in the end. In the fate God has prepared for him,
Owen learns the true meaning of loss through various encounters with armless objects because each
teaches him a thing about loss.
The curious armadillo may be small, but losing a part of it meant something important is lost in
Johnny and Owen s childhood. Before the death of Tabitha s, Johnny allows Owen to borrow
the armadillo, but afterward, Owen unexpectedly returns the armadillo without claws. As Dan
says, We ve lost a part of ourselves (86). Johnny and Owen lose the innocence of children and the
positive and humorous attitude toward matters around them. Also their relationship as friends
becomes a bit pull apart. To Owen, the claws are a way to express his belief: GOD HAS TAKEN
AM GOD S INSTRUMENT (87). Despite the fact that Owen may be used by God, Owen takes off
the arms of the armadillo to show that he s sorry and that he will never be
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Health Effects Of High Intensity Interval Training On Type...
Many people suffer from type 2 diabetes, a type of metabolic disease (Curry et al., 2015; Hawley
Gibala, 2012). The prevalence of this disease has been increasing; one reason for this increase
could be increased consumption of food as well as decreased prevalence of physical activity
(Hawley Gibala, 2012). Patients with type 2 diabetes are not able to metabolise glucose properly
(Curry et al., 2015). Type 2 diabetes can cause patients to be very thirsty, excessively weary, and to
experience a broad variety of other symptoms (Tovi Engfeldt, 1998). It is often treated with insulin
in order to help the body metabolise glucose (Tovi Engfeldt, 1998). However, taking insulin can
result in weight gain (Tovi Engfeldt, 1998). Fat of the abdomen can be an indicator of the
likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease in an individual with type 2 diabetes, which is
heavily correlated with type 2 diabetes (Siren, Eriksson, Vanhanen, 2012). In terms of lifestyle
choices, type 2 diabetes patients are often told to focus on diet, but are also encouraged to
increase frequency of physical activity (Alvarez et al., 2016; Hawley Gibala, 2012). Physical
activity has been shown to decrease the amount of deaths resulting from diabetes related causes
(Church et al., 2004). Increased physical activity has been shown to help glucose metabolism in
patients with type 2 diabetes (Curry et al., 2015). People who suffer
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Summary Of The Exegesis Of Rappaccini s Daughter
Though the two previously analyzed parabolic short stories assist in showing Hawthorne s
writing style and goals, the exegesis of his most convoluted and allegorical story, Rappaccini s
Daughter, truly accomplishes this exposition of Hawthorne s work. In Padua, Italy, Giovanni
Guasconti rents a room with a view of Dr. Rappaccini s garden. He meets professor Dr. Pietro
Baglioni, who tells Giovanni that be must be cautious of Rappaccini since he is heartless and
cares only about his scientific work. Giovanni notices Rappaccini s beautiful daughter, Beatrice,
as falls in love. They meet with each other several times and Giovanni realizes he has become
poisonous, as plants are dying in his hands. Baglioni reveals that Beatrice has grown up
constantly exposed to poison and is poisonous herself, so he gives Giovanni a vial of medicine to
give to Beatrice as a cure, but when she takes it she promptly dies. Literary critic Roy R. Male
introduces the involved nature of the story and expresses, This complexity manifests itself first in
the objects of the garden, the Eden of the present world (Male). Just like The Birthmark, Rappaccini
s Daughtertells of death caused by human pride, but this is trivial. The allegorical nature of this
story lies in its biblical connection. Rappaccini s garden symbolizes the garden of Eden and the
story and its characters directly follow that of the creation of man, the creation of sin and the
breakage of worldly perfection. Giovanni represents Adam, Beatrice is Eve, Rappaccini plays
God and Baglioni acts as Satan. Giovanni and Beatrice are Adam and Eve since they are two
innocent characters who fall victim to the deception and sinful malicious intent of Baglioni.
Rappaccini is God because his primary role is to create and construct. Since Hawthorne makes an
allegorical link to the Garden of Eden, the story can be perceived in the context of the New
Testament. Assuming the reader comprehends Hawthorne s connection, they are then able to
interpret a much more involved story with greater insight. Rappaccini s Daughter can be
interpreted as a parable, but can also be seen as the more complex allegorythat it is. Further,
Hawthorne exposes a duality in evil through his allegory. Male
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Emr Innovations
Case 3
EMR Innovations
Table of Contents
Executive summary3
Introduction amp; problem /issues identification4 EMR s product and how is attempting to market4
External Analysis6 Opportunities6 RV industry6 RV culture6 Threats7 Competitors7
Analysis and recode current situation8 Internal analysis8 RVs internal weakness and strength8
EMR Innovations internal weakness and strength9
Marketing Audit10 RV s Current Marketing Strategy10 Main objective10 Main targets10 RV s
Alternative Strategies12 Marketing and distribution of the lock awn12
Recommended Strategy13
Executive summary
Reynolds are a young couple that transferred ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The end result of decision , will be a marketing strategy which will effectively launch the Lock Awn
product and EMR Innovations.
External Analysis
This analysis consists of analyzing the external environment of the company (competitors, social,
technological, regulations, etc.). The purpose is to identify the key opportunities and threats in the
RV industry
RV vehicles (RVs) are recreational vehicles combining transportation and temporary living
quarter for recreation, camping and travel. RVs started early 1900s when nature enthusiasts
customized their vehicles. The RV industry flourished after the World War II. In 2000, RV
industry consisted of 135 manufacturers and more than 200 suppliers of parts and services. RVs
are divided into two categories (motorhomes and towables) and five classes ranging from
affordable vehicle to normal people up to luxury one ($ 500,000). In 2002, about 7.5 million
households owned an RV in US and projected to reach 8.5 million in 2010. This offers great
opportunity for EMR innovations to succeed since the RVs exist in considerable number and will
grow in the future.
RV culture
As noticed, RVs are popular and used a lot in US. There is almost one RV in every 12 households
according to study conducted by University of Michigan in
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The Canadian Health Care System Essay
According to an overview of Canadian poll surveying public opinion on their universal health care
system, 88% of Canadians reported their value for a strong, national, and publically funded health
system (Mendelsohn, 2002). Canada is one of the four nations that provide their populations with
access to medical services through their universal health caresystem of 1984 (Bodenheimer
Grumbach, 2008). The Canadian health care system is unique in that it prohibits the private health
insurancecoverage for the fundamental services that are provided by the Canada Health Act; private
insurance can be used as a supplement for services that are either partially covered or not covered
under the universal health insurance (Steinbrook, 2006). Conversely, in the American health care
system there isn t a universal health coverage for the nation, but rather four different means of
paying for health care which includes patient paying out of pocket for individual payments,
individual private insurance, employment based health insurance, and governmental supporting
funding (Bodenheimer Grumbach, 2008).
The Canadian government financed health system is a public, single payer health care system
that is funded partially by federal government and the rest is funded by provincial taxes such as
income taxes, payroll taxes, and sales taxes (Bodenheimer Grumbach, 2008). Federal taxes had
accounted for 50% of financing for health care services during the 1970s; however, this had
decreased to
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Leon Trotsky s Influence On The Soviet Revolution
John McNally
Ms. Zbrzeznj
Global Perspectives
13 March 2015
Leon Trotsky
Leon Trotsky was a man to be reckoned with. Trotsky was a Marxist revolutionary who played a
leading role in the 1905 Revolution, in the eventual Communist Revolution of October 1917, and in
the Russian Civil War. Without Trotsky s impact in the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks would
have been defeated. His own beliefs on Marxism combined with his intellect made Trotsky a target
and influential leader in the Soviets. From his studies on Marxism, he created Trotskyism, a
Marxist ideology based on the theory of permanent revolution. Also, his organization building skills
and revolutionary military ideas made him a great military leader. However, Leon Trotskywas also
prone to arrogance, fatal over confidence, dismissiveness and sarcasm, qualities that contributed to
his demise. His downfall was caused by Joseph Stalin as well. Joseph Stalin set out to destroy the
old party leadership and take total control. Leon Trotsky was one of the most influential Russian
leaders, because of his political and military leadership and revolutionary theories.
Leon Trotsky helped make the Soviet army a revolutionary force with his military ideas and
organization building skills. As commissar of war, Trotsky established a system of discipline and
hierarchical control, while also emphatically rejecting attempts to enthrone new military
orthodoxies based on partisan
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Canadian Honey Labelling Regulations
In today s society there are regulations in place for everything from the safety of children s toys to
road construction to food processing and packaging. Regulations consist of requirements the
government imposes on private firms and individuals to achieve government s purposes (Litan,
2008). Regulations are in place to protect businesses, producers, consumers, individuals, animals,
and even the environment. For example, the packaging and labelling regulations in Canada protects
the consumers and producers of the many foodproducts produced in Canada, one of which is honey.
This paper will focus on the packaging and labelling requirements of Canadian honey through
discussion of the regulations, stakeholders and the opposition of stakeholders... Show more content
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According to the group, the deregulation of food container sizes would be inconvenient for
consumers, as Canadian consumers use the standard package sizes to compare prices ( Push for
deregulation , 2012). With the deregulation, there is also potential for downsized packages to carry
the same price tag as previous products of a higher quantity, which would be a disadvantage to
Canadian consumers as well ( Push for deregulation , 2012). Canadian Grocer also points out that
because of these regulations, Canadian producers and manufacturers have invested in equipment
that is based on the packaging sizes of containers in Canada, and that the deregulation of these sizes
would cost these producers the money they could spend on produce to retool their processing
equipment ( Push for deregulation , 2012). As previously mentioned, these regulatory changes
would not only affect the honey industry, but other industries, like the ketchup industry as well. A
decision like this could have very large impacts on Canadian farming and processing cities and
towns, such as Leamington, Ontario, also known as the Tomato Capital of Canada. The mayor of
Leamington, John Paterson, stated that the Heinz ketchup plant that uses the tomatoes of the 80
tomato farms of the area to make ketchup would be vulnerable to closing, and consolidating the
production to
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The Maya Tikal
The maya live over 2,300 years ago and farmed hunted and many amazing things. Tikal was a
large maya city. They did human sacrifices for their gods they captured the humans from other
city state they had war with. They learned how to clear thick brush and cut down trees and
burned dead brush to make fields for farming the ash from the fire made great nutrients for the
ground. They grew corn and squash and many other plants. Tikal was one of the largest Maya
cities there was 60,000 people who lives there. They wrote on Stone slates that was their paper.
What is now Chiapas Mexicoa beautiful Maya City Was found by a Explorer named Palenque. All
had different choices that people lived it was like a pyramid graph it had the rich on top and
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Om Sokdae Addiction Quotes
Addiction comes from the Latin word addictiЕЌn, which means a giving over or surrender. When
one is addicted to something they give over their entire life and let it consume their thoughts,
they will do anything to get and keep it. Although, most only think of an addiction as something
of substance. Contrary to their beliefs, people can become addicted to power or being in a higher
rank. The character in the book Our Twisted Hero by Yi Munyol, Om Sokdae, gets addicted to
having power in the classroom and becomes manipulative towards his classmates in order to keep
them under his thumb. Power is addictive. After watching him for a while, Han comes to realize
that Sokdae can steal anything from his classmates. Because they are so afraid of him, Sokdae only
has to compliment the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is another example of Sokdae s manipulation that comes with him being in power because
he forces the other boys to do his work. Pak Wonha explains this to Han when he catches him
erasing Pak s name and writing Om Sakdae on the exam. It can t be helped. All of the others do
it, too. And Sokdae changes turns fairly, so the loss is evenly distributed. With the exception of
Sokdae, our ranking is all according to ability. That s if some lucky boy like you doesn t get in
front of us. (Munyol 77) This evidence supports the claim because it is a perfect demonstration
of how Sakdae does everything to stay in power. Contrary to what Han believed about him
earlier, Sokdae is not the smartest in the class. So in order to remain ranking at the top of the
class, he has other boys take his test for him. Obviously they wouldn t argue with him, because as
said before they will be punished, most likely beaten. As a result, Om Sakdae has been
manipulating the class with violence in order to remain
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Guardrail Vegetation Research Paper
Safety is a number one priority when it comes to roadways, whether it s being in a vehicle,
walking across the road or riding a bicycle. One factor of being safe on and near roadways is to
know your surroundings. Guardrail vegetation is a major concern in many states because the
guardrails and signs need to be visible at all times, but some vegetation makes the guardrails and
signs sightless. Currently, herbicides are the cheapest and most efficient method, only if applied
twice every season. According to Washington State s Department of Transportation, if managed
properly, roadside vegetation can become self sustaining over time and require less maintenance,
which would help reduce both the cost and herbicide use. However, herbicides are unhealthy for
humans and the environment. When the application process occurs, those applying the herbicides
are required to wear suits to be protected from the dangerous chemicals. While the herbicides
treat the weeds, it also increases the risk of erosion, resulting in an uneven line between bare
ground and living vegetation. Herbicides can be a temporary solution, but if used for years, will
result in a limited number of species that will be able to grow. Of the surviving... Show more
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Another concern is the molding on and around the guardrail posts can provide an opportunity for
vegetation growth, this has been seen in Delaware. Another method is to place weed barriers on the
roadsides. While this method seems to be the best solution, it requires a large amount of
maintenance. The barriers must have the amount of organic and inorganic debris monitored to
prevent build up, which can cause grass to grow. Even though maintenance is required to monitor
and clean, this is a viable option where herbicides and any chemical use is
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Activity 1 Metabolism And Thyroid Hormone
physioex 9.0
Review Sheet
Endocrine System Physiology
Name Laura Bauer
Lab Time/Date Thursday 5:30 7:30
Activity 1 Metabolism and Thyroid Hormone
Part 1
1Which rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate (BMR)?
The Normal rat had the fastest BMR.
2Why did the metabolic rates differ between the normal rat and the surgically altered rats? How
well did the results compare with your prediction? ___
The BMRs differed because the surgically altered rats were missing either the Pituitary or Thryoid
gland that release thyroid hormones.
3If an animal has been thyroidectomized, what hormone(s) would be missing in its blood?
The animal will be missing trioodythronine and thyroxine.
4If an animal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
3.Describe the diagnosis for patient 3, who was also pregnant at the time of this assay. ***
This patient would be diagnosed with gestational diabetes, a type of diabetes that typically
disappears after pregnancy.
4.Which patient(s) had normal glucose reading(s)? ___
Patients 1 and 2 were in the normal range.
5.What are some lifestyle choices these patients with normal plasma glucose readings might
recommend to the borderline impaired patients? ___
A change of diet in which simple sugars are limited might assist borderline patients. Similarly, fiber
and good carbohydrates could be helpful.
Activity 3 Hormone Replacement Therapy
** We could not carry out the third experiment there was an issue with the software.
Activity 4 Measuring Cortisol and Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
1Which patient would most likely be diagnosed with Cushing s disease? Why? ___
Patient number 3 would most likely be at risk due to high levels of both cortisol and ACTH
2Which two patients have hormone levels characteristic of Cushing s syndrome? ___
Patients 2 and 5 have high levels of cortisol which is a characteristic of Cushing s syndrome.
3Patient 2 is being treated for rheumatoid arthritis with prednisone. How does this information
change the diagnosis? ___
Because of the treatment for the arthritis, the Cushing s syndrome would have been induced by
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Personality Of Personality Disorders And The Wpa Section...
Personality disorder has being and issue among therapist and psychiatrist. Also Personality disorder
is presently being acknowledged as an essential condition in standard psychiatry over the world. In
spite of the fact that it regularly stays unrecognized in customary practice, research studies have
demonstrated that it is familiar, makes significant bleakness, is connected with high expenses to
administrations and to society, and meddles, generally adversely, with advancement in the
treatment of other mental issue. We now have prove that personality issue, as of now arranged,
influences around six percent of the world populace, and the contrasts between nations demonstrate
no predictable variety. We are likewise getting expanding proof that a few medicines, for the most
part mental, are of quality in this gathering of clutters. What is currently required is another
characterization that is of more noteworthy worth to clinicians, and the WPA Section on Personality
Disorders is at present undertaking this mission. Most Korean psychiatric experts are acquainted
with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM) characterization system.
Although the International Classification of Disease (ICD) is the world order, and subsequently
overshadows different groupings, the greater part of the progressions made in the grouping of
identity issue in the most recent 30 years have been an immediate result of the presentation of the
third amendment of (DSM III) in
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Differences Between The Outsiders Book And Movie
When comparing both mediums of The Outsiders, they both portray the story and main points of
the book differently creating advantages and disadvantages for both. The novel has many traits
that the movie doesn t have, such as details, the ability to use one s own imagination, the
backstories of characters, the personalities and emotions of different characters, and isn t held
back by time constraints. The movie confines you to one point of view, the director s. A person
isn t allowed to see the characters as they would like to, and must picture everything the way the
director of the movie saw it. First, the novel includes details that the movie doesn t include,
resulting in a shorter time span in which the movie is presented. If one had a short attention span
the movie has more of an advantage over the book, but many people like to enjoy books in a
comfortable spot and receive all the details of the story. The movie excludes certain parts of the
story, changing the story altogether. The novel contains a complete story and does not include extra
scenes that were never told in the story about what the author wrote. Excluding certain parts of the
story leads to missing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the novel, Dally is cold and bitter, where as in the movie he is much more playful and kind to
Ponyboy and Johnny. Johnny was different in both mediums, too, he wasn t as timid as the
book made him out to be in the movie. He stood up for himself and others more in the movie,
than the book. Ponyboy seemed more like a daydreamer in the book, but in the movie he seemed
more tuff and cool like a greaser. Dally was rough with Johnny in the book, but in the movie he
was more gentle and kind towards him, making him look more like the protagonist of the story.
