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Automating Zabbix
with Puppet
$ whoami
Werner Dijkerman
Current: System Engineer @ iWelcome
Previous: Promedico, Bol.com
34 years old, Married (Francina), 2 cats (Janice &
TV shows, movies, Music & Monitoring
Started April 2014, 36 committers, 74 pull requests
Configuration management utility
The user describes system resources and their state,
either using Puppet's declarative language or a Ruby DSL
(domain-specific language).
• Automatically installs /configures systems / applications
• Keep all systems in sync

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This document provides an overview and conceptual information about ExtremeXOS and its features. It covers topics such as switch management, software management, stack configuration, port and slot configuration, protocols, security, quality of service, routing, and more. The document is intended to help readers understand fundamental ExtremeXOS concepts.


New features in Domino Designer include enhancements to the Domino Query Language (DQL) like improved indexing capabilities and support for additional data types. The NotesDominoQuery class allows compiling and running DQL queries from LotusScript and Java. Other additions are the NotesGPS class for location data and @Platform conditional compilation. The C API SDK was updated and OSGI Tasklet Service support was added.

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Prometheus in openstack-helm
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prometheus in openstack-helm

package { 'zabbix-agent':
ensure => present,
service { 'zabbix-agent':
ensure => running,
require => Package['zabbix-agent']
file { '/etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf':
ensure => present,
owner => 'zabbix',
group => 'zabbix',
mode => '0640',
notify => Service['zabbix-server'],
require => Package['zabbix-server-mysql'],
content => template('zabbix/zabbix_server.conf.erb'),
### option: startpollers
# number of pre-forked instances of pollers.
StartPollers=<%= @startpollers %>
What database?
• PostgreSQL
What kind of setup?
• Single node
• Multi node
node 'zabbix.example.com' {
class { 'apache':
mpm_module => 'prefork',
include apache::mod::php
class { 'postgresql::server':}
class { 'zabbix':
zabbix_url => 'zabbix.example.com',

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OpenStack入門 2016/06/10
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2016年6月10日 LPI-Japanと共催しました、「OpenStackってなに?ゼロから始めるOpenStack入門セミナー」にて、NTTソフトウェアが講演した資料です

lean startupopenstack
CDC Stream Processing with Apache Flink
CDC Stream Processing with Apache FlinkCDC Stream Processing with Apache Flink
CDC Stream Processing with Apache Flink

An instant world requires instant decisions at scale. This includes the ability to digest and react to changes in real-time. Thus, event logs such as Apache Kafka can be found in almost every architecture, while databases and similar systems still provide the foundation. Change Data Capture (CDC) has become popular for propagating changes. Nevertheless, integrating all these systems, which often have slightly different semantics, can be a challenge. In this talk, we highlight what it means for Apache Flink to be a general data processor that acts as a data integration hub. Looking under the hood, we demonstrate Flink's SQL engine as a changelog processor that ships with an ecosystem tailored to processing CDC data and maintaining materialized views. We will discuss the semantics of different data sources and how to perform joins or stream enrichment between them. This talk illustrates how Flink can be used with systems such as Kafka (for upsert logging), Debezium, JDBC, and others.

cdcchangelogsapache flink
class { 'zabbix':
zabbix_url => 'zabbix.example.com',
zabbix_version => '2.4',
zabbix_timezone => 'Europe/Amsterdam',
database_type => 'mysql',
database_user => 'zabbix',
database_password => 'V3ry5tr0ngP@$$0rd',
apache_use_ssl => true,
apache_ssl_cert => '/etc/httpd/conf.d/keys/zabbix_ssl.crt',
apache_ssl_key => '/etc/httpd/conf.d/keys/zabbix_ssl.key',
manage_resources => true,
manage_database => true,
manage_vhost => true,
cachesize => '128M',
startpollers => 10,
timeout => 17,
What database?
• PostgreSQL
• Sqlite3
What kind of setup?
• Single node
• Multi node
node 'server11.example.com' {
class { 'postgresql::client': }
class { 'zabbix::proxy':
zabbix_server_host => '',
manage_database => false,
database_host => 'server12.example.com',
database_name => 'zabbix-proxy',
database_user => 'zabbix-proxy',
database_password => 'zabbix-proxy',
node 'server12.example.com' {
class { 'postgresql::server':
listen_addresses => ''
class { 'zabbix::database':
zabbix_type => 'proxy',
zabbix_proxy_ip => '',
database_name => 'zabbix-proxy',
database_user => 'zabbix-proxy',
database_password => 'zabbix-proxy',
node server05.example.com {
class { 'zabbix::javagateway': }
For the zabbix::server (or zabbix::proxy)
node server01.example.com {
class { 'zabbix::server':
zabbix_url => 'zabbix.example.com',
javagateway => '',