Also, the book focused more on Ponyboy and Johnny as the protagonists of the story, but the movie
made Johnny more of a
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Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
As stated earlier, United States is known to be one of the unhealthiest countries on the planet but
still spend a great amount of money on health care. This can be a contradicting issue because we
spend so much money to try to improve one s health but don t keep or maintain a healthy lifestyle.
(healthandsocietyscholars.org) The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is here to help in those
regards. It purpose is to take strides in improving the nation s healthas a whole by addressing factors
that can better and worsens one s health. (healthandsocietyscholars.org) As stated in the article, the
organization is here to make sure Americans can be able to afford health cost which can very
pricey, make an impact on the quality and conditions of someone s health, to spread the word out on
living a healthy lifestyle, and to decrease to use of anything that s harmful to the body.
There are much things to learn about health and people that are willing to do research on it. ... Show
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Though he didn t have any medical background, he believe that the world should be responsible to
further its training and knowledge in medical. So in 1972 the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
began and proceeded to help the nation in healthcare. The foundation help produce medical
representor and funds to different dentists, medicine, and osteopathy to give out different awards
and scholorships. Most student that recievd these awards were minority, women, and poverty
stricken backgrounds. In the present day, the main purpose of the foundation is to creative medical
awareness, help with training programs in different fields, and maintain leaders to teach. Over the
years the foundations creditability has risen and was able to contribute over $85 million to create
and better individuals to have a great amount health professionals that are highly qualified in
education and the
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The Culture And Ethos Of The Surrounding Community Essay
Introduction Since the beginning of history stadiums have been used as a gathering point for
nations and its populace to enjoy events and festivals. Early examples of stadia can be seen
through the famous Roman Coliseum in Rome, where gladiators battled for their freedom and the
trivial Globe Theatre in London where Shakespeare s works were performed. In today s society,
stadia have evolved to become massive multi purpose stadiums that have helped to define and
identify the culture and ethos of the surrounding community. With societies push to more of an
entertainment culture, more and more stadia are being built in order to accommodate the
popularity of sports, music, comedy, and drama. This increase in attendance and popularity has
caused stadia today to become highly intricate, requiring millions and sometimes billions of
dollars to be used in order to create a not only massive, but also safe atmosphere where people can
gather to enjoy their chosen spectacle. The innovation of today s new stadia requires and depends
on proper managementand operations. This comes in the form of certain characteristics and
techniques, which if used properly can help to lead to the overall success of the stadium. In this
analysis, I will discuss the essential characteristics for stadia management, as well as compare and
contrast two major stadia in today s world in order to get a better understanding of their practical
Management Characteristics
Organizational Management
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Betrayal In Julius Caesar
In the play Julius Caesar there were multiple characters that performed throughout the play.
However, there were only two characters that stood out the most, Brutus and Cassius. The play
starts out in the City of Rome, where a celebration is taking place over the victorious Julius
Caesar who conquered the city of Pompeii. The celebration of this victory begins the feelings of
betrayal by his companions who seem highly jealous of his actions. The Jealous few are the
senators and high status figures among the city of Rome, who are becoming quite jealous of the
Caesar s growing power. Brutus on the other hand, fears that tyrannical rule may come to Rome if
Caesar gains power of the city. The jealousy and fear develops conspirators with Cassius and
Brutus being the two in charge and most important characters of Julius Caesars assassination. The
assassination of Rome s most loved soldier Julius Caesaris greatly mourned over and with Antony s
convincing speech of Caesars loyalty to Rome. The Roman populous and Antony seek revenge for
Caesars murder by hunting down the conspirator s within the city and eventually creating an war
against Cassius and Brutus. In the war, the two mains characters Brutus and Cassius committed to
suicided to save their own honor and allowed Antony and Octavius who is Julius Caesars adopted
son to win the war. In the play, Brutus and Cassius show distinct differences in there traits as
characters and there goal for assassinating Julius Caesar. In
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Jonathan Swift’s Essay A Modest Proposal, and Voltaireв
There are two vastly differing works of literature that employ similar elements of satire, whether
the story is long or short, essay or novella. In these two works, the authors bring light to ongoing
social, political, and philosophical issues of their time and age. The two works I am referring to are
Jonathan Swifts satirical essay, A Modest Proposal, and Voltaire s novella, Candide, or Optimism.
In both A Modest Proposal and Candide, there is a portrayal of irony, cold logic and reasoning
rather than emotion, and misguided philosophy. Exploring the issues within these texts can
implement a better understanding of not only the literature itself, but also the historical context and
the issues of the time. By delving even deeper into... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This can also be seen when Pangloss churns out philosophical discourse rather than obtaining the
oil and wine Candide was begging for after the shipwreck and the earthquake. Alas! said he to
Pangloss, get me a little wine and oil; I am dying. This concussion of the earth is no new thing,
answered Pangloss. The city of Lima, in America, experienced the same convulsions last year; the
same cause, the same effects; there is certainly a train of sulphur under ground from Lima to
Lisbon. Nothing more probable, said Candide; but for the love of God a little oil and wine. How,
probable? replied the philosopher. I maintain that the point is capable of being demonstrated.
Candide fainted away, and Pangloss fetched him some water from a neighbouring fountain. On the
other hand, the speaker in A Modest Proposal has immaculate knowledge of his country s financial
situation, overpopulation, and famine. He demonstrates this knowledge through careful
calculations of how to handle the proposal that he is making. However, there is no use of emotion
or empathy in making these calculations computations; there is no thought of the moral
implications of this proposal and the fact that this can be considered mass genocide based on social
class. Rather, the speaker uses objectivity and cold calculations to demonstrate his principle. Both
texts demonstrate, as well, a misguided philosophy of sorts as seen through the
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Parasympathetic Nervous System
We have two systems within the Autonomic Nervous System. The sympathetic nervous system and
the parasympathetic nervous system.
As discussed in one of the previous discussion posts about the flight or fight response the
sympathetic nervous system is responsible for this reaction within the body. When the body turns
on its fight or flight mechanisms, our heart rate is elevated, bronchial tubes and pupils dilate,
saliva production is decreased, and digestion may even come to a complete stop. It is very
important that our body does not stay in this state for long periods of time because excess buildup
of the stress hormones produced during this state are shown to cause issues with the entire
autonomic nervous system. It can even lead to digestion
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High Expectations Of Social Workers
In the article it discusses that social work is a very demanding field of work. Workers experience
high levels of stress and burnout rates. The authors goes on to explain that the high expectations
that social workers have on themselves from others and the expectations that they hold themselves
to, ultimately affects their well being (Graham Shier, 2014). The article explains that social
workers experience a lot of different situations and all of these situations take a toll on the social
workers well being. Graham and Shier explain that social workers experience violence, dangerous
situations, burnout, vicarious trauma exposure and so much more. All of those things play a major
role in what can lead to a social worker to become overwhelmed
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The Political State of Countries Essay
The Political State of Countries
The political state of countries today is always changing and developing into new and hopefully
more efficient methods of running a country. In comparing and contrasting the political setup of
two countries a good understanding of the different systems is easily seen. The fall of Communism
in many parts of the world has triggered countries like Russia to create new political systems and
political parties. This also changes the functioning of the economy and the military. Likewise in
India, changes are almost seen daily in the ruling of the country. Comparing and contrasting these
two countries involves many areas including the political parties, legislative branch and the
executive branch. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The communists get support only when the outlook for the economy is bad and fear of
unemployment is affecting many workers. (Palmer, 346) The last of these parties is the fascist
party called the Liberal Democratic Party. This party platform stated in 1993 elections, calling
for a strong army, continued government management of Russia s industries, liquidation of the
5000 gangs that control the economy, arm sales to any country or group that wants the buy
them, deportation of non Russians, avoiding mistakes of Hitler in dealing with the West, nuking
the Japanese if they continued to pressure Russia to give back some small islands occupied since
the end of World War II, a strong dose of anti Semitism, and finding husbands for all unmarried
women. (Palmer, 346) Like Russia, India has several parties in its Democratic system including:
The Congress Party, The Bharatiya Janata Party, and The Third Front. India for a long time was
considered a single party Democracy and the Congress party ruled for about fifty years. (Palmer,
453) The Congress party used these four items to gain support: charisma of Nehru and Gandhi,
the independence movement, the party s broad base in the local way of life and the ability to take
in a great range of regional, ideological and communal groups. (Palmer, 453) The Bharatiya Janata
Party is a rising group that
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Jane Eyre and The Great Gatsby
Jane Eyre and The Great Gatsby are two very intresting novels which are very eye opening to
one about how society is and the main message I got especially from Jane Eyre is that money is
not always the answer to personal happiness and love. Both novels believed in moral convinction
where you believe in one viewbook and it does not change for the better or worse.
Jane Eyre is a very intresting novel as soon as you open it the first few chapters are shocking as it
shows you two big themes one of which is class and the other is gender. In 1947 people would
judge you depending on your class and people in society would judge you and treat you by
where you are in the hierarchy tree. Another big theme was gender women were treated as third
class citizens no freedom at all. Jane Eyre was a novel about an orphan who is adopted into this
wealthy family. However she feels completely out the circle and not part of there family. The
family certainly did not make her feel part of them either they first saw her as poor because she
came from a poor background even though now she is adopted in there family they still saw her
like that and secondly she was a girl so that made things worse and those two combinations were
not good. At one point in the novel Mr reed said to her You have no business to take our books;
you are a dependant, mamma says; you have no money; your father left you none; you ought to
beg, and not to live here with gentleman s children like us . . he is telling her
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The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Disintegration of the...
Communism is defined as a political and economical doctrine, the aim which is to abolish private
ownership of property and for profit enterprise and to replace these with public ownership and
control of industry, agriculture, and resources ( Communism ). The product of this government is
supposed to be a society free of class ranking based on wealth, property, and political power. The
Soviet Unionwas the first country to test these governmental strategies and it did not take long for
the regime to collapse. The inevitable collapse of communism led to the fall of the Berlin Wall; this
started the domino effect of freedom that ultimately led to the collapse of the Soviet Union.
On Sunday, August 13th, in 1962 the Eastern German government... Show more content on
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During the Soviet Union regime the health care system became socialized and citizens were
allowed to have full health care without charge. The Soviet Union was also the first country to
have an equal number of hospital beds to citizens (Hoeppler). Even though they had great access
to heath care the hospitals lacked the essentials needed for the hospitals to operate up to standards.
In 1990, 24 percent of hospitals did not have adequate pluming, 19 percent lacked central heat, 45
percent lacked bathrooms or showers, 49 percent had no hot water, and 15 present operated without
any water at all (Hoeppler). These conditions were unacceptable according to Boris Yeltsin.
In June of 1991, Yeltsin won the presidential election in Russia. He became the first Russian
leader to stand in a legitimate election. Yeltsin inspired mass demonstrations against the 1991
attempt to overthrow Gorbachev s, the president before him, government ( The Fall of the Soviet
Union ). This brought him popularity. Yeltsin decided to capitalize on his popularity by going
forward with radical reform policies. After doing things like banning the CPSU, confiscating CPSU
s assets, and distributing the state s assets to the populace. So, it did not take Yeltsin much time at
all to start to dismantle the Soviet Union ( The Fall of the Soviet Union ).
The fall of the Soviet Union became the most dramatic event of the twentieth century. With the
Soviet Union being the world s first communistic state it
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The Death Penalty Is Truly A Crime Deterrent
The death penalty has been one of the most debatable and contentious issues facing the American
public for many years. This paper proposes a study that analyzes the theory which holds that the
death penalty will prevent people from committing heinous crimes. Two hypotheses oversee this
study: 1) States that have a death penalty law will have lower rates of crimes punishable by death
than states without death penalty laws, and 2) States that have the most executions will have fewer
crimes punishable by death than states that do not execute often and those without a death penalty
law. To examine each of these hypotheses, I propose two case studies that will be conducted with
two States satisfying requirements for not having or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is illegal in eighteen states, including Minnesota and the District of Columbia.
Capital punishment is one of the most debated topics and contested issue in the United States and
the world today. Capital punishment is often seen as a humane way to execute the vilest criminals
and to discourage others from committing atrocious crimes. The death penalty is morally wrong
and violates the Sixth Commandment of the Bible, which says you shall not murder , the Eighth
Amendment which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, and the Fourteenth Amendment to the
United States Constitution which guarantees equal protection of the laws and due process.
According to the Death Penalty Information Center, 972 people have been sentenced to death row
in the United States since 1973.
The main goals of the criminal justice system are to: rehabilitate offenders, and protect society from
those offenders. Ernest Van Den Haag argues that doing justice or deterring others (102) are the
objectives of the system. Therefore, the use of the death penalty is a means to an end. Opponents of
the death penalty must convince its supporters that it does not fulfill either of these objectives
while proponents rely on either argument for the justification of the system.
In regards to this proposal, this study will: 1) focus on the deterrence factor rather than question
whether the death penalty is ethical. Raymond T. Bye defines the cradle on which the theory of
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William Mckinley Campaign Film Analysis
The election of 1896 was the year William McKinley launched the first campaign film. McKinley s
campaign ad was a re enactment of his nomination announcement as he stood in front of a room full
of supporters. Once McKinley became president, his film sparked the beginning of scheduled
announcement known today as The State of the Union. Most believed McKinley s campaign film
helped with his presidential win against Democratic nominee William Jennings Bryan. Later,
McKinley would serve four years as president before his assassination in 1901 at the Pan
American Exposition. Today, campaign ads are one of the most expensive parts of campaigns and
effective with voters that are unreachable on social media. However, social media allows
candidates to place... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In 1923, Coolidge became the first president to deliver his State of the Union address through
radio (Desilver, 2015)12. At least six different states tuned in to hear Coolidge s address through
long distance cable lines. The advanced equipment allowed listeners from Washington, New York,
Providence, St. Louis, Kansas City and Dallas access to the speech held in the House Chambers.
According to the New York Times, the State Department also notified the Embassies in London and
Paris to listen to Coolidge address. For Coolidge, radio was only the beginning of his social
communications efforts with American citizens. In August 1924, Coolidge also tapped into
thousands of homes by appearing and speaking in a motion picture. Later, in 1925 Coolidge became
the first to broadcast his inauguration, an accomplishment William McKinley dreamt of achieving.
Coolidge speech brought significance to how political leaders communicate and engage with voters.
Overall, Coolidge s presidency shifted the innovative world of communication strategies for
politicians in the
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Positive Risk Taking Essay
Unit 24
1 1.1
For many people risk is an accepted part of everyday life. Every day activities such as catching the
bus, travelling on holiday, playing football, setting up home and starting a family all carry some
element of risk.
Risk plays a part in our health, safety, security, well being, employment, education, daily activities,
using resources and equipment and in community participation. But some adults, for example
disabled people or older people, are often discouraged from taking risks.
Traditionally they are not encouraged to take risks in areas such as budgeting, planning,
employment and daily living skills. This may be either because of their perceived limitations or fear
that they or others might be harmed. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These should all e recorded to prevent re prescribing.
If a side effect is spotted you should take the following steps: * Inform the manager * Seek medical
help * Observe the person * Record all symptoms * Record what you have done * Treat the
symptoms if possible or take to hospital * Record the medicine and reaction in the persons care
notes * Inform their GP.
Unit 47
2 2.4
There are a variety of different ways in which medicine can be administered. * Orally
The majority of medicines are administered this way via tablets, liquids etc.
* Sublingually
This is where tablets or capsules are placed under the tongue for fast absorption.
* Inhalation
This is most commonly used by asthma patients. It delivers the medicine directly to the lungs.
* Intramuscular injection
This is injected directly into large muscles (usually legs or bum). This can only be done by a
doctor or nurse.
* Intravenous injection
This is injected straight directly into the veins. Medicines are rapidly absorbed into the body. This
can only be performed by a doctor or trained nurse.
* Subcutaneous injection
This form of medicine is injected directly under the skin. After training care staff may provide this
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Computer Science Statement Of Purpose
Statement of Purpose
Your time is limited, so don t waste it living someone else s life. Steve Jobs
We have been gifted with only one life. It would be frivolous if we are not making the most out of
it, not doing the things that make us happy, not making it count. Life gives us an opportunity to
realize our dreams and fulfill the purpose of our existence. Right from Charles Babbage to Larry
Page, there have been sizable contributions made to the world via computer science. Had these
greats given up on their dreams, the world we live in today would not be the same. Imagine the
world without computers. One can only dread! Today, I stand on the cusp of living my dream the
dream of giving back to the world of computers, making a contribution in computer science by
conducting innovative research and developing something that the world would appreciate. The
hunger for obtaining the in depth and specialized knowledge in computer science has urged me to
apply for an MS program in Computer Science. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As my interests peaked, I started my journey in computer science when I secured a seat in the
bachelor s program in Information Technology at a leading institute in India for engineering in
Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering by acing in the entrance test. Core subjects like Data
Structures, Databases, Operating Systems and Automata Theory have greatly enhanced my logical
reasoning abilities and further increased my enthusiasm to learn them in depth. Object Oriented
Programming Methodologies (JAVA) has always been one of my strengths, resulting in topping
the class in that course. My knowledge of these subjects is well supported by the fact that I have
excelled in academics, maintaining a GPA of
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Kim Kardashian Stereotypes
There isn t one single reality television show or reality t.v. show star in particular that is
stereotyped to a typical standard, though as reality television stars gain more popularity and try to
build their brands, to have the perfect body is often the stereotype that all genders go through.
Transsexual and transgendered celebrities have also spoke about the necessity to display the
perfect body because they were born men, and have to exceed women, when speaking about beauty,
just to fit in. Everyone loves to use the Kardashians as an example so why not. Kim Kardashian
from Keeping Up With The Kardashians is known for her perfect hour glass figure with large
breasts, a tiny waist, and bigger than average booty (and yes I said booty!). She is regarded as
many for having the perfect body, and other women have felt the pressure to emulate her body in
order to achieve the same vanity appeal.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With her being taller and simply having a different body structure than Kim, many blogs and
commentators bash her constantly because she doesn t fit their mold of the it girl . Other reality
television show stars also find it difficult staying on top. Shows produced by VH1 and Bravo
like Love and Hip Hop, Real Housewives of Atlanta and Beverly Hills, and even Botched.
Documents how women more so than men, use cosmetic surgery to enhance their body so that
they fit in with the celebrity Hollywood culture. On Love and Hip Hop, most of the cast members
are of native ethnic descent (being African American/Black, Caribbean, Latino/Hispanic).
Therefore beauty is even more stigmatized, in my opinion, from the communities that these
women are either from or are idolized by. Women in the Black community are known to have big
butts, fuller breasts, thick thighs and lovely curves. That s a lot to live up to if you didn t get it
from your
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Understanding The Concept Of Division
The purpose of this lesson is to introduce the students to the concept of division. This will be
somewhat of a review for the students who have had practice with division in past grade levels. It
has been a long time since the students have had any practice with division, so this lesson will
serve an introduction to the meaning of division, divisionvocabulary, as well as its relationship to
multiplication. Students will be introduced to fact families as a way to show the connection
between multiplication and division. The students will be able to see the relationship between a
concept they have had a lot of practice with (multiplication), to a concept that might be new to them
Common Core State Standards:
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.NBT.B.6: Find whole number quotients of whole numbers with up to
four digit dividends and two digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of
operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the
calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models.
Student Learning Objective:
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division
through verbal and written communication.
Goals/Objectives of Lesson: What do you hope for/expect?
Before this lesson: Students will complete a written pre assessment on division concepts using their
prior knowledge.
With guidance from the teacher and class notes,
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Friends Stereotypes
Jennifer Aniston, Matt LeBlanc, and Matthew Perry are just a few of the many stars in the hit
television series Friends, that strives to bring awareness to the hardships of adulthood, while also
exposing stereotypes. The show features six adults with an unbreakable friendship, who live in an
apartment building in Manhattan, New York City.
In each episode of this show, a new and unexpected event occurs to each one of the characters,
that will keep you guessing and dying to know what s going to happen next. Each episode is its
own story, and is not based off one another, so the worry of getting behind on this series is non
existent. There are a fair share of laughs, cries, and different emotions running through your head in
every episode, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
First off, you have Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry), a businessman with a sarcastic attitude. Then,
you have the siblings, Ross (David Schwimmer) and Monica Geller (Courtney Cox), who have a
love hate relationship. Ross is a Paleontologist, with an introverted personality and Monica is a
chef, with a very competitive attitude towards everything, and is also a neat freak. Then, there s
the open and brutally honest character, Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow). Phoebe is a massage
therapist and an aspiring singer, who would rather live each day to the fullest than have regrets. The
fifth main character is the fashionable, selfish, and confused Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston).
Rachel s job is at Ralph Lauren, and she is heavily dependant on her wealthy father. Finally, there s
the actor Joey Tribbiani (Matt Leblanc), who is a very social and humorous character, who never
settles down in relationships.
These six friends formed a friendship right from the start despite their diverse personalities and
aspirations in life. This has a positive impact on society, by showing that you can be friends with
whoever you want, no matter what, and you shouldn t be characterized to who you should hang
out with. The characters in Friends are constantly hugging and thanking each other, and showing
what true friends are. In fact, Rachel said to her friend Monica, None of the amazing things that
happened to me in the last 10 years would ve happened if it wasn t for you
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The Interlopers Chapter Summary
The Interlopers
By Saki
Ulrich von Gradwitz is a landowner. He is strolling in the Carpathians. His grandfather fought for
and won this strip of land against the neighboring family of landowners. Their neighbors are their
enemies and continue to stay enemies as the generations pass. It became personal for both
families. Georg Znaeym was Ulrich s eniey and they both wished ill on each other. They both go
hunting in the forest and find the other person to kill or brutally injure him. Ulrich is carrying a
rifle, as well as Georg. When the two men finally meet they stare at each other in long silence.
Then suddenly a storm brought a beech tree come down and knocks both of the men down. The
tree almost kills them when it comes down on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Mrs. Mallard has a heart condition the main character of the story. Her husband recently passed
away from a railroad accident and Her sister Josephine told her the bad news. After getting the
news that her husband died she was a little calm, and she was very considering when she cried.
Than she goes to her room to cry, but she is acting a little odd. Mrs. Mallard is crying then
stopping, when she stops she whispers under her breath words like she is free repeatingly. As
she is crying she thinks about how she loved him some of the time. She also thinks about how
she feels very liberated. Later, her sister Josephine is outside her bedroom door who is trying to
get Mrs. Mallard to open the door. Finally, Mrs. Mallard gives in and her and her sister go
downstairs. When they are going downstairs the door opens and Mr. Mallard comes inside. He
was not in the accident and was still alive. After, seeing Brently Mallard his friend Richard tried
to hide him from Mrs. Mallard so she does not see him and be too much in schock. The final part
of the short story is when the doctors speak to everyone saying that the joy of seeing Brently
Mallard is what killed her not her heart
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Materialism In Mona And Shola
characters and their lives through an embodied racial phenomenology. The forging of this cultural
link comes before the address or acknowledgement of the past that has brought the spectator to the
moment of witnessing the film s message. As a film, Sankofa is able to secure its cultural link as
... that which is visible, classifiable and morally salient. In our own materialist society, where
science trumps religion and where cultural rituals whether religious, patriotic or familial must
increasingly revolve around the exchange of material commodities in order to retain their
significance, what is true is what is visible. Secular, commodity driven society is dominated by the
realm of the visible. In such a context, visible differences operate as powerful determinants over
social interaction (Alcoff, 15).
In Mona, the modern day model who will give flesh to those spectators who join her on her historic
journey under the enslaved name, Shola, Sankofa gives the spectator a specific black body with
which to anchor its link. That Mona/Shola is a woman is not the immediately pivotal purpose of
her central placement in the narrative. She serves as a sort of every person and her condition is
based in labor and the contempt of race as a ... socially constructed, historically malleable, culturally
contextual (construct)... produced through learned perceptual practice. Whether or not it is valid to
use racial concepts, and whether or not their use will have positive or negative
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Benefit Of Ocean Exploration
Astonishingly, Did you know that we have better maps of the moon than we do of the ocean? It s
true! Scientists are working to make drones to explore the deep sea. Ocean Exploration is a
developing science that incorporates the use of marine biology and drone technology. Ocean
Exploration technology will be an overall benefit to society because 1. exploring the ocean is
easier than before and 2. ocean exploration can help with monitoring the deep sea.
First of all, ocean exploration technology has advanced much more than before in the past decade.
In the past, people had to bring everything needed for scuba diving which included hundreds of
pounds of gear and photographing technology. Now, all you need is the drone and an ocean.
There are many things needed for scuba diving. Such as, oxygen tanks and diving gear that also
cost lots of money. With drones, ocean exploration will be much cheaper and faster than scuba
divers ever have been. (#2) According to a journalist, Kimberly Pierceall, from Military Times,
from her article Researchers Want To Use Drones For Ocean Floor Exploration She said that,
..They (Scientists) hope (12 research drones) will survey the deepest parts of the ocean faster
and cheaper than anyone has done before (Pierceall, 2017). This evidence proves that with new
developing ocean technology, exploring will be cheaper and faster than it ever has before. This is
a benefit to society because researchers will be able to explore vast amounts of the
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The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini.published Essay
The Kite Runner is the kind of novel portraying the common issues of the lives of parents and
children. The Kite Runner is the first novel by Afghan American author Khaled Hosseini.Published
by Riverhead Books, it recounts the narratives of Amir, a young boy from the WazirAkbar Khan
district of Kabul, whose closest companion is Hassan, son of his father s servant Hazara. The story
is situated against a backdrop of turbulent and volatile events, from the fall of Afghanistans
monarchy through the Soviet military intercession, the mass migration of refugees to Pakistan and
the United States, and the rise of the Talibanregime. Mr.Hosseine attempts to draw out the
distinctions that both the parents and children are confronting in their lives through this characters
in the story.
Hosseini has commented that he considers The Kite Runner to be a father son story, stressing the
familial aspects of the narrative, a component that he continued to utilize as a part of his later
works.Themes of guilt and redemption feature include conspicuously in the novel, with the essential
scene depicting an act of savagery against Hassan that Amir neglects to prevent.
The later half of the book centers on Amir s endeavours to make ammends for this transgression by
rescuing Hassan s son over two decades later. Amir s father fails to comprehend his son and his
emotions at numerous points in the story. He fails to comprehend the bond of the two children and
their genuine bond of companionship.
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Eros And Cupid Research Paper
Eros and Cupid were both an important part of ancient culture, playing the role of the love god.
Eros name meant love in Greek, and Cupid translates to desire in Latin. Eros was the Greek God
of love and Cupid was the Roman God of love and the Roman version of Cupid. Eros was
originally a primeval god; however, later tradition crowned him to be the son of the Greek
Goddess Aphrodite, the Greek God of beauty. On the other hand, Cupid is a little more
mysterious and many theories circulated about his ancestry. Some people reckon he was the son
of Vulcan, the Roman God of Fire, whilst others say he is the son of Venus. He was often
described as handsome young man though in art, he was portrayed as chubby, winged infant who
shoots arrows at people to make them fall in love. Eroswas a Primordial God, being the fourth God
to come into existence after Tartarus.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A difference in today s society, who all picture Cupid as a tiny, winged baby that would be that
the Greek version of Eros was never portrayed that way. He was always portrayed as a handsome,
desirable young man able to woo the mortals even without his love inducing quiver. The Greek
version of Eros was also known to be a lot more powerful. Cupid, for instance, was never able to
make people hate each other. This could ve potentially contributed to him being imagined as a
chubby baby, which have connotations to kindness and happiness. Furthermore, Cupid couldn t
influence minds in the way that Eros could and was never a leader. As well as this, Cupid was
never speculated to be the son of Jupiter, like the Greek Eros was sometimes told to be the son of
Zeus. Obviously, there are many similarities between Eros and Cupid. For example, they can both
induce love. Another thing is that both their names translate to something along the lines of love in
their respective
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Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown
In the short story Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the reader is left with
unanswered questions about what actually happened to Goodman Brown the night he took an
unforgettable journey into the woods. Therefore, questions form about dream or real life
occurrences, and it lingers over the minds of the readers after this ominous, short storyends.
Experience versus imagination in the short story Young Goodman Brownare questionable because
Hawthorne allows the reader to interpret their own imaginations with evidence to conspire if
Brown only had a dream, or if it was all reality proving that evil lives within everyone.
Unlike most authors, Hawthorne gives the reader a chance to consider their own ideas. He provides
evidence ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On he flew among the black pines, brandishing his staff with frenzied gestures, now giving vent
to inspiration of horrid blasphemy, and now shouting forth such laughter as set all the echoes of
the forest laughing like demons around him (6). With the absence of his wife, this outrageous
anger within Brown explodes, and he begins to let his demons out, which would make any
passerby, fearful. Everyone on Earth is a sinner, but not everyone is completely evil. However,
Faith, both his wife and his faith in God, were the only things keeping Brown at bay. When his
wife Faith is lost, so is he because she is the only reason for him to have faith in himself and in God.
At the ceremony, the figure, which I believe is the devil, shows these new comers of the Devil s
congregation that all the prestigious, pious, and holy people of their town were working at the
right hand of the Devil. Once again, this proves evil lives within every one as the devil states,
Depending upon one another s hearts, ye had still hoped that the virtue were not all a dream. Now
are ye undeceived. Evil is the nature of mankind. Evil must be your only happiness. Welcome
again, my children, to the communion of your race (8). The devil believes and convinces these
people that all of the human race may relate evil with themselves.
The chances of coming back from all of the deceit that his fellow neighbors
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Learning Theory On Family Guy
We ve all heard the saying the apple never falls to far from the tree, in one sense or another. Well,
this is a label, as well as everything we are shown through media portrayal. As the Learning
Theory: The Modern Media and imitation. For example we have all seen the show Family Guy
or similar shows of both cartoon like and with actual people. The dad was an imbecile and a
racist. The mom was a lemon with a child at 16, the daughter was your typical nerd who couldn t
follow in her mom s footsteps for she was made to feel more worthless than a dried piece of gum
on a concrete path during a hot July in Texas. The eldest son was an even bigger imbecile than the
father, and the child was a hypersexual heteroflexible psychopathic sociopath with
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Disadvantages Of Coffee Grinders
Grinding Coffee
The ground coffee is the most suitable coffee to buy. After all, it is accessible everywhere and
not difficult to load into the coffee maker. The ground coffee loses flavor faster than the whole
bean coffee. Also, the fresher your coffee, the more taste, and flavor it will add when it is brewed.
It is good to grind coffee before brewing to provide a more refreshing taste of coffee.
There are two common types of coffee grinders, both with its advantages and disadvantages. They
also have different varieties of grounded coffee ranging from finer grind to coarser grind.
The two types of Coffee Bean Grinders
There are two common types of coffee bean grinders used for personal purpose namely: Burr
grinder and Propeller grinder.
Burr Grinder
The burr grinder makes use of the two serrated discs to grind the beans. All you need to do is to
set up the variety of the grind properties you want (fine or coarse particles), fill up the beans
inside the chamber, and initiate the grinding process. The ground coffee ready to be brewed will be
collected inside the second chamber. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
I think the first time I make use of a burr grinder the result was not too good because it takes a
longer time to grind. This can be the disadvantage, but presently I make use of the Cuisinart burr
grinder that grinds faster than my old propeller. The main advantage is that a burr grinder
produces a uniform grind. If you use a microscope to view the ground coffee from a burr grinder,
you will observe a homogeneous grind throughout. Consistency is very important to reflect on
when processing a good coffee. This makes a burr grinder an indispensable kitchen gadget that you
need to have at
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Short Essay On Jimmy Hoffa
Jimmy Hoffa was a character of a man, and a smart one at that. A pioneer in the labor union
community, Hoffa controversially climbed up the Teamsters union chain of command. On his
way up though, Hoffa made many enemies in the business of organized crime. His aggressively
sly behavior earned him as much respect as it did threats, and his work made him more
successful than he could have ever imagined. In all of his glory, Hoffa vanished like it did. There
is no doubt that Hoffa is gone, but the question is, was it by choice or by murder?
James Riddle Hoffa was born on february 14th, 1913 in Brazil, Indiana. He dropped out of
school at a young age to work and help support his family. Working for a local loading dock in
Detroit, hoffa got to see poor labor conditions first hand. He organized his first strike shortly after.
Using fresh strawberries as a bargaining tool, he landed better contracts for the other workers and
himself. In the 1930s after joining the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Hoffa became a
labor organizer for the teamsters union. He also married Josephine Poszywak in 1936, with whom
he had two children. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Fighting aggressively for larger union membership and to work out more promising contracts for
the union members was very important to Hoffa. He later became vice president of the union in
1952, after climbing the organized crime ladder. After becoming president of the union in 1957, he
went to jail for fraud, jury tampering, and conspiracy in 1967. For three years, Hoffa continuously
tried to appeal his many convictions but was unsuccessful. In 1971, president Richard Nixon
commuted his sentence, but banned Hoffa from holding a leadership position in the teamsters
union for nine years. He fought against the ban in court, and off the record, to try and get his power
back within the
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Essay On If I Were President
If I Were President
Raising NASA s budget could change the future for the entire population of Earth. If I were to be
president, I would bump up NASA s finances to help them find more planets in outer space. More
money would allow NASA to try to find new species that have never been seen before. Also, if a
new planet is found that could inhabit humans and other species, then maybe we could send
criminals there. Then here on Earth, we would have a more peaceful life. NASA needs more money
that can help pay for more useful and newer technology to find another planet. Bringing up NASA
s budget could lead to marvelous studies and programs. For example, we would be able to find
new species that have never been seen before. Another ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Sending Criminals to A Different Planet
The second switch I would make would be to lift up NASA s funds to discover other planets
where we could send criminals. Thus, by doing this it could make our nation more peaceful. By
sending criminals away to a different planet we would not need jails. This could lead to more
housing, playgrounds, even a place for more buildings to help get jobs to unemployed people.