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Tuning kafka pipelines
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Tuning kafka pipelines

Kafka is a high-throughput, fault-tolerant, scalable platform for building high-volume near-real-time data pipelines. This presentation is about tuning Kafka pipelines for high-performance. Select configuration parameters and deployment topologies essential to achieve higher throughput and low latency across the pipeline are discussed. Lessons learned in troubleshooting and optimizing a truly global data pipeline that replicates 100GB data under 25 minutes is discussed.

kafkaperformancebig data
class { 'zabbix::agent':
server => '',
timeout => 10,
include_dir => '/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agent.d',
'server' parameter is ip/fqdn for the zabbix-server, or
UserParameter=mysql.status[*],echo "show global status where
Variable_name='$1';" | HOME=/var/lib/zabbix mysql -N | awk
'{print $$2}’
UserParameter=mysql.ping,HOME=/var/lib/zabbix mysqladmin ping
| grep -c alive
UserParameter=mysql.version,mysql –V
zabbix::userparameters { 'mysql':
source => 'puppet:///modules/mysql/zabbix_mysqld.conf',
template => 'Template App MySQL',
Installing Template
zabbix::template { 'Template App MySQL':
templ_source => 'puppet:///modules/zabbix/MySQL.xml'
manage_resources => true
Storing puppet-agent related data in database.
Make use of the API
Ruby gem: express42/zabbixapi

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Découverte de Elastic search

Elastic search Moteur de recherche Crée en 2010 par Shay Banon Basé sur Apache Lucene (+multi-nodes) Développé en Java Open source (Licence Apache) La société a été crée en 2012 La version courante est 2.0 Site officiel: https://www.elastic.co/

analysisinformation technologynosql
Alphorm.com Formation VMware Workstation 11
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Formation complète ici: http://www.alphorm.com/tutoriel/formation-en-ligne-vmware-workstation-11 Avec cette formation VMware Workstation, vous allez découvrir le système de virtualisation phare pour les postes de travail personnel, VMware Workstation 11. Cette formation pratique vous permettra d’acquérir les connaissances et compétences pour installer, gérer et maîtriser l’environnement VMware Workstation. De la création à la gestion des machines virtuelles. Vous maîtriserez aussi le partage des machines virtuelles et leur sécurité. Vous comprendrez en détail les méthodes de connexions réseau de vos machines virtuelles. Un Bonus vous ai offert: un lab réseau Cisco avec GNS3 pour connecter vos machines virtuelles !! Aucune connaissances des outils de virtualisation n’est requise, toutefois une connaissance de base des systèmes d’exploitation Windows et Linux est un plus. Une connaissance de base des réseaux TCP/IP est également un plus pour appréhender rapidement les aspects réseaux.

[En] IPVS for Docker Containers
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[En] IPVS for Docker Containers

Reference slides for my DockerCon EU 2015 talk in Barcelona, Spain on using IPVS – built-in kernel load-balancer – with Docker containers.

ipvsload balancingnetworking
node 'database.example.com' {
class { 'mysql::server':}
class { 'zabbix::agent':
server => '',
manage_resources => true,
zbx_group => 'Linux Servers',
zbx_templates => [
'Template OS Linux',
'Template App SSH Service',
'My Awesome Template',
Puppet Forge:
Pull requests always welcome!

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