Additionally, we could send people to another planet if they intend to do crummy and sinful
things to people and animals. If we are able to get all malicious people off of Earth, then we
would not have to worry about being hurt by the stranger next to us. Living our lives without
worrying about being hurt or killed could change the way people live their lives. This would be an
effective change that I would make if I were to be President.
New Planet Found
Above all, the third adjustment that would happen if NASA s budget was raised, would result in
making newer and more efficient technology to help them find a new planet. Recently, at NASA s
Space Telescope, astronomers had found the first Earth size planet orbiting a star in the habitable
zone. While planets had been found before, they are all at least 40 percent larger in size than Earth
and understanding their makeup is challenging. The new planet orbits its star once every 130 days
and can only receive
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Decision Support Tool For Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling
1.2Problem Statement
1.4Scope of Research
2.1 Introduction
2.1.1 Job Shop Production
2.1.2 Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP)
2.1.3 Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling Problem (DJJSP)
2.2 Previous Research on Job Shop Scheduling
2.2.1 Job Shop Scheduling
2.2.2 Approach and Method
2.2.3 Performance Measures
2.2.4 Problem Size
2.2.5 Simulation Tools
2.2.6 Simulation Results
2.3 Company Background
3.1 Research Methodology Flowchart
3.2 Data Collection
3.2.1 Tools and Equipment for Data Collection
3.2.2 Job Data
3.3 Assumptions made in the research
3.4 Optimizing the scheduling
Scheduling is an important tool in manufacturing and engineering, where it can have a major
impact on the productivity of a process (Min et al., 2009). In real production floor, scheduling is a
continuously reactive process which face suddenly or unexpected any new events. In
manufacturing, the production mostly relate to the processing time, costs and quality. Scheduling
plays important role in raising the efficiency of any production system.
Nowadays, many approaches have been developed to resolve the real time events problem.
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Asses the Reasons Why Chartism Failed
Assess the reasons why Chartism failed
Chartism was the largest protest movement by working class people that Britain has ever seen,
Chartist wanted a host of reforms which were highlighted in the Peoples Charter, which is were
the Chartist name derives itself from. The People Charter of 1838 set about six points including:
the vote for all adult males aged over 21, payment for MP s, equal electoral districts, secret ballot,
no property qualification for MP s and annual general elections. The Chartist movement did
eventually fail, in terms of obtaining their objective and the reason why they failed had been
subject to much debate. Most historians who have studied Chartism can be grouped into threes
reason why Chartism failed; Chartism ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Fergus O Connor believe that Physical force was the way forward which believed in the idea of the
armed struggle and the right to bear arms and use them in self defence according the Bill of Rights
1689. However both side used menacing language at different times and although mainly used
threatening language he remained with the parameters of the law. Diversion continued constantly
throughout the movement between Lovett and O Connor and by 1840 the movement had
effectively split into three factions, although they all wanted the same outcome they still differed on
the best way to achieve their goals. Lovett wanted improvement through education, O Connor
developed his disastrous land reform and Robert Lowery led temperance Chartism. Historians
would believe in the inherent weakness interpretation, point out the this fragmentation of the
chartist movement as the major point their failure. Another problem with the leadership of the was
the inability to gain support from the majority of the middle classes, most felt alienated from
violence and threats of violence, which was prevalent within the movement. A large number of
middle class delegates to the Chartist convention resigned, trigged by the violent nature of the
speeches, after 1839 the movement became largely a movement of
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The Mystery Of The Lost Colony Of Roanoke
The mystery of the Lost Colony of Roanoke is a puzzling mystery about what happened to the first
English settlers in America. The question is, what actually happened to them, because even with
evidence and research no one knows for absolute certain what actually did happen. The
disappearance of an entire colony, who left behind a dismantled settlement and the word Croatoan
etched into a tree has stumped many archaeologists. Countless theories have arisen, some more
outrageous than the rest. Were they killed by Indians? Taken by aliens? Abducted? Sabotaged? The
mystery of the Lost Colony of Roanoke has an abundance of theories, but the most plausible is that
the colonist were assimilated into the Lumbee tribe. Colonists arrived on Roanoke Islandin 1587,
with the hopes of becoming the first English colony in America (Bernstein 2:55). The colony
was to be governed by John White and was composed of English families who wished to make a
new home for themselves, among the colonists was John White s daughter, Virginia Dare.
Several months later the colony s governor sailed back to England for supplies. The shortage of
supplies was due to skirmishes with the Natives, loss of supplies due to storms, and with the time
for planting over the colonists had no way to find enough food. John White promised to return as
quickly as possible, but due to unforeseen circumstances was unable to return as soon as was
expected. Three years later, John White returned only to find
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Essay on A Call for Uniforms at PenArgyl High School
As stated in the Morning Call on January 11, 2013, Uniforms will reduce bullying, teasing and
disruption while also being a cheaper alternative for poor parents who struggle every year to afford
new school clothes for their children (Esack). Much like the Allentown Area School District,
incorporating uniforms needs to be a priority for Pen Argyl High School. Not only will students
have better attendance once uniforms are required, but one can also expect school achievement to
increase. The enacting of a uniform rule by the Pen Argyl School District geared towards the high
school would halt bullying in our school, eliminate questionable dress codeviolations, and make all
students and personnel easily identifiable when present in the high... Show more content on
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Overall, if uniform wearing was an required component of Pen Argyl High School, student priorities
would be focused on the more appropriate topic of academics rather than the fad of fashion trends;
leading to more student awareness and less bullying, or attention to student clothing, throughout the
school day. In addition to the apparent bullying over style trends and choices, another issue that
could be eliminated through the incorporation of uniforms is the lessening of disciplinary action
directed towards students for dress code violations. Almost daily, students are sent to the office for
dress code checks which are most often handled by the Vice Principal. Students are commonly
sent for checks based on the following items that are considered questionable: midriff revealing
tops, ripped and low rise jeans, short skirts and shorts, exposed shoulders and necklines and
spandex for the girls. Then there are ill fitting jeans and inappropriate slogans on t shirts and
sweatshirts for the boys. A uniform policy would eliminate the need for dress code checks, which
would enable the vice principal to concentrate on more important issues within the high school. Not
only would uniforms eliminate this disciplinary issue of student dress, but the incorporation of a
uniform policy would better prepare students
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Christopher Bogart, Ceo Of Burford Capital
Christopher Bogart, CEO of Burford Capital, a leading capital provider to the global legal
industry, sat in his illustrious office on Madison Avenue in New York City. Prior to joining
Burford Capital, Christopher spent more than 20 years working at Time Warner, including as the
Executive Vice President General Counsel. On one side of his desk sat a report on the spectacular
rates of return of Burford Capital s investments. On the other, sat a report describing the growth of
contingency fee litigation. Christopher knew Burford Capital had a track record of stellar returns,
but he worried perhaps that was about to change. Christopher knew that Fortune 500 companies
increasingly were encouraging law firms to help underwrite cases and as law... Show more content
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In 2011, three of the largest firms involved in commercial litigation lending were Burford Capital,
Bentham IMF, and Juridica Investments. All three were publicly traded on foreign exchanges, and
each invested heavily in the United States civil justice system. How the Litigation Finance Market
Non recourse loans were extended most often to plaintiffs in personal injury cases. These loans
were used to pay the costs of litigation, but, in some cases, were also used to cover the plaintiff s
living expenses during the pendency of the lawsuit. Non recourse financing of commercial claims
came into existence in the 2000s and became increasingly common. The providers of this financing
typically undertook an analysis of the merits of the contemplated claim that was more rigorous than
the analysis employed in personal injury cases. If the claim appeared meritorious, the financing
company advanced amounts to cover attorney s fees and the other costs of the litigation. These
advances typically were made to the claimant or its outside litigation counsel, in return for a
percentage of any eventual recovery. The recent trend in the use of non recourse litigation financing
attracted increasing attention, both within and outside the legal profession, in part because the
arrangements were largely unregulated, and required the payment of relatively large financing fees.
Another key reason it attracted attention was its
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When Is Human Cloning Wrong
In February 1997, the scientific world was forever changed by the announcement of the birth of
Dolly the Sheep, the first mammal cloned from an adult cell (Jones 160). For the first time in
medical history, science allowed for the possibility of human cloning. With this development came
the concern that scientists would not only speculate about humancloning, but actually seek to
attempt it. Such a prospect generates ethical unease from both the public and Christian community.
From a Christian perspective, human cloning creates concerns for the well being of a cloned child
or embryo and usurps God s plan for human dominion. Human cloning would not be compatible
with Christian ethics. In this essay, any reference to the word clone may be... Show more content on
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Therapeutic cloning holds the potential to treat illnesses like heart and kidney disease, but the
methods require that human embryos be destroyed for the benefit of others (Hansen Schotsman
76). The Bible directly states that killing is a sin (NIV Bible, Exodus 20:13). Although some may
argue that using an embryo for medicine is not murder, therapeutic cloning create embryos (the
very first stage of humanness) for the sole purpose of harvesting the stem cells, thus ending the
budding life of said embryo. This process certainly reflects a form of killing, even if it is only the
destruction of an incredibly early human form. Additionally, taking advantage of human embryos
disobeys Jesus command to love one another (NIV Bible, John 13:34). Jones states that therapeutic
cloning [undermines] the welfare and dignity of human embryos, which as the weakest and most
vulnerable of human beings should under no circumstances be experimented upon (174). No
situation could justify the exploitation of human embryos for the medicinal benefits of therapeutic
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Bioengineering s The Case Against De-Extinction
Have you ever caught yourself dreaming what society would be like if humans were to coexist with
dinosaurs? Scientist are currently working hard on Bioengineering, which, Bioengineering which is
another word for de extinction. So this brings along a controversial topic whether or not to bring
extinct animals back into today s society. Some believe bringing extinct animals back into existence
would increase genetic diversity and small populations, while others believe extinct animals should
not be brought back into existence due to the dangers the future holds. Scientist should not de
extinct species because society doesn t have the environment to sustain their lives, there are also
many moral hazards to come along with Bioengineering , finally... Show more content on
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As seen in The Case Against De Extinction: It s a Fascinating Dumb Idea the author stated right
now the biggest moral hazard on the environmental front is created by the folly of
geoengineering. To clarify the author is proving that de extinction is a huge moral hazard and
people question the ethics behind bioengineering. Society will begin to believe there is no point
in protecting species because if scientist have their DNA, then scientist can just recreate the
species. Recreating the species defeated the fact that the species originally had a problem as to
why they no longer exist. As seen in Case Against Species Revival , the author stated , why worry
about endangered species? We can just simply keep their DNA and put them back into the wild
later. If society has the power to decide whether a species lives or becomes extinct, its taking the
power away from nature and giving humans way too much, what will society do next? Recreate
people that have died? If the species became extinct there is a reason as to why the species did not
survive. So why society want to bring the species back into existence just for the same outcome to
occur. Society should not bring extinct animals back into
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Aslan By Cs Lewis Analysis
Analysis: Aslan is a representation of adulthood and the idea of having responsibilities and
reaching full maturity. In the story written by C.S Lewis, we learn each member of the Pevensie
siblings have different charcter aspects that determine their view on Aslan (adulthood). Peter the
eldest of the Pevensie siblings is the most courageous and brave of them. This shows the Peter is
very mature and can face difficult obstacles that come in his way. His reaction was bravery and
adventure, showing that he looks forward with confidence in his future and may be the most ready.
Susan Pevensie, the second oldest, reacted with delight. Susan looks forward to her future also;
delights, even, in the idea of being a woman and maturing completely. Edmund
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An Essay About Michelangelo
Michelangelo was born in March, 1475 in Caprese. He was an Italian painter, sculptor, architect,
and poet. He is one of the biggest contributors to the development of Western art today. He was
also called the divine one and The Renaissance Man . Michelangelo s ancestors before that were
small time bankers. The bank that his family was working with failed and his father had to get a
temporary governmental job. A couple of months after Michelangelowas born, his family moved
back to Florence, Italy. His mother was ill for a long time and died in 1481 when Michelangelo
was just six. He then went to go live his nanny and her husband who was a stonecutter in
Settignano. Michelangelo began to admire marble in Settignano because his father owned a marble
quarry there. Michelangelo was later sent to study grammar with Francesco da Urbino who was a
Humanist.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
When the year 1505 hit, Michelangelo was then invited by the newly invited pope, Julius II back
to Rome. When he arrived he was commissioned to build the tomb of the Pope, this tomb had
forty statues and was planned to be finished in five years. While working on this huge tomb
Michelangelo was constantly distracted by other tasks. This caused Michelangelo to go from
finishing it in five years to him taking a whole forty years. Michelangelo was never satisfied with
it though, and he never did get to finish it to his full satisfaction. The tomb is mostly known for its
statue of Moses which was completed in 1516.
Around the same time Michelangelo also painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, this one took
four years to complete and started in 1508 to be finished in 1512. Now a man named Bramante
hated the fact that the Pope Julius commissioned Michelangelo and manipulated the Pope to make
Michelangelo create the tomb in a medium that he was not good with so that Michelangelo did a
bad job with the
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A Reflection Of My Education In The Landscape Architecture
Presentations, Methods, and Media has truly been a gateway to what I believe to be the rest of
my education in the Landscape Architecture program. I have thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of
this class. It acts as the training wheels for our design, style, technique, and literacy in the field.
If we didn t have a baseline built by this class I personally, as well as many of my peers would
quite honestly be lost. I came into the class thinking I had a great baseline knowledge of plans
and much of what went into the design process of a landscape; I was wrong. The first thing I
thought upon seeing the name Presentations, Methods, and Media was that I would be in a
lecture style class learning about how landscapes had been done over the years, yet again I was
wrong. The first thing Taze, a then quite intimidating individual, handed us was a pop quiz on
patterns easy enough, or so I thought. After about two patterns, I realized I had absolutely no
clue what I was doing, nor what half of the patterns meant. The whole class failing the quiz didn t
start my first impression of the class off well, but I was reassured by Taze each and everyone
would soon be masters of the then daunting patterns. We practiced for days upon days until the
strokes slowly became memory. We worked in and out of class to better our skills at the same
patterns over and over again, to the point I thought we wouldn t do anything else, I was wrong
about that one too. The strokes now seem to be memory and
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Audio Engineering Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.
Audio Engineering Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.
Audio Engineering Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.
Audio Engineering Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.

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  • 2. Iron Chloride Lab Report Unknown 1 Iron Chloride Background and Rationale: We found that unknown 1 was Iron Chloride. Iron Chloride has a chemical formula of FeCl3. Another name for Iron Chloride is Ferric Chloride. Iron Chloride is known as a flocculent, which helps to filter through water. 60% Iron Chloride uses goes towards wastewater treatment, 8% industrial water treatment, 20% drinking water treatment, and 12% other. Iron chloride is also used commonly for etching. We predicted that our substance was part chloride because it had a faint acidic odor. Question: What is the identity of unknown 1 in test tube 20? Hypothesis: If we perform 3 characteristic property tests we will find a chemical that is part chloride. Flame reaction Test 1 Materials: Alcohol... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The formula of potassium dichromate is Kв‚‚Crв‚‚O₇. It s scientific name is Potassium Dichromate. It is most commonly used for dyeing, bleaching, staining and tanning. It flames when heated up and is a very strong oxidizer. Potassium Dichromate is also used in wood and other preservatives. However potassium dichromate is inorganic. Question: What is the identity of substance 1? Hypothesis: If we test three different characteristic properties of our substance we will find a substance that has a triclinic state when crystallized. Color/appearance Test 1: Materials: Unknown substance. Procedure: We all looked at the substance until we agreed on one color and shape. Data: We found that our substance was round shaped and angled orange powder. Solubility Test 2: Materials: We used three ml of water, a test tube, rubber stopper, 10 ml graduated, test tube rack, weigh paper, triple beam balance, and a (3) gram(s) of solution. Procedure: We dissolved the first gram by rolling it in our hand for three minutes. Because it dissolved we added a gram more of the solution and got our data. Data: We found that our solution was soluble in water. Amount of solution 0=precipitate, +=dissolved 1g + 2g + 3g + 4g ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Essay on The Roman Catholic View of Marriage The Roman Catholic View of Marriage Lots of people, male and female, spend there childhoods dreaming about the big day. White dresses, fresh flowers, big church and of course the rings, just to name a few of the important things needing to be arranged. People spend months preparing the big day. The list of things to do never ends food, clothes, guest list and reception. But how often do we stop and think about the Christian beliefs on marriage. When did we last ask what do the rings mean? Dress mean? Vows mean? These are just a few of the questions I will try to answer in the following: Catholics only have one major rule about marriage. They may have lots of others that are equally important ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is like the story in the bible of the man who asked god why through the hard the bad times of his life were why there only one set of foot prints, this is like us we need to carry our partners in hard times. Christians believed that Jesus believed that separation is wrong and people should not separate because to separate is to go against the god giving life to the family. And people who do not want to receive the gift of life have not had a proper marriage; man shall leave his mother and father and will be united with his wife and the shall be one flesh.. let them not separate this shows that Jesus believed that it was hard to separate because we are no longer one but we are together and one flesh. God s commandments lead Christians to a happy life in marriage. Even though Christians never expect a happy unflawed marriage they use the 10 commandments as a guide line; You shall not covet your neighbor s wife (http://www.canadianlawsite.com/10commandments.htm) This in modern language means you shall not look at your neighbor s (friends) wife provocative and lustful way. The 10 commandments are the laws every Christian tries to obey. During the marriage ceremony we agree to accept the gift of
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  • 5. Psalms Literary Analysis When reading the Psalms the reader should actively read as in participating in a sport. My professor of English Dr. John Burkett instilled this into the class as we studied the Psalms. This sets the stage when actively reading, the reader is engulfed by the text and is then alongside with the psalmist: in feeling, emotion and even to the landscape where the psalmist is. Thus, actively reading motivates the reader to clearly understand the meaning of the text that is read. The word is described in the Dictionary of hermeneutics by Dr. James D. Hernando reads: Meaning is a word used differently by scholars in their various approaches to interpretation . David writes the Psalms for the reader to understand the fuller meaning as in the Sensus plenior . However David uses figurative language he is writing with the readers in mind. Figurative language refers to all uses of words that are metaphorical or symbolic in nature, conveying a meaning different from their common, literal sense. An example of David s figurative language is You have kept count of my tossing s; put my tears in Your bottle; are they not in Your book (Ps. 56:8 ESV)? The bottle is a figurative meaning of Godremembering all his tears. God does not need a bottle for remembrance this is a way for David to convey to his reader s Gods eternal loving memory will remember their every teardrop. When diving into this nugget of truth, God s love for us is unfathomable. The depth of love from David s point ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Biographies And Biographies Of Books Essay The term nonfiction is a very broad classifier of literature. Alongside fiction, the two genres account for all the literature in existence. A quick internet search will present a number of genres that are considered nonfiction. From historical eyewitness accounts, to creative nonfiction, to biographies, there are many genres that people generally accept as factual. Memoirs and biographies are usually counted on the more reliable side. Thus, there exist a number of sub genrethat fall under the title of nonfiction . However, take a look past the surface, a number of problems with this stance arise. In all truth, the brains of human beings are the only source behind the facts of biographies and memoirs. As it turns out, this is the source is far from credible. Memoirs and biographies are not reliable sources of nonfiction due to the differences between brains, bias which affects the brain, and the faulty nature of brain functions. Every person has a distinct, separate brain, despite how similar people may feel to the others around them. Calahan had violent behaviors and got more violent as she was hospitalized, but the doctors would say that she is schizophrenic or has phycosis. She knew this was not true and kept going back. When she was later released, Calahan wanted to know what she had forgotten and had no memory of. She would watch the surveillance footage, look at doctors reports, and listen to her parents and her boyfriend about what they were witnessing. This ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. American Sniper Quotes In the autobiography American Sniper by Chris Kyle, Chris is a violent and malicious figure in many different ways. The wicked motives of his actions are what particularly makes Chris a cruel being. Chris ended up recording over 160 confirmed kills during the Iraq War, in which he recorded the most amount of sniperkills in U.S history. However, the intent of his kills were far from humane. Chris stated during his BUD/S training that, I wanted to be a SEAL in the worst way (Kyle 20). The quote implies he wanted to be a SEAL just so he can get involved in the action, and shoot down Iraqis. Chris constantly reminds readers of his vicious attitude through statements such as, I wanted, more than anything, to experience the thrill of battle ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Bromopropane And Potassium Hydroxide Lab Report The purposes of this experiment were to model a bimolecular nucleophilic substitution reaction between potassium hydroxide (KOH) with 1 bromopropane and determine whether it follows a second order rate law mechanism. A rate constant of 0.0684 M 1 min 1 was obtained for this reaction at 45.1В°C, which was determined through equilibrating the reaction and performing titrations of 0.390 M KOH with 0.1000 M hydrochloric acid (HCl). The activation energy calculated from class data was 50.188 kJ/mol, which deviated largely from the literature range value of 72.80 83.76 kJ/mol. It was concluded that the reaction was consistent with the predicted SN2 mechanism, based on the regression of a trendline. Many reactions that exist in nature involve a double displacement between ions and reactants with solvents. A bimolecular nucleophilic substitution, or SN2 reaction, involves a nucleophilic attack on a substrate and the departure of a leaving group. A nucleophileis a compound or ion that donates electrons to promote bond formation (Caldwell, 1984). In order for a leaving group in a compound to leave, it must possess the characteristics of a weak base and be able to occupy electrons. Several factors affect the rate and favorability of such reaction, such as (Bateman, 1940). In addition, the substrate that is attacked by the nucleophile is commonly an unhindered primary substrate to allow the reaction to occur quicker. An SN2 reaction follows the second order rate law. In this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Analysis Of John Irving s The Fate God Everyday people lose something in one way or the other and for most of the things, they don t ponder on the importance of the things lost. Throughout the novel, John Irving depicts different unique objects that has either has no arms or has lost their arms. The armadillo, Tabitha s dressmaker dummy, his swaddled body, and Mary Magdalenes statue are symbolically omenfor Owen. Of all the objects, the Watahantowet s familiar totem was greatest message from God to Owen for that it appeared in the beginning and in the end. In the fate God has prepared for him, Owen learns the true meaning of loss through various encounters with armless objects because each teaches him a thing about loss. The curious armadillo may be small, but losing a part of it meant something important is lost in Johnny and Owen s childhood. Before the death of Tabitha s, Johnny allows Owen to borrow the armadillo, but afterward, Owen unexpectedly returns the armadillo without claws. As Dan says, We ve lost a part of ourselves (86). Johnny and Owen lose the innocence of children and the positive and humorous attitude toward matters around them. Also their relationship as friends becomes a bit pull apart. To Owen, the claws are a way to express his belief: GOD HAS TAKEN YOUR MOTHER. MY HANDS WERE THE INSTRUMENT. GOD HAS TAKEN MY HANDS. I AM GOD S INSTRUMENT (87). Despite the fact that Owen may be used by God, Owen takes off the arms of the armadillo to show that he s sorry and that he will never be ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Health Effects Of High Intensity Interval Training On Type... HEALTH EFFECTS OF HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING ON TYPE 2 DIABETES Many people suffer from type 2 diabetes, a type of metabolic disease (Curry et al., 2015; Hawley Gibala, 2012). The prevalence of this disease has been increasing; one reason for this increase could be increased consumption of food as well as decreased prevalence of physical activity (Hawley Gibala, 2012). Patients with type 2 diabetes are not able to metabolise glucose properly (Curry et al., 2015). Type 2 diabetes can cause patients to be very thirsty, excessively weary, and to experience a broad variety of other symptoms (Tovi Engfeldt, 1998). It is often treated with insulin in order to help the body metabolise glucose (Tovi Engfeldt, 1998). However, taking insulin can result in weight gain (Tovi Engfeldt, 1998). Fat of the abdomen can be an indicator of the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease in an individual with type 2 diabetes, which is heavily correlated with type 2 diabetes (Siren, Eriksson, Vanhanen, 2012). In terms of lifestyle choices, type 2 diabetes patients are often told to focus on diet, but are also encouraged to increase frequency of physical activity (Alvarez et al., 2016; Hawley Gibala, 2012). Physical activity has been shown to decrease the amount of deaths resulting from diabetes related causes (Church et al., 2004). Increased physical activity has been shown to help glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes (Curry et al., 2015). People who suffer ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Summary Of The Exegesis Of Rappaccini s Daughter Though the two previously analyzed parabolic short stories assist in showing Hawthorne s writing style and goals, the exegesis of his most convoluted and allegorical story, Rappaccini s Daughter, truly accomplishes this exposition of Hawthorne s work. In Padua, Italy, Giovanni Guasconti rents a room with a view of Dr. Rappaccini s garden. He meets professor Dr. Pietro Baglioni, who tells Giovanni that be must be cautious of Rappaccini since he is heartless and cares only about his scientific work. Giovanni notices Rappaccini s beautiful daughter, Beatrice, as falls in love. They meet with each other several times and Giovanni realizes he has become poisonous, as plants are dying in his hands. Baglioni reveals that Beatrice has grown up constantly exposed to poison and is poisonous herself, so he gives Giovanni a vial of medicine to give to Beatrice as a cure, but when she takes it she promptly dies. Literary critic Roy R. Male introduces the involved nature of the story and expresses, This complexity manifests itself first in the objects of the garden, the Eden of the present world (Male). Just like The Birthmark, Rappaccini s Daughtertells of death caused by human pride, but this is trivial. The allegorical nature of this story lies in its biblical connection. Rappaccini s garden symbolizes the garden of Eden and the story and its characters directly follow that of the creation of man, the creation of sin and the breakage of worldly perfection. Giovanni represents Adam, Beatrice is Eve, Rappaccini plays God and Baglioni acts as Satan. Giovanni and Beatrice are Adam and Eve since they are two innocent characters who fall victim to the deception and sinful malicious intent of Baglioni. Rappaccini is God because his primary role is to create and construct. Since Hawthorne makes an allegorical link to the Garden of Eden, the story can be perceived in the context of the New Testament. Assuming the reader comprehends Hawthorne s connection, they are then able to interpret a much more involved story with greater insight. Rappaccini s Daughter can be interpreted as a parable, but can also be seen as the more complex allegorythat it is. Further, Hawthorne exposes a duality in evil through his allegory. Male ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Emr Innovations Case 3 EMR Innovations Table of Contents Executive summary3 Introduction amp; problem /issues identification4 EMR s product and how is attempting to market4 External Analysis6 Opportunities6 RV industry6 RV culture6 Threats7 Competitors7 Analysis and recode current situation8 Internal analysis8 RVs internal weakness and strength8 EMR Innovations internal weakness and strength9 Marketing Audit10 RV s Current Marketing Strategy10 Main objective10 Main targets10 RV s Problems11 Alternative Strategies12 Marketing and distribution of the lock awn12 Recommended Strategy13 Executive summary Reynolds are a young couple that transferred ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The end result of decision , will be a marketing strategy which will effectively launch the Lock Awn product and EMR Innovations. External Analysis This analysis consists of analyzing the external environment of the company (competitors, social, technological, regulations, etc.). The purpose is to identify the key opportunities and threats in the environment. Opportunities RV industry RV vehicles (RVs) are recreational vehicles combining transportation and temporary living quarter for recreation, camping and travel. RVs started early 1900s when nature enthusiasts customized their vehicles. The RV industry flourished after the World War II. In 2000, RV industry consisted of 135 manufacturers and more than 200 suppliers of parts and services. RVs are divided into two categories (motorhomes and towables) and five classes ranging from affordable vehicle to normal people up to luxury one ($ 500,000). In 2002, about 7.5 million households owned an RV in US and projected to reach 8.5 million in 2010. This offers great opportunity for EMR innovations to succeed since the RVs exist in considerable number and will grow in the future. RV culture As noticed, RVs are popular and used a lot in US. There is almost one RV in every 12 households according to study conducted by University of Michigan in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. The Canadian Health Care System Essay According to an overview of Canadian poll surveying public opinion on their universal health care system, 88% of Canadians reported their value for a strong, national, and publically funded health system (Mendelsohn, 2002). Canada is one of the four nations that provide their populations with access to medical services through their universal health caresystem of 1984 (Bodenheimer Grumbach, 2008). The Canadian health care system is unique in that it prohibits the private health insurancecoverage for the fundamental services that are provided by the Canada Health Act; private insurance can be used as a supplement for services that are either partially covered or not covered under the universal health insurance (Steinbrook, 2006). Conversely, in the American health care system there isn t a universal health coverage for the nation, but rather four different means of paying for health care which includes patient paying out of pocket for individual payments, individual private insurance, employment based health insurance, and governmental supporting funding (Bodenheimer Grumbach, 2008). The Canadian government financed health system is a public, single payer health care system that is funded partially by federal government and the rest is funded by provincial taxes such as income taxes, payroll taxes, and sales taxes (Bodenheimer Grumbach, 2008). Federal taxes had accounted for 50% of financing for health care services during the 1970s; however, this had decreased to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Leon Trotsky s Influence On The Soviet Revolution John McNally Ms. Zbrzeznj Global Perspectives 13 March 2015 Leon Trotsky Leon Trotsky was a man to be reckoned with. Trotsky was a Marxist revolutionary who played a leading role in the 1905 Revolution, in the eventual Communist Revolution of October 1917, and in the Russian Civil War. Without Trotsky s impact in the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks would have been defeated. His own beliefs on Marxism combined with his intellect made Trotsky a target and influential leader in the Soviets. From his studies on Marxism, he created Trotskyism, a Marxist ideology based on the theory of permanent revolution. Also, his organization building skills and revolutionary military ideas made him a great military leader. However, Leon Trotskywas also prone to arrogance, fatal over confidence, dismissiveness and sarcasm, qualities that contributed to his demise. His downfall was caused by Joseph Stalin as well. Joseph Stalin set out to destroy the old party leadership and take total control. Leon Trotsky was one of the most influential Russian leaders, because of his political and military leadership and revolutionary theories. Leon Trotsky helped make the Soviet army a revolutionary force with his military ideas and organization building skills. As commissar of war, Trotsky established a system of discipline and hierarchical control, while also emphatically rejecting attempts to enthrone new military orthodoxies based on partisan ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Canadian Honey Labelling Regulations In today s society there are regulations in place for everything from the safety of children s toys to road construction to food processing and packaging. Regulations consist of requirements the government imposes on private firms and individuals to achieve government s purposes (Litan, 2008). Regulations are in place to protect businesses, producers, consumers, individuals, animals, and even the environment. For example, the packaging and labelling regulations in Canada protects the consumers and producers of the many foodproducts produced in Canada, one of which is honey. This paper will focus on the packaging and labelling requirements of Canadian honey through discussion of the regulations, stakeholders and the opposition of stakeholders... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to the group, the deregulation of food container sizes would be inconvenient for consumers, as Canadian consumers use the standard package sizes to compare prices ( Push for deregulation , 2012). With the deregulation, there is also potential for downsized packages to carry the same price tag as previous products of a higher quantity, which would be a disadvantage to Canadian consumers as well ( Push for deregulation , 2012). Canadian Grocer also points out that because of these regulations, Canadian producers and manufacturers have invested in equipment that is based on the packaging sizes of containers in Canada, and that the deregulation of these sizes would cost these producers the money they could spend on produce to retool their processing equipment ( Push for deregulation , 2012). As previously mentioned, these regulatory changes would not only affect the honey industry, but other industries, like the ketchup industry as well. A decision like this could have very large impacts on Canadian farming and processing cities and towns, such as Leamington, Ontario, also known as the Tomato Capital of Canada. The mayor of Leamington, John Paterson, stated that the Heinz ketchup plant that uses the tomatoes of the 80 tomato farms of the area to make ketchup would be vulnerable to closing, and consolidating the production to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. The Maya Tikal The maya live over 2,300 years ago and farmed hunted and many amazing things. Tikal was a large maya city. They did human sacrifices for their gods they captured the humans from other city state they had war with. They learned how to clear thick brush and cut down trees and burned dead brush to make fields for farming the ash from the fire made great nutrients for the ground. They grew corn and squash and many other plants. Tikal was one of the largest Maya cities there was 60,000 people who lives there. They wrote on Stone slates that was their paper. What is now Chiapas Mexicoa beautiful Maya City Was found by a Explorer named Palenque. All had different choices that people lived it was like a pyramid graph it had the rich on top and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Om Sokdae Addiction Quotes Addiction comes from the Latin word addictiЕЌn, which means a giving over or surrender. When one is addicted to something they give over their entire life and let it consume their thoughts, they will do anything to get and keep it. Although, most only think of an addiction as something of substance. Contrary to their beliefs, people can become addicted to power or being in a higher rank. The character in the book Our Twisted Hero by Yi Munyol, Om Sokdae, gets addicted to having power in the classroom and becomes manipulative towards his classmates in order to keep them under his thumb. Power is addictive. After watching him for a while, Han comes to realize that Sokdae can steal anything from his classmates. Because they are so afraid of him, Sokdae only has to compliment the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is another example of Sokdae s manipulation that comes with him being in power because he forces the other boys to do his work. Pak Wonha explains this to Han when he catches him erasing Pak s name and writing Om Sakdae on the exam. It can t be helped. All of the others do it, too. And Sokdae changes turns fairly, so the loss is evenly distributed. With the exception of Sokdae, our ranking is all according to ability. That s if some lucky boy like you doesn t get in front of us. (Munyol 77) This evidence supports the claim because it is a perfect demonstration of how Sakdae does everything to stay in power. Contrary to what Han believed about him earlier, Sokdae is not the smartest in the class. So in order to remain ranking at the top of the class, he has other boys take his test for him. Obviously they wouldn t argue with him, because as said before they will be punished, most likely beaten. As a result, Om Sakdae has been manipulating the class with violence in order to remain ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Guardrail Vegetation Research Paper Safety is a number one priority when it comes to roadways, whether it s being in a vehicle, walking across the road or riding a bicycle. One factor of being safe on and near roadways is to know your surroundings. Guardrail vegetation is a major concern in many states because the guardrails and signs need to be visible at all times, but some vegetation makes the guardrails and signs sightless. Currently, herbicides are the cheapest and most efficient method, only if applied twice every season. According to Washington State s Department of Transportation, if managed properly, roadside vegetation can become self sustaining over time and require less maintenance, which would help reduce both the cost and herbicide use. However, herbicides are unhealthy for humans and the environment. When the application process occurs, those applying the herbicides are required to wear suits to be protected from the dangerous chemicals. While the herbicides treat the weeds, it also increases the risk of erosion, resulting in an uneven line between bare ground and living vegetation. Herbicides can be a temporary solution, but if used for years, will result in a limited number of species that will be able to grow. Of the surviving... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Another concern is the molding on and around the guardrail posts can provide an opportunity for vegetation growth, this has been seen in Delaware. Another method is to place weed barriers on the roadsides. While this method seems to be the best solution, it requires a large amount of maintenance. The barriers must have the amount of organic and inorganic debris monitored to prevent build up, which can cause grass to grow. Even though maintenance is required to monitor and clean, this is a viable option where herbicides and any chemical use is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Activity 1 Metabolism And Thyroid Hormone physioex 9.0 Review Sheet Exercise4 Endocrine System Physiology Name Laura Bauer Lab Time/Date Thursday 5:30 7:30 Activity 1 Metabolism and Thyroid Hormone Part 1 1Which rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate (BMR)? The Normal rat had the fastest BMR. 2Why did the metabolic rates differ between the normal rat and the surgically altered rats? How well did the results compare with your prediction? ___ The BMRs differed because the surgically altered rats were missing either the Pituitary or Thryoid gland that release thyroid hormones. 3If an animal has been thyroidectomized, what hormone(s) would be missing in its blood? The animal will be missing trioodythronine and thyroxine. 4If an animal ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3.Describe the diagnosis for patient 3, who was also pregnant at the time of this assay. *** This patient would be diagnosed with gestational diabetes, a type of diabetes that typically disappears after pregnancy. 4.Which patient(s) had normal glucose reading(s)? ___ Patients 1 and 2 were in the normal range. 5.What are some lifestyle choices these patients with normal plasma glucose readings might recommend to the borderline impaired patients? ___ A change of diet in which simple sugars are limited might assist borderline patients. Similarly, fiber and good carbohydrates could be helpful.
  • 20. Activity 3 Hormone Replacement Therapy ** We could not carry out the third experiment there was an issue with the software. Activity 4 Measuring Cortisol and Adrenocorticotropic Hormone 1Which patient would most likely be diagnosed with Cushing s disease? Why? ___ Patient number 3 would most likely be at risk due to high levels of both cortisol and ACTH ___ 2Which two patients have hormone levels characteristic of Cushing s syndrome? ___ Patients 2 and 5 have high levels of cortisol which is a characteristic of Cushing s syndrome. 3Patient 2 is being treated for rheumatoid arthritis with prednisone. How does this information change the diagnosis? ___ Because of the treatment for the arthritis, the Cushing s syndrome would have been induced by ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Personality Of Personality Disorders And The Wpa Section... Personality disorder has being and issue among therapist and psychiatrist. Also Personality disorder is presently being acknowledged as an essential condition in standard psychiatry over the world. In spite of the fact that it regularly stays unrecognized in customary practice, research studies have demonstrated that it is familiar, makes significant bleakness, is connected with high expenses to administrations and to society, and meddles, generally adversely, with advancement in the treatment of other mental issue. We now have prove that personality issue, as of now arranged, influences around six percent of the world populace, and the contrasts between nations demonstrate no predictable variety. We are likewise getting expanding proof that a few medicines, for the most part mental, are of quality in this gathering of clutters. What is currently required is another characterization that is of more noteworthy worth to clinicians, and the WPA Section on Personality Disorders is at present undertaking this mission. Most Korean psychiatric experts are acquainted with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM) characterization system. Although the International Classification of Disease (ICD) is the world order, and subsequently overshadows different groupings, the greater part of the progressions made in the grouping of identity issue in the most recent 30 years have been an immediate result of the presentation of the third amendment of (DSM III) in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Differences Between The Outsiders Book And Movie When comparing both mediums of The Outsiders, they both portray the story and main points of the book differently creating advantages and disadvantages for both. The novel has many traits that the movie doesn t have, such as details, the ability to use one s own imagination, the backstories of characters, the personalities and emotions of different characters, and isn t held back by time constraints. The movie confines you to one point of view, the director s. A person isn t allowed to see the characters as they would like to, and must picture everything the way the director of the movie saw it. First, the novel includes details that the movie doesn t include, resulting in a shorter time span in which the movie is presented. If one had a short attention span the movie has more of an advantage over the book, but many people like to enjoy books in a comfortable spot and receive all the details of the story. The movie excludes certain parts of the story, changing the story altogether. The novel contains a complete story and does not include extra scenes that were never told in the story about what the author wrote. Excluding certain parts of the story leads to missing... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the novel, Dally is cold and bitter, where as in the movie he is much more playful and kind to Ponyboy and Johnny. Johnny was different in both mediums, too, he wasn t as timid as the book made him out to be in the movie. He stood up for himself and others more in the movie, than the book. Ponyboy seemed more like a daydreamer in the book, but in the movie he seemed more tuff and cool like a greaser. Dally was rough with Johnny in the book, but in the movie he was more gentle and kind towards him, making him look more like the protagonist of the story. Also, the book focused more on Ponyboy and Johnny as the protagonists of the story, but the movie made Johnny more of a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation As stated earlier, United States is known to be one of the unhealthiest countries on the planet but still spend a great amount of money on health care. This can be a contradicting issue because we spend so much money to try to improve one s health but don t keep or maintain a healthy lifestyle. (healthandsocietyscholars.org) The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is here to help in those regards. It purpose is to take strides in improving the nation s healthas a whole by addressing factors that can better and worsens one s health. (healthandsocietyscholars.org) As stated in the article, the organization is here to make sure Americans can be able to afford health cost which can very pricey, make an impact on the quality and conditions of someone s health, to spread the word out on living a healthy lifestyle, and to decrease to use of anything that s harmful to the body. (learningtogive.org) There are much things to learn about health and people that are willing to do research on it. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Though he didn t have any medical background, he believe that the world should be responsible to further its training and knowledge in medical. So in 1972 the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation began and proceeded to help the nation in healthcare. The foundation help produce medical representor and funds to different dentists, medicine, and osteopathy to give out different awards and scholorships. Most student that recievd these awards were minority, women, and poverty stricken backgrounds. In the present day, the main purpose of the foundation is to creative medical awareness, help with training programs in different fields, and maintain leaders to teach. Over the years the foundations creditability has risen and was able to contribute over $85 million to create and better individuals to have a great amount health professionals that are highly qualified in education and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Culture And Ethos Of The Surrounding Community Essay Introduction Since the beginning of history stadiums have been used as a gathering point for nations and its populace to enjoy events and festivals. Early examples of stadia can be seen through the famous Roman Coliseum in Rome, where gladiators battled for their freedom and the trivial Globe Theatre in London where Shakespeare s works were performed. In today s society, stadia have evolved to become massive multi purpose stadiums that have helped to define and identify the culture and ethos of the surrounding community. With societies push to more of an entertainment culture, more and more stadia are being built in order to accommodate the popularity of sports, music, comedy, and drama. This increase in attendance and popularity has caused stadia today to become highly intricate, requiring millions and sometimes billions of dollars to be used in order to create a not only massive, but also safe atmosphere where people can gather to enjoy their chosen spectacle. The innovation of today s new stadia requires and depends on proper managementand operations. This comes in the form of certain characteristics and techniques, which if used properly can help to lead to the overall success of the stadium. In this analysis, I will discuss the essential characteristics for stadia management, as well as compare and contrast two major stadia in today s world in order to get a better understanding of their practical application. Management Characteristics Organizational Management ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Betrayal In Julius Caesar In the play Julius Caesar there were multiple characters that performed throughout the play. However, there were only two characters that stood out the most, Brutus and Cassius. The play starts out in the City of Rome, where a celebration is taking place over the victorious Julius Caesar who conquered the city of Pompeii. The celebration of this victory begins the feelings of betrayal by his companions who seem highly jealous of his actions. The Jealous few are the senators and high status figures among the city of Rome, who are becoming quite jealous of the Caesar s growing power. Brutus on the other hand, fears that tyrannical rule may come to Rome if Caesar gains power of the city. The jealousy and fear develops conspirators with Cassius and Brutus being the two in charge and most important characters of Julius Caesars assassination. The assassination of Rome s most loved soldier Julius Caesaris greatly mourned over and with Antony s convincing speech of Caesars loyalty to Rome. The Roman populous and Antony seek revenge for Caesars murder by hunting down the conspirator s within the city and eventually creating an war against Cassius and Brutus. In the war, the two mains characters Brutus and Cassius committed to suicided to save their own honor and allowed Antony and Octavius who is Julius Caesars adopted son to win the war. In the play, Brutus and Cassius show distinct differences in there traits as characters and there goal for assassinating Julius Caesar. In ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Jonathan Swift’s Essay A Modest Proposal, and Voltaireв Ђ™s... There are two vastly differing works of literature that employ similar elements of satire, whether the story is long or short, essay or novella. In these two works, the authors bring light to ongoing social, political, and philosophical issues of their time and age. The two works I am referring to are Jonathan Swifts satirical essay, A Modest Proposal, and Voltaire s novella, Candide, or Optimism. In both A Modest Proposal and Candide, there is a portrayal of irony, cold logic and reasoning rather than emotion, and misguided philosophy. Exploring the issues within these texts can implement a better understanding of not only the literature itself, but also the historical context and the issues of the time. By delving even deeper into... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This can also be seen when Pangloss churns out philosophical discourse rather than obtaining the oil and wine Candide was begging for after the shipwreck and the earthquake. Alas! said he to Pangloss, get me a little wine and oil; I am dying. This concussion of the earth is no new thing, answered Pangloss. The city of Lima, in America, experienced the same convulsions last year; the same cause, the same effects; there is certainly a train of sulphur under ground from Lima to Lisbon. Nothing more probable, said Candide; but for the love of God a little oil and wine. How, probable? replied the philosopher. I maintain that the point is capable of being demonstrated. Candide fainted away, and Pangloss fetched him some water from a neighbouring fountain. On the other hand, the speaker in A Modest Proposal has immaculate knowledge of his country s financial situation, overpopulation, and famine. He demonstrates this knowledge through careful calculations of how to handle the proposal that he is making. However, there is no use of emotion or empathy in making these calculations computations; there is no thought of the moral implications of this proposal and the fact that this can be considered mass genocide based on social class. Rather, the speaker uses objectivity and cold calculations to demonstrate his principle. Both texts demonstrate, as well, a misguided philosophy of sorts as seen through the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Parasympathetic Nervous System We have two systems within the Autonomic Nervous System. The sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. As discussed in one of the previous discussion posts about the flight or fight response the sympathetic nervous system is responsible for this reaction within the body. When the body turns on its fight or flight mechanisms, our heart rate is elevated, bronchial tubes and pupils dilate, saliva production is decreased, and digestion may even come to a complete stop. It is very important that our body does not stay in this state for long periods of time because excess buildup of the stress hormones produced during this state are shown to cause issues with the entire autonomic nervous system. It can even lead to digestion ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. High Expectations Of Social Workers In the article it discusses that social work is a very demanding field of work. Workers experience high levels of stress and burnout rates. The authors goes on to explain that the high expectations that social workers have on themselves from others and the expectations that they hold themselves to, ultimately affects their well being (Graham Shier, 2014). The article explains that social workers experience a lot of different situations and all of these situations take a toll on the social workers well being. Graham and Shier explain that social workers experience violence, dangerous situations, burnout, vicarious trauma exposure and so much more. All of those things play a major role in what can lead to a social worker to become overwhelmed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. The Political State of Countries Essay The Political State of Countries The political state of countries today is always changing and developing into new and hopefully more efficient methods of running a country. In comparing and contrasting the political setup of two countries a good understanding of the different systems is easily seen. The fall of Communism in many parts of the world has triggered countries like Russia to create new political systems and political parties. This also changes the functioning of the economy and the military. Likewise in India, changes are almost seen daily in the ruling of the country. Comparing and contrasting these two countries involves many areas including the political parties, legislative branch and the executive branch. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The communists get support only when the outlook for the economy is bad and fear of unemployment is affecting many workers. (Palmer, 346) The last of these parties is the fascist party called the Liberal Democratic Party. This party platform stated in 1993 elections, calling for a strong army, continued government management of Russia s industries, liquidation of the 5000 gangs that control the economy, arm sales to any country or group that wants the buy them, deportation of non Russians, avoiding mistakes of Hitler in dealing with the West, nuking the Japanese if they continued to pressure Russia to give back some small islands occupied since the end of World War II, a strong dose of anti Semitism, and finding husbands for all unmarried women. (Palmer, 346) Like Russia, India has several parties in its Democratic system including: The Congress Party, The Bharatiya Janata Party, and The Third Front. India for a long time was considered a single party Democracy and the Congress party ruled for about fifty years. (Palmer, 453) The Congress party used these four items to gain support: charisma of Nehru and Gandhi, the independence movement, the party s broad base in the local way of life and the ability to take in a great range of regional, ideological and communal groups. (Palmer, 453) The Bharatiya Janata Party is a rising group that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Jane Eyre and The Great Gatsby Jane Eyre and The Great Gatsby are two very intresting novels which are very eye opening to one about how society is and the main message I got especially from Jane Eyre is that money is not always the answer to personal happiness and love. Both novels believed in moral convinction where you believe in one viewbook and it does not change for the better or worse. Jane Eyre is a very intresting novel as soon as you open it the first few chapters are shocking as it shows you two big themes one of which is class and the other is gender. In 1947 people would judge you depending on your class and people in society would judge you and treat you by where you are in the hierarchy tree. Another big theme was gender women were treated as third class citizens no freedom at all. Jane Eyre was a novel about an orphan who is adopted into this wealthy family. However she feels completely out the circle and not part of there family. The family certainly did not make her feel part of them either they first saw her as poor because she came from a poor background even though now she is adopted in there family they still saw her like that and secondly she was a girl so that made things worse and those two combinations were not good. At one point in the novel Mr reed said to her You have no business to take our books; you are a dependant, mamma says; you have no money; your father left you none; you ought to beg, and not to live here with gentleman s children like us . . he is telling her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Disintegration of the... Communism is defined as a political and economical doctrine, the aim which is to abolish private ownership of property and for profit enterprise and to replace these with public ownership and control of industry, agriculture, and resources ( Communism ). The product of this government is supposed to be a society free of class ranking based on wealth, property, and political power. The Soviet Unionwas the first country to test these governmental strategies and it did not take long for the regime to collapse. The inevitable collapse of communism led to the fall of the Berlin Wall; this started the domino effect of freedom that ultimately led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. On Sunday, August 13th, in 1962 the Eastern German government... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During the Soviet Union regime the health care system became socialized and citizens were allowed to have full health care without charge. The Soviet Union was also the first country to have an equal number of hospital beds to citizens (Hoeppler). Even though they had great access to heath care the hospitals lacked the essentials needed for the hospitals to operate up to standards. In 1990, 24 percent of hospitals did not have adequate pluming, 19 percent lacked central heat, 45 percent lacked bathrooms or showers, 49 percent had no hot water, and 15 present operated without any water at all (Hoeppler). These conditions were unacceptable according to Boris Yeltsin. In June of 1991, Yeltsin won the presidential election in Russia. He became the first Russian leader to stand in a legitimate election. Yeltsin inspired mass demonstrations against the 1991 attempt to overthrow Gorbachev s, the president before him, government ( The Fall of the Soviet Union ). This brought him popularity. Yeltsin decided to capitalize on his popularity by going forward with radical reform policies. After doing things like banning the CPSU, confiscating CPSU s assets, and distributing the state s assets to the populace. So, it did not take Yeltsin much time at all to start to dismantle the Soviet Union ( The Fall of the Soviet Union ). The fall of the Soviet Union became the most dramatic event of the twentieth century. With the Soviet Union being the world s first communistic state it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. The Death Penalty Is Truly A Crime Deterrent Abstract The death penalty has been one of the most debatable and contentious issues facing the American public for many years. This paper proposes a study that analyzes the theory which holds that the death penalty will prevent people from committing heinous crimes. Two hypotheses oversee this study: 1) States that have a death penalty law will have lower rates of crimes punishable by death than states without death penalty laws, and 2) States that have the most executions will have fewer crimes punishable by death than states that do not execute often and those without a death penalty law. To examine each of these hypotheses, I propose two case studies that will be conducted with two States satisfying requirements for not having or ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is illegal in eighteen states, including Minnesota and the District of Columbia. Capital punishment is one of the most debated topics and contested issue in the United States and the world today. Capital punishment is often seen as a humane way to execute the vilest criminals and to discourage others from committing atrocious crimes. The death penalty is morally wrong and violates the Sixth Commandment of the Bible, which says you shall not murder , the Eighth Amendment which prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, and the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution which guarantees equal protection of the laws and due process. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, 972 people have been sentenced to death row in the United States since 1973. The main goals of the criminal justice system are to: rehabilitate offenders, and protect society from those offenders. Ernest Van Den Haag argues that doing justice or deterring others (102) are the objectives of the system. Therefore, the use of the death penalty is a means to an end. Opponents of the death penalty must convince its supporters that it does not fulfill either of these objectives while proponents rely on either argument for the justification of the system. In regards to this proposal, this study will: 1) focus on the deterrence factor rather than question whether the death penalty is ethical. Raymond T. Bye defines the cradle on which the theory of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. William Mckinley Campaign Film Analysis The election of 1896 was the year William McKinley launched the first campaign film. McKinley s campaign ad was a re enactment of his nomination announcement as he stood in front of a room full of supporters. Once McKinley became president, his film sparked the beginning of scheduled announcement known today as The State of the Union. Most believed McKinley s campaign film helped with his presidential win against Democratic nominee William Jennings Bryan. Later, McKinley would serve four years as president before his assassination in 1901 at the Pan American Exposition. Today, campaign ads are one of the most expensive parts of campaigns and effective with voters that are unreachable on social media. However, social media allows candidates to place... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 1923, Coolidge became the first president to deliver his State of the Union address through radio (Desilver, 2015)12. At least six different states tuned in to hear Coolidge s address through long distance cable lines. The advanced equipment allowed listeners from Washington, New York, Providence, St. Louis, Kansas City and Dallas access to the speech held in the House Chambers. According to the New York Times, the State Department also notified the Embassies in London and Paris to listen to Coolidge address. For Coolidge, radio was only the beginning of his social communications efforts with American citizens. In August 1924, Coolidge also tapped into thousands of homes by appearing and speaking in a motion picture. Later, in 1925 Coolidge became the first to broadcast his inauguration, an accomplishment William McKinley dreamt of achieving. Coolidge speech brought significance to how political leaders communicate and engage with voters. Overall, Coolidge s presidency shifted the innovative world of communication strategies for politicians in the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Positive Risk Taking Essay Unit 24 1 1.1 For many people risk is an accepted part of everyday life. Every day activities such as catching the bus, travelling on holiday, playing football, setting up home and starting a family all carry some element of risk. Risk plays a part in our health, safety, security, well being, employment, education, daily activities, using resources and equipment and in community participation. But some adults, for example disabled people or older people, are often discouraged from taking risks. Traditionally they are not encouraged to take risks in areas such as budgeting, planning, employment and daily living skills. This may be either because of their perceived limitations or fear that they or others might be harmed. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These should all e recorded to prevent re prescribing. If a side effect is spotted you should take the following steps: * Inform the manager * Seek medical help * Observe the person * Record all symptoms * Record what you have done * Treat the symptoms if possible or take to hospital * Record the medicine and reaction in the persons care notes * Inform their GP. Unit 47 2 2.4 There are a variety of different ways in which medicine can be administered. * Orally The majority of medicines are administered this way via tablets, liquids etc. * Sublingually This is where tablets or capsules are placed under the tongue for fast absorption. * Inhalation This is most commonly used by asthma patients. It delivers the medicine directly to the lungs. * Intramuscular injection This is injected directly into large muscles (usually legs or bum). This can only be done by a doctor or nurse. * Intravenous injection This is injected straight directly into the veins. Medicines are rapidly absorbed into the body. This can only be performed by a doctor or trained nurse. * Subcutaneous injection This form of medicine is injected directly under the skin. After training care staff may provide this
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  • 36. Computer Science Statement Of Purpose Statement of Purpose Your time is limited, so don t waste it living someone else s life. Steve Jobs We have been gifted with only one life. It would be frivolous if we are not making the most out of it, not doing the things that make us happy, not making it count. Life gives us an opportunity to realize our dreams and fulfill the purpose of our existence. Right from Charles Babbage to Larry Page, there have been sizable contributions made to the world via computer science. Had these greats given up on their dreams, the world we live in today would not be the same. Imagine the world without computers. One can only dread! Today, I stand on the cusp of living my dream the dream of giving back to the world of computers, making a contribution in computer science by conducting innovative research and developing something that the world would appreciate. The hunger for obtaining the in depth and specialized knowledge in computer science has urged me to apply for an MS program in Computer Science. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As my interests peaked, I started my journey in computer science when I secured a seat in the bachelor s program in Information Technology at a leading institute in India for engineering in Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering by acing in the entrance test. Core subjects like Data Structures, Databases, Operating Systems and Automata Theory have greatly enhanced my logical reasoning abilities and further increased my enthusiasm to learn them in depth. Object Oriented Programming Methodologies (JAVA) has always been one of my strengths, resulting in topping the class in that course. My knowledge of these subjects is well supported by the fact that I have excelled in academics, maintaining a GPA of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Kim Kardashian Stereotypes There isn t one single reality television show or reality t.v. show star in particular that is stereotyped to a typical standard, though as reality television stars gain more popularity and try to build their brands, to have the perfect body is often the stereotype that all genders go through. Transsexual and transgendered celebrities have also spoke about the necessity to display the perfect body because they were born men, and have to exceed women, when speaking about beauty, just to fit in. Everyone loves to use the Kardashians as an example so why not. Kim Kardashian from Keeping Up With The Kardashians is known for her perfect hour glass figure with large breasts, a tiny waist, and bigger than average booty (and yes I said booty!). She is regarded as many for having the perfect body, and other women have felt the pressure to emulate her body in order to achieve the same vanity appeal.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With her being taller and simply having a different body structure than Kim, many blogs and commentators bash her constantly because she doesn t fit their mold of the it girl . Other reality television show stars also find it difficult staying on top. Shows produced by VH1 and Bravo like Love and Hip Hop, Real Housewives of Atlanta and Beverly Hills, and even Botched. Documents how women more so than men, use cosmetic surgery to enhance their body so that they fit in with the celebrity Hollywood culture. On Love and Hip Hop, most of the cast members are of native ethnic descent (being African American/Black, Caribbean, Latino/Hispanic). Therefore beauty is even more stigmatized, in my opinion, from the communities that these women are either from or are idolized by. Women in the Black community are known to have big butts, fuller breasts, thick thighs and lovely curves. That s a lot to live up to if you didn t get it from your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Understanding The Concept Of Division The purpose of this lesson is to introduce the students to the concept of division. This will be somewhat of a review for the students who have had practice with division in past grade levels. It has been a long time since the students have had any practice with division, so this lesson will serve an introduction to the meaning of division, divisionvocabulary, as well as its relationship to multiplication. Students will be introduced to fact families as a way to show the connection between multiplication and division. The students will be able to see the relationship between a concept they have had a lot of practice with (multiplication), to a concept that might be new to them (division). Common Core State Standards: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.5.NBT.B.6: Find whole number quotients of whole numbers with up to four digit dividends and two digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Illustrate and explain the calculation by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area models. Student Learning Objective: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division through verbal and written communication. Goals/Objectives of Lesson: What do you hope for/expect? Before this lesson: Students will complete a written pre assessment on division concepts using their prior knowledge. With guidance from the teacher and class notes, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Friends Stereotypes Jennifer Aniston, Matt LeBlanc, and Matthew Perry are just a few of the many stars in the hit television series Friends, that strives to bring awareness to the hardships of adulthood, while also exposing stereotypes. The show features six adults with an unbreakable friendship, who live in an apartment building in Manhattan, New York City. In each episode of this show, a new and unexpected event occurs to each one of the characters, that will keep you guessing and dying to know what s going to happen next. Each episode is its own story, and is not based off one another, so the worry of getting behind on this series is non existent. There are a fair share of laughs, cries, and different emotions running through your head in every episode, and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First off, you have Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry), a businessman with a sarcastic attitude. Then, you have the siblings, Ross (David Schwimmer) and Monica Geller (Courtney Cox), who have a love hate relationship. Ross is a Paleontologist, with an introverted personality and Monica is a chef, with a very competitive attitude towards everything, and is also a neat freak. Then, there s the open and brutally honest character, Phoebe Buffay (Lisa Kudrow). Phoebe is a massage therapist and an aspiring singer, who would rather live each day to the fullest than have regrets. The fifth main character is the fashionable, selfish, and confused Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston). Rachel s job is at Ralph Lauren, and she is heavily dependant on her wealthy father. Finally, there s the actor Joey Tribbiani (Matt Leblanc), who is a very social and humorous character, who never settles down in relationships. These six friends formed a friendship right from the start despite their diverse personalities and aspirations in life. This has a positive impact on society, by showing that you can be friends with whoever you want, no matter what, and you shouldn t be characterized to who you should hang out with. The characters in Friends are constantly hugging and thanking each other, and showing what true friends are. In fact, Rachel said to her friend Monica, None of the amazing things that happened to me in the last 10 years would ve happened if it wasn t for you ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Interlopers Chapter Summary The Interlopers By Saki Summary Ulrich von Gradwitz is a landowner. He is strolling in the Carpathians. His grandfather fought for and won this strip of land against the neighboring family of landowners. Their neighbors are their enemies and continue to stay enemies as the generations pass. It became personal for both families. Georg Znaeym was Ulrich s eniey and they both wished ill on each other. They both go hunting in the forest and find the other person to kill or brutally injure him. Ulrich is carrying a rifle, as well as Georg. When the two men finally meet they stare at each other in long silence. Then suddenly a storm brought a beech tree come down and knocks both of the men down. The tree almost kills them when it comes down on ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Mrs. Mallard has a heart condition the main character of the story. Her husband recently passed away from a railroad accident and Her sister Josephine told her the bad news. After getting the news that her husband died she was a little calm, and she was very considering when she cried. Than she goes to her room to cry, but she is acting a little odd. Mrs. Mallard is crying then stopping, when she stops she whispers under her breath words like she is free repeatingly. As she is crying she thinks about how she loved him some of the time. She also thinks about how she feels very liberated. Later, her sister Josephine is outside her bedroom door who is trying to get Mrs. Mallard to open the door. Finally, Mrs. Mallard gives in and her and her sister go downstairs. When they are going downstairs the door opens and Mr. Mallard comes inside. He was not in the accident and was still alive. After, seeing Brently Mallard his friend Richard tried to hide him from Mrs. Mallard so she does not see him and be too much in schock. The final part of the short story is when the doctors speak to everyone saying that the joy of seeing Brently Mallard is what killed her not her heart ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Materialism In Mona And Shola characters and their lives through an embodied racial phenomenology. The forging of this cultural link comes before the address or acknowledgement of the past that has brought the spectator to the moment of witnessing the film s message. As a film, Sankofa is able to secure its cultural link as ... that which is visible, classifiable and morally salient. In our own materialist society, where science trumps religion and where cultural rituals whether religious, patriotic or familial must increasingly revolve around the exchange of material commodities in order to retain their significance, what is true is what is visible. Secular, commodity driven society is dominated by the realm of the visible. In such a context, visible differences operate as powerful determinants over social interaction (Alcoff, 15). In Mona, the modern day model who will give flesh to those spectators who join her on her historic journey under the enslaved name, Shola, Sankofa gives the spectator a specific black body with which to anchor its link. That Mona/Shola is a woman is not the immediately pivotal purpose of her central placement in the narrative. She serves as a sort of every person and her condition is based in labor and the contempt of race as a ... socially constructed, historically malleable, culturally contextual (construct)... produced through learned perceptual practice. Whether or not it is valid to use racial concepts, and whether or not their use will have positive or negative ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Benefit Of Ocean Exploration Astonishingly, Did you know that we have better maps of the moon than we do of the ocean? It s true! Scientists are working to make drones to explore the deep sea. Ocean Exploration is a developing science that incorporates the use of marine biology and drone technology. Ocean Exploration technology will be an overall benefit to society because 1. exploring the ocean is easier than before and 2. ocean exploration can help with monitoring the deep sea. First of all, ocean exploration technology has advanced much more than before in the past decade. In the past, people had to bring everything needed for scuba diving which included hundreds of pounds of gear and photographing technology. Now, all you need is the drone and an ocean. There are many things needed for scuba diving. Such as, oxygen tanks and diving gear that also cost lots of money. With drones, ocean exploration will be much cheaper and faster than scuba divers ever have been. (#2) According to a journalist, Kimberly Pierceall, from Military Times, from her article Researchers Want To Use Drones For Ocean Floor Exploration She said that, ..They (Scientists) hope (12 research drones) will survey the deepest parts of the ocean faster and cheaper than anyone has done before (Pierceall, 2017). This evidence proves that with new developing ocean technology, exploring will be cheaper and faster than it ever has before. This is a benefit to society because researchers will be able to explore vast amounts of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini.published Essay The Kite Runner is the kind of novel portraying the common issues of the lives of parents and children. The Kite Runner is the first novel by Afghan American author Khaled Hosseini.Published by Riverhead Books, it recounts the narratives of Amir, a young boy from the WazirAkbar Khan district of Kabul, whose closest companion is Hassan, son of his father s servant Hazara. The story is situated against a backdrop of turbulent and volatile events, from the fall of Afghanistans monarchy through the Soviet military intercession, the mass migration of refugees to Pakistan and the United States, and the rise of the Talibanregime. Mr.Hosseine attempts to draw out the distinctions that both the parents and children are confronting in their lives through this characters in the story. Hosseini has commented that he considers The Kite Runner to be a father son story, stressing the familial aspects of the narrative, a component that he continued to utilize as a part of his later works.Themes of guilt and redemption feature include conspicuously in the novel, with the essential scene depicting an act of savagery against Hassan that Amir neglects to prevent. The later half of the book centers on Amir s endeavours to make ammends for this transgression by rescuing Hassan s son over two decades later. Amir s father fails to comprehend his son and his emotions at numerous points in the story. He fails to comprehend the bond of the two children and their genuine bond of companionship. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Eros And Cupid Research Paper Eros and Cupid were both an important part of ancient culture, playing the role of the love god. Eros name meant love in Greek, and Cupid translates to desire in Latin. Eros was the Greek God of love and Cupid was the Roman God of love and the Roman version of Cupid. Eros was originally a primeval god; however, later tradition crowned him to be the son of the Greek Goddess Aphrodite, the Greek God of beauty. On the other hand, Cupid is a little more mysterious and many theories circulated about his ancestry. Some people reckon he was the son of Vulcan, the Roman God of Fire, whilst others say he is the son of Venus. He was often described as handsome young man though in art, he was portrayed as chubby, winged infant who shoots arrows at people to make them fall in love. Eroswas a Primordial God, being the fourth God to come into existence after Tartarus.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A difference in today s society, who all picture Cupid as a tiny, winged baby that would be that the Greek version of Eros was never portrayed that way. He was always portrayed as a handsome, desirable young man able to woo the mortals even without his love inducing quiver. The Greek version of Eros was also known to be a lot more powerful. Cupid, for instance, was never able to make people hate each other. This could ve potentially contributed to him being imagined as a chubby baby, which have connotations to kindness and happiness. Furthermore, Cupid couldn t influence minds in the way that Eros could and was never a leader. As well as this, Cupid was never speculated to be the son of Jupiter, like the Greek Eros was sometimes told to be the son of Zeus. Obviously, there are many similarities between Eros and Cupid. For example, they can both induce love. Another thing is that both their names translate to something along the lines of love in their respective ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Hawthorne s Young Goodman Brown In the short story Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the reader is left with unanswered questions about what actually happened to Goodman Brown the night he took an unforgettable journey into the woods. Therefore, questions form about dream or real life occurrences, and it lingers over the minds of the readers after this ominous, short storyends. Experience versus imagination in the short story Young Goodman Brownare questionable because Hawthorne allows the reader to interpret their own imaginations with evidence to conspire if Brown only had a dream, or if it was all reality proving that evil lives within everyone. Unlike most authors, Hawthorne gives the reader a chance to consider their own ideas. He provides evidence ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On he flew among the black pines, brandishing his staff with frenzied gestures, now giving vent to inspiration of horrid blasphemy, and now shouting forth such laughter as set all the echoes of the forest laughing like demons around him (6). With the absence of his wife, this outrageous anger within Brown explodes, and he begins to let his demons out, which would make any passerby, fearful. Everyone on Earth is a sinner, but not everyone is completely evil. However, Faith, both his wife and his faith in God, were the only things keeping Brown at bay. When his wife Faith is lost, so is he because she is the only reason for him to have faith in himself and in God. At the ceremony, the figure, which I believe is the devil, shows these new comers of the Devil s congregation that all the prestigious, pious, and holy people of their town were working at the right hand of the Devil. Once again, this proves evil lives within every one as the devil states, Depending upon one another s hearts, ye had still hoped that the virtue were not all a dream. Now are ye undeceived. Evil is the nature of mankind. Evil must be your only happiness. Welcome again, my children, to the communion of your race (8). The devil believes and convinces these people that all of the human race may relate evil with themselves. The chances of coming back from all of the deceit that his fellow neighbors ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Learning Theory On Family Guy We ve all heard the saying the apple never falls to far from the tree, in one sense or another. Well, this is a label, as well as everything we are shown through media portrayal. As the Learning Theory: The Modern Media and imitation. For example we have all seen the show Family Guy or similar shows of both cartoon like and with actual people. The dad was an imbecile and a racist. The mom was a lemon with a child at 16, the daughter was your typical nerd who couldn t follow in her mom s footsteps for she was made to feel more worthless than a dried piece of gum on a concrete path during a hot July in Texas. The eldest son was an even bigger imbecile than the father, and the child was a hypersexual heteroflexible psychopathic sociopath with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Disadvantages Of Coffee Grinders Grinding Coffee The ground coffee is the most suitable coffee to buy. After all, it is accessible everywhere and not difficult to load into the coffee maker. The ground coffee loses flavor faster than the whole bean coffee. Also, the fresher your coffee, the more taste, and flavor it will add when it is brewed. It is good to grind coffee before brewing to provide a more refreshing taste of coffee. There are two common types of coffee grinders, both with its advantages and disadvantages. They also have different varieties of grounded coffee ranging from finer grind to coarser grind. The two types of Coffee Bean Grinders There are two common types of coffee bean grinders used for personal purpose namely: Burr grinder and Propeller grinder. Burr Grinder The burr grinder makes use of the two serrated discs to grind the beans. All you need to do is to set up the variety of the grind properties you want (fine or coarse particles), fill up the beans inside the chamber, and initiate the grinding process. The ground coffee ready to be brewed will be collected inside the second chamber. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I think the first time I make use of a burr grinder the result was not too good because it takes a longer time to grind. This can be the disadvantage, but presently I make use of the Cuisinart burr grinder that grinds faster than my old propeller. The main advantage is that a burr grinder produces a uniform grind. If you use a microscope to view the ground coffee from a burr grinder, you will observe a homogeneous grind throughout. Consistency is very important to reflect on when processing a good coffee. This makes a burr grinder an indispensable kitchen gadget that you need to have at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Short Essay On Jimmy Hoffa Jimmy Hoffa was a character of a man, and a smart one at that. A pioneer in the labor union community, Hoffa controversially climbed up the Teamsters union chain of command. On his way up though, Hoffa made many enemies in the business of organized crime. His aggressively sly behavior earned him as much respect as it did threats, and his work made him more successful than he could have ever imagined. In all of his glory, Hoffa vanished like it did. There is no doubt that Hoffa is gone, but the question is, was it by choice or by murder? James Riddle Hoffa was born on february 14th, 1913 in Brazil, Indiana. He dropped out of school at a young age to work and help support his family. Working for a local loading dock in Detroit, hoffa got to see poor labor conditions first hand. He organized his first strike shortly after. Using fresh strawberries as a bargaining tool, he landed better contracts for the other workers and himself. In the 1930s after joining the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Hoffa became a labor organizer for the teamsters union. He also married Josephine Poszywak in 1936, with whom he had two children. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fighting aggressively for larger union membership and to work out more promising contracts for the union members was very important to Hoffa. He later became vice president of the union in 1952, after climbing the organized crime ladder. After becoming president of the union in 1957, he went to jail for fraud, jury tampering, and conspiracy in 1967. For three years, Hoffa continuously tried to appeal his many convictions but was unsuccessful. In 1971, president Richard Nixon commuted his sentence, but banned Hoffa from holding a leadership position in the teamsters union for nine years. He fought against the ban in court, and off the record, to try and get his power back within the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Essay On If I Were President If I Were President Introduction Raising NASA s budget could change the future for the entire population of Earth. If I were to be president, I would bump up NASA s finances to help them find more planets in outer space. More money would allow NASA to try to find new species that have never been seen before. Also, if a new planet is found that could inhabit humans and other species, then maybe we could send criminals there. Then here on Earth, we would have a more peaceful life. NASA needs more money that can help pay for more useful and newer technology to find another planet. Bringing up NASA s budget could lead to marvelous studies and programs. For example, we would be able to find new species that have never been seen before. Another ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Sending Criminals to A Different Planet The second switch I would make would be to lift up NASA s funds to discover other planets where we could send criminals. Thus, by doing this it could make our nation more peaceful. By sending criminals away to a different planet we would not need jails. This could lead to more housing, playgrounds, even a place for more buildings to help get jobs to unemployed people. Additionally, we could send people to another planet if they intend to do crummy and sinful things to people and animals. If we are able to get all malicious people off of Earth, then we would not have to worry about being hurt by the stranger next to us. Living our lives without worrying about being hurt or killed could change the way people live their lives. This would be an effective change that I would make if I were to be President. New Planet Found Above all, the third adjustment that would happen if NASA s budget was raised, would result in making newer and more efficient technology to help them find a new planet. Recently, at NASA s Space Telescope, astronomers had found the first Earth size planet orbiting a star in the habitable zone. While planets had been found before, they are all at least 40 percent larger in size than Earth and understanding their makeup is challenging. The new planet orbits its star once every 130 days and can only receive ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Decision Support Tool For Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling DECISION SUPPORT TOOL FOR DYNAMIC JOB SHOP SCHEDULING ATIKAH BINTI SELAMAT (FA12015) SUPERVISOR: DR. MUCHAMAD OKTAVIANDARI TABLE OF CONTENTSPAGES CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION 1.1Background 1.2Problem Statement 1.3Objectives 1.4Scope of Research 2 3 3 3 CHAPTER 2LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Job Shop Production 2.1.2 Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) 2.1.3 Dynamic Job Shop Scheduling Problem (DJJSP) 2.2 Previous Research on Job Shop Scheduling 2.2.1 Job Shop Scheduling 2.2.2 Approach and Method 2.2.3 Performance Measures 2.2.4 Problem Size 2.2.5 Simulation Tools 2.2.6 Simulation Results 2.3 Company Background 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY
  • 51. 3.1 Research Methodology Flowchart 3.2 Data Collection 3.2.1 Tools and Equipment for Data Collection 3.2.2 Job Data 3.3 Assumptions made in the research 3.4 Optimizing the scheduling 11 13 13 13 14 14 GANTT CHART REFERENCES 15 16 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1Background Scheduling is an important tool in manufacturing and engineering, where it can have a major impact on the productivity of a process (Min et al., 2009). In real production floor, scheduling is a continuously reactive process which face suddenly or unexpected any new events. In manufacturing, the production mostly relate to the processing time, costs and quality. Scheduling plays important role in raising the efficiency of any production system. Nowadays, many approaches have been developed to resolve the real time events problem. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. Asses the Reasons Why Chartism Failed Assess the reasons why Chartism failed Chartism was the largest protest movement by working class people that Britain has ever seen, Chartist wanted a host of reforms which were highlighted in the Peoples Charter, which is were the Chartist name derives itself from. The People Charter of 1838 set about six points including: the vote for all adult males aged over 21, payment for MP s, equal electoral districts, secret ballot, no property qualification for MP s and annual general elections. The Chartist movement did eventually fail, in terms of obtaining their objective and the reason why they failed had been subject to much debate. Most historians who have studied Chartism can be grouped into threes reason why Chartism failed; Chartism ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Fergus O Connor believe that Physical force was the way forward which believed in the idea of the armed struggle and the right to bear arms and use them in self defence according the Bill of Rights 1689. However both side used menacing language at different times and although mainly used threatening language he remained with the parameters of the law. Diversion continued constantly throughout the movement between Lovett and O Connor and by 1840 the movement had effectively split into three factions, although they all wanted the same outcome they still differed on the best way to achieve their goals. Lovett wanted improvement through education, O Connor developed his disastrous land reform and Robert Lowery led temperance Chartism. Historians would believe in the inherent weakness interpretation, point out the this fragmentation of the chartist movement as the major point their failure. Another problem with the leadership of the was the inability to gain support from the majority of the middle classes, most felt alienated from violence and threats of violence, which was prevalent within the movement. A large number of middle class delegates to the Chartist convention resigned, trigged by the violent nature of the speeches, after 1839 the movement became largely a movement of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. The Mystery Of The Lost Colony Of Roanoke The mystery of the Lost Colony of Roanoke is a puzzling mystery about what happened to the first English settlers in America. The question is, what actually happened to them, because even with evidence and research no one knows for absolute certain what actually did happen. The disappearance of an entire colony, who left behind a dismantled settlement and the word Croatoan etched into a tree has stumped many archaeologists. Countless theories have arisen, some more outrageous than the rest. Were they killed by Indians? Taken by aliens? Abducted? Sabotaged? The mystery of the Lost Colony of Roanoke has an abundance of theories, but the most plausible is that the colonist were assimilated into the Lumbee tribe. Colonists arrived on Roanoke Islandin 1587, with the hopes of becoming the first English colony in America (Bernstein 2:55). The colony was to be governed by John White and was composed of English families who wished to make a new home for themselves, among the colonists was John White s daughter, Virginia Dare. Several months later the colony s governor sailed back to England for supplies. The shortage of supplies was due to skirmishes with the Natives, loss of supplies due to storms, and with the time for planting over the colonists had no way to find enough food. John White promised to return as quickly as possible, but due to unforeseen circumstances was unable to return as soon as was expected. Three years later, John White returned only to find ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Essay on A Call for Uniforms at PenArgyl High School As stated in the Morning Call on January 11, 2013, Uniforms will reduce bullying, teasing and disruption while also being a cheaper alternative for poor parents who struggle every year to afford new school clothes for their children (Esack). Much like the Allentown Area School District, incorporating uniforms needs to be a priority for Pen Argyl High School. Not only will students have better attendance once uniforms are required, but one can also expect school achievement to increase. The enacting of a uniform rule by the Pen Argyl School District geared towards the high school would halt bullying in our school, eliminate questionable dress codeviolations, and make all students and personnel easily identifiable when present in the high... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Overall, if uniform wearing was an required component of Pen Argyl High School, student priorities would be focused on the more appropriate topic of academics rather than the fad of fashion trends; leading to more student awareness and less bullying, or attention to student clothing, throughout the school day. In addition to the apparent bullying over style trends and choices, another issue that could be eliminated through the incorporation of uniforms is the lessening of disciplinary action directed towards students for dress code violations. Almost daily, students are sent to the office for dress code checks which are most often handled by the Vice Principal. Students are commonly sent for checks based on the following items that are considered questionable: midriff revealing tops, ripped and low rise jeans, short skirts and shorts, exposed shoulders and necklines and spandex for the girls. Then there are ill fitting jeans and inappropriate slogans on t shirts and sweatshirts for the boys. A uniform policy would eliminate the need for dress code checks, which would enable the vice principal to concentrate on more important issues within the high school. Not only would uniforms eliminate this disciplinary issue of student dress, but the incorporation of a uniform policy would better prepare students ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Christopher Bogart, Ceo Of Burford Capital Christopher Bogart, CEO of Burford Capital, a leading capital provider to the global legal industry, sat in his illustrious office on Madison Avenue in New York City. Prior to joining Burford Capital, Christopher spent more than 20 years working at Time Warner, including as the Executive Vice President General Counsel. On one side of his desk sat a report on the spectacular rates of return of Burford Capital s investments. On the other, sat a report describing the growth of contingency fee litigation. Christopher knew Burford Capital had a track record of stellar returns, but he worried perhaps that was about to change. Christopher knew that Fortune 500 companies increasingly were encouraging law firms to help underwrite cases and as law... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In 2011, three of the largest firms involved in commercial litigation lending were Burford Capital, Bentham IMF, and Juridica Investments. All three were publicly traded on foreign exchanges, and each invested heavily in the United States civil justice system. How the Litigation Finance Market Worked Non recourse loans were extended most often to plaintiffs in personal injury cases. These loans were used to pay the costs of litigation, but, in some cases, were also used to cover the plaintiff s living expenses during the pendency of the lawsuit. Non recourse financing of commercial claims came into existence in the 2000s and became increasingly common. The providers of this financing typically undertook an analysis of the merits of the contemplated claim that was more rigorous than the analysis employed in personal injury cases. If the claim appeared meritorious, the financing company advanced amounts to cover attorney s fees and the other costs of the litigation. These advances typically were made to the claimant or its outside litigation counsel, in return for a percentage of any eventual recovery. The recent trend in the use of non recourse litigation financing attracted increasing attention, both within and outside the legal profession, in part because the arrangements were largely unregulated, and required the payment of relatively large financing fees. Another key reason it attracted attention was its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 56. When Is Human Cloning Wrong In February 1997, the scientific world was forever changed by the announcement of the birth of Dolly the Sheep, the first mammal cloned from an adult cell (Jones 160). For the first time in medical history, science allowed for the possibility of human cloning. With this development came the concern that scientists would not only speculate about humancloning, but actually seek to attempt it. Such a prospect generates ethical unease from both the public and Christian community. From a Christian perspective, human cloning creates concerns for the well being of a cloned child or embryo and usurps God s plan for human dominion. Human cloning would not be compatible with Christian ethics. In this essay, any reference to the word clone may be... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Therapeutic cloning holds the potential to treat illnesses like heart and kidney disease, but the methods require that human embryos be destroyed for the benefit of others (Hansen Schotsman 76). The Bible directly states that killing is a sin (NIV Bible, Exodus 20:13). Although some may argue that using an embryo for medicine is not murder, therapeutic cloning create embryos (the very first stage of humanness) for the sole purpose of harvesting the stem cells, thus ending the budding life of said embryo. This process certainly reflects a form of killing, even if it is only the destruction of an incredibly early human form. Additionally, taking advantage of human embryos disobeys Jesus command to love one another (NIV Bible, John 13:34). Jones states that therapeutic cloning [undermines] the welfare and dignity of human embryos, which as the weakest and most vulnerable of human beings should under no circumstances be experimented upon (174). No situation could justify the exploitation of human embryos for the medicinal benefits of therapeutic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. Bioengineering s The Case Against De-Extinction Have you ever caught yourself dreaming what society would be like if humans were to coexist with dinosaurs? Scientist are currently working hard on Bioengineering, which, Bioengineering which is another word for de extinction. So this brings along a controversial topic whether or not to bring extinct animals back into today s society. Some believe bringing extinct animals back into existence would increase genetic diversity and small populations, while others believe extinct animals should not be brought back into existence due to the dangers the future holds. Scientist should not de extinct species because society doesn t have the environment to sustain their lives, there are also many moral hazards to come along with Bioengineering , finally... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As seen in The Case Against De Extinction: It s a Fascinating Dumb Idea the author stated right now the biggest moral hazard on the environmental front is created by the folly of geoengineering. To clarify the author is proving that de extinction is a huge moral hazard and people question the ethics behind bioengineering. Society will begin to believe there is no point in protecting species because if scientist have their DNA, then scientist can just recreate the species. Recreating the species defeated the fact that the species originally had a problem as to why they no longer exist. As seen in Case Against Species Revival , the author stated , why worry about endangered species? We can just simply keep their DNA and put them back into the wild later. If society has the power to decide whether a species lives or becomes extinct, its taking the power away from nature and giving humans way too much, what will society do next? Recreate people that have died? If the species became extinct there is a reason as to why the species did not survive. So why society want to bring the species back into existence just for the same outcome to occur. Society should not bring extinct animals back into ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 58. Aslan By Cs Lewis Analysis Analysis: Aslan is a representation of adulthood and the idea of having responsibilities and reaching full maturity. In the story written by C.S Lewis, we learn each member of the Pevensie siblings have different charcter aspects that determine their view on Aslan (adulthood). Peter the eldest of the Pevensie siblings is the most courageous and brave of them. This shows the Peter is very mature and can face difficult obstacles that come in his way. His reaction was bravery and adventure, showing that he looks forward with confidence in his future and may be the most ready. Susan Pevensie, the second oldest, reacted with delight. Susan looks forward to her future also; delights, even, in the idea of being a woman and maturing completely. Edmund ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 59. An Essay About Michelangelo Michelangelo was born in March, 1475 in Caprese. He was an Italian painter, sculptor, architect, and poet. He is one of the biggest contributors to the development of Western art today. He was also called the divine one and The Renaissance Man . Michelangelo s ancestors before that were small time bankers. The bank that his family was working with failed and his father had to get a temporary governmental job. A couple of months after Michelangelowas born, his family moved back to Florence, Italy. His mother was ill for a long time and died in 1481 when Michelangelo was just six. He then went to go live his nanny and her husband who was a stonecutter in Settignano. Michelangelo began to admire marble in Settignano because his father owned a marble quarry there. Michelangelo was later sent to study grammar with Francesco da Urbino who was a Humanist.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When the year 1505 hit, Michelangelo was then invited by the newly invited pope, Julius II back to Rome. When he arrived he was commissioned to build the tomb of the Pope, this tomb had forty statues and was planned to be finished in five years. While working on this huge tomb Michelangelo was constantly distracted by other tasks. This caused Michelangelo to go from finishing it in five years to him taking a whole forty years. Michelangelo was never satisfied with it though, and he never did get to finish it to his full satisfaction. The tomb is mostly known for its statue of Moses which was completed in 1516. Around the same time Michelangelo also painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, this one took four years to complete and started in 1508 to be finished in 1512. Now a man named Bramante hated the fact that the Pope Julius commissioned Michelangelo and manipulated the Pope to make Michelangelo create the tomb in a medium that he was not good with so that Michelangelo did a bad job with the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 60. A Reflection Of My Education In The Landscape Architecture Presentations, Methods, and Media has truly been a gateway to what I believe to be the rest of my education in the Landscape Architecture program. I have thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of this class. It acts as the training wheels for our design, style, technique, and literacy in the field. If we didn t have a baseline built by this class I personally, as well as many of my peers would quite honestly be lost. I came into the class thinking I had a great baseline knowledge of plans and much of what went into the design process of a landscape; I was wrong. The first thing I thought upon seeing the name Presentations, Methods, and Media was that I would be in a lecture style class learning about how landscapes had been done over the years, yet again I was wrong. The first thing Taze, a then quite intimidating individual, handed us was a pop quiz on patterns easy enough, or so I thought. After about two patterns, I realized I had absolutely no clue what I was doing, nor what half of the patterns meant. The whole class failing the quiz didn t start my first impression of the class off well, but I was reassured by Taze each and everyone would soon be masters of the then daunting patterns. We practiced for days upon days until the strokes slowly became memory. We worked in and out of class to better our skills at the same patterns over and over again, to the point I thought we wouldn t do anything else, I was wrong about that one too. The strokes now seem to be memory and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...